SAP PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(9)

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考虑到Sybase数据库的初学者或者没有购买原厂服务的Sybase客户情况,现提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息。
在SAP Support Portal网站或者google上搜索Targeted CR List for ASE,可以看到针对不同版本的CR(CR表示Change Request)简单描述信息列表。
需要注意的是:Targeted CR List for ASE列出的CR虽然绝大多数是BUG,但有一些是更改需求。
以下提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息!

PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(1)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(2)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(3)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(4)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(5)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(6)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(7)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(8)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(9)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(10)

490858 Error during 'New Table' create using Specific Kanji columns name.
490859 Error during 'Table Name' uses specific Kanji table name.
490884 When trying to create a datawindow from a stored

procedure as the datasource, the following error will occur if the input arguments

are on different lines or have tabs within them:

DataWindow Wizard

Cannot create DataWindow.

'SQL Error -201: A syntax error has occurred

1 execute tsmaint.accm_test3;0 =:a, =: , =: , =: '

490901 Excel 2003 (excel 8) had a row limit of 65536 and

a column limit of 256.

Excel 2007 and higher has a greater row limit and column limit as per:

Currently in the dwrxls.cpp, it is set to 65535:

// check the row-count against Excel's worksheet limit

if (rowCount > 65535)

return rc;

490907 Assemblies created with PB 11 get a wrong LibraryList when called from a VisualStudio WebService. Calling the assembly from a normal VisualStudio WinForm application works fine.
490911 The header name for column aliases that inlcude periods are a problem with SNC. Works fine with ODBC and also in SQLServer Query Analyzer. For example the following SQL:

SELECT department.dept_id "Department.ID",

department.dept_name "Department.Name",

department.dept_head_id "Department.Head.ID"

FROM department

produces column headers of "ID" instead of "Department.ID", "Name" instead of "Department.Name" and "ID" again instead of "Department.Head.ID". Only the data after the last period survives. If the period is the last character you get nothing for a header name.

This used to work fine in older PB ersions using MSS. It works fine in PB 11 using ODBC, and also works in SQLServer Query Analyzer. OLE DB however behaves the same as SNC.

The customer also complains of a similar problem with hyphens. In this case the hyphen is replaced by a space. And ODBC behaves the same in this case.

490924 When compiling a webform that has the following line of

code: message.To.Add(toAddress), results in the following error:

c:\pse\pse-11\11420389\smtpweb.pbl(w_test).cb_1.clicked.14 C0327: The best overloaded method match for '' has some invalid arguments.

490931 Customer would like us to add a digital signature to our PB EXEs.

When we run all our PowerBuilder Applications, the following security Warning message pops up:

"The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software?"

"This File does not have a valid digital signature that verifies its publisher. You should only run software from publishers you trust."

This warning message pops up after installing IE7 (Internet Explorer 7). With IE6 was not any warning message. Although there is inherently nothing wrong with this warning message. Clicking on "Run" will allow you to continue, but we have hundreds of users and this new message will confuse them. Could you please add a 'valid digital signature' on PowerBuilder executables to get rid of this annoying message with IE7?

490992 The Key Event KeyDecimal is not triggered in a DataWindow when using the comma key on the numeric key pad. German regional settings.
490995 Dataobject property not set for a datastore by SetFullState function
491073 When the attribute of DB Painter is changed, PB11.1 crashes.
491093 When using a Declare and Execute statement and the

parameter is populated after the declare statement, the parameter is not passed to the

execute statement.

For example, the following script:

DECLARE myproc PROCEDURE FOR bug_test1

@ls_string = :ls_val


ls_val ="aaaa"

Execute myproc ;

Will return the following in the dbtrace log:

execute bug_test1 @ls_string = '' (DBI_RUNTIME_EXECUTE)

But if you execute:

ls_val ="aaaa"

DECLARE myproc PROCEDURE FOR bug_test1

@ls_string = :ls_val


Execute myproc ;

The following will result in the db trace log:

execute bug_test1 @ls_string = 'aaaa' (DBI_RUNTIME_EXECUTE)

491094 Winform response window usng "close with return" is leaking memory.

Winform application is using Openwithparm and Closewithreturn. When using a structure this is causes a memory leak in the winform environment.

The memory leak (Private Bytes) can be seen using performance monitor when running the winform test applcation.

491172 Calling a database function from PB as an RPC call is returning a value of 0 for a long return value that is set to null in the database function. Happens in ASA (ODBC) and MS SQL Server (OLE DB).
491184 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 10.5.2_7562 and 10.5.2_7599

Database/Driver File/Version: ODBC, using MS SQL Server 2000

Comments: In runtime, when executing multiple instances of a PB application that invokes a PB COM+ component, the performance slows down and sometimes applications never finish.

Issue does not happen when only one instance is executed, instead. Customer tried increasing COM+ pool and recycling inside Component Services, but this affected applications when working with 2 or 3 users at same time and this could not be used as workaround.

491189 DW filter is removing rows when those rows should have

been displayed in the dw control.

Works ok in PB 10.2.1 (build 9891). Works ok in PB 10.5 up to build 5033.

Problem started happenning in PB 10.5 (build 5034). May be a regression of cr426357.

491199 EAServer hangs when calling PB components

under stress test.

Problem possibly could be at:


pbo90105!CPBOCI::OCIDescriptorAlloc(void * parenth = <Memory access error>, void ** descpp = <Memory access error>, unsigned int type = <Memory access error>, unsigned int xtramem_sz = <Memory access error>, void ** usrmempp = <Memory access error>)+0x1c

pbo90105!Ora_DoSelectBind(struct DBI_Command * lpCommandPtr = <Memory access error>)+0x396

pbo90105!PB_DB_Rout(struct DBI_Command * lpCommandPtr = 0x3f46a3d0)+0xc96

PBSHR105!DBI_Execute(struct DBI_Command * pCommandBlock = 0x00000000, int bBind = 1154120232, unsigned short * lpszCommandBuffer = 0x3d769438)+0x2c





pbo90105!CPBOCI::OCIStmtPrepare(struct OCIStmt * stmtp = <Memory access error>, struct OCIError * errhp = <Memory access error>, unsigned char * stmt = <Memory access error>, unsigned int stmt_len = <Memory access error>, unsigned int language = <Memory access error>, unsigned int mode = <Memory access error>)+0x21

pbo90105!Ora_DoCompile(struct DBI_Command * lpCommandPtr = <Memory access error>, int bUseSQLCache = <Memory access error>)+0x5e0

pbo90105!PB_DB_Rout(struct DBI_Command * lpCommandPtr = <Memory access error>)+0x107e

PBSHR105!SQLST_RemoveComments(unsigned short * lpStrSQL = 0x000004e4, unsigned short * lpStrOut = 0x000004e4, unsigned long nBufLen = 0)+0x36



RESOLUTION: No contact from customer

491266 Customer receives the following error when trying to call web service method with complex datatype

Error: The definition of the method signature in Web Service proxy is wrong.

491493 Wants a new argument to close UpLoadfiles function after first upload.
491495 The DataWindow Painter can crash after changing the select statement and returning

to design if the XHTML view is open or there is an XHTML template.

Database interface used is Informix In9.

491513 The customer has a dw column with "empty string is null" checked. They are trying to have the initial value of the column be an empty string. How do they do this? They have code like this in the dw constructor:

this.object.colname.initial = "empty"

The string "empty" appears to be special and have a special meaning in this context. It does not display as the initial value. The initial value in the case appears to be blank or a real empty string. But the column is not null even when "empty string is null" is checked. So it is not acting as an empty string should even though it looks empty. (Personally I think allowing the string "empty" to set the initial value as an empty string is the silliest convention one could come up with. I see no documentation on this. So the question to Engineering then, is this supposed to work? If so then make it act like an empty string and be null if "empty string is null" is checked. If not get rid of it. A string is a string even if it is "empty".

The way it should work is to set the initial value to a real empty string like:

this.object.colname.initial = ""

But this behaves the same way. It seems like an empty string, but it is not null even when "empty string is null" is checked. Please fix this.

491530 When connected to MSSQL2005 using SNC and the dbparm of

BindSPInput=1 is set, PB fails when returning an output variable of type real.

It works ok when the app returns an output variable of type decimal. App also

works ok for real and decimal using MSS2000 and SNC and bindSPInput=1.

App is using the DynamicDescriptionArea and the DynamicStagingArea.

491614 PKODB25.INI is missing from the CAB files used to deploy the PocketBuilder runtimes.
491631 Found during FDCC Testing - XP only (Vista was correct)

There are a set of _mandatory_ "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" used by PocketBuilder. When the product is installed by running setup.exe and selecting "Run As Administrator" - some of the current-user specific registry keys are placed into the administrator's account rather than the true user's account.

The fix is for the IDE, not the installer.

There is no need to re-install the product to get the benefit of this change.

After this fix, PocketBuilder 2.5 passes the U.S. FDCC compliance tests for both Windows XP and Vista (as of this date).

491898 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.1_8123

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

Comments: Running Sun ActiveX Bridge as nvo oleobject within PowerBuilder works ok for the methods, but never triggers the mapped events. From outside PB, if you use Visual Studio ActiveX Control Test Container and test the ActiveX, it will say that PropertyChange event was triggered.

491994 If a DataWindow in PB11 with one numeric retrieval argument, that compares with a database column of type INTERGER and error is given by the IBM iseries ODBC driver:

[IBM][iSeries Access ODBC-Treiber]Fehler bei Zuordnung.

492007 datetime retrieval argument in DW cause ODBC error SQL0418 on DB2/400

Workaround: change DisableBind

492034 Customer's datawindow report get problem after apply PB10.5.2

build 7611+2. With a specific length of data and column with AutoSize Height,

an extra empty line occur on datawindow print preview mode.

Besides, on the datawindow printout, data wrap up to cover the empty line.

Thus printout and printprview are not match.

492049 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.1_8204

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

Comments: When distributing web form application msi onto other machines with IIS and .NET Framework, we need to manually enable ASPNET user with Full Control on base treeview dw directory so that content of treeview gets displayed.

Customer would like a way to automate this process when running msi installer instead, in case he needs to install many web form distributions for different web form projects and/or machines.

492062 Sum within an Evaluate expression not returning correct result when sum is 0. Returned value is 1.387778780781446E-16 and not 0.

Seems to work for all non zero sums correctly.

492531 Trying to update a BLOB Oracle column with UpdateBlob using JDBC driver results in an Oracle error like:

- ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column

- ORA-01465 invalid hex number

492548 In an MDI frame if you open up sheets the sheets are then listed under the "Windows" menu item. Once you hit about 10 sheets only 10 sheets are listed and the last menu item becomes "More Windows". When you select more windows you get a dialog box that lists all the sheets.

But if you initially open up a sheet that is not enabled and then open up more than 10 sheets that are enabled, if you click the "More Windows" menu item and select a sheet that was not listed in the Windows menu, ie it is a greater than 10 sheet, then that sheet is not displayed as it should be, a different sheet is displayed, or the disabled sheet is displayed.

3/11/2008: Engineering determined this is a Microsoft issue. VC++ programs exibit the same behavior.

492556 Request Engineering to analyze a PBVM crash dump within EAServer for California Courts in their production application. From the dump it seems that the crash happened in Oracle Client dll: oraclient10.dll.
492566 Columns in a datawindow do not display correctly in WebForms. A raised border column with an Edit Style of 3D RadioButton does not have white background in the circles. Also the text and circles could be centered better. Columns with a lowered border and an Edit Style of Edit do not appear lowered at all, but have a blue outline. A groupbox on a window is larger in webforms and runs into other controls. A horizontal scroll bar does not display on a datawindow. And the initial highlight of a dddw column in a datawindow is not highlighted in webforms.
492621 SQL query has a where condition with subselect with union. Cause SQL0255 'Function not supported for query'

workaround is to change disablebind.

492661 MS SQL Server 2005 using the SNC PB driver. A datawindow query with a large number (16) of joins crashes PB11. The same query works OK in ASA (ODBC):

SELECT Atable.ColumnA,




FROM Atable

JOIN Btable B1 ON Atable.ColumnA = B1.ColumnA

JOIN Btable B2 ON Atable.ColumnA = B2.ColumnA

JOIN Btable B3 ON Atable.ColumnA = B3.ColumnA

JOIN Btable B4 ON Atable.ColumnA = B4.ColumnA

JOIN Btable B5 ON Atable.ColumnA = B5.ColumnA

JOIN Btable B6 ON Atable.ColumnA = B6.ColumnA

JOIN Btable B7 ON Atable.ColumnA = B7.ColumnA

JOIN Btable B8 ON Atable.ColumnA = B8.ColumnA

JOIN Btable B9 ON Atable.ColumnA = B9.ColumnA

JOIN Btable B10 ON Atable.ColumnA = B10.ColumnA

JOIN Btable B11 ON Atable.ColumnA = B11.ColumnA

JOIN Btable B12 ON Atable.ColumnA = B12.ColumnA

JOIN Btable B13 ON Atable.ColumnA = B13.ColumnA

JOIN Btable B14 ON Atable.ColumnA = B14.ColumnA

JOIN Btable B15 ON Atable.ColumnA = B15.ColumnA

JOIN Btable B16 ON Atable.ColumnA = B16.ColumnA

WHERE 1 = 1

492689 An RTE.copyrtf() function is leaking memory. In a loop it's a very bad leak increasing rapidly to a point where you crash.
492763 Request to include support for Informix in our DBMS driver.

Currently .Net dataproviders for ASE, Oracle and SQL Server are supported

Table 5-1 in the Connecting to your Database manual of PowerBuilder 11.1

492797 The customer has an application that connects to Oracle and it runs 24 hours a day. One of the requirements of this application is if the network goes down or the database isn't available, his powerbuilder app will try to do a reconnect every 30 seconds until in connects successfully agian. Sometimes at night or over the weekend, the database goes down and stays down. His app keeps trying to re-connect every 30 seconds. When this happens there is a memory leak and eventually the PB app crashes.

3/10/2008: This issue is fixed. The fix is available in PB 11.1 build 8218 and after, and PB 11.2 build 8509 and after.

492806 Team Sybase reports that in the debugger the bubble help not displaying in the source pane when you hover the cursor over a variable in the script if the variable name contains a "#". Variable names without "#" in them display the bubble help showing the contents of the variable when you hover over it.

Team Sybase also claims that in PB 11.2 variables with a "#" in their names are not displayed properly in variable panes. For example the variable 'ls_y#' is displayed as 'ls_y_u0023_'.

492844 PB does not provide the option which rewrites dw object in a PrintPage event.
492911 PB crashes after calling ShareDataOff and then setfilter.
493009 When a variable or an object new in an ancestor window after changing the code of a descendant window has been located, PB cannot open a descendant window. This issue causes GPF. The Workspace cannot be re-opened after GPF occurs.
493051 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.1_8123

Database/Driver File/Version: O90 connecting to Oracle 10g, using Oracle 10.1.0 client

IIS 5.1

.NET Framework 2.0.50727.42

Comments: When trying to connect to Oracle database via O90 from within webforms, we always get the error "Oracle library OCI.dll could not be loaded".

493055 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.1_8123

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

IIS 5.1

.NET Framework 2.0.50727.42

Comments: Issue reproduced in a treeview DataWindow with a Checkbox for each level-2 Node. When it's used on the WinForm, if they select one or more Checkboxes inside Node 1, for example, and then clicks to display the content of Node 2, the content is displayed as expected, and all modifications are kept. When it's used on the WebForm, as soon as you click Node 2 its content is displayed, but any modification made to Node 1 is undone.

493066 The rte.InputFieldLocate funtion locates an input field in a RichTextEdit control. It returns a string with the name of the input field if it succeeds. InputFieldLocate returns an empty string if no matching input field is found or if an error occurs. However in the latter case the returned string appears to be an empty string, but if you do a len() on the string you get a -1! Worse, and probably caused by the -1, if you do a Trim() on that string, PB crashes.

03/17/2008: Fixed in PB 10.5.2 build 7640 and after.

493087 A tab control with a two lines on the tab displays incorrectly when deployed as a winform. Only the first line of the tab's legend text displays. Customer claims in PB 11.2 build 8407 that the Tahoma font is displayed too large.

Webform and win32 both display both lines of the tab's legend text.

493165 The datawindow datawindow.syntax property reports other values then the edit source in IDE. Some properties like hidegreyline and backgroundcolorxp are not there, but in the syntax there is eg. a property selected.mouse=no that is not in edit source.
493209 Milliseconds of current time within PB comp are not available in Solaris. Works fine in Windows environment.

When you run the testcase , you would see following in EAServer log :

Solaris :


2008-03-03 09:48:28.086 INFO btpool0-2 [JaguarServer] Begin :09:48:28:000 <---- Milliseconds part is 000

2008-03-03 09:48:28.087 INFO btpool0-2 [JaguarServer] From Function of_test

2008-03-03 09:48:28.087 INFO btpool0-2 [JaguarServer] End :09:48:28:000 <---- Milliseconds part is 000

Windows :


2008-03-03 10:04:41.595 INFO btpool0-2 [JaguarServer] Begin :10:04:41:595 <--- Valid Milliseconds

2008-03-03 10:04:41.595 INFO btpool0-2 [JaguarServer] From Function of_test

2008-03-03 10:04:41.595 INFO btpool0-2 [JaguarServer] End :10:04:41:595

493302 Cannot edit data on Treeview DWs when 1st row is not collapsed

no Workaround

493319 The datawindow detail band is set to autosize height. There are 2 computed fields in the detail band. On top is a computed field with the following expression:

if(getrow() = min(getrow() for page), title, "")

This is intended to only show the title column for the first row on the page. Directly below the first computed field is the second that shows a detail row. Both computed fields are slide up all above and autosize height. The intention is to display a title column at the top of the page for the first row, then first row data underneath. Then for the rest of the rows on the page, no title displayed, only row data, with the row data sliding up because the title is blank. When it displays, the first row is correct with the title and the data, but all other rows have a blank space where the title would be, and the row data does not slide up as expected leaving this large space between the row data. I have tried other ways to do the same thing for example the following expression for the title computed field height:

if(getrow() = min(getrow() for page), 77, 0)

But it has the same results. I suspect that the aggregate function is the cause in that when the datawindow engine is determining what each row should look like, the aggregate function is not known, so the expression doesn't evaluate properly. It's a Catch 22.

So the question is, can this be fixed?

493334 Customer have an application set running on Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 compiled with Version 11.1 Build 8204 that has the application crash in PBVM110.dll.This is an application that uses tcp/ip as a communication protocol between other applications runing on the same machine and remote clients over TCP/IP.

This program set runs as a server for remote clients. There are several administrators that will connect to the Windows Server 2003 machine using remote desktop. If their display setting of remote desktop are different from the last user then the PowerBuilder application will crash. Testing revealed that changing the "desktop size" or the "color resolution" between connections will crash the program. Customer set up a simple midi application with three empty sheets and that application does not crash.

App doesn't crash outside of Terminal Services. Customer tried changing resolution and color depth about 15 times with no failure outside of Terminal Services. While using Terminal Services customer notice that when you reconnect with a different resolution that all applications will minimize. (Both Task Manger and the MobileServ application). Apparently, Terminal Services is triggering an event to cause this to happen. This is just an observation.

493471 The customer has an app with a response window that has picture buttons lined up in a column to the left of a tab control. When deployed to Web Forms the buttons are on top of the tab control and nothing happens when you click them. Also the tabs don't respond when clicked.

It's not related to a response window as the same behavior happens when it's changed to a main window.

4/29/2008: Verified fixed in PB 11.2 build 8407.

493519 PB with SNC cannot store the correct value in a decimal host variable from float data.

For example,

493590 Sheets on MDI webform not opening. It appears the

open event and activate event of sheet are firing but sheet never appears.

The Receipt Entry (m_poreceiptentry) calls gf_open_sheet_with_name in the gbl_menu.pbl.

The function is trying to open the w_m_receipt window.

w_m_receipt - \inventory\receipts.pbl

inherited from w_ma_window - \_common\inh_win.pbl

inherited from w_ma_sheet - \_common\inh_win.pbl

493683 Deployement failed without any information for debugging
493734 The customer has an MDI application. On one of the sheets is a tab control with three tab pages. Each tab page has a bitmap displayed on it's tab. There is also a treeview on the sheet. There are 2 problems when the application is deployed to Web Forms. First the three bit maps displayed on the tab pages are washed out. They don't appear with the same detail and clarity as they do in client sever. (The tabs them selves, and the whole tab control is flat in WebForms with a blue border, whereas in client server the tab control and the tabs have a raised border - this issue is reported in another CR)

The second issue is resizing. The customer has resizing code so that the tab and the treeview fill the sheet, whatever it's size. This works fine in client server, but in webforms the resizing is not done when the sheet is first displayed. You have to click on an object on the window before the resizing is done.

493867 Webform:

With a Treeview and a Datawindow control in the same .Net WebForm window, tabbing out

from a modified column gives a flickering effect with postbacks and loss of the focus

due to the itemchanged event.

493879 App is crashing when using sharedata() or rowscopy().

The faulting ip address is as follows:


PBDWE110!DWDataBuffer::GetItem+12 [e:\pb11\dw\engine\table\dwtbufr.cpp @ 535]

116e0fd2 8b04b8 mov eax,[eax+edi*4]

EXCEPTION_RECORD: ffffffff -- (.exr ffffffffffffffff)

ExceptionAddress: 116e0fd2 (PBDWE110!DWDataBuffer::GetItem+0x00000012)

ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)

ExceptionFlags: 00000000

NumberParameters: 2

Parameter[0]: 00000000

Parameter[1]: 00000004

Attempt to read from address 00000004

493884 Cannot build a DW based on a Web Sevice with an HTTPS url
493975 AutoSelect of the head column of DW does not become effective.
494014 In MSS, if raiserror was called more than once , the one with the highest severity was reported in PB transaction object. With the other interfaces, it is the first raiserror that gets reported, no matter what the severity is set to.
494056 The customer has a number of tabpages in a tab control. The tab control has the Powertips and Multiline properties checked. Some of the tabpages become invisible at times. But when you hover the cursor near where an invisible tab page is, it's Powertip still displays. For example if tabpage 5 is invisible, if you hover the cursor around where the tabpage 4 and tabpage 6 tabs are adjacent, you'll see the tabpage 5 Powertip displayed.
494150 SetToolbarPos function crashes PB.
494173 Bug on webform File manager. It does not appear to be working properly when whe use GetFileOpenname with the graphic filter.

GetFileOpenName("Select an Image File to Upload", s_filename, s_pathname, "jpg", "Graphic Files (*.jpg;*.bmp;*.gif;*.tif;*.png),*.jpg;*.bmp;*.gif;*.tif;*.png;*.jpeg;*.tiff")

Works fine when not using the graphics filter

GetFileOpenName("Select File", s_pathname, s_filename, '*', " Files (*.*),*.*")

494194 Customer is having a memory leak in EAServer with a PB component. They have sent in a dump file. Asking for Engineering anaysis of the dump.
494218 Null InkPicture crashes on SetFullState
494246 Calling SetFullState on an empty DW will cause a GPF if the BLOB was created with GetFullState on a DW with a InkPicture control populated from an Oracle database.
494301 Crash dump collected from PowerBuilder Application. Application started crashing once migrated to PB 11 and XP. Application uses Attachmate to connect to the mainframe.

Application is crashing in PBSHR110.dll.

494363 Customer's application use window timer event to trigger

sequences action and end with a response window. On the other hand, there is validation

triggered by datawindow itemchanged event, that lead to another popup dialog box.

Under frequent trigging of both response window and itemchanged dialog box, The timer event stop triggering and itemchanged event get pass for wrong value on validation.

494440 The customer is using a tab control and has both an bitmap icon and text on the tab of each tab page. In Win32 client server, the icon and text are centered on the tab with an equal space on the left edge and the right edge of the tab. But in WebForms the icon and text are shifted all the way to the left of the tab, with no space on the left edge, and a very wide space on the right edge.
494546 During printing a Datawindow containing about 50 Thousand rows (approximately 1250 Pages) when moving the mouse a GUI Problem starts to show ie. after a few seconds only strange figures appear on screen. This happens when using the windows 2000 style. When using XP Style display settings then it works fine !
494586 From the online help for showheadfoot, it list the

following as a code example to use to insert the current page number in a footer:


rte_1.setalignment( Center! )



Please clarify in the documentation that the headerfooter property must be checked

at design time. The above code should be added to the Application Techniques Manual,

Implementing Rich Text.

Also in the Application Techniques Manual, Implementing Rich Text, Preview and Printing,

theres a section on Setting the page number. I believe that code is obsolete.

For more info, see cr433830.

494634 When EditMask has mask value of "000" and type of "numericmask!" ,update value moved to wrong position.
494722 Error when publishing an application to a ftp site.

Publishing to ftp site fails.

495110 Connecting to MS SQLServer via OLE DB. The customer has a stored procedure and is calling this procedure in embedded SQL in PB using delclare, execute, and fetch, accessing parameters by name. The stored procedure is used in other none PB applications as well. Sometimes changes are made to the stored procedure, like adding a new parameter. In the past the existing PB exe continued to work fine after a change like this as it was accessing parameters by name and didn't need to use the new parameter. But now in build 7611, he is getting the error "Mismatch between Retrieve Columns and Fetch Columns". He believes this should not be happening.
495343 When using dw_1.saveas to save in XML! format with EncodingANSI,

PB is saving the file with extra hex characters.

In textpad you can see the following characters at the beginning of the file where

these characters are not there in PB 9:

EF BB BF 3C....

In PB 9:


495542 Need different sorting of events/functions in script painter.

Currently the choices are (a) scripted first and (b) alphabetical. If you're working with a large framework (.e.g., PFC) you can have a lot of events/functions that are scripted in the ancestor but not in the current object. Events/functions that are scripted in the current object should have precedent. So when scripted first is chosen the order should be (1) scripted in current object, then (2) scripted in ancestor and finally (3) not scripted.

495571 The customer has an app that is crashing after closing the main window. He can run his app in IDE but it crashes in the exe.
495698 Memory leak with the OLEDB ODB interface against MS SQL Server when using the SyntaxFromSQL function.
495771 PB cannot import the element of omitted XML correctly. XML imported to DW must include all elements. An empty element is sufficient as it.
495833 Team Sybase reports that when using OLE in Powerbuilder to access Excel and you try to make a column larger then 255 you get an error. The error message is "Powerbuilder Application Execution Error (R0039)" "Error: Error accessing external object property columnwidth at line..." But when attempting to do the same when running Excel standalone the Excel error is "Column width must be between 0 and 255 characters". Shouldn't PowerBuilder be able to report the real Excel error?
495841 Imported XML data is getting cut off in a datawindow on a webform
495845 Extra scrollbars appearing next to text data in a datawindow

on a webform

495947 Inputfieldcurrentname is inconsistent when inserting a document thru the popmenu.

For example, when inserting a document thru the popmenu and then selecting text (but

not an input field), PB will return the first inputfield in the document. This will

continue to happen until you select an inputfield, then PB will return the current name ok. When you continue to select text after that (but not an input field), PB will return nulls ok for InputFieldCurrentName.

However, when you insert a document using rte_1.insertdocument("my.rtf,true,filetyperichtext!) and then select text (but not an input field), PB

will return nulls for the inputfieldcurrentname. This is ok. PB should only

return an inputfield when one is selected.

495949 Unable to call an NVO deployed in a .NET assembly.
495954 OLEStorage Open crashes PB when directory path and filename is long. The customer is getting a -9 returned. But TSE and PSE are crashing. Either way can we get the limit increased so any (un)reasonably long name will work?
496037 When try to call external function "Shell_NotifyIconA;Ansi", PB11 seem able to perform all

expected but the PB Application crash on return. If convert to ANSI call to

"Shell_NotifyIconW", PB Application does not crash but fail to call the Balloon Tip in

system tray icon.

496060 A crash or connection loss is encountered when calling DataWindow DBCancel before the first row has been retrieved.

The retrieve has a long prepare time.

Versions used:

PowerBuilder 10.5.2 Build 7611

Database interface O90 or O10 with Oracle Client, or

496086 Customer needs a way to programmically set superscript and


The following example on code exchange opens a font dialog. There you have to

set the radio button for subscript or superscript. Is there a way to set

this as a default when you open.

496377 The second column has a visible expression, that depends on the value of the first column. When you change the value of the first column, a postback is sent to the server and the second column is not visible. You can't see, which column has the focus now.

When you now change the value of the first column again (to 101), the second column becomes visible, but the cursor is in the third column.

496412 When the cursor on a webform is in a column the getfocus function does not work.
496463 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.1_8204, 11.1_8218 and 10.5.2_7635

Database/Driver File/Version: ASE 15.0, accessed via WSDL

Comments: When retrieving information from ASE web service via SOAP, PowerBuilder display size mismatch in array-to-object conversion between tns_datareturn structure and self-created structure variable. It seems that the generated proxy is invalid.

496537 Display overlap problem with a large text column and a nested datawindow report using autoseize height and sliding up.
496582 Access violation error using PB 10.5.2, EAServer 5.3

and Oracle 10g.

The exact error is:



61c829fe 0fb64618 movzx eax,byte ptr [esi+0x18]

EXCEPTION_RECORD: ffffffff -- (.exr ffffffffffffffff)

ExceptionAddress: 61c829fe (oraclient10!kppisize+0x0000374a)

ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)

ExceptionFlags: 00000000

NumberParameters: 2

Parameter[0]: 00000000

Parameter[1]: 00000118

Attempt to read from address 00000118

064cdd74 61c2988a 0324ae10 448d596c 00000100 oraclient10!kppisize+0x374a

064cddac 031816ce 0324ae10 448d596c 00000100 oraclient10!OCIDateTimeConstruct+0x38

064cdde4 077a1d52 0324ae10 448d596c 00000100 oci!OCIDateTimeConstruct+0x42

064cde18 077a781c 0324ae10 448d596c 00000100 pbo10105!CPBOCI::OCIDateTimeConstruct+0x42

064ce278 077a9bd4 400df110 00000001 400df110 pbo10105!Ora_DoBindWInputParms+0xa7c

064cec84 06b55387 400df110 0762e701 400df110 pbo10105!PB_DB_Rout+0x10c4

064cec8c 0762e701 400df110 4019c01c 426a27c8 PBSHR105!DBI_PrepareWithParms+0x37

064ced10 074a1627 064cfbd8 06e6a8c7 56433230 PBDWE105!dwGetExceedPageMessage+0xa11

064cedcc 426a2788 3fe142f0 00000001 43039550 PBDWE105!CreateXHTMLTemplate+0xe077

40122f84 40099228 43fda468 4011fca4 00000000 0x426a2788

400df110 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x40099228

496686 On a simple MDI application, when two child windows are opened with a delay containing a button, the button's text appears 2 times during the opening.

In PB 11.2 the button appeary 2 times on the sheet.

496734 Wrong DateTime conversion in PB EasySoap.
496791 Somewhere in version 9 this behavior changed. You have a date, datetime, or time column in a datawindow with an editmask and autoskip checked. With a record in the dw if you click in a column to position the cursor just after the last digit, it will immediately skip to the next column. In PB 8 and earlier versions of PB 9 you could click at the end and edit the column.
496807 CR 466805 was not fixed on DateTime datatype.
496815 The date format which O10 driver sends to Oracle differs from O84 driver in PB10/11.
496892 A TODAY item can't be selected with the hardware navigation button.

Under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\<our item>\

we need an entry "Selectability" with value 1.

496946 The customer has found a regression from early versions of PB9. On a window with a datawindow, a datawindow button when clicked gets the focus dotted line rectangle as expected. If focus then goes to another window, the datawindow button loses focus as expected. But when the original window regains focus, whatever control had focus previously should again have focus. But the datawindow buttons do not regain focus unless you drag the cursor over them. Other controls on the window will regain focus without having to drag the cursor over them.

4/29/2008: Fixed in PB 11.2 build 8537 and after.

497100 In the treeview you can define in the properties as well pictures to indicate the treeview item, as state pictures indicating the state of the pictures. In the IDE it is possible to define a large number of pictures. You can also define a large number of state pictures in the IDE, but when running he want to use only the first one. When you provide a state picture 16, and reference to it in the treeview item, he will handle that as the index 0 and not showing any state picture, when referencing to state picture 17, he not show state picture 17 but state picture 1 in stead. It would be nice when it is possible that this state pictures could be use in the same way as the item pictures it self!
497137 Cannot enter text between mergesfields on richtext control.

In the rte control, the document looks like the following:


If you place the cursor between the ...BLOCKBEGIN} and {CLAIM ...., you can

enter any text.

In Word, the document looks like:


497148 PasteRTFs are much slower in the new Rich Text Control in PB 10.5 and PB 11, than in PB9.

05/02/2008: Fixed in PB 10.5.2 build 7670 and after.

Fixed in PB 11.2 build 8537 and after.

497385 PB crashed executing informix sql with Chinese characters
497660 In the App Techniques manual, Chapter 24: Building an EAServer

Component, About service components, the doc refers you to the Automated Configuration Guide for EAServer 6.x.

The documentation probably should clarify that besides deploying a service component to

EAServer 6.x, you must create a Service Component Entity. Refer to the Automated Configuration Guide manual in EAServer 6.x on how to create the entity.

497692 The DataWindow Syntax tool doesn't display any Treeview modify syntax. If you run the Datawindow Syntax tool, and select menu Syntax->Modify->Attributes. Then scroll down through the attributes until you see the tree.??? attributes. Clicking on any of these does not display any modify syntax. The Describe syntax works correctly for treeview attributes.
497843 Datas truncated with pipeline when using ASE/ODBC.
497845 The customer is calling a 3rd party Web Service (i.e. systemsunion) from PowerBuilder 11. The SOAP call generated from PB fails with a "could not find a bean declaration in the object" error message. The systemsunion people can call the webservice from other sources (.Net, Visual Studio & Excel) and the call works. The only difference in the message sent out by PowerBuilder is that it is including the "s:type" parameter (see below):

- <E:Envelope xmlns:E="" xmlns:A="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:y="" E:encodingStyle="">

- <E:Body>

- <m:SecurityProviderAuthenticateRequest xmlns:m="">

<m:name s:type="y:string">KED</m:name>

<m:password s:type="y:string">password</m:password>




Is there a way we can switch off the "s:type"?

497846 On a computer with large DPI setting (120 DPI ) the "Modify Expression Dialog"

can not be reached from the "Element Attributes Dialog" when editing a XML or XHTML template with "Edit/Add Atribute".

498038 Epson and other printer manufacturer has a special font on their product. The font is called Control and is used with POS computers to do things like open cash drawers and print receipts.

Epson printers, like many others, has been used in place like supermarket, to print receipt for customer. The printer provides command set so it can be operated

to do different job. For example, Character A means to open casher drawer, character F means cut paper

498047 An SLE and a datawindow with a column are displayed side by side. Both have exactly the same height in PowerBuilder units, the same text, with the same font and text size. Yet they are displayed quite differently:

1) Though both have the same height of 64 units, the SLE is displayed with much less height than the column.

2) The left margin is more in the sle than the column.

3) The top margin is more in the sle than the column. (Only visible in Windows XP Theme).

498231 When calling an embedded sql statement after a declare and fetch, the following error appears:

SQL error -254: Too many or too few host variables given

Error happens on the following sql statement:

DECLARE get_all_log_name PROCEDURE FOR get_all_logname( );

Execute get_all_log_name;

FETCH get_all_log_name INTO :ll_status, :ls_logname;

// error happens on next sql statement

SELECT count(*)

INTO :ll_found

FROM personnel

WHERE logname = :ls_logname;

498386 On a tab page that is not visible initially, when clicked on for the first time some controls on the tab page start off hidden. They will appear when you move the mouse over the controls. Only happens on Vista.
498402 PB will crash using sharedata. The testcase

is using a composite dw as the secondary source.

It is crashing in the PBDWE110!DWDataBuffer::GetItem

498519 Opening a window with a signature control on it will cause the following messagebox to appear: Title: "CreateWindow Error"

Message: "The parameter is incorrect".

498707 Application is crashing when running the system with JAWS version 9.0.552U, executable created using PB11.x. This event is occuring when accessing a datawindow with a changed on dddw background color.
498711 Using a UNC paths for avmapped drives, of the form //drive/directory when using the File Manager in a Webform application does not bring up directory.

If the directory in the regular form " Z:\directory" and added to the Resource Files tab, this works fine. As different users might have different drives mapped to the same shared drive the customer would like to use UNC paths instead. Is this possible and if so, how can it be done?

498719 Customer has an MDI frame and opens 2 sheets. On the second sheet is a tab control with 2 pages. When clicking on tab page 2, a child window is opened. In webforms you get this error: "Unable to cast object of type"c__w_child" to type sybase.powerbuilder.web.pbwindowobject". If only one sheet is open the child window opens OK. Error only happens when multiple sheets are open in webforms.
498729 DataWindow XML import strips CRs from embedded CR/LF sequence when using an import template. Importing the same XML without a template imports the embedded CR/LF sequences correctly, but this requires that the columns in the XML file are exactly in the same order as the DW source SQL and exactly the same number.
498910 The DDDW does not display using JAWS keyboard navigation with second DDDW tabbed to.
498911 Two display problems. The testcase has multiple nested reports. All but pages 5 and 6 display properly. Page 5 and 6 have some lines that only display the top half of the text. The text/data for the datawindow (d_sor_s1_27_5) is stored in a text field in the datawindow as multiple rows. None are over the size of a page. The chopped text problem only happens when the Display Properties DPI Setting is Normal Size(96 DPI). This problem is display only, the text is not chopped if you print it.

The other problem is the footer for the report. The footer displays properly on all pages except the last. On the last page lines in the footer are not displaying and the last line is missing. This problem happens in both display and printed reports.

499096 With PB 8 customer was able to delete inputfields on the RTE Control. They would select the inputfield and hit the backspace key and the input field would be deleted. With PB 11.x it seems like the field is deleted but when you hit any key on the keyboard the field re-appears.

Customer knows that the using rte_1.InputFieldDeleteCurrent()deletes the input field in PB 11.x but the users are very used to simply clicking the backspace key to delete the field and they would like to continue to be able to do this.

Is this possible with the new RTE control?

499213 Stored procedure with parameter containing semicolon ';' gives error.
499237 Debugger is going to crash in PBVM when accessing a variable in a shared object. Demo application is provided.
499242 Error when retrieving a DW based on a SP and using ADO connection
499262 1) In PB 11 go to "database parameters:and supported database interfaces" topic in the index.

2) Open topic. Note the name in the topic page is different: "Database parameters and supported database interfaces" (the colon is missing).

3) Scroll down to the "SNC SQL Native Client for Microsoft SQL Server"

section. The various valid parameters for that DBMS type are listed.

4) Note that "Database", "AppName", and "DBTextLimit" are NOT listed. They should be. If you open those topics you will see that they apply to SNC.

499471 When trying to create EJB proxies the following errror is encountered:

Generation Errors: ERROR:Could not find transient

499508 The behavior of the visible property of a column in a grid datawindow is different if you use an expression vs. setting it in powerscript code. Using an expression that returns 0 (not visible) the text becomes invisible but the column grid still appears. When you set the visible property of a grid column in powerscipt to 0, you get the desired behavior - the columnn grid disappears altogether.
499513 The code shown in the PB 11 JSP Target Reference is incorrect as it is missing the second parameter.

Code in manual: psPage.Redirect("My_webpage.html");

This appears to be a simple doc error as the correct code is inserted when the redirect is created.

PSArgClass args = new PSArgClass();

psPage.Redirect ("My_webpage.jsp", args);

499519 Connecting to DB2/Vsam using iWay middleware and

a ODBC driver. PB is crashing in PB 11 after first call to stored procedure.

The dump file results are:

0012a910 0acf3b6f 0abb2f10 0adcc3cc 00000000 edaodb3x!SQLFetch+0x33f

0012a968 7434c70d 0adcc3cc 00000000 7c350420 edaodb3x!SQLFetch+0x1ab

0012a980 0ab4a3aa 74350000 0a7909f2 015c5008 odbc32!SQLFetch+0x160

0012aa14 0ab4cb19 015c5008 00000000 0af88944 PBODB110!ODBC_BuildProcInputOutputParms+0x1da [e:\pb11\db\odbc\pbodbc7.cpp @ 3666]

0012aa50 0ab36749 0a7a2008 0aff0008 00000001 PBODB110!ODBC_DoPrepare+0x2e9 [e:\pb11\db\odbc\pbodbc7.cpp @ 314]

0012ab88 10b56b27 015c5008 00501d10 015c5008 PBODB110!PB_DB_Rout+0x529 [e:\pb11\db\odbc\pbodbc1.cpp @ 1019]

0012ab90 00501d10 015c5008 0aff0008 015cd1e8 PBSHR110!DBI_PrepareWithParms+0x37 [e:\pb11\shared\pbshr\pbdbi2.cpp @ 146]

0012abb4 00502644 01591b84 015c5008 01542d1c PBVM110!rtdb_set_transaction+0xf0

015c5008 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 PBVM110!rtdb_set_transaction+0xa24

499521 Deploying as a Winform is failing on the following object in customer's assemblies:

Net.Thomson.Distribution.Context.Mediator.DefaultCommercialInvoiceHandler theHandler

Creating same object in Visual Studio does not fail.

499655 DataWindow RadioButton columns do not function properly when there X and Y position properties are set by an expression.

The focus rectangle can be drawn at the wrong position and the wrong value can be selected when clicking a radio button.

499665 SaveAs to PDF file requires 'Sybase Datawindow PS' printer to be installed
499676 When editing a datawindow XML template, if you include a space in an element name, you get the following error: Export/Import Template - XML INVALID CHARACTER ERROR. EXCEPTION OCCURRED IN FUNCTION: CPB_XMLDOMDocument::CreateElement(). Something a bit more descriptive, such as "You can not include the space character in an element name" (or whatever the offending character is) would be much more useful.
499708 Dump analysis request: The client has a simple PowerBuilder 11.0 test client that creates multiple threads that invoke a PB component via EAServer. EAServer crashes without any warning.
499783 PB 11 - 11.2, missing icons in toolbar in the IDE on VMWare server.
499792 When using a userobject containing a Treeviewitem property .children =true gives problems in WebForm application - Expanding does not work anymore.

*** 30. april 2008 09:47:16 *** kirchner ***

Seem to happen in GA 11.2 release (8407).

Does not appear in build 8532.

499902 Customer has an datastore ancestor class n_ds, which is used for accumulating retrieved data. It uses return value 2 in RetrieveStart event to allow newly retrieved data to be appended to already retrieved data in the buffer. This ancestor object worked fine for years, but under Webforms, it no longer retains previously retrieved data, and refreshes the entire buffer every time Retrieve is executed.

I tried a datawindow and that appends OK in Webforms, but the datastore resets the buffer on every retrive.

499948 If ORBCodeSet is utf8, memory leak may occur in a PB application when it calls ConnectToServer() and DisconnectServer() to EAServer repeatedly.
499951 The application which ignored the warning outputted when Oracle 10g ADO was used, and saved the code may cause GPF at the time of execution.
500077 Using triggerevent to send a wordparm to another

object's descendant event, the message.wordparm in that event retrieves an incorrect value.

Problem only appears to be happenning on PB WinForm. Works ok on PB Native and PB WebForm.

500082 Datetime column with a format of yyyy/mm/dd is not autocompleting when tabbing off after entering a valid year.

Error is "Item '2003-00-01 00:00:00:000000' does not pass the validation test"

Columns with a date autocomplete correctly when a valid year is entered and tabbed off the column. Date is then 2008/01/01.

There are 2 closed CR with similar issue: CR 467467 and 466059

Setting below, which should be the default anyhow, in the pb.ini file, also does not work.

[Edit Mask Behaviors]


500118 The customer uses PB Native source control. In PB 9, they could do a Refresh Status on their target and in the dialog window that comes up with the checkbox and the objects, they would be able to see listed any new objects that were added to source control by others but were not yet on their system, as well as the objects they did have locally. They could then do a GetLatestVersion to actually get the new objects in their workspace. Now in PB 11 they notice that the Refresh Status dialog window only lists the objects they currently have in their workspace. It no longer includes new objects that others have added to source control.
500121 Failure deploying a .net assembly project. A particular function in an object is failing to deploy.
500296 Webform login window is disappearing after you

enter the userid and you either tab to the password field or move the cursor to the

password field.

Works ok in PBNative

w_r_logon is in the applogon.pbl

500349 EAServer 5.3 is reaching 100% cpu utilization.

RESOLUTION: The customer is going to upgrade to the latest Oracle drivers and revisit the problem if it still exist.

500744 When the attribute of DB Painter is changed, PB11.1 crashes.
500856 After opening a window and trying to setfocus in a column or retrieve data, the following error appears:

Error: R000 Null object referrence: in function uf_itemchanged of object n_rules_company_setup at line 0 in event of object

The error message is referencing the n_rules_company_setup/uf_itemchange function.

The code in question is:



i_n_manager is an instance of n_company_setup_manager and has been registered in the n_rules_company_setup/uf_create. The n_rules_company_setup/uf_create is being called when the window (w_m_setup_company) opens.

n_rules_company_setup - company.pbl

w_m_setup_company - company.pbl

n_company_setup_manager - company.pbl

RESOLUTION: Works ok in PB 11.2 (build 8565)

500887 Unable to open psr report in PB IDE. In the dw painter,

the following error message appears:


The application failed to initialize properly

523739 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.2_8407 and 10.5.2_7635

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

Comments: RichText control has a big space to scroll down after end of text. There should not be such a big blank area to scroll.

523746 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.2_8407 and 10.5.2_7635

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

Comments: The Break On Change debug option is not interrupting the execution when instance variable changes its value.

523749 The customer has a existing app that has run fine for a long time. They recently have done some extensive development to release a new version. In testing they are seeing some random crashes. The are unable to isolate the area, or find a reproducable set of steps. Requesting analysis of the crash dump and any information to lead customer to where this is happening and why.
528331 Rte_1.CopyRTF(FALSE, Detail!) is bringing back both header and detail information. Also tried on a RTF Datawindow with the same results. An Rte_1.CopyRTF(FALSE, Header!) appears to work correctly and only bring back Header information.
528431 DataWindow Edit Style checkboxes are not displaying

properly on PB WebForm. They appear larger in an WebForm application.

The datawindow is d_setup_item in the itmset_d.pbl.

528481 PB is getting Corba_transaction_rolledback error on the client when using setabort to rollback a db transaction. But the error terminates the component, and the db transaction wasn't rolledback.
528586 Currently we don't have the way to achieve this, but in future release we will provide a new system function to enable users to genetate javascipt function call at any moment.
528601 Converting to pdf using Datawindow PS/Ghost.

Everything works except the sizes of the fonts seem to be different and the lines print outside the form area.

528602 The PNG and JPEG support in PocketBuilder are only from "disk" files. There is no support for displaying these images if they are in a PKR file or database blobs.
528610 Group dw with a computed field (first( #1 for group 1 )) in the header is crashing PB on the following computed expression:

adw_sort.Object.compute_1.expression = 'first(#' + String(ai_col) + ' for group 1)'

528615 PB is crashing on rowscopy(). The faulting address is

in the tblFindGroupsSort.

PBDWE110!tblFindGroupsSort(struct datawindow * pDW = 0x90000b00, int bSortOK = <Memory access error>)+0x420 (FPO: [EBP 0x000f0000] [1,11,0]) (CONV: cdecl)

PBDWE110!tblFindGroups(struct datawindow * pDW = <Memory access error>)+0xb (FPO: [1,0,0]) (CONV: cdecl)

PBDWE110!DWDataWindow::RowsMove(long lStartRow = <Memory access error>, long lEndRow = <Memory access error>, short queueFrom = <Memory access error>, void * ToDW = <Memory access error>, long lInsertRow = <Memory access error>, short queueTo = <Memory access error>, unsigned int iFlags = <Memory access error>)+0xbc8 (FPO: [EBP 0x0012de78] [7,33,0]) (CONV: thiscall)

PBDWE110!DWSemanticFunctions::RowsMove(void * givenDWFrom = 0x011276d8, long givenRowstart = 6, long givenRowend = 1, short givenCacheFrom = 20384, void * givenDWTo = 0x116d71d3, long givenRowInsertAt = 17987288, short givenCacheTo = 6, unsigned int CopyOrMove = 0x11276d8, int * returnCode = 0x00000000)+0x4e (FPO: [10,0,0]) (CONV: stdcall)

PBVM110!dwmRowsCopyMove(struct ob_this * rtThis = 0x011276d8, unsigned int nArgs = 6, int bCopy = 1)+0x159 (FPO: [Non-Fpo]) (CONV: cdecl)

PBVM110!fndwRowsCopy(struct ob_this * rtThis = 0x011276d8, unsigned int nArgs = 6)+0x12 (FPO: [Non-Fpo]) (CONV: stdcall)

Resolution: The crash in rowscopy is fixed in Powerbuilder 11.2 8565

528770 Modifying the library list of a target does not only remove the library in the project pianter, it also resets some properties like uncheck pbd checkboxes, remove path and rename .pbr libraries
528867 When a value is set to DLL which has LPWSTR in a parameter with pb_heap_debug = true, PB crashes.
528895 Microsoft files of attachment in PB cannot be attached to pb runtime. A customer needs to search for required microsoft runtime.(msvcp71.dll,msvcr71.dll,atl71.dll)
528914 Dbprofile connection in ide PB crashes with database sysmaster (system database) IN9 Informix V9.x. on HP-UX
528982 Changing IDE Window size will rearrange controls on a window.

-> Found that it works in new 1148 build of PocketBuilder 2.5. Targeted for June 2008

528983 PB used to load a JRE residing in the same directory if it existed. If not, it would look into the PB settings in the registry. Now it just grabs whatever JRE is in the path.

Workaround: using a batch file to start the application as a workaround (they can then set the JAVA_HOME or PATHin the batch file).

528984 Need help on getting notification from SysMonthCal32 control.

When user changes the month, after some of the dates have been made bold (MCM_SETDAYSTATE), the bold dates are lost when comming back.

528995 In the online help, it list the following

for the pipeline dataobject property:

DataObject String The name of the pipeline object (the object created

in the Data Pipeline painter)

Online help should clarify when the databobject property should be assigned when running

an application exe. Since it appears you can assign the dataobject property in the painter. But the Application Technciques Manual list that 'an application must always

reference its Pipeline objects dynamically at runtime (through string variables).

529151 Need to find out if this is a leakage or just a normal memory management behavior of PB heap manager.

The demo code just creates local datastores in a loop and assigns datawindow objects to it. Then also additionally a Garbagecollect is called at the end of the script, although end of the script the locals should go out of scope anyway.

Measuring the values with the two used methods (Pbheapdump and perfmon) are resulting in different outcomes.

529359 Calling a webservice to send data to a remote system. We fill the structures correctly, but only part of the information is really being sent.

It seems that the problems appear when a blob is nested in a structure.

529360 Problems receiving data from a web service. The returnstructure contains several substructures, part of which are arrays. These are empty (all values are NULL). The substructures which not arrays are filled correctly.

It seems that the problems appear when a blob is nested in a structure.

529392 The powerbuilder compiler/runtime could be more optimum with compound statements. For example, in the following code:

If a = 1 or b = 1 then

MessageBox("", "Do something")

end If

If a equals to 1, then it should go to MessageBox line because logic OR means one of the conditions becomes true, the whole statement is true . But PB continues with checking condition for b. This is unnecessary.

529514 vscrollbar of DW shows an incorrect position by data including trailer group.
529586 DataWindow SaveAs XML:

A double grouped DataWindow didn't save a repeating group according to "Iterate Header for Groups".

The missing or empty tags were behind the detail band in the file but are at a higher level within the xml tree.

529631 Cannot create msi file on the customer's large web form application
529754 There were some parts of documentation updated, e.g. the "Deploying... to .NET" part. Customer needs updates in the locally installed SyBooks ( from the SPDC
529796 Need Windows Authentication when Using .NET Web Services through A Proxy Server.
529825 The customer migrated from PB 8 to PB 11. They have a richtext control with a report in it. He puts page numbers in the footer with the following code (changed for PB 11):


rte_1.setalignment( Center! )



It works well. Then the customer saves the rte report in a blob in the database. He does this by executing a copyrtf for each band, converting the strings to blobs and writing the blobs to the database. Then later the process is reversed, the blobs are retrieved, changed to strings and each band is pasted in a new rte with pastertf. The problem is that in the new rtf, the footer page numbers have lost the centering, they are over on the left, and they are all 1.

The testcase shows the problem simply by copying one rte to another:

// Copy the Header

is_richtext_header = rte_1.CopyRTF(False, Header!)

rte_2.pasteRTF(is_richtext_header, Header!)

// Copy the Detail

is_richtext_detail = rte_1.CopyRTF(False, Detail!)

rte_2.pasteRTF(is_richtext_detail, Detail!)

// Copy the Footer

is_richtext_footer = rte_1.CopyRTF(False, Footer!)

rte_2.pasteRTF(is_richtext_footer, Footer!)

You can see all the target rte footer page numbers are 1 and they are on the left. In addition the copyrtf for the footer has altered the source rte too, all the page numbers there have been changed to 1 as well, although at least they are still centered.

530016 Performance issue with DataWindow in a WebForm.
530049 Developed an application that prints via PrinterCE. When the scanning window loses focus, a "Cannot Create A Top-Level Child Window" error randomly appears.

When this error appears while printing, it is hidden behind the print progress windows, effectively locking the application (app waiting for messagebox OK, printer software waiting for more info from app).

This requires the hadheld to be rebooted.

530155 The "decimal_col.original" computing column added to DataWindow causes GPF.
530250 Cannot retrieve datetime columns with PowerBuilder OLE interface and MS Access database.
530295 The description of the aFlag parameter in the online help for GetFileOpenName transposes the function name to GetOpenFileName.
530307 PB is crashing in the pbdwe when modifying a dynamic crosstab


The crash is happening when PB gets to the following line:

ls_rc = ldwc_reportdw.modify( "DataWindow.Crosstab.Rows=~""+ as_rows + "~" DataWindow.Crosstab.Columns=~"" + as_columns + "~"")

Where as_rows = territory_id and as_columns = @crosstab_post_year,@calc_type

530433 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.2_8407

Database/Driver File/Version: ASA 10.0 EASDemoDB11

EAServer 6.1 for Windows

Comments: The GetItemString() web dw method returns null in PB 11 JSP 4GL page. This is a regression from PB 10.5.2. In 10.5.2, the method works as expected.

530532 When you modify several values of a dropdowndatawindow column in several rows only the first row of the datawindow is updated
530667 Webservice using decimal datatype is ignoring the decimal seperator in non english environment.

If a webservice method returns a decimal or gets a decimal as argument, the decimal seperator will be ignored.

The problem is reproducible with the european seperator ( , ) and the us seperator ( . ).

The problem does not happen when regional settings are english (us).

530695 Style of the contextmenu on scrollbar is still traditional

There is no way to configure the style for the build in default dialogs, rmb on scrollbar, or rmb on editable fields.

530887 col_name.original means the original value of db column.If the col_name original value is 3,and now user has changed its value to 4,col_name.original will equal 3.However, this usage is not written to the manual.
531019 CR#491073 is reproduced when a classic style option on XP is on.
531032 After a window containing the MapPoint OLE control has been closed and you move the mouse to menu: window-> and slide over the last menu entry -> crash
531102 When a datawindow is saved as XML and the resulting XML file is opened, edited and saved as text in Wordpad the following error is seen when reopening the XML file. Is this a bug?

The XML page cannot be displayed

Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.


A name contained an invalid character. Error processing resource 'file:///C:/PSE/11441800/11441800/11441800/trysavexml.xml'...



531293 When a pb client is passing a jaguar proxy object

to an easerver component, the following error results:

org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL was thrown by method

org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL: read_boolean: value = -126 vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No

The pb client is first calling a method on n_corba_args and calling a easerver component method (nss_eas6_test01/of_test01) and passing the n_corba args as a jaguar proxy reference. The of_test01 then calls a method on that jaguar proxy reference.

In EAServer 5.5 and PB 11, the jaguar proxy gets passed in ok. But getting a new_JagStream: nil object reference when trying to call a method from that jaguar proxy.

RESOLUTION: Engineering provided workaround

531298 Enhancement request, customer would like datawindow buttons to have tab order and also when clicked on to change the current row.
531319 When calling an stored procedure with an at sign @ in the name in embedded sql errors are returned:

SQLSTATE = 42000 Cannot use the OUTPUT option when passing a constant to a stored procedure:


Can not get parameters of procedure

531355 The customer is doing a search on the application target in the system tree. He doubleclicks on a search result expecting the event to open in the script painter, but PB crashes. The line on which he is double clicking looks incomplete, truncated somehow.

This issue is fixed in PB 10.5.2 Build 7709 and after. And in PB 11.2 Build 8575 and after.

531394 If halt is called from the response window opened by DW error, GPF will occur.
531468 PBVM 10.5.1 linux generates wrong SQL to update database when the datawindow content was

processed by getfullstate & setfullstate between PB Client and EAServer 6.0.2

531494 Cannot create dynamically a DataWindow based on a WebService
531507 PB is crashing randomly when closing a response window.


pbshr105!PbHeap_free+2a4 [e:\pb105\3rdparty\heap\spbheap.c @ 2345]

10bded94 895004 mov [eax+0x4],edx

EXCEPTION_RECORD: ffffffff -- (.exr ffffffffffffffff)

ExceptionAddress: 10bded94 (pbshr105!PbHeap_free+0x000002a4)

ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)

ExceptionFlags: 00000000

NumberParameters: 2

Parameter[0]: 00000001

Parameter[1]: 00000067

Attempt to write to address 00000067

RESOLUTION: Fixed in PB 10.5.2 (build 7662)

531569 The customer is using the Blob function with an encoding argument:

blob blb

blb = blob("Any Text", EncodingANSI!)

This worked fine in P B 10.5 both as a pcode exe and a machine code exe. In PB 11.2 it still creates a pcode exe OK, but it does not create a machine code exe. These errors are listed under the Errors tab:

---------- Linker: Errors (1:08:45 PM)

---------- Finished Errors (1:08:45 PM)

Also found the following in the WINDOWS/temp/migrate_encoding.log file:

CGEN: Compiling 'C:\Program Files\PB11.0\sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.c'

C:\Program Files\PB11.0\sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.h(1) definition of macro 'PS_UNICODE' not identical to previous definition

C:\Program Files\PB11.0\sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.h(1) included from C:\Program Files\PB11.0\sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.c(4)

C:\Program Files\PB11.0\sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.h(1) macro 'PS_UNICODE' defined on the command line

C:\Program Files\PB11.0\sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.h(56967) '//' style comment continues on next line

C:\Program Files\PB11.0\sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.h(56968) '//' style comment continues on next line

C:\Program Files\PB11.0\sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.h(56969) '//' style comment continues on next line

C:\Program Files\PB11.0\sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.h(56970) '//' style comment continues on next line

C:\Program Files\PB11.0\sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.h(56971) '//' style comment continues on next line

C:\Program Files\PB11.0\sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.h(75061) nested comment found in comment started on line 75060

CGEN: Compiling 'C:\WINDOWS\Temp\blob_migrate.c'

C:\WINDOWS\Temp\blob_migrate.c(931) symbol '_nEncoding' has not been declared

C:\WINDOWS\Temp\blob_migrate.c(932) function argument(s) do not match those in prototype

C:\WINDOWS\Temp\blob_migrate.c(932) 'shBinary * stdcall (__export ot_bytearray_to_binary)( ob_this *, tag_OB_NARRAY * )' defined in: C:\Program Files\PB11.0\sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.h(45) (col 45)

C:\WINDOWS\Temp\blob_migrate.c(932) cannot convert argument 2 defined in: C:\WINDOWS\Temp\blob_migrate.c(932) (col 73)

C:\WINDOWS\Temp\blob_migrate.c(932) source conversion type is "wchar_t [18] (lvalue)"

C:\WINDOWS\Temp\blob_migrate.c(932) target conversion type is "tag_OB_NARRAY *"

531741 A PB 11.2 regression from PB 10.2. A datawindow has a large string column. When several lines of text are inserted, the text wraps appropriately. But when printed in PB 11.2, the words at the far right are clipped or truncated. This did not happen in PB 10.2.
531774 Customer generated EJB when deployed to EAServer 6.1 results in a exception when doing an EJB lookup. Documentation is unclear with EJBs deployed to EAServer 6.1 and accessed with PB.
531778 Enhancement Request: Customer wants to be able to pass a database connection between C# classes and PB WInForm or WebForm code. He wants to be able to open a connection in a C# class, import the assembly into PB and be able to pass it to PB and have connections/transactions pass freely between C# and PB.
531988 Customer has a large application that has worked fine until they purchased new machines. These new machines are now crashing randomly when closing a sheet in their application. Customer has supplied a exe that crashes on a dual core machine here but not on single core machine. Source code is also provided.

Customer is crashing in both the PB 9 and PB 11 versions of the application although when they set the following environment variables in PB 9 the crash goes away:



They cannot do this as there are 800 users and they do not have rights to set these variables on many of the machines.

531992 The rowcount argument for the retrieveend event states:

Number. The number of rows that were retrieved.

Please clarify that when using a dw filter, this value if the unfiltered value.

532117 After upgrading, custom changes to the file

are not getting included in the <app>.exe.config file.

The file is in the PowerBuilder 11.0\DOTNet\bin directory

532132 The customer has migrated from PB 9 using the MSS driver to PB 11 using the SNC driver going against Microsoft SqlServer. This is a very simplistic example that the customer was able demonstrate but the problem is much larger in real life. The customer is using datawindows based on Stored Procedures and in PB 9 with the old mss driver the error messages returned in the datawindow were the same as if he executed the same procedure in the database painter.

Now in powerbuilder 11 with SNC it seems that the datawindow is just returning the error message "Select Error: Requested result set number 1 not found" rather then the detailed error message that is returned in the database painter using the same SNC database connection and executing the same procedure. In the testcase the error as to do with trying to insert a character into an integer column.

532203 If you are specifying a file, the picture should be 16 pixels wide and 15 pixels high. Please do not use 16*16 icon for a tool bar. Description of a manual is a mistake.
532216 PB 11.2. .NET Assembly being called by NET Web Service. The function that tries to initiate some transaction fails with Error : System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Other functions work fine.

Also the same szenario works fine when a winform calls the assembly.

532222 Migrating from native MSS to OLEDB driver. Customer cannot find option for APPname. Similar to CR 346138.
532241 When a modify statement is executed in the itemfocuschanged event of a grouped DataWindow

and the last row is deleted then the wrong row may get deleted and sorting may not function properly anymore.

If the modify statement is posted then the problem doesn't occur.

532397 Some toolbar pics don't appear to be greyed out

when menu item is disabled.

For example, the toolbar pic custom015! doesn't appear to be greyed out when disabled.

532473 Customer is using autosize height to collapse the group sub-header on a report when there is no header. Most of the time it works as expected but when the headers repeat for a virtual page break the autosize feature does not collapse the sub-header.

Customer has 3 groups that print headers summary code1, summary code2, and summary code3. Summary codes 2 and 3 may be null. If summary level 3 is blank or null, customer does not want the group header to show. To achieve that, she has marked the objects in the header line as "Autosize height=Y" and have marked the group header line as "Autosize height=Y'. When a break in summary 1 or 2 occurs in the middle of a page, the middle of a page, the group header for Summary 3 will not print; however, it seems when this coincides with a page break, the Summary 3 group header will print. Since it's blank, customer does not think this looks good.

532486 The customer has had this problem in several versions of PB and is still having it now after recent migration to PB 11. His app is old and has many global declarations in the application object. If he makes any change to the application object such as adding a line of code to the Open event, then the app becomes very unstable and crashes often. The only way to avoid this is not to touch the application object.

We have found a workaround and that is to immedeately do a Full Build on the entire application after saving any changes to the application object.

532630 When using Web Datawindow on a page that has 4GL mode enabled the 3D Lowered style is not correctly rendered with XHTML.
532757 When trying to insert a new record that has some varchar2(4000) columns in an Oracle9 table the error ORA-01461 (can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column) via datawindow with PowerBuilder 11.2 (build 8407)occurs. This datawindow used to work correctly in PB 10.5
533236 the data in the editchanged event only returns the last key and not like described in documentation "The current contents of the DataWindow edit control." Seems that dw_1.settext(data) overwrites the current contents if using in editchanged event.
533297 When running orcascript to import objects

into empty pbls, the following error results:

Calling cm_rebuild_application(CM_REBUILD_FULL).

Library: c:\testa\demoapp\peat.pbl

Object: m_peat_frame

Forward Declarations

(0002): Error C0001: Illegal data type: m_peat_master

Object: w_f_peat

Event: w_f_peat::create

(0004): Error C0047: Simple datatype illegal for create statement: m_peat_frame

Using the following orca script:

start session

create library "pfcapsrv\pfcapsrv.pbl" "New library"

create library "pfcdwsrv\pfcdwsrv.pbl" "New library"

create library "pfcmain\pfcmain.pbl" "New library"

create library "pfemain\pfemain.pbl" "New library"

create library "pfedwsrv\pfedwsrv.pbl" "New libary"

create library "pfeutil\pfeutil.pbl" "New library"

create library "pfcutil\pfcutil.pbl" "New library"

create library "pfeapsrv\pfeapsrv.pbl" "New library"

create library "demoapp\peat.pbl" "New library"

create library "pfcwnsrv\pfcwnsrv.pbl" "New library"

create library "pfewnsrv\pfewnsrv.pbl" "New library"

scc set connect property provider "PVCS Source Control"

scc set connect property userid "Admin"

scc set connect property localprojpath "C:\testa"

scc set connect property project "/ProjectUS?PVCS Version Manager?C:\Program Files\PVCS\vm\common\SampleDB?"

scc set connect property logfile "fullupdate.log"

scc set connect property logappend "FALSE"

scc connect offline

scc set target "demoapp\Peat Demo App.pbt" "REFRESH_ALL IMPORTONLY"

scc refresh target "full"

scc close

end session

533415 Provide an option to integrate the dw painter

into their applications

533423 Customer is using clearcase and have a need to load objects from a spcecific baseline to an empty pbl.

What are the advantages/disadvantages and typical scenarios that "scc refresh target migrate" and "scc refresh target full" would be used in. Which scenarios would you apply in using either/both of these operations and why?

Does the IMPORTONLY use the .pbg file. If so, how.

Does the REFRESH_ALL use the .pbg file. If so, how.

Does the IMPORTONLY use the .pbt file. If so, how.

Does the REFRESH_ALL use the .pbt file. If so, how.

Does the 'scc refresh target "full"' command use the .pbt and the .pbg? IF so, how or why does the command use these files?

533582 Setting the transparency property for the datawindow does not save. Setting the transparency for the individual columns does save.
533610 OS: Sun Solaris 10

Versions and Build #s Tested:

Server side: PBVM 10.5.1_6021 for Sun Solaris (dated from January 7th, 2008 - latest one) with EAServer 5.5

Client side: PB 10.5.2_7662

Database/Driver File/Version: O84 interface connecting into Oracle 10g, using Oracle Client 10.1.0

Via Get/SetFullState, when inserting signal characters (+, -, *, /, < or >) into datawindow and then performing GetFullState, the signal character is not saved. In the next dw retrieve, the row shows blank data for this column.

If you open the datawindow directly in PowerBuilder dw painter, you can insert such characters and save data with no problems. It will also be displayed via SetFullState. So, the issue is erradicated when saving the data via GetFullState.

533679 ASA CR#455977 is not fixed to the manual of PB. When you deploying ASA10(rteng10.exe) to Windows Vista/2000, please copy the license file of ASA10(rteng10.lic).
533716 RadioButtons are not displayed properly. Problem only occurs with new style controls and only if a Windows XP theme is in use. The buttons are invisible and get visible by moving the cursor over the hidden buttons.

The workaround is to use SetRedraw(true) function.

533719 Customer contends that the use of "New" as a prefix is a bad practice.

Using 'New' in the name of new properties is not a good idea. What is going to happen 3 or 4 years from now when they are no longer 'new' and you need to add a new new property?

533720 When looking at a string value in the PB 11.5-1502 debugger, PB now includes the doublequotes around the value.

That's a real pain when you want to copy this value to a different application (e.g. notepad). It requires that you manually have to strip off these double quotes.

Also, the value field has been resized to a very short box. Please reset it to 11.2 behavior.

533727 In PB 10.5.2 we can't import a file without file name suffix. Return code for ImportFile when it fails is -2. Its was working with PB 9.

Workaround: Use FileOpen/FileRead/FileClose functions together with ImportString function.

533732 The dberror event for the new transaction object does

not have an eventid mapped to it.

The new sqlpreview event has a new eventid pbm_sqlpreview. This is inconsistent.

533734 In this example, the librarylist will only show

11 libraries. It should really have vertical and horizontal resizing.

533748 The printed output of a RTF datawindow prints ??

for the inputfields instead of the corresponding data.

533751 Customer is trying to use custom forms and controls on Visual Studio winforms that they are creating in a PB winform deployed application. When using standard winforms and controls all events are performing as expected. When using events on their custom forms and controls they are not.
533939 Enhancement Request:

Integrate a .NET control to be able to use an external .NET component such as MapXtreme by MapINfo

in PB 11.5 and/or PB 12 and/or PB 12 WPF in the available controls list.

533963 When a dw column has a border type of 'lowered', gradient

color is not working.

It works ok with all the other border styles (box, raised, shadowbox,underline,resizeborder).

533982 Gradient color not working properly for dddw when

color is set to transparent

534102 When using WM6 emulator, borders not rendering properly on dw freeform.

When you click on a column, the top and left lines of the border are reduced in width.

This is not the case when using an SLE on a window.

534104 Trying to import XML file into a DataWindow but it doesn't work. Gets message : 'Import File Failed'.
534280 With a Web Application using the DataWindow generator for XHTML, the height of a column is not generated in the StyleSheet only the height of a row.
534290 .NET Webform application

When there is code in the itemfocuschanged event of a DataWindow then you need

to click twice on a dropdowndatawindow before you can select an item.

534318 When connected to Oracle Lite thru odbc and using a

aggregate function that returns nulls, the following warning message appears and it

cancels the result set:

[POL5104] null values eliminated in aggregate function computation

534488 A crash occurs after opening a DropDownDataWindow and then pressing a key.

The DataWindow sets a filter on the DDDW in the ue_dropdown event.

534504 Background color with gradient not working

for reported datawindow reports.

Resolution: Select 'Show Background' checkbox for the nested report. If you want to

display the background gradient for the report select 'Preview Show Background' checkbox.

The property is on the Print Specification tab.

534508 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.2_8542

Database/Driver File/Version: ASE 12.5.3

Microsoft Word 2007 or Microsoft Word 2003 with add-on to open .docx files

Comments: In runtime, the OLEActivate() method invokes MS-Word 2007/2003 to open .doc files within OLE Database BLOB column, but fails for .docx files.

534511 A PBDOM_DOCUMENT object is successfully created from a string. If you then try to clone another PBDOM_DOCUMENT object from the first it fails with a null object reference. If you originally created the PBDOM_DOCUMENT from a file, then you can clone it without an error.
534533 An "Incorrect syntax near '*'" will occur (in dbtrace) when using embedded sql with =* for right outer join syntax. This occurs only in a Winform application. It is ok with Win32 client server. According to the customer ANSI syntax is ok and suffices as a workaround for them.
534704 The current behaviour in latest versions is that the ItemFocusChanged Event is not Triggered with Filter(). This is not in line with previous versions.
534717 Cannot change the MDI Client Color on descendant window.

When you change the color and save it and then reopen the window, it is the old (original) color.

RESOLUTION: Per engineering, it is working as designed.

534791 Customer finds that PB generated assemblies are failing to register when stored on SQL Server 2005.

Customer has created an assembly in PB 11 and loaded into SQL Server 2005.

He also loaded the Sybase.PowerBuilder assemblies. When they try to register the assembly he gets the following message:

Msg 10300, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

Assembly 'QPIDCompute' references assembly 'sybase.powerbuilder.core, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b76b10796def6a00.', which is not present in the current database. SQL Server attempted to locate and automatically load the referenced assembly from the same location where referring assembly came from, but that operation has failed (reason: version, culture or public key mismatch). Please load the referenced assembly into the current database and retry your request.

The Sybase assemblies loaded on the SQL Server box are the same version as the development assemblies used to create their assembly.

Is this supported and if so how to create it in SQL Server 2005?

534869 It is not written to the manual that PB handles Surrogate Pair as two characters.
534932 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.2_8542

Database/Driver File/Version: EASDemoDB 11

Apache Fop 0.94 for Windows

Comments: Save Rows as XSL-FO does not follow the W3C recommendations. <fo:table-cells> element must have at least one child element <fo:block>. As a consequence, Apache fop cannot generate PDF from the .fo file.

534940 HTML/XHTML Format

With the DataWindow XHTML generator, the DW_Com.js

HTDW_SetColumn and HTDW_SetColumn javascript functions do not properly set the colunmn and row

534958 To further support SQL Anywhere 11, PocketBuilder needs to have the ODBC Utilities folder support Sybase Central 6.0
534975 Enhancement Request: Intelligent Updater: Would like FTP upload exceptions trapped and reported.
534987 When using datawindow print() to print a datawindow to a .XPS

file using the Microsoft XPS Document Writer, the only output that gets generated

is if the datawindow has text in the footer band.

535007 PB 11.5 change when using custom dlls that reference other dlls. In PB 11.2, when the dll that is called is included as a win 32 dynamic library and the dlls it references are on the path, you do not need to include them as dynamic libraries. In PB 11.5 winforms the dll that the customer's dll references also had to be included as a dynamic library.
535051 Graph datawindows are in changed mode when no changes have been made.

Open a graph datawindow, make no changes and close it out. You will be prompted to save changes.

535053 If one changes the background color on a datawindow button, you see the color change in the painter but when the datawindow is run, the color is not changed.
535074 About the behavior when comparing the CJK UNICODE character with "".Some CJK characters return true, when it compares with an empty string.
535094 Autoskip option of Editmask doesn't work when a numeric mask type is '#,###'.When the established number of characters is inputted, a focus does not move to the next control.
535213 On one machine at customer's location they are unable to run the web services examples or import pbwsclient110.pbx into a pbl.

When he tries to run the web services examples he receives the following error:

Runtime Error - Bad runtime function reference at line 5 in function instantiateservice of object uo_ancestor

The error he gets when trying to import pbwsclient110.pbx is:

---------- Import PB Extension: (8:08:23 AM)

Importing C:\Program Files\Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\pbwsclient110.pbx

- Error: The file is not a valid dll or pbx file.

---------- Finished (8:08:23 AM)

He has both the SDK Toolkit and the Redistributable Package installed. On a co-workers machine these work.

We ran Process Monitor on his machine and it seems to be finding pbwsclient110.pbx but still fails.

535228 A PB ulong datatype can have values of 0 to 4294967295. When using embedded SQL and selecting from Oracle a value of 2147483648 or greater into a PB ulong variable, the result in PB is 0. Since this is half the expected limit, it seems that somewhere along the way a long is being used instead of a ulong. The same code works fine in PB 11.
535520 Surrogate pairs added in JIS2004 can not be inserted correctly via SYC interface.
535642 PocketBuilder needs to provide MobiLink support for SQL Anywhere 11
535644 Customer would like the FOR... END FOR statement to be documented equally as the FOR... NEXT is:

FOR /*varname*/=/*start*/ to /*end*/



Currently there is one small mention in the for... next doc that you can end the loop with END FOR.

535646 Windows Vista does not include winhlp32.exe, so PB11.5 cannot open Help as installed. Microsoft has winhlp32.exe available for download, but you might want to add a line to the readme file to warn Vista users that they may have to download this file.
535647 PB 11.5 Beta. The datawindow painter now has two tooltip options, regular and bubble. Customer would like to have the same options for native controls in the Window and User Object painters for application consistency.
535649 If a dropdown datawindow is given a graduated background in a freeform data window the colour bleeds all over the entrie datawindow.
535730 When a PB application calls a RPC which has PL/SQL table nvarchar2 parameters,

Oracle raises "PLS-00418: array bind type must match PL/SQL table row type" error.

535801 A .NET Assembly Failed to deploy when it contained a call to a .Net assembly

included in the assembly list and the Library Files of the painter

Error in DeployLog.txt

An internal exception was thrown

535813 When you have a grid DataWindow with a column that has a dropdown DataWindow as editstyle, you cannot sort on the display value using LookUpDisplay.
536113 DataWindow import XML is errornously using control panel settings when importing a XML file containing decimal data.
536123 Customer would like to be able to use the Informix Complex Datatype 'SET' with a datawindow based on a stored procedure.

Customer has an Informix 9 stored procedure that uses a datatype of SET:


DROP PROCEDURE get_mgmt_aud_dtl;

CREATE PROCEDURE get_mgmt_aud_dtl(ivc_audit_tsk_list SET)


DEFINE o_name CHAR(35);



SELECT audit_tsk_desc

INTO o_name

FROM audit_tsk

WHERE audit_tsk_num IN ivc_audit_tsk_list





He is able to execute this procedure with an array using the statement

EXECUTE PROCEDURE get_mgmt_aud_dtl(set{100,101,102})

When he tries to create a datawindow with this stored procedure or do a retrieve from the datawindow painter the execute statement that gets built and sent to Informix is not correct, it passes the array as separate arguments and not as an array.

Add support for the Informix Complex Datatypes.

536131 Problem with minimized response window on installation
536163 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.2_8565

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

Comments: PB GPF's at PBSHR110.dll when opening window object migrated from PB 9.0. Note: Operations like Edit Source, Export, Import, Regenerate, Optimize and Full Build always complete successfully, which indicates there are no corrupted objects inside pbls.

536348 When tabbing in a disabled WebForm column, the following error


Microsoft Internet Explorer

Unexpected error was thrown, the browser will be closed!

Please report the error to administrator

Error: Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible, not enabled, or

of a type that does not accept the focus

Line: 7798

536371 The customer is using Orcascript to deploy an EAServer project. The project full builds and deploys successfully in PB 11. When running the Orcascript batch file in orcascr110.exe that does the same thing it crashes. The crash happens with EAS 5.5 or EAS 6.1. Customer claims it used to work fine in 10.5 orcascript.

09/09/2008: Verified fixed in 11.2 build 8616.

536376 When debugging a WebForm and using IE 7, it takes

much longer to get to a breakpoint and then to set out of the breakpoint.

536474 User defined function called _init() with no args fails .Net deployment
536555 The customer has a graph datawindow and in the window open event he calls a user event on the datawindow that does a SetSeriesStyle to change the colors of the graph. In client server this is all he has to do. He subsequently filters and unfilters the datawindow, and the colors he changed to stay put.

In webforms the initial SetSeriesStyle works and the colors are changed. But on any subsequent filters (or unfilters) the colors of the graph revert back to the default colors. He tries executing the user event again after the filter but it has no affect.

If he does a messagebox after the filter and before the SetSeriesStyle event, then it works. So this problem appears to be post back related.

So there are 2 problems: 1) On a Filter in webforms, any changed colors on a graph dw are lost. 2) Executeing the SetSeriesStyle event again after the filter also does not work.

09/09/2008: Problem 1 could not be fixed. Problem 2 was fixed. Verified fixed in 11.2 build 8616.

536613 The toolBar Item command line changed between 10.5 and 11. For example if you add a custom toolbar icon with a command line of "File.Open Workspace". Clicking on the icon in PB 10.5 has the desired affect of launching the Open Workspace dialog. But in PB 11 and after it does not work. You have to change the command to "File.Open Workspace..." for it to work.
536751 Enhance how to manage the DB password expiration.
536791 Customer is asking for the enhancement to generate PB assemblies as pure managed code.

This is a follow up to CR 534791. Development has indicated that PB assemblies cannot be stored on Microsoft SQL Server since they are not pure managed code. The customer is asking that we generate PB assemblies as pure managed code.


As a workaround, the customer will create pure managed C# assemblies, loaded into Microsoft SQL Server, that will make remote .NET calls to our assemblies.

536873 CheckBox square overlayered by the text when using Windows XP Theme.
536916 PocketBuilder needs to handle the syntax additions to PowerBuilder 11.5 DataWindows.
536927 There are 2 problems with protected datawindow fields in Webforms.

Problem 1:


In a Webform application, datawindow fields with edit styles of checkbox or radiobutton that have tab orders but are protected will crash when the user tabs to that field. The following error occurs:

Unexpected error was thrown, the browser will be closed!

Please report the error to the administrator.

Error: Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible, not enabled or of a type that does not accept focus.

The error happens tabbing forward or backward (Shift+tab). If you click on a protected field it just ignores the click as it should. In a client server application it simply skips to the next allowable field, webforms should do the same.

Problem 2:


If the field has an Edit Style of Edit and has a tab order but is protected, in webforms it allows you the click on the field or tab to the field and it becomes highlighted. This should not happen. On a tab protected fields should be skipped and focus should go to the next allowable field. A click should be ignored and focus remain where it is.

536946 The customer has a datawindow with some fields in the header. The t_title field is marked autosize height and has a font size of 12. The t_title field initially has no text in it and has a small hieght of only 10. Other header fields below t_title are marked slide up all above, and the header band is marked autosize height.

At run time in script the customer is putting text into the t_title field and is printing the datawindow:

dw_summary.Object.t_title.Text = 'Management Audit Summary Report'


In the printout, the header data is getting truncated on the bottom. You see the 'Management Audit Summary Report' correctly at the top and it has autosized correctly, but the header band seems to be in the same place as it was initially, cutting off the bottom of the header because t_title has increased in height but the header band has not moved to allow for that.

537047 Filedelete function is used to delete file from OS level.

PBVM10.5.1 Linux allows to issue the call and return as true without error message.

But actually, PB does not remove the file

537073 When loading any non-graphic file or blob into a picture control using the SetPicture() function, a small message box pops up informing the user that the file is not a JPEG file and then disappears.
537074 The issue when distributing ASA 10.0.0 to Windows Vista attached to PB11 does not exist in a manual. Please refer to ASA 10.0.1 manual. And please also grant administrator authority to rteng10.exe.
537087 Embedded SQL INSERT to VARCHAR2 column will cause ORA-01400.

This is because the column is not allowed to have NULL, and the string with a space in it gets interpreted as NULL.

537138 In a win32 exe, Match ('test','|...') gives FALSE which is correct. In a winform application, Match ('test','|...') gives TRUE. Seems to be a problem with the pipe character (|). It is not listed as a metacharacter so it should work. But anytime a pipe character is in the textpattern, the result is true in winform.
537173 In the datawindow, the new tooltip default text color is black and the default background color is white. Included in the list of colors is "tooltip text" and "tooltip". Wouldn't a default of 'tooltip text" for text color, and "tooltip" for background color make more sense?
537290 Tabular DW of Detail area bottom on 6PBU hides the other objects.
537466 NET WindowsForms application can't compare CJK Unicode with '' in Win Vista.
537564 The PB/IM installation installed the Code Examples,Help and TransTlk to:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Sybase\PowerBuilder 11.5

It also installed the InfoMaker Help to:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Sybase\InfoMaker 11.5

537731 New values are not available in update triggers when using UpdateBlob.
537854 The problem happens with composite dw with AccExplorer32. The doc already mentions that label, n-up, ole 2.0 and Rich Text presentation styles are not supported. The rest of the presentation

styles appear ok

RESOLUTION: Composite datawindow does not support MSAA Standard.

537905 When opening a second window in a MDI webform application,

the following error appears:

Unable to cast object of type 'c__w_c_po_detailxxxxx' to type Sybase.PowerBuilder.Web.PBWindowObject'.

Works ok when running in PBNative

537922 The customer has an app with a datawindow on a tab page. The user enters search criteria into a column of the datawindow, then clicks a button on the tab page that takes the search criteria from the datawindow via dot notation and then does the search. It works fine in win32. But in Webforms the first time the button is clicked you see the "loading" message and then the datawindow is blank, and the dot notation brings back nothing from the datawindow. Enter the search criteria again and click, and now it works.
537932 In Webforms if you have a datawindow column of type Long or Decimal and an Editmask of ###,###,##0 or similar, there is a problem entering a number into the column. If you type in consecutive zeros after a non zero digit it enters the last non zero digit instead of the zero. Enter "100,000" and you see "111,110". Enter "123,000" and you see "123,330". A datawindow column of type Number works correctly. All columns work correctly in Win32.
538109 In generating XML from a datawindow (dot notation or SaveAs XML), PB creates a temp directory and file on the root directory. See FileMon output below:

2:20:52 PM mes.exe:13232 QUERY INFORMATION C:\sctg NOT FOUND Attributes Error:

2:20:52 PM mes.exe:13232 CREATE C:\sctg ACCESS DENIED USAC\us321142

2:20:52 PM mes.exe:13232 OPEN C:\sctg NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: 00010080

But if the user doesn't have access to the root directory, no XML gets generated. The user tried to workaround the issue by permanently creating the directory PB is trying to create and giving user's acces to that directory. But if the C:\sctg directory already exists, PB ignores it and creates a new incrementally named directory each time:

2:24:05 PM mes.exe:13232 QUERY INFORMATION C:\sctg SUCCESS Attributes D:

2:24:05 PM mes.exe:13232 QUERY INFORMATION C:\sctg.1 NOT FOUND Attributes Error:

2:24:05 PM mes.exe:13232 CREATE C:\sctg.1 ACCESS DENIED USAC\us321142

2:24:05 PM mes.exe:13232 OPEN C:\sctg.1 NOT FOUND Options: Open Access: 00010080

A similar issue happened in CR 335944 with BuildFromDataStore. It too writes temporary files to the system root directory. But this CR was recently fixed so it works when users don't have acccess to the root directory. Can the same sort of fix be applied to this XML problem?

538134 Performance is slow calling .NET webservice the

first time in either PB IDE or running as application executable.

538200 When canceled a PrintSetup function,The return value is -1. However, this description does not exist in a manual.
538296 The customer has an MDI app. The are several different sheets. Each sheet has a menu and a toolbar. The customer opens a Sheet 1 and it's tool bar is displayed. Sheet 2 when opened does a close(this) in the open event. According to the Help the open event occurs after a window is open but before it displays. Now if you open a Sheet 2 you never see it or it's toolbar because it is closed in the open event before it is displayed. However the toolbar for Sheet 1 disappears on the close of Sheet 2. It's as if it was removed by mistake as Sheet 2's toolbar. So now you are left with the first Sheet 1 open but no toolbar. The menu is OK.

If you post the close(this) then you (briefly) see Sheet 2 open and disappear right a way (a flicker) and the toolbar for Sheet 1 remains as it should. But the customer doesn't like the flicker and wants it to work without posting.

538298 Customer has an EJB in EAServer that he has then created a PB component for in PB 11. He then created a .NET assembly with that component and wants to be able to use the assembly dll in a stand alone winform application.

The assembly referenced in the winform application does not connect.

538307 Customer wants us to restore the Components tab on the System Tree.
538341 PB11.0/11.2 - SySAM should not check for explicit license limits .

When SySAM was originally put into PowerBuilder, we enforced the original PowerBuilder license terms where the license was only good for a single major version.

We have now changed this and will use the default SySAM logic rather than our own.

538397 An Infomix interface of PB11.x receives SQL Error-201.
538452 The web.config file is overwritten each time a deployment of a web service is done. Customer need some means to configure it.
538515 Customer wants to connect to ASE 15 on solaris

using windows OS authentication. Can PowerBuilder handle this?

538706 Wrong DW syntax if there are Table and Synonym having same name
538710 A cusomer has a large application that he is in process of migrating from PB 7 to PB11. The customer is doing updates with embedded SQL to a DB2 database. Somtimes there is an update that has nothing to update because the where clause does not match any rows. In PB 7 when this occured the SQLCode value that was returned was -1. This was not correct as there was no error, but rather just nothing to update. However the customer coded to this behavior, to let users know that nothing was updated (either because of a real error, or no match on the where clause). Now in PB 11 the return code in the same situation is a 0. This is correct as there was no update error. But the customer does not want to have to re-code his large application and wants it to have the same behavior as it did in PB 7. The documentation clearly states you should be checking the SQLNRows property on a 0 SQLCode return to see if any rows were updated.
538728 When using Jaws and tabbing into a dw, the response

is not consistent.

For example, a window with 2 dw's and a statictext field. The window has the

tab order set to the static text field, then dw1 and dw2.

When you run the app and open the window, click on the static text field. Now hit the tab and you tab inside dw1. The response from JAWS is:

Department ID colon edit 100 type and text

Department ID colon edit 200 type and text

Tab 300

Tab 400

Tab 500

Now when you tab to the next dw,

Tab MA (the value of the dddw)

Inconsistent behavior between the 2 dw's. Inconsistent response inside dw1.

538872 Computed colum with null value is exported with zero.
538878 The customer has a window with picture buttons. If a PNG file is selected for the PictureName, it works if the full path is included. But if you put the directory that contains the images into the App Path for PowerBuilder:(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\pb115.exe)

and then don't include a path reference for the PNG file in PictureName, the IDE can't find it. That works for all other image types.

PNG files also won't be included in the EXE/PBDs unless there is a full path in the source code and in the PBR file. For all other image types, you can include a reference just to the image filename and rely on them being in the path at desgin/compile time.

538889 Customer believes that our datawindow does not meet 508 compliance standards because a computed field does not have a tab order and cannot receive focus so 508 readers cannot read the field.

In order to comply with 508 standards, the computed field should have a tab order, be able to gain focus but should not be editable.

538913 The customer has some datawindow columns of decimal 2 datatype and an editmask of ###,###.00. He is doing a SetColumn to this column in script, and this is placing the cursor to the right of the decimal point. In PB 6.5 they claim it used to put the cursor to the left of the decimal point. If you tab or click to the column it does put the cursor to the left of the decimal point, which makes more sense as you can enter digits to the left of the decimal point. When the cursor is to the right you can only enter the 2 decimal digits. The SetColumn should place the cursor to the left of the decimal point as it does when you tab or click to the column.

09/09/2008: Verified fixed in 11.2 build 8616.

539052 After the function SetDetailHeight has been called, the scroll behaviour changes so that the scrollbar will scroll to the next row instead of scrolling within the row.

This makes it impossible to see the parts of the row that are outside the control.

539298 Customer has an application with many rich text edit controls that in PB 8 he was able to use CopyRTF on each, create a tab delimited file

ls_data = "~t" + copyrtfstring1 + "~t" + copyrtfstring1 + "~t" + copyrtfstring1.

Then using ImportFile he was able to import this file into a datawindow and later use the richtext strings to populate different rich text controls using the string in the datawindow and PasteRTF.

This no longer works with new Rich Text control in PB 10.5 as the string from CopyRTF appears to be different and have CR/LF in it which when using ImportFile are not allowing all the text to be placed into one field.

The text string when using CopyRTF in PB 8 is:

{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\froman Tms Rmn;}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green255\blue255;\red0\green255\blue0;\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue127;\red0\green127\blue127;\red0\green127\blue0;\red127\green0\blue127;\red127\green0\blue0;\red127\green127\blue0;\red127\green127\blue127;\red192\green192\blue192;}{\info{\creatim\yr2008\mo7\dy29\hr2\min53\sec17}{\version1}{\vern262367}}\paperw12240\paperh15840\margl257\margr324\margt239\margb260\deftab720\pard\ql{\f0\fs20\cf0\up0\dn0 \loch\af0 Let's see}} {\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\froman Tms Rmn;}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green255\blue255;\red0\green255\blue0;\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue127;\red0\green127\blue127;\red0\green127\blue0;\red127\green0\blue127;\red127\green0\blue0;\red127\green127\blue0;\red127\green127\blue127;\red192\green192\blue192;}{\info{\creatim\yr2008\mo7\dy29\hr2\min53\sec17}{\version1}{\vern262367}}\paperw12240\paperh15840\margl257\margr324\margt239\margb260\deftab720\pard\ql{\f0\fs20\cf0\up0\dn0 \loch\af0 won't work in PB 10.5}}

And in PB 10.5 is:


{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 Arial;}

{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 Tahoma;}

{\f2\froman\fcharset2\fprq2 Symbol;}}


{\stylesheet{\s0\itap0\f0\fs24 [Normal];}{\*\cs10\additive Default Paragraph Font;}}

{\*\generator TX_RTF32 11.0.401.504;}

\deftab1134\paperw12240\paperh15840\margl0\margt0\margr0\margb0\pard\itap0\plain\f1\fs20 let's see}{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1\deff0{\fonttbl

{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 Arial;}

{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 Tahoma;}

{\f2\froman\fcharset2\fprq2 Symbol;}}


{\stylesheet{\s0\itap0\f0\fs24 [Normal];}{\*\cs10\additive Default Paragraph Font;}}

{\*\generator TX_RTF32 11.0.401.504;}

\deftab1134\paperw12240\paperh15840\margl0\margt0\margr0\margb0\pard\itap0\plain\f1\fs20 afdsf}

This is not a bug, but a difference in the string with CopyRTF.

Workaround is to strip out and throw away all carriage return and newline combinations in the strings returned by CopyRTF.

long ll_pos, ll_all

string ls_temp

ll_all = len( ar_instring)

ls_temp = Trim(ar_instring)

// Search for and strip out all carriage return and newline combinations.

ll_pos = Pos ( ls_temp, "~r~n" )

do while ll_pos <> 0

ls_temp = Left(ls_temp, ll_pos - 1) + Right(ls_temp, ll_all - (ll_pos + 1))

ll_all = len(ls_temp)

ll_pos = Pos ( ls_temp, "~r~n" )


Return ls_temp

539465 ImportFile and ImportString to use XML date format. 2007-07-01T00:00:00+01:00
539498 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: 11.2_8565, 11.2_8542

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

Comments: Within WebForms, when tabbing between datawindow editmask columns, the cursor gets positioned at end of edit mask, not at the beginning, as expected. Works fine in normal client-server application.

539502 The customer is using an OLE Control on a window to use Adobe Acrobat Reader. At runtime in PB script he is accessing some properties on the OLE Control and is getting the error "Name not found calling external object function" in Winforms. It works fine in a native Powerbuilder application.
539509 When connecting to OLEDB in a PB .NET Webform

and retrieving a dw that has a column with a timestamp datatype, the following

error message appears:

Unexpected error was thrown, the browser will be closed!

Please report the error to the Administrator

Error: Syntax Error

Line: 70304879

539618 Proxy looses decimal definition in structure. A pb component

that includes a structure is deployed to EAServer. When the proxy is generated

in PB, the decimal definition in the structure is different.

The structure is defined as:

global type str_test_val from structure

decimal{4} id_dec4_var

decimal{0} id_decvar

string is_stringvar

decimal{4} id_decvar2

end type

When the proxy is generated, the structure definition is:

global type proxytest_str_test_val from structure


Decimal id_dec4_var

Decimal id_decvar

String is_stringvar

Decimal id_decvar2

end type

539650 Enhancement request to add the ability to handle service credentials in our proxy generator.
539795 Error calling java class method of:

Failed to find the proxy to represent the Java class: test.Bar

It implements the following interfaces: test.BarHome

The error is happening when calling


barslist is defined as List

539872 partition line is not drawn when the height of a group header is 4 or more.
539930 Powerbuilder 11.5 BETA build 1502. Winform smart client deployment. Always get an error in pbiupub.log file during deployment/publishing of a smart client winform application:

Exception Type: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException

Exception Message: Could not find a part of the path 'c:\e drive\11.5bugs\11460181\smc_winformoutput\'.

The deploy/publish seemed to go OK and you can run the app. But what is that error mean? Why is it there if the publish went OK?

539932 Certain syntax errors would crash the PocketBuilder compiler during a full build.

If a non-visual user object has a reference to an instance variable in an ancestor NVO, a static reference would fail.

Do not use:

public constant string PATH = n_ancestor_obj.gs_USERPATH

but use:

public string PATH

path = n_ancestor_obj.gs_USERPATH

540054 Cannot navigate with MS WEB activeX if the URL contains an applet and the application is connected to a database using JDBC.
540055 Nodes on treeview dw not working with JAWS

A treeview dw is setup as:

- 100

-Firstname last name address

When you click on the node or 100, JAWS is not indicating the value. When you click

inside the node, JAWS indicates the value ok

RESOLUTION: The root cause is that the column in the header band is readonly which could not get the focus, so the value could not indicated by JAWS.

540096 508 compliance issue: Controls on a window that are disabled can not be tabbed to and protected columns in a datawindow can not be tabbed to. Since tabbing is the way to get the accessibilty information, then in these cases it is not available.
540253 Please put pbl for source control on a different folder. When an object is moved, the status icon of source control is not correct. The details about this specification are added to a user's guide.
540348 Server list in EAS deploy project is reduced when "Use Windows Classic Stype on XP" is select in the PB menu.
540469 Output parameters from a procedure on Oracle through O90/O10 interface become 0 if SQLCA.DBParm has "NLS_Charset='JA16SJIS'".
540567 When enabling trace and setting a trace file name

from the System Options/Profiling tab, the path and filename not getting saved.

When you restart PB, the path and file name for the trace file (xxxx.pbp) is no longer there.

These settings do appear in the pb.ini:







540568 When trying to select a Profile on the EAServer

Component/Server Host tab, the ddlb does not drop down properly. When

you click on the arrow, the behavior appears more like a spin control and


540578 The customer has migrated his PB 9 app to PB 10.5 and the RTE tab stops are different throwing off his carefully arraigned docs. We know it's a totally new text control under the covers. The question is, is there anyway to adjust the tab stops in 10.5? We haven't found a way to do that but it seems like a basic feature.
540632 App with msinet.ocx crashed when run in machine code
540674 With this fix applied, you should now be able to deploy a PB 11.5 PBNative executable (that does not launch pipelines) without having to include PBDPL115.DLL in the re-distributable DLLs. Apps that use Runtime Pipeline objects should work the same, and these apps will require PBDPL115.DLL.
540752 ORA-01461 "can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column" occurs if you try to insert over 2000 bytes

of characters containing a multibytes character to a varchar2(4000) column on a table through O84 interface.

540818 The customer has an application deployed to Webforms on a Windows 2003 server machine. No PowerBuilder has been installed on this machine. The app has a datawindow with 2 autosize columns and one slideup column. They do a SaveAs PDF using Ghostscript version 8.62. The SaveAs fails with a -1. Without the autosize height and slide up properties set however, the SaveAs works. This problem only happens on the Windows 2003 deployment machine, on the development machine that is Windows XP, the SaveAs works OK with the autosize height and slide up properties set.
540855 Using global function to format DW in WebForm, showing data value instead of display value when clicked
540963 A 3rd party software product called PaperMaster causes PB 10.5, 11, 11.5 to crash on startup. It seems related to the PB process loading certain PaperMaster DLLs (J2GShell.dll and J2GRes_env.dll)
541147 Date Values are not retrieved properly using ODBC driver from Sage Line 100 (accounting system.
541211 Customer wants PB to support the new help file (.cnt) formats as well as (.hlp):

dw_1.Modify("DataWindow.Help.File='C:\Program Files\Sybase\PowerBuilder 11.0\Help\pbhlp110.cnt' ")

and not just

dw_1.Modify("DataWindow.Help.File='C:\Program Files\Sybase\PowerBuilder 11.0\Help\pbhlp110.hlp' ")

541242 CR #465847 lets PowerBuilder cache the status of the PBG files to improve performance for target-wide SCC requests. This optimization assumes that the PBG files that we automatically retrieve from the SCC server will be considered up-to-date for 5 minutes before we automatically re-retrieve the PBG files for the next target-wide SCC request. The potential time savings for this optimization is quite significant in large targets (60+ PBLs). To control the refresh-rate of PBG files, use this PB.INI setting:



To turn of this optimization and force a re-synch of the PBG file each time, set SccPBGRefresh=0.

541300 Memory leak in dynamic SQL statement.
541411 With a Rich Text DataWindow the text does not get wrapped to the size of the control

as in previous versions but is wrapped to the page size.

Display of the DataWindow looks different then in previous versions with indentation

and gray outline.

541473 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.2_8599

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

Comments: In WebForm, the messagebox buttons Yes/No/Cancel should change from English to another language when setting ASP.NET "Culture" and "UI Culture" options. When running same application directly in client-server environment (outside WebForms) in Windows with another language than English (eg: Spanish), the buttons Yes/No/Cancel appear in the other language as expected (eg: Si/No/Cancelar in Spanish).

541699 All inserted rows are not displayed correctly and a vertical scroll bar does not work in preview mode right after calling dw.InsertRow().
541732 WebForm .Net Application

Clicking in an empty area of a DataWindow that has script in the clicked event

gives a System.ArgumentException

This problem is reproducible when deployed to some PC's but not on others.

541892 The problem happens if the table is the very first thing in the document. You are just not able to select the table to delete it. You can delete the contents. I loaded the doc into Word and I was able to detete it there, so it appears to be a PB problem. This is an exact match for the problem reported in CR 465670. That was for a richtext datawindow, this is a richtext control.
541991 EAS/PBVM Enhancement request to make handling the out of memory situation

more gracefully so that running processes can be finished first.

542062 Use Ellipsis not indexed in online help

DataWindow property "Use Ellipses" is *NOT* indexed in the PB Help file and can not be located via any search mechanism.

542114 Using Informix native driver : This gives -201 (Syntax Error) select tab1_id, :al_RetrArg from tab1 union select tab2_id, :al_RetrArg from tab2

->This works: select tab1_id, :al_RetrArg from tab1

As a workaround, DBParm DisableBind=1 can be used, but results in bad perfomance.

542158 Install PB 11.2 and PB 11.5 on the same machine and set both of them use served license.

1. if start PB 11.2 first, PB 11.5 will go to grace mode, PB 11.2 will work properly.

2. if start PB 11.5 first, both PB 11.5 and PB 11.2 work properly.

542159 When running a webform and trying to open a window with a rte datawindow, the following error occurs:

Attempted to read or write protected memory

From the online help, it states that RTE style datawindow is not supported with WebForm.

Customer would like to see PB catch the error and exit gracefully.

542169 When running webform app, behavior is not the same

as running in pbnative. The WebForm datawindow is not populated with the

Search Criteria.

542171 Install PB, select served license, but for server name and port number, input NOTHING. Continue install by proceed (without license). Start PB , PB will work in "evaluation mode". Then update to regular served license , the new license does not work.


Delete the old license file: pb115.lic.

The new license now works. The underlying reason is the old license file sitting on disk is confusing SySAM.

542182 In webforms tabbing to or clicking on an editmask field in selects the whole field instead of the cursor just being placed at the beginning of the field as in Win32.

Also in the test case as you tab through fields when you come to a dddw, it tabs to the next window control rather than continuing to tab through the datawindow columns.

542189 In PB 11.5, cannot deploy a webform that has a

sharedobject that is calling a webservice.

In PB 11.2, deploying a webform is ok. Getting the following error when calling it:

Current Thread State: Background

Method: System.Reflection.MethodInfo b()

Exception Type: System.NullReferenceException

Exception Message: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

at ql.b()

at ql.Invoke(PBSessionBase A_0)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBMethodQueue.ExecuteAll()

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.Web.PBSession.a()

Exception Source: Sybase.PowerBuilder.Common

Exception StackTrace: at ql.b()

at ql.Invoke(PBSessionBase A_0)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBMethodQueue.ExecuteAll()

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.Web.PBSession.a()

Exception Call Stack: at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo)

at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBLogger.a(Exception A_0, LogLevel A_1, Boolean A_2, Boolean A_3)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBLogger.a(Exception A_0, LogLevel A_1, Boolean A_2)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBLogger.a(Exception A_0, LogLevel A_1, Boolean A_2)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBLogger.LogException(Exception e, LogLevel logLevel)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBLogger.LogException(Exception e)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.Web.WebThread.a(Exception A_0)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.Web.WebThread.a(Object A_0)

at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback(Object state)

542197 The customer is using the HSplitScroll on a datawindow. If the splitter line is close to a dddw such that the drop down straddles the splitter line, after picking a new state if you then move the splitter, the part of the drop down on the right of the gray line stays with the gray line. It seems as if it is attached to the gray line. It only goes away if you click on some other column. It is a painting or refresh type of problem.
542204 Customer is crashing in pbdwe105.dll and would like us to review the crash dump. He previously received a one off (CR 485586) that fixed a similar crash. That fix should be included in the build (7635) that he has now upgraded to.
542210 In a computed field, trying to use a decimal datatype for an exponent results in an "Expecting NUMBER expression" error with both Powerbuilder 10.5.2 and 11.2. It is ok with Powerbuilder 9. Expression: ( field1 + field2 ) ^ field3
542361 Polish characters not rendred in a PDF file with saveAs function.
542396 Regression. This worked fine in PB 9. Normally in a dddw if you click into the column and get the drop down values, you can type a single character, and it will search and find the first dddw value that starts with that character. It will scroll the dddw if needed. It works slightly differently if you tab into the dddw column. Then you don't get the drop down, but the search still works. Type in a single character and it finds the first value that starts with that character and that value is displayed in the dddw column. This same behavior happens in a browser when the datawindow is displayed in HTML.

In PB 11 the search not happening in a browser if the datawindow Web Datawindow property is checked. This worked fine in PB 9. But in 11 if you click on the dddw column the search does not happen. It still happens if you tab into the column, but not when you click on it. It also seems like the drop down is differrent. It's static, always the same drop down, no matter what value is currently displayed. Normally if there is a value displayed in the dddw column and you click on it to get the drop down, the current value heads the list. But with Web Datawindow property checked, you always get a static dropdown of the initial values, and the single character search does not work.

542585 .NET Webform

Coding the ItemError Event in a DataWindow prevents DataWindow Clicked Event

to postback to the server when clicking in a column area.

542627 High resource usage of (GDI, User) resources with printing and scrolling of a complex large report.
542633 After you open a datawindow graph for the first

time and you are prompted to "Do you want to install DirectX?", if you hit

ok, the install appears to hang or not install at all on vista

542648 After issuing a disconnectserver() and then

destroying the connection object, the runtime monitor or netstat -a still

shows the connection is established.

542654 The customer has a PB app that calls a web service. When deployed and run locally this works fine. But if he deploys the PB app to a network drive, the webservice call does not work. The createinstance is successful, but the actual webservice call fails with a try catch SoapException error, but the error message is blank.
543077 On some large generated PSR files a crash occurs when trying to load the PSR file back in.
543203 some extra characters not rendred on Chinese XP.
543236 The customer is experiencing intermittent crashes when rebuilding a PB applications using the ORCA API. It appears to be related to SYSAM. A crash dump is submitted for Engineering analysis.
543262 11.5 Webforms on Vista SP1. A tab page with raggedright = false is chopping off tab text, and one tab is completely missing. On XP the same thing happens and there is an additional error message.
543385 PB 11 and PB 10.5.2 connecting to MS SQL Server 2005 with OLE DB driver. In the datawindow painter on the Compute tab, right click and list database functions. There are only 3 functions listed. But in PB 9 with the mss driver there were dozens of functions listed. In PB 11 with the new SNC native driver there are also dozens of functions listed.

For OLEDB this is controlled by the pbodb110.ini file. It is located in the C:\Program Files\Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder directory. In the [Microsoft SQL Server] section you'll see:


and in the [SYBASE_FUNCTIONS] section you'll see:




Only three functions listed. So the customer can edit this and add more functions.

This CR is a request to more properly populate the function list for MS SQL Server in the pbodb110.ini file. Let's start he user off with the same functions listed as with MSS or SNC.

543493 Problem trying to use an feature offered by the operator ie. to dial the number (*35*1234#) to use the feature (block incoming calls).

To send this by using the PhoneCall.MakeCall() function, doesn't work.

543625 ProfileString returns a string including the double quotes from the ini file, causing Connect to fail.
543644 OS: Windows 2003 SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PocketBuilder 2.5.1 Build 1155

Database/Driver File/Version: ASA 10.0.1_3722 with Mobilink


Application shuts down with GPF when starting Ultralite synchronization. The application shuts down abruptly and Event Viewer registers the GPF:

Faulting application PK25.exe, version, faulting module ulrt10.dll, version, fault address 0x0002f9f3.

The application, C:\Program Files\Sybase\PocketBuilder 2.5\PK25.exe, generated an application error The error occurred on 09/10/2008 @ 11:05:14.750 The exception generated was c0000005 at address 018EF9F3 (ulrt10!ULSimulateRuntimeAssertion)

The same crash happens with this application after deployed to a Pocket PC.

543671 The customer is claiming that PB generates the wrong SQL in a datawindow when nulls are involved in retrieval arguments (bind variables). Suppose a table T1 has 2 columns; A and B. The table has one row in it and column A has a value "Hello" and column B is null. The SQL statement: SELECT A, B FROM T1 WHERE B = NULL; This statement should return no rows because comparisons to null are always unknown even if the value being compared is null. So null = null evaluates to unknown not true, and behaves as false in the real world because it is not true.

In PowerBuilder a datawindow with a retrieval argument has this for SQL:




WHERE "MY_NULL"."B" = :s_argument

If the value of your retrieval argument is null PB generates the following SQL at run time:

SELECT "my_null"."a", "my_null"."b" FROM "my_null" WHERE ( "MY_NULL"."B" IS NULL )

This statement correctly returns the row where B is a null. But PB has changed SQL from B = NULL to B IS NULL, and it should not be doing this as they mean different things and return different result sets..

A quick analysis on the web confirms the technical correctness of the customer's argument. However it is a controversial area with many tools coming down on the side that PB has. And some as the customer points out (Oracle SQL Developer) coming down on the other side. Changing the behavior at this point would have a tremendous impact on existing customers. Perhaps Engineering could supply an explanation of why PB does what it does in this area?

543924 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 10.5.2_7699 and PB 11.2_8616

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

EAServer 6.2 and/or 5.5 for Windows

We deploy a dummy JSP page into EAServer 5.x or 6.x with the following HTML Code:

<P><IMG id="IMG1" src="../images/128_lg.jpg"></P>

After deploying the page, we enter the EAServer WebApplication directory and open the jsp page. The slashes are transformed into backslashes:

<P><IMG id="IMG1" src="..\images\128_lg.jpg"></P>

This causes some confusion for Internet Explorer when jsp is deployed to remote EAServer since it will look at local physical directory instead of virtual directory. As a result, images are not loaded.

543949 Webform is hanging in the debugger on the itemchanged

When a breakpoint is added in the uf_itemchanged of na_req_details in reqent_v.pbl.

Also triggered is the itemchanged in the uo_rules_req_detail in the reqent_v.pbl and

the itemchanged in the u_dwa_rules_1 in the inh_vuo_pbl.

RESOLUTION: Engineering provided workaround.

544054 When in the dberror event and using the powerscript function

throw xxx, pb will not throw to the exception instead it will continue on with the code.

When you call a webservice and the retrieve fails, it will trigger the dberror event.

In the dberror it has a statement: throw lse. Instead of throwing that exception,

it will continue will the next line of code in the getcustomerinfo.

RESOLUTION: PB does not support the exception/runtimeerror thrown in DBERROR Event

544352 When using the Sharepoint webservice and calling the GetList() function using EasySoap, the return value is null.

RESOLUTION: PB does not support Any return type because we do not know the exact type ,and so we can not map it to a PB data type.

VS .Net WebService treats its XmlNode derived type as the WSDL Any type.And VS.Net treats the Any type in WSDL as XmlNode type.I guess the Sharepoint webservice is made by VS.Net platform.So Visual Studio.Net can consume it .


1. At design time, use Web Service as normal: choose to use ".NET engine" so that Pb will generate a new assembly (mytest.dll, for example in this testcase).

2. Create a WinForm target based on the existing PB target(sharepoint.pbl).

3. Go to the property dialog of the new Winform target -- right click the new Winform target and choose properties

4. Go to the ".NET Assemblies" tab to add mytest.dll as reference

5. using the following code to call the web service.

#if defined PBWINFORM then

WebService.Lists ws

ws = create WebService.Lists

ws.PreAuthenticate = true

ws.Credentials = create System.Net.NetworkCredential("sharepointsetup", "xocu3xxxxri", "xxxxx")

ws.Url ="https://xxxxxxx/sites/xtestxxxx/_vti_bin/lists.asmx"

System.Xml.XmlNode node1

node1 = ws.GetList( "Announcements")

string ss

ss = node1.OuterXml

messagebox("OK", ss)

#end if

544377 The customer has an ASE stored procedure that has a float datatype as the resultset. He is retrieveing this into a datawindow column of type decimal. It works OK in PB 10.2. But after migrating to PB 10.5 where decimals have changed and have 28 digits of precision he is gettimg the wrong value. Wrong by many magnitudes. The value in the database was loaded as scientific notation.

Database value: 2.06479860179892282E-016.

PB 10.2 decimal column: 0.000000000000000206 (correct for 18 digits precision)

PB 10.5 decimal column: 20647986017989224 (incorrect decimal point)

10.5 decimal value should be 0.00000000000000020647986017989224

544416 When setting the 'Autosize Height' property to 'On' on computed fields in DataWindows, upon saving the DW the DataWindow Error: line.., column.. Incorrect Syntax appears.
544419 A DW column has an expression in its Format property depending on the value of another column that gets a linefeed and carriage return set in the item. This will cause PB to disappear.
544462 When adding a computed field in the header of a

group datawindow, pb will crash at:


PBDWE110!dwexpr_eval_aggr+6c [e:\pb11\dw\engine\common\dwexprd.cpp @ 284]

1087a1dc 8b14b2 mov edx,[edx+esi*4]


0012de30 1087aeff 05c5f994 00000000 0012dfc0 PBDWE110!dwexpr_eval_aggr+0x6c [e:\pb11\dw\engine\common\dwexprd.cpp @ 284]

0012df34 1087e8a8 0012df5c 01531e48 0012dfc0 PBDWE110!dwexpr_eval_datetime+0x49f [e:\pb11\dw\engine\common\dwexprd.cpp @ 218]

0012df64 1087fae4 0012dfc0 00000000 0153138c PBDWE110!dwexpr_eval_stringdatetime+0x18 [e:\pb11\dw\engine\common\dwexprs.cpp @ 2690]

0012df74 1087f945 015313b4 0012dfc0 0153138c PBDWE110!dwexpr_eval_string+0x344 [e:\pb11\dw\engine\common\dwexprs.cpp @ 238]

0012df8c 10868323 0153138c 0012dfc0 012226b8 PBDWE110!dwexpr_eval_string+0x1a5 [e:\pb11\dw\engine\common\dwexprs.cpp @ 287]

0012e804 107fcd3f 012073b0 0102fb88 0012e848 PBDWE110!dwexpr_compute_gob+0x213 [e:\pb11\dw\engine\common\dwexpr.cpp @ 605]

Trying to add the following computed field:

string(first(start_date for group 1))

544531 DataWindow column of decimal type does NOT correctly show decimal places in .NET Web Forms application. Example: type in 1.888888 it shows 1.888888, instead of 1.89
544600 When a datawindow query is created in graphical mode in PB, it contains copious white space in the form of tabs and spaces. This is a request to decrease query size sent to the database by eliminating the unnecessary white spaces in query prior to executing the query.
544602 Internal SOAP Processing Failure

The .Net SOAP enveloppe request is found to be empty with certain complex datatypes

544616 If a datawindow retrieves a value of say 12.123456789 and the editmask for the decimal column in the datawindow has less precision say ###.##### the value displayed is rounded. In the above example 12.12346 is displayed. Notice the 5 has been rounded up to a 6. Is this correct behavior for an editmask? I would think it should just truncate and display 12.12345 That's what this customer wants as well. But this is one of those things that people will want one way or the other. Can we let the user choose? Like a Rounding checkbox that is checked by default, but would truncate if unchecked? If this can be done, please provide the same capability in the Editmask control as well.
544801 Request for Crash dump analysis. is on \\sorcerer\testcases\public\11400000

and on \\adc-cn-pbbld\pse_folder. The zip contains the dump file.

Powerbuilder 11.1, EAServer 5.5, ASE 12.5 and OpenClient 12.5.

They have 20 servers in a cluster. Six of them are naming servers. They weren't sure, but the datawindows they have problems with could be composite or nested.

544884 Strange phenomenon when a response window has a datawindow containing several DropDownDatawindows on it. The Fonts are not fitting into the columns any longer. After changing the edit style back to edit, the phenomen is gone.
544906 Wrong value for bNilIsNull property in the XHTML javascript generated.
544930 Customer believes that to be full .NET CLS compliant that

PB should be able to throw an exception from anywhere.

From cr544054, there is an restriction that you cannot throw an exception/runtimeerror

from the dberror event.

544932 The customer had PB 11.2 working fine with served license. He generated a served license for PB 11.5. The license generation process implied the license was good for 11.5, 11.2 and 11.1. He put the new license on the same sysam server as before and installed PB 11.5.

But when he tries to run either PB 11.2 or PB 11.5 it crashes out of PB. The TSE tried to repro here and for him he can start either PB, but only in eval mode, the customer is not even getting that. Similar to CR 542158.

544957 Customer is calling a stored procedure in MS SQL Server as an RPC declared in the transaction object. Connection is SNC or OLE DB. The routine is returning a value of 40243717 declared as a numeric(14,0) into a decimal argument in the RPC and a decimal variable in PB. The value in PB is just 4. If you use a PB double as the argument and variable, then the correct value is returned.
544993 Found inconsistency in the manual "Application Techniques PowerBuilder 11.0".

Please see the following 2 explanations:

(1) It says on page 760 : "you must always rebuild the entire application and deliver all the dynamic libraries to customers where you make a revision to any library."


(2) It says on page 762: "If changes are isolated and do not affect inherited objects in other PBSs, you might be able to distribute individual PBDs to your users to provide an upgrade or bug fix."

545067 Names of the javascript files in XHTML change when using SetFullState
545089 When pressing the function keys (f1-f12), they either

do not trigger the pbm_keydown event or they trigger some other windows function.

For example, when I hit F6 on the WM5 emulator the volume control pops up. When

I hit F2 the pbm_keydown event doesn't fire.

From MSN:

F2 maps to VK_F2 (0x71) and F4 maps to VK_F4 (0x73)

545197 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 10.5.2_7757

Database/Driver File/Version: MS SQL Server 2000 - connecting via PB ODB interface

Comments: DECLARE...PROCEDURE / EXECUTE fails when executed from within a PB NVO component. But the same code works fine when executed within standard client server application and procedure returns one row in resultset as expected.

545325 add support for MTOM PB .Net
545354 PocketBuilder IDE will crash during a Full Rebuild

when an object is saved with a maximum length object name (40 chars).

545361 The customer is using the PowerBuilder PrintSetup() function and selecting a printer and an orientation of landscape. But if the printer name is long, greater than 30 characters, the orientation is lost and the datawindow is printed as Portrait.
545373 The customer upgraded his .Net Framework 2.0 with a service patch that gets him to build .Net Framework Version 2.0.50727.832. But this upgrade breaks PB 11.5 web service functionality. He can't generate a web service proxy with this upgrade.
545441 A WebForm Window Dynamic Function call causes a CS0645: Identifier too long error on deployment.
545442 PB crashing when trying to connect to StarTeam

or when selecting a starteam project

Using the workaround of CreateJavaVM=0 does not appear to work in PB 11.5.

RESOLUTION: Works ok in PB 11.5 (build 3045) using CreateJavaVM=0. But it is

not working in PB 11.5 GA. You also need to null out the JDK and JRE path under Tools/System Options in the PB IDE.

545479 Groupboxes are not sizing properly on .net webform.

Group boxes appear longer and it interferes with the rest of the format of the page.

Using the w_m_ftp_account_setup window in the ftpacct.pbl.

545480 Incorrect Popup menu displays on WebForm.

When you rmb on the requisition id field in PBNative, you see the following items

on the popup menu:








Print Label

When you run the same app in PB .NET WebForm, the following items appear on the

popup menu:







Using the w_print_shipping_label window in the label.pbl.

Rbuttondown code is in the dw_row_count on the w_print_shipping_label

545483 When you tab out of a column, it is not triggering a retrieve.

Problem happens in 2 places:

w_print_shipping_label in the labels.pbl

w_m_setup_user in the users.pbl

RESOLUTION: Workaround found. Added i_uo_header.taborder to the sle and then

was able to retrieve by tabbing out.

545487 When pasting into a stringmask whose mask is # allowing only numeric digits,

blanks gets inserted when letters are pasted and and dots gets inserted when

pasting fractional values.

545494 RightToleft Text in a Menu is diplayed mirrored.
545536 Popup menu won't display in webform. When you rmb

on the item id or warehouse column, a popup menu should appear but does not.

Works ok in PBNative. Using the w_m_report_item_audit in the itmaudit.pbl.

545555 Checkbox text displays differently in Webforms than Win32.
545562 A popup menu does not disply in WebForms.
545569 Clicking on a treeview item gets Unexpected error was thrown, the browser will be closed!
545607 Aplication with tabcontrol, inheritance and code in resize events of objects and ancestor objects.

Custom objects are not properly initialized in the Resize event having size 0.

545634 A datawindow that has a rich text column will cause the Powerbuilder ide to crash when setting the autosize height of the column and the detail band to true. According to the PB 11.5 release notes this is a known issue and installing the .NET 3.5 Framework would solve the problem.
545675 Text in Header not displayed after making a column visible in a DW grid
545778 When running an executable where a user does

not have admin privileges, the following error appears:

Unicode Font Substitution

PowerBuilder failed to change the Unicode font substitution. You must run

at least once with administrator privileges to complete this process

Problem happens on winxp and vista. Worked ok in PB 11.2 where user did not

have admin privileges.

PowerBuilder Engineering has determined that this font substitution logic is no longer necessary in PB 11.5. With this fix applied, the initialization logic that leads to this FDCC warning has been removed.

545819 Adding PBTrimCharColumns='YES' to the DB2 entries in the pbodb115.ini file no longer works in PB 11.5. Worked fine in PB 11.2.
545823 Customer getting an random exception_int_divide_by_zero


The following appears in the Jaguar log file:

Oct 03 13:46:46 2008: 0000007788 PB INTERNAL EXCEPTION on: Thread : 7788, Address : 0x0E4C9C9E, Type : EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO. CPB_Component::invoke

Oct 03 13:46:46 2008: 0000007788 Dump Ignored

Oct 03 13:46:46 2008: 0000007788 Fatal Error Occurs when try to invoke PB method of_getreport in CISReport4CIS/n_cst_bso_rpt_interface_mgr.

Oct 03 13:46:46 2008: 0000007788 Fatal Error Occurs in PB Component, Jaguar Terminated.

545928 Customer getting a random exception access violation error.



08a5c1e3 8b6d00 mov ebp,[ebp]

EXCEPTION_RECORD: ffffffff -- (.exr ffffffffffffffff)

ExceptionAddress: 08a5c1e3 (PBDWE110!dwTableAggrSortCmp+0x00009303)

ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)

ExceptionFlags: 00000000

NumberParameters: 2

Parameter[0]: 00000000

Parameter[1]: 00000007

Attempt to read from address 00000007

545982 Exception access violation in the pbvm:



082aa05a 668b5cd102 mov bx,[ecx+edx*8+0x2]

EXCEPTION_RECORD: ffffffff -- (.exr ffffffffffffffff)

ExceptionAddress: 082aa05a (PBVM110!ob_type_vtable_module_srch+0x000000aa)

ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)

RESOLUTION: Problem was a group loader issue in the pbvm. Fix is in PB 11.2 (build 8669) and after.

546053 Customer has an application that passes blobs using PB 10.5.x and EAServer 6.1 using JDK 1.4. With PB 10.5.1 this worked fine but with PB 10.5.2 they are now crashing with the following at the end of their log file:

2008-10-02 17:29:48.619 INFO Thread-70 [JaguarServer] Warning: protocol "iiops" not supported.

2008-10-02 17:29:48.697 INFO Thread-70 [JaguarServer] n_case: : Jaguar Component Property Error: '' Not Found.

2008-10-02 17:29:48.712 INFO Thread-70 [JaguarServer] n_case: : File : C:\Apps\Astellas\11477533\d_wf_crf_status_report.dat

2008-10-02 17:29:48.712 INFO Thread-70 [JaguarServer] n_case: : File Opened Successfully

2008-10-02 17:29:48.712 INFO Thread-70 [JaguarServer] n_case: : Blob Size : 175988

2008-10-02 17:29:49.806 INFO Thread-70 [JaguarServer] n_case: : File : C:\Apps\Astellas\11477533\d_wf_crf_status_report.dat

2008-10-02 17:29:49.806 INFO Thread-70 [JaguarServer] n_case: : File Opened Successfully

2008-10-02 17:29:49.806 INFO Thread-70 [JaguarServer] n_case: : Blob Size : 175988

2008-10-02 17:29:51.322 INFO Thread-70 [JaguarServer] n_case: : File : C:\Apps\Astellas\11477533\d_wf_crf_status_report.dat

2008-10-02 17:29:51.322 INFO Thread-70 [JaguarServer] n_case: : File Opened Successfully

2008-10-02 17:29:51.322 INFO Thread-70 [JaguarServer] n_case: : Blob Size : 175988

546065 Customer seeing an access violation error in the pbshr:



07d2c502 833800 cmp dword ptr [eax],0x0

EXCEPTION_RECORD: ffffffff -- (.exr ffffffffffffffff)

ExceptionAddress: 07d2c502 (PBSHR110!PbHeap_free+0x00000412)

ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)

ExceptionFlags: 00000000

NumberParameters: 2

Parameter[0]: 00000000

Parameter[1]: 240a0d0d

Attempt to read from address 240a0d0d

546206 Handle(w_mdi_frame.mdi_1) failing in WinForm, it returns a zero. Handle(w_mdi_frame) is working.
546440 Enhancement Request to be able to use UNC filepaths with .net Webform applications

for using file operations like FileOpen, FileRead, FileWrite

546482 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: 10.5.2 build 7757 and 11.2 build 8616

Database/Driver File/Version: PBODB interface, connecting to MySQL 6.0

Comments: In DW Painter, when creating a dw based on two tables with a relationship between them, a GPF occurs at PBUDO105.dll (See dmp and log files attached to reproduction for details).

It works fine when tables involved have no relationship between them.

546561 Net WebForm:

PBCommandParm not correct sometimes for multiple client sessions on same PC.

546654 Request of a feature that allows the programmer to access the last modification date of an object in code.
546675 Proxy generation converts complex datatype Any to String.
546855 Enhancement request to add ADO .NET support for DataDirect Connect for ADO.NET 3.1 driver.
546860 Passing a negative value to the tan() results in a PowerBuilder Execution Error (R0005) Application terminated. Error: Negative value encountered in function.

This only occurs when used in a machine code executable. Running in both the IDE and a Pcode executable does not result in the error.

546974 Start from PB11, it is support to use "OpenUserObject" & "OpenUserObjectWithParm" to dynamically create userobjects in .NET WebForm.

It is recently discovered that user cannot use "TAB" key to move focus in controls of

userobjects, which is dynamically opened by those functions.

547192 Instance variables defined as Arrays in a PB Component crashes Jaguar.
547215 Performance issue running in process dual interface

com server.

In PB 9 the response time was less than a second when simulating 100 concurrent users.

In PB 11, the response time dramatically increases.

RESOLUTION: Engineering suggested to upgrade to PB 11.5 (it has better performance

for com) and suggested a coding change to improve performance.

547222 When clicking into the Item ID column, it triggers the

itemchanged event which produces an error. Then if you tab into the Item ID and enter a value and then tab out, the ItemChanged event doesn't appear to fire.

547243 When using the Zebra Z4M Plus (200 dpi) print driver

and trying to preview and datawindow of type label, it causes the print preview

to be greyed out.

RESOLUTION: Paper size was left blank. By using Default(0) for the paper size

resolved the issue.

547500 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.2_8616 and 11.5_2506

Database/Driver File/Version: PBODB interface connecting to DafaFlex

Comments: PB displays DataFlex tables columns and data truncated in DB Painter. When displaying "Edit Data - Grid", the 1st column with one row is displayed, only. When querying via ISQL Session, all columns are displayed, but only one row.

547537 The dddw (U/M) column appears to disappear when a message

box appears.

Works ok in PBNative.

547589 When using DWSyntax for the script to modify a column's UseFormat or UseEllipses the script is not displayed.
547595 In EAServer 6 Corba Components Guide error regarding PB Errorlogging.

According to the doc:


CHAPTER 5 Developing and Deploying PowerBuilder Components

CORBA Components Guide

The PowerBuilder ErrorLogging class writes errors to

%DJC_HOME%\logs\pb-server.log. To use PowerScript to create an instance

of the class and to log messages, use the following syntax:

ErrorLogging logger

getContextService("ErrorLogging", logger)

logger.log("My Message")


The errorlogging component writes to the system log, not "pb-server.log"

547696 When using BuildFromString with PB 11.2 Build 8616 on EAS 5.5 it gives an exception Error calling method of a PBNI object when 'Include unreferenced objects in consolidated PBD' is not checked for deployment of pbdom library.
547732 When on the Objects tab in a .net web service project,

when you change the message name, it changes it in the wsdl but the

operation name doesn't change and customer believes it should.

<wsdl:operation name="of_return_name">

547953 A GetItemString function will execute the computing column of row not existing.
548019 Setfilter function in dynamic crosstab datawindow is not working when columns returned from Describe function are used to build filter string.
548041 Customer getting an access violation in pbsyj.

From the stack trace, problem may be happening further down:

3c9ed528 09794896 616e614d 00000000 00000000 PBSYJ110!Syc1_GetError+0x2a [e:\pb11\db\sycli\pbsyc1.cpp @ 4107]

3c9ed53c 0979b7c4 616e614d 0000000c 00000001 PBSYJ110!Syc1_PutError+0x16 [e:\pb11\db\sycli\pbsyc1.cpp @ 2656]

3c9ee59c 20726576 616e614d 5d726567 74614420 PBSYJ110!Syc1_DoJaguarLogin+0x444 [e:\pb11\db\sycli\pbsyc1.cpp @ 6762]

WARNING: Frame IP not in any known module. Following frames may be wrong.

3c9ee630 097925f7 0c191818 00000000 004c2c59 0x20726576

3c9ee684 085c51e3 0c191818 0bca9968 0ccc9064 PBSYJ110!PB_DB_Rout+0x737 [e:\pb11\db\sycli\pbsyc1.cpp @ 1126]

3c9ee698 08a7edde 0b6edec8 0c62e9b8 0ce14470 PBSHR110!DBI_LogIn+0x123 [e:\pb11\shared\pbshr\pbdbi1.cpp @ 1481]

3c9ee714 08b29e45 0c191818 0c13b2b8 0bca9968 PBVM110!rtdb_start+0x27e [e:\pb11\runtime\obtools\otdbwork.cpp @ 2143]

3c9ee728 08a84ae9 0bca9968 090d43e4 0bca9968 PBVM110!sfdb_start+0x45 [e:\pb11\runtime\semfuncs\sfdbsem3.cpp @ 286]

3c9ee838 08a07fca 0bca9968 090cde3a 090d4310 PBVM110!rt_exec_pcode+0x249 [e:\pb11\runtime\engine\rtengine.cpp @ 845]

3c9ee88c 08a075d9 00008002 0ccd2404 00000034 PBVM110!OB_RUNTIME_CLASS::invoke+0x9da [e:\pb11\runtime\obj_mgr\obclass.cpp @ 2745]

3c9ee8d4 08a25dbd 0bca9968 0ccd2404 00000034 PBVM110!OB_RUNTIME_CLASS::invoke+0x1c9 [e:\pb11\runtime\obj_mgr\obclass.cpp @ 2320]

3c9ee8f8 08a73696 00000000 00000034 00000000 PBVM110!OB_OBJECT_LOCAL::invoke+0x2d [e:\pb11\runtime\obj_mgr\obobjloc.cpp @ 1262]

3c9ee970 08b26d5a 0bca9968 000001f8 00000000 PBVM110!ot_process_dotfunccall+0x4c6 [e:\pb11\runtime\obtools\otcalls.cpp @ 331]

3c9ee994 08a84ae9 0bca9968 0bcc2582 0bca9968 PBVM110!sf_dotfunccall+0x3a [e:\pb11\runtime\semfuncs\sfcalls.cpp @ 90]

3c9eeaa4 08a07fca 0bca9968 0bcc73c2 0b38b0b8 PBVM110!rt_exec_pcode+0x249 [e:\pb11\runtime\engine\rtengine.cpp @ 845]

3c9eeaf8 08a075d9 00008002 0ccd2404 00000059 PBVM110!OB_RUNTIME_CLASS::invoke+0x9da [e:\pb11\runtime\obj_mgr\obclass.cpp @ 2745]

3c9eeb40 08a25dbd 0bca9968 0ccd2404 00000059 PBVM110!OB_RUNTIME_CLASS::invoke+0x1c9 [e:\pb11\runtime\obj_mgr\obclass.cpp @ 2320]

3c9eeb64 08a5f28c 00000000 00000059 359a0006 PBVM110!OB_OBJECT_LOCAL::invoke+0x2d [e:\pb11\runtime\obj_mgr\obobjloc.cpp @ 1262]

3c9eebb8 08ad5cbd 00000000 359a9480 0c8d419c PBVM110!OB_OREQ_INVOKE::Execute+0x14c [e:\pb11\runtime\obj_mgr\obremreq.cpp @ 245]

3c9eebec 08ad69c7 0c8d419c 00000001 34d04528 PBVM110!CPB_Object::ExecRequest+0x2bd [e:\pb11\runtime\dpb\jagserv\objagsrv.cpp @ 2599]

3c9eec28 08ad71a3 0d760aac 34d04528 089f63ee PBVM110!CPB_Object::doInvoke+0x267 [e:\pb11\runtime\dpb\jagserv\objagsrv.cpp @ 1789]

3c9eec34 089f63ee 0c8d419c 34d04528 08ad44be PBVM110!tryInvoke+0x13 [e:\pb11\runtime\dpb\jagserv\objagsrv.cpp @ 1654]

3c9eec40 08ad44be 08ad7190 0c8d419c 34d04528 PBVM110!srv_catch_exception+0xe [e:\pb11\runtime\obj_mgr\objagm.cpp @ 7683]

3c9eec54 08ad77ba 08ed73a0 08ad7190 0c8d419c PBVM110!OB_JAGLIB::ob_srv_catch_exception+0x1e [e:\pb11\runtime\h\objagm.h @ 865]

3c9eeca4 08ad6d7d 0c8d419c 34d04528 359a9480 PBVM110!CPB_Object::invoke+0x6a [e:\pb11\runtime\dpb\jagserv\objagsrv.cpp @ 1599]

3c9eecec 004961c2 0ce16888 34d04528 34d045e4 PBVM110!PBObject_invoke+0x16d [e:\pb11\runtime\dpb\jagserv\objagsrv.cpp @ 2904]

3c9eed08 00423075 34d04528 34d045e4 00000000 libjdispatch!Jaguar_Properties::allocbuf+0xa2

3c9eef34 0042c54d 3c9ef8e8 00000000 364672e0 libjdispatch!CORBA_SystemException::CORBA_SystemException+0x35 [Y:\calm\conn\itg\distrib\generic\include\JagORB.hpp @ 106]

3c9efa2c 0044d8ef 34d04528 01ab9a20 34d045e4 libjdispatch!CTS_Component::getSpecifiedIdentity+0xaf4 [Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\ @ 3384]

3c9efe64 0044f15d 01ab9a20 01ab9a20 3c9efe88 libjdispatch!_Ex_CosNaming_NamingContext::resolve+0x29f [Y:\calm\conn\itg\distrib\generic\include\CosNaming_NamingContext.hpp @ 1585]

3c9efe74 005fa5c6 01ab9a20 3c9efe90 01ab9a20 libjdispatch!CosNaming_NamingContextExt::bind_context+0x8d [Y:\calm\conn\itg\distrib\generic\include\CosNaming_NamingContextExt.hpp @ 987]

3c9efe88 005c2ee4 3c9efec8 005c2e5b 01ab9a20 libjsrv!srv__act_thread_props+0x671 [Y:\calm\conn\itg\srvlib\generic\src\ostprops.c @ 2088]

3c9efe90 005c2e5b 01ab9a20 0044f140 01ab9a20 libjsrv!srv_alloc_SybHeap+0x4a [Y:\calm\conn\itg\srvlib\generic\src\alloc.c @ 101]

3c9efec8 005c3096 0b7e3dd4 02c866cc 00000000 libjsrv!srv_alloc2+0x2b [Y:\calm\conn\itg\srvlib\generic\src\alloc.c @ 54]

3c9efefc 003bc609 00e2482c 0b7e3dd4 3c9eff18 libjsrv!srv_callback+0x36 [Y:\calm\conn\itg\srvlib\generic\src\callback.c @ 51]

3c9eff5c 003bad0e 03a23c88 003bc500 0103a7e8 libjtcl!dict_cant_modify+0x513

3c9eff74 00392b97 00000000 36466fa8 3c9effb8 libjtcl!dict_read+0x26e [Y:\calm\conn\itg\netlib\generic\dcl\dc_ini.c @ 182]

3c9eff84 77bcb530 36466fa8 00000000 00000000 libjtml!tml_recursive_mutex_unlock+0x1f [Y:\calm\conn\itg\tmlib\generic\src\win32_synch.c @ 383]

3c9effb8 77e64829 3645bfe8 00000000 00000000 msvcrt!_endthreadex+0xa3

3c9effec 00000000 77bcb4bc 3645bfe8 00000000 kernel32!BaseThreadStart+0x34

RESOLUTION: Root cause is the DBMS of PB was not the same as the DBMS of EAS connection.

The customer has identified how this happened, and will

make the necessary fix.

548140 If there is a column type: date or datetime in datawindow and all rows have NULL value in that column, PowerBuilder returns strange results calling max(column) function.
548145 Fetch output in SQL server stored as type float is not converted into PB type decimal ? the implicit conversion doesn't work.
548151 When generating a executable and a bitmap is missing,

it causes the compile to fail with a linker error.

Problem happens for mcode and pcode.

In PB 10.5.2, when the exe failed, it generated the following message:

Unresolved resource 'mybmp.bmp'referenced from object ''

The same message should appear in PB 11.2 and PB 11.5.

548268 Log file errors and crash in Orca with complex modified PFC application with many level inherited large menu's.

Error C0163: The definition of referenced global variable gnv_app was improperly compiled in object a_producim_xx999

Error C0046: Illegal datatype for within clause: m_edit

548295 The customer has a PBDOM application that runs well. But if he uses SetLibraryList to change the library list in an exe it crashes. AddToLibraryList appears to work OK.
548412 Enhancement request:

Request to be able to declare initial values for structures

548563 Calling Javascript in clicked event of a datawindow. The Javascript code contains sender.SelectRow(rnumber,true) selects the row but its hardly readable.
548564 Calling Javascript in clicked event of a datawindow. The Javascript code contains sender.SelectRow(0,false) does not deselect the rows.
548566 When try to use paging method XMLClientSide! to have selectrow only happening on the client side (reducing postbacks), it seems not behaving according to documentation.
548569 Datawindow not displayed when a dataobject was not set for ancestor.
548711 When libraries are located in other directory than target it will result in empty PBDs in the deplomyment directory.
548712 When deploying the target it will result in error: message in output window "error when compiling C# code".
548908 When a tooltip is being set dynamically for a column and

then the datawindow is reset, the previous value tooltip still shows up even though

that row is no longer there.

For example, a datawindow has 5 rows. Tooltip.tip is being set at runtime

in a computed expression using setitem. You place the cursor at row 4 then dw.reset

is processed and 1 row is then added. When you move the cursor over to where

it was previously to the dw_1.reset, the tooltip for the 'reset' row still shows.

549020 When inserting Data (InsertRow, SetItem) into a DataWindow that has a nested Datawindow (Report) a memory leak appears. If this is done many times the leak becomes obvious and the applications slow down and may crash in the end.
549045 DirList function does not work with backslash \ notation for filespec argument anymore. Now forward slash / works !
549057 Customer's webform application will not deploy. Receiving several of following errors on some objects:

f_transit_reconciliation_tout_tin(QSSWWWWSSSBSSSLS)(688,295): error CS0026: Keyword 'this' is not valid in a static property, static method, or static field initializer

All the objects that are reporting errors are using Exectute Immediate and other database functions. I do not see anything in the code that is not supported.

One other thing to note is that this is the same testcase as CR 545441 and after that was fixed and verified, other new deployment errors were reported and these ended up being objects that the customer had edited the source code and I was able to correct those errors.

549406 Multithreaded applications using sharedobject can start to hang using machine code in certain szenarios.
549416 Memory leaks are experienced in a complex nested report.
549474 Cannot enter data in column when querymode = 'yes' override edit is checked and modified background.color.



549593 DataWindow columns of type number, decimal or real get a errornous value when entering or pasting a value raised to power 2 or 3.

When using editmasks the issue does not occur.

549594 Calling multiple SyntaxFromSql in a loop creates memory leak.

The leak might be related to SyntaxFromSql in combination with other functions.

549624 There is a problem with polish characters in the Rich Text Edit Control.

The � "z" with dot above ("ż") entered as Right Alt (Alt Gr) + Z

on a Polish keyboard clears text in RTE instead of entering the z dot.

549629 In the properties of a datawindow control, there are 2 icon dropdowns. One is on the General tab (Icon) and one is on the Other tab (DragIcon). In both cases the icon for Hand! is incorrect. It is the Error! icon instead. This problem is wider than just the datawindow. It seems that anywhere icons are listed the Hand! icon is incorrect.
549804 Sometimes a black line appears in header while scrolling a DataWindow in printpreview mode.
549807 Allow transparent assignments from describe to modify for strings with quotes.

If a text field in a DataWindow contains single and double quotes it is not easy to use the described string, change it and apply it with modify(). Since the string contains the special characters the tilde nesting needs to be added, which makes it quite complicated.

549811 Memory Leak when just opening and closing objects in the Painter
549840 The customer has a richtext datawindow. They are doing an InsertDocument of an html file that has apostrophe characters that are displayed as squares in the dw. The testcase supplied by the customer has an html file with a hex 92 apostrophe character. It displays as an apostrophe in the browser, but when the html file is inserted into a richtext datawindow those hex 92 characters display as a square.
549991 Trying to call a ASE 15.0.2 SQL function returns the following


The request for procedure 'fn_count_grp_attr' failed because 'fn_count_grp_attr' is a SQL function object.

RESOLUTION: Call SQL function like any ASE function. To use it in embedded sql, use:

SELECT dbo.fn_override_cnt_grp_attr(:li_grp_id) INTO :ll_grp_attr_count FROM dt_override_grp_attr USING SQLCA;

550226 Enhancement Request:

Support the use of a cursor or pointer with .NET WebForm applications.

550361 Enhancement Request:

An option or property to leave the vertical column Scrollbar visible,

when a multiline DataWindow column looses focus, behaving similar to a multiline control on a window.

550370 Customer has an application which exists in source control system. The source controls system contains all source files, so the *.pbt, *.pbg, *.sr files containing all sources of my application. There should be a way to recreate the libraries from these sources in the IDE.
550381 An app is set up to run in x number of iterations where

is it opening a window and retrieving to a dw and then closing the window, you

can see that available keeps dropping.

The application is monitoring memory by using the GlobalMemoryStatus api

RESOLUTION: Not a bug. App needed to run longer to see that memory stabilized.

550409 When rmb in the toolbar area and then clicking

on the 'Window' menu item, the items appended to the Window menu appear corrupt.

What shows up is:


- Tile Horizontal

- Tile Vertical

- Layer

- Cascade


- Arrange Icons


- Alliant Tools

- Tools for Instances

- Tools for Instances

- Alliant Tools

What should be showing up is:


- Tile Horizontal

- Tile Vertical

- Layer

- Cascade


- Arrange Icons


- Alliant Tools

- Tools for Instances


- 1 Instances

550413 After opening several sheets from the toolbar in an

mdi application and then clicking on the menu item of 'Window', pb will crash

with an access violation in the PBVM:



pMRenderer->OnMeasureItem(pRTMenu, pMeasureItem);

550494 Text in help says that Sybase ASE and Microsoft SQL Server users must set the AutoCommit property of the transaction object to true before calling the SELECTBLOB function, but this is not true when the snc or oledb interfaces are being used.
550500 The setrowfocusindicator icon (hand!) overlaps

dw edit type of checkbox in PB .NET Webform.

550505 The rbuttondown event of a datawindow is not triggered in the right way after closing respondswindow and do a right mouse button click the first time.
550638 When opening a response or popup window with center property set, it will show top left for a moment and then centers. When running another time, it will appear centered right away.
550662 Customer wants to migrate to PB 11.5 and needs to use

the webservices using the .Net engine. Now the results are returned but they cannot be accessed correctly. Object seems to be null.

550665 .Net Webform Application

With a long operation sometimes the pointer doesn't return back from hourglass to the default pointer until the mouse is moved.

550954 When a Window is imported from another project it could lose MOP View settings - and hence cause a wrong display at runtime.
551061 Request to provide either an option for installing pbvm EBF's into EAServer when no PowerBuilder IDE is installed or document with the EBF which files to install into EAServer.
551125 The customer calls an Oracle stored procedure function via a transaction object RPC call. The function is overloaded in Oracle and PB is calling one of the overloaded functions. Three of the arguments in the function call are arrays. This worked fine in PB 8.0.2 using the O84 driver. They migrated to PB 11 and it still works fine with the O84 driver. However using the O10 driver it crashes PB. If the function is not overloaded,it works OK with O10. If the array arguments are removed it also works.

This appears to be a PB problem as it works with O84 and it also works when calling the function from SQLPlus. Only PB 11 using O10 driver crashes.

551126 Customer is requesting a review of their crash file.

Customer is crashing on their PowerBuilder client in PBSHR115.dll after a WSDL call and some EAServer activity. The crash file only contains a first chance exception.

551309 You can not copy a .jpg file and then paste (Ctrl V) it into an RTE control at runtime. You can paste a copied .bmp file. However you can copy and paste a .jpg file into Word.
551432 When printing a rte control using the print() function

and the copies argument is set to a value greater than 1, only 1 copy gets


551437 If you create a function with one prototype and then create a new function from the original using SaveAs it is resulting in two function prototypes after changing the definition.
551454 In PB 11.5 calling an Oracle stored procedure as an RPC via the transaction object. Passing in an array of strings. In Oracle there are 2 extra characters added to each array element string; a null, and some other character. So an array element say of one character "1" arrives in Oracle as "1 e" with the middle character a null.

This also failed in earlier builds of 11.2. But it does not fail in 11.2 build 8649. In the 11.2 builds that do fail with the O10 driver, using O84 driver does not fail.

In PB 11.5 there is no O84 driver, so it is paramount that this is fixed in 11.5 as it is in PB 11.2 build 8649 as there is no other alternative.

551467 OLEDB to MS SQL Server 2005. Customer has a table with almost 400 columns. He has a datawindow and is using a stored procedure to update. When updating a row PB crashes.
551567 With EjbClient proxy generation the type string is generated in the proxies for java public string arrays.
551588 When using shareddata and reselectrow on the primary dw,

the secondary dw resyncs back to row 1, column 1.




dw_1.reselectrow(10) dw_1 current row is 10 but dw_2 current row is 1 causing

rowfocuschanged to fire for dw_2 as well

551597 An optional argument should be added to either

sharedata or the following functions:




So that they would keep the shared dws in sync in terms of the current row.

For example, if you are sharing data and do a reselectrow(10) on the primary

dw, the secondary dw with sync to row 1 instead of row 10 which is what the primary

dw is set to.

551684 the Tooltip is displayed when a condition on a row of a datawindow is met, but is still displayed when you scroll down with the keyboard and the condition is not met anymore.

Workaround: Add for instance the lines in the rowfocuschanged event of the dw.



551802 DataWindow that has retrieval arguments during retrieve in a web form target. -> you will get the dialog but no NULL option to be selected.
551856 The customer has an ASE 15 stored procedure that has an argument declared as decimal(12,2). He is calling it as a transaction object RPC. The variable in PB that recieves the value is declared as just decimal. This is causing an error at runtime: Scale error during implicit conversion of DECIMAL value '1232123.23' to a DECIMAL field. If the decimal variable is assigned a value of 0.00, or is declared as decimal{2}, then it is OK.

The customer claims this worked fine in PB 9.

551933 When a Word document with more than 1 page is inserted into a RichTextEdit control and saved as a PDF, it seems that Acrobat Reader interprets all the pages as one unique page : format is lost
551976 Customer is experiencing a SyntaxFromSQL error after migrating from PB 9 to 11.5.
552046 Setting Datawindow height to zero will cause scrolling to be reset and therefore the focus on currentrow becomes unsynchronized with the scrollbar after the Datawindow has been resized to its original size.
552056 Accessing the Ancestor property of a local ClassDefinition object increases both Virtual and Private bytes.

The issue seem to be introduced somewhere between PowerBuilder 10.5 and PowerBuilder 10.5.1

552232 Customer migrate PB-EAServer application to PB10.5 and EAS5.5,

a noticeable performance degrade is detected. Problem happens on retrieval larger

resultset with multiple concurrent users. According to on-site sybase consultant, similar

problem also happen when compare the performance of PB804 on EAS5.5 with PB10.5.2 on

EAS5.5. In-house testing result, comparetively, "the Connect Time" played a very important role there. Range from 48.6 to 26.9 times of PB804.

Other operations also get a bit degrade.

552258 The problem is the proxy object seems to produce a call with the xml namespace appended to the InputXml parameter which means the WS doesn't recognise it. Like this:






552273 On Vista there is a "Create package" Dialog when performing an ole_1.Activate(offsite!)

on a OLE control based on an Outlook .msg file.

552289 The activate event is only firing once upon the window opening

for the first time in winforms.

When you click on the command button that fires a messagebox, only the windows deactivate event fires. In PB Native the deactivate and activate events will fire.

552441 Currently we support only JDK 1.5 according to the Documentation in version PB 11.5

Customers request that PowerBuilder should support current JDK/JRE realases (here JDK 1.6)

552463 DropDownListBox horizontal Scrollbar shields items from display (if only 2 items are available in the list).
552507 Ability to choose other namespaces than the four

provided for ADO.NET (OLEDB,ASE,MSSQL and Oracle).

The following is a list of db that all have managed ADO.NET drivers that

PB should work with:






Sybase SQL Anywhere

Customer would like the namespace dropdown dialogue in the db profiles to be

editable so that other databases can be added and used.

552526 PB is crashing in the pbdwe randomly. The crash

is happening at:



116acb92 8b14b9 mov edx,dword ptr [ecx+edi*4]

The problem is localized to one window that has several datawindows and several

rich text data objects.

552616 PSE NOTES:


OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 10.5.2_7791, PB 11.2_8616 and PB 11.5_3050

Database/Driver: N/A

Comments: RTE Control does not display encrypted RTF documents correctly. Works ok in old PB 7.0.3, by displaying exactly what is displayed in Wordpad.

552622 A C# .NET COM object was registered as a COM object using regasm. It works when dll and associated files are located with the exe (application or PB105.exe) but fails to pick up from registry.

Customer claims he has followed the correct steps in creating this COM object in VS.NET.

552682 Scripting menu object using paste SQL update cause PB to crash.
552794 When using the EAServer component wizard to create

a easerver component as a webservice, pb is crashing in the IDE in the pbvm:

PBVM115!TriggerEvent+2a [e:\pb115\runtime\function\fntrig.cpp @ 1074]

004b378a 837a1c00 cmp dword ptr [edx+1Ch],0

Faulting code in the TriggerEvent of fntrig:

if (!fnThis->bSuspended && ob_inst_defined (pTrig->obInst))

552830 DDE communication may fail, when a window loses a focus.
552845 .Net Webform:

Clicking rapidly on the Next Page link (>) in a DataWindow with multiple pages can cause a javascript error:

Error: 'psPage' is undefined

Line: 6470

552898 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5_3050

Database/Driver File/Version: SYC with ASE 12.5.4 pubs2 database

Comments: In dw painter, when setting Font - Escapement to 1800 (180�) for a dw column with border, the column content will be rotated to outside the border during retrieve. The column content is correctly upside down, but should be inside its own border.

553031 Soap call to webservices

The milliseconds part of a Timestamp gets dropped when the seconds part is 59.

553297 When you have a long SCC Provider name, the ddlb

shows horizontal and vertical scrolls bars, but it is difficult to see the text.

553394 A script appears in DW on WebForm when using setitem(row,col,"</script>").
553468 PB.Net WebForms Postback with inheritance

A script in the itemchanged event of an ancestor datawindow will cause a postback when there is an itemchanged event.

This cannot be overrided in a standard way within the Window Painter.

Work-around define a javascript handler for the ItemChanged event in the constructor event of the child datawindow:


dw_x.JavaScriptFile = "TheScriptFile.js"

dw_x.OnClientItemChanged = "DummyItemChanged"


Add code to the Itemchanged, so that Extend Ancestor Script can be disabled:



553646 PB Non-Visible objects not generated for HTML.
553805 When you input 255 characters into the comment field of an object property, the last 4 characters are replaced into other characters by mistake.
553807 Multiple PrimaryKey columns cannot be updated in .Net WebForm.
553810 If column of WebForm is edited with a popup window shown, it will lose contents.
554040 Theory:

When using FileRead on the ansi ascii file should return the same values (an � = asc(179)), no matter on which OS (english, german, easteuropean, chinese and japanese..) it is run.

1.) Doing the fileread on chinese os, reports inconsistant results.

2.) Doing the fileread on japanese os, returns a japanese character instead of the character returned on english os. an � = asc(179)

554053 Menu Toolbar icons for Preferences! and Properties! are the same
554389 PB is crashing with an invalid pointer read

when using ShareData().

554829 Hebrew characters not migrated properly from PB8 to PB10.
555022 PB .NET does not appear to have any way to include

licensing components.

When deploying a winform application that includes a licensed control, the folloiwng error message appears:

The following exception occurred: This product has not been added to the Project's

licenses.licx file. If your Project does not have a licenses.licx file aready, you

must create a text file named "licenses.licx"and add it to your PROJECT.

You must then add the following line to the file:

'Dart.PowerTCP.EmailValidatin.Validator, Dart.PowerTCP.EmailValidation.Trial'

If the project already contains a licenses.licx, simple append this line to the file.

For more information, please see the "Creating the Licenses.licx File"page

in the online help.


Any time you make changes to the licenses in your project, you MUST REBUILD the project

that contains the reference to the licensed dll or the changes will not be built into the


Within VS 2005 or later, you must right-click the licenses.licx file and select

'Rebuild Runtime Licenses'.

Also, please be aware that any Project that ultimately references a DART DLL must also include a licenses.licx file, and be compiled on a licensed machine. This includes,

for example, an executable that references a class library, that in turn references a

Dart DLL.

555212 Error when deploying a Winform project "A privatewrite property can be modified only in an event or function in its parent class."

When a .Net class has an object that only has a getter, and the property itself is an object with it's own properties, you can't set the properties in a conditional code block.

The errors isn't from the C# code compile, it's from PB:

C0143: A privatewrite property can be modified only in an event or function in its parent class.

The thing is, .Net allows this. Let's say you have ClassA, which has a property of ClassB which is a getter only. However, if ClassB has properties that have setters and getters, .Net allows you to set the properties as follows:

ClassA myA = new ClassA();

myA.B.prop = 123 ; <- this works fine in .Net.

555227 DataWindow will not retrieve on a webform. Works ok in PBNative.

The code that is called is:

The selection is made in the w_r_mini_lookup in the gbl_lkl.pbl. When clicking

on the OK cb, it returns to ue_lookup in n_rules_setup_structure in acctset.pbl.

The code goes into the choose case and there is a value in the l_str.parms.any_arg[1].

Then a postevent to ue_set_des_and_retrieve_dw2 in acctset.pbl. A call in the

routine is done to uf_retrieve but no data is returned.


l_l_row = dw_lookup.GetSelectedRow (0)

IF l_l_row > 0 THEN

wf_get_selected_value (l_l_row)

i_b_allow_close = TRUE

i_str_parms.boolean_arg [1] = TRUE

CloseWithReturn (Parent, i_str_parms)



l_l_row = i_dw_datawindows [1].GetRow ()

l_s_value_column = i_dw_datawindows [1].GetColumnName ()

CHOOSE CASE l_s_value_column

CASE "structure_id"

l_a_any [1] = "STRUCTUR"

l_str_parms = gf_open_mini_lookup ("dd_code_basic", "code_id", "Structure ID", l_s_sql,"CODE", l_a_any)

IF l_str_parms.boolean_arg [1] THEN

i_dw_datawindows [1].SetText (String (l_str_parms.any_arg [1]))

This.PostEvent ("ue_set_des_and_retrieve_dw2")




long l_l_rows

IF i_dw_datawindows [2].Enabled = TRUE THEN

l_l_rows = i_dw_datawindows [2].Retrieve (i_a_retrieval_arguments [1]) << no data gets retrieve here

string ls_string

ls_string = i_a_retrieval_arguments[1]

IF l_l_rows = 0 THEN

i_dw_datawindows [2].InsertRow (0)



i_dw_datawindows [2].SetFocus ()

return l_l_rows

RESOLUTION: Engineering provided a code workaround.

555247 Customer is submitting an enhancement request to add Toolbar tooltips to toolbar icons and buttons.
555249 Change in behavior in PB 11.5 from PB 9.0.3. String default conversion of decimal numbers loses precision.

The following code behaves differently in PB9 than in PB11.5:

// ****************************************

decimal lr_amount=0.1000

string lr_amount1


messagebox('',lr_amount1) //messagebox 1



messagebox('',lr_amount1) //messagebox 2


messagebox('',lr_amount1) //messagebox 3

// ****************************************


MessageBox 1 shows 10.0000

MessageBox 2 shows 12.3400

MessageBox 3 shows 12.34


MessageBox 1 shows 10

MessageBox 2 shows 12.34

MessageBox 3 shows 12.34

The customer used string conversion without specifying the precision in many places in his application. Can we support the same precision in PB11.5 as we did in PB9?

555379 When tabbing out of a column to retrieve, the

following error appears:

Windows Internet Explorer

Unexpected error was thrown, the browser will be closed!

Please report the error to administrator.

Error: Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible, not enabled or of a type

that does not accept focus

Line: 1615

555386 When setting the taborder dynamically in a webform,

it doesn't appear to be working.

In the n_receipt_reules.uf_action_quick_po in the receipts.pbl, the tab order

for 2 columns are being set:

i_dw_datawindows[1].settaborder("display_price, 61)

i_dw_datawindows[1].settaborder("display_other_charges, 62)

The return code for each line is 0 but the tabbing does not work properly. Works

ok in PBNative.

555570 Closing an application is crashing when a third party

dll (sas.dll) is used.

The app is crashing with an access violation in pbshr110.


PBSHR110!PbHeap_free+43e [e:\pb11\3rdparty\heap\spbheap.c @ 2375]

004deade 833f00 cmp dword ptr [edi],0


PBSHR110!MemFreePtr+11 [e:\pb11\shared\pbshr\pbshsyb.c @ 139]

0048e371 83c404 add esp,4

The call stack shows:

PBSHR110!PbHeap_free(void * ptr = 0x00010000)+0x43e (FPO: [Uses EBP] [1,16,0]) (CONV: cdecl)

PBSHR110!MemFreePtr(void * ptr = 0x00010000)+0x11 (FPO: [1,0,0]) (CONV: stdcall)



PBVM110!rtPcodeExec(struct ob_this * obThis = 0x00000000, struct ob_group * pobGroup = <Memory access error>, unsigned int uiNoArgs = <Memory access error>, struct ob_data * pobdEvaledArglist = <Memory access error>, struct ot_lvalue_info * potLvalueInfoList = <Memory access error>, void * obInst = <Memory access error>, ob_func_type obFuncType = <Memory access error>, unsigned short obModId = <Memory access error>, struct ob_class_entry * pobClassEntry = <Memory access error>, ob_script_type obScriptType = <Memory access error>, struct ob_prototype * pobPrototype = <Memory access error>, unsigned short obRoutineId = <Memory access error>, unsigned short * pchRoutineName = <Memory access error>)+0x3af (FPO: [Uses EBP] [12,7,0]) (CONV: cdecl)

PBVM110!rtRoutineExec(struct ob_this * obThis = 0x00000000, struct rtCallInfo rtCallInfo = struct rtCallInfo, struct ob_data * pobdArgArray = 0x10000500, unsigned int uiNoArgs = 0xdbfa30, unsigned short obRoutineId = 0, OB_ROUT_TYPE obRoutineType = 20971520 (No matching enumerant), int bConvert = 0)+0x382 (FPO: [Uses EBP] [10,9,0]) (CONV: stdcall)

RESOLUTION: Powerscript defintion of security_info structure was different than the

definition in sas2.h.

555922 Size of PictureButton controls changed after migration from PB10.5.2 to PB 11.2/11.5 if the display stlye is XP.

No change if originalsize set to false before migration or windows classic display style used all the time.

555928 When tabbing in a dwc, dddw expands unexpectedly

using IE 6 and columns will then lose their tab order and cannot be tabbed to.

Works ok using IE 7 browser.

555929 Radio buttons rendering improperly on certain tabs

in WebForm.

On certain tabs, radio buttons partially appear where shouldn't be.

RESOLUTION: Workaround given to just shorten the DataWindow's height value In WebForm.

555981 Application crashes in PBVM115.dll on Tablet PC. Does not crash on XP workstations.
556021 PocketBuilder 2.5.1 - EBF 1226

If I try and modify a DataWindow such as adding a group box, changing a columns position, change a columns height, etc and then do a "save"

I get the error message => "Line NN column 298: incorrect syntax" - where the

line number changes depending on the object you try and add/modify.

=> This seems to make the DW Painter totally un-usable! <=

** I had to return to build 1155 ** :-(

556124 A datawindow with header text that wraps in Win32, does not wrap in Webforms. They look truncated and don't display correctly.
556472 When dynamically changing the DW, the main DW is passed into a function and

we loop through the DW objects. The reference to the second or third level report are not known. Moreover we do not know what objects exist on that DW and would need to describe and loop in the same way as we are for the parent DW.

Right now there is no way to get hold of the 3rd level nested report.

556493 Margin settings are different when you print

a document that was saved using savedocument().

If you save a document to filetype of .doc, .rtf and .pdf, you will see the .pdf

has different spacing for the topmargin and bottommargin.

RESOLUTION: Not a bug. Created PB enhancement request, cr562200,

556701 Code error in javascript file dwcommon.js
556768 A MS SQLServer 2005 column of type bit returns -1 in PB connected with SNC. If connected to the same database with OLEDB, the bit column returns a 1.
556915 PB WinHelp files not converted to new standard HTML Help format
556918 Problem in DB painter when trying to select a table that has an identity column

the errormessage : failed to match datatype when describing appears.

556923 Customer is requesting an enhancement to preserve the "Ouput" setting in the debugger layout.
556946 .NET Webform datawindow is not refreshing properly.

The ue_save event in w_m_setup_type in typecode.pbl is called. The w_m_setup_type

inherits from w_ma_sheet. The code under w_ma_sheet/ue_save is:



The code in the w_ma_window_rule/ue_preprocess event is:



556950 The customer finds that his RTE bitmaps are displaying and printing considerably larger after migrating from PB9 to 11.5.

03/2009: Engineering says not a bug. Their explanation:

This is not a bug but a rational improvement for PB.

For a bitmap, there are some properties: pixels and dpi.

In PB9, when we insert a bitmap into richtext control, the size of bitmap is decided by the pixels of bitmap. In different dpis of system, we will get the different inches

for printers. So in PB9, if we change the dpi for system, the size of bitmap in richtext control will change too when we print it.

In PB115(actually in any version after PB10), the size of bitmap is decided by the inches of bitmap which is calculated by pixels/dpi of bitmap. This will keep the size

of bitmap same when we print it, no matter what dpi we use in system. This process is the same as MS-WORD. So if we insert the bitmap into MS-WORD, the size of bitmap is

the same as PB115.

556956 Customer's WebForm "Purge Notice" fails with a PageRequestManagerServerErrorException. Browser shuts down.
556961 The WebForm "Unit of Measure Setup" screen "New" selection causes an "Unexpected error the browser will be closed".
556991 The reported problem is actually with the PB Examples. Running the following does not change the colors for pie graphs:

PB 11.x code examples -> Graphs -> Various Graph Examples

Then choose, File -> Stats By Dept # and change Type to either 2D or 3D

and try changing the Colors.

With pie graphs there are no changes and I believe that is correct as the examples use SetSeriesStyle to change the color and with graphs you can change the colors with SetDataStyle but SetSeriesStyle would not make sense as it would turn the entire series ( one pie) to the same color.

557088 Workaround mentioned in CR 533615 does not apply to PowerBuilder: System.IO.FileNotFoundException in runtime for ADO.NET registered in NET Framework 2.0

Works fine using older ESD versions , pre esd14, icluding policy files etc.

557147 Problem 1: A datawindow column of Edit Style type richtext with the autosize height property enabled does not expand to fit all the text when text is pasted into the column. Probably related to CR 541411.

Problem 2: A datawindow column of Edit Style type richtext with the autosize height property enabled does not print a second page when there is 2 pages worth of text pasted into the column.

557232 "ImageKit7 Thumbnail ActiveX Control" included in this ActiveX Control cannot be pasted on Form of PB. PB will stop, when saving Form of PB which pasted ActiveX Control.
557281 Cosmetical corrections required for completing the fix of CR 532630

Checkboxes are not centered 100%. Radiobuttons are too close to the left border of a column and the HTML output needs improvement.

The dddw is shifted one pixel to the top : when you run the Employees_List_XHTML.jsp, you will discover that the Department column is shifted to 1 pixel on top (y=0 whereas it has been defined as y=1)

557502 Cannot get the return code of a Stored procedure with ODBC.
557512 Allignment and text insertion are wrong for RichText DataWindow columns with RTL support enabled.
557813 Image files in .png format not stored in the EXE or the PBD.
557908 Using picturecontrol setpicture() function with png file crashes PB with JPEG Processing Error, Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x89 0x50

Using Picturename property to set the png works ok.

557926 Webform not retrieving after tabbing out.

Using the w_m_entry_physical_inventory and the uo_phy_inv_adj in the invadjs.pbl.

The sequence of events should be:








RESOLUTION: Engineering discovered a column mismatch in the dw source. The name

in the column source was not the same column name in the gob.

557935 Customer would like the option to set the color preferences for a target so that each individual control does not have to have them set when the application is designed with a certain color scheme. He would also like the option to let the user choose their colors and then have them applied throughout the entire application at runtime. Sort of on the idea of css for the web.

CR 146848 requested a preferences option for colors of objects in PB but was closed as not to be implemented. Customer would like to see this implemented and also be able to be configured during runtime.

558050 JavaScript function "findControl" does not work for this specific presentation style due to wrong naming conventions on these columns.
558081 Need RighToLeft layout support for Tab controls and tabpages
558121 Can't assign a png image to a picture control when using SetPicture(blob_image). It works when you assign using p_1.PictureName="image.png". Png file are not listed as a valid type for either setpicture or picturename. The customer says since it works for picturename it should also work for setpicture. Also PB seems to crash (it just dissappears) if you attempt this and it should fail more gracefully if this is not allowed.
558274 * ENHANCEMENT * Adding Accelerator key regardless of Effects setting in control panel.

Customer knows that the behavior in PB 11.5 is the correct windows behavior but because their users have a mix of PB 9 and 11.5 applications they need a consistent behavior with the settings.

Toggling the windows setting with APIs is not an acceptable workaround for this customer.

558279 Popmenu is getting clipped on response window when

you right mouse button near the right edge of a column.

Using code of:

lm_pop.PopMenu(parent.PointerX(), parent.PointerY())

RESOLUTION: Customer resolved issue.

558503 When the customer uses a JCM_Sybase connection cache the second time he runs calls the component he gets the following error:

Error text = ct_exit(): user api layer: external error: This routine cannot be called because another command structure has results pending. fatal

When using either JDBC and regular PB connections he does not see the error.

558737 When generating machine code where you have converting

a byte array, PB will hang:

blob blb

byte bb_byte[]

any a

bb_byte[] = {1,10,100,200,255}

a = bb_byte

blb = blob(a,EncodingANSI!)

Works ok for pcode.

558869 Due to a Whitespace problem in PB IDE the sourcecontrol integration to TFS MSSCC is not fully functional. Helpful would be the Implementation of an extension API by MS engineering.
559201 Oracle connection. If the customer logs activity in the Powerbulder database painter like adding columns with ddl it has the table_owner name, see below.


"TECHSUPP" is the table owner and we are logged in as "TECHSUPP".

Customer would like the generated ddl in the powerbuilder database painter to be created without the table_owner prefix in the ddl or have the option of using the table owner or not.

When we create a datawindow the owner_name doesn't prefix the table name. Can we have the same functionality in the database painter?

559457 The customer has a datawindow modify that he uses in pb 9 with no problems. After migrating to PB 11 the same modify is crashing powerbuilder on an exit.
559558 Behavior of DDDW differs in Windows Application DDDW and .Net WebForm DDDW. WebForm DDDW cannot handle NULL correctly. NULL is ignored.
559640 Wants the ability to have a rich text header, but be able to on a page by page basis turn it off as if there was no header for that particular page. And to independently have the same capabilty for footers. The customer claims you can do this You can do this in rich text version 1.6 with the \headerf command in conjunction with the \titlepg command, but

you can't do that via Powerbuilder because the headers and footer tags don't exist at runtime.

559642 Customer finds that part of the text on one of his WebForm DW checboxes is truncated.
559818 * ENHANCEMENT * Informix 11.5 native driver
559855 Trying to execute stored procedure with decimal parameter and getting Scale error during implicit conversion of DECIMAL value '1232123.12345' to a DECIMAL field. The server crashes at this point.
559890 When deploying a PB service component to EAServer 6.x,

the service component entity file is now generated automatically.

Per cr553881, please back out the change done from cr497660.

When deploying a component using a export configuration, you must manually include

the service component entity file in the zip file. CR559759 is entered for that


560077 There is a memory leak having to do with menu toolbar bitmap icons in Powerbuilder 11.5.

The leak is only evident when the bitmap files are located in the system path.

When the bitmap files are in the current directory the memory leak is not evident.

The customer says this memory leak is also evident when running the exe when the toolbar .bmp files were added via a .psr file. So the searching for the bitmap files may not be the complete issue.

560308 Customer (ING) is looking for development help in reviewing an adplus dump file.

Customer is crashing on the create instance of a powerbuilder component with EAS 6.

560523 dw.saveas() EXCEL5!/8! exports wrong date and datetime data eg. 01/01/1900 appears as 01/02/1900 in Excel.

Normal Excel! type works fine.

560530 Request for the transparency mode for Tab control BackGround.
560825 A comma is shown when the decimal column of PB.Net WebForm gets a focus.
560920 A group datawindow has header text that wraps and trailer info. In PB 9 a SaveAs HTMLTable! displayed the headers wrapped and the trailer info correctly. After migrating to PB 11 the header text is not wrapped and is truncated, also trailer info is missing on some groups.
561065 When using the empyt array as a parameter either string or datetime array the runtime error R0021 Bad runtime function reference at line... appears.

Happens for both o90 and 010 DB interfaces.

561349 SYC Regression connecting to ASE 12.5 in PB 11.5 and 11.2. The customer connects to an ASE 12.5 database with SYC. They store passwords in the database as a hash code in a varchar(10) column. They retrieve the hash code into a datawindow. This hash code has worked fine for them since PB 9. It works fine in PB 11.2 and it worked fine in 11.5 build 2060. Then they upgraded to build 3050. Now certain characters are not being retrieved into PB as they were. The hash is not being converted correctly into the passwords because of this. They can see that these certain characters are displayed as question marks or "squares" if they display the datawindow. Nothing else has changed on the machine.
561350 When trying to connect to db2 mainframe using

the DIR driver, getting the following error:

Extend PB Catalog

ct_results(): network packet layer: internal net library error: Net-Library

operation terminated due to disconnect

PB Catalog tables are not available for use

Connecting to DB2 version 8.1 using Open Client -> network layer -> directconnect -> mainframe connect.

Works ok in PB 10.5.2 (build 7699)

561354 When connecting using the DIR driver to DB2 v 8.1 using

DirectConnect 12.6, columns are getting truncated.

For example a table is defined with the following columns:

MSDI_CODE char(10)

MSDI_ACTIVE char(20)

MSDI_NAME varchar(25)

The database trace is returning:

(f8a1c4): name=MSDI_CODE,len=6,type=CHAR,pbt=1,dbt=1,ct=0,prec=0,scale=0

(f8a1c4): name=MSDI_ACTIVE,len=11,type=CHAR,pbt=1,dbt=1,ct=0,prec=0,scale=0

(f8a1c4): name=MSDI_NAME,len=13,type=CHAR,pbt=1,dbt=1,ct=0,prec=0,scale=0

561777 After installing an epson Printerdriver and some barcode fonts Code39AzaleaRegular1.ttf etc. part of text turns into barcode.

In some environments the whole text is diplayed as barcode.

561787 DW update behaviour changed between PowerBuilder Version 6 and 10.
561803 Bitmap appears jagged in appearance on a

contemporary style toolbar menu.

It looks ok for traditional style toolbar.

561822 Application crashes in the pbshr115:


PBSHR115!PbHeap_free+43e [e:\pb115\3rdparty\heap\spbheap.c @ 2375]

00452b5e 833f00 cmp dword ptr [edi],0


PROCESS_NAME: datacap.exe

OVERLAPPED_MODULE: Address regions for 'shell32' and 'Unknown_Module_00680074' overlap

ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at "0x%08lx" referenced memory at "0x%08lx". The memory could not be "%s".

READ_ADDRESS: 00000000




561925 Seemless migration needed on XP style for DW static text objects with lowered borders. For DataWindow columns this is already working, but for static text controls it is not.
561939 Crosstab crashes PB when retrieving the DataWindow several times if computed field is set to background or foreground.
561954 In the debugger java classes can not be expanded and debugged in an EJB client application.
561998 Deploying an EA Server project from PowerBuilder using Orcascipt is not working when using build projectex. It works when using build project. The error is as follows:

Command syntax error at line 4. Found "projectex", expected "LIBRARY | APPLICATION | EXECUTABLE | PROJECT"

End Session

The following is the code from the datafile that caused the error:

Start Session

Set Liblist




Set Application "C:\customers\11509491\pbeas.pbl" "pbeas"

build projectex "C:\customers\11509491\pbeas.pbl" "p_deploy" "TZ1" 2011

562165 Cannot connect to DirectConnect using Open Client 15.

PB is looking for libct.dll and libcs.dll. Open Client does not have those

dlls--instead they have libsybct.dll libsybcs.dll.

562200 Add a property to the rte control to allow

users to control the linespacing on a rte control.

The customer prints a .rtf document from MS-WORD and also prints the same

.rtf from the rte control. The output doesn't look the same. The customer

believes if they can control the line spacing and make it smaller, than the

formats will match up better.

562411 When using PB Type dec for Oracle number in a rpc call you get the error message:

Subprogram <function name> not found in subprogram list for package <owner>.<package>

562432 You get a -9 error when attempting to do a Seek on an OLEStream object. The code worked fine in PB 9.0. It appears to have broken in 10.5 (wasn't able to test 10.0) and remains broken in 11.5. The customer came up with a workaround but the problem is that if the Seek function doesn't work, it may not be possible any longer to read more than 32K out of the stream. The Seek was used to position the start of the Read to the next 32K block. Without Seek working, you may only be able to read the first 32K.
562433 Currently for PocketBuilder, the application version number in the project painter is NOT written into the deployed application executable. The customer is requesting an enhancement to add it to the deployed application executable.
563125 When crashes in the db painter when using the

TableCriteria dbparm.

When trying to expand the tables in the database painter, pb will crash.

563127 In a DataWindow column with "AutoSelect is OFF, the cursor gets positioned at the

beginning of the control and not at the position of the mouse when you click in the control.

563131 This enhancement request was opened as a result of CR 561998.

Deploying an EA Server project from PowerBuilder using Orcascipt is not working when using build projectex. It works when using build project. The error is as follows:

Command syntax error at line 4. Found "projectex", expected "LIBRARY | APPLICATION | EXECUTABLE | PROJECT"

End Session

The following is the code from the datafile that caused the error:

Start Session

Set Liblist




Set Application "C:\customers\11509491\pbeas.pbl" "pbeas"

build projectex "C:\customers\11509491\pbeas.pbl" "p_deploy" "TZ1" 2011

Customer would like to see this functionality available in orcascript as they have 3-4 different sets of environments. They are planning to have different passwords to avoid deploys by personnel who don't have permissions to deploy to production. Using BuildProject in Orcascript will not work for their environment.

563133 Customer is migrating from PB 10.5 to 11.5 and when he does a reselectrow he is now crashing. He states that he cannot provide a repro as when he has tried to reproduce outside of his environment it has not crashed.
563140 The FileReadEx function returns an extra empty line when reading records of size 1023 bytes.
563292 In a column that has the editstyle checkbox with Left Text property set, the checkbox is misplaced and overlaps/overwrites the text.
563294 Columns with editstyle "edit" with border, the border appears in WebForm on XP although XP style is set as the default theme, and hence no border should be seen.
563313 PNG file is flickering when mousing over Command Buttons
563322 Accessing column using "#number"-Syntax (eg. dw_1.object.#2) crashes in WebForm or WinForm app if the column control is deleted in the dw object. This works ok in PB native app.
563348 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5_3050, PB 11.0_8616 and 10.5.2_7791

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A


Comments: When scanning a barcode, the OCX oncomm() event takes precedence over PB window key.

The PB window key should take precedence, since you need to type the quantity first, and then scan the type of product. We tried ways to use PostEvent() and TriggerEvent() functions to invert the event sequence but we couldn't do that.

563399 When trying to connect to PBDIR using Access Service, the

following error results:

ct_bind(): user api layer. An illegal value of 3 given for parameter item

The db trace shows the following:

(1106480): SRV 10 #1 103 TDS RCVPRM ERROR (DBI_DEBUG_MESSAGE) (0.006 MS / 0.006 MS)

(1106480): CLI 1 #5 ct_bind(): user api layer: external error: An illegal value of 3 given for parameter item.(DBI_DEBUG_MESSAGE) (0.001 MS / 0.007 MS)

(1106480): SRV 11 #34313 An error occurred on the socket between the TRS and the CICS transaction program. See error log.(DBI_DEBUG_MESSAGE) (0.002 MS / 0.009 MS)

(1106480): *** ERROR 5 ***(rc -1) : ct_bind(): user api layer: external error: An illegal value of 3 given for parameter item.



(1106480): SRV 11 #34313 An error occurred on the socket between the TRS and the CICS transaction program. See error log.(DBI_DEBUG_MESSAGE) (0.002 MS / 0.040 MS)

(1106480): *** ERROR 5 ***(rc -1) : ct_bind(): user api layer: external error: An illegal value of 3 given for parameter item.


563422 The error code of child dw which composite dw receives is always 1.
563532 When multi user checkout is enabled in TFS, PB does

not show the multi user checkout icon, it just shows the

regular check out icon.

Also when multi user checkout is enabled in TFS and SccMultiCheckout=0 is added

to the pb.ini, PB still allows multi check outs.

563645 [.NetWebForm] GetRow returns row of the previous of ChildDW in ItemChanged.
563673 HyperLink does not work with FireFox 3. The Url is not passed to the Browser.
563688 is truncating autosize height column on a

nested report

563701 The request is that it should be possible to allow page control for XSLFOP! PDF generation.

When you are not using the distill method and want to create a PDF using xsl-fo you won't be able to specify the page size and other page properties and the pdf ends up with a default page property.

563712 The IsAllHebrew function returns wrong value when string contains numbers.
563729 Looking for a better error message than null object

reference for create instance.

The problem in this particular case was that objects were originally developed using pbwsclient110.pbx and even though new web services were created using pbwsclient115.pbx they still worked on machines that had the PB 11.0 runtime on them. However, it would return a success code and null object reference on the machines that didn't have the PB 11.0 runtime.

The enhancement request is to return an error code instead of a success code when this situation arises.

563745 The DataWindow Syntax Tool doesn't have an item for either Describe or Modify for the following:

<DW Control Name>.Object.DataWindow.Print.Preview.Outline


<DW Control Name>.Describe("DataWindow.Print.Preview.Outline")

563795 DropDownList protected in the Clicked event is not folded.
563826 Webform leave dw columns greyed out

The w_m_setup_structure in acctset.pbl opens. Using the uo_rules_setup_structure

in acctset.pbl.

Works ok in PB Native

563878 The customer has a datawindow with three columns one of which is marked not visible. When you do a SaveAs HTMLTable! you get an html file that opens correctly in IE. For the invisible columns this is in the file:


However, when the html file is inserted into an RTE control in PB via InsertDocument (or opened by Word), there is an extra blank row displayed at the top and the invisible column is visible.

564030 DataWindow border not visible when animation set to the Window.
564055 getUrl returns wrong result when URL contains escaped characters.
564087 Documentation for png support for PictureButton control under new features is not reflected in the online help for the PictureButton contol.
564091 In a dropdowndatawindow you can type a single character and it will automatically search and take you to the first row that starts with that letter. If you type the same letter again it will take you to the next row if it also starts with the same letter. For example you have rows in the dddw that are:










If you type the letter a repeatidly as fast as you can the focus goes from abc to abb to acc, and continues in this cycle as long as you type a. But if you type d repeatidly as fast as you can the focus goes from dbc to dbb and cycles between just those two rows and never goes to row dcc. If you type d very slowly waiting a second or two between each then it cycles through all 3 d rows as it should. Why does d not behave the same as a? Why is the timing somehow different for the letter d?

564097 Retrieval arguments in pipelines no longer work. If you have a retrieval argument defined in a pipline you are no longer prompted to input a value in PB 11.5. And the pipeline does not pipe any rows.
564104 Editable fields AccessibleNames are not available to JAWS and MSAA when the fields are part of a datawindow. They appear to show up just fine in the log file when running AccEvent32. The customer thinks the problem is with the Windows Class being changed. A typical log entry is as follows:

OBJ_FOCUS Event Time=1A9340D Window Class="pbdw110" Name="Department Name" Role=editable text State=normal

OBJ_LOCATIONCHANGE Event Time=1A9340D Window Class="Edit" Name=none [false] Role=window State=focused,focusable Location={l:445, t:333, w:196, h:15}

OBJ_HIDE (hidden) Event Time=1A934E7 Window Class="Edit"

OBJ_FOCUS Event Time=1A934E7 Window Class="pbdw110" Name="none" Role=client State=normal

OBJ_LOCATIONCHANGE (hidden) Event Time=1A934E7 Window Class="Edit"

OBJ_FOCUS (hidden) Event Time=1A934E7 Window Class="pbdwst110"


OBJ_FOCUS Event Time=1A9364F Window Class="Edit" Name=""Single Line Edit One"" Role=editable text State=focused,focusable

OBJ_VALUECHANGE (hidden) Event Time=1A93881 Window Class="Edit"

Notice the first two entries OBJ_FOCUS the Class="pbdw110" Role=editable text and State=normal. The second line OBJ_LCATIONCHANGE occurs while still in this field. The Name now equals none with the following changes Window Class="Edit" Role=window State=focused,focusable.

Now if you tab into a regular single line edit control on a window you get the following:

OBJ_FOCUS Event Time=1A9364F Window Class="Edit" Name=""Single Line Edit One"" Role=editable text State=focused,focusable

The customer's contention and where he feels the datawindow is losing the AccessibleName is in the State. With the single line edit control the State=focused,focusable. However, with the datawindow editable text the State=Normal. It doesn't become focused,focusable until the OBJ_LOCATIONCHANGE line.

564250 Customer migrate application from PB10.2 to PB11.2.

Over hundreds of Richtext Datawindow report have printing issue.

The customer needs to load various text files (generated by Pro*C or Oracle

package on UNIX) into a RichText DataWindow in their PowerBuilder application

and then print out the text files with Landscape Orientation from there.

Two issues are identified.

1. Datawindow object has specified the "Paper Orientation = LandScape" but it print to Portrait as default

2. Even "Top Margin=0.0" But there is extra approx. 1cm empty space in Top Margin when compare PB11.2 to PB10.2

564283 When a new column is added to an existing datawindow,

the default font size is not retained.

In some cases the default font is not retained.

564295 Enhancement Request:

Make it possible to use larger icons\pictures on the Menu Toolbar.

564489 When creating a new dw where the table column names are longer than 18 characters, the columns are not appearing in the dw. They also do not

appear in the db painter.

In the db painter, when selecting the table and clicking on grid manipulation,

the message of 'Table MS_SYBASE_TEST_XXX contains no columns with supported datatypes'

shows in the microhelp area.

564653 cannot compile a Winform app with an external assemly
564702 PB 11.2 WebForm: Checkbox displays differently in client server than in webform.
564805 Changing the font escapement moves a column to unexpected coordinates.
564842 Customer is looking for development help in reviewing an adplus dump file.

Customer is crashing on the create instance of a powerbuilder component with EAS 6.

564851 Grid datawindows have a problem with detailband pointer property. Pointer does not change to hourglass with a grid datawindow.
565048 PB crashes when Calling a retrieve while a previous one still running
565185 'SaveAs' PDF output doesn't work correctly using Apache FOP.This issue is dependent on the layout of DW.
565444 When opening a MDI sheet with OpenSheet() then setting the OpenAnimation in the open event of the sheet does not take effect.
565577 column of DW is not shown by the Horizontal Split scroll bar.
565653 UL10 outer join syntax seems to be cut off, missing from and where clause.

Equal join shows no problem, no error.

565657 mailSaveMessage function fails.
565668 The datawindow embeds some extra carriage returns in the datawindow SQL when there are retrieval arguments in the datawindow. This may be related to CR 544600, where a number of white space characters were removed from the SQL sent to the database by the datawindow. However, if you have a retreival argument in the datawindow it is still adding extra carriage returns to the SQL.
565682 An application that uses the Accessibility Narrator will hang when tabbing to a dropdowndatawindow whose background color property has been changed via Modify at runtime. It only hangs when the Narrator is running.
565757 Black cannot be set to be the foreground color of PictureButton. Black RGB is (0.0.0).
565804 Customer's PB10.5.2 application(s) HANG frequently when

MS Office Communicator is opened. (replacement of MSN messager)

The HANG symptom is resumed after terminate the MS Office Communicator.

Need help to investigate the collected dump file to find out the reason behind.

565846 The customer has a main datawindow with 3 dropdowndatawindows. Each dddw has retrieval arguments. The code modifies the background color of each dddw column in the constructor event of the main datawindow, and this causes the dddws to retrieve unexpectedly and for each dddw it pops the retrieval argument dialog box. This happens before the user's code that retrieves the dddw's. "Auto Retrieve" is checked for each dddw column, and if this is unchecked then it does not retrieve the dddws on the modify. But what if they want the "Auto Retrieve" checked? Then the get these unexpected dddw retrieves and the argument dialog when they don't want it.
565873 The customer has the machine display properties set to Windows XP Theme. He is seeing two display problems at runtime. 1) The text of a radiobutton moves left and right depending on if it is enabled or disabled. 2) A checkbox of height less than 72 pixels has the focus rectangle cut off. These display problems do not happen with Windows Classic Theme.
566030 Get wrong values in a DW crosstab migrated from PB10 to PB 11.5.
566034 Cannot invoke a web service when windows user is not a member of Administrator Group.
566048 PB crashes after retrieves on a specific Crosstab DW.
566064 The customer is calling an Oracle function via a transaction object RPC. The call succeeds and the proper value is passed back. But after the call PB is crashing. This is a regression, there was no problem in build 3127, but there is in build 3136.
566072 The dw column defined as a decimal is not formatting properly for rupees when the regional setting is set to Indonesian or Hindu.

It is getting entered as ###,###,###.00 instead of ##,##,##,###.00

566084 The customer has a home grown dll which can be called sucessfully in Powerbuilder 10 and also early releases of pb 10.5. But it fails in later builds of PB 10.5 and in PB 11.5 with the error message:

Error: Error calling external function %s at line 5 in clicked event of object cb_1 of w_window.

The suspicion is that powerbuilder no longer likes the function name "?f_opendoc@@YGFPBDH@Z" defined in the home grown dll:

FUNCTION integer f_opendoc(string filename, int cmdshow) LIBRARY "ac_doc32.dll" Alias for "?f_opendoc@@YGFPBDH@Z;Ansi"

566181 PB Runtime Packager has problems when system does not comply to 8/3 file names. The runtime packager needs enhancement to check it early and cope with it. This issue will affect the deployment as well.
566194 Customer would like to have the ability to control the printing output characteristics through powerscript when using a RichTextEdit control. Such as paper size, orientation, print margins.

Customer does not want to use printsetup() which is what is now available to him.

566213 Customer is randomly crashing in module ntdll.dll version 5.2.3790.3959. They have created AdPlus crash dumps and although it is crashing in a Microsoft dll, the dlls in the crash dump are ones PB dlls have dependencies on.

Customer claims that they are using webservices but they do not believe they are when the application actually crashes.

Stack trace

msvcr71!wcslen+0x4 (FPO: [1,0,0])

msvcp71!std::basic_string<wchar_t,std::char_traits<wchar_t>,std::allocator<wchar_t> >::assign+0xd (FPO: [1,0,0])

WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.





566335 On DW, we can input a number it beyond EditMask format limitation.
566362 When saving a Datawindow into a file with SaveAs as XML the return code of the function does not give back an error -1 when there are problems with file access.

If the folder to save in does not exists, the SaveAs functions returns a 1 instead of the -1 error.

566367 Please have PB allow the nulls in rpc calls, no matter if the dbms supports it or not, ie. in that case getting an error from dbms for not capable.
566564 Customer reported PB11.2 Global variable instance of soapconnection fail to Createinstance

in UserObject's constructor event. After investigation, it is identified that early

instantiation of the Global variable at application object may relate to the problem.

However, similar problem also occur on instance variable. For instance variable, only the

first instance of the soapconnect can successfully createinstance

566675 The customer would like to see an event added to the transaction object. It would be the connect event and it would fire after a successful connection.
566799 Sysam support for Vista/Windows 2008 64 bit.

Customer is requesting an enhancement to support the SySAM license server on Windows 2008 x64.

Currently, the License Server is not supported on Windows 2008 until FLEXnet v11.6.1.

566850 Customer has several datawindows that they migrated from PB 6.5 and he claims they were working fine until yesterday. The datawindows now are crashing the PB 11.5 IDE when opened in the painter. They can be opened successfully in previous versions of PB 11.5 and also previous versions of PB. This is crashing in MSVCR71.dll. Customer has also exported the datawindows in a version of PB that does not crash and successfully imported them to PB 11.5 and then they do not crash.
566960 DataWindow Graph\control properties cannot be set on row basis in nested datawindows with dot notation
567651 Application crashes during updating an ASA database in a dw created by syntaxfromsql.

It worked fine in PB 10.5. Workaround is to use DisableBind=1.

567773 The customer has a toolbar icon that is disabled. In Win32 there were some problems with this but setting the environment variable PBTOOLBARDISABLEMODE=1 fixes it. However in Webforms the toolbar icon still displays as enabled when it is disabled.
567898 In the .js file we provide with PB 11.5, there is a class variable:

this.oPBNETData = null;

And in the fonction HTDW_performAction (), when submitting, we have the following:

if (this.oPBNETData + "" == "undefined")

psPage.Submit(); //Jsp Target

So, the submit doesn't work, because "undefined" has never been assigned to oPBNETData. What we need really is this code:

if (this.oPBNETData + "" == null)

psPage.Submit(); //Jsp Target

567904 Product: Powerbuilder 11.2 8739

Server OS (Where Web Forms app is installed): Windows 2003 Server SP2

Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.1433 SP1

ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.1433

Ajax Extensions 1.0 (according to manual) installed successfully

IIS 5.2 SP2

Client Stations OS:

Windows XP SP2

Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0.50727 SP1

ASP .Net 2.0 Ajax Extensions 1.0

Runtimes de PowerBuilder 11.2 Build 8739


Customer is trying to run a PB WebForms application that was deployed into IIS into his production environment. The deploy went fine. When accessing the application from within IE on same machine where IIS is located, it works ok. But when accessing application from within other client stations, customer receives the following error message in Internet Explorer:

Server Error in '/' Application.

Modify did not complete successfully, the error message is: Line 1 Column 866: incorrect syntax

Description: An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace:

[MethodFailureException: Modify did not complete successfully, the error message is : Line 1 Column 866: incorrect syntax.]

Sybase.PowerBuilder.Web.PBPage.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) +310

System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) +25

System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) +121

System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter writer) +22

System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +2558

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.1433; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.1433

The PBTrace.log shows the following:

Main Exception:

Exception Time: 2009-03-24 18:56:40.9307422

Process ID: 380

AppDomain: /LM/W3SVC/1907274638/Root-4-128824159461117190 Domain ID: 5

Managed Thread ID: 21

Current Thread State: Background

Method: Boolean j(Sybase.PowerBuilder.Web.PBWindow)

Exception Type: System.NullReferenceException

Exception Message: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.Web.PBWindowProcessor.j(PBWindow A_0)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.Web.PBWindowProcessor.OpenWindow(PBWindow w)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.Web.PBWindowOpener.a(PBWindow A_0, Boolean A_1)

Exception Source: Sybase.PowerBuilder.Web

Exception StackTrace: at Sybase.PowerBuilder.Web.PBWindowProcessor.j(PBWindow A_0)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.Web.PBWindowProcessor.OpenWindow(PBWindow w)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.Web.PBWindowOpener.a(PBWindow A_0, Boolean A_1)

Exception Call Stack: at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo)

at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBLogger.a(Exception A_0, LogLevel A_1, Boolean A_2, Boolean A_3)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBLogger.a(Exception A_0, LogLevel A_1, Boolean A_2)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBLogger.LogException(Exception e, LogLevel logLevel)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBLogger.LogException(Exception e)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.Web.PBWindowOpener.a(PBWindow A_0, Boolean A_1)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.Web.PBWindowOpener.Open(PBWindow w, Boolean newWindow)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.Web.PBSystemFunctions.a(PBString A_0, IPBValue A_1, PBIconValue A_2, PBButtonValue A_3)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.Web.PBSystemFunctions.a(PBString A_0, IPBValue A_1)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.Web.PBSystemFunctions.MessageBox(PBString title, PBString text)

at c__n_pro_lease_connectservice.of_disconnectdb()

at c__pro_lease.close()

at System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] arguments, SignatureStruct& sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle typeOwner)

at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle typeOwner)

at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks)

at System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.Web.WebThread.a(Object A_0)

at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallbackInternal(_ThreadPoolWaitCallback tpWaitCallBack)

at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback(Object state)


567923 When adding arguments to PBJVMconfig for PBIDEConfig

or PBRTConfig, the syntax to use is unclear.

For example, to add the Max heap size the following does not appear to work:



What appears to work (and verified from visualgc):




568221 EAServer will crash when inserting a row into a web datawindow.

The dw contains 3 buttons (Insertrow,update and delete). When clicking on

Insertrow, easerver will crash.

Using a custom pb nvo component, problem appears to be on the sethtmlaction.

Before the crash the action and context for sethtmlaction contain:

InsertRow (dw1 0)(15 (InsertRow 0 ((1 1 )(2 1 )(3 1 ))))((row 0)(sortString '?'))

RESOLUTION: Fix by CR559312. Checked in to PB 11.5.1 codeline on 2/23. Checked in to

pb 115ebf codeline on 4/23. Works in PB 11.5.1 (build 4009)

568649 Clarification is needed for ejbconnection object versus

connection object.

According to EAS Engineering, "the ejbconnection object has not really been enhanced for

quite some time and will probably never be supported for PB.NET. If your server is

EAServer or the PowerBuilder Application Server Plugin (with the Proxy Server), then

the client should definitely use the connection object."

The PowerBuilder documentation does not appear to stress that enough. In the online

help or Applications Techniques Manual, Chapter 24 - Building an EAServer Client or

Chapter 26 - Building an EJB Client.

Chapter 5 of the Easerver 6.x - JavaBean User's Guide it states:

- If using PowerBuilder, you can call EJB components hosted in EAServer by generating proxies for the home, local and remote interfaces then calling the lookup method on

the PowerBuilder CONNECTION object to instantiate the home interface proxy. Call the

appropriate home interface create mthod to instantiate a proxy for the remote interface, then call the business methods as you would for any other EAServer component.

- If you PowerBuilder 9.0 or later, you can use the PowerBuilder EJB client interfaces. These interfaces use Java and Sybase-provided PowerBuilder extensions to invoke EJBs on any J2EE compatible server.

568679 Enhancement request: Slow performance when using version control remotely.

The customer is working with pb native source control remotely via a broadband connection.

The pbls are on the office network which are under pb native source control. The customer is experiencing a long delay during the source control initialization process which is taking up to 20 minutes when a large pbl is involved. The time is being spent on the initialization process, checking the status of the object which are under source control.

The enhancement request is to allow the customer to get the status of a particular single object rather then refreshing the status of all the objects which are under source control. Customer would like the flexibility to toggle between full status of all objects which are in a pbl under source control or an individual object within a pbl.

569117 PowerBuilder crashes Jaguar when calling setHTMLAction method.
569147 Tab page control array different in WinForm.

Customer is aware of our documentation below:

page 175 and page 177

ClassDefinition *

* The order of the array items in the VariableList property of the ClassDefinition object may not be the same in .NET applications as in standard PowerBuilder applications.

But does not believe this applies to the problem he would like looked into by engineering.

569754 Access violation in pbvm using ole.



10b0c419 89542908 mov dword ptr [ecx+ebp+8],edx

569788 The PB 11.2 rte control has the facename set to Courier New and the Textsize to 12 on the font tab of the properties. They are inserting a document with the font of Courier New 12. The document has place holders on which they do a find and do a replacetext to replace the place holders with names from the database. But the names end up in the Tahoma font! And at the same time you can see the font change from Courier New to Tahoma in the toolbar in the rte. Why is it changing the font? They want it to be Courier New.

A regression from PB 9 where the font remained the same on the replacetext.

570038 Any Datawindow control, eg ( Column ) placed inside the Group Box is not accessible thru mouse in the preview window. Based on the tab order it can be selected when "Tab" key in entered.
570048 An error is outputted when default.aspx is opened and closed by IE8. However, an error is not outputted when default.htm is opened and closed.
570057 PrintDataWindow fails sometimes with -1 when printing richttext DataWindow in a printjob. Print function works correctly with same Datawindow.
570101 We need a clarification about the certification of PowerBuilder webForms on Windows 2008 64 bits. Currently, the documentation does not mention 64-bits platforms.

We also need a document of how to deploy a .msi file with all the Dlls needed and how to configure IIS in order to run 32 bits web applications.

570124 Customer has an application that they have migrated from PB 9 to PB 11.5 and they use SetRowFocusIndicator with their own bitmap. Occasionally the bitmap just doesn't appear.
570243 The PB debugger crashes if the user has added a parent.tag in watch which is recorded in the user defined debugging info ie. the .opt file.

Deleting the opt file resolves the problem, as it is deleting the parent tag info of the watch.

570319 The appearance for a contemporary toolbar icon is

not correct. It has a dark border around it. It does not appear the same as with a traditional menu.

The problem does not happen for all icons.

570340 Toolbar images for a contemporary menu have a gray background when images are in the same directory as application.

When the images (first.bmp,next.bmp,prior.bmp and last.bmp) are moved to another

directory that is in the system path, then the gray background is not there.

Resolution: Not to be fixed. Too risky and may cause a regression. Pathing issue

does not occur in pb12 (build 2063).

570479 text color in a DDLB column not rendered as for Windows DDLB control.
570693 PB client calling a webservice running on websphere

results in a memory leak.

The application eventually produces the following error and then crashes pb:

There is a runtime error when invoking the Web Service APPLICATION. The

definition of the method signature in the Web Service is wrong--the data doesn't

match the parameter definition.

Using websphere 6.1. The web service generates pdf documents uses up memory each successive time the web service is invoked until Powerbuilder crashes.

570817 Memory leak from retrieving file from WebService
571043 A customer has an elaborate datawindow using nested reports built in Powerbuilder 8. Within Powerbuilder 8 he uses the getfullstate powerscript function to convert this datawindow into a blob and store it in his Oracle database.

Should he be able to use this blob created in Powerbuilder 8 and be able to do a selectblob of the powerbuilder 8 datawindow and then do a setfullstate in a Powerbuilder 11 application?

Would this be considered supported?

Parts of the report display fine but pages are missing.

571162 Attributes in an export template are not stored in the order they were entered

CR 309840 seem to occur again.

571184 SCC source integration P4SCC 2007.3 or 2008.2

When refreshing source control status, the SccQueryInfo

call gets into an infinite loop within the Perforce dll's

571249 EJB client to Weblogic

Some properties of type any of java classes can not be expanded within the debugger

571280 A Barcode font is not displaying or printing properly after upgrade from PB 11.0 to 11.5.

This does appear to be a regression. It works OK in build 7518 and earlier of PB 11.x. Later versions of 11.2 display the barcode incompletely as does the latest version of 11.5, build 3143.

571286 The RightToLeft Property currently applies to:

Application and Window objects, and CheckBox, DataWindow, DatePicker, DropDownListBox, DropDownPictureListBox, EditMask, GroupBox, InkEdit, ListBox, ListView, MonthCalendar, MultiLineEdit, PictureListBox, RadioButton, SingleLineEdit, StaticHyperLink, StaticText, and TreeView controls

Customer would like the RightToLeft property to apply to Computed Fields in the datawindow control

571418 SAP 16 Webservices

EasySoap client gave error "Cannot parse wsdl file" when generating proxies.

571626 Getting an error calling method of a pbni object when doing a CreateJavaInstance.
571814 When connected to MSSQL using the SNC driver, pb

is crashing on rollback using <transaction>;

A crash is happening in the u_mgr_data/xfi_rollback. In the debugger, autocommit

is set to false and the transaction object is valid.

A dump file shows the app is crashing in the:


14f025a1 8b4908 mov ecx,dword ptr [ecx+8]


571906 The customer needs to load various text files (generated by Pro*C or Oracle package on

UNIX)into a RichText DataWindow in their PowerBuilder application and then print out the

text files with Landscape Orientation (most of the time) from there. The main issue

encountered is that the Richtext DW fail to use Page Orientation specified by PrintSetup()

at runtime.

571920 When opening a workspace that is under source control with P4 sometimes a crash can occur when connecting to P4 by a user having a P4 password or when the password has expired. Enabling logging in the pb.ini might prevent the crash.
571930 Problem with the tab order on webform when PBDataWindowEnableDDDW=true. Tab order on webform is not the same as using pb native.

After a dddw is expanded, the tab order appears to be lost.

Using IE 6 and 7 for testing.

571956 The deployment of a large PB workspace causes an java.lang.OutOfMemoryError in easerver.

When they are all deployed at once (RMB on Workspace in PB system tree -> Deploy) the server will get java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space. After this the server has to be restarted.

571977 The customer has a datawindow with a stored procedure update. There are many arguments in the stored procedure that are marked as not used in the sp update properties. Only 9 arguments are passed. The datatypes of those 9 match but the error "Implicit conversion from datatype 'INT' to 'VARCHAR' is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query." happens on an update. A database trace doesn't really show anything helpful.
572081 Transparent background of png pictures are drawn incorrectly

when a rectangle is put behind it or when the picture is dynamically set.

572336 When pb client calls the pb web service running on

IIS, windows event view may report the following error:

Event Type: Error

Event Source: ASP.NET 2.0.50727.0

Event: EventType clr20r3,P1 w3wp.exe, P2 6.0.3790.3959, P3 45d6968e, P4 sybase.powerbuilder.interop, P5, P6 471eaa9a, P7 4e9, P8 1f, P9 system.accessviolation, P10 NIL

Event ID: 1334


An unhandled exception occurred and the process was terminated.

Application ID: /LM/W3svc/1/Root/eonwebservice

Exception: System.AccessViolationException

Message: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an

indication that other memory is corrupt.

Stack Trace: at b(oa*, PBTransaction, Boolean)

at c(oa*, PBTransaction)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.DB.PBSQL.Stop(IntPtr dbthis, PBTransaction transaction)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBSessionBase.Stop.Transaction(PBTransaction trans)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBTransaction.Dispose(Boolean disposing)

at Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBPowerObject.Finalize()

Test shows that the exception won't affect PB Webservice in the opera application

since the iis can automatically restart the process w3wp.exe immediately after its stopped.

572499 The issue is, that it seems that when targetting a O9 database the string that can be passed is twice as big as the one against an o10 db server.
572911 Date() function returns value from invalid date on some windows installations.

It seems that on these systems PB does not use the set regional settings (english uk), it uses some sort of US date settings instead (yy/mm/dd or yyyy/mm/dd), hence the wrong output.

573079 BindSPInput=1 makes db oracle to bind proc input parameters. However Oracle XML type can't be bound as either String or Clob/Nclob, and XML type in OCI is not a simple data type and can't be used directly like other data types. So Function spec of Oracle11g explicitly pointed out that xml procedure parameters type is not currently supported.
573081 Memory leak from retrieving PSR file from WebService. After 7 iterations can't get the file anymore.
573229 Customer has PB 6.5 psr files and has migrated to PB 11.5. When they initially set the dataobject to the psr file it seems to load and display properly. But then if they do a SaveAs PSReport! that returns success, but the resulting psr is empty - no data. If you load that new PSR, it is empty.

Using an 11.5 psr there is no problem loading it, making changes, save it again as a psr, the new psr loads and displays properly. The customer needs to be able to do the same to these older psrs.

573409 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5_2506

Database/Driver File/Version: SYC connecting to ASE 12.5.4

Comments: Customer has above 1000 stored procedures created with "sp_" prefix. But Pb, by default, considers these stored procedures as System Procedures.

As a consequence, customer needs to right-click and enable "Show System Procedures" to make them visible. This was reproduced here.

573434 The customer has a large text column with autosize height in the detail band. When displaying in print preview, sometimes this column is clipped on the bottom with only the top half of the last line showing. PSE could only see the clipping with my DPI set to normal (96 DPI).
573443 Certain toolbar menu icons are not clearly recognizable

between enable and disable state.

CR463051 addressed the problem and created a new property (PBTOOLBARDISABLEMODE=1 ) to add as a system environmental variable.

Please document this property-- PBTOOLBARDISABLEMODE=1

573610 When a rtf doc contains INCLUDEPICTURE and references

a .bmp for .gif, the picture does not show in in a rte control or richtext dw.

The rtf doc contains:



It works ok in PB 10.5.2

573630 When inserting data into a new row and tabbing to

the dddw where the 'empty string is null' is checked, causes the previous column's data to disappear.

Webform is doing a postback. Only happens when empty string is null is checked.

573774 When calling Functions with similar names after a certain length of the identifier in oracle packages it seems we try to call the wrong function.
573813 A PowerBuilder EAServer application is upgraded in which some method calls are changed.

if a client application uses a bad or old proxy object then PowerBuilder

within EAServer gets a fatal error on the server side and EAServer can go down.

573822 Opening the responds window with an RTE control on it cause a

Powerbuilder Application Execution Error

573964 When a PowerBuilder client application is using a bad proxy object then PowerBuilder

within EAServer gets a PB INTERNAL EXCEPTION.

574017 Using FileReadEx on some machines crashes when reading a large file (380069 KB).

1 - Tested on Vista machine, PB 11.5.1 build 4011, 4 GB memory. Ran fine, returned correct bytes in less than a minute.

2 - Tested on XP machine, PB 11.5.1 build 4011, 1 GB memory. Crashed in pbvm115.dll after running for a few minutes.

Customer has an XP machine with 3 GB memory and says he is crashing.

574021 The customer has several button display issues using both Window Classic, Windows Vista, and Windows XP themes. The look of the pictures inside the buttons and the size of the buttons themselves using each theme are inconsistent. The goal of this CR is to get button sizes to be consistent across all button types and graphics to look correct on all styles of buttons using all Windows themes in any Windows operating system version.

1) Datawindow buttons can be given a picture but have no originalsize property. The picture scales instead of the button resizing around the picture causing graphics to look unprofessional using modern or classic themes. The button should have an originalsize property that behaves as it does for window picture buttons.

2) In PowerBuilder the datawindow picture buttons always display using the classic style when viewed on the datawindow regardless of the display theme in use. For example, if using the standard Windows Vista or Windows XP themes the buttons appear square on the datawindows, but when window buttons are viewed on a window object the buttons appear with rounded edges. DW buttons should behave the same.

3) In modern display themes Window commandbuttons have multitone gradient backgrounds while picturebuttons do not. This gives an inconsistent look. Picturebuttons should have similar capability.

574126 Setting PaperOrientation property for RichTextEdit control to Landscape! is not respected during printing, unless to change the Orientation manually in the Printing Preferences.
574186 When having a richtext edit stlye column that covers more than a page in printpreview then there is some part of the column cut off and another empty page gets displayed.

Normal column edit style works ok.

574194 The problem is that background pictures are not displayed at runtime when the images are placed in a PowerBuilder resource file and linked into the exe.
574329 EAServer 5.5 PowerBuilder 11.2 Build 8616

PowerBuilder Internal Exception

A crash occured in the activate event of a component

574466 pbr graphics are not appearing on menu at runtime.

In pb 11.5, bmp,png and jpg are not appearing on menu.

In pb 11.2, jpg are not appearing (png is not supported until 11.5)

Problem happens for both pcode and machine code. It does not appear that

the graphics are set in the executable.

574857 CopyRTF function on RichTextEdit Control is not working and does not return the rte string.

Worked fine in PB 9 and 10.5.

574894 Customer has his own JSP pages with DDDWs on them and when he migrated from PB 10.5/EAS 5.1 to PB 11.2/EAS 5.5 the dropdowns are not working as expected. They seem to need to be clicked several times and still then the selected state is not selected.
574909 Customer has used a third party command button in their win32 application and now when deploying to a webform it is not showing when run. There are unsupported features reported for one event and some properties but not sure why it is not displaying.
575262 Enhancement Request:

Make it possible to create 64-bit applications to be able to use more than 2GB virtual memory.

575287 [Currency] display format replaces a dot with a comma

In the Regional Options, if the Currency Symbol contains a dot (for example kr.), the dot is replaced by a comma when using the [Currency] display format.

575415 The indicator of DW does not work correctly in the window opened by another instance.
575536 When usehwnd=no is set, the wrong object's events in a sharedata are getting fired.

The SQLPreview, RetrieveEnd,UpdateEnd do not have any/correct arguments.

The n_cst_global/of_test has the sharedata().

IF ids_Test.ShareData(au_DW) = 1 THEN

IF THIS.of_CreateTempTable(TRUE) = 1 THEN

ll_RowCount = ids_Test.Retrieve()

I believe where the problem is in the second retrieve:

IF li_rc = 1 THEN

ll_RowCount = au_DW.Retrieve()

575545 PB is crashing when using ALT-S for a shortcut with a button.

The dump file shows the crash is happening in:


Default_Bucket_ID: Invalid Pointer Read


575975 mailSaveMessage function fails.
576153 The Date() function should have a second parameter for format argument.
576157 Which wsdl syntax does PB adhere to and are there any recommendations that can be given to customers who have the need to access certain web services. How to find out what is supported or not.
576183 After adding a column to DW select statement with view the columns get renamed, the datatypes are being changed, the update properties are lost and the sort order is lost as well.
576207 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5_3127

Database/Driver File/Version: SNC connecting to SQL Server 2005 database

Comments: Enable SNC to allow multiple table selection in Paste Special/SQL/Update or Delete. Currently, only one table can be selected when using SNC.

The feature already exists for ASE, SYC and ODBC/JDBC (ase/asa/ms sql server) interfaces.

576446 Display as Picture property not working in xHTML on Linux.
576452 A datawindow Bar3D graph does not display unless

the type is changed to a different type and then changed back to Bar3D.

576465 When editing in a richtextedit control typing Ctrl-z will undo the last item typed and typing Ctrl-y right after that will put back what was removed by Ctrl-z. There is an

Undo() rte function that will do the same thing as Ctrl-z. However, there isn't a corresponding Redo() function. The customer would like to see a Redo() rte function.

576659 Consult request. The Team Sybase customer is getting the following error in the EAServer log file:

2009-06-09 10:52:42.715 WARN Thread-414 Probable cause: unexpected failure or abnormal shutdown of client application or client host.

They are looking for any ideas. What does this error mean? What could be causing it?

576662 The issue is if you first insertdocumentinto an rte, an rtf document that has some kind of table, and then do a selecttextall() and a clear(), the table outline is left behind. This accumulates if doing multiple inserts and clears, and on some subsequent html inserts can affect the inserted data. It tries to stuff the html columns into the existing table structure. In PB 9, everything was cleared out with nothing apparently left behind. But the table was not visible in PB 9, so maybe tables weren't supported.

What seems to be a good workaround is to have the customer use the clearflag set to true on the subsequent html insertdocument. If you do the insertdocuments with the clearflag argument set to true, then it does clear out the table stuff. But the customer is also doing some header and footer inserts, and this no longer works when the clearflag is set to true. So this is not an acceptable workaround for the customer.

The customer wants the RTE.Clear() to clear out the text and table structure and let subsequent insertdocuments and header and footer inserts work properly.

July 17, 2009: Engineering can't fix the clear() problem in an EBF, however they were able to fix the workaround. Verified the workaround using InsertDocument() with the clearflag argument set to true to true is fixed in PB 11.5.1 build 4556.

576682 The customer would like to lock down the left most columns in a grid style datawindow and to do this in Powerbuilder he would use the HorizontalScrollSplit functionality. Unfortunately this isn't supported in Powerbuilder 11.5 WebForms. Customer is requesting this functionality be incorporated into the PowerBuilder Webforms functionality.
576864 A right aligned italic TrueType fonts can be cut-off at the right of a DataWindow column or control.
576905 The customer is running PB on a 64 bit Windows 2008 machine. They are setting the printer driver in a datawindow using the datawindow.printer property. They are noticing a much longer time to retrieve the datawindow when the printer they set is a networked printer driver especially the Easy Print 32 bit driver (Windows Terminal Services printer service). The issue is only with composite reports which are always displayed in Print Preview mode. When using a standard printer driver, a report print preview shows up on the screen in about 4 seconds. The same report takes about 1-2 minutes when using the Easy Print driver.

Testing here on Windows XP with a local printer vs a networked printer does consistently show that with the networked printer set in the datawindow.printer property, the retrieve takes longer in a good 9 out of 10 retrieves. This difference is magnified on the customer's environment.

576927 Customer is claiming that

#if defined PBNATIVE then

is always evaluating as false when used with Orca.

577074 To solve the length limitation problem, engineering needs to research input lob locator binding, then we can sent a lob to server side(not a string or binary data mapped to oracle long or long raw, which has length limitation) . Current we only support output lob locator binding(server send a lob data to client).
577088 Nulls are being inserted when using DisableBind = 0.

Powerbuilder 11 and Oracle database.

The customer has a very active application with an Oracle backend. For

performance reasonss he wants to use bind varibles. See for an explanation of how Oracle uses bind varibles.

The customer does a powerbuilder insert with DisableBind = 0. The issue is that "Nulls" are getting inserted into the database for columns where the values in datawindow column are empty. Customer believes that the insert statements should not be inserting null for empty values in the datawindow columns.

577298 Modify call on Datawindow with no controls crashes in PBSHR dll, it worked fine in previous versions of PB.
577299 Vista font (eg. cambria) in contemporary menu has display problem in webform. The menu text will display in bold and scrambled when hovering the mouse over it. Only on vista.
577303 PrintManger is not showing the Document name

on a WebForm for datastore. It does not show the document name whether the

name was set in the datawindow object or dynamically using dot notation or modify.

It works ok for datawindow but not datastore. Works ok in Winform and PBNative.

577496 In a .NET Webform application an empty(NULL)row in a DropDownDataWindow is not displayed when expanding the DDDW.
577498 In a webform application a datawindow with a dropdowndatawindow is placed on a tabcontrol.

When the DDDW is expanded, the DW control gets moved upwards, using PBDataWindowEnableDDDW true.

577527 OS: Windows 2003

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5_3127, PBVM 11.5 (that comes with EAServer 6.2 installation )and also PBVM 11.5_3127 upgrade in EAServer side

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A


When a JSP invokes a PB NVO that performs intercomponent call to second PB NVO, PBVM 11.5 throws an exception and leads EAServer to crash. The issue happens if intercomponent call invokes a method with datetime datatype in parameter.

577691 Orcascript:

When connecting to MS Visual SourceSafe 6.0, 2005 with orcascript the

VSS Password dialog appears eventhough the password was set in the script.

scc set connect property userid "Orca"

scc set connect property password "orca"

577810 The customer needs to load various text files (generated by Pro*C or Oracle package on

UNIX)into a RichText DataWindow in their PowerBuilder application and then print out the

text files with Landscape Orientation (most of the time) from there. On PB10.2, the long text will be be truncated to display. On PB11.2, the long text file will be word wrapping

to new line, even the RichText DataWindow control has turn of the word wrapping.

After the dw.InsertDocument(), there is no way to reset the word wrapping.

577893 SetText crashes when strings contains over 130 numeric characters.
578096 PB failed to create EasySoap Proxy with SAP wsdl File with

"Unknown Exception found" in Web Service Proxy Wizard.

578098 PB failed to create EasySoap Proxy with SAP wsdl File with

"Unknown Exception found" in Web Service Proxy Wizard.

578100 PB failed to create EasySoap Proxy with SAP wsdl File with

"Unknown Exception found" in Web Service Proxy Wizard.

578102 PB failed to create EasySoap Proxy with SAP wsdl File with

"Unknown Exception found" in Web Service Proxy Wizard.

578158 Customer is connecting to a SQL Server database with ODBC and when he tries to call a stored procedure and perform an update he is receiving an error,

SQLSTATE = 07006

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Restricted data type attribute violation

If customer connects using ADO.NET, OLE DB or SNC there is no error. They have used ODBC in the past and say this is a migrated application that did not show the error in PB 9.0.3. The testcase however for me, does show the error in PB 9.0.3 but they insist their actual application does not.

578353 Opening an object under ClearCase will crash

PB in the IDE.

The crash is happening in the PBLIB115!CFP_Folder::EnumActions



243: if (bInWebTarget || bInJSPTarget)

244: {

245: // New...

> 246: hr = LP_CreateNewAction(m_pContext, m_strURL, IID_IPB_Action, (void**)&pIAction);

247: if (SUCCEEDED(hr))

248: {

249: PB_ASSERT(pIAction != NULL);

250: list.AddTail(pIAction);

251: pIAction->Release();

578369 Customer would like a way to create a windows service from their PB exe directly from PowerBuilder.

There are several third party tools available to do this and but he would like to be able to do it without purchasing a third party tool.

578566 Enhancement Request

Provide properties to specify the sorting order of DataWindow Crosstab Columns

578833 The customer runs 80 reports for 3000 customers. So they currently run SPs that return all the data for all customers and use filters and SaveAs on the PB client to generate reports for each customer. They use this approach because if they put the filter on the SP, they would need to run 3000 x 80 reports every evening. They run into problems when the rowcount exceeds the DW size limit. If you run the attached sample using the README instructions and review the log using the enclosed Winvi editor, you'll see blank lines for the last 500K rows.

Customer enhancement is a request for a larger DW size limit.

579165 In PB11.2, the toolbar icons in dynamic menu items work fine with the IE WebControls but not with Telerik RadControls (the standard with PB IDE 11.5)
579189 Enhancement Request for full (png picture) transparency support including z-order.
579206 Ct needs to import XML files in DataWindows, which have whitespaces as content. The DataWindow functions importFile() and importString() don't work with these files correctly, because they drop rows and columns.
579217 When you import a XML file into a DataWindow using an XML template, you will get incorrect results :

- Some values are not in the right column

- Some values are not imported

579225 PB is crashing at compile time of a global function. The customer has a global function and in the function, the customer is attempting to set an initial value to the integer variable minute_pos when declaring it. But they are using an expression that can only be evaluated at runtime:

int minute_pos = pos(time_value,':')

where time_value is an argument passed into the function at runtime. Declarations happen at compile time, and time_value has no meaning or value at compile time. The expression pos(time_value,':') clearly is intended to be evaluated at runtime using the passed in time_value to the function, so it makes no sense to use the syntax to set an initial value to the variable in a declare statement. Even if it could compile this one line declare statement will never be executed at runtime. The correct syntax is the commented out 2 lines:

int minute_pos // Declare the variable at compile time

minute_pos = pos(time_value,':') // Set a value at runtime when the function is called.

This is from the Help on initial values for variables: "Although you can use global system functions or expressions to initialize variables with compile time values in a variable declaration statement, for runtime value assignments, you must declare variables and assign their values in separate statements."

So the issue here for Engineering is can we aviod the crash and get a compile time error message?

07/15/2009: Verified fixed in PB 11.5.1 EBF build 4556 and after.

579399 A regression since 11.5 GA. The customer is doing an InsertDocument of an HTML file into an RTE control. Now there are 3 funcky characters visible in the front of the document. The file is encoded ansi and there is no BOM. These characters did not show up in PB 11.5 GA.

July 17, 2009: Verified fixed in PB 11.5.1 build 4556.

579422 Customer is in Infomaker 11.5. He has datawindows (reports) that now take a very long time to open the SQL Painter (Clicking DataSource). Some reports take minutes before the SQL appears. In PB 9.0.3 it displays the SQL very quickly connected to the exact same database and opening the same report. Why is this taking so long now? Can something be fixed in 11.5 to make this quicker?

The database is SQL Anywhere 11 and ODBC is used to connect.

July 17, 2009: Verified fixed in PB 11.5.1 build 4556 and after.

579592 Description of Problem:

From the only help for 11.2 and 11.5, it states for 'Using number display formats' that

'These keywords tell PowerBuilder to determine an appropriate format based on system




From the online documentation for PB 11.2 and PB 11.5, Users Guide, Chapter 22: Displaying and Validating Data for

Number keywords 'You can use the following keywords as number display formats when you want PowerBuilder to determine an appropriate format to use'.

The online documentation does not reference that {General] and [Currency] are

based on system settings. The online documentation does not appear to be in sync

with the online help.

579807 The Ultralite UL10 DB interface shows datatypes differently than they actually are, eg. varchar(n) is displayed as char(n)and DateTime is displayed as Timestamp.
579811 The Ultralite UL10 DB interface does not show a primary key created with constraint as primary key, it will show as index.
580170 Webform: Entered text disappears

On a .Net Webform application when setting the DataWindow Visible property to False and

back to True again, the last entered text may have dissappeared from the dataWindow.


There are other options to hide a DataWindow like setting the x or y coordinate to a large negative value.

580176 The customer has a datawindow sort criteria that used PB functions like:

"abs(col1) A,abs(col2) A"

If he takes this exact string though, and does a SetSort to the datawindow the setsort adds a space after the comma and the sort string becomes:

"abs(col1) A, abs(col2) A"

The cusotmer does a lot of iterations of this in his app. The extra spaces add up and become a problem, using memory and eventually crashing PB. Not a problem if the functions are not in the sort string.

July 17, 2009: Verified fixed in PB 11.5.1 build 4556 and after.

580459 Using Jaguar thread manager, can not start the thread
580544 After calling SyntaxFromSql, the retrieve on a datastore fails but works on second call and after.

The problem occurs on some conditions : The PbCatalogOwner is set in the dbparm and the user connected is not the owner Pb catalog tables.

580775 The customer has a datawindow with an XML export template defined that has the encoding set to UTF-8. The Export Use Template is set to this UTF-8 template. Yet when they use dot notation to get the xml from the datawindow, dw.object.DataWindow.Data.XML. The XML returned has the default UTF-16LE as the encoding. If you do a SaveAs XML! then it does have the correct UTF-8 encoding in the generated XML file. Even if you set the export use template in script with:


Before the dw.object.DataWindow.Data.XML, you still get UTF-16LE as the encoding rather than the UTF-8 encoding specified by the template.

580960 SqlServer Native Client (SNC)incorrect generation -exec sp_executesql- with index columns data type Varchar().

The problem involves the nvarchar and varchar types trought SNC with SQL Server 2008 and disableBind=0

With DisableBind=1 or with another mode of connection, ODBC , OLEDB, all works fine

581034 Ability to use [currency] or [general] to set the Display Format

for Rupees.

This is a continuation of cr566072. Currently to display ruppees

in the dw, you must set the Display Format to ##,##,##,###.00. The customer

feels that it should be reading the regional settings. If so, then you

should be able to just use [currency] or [general].

Our documentation states that you can use the following keywords as number display

formats when you want PowerBuilder to determine an appropriate format to use:



581205 simple code for example

string ls_value

long ll_tmp, i

for i = 1 to 500000

if isNull(string(ll_tmp)) then

end if


causes a memory leakage

581412 On Solaris PBVM, Setfullstate & Getfullstate can handle ASE Double Character data content in certain condition. It is discovered that Getfullstate, Setfullstate, GetChanges &

SetChanges fail when datawindow / datastore SQL Query contains table or columns names with

multi-byte chars e.g. Simplified Chinese , Korean chars. Problem happen on database interface PB JDBC, SYJ Solaris.

581550 Powerbuilder database retrieval will go through proper character set conversion and then

be converted into Unicode sting. On Solaris PBVM, it is discovered that PBVM fail to get

correct Unicode string data, when the ASE database side has charset cp936 (simplified chiense).

In fact, original customer hit the problem on Korean cp949.

It is suspected that it is a general problem when unix PBVM meet the ASE DBCS charset.

581619 When a window has a tab control with 12 tabs and every other

tab page is marked as visible=false, the invisible tabs still require a scroll click to

scroll to the next tab.

The scroll tab functionality requires 2 clicks to scroll to the next tab.

581636 DW with a lot of compute columns terminate application by horizontal scrolling.
581962 Need support for System.Nullable class in PowerBuilder WinForm/WebForm.
581967 The customer builds reports dynamically at runtime. They SaveAs these reports as PDF files. Quite often lines of data are clipped on the page breaks. The datawindow uses a lot of computed fields for display and they are set to autosize height as is the detail band. The testcase is an example of the type of clipping they see. But they are looking not for a fix to just this report, but a fix to the systemic clipping problem as they see it.

July 28, 2009: Engineering says this is not a bug, but a limitation. The whole report is in one row with autosize text columns that together exceed the one page limitation.

581971 The customer is trying to use the runtime files to connect Powerbuilder 11.5.1 to SQL Server on an app deployed to a Windows 2000 machine and gets "The procedure entry point TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime could not be found in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll" error message. After hitting the OK button to exit that error message you get that SNC is not supported in the current installation. The can connect from the SQL Server Manager, and they can also connect using ODBC.

The TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTim function is not supported on Windows 2000. See

582001 With the Control Panel Display Properties Theme set to Windows XP, setting the background color to transparent of a datawindow button control causes the control to look like a label as there is no border around the button. All you see is the button text. It has a border in Windows classic.

Friday, July 31, 2009: QA Verified Fixed in PB 11.2 Build 8850, and PB 11.5 Build 4566.

582163 The customer would like to have the datawindow function SaveAs to save any images in htmltable format. When you SaveAs PDF!, any images are in the PDF file. But when you SaveAs HtmlTable!, the images disappear. The customer has an application on mobile devices. They cannot use pdf in such environment and need htmltable format.
582423 PB has error when using Informix native driver.

Condition : Table has 444s over columns.

Error : The row length has exceeded the maximum of 64000 bytes.

582462 When the last column of DW has the following attributes, if a setitem method is used in an itemchanged event, a caret will move to an incorrect position.

This issue will occur, if "-" or "," is contained in the editmask format.(Example, ##-## or ##,## etc)

582576 While ending the debug session a crash happens in PB - no testcase available only crash dbg files have been generated and output from crashhandler is available.
582909 SetPointer does not detect finish of a user definition event.
583022 Customer would like to use the ink picture control in an n-up report but when doing so there is not a way to give the correct id. I believe this is the same issue as CR 157689 but as that existed before the ink contol the customer would like to know if there is a way to create an n-up report and then add the ink picture to the report.

If not supported, this should be documented and/or changed to an enhancement request.

583077 The Classic Style option causes GPF by background color change of dw column.
583192 Currency format display not working properly when using either [Currency] or explicit formatting.
583465 SetSeriesStyle cannot change setting of graph except a pbm_dwngraphcreate event.
583511 The functions charA and ascA returns wrong values in .Net environment for ascii>=128.

Tested with both WebForms and Winforms.

583527 When using a datalink to connect to snc in pbnative

or winform, pb will crash. Works ok in pb 12 when not using datalink.

Works ok in PB 11.2.

583572 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5.1_4011

Database/Driver File/Version: PBJDB interface connecting to PostGre 8.3 via JDBC Driver

Comments: When issuing SELECTBLOB by using PB JDBC interface, the blob length returned from blob variable is incorrect. Same SELECTBLOB query works fine when using PB ODBC, instead.

583794 When this value is very large, the position of a scroll box is set to 0.
583892 Application is crashing in the following:


PBSHR115!PbHeap_panic+237 [e:\pb115\3rdparty\heap\spbheap.c @ 1433]

004a0f77 cc int 3

Customer was using this application in PB 10.2 and it was crashing in pbdwe10.dll.

They upgraded to PB 11.5 and now it is crashing in pbshr115.dll.

RESOLUTION: Customer resolved issue by changing their code to: ls_user_id = Space(260)

li_return_code = GetEnvironmentVariables("USERNAME",ls_user_id,260)

ls_user_id = Trim(ls_user_id)

583924 Application is crashing when using tablet pc

running vista and opening a window with a nested report.

RESOLUTION: Customer resolved issue. May have been a MS patch issue.

584062 When compiling a certain function PB crashes within PBCMP115!cm_check_assign_types function
584107 A memoryleak is experienced when calling the function SyntaxFromSql using an odbc

connection to MS SQL Server with the following settings:

- Hebrew database collation setting

- Hebrew OS settings

- Integrated (windows) authentication to SQL Server connection

584113 The customer has a database where they store values for year, month and day in decimal(0) fields. They use a computed field expression to display the date as a string in the datawindow as follows:

String(Date(eyear, emonth, eday))

This expression works fine in PB 10.2.1, but in PB 11.5.1 it results in "Invalid Argument to Function" error message.

The expression works in 11.5.1 if the Date arguments are columns of long or number, but this customers columns are decimal from the database, and they no longer work.

08/12/2009: This has been fixed by Engineering. The fix is in 11.5 build 4575 and after.

584254 When disabling a tabpage that has PictureName property set a grey box is shown instead of a disabled view of the picture.
584293 If its not documented then there might be reasons for it, ie. that its not working on all devices or platforms or was it simply forgotten to be included in the help.

The properties can be found in the object Browser for env object tree as properties, so they are there...





584499 When using libraryimport() in a do while loop, at least

1 iteration of the libraryimport() will return -1.

The errors argument for libraryimport will be null. So there is no error given

except the return code returned -1.

584699 Saving very large reports as PSR files sometimes results in a PSR file truncated at 185MB size.

Trying to open such a file will cause a crash.

584717 The x and y values passed to the AddData() function are being swapped for a scatter graph in WebForms. It is the exact opposite of how it works in Win32. The AddData function for scatter graphs takes series, xvalue, yvalue as arguments. The same problem exists in 11.2.
584723 The customer has a datawindow with many rows. He wants to change a column value of all the rows at once. He wants to set the same value for all the rows. He doesn't want to have to loop through it. He's using dot notation:

dw.object.columnname.primary = 10

The columnname is a numeric (long) column. He knows he has done this in the past. But now it only seems to take an array of values. His concern there is that is slow on a datawindow. He was not able to identify what version of PB this used to work in. I went back as far as PB 8 but all work the same as now.

584772 PowerBuilder 11.5 smart client deployment can be started by web URL as other Visual Studio

smart client application. But PB fail to pass argument(s) in web URL to launch the PB application. It is requested to consider the feature in coming PB Version.

584818 Need a PB native function to change the Regional settings.
585011 Internal Runtime Engine failure. Contact Powersoft Tech. Support. (NOOP)

Object: w_promasterce_sync

Routine: ue_postopen

Line No.: 8

585219 Need the InitPath registry entry to be expanded.
585427 Destroying a datastore takes 3 or 4 times in PB 11.5.1 than in PB10.5
585462 After upgrading their smartphone from wm 6.0 to

wm 6.1, a customer is getting the following error on the runsync():

Cannot open transaction log

The pb_run_dbmlsync works ok. Problem only with the runsync(). If they leave

the last argument off in the runsync, than it works ok. No error.

They are using the following:


Parameter values are as follows:

exe_name=\Program Files\SQLAny10\dbmlsync.exe




connect_string = -c 鬱sn=CarillonPDA�

other_arguments = -d

is_sync_class_name = pda_LRPETTIT_sync

585483 Oracascript returns incorrect unc pathing. When

a target has a unc pathing for a pbl, orcascript returns a incorrect path.

A target has the following librarylist:



After running orcascript, the log file shows the following:

8/13/2009 14:27 Source Management Initialization...

Local Project Path: c:\pse\11503791\11503791\unc\work

Scc Connect Offline Successful.

PBORCA_SccSetTarget: c:\pse\11503791\11503791\unc\unc.pbt

Target settings: IMPORT ONLY | REFRESH ALL (Implicit)

App Name: unc App Lib: c:\pse\11503791\11503791\unc\unc.pbl

Library List:



Successfully created library: c:\ops-concord\duquette$\11503791\unc\unc1.pbl


From the log file, you can see that the following is incorrect:


Successfully created library: c:\ops-concord\duquette$\11503791\unc\unc1.pbl

It should be:


585586 Enhancement request for Webservice client to support cookies
585690 Customer using Informix's HDR (INFORMIX High-Availability Data

Replication "HDR"). The secondary database generally act as ReadOnly database, unless

there is failure of primary. However, Secondary database can share certain readonly access


see this link

PowerBuilder first access to informix database must create those PB Catalog tables.

With no catalog table, accessing database by PB database painter, create datawindow object and accessing Stored Procedure or RPC calls etc all get this error:

SQL Error-626: Cannot obtain or set serial value.

ISAM Error-140:ISAM error: operation illegal on a DR Secondary

from link:

"-140 ISAM error: operation illegal on a DR secondary.

A DR secondary server is meant for read-only operations. Any kind of write operation to a nontemporary dbspace is not allowed. For example, you cannot create a table in a regular dbspace, and you cannot do an insert, update, or delete operation on a table in a regular dbspace."

586182 Customer is reporting that during a large datastore update (appx 120,000 rows), the PBVM crashes:

PB INTERNAL EXCEPTION on: Thread : 3916, Address : 0x2B00E6FE, Type : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000006C. CPB_Component::invoke

EAS: 6.20 with EBF16459

PB: 11.02.8407

The crash happens every time the update occurs on a particular customer server. However, customer has other customers on which the same sized update with the same version of EAS/PB and same components works without problems.

586186 When connected to MSS2008 using the OLEDB driver

and you create a datawindow, if a column type is defined as nvarchar that

column shows up as date.

The same column works ok when connected to MSS2005. The problem also

shows up if you create a new table and defined a column as nvarchar. When

you save the table, it will save the column type as date and not nvarchar.

Other problems:

- Date and time. You can create a table ok with a date and time

datatype. When retrieving data in a dw, the format is incorrect.

- Timestamp. When creating a new table, the timestamp datatype will

map to a binary datatype.

586209 PSE NOTES:


OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5.1_4011

Database/Driver File/Version: ASA 11.0 with sample EASDemoDB V115

Comments: During runtime, datawindow in webforms never displays the same money format as set in Windows Regional Settings. The ASP.NET Culture and UI Culture settings in IIS Admin do not take effect in this case. Works fine in PB Native (client/server), only.

586399 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5.1_4011

Database/Driver File/Version: ASA 11 EAS Demo DB V115

Comments: IF-THEN-ELSE works different in Web Forms. PB knows about the value and the datatype of "dw_2a.object.rcr_rcr_ven_1[ll_fila]" in runtime. This works fine in PBVM native, but causes the IF clause to skip to ELSE, when in Web Forms.

586725 As for the printing image of DW, a printing result differs from printing range.
586757 Problem areas are the highlight rectangle and the cleartype fonts in the menu with contemporary style. In a RDP connection the highlight will show as a raster rectangle and the cleartype font will not have the smoothing effect.
586835 In the datawindow painter, the Design->Options menu item opens a Datawindow Options window with 3 tabs. The generation tab specifies default options for new datawindows. It's not working correctly in PB 11.5. You can specify options for say a form window, and apply them. Close out the Datawindow Options window, create a new freeform datawindow, and it does not use the specified default options. If you go back to the Datawindow Options window and select the form style, it did save the new defaults, but it is not using them when new freeform datawindows are created. I suspect this is related to the FDCC changes made in PB 11.5. It works OK in 11.0 and in looking at the local PB 11.5 user PB.ini file the customer sees corruption like this:

new_????? ??? _text_color=33554432

new_????? ??? _column_color=33554432

new_????? ??? _color=1073741824

new_????? ??? _text_border=None

new_????? ??? _column_border=None

new_???? ? ??? _text_color=33554432

I also have some entries in my pb.ini file, and one was corrupted like the above, but others had previous changes but not the latest changes. It's like the generation options got saved one place, but it looks in another place when creating new datawindows. It's also flaky in that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work. It may also be that some style types work and others do not. So please check for all the style types.

586862 Using the Print() function to send a line of

text to the printer does not work.

Using the following code:

long Job

Job = PrintOpen( )

Print(Job, "Sybase Corporation")


The customer just sees a blank page. Customer trying to print to a HP LaserJet 8000 Series PCL

RESOLUTION: Use Print(Job, "~r~nSybase Corporation") instead. The reason is the text prints at the current print-line position, which has not yet been set, and so tries to print outside of the margin.

586936 Customer develop a datawindow object with a compute column.

The compute column eventually reference a Window instance and rely on Listbox control's

DirList function to return directory list. Whenever, preview the datawindow object or set the datawindow object on a Window's datawindow control, the whole PB IDE will crash.

587199 .Net Webform:

When a datawindow column has sufficient height so that more than one line

of text fits in the height of the column, then more text can be entered

into the column than should have been allowed (edit.limit).

587219 Stateless n-tier COM+ application on MTS.

Application platform - PowerBuilder 11.5 build-3127 (front end UI as well as back-end COM+ Components are built in PB 11.5)

PB INTERNAL EXCEPTION on: Thread : 6656, Address : 0x004F15BE, Type : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. ot_run_dllfunccall.

587317 Multi-lines Column in datawindow ,with background color expression, and is either on First or Last tab order, the background color cannot be changed completely under certain tab key condition.

When problem happens, the column background color is broken to three part.

Upper part - White (with text)

Middle part - Aqua (empty space)

Last part (not enough for one text line) - White.

The column background color expression:

" if (isnull(c4) or len(c4) = 0, rgb(0,255,255), rgb(255,255,255)) "

587430 Datawindow buttons can be given a picture but have no originalsize property. The picture scales instead of the button resizing around the picture causing graphics to look unprofessional using modern or classic themes. The button should have an originalsize property that behaves as it does for window picture buttons.

Engineering advises this cannot be done in an EBF, but only in a new version. Therefore asking for this to be included in PB 12.0.

587431 In modern display themes PB Window commandbuttons have multitone gradient backgrounds while picturebuttons do not. This gives an inconsistent look. Picturebuttons should have similar capability. Would like to get this in PB 12.0 before release.
587866 A more or less random crash (heap corruption) occurred in a new release

of a large application after a previous version worked fine.

587875 Random errors\crash appear in a EAServer\pbvm application in the Activate event of a PowerBuilder component
588058 Application prompts for a password in an SLE. Although the 'password' style is set so that only asterisks are displayed when characters are entered, if a password has previously been entered then the 'Word Completion' feature causes the previous password to be suggested.
588069 The customer is experiencing display issues with animated GIFs in a picture control on a window in PB 11.5.1. Outside of PB the gif displays fine counting from 0 to 9 and repeating. In a picture control on a PB 11.5.1 window then gif counts up to 8 OK, but then there is a display problem with 9.
588257 If Pass a null string as ref argument to a global function to use in GetFileOpenName doesn't work. String is assigned to the argument and checkd that it is not null before using it in GetFileOpenName
588260 Using try, catch block, finally. The defined exception is not returned if using nested functions.
588326 When connected to the SNC and you have a datawindow

using multi tables and computed columns, when you display the Update Properties

it is displaying an incorrect identity field.

The problem appears to be caused from the following computed field:

(select count(*) from CGPS_TravelClaimsDetail where CGPS_TravelClaimsDetail.claimid =

CGPS_TravelClaims.claimid) as detaillinescnt,

588545 Customer has migrated from PB 6.5 to 11.5. His application crashes on a certain window after migration. Requesting an ADPlus dump analysis.
588551 Customer has a datawindow in his webform with checkboxes ( also applies to radio buttons). His users tab through to make changes and are used to working this way. In the win32 version one can see that the user had tabbed to a specific column as the selected text value has a box around it. In the webform version there is no way to know that the user is on a specific column when tabbing through checkboxes and/or radio button controls.
588684 The DataWindow Setsort function leaks memory
588913 in 11.5.1 4566. DW number formatting broken
588926 complex DataWindow report prints blank detail in first page.
589057 Calling external dll using Ansi keyword with reference character changes the hex value in memory depending on the regional settings.

Not sure if this works as designed or if this is a malfunction.

workarounds for this particlar case are:


1.) remove the ansi keyword, or

2.) Define a new structure ie.

global type s_byte from structure

byte data[9]

end type

And in the code define instance variables to be eg:

s_byte isb_obj1 , isb_obj2

and then call it similar to input outpu button exisiting code, or in one button:

aa_unicode_test(isb_obj1 ,isb_obj2)

//assigning output to input object =

aa_unicode_test(isb_obj1 ,isb_obj2)

589096 From a Datawindow the data is SavedAs XML resulting into a xml file with a xsd file.

The xml however fails validation against the xsd file due to missing nillable attribute.

589119 IME Mode becomes Japanese mode when it changed focus at input columns.

This problem has on EBF 16685(PB11.2 build 8739) / EBF 17123(PB 11.5.1 build 4566) or later.

589256 Using update() will crash pb when updating a table using a synonym name.

The crash was happening in the dwtableaggrsortcmp.

This worked in PB 11.2 (build 8407). Crashing for the customer in PB 11.2 (build 8806)

589808 Saving objects in the painter takes a very long time

on a Win 2008 Cluster File Server.

589935 Previous background color partially remains on a SingleLineEdit contorl when setting new color to the background color of the control if BorderStyle of the control is StyleLowered!.
590011 column of a child DW window loses a focus by the click of a mouse.A slight drag operation relieves a focus from column.
590064 The customer upgraded from PB 9 to 11.5 and now when doing a datastore.print() the application crashes when the datastore contains a dropdowndatawindow. Unable to reproduce. Request crash dump analysis for any information that may help solve the problem.
590198 Customer reports that their application randomly crashes in pbdwe110.dll. Requesting crash dump analysis as customer has not been able to determine where the crash is happening.
590234 Customer is crashing in a pb 11.5 large application, 83 pbls. Problem in pbshr115.dll. Requesting crash dump analysis.
590239 Trying to retrieve data from openswitch

using a cursor and fetch statements results in the following error:

ct_fetch(): user api layer: external error: The connection

has been marked dead

RESOLUTION: Fixed under OpenSwitch cr590381

590294 Generating MSI file of .NET Web Forms Application fails if path to pbl file contains multibyte characters.
590574 System and Painters settings are lost in a roaming profile.
590576 Incorrect display in the left down corner of an RTL DW with HScrollbar/VScrollba
590821 The customer is using Querymode in a datawindow. Once he does one query and gets the results, he clears the datawindow and does another querymode. What used to happen is the datawindow would do the query with the datawindow blank and then the new results would display. But now in PB 11.5 the previous dw results are being redisplayed during the new query, even though the datawindow was cleared. Then the new reults are displayed. This did not happen in any previous versions. Some kind of regression in PB 11.5. The testapp is a pfc app as is the customer's app. But since it did not happen in previous PB versions, it seems to be an 11.5 issue.
591200 GetURL and PostURL seem to time-out and return -1 after about 30 seconds. Most likely caused by WinInet API default timeout value of that value (30sec).

The workaround is setting either

HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ReceiveTimeOut


HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ReceiveTimeOut

to a DWORD value to the desired time-out in milliseconds.

591255 ConnectToNewObject fails with error -1\-3 randomly within a EAServer PowerBuilder 11.5 component when trying to establish an OLE connection to Msxml2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument, Microsoft's DOM parser.
591492 A DropDownDataWindow does not expand with the mouse on a TreeView DataWindow when the RightToLeft property is enabled
591798 DataWindow edit doesn't show decimals with French settings
591822 Tabbing issue on webform. The application

opens a userobject and using dynamic datawindows. The webform will tab

to greyed out fields.

Tabbing works ok in PBNative.

The u_cte_pane opens on the w_cte_page_child. The columns that the dw incorrectly

tabs to are: firstname,surname, st_address, inv_city, inv_state, and inv_zipcode.

The u_cte_page/uf_add_pane adds the panes to the window. The u_cte_pane_dataobject/uf_update_syntax updates the syntax.

592047 The customer is experiencing a considerable SetItem performance issue after migrating from PB 10 to 11.5.
592211 Performance problem when expanding the System Tree on Windows 2008 File Cluster Server
592308 Customer has and application that used datawindows saved as dBase3 in PB 6.5.1 in Crystal Reports 5. Saving the datawindows in PB 11.2 he can no longer import them into Crystal Reports.

Customer claims that the datawindow saved in PB 6.5.1 imports into Crystal Reports 5 and the one created in PB 11.2 does not. He says the PB 11.2 files want the BDE driver rather than the XBASE driver as the PB6.5 DBF wanted.

592415 Some characters not rendered when saving datawindow as PDF file
592481 RTE InsertDocument or SaveDocument does not support the

MS Word 2007 .docx extension.

592588 When PB .NET is opened and you select Tools/Options/Solution/

General, the Reload painters when opening solution is disabled and always checked.

Appears to be similar to 568755 which is for workspace.

592601 Please document that when using the SymbolBarCodeScanner

and it requires the scannername property to be populated when using the open().

If the Scannername property is not populated, open() returns -7.

For example:

inv_scannerobject.ScannerName = "SCN1:"

592756 The behavior of spaceholders default value has changed from Powerbuilder 10.5 to 11.x. More space is allocated in 11.x than in 10.5.

Example 1:

Select col1, col2, '' AS testcolumn

In PB 10.5 the datatype in the datawindow is char(0). In 11.5 it is char(1).

Example 2:

Select col1, col2, space(30) AS testcolumn

In PB 10.5 the datatype is char(30). In 11.5 it is char(32766).

592864 When you open a DataWindow the painter always only opens the design view. If I show the Preview or Column Specs views, PB should remember and they should automatically reappear next time the datawindow is opened.
592972 When you have different programs running on your machine

and you create a new WPF window, while the window is being created the PB .NET IDE

will temporarily move behind another program

592973 DataWindow QueryMode with MS SQLServer DateTime format generates wrong syntax

for datetime columns when dbparm DateTimeFormat is set.

593078 [.Net Webform] Error occurs when push TAB key on DW, it has a button object.

Error: 'gob.bFocusRect' is null or not an object

593158 The customer has hundreds of web services being called from PB using .NET web services. Each dll is named as the service. They have a production environment, four test environments, and a training environment. Each environment is self contained and has it's own database, and it's own webservices etc. They want to keep all the PB webservice dll names the same in all 6 environments. Obviously they need to create each webservice dll in it's own environment for it to access the webservice in it's environment. They do this because they don't want a unique proxy object in each environment. They want to create the proxy object for each webservice only once, and have the same proxy object referencing the same named dll in all enviornments.

Because there are so many webservice dlls and they are all named the same across the six environments, sometimes they make misstakes and have the wrong dll in an environment, a dll that was created in another environment. When that happens there is no error and the wrong webservice is accessed. This can cause data integrity problems, and they aren't even aware it is happening. What they are asking for is for PB to warn them when this happens. They want PB to internally mark the dll somehow when it is created, and when a dll is being used that was not created with that environment, they want PB to error at run time.

593466 In a WPF application if you do not put any code in the Open event you do not get an error message as you do in PB Classic.
593898 Divide by Zero error inside a SP not raised to PowerBuilder.
594004 EMF & WMF result generated by WebForm using SaveAs is different from Windows
594080 Enhancement request to digitally sign all the PowerBuilder runtime DLLs.
594090 Memory leak with datastore create function.
594125 1 - Customer is using PB 11.5.1 as the front end and COBOL as the backend. There are some COBOL files that contain variables with "_x0056_", For example: Wsm_x0056_last_nam, Wsm_x0056_first_nam, . . . . . . .

2. Using Shadow Studio (dataDirect) as midware to generate a wsdl file. The variables displayed in the wsdl file as <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" nillable="true" name="Wsm_x0056_last_nam" type="s:string" />

<s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" nillable="true" name="Wsm_x0056_first_nam" type="s:string" />

3. Using PowerBuilder Web Service Proxy Wizard to get the variables passed to the PB application. Cusotomer is using the.Net engine as SOAP engine.

4. After deployed the generated Web Service Proxy Project. Above variables name displayed as String WsmVlast_nam, String WsmVfirst_nam. PB is substituting the letter V for the string _x0056_. x0056 is the hex representation for the capital V but this is a string and customer does not think it should. Searching the internet to see if name fields can contain hex representations of characters did not produce anything definitive.

5. Customer has tried to use the variables as it is generated. There is no data can be passed to the variables.

6. She also tried to change the names of the variables back to Wsm_x0056_last_nam, Wsm_x0056_first_nam. And the data were not passed either.

Beside the variables name with "_x00nn_" so far, there are some names with "_t00nn_� are displayed correct.

Customer sees this as a bug.

594142 The PB12 Classic IDE crashes when you set the DataObject in a Standard class datastore.
594474 Customer has an application where they insert rich text fields by using InputFieldInsert and choosing from a list which fields to insert into the control. "InputFieldNamesVisible" is false and so the user just sees '??'. If the user makes a mistake and they backspace over the field it appears to be deleted as the '??' are gone but it isn't really deleted. If they then insert another field on the same line, it does not appear and if they then turn on "InputFieldNamesVisible" you can see that the original field is returned from InputFieldCurrentName.
594618 Cannot pass large blob as parameter to an ASA stored procedure.
594900 Problem with decimal keypad when decimal separator is comma.
594928 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5.1_4590

Database/Driver File/Version: IN10 Interface connecting to Informix 9.x Database, with Informix Client 3.00.TC3

Comments: During Web Forms runtime, datawindow retrieve() sometimes return the error:

Select Error: SQL Error -404: The cursor or statement is not available

The issue happens if we split SQLCA connection, dw.setransobject(), dw.retrieve(), disconnect in different buttons within window. If we place the entire code from all buttons into Connect Button (connection, set trans, query and disconnect), the issue never happens In PB Native (client/server), the issue never happens.

595051 We are unable to raise this issue using a Dell Axim X30, HP iPAQ 214, Mio A701, Samsung Omnia and Unitech PA500.

The only known PDA that this will occur on ( every time ) is the HP iPAQ Data Messenger.

Same issue is also on Vodafone v1615抯.

595076 Display format of #,0 will display as 1,2,4,5 instead of 1,245.

This worked ok in PB 10.5.2.

595079 An EAS/pbvm application sometimes crashes randomly without apparent cause, both on AIX and Windows platform.
595081 After migrating from Win32 to .NET Webform, customer's application is slow on initial startup before even connecting to the Oracle 10g database. Performance improves on subsequent runs. Development indicated that there may be ways to improve performance and the customer is requesting these ehancements.
595093 Customer finds that RTE tab stops are lost when you save your document and reinsert it.

Tested saving an rtf in Word and once document loaded the tab stops that were set were active.

595094 Customer is claiming that

#if defined PBNATIVE then

is still always evaluating as false when used with Orca. This was submitted as CR 576927 and the resolution states that the fix was implemented in PB 11.2 but testing with build 8896, it doesn't appear to be fixed.

595109 Getting the following error when running a web forms application on Vista 64 bit. Application was deployed from an msi file. Deploying same msi file to XP machine works as expected.


Request for permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=,

Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed in event open of object ora10

Analysis/Actions (Workaround):

Determined that the following needed to be added ( to the system.web node of the web.config file.


<trustLevel name="Full" policyFile="internal" />

<trustLevel name="High" policyFile="web_hightrust.config" />

<trustLevel name="Medium" policyFile="web_mediumtrust.config" />

<trustLevel name="Low" policyFile="web_lowtrust.config" />

<trustLevel name="Minimal" policyFile="web_minimaltrust.config"/>







595218 Object in detail band at y pos zero will shift one pixel down at runtime and hence you will see a gap line displayed in the color of the Datawindow background.
595460 Cannot reset image in a Picture Control after the function setPicture (blob lb) has been called.
595465 PowerBuilder is crashing after removing code in Create event and saving a custom visual object.
595622 When entering the richtext column the richtext toolbar does not come up if set to activate on edit. Only after a second click it appears.

Workaround: post the modify call.

595874 Customer is asking for an enhancement to upgrade Rich Text support to v1.9.1 (Word 2007: Documentation states that we currently support v1.6]
596025 When using PBDataWindowEnableDDDW=true and you

tab into a dddw, there is no indication that focus is on the dddw and if you

use the arrow key nothing happens.

596639 When using the activex Word 2003 control and the compatibility pack for 2007, the ole activate fails with a File Conversion error.

RESOLUTION: Uninstall Office 2003. Reinstalled Office 2003. Open the *.docx and

a message appears that a converter needs to be installed. Click ok. Goto this site Install the required patches and then FileFormatConverters.exe. Not a PB bug.

596646 Nested n-up DataWindow is missing last row on last page break of main Datawindow.

It behaves correctly when I make the summary band a bit smaller by

just a bit. ie. from 100 to 83. I also set autosizeheight on for that band.

605068 The customer has a MDI application with a Frame menu on the Frame. The sheet menu is inherited from the frame menu and has 2 existing menu items marked as not visible, and disabled (Jump and Action). The sheet is opened in a maximized window state as set in the sheet window properties. In the sheet open event one menu item (Action) is set to to be visible and enabled in script. But the resulting menu has the menu item (Board) that should be after Action before it and Action is still disabled. If you open the sheet in normal or minimized state, then the menu is correct.
605227 For the rte preview(), the online help and

the PowerScript manual list 'Preview mode provides edit boxes for specifying

paper dimensions and margins'.

According to cr435746, the new rte control starting in PB 10.5 no longer

shows that information.

Please also add the following to the online help and PowerScript manual:

(the following is from the App Techniques manual):

Users can page through the control contents in print preview mode by using the up arrow and down arrow keys or the Page Up and Page Down keys.

605492 When "<>" is used for the operator of DataWindows, "NULL" may be unable to be used for the value to compare. PB embeds "<> NULL" at SQL. This SQL cannot be executed by Informix.
605616 OS: Windows 2003 R2 SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested:

- PB 11.5.1_4608 web forms on Windows XP

- IE 7.0 and IIS 6.0 on Windows 2003 R2 SP2

- Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

- PB 11.5.1_4608 Runtime Packager deployed (.NET and Standard components) deployed correctly into Win2k3 R2 machine

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

The following error appears when clicking on webform dw_control (if its "clicked" event is coded):

array boundary exceeded: void d(system.string) of object sybase.powerbuilder.web.webdatawindow.

605620 As you can see now we have a FlowDirection = RTL that solve the position of the tabs, but the text in the tab are shown incorrect they must be different.


This seems to be the same as an existing Microsoft WPF Designer bug.

BugID 320579

605621 Static Text in DW is not RTL and the RTL Column in a DW change the Alignment of the column but not change the language to Hebrew
605624 There is no RightToLeft property per column level in PB 12 .net IDE as it used to be in PB 11.5.
606609 SNC:error when using bind variables in a sql with subselect queries

SQL statements with sub-select queries with parms gives error:

"Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0

Parameter Information cannot be derived from SQL statements with sub-select queries. Set parameter information before preparing command.

606620 On a menu with 3 levels the 2nd level doesn't fire a clicked event.
606630 Need an official certification for PB 11.5.1 on Windows 2008 in developement mode.
606805 Migrated app from PB 9 to PB 11.5.1 and getting

a random crash in the pbvm115.


pbvm115!EvtUserEventProc+4c [e:\pb115\runtime\function\fnevents.cpp @ 2301]

10c0d48c eb02 jmp pbvm115!EvtUserEventProc+0x50 (10c0d490)



00000001 ?? ???





606807 Request for a localized build that includes the fix for CR 580960 "SQLServer incorrect generation -exec sp_executesql- with index varchar columns" for the SNC and driver
606817 PB 11.5: Performance problem with .NET Web service engine when using byte array
606868 The PB 11.5 DVD (, English version from the SPDC includes a file, RuntimeEdition.html, which includes info on deploying the runtime version of SQL Anywhere but is in Chinese Simplified so customers cannot read it.

With PB 11.5 there is no separate install for the Runtime version of the database server.

English version of RuntimeEdition.html:

SQL Anywhere� 11 Runtime Edition

Version 11.0.0

June 2008

Runtime Edition overview

The Runtime Edition of SQL Anywhere is a special version of the SQL Anywhere database server. It is intended for use as a low-cost deployment option where the full functionality of SQL Anywhere is not required.

Feature summary

The Runtime Edition of SQL Anywhere has the following features.

It is a single-user, transaction-processing database server. It supports up to 10 same-machine connections.

It fully supports the DML subset of SQL commands, such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.

It provides full referential integrity, including cascading updates and deletes.

It supports declared temporary tables.

It allows users to be added to a database.

Supported operating systems

The Runtime Edition is available for Windows XP/200x (both 32 bit and 64 bit) and Windows Mobile.

Runtime Edition features

The SQL Anywhere Runtime Edition is a restricted version of the SQL Anywhere personal database server.

Runtime and personal server differences

The functions supported by the SQL Anywhere personal database server that are not fully supported in the Runtime database server are as follows:

Function supported by personal database server

How it operates in the Runtime Edition

Executable name: dbeng11.exe

The executable name is rteng11.exe. You must ensure that any ODBC data sources and command lines you distribute reflect this executable name. This executable name can be used in configuration files with conditional parsing.

Replication and synchronization

You cannot replicate data using either MobiLink or SQL Remote, or by any other means.

ALTER statements

You cannot use any of the ALTER statements.

CREATE statements

You can use CREATE VARIABLE to create SQL variables. SQL variables do not form part of the database definition.

You cannot use any other CREATE statements.

COMMENT statement

You cannot add comments to the system tables.

DROP statements

You cannot use any of the DROP statements to drop a database object from the system tables.

CALL/EXEC statement

You cannot invoke stored procedures, including system procedures. Consequently, you cannot obtain procedure profiling information.

GRANT statement

You can grant the special user permissions (CONNECT, DBA, RESOURCE, GROUP, MEMBERSHIP IN GROUP) using GRANT, but you cannot change permissions on tables and views.

REVOKE statement

You can revoke the special user permissions using REVOKE, but you cannot change permissions on tables and views.


Triggers are not fired by the Runtime Edition.


You cannot add events to a database.

No transaction log

To simplify database administration, the Runtime Edition does not employ a transaction log. Users should back up their databases by making copies of their database file. If a Windows General Protection Fault or a power failure occurs during a standard operation, the database file may be corrupted. Because there is no transaction log, failed transactions cannot be recovered.

Auditing is not supported because there is no transaction log.

Heterogeneous query support

You can only issue queries to a single database. You cannot access data from external databases using the Runtime Edition.

Adaptive Server Enterprise/Microsoft SQL Server compatibility

INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT statements can be common between Adaptive Server Enterprise and the Runtime Edition. However, the advanced syntax feature is not supported in the Runtime Edition.

Database logic cannot be reused within a SQL Server database because the Runtime Edition does not support stored procedures.

The Runtime Edition does not support Open Server or Open Client, and none of the SQL Server connectivity tools or applications work against the Runtime Edition database server.

Communication encryption

You cannot encrypt communications in the Runtime Edition.

Database file encryption

You cannot encrypt database files that are used by the Runtime Edition.

The database server options that refer to transaction logs (-a, -f)

Not applicable to the Runtime Edition.

The dbbackup options that refer to transaction logs (-r, -t, -x)

Not applicable to the Runtime Edition.

INSTALL statement

You cannot install Java classes.

JDBC access from client applications

The Runtime Edition supports JDBC applications using the iAnywhere JDBC driver. The Runtime Edition does not support applications using jConnect for JDBC access.

Java in the database

You cannot store or execute Java classes in a database used by the Runtime Edition. You must use an external environment.

Web services

Web services are not supported.

Table encryption

Table encryption is not supported.

Application profiling and diagnostic tracing

Application profiling and diagnostic tracing are not supported.

Redistributable components

This section lists the components that are redistributable under your SQL Anywhere Runtime software license.

The Runtime Edition is licensed for standalone use only. If you plan to use SQL Anywhere within the context of an application server, web-server, multi-plexors and/or synchronization, you must license the full edition of SQL Anywhere.

Deployment issues are also discussed in the section "Deploying databases and applications" of the book SQL Anywhere Server - Programming.

Windows XP/200x

Redistributable files for Windows XP/200x are held in the bin32 or bin64 directory under your SQL Anywhere installation directory. For Windows Mobile they are held in CE\ARM.50.

If your application uses ODBC, your users need ODBC installed on their computer. Contact Microsoft for information about redistributing ODBC.

The following files can be redistributed under the software license.




Utility to back up a database.


Help file for connections and ODBC configuration.


ODBC connection window.


Database server DLL.


Utility to create, delete, describe, and list SQL Anywhere ODBC data sources.


Utility to erase a database.


Required only if the database character set is multi-byte or if the UCA collation sequence is used.


Required for ICU on Windows Mobile.


Required for ICU on Windows XP/200x.


Utility to display information about a database.


SQL command processor.


iAnywhere JDBC driver.


Language-specific strings for interface and server.


Embedded SQL interface DLL.


ODBC driver DLL.


OLE DB provider support utility.


OLE DB provider.


Database server DLL.


Utility to stop a database server.


Utility to create, delete, and modify SQL Anywhere services.


Database tools utility DLL.


Technical support utility.


Utility to validate a database



.NET Data Provider utility. These files are installed in install-dir\Assembly\v2.


iAnywhere JDBC driver. This file is installed into the java subdirectory.


Runtime database server.


Character set conversion mappings.


Specifies the password to use when connecting to the utility database.

606869 With PB 11.5 there is no separate install for the Runtime version of the database server.

English version of RuntimeEdition.html:

SQL Anywhere� 11 Runtime Edition

Version 11.0.0

June 2008

Runtime Edition overview

The Runtime Edition of SQL Anywhere is a special version of the SQL Anywhere database server. It is intended for use as a low-cost deployment option where the full functionality of SQL Anywhere is not required.

Feature summary

The Runtime Edition of SQL Anywhere has the following features.

It is a single-user, transaction-processing database server. It supports up to 10 same-machine connections.

It fully supports the DML subset of SQL commands, such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.

It provides full referential integrity, including cascading updates and deletes.

It supports declared temporary tables.

It allows users to be added to a database.

Supported operating systems

The Runtime Edition is available for Windows XP/200x (both 32 bit and 64 bit) and Windows Mobile.

Runtime Edition features

The SQL Anywhere Runtime Edition is a restricted version of the SQL Anywhere personal database server.

Runtime and personal server differences

The functions supported by the SQL Anywhere personal database server that are not fully supported in the Runtime database server are as follows:

Function supported by personal database server

How it operates in the Runtime Edition

Executable name: dbeng11.exe

The executable name is rteng11.exe. You must ensure that any ODBC data sources and command lines you distribute reflect this executable name. This executable name can be used in configuration files with conditional parsing.

Replication and synchronization

You cannot replicate data using either MobiLink or SQL Remote, or by any other means.

ALTER statements

You cannot use any of the ALTER statements.

CREATE statements

You can use CREATE VARIABLE to create SQL variables. SQL variables do not form part of the database definition.

You cannot use any other CREATE statements.

COMMENT statement

You cannot add comments to the system tables.

DROP statements

You cannot use any of the DROP statements to drop a database object from the system tables.

CALL/EXEC statement

You cannot invoke stored procedures, including system procedures. Consequently, you cannot obtain procedure profiling information.

GRANT statement

You can grant the special user permissions (CONNECT, DBA, RESOURCE, GROUP, MEMBERSHIP IN GROUP) using GRANT, but you cannot change permissions on tables and views.

REVOKE statement

You can revoke the special user permissions using REVOKE, but you cannot change permissions on tables and views.


Triggers are not fired by the Runtime Edition.


You cannot add events to a database.

No transaction log

To simplify database administration, the Runtime Edition does not employ a transaction log. Users should back up their databases by making copies of their database file. If a Windows General Protection Fault or a power failure occurs during a standard operation, the database file may be corrupted. Because there is no transaction log, failed transactions cannot be recovered.

Auditing is not supported because there is no transaction log.

Heterogeneous query support

You can only issue queries to a single database. You cannot access data from external databases using the Runtime Edition.

Adaptive Server Enterprise/Microsoft SQL Server compatibility

INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT statements can be common between Adaptive Server Enterprise and the Runtime Edition. However, the advanced syntax feature is not supported in the Runtime Edition.

Database logic cannot be reused within a SQL Server database because the Runtime Edition does not support stored procedures.

The Runtime Edition does not support Open Server or Open Client, and none of the SQL Server connectivity tools or applications work against the Runtime Edition database server.

Communication encryption

You cannot encrypt communications in the Runtime Edition.

Database file encryption

You cannot encrypt database files that are used by the Runtime Edition.

The database server options that refer to transaction logs (-a, -f)

Not applicable to the Runtime Edition.

The dbbackup options that refer to transaction logs (-r, -t, -x)

Not applicable to the Runtime Edition.

INSTALL statement

You cannot install Java classes.

JDBC access from client applications

The Runtime Edition supports JDBC applications using the iAnywhere JDBC driver. The Runtime Edition does not support applications using jConnect for JDBC access.

Java in the database

You cannot store or execute Java classes in a database used by the Runtime Edition. You must use an external environment.

Web services

Web services are not supported.

Table encryption

Table encryption is not supported.

Application profiling and diagnostic tracing

Application profiling and diagnostic tracing are not supported.

Redistributable components

This section lists the components that are redistributable under your SQL Anywhere Runtime software license.

The Runtime Edition is licensed for standalone use only. If you plan to use SQL Anywhere within the context of an application server, web-server, multi-plexors and/or synchronization, you must license the full edition of SQL Anywhere.

Deployment issues are also discussed in the section "Deploying databases and applications" of the book SQL Anywhere Server - Programming.

Windows XP/200x

Redistributable files for Windows XP/200x are held in the bin32 or bin64 directory under your SQL Anywhere installation directory. For Windows Mobile they are held in CE\ARM.50.

If your application uses ODBC, your users need ODBC installed on their computer. Contact Microsoft for information about redistributing ODBC.

The following files can be redistributed under the software license.




Utility to back up a database.


Help file for connections and ODBC configuration.


ODBC connection window.


Database server DLL.


Utility to create, delete, describe, and list SQL Anywhere ODBC data sources.


Utility to erase a database.


Required only if the database character set is multi-byte or if the UCA collation sequence is used.


Required for ICU on Windows Mobile.


Required for ICU on Windows XP/200x.


Utility to display information about a database.


SQL command processor.


iAnywhere JDBC driver.


Language-specific strings for interface and server.


Embedded SQL interface DLL.


ODBC driver DLL.


OLE DB provider support utility.


OLE DB provider.


Database server DLL.


Utility to stop a database server.


Utility to create, delete, and modify SQL Anywhere services.


Database tools utility DLL.


Technical support utility.


Utility to validate a database



.NET Data Provider utility. These files are installed in install-dir\Assembly\v2.


iAnywhere JDBC driver. This file is installed into the java subdirectory.


Runtime database server.


Character set conversion mappings.


Specifies the password to use when connecting to the utility database.

607943 Crash dump analysis request.

Customer install crashes when selecting next on the "license type" screen in the PB 11.1 install.

608078 Problems with multiselect property when it is changed in eg. constructor event or open event of a window on which the listbox resides. The dotted focus rectangle behaves wrong.

Workaround: There seems to be a timing issue in event sequence when the multiselect property is changed in either constructor event or open event of a window on which the listbox resides.

After moving the codeline lb_1.multiselect = TRUE

from constructor of lb_1 on the sheet window to the getfocus() event

of lb_1 it works ok.

Similar in the response window sample part, if the multiselect change

part is put into the eg. show() event of the window, or if that code section

is posted from the open event, it worked fine.

608081 Failed to call a php WebService method with .Net engine.
608088 DataWindow Painter:

In the Control List selecting a text object or a button object marks the DataWindow as modified.

This does not happen for a column object, a picture, a line, oval or other

graphical object or a computed field.

608097 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5.1_4608

Database/Driver File/Version: ASA 11.0 with sample EASDemoDB V115

Comments: Decimal format does not follow regional settings when generating PDF from dw report based on stored procedure resultset. Also, datawindow displays incorrect decimal format within nested reports.

Issue happens with webforms, only. Works fine in Native PB (client/server).

608292 Customer has a PB 11.5/EAS 6.3 application that crashes on the following line of code when EAS is on Solaris but does not crash when on Windows.


608309 When entering data into merge fields in an RTE control on a Vista machine, the whole document below the entry point starts to shift and move like it is wrapping. Doesn't happen on XP.
608340 Page numbering is incorrect for a group datawindow that

has a large text field.

When paging thru the psr, you can see it displays Page 1 of 3, Page 2 of 3, Page 2

of 3.

It should be display Page 1 of 3, Page 2 of 3, Page 3 of 3.

RESOLUTION: Not a PB Bug. From PowerBuilder User's Guide manual, Chapter 25 Using Nested Reports

Working with nested reports --> Using options for nested reports --> Using the Autosize Height option

Handling large rows

To avoid multiple blank pages or other anomalies in printed reports, never create a DataWindow object with a data row greater than the size of the target page. To handle large text-string columns, break the large string into a series of small strings. The smaller strings are used to populate individual data rows within a nested report instead of using a single text column with an autosized height.


608672 PB 11.5 application often crashes on Windows 7.
608703 Comparing with c# .net web service, the customer found PB web service has bad performance when running embeded SQL, which affects their application's performance. They wish PB improve it as soon as possible.
608793 Multi-lines Column in datawindow ,with background color expression, and has the FIRST tab order, the background color cannot be changed completely under certain tab key condition.

When the problem happens, two different of color exist on the same column.

i.e. Lines with empty space, Lines with characters and last line get different colors.

609403 For PowerBuilder WebForm application on Windows 7 IIS7.5 with default settings, creating permanent user will fail when trying to open UserInit.aspx page.

Error info given by IE may look like:

Server Error in '/myapp' Application.


Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed.

You can get detailed info on WebForm permanent user from PowerBuilder HTML Help -->Deploying Applications and Components to .NET -->WebForm targets -->Chapter 4 User Management and Registry Operations in Web Forms

A workaround for this issue is to change the PBAppPool's identity from ApplicationPoolIdentity to NetworkService in IIS management console.

609420 The checkmark in a DataWindow column is not displayed when the Window text color is

configured dark red\brown within the control panel for Windows Classic Style controls.

This happens only for this color Red=128, Green=0, Blue=0

If you adjust the Green and Blue from 0 to 1 in the control panel then the check boxes are displayed.

610093 A highlighted column gets blinking when scrolling DataWindow with Horizontal scroll bar .
610102 How to set URL exceptions / bypass proxy with SetProxyServer method for PB 11.5.1 .NET ?
610105 Binding problem with a CHAR(n) column and ODBC interface.
610128 There is much confusion by customers relative to the use of the PB 11.5 Powerbuilder .ini files including pb.ini and pbodb115.ini and which one is being used.

For years powerbuilder developers had altered their ini file located in C:\Program Files\Sybase\PowerBuilder 11.5 now in powerbuilder 11.5 the ini files that are actually used are in

C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\Sybase\PowerBuilder 11.5

Having the .ini files in two locations causes much confusion for our customers. Worse the ini files that are actually used, are hidden and do not show up on a search! Is there any good reason for the duplication of these files? I believe the .ini files left in C:\Program Files\Sybase\PowerBuilder 11.5 should be deleted.

610131 When running a word macro from PB OLE, the

document looses the formatting.

The results of the macro in the word document is the format is not the same as

the rest of the document.

RESOLUTION: Not a PowerBuilder issue.

610140 Please document that the time and date datatypes

are no longer supported using OLEDB and MSSQL Server 2008.

Please document the timestamp datatype for OLEDB and MSSQL Server 2008 will be

fixed in PB 12.

this is according to cr586186

610487 Conditional directive test fails after using #ELSEIF directive.
610492 When passing commandline arguments with umlaute, they will be received incorrectly in machine code executable.

If you call eg. receiver abc周咪鳇xyz in cmd, it will be received as

receiver.exe (applications's open event):

MessageBox( "....", commandline ) -> "abc�-蚠鞒xyz"

Workaround: P-code exe will work ok.

610949 Transparency not working when Font.Escapement is set.
611581 Allow DataWindow object check-out from within the window painter ie. after modify datawindow is selected in the rmb menu.

When The developer try to modify the datawindow PB need to display a message asking if you want to check it out (if it possible). This would speed up and ease development.

611614 When using the SNC driver and staticbind=0, a

datawindow returns the following error:

Select Error:

Column lists do not match

The error happens when returning values from a stored procedure. The error happens

at runtime. It works ok when retrieving from the dw painter.

Customer is staticbind=0 to workaround an issue with the bit datatype. If they

use staticbind=1, than it works ok but then they run into the issue with the bit

datatype (cr463142).

612016 Description of Problem: Allow caching of large Package specification with oracle db interface driver. Currently we retrieve the Package spec often and therefore cause network traffic. This can be problematic in slow network speed environments.
612254 Crash dump analysis required. call stack is:

> PBDWE115.DLL!DWTable::ChangeTableValue(unsigned short * newValue=0x00000000, long dddw_currow=0) Line 312 + 0x15 bytes C++

PBDWE115.DLL!DWDataWindow::AcceptText(long lParam=0, unsigned int wParam=0) Line 42 + 0x14 bytes C++

612467 Using the SNC driver and dbparm of spcache=0 results

in executing sp_procedure_xx_params_rowset many times.

Using spcache=0 to workaround null problem (related to cr587611).

From SQL Profiler, you can see it is executing sp_procedure_params_rowset many


RESOLUTION: Since disabling caching of stored procedure information by dbparm SPCache=0, PB needs to get the parameters information from server every time stored procedure is executing, this is what the sp_procedure_xx_params_rowset be used to do.

Not a bug.

612697 When you update a row using O10/O90 interface with DisableBind=1, the specific characters "->" may be

replaced by "pb1.." if the updated data contains a single quotation mark (').

612958 Complex composite report with many nested reports.

Autosize height is turned on for DataWindow columns defined in the nested report.

When data is displayed at the bottom of a page, the data is cut and displayed at the beginning of subsequent page.

613077 asca(x) function returns certain value incorrectly depending on regional settings. The problem is already in the argument x = string(blobmid(lb_file_contents, i, 1), encodingANSI!)
613410 Wrong text displayed over a blob column.
613892 Declaring Instance Variables after show/hide of prototype window causes GPF of PB.
614161 DirectoryExists PowerScript function does not work.
614366 ProfileString function returns wrong value when defaultvalue is blank
614391 When DataWindow Storage To Disk is used then accessing a long type column

with an array in dotnotation gives back only Nulls while a string type worked.

datawindow.Object.colname.Primary = Array

All values of the column in the array are NULL if the column type is long.

614739 After migrate PB9 application to PB11.5. Customer discovered

that most of her RichText Datawindow reports are distorted.

One of the reason is the Tab Stop Size of last line is changed after migrate to PB11.5.

614940 After migrate PB9 application to PB11.5. Customer discovered that most of her RichText

Datawindow reports are distorted. One of the reason is the missing Fixedsize input field

column properties on the RichText Datawindow control. When the input field coumn is

multi-lines , there will be a large distortion on those lines with the column.

614970 ProfileString and SeProfileString functions do not search the file using the PATH environment variable.
614972 RPC call to a stored procedure fails when decimal separator is comma.
615241 This is a PocketBuilder 2.5.2 issue. Customer installed Build 1273 which says it fixed this isue:

'Error return values from the printer driver were being dropped. Propogated the return codes to the PrintOpen() and the PrintClose() system functions. '

But it apears to not be working still. We are not able to capture anywhere the

fact that the user currently doesn't have the RW220 Zebra Printer turned on when trying to print.

615363 For PowerBuilder WebForm application on Windows 7 IIS7.5, DataWindow SaveAs(pdf) and Print fail to work, SaveAs() returns -1 although you have set IIS_IUSRS full control permissions to Sybase DataWindow PS printer.

A workaround for this issue is to change the PBAppPool's identity from ApplicationPoolIdentity to NetworkService in IIS management console.

615411 Calling pb components and EAServer process

goes to 100 cpu usage.

Dump files included.

RESOLUTION: Oracle patches resolved issue. Oracle patch 9233830 (Bundle 31) and patch 5893079 were applied to Oracle 10g client. Patch 5893079 was applied to Oracle server.

615445 From Newsgroup - 14-Jan-2010

I have a C# assembly (SureWest.Operations.Clients) that references another C# assembly (SureWest.Operations.Common). When I add a reference to SureWest.Operations.Common in PB.NET the IDE can reflect over the assembly and show the types in it; however, when I reference SureWest.Operations.Clients, the IDE doesn't show any of the types. This happens whether I have SureWest.Operations.Common referenced or not.

My Response:

This behavior looks like when reflecting over the (Operations.Clients) assembly, the IDE is not finding the assembly that is referenced the 'base' (Operations.Common).

If the two assemblies are neither in the GAC nor on the PATH, then this is probably what would happen.

I'm not sure what happens if the two assemblies are in the _same_ directory, which itself is neither the GAC nor in the PATH (I'll give that a look in a bit).

615658 Three issues with SetLibraryList.

1) If you include the exe in the new string, then you get the exe twice in the resulting library list. The documentation says it should be ignored.

2) If you do a setlibrarylist in the application open event and set the list to the same files (with or without the extra exe) as were originally in the list. Then start a sharedobject, do a SetLibraryList call in the SharedObject, the library list is not good. It can't find objects in the pbds in the list.

3) If you make changes to the library list with setlibrarylist, and then you start up a sharedobject. The getlibrarylist in the sharedobject thread does not get the changes you made to the library list. It gets the original default library list.

615798 For PowerBuilder .NET WebForm client applications to connect with EAServer using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), mutual authentication will fail on Windows 7 with IIS7.5.

You can get detailed info on .NET client SSL from PowerBuilder HTML Help -->Deploying Applications and Components to .NET -->.NET Language Interoperability -->Chapter 15 Building .NET client for EAServer -->SSL connection support.

A workaround for this issue is to change the PBAppPool's identity from ApplicationPoolIdentity to NetworkService in IIS management console.

615848 OS: Linux Red Hat 5

Versions and Build #s Tested: PBVM 11.5.1_4608 on EAServer Advanced Edition for Linux

The issue happens when dw container has a datawindow a with Spin Control inside it. It resides in PBVM 11.5.1_4608. On EAServer 6.x on Windows, all works fine.

615850 Custoemr wants ISQL Painter when connected to ASE databases with SYC or ASE drivers to handle batch processing. For example a group of statements like this:

declare @id char(9)

select @id = "LAUER"

select @id


This should return a resultset of "LAUER". This works fine with SNC. Customer would like the same capability for SYC and ASE connections.

615860 02/10/2010: This CR was fixed in 11.5.1 builds 4695 and after.

Customer went from PB 8 to 11.5 and are having a crash problem with reselectrow. He found CR 563133 which was similar and fixed around Mar 11, 2009. But he has upgraded to 11.5.1 which is well after that and is still having the problem. His problem occurs under these conditions: The underlying table has no primary key defined, but does have an unique clustered index defined. The datawindow has the index unique defined as primary key in the update properties. When running the attached application, the application will crash if the record whose key value is empty is updated and then reselected.

615975 Using InsertFile on an ole control and accessing the ObjectData

caused a runtime error Bad runtime function reference on a certain PDF file that contained scanned images.

615986 When using OLE InsertFile on a certain PDF file an error -9 is returned.
616159 SetProfileString function adds some Control Characters to the file.
616170 Please resolve difference or at least document:

setitem - getitem throws a runtime exception when accessing a value that is not existant, accessing via dot notation does not.

assigning a value using dot notation inserts a row implicetely, for setitem an insertrow is needed.

616380 EAS is crashing when the application calls a PB11.5 component which executes a MSSQL2005 stored procedure via DECLARE/EXECUTE statements.

Migration from PB9 to PB11.5. -> worked in PB9 PBVM, ->Regression.

616399 The customer has a complex PFC app and on windows that have command buttons, if another window is opened from the already open window the text in the buttons on the first window appear a second time in a different position during the delay before the second window is opened. Once the second window is open everything is OK, but for the second or 2 delay, it gets kind of messy and unprofessional looking. The app was migrated from PB 9.0.3 to PB 11.5. They are using the Open Source 11 version of PFC.
616412 Powerbuilder OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested:

- Powerbuilder 11.5.1_4608

- PBVM 11.5.1_4608 on EAServer Advanced Edition for Linux on Linux Red Hat 5.0

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

When Using SetFullState after SetFilter/Filter on datastore, PB client crashes.

I could isolate the issue has to do when connecting to PBVM 11.5.1_4608 on Linux. I installed same Linux PBVM 11.5.1_4608 on EAServer 6.2 and 6.3 (both on Linux machine) and issue is always reproduceable. Issue does not happen if connecting to PBVM 11.5.1 on EAServer 6.3/Windows instead.

616414 Calling a pb webservice from Eclipse causes

an exception in thread error in EAServer.

The error in the eas log is:

Exception in thread "btpool0-1" java.lang.StackOverflowError

at method)

at (

at (

at (

at ejb.components.keystoneseq.n_keyeasseq_nvo_EJB.of_get_system_datetime(

at ejb.components.keystoneseq.n_keyeasseq_nvoRemote.of_get_system_datetime(

at ejb.components.keystoneseq.n_keyeasseq_nvoRemote_DJC.access$801(

It works ok using a PB client calling the webservice. It works the first time

invoking the webservice from Eclipse.

RESOLUTION: Changed the pb code to use the SYJ driver instead of the jdbc driver.

616619 Read-only arguments are corrupted.
616641 When connect to Oracle 10g using the O10 driver

on windows 7, the table list does not expand in the db painter.

The SQL statements to not work in the db painter.

RESOLUTION: Cannot reproduce

616923 page() in evaluate() and Find() function called on the main datwindow return wrong values if the DW has a nested report with autosize height set.

1. describe (evaluate('page()', 5))

2. dw_2.find(pag=2, 1, dw_2.rowcount())

In a normal DW without nested report everything is fine.

616944 Request for a PBVM 11.5.1 OF build 4675 or later for EAS 5.5 and 6.3 for Solaris 10
617200 03/10/2010: Engineering confirmed that this behavior was changed in PB 11. Customers were complaining that the scroll bar was appearing automatically even when they had not checked the scroll bar property. This does not happen in Win32 behavior, so this was changed to have the same behavior. To get the scroll bar you need to check the scroll bar property.

Customer has regression in how HTML is generated for a datawindow. The customer app uses EASever 5.5 and has jsps deployed to EAS. These jsps use their own PB component that uses Datastore.Describe("DataWindow.Data.HTML") to generate html that is displayed by the jsps. There app is large with many datawindows and they are seeing a regression in how their datawindows look:

1) Vertical scroll bar. They have a large text field, and in 10.5 html the field has a vertical scroll bar allowing access to all the text. There is no vertical scroll bar in 11.5.

617344 Application is using PBDOM and doing a lot of with DW XML export/import. Randomly, app crashes only on runtime, the crash it's not always in the same place.

It seems to point to xerces-c_2_6.dll

617410 Performance issue with .NET webservices

Customer is observing poor performance using WebServices in Powerbuilder 11.5.1 he is using Webservices to bring back data files. The customer is seeing much better performance with their Java implementation.

617622 In PowerBuilder 10 and PowerBuilder 10.5 the datawindow trim function only removed spaces (char 20hex)

But in PowerBuilder 11 and PowerBuilder 11.5 all white spaces are being removed space (char 20hex), carriage return, line feed, tab

617798 A crash is experienced with an application that is running under Citrix and Jaws.

The crash occurs when accessing a dddw datawindow for which protectmode and

some colour settings are set in script.

618042 Multiple selection in a datawindow using the Shift key does not work in webforms. It does sort of work in Win 32. At least you can select two items but it did not allow me to select more than two as you would expect. So it seems not to work totally correctly even in Win 32. But it does not work at all in Webforms.
618211 A jsp containing 2 webdatawindows, the itemchanged event fires when tabbing from column to column if column is a string column.

This does not happen if the jsp contains only 1 webdw which is expected behavior.

618495 Date() PowerScript function returns an unexpected date value in Japanese environment if the argument is an invalid date.
618645 Doing a datawindow SaveAs to Excel 2007 is very slow. Customer has 60,000 rows in a datawindow. Doing a dw_1.SaveAs("saveas_2003.xls", Excel!, true) takes only a second. But doing a dw_1.SaveAs("saveas_2007.xlsx", XLSX! , true) is taking almost an hour!
618749 Compare with PB6.5 MSS, it is reported that PB11.5x SNC dirver get slow performance with handle text column from MSSQL.
618758 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5.1_4675 and old PB 9.0_5507

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

Comments: When saving rows to xml, the decimal values entered in Portuguese (Brazil) decimal format are still saved in XML as US English decimal format.

This is a regression when compared to old PB 9.0.

618947 Currently there is no such property in WPF painter for DW, and so far only via a workaround

the right behavior can be accomplished. Customer would eg. need to set Defaultlanguage to Hebrew!.

619014 When using multiple transactions and disconnecting one it disconnects the others. This didn't happen in build 4011, but it does now happen in later builds.
619199 PBVM doesn抰 support long data type from external function
619227 PB .Net assembly called from webservice under stress / load fails

Getting intermittent exception:

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

619367 GetChild doesn't work after calling the SetFullState function.
619896 Special dbparm sequence needed when selectblob and MS ODBC. Whenever a SELECTBLOB statement is executed, the user is prompted to select the DSN.

Does not work: sqlca.DBPARM = "DisableBind=1,ConnectString='DSN=myServer;UID=sa;PWD='"

Works: sqlca.DBPARM = "ConnectString='DSN=myServer;UID=sa;PWD=',DisableBind=1"

Solution is to move DisableBind at the end of the string.

Same repro steps give no problem with ASA.

619925 When calling a method on a .NET assembly that returns a string,

the following error results:

Error: Exception thrown has not been handled

System.AccessViolationException at line xx in event clicked of object cb_1

Problem only happens on Vista and Windows 7. Works ok on winxp

620084 The default value of TrimSpaces=1 removes the leading spaces

when using the ASE driver.

Calling a stored procedure that will return a string and the string value has

leading spaces. The ASE driver appears to remove the spaces.

Works ok with the SYC driver

620313 Various problems when trying to make changes in the column specifications of datawindows in the datawindow painter.
620642 When running a webform application, the network service

(w3wp) occupies the memory. After logging out, the memory still remains.

When many sessions are running a web form application and logging out, MemUsage

continues to increase until 'The Server is busy' message appears. Then nothing


620819 The customer migrated from an early version of PB 8 (8.0.2) to 11.5. They notice that clicking into fields on a newly inserted row in datawindows now takes much longer to enable them to enter data. In PB 8 they click on fields and instantly the cursor is in the field and they can start typing. But in 11.5.1 there is 3 second delay before the cursor appears and they can start typing.

We were able to reproduce the fast behavior in an early version of PB 9 (9.0). But later versions of both 8 and 9 had a similar delay as 11.5.1 does. We suspect that the regression started sometime between 9.0 and 9.0.3, and 8.0.2 and 8.0.4. The customer is only seeing it now for the first time as they went from 8.0.2 to 11.5.1.

620835 A jre is deployed and resides in the same directory

as an application executable and the system environment variable JAVA_HOME is set, the jdk from the JAVA_HOME is getting loaded.

The issue is the customer has other (non pb) applications that rely on the JAVA_HOME to run and customer wants the jre that resides in the pb application executable directory to get loaded.

Tried PBJRE_NOTUSECURRENT in the pb.ini





620886 PB11.2 Oracle10g Driver does not support RPC information from DB link.
620943 Allow PB nvo deployed as assembly to be thread-safe

Currently they are not threadsafe.

620973 When the dddw has a column in the detail band and the height of the band is set to 0, autosize height property is set, and the visible property is evaluated by expression, the dropdown simply does not show its contents.
621005 When creating a datawindow using the PBDIR driver and using

the Access Services gateway, the datatype mapping is incorrect.

A timestamp column is being converted to char(26). A char(3) column is converted to

decimal(1) and char(9) is being converted to date. A smallint converted to long

and date converted to time.

RESOLUTION: DBParm of DBGatewayUDT='yes' resolved datatype mapping issue.

621422 Service Component fails to instantiate another component when path is too long.
621815 PowerBuilder with ODBC connection to Informix

When binding is enabled (DisableBind=0), strings are truncated when passed to the ODBC driver.

621820 Calling a webservice using the .Net engine and the SoapConnection object.

They intermittently get the error message:

"The underlying connection was closed: A connection that was expected to be kept alive was closed by the server."

621824 Add an option "Show RightToLeft property" and add this property to properties view for DataWindow
621888 Customer upgraded to PB 11.5.1 (build 4608) and

now datawindow.update() does not insert data into the database in certain


This worked in PB 11.5.1 (build 4566)

621956 When the update user function defined by .Net WSV NVO is called from DataWindow, the updated value is not applied to Database.
621985 MDI application with contemporary style menu and toolbar

The toolbar background color becomes gray when ChangeMenu is called

in the open event of a sheet that has no menu attached at designtime.

The issue did not happen when the ChangeMenu call was posted.

621999 The datawindow object provides

In the DataWindow Reference Guide, Chapter 3 it explains what each one of these

crosstab properties are (Columns,Rows, SourceNames,StaticMode and Values).

Under the 'See also' section, I think it should reference: see the

for details on the Table.CrossTabData.

In the online help, select crosstab under the 'Index' tab. Select the DataWindow Object property. It should be noted on that window that there is also a Table.CrosstabData property. Or provide a link under the 'See Also' commandbutton.

622306 Cannot use a global function in a validation rule with the DB painter.
622347 When using to display data in

a browser and the datawindow is using the bold font, column data is getting


The nv_remote_datawindow/generate calls the

622697 When in the datawindow painter on windows 7 and trying

to add a second retrieval argument the follow error appears:

Column 2 has an invalid name and/or length

If a existing dw has two arguments and you try to retrieve, the window 'Specify Retrieval Arguments' don't show the second argument. It just shows a blank.

622858 Enhancement Request to provide options to be able to deploy a PBL to assembly (not only NVO's)
622864 Enhancement Request:

Be able to use expressions for the editmask mask property

so that different masks can be used for different rows.

623072 A DataWindow contains overlapping columns in the detail band with mixed right and left allignment and transparent background.

But when calling SelectRow some of the columns become hidden as if the column no longer is transparent.

623100 Customer is experiencing a serious performance problem with OLE DB using SQLNCLI10 as a provider. ServerCursor = 'NO' in pbdob ini file and Block setting to 1000, do not seem to help.

Customer has set the above in the [Microsoft SQL Server] section of hispbodb115.ini file. We have checked to make sure it is set in the copy in the following directory(actually he has set it in every copy of pbodb115.ini on his machine)

C:\Documents and Settings\psteinha\Local Settings\Application Data\Sybase\PowerBuilder 11.5

His datawindow has six nested reports and we have not been able to reproduce the time difference in a small report.

I did a small analysis of the first 15 fetchs in each of the logs and the total times are as follows:

SQLNCLI10 = 354.943 ms

# 1 = 189.700 ms

# 15 = 354.943 ms

SQLOLEDB = 149.538 ms

#1 = 210.285 ms

# 15 = 359.823 ms

SQLODBC = 108.953 ms

# 1 = 284.037 ms

#15 = 392.990 ms

To get elapsed time I subtracted #1 from #15. While the SQLOLEDB takes longer than ODBC, SQLNCLI10 takes more than three times as long as ODBC. Customer insists that these results can be replicated over and over.

623266 PB crashes when inserting an OLE control in a window.
623428 The Page() and PageCount() functions in an expression are not displaying correctly in a treeview datawindow at runtime in a window. They are correct in PrintPreview and when printed. But in the window it always displays Page 1 of 1. By contrast they do display correctly in a tabular datawindow.
623571 Using sybcsi APIs to archieve encrypt/decrypt password in CTLIB
623600 Using SetItem to set the text of an autosizeheight column in PB 12 .NET does not resize the column. Works in PB Classic.
623634 With the application object open you should be able to drag a window object from the system tree to the open event of the application object (it should drop the window name). In pb 12 build 6013 I can't. Interestingly I can drag a dataobject, but not a window.
624016 If in a DataWindow an expression is used to enable the Tooltip of a column,

then sometimes the tooltip of a column may still appear while it is disabled according to the expression.

624048 The customer has a report and only wants to see the header on the first page. It's a large header and he wants all the detail rows to move up and into the empty space vacated by the header and allow more rows to be displayed on all pages > 1. The main part of the header is a nested report and an expression for it's height sets it to zero if it is not page 1. This works and the header disappears on pages > 1. The column text headers have an expression for the y value to move them up into the space left by the zero height nested report on pages > 1 and that works great.

The final step is to set the header band to Autosize height, to move it up tight under the column header text. But this fails and all pages have the same header height. Pages after 1 have a large blank space that the header should move up into.

A second problem with this is once the header band is set to autosize and the datawindow is closed, PB crashes when you attempt to re-open the datawindow in the painter.

624192 PowerBuilder with EAS 6.3

When there are no IIOP connections available, then a PB ORB connection should block until a listener thread becomes available.

But the PB ORB stays blocked until a timeout occurs.

624202 Orcascript is crashing on a winform full rebuild:

Invalid Pointer Read on msvcr71?wcscpy8

In the orcascript log file, it appears it is on the cm_rebuild_application(CM_REBUILD_FULL).

624223 In PB 11.5 public CONSTANT instance varibles are not included in the easerver 5.5 proxy object. They were in PB 9.

public CONSTANT string is_exposemeconstantly='exposeme!'

624231 PowerBuilder application uses third party .NET web services. It works with PB build 2506, but fails on all builds after 2506.

Customer was trying to upgrade to latest EBF to see if webservices bug fix would help his performance problems.

624548 In the library painter when you regenerate a number of objects

together and an object fails to regenerate due to an error

then status "Succeeded" can be reported instead of the number of errors.

624635 'for update' cursor for Oralce causes a memory leak.
624799 * EN 5/19/10

New command line switch -ex <filename> where the filename contains error numbers allows those error numbers to not be counted as errors.

Specification for CR 624977

1. Document History and Approvals

1.1 Document Change History

Date Version Changes Author


0.1 Initial Version Eric Nilson

Add a new row to this table for each new version.

1.2 Milestones and Approvals

Milestone Who and Date for each

Solution Approval

Design Approval

Code Review and Approval

Test Plan and Unit Test Approval

Check-In Approval

2. CR Description

2.1. Product - ECRTP

2.2. Customer抯 Problem Description


Customer is requesting the ability to not generate an error when the data in an element is either larger or smaller than the min/max values for the element.

This relates to CMS processing, as length violations are not considered rejected transactions, but rather, Accepted with Errors.

The preferred result of this RFE would be a runtime flag to turn this error reporting off.

3. Engineer抯 Restatement of Customer抯 Problem

Customer wants to specify to not count error of less than min element length or greater than max element length. It is OK to not write any error messages to trace or LOG and to return a value of zero indicating no errors to calling program. The transaction will be placed in the good file if good bad processing is being done. But if a field is mandatory and empty, then this will still be counted as an error. If field is empty and not mandatory, it will not be counted as an error. The mandatory error number is different so this will be done as long as the mandatory error is not in the exception file.

Customer needs this special processing for inbound only. Engineer抯 Solution Description

4. Customer Impacts, If Any

To do special error checking like this will cause a small performance hit.

5. Design

This feature is for inbound maps and inbound EDI->EDI or XML-EDI,. It has not been implemented for OUTBOUND, but will work with every type of INBOUND including X12, EDIFACT, NCPDP, HL7 and XML.

The customer抯 request will be satisfied by a generic approach that can be used to allow customers to pick minor types of ECRTP Error Numbers of errors that they want to be passed through the system without counting as an error.

For the first implementation of this feature, the types of errors that are going to be passed through are the types of non-fatal errors that occur during mapping or rule processing.

If the user places a Fatal Error number that causes ECRTP to abort and return a error code of 5, ECRTP will still abort and return an error code of 5, but the Error will not be written to TRLOG and will only be written to the TRACE file.

A compliance map has a rule that states if Error, abort transaction, which means that if any error occurred during the processing of that transaction then the processing is aborted. The types of non-fatal errors that would hit this rule and cause an abort transaction in a compliance map will be able to be dismissed as not an error and not to cause an abort transaction. Also for a translation map, the mapping and rule edit type of errors can be changed to not count as an error.

For this first release of this feature, such ECRTP errors involving incorrect Header segments (ISA, GS, ST) and Trailer segments (SE, GE, IEA) will be able to be dismissed as not errors and not written to TRLOG. But the ECRTP processing and return error code status will be the same as if the error was written to TRLOG and counted as an error.. And the same is true for Trade Partner errors and tal errors such as cannot open file.

The discounting of the errors in the 杄x <filename> during mapping and rule processing will be done by setting a variable to 1 at start of mapping or rule processing and turning it back to a zero at end of mapping or rule processing.

There are other more serious errors, where ECRTP will abort the transaction or the whole map run immediately after such a serious error occurs. These types of abort transactions will not be stopped by this CR. However, if one of these errors

A new command switch, -ex <file name>, will be used to indicate that there is a file name that contains ECRTP Error numbers that are to be ignored. The file must consist of one 5 digit numeric error number on each line terminated by a new line. If this file cannot be opened, ECRTP will abort. If file line does not follow format of 5 digits new line, ECRTP will abort.

The 杄x <file name> switch is required, but the file name does not have to exist on the disk if it was passed in as a MEMIOSTRUCT parameter.

typedef struct {

char *filename;

char **paddr;

long *pbytes;

long *pbuflen;


When an Error occurs with an error number that matches an error number in the error exception file name, then the Error will be written to the TRACE File but not the LOG File.

For example, if 1294 was in the exceptin file, theninstead of a trace message

"(1294) ERROR: Maximum Length %d of EDI record exceeded"

There will be a message

" (DISM ) ERROR: Maximum Length %d of EDI record exceeded"

The �(DISM )� in the Trace File indicates that this error occurred but was dismissed (not counted as an error and not written to the LOG.

At the end of a run, the message Number of Errors Dismmissed: NNN

Will be added to the end of run summary if any errors have been dismissed.

If only errors that were in the 杄x <filename> occurred during a run, then a value of 0 would be returned by ECRTP to indicate to the calling program that there were no errors. And EDI Transaction with no errors or only exception type of errors in the 杄x <filename> will be passed through as good transactions.

6. Summary of Technical Changes

Functions � Which and Why

Globals & Structures � Which and Why

Error Message Changes

The major changes were in the below files.


long dism_err_cnt_in; /* Number of inbound errors not counted as errors due to -ex filename switch */

long dism_err_cnt_out; /* Number of edi->edi outbound errors not counted as errors due to -ex switch */

int itot_exceptions; /* size of array of exception error integer nuumbers pointed to by piexception_errs pointer */

int * piexception_errs; /* pointer to array of error integer nuumbers which should not count as errors */


modified pr_args to process -ex filename and call new function load_exceptions()



new function load_exceptions


* load_exceptions - load ECRTP error numbers from a file that has 5 digits

* followed by a newline



modified pr_err() logic to not count error numbers that were loaded into memory from the

exception file.

new functions

check_dismissed(char *msgnum,GLOBALSTRUTIN) /* checks to see if error number is in CVPTRIN piexception_errs */

long stat_dism_err_cnt(int delta, GLOBALSTRUTIN) /* adds count of dismised errs */


new function ifinal_dism_msg.c - display final run dismissed error status

7. Test Plan

Create a data file that contains edit errors and an error file with these edit error numbers and see if output is correct.

Run same data file without the new 杄x <filename> and see if errors are reported.

This was done using an from the DOS prompt with an old hippa EDI->EDI map with and without the -ex filename switch. And it worked as planned.

wrmi32 C:\maps\hipaareg\errors.EDI -st "DSN=hipaareg" -sl "DSN=hipaareg" -o -k -z -l -dg C:\maps\hipaareg\837P -ex exfile.txt -tc 1000 -wx 1 -k -id 56

To test memory passing of the exception fi.le, on can load the exception file into a MSGVAR. Then use the MEMI Gateway Tab to set MSGVAR equal to the exact full or relative file name that will be used with the ex <filename> switch. I added the -ex <filename> switch to the pfs script.

Below is a pfs file that I ran with same exfile.txt and map that I had used when testing wrmi32.exe from the DOS prompt. I was able to verify with the debugger that the exfile.txt was being read from the memory MSGVAR file that Gateway has passed in.


5.2.1, 05/18/10 08:52:34 PM







1 1TraceOnOff 34 ||220

2 2LoadMemory 52 ||140||C:\maps\hipaareg\errors.edi||60||

3 3LoadMemory 52 ||140||c:\maps\hipaareg\837p\exfile.txt||63||

4 4RunMapIn 27 ||||-fn c:\maps\hipaareg\errors.edi -sl 12"DSN=hipaareg" -nz -dg c:\maps\hipaareg\837P -o -k -z -l -tc 1000 -ex c:\maps\hipaareg\837p\exfile.txt -wx 1 ||st||140||12"DSN=hipaareg"||sm||140||c:\maps\hipaareg\837p\exfile.txt||63||

And below is a trace file from the wsproces run of the pfs script.

WSPROCES PC GATEWAY Version - STARTED AT 21:46:04 ON 05/18/2010

- Processing script file: hipaa_errors.pfs

INIT Successfully loaded Safepwd library

INIT Successfully decrypted Trading Partner DSN

INIT Successfully decrypted Log DSN

INIT Successfully decrypted RunID DSN

INIT Successfully Loaded the RTP Library

Trace COMMAND: TraceOnOff ****** Line Number 1


Trace COMMAND: LoadMemory ****** Line Number 2

ACTION: Obtained filename C:\maps\hipaareg\errors.edi supplied as string constant!

ACTION: Size of file C:\maps\hipaareg\errors.edi: 1898

ACTION: Successfully read file C:\maps\hipaareg\errors.edi and stored buffer cbd018 in proces

s var. Message[1]

Trace COMMAND: LoadMemory ****** Line Number 3

ACTION: Obtained filename c:\maps\hipaareg\837p\exfile.txt supplied as string constant!

ACTION: Size of file c:\maps\hipaareg\837p\exfile.txt: 6

ACTION: Successfully read file c:\maps\hipaareg\837p\exfile.txt and stored buffer cb48a8 in p

rocess var. Message[4]

Trace COMMAND: RunMapIn ****** Line Number 4

ACTION: Successfully decrypted PassWord for -ST

ACTION: Creating MEMIO <3GetMSG>!

ACTION: ELEMENT FILENAME (cbd7c0): file name ptr contains cbd7d0

ACTION: ELEMENT FN (cbd7d0) contains = c:\maps\hipaareg\837p\exfile.txt

ACTION: ELEMENT PADDR (cbd7c4): data buffer ptr contains cbd8fc

ACTION: ELEMENT MEMADDR (cbd8fc) : data buffer addr. = cb48a8

ACTION: ELEMENT PBYTES (cbd7c8): data size ptr contain cbd900

ACTION: DATASIZE (cbd900) : data size = 6

ACTION: ELEMENT PBUFLEN (cbd7cc): Buffer size ptr contains cbd904

ACTION: SHARED MEMORY 3GetMSG now ready for RTP or Message Queueing operations


ACTION: Successfully decrypted PassWord for -SL

ACTION: INRun Parameters = c:\maps\hipaareg\errors.edi -sl "DSN=hipaareg" -nz -dg c:\maps\hip

aareg\837P -o -k -z -l -tc 1000 -ex c:\maps\hipaareg\837p\exfile.txt -wx 1 -st "DSN=hip

aareg" -et "u:\calm_beth_ecgateway\WSPROCES\exe\Debug\TRACE" -id 2701 (address passed to

rtp) 1015ee0

TRACE: Run Time Version:

INBOUND Run 20100518 214705 Run ID 2701

TRACE 1 Error Numbers in -ex exception file c:\maps\hipaareg\837p\exfile.txt

TRACE: Reading ISA - Seg Delim 126 Elem Delim 042 Sub Delim 058 Test Ind P


TRACE Maximum Connections:64, Maximum Statements:0

TRACE DBMS Name :ACCESS, Version:04.00.0000

TRACE Cursor Commit Behavior = READ_ONLY

TRACE: New tradepartner: 1075-1

TRACE: Looking.. Segment GS (control)

TRACE: Exact Tradstat found for Tptnr 1075-1 Trans 837 Vers 004010X098A1 TstInd P


[ 0]: Level: 30, Ordinal= 1, Seg ST , Max Loops= No Limit

[ 1]: Level: 40, Ordinal= 1, Seg ST , Max Loops= No Limit

[ 2]: Level: 50, Ordinal= 4, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[ 3]: Level: 60, Ordinal= 6, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[ 4]: Level: 70, Ordinal= 7, Seg HL , Max Loops= No Limit

[ 5]: Level: 80, Ordinal= 10, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[ 6]: Level: 85, Ordinal= 13, Seg REF, Max Loops= 8

[ 7]: Level: 90, Ordinal= 14, Seg REF, Max Loops= 8

[ 8]: Level: 100, Ordinal= 15, Seg REF, Max Loops= 8

[ 9]: Level: 110, Ordinal= 17, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[10]: Level: 120, Ordinal= 21, Seg HL , Max Loops= No Limit

[11]: Level: 130, Ordinal= 24, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[12]: Level: 140, Ordinal= 28, Seg REF, Max Loops= 4

[13]: Level: 150, Ordinal= 29, Seg REF, Max Loops= 1

[14]: Level: 160, Ordinal= 30, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[15]: Level: 170, Ordinal= 34, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[16]: Level: 180, Ordinal= 37, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[17]: Level: 190, Ordinal= 39, Seg HL , Max Loops= No Limit

[18]: Level: 200, Ordinal= 41, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[19]: Level: 210, Ordinal= 45, Seg REF, Max Loops= 5

[20]: Level: 220, Ordinal= 46, Seg REF, Max Loops= 1

[21]: Level: 230, Ordinal= 47, Seg CLM, Max Loops= 100

[22]: Level: 232, Ordinal= 91, Seg HI , Max Loops= 0

[23]: Level: 250, Ordinal= 48, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 1

[24]: Level: 270, Ordinal= 49, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 1

[25]: Level: 280, Ordinal= 50, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 1

[26]: Level: 290, Ordinal= 51, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 5

[27]: Level: 300, Ordinal= 52, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 10

[28]: Level: 310, Ordinal= 53, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 10

[29]: Level: 320, Ordinal= 54, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 1

[30]: Level: 330, Ordinal= 55, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 1

[31]: Level: 350, Ordinal= 56, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 1

[32]: Level: 360, Ordinal= 57, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 5

[33]: Level: 370, Ordinal= 58, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 5

[34]: Level: 380, Ordinal= 59, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 1

[35]: Level: 390, Ordinal= 60, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 1

[36]: Level: 400, Ordinal= 61, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 1

[37]: Level: 410, Ordinal= 62, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 1

[38]: Level: 420, Ordinal= 63, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 2

[39]: Level: 440, Ordinal= 66, Seg AMT, Max Loops= 1

[40]: Level: 450, Ordinal= 67, Seg AMT, Max Loops= 1

[41]: Level: 460, Ordinal= 68, Seg AMT, Max Loops= 1

[42]: Level: 470, Ordinal= 69, Seg REF, Max Loops= 1

[43]: Level: 480, Ordinal= 70, Seg REF, Max Loops= 1

[44]: Level: 490, Ordinal= 71, Seg REF, Max Loops= 1

[45]: Level: 500, Ordinal= 72, Seg REF, Max Loops= 2

[46]: Level: 520, Ordinal= 73, Seg REF, Max Loops= 1

[47]: Level: 530, Ordinal= 74, Seg REF, Max Loops= 3

[48]: Level: 540, Ordinal= 75, Seg REF, Max Loops= 1

[49]: Level: 550, Ordinal= 76, Seg REF, Max Loops= 1

[50]: Level: 560, Ordinal= 77, Seg REF, Max Loops= 1

[51]: Level: 570, Ordinal= 78, Seg REF, Max Loops= 1

[52]: Level: 580, Ordinal= 79, Seg REF, Max Loops= 4

[53]: Level: 590, Ordinal= 80, Seg REF, Max Loops= 1

[54]: Level: 600, Ordinal= 81, Seg REF, Max Loops= 1

[55]: Level: 610, Ordinal= 86, Seg CRC, Max Loops= 3

[56]: Level: 620, Ordinal= 87, Seg CRC, Max Loops= 3

[57]: Level: 630, Ordinal= 88, Seg CRC, Max Loops= 1

[58]: Level: 650, Ordinal= 89, Seg CRC, Max Loops= 1

[59]: Level: 660, Ordinal= 93, Seg CR7, Max Loops= 6

[60]: Level: 670, Ordinal= 95, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 3

[61]: Level: 690, Ordinal= 98, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[62]: Level: 700, Ordinal= 101, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[63]: Level: 710, Ordinal= 103, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[64]: Level: 750, Ordinal= 107, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[65]: Level: 760, Ordinal= 109, Seg SBR, Max Loops= 10

[66]: Level: 770, Ordinal= 111, Seg AMT, Max Loops= 1

[67]: Level: 780, Ordinal= 112, Seg AMT, Max Loops= 1

[68]: Level: 790, Ordinal= 113, Seg AMT, Max Loops= 1

[69]: Level: 800, Ordinal= 114, Seg AMT, Max Loops= 1

[70]: Level: 810, Ordinal= 115, Seg AMT, Max Loops= 1

[71]: Level: 820, Ordinal= 116, Seg AMT, Max Loops= 1

[72]: Level: 830, Ordinal= 117, Seg AMT, Max Loops= 1

[73]: Level: 840, Ordinal= 118, Seg AMT, Max Loops= 1

[74]: Level: 850, Ordinal= 119, Seg AMT, Max Loops= 1

[75]: Level: 860, Ordinal= 120, Seg AMT, Max Loops= 1

[76]: Level: 870, Ordinal= 124, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[77]: Level: 880, Ordinal= 128, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[78]: Level: 890, Ordinal= 131, Seg REF, Max Loops= 2

[79]: Level: 900, Ordinal= 132, Seg REF, Max Loops= 2

[80]: Level: 910, Ordinal= 133, Seg REF, Max Loops= 2

[81]: Level: 920, Ordinal= 134, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[82]: Level: 930, Ordinal= 136, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 2

[83]: Level: 950, Ordinal= 138, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[84]: Level: 960, Ordinal= 140, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[85]: Level: 970, Ordinal= 142, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[86]: Level: 1010, Ordinal= 144, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[87]: Level: 1020, Ordinal= 146, Seg LX , Max Loops= 50

[88]: Level: 1030, Ordinal= 154, Seg CRC, Max Loops= 3

[89]: Level: 1040, Ordinal= 155, Seg CRC, Max Loops= 1

[90]: Level: 1050, Ordinal= 156, Seg CRC, Max Loops= 2

[91]: Level: 1060, Ordinal= 163, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 0

[92]: Level: 1070, Ordinal= 157, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 1

[93]: Level: 1080, Ordinal= 158, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 1

[94]: Level: 1100, Ordinal= 159, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 1

[95]: Level: 1110, Ordinal= 160, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 1

[96]: Level: 1130, Ordinal= 161, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 2

[97]: Level: 1140, Ordinal= 162, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 2

[98]: Level: 1160, Ordinal= 163, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 3

[99]: Level: 1190, Ordinal= 164, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 1

[100]: Level: 1200, Ordinal= 165, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 1

[101]: Level: 1210, Ordinal= 166, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 1

[102]: Level: 1220, Ordinal= 167, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 1

[103]: Level: 1230, Ordinal= 168, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 1

[104]: Level: 1240, Ordinal= 169, Seg DTP, Max Loops= 1

[105]: Level: 1250, Ordinal= 172, Seg REF, Max Loops= 1

[106]: Level: 1260, Ordinal= 173, Seg REF, Max Loops= 1

[107]: Level: 1270, Ordinal= 174, Seg REF, Max Loops= 2

[108]: Level: 1290, Ordinal= 175, Seg REF, Max Loops= 1

[109]: Level: 1300, Ordinal= 176, Seg REF, Max Loops= 1

[110]: Level: 1310, Ordinal= 177, Seg REF, Max Loops= 1

[111]: Level: 1320, Ordinal= 178, Seg REF, Max Loops= 1

[112]: Level: 1330, Ordinal= 179, Seg REF, Max Loops= 1

[113]: Level: 1340, Ordinal= 180, Seg REF, Max Loops= 4

[114]: Level: 1350, Ordinal= 181, Seg REF, Max Loops= 1

[115]: Level: 1360, Ordinal= 182, Seg REF, Max Loops= 1

[116]: Level: 1380, Ordinal= 183, Seg AMT, Max Loops= 1

[117]: Level: 1390, Ordinal= 184, Seg AMT, Max Loops= 1

[118]: Level: 1400, Ordinal= 185, Seg AMT, Max Loops= 1

[119]: Level: 1405, Ordinal= 191, Seg LIN, Max Loops= 25

[120]: Level: 1410, Ordinal= 194, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[121]: Level: 1420, Ordinal= 197, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[122]: Level: 1430, Ordinal= 199, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[123]: Level: 1470, Ordinal= 203, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[124]: Level: 1480, Ordinal= 205, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 1

[125]: Level: 1490, Ordinal= 210, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 2

[126]: Level: 1510, Ordinal= 213, Seg NM1, Max Loops= 4

[127]: Level: 1520, Ordinal= 215, Seg SVD, Max Loops= 25

[128]: Level: 1530, Ordinal= 218, Seg LQ , Max Loops= 5

TRACE Start Run of MAP HIPAA_837P_4010_50

TRACE: Level 10, Segment ISA (control)

TRACE: Level 10->20, processing Segment ISA Before Rule- No: 10380

TRACE: Level 10->20, processing Segment ISA After Rule- No: 10080

TRACE: Level 20, Segment GS (control)

TRACE: Level 20->30, processing Segment GS Before Rule- No: 10435

TRACE: Level 20->30, processing Segment GS After Rule- No: 10060

TRACE: Level 30, Segment ST (control)

TRACE: Level 30->40, processing Segment ST Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 40, Segment ST (mapping)

TRACE: Level 40, Segment ST 01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 40, Segment ST 02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 30->40, processing Segment ST After Rule- No: 1140

TRACE: Performing Rule 5030

TRACE: Performing Rule 13160

TRACE: Level 40, Segment BHT (mapping)

TRACE: Level 40, Segment BHT01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 40, Segment BHT02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 40, Segment BHT03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 40, Segment BHT04 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 40, Segment BHT05 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 40, Segment BHT06 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 40->40, processing Segment REF Before Rule- No: 815

TRACE: Level 40, Segment REF (mapping)

TRACE: Level 40, Segment REF01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 40, Segment REF02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 40->40, processing Segment REF After Rule- No: 816

TRACE: Performing Rule 0

TRACE: Level 40->50, processing Segment NM1 Before Rule- No: 817

TRACE: Level 50, Segment NM1 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 50, Segment NM101 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 50, Segment NM102 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 50, Segment NM103 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 50, Segment NM104 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 50, Segment NM105 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 50, Segment NM108 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 50, Segment NM109 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 40->50, processing Segment NM1 After Rule- No: 818

TRACE: Performing Rule 504

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Performing Rule 1200

TRACE: Level 50->50, processing Segment PER Before Rule- No: 819

TRACE: Level 50, Segment PER (mapping)

TRACE: Level 50, Segment PER01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 50, Segment PER02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 50, Segment PER03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 50, Segment PER04 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 50, Segment PER05 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 50->50, processing Segment PER After Rule- No: 820

TRACE: Performing Rule 506

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 50

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 50

TRACE: Performing Rule 1170

TRACE: Performing Rule 1175

TRACE: Level 50->40, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 50->40, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 40->60, processing Segment NM1 Before Rule- No: 821

TRACE: Level 60, Segment NM1 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 60, Segment NM101 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 60, Segment NM102 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 60, Segment NM103 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 60, Segment NM108 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 60, Segment NM109 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 40->60, processing Segment NM1 After Rule- No: 822

TRACE: Performing Rule 507

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Level 60->40, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 60->40, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 40->70, processing Segment HL Before Rule- No: 9079

TRACE: Level 70, Segment HL (mapping)

TRACE: Level 70, Segment HL 01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 70, Segment HL 03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 70, Segment HL 04 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 40->70, processing Segment HL After Rule- No: 2000

TRACE: Performing Rule 9079

TRACE: Performing Rule 5035

TRACE: Performing Rule 9079

TRACE: Level 70->70, processing Segment PRV Before Rule- No: 823

TRACE: Level 70, Segment PRV (mapping)

TRACE: Level 70, Segment PRV01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 70, Segment PRV02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 70, Segment PRV03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 70->70, processing Segment PRV After Rule- No: 824

TRACE: Performing Rule 510

TRACE: Level 70->80, processing Segment NM1 Before Rule- No: 827

TRACE: Level 80, Segment NM1 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 80, Segment NM101 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 80, Segment NM102 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 80, Segment NM103 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 80, Segment NM104 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 80, Segment NM105 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 80, Segment NM107 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 80, Segment NM108 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 80, Segment NM109 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 70->80, processing Segment NM1 After Rule- No: 828

TRACE: Performing Rule 512

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Performing Rule 1540

TRACE: Performing Rule 22080

TRACE: Level 80, Segment N3 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 80, Segment N3 01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 80, Segment N3 02 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 80->80, processing Segment N4 Before Rule- No: 829

TRACE: Level 80, Segment N4 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 80, Segment N4 01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 80, Segment N4 02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 80, Segment N4 03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 80, Segment N4 03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 80, Segment N4 04 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 80->80, processing Segment N4 After Rule- No: 830

TRACE: Performing Rule 515

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Performing Rule 561

TRACE: Performing Rule 10480

TRACE: Performing Rule 10600

TRACE: Performing Rule 10603

TRACE: Rule 10603, Line 2: Start Perform While on Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 13470

TRACE: Level 80->90, processing Segment REF Before Rule- No: 8314

TRACE: Level 90, Segment REF (mapping)

TRACE: Level 90, Segment REF01 (mapping)

<DISMISSED> Err Lev: 90 Trans: 837 Seg:REF01 REF_16 01Referenc EDI Line: 14

(1297) ERROR: Value <1DXXXXXXXXXXX> is not found in Table- N0160100.XRF

TRACE: Level 90, Segment REF01 - Post Edit Rule

TRACE: Level 90, Segment REF02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 80->90, processing Segment REF After Rule- No: 832

TRACE: Performing Rule 0

TRACE: Level 90->80, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 90->80, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 80->80, processing Segment PER Before Rule- No: 835

TRACE: Level 80, Segment PER (mapping)

TRACE: Level 80, Segment PER01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 80, Segment PER02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 80, Segment PER03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 80, Segment PER04 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 80, Segment PER05 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 80->80, processing Segment PER After Rule- No: 836

TRACE: Performing Rule 518

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 50

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 50

TRACE: Performing Rule 2135

TRACE: Performing Rule 2138

TRACE: Level 80->70, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 80->70, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 70->120, processing Segment HL Before Rule- No: 2119

TRACE: Performing Rule 2115

TRACE: Performing Rule 5035

TRACE: Performing Rule 5030

TRACE: Performing Rule 9160

TRACE: Level 120, Segment HL (mapping)

TRACE: Level 120, Segment HL 01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 120, Segment HL 02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 120, Segment HL 03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 120, Segment HL 04 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 70->120, processing Segment HL After Rule- No: 2100

TRACE: Performing Rule 5055

TRACE: Performing Rule 13130

TRACE: Performing Rule 1139

TRACE: Performing Rule 847

TRACE: Level 120->120, processing Segment SBR Before Rule- No: 2002

TRACE: Level 120, Segment SBR (mapping)

TRACE: Level 120, Segment SBR01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 120, Segment SBR02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 120, Segment SBR03 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 120, Segment SBR04 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 120, Segment SBR05 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 120, Segment SBR09 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 120->120, processing Segment SBR After Rule- No: 2150

TRACE: Performing Rule 2151

TRACE: Performing Rule 2530

TRACE: Performing Rule 2534

TRACE: Level 120->130, processing Segment NM1 Before Rule- No: 845

TRACE: Level 130, Segment NM1 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment NM101 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment NM102 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment NM103 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment NM104 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment NM105 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment NM107 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment NM108 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment NM109 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 120->130, processing Segment NM1 After Rule- No: 846

TRACE: Performing Rule 528

TRACE: Performing Rule 529

TRACE: Performing Rule 702

TRACE: Performing Rule 705

TRACE: Performing Rule 1200

TRACE: Performing Rule 1205

TRACE: Level 130->130, processing Segment N3 Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 130, Segment N3 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment N3 01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment N3 02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130->130, processing Segment N3 After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 130->130, processing Segment N4 Before Rule- No: 847

TRACE: Level 130, Segment N4 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment N4 01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment N4 02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment N4 03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment N4 03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment N4 04 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 130->130, processing Segment N4 After Rule- No: 848

TRACE: Performing Rule 530

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Performing Rule 561

TRACE: Performing Rule 10484

TRACE: Performing Rule 10600

TRACE: Performing Rule 10603

TRACE: Rule 10603, Line 2: Start Perform While on Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 13474

TRACE: Level 130->130, processing Segment DMG Before Rule- No: 849

TRACE: Level 130, Segment DMG (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment DMG01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment DMG02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment DMG03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130->130, processing Segment DMG After Rule- No: 850

TRACE: Performing Rule 531

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Level 130->120, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 130->120, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 120->160, processing Segment NM1 Before Rule- No: 855

TRACE: Performing Rule 2164

TRACE: Performing Rule 2165

TRACE: Level 160, Segment NM1 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 160, Segment NM101 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 160, Segment NM102 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 160, Segment NM103 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 160, Segment NM108 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 160, Segment NM109 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 120->160, processing Segment NM1 After Rule- No: 856

TRACE: Performing Rule 534

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Level 160->120, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 160->120, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 120->230, processing Segment CLM Before Rule- No: 881

TRACE: Performing Rule 555

TRACE: Performing Rule 919

TRACE: Performing Rule 2190

TRACE: Performing Rule 9160

TRACE: Performing Rule 13500

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM02 - Post Edit Rule

TRACE: Performing Rule 10250

TRACE: Performing Rule 10251

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM0501 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM0503 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM06 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM07 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM08 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM09 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM10 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM1101 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 120->230, processing Segment CLM After Rule- No: 882

TRACE: Performing Rule 555

TRACE: Performing Rule 2300

TRACE: Performing Rule 2302

TRACE: Performing Rule 2303

TRACE: Performing Rule 9990

TRACE: Performing Rule 800

TRACE: Performing Rule 2230

TRACE: Performing Rule 13520

TRACE: Level 230, Segment NTE (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment NTE01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment NTE02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230->230, processing Segment CR1 Before Rule- No: 915

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CR1 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CR101 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CR102 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CR103 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CR104 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CR105 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CR106 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CR109 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CR110 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 230->230, processing Segment CR1 After Rule- No: 916

TRACE: Performing Rule 597

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 50

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2460

TRACE: Level 230->610, processing Segment CRC Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 610, Segment CRC (mapping)

TRACE: Level 610, Segment CRC01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 610, Segment CRC02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 610, Segment CRC03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 610, Segment CRC04 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 230->610, processing Segment CRC After Rule- No: 2313

TRACE: Level 610->230, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 610->230, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 230->710, processing Segment NM1 Before Rule- No: 9411

TRACE: Level 710, Segment NM1 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 710, Segment NM101 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 710, Segment NM102 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 710, Segment NM103 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230->710, processing Segment NM1 After Rule- No: 942

TRACE: Performing Rule 622

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 50

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Performing Rule 9480

TRACE: Performing Rule 4058

TRACE: Performing Rule 22080

TRACE: Level 710, Segment N3 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 710, Segment N3 01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 710, Segment N3 02 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 710->710, processing Segment N4 Before Rule- No: 943

TRACE: Level 710, Segment N4 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 710, Segment N4 01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 710, Segment N4 02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 710, Segment N4 03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 710, Segment N4 03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 710, Segment N4 04 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 710->710, processing Segment N4 After Rule- No: 944

TRACE: Performing Rule 561

TRACE: Performing Rule 10492

TRACE: Performing Rule 10600

TRACE: Performing Rule 10603

TRACE: Rule 10603, Line 2: Start Perform While on Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 13482

TRACE: Level 710->230, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 710->230, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 230->760, processing Segment SBR Before Rule- No: 10000

TRACE: Level 760, Segment SBR (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment SBR01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment SBR02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment SBR03 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment SBR04 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment SBR05 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment SBR09 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230->760, processing Segment SBR After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 760->760, processing Segment DMG Before Rule- No: 971

TRACE: Level 760, Segment DMG (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment DMG01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment DMG02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment DMG03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760->760, processing Segment DMG After Rule- No: 972

TRACE: Performing Rule 657

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Level 760->760, processing Segment OI Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 760, Segment OI (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment OI 03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment OI 04 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment OI 06 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760->760, processing Segment OI After Rule- No: 2398

TRACE: Performing Rule 2399

TRACE: Level 760->870, processing Segment NM1 Before Rule- No: 973

TRACE: Level 870, Segment NM1 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 870, Segment NM101 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 870, Segment NM102 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 870, Segment NM103 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 870, Segment NM104 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 870, Segment NM105 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 870, Segment NM107 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 870, Segment NM108 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 870, Segment NM109 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760->870, processing Segment NM1 After Rule- No: 974

TRACE: Performing Rule 660

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Performing Rule 2361

TRACE: Performing Rule 4082

TRACE: Level 870->760, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 870->760, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 760->880, processing Segment NM1 Before Rule- No: 979

TRACE: Level 880, Segment NM1 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 880, Segment NM101 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 880, Segment NM102 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 880, Segment NM103 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 880, Segment NM108 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 880, Segment NM109 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760->880, processing Segment NM1 After Rule- No: 980

TRACE: Performing Rule 665

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Performing Rule 4083

TRACE: Level 880->760, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 880->760, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 760->230, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 760->230, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 230->1020, processing Segment LX Before Rule- No: 2400

TRACE: Performing Rule 0

TRACE: Performing Rule 13140

TRACE: Performing Rule 13145

TRACE: Performing Rule 9045

TRACE: Performing Rule 9048

TRACE: Performing Rule 0

TRACE: Performing Rule 2335

TRACE: Performing Rule 2336

TRACE: Performing Rule 2230

TRACE: Performing Rule 1245

TRACE: Performing Rule 1268

TRACE: Performing Rule 2190

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment LX (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment LX 01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230->1020, processing Segment LX After Rule- No: 2410

TRACE: Performing Rule 2560

TRACE: Performing Rule 10010

TRACE: Performing Rule 7201

TRACE: Level 1020->1020, processing Segment SV1 Before Rule- No: 1029

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV1 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV10101 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV10102 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV10103 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV10104 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV10105 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV10106 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV102 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV102 - Post Edit Rule

TRACE: Performing Rule 10250

TRACE: Performing Rule 10251

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV103 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV104 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV105 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV10701 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV10702 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV10703 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV10704 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV109 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV111 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV112 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV115 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1020->1020, processing Segment SV1 After Rule- No: 1030

TRACE: Performing Rule 693

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2185

TRACE: Performing Rule 9150

TRACE: Performing Rule 9154

TRACE: Performing Rule 9154

TRACE: Performing Rule 9154

TRACE: Performing Rule 9154

TRACE: Level 1020->1070, processing Segment DTP Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 1070, Segment DTP (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1070, Segment DTP01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1070, Segment DTP02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1070, Segment DTP03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1070, Segment DTP03 - Post Edit Rule

TRACE: Level 1020->1070, processing Segment DTP After Rule- No: 2448

TRACE: Performing Rule 2449

TRACE: Performing Rule 2540

TRACE: Performing Rule 4116

TRACE: Performing Rule 4117

TRACE: Performing Rule 2454

TRACE: Performing Rule 2417

TRACE: Performing Rule 2418

TRACE: Level 1070->1020, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 1070->1020, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 1020->1290, processing Segment REF Before Rule- No: 1053

TRACE: Level 1290, Segment REF (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1290, Segment REF01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1290, Segment REF02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1020->1290, processing Segment REF After Rule- No: 1054

TRACE: Performing Rule 4154

TRACE: Level 1290->1020, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 1290->1020, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 1020->1520, processing Segment SVD Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD01 - Post Edit Rule

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD02 - Post Edit Rule

TRACE: Performing Rule 10250

TRACE: Performing Rule 10251

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD0301 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD0301 - Post Edit Rule

TRACE: Performing Rule 13245

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD0302 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD0303 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD0304 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD0305 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD0306 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD0307 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD05 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD06 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1020->1520, processing Segment SVD After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 1520->1520, processing Segment CAS Before Rule- No: 1131

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment CAS (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment CAS01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment CAS02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment CAS03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment CAS03 - Post Edit Rule

TRACE: Performing Rule 10250

TRACE: Performing Rule 10251

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment CAS04 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1520->1520, processing Segment CAS After Rule- No: 1132

TRACE: Performing Rule 792

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 3

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 3

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 3

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 3

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 3

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Level 1520->1520, processing Segment DTP Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment DTP (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment DTP01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment DTP01 - Post Edit Rule

TRACE: Performing Rule 10465

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment DTP02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment DTP03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1520->1520, processing Segment DTP After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 1520->1020, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 1520->1020, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 1020->120, processing Segment HL Before Rule- No: 2119

TRACE: Performing Rule 9080

TRACE: Performing Rule 2010

TRACE: Performing Rule 2105

TRACE: Performing Rule 2115

TRACE: Performing Rule 5035

TRACE: Performing Rule 5030

TRACE: Performing Rule 9160

TRACE: Level 120, Segment HL (mapping)

TRACE: Level 120, Segment HL 01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 120, Segment HL 02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 120, Segment HL 03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 120, Segment HL 04 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1020->120, processing Segment HL After Rule- No: 2100

TRACE: Performing Rule 5055

TRACE: Performing Rule 13130

TRACE: Performing Rule 1139

TRACE: Performing Rule 847

TRACE: Level 120->120, processing Segment SBR Before Rule- No: 2002

TRACE: Level 120, Segment SBR (mapping)

TRACE: Level 120, Segment SBR01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 120, Segment SBR02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 120, Segment SBR03 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 120, Segment SBR04 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 120, Segment SBR05 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 120, Segment SBR09 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 120->120, processing Segment SBR After Rule- No: 2150

TRACE: Performing Rule 2151

TRACE: Performing Rule 2530

TRACE: Performing Rule 2534

TRACE: Level 120->130, processing Segment NM1 Before Rule- No: 845

TRACE: Level 130, Segment NM1 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment NM101 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment NM102 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment NM103 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment NM104 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment NM105 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment NM107 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment NM108 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment NM109 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 120->130, processing Segment NM1 After Rule- No: 846

TRACE: Performing Rule 528

TRACE: Performing Rule 529

TRACE: Performing Rule 702

TRACE: Performing Rule 705

TRACE: Performing Rule 1200

TRACE: Performing Rule 1205

TRACE: Level 130->130, processing Segment N3 Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 130, Segment N3 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment N3 01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment N3 02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130->130, processing Segment N3 After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 130->130, processing Segment N4 Before Rule- No: 847

TRACE: Level 130, Segment N4 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment N4 01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment N4 02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment N4 03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment N4 03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment N4 04 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 130->130, processing Segment N4 After Rule- No: 848

TRACE: Performing Rule 530

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Performing Rule 561

TRACE: Performing Rule 10484

TRACE: Performing Rule 10600

TRACE: Performing Rule 10603

TRACE: Rule 10603, Line 2: Start Perform While on Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 13474

TRACE: Level 130->130, processing Segment DMG Before Rule- No: 849

TRACE: Level 130, Segment DMG (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment DMG01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment DMG02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130, Segment DMG03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 130->130, processing Segment DMG After Rule- No: 850

TRACE: Performing Rule 531

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Level 130->120, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 130->120, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 120->160, processing Segment NM1 Before Rule- No: 855

TRACE: Performing Rule 2164

TRACE: Performing Rule 2165

TRACE: Level 160, Segment NM1 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 160, Segment NM101 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 160, Segment NM102 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 160, Segment NM103 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 160, Segment NM108 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 160, Segment NM109 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 120->160, processing Segment NM1 After Rule- No: 856

TRACE: Performing Rule 534

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Level 160->120, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 160->120, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 120->230, processing Segment CLM Before Rule- No: 881

TRACE: Performing Rule 555

TRACE: Performing Rule 919

TRACE: Performing Rule 2190

TRACE: Performing Rule 9160

TRACE: Performing Rule 13500

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM02 - Post Edit Rule

TRACE: Performing Rule 10250

TRACE: Performing Rule 10251

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM0501 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM0503 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM06 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM07 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM08 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM09 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM10 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CLM1101 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 120->230, processing Segment CLM After Rule- No: 882

TRACE: Performing Rule 555

TRACE: Performing Rule 2300

TRACE: Performing Rule 2302

TRACE: Performing Rule 2303

TRACE: Performing Rule 9990

TRACE: Performing Rule 800

TRACE: Performing Rule 2230

TRACE: Performing Rule 13520

TRACE: Level 230, Segment NTE (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment NTE01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment NTE02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230->230, processing Segment CR1 Before Rule- No: 915

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CR1 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CR101 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CR102 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CR103 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CR104 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CR105 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CR106 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CR109 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230, Segment CR110 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 230->230, processing Segment CR1 After Rule- No: 916

TRACE: Performing Rule 597

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 50

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2460

TRACE: Level 230->610, processing Segment CRC Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 610, Segment CRC (mapping)

TRACE: Level 610, Segment CRC01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 610, Segment CRC02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 610, Segment CRC03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 610, Segment CRC04 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 230->610, processing Segment CRC After Rule- No: 2313

TRACE: Level 610->230, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 610->230, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 230->710, processing Segment NM1 Before Rule- No: 9411

TRACE: Level 710, Segment NM1 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 710, Segment NM101 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 710, Segment NM102 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 710, Segment NM103 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230->710, processing Segment NM1 After Rule- No: 942

TRACE: Performing Rule 622

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 50

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Performing Rule 9480

TRACE: Performing Rule 4058

TRACE: Performing Rule 22080

TRACE: Level 710, Segment N3 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 710, Segment N3 01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 710, Segment N3 02 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 710->710, processing Segment N4 Before Rule- No: 943

TRACE: Level 710, Segment N4 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 710, Segment N4 01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 710, Segment N4 02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 710, Segment N4 03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 710, Segment N4 03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 710, Segment N4 04 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 710->710, processing Segment N4 After Rule- No: 944

TRACE: Performing Rule 561

TRACE: Performing Rule 10492

TRACE: Performing Rule 10600

TRACE: Performing Rule 10603

TRACE: Rule 10603, Line 2: Start Perform While on Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 10605

TRACE: Performing Rule 13482

TRACE: Level 710->230, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 710->230, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 230->760, processing Segment SBR Before Rule- No: 10000

TRACE: Level 760, Segment SBR (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment SBR01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment SBR02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment SBR03 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment SBR04 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment SBR05 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment SBR09 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230->760, processing Segment SBR After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 760->760, processing Segment DMG Before Rule- No: 971

TRACE: Level 760, Segment DMG (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment DMG01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment DMG02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment DMG03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760->760, processing Segment DMG After Rule- No: 972

TRACE: Performing Rule 657

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Level 760->760, processing Segment OI Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 760, Segment OI (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment OI 03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment OI 04 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760, Segment OI 06 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760->760, processing Segment OI After Rule- No: 2398

TRACE: Performing Rule 2399

TRACE: Level 760->870, processing Segment NM1 Before Rule- No: 973

TRACE: Level 870, Segment NM1 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 870, Segment NM101 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 870, Segment NM102 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 870, Segment NM103 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 870, Segment NM104 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 870, Segment NM105 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 870, Segment NM107 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 870, Segment NM108 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 870, Segment NM109 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760->870, processing Segment NM1 After Rule- No: 974

TRACE: Performing Rule 660

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Performing Rule 2361

TRACE: Performing Rule 4082

TRACE: Level 870->760, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 870->760, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 760->880, processing Segment NM1 Before Rule- No: 979

TRACE: Level 880, Segment NM1 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 880, Segment NM101 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 880, Segment NM102 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 880, Segment NM103 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 880, Segment NM108 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 880, Segment NM109 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 760->880, processing Segment NM1 After Rule- No: 980

TRACE: Performing Rule 665

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 60

TRACE: Performing Rule 4083

TRACE: Level 880->760, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 880->760, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 760->230, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 760->230, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 230->1020, processing Segment LX Before Rule- No: 2400

TRACE: Performing Rule 0

TRACE: Performing Rule 13140

TRACE: Performing Rule 13145

TRACE: Performing Rule 9045

TRACE: Performing Rule 9048

TRACE: Performing Rule 0

TRACE: Performing Rule 2335

TRACE: Performing Rule 2336

TRACE: Performing Rule 2230

TRACE: Performing Rule 1245

TRACE: Performing Rule 1268

TRACE: Performing Rule 2190

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment LX (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment LX 01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 230->1020, processing Segment LX After Rule- No: 2410

TRACE: Performing Rule 2560

TRACE: Performing Rule 10010

TRACE: Performing Rule 7201

TRACE: Level 1020->1020, processing Segment SV1 Before Rule- No: 1029

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV1 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV10101 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV10102 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV10103 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV10104 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV10105 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV10106 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV102 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV102 - Post Edit Rule

TRACE: Performing Rule 10250

TRACE: Performing Rule 10251

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV103 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV104 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV105 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1020, Segment SV10701 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1020->1020, processing Segment SV1 After Rule- No: 1030

TRACE: Performing Rule 693

TRACE: Performing Rule 10

TRACE: Performing Rule 1

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2

TRACE: Performing Rule 20

TRACE: Performing Rule 2185

TRACE: Performing Rule 9150

TRACE: Performing Rule 9154

TRACE: Performing Rule 9154

TRACE: Performing Rule 9154

TRACE: Performing Rule 9154

TRACE: Level 1020->1070, processing Segment DTP Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 1070, Segment DTP (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1070, Segment DTP01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1070, Segment DTP02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1070, Segment DTP03 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1070, Segment DTP03 - Post Edit Rule

TRACE: Level 1020->1070, processing Segment DTP After Rule- No: 2448

TRACE: Performing Rule 2449

TRACE: Performing Rule 2540

TRACE: Performing Rule 4116

TRACE: Performing Rule 4117

TRACE: Performing Rule 2454

TRACE: Performing Rule 2417

TRACE: Performing Rule 2418

TRACE: Level 1070->1020, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 1070->1020, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 1020->1290, processing Segment REF Before Rule- No: 1053

TRACE: Level 1290, Segment REF (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1290, Segment REF01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1290, Segment REF02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1020->1290, processing Segment REF After Rule- No: 1054

TRACE: Performing Rule 4154

TRACE: Level 1290->1020, processing Segment def Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 1290->1020, processing Segment def After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 1020->1520, processing Segment SVD Before Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD01 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD01 - Post Edit Rule

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD02 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD02 - Post Edit Rule

TRACE: Performing Rule 10250

TRACE: Performing Rule 10251

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD0301 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD0301 - Post Edit Rule

TRACE: Performing Rule 13245

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD0302 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD0303 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD0304 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD0305 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD0306 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD0307 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD05 (mapping)

TRACE: Level 1520, Segment SVD06 (mapping empty data)

TRACE: Level 1020->1520, processing Segment SVD After Rule- No: 0

TRACE: Level

624808 Open a web service proxy or create a new proxy causes

pb 12 dlls to get loaded in memory. The dlls that get loaded are:




624823 Customer sent in crash dump of crash they have not been able to replicate in a testcase. Requesting analysis of crash dump.

Faulting in MS dlls on initial analysis


FAULTING_MODULE: 7c800000 ntdll

624975 Customer is migrating an application from PB 9 to PB 11.5.1. Throughout their code there are places where they send null as the message in an email. In PB 9 this works but in PB 11.5.1 this fails.

They know that if they set the message to an empty string the mail is successfully sent but as they have the code to set it to null throughout their code they would like it to work as it did in PB 9.

624978 A SaveDocument to html does not preserve the

hyperlink in a rte control.

rte_1.SaveDocument("myhtml.htm", FileTypeHTML!)

625151 The date-picker gets truncated together with tab control inside userobject. Seems related to CR 480110.
625152 The customer is doing some complex deployment automation using PB11.5 and ORCAScript. They have multiple projects run in multiple passes and *most* of them work. They have a couple that fail, and when they fail, all that is reported is "-20". This is basically meaningless. They're using "Build Project with overrides" and the projects all work within the PB IDE, and the information they're feeding to ORCAScript matches up as far as they can see. Is there some way to get ORCASCript to be more verbose about what it is failing on and what it is expecting?
625164 Customer's multi-threaded application is now hanging on dual processor machines. This is a continuation of CR 612444 which was crashing. It seems as though it is hanging when the thread count reaches over 40.
625276 Refresh problem when changing DW band color using an expression.
625300 ImportString call causes crash when imported string is large

Used syntax:

li_ret = lds_dest.ImportString(dw_2.Object.DataWindow.Data)

625304 The current implementation of served PB licenses is confusing for the administrator of the SySAM server. The server will keep track of the number of checked out PB licenses, but after a restart of the server, it reports zero licenses in use, even though any number could be in use.
625307 Column Background.Color 'Transparent' shows DataWindow background color.
625310 In a script painter of an object, when the first function

has more than 40 arguments then the dropdown function list

always shows this first function.

When editing a different function the dropdown list cannot be used to select the first function.

625318 Group DataWindow with computed expression:

sum(<if_column_expression> for group 1 distinct <column>)

PowerBuilder crashed when trying to edit the expression without

using the button "..." if the preview has rows loaded

The result of the sum expression was incorrect although the equivalent count expression looked correct.

625337 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5.1_4716 and 11.5.1_4726

Database/Driver File/Version: SYC connecting to:

Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.0.3/EBF 16747 Cluster Edition/P/Sun_svr4/OS 5.8/asepyxis/2837/64-bit/FBO/Mon Jun 1 10:18:57 2009

In PB Machine, using Sybase CTISQL Utility/15.5/P-EBF17655 ESD #3/PC Intel/BUILD1550-005/OPT/Thu Feb 18 01:47:22 2010

Comments: DBPARM DelimitIdentifier='Yes' causes syntax error in SQL SELECT at the moment failover occurs in ASE Cluster Edition. If dropping such DBPARM, Failover occurs correctly.

625471 PB will crash in the pbshr when calling the following

datawindow dot notation: =

625623 When tabbing out of a htmldw protected column with a

display format of [currency], the following error results:

Item 'xxxxx' does not pass validation test

625624 Customer has a composite report with several datawindows. One datawindow itself has two nested reports. In all versions, the online display of the report has the correct page numbers. When saved to a PDF report and printed, the PB 9 report has the correct page numbers but when migrated to PB 11.5.1 the two last pages both report page 2 of 2.
625748 When opening windows and userobjects in libraries that are situated on a network drive the opening and saving of these objects takes a long time. (ie. > 30 or 45sec.).

In PB 6.5 the times were considerably faster then PB 11.5.

625774 Powerbuilder OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested:

- Powerbuilder 11.5.1_4608

- PBVM 11.5.1_4608 on EAServer Advanced Edition for Linux on Linux Red Hat 5.0

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

Comments: When performing an stress tests with 15-20 users connecting to EAServer 6.3 and instantiating PB NVO Components, PBVM throws exception:

2010-04-03 10:21:20.961 INFO Thread-84 [JaguarServer] _______________________________________________________________________________

2010-04-03 10:21:21.441 INFO Thread-84 [JaguarServer] PB Heap Manager Exception:

2010-04-03 10:21:21.441 INFO Thread-84 [JaguarServer] allocVM(52330496) failed

2010-04-03 10:21:21.441 INFO Thread-84 [JaguarServer] _______________________________________________________________________________

2010-04-03 10:21:21.442 INFO Thread-84 [JaguarServer] PB Heap Manager Exception:

625776 When using, it is

causing the size of edit and icons to change from pb9. The icons are getting cut off.

Causing formatting issues for customer migrating from pb 9.

625864 When RowCopy() is executed in its own itemchanged event, the value of a ChekBox object is not changed.
625927 Customer faced problem that in the end turned out to be caused by not reimporting the PBDOM objects after migration. This requirement does not seem to be documented at all.

Neither in the PB docu/HTML books nor in the rel. bulletin or on migration guide

625934 Trying to build a project that builds and deploys COM objects fails with error -21.
626415 Performance problem when calling SyntaxFromSQL using the Oracle JDBC thin driver.

Calling SyntaxFromSQL on a large multi-million row table with a non unique index

takes a long time when connected through jdbc compared with OCI O10 or odbc driver.

626445 When using orcascript to deploy an easerver proxy and

using the following command in the orca script:

build project with overrides "loanclient.pbl" "p_easproxy" "localhost" "9000" "jagadmin" ""

If the override info is different than what is stored in the proxy, orcascript is

not using the override parameter. It will use what is stored with the proxy. If the server that is stored with the proxy is not running, the following error results:

Orca error in 'buildProjectWithOverrides'. Result Code -21.

Component builder build for project p_loanclient_easproxy failed

An error occurred during the component builder BuildProject method.

Last Command Failed

626569 Fail to call a WebService using a proxy server.
626575 PowerBuilder crashes when creating an EXE using a PBD library.
626630 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5.1_4736

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

Comments: Each time you deploy same webservices to msi and run the same installer, msi installer does not detect webservice is already installed and creates new duplicated uninstaller in Add/Remove Programs.

626643 Our customer develops PB webforms applications that he sells to user's He has one large user that absolutely does not want his clipboard read or written. The IT department has been setup to flag websites that don't comply. PowerBuilder webapps don't comply. Users are able to copy and paste sles on the webapp. This is due to the textbox.js javascript clipboard functions included in the webapp deploy. PB_GetClipboardTextData() is one example function in textbox.js

Our customer's question is; How can he develope PB webapps that don't allow clipboad copy and paste? Is there anything he can do? Can he edit the textbox.js and change or delete the clipboard functions? He needs a solution.

It is possible to set the user's browser to not allow programatic clipboard operations. But our user does not want to have to enforce this across many users and it's not really a solution (when set to disable it still allows copy and paste).

626664 Enumerated values for InkPicture control picturesizemode documented is wrong
627012 PowerBuilder12 is not supporting next 64bit Windows. Windows Server 2008 64bit/Windows Server 2008 R2/Windows 7 64bit.
627090 Cannot open the PB 12 .NET ide when using a standalone unserved license. Opening the ide results in a trial license has expired error message and the ide shuts down.

This problem happens with the unserved license and alternative use customer license.

A served license will work on Windows XP, but the SySam 2.0 server won't start on Windows 7 or Windows 2008.

627258 Two issues with Sysam and PowerBuilder 12.0 on Windows 7 32bit OS:

1) The Sysam 2.0 server would not start as a service on Windows 7.

2) Using Sysam 2.1 (from PowerDesigner) the server did start as a service on Windows 7, but I could not get a PowerBuilder 12 served license to work when the Sysam 2.1 service was hosted on the same machine that PowerBuilder was getting installed on. (Workaround was to use a sysam server that was running on a Windows XP machine.)

627355 Execution of the upsert() function of the webservice of salesforce leads to

an error from salesforce: INVALID_TYPE: Must send a concrete entity type.

627469 Cannot open the PB 12 .NET IDE when using a standalone unserved license. Opening the IDE results in a trial license has expired error message and the IDE shuts down. This problem happens with the unserved license.
627635 mailAddress function fails on Windows 7.
627761 Customer is using Ant and Oracscript to build a PB app containing EAServer components. He is getting Library refresh errors and the dreaded -20 deploy project return code also.

In addition he notes "Also, just a heads-up, we've discovered that orcascript builds of PB

components for EAServer fail to "include unreferenced objects" in the PBD - like datawindows and such. We'll also need that fixed, since it basically renders orcascript useless without it."

627961 Customer has noticed a problem with the Datawindow QueryMode = YES property in relationship with the Datawindow.Table.Select value. If more than one row of a dddw datawindow contains the same display value, the corresponding data value of the first occurrence is always returned.

As an example, if you have John Smith 123 for the first row and John Smith 456 for the second row, choosing John Smith always returns 123. It does not behave like this without the QueryMode set to Yes.

628098 When calling a PB component and measuring the memory consumption using PbHeap_dump(2) after two successive calls, the bytes in use increase.
628100 When NLS_Charset='local' and PWDialog is set to 1 upon entering the correct values into the dialogbox it won't allow login, causing ORA-01017 error.

No Problem when NLS_Charset set to default (unicode).

628102 Ct uses AuthenticationMode = Windows (Basic, Digest) and certificates.
628132 The online help for Component Timeout property

from the Properties for EAServer Component Generator: Components tab list:

Component timeout

Specify how long an active component instance can remain idle between method calls before being automatically deactivated. The default is 0, which means the instance is not automatically deactivated. When specifying timeouts, a resolution of 5 seconds is recommended.

However, in EAServer 6.x, when deploying a stateful component the component timeout of 0 default maps to 600 seconds (10 minutes) in EAServer. (Component timeout maps to the passivation timeout.)

From cr627420 and easerver group: user wants a timeout of more than 10 minutes,

they should set it explicitly

628135 This is an issue in Spanish and Polish machines and I'm sure other languages that use special characters. The installation fails as a license failure. The cause is that the path to the license contains special foreign charaters (like \Configuraci髇 local) and PB is not finding the license. Customer is looking for PB to fix this issue so that the foreign installs work.

This is a workaround and not a pretty one:

1) Install PB/IM. This creates the default personal settings folder using the Windows variable for the App folders (C:\Documents and Settings\<network login name>\Configuraci髇 local\Datos de programa\Sybase\InfoMaker 11.5) which is in Spanish.

2) Create another path using English words (C:\Documents and Settings\<network login name>\Local Settings\Application Data\Sybase) and copy the PB/IM 11.5 folder from the Spanish path to the English path folder.

3) Change the InitPath in the registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sybase\InfoMaker\11.5 entry to the English path.

4) Start InfoMaker. The license is recognized.

Steps 2 and 3 need to be done for each individual user who will be running PB on the machine.

628417 Keyboard switches to Non-Unicode language when RTE control gets focus.
628420 Customer has a PB (11.5) .net webform application running on IIS 7 on a Windows 2008 server. During testing they have found that users get hung up at random times and places. These hangs sometimes resolve into an error, sometimes the user just hangs indefinitely (processing...message from PB). When we look at the System performance on the web server, we see the w3wp worker process that is handling our webform application. This process continues to grow exponentially (even if the user is not doing anything in the application) until the system is rebooted or the application pool is recycled.

Possibly related to or same issue as CR 620642.

628438 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5.1_4675

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

Customer would like possibility to insert version number into pbds, not only into exe generated by PowerBuilder.

628559 The customer is trying to review his datawidnow syntax using the 12.0 PB.Net debugger. He puts the dw syntax into a string:

ls_syntax = adw_filter.Object.DataWindow.Syntax

Then he copies the string ls_syntax from the debugger and pastes it into an editor. The problem with 12.0 version of powerbuilder is the string has no formating and is a mess to look at. With 12.0 PB Classic doing the same thing gives you a syntax string that is formatted with carriage returns etc. It is much better to work with.

We want the 12.0 PB.Net debugger to provide the same formating as the Classic debugger for dw syntax.

628637 CR#563140 are not being fixed to PB11.2. A FileReadEx function cannot recognize 'cr/lf' in the position of 1024 bytes.
628714 When adding a column to a datawindow, it changes

the name of a computed column in the column specification and removes it from

the dw.

SQL Syntax is using joins.

Works ok in PB 12 Classic

628724 Using a rte control to insert a rtf document, a picture,

a input field and text. Once the file is saved and reopened, the order of the picture and the insert field are different.

Using insertfile(), insertpicture(), inputfieldinsert(),inputfieldchangedata() and


628730 PB 12 .NET DataWindow name property when changed does not change in the column specifications.

The .NET behavior is inconsistent from the classic version of PowerBuilder 12.

628824 Cannot display some characters since 084 interface and DisableUnicode removed.
628834 Memory leak in the sqlpreview and dberror event of the transaction object
628839 A describe of a tooltip property of a database column included in the select

of a datawindow crashes PowerBuilder if the column is deleted from the visual design,

i.e. has no visual counterpart.

The same happens with dot notation.

628846 Customer is requesting an enhancement to have SaveAs HTMLTable! save the data without datawindow column headings when colheading argument is set to false.

Currently documented as not a feature of the "SaveAs method (Datawindows)".

Below is from the online help:

colheading (optional for PowerBuilder) A boolean value indicating whether you want to include the DataWindow's column headings at the beginning of the file. The default value is true. This argument is used for the following formats: Clipboard, CSV, Excel, and Text. For most other formats, column headings are always saved.

629174 THROW/CATCH of exception objects for intercomponent calls is broken in PB 11.5 / EAS 5.5. The customer uses this error handling process in several of their critical multi-threaded jobs and if not fixed, will have severe impact on the project. Was working in PB 9.0.3.
629263 When using 2 screens and trying to place a window in specific position it does not work.

A workaround was provided by using this.x = 1 but if this.x = 3 it shows already on second monitor. A general solution should be found.

629266 The last item in a treeview dw, when clicked, will

toggle from + to - sign.

When expanding treeview, the + sign will show next to an item, but when you

expand it, there is no data under it.

Using the workaround from cr478887 and cr432610, but it still shows the plus sign.

1.Set the visible property of all controls of each level band.For example (level 7):

if( isNull( level_7 ), 0,1 )

2.Set autoheight property to TRUE for each level band.

3.Set height to zero for each level band

629273 When PBAppPool is set to integrated mode, buttons, menu

or toolbars will work. Works ok when PBAppPool is set to classic.

Using IIS 7 and a java agent is intercepting calls. This agent redirects to another site

to validate the user and then replies back with unique identifier. But when used

in integrated mode, buttons, menus or toolbars do not work. It works ok in classic mode.

Customer also tried using VS webform and it worked ok in integrated mode.

629280 The customer has a group datawindow that they are doing a SaveAs HTML Table. They open the resulting html file in Excel. But there is an empty row of cells after each name. The customer does not want this. Is this a bug? Is there anyway to get the html file to not include this empty row in Excell?
629308 Memory leak with Replace and or POS functions. The customer is using the Replace function on huge strings and doing many substitutions in a loop with a POS function. It looks like PB is not cleaning up and returning temporary storage for re-use, and is causing a big leak.
629386 Performance of ChangeMenu has decreased significantly since PB 10.2.This only occurs after a menu object has been changed/saved AFTER migration.
629409 Migrated application from PB 11.5.1 to 12.0 PB.Net that opens

a response window from a nonvisual object, returns the following error:

PowerBuilder application execution error.

Application terminated.

Error: Exception thrown has not been handled. System.InvalidOperationException

App works ok in PB 11.5 and PB 12 classic

629455 Customer has migrated to PB 12 Classic and his migration of the Classic application to PB 12 .NET crashes.

The following comes up in the MS debugger

"Unhandled exception at 0x103f1ef0 in pb2cs.exe: 0xC000001E: An attempt was made to execute an invalid lock sequence."

629504 A column enable in the value of Autoresize height property may be unable to adjust the height of a column, when the boundary of a character sequence overlaps with the end of display width.
629727 .net PB WebServices

The Target Namespace gets truncated to 49 characters in the project and the generated WSDL.

629728 Customer connects to db2 and uses db2 procedures to populate his datawindows.

Below is typical of what is in the customer抯 code

ls_new_select = "datawindow.table.procedure = 'USE PROCEDURE CSIUSMA " + ls_param + "'"



Customer was fine in pb 11.5 GA executing a "use procedure" statement.

The customers problem developed in pb 11.5.1 and can be now seen in pb 12.

Customer has provided database trace files which are included in the zipped file, no test case is provided because of the complexity (db2 and stored procedures yuck).

After migrating to a build of pb 11.5.1 the customer is having a problem with the same "use procedure" statement.

It seems that there was a Powerbuilder change that is truncating their statement, below is the trace information. Note the arguments are truncated; the leading spaces are gone in pb 11.5.1 and pb 12.

Trace file output from Powerbuilder 11.5:

(1296360): use procedure GLSGXMA2 PBL CO0000144760 D S093530093530 @ (74.662 MS / 1029.269 MS)

Trace file output from Powerbuilder 11.5.1 or pb 12:

(117fe70): use procedure GLSGXMA2 PBL CO0000144760 D S093530093530 @ (1091.038 MS / 2169.466 MS)

629752 When using a standalone license in PB and you change

the system date and then change it back, you cannot bring up PB no longer.

The workaround is to remove the files that are newer than 'now'.

Customer has testing requirements where they must change the system date.

According to PB engineering and sysam help, there are restrictions that prevent changing the systemdate with a served license.

The restriction should only be used for evaluation licenses and not permanent licenses.

629754 Connecting to EAServer 5.5. Adding options to the connection object causes PB to crash on the connect. Works fine in 11.5.
629981 PBJRENOTUSECURRENT=1 setting was introduced. It has been working since PB 10.5.2 #7699.

It works fine in PB 11.5.1 # 4675, but fails in #4740.

630035 Resource files not included in a PB generated .Net assembly or pbd library.
630168 SCC Source control

The bin section can get corrupted when checking out user objects containing an ActiveX

especially when the userobject is contained on an other object that is open.

630178 tooltip is not displayed if Tip property is set at runtime in pbm_dwnmousemouve event.

Is this a limitation or is there a way to dynamically change this at runtime ?

630190 Enhancement Request:

Provide the option to deploy webservices with case sensitive parameter names

630222 Handle leak in IIS when a simple PB .Net webservice is deployed to IIS, and a PB client app calls the webservice in a loop. It seems each method invocation creates a new instance in IIS but it isn't getting completely destroyed or cleaned up.

Customer would like to understand the life cycle of PB webservice components deployed to iis. Thinks handles should not be increasing.

630314 Composite Datawindow does not show all information. Report is not retrieved correctly. Only first page is correct.
630316 In Columns when you set escapement, Strikethrough and Underline it is not reflected in painter, only at runtime. Also, it seems its only supported for display only columns - is this on purpose ?.
630319 For Columns when you set escapement ie. to 450 it is not reflected in exported PDF.
630322 In a DW, if the graph is in header of the group then in PDF export the graph is only in first group. Besides that graph is retrieved only after manipulation on the DataWindow, ie scrolling down.
630528 DW Graph Lines: Categories are always sorted, even if property is set unsorted.
630534 PowerBuilder 12.0 .net WPF

The width of a grid or crosstab column doesn't resize properly when a text field or header is selected

The issue is found to be a design limitation.

The grid line will not drag across a DataWindow object on the design surface so the user may have to increase the size of a band.

630543 Customer wants PB 12.x to support Visual Studio 2010.
630952 PB SNC Driver changes the call step of stored procedure by the login user. Execution of a different user's stored procedure may fail.
631006 The problem is that some dw.Modify(...) causes user-entered data to disappear, others do not. For example dw.Modify ("column.Height=123") is OK but dw.Modify

("datawindow.detail.height=123") is not OK.

631093 Cannot change some properties for DW objects by a mult-selection.
631109 When trying to consume a webservice in a component deployed as a .net webservice

using proxies the following exception gets thrown:

"The definition of the method signature in Web Service proxy is wrong -- the data doesn't match the parameter definition".

631202 The requirement is that they submit FORM data with a POST from PB code, and the browser opens as if the data was posted from the browser itself. The POSTed data contains username and password to open a session, and this session must be maintained in the browser, even if the POST was initiated from PB script.
631380 Customer is trying to use HyperlinkToURL in a webform and has set the following according to the documentation and this fails for both the customer and myself.

<IPermission class="SecurityPermission" version="1" Flags="Assertion, Execution, ControlThread, ControlPrincipal, RemotingConfiguration, UnmanagedCode"/>

631459 A Ceiling function cannot compute 45/5 of decimal type results correct.

A Ceiling function will return 10. The correct value is 9.


decimal dec1,dec2,num

dec1 = 45

dec2 = 5

num = Ceiling(dec1,dec2)

631766 PowerBuilder 11.5 Build 4633 and later:

The SetRowFocusIndicator rectangle misses the top line for the first row

in freeform datawindows or datawindows with header.height = 0

631796 Customer receives XML from a third party source that works with other products. The XML has two attributes INCREMENT and DECREMENT. If the incoming XML only has one of these, it loads all rows correctly into the datawindow. If the incoming XML has both INCREMENT and DECREMENT rows, the INCREMENT rows are loaded correctly but the first DECREMENT row is not. All remaining DECREMENT rows after the first one are loaded.
631873 If the header band is set to 0 and at the former position in the header was a non editable field, an editable field at the same position in the detail band cannot get the focus.
631899 Error not raised when Executing this request : select 1 as KD, (select 2 union select 3 ) as KF
632047 CR 490907: "Assemblies get the wrong LibraryList when called from .Net WebService" is not fixed for assembly created by .NET IDE

Workaround: Use PB 12 classic IDE to create the Assembly.

Note: However this only seems to work with web form created in VS, because in a web form created in PB classic I get -1 on settransobject call.

632322 PB allows more than 40 characters in identifiers names when documetions says :

"Can have up to 40 characters but no spaces"

632339 When modifying script in function painter and you

hit 'Compile' and then close the script, you will be prompted 'Save the Changes',

if you select 'NO' the script changes will be saved anyway.

632363 The customer is using orcascript to deploy PB project with EAServer components and getting build error when running the deployment. This is a follow on issue to CR 627761. They are getting this error: Orcascript error in 'BuildProjectWithOverrides'. Result Code -20.
632387 OrcaScript can gpf upon scc set target APP_PBT "refresh_all importonly"

In PB 10.5 the error was:

Orca error in 'scc refresh target '. Result Code -22.

In PB 11.5 and PB12 the error does not come up but crashes.

632416 The customer is using Orcascript to build PB components for EAServer. But they fail to "include unreferenced objects" in the PBD - like datawindows and such. You are able to do this in the IDE EAServer project by checking "include unreferenced objects" checkbox. Need a way to do that with Orcascript as well, since it basically renders Orcascript useless for EAServer without it.
632469 PB 12 DotNet does not support DW XML Export/import templates.

We want to know if it's planned for future version.

If not which alternative can we provide to customers who want to migrate PB application heavily depending on XML import/export templates.

632514 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: 11.5.1 build 4675

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A


Our customer is using PB 11.5.1 build 4675 and OrcaScript.

Customer has the following error message when running their OrcaScript Application:

25/05/2010 15:09 Source Management Initialization...

Scc Provider: ClearCase


Project Path:

Aux Project Path:

Local Project Path: c:\controleversao\fabio_gercomite_int\utilitariosciss_vob\gercomite_fontes

Connection to source control established

PBORCA_SccSetTarget: c:\controleversao\fabio_gercomite_int\utilitariosciss_vob\gercomite_fontes\gercomite.pbt


App Name: gercomite App Lib: c:\controleversao\fabio_gercomite_int\utilitariosciss_vob\gercomite_fontes


Library List:




c:\controleversao\fabio_gercomite_int\utilitariosciss_vob\gercomite_fontes\connectdb.pbd excluded.

PBORCA_SccRefreshTarget. Full Rebuild

Unable to process map file: c:\controleversao\fabio_gercomite_int\utilitariosciss_vob\gercomite_fontes\gercomite.pbg

c:\controleversao\fabio_gercomite_int\utilitariosciss_vob\gercomite_fontes\gercomite.pbl cannot be refreshed.


25/05/2010 15:09 Source control terminated

632543 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 12.0 GA and 12.0_6107

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

Comments: When invoking external function call below:

function int GetHostName ( ref string HOSTname, int namelen ) Library "Ws2_32.dll" ALIAS FOR 'gethostname;ansi'

This works fine when app is run from within PB IDE. It returns blank when invoked from P-Code generated executable.

632588 ImportFile() fails at import, when the character code which is not correct is included in a data file. However, ImportFile() will not return an error code.
632592 WorkspaceHeight/Width functions report incorrect values for Main! type Windows with toolbars. Additionally the bottom docking shows additional empty area below toolbar.
632711 Want the data entered In a DatePickercontrol to be validated automatically.
632712 DataStore.GetFullState returns -1 if the associated DW objects has columns with the Accelerator property set.
632991 Customer is trying to access and change the instance variable values on a running window by passing in the string name of the instance variable.

This can be done using reflection in .NET. Example can be accessed at link below.

I tried to do this in a wpf target. I can get the value of the instance variable at runtime but when I try to set it, I get the following runtime error.

ls_error "System.ArgumentException: Object of type 'System.String' cannot be converted to type 'Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBString'.

at System.RuntimeType.CheckValue(Object value, Binder binder, CultureInfo culture, BindingFlags invokeAttr)

at System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo.InternalSetValue(Object obj, Object value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, CultureInfo culture, Boolean doVisibilityCheck, Boolean doCheckConsistency)

at System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo.InternalSetValue(Object obj, Object value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, CultureInfo culture, Boolean doVisibilityCheck)

at System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo.SetValue(Object obj, Object value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, CultureInfo culture

at System.Reflection.FieldInfo.SetValue(Object obj, Object value)

at c__w_test.c__cb_1.clicked() in c:\\PSE\\11606104\\extracted\\11606104\\NET\\trytwo.out\\w_test.cb_1.clicked:line 21" string

633001 When populated the listviewobject, the listview items

get rearranged. The problem only happens on vista and win7. Works ok on winxp

Using the following script:

ListViewItem lviNew

String test1 = "Testing 1 2 3"

String test2 = "123 Wellington, Toronto"

String test3 = "10 20 30 Test"

mle_msg.Text = test1 + "~r~n" + test2 + "~r~n" + test3

lviNew.Label = test1

lviNew.Data = test1


lviNew.Label = test2

lviNew.Data = test2


lviNew.Label = test3

lviNew.Data = test3


On Win7 or Vista, the listview appears as:

Testing 1 2 3

Wellington, Toronto 123

Test 30 20 10

When it should be:

Testing 1 2 3

123 Wellington, Toronto

10 20 30 Test

633009 Application running on citrix is crashing on a printpreview.

Problem happens only on the first print of the day.

The dump file shows:


PBDWE115!DWPrintService::PrintSetup+6e [e:\pb115\dw\engine\object\dwoprint.cpp @ 2828]

1156f10e f3ab rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]



> 2828: pbstg_memset ( outDevice, NULL_CHAR, devmodeLen )

RESOLUTION: Fixed in PB 11.5 in build 4843 and after

633038 Customer would like to use connection pooling with their ASE ODBC connection in their PB .NET Webservice.


for info on ODBC connection pooling.

633213 Crash (ie. PB disappears) when the ToolbaritemName menu property is often changed for png files eg. in a loop - GDI leakage.
633343 Customer checks if he can use a .net 2.0 winform control inside PB12 WPF

The mousemove events are not routed to the control

633417 In PB.NET design time, if add a new interface into a NVO, system will generate the interface's needed implement methods automatically. In current build, it will cause compiler error when add a interface from specifical extend library, the error message will be 'The NVO does not implement interface member ...', seems to the method's specifical argument's data type's namespace is mismatch.
633469 In a RightToLeft TreeView DataWindow the calender dropdown switches between right and left, dependent on the focus.
633501 When sending mail to an outside domain, pb application


Using Outlook 2007 and Exchange server 2003. Mail works ok when sending it


633745 Enhancement Request to support Oracle hints with embedded sql
633780 With the PowerBuilder EBF installs, it is possible to force a PBVM install by executing "setup.exe -pbvm" in a Command Prompt window. Normally you would do this on a machine that has PowerBuilder already installed and you now want to also install the PBVM for EAServer. But the PBVM install is deleteing important database registry entries for PB 12 and for PB 11! Also after the PBVM install, PowerBuilder is no longer listed in Control Panel Add/Remove programs as installed. So it is impossible to uninstall it. You can still run PB but all the database interfaces and connection profiles are gone.
634063 Word Doc cell table borders not deleted when using the delete key
634288 PB crashing in pbdwe110.dll!DWRetrieveBase::NotifyRetrieveBegin

with an invalid pointer

EXCEPTION_RECORD: ffffffff -- (.exr 0xffffffffffffffff)

ExceptionAddress: 1084bc67 (pbdwe110!DWRetrieveBase::NotifyRetrieveBegin+0x00000007)

ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)

ExceptionFlags: 00000000

NumberParameters: 2

Parameter[0]: 00000000

Parameter[1]: 0335fc4c

Attempt to read from address 0335fc4c

Workaround: Memory related issue. Changed windows registry setting:

my computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems

In the "Windows" entry, you will see:

%SystemRoot%\system32\csrss.exe ObjectDirectory=\Windows SharedSection=1024,20480,512 Windows=On SubSystemType=Windows ServerDll=basesrv,1 ServerDll=winsrv:UserServerDllInitialization,3 ServerDll=winsrv:ConServerDllInitialization,2 ProfileControl=Off MaxRequestThreads=16

I think the default there is 3072. Changed it to 20480 (the most recomended by Microsoft). Then reboot the PC for it to take effect.

634342 Customer has an existing FlexLM license server running, and would like to add the license for the PowerBuilder that a user just purchased to it. He needs the Sybase vendor daemon for Red Hat 5.1 64 bit Linux installation of the FlexLM licensing system.

In general the customer wants Sybase to supply the Sybase vendor daemons for various FlexLM servers and platforms. Wants to be able to serve Sybase licenses on existing FlexLM serves without installing the Sysam servers for each Sybase product. Wants to manage license with just one FlexLM server. Wants Sybase to supply the vendor daemons.

634365 PB 11.5 and 12.0 cannot develop 64-bit application. Probably, the feature which develops 64-bit application will be required for PB of the next version.
634418 Wants the ability to generate .Net assemblies separately in a project for a large application containing many PBLs.
634585 Implement a switch to enable WPF behavior for Spincontrols that are ReadOnly, ie. not being able to modify the value by using the spin buttons up/down for a ReadOnly column.
634623 When changing by script the image of a contemporarymenu, the new image is not displayed even tough it was deployed ine executable or a pbd.
634633 When using CallEscape='no' as a dbparm in

a pb easerver component, the following error results when executing a stored procedure:


Invalid argument value

Cursor is not open

Happens using the following code:


SQLCA.AutoCommit = False

SQLCA.DBParm = "ConnectString='DSN=msserver;UID=ts;PWD=ts',OJSyntax='PB,DisableBind=1,CursorScroll='forward',CursorLock='opt',CallEscape='no'"

connect using sqlca;

double ld_cin

declare ln_cfs_no procedure for rb_dept_data using sqlca;

execute ln_cfs_no;

fetch ln_cfs_no into :ld_cin;

close ln_cfs_no;

return ld_cin

Works ok in PB 11.5.1. Problem happens using EAServer 5.5 and EAServer 6.3.

634650 Customer is writing a string of:

'Test \ \\ \\\ \\\\ \n \n \n Text'

to a SQL Anywhere 11 database. With bind variables the data comes back the same. But with disablebind set, the data comes back as:

Test \ \ \\ \\ . . . Text

With the dots being those squares you see in text data when a unicode character is there. In fact it is a newline character. With disable bind something is taking the \ as an escape character and interpreting \n as new line and \\ as \. But user needs the same reults from disablebind as with bind variables... How to do this?

634748 If you set a DataWindow into QuerySort it will result in a runtime error in WPF. Works ok in PB classic, winform and webform
634754 The converstion String to monthname - string (data, format) is malfunctioning in WPF

eg: String(2000-01-01, "MMM")

634761 Decimal value rounded differently in computed fields.
634764 When stopping the Debugger the PB IDE crashes. It seems to be related to Hebrew windows (English Windows with Hebrew settings does not seem to have this problem)and where Office 2010 is installed.
634773 Window scrolling is currently manual. If you put scroll bars on a window the developer has to code how they move. It's descibed in Help under "Scrolling in windows and user

objects". A formula is given but it does not work and is not even close to working. You can get it working but you have to use numbers for Unitsperline, and Unitspercolumn that get very small. The small numbers just don't give enough granularity to the limits. Often it over scrolls into regions beyond where anything is on the window.

On top of that this customer wants the scroll bars to adjust automatically as the user resizes a window at run time. A whole new level of complexity. I was able to code in the window resize event and re-calculate the Unitsperline, and Unitspercolumn on the fly for each resize change. But the resize event fires so much and adding or dropping a scroll bar changes the size of the window which fires the resize and you get stuck in infinite loops. The result is not very professional, robust, or accurate due to the low granularity and the resize event problems.

The enhancement request is to add a checkbox in the scroll property tab for "Automated". This will default to unchecked. But when checked PB will handle the scroll bar calculations automatically and take into consideration window resizing at run time and adjust the scroll bars automatically so that you can always scroll to all parts of the window and not over scroll into regions beyond the limits of the window. The datawindow scrolls automatically, why can't the window as well?

634887 The format for entering in an if statement

differs from Visual Studio.

For example, if you have the following and then decide to hit enter after the "or" to

break it into two lines, in VS the cursor would move to the appropriate tab stop on the

next line. PB .NET does not do that

if 1 = 2 or 3 = 4 then

634891 There are 2 issues with pastertf:

- cannot toggle inputfieldnamesvisible after pastertf

- pastertf will insert "owidctlpar" at the beginning of the document

RTF has been saved to a table. After it is retrieved and pastertf is used, you

can see that "owidctlpar" is inserted at the beginning of the rte control. The

owidctlpar is also a larger font size that the rest of the document. The other

issue is you cannot toggle the inputfieldnamesvisible after pastertf().

634893 Customer is requesting the ability to add interfaces using the .NET assembly wizard.
634896 Add the ability to add additional interfaces to the solution explorer.

UI wasn't obvious where this option was but it is possible to do it after the object is created.

634968 When the variable to which the initial value is not set is used for the parameter of stored procedure of an oracle, an oracle may disconnect connection. This phenomenon will be caused, when a char data type is used for IN variable and RPC is used.
635032 After connecting to Oracle our application enables a role that allows the user to select, insert, update and delete rows from the tables.

Because the DDDW creates a new DB connection it does not enable this role and

therefore cannot access any of the tables and creates a DB error.

635092 Customer is requesting an enhancement to allow multiple namespace/using selections.
635158 When there is a comment in the first line in the SQL of a Datawindow it will force switching to graphical mode in DW painter when going to ->datasource.

If the comment is at the end, there is no problem.

635191 PSE NOTES:


OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5.1_4740

Database/Driver File/Version: PBO90115.dll with Oracle Client version 9.

Comments: After generating P-CODE EXE application, it crashes with GPF on PBSHR115.dll -

function: PBSHR115!PbHeap_free

eax=00330030 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=00310038 esi=00000001 edi=7c80982e

eip=00545964 esp=0012f504 ebp=00e68ed4 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na po nc

cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000206

*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for C:\Archivos de programa\Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\PBSHR115.dll -

funci髇: PBSHR115!PbHeap_free

0054594c d7 xlat

0054594d 85c0 test eax,eax

0054594f 75bf jnz PBSHR115!PbHeap_free+0x260 (00545910)

00545951 8b45f0 mov eax,[ebp-0x10]

00545954 8b55f4 mov edx,[ebp-0xc]

00545957 33c9 xor ecx,ecx

00545959 3bc1 cmp eax,ecx

0054595b 7507 jnz PBSHR115!PbHeap_free+0x2b4 (00545964)

0054595d 8b44241c mov eax,[esp+0x1c]

00545961 83c0f8 add eax,0xfffffff8

ERROR -> 00545964 895004 mov [eax+0x4],edx ds:0023:00330034=006e002e

00545967 8b45f4 mov eax,[ebp-0xc]

0054596a 3bc1 cmp eax,ecx

0054596c 7405 jz PBSHR115!PbHeap_free+0x2c3 (00545973)

0054596e 8b55f0 mov edx,[ebp-0x10]

00545971 8910 mov [eax],edx

00545973 8b442414 mov eax,[esp+0x14]

00545977 51 push ecx

00545978 50 push eax

00545979 894df0 mov [ebp-0x10],ecx

0054597c 894df4 mov [ebp-0xc],ecx

635460 In PB 9 when a ms sqlserver (mss driver) bit column which contains a null value is retrieved into a datawindow, the datawindow has the column value as 0. This behavior was incorrect, but the customer created many applications based on this behavior. The customer is now migrating to pb 11.5 (snc driver) and the same datawindow column is being represented as a null instead of the 0 that was in pb 9. This is correct behavior, however it would take a tremendous amount of effort for the customer to code a fix for this change in behavior in all their applications. A db trace shows a blank for the null bit value coming back from the database, so PB 9 is converting this to a 0.

The customer would like a dbparm or perhaps a pb.ini setting which would revert pb 11.5 behavior back to the pb 9 behavior of 0 instead of null for null bit columns.

635607 When deploying a .net assembly that is returning

a single object results in a deployment error of:

Error 1 ) expected

635772 Customer produced dump file that needs analysis by engineering to find the root cause or get more diagnostics.
636111 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 12.0 Classic GA and 12.0 EBF 17998

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

Some XML data is not imported correctly into datawindow.

Open 42100782873068000140550010023275239998707020.xml file and look for the following entries:

Under nitem=89, we do have values to be imported...

- <det nItem="89">


- <ICMS>

- <ICMS70>














...but the values are imported as blank.

But for next value nitem=90, there are same kind of valid values, and these ones are imported ok:

- <ICMS>

- <ICMS70>














As a result, the icms_type computed column for nitem=89 returns "ER" in formula, but it should return 70 instead.

636161 PowerScript disappears for autoinstatiated inherited nvo after full build. When unchecking autoinstatiate property it reappears in script painter.
636199 OS: Linux Red Hat 5.0 AS

Versions and Build #s Tested: PowerBuilder VM 11.5.1 on Linux from Linux115_4608R_100315.tar.gz

EAServer 6.3 on Linux

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

Comments: After setting PB_HEAP_TRACE=true and then starting EAServer 6.3 on Linux, EAServer hangs iiop connections when PowerBuilder client issues a CreateInstance(). Also, Powerbuilder client hangs on Windows machine side.

636208 Printopen( ) powerscript function in pb 12 .net returns 0. Works as expected in PB 12 Classic.
636261 DataWindow prints the header of an excessive column, when fulfilling the following conditions.

1. The data number of cases of DataWindow does not fulfill the value of newspaper columns across.

636279 Slow performance using setitem and insertrow(0)

in a loop when composite report's paper orientation is set to landscape.

The loop is set to 200, the approx time is 26 to 30 seconds to complete when

paper orientation is set to landscape. When paper orientation is set to default,

it takes approx 11 to 15 seconds.

Composite datawindow contains 2 child datawindows.



For i = 4 to ll_rows

row = idwc_report.InsertRow(0)



row = idwc_graph.InsertRow(0)






636387 When you add code into a button and add the assembly, compilation works but deployment fails with this error:

---------- Error messages: (15:42:51)

Error when compiling generated C# code:

w_ws.cb_11618382.clicked(13,13): error CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBAny.PBAny(Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBLongLong)' and 'Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBAny.PBAny(Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBReal)'

---------- Finished (15:42:51)

636416 If a machine has a previous version of the PB Runtime Packager on it and the msi for a PB 12 version is used, the only options are to "Repair" or "Remove" and the window titles refer to the older version
636418 Crash dump analysis requested. Customer is having PB 12 crash when executing a type of SQL statement similar to the following:

The following select statement causes a GPF in PowerBuilder 12, which

includes builds 5530 and 6107. The GPF error happens using dbms o90, o10,

and ora. It also occurs in the code and database browser.

select object_id, object_id + object_id + object_id + object_id +

object_id + object_id + object_id + object_id + object_id + object_id +

object_id + object_id + object_id + object_id + object_id + object_id

from all_objects where rownum = 1;

I cannot reproduce it on my machine and we have checked loaded dlls and our environments looks identical.

636432 Customer has upgraded his Adobe Reader to the newest version 9.3.3 and his PB application is now crashing quite frequently. He has submitted crash dumps as he has not been able to create a small testcase. Looking at the crash dumps, no PB dlls are in the call stack that I can see but the customer is insisting that PB engineering take a look at them, confirm where the problem lies as they believe it's a PB problem.
636688 Details on using an enumerator to traverse a collection

in PB .NET. should be documented.

For example:

IEnumerator myEnum

CommandBar myCommandBar

myApplication = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.CreateObject("VisualStudio.DTE.9.0","");

myCommandBars = myApplication.CommandBars ;

myEnum = myCommandBars.GetEnumerator();

do while myEnum.MoveNext()

myCommandBar = myEnum.Current

MessageBox ( "CommandBar", myCommandBar.Name )


636752 It is not possible to make changes to rows/colums in the grid (build 5530), or even worse, the rows/columns in the grid disappears completely (build 6107 and 6125)

If you have added a control which is positioned relative to the rows/columns in the grid, (use the Grid.IsSharedSizeScope property) you get an exception when trying to open the window.

636810 Production application occasionally crashes. The problem occurs when they're either doing report generation or printing -- mostly printing.
636890 When Hebrew Regional Options are set, a DataWindow column with CheckBox Edit Style whose scale property is checked and 3D look property unchecked displayed a strange mark
637030 When attempting to publish: getting a cannot generate application manifest file.
637167 When updating a datawindow using a stored procedure

and the sp has out parmeters, the following error will occur:

From the dw painter:

PB 11.5.1 - ORA-01459: invalid length for variable character string

PB 12 - ORA-06550: line 1, column 15:

PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

From EAS 5.5 and PB 12 the error returns as:

ORA-0000: normal successful operation

Problem happens when the sp has out parameters. The dw is not using the out

parameters but they are appear to be getting bind to the blob datatype from the db trace log.

637435 Currently the AVI control can only contain uncompressed video or video compressed using run-length encoding (BI_RLE8).We would like support for the more common compression formats.
637492 Customer would like a clearer message on WPF proxy errors.
637584 DataWindow GIF Picture controls with a transparent background were displayed with

a gray background when the Windows display settings were set to 16-bit color quality.

In 32-bit color quality the problem did not occur.

637730 On Windows 7 a window with a long opening time may get opened behind other windows instead of in front.

This issue could be caused by the Desktop Window Manager service.

Upon disabling this service or calling the API call to disable the ghosting feature (DisableProcessWindowsGhosting) the issue was not seen.

637810 The same error as CR#606609 is reproduced also by MSSQL OLEDB. CR is already being fixed to SNC. Please CR#606609 fixed to MSSQL OLEDB.
637852 Unable to change and save the width of columns for Grid DWs in the DW painter preview pane. In PB12 classic this works fine.
637864 If you tab in the script painter, type some code, move the cursor to somewhere in the code and hit the enter key. The code will be split, but text before the cursor is included on the next line instead of only the text after the cursor. This doesn't happen in Powerbuilder 12 classic. This is causing the customer to code incorrectly and causing editing issues.
637865 .Net targets and WPF:

With a DataWindow and setting SQLPreview event return value 2,

SQL statements still got executed instead of being skipped.

637933 DB Painter cannot obtain the view definition of Oracle of the same name.

For example, when two users define the view of the same name, DB Painter may obtain a view definition of a different user.

637963 Cannot resize the grid container area and save it.
638061 Solaris PBVM fail to pass single char parameter to Oracle RPCFunc function. The RPCFunc

function captures the parameter and call it to Oracle stored procedure. Eventually, Oracle stored procedure only get empty string when the input parameter contains single character. The problem does not happen on Windows based PBVM.

638087 A RTF column in a FreeForm DW with AutoSizeHeight=true will only display the portion of the text that fits onto the control. There is no way to scroll down inside the column.
638096 The o84 interface is no longer available in PB 11.5 and higher...


Oracle8i native interface

638238 In a picture control on a window and a picture object in a datawindow a transparent PNG file displays the background correctly. But a transparent animated GIF file does not. It shows either a white background or a black background during the animation. Neither is correct because it is transparent, the window color should always be the background color.

In addition the GIF file does not animate in the datawindow.

This is an enhancement request to correctly display and animate animated GIF files in PB picture controls on windows and picture objects on datawindows.

638351 Access violation in the pbdwe12 at runtime.


RESOLUTION: Datastores in customer's code were not being destroyed properly

638472 The customer is using GetFileSaveName and thinks the filter is not working correctly. He says if he specifies a default extension, and specifies a filter that contains multiple file extensions in the Save as type dropdown list, that the default extension should be the selected in the save as type list. If this is the case then it only displays files of the default extension and if you enter a filename without an extension you then get the default extension. But instead what is happening is whatever is first in the save as type dropdown becomes the default, not the default extension you wanted. Only files of the type of the first one in the dropdown are listed, and if you enter a filename the default extension is also the type that is first in the drop down, not the default you wanted.

For example assume the call is this:

ls_save_as_string = "Excel 8,*.xls, Excel 12,*.xlsx, PDF,*.pdf, Text,*.txt"

getFileSaveName('Save Report', ls_path, ls_file, 'PDF', ls_save_as_string)

You want the default to be PDF. The file specifies 4 types and the save as type dropdown lists these 4 type in order shown, so the "selected" type is whatever happens to be first in the list. In this case it's xls. So only xls files are displayed in the dialog, and the default extension added to a file name is xls. But it should be PDF. PDF should have been the initial selection in the save as type dropdown.

638608 When running a PB 12 .NET exe using the run command from a PB 12 win 32 application bitmap used in picture button is missing.
638647 Customer has migrated his application to Win7 x32 and is experiencing crashes.
638847 Webdw behavior differences


Button display with the picture only and when you mouse over the button

the pointer changes to a hand and "none" displays in a tooltip


Button display with both the picture and text. (Changing the transparency text for

button has no effect.). When you mouse over the button, the cursor does not change

to a hand and no tooltip displays.

638968 Exception raised when calling an external function on Windows7 using PB 12 .Net version.
638990 Migrate a PB 12 Classic application that has

more than one Txt Control ocx on a window to PB 12 .NET results in the following


Migration complete

Migration return code = 110

Unable to add target

639123 Changing the Display appearence to Large Fonts has no effect.
639141 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5.1 all builds

Database/Driver File/Version: N/a


We'd like to request a more detailed information about SCC/PBG recreation proceedings for Powerbuilder users.

639220 We need to be able to print the datawindows in the same job but have the data print out correctly. Currently its not just that the data prints in the wrong fields, some of it doesn't print at all.
639236 PowerBuilder app reconnects to SA 11 after dropping connection
639372 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5.1_4788

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

Comments: RichText DW prints one copy only from within DW Painter and by choosing menu File - Print Report and choosing Copies >=2.

639659 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PocketBuilder 2.5.2 and SQL Anywhere

Comments: When closing Sync'ing Window during synchronization, PocketBuilder loses the references and crashes at pkvm25.dll. Instead of closing Sync'ing window, if you click on Cancel button instead, nothing happens. That is, pb_cancel_dbmlsync(is_sync_class_name) is not invoked immediatelly and synchronization can never be cancelled.

639663 When using the Microsoft Office Word Document control (Word.Document.12) and trying to use a blob previously saved in the database using the following syntax:

ole_1.objectdata= fromDb

The application terminates with a R0021 Application Execution Error - Bad Runtime function reference at line.....

If the blob is saved to the disk as a .docx file and then inserted into the control with InsertFile(), it works without error.

639688 Using dw create to create a dw from syntax causes

the PB ide to shutdown immediately with no errors.

RESOLUTION: Engineering provided a workaround

639691 The customer has 11.5 PB web service proxy objects that use EasySoap in his application. He is deploying the PB application using the PB Runtime packager. They select PowerBuilder Standard Components for the Powerbuilder Base Components and check the Soap Client for Web Service under Other Components. The runtime packager deploys the Sybase.Powerbuilder.WebService.Runtime.dll and Sybase.PowerBuilder.WebService.RuntimeRemoteLoader.dll to the shared/powerbuilder directory on the deployed machine. But they find this does not run. They must put these 2 Webservice dlls in the GAC and then the applications runs.

The question is why does the runtime packager put them in the shared/powerbuilder directory instead of the GAC?

The documentation states if you select PowerBuilder .Net Components as the base component then .Net asssemblies are deployed to the GAC, but they say they must select PowerBuilder Standard Components to get all the run time dlls their application needs. Since these 2 dlls are obviously .Net assemblies, why can't PB deploy them to the GAC?

639812 We have a DataWindow based on 3 Oracle timestamp columns, When retrieving datas in the PB .Net IDE painter, we get garbage. Works fine with PB 12 Classic.
639817 compiler warning c0210, when you create or modify an event with an array argument. Worked ok in PB 10.2
639819 Shared Datawindow: SelectRow causes GPF when called in rowfocuschanged event when rows have been discarded in shared Datawindow.
639879 OS: Linux Red Hat 5.0 AS

Versions and Build #s Tested: PowerBuilder VM 11.5.1 on Linux from Linux115_4608R_100315.tar.gz

EAServer 6.3 on Linux

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

Comments: When invoking PB NVO component that contains a datastore with a dw and inside dw, a dropdown listbox, PBVM causes EAServer to crash at

639955 PB produces invalid XML-files when using SaveAS XML! on datawindows with "Data Export" set to Meta Data Type = XMLSchema!

Elements, that embrace the nested get the atribute xsi-nil="true". Thats wrong and it does not validate against the PB generated xsd file.

This is related/caused by CR 589096.

640025 When calling a ocx function and passing an argument, the

following error results:

PowerBuilder application execution error

Application terminated

Error: Name not found calling external object function

Works ok in PB 12.1 classic

640184 MS SQLServer SNC interface

An error is received when trying to use the N prefix on host variables in embedded sql.

SELECT NAME INTO :ls_name FROM TEST where name = N:ls_name;

640188 The file PBDWR120.DLL is missing when using the Runtime Packager, ie. is not extracted from the .msi file. The msi file is generated fine but when it is executed the file PBDWR120.DLL is not extracted although in the documentation says this library should be present.

The file is also not installed by PB installer to shared dir.

640196 Opening a response window in the selectionchanged event of

a tabcontrol at open time of the parent window can lead to

strange behavior in which script is executed prematurely.

640327 Picture resource files included in a PB generated .Net assembly or pbd are not displayed in a DataWindow.
640539 PowerBuider 12 application can send windows messages 2062, 2061 to external windows losing focus
640569 Cannot input data after Changing the Required property of columns.
640600 Tested and reproduced with:

PowerBuilder 11.5.1_4788

EAServer 6.3 on Linux with PBVM 11.5.1_4608


We'd like the following information to be considered for the Powerbuilder Application Techniques manual, for future releases/versions.

We'd like to request the following sample for coding good practices when building PB EAServer client which involves HA/Failover scenario.

For example: The best practice is to have ConnectToServer() and CreateInstance() inside same event (for instance, same button) so that, if failover occurs, client re-issues same coding, which needs to pass through ConnectToServer() again to connect to next EAServer in cluster, in case of failover scenario.

Consider the following scenario in PB Client Application:

connectToServer() is inside a window open() event and createInstance() is inside a button on same window. If failover occurs while window is active, and customer clicks que button, the createInstance() itself is not able to resolve the reconnection and PB will fail with CORBA_COMM_FAILURE.

The best to do is to include both ConnectToServer() and CreateInstance() inside same event or method. For instance:

On window open() event, you can place the following:

connection.Driver = "AppServer"

connection.UserID = "admin@system"

connection.Password = "repsyb1"

connection.Location = "iiop://;iiop://"

connection.options = "ORBsocketReuseLimit = 10"

Place the following on a button inside same window:

Long ll_result

ll_result = connection.Connecttoserver()

ll_result = connection.Createinstance(in_component, "maison5/n_componente")

ll_result = in_component.f_test(50)

Messagebox("Result ", ll_result)


This will ensure failover to second server will work for EAServer client PB application if failover occurs.

640607 ADPlus Crash Dump Analysis Request. Customer upgraded from EAS 5.2 to 5.5. Two of their nvos call another nvo to run a valuation of all their contracts and now intermittently crashes. The process involves looping through 600,000 contracts to get valuations. One is internal and one is for their dealer brokers. Sometime during the process the application will crash. This didn't happen with EAServer 5.2.
640766 The tilde character is causing this problem: in wsdl

<soap:address location="" />

When removing it the proxy creation is ok.

640808 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 12.0

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

Comments: Customer would like picture control to support http external URL to load pictures. Customer would like this functionality in classic, WPF and webform.

640810 OS: Windows XP SP2

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 12.0

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

Comments: Customer would like to add support to picture auto-adjust for picture control. Currently, we have the "Original Size" property, only. But it doesn't have the role of an auto-adjust.

640885 Gap in a row with autosize height option is wider after upgrade to version 12
640968 GetItem in clientside script returns a different date format

than in PB 9.

In PB 11.5 getitem returns as MM/DD/YYYY and in PB 9 it returned it as YYYY/MM/DD.

<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript">

function dwClient_Clicked(row, objName)


alert('GetItem returns ' + dwClient.GetItem(row, objName))


RESOLUTION: Not to be fixed

641029 Description of Problem:

String(1 - .95, "-0.00000%") produces -0.05000%

String(0.75, "-0.00%") produces -0.75%

641179 IE window which HyperLinkToURL() created moved to back of parent window.
641251 On some machines scrollbars are not displayed in DW painter.
641331 The application close event is not firing when running and exiting a wpf target application.
641376 PowerBuilder Classic 12.0 IDE crashes when the customer tries inserting a non-visual object to a window
641465 When trying to create a datawindow with joins, the

following error results:

Unable to create d_tabular: SQLSTATE = 42000

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

The multi-part identifier "interview.interview_id" could not be bound.


641742 sing LTR propertie in a Datawindow and deploy the application as WebForm to IIS cause a column switched under wrong header.
641996 Customer has migrated his application from PB 10.5.2 -> 11.5.1 and is experiencing unexpected crashes. He's unable to diagnose a what causes the crash. He has forwarded several ADPlus dumps for review.
642180 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PowerBuilder 11.5.1_4788 and PB 7.0.3_10180

Database: ODBC connecting to sample EAS Demo DB

Comments: Datawindow Control ItemChanged and ItemFocusChanged behaves different between 7.0.3 and 11.5.1. On PB 7.0.3_10180 there are two extra triggerings of ItemFocusChanged. Customer has his code logic inside these events based on and this behavior changing causes value differences in his code flow between 7.0.3 and 11.5.1.

642181 Customer is having a performance problem related to the use of menus and contemporary tool bar style.
642257 Cannot select Font when adding a column after it was deleted
642390 SelectBlob with a variable as an argument

in the where clause returns no results.

For example,

//return no results

Blob Emp_id_pic

string nn

nn='First test file'



USING sqlca ;

// this will work

Blob Emp_id_pic


WHERE BLOBTest.BLOBName = 'First test file'

USING sqlca ;

642557 Customer is using dot notation to copy all rows of one column from one datawindow to another:[1,ll_rowcount] =[1, ll_rowcount]

Works fine in PB Classic, but does nothing in PB.Net.

642587 The customer has requested an enhancement to labeling on graphs. Wants to be able to label the actual values above the corresponding bars or something similar. They sometimes are not able to see what the value is, especially if the bar is way over to the right away from the value axis.
642976 Consult/Crash dump analysis. Customer has a large number of customers using his application in PB 8 - 11.5 versions and in all of them when run in a non-Citrix environment they do not crash but in Citrix environment they do. They have been told that we do not test in a Citrix environment but would like to know if the crash dumps they have provided have any useful info to enable them to resolve the problem.
643038 Crash dump analysis request. Production EAS application server N (one out of 13 production application servers) crashed with PB Internal Exception on 09/24/2008.
643132 Table alias name added to column names when changing datasource.
643159 Failed to connect to EAS when Location URL has up to 255 characters
643198 Using SetPostion(ToTop!) on sheets (child or main windows) in an MDI frame and it returns 1 as if working, but the sheet is not brought to the top. Works fine in PB Classic.
643254 The method of controlling the window size and the state of IE opened by WebForm to HyperLinkToURL does not exist. The customer expects that the method of controlling window size and a state will be added.
643316 When selecting a WebService and Method in the

Web Services Update box in the datawindow painter, the following error

returns when the webservice has two boolean input parameters:

An invalid input parameter type was detected

643326 Nested dw using string array crashes on retrieve.


PBDEV115!CVS_Tabbed::SelectTab+4d [e:\pb115\shared\pbdev\vstabbed.cpp @ 576]

008f0e7d 8b06 mov eax,dword ptr [esi]

EXCEPTION_RECORD: ffffffff -- (.exr 0xffffffffffffffff)

ExceptionAddress: 008f0e7d (PBDEV115!CVS_Tabbed::SelectTab+0x0000004d)

ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)

ExceptionFlags: 00000000

NumberParameters: 2

Parameter[0]: 00000000

Parameter[1]: 00000000

Attempt to read from address 00000000


643403 After Migrating to PB12 application crashes when updating DB.
643415 Installing PB 11.5 using a AO license and then when you

start PB, the following message returns:

Invalid property file or missing a mandatory edition property

RESOLUTION: Move the AO license to the Support folder before running install

643429 When multiple layered child windows are open and performing open(window) on a window that isn't in view that window should be brought to the top. It doesn't happen with PB 12 .NET, but does with PB 12 classic.
643512 Unknown software exception (0x80000003) occurs when a window is closed.
643715 The customer is connecting to ASE, and has code to inhibit datawindow update SQL from being sent to the database. They do this by returning 2 in the datawindow sqlpreview event. This used to stop the update in PB 6.5, but now in PB 11.5 PB is sending the datawindow update sql to the database even with the return 2 in the SQLPreview event.

Doing the same test using SQL Anywhere however then return 2 is preventing the update sql from being sent to the database.

643719 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: Powerbuilder 12 .NET

Database: N/A

Comments: We have customers in Latin America that would like PowerBuilder to consider the .NET Web Forms Target to be included in PB .NET interface in future versions/releases of PowerBuilder.

643796 Using orcascript to deploy an eas proxy with the

build option of 'build project with overrides', results in a warning popup message

to appear when the easproxy is defined with a application server profile that

is not defined.

The warning message that appears is:

The application server profile used by this project does not exist

It appears that orcascript will search the registry for the JaguarServerProfiles

listed in the eas proxy (even though build with overrides) is used.

643905 The MidA() function returns incorrect and inconsistent results for DBCS (Chinese) strings
643945 FindRequired is not working as expected in PB 11.5.1 when a datawindow has a column's Required and Empty String is NULL properties checked. Inserting a new record will work as expected if you enter data in a required field, but if you clear the field by backspacing FindRequired still works as if data is still in the field.
644025 If a picture is resized, the color of an OLE column will decrease.
644113 Customer is getting an error when he tries to run his webservice

The definition of the method signature in Web Service proxy is wrong

644116 PSE NOTES:


OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 12.0 Build 6107

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A


1) We need to confirm whether it is possible to declare and pass iSigner2 as an object inside SignedData.Sign method of capicom.dll.

2) If item 1 is possible, we need a PB sample on how to do that successfully

644132 long ll_row, ll_ct

String ls_name


string DWfilter2

DWfilter2 = "id < 100"


dw_1.Filter( )


ll_ct = dw_1.RowCount()

ll_row = dw_1.GetRow()

if ll_row > 0 then

ls_name = dw_1.Object.fname[ll_row]

end if

644136 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5_1502 and 11.5.1_4788

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

When PB tries to consume Wb Service method "nfestatusserviconf2", it returns:

The definition of the method signature in Web Service proxy is wrong.

By checking "nfestatusserviconf2" it is defined as "any" datatype - theoretically, that should accept anything as response. Also, customer confirmed SOAP protocol for this webservice is version 1.2.

644345 When you have a dw expression that references a user

defined function on a column's background.color property, and then you try

to open a window that contains a dw control and datastore, the following

error returns:

Error: Null object reference at line 7 in function of_validate_charge_code of object of_validate_charge_code

If you move the dw expression to a different property, for example, background.gradient.color, than the window opens ok.

RESOLUTION: Engineering deemed too risky to fixed. The workaround is to add the

following to the function:

if isValid(SQLCA)=FALSE then

sqlca = create transaction

end if

644455 Menu created via PopMenu does not trigger event correctly.

Migrated working PB 11.5.1 sample to PB 12.1 does not trigger the event to the clicked event of the created Popup Menu.

644594 Support Background null in the Property view for Controls (eg. GroupBox - see discussion in CR 570038). In Microsoft WPF for GroupBox you can set Background to null.
644712 PB app appears to be searching the file system

for a file the same name as the dw control title property.

For example, if the dw control title name is 'none'. You run the app in the PBIDE,

you can see in FileMon that it is searching for a file called 'none.

645115 Calling a Webservice developed to JAX-WS 2.1.5 web service hosted in Oracle WebLogic 10.3.3. EasySoap web service engine:

calling a method with no arguments, we get this error:

"Couldn't create SOAP message due to exception: XML reader error: com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxUnexpectedCharException: Unexpected character '<' (code 60) excepted space, or '>' or "/>" at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [7,8]"

calling a method with one integer argument, we get this error:

"Cannot find dispatch method for {}basicWS"

645263 When a user definition event inherits a pbm_setcursor event, the 'message' variable conflicts.
645279 In a certain situation the DW Engine will report an error on retrieve that actually occurred in a previous retrieve.
645285 Cannot change the default fonts for Columns and Text.
645317 MDI toolbar not properly reset after calling changeMenu function in a WinForm application.
645321 Problem with two datawindows on one jsp page. Customer is migrating from PB 9 to PB 11.5. In PB 9 they were able to display two datawindows on the same jsp page. This doesn't seem to work when using the PB 11.5 html datawindow component.
645624 Customer is using the TX Text Control OCX in a .NET WPF application. In 12.1 Classic this works perfectly but when he uses it in a 12.1 .NET WPF application he can only use either a header or a footer. If text is entered in both, only the text for the most recently entered header or footer is retained.
645639 Windows 7 is not referenced in the online help or

online documentation for the OSMajorRevision and OSMinorRevision properties of

the environment object.

645807 When calling a function in a ocx, the following error


PowerBuilder application execution error

Application terminated

Error: Name not found calling external object function at line 41 in

function of_savetomemory of object u_rte_dbs.

645947 Allow for custom error objects for web services to be

caught. Currently the customer exception object is not included in the

webservice proxy.

As an example:

Error object named myerror.

The client application can do the following:


//Some code

CATCH (Exception e)

//Some code


but can't do the following:


//Some code

CATCH (myexcption e)

//Some code


645966 Problem when submitting multiple args to TX Text ocx control in .NET version.
645969 Application was migrated from PB 9 to 11.5. One of the datawindows crashes the IDE when put in a datawindow control on a window.

The datawindow will open in the datawindow painter, but it will crash on the window.

646109 dw_1.find() does not always find row with decimal value argument with more than 16 digits of precision.

This issue has been looked at previously (CR 489437 and 344196). Customer believes that this should work with our stated 28 digits of precision for the decimal datatype. Customer's decimal numbers have grown and are now reaching 16+ digits of precision and although the workaround noted in CR 489437 works, he would have to add this throughout his large application and he wants this fixed to the stated 28 digits of precision.

CR 489437 was closed with the root cause noted as when decimal is of 16 digits or more, data will be lost before or during the pushing to stack operation.

Solution was to add 'd' to the number and this does work.

Use "9876543210123495.0d" instead of "9876543210123495.0" for decimal comparison.

The "d" suffix means decimal.

CR 344196 was closed with a note that this would be addressed in PB 11. With the enhancement to the Decimal datatype in PB 10.5.x to support up to 28 digits this should now work.

646131 Using the TX Text Control OCX, the following editing functions work in PB 12.1 Classic but do not work in PB 12.1 .NET:

Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All and Delete

646260 PB12 IDE crashes when duplicating a function after debugging in customer application.

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

File Name: C:\Program Files\Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\PBCMP120.dll

646278 PrintSetup function does not work with Citrix or Remote desktop for local printers.
646507 PB app crashes randomly with a null pointer read error in










646553 Migrated datawindows from PB 9 to PB 115 and when

displaying in a webdw, the formatting is different for the dddw.

The spacing appears off and the text wraps to the next line.

646642 Data Pipeline copies only the first character of a varchar column.
646663 Enhancement Request for a DropdownDataWindow width property

so that DDDWs of columns can be set to the same width in code

without unit to pixel conversion errors

646677 PB_heap error when running jsp pages that uses

pb 11.5 dw in EAS 5.5.

646714 This is a follow on problem to CR 636416. If a machine has a previous version of the PB .Net runtime installed by the Runtime Packager on it and the msi for a PB 12.1 .Net runtime is run, the only options are to "Repair" or "Remove" and the window titles refer to the older version. CR 636416 fixed this issue in PB 12.1 but for Standard components only. The problem still exists if you select .Net components in the packager.
646837 createJavaVM() not working as documented

createjavajm() has two parameter. The second one is isdebug a boolean

A boolean that determines whether debug information is saved to a file called VM.out in the directory where the current application is located.

The customer has set this to false and the file vm.out is still being generated.

646880 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5.1_4843+1 and 11.5.1_4843+2 (one-off that fixes CR#644136)

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

Comments: When using a 3rd party .NET Assembly, PB application crashes after calling web service. The issue resides in any conflict while reading the class NFe_Util_2G.Util.

647001 Customer upgraded to internal build 4853 to test a fix for CR 642181. It appears that the GetActiveSheet() PowerBuilder method is behaving differently with the new build 4853. It is not consistently returning the active sheet and is causing many of their windows to raise errors.

The source code has not changed and continues to work properly with the original Build 4566 both from the Original 4566 IDE and deployed with the original 4566 DLLS.

647357 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5.1_4788

Database/Driver File/Version: O10 connecting to Oracle 10G with Oracle 10G client

When running datawindow with datetimes as retrieval arguments, Powerbuilder query forces a wrong and bad index and query takes too long, because it produces a bad query plan. If running same query outside PowerBuilder, or "hardcoding" datetime parameters with to_date() implicit into datawindow query, then correct and fast index is used instead.

647446 The synchronization of a horizontal scroll bar is delayed.
647509 Incorrect characters are appearing in the rte control

when using a rte_1.inputfieldinsert("dept_id") and then moving the cursor inside

the inputfield and then start typing.

647672 Passing a structure containing a large byte array to

a webservice, results in the following error:

The definition of the method signature is Web Service proxy is wrong -- the

data doesn't match the parameter definition

Same webservice works ok when sending a smaller sized byte array

647708 Crash dump ananlysis request. The customer is using the autocapture feature of Crossmatch fingerprint scanning DLLs (, and it causes PB application to crash. Customer is unable to isolate to a specific external function call.
647808 When the web datawindow generator should generate XHTML for a result that has a NUll value in the column it will crash EAServer.

PB INTERNAL EXCEPTION on: Thread : 2932, Address : 0x7C350582, Type : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000000. CPB_Component::invoke

647827 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5.1_4843 and 12.0 6170

Database/Driver File/Version: O10 Interface connecting to Oracle 10.2g with Oracle 10.2g client

When editing SQL SELECT of datawindow that contains a column type=date, the column datatype is incorrectly changed to column type=datetime. The datetime datatype does not exist for Oracle O10 interface.

647990 When typing a special character "�" in Script Painter with Automatic Popup enabled will cause PB to hang. You can loose all the script done in that event for the object.
648057 Customer is using Oracle 10g with the 10g driver. He has an Oracle table created orignally with Oracle date and number datatype columns as below.

create table testapp_employee

( employee_name varchar2(30),

employee_birthdate date,

employee_age number(3,2),

employee_state varchar2(30)


The datawindow maps the number datatype to decimal and the date datatype to datetime. This is fine but when the customer uses the SaveAsType of SQLInsert! to save the SQL from the datawindow the create statement seen below is what is generated. This does not work with Oracle to create a new table.


employee_name char(30),

employee_birthdate datetime,

employee_age decimal(16, 2),

employee_state char(30));

648325 The customer is looking for a way for an application to gracefully exit when there are memory issues and supply some sort of logging mechanism:

- throw up a warning message when PowerBuilder applications run out of memory before shutting down and allow the application to terminate gracefully.

- at least puts some kind of message in the system logs for system administrators to go and figure out the cause of the crash and take remedial measures.

648433 Tics on graph with overlay have white background on print out - related to previous CR 439782 that dealt with the incorrect preview.

Tests printing to xps/pdf or printing to laserprinter or color printer show this effect.

648494 The customer is connecting to Oracle and using PB embedded SQL to insert string values into a CLOB column in the database. He is seeing strange results. His testcase writes records from 1 to 65536. Each record has a string the same length as the record number. So record 1 has a string of 1 character, record 32767 has a string of length 32767, etc up to 65536. What he sees is no errors in the insert and the SQLNrows shows a recored inserted for each of the 65536 records. But looking at the table it appears that there are blocks of records that are empty. The first 16k records (1 - 16363) were written correctly. The next 16K (16384 - 32767) are blank. The next 16K (32768 - 49151) are good. Records 49152 - 65535 are blank. And so on.

The testcase takes too long to run so I inserted a few strategic rows, and the results support the cusotmer's obsevations. Why does every other 16K work and the others are empty?

648849 Customer would like users to have the option of changing their password on demand rather than wait for the expiry dialog box to appear when their password expires.

Right now the dbParm PWDialogExp allows for the dialog to open or not open during runtime. Perhaps another option can be added to this that will force the dialog to open.

648977 Migrating the Simple-3D-Carousel Control app to

PB .NET WPF results in the following migration errors:

Migrating target C:\pse\pse-12\com_carousel\SPBOC.WPF.Carousel3D\PB App\app.pbt

Migration complete.

Migration return code = 110.

Unable to add target C:\pse\pse-12\com_carousel\SPBOC.WPF.Carousel3D\PB App\wpf\app.pbtx

Migrating target C:\pse\pse-12\com_carousel\SPBOC.WPF.Carousel3D\PB App\app.pbt

Migration complete.

Migration return code = 110.

Unable to add target C:\pse\pse-12\com_carousel\SPBOC.WPF.Carousel3D\PB App\wpf\app.pbtx

648979 PB.NET will not show any errormessage for Assemblies that are either at fault or eg. from VS 2010. In the Add reference dialog you can select the dll but it will just do nothing.
649120 Target level properties like font, size for column type etc. are not being saved correctly and are not synchronized to the DW creation process.

A mixture of regression of 645285 and 606603.

649122 In a DataWindow with a large detail band - larger than the display

area, when the user scrolls ( with the mouse wheel or the scrollbar ), the

DataWindow event ScrollVertical is not triggered.

649152 HTML books will not open in the IDE on Windows 7 even after installing winhlp.exe

This seems to be a Windows 7 issue at least at the moment. Found several places, here's one that discusses it.

Installation of the winhlp32.exe from, but still the HTML books link doesn't work form the Infomaker IDE.

To reproduce the problem:

1. From the Infomaker IDE click on Help > Contents and select a topic to display.

2. Click on the HTML Books button. Nothing will happen.

There is a workaround which is to run from the help files from the windows start menu:

Start > Programs > Sybase > Infomaker 11.5 > Compiled HTML Help Files

Should be documented as using help is documented for use on Vista. Below is the PB link.

649253 Need to get MapXtreme 2008 component working with PowerBuilder 12 .Net with WindowsFormsHost
649259 Customer is seeing that when using HTTP the username and password is not being passed to his webservice using the below basicauthentication function. As the documentation mentions https for use of username and password we need to know if this will work with http. Engineering has said it should work but it doesn't seem to be sent.

li = conn.setbasicauthentication( ls_endpoint, "CMOAPPS", "eagles2010")

We are using fiddler to see what is being sent to the webservice. The customer needs to send the username and password for security reasons.

649518 Some categories in the category axis and series in the legend are missing in a graph on a child datawindow of the composite datawindow

if computed fields are associated with the series and category and these fields call lookupdisplay() on DropDownDW column(s).

649580 A crash occurs when trying to generate an executable using batch file and orca script in PowerBuilder 12.
649585 PB WebForms not working inside an IFRAME tag with Internet Explorer.
649774 During a loop that reads rows from a file and then updates a table, the executable crashes (Exception 0x80000003 in pbshr115.dll).
649794 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5.1_4843

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

Comments: Customer requests to oficially certify Rational Clearcase SCC with PowerBuilder.

650231 At Windows Vista/7, SingleLineEdit.GetFocus may be caused to the timing which is not intended.
650500 When migrating a multiple pbl application from classic to .NET the first library in the library list shows the actual path to the pbl. However, all subsequent libraries in the list concatenate the full path again to the existing path as follows:

Library Location

pfcapp.pbl E:\E:\pfc_pb11_092507\pfc12net\pfcapp\wpf\pfcapp.pbl

pfcepsrv.pbl E:\pfc_pb11_092507\pfc12net\pfcapp\wpf\e\pfc_pb11_092507\pfc12net\pfeapsrv\pfeapsrv.pbl

650504 The library list only allows selecting one library at a time. Would like the ability to multiselect libraries when editing the list for addition or deletion of libraries.
650675 Customer has questions on accessibility properties:

Q1. When a customer queries the DW accessibility properties, what it returns is "~"value~"~t~"value~". The value is included twice surrounded by tilde quote, and with a tab character between the values. Customer is wondering why it returns in a ~" format instead of just the value.

Q2. When a customer needs to modify the datawindow accessibility properties, they have to provide the value in that same format (duplicated, surrounded by tilde quotes and with a tab character between the duplicated values). Otherwise, the value doesn't show up in the IDE.

According to the Online documentation, to modify the Accessibility properties you should only use the following syntax:

dw1.Modify("temp_t.AccessibleName='Temp'" )

Q3. When attempting to Modify the AccessibleName or AccessibleDescription value to a Graph in a DataWindow, it doesn't update or you get a syntax error. Is this a bug?

650694 The customer is using MS SQL Server and has a datawindow with a column with an edit style of ddlb. The code table of the ddlb is populated from dynamically generated embedded SQL. They generate SQL for any table and column on the fly. The data is put in the code table for the column with setvalue. If connected via odbc all is OK. If connected via OLE DB a bit column is displayed as a wierd character instead of the number that it is. If they put a database function Convert in the SQL to convert the bit to an integer, then it all displays properly. But they don't want the convert in the SQL for other datatypes, so are looking for a different solution.

Because they don't know the datatype of the column, they fetch all values from the table into a PB string variable. The string gets set in the code table with the SetValue and the drop down list always displays OK regardless of the actual table datatype. Originally they were using an ASE database and fetching integers, tinyints, and bit columns into the string variable always worked for them. They have moved to SQL Anywhere now, and find that with ODBC, everything still works OK as with ASE. But they are forced to use OLE DB and with OLE DB bit columns do not display correctly.

650804 Drag and Drop events not fired in a DW.
650854 Looking for analysis of crash dump files to determin the reason for a crash when trying to close a window. The customer has a large PFC application they migrated from PB 8. They upgraded PFC to the latest available from Codexchange (11.2). The application works fine now in PB 12.0 Classic when running in the IDE. But when deployed as an exe, a couple of windows crash when an Exit button is clicked.
650987 When using windows classic and stylelowered on

windows controls', (radiobuttons and checkboxes), there is no focus rectangle.

A focus rectangle does appear for styleraised.

There is an property for focus rectangle for Graph, Picture, PictureHyperLink, OLE, OLE Custom Control, StaticText, and StaticHyperLink controls. Why not checkboxes and


651649 Specify Update Properties dialog, failed to show the Table to Update when the Convert To Syntax mode is invoked. Incomplete fix of CR 609630!
651655 When trying to share a library across different targets

in the same solution, the following error results:

The pbl has already been loaded in a different target. PowerBuilder does not

support using the same PBL in different targets within. Please remove or replace one of these PBLS and reload the solution.

Another message that you can get is:

One or more libraries under the new target already exists. Please choose

another location or delete these libraries.

PB Classic does not have this limitation.

RESOLUTION: This is designed behavior/limitation in PB12.NET IDE

651709 Dw.find() returns different results than PB 10.2/PB 10.5.2.

Using the following:

findstring = "Upper(display_value)=' STAT'"

st_result2.Text = String(dw_1.Find(findstring, 1, 9999))

In PB 10.2/10.5.2 returns 0 and PB 11.5.1/12.1 returns 2.

651804 Table.Data.Storage= 'Disk' holds table data to a disk.

However, when the memory which is using application using a task manager is supervised, PB uses a lot of memory.

651852 Customer who reported CR 569754 is now experiencing the same problem in PB 12.1.
651857 Customer's application is only crashing on Windows for Tablet PC (fully updated) on any version 11.5 up to version PB and above (12 as well)in pbdwe115.dll.
651989 PBORCA_CompileEntryRegenerate returns -11 for a window with script.
652217 Using Declare and Execute to call Oracle SP, PB

returning ORA-12899.

Works in PB 9 and the dbtrace shows:

(2ee1828): DESCRIBE SELECT: (0.001 MilliSeconds)

(2ee1828): 1 Bind Columns

(2ee1828): CHAR Length=9

The dbtrace in PB 11.5.1 shows:

3605440): DESCRIBE SELECT:(DBI_GET_SELECT_INFO) (0.004 MS / 2.775 MS)

(3605440): 1 Bind Columns

(3605440): CHAR Length=18

(3605440): EXECUTE:(DBI_DYN_EXECUTE) (3.554 MS / 6.329 MS)

(3605440): *** ERROR 20001 ***(rc -1) : ORA-20001: ss insert into address...datoAddressId12233374 ...ORA-12899: value too large for column "TSMAINT"."ADDRESSS"."ADDRESS_ID" (actual: 16, maximum: 8)

Works ok in sqlplus.

RESOLUTION: Not a bug. May be issue with testcase. Customer has workaround.

652522 DDLB destroys the strings inputted via Japanese IME, when lost a focus.
652545 PB 12.1 VM crash brings down EAServer 6.3 on regular basis: EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT

The exception is always EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT, but it happens in different components and in different parts of the component lifecycle.

653465 Wrong file generated by SaveAs(XML!) on Linux.
653582 A crash occurs when trying to generate an executable using batch file and orca script.

A fix had been made for CR 632387 "OrcaScript can gpf upon scc set target APP_PBT "refresh_all importonly" and that worked fine, however with doing the full build it

crashes in pbvm120.dll

The issue has been reported for PB 12.1 Build 6639.

653862 Problems in DataWindow with decimals, orphaned rows when regional settings are german and zero is not displayed upon focus as default.

Workaround: Use US/english settings and set the edit format for focused column explicitely.

653863 The ruler is not in cm but in inches and the ruler is only 1,5 inches long and does not start left hand side

it starts in the middle (centered). Only if the rulers are disabled and enabled again via options, it will get left aligned and displayed

across the whole display. (but in inches again). If you close the dw painter and reopen again it will display badly again.

653866 If the Edit/Lines In DropDown-Option of the dddw is set eg. to 20 a crash will happen using PB With PB or on 64Bit OS Systems it works fine.
654033 GetObjectAtPointer does not work during DragAndDrop operation.
654229 The Edit / Lines In DropDown-Option of the dddws is set to 20

Every DDDW has a Different Unit set. If the unit in the DDDW is different to the unit of the main-Datawindow the height of the dropdown is wrong.

654239 Customer has a dddw which has a filter string. They use sharedata throughout their application with datawindows without a filter string. They use the filter string later in their application after sharedata but in PB 12.1 after sharedata the filter string is no longer accessible.
654419 Radiobutton edit style doesn't display properly when using a html grid datawindow when trying to have both radiobuttons on the same line. The second radiobutton is on the first line, but thedescription displays on a second line under the first radiobutton. This only happens when entering a value for Browser and/or HTML Version of the HTML Format on the Web Generation tab of the datawindow's properties. This a change in behavior from Powerbuilder 11.2.
654435 Customer's application has 13 application servers with a Cisco load balancer. We have EA Server 5.5.0 (Build 55012) and PowerBuilder 11.5.1 Build 4716 installed on Window Server 2003 R2 Service Pack 2 with 4 GB RAM and boot.ini modified to have /3GB switch to increase available memory for process.

On 01/06/2011 around 11:03 AM one of the EA Server (App Server J ) crashed with PB Internal Exception. I will upload the jaguar logs and PB Dump file for analysis.

654440 Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5.1_4843

Database/Driver File/Version: SNC with SQL Server 2000

Comments: Currently, if we set ProviderString='Language=English' for PB SNC and Spanish SQL Server 2000, datetime errors are fixed in datawindows, but not for sp based datawindows

Customer needs an automatic way for PB SNC native driver to toogle between Spanish/English so that PB SNC driver doesn't complain about Language when accessing SQL Server Spanish and querying date data.

654689 PB cuts the blank of the character set to be expression on Text Color property.

Therefore, as for the following formulas, TRUE will be returned.

IF(" FTtest " = "FTtest", RGB(0,0,0),RGB(255,0,0))

IF(LeftA(" LAtest",7) = "LAtest",RGB(0,0,0),RGB(255,0,0))

This behavior differs from a previous version.

654767 Application is crashing randomly when multiple windows

are opened.

654902 On Windows 7 the WPF DataWindow display did not get refreshed

after some (posted) setfocus calls and typing in some characters in a column.

654910 PowerSoft Reports (PSRs) created with PB 10.2 are not correctly displayed with V12.1: for example, vertical texts are shrunked to the left of the report and on top of other objects.
654912 The DW customer provided was migrated from v.10.5.x.

Unable to reproduce the issue with a DW created in PB 10.5.2, migrated to v.12 .NET, nor with a DW created in v.12 .NET. Works ok in PB12 classic.

Symptom: Click on any object (column). You will see that the selection appears in the upper left corner of the DW.

654916 Compiling a winform application results in the following


Error when compiling generated C# code:

n_ds.cs(10,14): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBDataStore' to 'Sybase.PowerBuilder.Win.PBDataStore'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)

654967 Random crash when opening window from a menu item

and the window contains a ocx.


RESOLUTION: Problem with third party ocx control

655123 Close event of a Frame window is not fired during a Windows log off.
655128 DragAndDrop on a ListBox does not work in .Net as in PB12 Classic.
655318 Enhancement Request WPF DataWindow:

Enhance the binding capabilities of custom controls in WPF DataWindow to be able to bind

the control to two separate columns

655322 If you delete a DW column and then add it back in again, it wil be given a _1 suffix as if there was already one of the same name in the DW. If you try to manually change it you get:

"Property value is not valid." Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

655323 The center alignment seems to behave wired, ie. no real reaction, no matter

what i do, the preview never shows it in the middle. Sometimes in the design after reopening the DW, it will show the checkbox even outside of the border.

In PB classic the center alignment works ok.

655346 Similar to cr647509. New testcase is using


When using rte_1.inputfieldinsert() and then moving the cursor inside the

input field and then start typing, you can still see incorrect characters appear

on the fourth line of text in the inputfield.

655446 When the AutoHeight property of the column of DataWindow is enabled,

a new line for the continuous multi-byte character is started by the position which is not intended.

655597 Customer has a large application utilizing several webservices and also a Notes OCX created in VB that crashes frequently. The crash can happen at any time and from anywhere in application. Customer has not been able to reproduce the crash consistently. Some agents have the crash occur more than others.

The application was recently migrated from PB 9 to PB 12.1 in hopes that the crash would be resolved but it has not.

Running windbg with the crash dmp files show this crashing in ieframe.dll and mshtml.dll and I do not see any PB dlls in the stack trace except for PBVM120.dll.

655746 Filter on a DataWindow in PB classic IDE having a like '%py_desc' clause has more rows then '%y_desc'! The result should be vice versa and the underscore needs to stay the placeholder !
655928 Enhancement request to support multithreading or shared objects on a multiprocessor machine
655935 Using ASE 15.0 database, with a table that has a primary key column of an identity datatype. If you retrieve rows in the Database Piainter select a row by clicking on the identity column and right clicking and select delete row, PB deletes the first row, not the row clicked on. Insert row sometimes works and inserts before the row selected. but sometimes it inserts before the first row as well. If you click on a non indentity column it works as it should.
655936 DataWindow in a descendant Window takes dataobject of the ancestor.
656080 This would require the addition of nlwnsck64.dll, nlwnsck.dll and libjtml.dll from EAServer to the PowerBuilder distribution. See CR 653463 for reference.
656240 property 'empty string is NULL' does not work for column number
656276 On some PC's a picture within a groupbox shows flickering especially

if the picture has transparent background.

656297 Using the code examples Advanced Gui Sample and

generate pcode. When deployed to windows 7 64 bit, the application hangs


PBVM120!CPB_Session::TriggerEvent+9b [e:\pb12\runtime\pspp\pbsess.cpp @ 884]

10ce45cb 8b4d10 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp+10h]



881: PBRESULT ret = pbobj->invoke(NULL, (OB_VTABLE_ID)mid, ci->pArgs->GetCount(),

882: copiedArgs, ret_val);


> 884: DealWithReturnValue(ret_val);

RESOLUTION: Advanced GUI Sample executable failed on windows 7 64-bit. Changed

Display setting to Smaller - 100% default. App fails when Display setting are set to

Medium - 125%.

656417 Cannot display the retrieval argument in a computed field.
656615 A richText column gets truncated after setting the datawindow in preview mode
656620 The MenuTitleText left of the menu items is cut-off in contemporary menu's
657010 Weird behaviour in Vertical spacing with a mutli-selection.
657163 Make resources (pictures, icons..) embedded in the Winform generated executable instead of depending on a path.
657168 RuntimeError no longer raised when accessing a non existing row and an existing row.
657219 EAServer is crashing when jsp calling pb component on

The log file shows:

Current thread (0x00bcb000): JavaThread "Thread-76" [_thread_in_native, id=102, stack(0xaf600000,0xaf680000)]

siginfo:si_signo=SIGSEGV: si_errno=0, si_code=1 (SEGV_MAPERR), si_addr=0x0000000e


O0=0xafa5747c O1=0xafd02aba O2=0x00000000 O3=0xffffffff

O4=0xff334ef0 O5=0xff335578 O6=0xaf67b058 O7=0xafcb7390

G1=0xff2ad144 G2=0x00001844 G3=0x00000001 G4=0x00000000

G5=0x00001600 G6=0x00000000 G7=0xb716c200 Y=0x00000000

PC=0xff2ad174 nPC=0xff2ad178

Top of Stack: (sp=0xaf67b058)

0xaf67b058: 00000000 afcb3500 02dce624 0001d091

0xaf67b068: 00000000 00000001 ff335784 ff3303a8

0xaf67b078: 00000000 00000000 00000002 afd14358

0xaf67b088: 0008325c afcb7390 af67b0b8 afa5747c

0xaf67b098: 00000000 79626173 652e6a61 00000000

0xaf67b0a8: afa8a808 02dccf88 00000000 afcb3500

0xaf67b0b8: 02de42f8 02de4304 02de4d54 afcb3500

0xaf67b0c8: b0f8fcf8 00000000 01000000 00000000

Instructions: (pc=0xff2ad174)

0xff2ad164: ea 05 a0 00 80 a5 60 00 02 80 00 0a a0 10 20 00

0xff2ad174: d8 0e 20 0e 97 33 20 05 80 8a e0 01 12 80 00 05

Stack: [0xaf600000,0xaf680000], sp=0xaf67b058, free space=492k

Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)

C [] fseek+0x30

C [] __1cODWHTMLRenderer2t6MpnNDWHTMLGenArgs__v_+0xe4

C [] __1cZDWHTMLAbsPositionRenderer2t6MpnNDWHTMLGenArgs__v_+0x20

C [] __1cUDWDataWindowRendererMGenerateHtml6MiipnLstg_anchorS_pnSstg_subpool_entryS_ppwpl7677_v_+0x420

C [] __1cMDWDataWindowMGenerateHtml6MiipnLstg_anchorS_pnSstg_subpool_entryS_ppwpl7677_v_+0x54

C [] __1cMDWDataWindowJParseDesc6MpnNdparse_anchor_pw_h_+0x1178

C [] __1cMDWDataWindowNParseProgDesc6MpnNdparse_anchor__h_+0xf4

C [] dwDescribeObject+0xb4

C [] dwGetProperty+0x934

C [] __1cQOB_RUNTIME_CLASSGinvoke6MpnHob_this_pnJOB_OBJECT_HpwnMOB_ROUT_TYPE_HpnHob_data_iip7_l_+0x504

C [] __1cQOB_RUNTIME_CLASSGinvoke6MpnHob_this_pnJOB_OBJECT_HHpnHob_data_p5_l_+0x20c

C [] __1cPOB_OBJECT_LOCALGinvoke6MpnQOB_RUNTIME_CLASS_HHpnHob_data_p3_l_+0x3c

C [] ot_process_dotfunccall+0x790

C [] sf_dotfunccall_any+0x50

C [] rt_exec_pcode+0x4f8

C [] __1cQOB_RUNTIME_CLASSGinvoke6MpnHob_this_pnJOB_OBJECT_HpwnMOB_ROUT_TYPE_HpnHob_data_iip7_l_+0xbb4

C [] __1cQOB_RUNTIME_CLASSGinvoke6MpnHob_this_pnJOB_OBJECT_HHpnHob_data_p5_l_+0x20c

C [] __1cPOB_OBJECT_LOCALGinvoke6MpnQOB_RUNTIME_CLASS_HHpnHob_data_p3_l_+0x3c

C [] __1cOOB_OREQdD_INVOKEHExecute6MpnHob_this__l_+0x20c

C [] __1cKCPB_ObjectLExecRequest6MnOOB_IMARSHALINGMREQdDUEST_TYPE_pnK_jagstream_pwpnMOBJagArgInfo__l_+0x368

C [] __1cKCPB_ObjectIdoInvoke6MpnK_jagstream__v_+0x3cc

C [] tryInvoke+0x1c

C [] srv_catch_exception+0x64

C [] __1cKCPB_ObjectGinvoke6MpnK_jagstream_pw_v_+0x64

C [] __1cPPBObject_invoke6FpnJ_PBobject_pnK_jagstream_pnJ_jagchars_i_v_+0x1d4

C [] __1cbYcom_sybase_jaguar_server_JaguarObjectNativeMethodsGinvoke6FnOjava_longValue_1nNjava_intValue_rnbLcom_sybase_jaguar_server_JaguarStream_rnbNcom_sybase_djc_rmi_iiop_CdrOutputStream_rnbMcom_sybase_djc_rmi_iiop_CdrInputStream_2_i_+0x224

C [] Java_com_sybase_jaguar_server_JaguarObject_invoke+0x12c






v ~StubRoutines::call_stub

V []

V []

V []

V []

V []

V []

Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)





v ~StubRoutines::call_stub

657237 The customer migrated an app from 8.0 to 11.5 They have a dddw that is now displaying incorrectly. The dddw has 120 rows in it and is set to display 20 lines with a vertical scroll bar. But the dddw display now starts right up at the very top of the computer screen all the way to the bottom of the screen, displaying many more rows that 20. There is also no vertical scroll bar, and there are more rows that can't be navigated to.

If you set the lines to 0, it behaves as it should. You get about 6 rows displayed starting at the dddw location on the window, and a vertical scroll bar that allows navigation to all dddw rows. But set the lines to 20 and something goes very wrong.

657302 Bad conversion of a real to a decimal column having format 0.00%.
657527 After setting the Print orientation to Landscape using the PrintSetup() function, and opening a job using Printopen() and print (job, string), the document is not printed in Landscape on a Citrix environment or Remote Desktop.
657658 Wrong display when calling GetFileOpenName method.
657666 PSE NOTES:


OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5.1_4897

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

Comments: Kodak OCX Edit Image Control does not appear in WinForms application. Works fine in PBNative.

657837 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5.1_4897

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

When changing datatype parameter in one function, the Edit Source shows this function in an different order in function list. This causes confusion to SCC when merging data since order is changed.

657841 Continuously calling a .NET WebService and passing

a structure containing a large unbound byte array results in the following error:

The definition of the method signature is Web Service proxy is wrong -- the

data doesn't match the parameter definition.

657860 Oracle 10g. Create a new tabular datawindow in PB 12.1 .Net. The customer cancels the Select tables dialog and goes into syntax mode and enters this SQL:

with test as (select sysdate as mydate from dual)

select * from test

Click OK and Finish but preview shows nothing. It should be showing the date.

657888 Text color is reset when text of Checkbox/Radiobutton is edited in XP theme.
657972 wants th ability to change the menu style at runtime.
658120 Using PBNative IDE crashes when doing GetLatestVersion and CheckOut for specific window with OLE control on it.
658441 Doing a describe on Datawindows XML contents eg. ("") returns an empty string if the DW is large enough.
658442 Arrays of bytes seem to use up unproportionate amounts of memory

Creating a byte-array with 134217728 elements (theoretically this should only use 128 MB) makes PB allocate 1.6 GB Virtual Bytes and 1.4 GB Private Bytes.

658443 The rbuttonup event of a DataWindow is not fired if columns StyleType is RichText.
658497 Crash dump consult request. Customer's PB application is having stability issues when multiple (6+) threads are launched via a Windows Server 2008 Scheduled Task (i.e. using Session 0). They suspect it has something to do with printing and/or retrieving datastores and/or datawindows.
658636 We have created a simple PB 12.Net Assembly in the PB 12.NET IDE, deployed it, registered the dll with regasm and then are trying to use it in a PB 12 Classic app using COM.

We are following this article in PBDJ :

Is this supported? Can we create a com visible assembly in PB 12.NET that can be used in a PB 12 Classic app?

We are receiving a -3 when we try to ConnectToNewObject in the classic app. I've been testing with PB 12.1 build 6812.

658637 Customer would like a COM free registration feature added to our EXE project.
658831 DW Update properties in .NET are highlight gray and the selections are hard to see especially on windows 7. Changing the resolution of the Desktop and the NVIDIA card to have a better result has already been tested. They wish to set the color of the highlight in the PB IDE.
658965 When running a pb application and you have

Adobe Reader X (10) installed, using LinkTo returns -1.

Works ok with Adobe 9.

Also, InsertFile() with Adobe 10 returns -9.

658970 Issues with hsplitscroll and the treeview datawindow

1) If the treeview is collapsed and you click on the horizonal scrollbar arrow, it

does not scroll the dw. If you click and drag the scroll bar away from the far

left edge, the scroll works ok.

2) Expand the treeview on the left side and then click and drag the horizontal

scroll bar. The 'tree' covers up the data on the left side as you move the scroll bar.

3) Expand the treeview on the right side then click and drag the horizontal scroll

bar, it moves the 'tree' to the left side.

658974 Customer created a SQL ANYWHERE 12 database using the default upper case DBA for the user name, ODBC DSN and PB connection profile. When he connect using upper case DBA in PowerBuilder 12.1 on the first connect he receives an error "Catalog tables could not be created and are not available for use." He changes the PB Catalog table owner to upper case 'DBA' and he can then connect without the error message.

He then tries to see one of his table in the database painter and he gets an error 'Table "xxxxx" has no columns; possible invalid table format.'

If I add PBTableOwner='NO' in my pbodb120.ini file I do not get the errors but the customer does not see this as a solution.

In prior versions of PB and SQL Anywhere, one could connect with either upper or lower case. Not sure if change is PB or SQL Anywhere 12.

658986 Customer is creating a .Net web service proxy from a wsdl:

The proxy is created OK. At runtime the proxy instance is created and the function calllogin is called. Customer gets an error that calllogin operation does not exist. One PSE gets a crash when calllogin is called and another gets login.dll assembly not found when it is there. The TSE is not even able to create the proxy, he gets invalid wsdl file. So it clearly has some kind of problem.

659095 Please add the ability to sign the assembly to the WebService Proxy Project painter in PB classic IDE. This ability already exists for the .Net target projects.

If you want to add your assembly to the GAC, it must have a strong name.

The WCF client in the .NET IDE is also missing this feature.

659121 Fails to retrieve datas when the DataWindow argument has a TIME datatype in a WebForm.
659361 The tab selectionchanged event fires on a tab when a window is initially opened. In PB 10.5 and, 11.2 it fired after the window was open. Starting in 11.5 it now fires sooner, sometime during the window open. It appears to be a timing issue.

The testcase opens a window with a tab and a tabpage. The selectionchanged event will display the windows title in a tab page static text. The window has an initial title and the title is changed in the line of code after the window open statement. The customer wants to see the new title displayed in the tab page static text when the window is opened. But for him in 12.1 build 6639 he see's the original title. In all prior PB 12 builds and in earlier versions he sees the new title.

In my testing I see the new title in PB 10.5 and 11.2, but starting in 11.5.1 and in all PB 12 builds from 5530 to 6639, I see the old title.

659487 Vertical Scroll bar displayed after dw.Reset() and InsertRow
659610 Unable to retrieve DW based on nested SELECT if DisableBind=0
659611 When the 'Language for non-Unicode programs' is set to Japanese and using OpenClient 12.5.1 and SYC driver and encrypted logid and passwd, the following error results:

(b27204): SRV 14 #4002 Login failed. (0 MilliSeconds)

(b27204): CLI 4 #44 ct_connect(): protocol specific layer: external

error: The attempt to connect to the server failed. (0 MilliSeconds) (47


Customer said it worked ok in PB 6.5.1.

659805 A PowerBuilder 8.0.3 application migrated to PowerBuilder 11.5.1

crashes on a window when multiple copies of it are open.

660186 Datawindow cannot save changes for a column with Chinese characters in it when using ODBC or OLE interface with DisableBind=1.
660508 When data of DataWindow to Oracle 10g is updated, ORA-01403 error occurs.
660591 Conversion from char to number fails in Winform.
660595 Customer is experiencing a DW Filtering issue using id is in (...) as a filter with an SYC connection in a PB 12.1 WPF application.
660607 Unable to use PB 12 .Net when Regional setting are Turkish.
660795 Invalid ResultSet returned by generateResultSet from Delete buffer.
660916 The context menu of an application project does not show deploy warning.
660981 Dynamically setting menu.ToolbarItemBarIndex fails in .Net winform, works fine in classic PB. code used:

m_menu lm_menu

lm_menu = parent.menuid

lm_menu.m_button2.toolbaritembarindex = 2

661148 StaticText with BackColor set to Transparent fails in WebForm and WinForm targets.

It will display with white background. PB native/classic mode works ok.

661177 MDI menu and toolbar not reset after calling changeMenu function.
661204 The customer has 2 OCX controls (CTDATE32.OCX, CTSLID32.OCX) that worked in PB 9 and is now migrating to PB 12. They don't work in PB 12. When he attempts to insert them into an OLEobject in PB 12, he gets the following error: "Insertion of OLE object failed; license file required".

I tried to insert the controls in PB 9 and it crashes.

661222 OS: Windows XP SP3

Versions and Build #s Tested: PB 11.5.1_4897 and 12.1 GA

Database/Driver File/Version: N/A

In PB, when invoking a custom dll (made in Delphi) to encrypt/decrypt strings, customer is facing the following issue:

- He gets a lot of R0015 errors

- When encrypting, the reverse decryption does not decrypt the string back to initial one

- By encrypting/decrypting, sometimes, PB crashes at C:\Program Files\Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\PBSHR115.dll -

function: PBSHR115!PbHeap_traceOff

10bf45cb 94 xchg eax,esp

10bf45cc 0000 add [eax],al

10bf45ce 0068c8 add [eax-0x38],ch

10bf45d1 c5d6 lds edx,esi

10bf45d3 1051ff adc [ecx-0x1],dl

10bf45d6 d6 ???

10bf45d7 8d94249c000000 lea edx,[esp+0x9c]

10bf45de 52 push edx

10bf45df e8acf3ffff call PBSHR115!PbHeap_log+0x30 (10bf3990)

10bf45e4 83c424 add esp,0x24

FAULT ->10bf45e7 cc int 3

10bf45e8 ff254c48d310 jmp dword ptr [PBSHR115!PbHeap_realloc+0x13d23c (10d3484c)]

10bf45ee cc int 3

10bf45ef cc int 3

10bf45f0 81eccc000000 sub esp,0xcc

10bf45f6 55 push ebp

10bf45f7 8bac24d4000000 mov ebp,[esp+0xd4]

10bf45fe 56 push esi

10bf45ff 6800400000 push 0x4000

10bf4604 8bf0 mov esi,eax

If customer runs a C# or VB.NET application by calling same dll, it always works fine.

661423 Please enhance documentation on how to code in PowerBuilder 12.Net like

how to add a custom event handler to WPF routed event.

662416 PB 12 Classic/.Net Web Forms menu items not being displayed if popup window has no titlebar. Works ok for PB Win Forms and in normal native mode.
662429 Unable to call a WS method with a complex datatype having multi-element array.
662565 "RightToLeft" frame ,after moving/docking menu toolbar from top of the screen to right or left side,all menuicons dissappear.
662568 If PB web form should be extended in functionality by use of visual 3rd party .net controls it seems not possible. We seem to be able to only use non-visual .Net classes in a PB WebForm.
662571 If an oracle accounted is locked, you can still

connect to oracle from a pb component running in easerver6.

However, if you wait a minute or more, and then try to connect, you get a

failed connection error.

662576 After inheriting from System.Windows.Controls.UserControl, then adding properties of string or long to the DataContextChanged event the code generation is not working properly and adds an extra opening parenthesis causing a syntax error.

The same problem occurs if you access these properties within the object itself (for instance if you added code to the constructor to set a default value). Some generated code is below.

#line 2

startval = (()usercontrol1.testproperty;

#line hidden

#line 3

(()usercontrol1.testproperty = new Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBString("bar");

#line hidden

#line 4

endval = (()usercontrol1.testproperty;

662580 When an open cursor fails and a datawindow retrieve is then

executed, the following error messagebox appears:

DataWindow Error

Select Error: ct_cursor(CLOSE): user api layer: external error: A cursor must

be opened before this command type can be initialized

Here is the code example:


SELECT emp_fname FROM emplooyee <-- table does not exist

WHERE emp_id = 243;

OPEN emp_curs; <-- open cursor fails

if SQLCA.sqlcode <> 0 then

CLOSE emp_curs;

end if


dw_1.retrieve() <-- dw select error, ct_cursor error

662589 PB install shuts down after enter sysam information.

adplus dump is provided

Customer does not have IIS installed. Can install SQL Anywhere and InfoMaker ok ( does not get created). When

the install is ready to install PB, it just shuts down with no error. Customer is

just trying to install PB classic.

662599 The customer's application crashes on a SaveAs XML! if PBXerces120.dll is not in the path. He wants PB to trap this error and exit gracefully with a message about the missing dll.
662617 The customer has an asp page and is trying to call a powerbuilder .net assembly. The call is successful but then he is getting an error message "object reference not set to an instance" when trying to redirect to the default.aspx.
662732 Enable the DW control scrollbar arrow buttons to behave like if the scrollbar was dragged. I.e. scroll down to the bottom of a multi-line column object that is higher than the DW control before moving to the next line.
662935 The customer is generating HTML from a datawindow and is using the javascript files supplied by PB. He is seeing a change of behavior from PB 9 to PB 11.5 with the radiobutton edit style. When he clicks on a radiobutton in 11.5 there is a dotted line border around it. This was not there in PB 9.

We discovered that if you uncheck the "Generate DDDW Frames" checkbox in the WebGeneration properties for the datawindow and generated the html, then the dotted line border goes away in IE 7. But the customer is on IE 8 as are all his clients, and in IE 8 the dotted line border is still there.

The customer can manually edit the dw.comm.js file, but every time it gets regenerated the change will get overwritten. The problem is in dwcomm.js on line 2057:

if (lbl != null) { = "dotted"; = "2px";


663020 When "Data.Storage" is changed from "Disk" to "Memory", PB crashes.
663046 Add troubleshooting tips for deployment szenarios for WPF applications

One tip is:

We suggest to create a Process Explorer output from the working and failing

PB Client machines and compare this, especially by looking at the paths and DLL versions.

663242 XTreme DatePicker control does not display in a .NET Windows Forms application.
663246 StdWidth property of scroll bar not reflected in design mode.
663260 EAServer 5.5 with PB12.0 crashes frequently on customer site.

On the customer's site, there are about 20 users. If several of them

accessed the EAServer, the server runs for a while, then crashes.

Crash dump shows crash in MSVCR71.DLL and pb dlls in stack trace.

Customer is aware that EAS 5.5 is no longer under support and that this can only be addressed if a PB issue.

663267 Customer has an application that uses copyrtf in PB 8 to generate thousands of letters per day for processing. In PB 8 he was able to process many more than he can in PB 12.1.

In PB 12.1 the process works until it eventually fails. In my testing at 166 copies and in his at 122 copies. He has discovered that if he removes the inputfields he can again copy without failure but he needs the inputfields.

He understands that the rtf control is a different control in PB 12.1 but he needs the ability to use copyrtf in his PB 12.1 application.

663302 Project fails when .net assembly is signed. The followng error


Cyptographic failure while signing assembly

c:\pse\pse-12\11662648\assembly\saveas.out\obj\Release\saveas.dll' -- 'Error reading key file 'c:\pse\pse-12\11662648\assembly\saveas.out\saveas.snk' -- The system cannot find the file specified. '

663313 Customer has rtf documents with inputfield DATE. In PB 8/9 this works but in PB 12.1 it does not.

Possibly a reserved word with the new rich text control as if we simply change the name of the input field in the rtf it displays.

Customer has many rtf documents with DATE and this is used throughout his code so he does not want to have to do that.

663430 Please add to docu: per engineering:

all Omxxx and Olexxx system objects are not supported in PB WebForm.

ActiveX controls are also not supported in the .Net WebForm target.

663441 Customer is using EAS 5.5 (he knows that is no longer under support) and PowerBuilder 11.5.1 build 4897. He is seeing the following warnings in his jaguar log.

Mar 18 09:08:50 2011: Warning: file cf_test::booleanseq, line 1 - case of identifier 'BOOLEANSEQ' is inconsistent with definition of 'cf_test::booleanseq' at line 1

Mar 18 09:08:50 2011: Warning: file cf_test::stringseq, line 1 - case of identifier 'StringSeq' is inconsistent with definition of 'cf_test::stringseq' at line 1

Mar 18 09:08:50 2011: Warning: file cf_test::sessioninfo, line 1 - case of identifier 'StringSeq' is inconsistent with definition of 'cf_test::stringseq' at line 1

Mar 18 09:08:50 2011: 180438-Jaguar/Management refresh Component cf_test/test

I can replicate the warnings with EAS 5.5 but not EAS 6.3.1.

A similar fixed CR, 423727 was a PB issue so CR opened for explanation of error and/or fixing if a PB issue.

CR 423727 notes that it was fixed in versions up to PB 11 but it sounds like the same issue now in PB 11.5.

If this cannot be fixed customer would like a full explanation and details on whether or not this will cause him any problems.

663471 Crash dump analysis request of PB 12 Client dump. App is connecting to EAS 6.3.1

Customer's PB client application crashes intermittenly when the following exception occurs in the EAserver log:

Send failed: client host = org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No

663708 PowerScript of the following causes Assertion Error.


663750 If you create a new datawindow in the .Net IDE, and use syntax mode rather than graphical mode, then enter a query with a WITH-clause, the DW generated will appear to be empty.

In fact the DW syntax generated is incorrect. It includes the "procedure" keyword in the table line.

663887 DW crashes in queryMode when entering characters in a DDDW
664268 Printing a picture control in a window can print the window's screenshot

Expected behaviour is to print ONLY the picture object.

This is dup of CR 289466!.

664488 OS: Linux Red Had 5

Versions and Build #s Tested: EAServer with PBVM 11.5.1_4608 from Linux115_4608R_100910.tar.gz

Database/Driver File/Version: O90 accessing Oracle 10.2g

Comments: When performing a PB NVO intercomponent call, EAServer crashes at:

# SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x66abddb7, pid=11611, tid=1727765392


# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_17-b04 mixed mode)

# Problematic frame:

# C [] ob_mark_object_data_used+0xb7

The problematic code resides in sgm_srv_pruebas target > cmp_pruebas > Function of_grabar_prueba:

li_error = ts.CreateInstance(icmp_pruebas2, "sgm_prueba/cmp_pruebas2" )

li_error = icmp_pruebas2.cf_grabar_prueba2( lstr_prueba )

Here's where the intercomponent call happens and where pbvm crashes.

When only one client is accessing EAServer, the crashes occurs immediatelly. When in various clients (around 30), sometimes EAServer either crashes or hangs, but due to same root cause.

664505 The customer is using a 3rd party .Net custom control (built in .Net 3.5) then dropping the control into a wpf window. It works fine in the beginning. But once they do a full build, the inner control property of the PBObject that is wrapping the .Net control becomes null.
664637 Nested Report in PowerBuilder 12.1 .NET:

- Columns placed in the Header band on the report don抰 display any data

- Line Object could not be placed into band 凥eader group xxx�

- The property "Slide UP" could not be set to Line object

- Report with nested report (nested longer than page header) is not displayed properly

664654 Calling a custom user object by inheriting from a 3rd party WPF object in an array

gives a compile error:


"c__u_ancestor_dockwindow does not contain a definition for Close.......

are you missing a using directive or an assemply reference".

665048 The customer has a generic OLE control on a tab page. He loads a file into it, word or excel and the server activates. Now he clicks on a different tab page, that also has an OLE contol on it, but this one is a PDF OCX. But what is initially displayed is the word or excel doc from the previous tab page. It seems like a painting or refresh issue.
665163 Customer migrated his code from PB 10 to 12.1 and encounters a crash when using ShareData in his application.
665179 Customer is using our datawindow date edit functionality "Drop-down Calendar" which shows the calendar month. He is then doing a describe on this datawindow to convert this datawindow to DataWindow.Data.HTML data and saving it to an html file.

This all works fine, the html file shows the Calendar that seems to be produced fine in html using JavaScript.

His problem is when he displays multiple HTML data with this calendar in HTML frames. The JavaScript calendar gets truncated because of the frames.

Please see the attached html file pb11.html which is the base datawindow which displays the calendar when focus is placed on the date column.

Then please see the attached html file main.html which has the frames which is composed of two of the pb11.html files.

The customers issue is that the calendar is being truncated.

665659 The customer migrated their 6.5 app to 12.0. They are seeing a different behavior in a numeric editmask that is upsetting their users. They would like the old behavior back, or be able to do something to get the old behavior.

They have a numberic column that has an editmask of 000000000. With an initial value of 003456789 displayed they click just after the 9 to put the cursor after the right most digit. In 6.5 they could then click backspace to delete the 9, which was replaced with a 0. The cursor was moved back one place, then they could type a digit over the 0 effectivly replacing the 9. So in review they could place the cursor at the end, type backspace to delete the 9 then type a 1 to replace the 9 (now 0).

But now in PB 12 the behavior is completely different and not very useful. Again they place the cursor to the right of the 9 and click the backspace. The 9 is deleted but a 0 is inserted way over in the left most position and all the digits are shifted to the right one place. The cursor remains at the very end, and now the 8 is the last character. They are unable to type a digit to replace the deleted 9 because the cursor is at the end and the field is full.

665683 Crash dump analysis request. Customer is migrating a PB 6 app to PB 11.5. It is a real time system (toll reader) and they call their own custom dll to get the real-time information. The app is now crashing quite often in 11.5. They are not able to pin down where exactly it is in the code when it crashes.
665741 Customer has migrated her PB application from PB7 to PB12.

Application can run as usual but get the process Crash when close the application.

PB trace log indicates that program was trying to destroy PB objects.

But adplus dump log & dr. watson log indicate problem relate to PbHeap_traceOff & PbHeap_free.

After application code review, there is no obvious PB code line can lead to problem.

665926 Single row cannot compare two DatWindows created using SyntaxFromSQL.

And probably, row in which comparison fails is not fixed.

However, when 1st column of SQL set to be SyntaxFromSQL is a varchar type, comparison of single row is correct.

665955 Fails to load a PSR into composite with nested DataWindows in PB 12 .NET.
665957 When running the migration assistant on a set

of pbls, migration assistant crashes in the IDE.

When trying to migrate the pbls, there is an error:

PFCDWSRV.PBL(pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_report).pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_report.of_prepprint.33: Error C0081: Duplicate variable: ls_objects

In the pfcdwsrv.pbl/pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_report/of_prepprint, the following string exist:

String ls_Objects[], ls_Modify, ls_Return, ls_Undo, ls_Type, ls_Color, ls_Objects[]

If you remove the last ls_objects[] and try the migration assistant again, it works

ok. It does not crash in the ide.

665986 Regression from PB 11.5.1 build 4011

In PB11.5.1 4843 and above, multi-column grouped reports lose the last several

column when printed.

666012 The richtext edit control has a problem pasting PB8 syntax letters that input fields.

You can run the Paste PB8 test for about 421 loops.

You can run thousands of loops for PB12 syntax with PB12 inputfields.

Related to CR 663267.

666017 Customer is creating a Powerbuilder .Net Web Service target and deploying to IIS. The enhancement request is there isn't an ability within Powerbuilder to create a Header Class for the Web Service. It seems Powerbulder has the ablity to create a header class object if the WSDL has such an object but from the Powerbuilder creation standpoint there isn't the built in functionality to create the WSDL Header class when deploying to IIS.

Customer would like to see an enhancement worked on that provides this Header object from the Powerbuilder creation object.

666036 The customer has a richtext control that is set to have 1 inch margins top, bottom, left, and right. He does an InsertDocument of a text file, and you can see it correctly dispalyed in the rte. Then he prints the RTE. The print out chops off the first line at the top and chops off 2 or 3 characters of every line on the left edge.


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