SAP PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(7)

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考虑到Sybase数据库的初学者或者没有购买原厂服务的Sybase客户情况,现提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息。
在SAP Support Portal网站或者google上搜索Targeted CR List for ASE,可以看到针对不同版本的CR(CR表示Change Request)简单描述信息列表。
需要注意的是:Targeted CR List for ASE列出的CR虽然绝大多数是BUG,但有一些是更改需求。
以下提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息!

PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(1)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(2)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(3)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(4)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(5)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(6)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(7)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(8)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(9)
PB Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(10)

352128 Request for an option for closer integration of DW.NET(DWDesigner) with VisualStudio. Customer feels that the best way is to save DW not in PBL(PBD) but in RESX-files. This way there will be no need to deploy pbd with app, resx could be embeded in EXE(DLL).
352133 Filter method returns void not the number of rows filtered as the on-line help indicates.
352137 This is a follow-on to CR 348892. A datawindow has only a computed column displayed, and the expression uses the value of a source datawindow column. The datawindow is empty (no rows). If you use dot notation to insert a value into the source column for a row that doesn't exist, the rows are inserted and the value is assigned to the appropriate source column in the appropriate row. But the computed column based on the source column does not display.
352162 Add GetFullState, SetFullState in PocketBuilder.
352164 Add option to have a web page using the PowerBuilder Window ActiveX control be configured to use the WinXP style for visual controls.
352165 PB errors out for a DW stored proc. insert when the first argument is null. This happens for an ODBC driver and one gets an error message Program Type Out of range which comes from ODBC driver manager.
352175 Errors in compiled HTML Help file: Several Titles/Topics are incomplete, or simply listed as "untitled".
352177 If you create a comment in the header section of the XML template for a DataWindow that is then used as a nested DataWindow in another DataWindow, when saving rows as XML the nested datawindow is not included in the XML generated.
352185 DataWindow Designer 1.0 needs an option "Open last project at startup" or "Reload project on startup" in the "System Options".
352249 Making an odbc connection from a PowerBuilder component in EAS 5.0 fails

when using a FILE DSN or DSN-less connect.

This CR is related to CR 329080 for earlier EAServer versions.


DSN-less connects are not supported, the connection parameters need to be written to a dsn file. Also the length of the pathname may not be too long (up to 80-90 characters).


SQLCA.DBParm = "ConnectString='FILEDSN=c:\test_asa.dsn;uid=dba;pwd=sql'"

352267 When unselecting the Database Write option during a custom

install of Infomaker, you can still write changes to the database.

After installation, the Readonly property in the im.ini is set to 0. When you create

a query and preview it, if you make a change and then close out of the preview, you

are prompted to save changes back to the database. If you hit yes, the changes are

updated to the database.

352281 The windows version of the fop.bat gets installs when installing PBVM 9.0.1 (6533) on EAServer.

From looking at the fop.bat,

java -cp build\fop.jar;lib\batik.jar;lib\xalan-2.3.1.jar;lib\xercesImpl-2.1.0.jar;lib\xml-apis.jar;lib\avalon-framework-cvs-20020315.jar;lib\logkit-1.0.jar;lib\jimi-1.0.jar org.apache.fop.apps.Fop %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8

When it should something like:

java -cp build/fop.jar:lib/batik.jar:lib/xalan-2.3.1.jar:lib/xercesImpl-2.0.1.jar:lib/xml-apis.jar:lib/avalon-framework-cvs-20020315.jar:lib/logkit-1.0.jar:lib/jimi-1.0.jar org.apache.fop.apps.Fop $*

352284 Wizard becomes unstable in Powerbuilder if the datawindow creation is cancelled.
352288 PB 9.0.1 (6533) When using the fop.bat to generate a pdf file from a fo file, results in the following errors:

building formatting object tree


fo:flow must contain block level children

at (Unknown Source)

at Source)

at org.apache.fop.apps.StreamRenderer.render (Unknown Source)

at (Unknown Source)



at org.apache.fop.apps.Driver.render (Unknown Source)

at (Unknown Source)

at org.apache.fop.apps.Fop.main (Unknown Source)

352308 The customer has a datawindow with a column of type number that is a dddw column. The display column of the dddw is from a computed column with the expression "string(col1, '00000'). So the number should be displayed with leading zeros and it is in most cases. But if the dddw is filtered so that there are fewer choices, if you then pick one of the choices and tab off, the number is displayed without the leading zeros.

From Engineering: This is not a bug. The dddw filter is being applied to the dddw in the rowfocuschanged event of the main datawindow. What is happening in the case where they click on a row and select a value from the drop down and then tab off, is they are tabbing into the next row. This applies a different filter to the dddw and the value they picked for the previous row, has now been filtered out of the dddw. PB is doing what it always does when a data value does not have a match in a dddw, it displays the data value, so there are no leading zeros. You have to realize there is only one dddw, and it applies to the dddw column of all the rows on the main datawindow. So if you are filtering to be different for each row, be careful you don't eliminate vaues that are in use by other rows.

352312 The migration of external function declarations that have single quotes from pb 9.0 to PB 10 fail. The results in 10.0 make it seem that double quotes are expected, but the single quotes compile fine in 9.0.1 and should migrate as well.
352407 SharedObject opens windows behind the main thread.
352426 On the PocketPC, opening both a local and a remote database connection, then

closing the remote connection makes the PDA run extremely slow.

Solution: Updated DBODBCx.DLL from iAnywhere

Fixed by the ASA crew - need a new DBODBCx.DLL

Change ported to 8.0.2 and 8.0.3, as well as all the 9.0.0 and later codelines.

352467 Add a search option to a JSP/Web Target similar to

what is available now for PB targets.

352470 DataWindow columns with lowered style borders, SelectRow() leads to invisible the column text (white on white) when using XP Style.
352557 Autoincrement column not displayed after an insert/update
352560 The following SQL statement which executes in PB 9.0.1 with no problems, crashes in PB 10.0:

SELECT Coalesce((SELECT item_receipt_flag FROM item_table WHERE item_no

= :ls_itemno,(SELECT item_receipt_flag FROM item_table WHERE

trim(item_no) = trim(:ls_itemno))) FROM dummy;

352578 A COM object with 2 functions is built and deployed. The first function is declared as: function1( ref string, ref string, value integer) At runtime calling function 1 causes a PB crash. The second function is declared as: function2( ref string, value string, value integer) At runtime calling function 2 is OK.
352602 PFC "dw.Event pfc_print" will call out Print dialog box of OS.

From the Print Dialog box inturn, it provide a feature "pages per sheet" to merge mulitple

page into one sheet printout. The feature work fine with it is Win95/98 but fail on

Windows 2000

352604 If a certain control has focus on a window and you pop a messagebox, after the messagebox is closed the focus reverts back to the first control in the tab order, not the one that had focus before the messagebox.
352605 SortDialog and CrosstabDialog require datawindow resources within PBVM100.DLL, so on a DW.NET only machine, those dialogs appear blank.
352653 When using double-quotes within a DbParameter string, the string is ignored (at least for ConnectString)
352655 The edit control appears to have an 'underline' when used with a DataWindow object that was created with SyntaxFromSql.
352656 DDDW on columns for dynamically created datawindows are not appearing in DW.NET. When creating a DataWindow using DataWindowSyntaxFromSql, if a column has an edit style (from extended attribute table) that is a dropdown datawindow, the dropdown datawindow is not displaying, even though it's in the same PBL associated with the DataWindow object.
352689 In the System Tree, if you try to delete an object that is not open for editing while you have a different object open, you cannot do so by using the delete key. You can right click on the object and select Delete from the pop up menu and this works. If you do not have any objects open in a painter, you can successfully delete an object from the System Tree using the Delete key.
352772 Normally if an "end if" is missing from an if statement, PB gives a Syntax error when compiling the script. But if you have the PB_POOL_THRESHOLD system environment variable defined, then PB crashes instead when compiling. If you also have the PB_HEAP_DEBUG system environment variable set to TRUE, then it does not crash and gives the syntax error.
352788 Enhancement request: In a OOM model in a class, customer would like to be able to make the operations display in Alphabetical order.
352805 For the style string argument of the DataWindowSyntaxFromSql method, the DataWindow engine actually can accept a null, and if a null is passed a default tabular type will be used.

So this is a request that documentation explicitly mention that a null value passed in as a style string to the DataWindowSyntaxFromSql method results in the default datawindow style being used. This is unlike most other string arguments which would throw an ArgumentNullException.

352810 The customer has some VB script which he uses to scan class diagrams. It runs fine in PD standalone. But when attempting to run it in the PB PD Plug-in, it fails with this error:

"Microsoft VBScript runtime error Permission denied: 'InputBox' (0x800A0046) At line 24, character 4".

352875 Debugger shows incorrect value (zero) for an enumeration.

object le_t

le_t = this.typeof()

This contains the correct value at runtime (like a CHOOSE/CASE stmt) but the

debugger always displays ADOResultSet! (which is zero)

352896 Powerbuilder switches to English keybord on a hebrew machine.
352897 After creating a report in the PowerDesigner plugin, you cannot open it via the Open Diagram (misnamed??) context menu option, or via the first icon on the tool bar after pressing Ctrl-E to bring up the list of reports.
352909 PBDATA100.DLL is a .NET assembly used for the ADO.NET database driver. Per engineering, in beta 2 and prior the assembly was registered via REGASM to provide COM clients (PBADO100.DLL) the mechanism to access classes within the assembly. The COM access has been discontinued in favor of hosting the .NET runtime in the unmanaged classes of PBADO100.DLL; therefore, I believe this registration is no longer required.

If you install Build 4016, for instance, you will find the following registry sub key has been installed


352914 The shortcut for compiling a script in PB is Crtl-L. In PD, that's the shortcut in a script editor for "delete line". That's going to cause some of pain for folks working in an 'integrated' environment...
352918 When trying to call Oracle procedure with OUT parameter defined as ref array, getting Error Message:"ORA-01486: size of array element is too large" or PB crash.
352929 A regression from 7.0.4 where selectrow works fine in a label datawindow. But nothing happens in 9.0.1.
352930 Enhancement description: If I attempt to open the properties dialog for a class, check with the source control system to make sure that the underlying PB object is actually checked out if the workspace is under source control. Warn me if the object is not checked out, similar to what happens if I try to edit the PB object directly.
352932 Enhancement Request: Currently, it looks like there are two different methods of supporting multi-developer work, one for PB (through SCC) and one for PD (through the repository). When PD is intergrated into PB through the plug-in, there should be one intergrated method of handling source control. Checking out of an object or a class representing the object should be done in tandem (checking out one checks out both).
352934 Enhancement Request: PD plug-in. It would be good to have a 'preview changes' option for the Language->Generate PowerBuilder option so the user can see what PD is about to attempt.
352935 Enhancement Request: Customer reverse engineers his PB target as a OOM into PD. In the model he double clicks on an object (userobject) and makes a change/update to it. When he clicks Save he gets a progressbar which tells that it is updating and the update happens on the object both in the model in PD and the object in PB. However if the customer opens the object in PB and makes a change/update to it, the effect takes place only in PB. The object in PD is not automatically changed/updated. Customer feels it should happen both ways. The same thing when he does a Get Latest Version out of the source control system. The object model should be automatically udpated with any changes that are resulting from that as well. Basically, the object model should always be up to date with any changes in the underlying PB code, no matter how they got there.
352943 A user event in PB with a parameter declared, does not require a return statement to compile. For example you can declare a user event with an integer parameter and not put any script in the event,` and you are allowed to save the object. But if you reverse engineer such an object to PD and then bring it back to PB with Generate PowerBuilder, you will get an error that a return is required. Hit OK to the error message and the object in PB now gets the error and doesn't compile. And you are not able to open the object in the painter.
353071 The Shortcut for the Close workspace menu option is Maj+F4 instead of Shift+F4.
353072 PD Plug-in: Hot key (Alt-key) for Run and Repository menu are the same
353074 After reverse engineering a small PowerBuilder application, the PowerDeisgner workspace, Classes folder shows quite a few 'classes' that have no symbols in the diagram. These seem to be controls within windows, which should be treated more as attibutes than classes. Additionally, those 'classes' often display with incorrect icons. A 'commandbutton' class in that folder has a Window icon next to it, for instance.
353150 calling dw_1.update(FALSE) twice saves datas to database
353158 A number of old SaveAs types (WMF, DIF, Excel, etc.) were removed from PB10. Doing so will cause migration issues for some customers. Additionally, there are places in PB - picture buttons for instance - where you can add a WMF image, so it seems inconsitent to desupport that same format elsewhere.

These types SHOULD be hidden from DW.NET though (as they are currently but via a different mechanism).

353175 The TypeOfDataWindow property is not being reset to None when you set the DataWindowObject property to an empty string.
353177 For usability, the Lock attribute of the Transaction class should be an enumerated type. This parameter is currently a string and the syntax varies depending upon the database driver used. For usability, we should map the string values to a set of enumerated types that would work across all native database drivers.
353179 As an enhancement, provide ToString implementation for Transaction and AdoTransaction.

For the other classes of DW.NET we have provided ToString methods so that when you do a MsgBox(dw.ToString()) you get some information about the current instance of the class - like datawindow object and library list.

We should do the same for Transaction and AdoTransaction; HOWEVER, we should not display the userid and password in clear text, since that would be a security issue. The other DW.NET classes have a pattern for how to format the ToString output.

353180 Enhancement: For DW.Net make possible to use method dw.Create() without presetting liblist and dw_name. Customer had been able to do this in DW.NET by creating a stub PBL with a stub DW. In PB I can initialize DWControl from string without setting dw.DataObject.
353194 Reverse engineering of local object structures is a problem in PD. One problem is if there are local object structures that contain elements of a type that is another local object structure, the elements are omitted. Another problem is local external function delarations that contain arguments of a local object structure type, are not reverse engineered.
353200 Need to remove one of the sets of overrides to enhance usability and increase consistency.

In the Object Browser of VS.NET you can see that we currently we have the following overloads:

GetItem (row#, col#)

GetItem (row#, colname)

GetItem (row#, col#, original)

GetItem (row#, colname, original)

GetItem (row#, col#, buffer, original)

GetItem (row#, colname, buffer, original)


GetItemSQLxxx (row#, col#, buffer, original)

GetItemSQLxxx (row#, colname, buffer, original)

So there is some inconsistency here both within the overrides of GetItem and between GetItemxxx and GetItemSQLxxx

1. Remove the two GetItemxxx(row, col, original) overloads, this reduces the number of overloads and eliminates the illogical progression where the original parameter is last the GetItemxxx(row, col, buffer, original) overload.

2. Add a GetItemSqlxx(row, col#) and GetItemSqlxx(row,colname) overload so that we have a consistent set of overload for all the GetItem methods.

353251 Using the script painter and going to an empty line and put in a space. If activate Autoscript using the menu Edit > Activate Autoscript. Powerbuilder 9.0.1 causing a gpf.
353288 UpdateData should throw InvalidOperationException instead of MethodFailureException when the DataWindow is not updateable.
353293 SaveAsAscii's intent is to provide a cross between SaveAs(Text!) and SaveAs(HTML!), the use of "Ascii" in the method name is unfortunate since it doesn't imply Ascii encoding. Given that there are some questions:

1. Does SaveAsAscii save only in Ascii? If not, we need an encoding argument like for SaveAs. If so, then shouldn't there be a SaveAsUnicode method as well?

2. This would be better called SaveAsEx and then we could add an encoding argument and deprecate SaveAsAscii

Whatever choices are made in PowerBuilder should be carried through consistently to DataWindow .NET

353297 An editmask with decimal code table data crashes PB when the code table exceeds a certain size.
353300 After inserting a rtf document and then using replacetext,

the formatting leaves large spaces between words.

353317 RowsCopy/RowsDiscard/RowsMove throw InvalidArgumentException in many cases when they should throw InvalidRowNumberException.
353322 FindNextModifiedRow throws NullReferenceException when the row argument < 0.

Simple resolution here, the C# layer should throw InvalidRowNumberException if the input argument is less than 0... N.B., 0 itself is a VALID value.

353328 When a nested report is in the header band of a datawindow,

its missing from the datawindow after page 1.

The problem happens after you retrieve data and using getfullstate/setfullstate

It can also be seen on a psr report.

If you open the psr in the datawindow, its missing the nested report after page 1.

353342 Reduce number of overloads of ImportString/File/Clipboard to reduce complexity and provide symmetry with SaveAs methods.

SaveAs methods all require FileSaveAsType argument, so ImportFile/String/Clipboard should as well. This would reduce the number of overloads of each of those functions from four to two.

Also, given that SaveAs now requires a FileEncoding, does Import need to specify that as well?

353344 SetAdoTransaction should be renamed to be an overload of SetTransaction for a consistent object-oriented presentation.

This would result in:

SetTransaction(Sybase.DataWindow.Transaction) and


353347 SetSqlSelect should throw NotSupportedException for consistency with other methods, SetSqlSelect should throw System.NotSupportedException when called for a datawindow that does not have a SQL statement as its source (e.g., an external datawindow or one from a stored procedure).

The method currently throws MethodFailureException if the datawindow source is not a SQL select statement, so end-user is aware that method has not completed successfully; however, most other methods throw System.NotSupportedException when the method does not apply to the DataWindow type.

353349 The Encoding and IncludeColumnHeaders arguments of the 4-argument overload of SaveAs should be switched. Encoding argument should logically be last.
353350 1. Drop the Clipboard value. It's used to copy a graph image to clipboard, but we have that with GraphicObjectGraph.Copy

2. Change Csv to CommaSeparatedText.

3. Change Text to TabSeparatedText

4. Change Pdf and Xml to PDF and XML respectively.

5. Change PSReport to PSR.

6. Change FileSaveAsEncoding should to FileEncoding.

7. Change the name of the enumeration to just FileType.

353410 When installing PB 10 (build 4021), no size of the installation

is displayed in the Add/Remove programs from the Control Panel.

353414 DW.NET: missing property to allow for canceling all or skipping current request.

SQLPreviewEventArgs class has no property corresponding to the return values allowed in PowerBuilder:

0 Continue processing

1 Stop processing

2 Skip this request and execute the next request

353426 Application contains a dw with 2 dddw columns. When you select a value in the first column, then click to the 2nd column and make a selection, the first column changes to display the data value instead of the display value. Problem occurs on the Device, not on the desktop.
353445 In the PD plugin within PB the user is allowed to open a Business Process Model. The model gets added to the workspace but nothing can be done with it. But the user cannot open the BPM diagram. You can right click on the objects in the model in the workspace and open the properties windows. But what is the use of this when the diagrams in the model cannot be opened? Only OOM's should be allowed to be opened in the PB PD plugin.
353446 None of the arguments to the PrintBegin, PrintEnd, or PagePrinting argument contain the correct values; they are always zero. Additionally, the Cancel option for PagePrinting doesn't work.
353450 Cancelling a retrieve or cancelling an Update in the BeginUpdate method throws a MethodFailureException and should not.

From looking at some other .NET class implementation, one option is to file a CommandCanceled event when the Retrieve is cancelled by any mechanism. That event can allow user to code what should happen when the retrieve is cancelled - if anything.

353453 A DataWindowNotCreatedException fires when you use the Create method on a DataStore and the DataStore does not already have a LibraryList property and a DataWindowObject assigned. Create is for dynamic datawindows, this should not be a requirement.

Datastore.Create method throws an exception if there is not already a DataWindowObject assigned.

353454 Datawindow with source using an Outer Join runs okay on the desktop, but you get an error running on the Pocket PC device "Table 'xxx' not found." Unclear as to whether the error is PPB or ASA CE.
353459 Performing a retrieve on an external datawindow clears whatever data is in it before throwing a MethodFailureException. There are two issues here:

a. the data should be left alone and not changed, since the method is doomed to failure and should not have this side-effect

b. the exception thrown should be System.InvalidOperationException

353462 In the Query painter (or datawindow painter) when you select multiple tables, PowerBuilder will give you a best guess join of those tables. According to the Help:

"If you have selected more than one table, PowerBuilder joins columns according to whether they have a key relationship: Columns with a primary/foreign key relationship are joined automatically. Columns with no key relationship are joined, if possible, based on common column names and types."

In 8.0.4 this seemed to be working as stated. But it appears to have regressed in 9.0.1. In this testcase there are 2 tables and there is a foreign key relationship consisting of 5 columns from one table to another. When selecting these 2 tables in PB 8.0.4, they are joined with a where clause that correctly reflects the foreign key relationship. But in 9.0.1 the where clause is a single column that is not part of the foreign key, but is another column that does have the same name and type in both tables. It appears that something has changed in 9.0.1.

353466 A DataWindow expecting a retrieval argument of double, when presented with a string type, causes a "DataWindow Error" messagebox to occur, followed by a MethodFailureException. We should NEVER display message boxes like this.
353551 Enhancement Request: PB support for a tab control should include Microsoft's Common Controls Tab control and should support TCS_BUTTONS, TCS_FLATBUTTONS (only when button style is used), TCS_HOTTRACK and other style bits which are currently not supported.
353560 Add the ability to dynamically re-dimension multi-dimensional dynamic arrays. VB allows this using their REDIM statement. There are times the arrays used are built at different times using different sizes with no idea of what the max size could be.
353669 ItemError can fire as a result of ImportFile/String/Clipboard, so this functionality has a valid place in the DataStore, even if there is no visual representation by which a column can lose focus and thus more directly cause an ItemError to occur.
353702 The SetPosition method from PowerBuilder is not implemented.
353705 The IMEModeChanged event doesn't work correctly in DW.NET.
353716 When you retrieve a DataWindow for which you have not set the Transaction object, an InvalidOperationException should be thrown. Instead we get a DbErrorException, whose text refers to SetTrans and SetTransObject - methods that don't exist in DataWindow .NET. For a nested datawindow, a system generated message box is displayed.
353717 When opening a sheet that has a windowstate = maximized, the sheet contains two sets of system control menus along with two sets of min, max and restore buttons.
353868 problem occurred Only on win98 in PB8.x & PB9.x (except 803.9704 , 900,5507 )
353871 Request to increase the performance of getting database connections with Powerbuilder

components in EAServer.

353881 When running an executable that was created with a pbr at

the application level, the filemon utility is showing that the exe is still searching

for the icons.

The icons are being added dynamically from a dropdown picture listbox using

addpicture. When the executable is running, you can see the icons in the dropdown.

353915 Retrieving data in a Oracle 8i server through a database link on another Oracle server (in this problem its 9i) using: SELECTBLOB , it returns a -1 in the SQLCode, no data, and no SQLErrText. If the database connected is 8i , then everything works.

The above turned out to be an Oracle issue, as discovered by the customer. However it leaves a question about UpdateBlob and binding as noted:

"I found the problem, and it's a bug in the Oracle 9i OCI layer (see attached metalink note). On 9i, OCI is reporting the size of long (and long raw) columns as if they were VARCHAR2(4000). So PB is sizing the host variable too small, which is why you end up with a Error 2 code. I was able to finally track it down because I wrote a Java Stored Procedure to transfer the data and it worked fine on 8i but generated ORA-01406 errors when run on 9i. Basically, any tool (including PB and Java) that sizes it's host variables based on what the OCI layer tells it the size of the data is will have this problem. Those tools that don't rely on that information don't have the problem.

The remaining question is how to get PB to do a 'describeless retrieval' for the SelectBlob statement. Apparently the staticbind setting doesn't seem to affect that statement.

Oracle's Bug Document : "

353921 When calling a stored procedure, receiving the

ora-01740 error:

Missing double quote in identifier

Problem happens when calling Oracle stored procedure using synonyms and with the O84 driver.

353922 The customer has an application that is GPFing in 9.0.1 on a save of a datawindow. It works OK in 8.0.4. They are doing some complex modifys on the datawindow and this seems to be a part of the problem. Also the problem is data sensitive, some data saves OK, but saving certain data in a field always GPFs.
353971 Allow JSP page to be deployed from PB to tomcat to use a custom component generator for Web Datawindow DTC on MTS/COM+.
353972 Unclear section about MTS integration for JSP targets.
353981 PowerBuilder 8.0.4 Build 10666

The function PrintGetPrinter crashes when there are a large number of printers with possibly long names are defined.

353985 Time for the database connect statement in a component increases considerably when connecting with a larger number of concurrent clients.
353990 When running the orcascr9 script to regenerate an object

in a pbl, the following error occurs:

Command syntax error at line 4. Found "w_test", expected "<word>"


354000 When a new pipeline between Excel ODBC and SQL Anywhere database is created in Infomaker/PowerBuilder, everything is OK. But when this new pipeline is saved and is closed and reopened and executed, all the fields are trimmed to the first 43 characters.
354029 When connected to ASE 12 via SYC, if you have a datawindow column that is smaller than the db column, you'll get this error info on a retrieve: SQLDBCode=2 and SQLErrText=<nothing>. These are the arguments passed into the DBError event of the datawindow. This is a request to include more information for this error in the SQLErrText argument.
354030 Problem in updating a datawindow based on a table having a trigger and if rowcount being returned from trigger is 0.This is a problem only with OLEDB driver but works fine with ODBC/MSS driver.
354033 System.Windows.Forms.Control has a Scale property, but the DataWindow itself is not scaled. Provide this functionality for the DataWindow so that it adhers to the .NET environment.
354098 SelectRow throws an InvalidRowNumberException when the row number is > number of rows in the datawindow buffer, IsSelected just returns false. IsSelected should also throw an InvalidRowNumberException when the row number is out of range (as it does now for row < 1)
354102 ScrollToRow returns the row to which the datawindow is scrolled if successful, not 1 as help suggests. The behavior has always been this way, so we should change the doc.
354104 When you set the ControlBox property on a DataWindowControl, the Close box with the X is disable. The Close option on the menu is enabled, but the menu doesn't close when you select it.
354113 The customer is claiming PB is generating incorrect XML syntax for a datawindow when a column value is null. The column is a char column and PB is generating <char><\char> when the value is null. The default behavior for ASA抯 "For XML" clause is to omit the <char> tag for a null value, and ASE抯 "SQLX" has a property (nullstyle omit), as do most other xml implementations. The customer would like to see PB follow this commnly adopted standard and omit the <char> tag on a null value, or provide a property so that it can be selected.
354120 When pressing a function key and closing a

parent window using the closewithreturn, causes the application to shut down immediately.

I was able to run the crash handler and not too much information was provided:

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

File Name: unknown

File Version: unknown

Fault address=00000003 Section:Offset=00:00000000









SS:ESP:0023:0012D5D0 EBP:00000003

DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:0038 GS:0000


Call stack:

Address Frame Param0 Param1 Param2 Param3 Function Name

00000003 0012D5CC 00000010 00000000 00000000 00000010 0000:00000000

00150458 00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000:00000000

354135 When you click on a column that is suppressed because of repeating values (or rather where that column would appear if visible), the ObjectUnderMouse indicates that the GOB is a column. When you click on an invisible column though, it does not. This seems inconsistent and ObjectUnderMouse should report only what is visible at the time.
354137 Customer is interested in better understanding the overhead PBODB.INI introduces when EAServer PB components access an ODBC connection.

Customer is searching for information on eliminating the overhead introduced by EAServer PB NVO componenets connecting to ODBC sources (ASA in particular) and the overhead that access to PBODB90.INI introduces.

Can we get information on the current mechanism and ways of reducing overhead?

The customer has not edited or removed any entries in the ini file.

Customer Resolution:

1) Eliminating the PBODB.INI file is not an option

2) The phrase "round trip every time" confuses me. Usually "round trip" refers to network communication between a client and a server. Both PBODBnn.DLL and PBODBnn.INI presumably reside on the same EAServer machine. There's no network communication involved to read the INI file, just some local file I/O.

3) ODBC connection caches the contents of the ODBC.INI file (that it needs) in memory. This reduces the number of file I/Os on the PBODBC.INI file from over 100 to less than 10, and cuts in half the amount of time needed to initiate an ODBC database connection.

We've also done a lot of work to cache the answers that require us to parse the INI file text. The first time a question is asked, we have to parse the INI file text in memory to obtain the answer. Subsequent requests require no file I/O and no parsing. The previous answer is cached for the duration of the database connection.

4) EAServer components should be using connection pooling. This will make the ODBC.INI file overhead negligible once the connections are established.

354145 There are several built-in .NET System.WIndows.Forms.Control properties that need to work in concert with DataWindow behavior that is generally through Modify statements.


BackColor should cause a Modify("DataWindow.Color")

Cursor should affect the DataWindow.Pointer

RightToLeft is tougher because there is no RightToLeft property on the entire datawindow only on individual elements, so it's not clear what setting RightToLeft for the control should do, but whatever it is we should document what we consider the defined behavior.

Note that each of these properties has a 'Changed' event which also fires, so if we do implement these, the Events should also work correctly - although I suspect that will be obtained with no further coding on our part.

354152 Calling Hide on a DataWindowConrol without a DataWindowObject assigned causes a DataWindowNotCreatedException; setting Visible property to FALSE works though as does Show.
354163 Instead of our own class we should use or extend the existing system class for this event AND we should provide the capability to Cancel the event.
354213 Missing Icon property on IDataWindow interface, so DataWindows with titlebars will not be able to display custom icons.
354222 SqlPreviewEventArgs should not extend System.CancelEventArgs - additionally, some of the enumerations need to be renamed to be more intuitive.

A couple of modifications needed:

1. SQLPreviewEventArgs should no longer extend System.CancelEventArgs, since the Cancel is built-in to a recently added Action property

2. Change SqlPreviewRequest to RequestingMethod, since it is really the DataWindow method itself, not anything really 'SQL'.

3. As a consequence of #2, change the enumeration name from SqlPreviewRequest to SqlPreviewMethod AND change the enum value Update to UpdateData

4. Change SqlPreviewType property name to SqlVerb (or SqlDmlVerb, but that might be too obtuse?). SqlVerb is much more clear as to what it indicates.

5. As a consequence of #4, change the enumeration name from SqlPreviewType to SqlVerb

354223 For consistency and accuracy in reflecting their value contents, a number of properties in some fo the EventArgs classes need to be renamed.

EndRetrieveEventArgs: change RowsRetrieved to RowCount. Rationale: the property contains the number of rows now in the datawindow, including previously retrieved rows if the append option in RetrieveStart was activated; therefore, it's not the number of rows truly retrieved, its the number of rows in the datawindow when the associated retrieve action completed.

RowFocusChangedEventArgs: change CurrentRowNumber to just RowNumber. Rationale: 'Current' is superfluous since there is no other row number argument in this class. Additionally, the name is also used in RowFocusChangingEventArgs and can lead to confusion and programming errors, especially since the value of 'CurrentRowNumber' in RowFocusChanged is really the same as 'NewRowNumber' in RowFocusChanging and not 'CurrentRowNumber' in RowFocusChanging, which is actually the previously selected row.

RowRetrievedEventArgs: change RowNumberBeingRetrieved to just RowNumber. Rationale: too wordy and not in line with other events. Additionally, it's actually the row that has just completed being retrieved not the one 'being retrieved' - which implies you could cancel the retrieve for the row whose number is stored by that property.

ScrollHorizontal/ScrollVerticalEventArgs: change ScrollPos to ScrollPosition. Rationale: no need to abbreviate here, spell it out as is the style everywhere else in DW.NET.

354226 EditChangedEventArgs and ItemEventArgs both have ColumnName properties but not ColumnNumber properties. Those should be included for easier access.
354227 When clicking on whitespace within a row, say between two columns, DW.NET reports a GraphicObject class on Row 0. There should be a GraphicObjectBackground class and the row number should reflect the correct row as it does in PB.
354325 The property sheet lists the name of an Ole-Blob column as 'ole' but in the source it's 'blob_1'. If you change it in the property sheet it changes it in the source, but the property sheet will still display ole when reopened.
354332 The customer upgraded his IBM ODBC client software to DB2 CLI version is V7.2 FP11 and is now experiencing problems in PB7 and PB8. A DB2 timeout is causing duplicate rows to be displayed in the datawindow. PB development will evaluate whether changes are required on the PB side.
354358 The customer has a need to call older PB 7 8 or 9 version ORCA functions from PB 10. So these external declarations need to explicitly use the ;ANSI keyword. But calls that pass string arrays are failing, (strings work). So it seems the automatic conversion to ANSI isn't working with string arrays.
354427 dw painter does not allow to enter a Timer Interval greater than 65,536 milliseconds. The documentation does not confirm a possible limitation.

workaround: Export, modify and re-import the dw object.

354448 Consider a DataWindow with a mix of SLEs and other controls (like RBs/etc). If the SLEs have "SIP-on-focus" enabled, as you TAB from control to control, the SIP will go DOWN even though you never told it to.

This does not happen with controls on a window, only for the DataWindow.

354449 Remove the old (and not needed on PocketPC) data save formats: SYLK (Multiplan) and WKS/WK1 (Lotus 123). This will save critical memory on the PDA.
354490 The customer is using the MSS JDBC Service 2 driver to connect to MSS 2000 database, and gets update errors: "Row Changed between Retrieve and Update". These errors are due to several datetime fields that retrieve incorrectly. In the database the datetime columns contain millisecond information. But when retrieved in the datawindow the millisecond portion of the datetime is zero. These zero millisecond values are used in the update where clause and thus don't match what is in the database, and the update fails.
354500 CreateInstance is causing the following error of:

Failed: Distributed Service Error:

E13 Could not create object of class

In the Jaguar.log is shows the following error: jagsrv: fatal: version 'SUNW_1.2' not found (required by


Problem appears to be that PB 8.0.4 and higher were built using version 6 of

the Sun C++ compiler on solaris 8. Even though easerver 4.2.2 is supported on solaris 2.6 and 2.8, the pbvm doesn't appear to work on solaris 2.6 machine.

RESOLUTION: Updated EAServer Release Bulletin on Solaris:

On Solaris, the EAServer binaries and libraries are provided in formats that are compatible with the Solaris C/C++ compiler version 4.x or 6.x. You can specify which version to use with the -compilerversion command-line argument. PowerBuilder support requires that you run the server binary that is compatible with version 6.x of the Solaris C/C++ compiler. For more information, see the EAServer System Administration Guide.

354520 DW return groups and sums incorrectly when using retrieval arguments.

Tested and reproduced with 9.0.1_7151 and 9.0.1_7161

354524 Enhancment DW.Net: The SelectRow method where you pass a 0 to select all rows, is not intuitive. Add a SelectAllRows(boolean) to essentially call SelectRow(0, boolean) under the covers.
354628 A long running select/stored procedure using to MS SQL Server 2000 returns "Select error:Index #0 Message: Timeout expired NativeError:0 Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server SQLState HYT00"
354636 In a script painter for any object, right click and select Activate AutoScript. PB either does nothing or crashes. It should bring up a selection of valid functions for that script. Works fine in build 5507, and regressed sometime after that.
354658 There are some features of the SYMBOL barcode scanner which PocketBuilder did not implement. Unfortunately, for us (the customer) to implement these functions, we need the "device handle" that is associated with the opened scanner instance.

Since this is not available, we have to implement *everything* using external function calls rather than the scanner object.

354678 Possible memory leak using PB Com component called by C++ application. Using PB 8.0.3 build 9704 the application used about 12k memory per iteration. Upon moving to PB 8.0.4 build 10624 (and later) the application uses an additional 2k per iteration, or about 14k of memory total per iteration. Customer is making thousands of iterations during their day and eventually with 8.0.4 the application fails. This did not occur using 8.0.3.
354685 When using setsort() and DESC to sort in descending order,

pb will sort in ascending order instead.

Works ok using D, or A or ASC.

354765 The MouseEnter/MouseLeave events fire in a DataWindowControl when you move the mouse over an the active EditControl within the DataWindow, this control should be considered part of the DW and not generate these messages.

The underlying implementation is a separate control; however, from the DW.NET developers perspective the DataWindowControl (including the Edit Control) is a single control, so these events should not be firing.

354844 The EditControl class needs a Text property to provided the current contents of the control.
354847 Customer has a datawindow with a check box style column with 3d effect. They uncheck the check box on a row. Then they modify the datawindow to not have the 3d effect for that column. Then if they go back to the same column and row, they had last unchecked, they are not able to check the check box. All other rows can be checked or unchecked, and once you give focus to any other column you can then check that column and row. It's only if you made a change to the a check box column on a row, then did the modify removing the 3d effect, and the first column and row you check is the same one you unchecked before the modify.
354937 Regression in PowerBuilder 9 datawindow editmasks.

When the tilde is used in a string editmask definition then data entered

may give a validation error or corrupted when tabbing out of the column.

355015 Datawindow displays garbage characters when run in executable on Windows XP platform. Customer reported problem for machine code executable, but pcode also displays the problem. Problem does not occur when application is run from the development environment.
355022 When importing a xml file into a datawindow that

has a datetime field, the following error will result:

Item '01/01/1950 00:00:00' does not pass validation test

Item validation error on IMPORT. Continue IMPORT?

355072 If cust continued debugging after clicking/hovering on previous entry in call stack,

PB will then crash. The problem cust is now facing is that if he clicked on a

previous entry form the call stack, and do some hovering. Then proceed to finish the

debugging process. PB will crash every time.

355131 PPB crashes while manipulating strings variables which are read from a datawindow computed expression.
355132 If you scroll down and work on some rows low down the list and then resize the mdi sheet showing the list of phrases to be translated, the mdi sheet scrolls back to the top. (Translate Extracted Phrases option).
355162 When connected to an Access database, and creating a table with a currency datatype, you can not enter the width and precsion for the column. You can with other databases. This comes into play when you pipe data to this table from another source. The decimals (cents) are lost because of the inablity to specify them in the painter.
355257 When deploying an application in PB 10, the libjlog.dll file needs to be deployed along with the pbvm100.dll, libjcc.dll and pbshr100.dll.

The pbvm100.dll has a dependency on libjcc.dll and pbshr100.dll. The libjcc.dll has a dependency on libjlog.dll.

The libjlog is the new logging facility in EAServer 5.0.

355265 Remove the dependency of the libjcc.dll for the pbvm100.dll and replace it with a dynamic link.

The libjcc.dll is required for EAServer applications. With the introduction of

EAServer 5.0, libjcc.dll now has a dependency on libjlog.dll. For applications that

are not using EAServer, its 2 extra files that are required for deployment.

In EAServer 5.1, the libjlog.dll will be replaced by libutils.dll. The dependency

to libjcc.dll will still be their.

355301 Enhancement: Customer would like to see distributed with each PB EBF release. If they wishe to update their EAServer PB VM and they do not have a PowerBuilder development environment on that machine, the upgrade process involves going to a PowerBuilder development machine, using the runtime packager to produce the deployment DLLs for that upgrade and then installing them manually on the EAServer machine. They would like a shipped with all PB EBFs to insall PB EBF upgrades on EAServer machines.
355415 To manipulate the ColumnCodeTable (for a column that supports it) we need to have a method (or property) that will retrieve the length of that code table
355416 GetColumnCodeTable generates NullReferenceException when index < 0; SetColumnCodeTable generated Breakpoint exception.
355421 Gets a wrong display with a column format like "1234500"
355477 You cannot assign a PSR to the DataObject property of a nested or composite report. You can assign a datawindow object. If the datawindow is not nested, then you can assign a psr as well.

The error you get a run time is "Error accessing external object property dataobject, incorrect syntax. But we know the syntax is correct because the same syntax works with a datawindow object.

355619 Failed importing .sru file into PBL
355649 This enhancement request is a result of the partial fix for CR 353459. When performing a retrieve on an external datawindow and it fails it throws a MethodFailureException. The exception thrown should be System.InvalidOperationException. The initial problem in CR 353459 has been fixed but the correct exception cannot be thrown as according to development DWE does not return a finely grained return code to tell much about why the retrieve did not succeed.

This CR is an enhancement request to PB so that the correct exception can be thrown and caught in DW.NET.

355665 GetColumnObjectByNumber should throw InvalidColumnNumberException not InvalidArgumentException when column number argument exceeds the number of columns in the datawindow.

GetColumnObjectByNumber method throws ArgumentException when column number > column count, but InvalidColumnNumberException when column number < 1. It should throw InvalidColumnNumberException in both cases.

355673 When resizing an OLE Control on a Window (MS WORD), the PB Menu becomes Unusable. Various problems occur when you Maximize and Restore a window.
355717 SetColumn doesn't apply to label, crosstab or composites, so just return without error or exception - the column will remain 0.
355727 MaxPages has the connotation of some external limit, the value is the number of pages in the print job, so just call it TotalPages or NumberOfPages.
355736 GetColumn should be renamed GetColumnNumber.

We have GetColumnName, GetObjectByName, GetColumnObjectByNumber, and GetColumn. The latter is ambiguous given the various ways we can identify a column, so change it to GetColumnNumber.

355737 GetSelectedRow should be renamed for consistency with similar methods in DW.NET.

We have FindRow, FindNextModifiedRow, and FindRequired (see CR 355738 advocating that be called FindNextRequiredColumn), and GetSelectedRow, so let's be consistent and call it FindNextSelectedRow.

355738 Changes to FindRequired to make it consistent with similar methods in DW.NET

1. FindRequired should be renamed FindNextRequiredColumn to make it similar to FindNextModifiedRow and FindRow

2. Reorder the arguments to RowNumber, ColumnNumber, Buffer, UpdateOnly to make it consistent with Get/SetItem methods. Note, ColumnName is removed and can be obtained by other means.

3. Remove test for System.NotSupportedException when crosstab or composite. The Find will fail as it will for other styles where there is not required column.

355739 Override FindRequired to return an ObjectAtPointer structure versus the row and column numbers as reference arguments. ObjectAtPointer should probably be renamed since it has more potential use than just the target of a mouse action.
355740 Create method should throw MethodFailureException not InvalidArgumentException when empty string.

The current implementation for Create is as follows:

if ( Syntax == null )

throw new ArgumentNullException ( "Syntax", "Create specified NULL for Syntax." );

if ( Syntax == String.Empty )

throw new InvalidArgumentException ( "Create", String.Empty, "Syntax" );

theDW = SF.Create ( Syntax, ref Error );

if( theDW != IntPtr.Zero )


SHR.SetLibraries(theDW, m_LibraryList);





throw new MethodFailureException ( "Create", Error );



we can eliminate the test for if ( Syntax == String.Empty ) altogether and just let SF.Create take care of it as it would for any other invalid syntax. This simplifies the TRY/CATCH scenarios the DW.NET developer must handle.

355784 SqlPreviewMethod.Reselect should be ReselectRow - this is because those enums have a direct correspondence with db-related methods in DW.NET.
355789 SetSqlUpdate checks for various error conditions at the wrong points resulting in misleading exceptions.
355792 Enhancement request related to CR 355791.

The Import methods should have some type of callback mechanism to allow the user to cancel or continue via their own constructs (in both a DataWindow and DataStore) and not just throw up a message box. It's better to restrict behavior for the 'new' product and introduce this capability later than struggle to maintain backward compatibility.

355841 GetChanges throws a MethodFailureException if there are no changes on the datawindow for which it is called. Having no changes is fine, the DataWindowState blob should just be 'empty' and no exceptions should be raised, even when calling SetChanges with this 'empty' blob.
355912 Height and lenght on column objects using border style 5 (lowered) have a smaller active area if compiled using New visual style controls and displayed on an XP machine with XP style display theme.
355940 Customer requests a PB9 fix as well 10.0. SaveAs(PDF!) returns 1 even when it fails because of an invalid file name. SaveAs(Text!) returns -1 when it fails due to an invalid file name.
355946 When using a literal string within a numeric format mask that includes a color attribute, the color is not intepreted and appears as literal text in the datawindow. For example: a mask of

[red]Dept: ### causes the words [red] to appear in the datawindow display.

[red]Name: @@@@ (a string format) works however.

This is a documentation issue though, because engineering is aware of the problems with using literals in numeric formats. Documentation should recommend that literals within numeric masks be escaped. For instance:

[red]\D\e\p\t\: ### works as we'd want it to.

355948 Enhancement Request: Add support for Firebird syntax to PBODBXX.INI file. More detailed information at
356020 PowerBuilder will crash in the menu painter when you try to delete a submenu item from a "large" inherited menu.

It seems as though the large inherited menu has hit some internal PowerBuilder limit, as a workaround you could delete some submenu items from the parent menu and regenerate the inherited menu and you are able to delete the sae submenu items without PB crashing.

Note: If you delete any items from the parent menu, you will run into CR 234995. As a result of CR 234995, you have to manually edit the source code on the inherited menu to delete the same menu items that you have deleted from the parent object before you can regenerate the inherited menu.

356028 When a child window opens within a MDI Frame and has the center property set to true, it will not appear to be centered.
356050 The new properties, Icon and Units, and the GraphCreatedEvent are defined on the DataWindowControl class. They should be defined on the IDataWindow interface which the class implements.
356051 SetText exception handling throws the same exception for very different types of failures.
356053 SetRowFocusIndicator uses pixels as the measurement for the location argument; however, this is not consistent with SetDetailHeight which uses the underlying DataWindow units type or the ScrollHorizontal and ScrollVertical events which return ScrollPosition in the units specified for the DataWindow.

SetRowFocusIndicator should likewise apply the Location argument in whatever units the underlying DataWindow utilizes. This may necessitate not using a Location type since that implies pixels and use instead an xoffset and yoffset argument.

356054 ScrollToRow should throw InvalidRowNumberException when the row number argument is < 1 (greater than RowCount is ok and can default to the last row).
356058 GetNextSelectedRow should throw InvalidRowNumberException.

For consistency with other DW.NET methods that accept a row number argument, the argument should be checked for < 0 and > rowcount and throw InvalidRowNumberException.

356072 ItemChangedAction and ItemErrorEventArgs have some similar return code actions, however, the naming conventions don't convey where there is overlap.

ItemChangedAction has:




ItemErrorAction has:





ItemErrorAction is the tricky one because the focus change and the appearance of the validation message coud be independent events. RejectWithNoMessage, implies no focus change in that case.

My recommendation is that ItemErrorAction RejectWithoutFocusChange just be a plain Reject, so that ItemChangedEvent args becomes a superset of ItemErrorEvent args, making documentation and usage more clear.

356076 This is a regression introduced around build 10616, and is probably a result of the fix to CR 342984. The datawindow has a computed field that is the concatenation of several text fields and as a result the height can change depending on how much text there is. This field is autosize height. Above the computed field are 2 lines, a blue line and a red line. The red line has the following expression for the y1 and y2 values:

rowheight() -4.

Thus at run time a blue line appears above each row of text and a red line appears below each row of text. This was working fine and would print preview and print correctly. (It should be noted that the original problem fixed in CR 342984 was evident here, that is after the print, the size of each row increased significantly in the print preview, but that was not a concern to this customer.)

Now after the fix for CR 342984, the print preview is still OK, but the red line is not visible when printed, and it's clear that the rowheight is much larger than it was when it was working correctly and is causing the redline to be too far down. Part of the fix for CR 342984 requires that any object that uses rowheight() in it's own height should start the y values at 0 in the painter. In this case nothing is using rowheight() to change the height of itself, but the red line is using rowheight() for it's y values. Unfortunately, the setting of the initial y values to 0 does not help the problem.

356104 Change FocusRect enum value to Rectangle in RowFocusIndicator enum - no need to abbreviate here and the word 'Focus' is redundant given the context of it being a RowFocusIndicator value to begin with.
356111 SetRowFocusIndicator throws InvalidArgumentException, should throw ArgumentNullException when provided bitmap argument is null.
356113 GetColumnObjectByNumber throws an InvalidCastException when the targeted column is an OLE-Blob Column, making such columns inaccessible programmatically (i.e, without ObjectUnderMouse property).

The root of the problem is that GraphicObjectTableBlob does not extend GraphicObjectColumn or perhaps a new class is needed for the object that represent the blob on the datawindow, which may be different from GraphicObjectTableBlob that references the underlying database table information. A GraphicObjectBlobColumn should extendGraphicObjectColumn and then perhaps include a GraphicObjectTableBlob as one of its own properties.

356116 OleActivate throws InvalidColumnException when the column name is a valid column, but just not an OLE column.

OleActivate throws the same exception, InvalidColumnException, if the column name/number is not valid OR if the column is not an OLE blob column (but the column name/number is valid). These need to be differentiated. The underlying problem is really that one DWE return code is used for both cases, so we should make additional tests in the C# layer with the result that:

1. a column number or name that does not exists throws InvalidColumnException

2. a column that exists but is not a BLOB causes InvalidOperationException

356123 The FileName property of GraphicObjectPicture should throw an exception when a valid file, but not a valid .bmp, .jpg, or .gif, is assigned to the property. Currently, it fails silently.
356148 Open any workspace under Perforce source control. Target objects will show DiffNotDone icon. (? above green dot). Actual status should be green dot. Many web target and jsp files will show same behavior.
356158 One of the refresh options for PBORCA_SccSetTarget()is "IMPORTONLY". This choice indicates that all of the necessary target objects already exists on the local project path. Therefore, no SCC connection is really needed.

Several of developers require the ability to rebuild projects without having to actually connect to the SCC provider.

This will be accomplished by exposing a new ORCA function, PBORCA_SccConnectOffline. In Orcascript it will be "scc connect offline". When you connect with PBORCA_SccConnectOffline, you must specify IMPORTONLY as a refresh option. Either OUTOFDATE or REFRESH_ALL may be specified. If OUTOFDATE is specified, no calls are made to the SCC provider. Instead, the object source residing in the PBL is compared with the object source on the local project path. If they are different, then the object source on the local project path is imported and compiled. EXCLUDE_CHECKOUT may also be specified. In offline mode, rather than calling the SCC provider to obtain checkout status, Orca relies on the accuracy of the workspace .PBC file instead. Therefore, the user must code PBORCA_SccGetConnectProperties in order to specify the "workspace.PBC" file that will be used. Objects marked as "checked out to the current user" in the PBC file will not be imported into the PBLs during SccRefreshTarget processing.

356193 Report causes PB and IM crash when scrolling. Seems this has to do with a nested datawindow and there combination of computed columns. If saving this datawindow as a report causes PB immediately to crash.
356194 Regression in PowerBuilder 8 Build 9838 and PB9 .

Null values in structures are no longer passed between EAServer components and clients.

356249 When you click on a nested report in a DataWindow, a GraphicObjectReport is returned only for the nested report associated with Row 1, all other nested instance report back as if you clicked the DataWindow background.

The ObjectUnderMouse property after clicking on a nested report in a datawindow reports that the object is the DataWindow background for all nested reports associated with detail rows after the first row.

356263 When an invalid category name is passed to GetCategoryNumber we should throw ArgumentException, not MethodFailureException.

This is another consistency issue. In GetCategoryNumber we throw MethodFailureException when the category name is invalid; however, in GetCategoryName we throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the category number is not valid. We should throw ArgumentException for GetCategoryNumber instead of MethodFailureException. This is a simple modification, but there are three overrides in which this should occur.

356266 An array of ANY variables is getting corrrupted. This is a regression, everything worked fine in build 6533, but started to crash in the latest PB builds. I've narrowed the problem down to an IF statement that contains a compound clause that seems to be causing the problem: IsNull( ClassName( aa_value ) ) where aa_value is the any argument passed into this function. The array is an instance array of anys in the object. Comment out the if statement ( or simply do the classname step separately) and the corruption does not happen.
356267 When accessing a column that exists, but is not displayed, both of these should throw InvalidOperationException.

In DW.NET, we are using the InvalidOperationException when a method is called on an object that is generally allowed, but not currently because of the state of that object. One example of that would be when using the GetObjectByName and GetColumnObjectByNumber methods applied to a column that exists but is NOT included in the DataWindow layout. Currently, we get two different exceptions:

GetObjectByName throws an ArgumentException

GetColumnObjectByNumber throws a InvalidColumnNumberException

both of these exceptions may be puzzling because they are also thrown when the column simply doesn't exist.

356269 The following stored procedures should be removed from

the "Installing PowerBuilder stored procedure in Adaptive Server Enterprise" section in Chapter 5 of the Connecting to your Database manual:





The reason is these stored procedures are not listed in the pbsyc.sql and don't get created.

356270 SetProperty does not handle erroneous property arguments, whereas Modify will throw an exception if a property is not valid. SetProperty should throw the same exception.
356271 Currently the IsOverlay property of a data point in a graph overrides the series value and always returns FALSE, even if the point is part of a series that is an overlay. It should simply report what the overlay value is for its parent series.
356272 Get/SetDataStyle need a way to determine if a data point is valid to provide better exception handling.

Per engineering, there is no way in the Get/SetDataStyle methods for a graph object in a datawindow, to determine if a given point number exists or does not exist. As a result of this, we cannot test for a valid point and throw an exception that indicates that. Instead, we have to charge forward and try to get the various properties for the point, like color, symbol style, etc. Each of those methods will fail so we will get a MethodFailureException as an overall result; however, for consistency in the DW.NET methods, we should be getting an ArgumentException for the illegal point value.

356273 SetPosition has been replaced by several methods SetBand, BringToFront, and SendToBack, so the method should no longer appear in the public interface
356412 The ItemEventArgs hierarchy is unnecessarily complex and includes a property that overides an ancestor property of the same name, but different enumerated types. This could cause confusion and error in polymorphic code.
356416 eriesStyle does not work correctly when setting the fill pattern, line style, or symbol style. I would suspect SetDataStyle has the same type of issues.

1. FillPattern constant values do not match with results. I suspect this is a bug introduced by the fix to CR 355411. In that fix, the constants values were changed to reflect the datawindow property for brush; however, those 'new' values must also be mapped internally to the other set of constants defined for the FillStyle enumeration type in PowerBuilder. We want to use the datawindow constants here because other objects like shapes will also make use of the FillStyle enumeration constant in .NET.

2. LineStyle doesn't seem affected at all when the property is changed. This may be a result of a 'fix' just like the one to FillPattern - that CR is 355413.

3. When changing SymbolStyle, you see the symbol flash to the desired style and then it gets immediately reset. This is 'new' behavior and there were no previous CRs like the above that should have affected it.

356433 GetSeriesStyle throws a NullReferenceException when applied to a graph that has only the default series.
356469 According to PowerBuilder Help, when the user clicks in a control (giving it focus) and then presses the f1 key the Help() event should fire. This includes windows, menues, and drag objects. But a top level menu item does not work, submenu items do work.

In the sample app, in the menu m_help, I have coded the Help event of the top level menu item 搈_help1� and the sub-menu item 搈_show_help_file�. It should display a help file in each case. When you run the sample and move the mouse over the 揌elp� menu item until it is selected and press f1, nothing happens. But when you click the Help menu and move the mouse over the submenu item 搒how_help_file� and press f1, the code in the Help() event fires and displays a help file.

356572 NotSupportedException should be thrown in DataWindowSyntaxFromSql methods when the DataWindowStyle argument is not one of the supported styles. Currently it defaults to Tabular.
356573 The name seems unnecessarily long, especially since it's a static method of the DataWindowSyntaxGenerator class so the context of the method is very clearly DataWindow-related already
356696 Problem with datawindow when showing prices. Float datatype in database and decimal in datawindow. Datawindow does not map decimal separator and comma correctly. for instance 16,00 appears as 1600.
356725 When calling certain functions of a webservice an exception is thrown: Unknown error, problem with SoapClient. Error appears when returnvalues are Object types.
356755 There is a bug in the code within GetSeriesStyle and SetSeriesStyle that causes the incorrect exception to be thrown.
356760 The customer has threads running as shared objects and is trying to post a dynamic call to the shared object and pass in by value an argument. This should work, but they are getting a runtime error indicating that you cannot pass a reference parameter to an asychronous/remote method call. This is true, you can't, but they are passing by value. However, the error seems to be connected with making a DYNAMIC method call, and not with how the parameter is passed.
356763 Using the new XP Visual Control style option upon deployment causes the right-most character of the field to be truncated. This does not occur if the field height and width is increased by a small amount.
356765 Need to support a byte datatype. Now that chars are double wide, they no longer map to byte data correctly in external DLL calls.
356793 A problem scrolling to the end of a datawindow in print preview, applying a filter and scrolling to the end again. PB crashes. The filter is applied with print preview turned off, then it is set again.
356898 When a stored procedure is returning a value that is over 4K,

the following error appears:

Error: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small

ORA-06512: at "TECHSUPP.XXXXXX", line 6

ORA-06512: at line 1

356914 You cannot migrate a PowerBuilder 9 application to PowerBuilder 10 using Orcascript, because the set liblist method expects a Unicode PBL header. The command will fail with the following error:

Orca error in 'setLibList'. Result Code -4.

Library 'orcascript.pbl' failed to open

An OpenLibrary() operation failed. It is possibly locked by another user or


356917 A computed field on a WebDW not showing the display format.

The display format is:


The field called "balance" is showing the Display Format ok. The column value is appearing in red but not the computed field called "compute_1". It still shows the

column value in black.

When viewing the datawindow in a browser, the following appears:

dwClient.gobs.compute_1 = new HTDW_ComputeGob('compute_1', 0, dwClient_compute_1_compute, DW_FormatNumber, "$#,##0.00;[RED]($#,##0.00)");

dwClient.cols[3].addDepend(new HTDW_DependCompute(dwClient.gobs.compute_1));

dwClient.gobs.balance = new HTDW_ColumnGob('balance',3, 0, 0, false, false, true, DW_FormatNumber, "$#,##0.00;[RED]($#,##0.00)", null, dwClient.cols[3]);

dwClient.cols[3].addDepend(new HTDW_DependColumn(dwClient.gobs.balance));

356933 Pbl file has a ReadOnly attribute. When user opens a project object from that pbl and tries to save it PB appears to hang up with a 100% CPU usage. When you try to open/save some other object type, e.g. window, it reports "Save of object failed" fairly quickly. The project object will eventually produce a longer error message, but I doubt that users will have waited long enough to see it.
356986 When moving a text field (which has escapement = 900) near the right hand side of a label the text will suddenly switch to two lines.


don't move the 90 degrees rotated text object over the label border or the page border. Add some line breakes (~r~n) before text you like to show at the left side of label border or the page border. The line brakes move the rotated text to the left.

357032 GPF when doing a dynamic function call with an any array passed as parameter
357042 EAS Component, implementing existing interface for CtsComponents::MessageListener. The generated code for this object is a errorous. (Missing closing brackets, strange generate "i" and end of "if" statements)
357069 SCC: The 'Undo Check Out ...' option is right next to the 'Check In ...'. This could potentially be a big problem! It is easy to accidentally select 'Undo Check Out ...' and lose all of your changes because both options dialogs look similar except the title. At the least there should be a confirmation dialog "Are you sure?" for 'Undo Check Out'.
357128 The DW has a computed field that calls a global function.

In this function the YIELD() function is called. If scrolling the datawindow after a retrieve a GPF is caused.

No workaround

357159 It seems that the fix for CR 352470 has caused a major regression for DW on XP causing the contents of the edit fields display garbage characters (little squares).

Solution: Duplicate of CR 355015 fixed with build 7196 of PB9

357195 For DW.NET there is a need to dynamically create composite reports. In PB customer uses a temporary PBL to save DW to and used that to create composite report. Request is to add Utility methods: LibraryCreate() LibraryImport() LibraryExport() ...
357210 Enhancement: Add parameter Buffer! for DW.Find() function (and dw.FindRow() function for DW.NET) for searching in Filter! and Delete! buffers. Now it works only for Primary! buffer.
357214 When creating the web service proxy using the

web service proxy wizard and you enter in the url of the wsdl, no services

will appear.

If you use XMLSpy (2004 version) and enter in the url of the wsdl, it will find

the two services (activate and download) ok.

However, when I used XMLSpy (2003 version) I received a schema error after I entered

in the url of the wsdl. Once I ran XML/validate on the file, I received the following error:

Schema error - undefined value for 'type' encountered.

The following was highlighted:


= name xtvdDocument

= type tms:xtvd

357221 Orcascr9.exe crashes when doing a Full Refresh to bootstrap the PFC application.
357223 GraphicObjectType returns enum value of 37720 instead of 'None'. Happening in builds from the GA branch (4501 and 4502), but not from the pb_diamond branch (40xx)
357297 It is required to provide condition in setfilter function to enable to datawindow

filter feature. It is reported that after apply simple arithmetic operation as setfilter,

the datawindow may fail to filter some expected row.

e.g. dw_1.setfilter("col1 = col2 + col3") where col1, col2, col3 are decimal(2)

357310 A String edit mask is being used. When an accepttext is done on that field the values entered are altered or deleted.

In previous versions of PB a mask containing special characters was marked by tilde character before the (preceeding) special character eg. ~S####~/####

will result in a display of: S1234/5678 - when doing an accepttext() now gives:

S234 /78 and in the buffer is: 234/78 whereas it should be 12345678

Solution: Dup of 357310 - solved in PB 9 build 7196

357332 When entering in an invalid month for a datawindow

editmask or window editmask control, PB will default to JAN.

For example, the editmask is DD-MMM-YYYY and if you enter in


PowerBuilder will default to 12-JAN.

357463 Filter out the syntax differences between PocketBuilder and PowerBuilder.

For example:

PocketBuilder -> PowerBuilder

"DataWindow Error: Line 14 Column 263: incorrect syntax".

Line 14 Column 263 is referring to the source line: "edit.siponfocus=yes".

This fix filters out the "SIPOnFocus" property in DataWindows when exporting to PB.

Similiarly, this fix filters out PowerBuilder 9 & 10 specific attributes when both importing the SRD and importing an entire Target.

357488 When creating a web datawindow using the DTC and

you select a pbl (either absolute or relative), after the web datawindow is created

and you select the web datawindow DTC properties you will see an invalid path

for the Datawindow library.

It will show:

D:\web examples\Target1\SourceD:/web examples/Target1/Source/testdtc.pbl

If you change any properties of the DTC after the web datawindow is created, the

PSDataWindowSourceClass will be updated with this invalid path.

357507 SelfLink arguments don't seem to be working. When trying to update from a JSP page, the selflink arguments are not getting passed and hence the update fails.

PER DEVELOPMENT: The customer's syntax in the JSP required a change. Specifics were dependent on the SQL for the datawindow source. In some cases it might not always work and instead a change might be required for the SQL. Solution is fairly involved and depends upon the specific implementation, but did not turn out to be a PowerBuilder change.

357549 Customer has been experiencing random crashes for a while. After trying several things he requested the crash handler hoping that these will give some clue as to the source of these crashes. These crashes all happen in the development environment and a good deal of the time in ntdll.dll.

Found the following when searching on google:

The customer has the same version of ntdll.dll (1217) loading on his machine so wondering if that could be a problem??

357551 Large memory usage using importstring to import a xml string

into a datastore.

Happens in PB 9.0.1 and PB 10.

string s = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><d_emp><d_emp_row><emp_id>102</emp_id><manager_id>501</manager_id><emp_fname>Fran</emp_fname><emp_lname>Whitney</emp_lname><dept_id>100</dept_id><street>49 East Washington Street</street><city>boston</city><state>MA</state></d_emp_row></d_emp>'

integer i


for i = 1 to Integer(em_iter.text)



357618 DataWindow error message "Nest arguments are incorrectly specified" appears if using array datatypes as retrieval arguments for a nested / composite datawindow.

no workaround

357625 DW attribute 'Values' for a dropdownlistbox column has changed
357638 Currently orcascript orcascr9 can only handle a librarylist of up to 128 pbl's.
357641 The behavior for ItemChangedAction.Reject and ItemChangedAction.RejectAndAllowFocusChange is reversed.
357655 Passing a 2 element array of strings by reference to a COM object DLL fails. Passing the same array by value works.
357691 When requesting a Web XML Datawindow where rows per page

is set to 0 for a freeform datawindow, easerver takes up an unusual amount of cpu

usage and memory to return the page in the browser.

Problem is noticeable using Generatexhtmlweb also. If you call up the same

datawindow just using generateweb(), the page returns quickly and cpu usage is not

thru the roof.

357693 Entering the subscript (small) character 2 using "Arial Unicode MS" font by pressing ALT-key, enter 8322, release ALT-key. Wrong character "e" with accent is displayed.

SOLUTION: Input characters by Alt + numeric keyboard is a problem with Windows and is not a PowerBuilder bug. Visual Studio 2003/2005 also have the same problem.

If you use Alt + xxxx to enter a unicode character, only three digit are available in most applications(except for Wordpad and Word). For example, when you enter 8322 on numeric keyboard, actually the Windows system only sends 322 to the application which should receive the character.

357812 When tabbing through the fields of a datawindow with 50% opacity, black rectangles are appearing in various places on the datawindow. This is happening if the form is overlapping another window/form with title bar lower than the datawindow fields.
357816 Enhancement: Need ability to specify a location for PBD files in project painter. Especially when dealing with large applications under source control, it is cumbersome to have to manually copy the PBD into the exe's folder after each build.
357848 A regression from 7.0 behavior. A frame window with an open response window is minimized to the taskbar. When clicking on the application on the taskbar it does not activate (The frame activate event does not fire). If it's just the frame window alone, it works fine and the frame activate fires when the taskbar application is clicked on. And it worked fine in 7.0 with the response window open.
357935 In PowerBuilder 9 Build 7196 the width of a computed field created dynamically in a grid datawindow is not determined by the grid width as in builds before it.
357990 Currency setting for the Thai regional settings not taking effect.
358033 Not able to pick a different printer when Adobe PDFWriter is the default printer.
358153 When using the mailsend() to send a mail message, the

return value is always mailreturnfailure!. When using the maillogoff to logoff

from the mail system, the return value is always mailreturnfailure!. The maillogon

works ok.

358166 When scrolling a datawindow using the down arrow key,

the application appears to be slower in PB 9.0.1 than in PB 6.5.1.

Used the profiler to examine the difference:

uo_screen_meter_column`dw_screen_meter_column.ue_keydown() - PB6.5.1=0.0086/PB9.0.1=0.0007

uo_screen_meter_column.ue_next() - PB 6.5.1=0.1039/PB 9.0.1=0.1371

358176 GetFolder PowerScript function should be linked to GetFileOpenName, GetFileSaveName, DirList, DirSelect, DirectoryExists etc.
358180 The customer has an application in PB 7.0 than they are migrating to PB9. The migration goes cleanly - there are no errors. But then in PB 9 they crash when trying to open in the painter, certain objects. These objects could be opened fine in 7.0.
358192 When you use prompt for retrieval criteria within the datawindow by checking on the Prompt check box on the column specification window, a dialogue will come up allowing you to specify a retrieval argument. The problem is if you have leading spaces in the database the record is not returned since the prompt for criteria behavior is to trim the leading spaces of the argument. This is a request to not trim leading spaces.
358307 make XP visual style controls available in design and preview mode
358314 A menu has several items and one of these items is not visible. There are several sub menu items under this invisible item. At run time a popup menu for the invisible menu item is displayed. It correctly displays the visible sub menu items. However, if you disable one of the menu sub items programatically, it is disabled, but it is not grayed out when displayed. It grays it out properly if the top item is visible. This is a regression in 9.0.1. It works properly in 8.0.4.
358349 Regression from 8.0.4. An editmask that has spin control and a '###%' mask behaves badly. First the spin control doesn't work. Instead of moving the value up or down by the increment of 1, it jumps to the max or the min value. Secondly you are unable to input digits into the editmask. The problem seems to be the %. If you remove it the editmask works as it should. This works fine in 8.0.4.
358351 When the same datawindow is printed -- one way from a composite report and the other way just using print.preview='yes', the right most column of the datawindow that is printed from a composite report gets cutted off.

The application has two datawindow controls. The top control sets print.preview='yes'

and then dw_1.print(). The botton dw control has the composite report. The report

is printed just by dw_1.print(). When you print both reports, the composite report printout shows that the rightmost column gets cut off wherewas the printout from the top

dw control, prints ok.

358436 Cannot change the property of a column in a nested for a specific row
358593 Problem displaying characters on XP when compiled with XP controls if the fontcharset property is set to eastereurope! and the OS is using Western europe native charset.

no workaround

358628 When the system colors of windows controls (3d controls) are changed, the toolbar of the RTE control still displays grey.

PB10 build 4506 works fine so a backpatch would be required.

358657 Application that has a data window. When run on XP and the theme is set to XP the fields act strange. It doesn't allow all characters to be entered.Under classic theme it works fine. Problem occurs only in the EXE when built with the "New Visual Controls" option selected. If you run from the IDE, the problem does not occur.
358658 When using PVCS Souce control, a window shows up out of sync if an OLE control is placed on the window. This occurs for all developers who do not have the OLE control DLLs installed in the same location (path) as the person who checked in these objects.
358794 XP Style - On Datawindow fields, the I-Beam pointer mouse cursor will not appear when the field has focus, unless some chars are typed into the field first. Happens when the size of the field vertically is 56 PBU (Arial 8font) and increasing to 64 problem does not happen. Problem occurs in the EXE, not when run from the IDE, when using "New Visual Style Controls".
358962 Application passes Null argument in Number Array of retrieval argument in datawindow, PowerBuilder crashes in development as well as when he runs EXE using build 10701. Worked okay with build 10501.
359052 In this build i tried to open the Code Examples workspace and one of the target in the workspace could not be opened and a migration dialogbox popped up with the message title "Targets - Not Opened" and in the dialogbox was a list which displayed the path of the target. One problem in this list is that if the path is long, I wouldnt be able to see the full path and there is no way for me to stretch the width of the dialogbox to see the full path.

Thus, i would like to request for a resizable dialogbox or any other solution to allow users to see the full path of the target which cannot be opened. This will aid them to pinpoint which target has a problem.

359105 Customer's application crashes randomly. He is using PB 8.0.4 Build 10691. He has sent output from Crash Handler since Sybase doesn't accept Dr. Watson logs. Application interacts with Application server which has been built with C++. Customer has not provided a test case.


This CR was reviewed and closed as part of the Quarterly CR Review process. It is "Not targeted for any future release".

359195 Weird behaviour passing autoinstantiated object by value
359199 Using a Microsoft Office Outlook View Control OLE control in a PB window cause "Save of OLE binary Information failed. Object must be resaved to preserve it".

No workaround

359244 When using the OrcaScr.exe with ClearCase and SccLogLevel

is set to 3, the following messagebox appears and processing appears to stop until you

hit ok in the messagebox:


Unable to access "m:\testscc.txt": No such file or directory.

359257 SetProperty requires single quotes around a property expression in the second argument; otherwise, a MethodFailureException is thrown. The quotation mark requirement should be dropped and the quotes added under the covers.

SetProperty causes a MethodFailureException if the property value expression is not enclosed in single quotes. For instance,

DataWindowControl1.SetProperty("t_1.color", "0~tRGB(255,0,0)") causes an exception, but

DataWindowControl1.SetProperty("t_1.color", "'0~tRGB(255,0,0)'") does not.

359402 EAServer 4.2.2 5.0 / PowerBuilder 9.01 / ASP

Passing an array or structure with an array between a PowerBuilder

component and the asp page gives an error in the asp page:

HTTP 500.100 - Internal Server Error - ASP error

Internet Information Services

Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01FB)

An exception occurred: 'obj.getstruct'

/CallComp.asp, line 10

359419 All of the exception classes except TransactionException have public constructors. These should be declared internal. TransactionException is also sealed - perhaps the others should be as well?
359423 DW.Net (and PB enhancement request CR 313008). DataWindowChild does not have methods GetFullState/SetFullState. Implementation of these in DW.NET is dependent on these being implemented for DataWindowChild.
359557 SaveDocument should contain an encoding parameter when saving as FileTypeText!. Currently the only resultant file is 8 bit ascii. Should be able to save as Unicode file.
359564 Windows XP: new visual controls: Don't get the FlatStyle property for command and picture buttons. When applied to a command button, it causes the command button to become transparent. The command button is expected to appear flat (but not transparent) until hovered over, at which point it would appear raised (but not transparent). Also, this should have been implemented for toolbars!
359643 After a migration from PB 8 to 9.0.1 + ebf, select statement on DataWindow passing null string array ( set to null with a SetNull statement ) that used to work in PB 8, crashes in PB 9.0.1. starting ebfs: 7171, 7196 and later.
359724 Windows XP: In an exe created with 'New Visual Style Controls' option in the project, the cursor is not visible in editable columns on a datawindow.
359827 Using messaging service (Message Service) to put calls into a queue and component is processing messages from queue.

Now the PBVM memory is growing constantly until it eats all resources and they have to bring EAS down every few hours.

359845 If you select "Suppress prompts to overwrite read-only files", PB seems to change the file property to writeable, and then still prompts with a message about overwriting the now writable copy. The customer is using Microsoft Visual SourceSafe.
359850 When passing in a string argument thats over

5,994 characters, the following error will appear in the log file:

(113365fc): CONNECT TO tra O90 ORACLE8/8I (8.X.4+):

(113365fc): DBPARM=UseContextObject='Yes',CacheName='Oracle817',StaticBind=0,PBCatalogOwner='tsdata',BindSPInput='Yes' (0 MilliSeconds)


(113365fc): Execute CHG_PERMANENCY_NARRATIVE ( :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10, :11, :12, :13, :14, :15, :16, :17, :18, :19, :20, :21, :22, :23, :24, :25, :26, :27, :28, :29, :30, :31)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:1 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:2 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:3 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:4 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:5 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:6 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:7 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=4000 ID=:8 *This is a Test ' jrorehwr"" ueoreuor : erueru ''' This is a Test ' jrorehwr"" ueoreuor : erueru ''' This is a Test ' jrorehwr"" ueoreuor : erueru ''' This is a Test ' jrorehwr"" ueoreuor : erueru ''' This is a Test ' jrorehwr"" ueoreuor : erueru ''' This is a Test ' jrorehwr"" ueoreuor : erueru ''' This is a Test '






(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:10 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:11 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:12 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:13 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:14 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:15 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:16 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:17 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:18 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:19 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:20 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:21 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:22 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:23 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:24 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:25 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:26 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:27 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:28 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:29 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=0 ID=:30 (NULL)

(113365fc): VCHAR Length=7 ID=:31 *EI08120* (10 MilliSeconds)




(113365fc): DESCRIBE SELECT: (0 MilliSeconds)

(113365fc): 1 Bind Columns

(113365fc): CHAR Length=45

(113365fc): EXECUTE: (2633 MilliSeconds)


Error 3113 (rc -1) : ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel

(113365fc): CANCEL: (0 MilliSeconds)

Customer is using the BindSPInput='Yes' dbparm. However, when I ran a test

and set the BindSPInput='No', the pbtrace.log showed the following error too:

ORA-24333: zero iteration count

359972 PB9 does not always handle relative paths that begin with ".\".

Also, the EntryInfo.lSourceSize returned for PBORCA_BINARY components is not sufficient for exporting the hexascii source.

For PB9 users, do not use relative path specification starting with ".\" to indicate "current working directory". Simply omit the ".\" and it will work OK.

In PB9, the best way to calculate the size of PBORCA_BINARY buffer needed is to call PBORCA_LibraryEntryInformation with otEntryType=PBORCA_BINARY. (EntryInfo.lObjectSize + 5000) will always be sufficient for PB9 PBORCA_BINARY objects. lObjectSize takes into account the fact that hexascii representation is 2X as many bytes as the actual binary object. lSourceSize does not. The 5000 fudge factor is for padding the last 4000 byte data record with binary zeros and taking into account the size of the limit records.

In PB10 and PocketBuilder 2.0, we return the same value in both lSourceSize and lObjectSize. This value represents the number of bytes needed to represent the hexascii representation of the binary object using UNICODE encoding. This size also includes the extra bytes needed to pad the final 4000 byte data record and includes bytes needed for the header and footer limit records.

360004 ORACLE DB interface: When an updateblob of a CLOB column is issued, a row is created in the db when no explict commit has been issued and Autocommit is false.
360014 The font size changes in a column when doing DataWindow processing in an external datawindow that is a nested report. Happens using the GetChild () method on the nested report. Caused by setting column to invisible via an expression.

When the dw are db source (not external) the effect is different, the data whifts to the right hand side.

360130 Missing constructor/destructor code for NVO in window after reserving into OOM
360192 child window is not shown up if you open it from a mdi frame window.

MDI window calls open(w_child) in open event but no child window is shown up.

workaround: use BringToTop=TRUE in the open event of the child window

360232 A computed field in a WebDW is calculated incorrectly and seems to miss the last row of grouped data that is involved in the calculation. The same DataWindow shows the correct value for the computed field in a DataWindowControl, but the incorrect value is seen in the Describe("DataWindow.Data.HTML") output which is the basis for the WebDW.

Doing a dw.groupcalc() prior to the Describe("DataWindow.Data.HTML") does cause the correct calculation to be in the html.

360248 Application migrated from PB 6.5.1 to PB 8.0.4 and getting

lots of access violation errors. The errors are happenning randomly. Using Windows

NT Terminal Server 4.1.9. Works ok on regular windows machine.

360345 If you want to delete the undo stack using eg. Undodepth=0 it does not work, it will be at least one item in the undo stack.

Workaround: Use interfacing with the he rte control via windows messages.

360352 The installer doesn't exit correctly if you cancel the install.

If you already have the product installed, you will get the warning from the installer that you need to un-install the previous version first. Great, but when you attempt to cancel the install, it only cancels that portion of the install. That is, if you cancel the install of DataWindow.Net, the installer will still proceed to try to install DataWindow Designer and the DataWindow Reference. And since those products are also already installed, you will get the error messages for those products as well. There should be an option to exit out of the install completely if an error occurs, not just that portion of a mulit-product install.

360466 PowerBuilder 8 and 9 DataWindow EditMask issue.

With an editmask containing a thousands separator, then deleting digits may make

the pointer move to the wrong position when also the thousands separator is deleted.

For example an edit mask '###,###,###,###.00' having the value '2.850.000,00'

If you put the pointer between the '8' and the '5' and press the delete (or backspace) button then

the '8' is deleted and the pointer moves behind the 5 instead of staying before it.

The behavior in PowerBuilder 8 and 9 may be slightly different.

360473 When generating a machine code exe on WinXP, its causing

PB to crash.

Works ok when generating a pcode exe. Customer provided a user dump file. It appears

the crash is happending in pbcmp90!initializeArguments

pbcmp90!initializeArguments+74 [cmgenrou.cpp @ 2032]

1094e4d4 8a448110 mov al,[ecx+eax*4+0x10]

Using windbg and using ln produced the following results:

> ln 1094e4d4

(1094e460) pbcmp90!initializeArguments+0x74 | (1094e590) pbcmp90!initializeLocalVariables

> ln 1094e590

(1094e590) pbcmp90!initializeLocalVariables | (1094e7f0) pbcmp90!generateLocalInitialValues

Exact matches:

pbcmp90!initializeLocalVariables (cm_generation_state*)

> ln 1094e7f0

(1094e7f0) pbcmp90!generateLocalInitialValues | (1094ee10) pbcmp90!generateLocalArrayInitialValues

Exact matches:

pbcmp90!generateLocalInitialValues (cm_generation_state*, char*, ob_data*)

> ln 1094ee10

(1094ee10) pbcmp90!generateLocalArrayInitialValues | (1094ef60) pbcmp90!generateInitializedLocalArray

Exact matches:

pbcmp90!generateLocalArrayInitialValues (cm_generation_state*, char*, ob_data*, ob_arraydef*)

> ln 1094ef60

(1094ef60) pbcmp90!generateInitializedLocalArray | (1094f130) pbcmp90!initializeTempLocalVariables

Exact matches:

pbcmp90!generateInitializedLocalArray (cm_generation_state*, char*, ob_data*, ob_arraydef*)

360488 When using importstring(ls_xml), no xml trace file is


When you use importstring(ls_xml) it produces a datawindow error. That appears to

be covered under cr348035. The reason for this cr is when no saveas type is specified,

the xml trace is not generated.

For example:

string ls_xml

integer ii_rc

dw_1.Modify("DataWindow.Import.XML.Trace = 'yes'")

dw_1.Modify("DataWindow.Import.XML.TraceFile = 'd:\xmltrace.log'")

ls_xml "some xml"

dw_1.importstring(ls_xml) // does not generate a xml trace and produces error

// covered under cr348035

dw_1.importstring(XML!,ls_xml) // works ok

RESOLUTION: When you want to generate a xml trace file with importstring, you must specify the import type. For example, use dw_1.importstring(XML!, ls_xml) instead of


360498 Cannot open a window migrated from 8.0, in the 9.0.1 painter, even though there were no error messages during migration. A Full Rebuild in 8.0.4 works fine and the window opens fine in 8.0.4.
360502 Dropdown in HTML DW doesn't get expanded to show all the information in DDDW. In normal dw if you set PercentWidth to 150, you can see all the contents of the Datawindow but this property doesn't seem to have effect in HTMLDW.
360578 Customer would like to see that from a RTE control, copy and paste would be possible for images and formatted text. Eg. to copy&paste to word and vice versa.
360656 When creating a window fuction with 16 arguments, when saving the window, an "Out of Memory" error occurs and then Pocket PowerBuilder disappears.
360657 An access violation occurs when an application is using

the LeadTools Common Dialog ocx and the previewenabled=true is set at runtime for

the ocx. The access violation happens when halt() is used to close the application.

The following access violation occurs:

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

File Name: E:\pb90\Shared\PowerBuilder\PBVM90.dll

File Version:

Fault address=10B1B736 Section:Offset=01:0001A736









SS:ESP:0023:0012EA98 EBP:0012EB18

DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:0038 GS:0000


Call stack:

Address Frame Param0 Param1 Param2 Param3 Function Name

10B1B736 0012EB18 01264124 00000001 01264124 0124FA0C PBROI_OLEIPSubClass+1AF6

10B2EC46 0012EB2C 00000001 00000000 01264124 00000000 PBROI_StreamsysGetName+12256

10B16579 0012EB40 01264124 00000000 0124FA0C 0134D530 PBROI_ControlRunHelp+3B9

10B1652C 0012EB54 01264124 10C03E8A 01264124 0134D530 PBROI_ControlRunHelp+36C

10B14095 0012EB5C 01264124 0134D530 10C02B59 0124FA0C PBROI_ControlDestroy+15

10C03E8A 0012EB68 0124FA0C 0134D530 10BE754B 0124FA0C FN_StaticTextNCPaint+157A

10C02B59 0012EB74 0124FA0C 0134D530 0124FA0C 0134D530 FN_StaticTextNCPaint+249

10BE754B 0012EB8C 0124FA0C 0134D530 0134D530 0124FA0C FN_FieldGetWN+9B

10BE3818 0012EBA0 0124FA0C 0134D530 0027062E 00000000 FN_CtlFree+18

10C45F8A 0012EBBC 01250434 0027062E 00000000 00000000 fn_txnservice_create_instance+2FDA

10C19609 0027062E 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 FN_WndProc+42F

360734 Enable Pocket PowerBuilder to fully support hebrew/Arabic language.

All properties/functions related to Arabic are only applicable to PB, not PocketPB.

360801 To access or check the retrieval arguments, you have to open

the datawindow painter and then put it in SQL Syntax mode.

You shouldn't have to go thru all those steps. It should be available as part of the

datawindow properties in the system tree.

360852 Avoid spaces between dw groups when scroll by row.
360980 StyleLowered does not appear to be working for window controls.

The problem also appears to be happenning on a datawindow when a column border

is set to Lowered.

RESOLUTION: To revert to the windows 2000 style in the IDE, from the Control Panel/Appearances and Themes, change to Windows Classics. To revert to windows 2000 style

for an application executable, uncheck the 'New Visual Style Controls' in the project painter.

361015 SelectTextAll() fails in header and footer portions of RTE document when fields are included, copy/paste to clipboard corrupts, and at times crashes application.
361065 Pocket PowerBuilder crashed using dw with global function and inheritance object
361081 SetPosition does not work for Label DataWindows.

When SetPostion is called on an object in a Label DataWindow, SetPositon returns 1, but no change is visually apparent in the DataWindow.

361155 Application migrated from PB 6.5.1 to PB 8.0.4 and getting

an access violation error. The access violation appears to be happenning in:


Using Windows NT Terminal Server 4.1.9. Works ok on regular windows machine.

361185 When DisplayOnly is set to True, the powerscript function

of Find() will return 0 on a RichText Control.

When DisplayOnly is set to False, than Find will return the number of characters found.

361218 In the MobiLink sync wizard, the "Override Registry Settings" should display the new "Current Object Build" value as 1 more than the current entry in the registry key:

HKCU/Software/Sybase/PowerBuilder/10.0/appname/MobiLink/Current Object Build

Instead it is setting the value to 1 more than PocketBuilder registry key.

HKCU/Software/Sybase/Pocket PowerBuilder/1.5u/appname/MobiLink/Current Object Build.

Just ignore the value displayed by the dialog. Set it yourself to 1 more than last time.

361224 Three problems in header and footer. 1) Header and footer displays text incorrectly (one word per line) on the first display. 2) The ruler bar is shifted to the right when showing header/footer. 3) The rte.clear() does not always work as expected, eg. clears the header even if the selected text is in the footer.
361302 Editmask control with mask ##0.00 shows a different behaviour in PB8.

This is similar to CR 336645 witch was only fixed for PB9 and PB10.

Editmasks of type #0.00 ##0.00 ###0.00

0.00 do not enter digits properly when selecting the fields.

In an editmaks "#0.00" entering 8 results into 80.00 instead of 8.00

possible workaround:

use ,##0.00 mask

361316 When using the EAServer Component Project wizard and

you specify a Web Service service name and leave the WebApplication blank, after

you complete the wizard the service name will appear in the WebApplication property and

the service name property is blank.

361424 PB 9 performance is much slower than PB 7
361578 It is not possible to invoke a PB Web Service method returning a structure that contains (eg. string) array fields/elements.
361684 GetFullState() ignores the DataWindow object property EditMask.UseFormat
361702 PB requires support for windows-1251 / 1250 in encoding declaration for XML templates.
361845 Consult: Customer's application crashes randomly during debugging. No test case or steps to reproduce have been provided. Only the output from the crash handler is available. Checking to see whether the crash handler provides enough information for the developers to help this customer.
361989 When creating a PVCS 7.5.1 project thru PB, the next time you

try to select the project, it doesn't show up in the IDE.

You create the project from the Add to Source Control, click on Create Project. The

next time you connect to PVCS and browse for that project it won't be there. Problem

appears to be machine specific. It appears that the registry entry is being deleted

once you disconnect from PVCS (by selecting (None) from the Source Control System).

361991 The RichTextEdit control does not support the following RTF 1.2 underline attributes:



362061 PasteRTF() fails to paste Greek, Turkish... characters.

The problem is that it refuses to set a greek/turkish default font for the RTE control.

The text stays at Times New Roman.

362192 When running the application, the dw fields that do not have focus are slightly shorter than the field that has focus, and the borders of the fields are slightly less defined than before. In the dw painter, all fields have the same height (56 PB units).

The problem can be worked around by increasing the height of the fields. Unfortunately this is not an option for this customer.

362244 When Empty String is Null is set to true for a

dddw column and that column is null, scrolling the dddw and then scrolling back

to the null value results in the following error:

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Item "Does not pass validation test."

The error doesn't go away once you hit ok. The validation error is in a loop.

The function definition for the column is:

function HTDW_ColumnGob(name, colNum, rowInDetail, region, bRequired, bNilIsNull, bFocusRect, formatFunc, getDisplayFormatFunc, getEditFormatFunc, column)

When you view the source of the html, the bNilIsNull should be set to true but shows

false whether Empty String Is Null is set to True or False.

webDW.gobs.manager_id = new HTDW_ColumnGob('manager_id',4, 0, 0, false, false, false, null, null, null, webDW.cols[4]);

If you set any other column to true, that column (bNilIsNull) will show up as true

in the html source.

362299 Add a language property to datawindow columns. This will enable programmers to define the language for each column, and the end users to will not have to change languages by the keyboard.
362363 Doing a search in the library painter results in a gpf when the search is done within a large pbl. A similar search in the System Tree works fine.
362420 When migrates PB6.5 application which contain some Traditional Chinese character to PB9.x, PB migration wizard reports error message which seems caused by those Chinese Character. It is identified that the character 0xA67E with the lower byte 0x7E ( tilde char "~") cause the problem
362432 SetMask |a|a|a|a for editmask ctrl doesn't work the same way in 9 as in 6.5
362452 After accessing several format expressions of computed columns

on a datawindow, when the process is repeated PB crash if you click on the format

expression when the icon is red.

The format expression should be green, but when repeatedly accessing the format expression, the icon will eventually be red. When it is, and you click on it, PB will crash.

The crash handler shows that the crash happened in the pbdev90.dll:

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

File Name: E:\pb90\Shared\PowerBuilder\PBDEV90.dll

File Version:

Fault address=00321AC0 Section:Offset=01:00040AC0









SS:ESP:0023:0012F914 EBP:0127A0E6

DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:0038 GS:0000


Call stack:

Address Frame Param0 Param1 Param2 Param3 Function Name

00321AC0 0012FA40 002EFBE9 0127A0E6 0129ADA8 00190576 pbdv_template_object_copy+2730

002EFBD5 0012FA58 0127A290 0129ADA8 0012FABC 012A9764 PB_CreatePropertyList+1735

003007EA 0012FA6C 00190576 00190576 00000111 002F3174 PB_CreatePropertyList+1234A

0030077E 0012FA7C 012A9768 00190576 00000111 00000000 PB_CreatePropertyList+122DE

002F3174 0012FAA8 0125C3A4 00000111 012A9768 00000000 PB_CreatePropertyList+4CD4

00338AFF 0012FAD0 00210672 00000111 00000000 00190576 CreatePBIBuildServices+88F

77E11EF0 00687900 E47BC228 8114A358 A03E7900 20080000 0001:00000EF0 C:\WINNT\system32\USER32.dll

362459 Using the XP style controls, for a grid datawindow. If the fields are defined to use Lowered borders, at runtime it looks like a double box around them. The borders show up, but faint gridlines also appear around them so the lines are doubled.


The customer got the right display effect for grid datawindow. A grid datawindow has grid line ,which displays around the field, especially when the fields are defined to use Lowered borders. As a result the right grid line is close to the right border line. The visual effect looks like a double box around the field and the borders show up.

Customers can set the fields to no border when using Grid data window.

362573 PB hangs or crashes when a Crosstab column has a global function for color attribute.
362578 Getting ORA- 00932 when trying to update stored proc driven DW. This only happens if the DW is dynamically created, and retrieved with normal select. If using the same datawindow as a static one everything works fine.

Workaround: use a static datawindow if possible.

362592 Enhancement Request. Add a Help... Option on the RMB for the System Tree, so that we can go directly from the system tree to documentation for the function/event.
362615 The customer has an application that uses datawindows with horizonal split scrolling. The datawindows also have code in the dw retrieverow event, which is known of course to slow down retrieve times. In 6.5 they had no problems with performance, but after migrating to 9.0.1, the datawindows are retrieving much more slowly than they were in 6.5.

It is related to the split scroll, because if you eliminate that, the retrieve times become fast again. And it is related to the retrieverow event, if you eliminate that code (and keep splitscroll), the retrieves are also fast again.

362623 When double clicking on a stored procedure in the Database painter, or attempting to create a new datawindow with a stored procedure source, PB crashes. ASA 8.0 database and stored procedure. You can call the stored procedure from PB ISQL and it works and returns a result set.
362643 The Customer is looking for a way to allow the User to undo an updated selection in a DDDW on an HTML Datawindow. Currently, if a Column has an Edit style of DDDW, and that column allows a null, there is no way to enter a null value from a DDDW.


If on the Original Retrieve, column X row Y has a Null Value. This Column is a type DDDW. The Original DDDW will have the values Selected from the List and an extra OPTION VALUE="".

When a Value is selected from the List, other than the NULL(Or empty string) and the Database is Updated the Extra OPTION VALUE="" is lo longer in the DDDW Select in the HTML

The Allow Updating Datawindow Property has no affect on the DDDW column in an HTML Datawindow.

362646 FileRead regression in 10.0. In PB 9, FileRead works. In PB 10 the first char in every line after the first is being ignored when the line terminator is just <cr> rather than <cr><nl>. But the new FileReadEx reads the same file right.
362688 When a web service include more overloaded functions(operation),pb can not genereate correct proxy,just create one function(operation) in proxy.

Workaround: use .Net engine

362714 Customer's old PB6.5 application contain a Wingding (Font) character to represent a "tick" mark. But this special character cause migration error in PB9.x.
362732 Calls to the API function FindFirstFile/FindNextFile don't work properly on the device. The third character of name is missing. 'ASA9 Demo.dsn' becomes 'AS9 Demo.dsn'. Works fine on desktop.
362744 According to the Online Help, Migration PB 9 -> PB 10 should automatically append EncodingANSI! to Blob() functions. The length of the blob is otherwise double the expected length. EncodingANSI! is not being appended.

Not clear whether this is a migration problem, or whether the Online Help needs additional clarification.

362836 Changing DataObject of a DW control that sits on a tabpage of a tab control crashes PB(gpf). The gpf is in PBUDO90.DLL.
362839 PBL Libraries from earlier PB versions (PB8 or9) when added to the lib list of a library in PB10 do not show their objects in the target system view.

When migrating a complete workspace they will show up.

362863 When a large application is registered to a project

in PVCS and then the application is migrated from PB 8.0.4 to PB 9.0.1, the application will show that its not registered in source control. It shows a plus sign next to the objects in PB 9.0.1 instead of the green dot. If the PB 9.0.1 app is opened and closed many (15) times, some of the objects will show a green dot and others will show a plus sign (as reported in subcase.)

If you use a smaller application like the template application, this problem doesn't happen. In PB 9.0.1, you will see a green dot next to all the objects.

RESOLUTION: If you open the library painter and click on a pbl within the target, you

will see a hour glass and "Initialization ..." in the title of the library painter. Once

the initialization process is complete, the application will show that its registered in PVCS. You must click on each pbl within the target and wait until the initialization process is completed.

362961 Printing a DW changes the number of rows/paper size in DW Print Preview.

This only seem to happen on a Printek driver. Seems not to happen with Postscript printers.

362982 A local datastore reference retrieves OK, then is passed readonly to an NVO function. After the call the datastore is reset and retrieved again with a different retrieval argument. But after the call to the NVO the datastore never retrieves any rows again.

Comment out the call that passes the ds reference readonly, and the ds retrieves successfully multiple times.

This is not a bug. Passing a ds reference by readonly is the same as passing by reference really. The reference itself is protected but it never changes and can still be used to access and change the datastore. In this case they were applying a filter that remains in the ds and filters out all the rows on subsequent retrieves...

362993 A large memory leak occurs when a blob is passed to a method as a readonly argument and then is passed to another method by value.
363074 PB 10: Migrating previous version PFC causes compiler warnings for some local external functions (unicode):

Information C0207: Append ALIAS FOR clause to external function '...' for back compatibility.

363101 A PB application displays some bitmaps that are both relatively addressed and absolutely addressed within the picture controls. Both bitmaps display when running in the ide. An exe is built in PB from a project and it includes a pbr that addresses the bitmaps relatively. The resulting exe and pbd run and again both bitmaps display when the exe runs. But if the same application is built using Orcascript with the same pbr file, only the absolutely addressed bitmap displays when the exe is run, the relatively addressed bitmap does not display. If you replace the pbd built with Orcascript with the one built from the PB Project, then it works. So it appears that somehow the relatively addressed bitmap is not getting included in the PBD when built with Orcascript.
363151 The DW graph property OverlapPercent behaves differently from all other properties.

It is resetted to default zero by the painter.

363169 Messagebox not displaying in the datechanged event of

the monthcalendar control when you use the mouse to click on different date. The datechange event does fire. The messagebox returns -1 when you use the mouse to

change the date on the monthcalendar control.

The messagebox does fire ok when you use the up,down,right and left arrow.

363218 A child window is opened on a frame. Then another child window is opened with the first child window as the parent. When the second child window is displayed on top of the first, the controls of the first window bleed through and are visible on the second. This does not happen if the first child is not the parent of the second.

A workaround: In the second child window open event put:

this.bringtotop = true

363275 Iterate Groups on Header Propertie has no effect if a DW with several groups using a template. Without using a template the it seems to work fine. This is similar to the closed CR 300898.

Workaround: Use datawindow without a saved template

363319 A datawindow saved to the Excel8! format, does not

save the data to the file. It does work if the Excel! format is used.

This particular datawindow is an external dw. But if you create one from scratch

it worked ok with Excel8!.

363378 Feature Request:

When incorporating error handling with datawindow errors there is a problem that the behavior of the dberror event

depends on the return value. However if you add a throw statement then the return statement will never be executed and

you cannot control the event processing.

You can create a runtimeerror object in the datawindows DBERROR event, populate this object with information about db errors, and throw it for error handling at a different place.

This may give better error handling across all our scripts instead of checking lots of return codes ( -1 ) in all kinds of scripts.

Except there is one problem: Using Return 1, the default error dialog should not appear: But with the THROW, return 1 is never processed, so the dialog appears anyway.

Other (datawindow) events have quite similar problems.


There is one existing solution to this problem but it is an obsolete one.

You can still use the SetActionCode to control the processing of the event.

363383 In the PB IDE, changing the windowtype of a window

changes the window size. For example, after you create a new window and you change

the windowtype from main to child!, you can see the height and width increase.

If you keep changing the windowtype, it will mostly increase. Changing from

child! to popup!.

363410 PB90, EAS4.2.x when EJBs throw an exception PB client application missing its message that's been placed in it.
363416 When clicking on the objects from a library search results,

pb will crash with an access violation. When you click on any of the objects from the search results, it will open the object. If you do that several times, it may crash PB.

From the user dump generated, the problem appears to be happenning in the:


ExceptionAddress: 1270568e (PBUDO90!CDS_Object::UnsubscribeVariables+0x0000008e)

ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)

363435 In the help topic "Converting strings to and from Unicode", the link "Encoding argument in FileOpen function" fails.
363554 GPF when using complicated wsdl file with document/literal encoding. When either trying to go through the project wizard and specifying the wsdl file, a GPF happens sometimes when finishing the webservice proxy project wizard, or when deploying the project.
363596 This is a regression starting around build 7196 (Build 7171 is OK, build 7196 and after are bad). When you do a number of datawindow modifys in succession, they get slower and slower and memory leaks to the point of running out on the machine. You can concatenate all the same modifys into one modify string and do one modify statement and there is no problem.

Fixed in PB 9.0.1 build 7270 and after.

363795 Request official release on EAS 5.0 Itanium PBVM for CR 350759
363813 A group nested report will show that its a 2 page report but

looking at the second page, it only shows the header and page number in the footer band.

The group nested report has groups in the header and detail.

RESOLUTION: The extra page will disappear if you decrease the detail area size. Move detail bar up, until it reach the bottom of nested DW. The page will show good by one page.

The dw and nested dw are set to autoheight, but the length of nested dw to bottom detail bar still needs to be calculated.

363939 A crash occurs when generating webservice proxies from a large wsdl file.

The crash is avoided when the generation is divided into smaller subsets of the service structures (around 30).

363973 When openwithparm is called on an already open window,

the activate event is not triggered. The only way to get focus back on the window

is to click on the icon on the task bar to activate the window.

The testcase will use openwithparm to open window1. Then by clicking on the cb

openwithparm is called again to open window2. Finally by clicking on the cb openwithparm is called to open window3. Window2 is closed. In the open event of window3, calls

a user event which calls the openwithparm on window1 again and closes window3. Window3

is closed but the activate event in window1 is not triggered.

364063 Datawindow.NET: When using a retrieval argument in a computed field expression within DataWindow Designer, the expression does not validate (with the message "Expression is not Valid"). It works fine in PB10, and a datawindow with this expression imported into DataWindow Designer also works. But if you attempt to enter such an expression while in DataWindow Designer, it fails.
364066 DataWindow Designer (w/DW.NET) consults old registry keys for some information, notably HKCU/Software/Sybase/DataWindowBuilder/10.0 for the InitPath entry (to allow you to use a DW.INI elsewhere than in the DW100.EXE directory). I also saw an attempted access for HKCU/Software/Riverton, which is really obsolete (but harmless).
364070 The customer has a simple group datawindow with three values. The dw displays the grouped data correctly. They want to export the dw to xml, and have it grouped in xml similarly as it is displayed in PB. But it always only gets one group value (the first value) and puts all rows into this group regardless of the group column value. I was able to create a similar grouped datawindow from the employee table and create an xml template that works and groups the data appropriately. But for some reason I can't get the customers template to work in the same way. Creating a new template and even a new datawindow still doesn't work for the customer's data.
364097 Using GetChanges and SetChanges to sync and update a datastore/datawindow. Initially the datastore and datawindow are empty. An insertrow is done on the datawindow and values for a new row are entered. On the update a Getchanges blob from the datawindow is applied to the datastore and the ds is updated to the database. Then resetupdate is done to the datastore and datawindow. But if you modify that existing row in the datawindow and update again, you get a -2 error on the setchanges to the datastore.
364105 In a datawindow, a numeric column has an editmask of ####/4. When entering a number with a leading 0 like 0123, after tabbing off it displays 1234 . Basically it removes the leading zero and puts a 4 in last digit.

Fixed in PB 9.0.1 build 7265 and after.

364137 RelativeTime Function doesn抰 work
364144 Cannot change Paper Orientation in Print dialog box when printing DW in PB 9.0.1
364145 I tested entering numbers on a numeric editmask field in a smartphone test application. Tried to hit the "Back" button on the smartphone emulator but it cannot delete the numbers i entered.

There is no problem deleting a number or a character on a single-line edit field using the emulator's "Back" button. There is also no problem deleting a character on an editmask field.

364146 Tried entering a 0 as the 1st value on a numeric editmask field on a smartphone 2003 SE emulator but it keeps backspacing the 0. Thus, the 0 cannot be inputted. There is no problem entering a 0 in the middle of other numbers.

eg. if i want to enter a phone number on a numeric editmask field:

-> 0651112345 will turn out as 651112345, the leading 0 is backspaced automatically.

364186 Powerbuilder crashing when receiving safearrays from a C++ COM server. The COM Server is a C++ program created in VisualStudio .NET 2003.
364316 wrong increase number with spin on an editmask with %
364529 mask "mmm" does not work on an editmask control
364636 MOUSE WHEEL scroll behavior on DataWindow is different than UP/DOWN arrows on VScroll bar
364673 The ShadeColor property of a DW 3D line graph does not get saved with the value
364674 ShadeColor property not disabled for DW 2DColumn graph.
364686 A problem with a dw column format of #,##0.00 ;#,##0.00-. You get a "Bad character in format" error when using regional settings of English (United States) locale. But with English (Canada) locale, all is well and data displays as expected.
364689 PB 7.0.3 crashes (possible memory leak). Need help investigating these crashes which causes application to hang, affecting ~ 300 users about 60-70 times a day. PBDEBUG and DUMP files are provided. A straight client-server application running on 12 servers, accessed by 300 users using Citrix is crashing 60-70 times a day in PBVM70.DLL, mostly during peak-time use. The process seems to be within a string parsing loop of an auto-instantiated object when this happens. PBDEBUG shows garbage.
364701 The filewrite powerscript function has performance issues on W2K and XP with many iterations. The performance issue does not exists on W98.
364794 Mail-merge doesn't work properly if calling with OLE using PB8.
364831 Crosstab datawindow. Using the Crosstabdialog() function at runtime results in PB changing header column names. The problem is that if you have dot notation script refering to header column names, it no longer works after the Crosstabdialog() call.
364862 One of the largest issues may be that I'm still on SmartPhone 2002, and the readme only refers to SmartPhone 2003. In any event, what I've seen so far:

1. Attempted to use ActiveSync to install the runtime on the device (throught the Add/Remove programs option). It copies over the CAB fine, but then can't install it. Apparently the CAB gets installed in the phone's main memory and then there isn't enough room left to decompress it.

2. Copied the SP_PocketBuilder.SPARM.CAB file over to a storage card on the phone manually and then decompressed it. It appeared to work fine. However, only the APPLIST file ended up in the Program Files\Sybase\PocketBuilder directory. I have no idea where, if anywhere, the DLLs got deployed to.

3. Attempted to compile the app and deploy it to the device. No matter what I put in for the program location, PocketBuilder couldn't seem to figure out where it was supposed to deploy it to.

4. Copied the compiled application over to the device manually, placing it in the same directory as the APPLIST file. Attempted to run it and was told that the application couldn't find the PKVM20.DLL file.

5. Copied the files from the \Program Files\Sybase\PocketBuilder 2.0\WinCE\sparm directory on the desktop into the same folder as the APPLIST file on the device. Attempted to run the deployed application again, and was told that the PKVM20.DLL file is not a valid DLL file.

364863 Having the following issues with SmartPhone 2003:

1. I cannot deploy PocketBuilder to the SmartPhone using ActiveSync.

2. I cannot deploy PocketBuilder to the SmartPhone using the CAB file.

3. When the application is run on the SmartPhone, the load time seems extremely long.

4. The application does not appear to have a title, even though the window has. Instead, it still shows the title from the File Explorer (which I used to launch it).

5. The deployed application didn't pick up the application icon I used (though I've still got to try a few other formats).

6. I'm dynamically modifying the text on the menu items I'm using for the option buttons, but the text isn't updating. Is there a way to force the application to refresh the text on the option buttons?

364865 Autosize height column in detail band of dw will print blank page.

Using the FieldSoftware printer driver, if the datawindow has an autosize height column in the detail band, a blank page is printed. If the column is NOT autosize then the datawindow prints OK, but we've lost the autosize functionality.

364937 Enhancement request to implement printDialog() in DataWindow.NET to bring up the printer dialog at runtime.
364952 GetFileOpenName PowerScript function doesn't seem to be working properly in PB9.x or PB 10.

Sample uses the script found in the PB help and works as expected if more than one file is selected, but appends an extra filename as part of the path as shown below if only one file is selected. The result is displayed in an mle.

The code snippet from PB Help that is used is:

string docpath, docname[]

integer i, li_cnt, li_rtn, li_filenum

li_rtn = GetFileOpenName("Select File", &

docpath, docname[], "DOC", &

+ "Text Files (*.TXT),*.TXT," &

+ "Doc Files (*.DOC),*.DOC," &

+ "All Files (*.*), *.*", &

"C:\Program Files\Sybase", 18)

IF li_rtn < 1 THEN return

li_cnt = Upperbound(docname)

for i=1 to li_cnt

mle_selected.text += string(docpath)+"\"+(string(docname[i]))+"~r~n"


If I select one file named readme.txt located under C:\Program Files\Sybase , the mle shows :

C:\Program Files\Sybase\readme.txt\readme.txt

The docpath is returned as C:\Program Files\Sybase\readme.txt when it should be just C:\Program Files\Sybase

Butif more than one file is chosen, this doesn't occur. The docpath is correct and the mle shows something similar to this:

C:\Program Files\Sybase\readme.txt

C:\Program Files\Sybase\PB10install.txt

C:\Program Files\Sybase\DWNET10readme.txt

The docpath is returned as : C:\Program Files\Sybase

364976 Regression/Change in behavior of a spincontrol editmask using a Stringmask! and a code table. In this case the code table has three letter month abbreviations with corresponding values and initially opens with AUG. In PB 7/8 if you clicked the up arrow you would see JUL but in PB 9/10 it jumps to JAN.

Using a NumericMask! the behavior is the same in all versions tested.

365018 By observation and testing, it is found that PB9 datawindow sort

has different behaviour on DBCS OS and non-DBCS OS.

DBCS sort by case sensistive.

non-DBCS sort by case insensistive.

365035 If you try to pass more than 1999 characters in a string parameter to Oracle you receive the following error message: ORA-02005 implicit (-1) length not valid for this bind or define datatype. The error message is only displayed if the parameter length is greater than 1999 characters.
365073 Enhancement request: Add an option in datawindow SaveAs method to exclude non-visible columns. Currently output is the data in the datawindow's buffer, including non-visible columns.
365087 PKB 2 Beta: Select and hold a value in a DDDW. The DDDW will scroll uncontrollably on a Pocket PC device.
365136 Refer CR365018, dw sort will change back to case insensistive even in DBCS OS.

Thus this CR Request to enhance the datawindow sort syntax with a case sensistive switch:


no matter on DBCS or not it is default to case insensistive

e.g. integer dwcontrol.SetSort ( string format [, boolean case-sensistive])


- false (default ), sort by case insensistive logic

- true , sort by case sensistive.

365150 Data corruption of datetime variables can occur when testing for IsNull on functions with

any type arguments containing a datetime, i.e: IsNull(function(any_datetime))

This corruption could also lead to a later crash.

To test for Null values convert the any variable or the function return value first

to a regular datetime variable or test IsNull directly on the any variable, i.e. IsNull(any_datetime)

365151 Nested reports - not showing first page correctly when a report has many datas
365265 The primary key in the DataWindow Update Properties dialog box fails to identify the right primary key when you created an index in the db painter before the pk. It will choose the index instead of the pk.
365338 The customer has a datawindow with a computed field expression that has worked in PB versions 5.0 and 7.0. Recently they migrated to 9.0 and now this expression is causing crashes. The expression is:

if ( sum (unit_price) = 0.00 ,string ('0.00',"0.00" ) , if ( sum (unit_price) < 0 ,string (sum (unit_price) , "###,###,###,##0.00"),string (sum (unit_price) , "###,###,###,##0.00")))

This computed field is able to be verified in the computed field dialogue box but when you open the window that has a datawindow with this dataobject associated with it in the Window painter, you will gpf when clicking on the datawindow control. The customer has a workaround to this issue (remove the quotes around the first 0.00 in the first string function):

if ( sum (unit_price) = 0.00 ,string (0.00,"0.00" ) , if ( sum (unit_price) < 0 ,string (sum (unit_price) , "###,###,###,##0.00"),string (sum (unit_price) , "###,###,###,##0.00")))

365350 The customer has an app that ran in 6.5 with no problems. Now that they have migrated to 9.0.1 they have a problem with their code that changes the tab order at runtime in the rowfocuschanged event; it's now leaving a column editable that should not be. If I remove the code from the rowfocuschanged event such as doing it in an event posted from the rowfocuschanged event, then it works OK.

Fixed in PB 9.0.1 build 7270 and after.

365461 When connected to jdbc and retrieve as needed option is set to retrieve to a datawindow and an embedded select statement is in the rowfocuschanged eventt, once you use the scrollbar to view all the data, the following error will display:

Select error: internal error: no result set

In the jdbc log, the following error displays:

Java PbjdbcCommand::GetRowSet No ResultSet

365519 PB doubles the size for nchar / nvarchar column when creating DW from ASE (SYC)
365527 Scripts have to be compiled twice sometimes because on first wrong compile error. Happens after debugging, when a watch in the debugger with a certain name (a keyword) has been used and the user returns to the script.

Errormessage claims a variable is not defined - the referenced variable is a word of a comment in the script. compile error C0015: Undefined variable: or sometimes you get a c0165: Misused type:

365584 When using the FieldSoftware PrinterCE SDK for printing a datawindow from a mobile device, columns in the datawindow always have a border (line) even if the column is set to NOT have a border. This problem is not reproducable in the Desktop environment.
365587 Customer is attempting to call a QueryByExample method of a off-the-shelf web service exposed by Siebel. The method accepts a structure of multiple fields an interprets the values of the fields as crtieria in a WHERE clause used to query a back end database. The fields of the structure are described in WSDL with the following XML (this is three of dozens):

<xsd:element name="MetFACSBrokerageId" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="xsd:string"></xsd:element>

<xsd:element name="MetFACSCustNo" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="xsd:string"></xsd:element>

<xsd:element name="MetFACSProspectNo" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="xsd:string"></xsd:element>

The issue is that when PowerBuilder sends the SOAP request message, it sends ALL fields of this structure within the message, even if that field is NULL or an empty string. When the web service receives the message it builds a WHERE clause with all of the fields, and so the desired elemnt in the DB is never located.

Since there is a minOccurs=0 clause on these fields, we feel that PowerBuilder should not send the fields in the SOAP message if the value of the structure field in PowerBuilder is NULL. The same might be said if the value of the field is an empty string; however, that is subject to interpretation.

RESOLUTION: Set the structure fields to null will cause the nill=true attribute to be set and then web service worked ok.

365606 DataWindow Designer: Provide Edit Source option from context menu in System Tree.

DataWindow Designer doesn't allow you to do an Edit Source directly, we should enable this option for convenience.

365682 QueryClear crashes on shared datawindow.

A datawindow is shared and set in querymode.

After a retrieve of the datawindow a crash occurs when setting DataWindow.QueryClear = "yes".

Work-around is to call sharedataoff() before the QueryClear and re-establish the sharedata afterwards.

365690 When trying to place an SLE or static text on a window where the font is set to Tahoma size 12, the font gets set to -16 and the control height is set very small.
365810 When using the IN9 driver to connect to a informix 7 server

and you try to expand a table in the db painter, the following error will result:

SQL Error -217: Column(extended_id) not found in any table in the query

(or SLV is undefined).

365917 When calling a stored procedure from pb 10, the following

error message will appear:

Location Services Error - Procedure

ORA-06550: line1, column 15:

PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'NEWPART'

ORA-06550: line1, column 15:

PL/SQL: Statement ignored

365923 A problem with a datawindow that has columns of radio buttons or checkboxes, and if you change the color of these columns at runtime. Once you change the color if the focus is on the column changed, you are unable to click and change the radio button or check the checkbox. If you click on some other column and then come back it works OK. From then on it works OK, until you change the color again.

Verified fixed in PB 9.0.1 build 7284.

365926 When compiling a machine code exe in the application

project, a codegen compilation error results. From the log file, the following

is listed:

CGEN: Compiling 'C:\WINNT\TEMP\a_cdap_repl.c'

CGEN: Compiling 'C:\WINNT\TEMP\cgi3h2uv.c'

CGEN: Compiling 'C:\WINNT\TEMP\cgi3h2uu.c'

C:\WINNT\TEMP\cgi3h2uu.c(935) function argument(s) do not match those in prototype

C:\WINNT\TEMP\cgi3h2uu.c(935) 'OB_OBJECT * stdcall ob_copy_rtinst( ob_this *, OB_OBJECT * )' defined in: C:\pb80\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\DN32T.h(44) (col 44)

C:\WINNT\TEMP\cgi3h2uu.c(935) cannot convert argument 2 defined in: C:\WINNT\TEMP\cgi3h2uu.c(935) (col 103)

C:\WINNT\TEMP\cgi3h2uu.c(935) source conversion type is "tag_OB_NARRAY * (lvalue)"

C:\WINNT\TEMP\cgi3h2uu.c(935) target conversion type is "OB_OBJECT *"

RESOLUTION: Applying fix of CR273803 to PB80 will require all the current PB80 applications to do a full rebuild to work correctly. That means all the application must do migration. That's why we haven't applied the fix to PB80. The fix is in PB 90.

365941 When connected to the in9 driver in the db painter,

pb will crash when you select edit data -> tabular or freeform for a stored procedure

that has 13 or more arguments.

365950 When creating a datawindow using a Informix 9 stored procedure

and that sp has 13 or more arguments, pb will crash as soon as you select that

sp in the datawindow wizard.

365952 When connecting to a informix7 server using the native

driver, pb will crash when you try to paste the Declare Procedure syntax into

any pb object.

366045 Wrong datas entered in HTML Generator when decimal separator is comma.
366069 korean character is broken whose type is char array at calling external function on DLL in PB10
366093 Regression with popmenu opening at the wrong position.

When in the open event of a mdi sheet a popup window is opened and closed,

then a subsequent popup menu may open at the wrong position.

After minimizing and restoring the frame window, the popup menu appears at the right position.

The problem is reproducible in PowerBuilder 9 Build 7096 and later, and also in PowerBuilder 8 and 10.

366257 The customer is importing a .srw file into an application. The window being imported has continuation characters (&) in a couple of messagebox statements. One of them is imported fine, but one has an extra blank line inserted after the continuation character. This causes a compile problem.
366345 PowerBuilder 9 and 10 cannot parse WSDL files containing user-derived simpleTypes.
366434 When the PBMaxBlobSize is set to a high value, the selectblob does not work and the sqlcode and sqlerrtext don't indicate the problem.

When the PBMaxBlobSize is set high value, the pbtrace.log shows the following:

(12a5ff4): BLOB READ: COLUMN=store_data1 TABLE=store_data1 CLAUSE= from store_data1 WHERE store_key ='APDF111122223333' AND segment =0 (90 MilliSeconds)

(12a5ff4): GET AFFECTED ROWS: (0 MilliSeconds)

(12a5ff4): ^ 0 Rows Affected

When its set to 32767, the log file shows the correct results:

(1300220): BLOB READ: COLUMN=store_data1 TABLE=store_data1 CLAUSE= from store_data1 WHERE store_key ='APDF111122223333' AND segment =0 (10 MilliSeconds) LENGTH=346

(1300220): GET AFFECTED ROWS: (0 MilliSeconds)

(1300220): ^ 1 Rows Affected

Customer setting the PBMaxBlobSize to PBMaxBlobSize='2147483647' in the pbodb100.ini.

Works ok in PB 9.0.1 (build 7560).

366470 Cannot use AdoTransaction with an IBM.Data.Informix.IfxConnection only with System.Data.OleDb, but IfxConnection implements the IDbConnection interface.
366487 Applying changes to deploy projects in a PB target properties does not work on XP

Workaround: run right project manualy from project painter

366517 Need to implement the Righ to Left property in the rich text control.
366619 Some PowerBuilder Wizards can not treat UNC (Universal Naming Convention) properly.
366638 External function call not working after migration to PB 10.

External function declaration in PB 9.x before migration:

FUNCTION int GetNames(ref string names[]) LIBRARY "TEST.DLL"

External function declaration in PB 10 after migration:

FUNCTION int GetNames(ref string names[]) LIBRARY "TEST.DLL" alias for "GetNames;Ansi"

UpperBound is returning invalid values and data returned is also corrupted.

366686 If a resultset includes a bit datatype column (say the resultset was created in a java component, and the resultset is passed to PB), the datastore CreateFrom function to create a datastore from the resultset fails. PB should not fail, and instead create a number type column in the datawindow for the bit column. This is what happens if you create a datawindow in the painter that includes a bit column.
366694 If datawindow column has Text Color set to 'Window Text' and Background Color set to 'Highlight Text', running on XP using the Silver color scheme on the desktop, the fields display black on black. NOTE: Not clear that this is a bug. This should be checked for in deployment testing. It is always possible to set up colors so that fields do not display as expected upon deployment.


This CR was reviewed and closed as part of the Quarterly CR Review process. It is "Not targeted for any future release".

366707 A datawindow with a large XML template is crashing if you make almost any change to the datawindow and then save.
366729 Powerbuilder tries to load the UxTheme.dll, this is an WinXP themes DLL, whenever a datawindow object is loaded into memory. This happens even on a Win2K machine where there is no UxTheme.dll. The customer is experiencing a significant slowdown because of this, as PB seaches for the dll many times, and when it does not exist each search takes in the range of .8 to 1.2 seconds. They used a tool call BlackBox which showed that there is considerable delays because of constant lookups for this dll. The problem becomes acute if one has a Network drive in the system path.
366782 If you select a column and choose the Edit Style Type Checkbox it does not appear immediately, it is necessary to close and reopen the DataWindow again for instance.
366926 sign assemblies for datawindow.dll and datawindowinterop.dll

Wants to develop a big secured application with Datawindow .net product.

According to the .NET technology, it is possible to create signed assemblies (

Customer has noticed that, unlike pbdata100.dll which is signed and has a section .publickey, datawindow.dll and datawindowinterop.dll are not signed.

366950 Data type 'float' generates weid behaviour in DW HTML with comma as Decimal separator
366976 Customer has a C++ application, using PBNI, application accesses PB window throough C++ application. In open event of window, customer retrieves data in datawindow and inserts row. Customer thinks application crashes after he calls insertrow function, crash is random and he has provided a custom dump file that he has created.
366998 Enhancement Request: Customer has a datawindow for which he has specified alias names for the tables in the dw sql syntax. He wants to have a option/property in the tool where he can go and see the table and alias names so that he can manipulate the where clause when using the dw in query mode. Right now he has to parse the sql himself to see the table aliases.
367007 Everytime a jdbc connection is made in EAServer, the

following is written to the Jaguar.log:

Java VM loaded. Version: 1.4.1_03, Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc."

If you doing alot of connections, it will create alot of output. The java vm message

appears whether a connection cache is used or not.

367043 Customer has application that use PB JSP variable.

It is reported that PB JSP 4GL get problem on handling the variables / parameter,

as the variable content of the first JSP session always be overwritten by another session.

367197 Java class, using EJBClient proxy wizard, customer created java proxy in PB. He accesses method in Java class thru PB. Even after the method is completed PB app doesn't release the memory used.
367203 When running an application from the development environment, response windows do not show the "OK" (or "X") button in the upper right corner of the window. They do show (as an "OK") when running on the device.
367216 Filtering when column is of type number and contains a large number example (900002313) does not work properly. Row is not filtered. Smaller numbers filter properly. Works correctly in development environment.
367217 CR#338302 introduced a new function ( pageabs() ) to get the absolute page number of a grouped datawindow with ResetPageCount flag set. This enabled a user to print a specific page range of a report. The function works for simple datawindows, however it does not give the correct absolute page number for more complex datawindows.
367239 Enh Req: Ability to select multiple objects from multiple PBLs in SystemTree
367294 Random but very often crashes in development environment while attempting to save window objects after having altered event/function scripts.
367318 The XML encoding property is not set in the DW attribute at Runtime.
367404 Problem with checkbox editstyle in N-up DWs if visibility is controlled with an expression like (if columnname[0]= x, 1, 0). This cuases to show up all checkboxes in th eright way but the last checkboxes in the row could be not checked or unchecked anymore with the mouse. looks like they are protected somehow.

No workaround

367432 Regression: When resetting a date or currency EditMask on a window by setting the value to an empty string, the insertion point remains where it was prior, usually at the end of the mask, instead of resetting to position 1. Doing the same in PB 8.0.4 resets the insertion point to 1.

As a workaround until this is fixed you can set the insertion point in an editmask to the first position with this code:

em_1.SelectText ( 1, 0 )

See the help on SelectText for more details.

367433 Document limitation of 1000 columns per DataWindow.

There is a hard-coded limit of 1000 columns per datawindow as evidenced by the following constant in the dw.h include file:

// Restrict maximum number of columns to ensure consistent performance.

// Should look at this number again at some point.


This limitation should be documented.

367521 Retrieving twice into the same Crosstab datawindow forces the summation rows to all display the same value. On first retrieve sum values are correct.

Workaround: reassign the dataobject to the datawindow or datastore before a 2nd retrieve

dw_1.dataobject = "d_test"



367532 When a datawindow has a taborder of 0, getitem

doesn't work. This behavior is different than with a datawindow. Getitem does

return the value when the taborder is 0 for a regular dw.

Customer would like to seem the same behavior on a web datawindow that is now

for a regular dw and that is getitem works when the taborder is 0.

When taborder is 0 the following is generated:

<SPAN CLASS=dwClient92C STYLE="position:absolute; left:2.803in; top:0.000in; width:1.980in" onClick="{return dwClient.itemClicked(125,-1,'address');}" >91 Washington Street</SPAN>

When taborder is greater than 0, the following is generated:

<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="address_125" SIZE=30 MAXLENGTH=35 VALUE="91 Washington Street" CLASS=dwClient629 TABINDEX=629 STYLE="position:absolute; left:2.803in; top:0.000in; width:1.980in" READONLY onFocus="{dwClient.itemGainFocus(125,4,this,dwClient.gobs.address); dwClient.selectControlContent(this);}" onClick="{var ret; ret= dwClient.itemClicked(125,4,'address'); return ret;}" onChange="{this.bChanged = true;}" onkeypress="DW_EditKeyPressed(-1)" onBlur="{dwClient.itemLoseFocus (this);}">

The getitem function generated from the webdw:

function HTDW_GetItem(row, col)


var result;

var colNum = this.getColNum(col);

var rowObj = this.rows[row-1];

if (colNum == -1 ||

(rowObj + "" == "undefined") ||

rowObj[colNum] + "" == "undefined")

result = -1;


result = rowObj[colNum];

return result;


367571 A report with a blob column works fine and retrieves as expected. But when this report is placed in a composite report and a getchild is done to get a reference to this report, it takes 2 retrieves to get data in the report. The first retrieve appears to do nothing, it returns a 0 and no rows are displayed. Do a second retrieve and this time it works as expected.
367572 Customer requests that the SCC icons be made somewhat larger and more distinguishable. The user's complain about having difficulty distinguishing between a "+" and a dot.
367651 Customer calling PB components on EAServer and also

using SQL Server and IIS on the same machine.

Machine is a quad processor with 4GB of RAM.

367677 PowerBuilder allows a typed variable to be set using an unrelated class if the classes are not auto-instantiating.
367748 When saving a stored procedure in the IDE that

has a Declare statement with output parameters defined as follows will cause

the error of 'Database C0038: Can't use the OUTPUT option when passing a constant to a

stored procedure'.

Declare deptproc Procedure For deptroster

@rc = deptroster,

@deptno = :lDeptno,

@totsal = :dTotSal output,

@avgsal = :dAvgSal output using sqlca;

367770 When customer generates and HTML datawindow from PowerBuilder 8.0.4, the appearance of an extra blank column shows up on the right side of the report. This was not present in PB 8.0.1.
367879 In PowerBuilder 9 the facename must match exactly when calling the function PrintDefineFont.

For example, the following will not select the desired font:

PrintDefineFont(Job, 1, "Courier 10Cpi", -18, 400, Default!, Decorative!, FALSE, FALSE)

The following does select the desired font (10cpi in lower case):

PrintDefineFont(Job, 1, "Courier 10cpi", -18, 400, Default!, Decorative!, FALSE, FALSE)

367883 When printing a datawindow graph to PDF or color printer then the markers are printed in black instead of color.
367918 Opensheet Original! size issue with scrollbars
367938 When connected to an ASA 9.0 or ASA 8.0 database via OLE DB, there are problems using a column of type long binary. You get an error trying to edit the table in the database painter, and you are unable to use UPDATEBLOB in script to populate the column. When connected to the very same database via ODBC, there are no problems.
368012 If you call CrosstabDialog on a datawindow not associated with a connection object, the dialog doesn't appear. As this behavior is seen in all versions of PB tested it appears to be expected behavior that is not currently documented. Behavior is also seen in DW.NET
368047 This is a regression in both 8.0.4 and 9.0.1. It used to be that if you had the row focus indicator (the hand) displayed, and you click elsewhere in the datawindow but not on a row, the hand stayed displayed on the current row, and the current row stayed the same as the last current row. But now in both 8.0.4 and 9.0.1 latest builds, if you have a current row and you click in the header for example, the current row goes to 0, the rowfocuschanging and rowfocuschanged events fire, and the focus indicator disappears.

In 8.0 build 10691 and prior it had the old behavior as it did in 9.0.1 build 7196 and prior. But shortly after those builds the behavior changed.

368097 Can't scroll in an edit mask when number size wider than the control width
368118 When procedure is described in to the staging area, DESCRIBE SQLSA INTO SQLDA, results in ORA-24333.

no workaround

368159 If you have a dw that has rows with a 3d checkbox column, and you modify the 3d property of the checkbox with a dw Modify statement, the row in the dw that had focus, no longer has focus, in fact no row has focus. If you tab into the dw you will tab right out to the next control in the window tab order.

By contrast, if you modify the text property of the same checkbox column, the row that had focus, still has focus after the modify, and when you tab into the datawindow, it goes to the first column in that row and tabs from column to column in the dw.

368219 Has a column with an editmask with format containing ';' and alignment set to right. When using BackSpace or DEL keys, it gives a weird behaviour and corrupts data. Same problem with a control edit mask(See Repro).

Could be linked to CR368097.

368258 When saving a large number of rows of data to an Excel8!

file and then you try to open up the *.xls file, no data shows up in Excel.

If you try to open up the file in PB 9.0.2, you get a memory error. In PB 10,

it opens with no data inside. Works ok using Excel5!.

Save problem when trying to save to Excel8 from the datawindow or database painter.

In the datawindow painter, if you select File/Save Rows As and save to excel8, when

you try to open it no data shows up.

368346 What is the max length of a datawindow object name? Documentation would indicate 40, but other areas of the painter and peeks at ths source code see a limit of 49 or 50. The maximum should be consistent through out PB and enforced, not allowing any changes to dw object names to exceed the limit. Another problem is that you can enter a valid column name of 40 chracters, but then PB names the header the same name and appends 2 more characters '_t' to it making the header name 42 characters which exceeds the limit.
368364 Run the Following SQL Select Statement in the ISQL pain of the PocketBuilder Database Painter. PocketBuilder will crash.

select convert(varchar(2),datepart(MM,getdate())) + substring('00',1,2 - length(convert(varchar(2),datepart(DD,getdate()))))+ convert(varchar(2),datepart(DD,getdate()));

368380 Customer is using a dw with required columns. It is using sharedata, and the application datastore is the primary dw. They are also using the PFC of_SetReqColumn(True) in the constructor event of the datawindow. This service allows users to Tab/Click out of Required fields without entering any data.

The problem they have is that under certain conditions, because the datastore is primary and of_SetReqColumn does not effect the datastore, the dw focus can become "stuck" in a field with no error message and the subsequent attempt to sort fails.

There are a number of workarounds depending upon the full implementation. The simplest workaround is to use the datastore as the secondary and the datawindow as the primary datasource when using ShareData in combination with Required fields and the of_SetReqColumn method. In this customer's case, that workaround is unacceptable.


This CR was reviewed and closed as part of the Quarterly CR Review process. It is "Not targeted for any future release".

368482 When running a application that connects to the

Informix 9 driver, pb will crash with an access violation in the pbshr100.dll.

368541 PowerBuilder 10 and deploying and exposing a PowerBuilder nonvisual object as a WebService.

To get the actual argument names of a Webservice in the resulting wsdl requires the following server property to be set:,-DSERVER_STUBS_DEBUG=true

368582 Using ASE 12.5. The customer has datawindows with nested outer joins, that get the error "Select error: Tables 'xx' and 'yy' have the same exposed names. Use correlation names to distinguish them". This is a known issue with databases that support ANSI SQL-92 syntax. There is a dbparm, ojsyntax that can be set to eliminate this error. But this dbparm is not available for SYC (ASE). But it is possible to set the dbparm ojsyntax in script (OJSyntax = 'PB') for SYC connections, and the problem goes away when running in the IDE or an exe when this is done. If this is so why is the ojsyntax dbparm not available in the SYC connection profile? Other db profiles have a dropdown to select "PB" or "ANSI".
368630 Customer is encountering a regression in PB 10.0_5046, with GPF when tabbing in DW that has taborders=0. There was no problem in PB 10.0_4510. Believe this regression may be due to fix to CR365350.
368637 Groupboxes do not displaying correct textcolor on XP Operating System when running an exe built using the New Visual Style Controls. They show up in other Windows operating systems, and they show up in XP if you don't select the New Visual Style Controls when building the exe.
368660 On XP machine, when she runs her application in development mode, she can't see Lowered Style border. Similar to CR 360980 but this problem is when running app in IDE.

The solution for the problem is to switch to Windows Classic View through Control panel.

Customer does not want to have to alter her control panel settings in order to get the Lowered borders to show up when running from the IDE. She has used the solution of deselecting "New Visual Style Control" in the project painter for her Executable. She would like a better solution for running within the development environment.

368724 Using Web Service Proxy Wizard, it doesn't create structure of type <choice> correctly. Also affects a function using it.

Workaround: export proxy and change the function manualy and import it again. As well complete the empty structure manualy.

368726 When a column of a table is created via ISQL eg. create table T_ASA (C1 int); comment on column T_ASA.C1 is 'C1_Comment'; the comment cannot be seen as a property of the column. The field is empty.
368734 When running a dw in PB10 that has an OCX control inside the OCX does not display. Happens with several calendar controls.

Inconsitant behavior in PB9:

In PB9 OLE control (mscal.ocx) inside of a datawindow can display a 'ghost' image on the window, where it has been placed onto. PB will crash if user clicks on 'ghost' image.

368783 Customer would like to be able to use the System.Windows.Forms.MonthCalendar control in Visual Studio.NET in a similar way as one can use PFCs u_calendar object.

Functionality would include a date column appearing to be a dropdown and when one clicks on the dropdown it opens the Microsoft control positioned right over the date column.

368844 A Web service running on WebSphere (app server here might not be significant) returns an array of structures with 16 elements each. When the service is deployed as a document-style service, PowerBuilder interprets a returned array of one element as having 16 elements. When the service is deployed as a RPC-style service, PowerBuilder interprets the returned array value correctly.
368848 Cannot execute ASE extended stored procedures on HP.
368957 Computed field expressions execute on mouseover in the dw in preview or at runtime in XP.
368959 When HALT CLOSE is called, destructor events of user objects are not fired.
368990 With longer java class names ejb2pb90 generates proxies that can not be imported because the object names are too long.
369049 PB 9.0.1_7275 regression: Currentrow(), GetRow() returning (different) values on protected rows.
369069 When JSP calling PB component, easerver will randomly disappear.

No errors in Jaguar.log file.

The user dump provided shows:

Stack overflow - code c0000fd


Customer is using jdk 1.4.2 hotspot (mixed mode).

369161 C0031 Syntax error when saving function object for 2nd time

Tested and reproduced with PB 9.0.1 7204, 7236 and 7275

Works fine with PB 9.0 with no EBFs

369216 ONLY on Windows NT4! COM/MTS component on NT4 which was working in PB7 but does not now work in after migration to PB9. Could be related to CR 348334.

Workaround: Migrate to Windows 2000 or higher

369256 With Ultralite, if you omit a list of publications, the ULConn->Synchronize() method should sync all of the publications defined in the UL database. However, the parsePublications() method in PKUL915U.DLL returns a -280 PUBLICATION NOT FOUND error and aborts the sync request.

Instead, it should allow a blank list of publications and return a ul_publication_mask of zero. -280 will still be returned if the user explicitly requests a publication that is not found.

369287 Add to source control is much slower in PB9 than PB8. Also consumes more memory.

The problem increases exponentially as the number of objects to add increases. Thus, if you try to add an entire target with 10+ PBLs, you will see noticable degradation. Add a target with 100 PBLs and you could hang forever or consume all available memory.

The performance problem is due to an error handling routine called CreateValidEnum() that was introduced in PB9 development. It tries to make sure that the .PBG file entries that are added only include objects that were successfully added to source control. A more efficient technique is needed.

369324 When debugging for example an ejb client app, the returned any value is shown as NULL for its value in the local objects pane, although it has values.
369345 Calling SetChanges for a second time on a datawindow results in a -2 error code; however, that seems to happen only when the datawindow had previous changes made to it.
369379 Customer would like to be able from a computed field to reference computed fields on other rows.
369402 Customer would like to be able to let users download PBD used in Datawindow .NET from webserver along with the application. Specific request is to be able to use LoadFrom( URL) to run the application
369472 Placing a horizontal line in a GRID DataWindow column does not anchor the line to the column it is in. It seems to anchor to the right most GRID column for resizing but does not move when the columns are re-ordered. It also does not resize unless it is placed in the first or second column. Regardless of the placement of the line, if the columns are reordered, the line does not "stick" to the column in which it was placed.
369475 MailLogon seems to be broken in PB10. It returns a return code of mailReturnFailure! , which is not documented. The exact same code works in PB 9.
369489 When Orcascript "OUTOFDATE EXCLUDE_CHECKOUT" options are used to refresh a Perforce target, the processing is inefficient in PB9. Assume 1000 objects in the target, and SccMaxArraySize=500.

EXCLUDE_CHECKOUT processing will issue two SccQueryInfo calls with an array of 500 file names.

Perforce OUTOFDATE processing also needs the SCC_STATUS_OUTOFDATE flag setting from SccQueryInfo. However, instead of saving the status indicators from the EXCLUDE_CHECKOUT request, PB9 must re-issues 1000 SccQueryInfo requests with array size of 1. This adds several minutes to time needed to complete the job.

This is fixed in PB10 and PocketBuilder 1.5.2. This CR documents the fact that the problem exists in PB9 and a customer has reported the problem on the newsgroup.

369567 Description of Problem: When calling a publically available webservice (wsdl location at with PB soapclient, an error is received calling a service function: Error: Could not find element by name: return

The log however (soaplog), shows the returned values ok.

369586 Application creates tab pages and user objects dynamically and has code which retrieves datawindow with datawindowChild. The application crashes consistently while doing this, but crashes at a different location everytime. Request analysis from engineering.
369669 When use Copy & Paste or Drag & Drop on a brach of submenu items,

PowerBuilder will incorrectly attach the submenu branch.

From observeration, wrong order and miss menu item may occur.

369696 Clarify documentation when using saveas to save to PDF,

that the Distill method is not supported on unix.

The documentation describes Distill and XSL-FO. It mentions the following:

The XSL-FO option provides a platform-independent solution and offers the possibility of customizing the saved PDF file and printing it directly to a printer. Saving as PDF using XSL-FO is particularly useful for printing DataWindow objects in EAServer on a UNIX operating system.


It probably should just mention that Distill is not supported on unix.

369758 Input data may be inserted into the wrong position on editmask control if the edit field has a value and a digit of the value has been highlighted by dragging the mouse.
369783 ActiveX created with AXBridge (provided by Sun) from a Java Bean failed to save.

-> Save of OLE binary information failed. Object must be resaved to preserve it.

No workaround

369792 Customer is using Window-Eyes with PB application that provides blind users access to Windows based computers by speaking the contents of the computer's screen.

Getting error:

"PowerBuilder Accessibility Error" "Error loading library. Please check whether PowerBuilder Accessibility library can be located in the path."

This was solved by deploying PBACC100.DLL to the deployment machine. I do not find PBACC100.DLL listed as a deployment dll in the documentation.

369817 Web Service Proxy can not be generated for a wsdl file.

Generates an error: The data type, 'gYear', is not supported.

369819 If you do not check the "Deploy after Building" option in the Project object .. when using the "Build and Deploy" option in the System Tree ignores the action! This seems very confusing for the PPB developer.
369832 When you use the zoom property to change the scaling

percentage of a grid datawindow and then use getfullstate/setfullstate, one

of the column headers (City) is missing.

369920 semi-colon at the end of an external function definition prevents migration.
369926 Comments at the end of an external function definition hide the alias added by the PB10 migration.
369947 Customer has provided sample application which crashes only on Tablet PC.
369954 Regression: Menu disappears in window during runtime

Tested and reproduced with:

PB,,, and

369959 When using the XP style and you select on a row that

has a computed field, the text color will change.

Problem happens in the IDE and running an exe (when new XP style control is checked).

When you run without the XP Style (no pb90.exe.manifest) than the text color that

was assigned to the color shows up ok.

369964 User A creates new objects in a source controlled target.

User B uses orcascript to refresh the target but chooses "incremental" build option

instead of "full" rebuild. Orcascript imports the source for the new object and performs phase 2 compile. However, the "incremental" rebuild phase does not detect the need to regenerate this new object, so it goes unregenerated.

From the IDE, it appears that the object was never added to the PBL and is therefore unusable.

370042 Customer has developped an application using Jaguar and PB components. He based his application on PB shared components using direct DB connection and do not want to use the Jaguar connection manager (JCM) in order to key these connection alive. Jaguar releases the connection after each method call even tough the connection is not defined the connections cache. We can see that at the end of the method call, jaguar releases the connection.
370051 When Empty String Is Null is checked for a datawindow

column, the following error will result when you delete the values in that column

and then update it:

Error 257 (rc -1) : SQLSTATE = 42000

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

Implicit conversion from data type text to nvarchar is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.

Problem only happens when Emptry String Is Null is checked for a column. The column is

defined to allow nulls.

In PB 8.0.4, the error happens on varchar and nvarchar columns. In PB 9, the error

only happens on nvarchar. In PB 10, the error only happens a varchar column.

The update to the database is being done thru a stored procedure.

370114 A datawindow with two groups and group sorts based upon a maximum column value.

The inner group is sorted correctly but the outer group is sorted in descending

order instead of the specified Ascending order.

370117 It is expected that Datawindow Printout is exactly match with Datawindow PrintPreview

on screen. Thus aligned objects with grid datawindow should be the same.

However, it is not the case when investigate with the repro. sample.

370132 Cannot deploy to both SmartPhone and PocketPC. When customer attempts to deploy to regular PDA, invalid Windows CE file error occurs. He can manually copy over the PocketBuilder.ARM.CAB file the device and it installs fine. Deploying to SmartPhone works.
370154 When running a executable with pbds over the network,

a customer sees a noticable performance difference between PB 5.0.4 and PB 9.0.2 (build 7509.

From the filemon utility, you can see there is noticable more I/O activity with PB 9.0.2

than 5. For example,

When you click on the lion.exe and then login to the application, you see alot more

I/O activity in PB9. You see read activity on the libjcc.dll, pbvm90.dll and pb.ini.

In PB 9.0.2, the following sequence is repeated twice for every pbd. Once it

query, open,etc for each pbd, it goes back and repeats the process in PB 9.0.2.

There is also a sequence where it reads each pbd and then repeats the process. This is

not happenning in PB 5.

In PB 5 (I/Os) In PB 9.0.2 (I/Os)

lionfinal.pbd: 7 60

common.pbd: 21 96

security.pbd: 11 63

l_courtesy.pbd: 10 53

370204 This enhancement request is for a "resolve once" flag to be available on computed columns in the datawindow that would execute the computed field once only and then carry that value from then on. This is to inhibit the constant re-computations of computed fields that occur for every change in the datawindow such as scrolling. This can cause some computed fields to be executed many times, and that can be a performance drag if they are complex. A once only flag would solve this problem.
370330 A search on a window doesn't find the ancestor userobject to a control. For example if you have a standard visual user object of type datawindow named u_dw, and you place that user object on a window, you get the control dw_1 inherited from u_dw. Now the user wants to search the window for the string "u_dw" and expects to find a match. But the search finds no matches.
370342 An Oracle database has a global temporary table. When PB is connected via Oracle native driver, and the following is executed in a PB ISQL session:

insert into TSDATA.EMPLOYEE_T select * from TSDATA.EMPLOYEE;

select count(*) from TSDATA.EMPLOYEE_T;

select count(*) from TSDATA.EMPLOYEE_T;

The result from the first select count(*) is 76 as it should be (76 rows in the employee table are inserted into the temp table). But the result from the second select count(*) is 0.

370390 PowerBuilder 9.0.1 7265 and 10.0.0, EAServer 5.1, Win2000/XP : Null values of date datatype are lost in intercomponent method call at EAServer 5.1. The null value will be interpretet as 1/1/1900 date.

Workaround: if possible use string value as parameter instead date and convert the string into a date in the calling component.

370508 I used PB10 GA Build 4510 to create a graph datawindow (column graph) from the dept table. I proceeded to use PK 2.0 and run "Import Desktop to CE". The import process ended with an error as appended:

DataWindow Error

Line 10 Column 211: incorrect syntax.

The Progress tabpage in the Migration Information dialog shows:

"Error C0159 Conversion of impdw.pkl (d_graph.dwo) failed. Probable library file I/O error."

I checked the exact datawindow source for the error referenced and found it references the window property "plotnulldata="0". This property is disabled in PB10 and removed from the graph datawindow painter in PK 2.0. Thus, during import from PB10 to PK 2.0, it might have been an invalid syntax.

370523 Certain strings that spawn one line will cause Machine code compiles to fail with a variety of watcom compiler error messages.

CGEN: Compiling 'c:\temp\11072859.c'

c:\temp\11072859.c(650) wide character string concatenated with a simple character string

Workaround: break up the single line string into more shorter strings.

370666 Composite datawindow with group by will overlap each other.
370676 Enhancement request: support zero length array.

how can you instantiate a java array with no elements in PB?

Sample: in java you can create an array without elements:

MyClass[] test = new MyClass[0];

the result of it is an existing array (not null) but empty (no elements)

370689 In a 3dline Graph datawindow: start value of second series starts with 0 at categoryposition - 1 instead of the actual value.
370691 The script of the crosstab DW increases dramatically (double size) when retrieving for the second time. If the datawindow is large enough, this will cause the application to crash.
370842 If you use the SetRowFocusIndicator (picture_object) it will

not work on the PPC device (I have tried GIF and BMP). However, it does work

correctly in native mode from the PPB IDE.

370844 When calling a PB component that modifies the tabsequence

of a column in a datastore, the following error results in the Jaguarhttpservlet.log:

Nov 02 08:20:06 2004: 060038-Error: Unable to service request for servlet: jspservlet.

Nov 02 08:20:06 2004: 060039-Error: ServletException contained the following root cause exception:

org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL: offset (24) + length (4) exceeds message size (24) minor code: 0 completed: No


at com.sybase.CORBA.iiop.InputStream.read_ulong(

at com.sybase.CORBA.iiop.InputStream.read_string(

at com.sybase.CORBA.iiop.Connection.read_string(

The following code is used:

ds_test = Create Datastore

ds_test.dataobject = "d_test"

ls_dwObject = ds_test.Describe( "Datawindow.Syntax")

ds_test.DataObject = ""

li_ret = ds_test.Create(ls_dwObject )

ls_modify = ds_test.Describe("Test.Type")

ls_modify = ds_test.modify ("test.TabSequence = 10")

Return ls_modify

370949 The dbpainter (dbpaint.pkl) and mlmaint (mlmaint.pkl) code examples for PK 2.0 has a window "w_editdsn" which has a local external function declared as:

FUNCTION long ODBC_WriteDSN (ref s_dsn mydsn) library "pkodb10u.dll" alias for "ODBC_WriteDSN"

The references to "pkodb10u.dll" is archaic as the PK ODB driver library is now "pkodb20.dll". Thus, the function declaration should be updated to reflect the PK 2.0 ODB driver library.

371021 Tested and reproduced with:

EAServer 5.1 + PBVM 9.0.1_6533 on Sun Solaris

Windows 2000 Client: PB 9.0.2_7509

The error message produced by XMLParseString invocation is a "Exception: Bad runtime reference". The XMLParseString function works ok when invoked in EAServer 5.1 on Windows platform.

371142 In a dropdown datawindow, the key sensitive search fails to find the row if the field starts with an asterisk or question mark. This search works for other special characters, like % and &, but not * or ?.

Workaround: use the search service for dddw in the PFC

371146 The PK 2.0 smartphone CAB files (SP_PocketBuilder.ARM, SP_PocketBuilder.X86) are missing the pkodb20.dll file although the file

is available in the folders "c:\program files\sybase\PocketBuilder 2.0\WinCE\sparm" and "c:\program files\sybase\PocketBuilder 2.0\WinCE\spx86".

This may be the desired approach since UltraLite is recommended for the SmartPhones...

371390 Unbounded array elements are empty when a web service

function is called and it returns a structure where some of the elements in the structure

are unbounded arrays.

The function lookupcompletecodedconcept is define as:

lookupcompletecodedconcept(intf__conceptid in0) returns intf__completecodedconceptdescription

The inft__conceptid is defined as:

string codesystem_id

string concept_code

The inft_completecodedconceptdescription is defined as:

inft__conceptid concept_id

string conceptstatus_code

string codesystem_version

intf__conceptdesignation designatedby[]

intf__conceptproperty hasproperties[]

intf__conceptrelationship sourcefor[]

intf__conceptrelationship targetof[]

When viewing in the PB debugger, you will see the following:

intf_conceptdesignation designatedby[3]


boolean preferredforlanguage=false

powerobject classdefinition

string designation = "" <-- missing value

string language_code = "" <-- missing value


boolean preferredforlanguage=false

powerobject classdefinition

string designation = "" <-- missing value

string language_code = "" <-- missing value


boolean preferredforlanguage=false

powerobject classdefinition

string designation = "" <-- missing value here

string language_code = "" <-- missing value here

intf_conceptid concept_id

powerobject classdefinition

string codesystem_id = "ne=uri:iso:2.16.840.1.113883.6.2/DIAG,ra=HL7" <-- notice value

string concept_code = "001.9" <-- notice value

intf_conceptproperty hasproperties[4]


powerobject classdefinition

string language_code = "" <-- missing value

string mimetype_code = "" <-- missing value

string property_code = "" <-- missing value

string propertyvalue = "" <-- missing value


powerobject classdefinition

string language_code = "" <-- missing value

string mimetype_code = "" <-- missing value

string property_code = "" <-- missing value

string propertyvalue = "" <-- missing value


powerobject classdefinition

string language_code = "" <-- missing value

string mimetype_code = "" <-- missing value

string property_code = "" <-- missing value

string propertyvalue = "" <-- missing value


powerobject classdefinition

string language_code = "" <-- missing value

string mimetype_code = "" <-- missing value

string property_code = "" <-- missing value

string propertyvalue = "" <-- missing value

intf_conceptrelationship sourcefor[0]

intf_conceptrelationship targetof[3]


intf_conceptid sourceconcept_id

powerobject classdefinition

string codesytem_id = "" <-- missing value

string concept_code = "" <-- missing value

intf_conceptid targetconcept_id

powerobject classdefinition

string codesystem_id = "" <-- missing value

string concept_code = "" <-- missing value

powerobject classdefinition

string relationqualifiers = [0]

string relationship_code = ""


intf_conceptid sourceconcept_id

powerobject classdefinition

string codesytem_id = "" <-- missing value

string concept_code = "" <-- missing value

intf_conceptid targetconcept_id

powerobject classdefinition

string codesystem_id = "" <-- missing value

string concept_code = "" <-- missing value

powerobject classdefinition

string relationqualifiers = [0]

string relationship_code = ""


intf_conceptid sourceconcept_id

powerobject classdefinition

string codesytem_id = "" <-- missing value

string concept_code = "" <-- missing value

intf_conceptid targetconcept_id

powerobject classdefinition

string codesystem_id = "" <-- missing value

string concept_code = "" <-- missing value

powerobject classdefinition

string relationqualifiers = [0]

string relationship_code = ""

In the wsdl file, the function is defined as:

- <wsdl:operation name="lookupCompleteCodedConcept" parameterOrder="in0">

<wsdl:input message="impl:lookupCompleteCodedConceptRequest" name="lookupCompleteCodedConceptRequest" />

<wsdl:output message="impl:lookupCompleteCodedConceptResponse" name="lookupCompleteCodedConceptResponse" />

<wsdl:fault message="impl:UnexpectedError" name="UnexpectedError" />

<wsdl:fault message="impl:UnknownConceptCode" name="UnknownConceptCode" />

<wsdl:fault message="impl:UnknownCodeSystem" name="UnknownCodeSystem" />


The lookupCompleteCodedConceptRequest is defined as:

- <wsdl:message name="lookupCompleteCodedConceptRequest">

<wsdl:part name="in0" type="impl:ConceptId" />


- <complexType name="ArrayOfConceptId">

- <complexContent>

- <restriction base="soapenc:Array">

<attribute ref="soapenc:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="impl:ConceptId[]" />




- <wsdl:message name="lookupCompleteCodedConceptResponse">

<wsdl:part name="lookupCompleteCodedConceptReturn" type="impl:CompleteCodedConceptDescription" />


- <complexType name="CompleteCodedConceptDescription">

- <sequence>

<element name="concept_id" nillable="true" type="impl:ConceptId" />

<element name="conceptStatus_code" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />

<element name="codeSystem_version" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />

<element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="designatedBy" nillable="true" type="impl:ConceptDesignation" />

<element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="hasProperties" nillable="true" type="impl:ConceptProperty" />

<element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="sourceFor" nillable="true" type="impl:ConceptRelationship" />

<element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="targetOf" nillable="true" type="impl:ConceptRelationship" />



- <complexType name="ConceptDesignation">

- <sequence>

<element name="designation" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />

<element name="language_code" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />

<element name="preferredForLanguage" type="xsd:boolean" />



- <complexType name="ConceptProperty">

- <sequence>

<element name="property_code" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />

<element name="propertyValue" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />

<element name="language_code" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />

<element name="mimeType_code" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />



- <complexType name="ConceptRelationship">

- <sequence>

<element name="sourceConcept_id" nillable="true" type="impl:ConceptId" />

<element name="relationship_code" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />

<element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="relationQualifiers" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />

<element name="targetConcept_id" nillable="true" type="impl:ConceptId" />



371394 An OCX has help files in chm format which is a form of compiled HTML help file. These files work if you double click on them. But in PowerBuilder when you have the olecustomcontrol userobject open in the Painter, if you click on the "OLE Control Help" button on the General tab of the Properties, PB can't find the help file. This is because it is looking for a misnamed .hlp file. If you then browse to the proper .chm file, PB is unable to display it, giving an Error saying this is not a valid Windows help file or that it is corrupted.
371422 When modifying comments on an object, in an app that is under source control (green dot), it gives "Modify of comments Failed" , if the SCCversion sle is blank.
371522 Problem with setFullState and changing the DatawindowChild name
371572 In a window function is a loop with several Win API calls; FindFirstFileA, FindNextFileA, and FindClose. This code was working fine up until 10.0 build 5046. Starting in this build it GPFs, sometimes during the window function, sometimes after, and sometimes when the window is closed. The code was originally from PFC but the customer has isolated the problem to these lines of code.

The external function declarations have the ALIAS FOR ...;ansi clause added, but the behavior is the same without it.

Verified fixed in 10.0.1 build 6019.

371664 Getfullstate/SetFullState doesn抰 save setDetailHeight from dataWindowChild.
371684 Support for ISO-8859-15 in encoding declaration for XML templates

or better support all encodings of the Unicode Standard Version 4.0.

371696 Calling GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA will GPF PowerBuilder.

This is most likely a regression caused by CR 366069. CR 366069 was fixed in PB 10 build 5046. Previous versions of PB worked without any problems e.g. PB 10 build 5041.

371710 When calling a RPC SP using a Oracle UTF-8 enabled database,

receiving the following error:

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small

Using the following stored procedure syntax:

CREATE OR REPLACE procedure sp_vtest (id integer, val IN OUT CHAR) as begin val := 'Y'; end;

371725 When the PBRXxx.ocx is in a cab file and you call up

a html page with a codebase pointing to the cab file, the ocx is not registering on

the client machine.

The following error appears in the temp cache:

*** Code Download Log entry (08 Nov 2004 @ 11:24:09) ***

Code Download Error: (hr = 80040154) Class not registered

Operation failed. Detailed Information:

CodeBase: http://localhost/

CLSID: {99991304-9999-1000-8000-080009AC61A9}



LOG: Setup Hook (null) was executed successfully.

--- Detailed Error Log Follows ---

LOG: Download OnStopBinding called (hrStatus = 0 / hrResponseHdr = 0).

LOG: URL Download Complete: hrStatus:0, hrOSB:1, hrResponseHdr:0, URL:(http://localhost/

LOG: Setup Hook (null) was executed successfully.

LOG: Setup successful installing: mycab.inf to (null) destination code(0)

LOG: Reporting Code Download Completion: (hr:80040154, CLASSID: 99991304..., szCODE:(http://localhost/, MainType:(null), MainExt:(null))

RESOLUTION: Used the following format for the .INF file:






























Used cabarc.exe to create the cab file:

cabarc.exe n mycab.inf pbrx80.ocx pbvm80.dll libjcc.dll

Used the following html syntax:

<OBJECT ID="PBRX1" CODEBASE ="http://localhost/,0,0,0" CLASSID ="CLSID:88881304-8888-1000-8000-080009AC61A9" NAME="PBRX1" WIDTH=720 HEIGHT=490 >

<PARAM NAME ="_Version" VALUE="65536">

<PARAM NAME ="_ExtentX" VALUE="15843">

<PARAM NAME ="_ExtentY" VALUE="9172">

<PARAM NAME ="_StockProps" VALUE="0">

<PARAM NAME ="PBWindow" VALUE="w_test">

<PARAM NAME ="PBApplication" VALUE="test">

<PARAM NAME ="LibList" VALUE="http://localhost/test.pbd;">


371791 Memory growth may occur if you change ToolbarItemVisible property of Menu a lot of times.
371824 Enhancement request to have the modified event of an editmask fire when the value in the editmask is changed by clicking a spincontrol.
371850 The customer has created a web service according to WS-I basic profile 1.1 specification. The WSDL defined is DOC-Literal with SOAP attachments. But they are not able to create a proxy in PB using this WSDL file.
371934 Take any datawindow which has an XML template, in datawindow painter it is possible to export/import template. But it is not possible to import template back in datawindow at runtime. Please add the ability to import a dw XML template at runtime.
371978 When a pdf file is stored in a database ole blob column

and you click on the column to open the pdf, it either doesn't launch Adobe to open

the file or you get the following error:

Adobe Reader

The document could not be saved. This operation is not permitted.

The first behavior where Adobe didn't launch when I doubleclicked on the database

ole blob column. I then upgraded the Adobe Reader from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 and now I get

the document could not be saved error. After I click ok, than the pdf file will appear.

If I close out of the pdf and then double click on the column again, than I just see

the document could not be saved error again. Upgrading to 6.0.2 doesn't appear to resolved the issue since on another machine I just upgraded to 6.0.1 and saw the same behavior. Just upgrading Adobe appears to change the behavior within PB--that is PB not launching Adobe to Adobe displaying error messages and than opening the pdf file. The

error messages appear in the background and only by scrolling to the Adobe process

will the error message appear.

Resolution: Used workaround below and Adobe Reader 7.0:

// insert pdf into ole container and then update to table

blob lb_object


lb_object = ole_1.objectdata

UPDATEBLOB ole SET object = :lb_object

WHERE id = 'PDF File'


372011 Memory growth may occur if you show and hide menu items by using Show() and Hide() PowerScript functions a lot of times.
372070 In PB 10.0 the new animation visual control does not appear in the list of visual controls that can be subclassed in the Standard Visual User Object painter. Also the corbaobject a nonvisual object, does not appear in the list of nonvisual objects that can be subclassed in the Standard Class User Object painter.
372082 Character Fields getting truncated using crosstab datawindow.

The issue seems to be related to an oledb connection, in this case SqlServer as ASE does not appear to have the problem. There are two fields that are failing within a crosstab datawindow. The problem fields are Char(3), Char(5). These two fields are fully populated with 3 characters and 5 characters of data. If you were to create a tabular datawindow you would get the complete result set back. With a crosstab datawindow these two fields are getting truncated by one character resulting in a field lenght of 2 and 4 rather then the 3 and 5.

372094 The client has a C++ app that uses PBNI to run a PB app. It's a PFC app and the window postopen event is not firing when run via C++. The same app when run via a PB built exe performs as expected and the postopen event fires.

This is not a bug and is expected behavior. If you use c++ code to call the pb application, there is no message loop and all posted events will not be executed. The way to solve this problem is to call PBNI function "ProcessPBMessage()" in the c++ code. When ProcessPBMessage() is called, a PB message is fetched from the queue and executed. If you use a console c++ application, you may need create a thread to call ProcessPBMessage() continuiously. If you you are using a window c++ application, you could call ProcessPBMessage() in your own message loop in OnIdle() methods.

The PowerBuilder Native Interface Programmer's Guide and Reference has details.

372105 The DB Trace facility, PBTRA90.DLL, often shows timings as 0 milliseconds. This is due to the fact that computer speeds have vastly improved over the years, and that the old mechanism for obtaining timings (GetTickCount) cannot detect times less than several milliseconds. A better method of getting timings (QueryPerformanceCounter) gives us accuracy to 1/1000 of a millisecond (microsecond).
372208 The Datawindow Find function ignores trailing spaces present in the found value. Eg. If the find expression is something like city='BOSTON' find returns a row even if the city field contains a value 'BOSTON '. It does not find it if there are leading spaces, so PB appears to be doing a trim trailing spaces. The question is, is this by design? Technically the customer is correct and 'Boston' does not equal 'Boston '. But I would think the majority of our customers would want to find both values, whether they knew there were trailing spaces or not.
372209 When using a stored procedure to insert a row to a

datawindow, PB will crash will a access violation in libcomn.dll.

The crash handler shows the following:

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

File Name: E:\sql125\OCS-12_5\dll\libcomn.dll

Call stack:

Address Frame Param0 Param1 Param2 Param3 Function Name

0244FEA4 0012C498 012C0000 0000002C 0012C4FC 00000400 0001:0002EEA4 E:\sql125\OCS-12_5\dll\libcomn.dll

0242DDA1 0012C8E4 00A099A0 0012CD48 012BFFE8 0012CDF8 0001:0000CDA1 E:\sql125\OCS-12_5\dll\libcomn.dll

024C24B4 0012C9F0 00A099A0 0012CD48 012BFFE8 0012CDF8 0001:000014B4 E:\sql125\OCS-12_5\dll\libcs.dll

10DC78AB 0012CFC0 012AD268 012AC3E8 0129D220 00000000 Syc5_ChangePasswordBoxProc+918B

10DA25B1 0012D01C 012AD268 0012D1BC 00000000 00000000 PB_DB_Rout+A11

10FE492C 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0001:0000392C E:\pb10\Shared\PowerBuilder\pbTRA100.dll

372235 The PB debugger is single stepping when you have a breakpoint set on a variable change. Once you set a breakpoint on a variable change, when you click continue, it stops at the very next statement and continues to do this each time you click continue rather than running to the next breakpoint as it should.
372320 Exchange of empty Java array from server to PB and back arrives as NULL on the websphere application server.
372381 Memory problem when saving large reports to pdf using

xsl-fo on hpux.

When saving to pdf using xsl-fo, it taxes the cpu such that the overall system

performance degrades.

372432 Java application invokes method of a NVO in PBL, PBVM crash after a period of time.
372459 Tested and reproduced with PB 10.0_5032 and 10.0_4510 and Oracle client 8.0.5 or 8.0.6 against Oracle server 8.0.5 or 8.0.6

O84 native interface returns strange "square" characters in DB Painter resultset when selecting column with datatype as VARCHAR2.

372462 Tested and reproduced with PB 10.0_5032 and 10.0_4510 and Oracle client 8.0.5 or 8.0.6 against Oracle server 8.0.5 or 8.0.6

O84 native returns the following error message:

Select error: Decimal conversion error. PowerBuilder only supports 18 decimal digits.

372466 PowerBuilder 10

Data retrieved from univarchar columns using the SYJ interface is not properly converted.

This does not happen with SYC or ODBC(U) or with nvarchar columns.

372475 PowerBuilder crashes (sometimes) but definitely overwrites invalid memory when performing a datawindow update using a datetime parameter to a MS SQL Server table.
372496 Accessing pb nvos thru pbni from a webapp. The webapp is hosted on Tomcat and the JNI classes are communicating to PB nvo methods thru pbni. Sometimes the call to datastore.filter hangs.


deploy pb.ini file to the tomcat server(on which pbvm and pbdwe run), add a switch like this:

[DataStore Behavior]

UseHwnd = no

372506 If you set the FontCharSet in a column of a DW to anything other than "ansi", it reverts back to "ansi!" when you tab off the column. Note: The altered FontCharSet is saved in the DataWindow, if you examine the source of the DW.
372597 Special paste behaviour for statments changed since PowerBuilder 8.x.

Now the statements are all in lowercase.

372626 Customer would like to have the ability to disable connection to database while compiling application coding, when there are embedded SQL instructions in PBScript.

Today we have the "Display Database Warnings" option that we can disable, but does not avoid the db connection.

372638 Powerbuilder does not recognize Oracle Tables as Array types. This happens in PB 9.0.1 9275 and above.
372741 In PB10 the font Arial Tur (among others) cannot be selected as font anymore. There is only Arial available. The result of this migration problem from PB9 to 10 is that in a datawindow, when a field with turkish characters has the alignment set to "justified", some words can be cut without the proper justification.
372772 When the colors of the machine are set to True Color (32 bit), the PB Environment object is not returning the correct number in the NumberOfColors property, it is returning a 1. It returns the correct number of 65536 when set to High Color (16 bit), and 256 when set to 256 Colors.
372868 If you enter in a dropdowndatawindow or datawindow field a value containing the german special char ss ( sz or sharp S) the find function in a datawindow returns the wrong row and the automatic search finds select the wrong entry.

Workaround for find function: Implement a dummy find with an empty string.

ll_row = dw_liste.find ( "column_name = ''", 1, dw_liste.rowCount() )

Reason is that dw can distinguish between 'ss' and 'sz' but keeps the wrong row result for some reason

372874 The DataWindow SaveAs function does not return an error when the save to file operation fails, if the SaveAsType is psr or PSReport!
372887 In 8.0.4 with an editmask of: ###,###.00## you can't enter a zero in the decimal part. For example if you try to enter 1234.1205, it won't let you enter the zero. This happens in both an Editmask control and a datawindow editmask column editmask. It appears to have started with build 10691. It looks like prior to that there was another problem, the insertion point was incorrect and that was fixed in build 10691, but it doesn't allow you to enter a zero when it should.
372909 PB 9.0.2 Build 7524 (and 7509) crashes when trying to bring up list of datawindows to assign to a datawindow control in a newly created window. The app has a lot of pbls and the problem is related to the length of the library list once it is expanded with full absolute paths.
372929 RPCFunc calling a Oracle function that returns a blob

will result in the following error:

SQL Error


PLS-0221 F-BLOB is not a procedure or is 'undefined'


PL/SQL: Statement ignored

The following is the function being called:

CREATE OR REPLACE function f_blob(p_dummy in int)


v_value blob;


select b into v_value from t;

return (v_value);


372999 PowerBuilder application using an external DLL crashes in production. Seems to have to do with port usage. Dr Watson seems to point to failure in NTDLL.DLL.

This application crashes when one instance of the application is being run and one closes the window without stopping the 'server' ( their dll) first or when a second instance of the 'server' is trying to start up. The 'server' does detect that the chosen port is in use and gives a friendly error message. This does not stop the PowerBuilder application from crashing.

Tried the same scenario with a C# application and the friendly error message is displayed but the crash does not occur.

373013 When a system generated (Application Modal) response window is spawned by PB (like an ItemError message), if there is a TopMost! window active, the message box appears behind it and may actually be inaccessible if the TopMost window is a response window.

The underlying C MessageBox function works with various flags set. If you experiment with the flag settings, you will see that if the parent form is set to TopMost then the message box appears on top of the window if either of the following is true:

a) The handle of the parent window is provided as the argument to MessageBox, versus the null handle.

b) The message box modality flag is set to MB_SYSMODAL.

While it's never worked this way before, I think this is a bug and not an enhancement request. I can't see the current behavior being what anyone would want or expect.

373018 When connected to an MS SQL Server database via OLE DB, after the initial retrieve of a RetrieveAsNeeded datawindow and then attempting a second SQL operation during the pending retrieve as needed, you receive the message "Only Cancel command is allowed when the rows are pending"; however, the SQLCA.SQLCode is set to 0, indicating success (SQLDBCode=999 and SQLErrText does reflect the error message, however). But when connected to the same database via ODBC all works well and the second SQL operation succeeds during the pending retrieve as needed. This happens in PB 9.0.2 and early PB10 builds, but it works (sort of) in newer 10 builds. This is a request to back patch the 10.0 fix (CR 365461) into 9.0.2.
373024 Customer has an HTML page with an input form that has been designed in Dreamweaver. He has imported the page into a Powerbuilder JSP Target and made a small change. The next time the HTML form is opened the HTML source had been converted into one long string making it hard to work with.

Either this is a bug or there should be some kind of a utility to reformat the HTML into a human readable form.

373029 Customer is connecting to Oracle 9 using O90 interface. He has a column of datatype long and when he tries to insert more than 16383 char into that col, no data gets inserted, col is blank. Any data less than 16383 char gets inserted. Same statments work fine in PB 9.
373108 PrintDataWindow prints fine on network printer or fax driver, but function intermittent returns -1 ( error occurs ), which it should not do, as it succeeds. Works fine for instance with Freefrom DW, but fails intermittent with RichText DataWindow.
373117 Memory leak (java.lang.OutOfMemory exception) when looping through a SELECTBLOB statement using the JDBC driver. In this case, blob is large (10 Mb) and we can iterate only 6 or 7 times.
373129 When a datawindow has group headers and is scrolled by row, there is an increase in the blank space after the last row on a page and the gray line that is displayed to demarcate the end of the page, starting with the second page. All pages after have the same larger space after the last row. So the first page has a small amount of blank space after the last row on the page, and the rest of the pages have a larger amount of blank space after the last row. The gray line is only displayed when scrolling by row. If you scroll by page, you see no difference, or if there are no group headers you see no difference.

6/15/2005: This was determined to not be a bug by Engineering. The first line of a group must follow the group header closely, they must be in the same page and can't cross the page. This will leave what ever space is left at the bottom of a page. Each page is built independently and the space left over may not be the same on all pages.

373240 MDI frame, open sheet. Turn off one of the toolbars using SetToolbar(frame.SetToolBar(1, FALSE)) Sheet window moves up and doesn't expand to fill the entire mdi client region. In previous builds this was the case.
373287 PowerBuilder 10 with SQLServer ODBC driver connection.

Greek data stored in varchar columns don't properly retrieve or update in PowerBuilder 10.

This happened on Windows 2000 but not with PowerBuilder 10 on XP.

373360 A few ASE error messages are greater than 255 characters in length. PBSYC100.DLL will overwrite memory when returning these error messages, resulting in intermittant GPFs. Solution is to install EBF version of PBSYC100 that truncates the error message to 255 characters to prevent memory overwrite.
373362 A Child Window opened from a Response window is unresponsive when the user switches to another application and then comes back to Powerbuilder application. The focus comes back to the response window and the child window does not respond to mouse/keyboard events.

I also noted that when I change the child window type to popup, I can get the focus back on the popup window once I switch the application and come back, however when I manually click on the response window without closing the popup window, the popup freezes.

373425 Memory leakage occurs when calling AddData() or ModifyData() on a Graph control.
373446 In Customers environment a Bad Runtime function reference error is thrown on the client when using the string function in a component on EAServer on HP Unix.
373450 GetCommandDDE PowerScript function returns an incorrect blob. If you convert this to string wrong value is provided. This seems to be related to the unicode support of PB 10.

Workaround: convert string to blob and blob with ANSI encoding back to string

blob bl


bl = Blob(data)

data = String(bl,EncodingANSI!)

373452 DDE RemoteSend PowerScript event is not fired from VB6.

-> "Foreign application won't perform DDE method or operation"

No workaround

373463 Using DataWindow SetRow( ) function to move to rows with protected columns. Enhancement request : Function that moves to row and different column simultanously. eg. Setrowcolumn( row, col )
373464 Using DataWindow SetRow( ) function to move to rows with protected columns. Enhancement request : When columns are protected, they should allow focus to be set to themselves.

There should at least be a property on editable columns that could control if focus could be set or not: e.g. a "displayonlyprotect" property.

373465 Using DataWindow SetRow( ) function. Enhancement request: When using setrow to move to a different row, if the column on the target row is protected, PB should evaluate which columns with lesser tab-order it can set focus to.
373466 Using DataWindow SetRow( ) function to move to rows with protected columns. Enhancement request : PB should allow focus to be set to rows with all columns protected, not only the last row.
373610 After a executable is generated from the project painter and you select Design>List Objects, PB should display a listing the objects in that executable file but nothing happens.

From online help,

Listing the objects in a project

After you have built your project, you can display a list of objects in the project.

To list the objects in a project:

Build your project.

Select Design>List Objects from the menu bar.

The List Objects dialog box displays listing the objects that PowerBuilder placed in the executable file and the dynamic libraries it created when it built the project.

What's in the report? The report is a grid DataWindow object with the following columns:

Column Meaning

Library Name Source library that contains the object

Object Name Name of the object

Object Type Type of object

373714 Trigonometric functions like ACos and ASin don't throw exception on invalid argument. In PB 9 you get the exception message: "Double or Real Expression has overflowed..."
373721 Using OpenSheet(sheet,frame,0,Layered!) in menu script gives problem with display of sheet window if ToolBarAlignment= AlignAtLeft! or AlignAtRight!

The sheet will be moved towards (clipped) at the right hand side and at the bottom there will be a gap. (using ToolBarAlignment= AlignAtLeft!)

373768 When compiling an embedded sql statement where the table name is (intentionally) invalid, no compile error is produced when PB is connected to SQLServer with odbc. A compile error is display when connected to ODBC using Sql Anywhere and a error is also displayed when connected to MSS native driver.

From the odbc trace for the odbc to sqlserver connection:

b90 a88-a48 ENTER SQLPrepare

HSTMT 02511778

UCHAR * 0x01268280 [ -3] "SELECT UPPER ( missing ) FROM missing_table \ 0"


pb90 a88-a48 EXIT SQLPrepare with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)

HSTMT 02511778

UCHAR * 0x01268280 [ -3] "SELECT UPPER ( missing ) FROM missing_table \ 0"


pb90 a88-a48 ENTER SQLFreeStmt

HSTMT 02511778


For the odbc trace connection to the EAS Demo DB:

b90 904-a74 ENTER SQLPrepare

HSTMT 02511988

UCHAR * 0x01268280 [ -3] "SELECT UPPER ( missing ) FROM missing_table \ 0"


pb90 904-a74 EXIT SQLPrepare with return code -1 (SQL_ERROR)

HSTMT 02511988

UCHAR * 0x01268280 [ -3] "SELECT UPPER ( missing ) FROM missing_table \ 0"


DIAG [S0002] [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Table 'missing_table' not found (-141)

373836 Cannot use LEADTOOL OCX,PB Crashed.
373874 PowerBuilder 9 COM+ MTS integration

The Transaction management doesn't work consistently with multiple components.

- SetComplete may rollback a transaction after a previous DisableCommit

- DisconnectObject returns a 32767 error with option Leave Running when idle.

373876 Request for a "Pending checkins" view (tab) on the system tree (same as in Visual Studio) to avoid having to search through eg. 4000+ objects in 87 PBLs when it is time to check in objects that have been worked on. Doing a check-in at the target level can be very time consuming just to get the list.
373877 Add an optional argument to Date function to allow developer to specify format that the string will be in (so that it doesn't rely on users regional settings).

This request refers to the Date PowerScript function: Syntax 2 For strings

The current usage is: Date(string)

where string is any string containing a valid date (such as January 1, 1998, or 12-31-99) that you want returned as a date

Valid dates in strings can include any combination of day (1 to 31), month (1 to 12 or the name or abbreviation of a month), and year (2 or 4 digits). PowerBuilder assumes a 4-digit number is a year. Leading zeros are optional for month and day. The month, whether a name, an abbreviation, or a number, must be in the month location specified in the system setting for a date's format. If you do not know the system setting, use the standard datatype date format yyyy-mm-dd.

The enhancement request is to have an optional format argument, eg.

Date("01/02/2004", "DD/MM/YYYY")

which would always translate the date to be the 1st of February even though some system settings may be "MM/DD/YYYY"

373889 When connected to an MS SQL Server database via OLEDB, a table with a multiple column primary key does not display correctly. Both the primary key properties and the image of the table in the layout view, show only one column as the primary key, and not the others. When connected to the same database via ODBC, the primary key displays correctly.
373959 A SCC Partner requested a new ORCA function that allows an ORCA program to reset the Scc revision number of an object in a PBL. This is not possible via ORCA today, so a new API function is proposed:

PBWINAPI_(INT) PBORCA_SccResetRevisionNumber


LPTSTR lpszLibraryName,

LPTSTR lpszEntryName,

PBORCA_TYPE otEntryType,

LPTSTR lpszRevisionNum


To delete the revision number in the PBL, call this function with lpszRevisionNum set to NULL. This function does not require an ORCA SCC connection.

374046 PB10 export dialog has a new combobox that allows the user to choose the encoding format to be used when exporting source code to the file system. It would be nice if the last format chosen would be used as the default the next time the dialog appears.

Users typically choose the same format every time they export source. So keeping track of the user's preferred encoding format makes the dialog more efficient.

374151 The EditChanged event in a DW control is not triggered when the user highlights and tries to paste something into the DW column which has edit style set to EditMask.
374156 OpenSheet() with Layered! option displays sheets with incorrect size.
374166 Rows Discard makes PB crash if the datawindow has a certain height.
374169 ESRI tech support says PowerBuilder will not support ArcGIS because ArcGIS has multiple custom interfaces for its objects and PowerBuilder will not work with an object

that has multiple custom interfaces. I would like to either have this

verified or refuted by Sybase. They said their older product, MapObjects,

would work with PowerBuilder.

374274 EAServer SYJ ct_lib connection but not JDBC

If a pooled stateless component is deactivated and sent back to the pool without releasing the connection then it still holds a connection open on the database plus possibly table locks.

374330 The customer has a datawindow with a column that has a Date editmask of MM/DD/YYYY. He wants to perform his own validation of entered dates, so he does not want PB to do any automatic changes to the entered values, that PB will do in date editmasks. To inhibit the automatic changes he has put the following in his PB.ini file:

[Edit Mask Behaviors]


The following four scenarios describe what happens with various inputs. The primary complaint here is that he does not want PB to make any automatic changes to the values he types into the date editmask.

Scenario 1: If user enters 00/01/0000 (or 01/00/000) in the date field and tabs out, the itemchanged event does not fire and the date field has a displayed value of 00/00/0000. But if you click back in the field the value is still the value entered. Why does PB change it to 00/00/0000? Why is 00/00/0000 considered a valid date? If it is a valid date shouldn't the itemchanged event fire and the primary buffer get the value?

Desired behavior: Don't make any automatic changes to the value entered because the AutocompleteDates=no is set. Display a datawindow validation error message and fire itemerror when tabbing off because the 00/01/0000 value is not valid.

Scenario 2: If user enters 00/01/2000 in the date field and tabs out, PB changes it to 01/01/2000 and allows it, the itemchanged event fires. But if you click back in the field it is still 00/01/2000. If this is correct behavior why isn't the value in the primary buffer changed?

Desired behavior: Don't make any automatic changes to the value entered because the AutocompleteDates=no is set. A datawindow validation message should display and the itemerror event should fire because 00/01/2000 is invalid.

Scenario 3: If user enters 00/00/2000 in the date field and tabs out, you get a datawindow validation error message and the itemerror event fires. But the value displayed in the error message is 2000-01-00 and the value in the field is 00/00/2000. The data value passed into the itemerror event is also incorrectly 2000-01-00.

Desired behavior: Display the correct error message of 2000-00-00 and pass the 2000-00-00 value into the itemerror event.

Scenario 4: If user enters 01/00/2000 in the date field and tabs out, you get a datawindow validation error message and the itemerror event fires. This behavior seems correct and the correct value is displayed in the error message and passed to the itemerror event.

374333 In PB 10, if customer uses O84 interface and calls function which returns NCLOB or CLOB, he gets all the characters back. But if he calls same the function while connecting using O90 interface, he gets only some of the characters back. The end characters are truncated.
374350 Enhancement Request for SCC: Add a check-out option in RMB menu in other areas than system tree/library painter. Currently, a developer needs to know in which pbl an object is located before he can check it out. This can be difficult/time-consuming in large projects. It would speed things up to be able to check out an object directly from a RMB popup menu on the object in the browser painter, in the open dialog, or as the result of a search.
374420 A large composite report with many graphical objects is printed only partially.
374426 *) New Window

*) Add DataWindow control (no object, just a control)

*) Add button and script:


*) Run app and press button (run from within IDE)

PocketBuilder will crash

374438 Tested and reproduced with PB 10.0.1_5502 and 8.0.4_10784.

Customer would like to have possibility to ommit sender name in MailMessage object. Today, we don't have a property to ommit it.

374481 Application running EAServer on Solaris with PB Component accessing Oracle 9i database. Running on Solaris the component sometimes does not return result set, and component is deactivated. Problem does not occur when running EAServer on Windows. Cannot reproduce this problem here at Sybase. Consulting with engineering.
374549 Doing "build project" task after "scc refresh target" task in OrcaScript causes GPF.

start session

scc get connect properties "w.pbw"

scc connect

scc set target "Benchmark.pbt" "outofdate exclude_checkout"

scc refresh target "full"

build project "pbexbm.pbl" "p_benchmark_pcode"

scc close

end session

no Workaround

374550 If we call the InsertObject() function, and insert a tif file with the link option activated, powerbuilder will crash. There is a workaround (using setredraw()) that works in W2000 but not XP. On XP it fails with -9. Happens also for other file types, ie. jpg, gif and sound files.
374555 Unable to convert successfully from Oracle charset WE8ISO8859P15 to Unicode.

This worked fine in previous Ansi versions of PB.


Change the both registry keys to AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1252 to make the Oracle client convert to cp1252.

374698 A PB 9.0.2 regression. A component in EAServer uses a connection cache that is ODBC to MS SQL Server. When an embedded SQL delete where the where clause does not find any rows, is executed, the SQLCA.SQLCode returns a -1. When using PB 8.0.4 it returned a 0 which is the correct behavior, and with PB 9.0.2 standalone connected to the same odbc datasource the same sql delete also returns a 0.
374745 The customer is using 8.0.4 and connecting to Oracle 9i. They have a datawindow with a retrieval argument of type number. In a database trace you can see that PB is binding the retrieval argument to a vchar type. This is causing some performance problems for the customer on the Oracle server as the string type does not match the index datatype.

The customer has been made aware of the workaround to set DisableBind=1 or to add an explicit CAST() (with whatever Oracle function is used) to the query.

374873 The customer is using a Micosoft OCX control. He has a datawindow which has computed columns. The expressions in these columns evaluate correctly when he opens the datawindow the first time. But after opening the window with the OCX control,the datawindow expressions no longer evaluate correctly, even though there has been no change to the data in the datawindow. Somehow the OCX which is on a separate window from the datawindow is interfering with the datawindow expressions.
374980 In PB 10.0 there is a new boolean argument in the datawindow print that will bring up the system print dialog box when set to true; dwcontrol.Print(true,true). Normally you can select a range of page numbers to be printed. But this page range option is disabled when the system print dialog box is displayed from this call in PB.
374998 A 10.0 listview control is displaying garbage characters in columns that have nothing in them and in columns where a space character was put with additem. If columns have data other than a space put to them, they seem to display OK. Everything was fine in 9.0.2.
375086 Tested and reproduced with PB 10.0.1_5502, 10.0.1_6019, 10.0.0_4510

ASE: 12.5.2 on Windows 2000

When calling stored procedure to raise custom error message using SYC, only the 1st letter of the error message is retrieved. Works fine in PB 9.0.2_7509.

375252 Button text is put into 'Selected Text' color (white by default) which becomes unreadable on the button surface. Under XP themes, you cannot modify the button color to accomodate this.
375254 A RPC call to a stored procedure returning a null value, fetches a "0" instead of NULL into Powerbuilder. The Stored procedure is in Oracle and is set up to return a number.
375453 When calling an ASE 12.5 stored procedure with output parameters in a component deployed to EAServer using an EAServer connection cache (SYJ), you get the following error: "Error Executing bug_test2; SQLCode = -1 SQL DbCode = 137 SQL Error Text = Must declare variable '@rc'". In standalone PB when connected to the same database via SYC, the same calling code works fine.
375568 Custom java exceptions CORBAUserException from components in EAServer are not caught.

Instead there is a runtimeerror.

This is a regression that occurs from PowerBuilder 8 Build 10691 and PowerBuilder 9 Build 7196.

375579 When running a application exe where the

exe was compiled with a pbr file, the wmf is not included in the application exe.

It works ok with a jpg file but not a wmf file.

375582 Memory Error when doing fileread() multiple times. Memory is freed when application is closed, but not when you try to repeat the fileread running the application only once.
375627 The customer has an OCX called ActiveGannttVC Scheduler Component. This was working fine in 9.0. But after upgrading to a newer build of 9.0.2, the ole control with this ocx is painting it as transparent. You can see thorough it. It starts around build 7534. Seems to be some kind of migration issue, if you create the ocx control from scratch in the newer version all is OK. It's only controls migrated from an earlier version that paint as transparent...
375711 Build number of the PBVM does not appear for a

shared library.

When running the following command to check the build number of a shared library,

the build number is not listed.

strings | grep Version

For the other versions of the PBVM on unix, this information is available. For example

on solaris the following will appear:


Version Inconsistencies

Version: %s





375725 Createinstance is returning the following error:

Failed Distributed Service Error: E13 Could not create object of class sedcsm/n_sedcsm (70C)

From the jaguar.log:

Dec 23 10:59:25 2004: 180287-Library: '' for component type 'pb90'

Dec 23 10:59:25 2004: AFLIB Message: 18011/11/0: DLL lookup for '' failed, OS Message: '/lib/i686/ version `GLIBC_2.3.2' not found (required by /bigred1/duquette/jag/EAServer/lib/'

Dec 23 10:59:25 2004: AFLIB Message: 18011/11/0: DLL lookup for '' failed, OS Message: '/lib/i686/ version `GLIBC_2.3.2' not found (required by /bigred1/duquette/jag/EAServer/lib/'

Dec 23 10:59:25 2004: DynamicLibrary::lookup: af_dll_lookup (, new_JagComponent) failed

Dec 23 10:59:25 2004: 180286-CTS_JagComponent::load: failed to load component model library

Dec 23 10:59:25 2004: 180918-CTS_Component::load: failed for component 'sedcsm_pkg/n_sedcsm'

Dec 23 10:59:25 2004: SystemException: OBJECT_NOT_EXIST (sedcsm_pkg/n_sedcsm:Home/create - @

Dec 23 11:12:30 2004: 180287-Library: '' for component type 'pb90'

Dec 23 11:12:30 2004: AFLIB Message: 18011/11/0: DLL lookup for '' failed, OS Message: '/lib/i686/ version `GLIBC_2.3.2' not found (required by /bigred1/duquette/jag/EAServer/lib/'

Dec 23 11:12:30 2004: AFLIB Message: 18011/11/0: DLL lookup for '' failed, OS Message: '/lib/i686/ version `GLIBC_2.3.2' not found (required by /bigred1/duquette/jag/EAServer/lib/'

Dec 23 11:12:30 2004: DynamicLibrary::lookup: af_dll_lookup (, new_JagComponent) failed

Dec 23 11:12:30 2004: 180286-CTS_JagComponent::load: failed to load component model library

375788 Column property html.appendedhtml not saved by GetFullState.
375792 Cannot send hebrew or chinese characters from a PB-MAPI application
375793 When trying to create a datawindow in the painter with the following syntax:


where NumRows is a retrieval argument of type number, you get the error:

"Error -674 Statements size limit is invalid"

If you do "SELECT TOP 3 * FROM DEPARTMENT" all is fine and it works. A PB trace shows that on the retrieval argument select the painter sends "SELECT TOP 0 * FROM DEPARTMENT" to the database. This causes the size limit error becasue a 0 is invalid. On the initial send of the syntax to the database, the painter needs to do a valid substitution for the retrieval argument.

375802 A datawindow has a blob column. If the main dw retrieve returns rows, but the blob key clause is such that no blob column is retrieved, then a subsequent unrelated select returns incorrect data.
375807 Header group column width aren't well adjusted on crosstab DataWindows.

The width of header column @col is to short.

375811 The customer has a Tidestone Formula One OCX in a window OLE contol. It's a spreadsheet type of OCX and they load data into it from a datawindow and all is OK in PB 8.0.4. But upon migrating the app to 10.0, the control no longer displays any data after it is loaded from the datawindow. Creating a new OLE control in 10.0, has the same problem, no data is displayed.
375872 Error when order of array arguments is not the sames in report and child datawindow. Error is "Retrieve argument 1 does not match excpected type".
375908 Two regressions in 9.0.2 from 8.0.4 involving datawindow editmask columns. The first problem is a datetime column with an editmask of date. The editchanged event is firing twice on each change when it should only fire once. The data argument passed into the event is incorrect the first time, and is correct the second time. A gettext() called in the editchanged event is also incorrect the first time and is blank the second time. In 8.0.4 the editchanged fires only once and the data argument is correct, although a gettext() call is blank.

The second problem is a datetime column that has an editmask of hh:mm and a spincontrol. The field is too narrow so you can't see all of the 4 digits. When you enter valid data you can see the format is changed and when you tab off, you get a validation error. In 8.0.4 the valid data was entered correctly and you could tab off with no validation error.

The problem can be corrected in 9.0.2 by making the field wider so that you can see all 4 digits.

375961 For SYC native dirver, PB fail to pass string argument greater than 255 to Sybasee 12.5x.

For ODBC driver, Sybase ASE 12.5.x fail to return output string argment greater than 255 to PB

375977 When calling a sp, the sp will fail with an Invalid column name error.

From the trace from PB 10, it shows the following:

ce1a40): EXECUTE:

(ce1a40): EXECUTE dbo.mpb_flp_batch_label @i_printer_id = 0, @i_printer_ut_id = 804, @i_printer_type = "SAM8400D", @i_header_user = "sa", @i_client_id = "PREPNISH", @i_client_unit_id = 804, @i_parm1 = 1, @i_parm2 = 804, @i_reprint_flag = "0", @o_return_code = a OUTPUT

(ce1a40): SRV 16 #207 Invalid column name 'a'. (0 MilliSeconds)

(ce1a40): SRV 16 #207 Invalid column name 'a'. (0 MilliSeconds) (60 MilliSeconds)

(ce1a40): Error 207 (rc -1) : Invalid column name 'a'.

Using Ribo, it shows the following:


Status [1]: UNUSED (0x00)

Text [313]: "DECLARE @o_return_code鐆/� char(1) EXECUTE dbo.mpb_flp_batch_label @i_printer_id = 0, @i_printer_ut_id = 804, @i_printer_type = "SAM8400D", @i_header_user = "sa", @i_client_id = "PREPNISH", @i_client_unit_id = 804, @i_parm1 = 1, @i_parm2 = 804, @i_reprint_flag = "0", @o_return_code = @o_return_code鐆/� output "

Capture Record Header

Source [4]: RESPONSE (0x00000002)

EED Token

Message Number [4]: 102

Message State [1]: 1

Message Class [1]: 15

SQL State [5]: "42000"

Status [1]: NO_EED (0x00)

Transaction State [2]: TDS_NOT_IN_TRAN (0x0000)

Message Text [27]: "Incorrect syntax near '/'."

Server Name [7]: "CATALPA"

Line Number [2]: 1

EED Token

Message Number [4]: 137

Message State [1]: 2

Message Class [1]: 15

SQL State [5]: "ZZZZZ"

Status [1]: NO_EED (0x00)

Transaction State [2]: TDS_NOT_IN_TRAN (0x0000)

Message Text [42]: "Must declare variable '@o_return_code鐆'. "

The sp is called from the n_cst_label_print/of_flp_main_execute. The setup of the

arguments is done from n_cst_label_print/of_flp_register_app.

376004 In the PDA (runtime) the syntax generated by "datawindow.syntax" is

not usable by "datawindow.create(string)"

1) release 8; should be release 9;

2) edit.inputeditmode=0 is not understood by PocketBuilder (though it

exports it)

376095 When using orcascript and the exclude_checkout, a object

that is checked out appears to be getting overwritten anyways.

When a target is checked out and then you add a pbl to the library list, once you

run the orcascript and then reopen PB you will notice that the pbl you had added is

no longer included in the library list.

Using the following script:

start session

scc get connect properties "C:\pse\pse-90\11101366\test1.pbw"

scc set connect property logfile "C:\pse\pse-90\11101366\recompile.log"

scc set connect property logappend "FALSE"

scc connect

scc set target "C:\pse\pse-90\11101366\test1.pbt" "outofdate exclude_checkout"

scc refresh target

scc close

end session

Problem happens when using PBNative. With PVCS the following dialog appears:

Confirm Overwrite Work File

A Writable "<targetname.pbt>" Exists. Check out anyway?

If you hit no, the target file does not get overwritten. But the log file shows the following:

/6/2005 09:55 Source Management Initialization...

Scc Provider: PVCS Source Control

UserID: duquette

Project Path: /PB_11013666?PVCS Version Manager?C:\Program Files\PVCS\vm\common\SampleDB?

Aux Project Path: ?PVCS Version Manager?C:\Program Files\PVCS\vm\common\SampleDB?

Local Project Path: c:\pse\pse-90\11101366

Connection to source control established

PBORCA_SccSetTarget: c:\pse\pse-90\11101366\test20.pbt


Non Specific Error performing SccGetLatest()

Unable to get latest version of c:\pse\pse-90\11101366\test20.pbt from SCC. Operation cannot continue.


1/6/2005 09:55 Source control terminated

If you hit yes when the Confirm Overwrite Work File, than the target file does get overwritten (even though exclude_checkout is set). The log file shows the following:

/6/2005 09:57 Source Management Initialization...

Scc Provider: PVCS Source Control

UserID: duquette

Project Path: /PB_11013666?PVCS Version Manager?C:\Program Files\PVCS\vm\common\SampleDB?

Aux Project Path: ?PVCS Version Manager?C:\Program Files\PVCS\vm\common\SampleDB?

Local Project Path: c:\pse\pse-90\11101366

Connection to source control established

PBORCA_SccSetTarget: c:\pse\pse-90\11101366\test20.pbt


PVCS Source Control Info: /PB_11013666/test20.pbt Checked out revision 1.0.

App Name: test20 App Lib: c:\pse\pse-90\11101366\test20.pbl

Library List:


PBORCA_SccRefreshTarget. Full Rebuild

PVCS Source Control Info: /PB_11013666/test20.pbg Checked out revision 1.0.

Calling cm_rebuild_application(CM_REBUILD_FULL).


1/6/2005 09:57 Source control terminated

RESOLUTION: At current,"Scc set target" will use .pbt file in the scc server. It will overwrite .pbt file in the local.

It is a good logic, because "Scc set target" can only rely on the file of server. Because at most of time .pbt file does not exist in the local.

If we want use local .pbt file ,we must check in it before invoke "Scc set target".

376155 Customer is using PBDOM calls like BuildFromString on a Citrix server with reduced premissions on the root directory and it causes a failure.
376198 RPC function with array argument failed if first value is empty. the error is "ORA-01403 : No data found" appear and all values behind are lost. No problem with O84 driver.
376199 RPC function to Oracle with array argument crashes if first value of the string array is set to NULL. The gpf is in:

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

File Name: C:\WINNT\system32\MSVCR71.dll

376226 When creating a pcode exe, pb will crash with

an access violation error in the pbvm90.dll. From the project painter, the crash

occurred while 'Inspecting application objects'.

The crash handler reported the following:

xception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

File Name: C:\pb\pb9\Shared\PowerBuilder\PBVM90.dll

File Version:

Fault address=10C98169 Section:Offset=01:00197169









SS:ESP:0023:0012E4D8 EBP:00000006

DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000


Call stack:

Address Frame Param0 Param1 Param2 Param3 Function Name

10C98169 0012E4D8 00B7E7B0 00000000 0012E4F8 00000000 ob_destroy_rtinst+49

10C9D779 0012E4F0 00B7E7B0 00000000 06ED260C 00B7E7B0 ob_get_obinst_system_class+39

10BE47EC 0012E520 00B7E7B0 07966890 00000000 00000001 FN_CtlCreateAll+9C

10C867C6 0012E544 0000406B 07966890 046CAB88 00000000 ob_link_project+C26

10C86DB8 0012E564 00000058 0000DAC0 046CAB88 00000001 ob_link_project+1218

10C86FB0 0012E58C 00B702BC 04390C30 07930C34 046C9B88 ob_link_project+1410

10C86D5B 0012E5B0 0000001C 0000D890 046C9B88 00000001 ob_link_project+11BB

10C86FB0 0012E5D8 00B702B5 043DA794 03152794 05FE9768 ob_link_project+1410

10C86D5B 0012E5FC 00000010 0000D1B0 05FE9768 00000001 ob_link_project+11BB

10C86FB0 0012E624 00B7029F 043D463C 03FF07D4 05FE9208 ob_link_project+1410

10C86D5B 0012E648 0000000B 0000D110 05FE9208 00000001 ob_link_project+11BB

10C86FB0 0012E670 00B7029D 043D113C 03C51360 05FE91C8 ob_link_project+1410

10C86D5B 0012E694 00000001 0000D0C0 05FE91C8 00000001 ob_link_project+11BB

10C86FB0 0012E6BC 00B7029C 043CACA4 036C5748 05FE8FE8 ob_link_project+1410

10C86D5B 0012E6E0 00000008 0000D070 05FE8FE8 00000001 ob_link_project+11BB

10C86FB0 0012E708 00B7029B 06F27BB8 0683CFF8 00C3F208 ob_link_project+1410

10C86D5B 0012E72C 00000022 00000230 00C3F208 00000001 ob_link_project+11BB

10C86FB0 0012E754 00B70007 06F23978 068336D4 02E00528 ob_link_project+1410

10C86D5B 0012E778 00000013 000001E0 02E00528 00000001 ob_link_project+11BB

10C86FB0 0012E7A0 00B70006 06F22680 06F21DA8 02E02428 ob_link_project+1410

10C86D5B 0012E7C4 00000001 00000190 02E02428 00000001 ob_link_project+11BB

10C86FB0 0012E7EC 00B70005 06F20C00 06EF23C8 02EB4A48 ob_link_project+1410

10C86D5B 0012E810 00000001 00000140 02EB4A48 00000001 ob_link_project+11BB

10C86FB0 0012E838 00B70004 00BA6324 0688E62C 00C28D28 ob_link_project+1410

10C86D5B 0012E85C 0000000F 00000050 00C28D28 00C6FC20 ob_link_project+11BB

10C83881 0012E87C 00B7E7B0 00C6FC20 00BB057C 0000002B ob_create_appl_report+C1

1080BC22 0012E898 77D46AF8 00BA907C 0012F01C 00010011 CreatePBIGeneratorFactory+5482

1080BB8B 00BB057C 108104E0 00000002 00B7D644 0007079C CreatePBIGeneratorFactory+53EB

10810500 10810560 108069B0 108069E0 10806A20 10806A30 0002:00000500 C:\pb\pb9\Shared\PowerBuilder\PBAPL90.dll

1080699F 108068E0 C0681424 56108129 000007C7 C7E80000 CreatePBIGeneratorFactory+1FF

7C8B570C 24748B56 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0001:0002470C C:\WINDOWS\System32\CLBCATQ.DLL

376245 When customer is connected to PVCS and they try to deploy web target, they get error.

Error: Deployment JAR initialization failed. changerequest Deployed - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)

When they are not connected to PVCS, deployment works fine.

376346 The "PhoneCall" object's *constructor* is failing if the device is not phone enabled.

Instead, the internal state of the object should hold this information and simply refuse to function (return an error).

376398 A regression from 7.0.4. An editmask column with a code table was editable in 7.0.4, and you could make a change and tab off the column. But in 9.0.2, you can still make the change, but when you tab off you get a validation error "Value must be greater than zero".
376563 A COM object that builds successfully in 9.0.2, fails to build in 10.0. There are compiling and linking errors.
376564 After creating a ADO Microsoft ADO .Net database profile

using the System.Data.SqlClient Namespace in the DW Designer, once you reopen

the profile some of the properties are missing.

376586 When using the right mouse button on an item in the Control List for a DataWindow, the Delete menu click seems to be ignored, but inconsistently. At one point, the first Delete always worked, but TSE could only delete again if he switched to another pane and then back to Control List. TSE was also able to always delete the last item in the control list. And at somepoint in those scenarios, it started working regardless of which object were clicked, even when he closed and reopened the datawindow. However, if restarted PB, the odd behavior would recur.
376734 When using the DW plugin on Netscape to view a psr

file, the file is not showing up in the browser.

When you move the npbdwe100.dll to the Netscape plugins directory, it showing it

with a application/datawindow9 mime type.

376833 When using nested reports in a datawindow changing <DW Control Name>.Object.DataWindow.Print.Preview.Zoom while in preview jumps back to page 1, although you might be on page x. In a normal datawindow this doesn't happen.
376834 PocketBuilder 2.0 : Looking for doc about CAB Configuration Tool.

new tool "Cab configuration tool " in PocketBuilder2.0-->New-->Tool--> CAB Configuration Tool

376846 Need to Understand from Engineering on the numbers shown in IIOP stats. in Jag Manager.

Customer is seeing values for Sessions, Last Maximum Session, Peak Maximum session increment when there is only one client session involved. They want to know why this is happening.

376885 PowerBuilder is hitting a breakpoint with (PB_HEAP_DEBUG=true) when importing a datawindow .srd file.
376944 If you select PB Native as SCC provider and specify "P:\" as the project path (no subfolders), you'll see many error messages in the output window. Actually, any project path that ends with a backslash will cause this condition.

Workaround is to remove the backslash at the end of the project path or upgrade to latest EBF of PBNATnn.DLL.

376968 A large Ansi text file gets only partially imported into a datawindow in PowerBuilder 10.

The text file could be imported fine in PowerBuilder 9.

Also a unicode text file imported fine in PowerBuilder 10

377006 On Windows XP, the border for a text datawindow column that is set as Lowered appears as a thick dark line when the data value in that column is null (looks like the height of the column may be set to 0 so we see the top and bottom of the border compressed).
377104 The computed column is missing in "Sort" tab for SQL Tab in graphic mode while creating new DataWindow. It simply shows all columns of the table being used in the select statement.
377129 This is a request for PB Engineering to look at the customer's scc log files to see if they can shed any light on what is happening to the customer. PB 9.0.2 and PVCS. Objects seem to drop out of SourceControl. Their status changes to "not in Source Control" (a +) intermittently. Once the status changes to a + it does not change back till PB is restarted. This happens while connected to Merant Version Mgr. 8.0.2.

The customer reports that they always see the error when they have more than one PBL expanded and when they go expand more PBLS. As soon as a new PBL is expanded the objects all appear with "+"s against them. The customer believes that this was not a problem in PB8.0 and consequently should be working in PB9.0.2 as well.

10/27/2005 Customer upgraded to PVCS version (Build 662) and problem went away.

377132 Call to SetNull(blobvar) then passing that blob var to a function to read a file into the blob. The file is never added to the blob - length remains zero/null.
377138 If you run the application PocketBuilder crashes. Run again with the application object open in the Application Painter and there is no crash. Appears to be something specific to this application, perhaps something in the Open event code, as this problem does not occur with other applications.
377148 Call to GarbageCollect function causes PocketBuilder to crash.
377269 When using setredraw on a composite report and

you set a filter on a child dw, pb will crash when filter() is called.

The crash handler shows the following error:

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

File Name: C:\pb\pb10\Shared\PowerBuilder\PBDWE100.dll

File Version:

Fault address=107023B6 Section:Offset=01:001413B6









SS:ESP:0023:0012CECC EBP:00000587

DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:0038 GS:0000


Call stack:

Address Frame Param0 Param1 Param2 Param3 Function Name

107023B6 00000587 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 dwTabSortCmp+6836

377272 For an application deployed to the PDA, double-clicking the shortcut will SOMETIMES launch the application twice.

There must be some timing hole in the "FocusToPreviousInstance" system function.

377390 PB component with Dynamic SQL causes memory leak
377422 A simple call to an EJB which returns an array ob objects produces a memory leak.
377472 ImportString returns -1 when importing a xml string

into a datastore.

li_FileNum = FileOpen(file_xml,StreamMode! )


iret = ids.importstring(XML!,string_xml,1,75,1,20,1)

377474 When importing a file of type xml, ImportFile will

fail with a return code of -4.

iret = ids.importfile(XML!,file_xml)

377476 When using the getenvironment() to populate the

environment structure, the osType will return sol2! when running the PBVM on


377544 After removing all PowerBuilder objects from source control through the PB IDE, there may be extra files like vssver.scc and libname.PBG that remain in the SCC repository. These may be manually deleted by the SCC administrator. The PB IDE will not automatically delete these metadata files.
377557 TX OCX Control (Rich text edit control from The Imaging Source Europe GmbH )

OCX does not appear correctly in the most recent builds of PB, when it worked fine in earlier builds. (pre PB 9.0.2 7534+)

377605 When you specify a unc entry for the Executable File

Name in the application project painter, the executable does not get created.

The following error results:

---------- Deploy: Deploy of p_pb10_unc_exe

Creating executable file...

Inspecting Application Dependencies...

Inspecting Application Dependencies...

Inspecting application libraries...

Create of executable file failed

---------- Finished Deploy of p_pb10_unc_exe

377715 Differences in behavior between MSS and OLE DB connections for datawindow editstyles of dropdownlistbox, checkbox, and radiobuttons. The display is incorrect using OLE DB.
377717 The PBORCA_LibraryEntryExport function generates incorrect hexascii representation of the binary component of the object. Specifically, the last data record should be zero-filled to the fixed length of all the other data records. Also, the last data record is mistakenly generated twice.

With this fix applied, the binary component generated by LibraryEntryExport should be identical to the binary component generated by the library painter "export" menuitem.

This actual fix for this problem is in PBVM90.DLL, not PBORC90.DLL. New PBVM90.DLL must be deployed for this fix to be seen.

Not a problem in PB10.

377724 Setting the following Print Specification Properties in the datawindow:

Paper Orientation = Landscape

Paper Size = Legal 8 � x 14

Then doing a SaveAs(PDF!) Distill! Method. When Printing the resulting PDF File, it is not using the correct paper size. No sure this is a PB problem. When you open up the PDF file in Adobe, it is displayed in landscape, and the document properties show a page size of 8 1/2 x 14. But when you print it shows portrait and 8 1/2 x 11 as the defaults. It prints in landscape but on 8 1/2 x 11 paper.

377873 Regression: Dw column Format for number ****#,##0.00 shows incorrect display in PB 9.0.2

Tested and reproduced with PB 9.0.2_7554 and 10.0.1_7554. Works fine with PB 7.0.2

The display in PB 9 and 10 for number 2.91 becomes 0,002.91 and in PB 7 becomes 2.91 correctly.

377985 Performace is very slow in version 9
378044 Tab characters in DW displayed as boxes if dw column does not have focus. CR #310775 dealt with embedded CR/LFs in the data having different display depending if field has focus, a similar fix should have been applied for Tab Characters as well.
378227 When calling a stored procedure with no return value, the following error will occur:

-410 Prepare statement failed or was not executed.

The pbtrace log shows the following:

(c98610): SERVER=tbone@tbone_informix9(DBI_CONNECT)




(c98610): PREPARE:

(c98610): execute test_proc ( 100 ) (DBI_PREPARE)


(c98610): ^ 1 Rows Affected


(c98610): ^ 0 Columns


(c98610): *** ERROR -410 ***(rc -1) : SQL Error -410 : Unknown error message number '-410'



378231 When running a stored procedure with Informix odbc,

the following error will result:


(c98610): execute test_proc ( ? )

(c98610): INT Length=0 ID=?

(c98610): *** ERROR -11116 ***(rc -1) : SQLSTATE = S1003

[Informix][Informix ODBC Driver]Invalid application buffer type.

(c98610): CANCEL:

(c98610): DISCONNECT:

378297 When using an Crystal Report ole component a call to the component will cause a subsequent update fail.

no workaround

378457 If "Allways Show Arrow" and "Allow Editing" is choosen for a DDDW or DDLB the arrow width is bigger than if only "Allways Show Arrow" is choosen. This happens only if the XP style is used.

no workaround

378458 When a datawindow has a conditional expression set and additionally a modify() call is being made to its columns, it will decrease scrolling performance of scrolltorow() considerably.
378460 Unicode characters are lost whenb using copyRtf/pasteRtf
378476 DataWindow.Data.HTML property does not include header and footer background color
378507 When using selectbob to retrieve a column of type long,

the data appears to be getting truncated.

The table is defined as:

create table testlong ("id" number 5,0) not null, "mydata" long);

alter table testlong add (constraint pk_long_id primary key ("id"));

blob mydata


INTO :mydata

FROM testlong

WHERE id = 1 ;

378608 Request for an utility that can automate the resaving of windows when moving to the

XP platform as described by CR 340943 and Release Bulletin PowerBuilder Enterprise 10.0.1 :

4.2 Window sizing change or change the solution of CR 340943.

The solution of CR 340943 has been modified.

378642 An application deployed to a NON-PocketPC or SmartPHone device (like the HP-Jornada 720) has non-functional menus. Additionally, the painting seems messed up.

This is undoubtedly because the PocketPC & SmartPhone menu handling is with AYGSHELL functions that don't exist on the "bare" WinCE platforms.

378648 When running the PFC examples PB is disappearing. No error messages, no GPF messages. It happens on an example that links a treeview and a listview. Tracing the code it happens when a listview AddColumn object function is called. This is a PB problem, not a PFC issue. The PB 9 PFC examples run fine in PB 9.0.2 but when migrated to 10.0.1 the same app crashes.
378696 Bug in the syntaxFromSQL() function in the PocketBuilder 2.0 version (build 659). It doesn't happen with the desktop VM but only on the PocketPC VM. If the select joins two tables together and creates a datawindow with a column from the second table (only exists in second table, not in both tables) the resultant column name in the datawindow is prefixed with the first table name. So:

table1 has columns primekey and column_a

table2 has columns primekey and column_b

After running the code below on a PocketPC and checking the syntax generated, you will see that the datawindow column name is table1_column_b rather than table2_column_b as it should be.

378749 A global function with many arguments (75) cannot be successfully edited in the function painter. PowerBuilder crashes. The problem may be a combination of the number of arguments and the length of the argument names since another function with the same number of arguments could be successfully modified. However it was a test function where the argument names did not need to be meaningful to the application developer.
378787 When calling a stored procedure using Declare and Fetch,

the following sql error appears when executing the stored procedure:

Can't use the OUTPUT option when passing a constant to a stored procedure

reate PROCEDURE dbo.sp_test

@test_in tinyint,

@test_out tinyint OUTPUT



SELECT @test_out = @test_in * 2


378873 Tested and reproduced with PB 10.0.1_5502, 10.0.1_6044

Text Color never changes for group box in StyleLowered! in Windows XP only.

378875 This is an extension to CR 369324. CR 369324 fixed the problem with simple arguments, but for more complex arguments (nested types) the debugger doesn't show the value. Currently they have to be casted to derived classes and then they are observable in the Debugger.
379040 When using generatexmlweb() or generatexhtml() to

generate a web dw, the column headings will display as follows on Netscape 7.2:

Department ID Department Name Manager ID

The xml that is generated in the _tmp directory is:

<band_header row="0">





379178 Embedded INSERT statement with Sting varaible fails with "SQL Error, Bind parameter for '?' is too big" using ODBC DATADIRECT 4.x SQL Server Wired Protokol driver

Workaround: Use an other ODBC driver ( for instance "ODBC DATADIRECT 4.x SQL Server" driver) or the Native PB driver.

379220 This is a datawindow editmask regression issue. The customer had a 5.0 app that worked fine, and they have migrated to 9.0.2. Now they crash when they type into the date field.
379376 When viewed in the database painter, a TimeStamp column may display garbage.

Another problem is that pocketpowerbuilder crashes when retrieving data in

tables with timestamp filled in (even when number of rows is low, 200 for


When setting the timestamp null, the retrieve works fine.

379403 A Web DataWindow has a text column that is marked auto size as is the detail band. In some cases there is a lot of text in this column. The datawindow works well in most cases. It displays correctly in a window. It displays correctly if you print it. But sometimes if you get the html and write it to a file, then when viewing the resultant html file in a browser, the row after a row with a large amount of text in the text column overlays the end of the previous row.

The browser on the Web Generation property tab is set to Internet Explorer 4.0

379486 Powerbuilder GPFs when calling a component and passing a couple of structures as argument
379599 Unable to generate correct structure from WSDL file
379614 When deleting one deployment component from a target and then redeploying the deployment project via the System Tree (RMB on system tree) a GPF occurs. No GPF if deploying from the toolbar icon 'Deploy'.
379630 When trying to create a datawindow where the

datasource is a stored procedure and the stored procedure name has spaces in it,

the following error will result:

Cannot create Datawindow


Microsoft OLEDB Provider for SQL Server

Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'Expensive'

379643 Tested and reproduced with PB 10.0.1_6044 and 10.0.1_5502 on Windows 2000 SP4

ASE 12.5.2 on Windows 2000 SP4


Works ok with PB 9.0.2_7578 and 9.0.2_7544

dw.OLEActivate() does not invoke MS-Word when reading text column that contains a .doc as content. It seems that the Unicode factor in PB 10.0.1 is causing this issue to happen.

379687 A scrolling issue when using source control. With a large library list of many pbls, scroll down to the last pbl click the + to expand, check out and open an object. Now scroll back up to the first pbl, click the + to expand, there is a delay and then pop!, the sysytem scrolls back so that the object that is open is in view in the system tree. This doesn't happen without source control, it leaves you at the top where you scrolled to.
379748 When connected to MSSQL with ADO and creating a datawindow

using Quick Select datasource, if you select a table that has a column or columns of data type bit, those columns do not show up in the list when the table is selected.

The columns will show up in the list if you select the Sql Select datasource.

379749 Process stay alive on the server after a connection failure with a wrong password.
379750 When connected to ADO and exporting the table

syntax in the DB painter, the syntax will return the following when a table has

a column or columns of bit:

CREATE TABLE dbo.titleauthor (au_id ????? NOT NULL , title_id ????? NOT NULL , au_ord tinyint , royaltyper int , CONSTRAINT UPKCL_taind PRIMARY KEY (au_id, title_id) , CONSTRAINT FK__titleauth__au_id__0519C6AF FOREIGN KEY (au_id ) REFERENCES dbo.authors , CONSTRAINT FK__titleauth__title__060DEAE8 FOREIGN KEY (title_id ) REFERENCES dbo.titles ) ;

379768 Tested and reproduced with PB 9.0.2_7578, 9.0.2_7554 and 9.0.2_7539

OS: Windows XP SP1 and SP2

When editing a window that has a ChartFX OCX control on it, PB hangs and locks the machine. This issue happens in XP only. Works fine in Win2000. Also works fine with PB 9.0.2_7509 on Windows XP.

379937 PB application shuts down when printing a datawindow

where sorting and filtering were done. PB application is running on Citrix and using uniprint version 5.0 to convert a normal print job to a Adobe pdf file.

Using dw.print() and messagebox appears saying "Printing 1 of 4" and then the

application disappears.

No Dr. Watson dump is generated.

xception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

File Name: C:\WINNT\system32\ntdll.dll

File Version: 5.00.2195.6899

Fault address=77FCCA95 Section:Offset=03:00000A95









SS:ESP:0023:0012D4EC EBP:0012D6B8

DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000


Call stack:

Address Frame Param0 Param1 Param2 Param3 Function Name

77FCCA95 0012D6B8 030F0000 00000000 00000020 00000000 RtlZeroHeap+1ACD

02CC7A67 0012D6D8 030F1E90 030F1E90 02CF00E8 02CF0000 0001:00006A67 C:\WINNT\system32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\acpdf209.dll

02CC894E 0012D710 030F1E90 02CF0138 00000000 00000000 0001:0000794E C:\WINNT\system32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\acpdf209.dll

02CC86DB 0012D764 02CF0000 02CF00E8 02CF010C 02CF0138 0001:000076DB C:\WINNT\system32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\acpdf209.dll

77F66C09 0012D7A8 0012E00C 0012D7C4 00000004 00512D70 GdiPrinterThunk+4AB

77E4178B 0012DFFC 0012E00C 00000038 00000038 00000017 DdeDisconnectList+1296

77F9FF57 0012E074 672102D7 B40402D3 00000005 FFFFFFFE RtlCreateTimer+EA

77E59FDD 0012E110 672102D7 00193BAC 0000000A 0012E224 CopyRect+13DE

77E42156 0012E148 672102D7 02AFD008 FFFFFFFF 0012E224 TabbedTextOutA+25

77E22BFB 0012E17C 672102D7 02AFD008 FFFFFFFF 0012E224 GetScrollRange+4E

1161F313 0287B13C 00000000 00000000 00030190 00000000 0001:0011E313 d:\Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\PBDWE90.dll

0287B944 00776470 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000:00000000

RESOLUTION: The problem is that having a dotted line, followed by a solid line confuses UniPrint and causes the application to crash. The error is not specific to PB.

379961 When trying to ping or connect to Informix using

ODBC, the following error will result in the Jaguar.log file:

cm__odbc_error: SQLError: -908, SQLState: 60 [Merant][ODBC driver][20101]

Attempt to connect to database server failed

380037 When using multiple mail profiles of Outlook and one is open you cannot seem to connect to the other profiles to act on them. This was possibe with PB9.

no workaround

380155 We can enter a trace file name used in tracing under "Tools->System Options->Profiling".

After I entered a trace file name and click OK, the next time I restart PocketBuilder, the trace file name field will be empty again.

380164 When autosize height is turned on in the detail band

of a psr report, when you click in the vertical scroll bar area the psr report

does not scroll down or up.

380170 A datawindow modify on a column can fail on a syntax error when using array notation

and there is no space after the array.

For example for a N-up datawindow:

ls_Ret = dw_1.Modify( "col_2.Width='100~tIF(mycol[1]=1,100,400)'" ) //fails

ls_Ret = dw_1.Modify( "col_2.Width='100~tIF(mycol[1] =1,100,400)'" ) //succeeds

380263 PB crash when assigning value from array of object 's instance variable to local variable
380305 When assigning a range of data to nested reports using the dot notation in larger loops it will result in a GPF. (pbdwe90.dll)
380317 Dynamic sql Format 4 can give errors when arguments contain single quotes in stored procedure arguments:

- Can't use the OUTPUT option when passing a constant to a stored procedure

- incorrect syntax near 'int'

- Must declare variable '@rv'

380443 Document encoding lost after PBDOM processing.
380562 Delay in moving selected objects within the DW painter
380606 FileDirect object.

The Read/Write bytecount is an integer - restricting the amounts to +/-32KB.

These should be either long or ulong.

380608 An application that worked ok in PB 8.0.4 is now

getting an access violation in pbole100.dll.

The application is connected to mssql using oledb.

A user dump provided the following:

00 0012bfdc 14f35f3f 033eb3f8 00000000 00000000 pbole100!PBOLEDB_COMMAND::CreateInputParmBinding(struct DBI_INPUTBIND * pDBIInputBind = <Memory access error>, unsigned long i = <Memory access error>, int bReused = <Memory access error>)+0xacd (FPO: [EBP 0x00000000] [3,36,0]) (CONV: thiscall) [e:\pb10\db\oledb\command.cpp @ 6196]

01 0012c008 14f04cf1 00000001 0291afe4 036278b8 pbole100!PBOLEDB_COMMAND::BindWithInputParameters(int bFree = <Memory access error>)+0x18f (FPO: [EBP 0x00000000] [1,3,0]) (CONV: thiscall) [e:\pb10\db\oledb\command.cpp @ 5668]

380807 This is a datawindow display regression that behaves correctly in 7.0.4, but incorrectly in the latest builds of 10.0.1, 9.0.2, and 8.0.4. It appears as though the summary band height is being considered for how much data appears in the detail band on every page except the first. That is the first page is full of data, but subsequent pages have less than full data. It as if PB is saving space for the summary band on each page after the first, but only putting the summary band on the last page (as it should).
380964 This is a request to fix the problem described in CR 378602 slated for a 10.2 fix, in a 10.0.1 EBF. The problem summary: It appears that there are two flaws in PowerBuilder O84 driver: 1) it does not honor NLS_LANG settings solely defined in the registry; 2) it does not honor NLS_LANG environment variable settings in the process space (which could easily be obtained using the GetEnvironmentVariable() Windows API call). Furthermore, the driver needs to take into account the precedence (or priority) of NLS_LANG settings: "NLS_LANG Environment Variable in process space" should take priority over "NLS_LANG in User Environment Variables" should take priority over "NLS_LANG in System Environment Variables" should take priority over "NLS_LANG in Registry (for current Oracle Home)".

Desired Change: Honor NLS_LANG Environment Variables settings and Windows Registry Settings.

381092 When moving an MDI application from NT to XP significantly less sheets could be opened.

The frame and the sheets all contain fairly sizeable menu's.

To work around the issue replace the menu of the deactivated sheets by a small dummy menu

by using the changemenu function in the deactivate and activate events of the sheets.

If necessary also write some code to preserve the state of the menu.

381093 Insert Turkish characters in an RTF control and do a "savedocument". PB10 doesn't save these special characters properly. Happens if Windows has Turkish language installed.
381107 I am trying to rotate a text label in my application. I can set the escapement expression to 900 and I have also set the "X" expression to 0, but the text object after rotation will not move to the far left hand side of the DWO.

I also tried shrinking the width (makes it move over in "preview" mode) and set an expression for the width back to 233. But the end result is the same - I can not flush the object to the far left!

381115 From customer reports and my own poking around I see some shortcomings in the current PocketBuilder 2.0.1 SMS support.

a) customer states that the incoming message ID is always zero.

b) when the message sent confirmation is requested (from the telco) the message we get is simply "Message Sent", whereas the messaging application displays "Message Sent" as the subject then the body being "The message was successfully sent to 123456789"

I don't know whether this is *generated* by the phones messaging application or whether this is in the body or other property someplace.

381251 When importing an XML string that has new line characters in a column into a datawindow, the formatting seems to be OK until the datawindow gets the focus. The new line characters dissapear when the field has the focus.
381266 Can't get the GetChildElement method of PBDOM_Element to return anything. The workaround is to use GetChildElements (the array version of the call) and then use the single element array that is returned. Using IsValid as in CR 338245 does not work if there are child elements.

PER DEVELOPMENT: Incorrect usage:

//This won't work

l_task = l_root.GetChildElement ( 'Tasks' )

It should be

l_task = l_root.GetChildElement ( 'Tasks' , '', '')

Because URI is not empty in the test xml, so the user must use another GetChildElement syntax to get the element.

381279 This is a regression of the ImportFile() PB function in 10.0 from the way it worked in 7.0.4. In 7.0.4 you could import successfully a file that was already opened by another user, in the customer's case Excel. But in PB 10.0 the ImportFile returns a -2 when you try to do this. A -2 is an empty file error, which isn't true. But it appears that in PB 10.0 the ImportFile is trying to open the file with an exclusive lock, which is not needed and not the way it used to work.
381336 When expanding a table in the database painter that has a

foreign key, pb simply shuts down.

There is no error given in the odbc trace and the crash handler only reports the following:

---Call stack:

Address Frame Param0 Param1 Param2 Param3 Function Name

6C13DC0F 0012AA4C 00000000 00000000 00010000 00200000 CLI_utlCheckIfBindNeeded+3FABF

RESOLUTION: Verify that expanding foreign key works ok with DB2 v7.2 fixpack 13 and PB 10.0.1. Customer upgraded to DB2 version fixpack 7 and it also works.

381397 : The "Retrieve on Preview" options is not really taking effective properly after being "unchecked". Retrival arguments from child DW within Parent DW will still be prompted.
381399 There are misleading description about accessing unicode data between ASE and PB in Chapter 6 - Using Native Database Interfaces in PowerBuilder 10 Document "Connecting to Your Database".
381436 Regression in editmask control PowerBuilder 9.0.1 Build 9290, 9.0.2 Build 7514 and 10.01 6064

When entering the decimal point using the numeric keyboard in a stringmask, the decimal point gets entered twice or as ,. depending on the language settings.

381441 GetFileOpenName displays a file selection dialog. If the user selects multiple files, an array of file names should be returned. However, if the user selects too many files (greater than about 120 files) then GetFileOpenName returns 0 (error) and the array of file names is empty.
381466 If the library list includes a PBD, and the PBD is read only, you cannot preform a full rebuild on the target.The error is : "C0193: One or more of the files in your library list could not be opened for write." In the customer's environment, the project is under source control, so the PBD is registered directly with the source control system. That's why it's marked read only.

Further, PB isn't going to write to any PBDs anyway during the compile, it shouldn't require that it be writeable.

381469 A datawindow with an editmask column is using QueryMode. If the editmask column's required property is changed using Describe, the next time the datawindow is put in QueryMode, you can't enter any criteria, all the columns are non editable. It happens only when the required property is changed via Describe. If you set the required property in the painter, QueryMode works either way.
381559 TabBackColor property for TabPage objects and user objects works on certain builds. The documentation is unclear about the availability of the property.
381568 When using embedded sql where you have a selectblob

of a long datatype into a blob variable results in a access violation in pbshr100.dll.

Problem happens using the o84 driver. Works ok using the o90 driver and using

selectblob of type long to a long variable.

From the user.dump generated the following is the result:


pbshr100!pbstg_huge_memcpy+19 [e:\pb10\shared\pbshr\pbstg.cpp @ 116]

10b7d3b9 8801 mov [ecx],al

EXCEPTION_RECORD: ffffffff -- (.exr ffffffffffffffff)

ExceptionAddress: 10b7d3b9 (pbshr100!pbstg_huge_memcpy+0x00000019)

ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)

ExceptionFlags: 00000000

NumberParameters: 2

Parameter[0]: 00000001

Parameter[1]: 00cb1000

Attempt to write to address 00cb1000

0xc0000005 - The instruction at "0x%08lx" referenced memory at "0x%08lx". The memory could not be "%s".

381690 When connecting to Oracle with ODBC and using the DataDirect 4.10 Oracle Odbc driver, creating a datawindow from an SP fails. The same SP works fine creating a datawindow when using Oracle native drivers. A couple of other observations that may have something to do with the problem: When you connect via ODBC you get the "Catalog tables could not be created and are not available for use" error even though the same Cat table owner is specified as in the native connection. And the list of stored procedures in the datawindow painter when creating the sp datawindow in the native connection is prefixed by the owner. The owner prefix is not there in the ODBC conecction
381693 It seems that the menu bar is subtracted two times, so I do not have the

full screen when I create a new VGA window (exported window attached).

381697 When using Duel Monitor to display PB and you have

a dropdowndatawindow, if you drag the pb application to the secondary monitor and

then expand the dddw, it will display in the primary monitor.

381722 This is a follow on to CR 374330. In that CR several senerios with a Date editmask with a PB.ini seting of:

[Edit Mask Behaviors]


were fixed. This is one more similar behavior reported by the same customer.

If you enter a date with a 0000 year (01/01/0000) and tab off, PB accepts the date as valid and the itemchanged fires. But this is an invalid date, and instead the itemerror event and appropriate datawindow validation error message should occur.

381784 It is observed that certain OLE call get performance degrade on HyperThreading Machine.

From the repro. sample.

With HyperThreading ON - around 1 min to finish.

With HyperThreading OFF - take 1 - 2 seconds to finish

381836 The DateSelected event - unimplemented in PB - should fire when the user picks an explicit date from the month calendar control. DateChanged fires both then and whever the date changes, for instance just by scrolling through the list of months. The net effect is that you cannot tell in PowerBuilder when the user has actually selected a date.
381960 Passing arrays of structures to a Jaguar component with the "Allow NULL values in method parameters" leads to large transfer times with large arrays.
382150 Cannot parse WSDL file
382168 After adding a Calendar Entry to pocket Outlook Using the POOM Object, when synchronizing Pocket Outlook with the Desktop (Outlook 2003) the Note Entry is doubled when you open the appointment to look at the details (on the desktop.) Not sure if this is a PocketBuilder bug or an Outlook/Activesync bug since the details are not duplicated on the device. However if you use the Calendar application without PocketBuilder, the notes are not duplicated.
382208 The latest releases of PB 9.0.2 and PB 10.2 support SCC multiple checkout with certain SCC providers. There is a new PB.INI setting that lets the user explictly tell PowerBuilder whether this feature is supported:

The workaround is for the user to explicitly code the following in PB.INI:


SccMultiCheckout=0 | 1

If the above PB.INI setting does not exist, we issue GetProcAddress for SccIsMultiCheckoutEnabled. If this is a valid exported function, we call it.

The Serena SCC logging utility exports SccIsMultiCheckoutEnabled, but there is no guarantee that the true SCC provider that it is connect to exports the function also. To avoid a GPF, explicitly set [library] SccMultiCheckout=0 in PB.INI.

382228 If you select the Univers font for a datawindow column, PB 10.0.1 hangs. Doing the same selection does not hang in PB 8.0.4. This appears to be a special font, and perhaps it should not be listed. It is not listed in the fonts on the font property page. But it is listed in the font drop down on the toolbar, and if you select it after clicking a column, PB 10 hangs.
382257 A PB component calling a web service will cause

EAServer to crash under load testing.

The last line in the Jaguar.log is:

Exception info: Unknown error, problem with SoapClient

When the pb component continuously calls the web service, the response time appears to be getting slower between receiving the Soap response and closing the Soap connection.

Several interesting dumps to look at. (See testcase for details).

In particular from cisnt81 Crash 03-07-05


# ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child

00 0b1bfc1c 77f82a8c 00230000 00230778 00000005 NTDLL!RtlpInterlockedPopEntrySList+0x16 (FPO: [0,2,0])

01 0b1bfc4c 77fcc1d0 00230778 77f82ad0 05494e70 NTDLL!RtlpAllocateFromHeapLookaside+0x40 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])

02 0b1bfe24 78001532 00230000 00000000 00000020 NTDLL!RtlAllocateHeap+0x12b (FPO: [Non-Fpo])

03 0b1bfe64 780014cf 00000020 780014b8 00000020 msvcrt!_heap_alloc+0xeb

04 0b1bfe6c 780014b8 00000020 00000000 00d925ac msvcrt!_nh_malloc+0x10 (FPO: [2,0,0])

05 0b1bfe78 00d925ac 00000020 0b1bffa4 0b1bfea0 msvcrt!malloc+0xf (FPO: [1,0,0])

06 0b1bfe88 00d91469 11a2bc1c 00000058 11a2bc00 libjtml!tml_cond_alloc(void ** cvpp = 0x11a2bc1c)+0x1c (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\tmlib\generic\src\win32_synch.c @ 513]

07 0b1bfea0 00d915c7 0b1bfeac 00000000 00d92dcc libjtml!tml_thread_alloc(void ** threadp = 0x0b1bfeac)+0x79 (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\tmlib\generic\src\tml_thread.c @ 26]

08 0b1bfeb4 00e5d161 00000000 00e5d17e 00000000 libjtml!tml_thread_create(void * threadp = 0x00000000, <function> * startfunc = 0x00e5d17e, void * arg = 0x00000000)+0x1b (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\tmlib\generic\src\tml_thread.c @ 129]

09 0b1bfecc 00e5d0fd 01fd4f38 0b1bfee8 00e5cfec libjtcl!new_background_thread(void)+0x37 (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\netlib\generic\iomodel\td_background.c @ 487]

0a 0b1bfed8 00e5cfec 01fd4f38 01fd4f38 0b1bfef8 libjtcl!enqueue_work(struct work_struct * work = 0x01fd4f38)+0x91 (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\netlib\generic\iomodel\td_background.c @ 464]

0b 0b1bfee8 00e5cf20 00e5ec1b 050fd230 0b1bff54 libjtcl!background(<function> * function = 0x00e5ec1b, void * args = 0x050fd230)+0x32 (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\netlib\generic\iomodel\td_background.c @ 214]

0c 0b1bfef8 00e5ed12 00e5ec1b 050fd230 0b1bff1c libjtcl!netp_background(void)+0x10 (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\netlib\generic\iomodel\td_background.c @ 77]

0d 0b1bff54 00e5d253 050fd230 00e5ec1b 01fd4f38 libjtcl!netp_accept_mp_sync(void)+0xf7 (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\netlib\generic\iomodel\td_serv.c @ 246]

0e 0b1bff6c 00d92ba7 00000000 05494e70 0b1bffb4 libjtcl!background_thread(void * unused = 0x00000000)+0xd5 (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\netlib\generic\iomodel\td_background.c @ 287]

0f 0b1bff7c 780085bc 05494e70 77f82ad0 77fcc3d5 libjtml!tml__thread_start(void * threadp = 0x05494e70)+0xa7 (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\tmlib\generic\src\win32_thread.c @ 104]

10 0b1bffb4 7c57b388 11a1a5b8 77f82ad0 77fcc3d5 msvcrt!_endthreadex+0xc1

11 0b1bffec 00000000 78008532 11a1a5b8 00000000 KERNEL32!BaseThreadStart+0x52 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])

From PID-752_JAGSRV.EXE_2nd_chance_UnknownException_full_09AC_2005-03-07_14-06-25-156_02F0.dmp:

# ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child

00 06f4ecd4 00d22f49 00000000 00000001 00000000 KERNEL32!RaiseException+0x56 (FPO: [Non-Fpo])

01 06f4ecec 00d22f21 06f4ed44 00ee584e 00000000 libjcomn!com__abort+0x24 (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\comnlib\nt386\src\dbgfuncs.c @ 230]

02 06f4ecf4 00ee584e 00000000 00f56aa4 000002bf libjcomn!com_chkptr+0x4c (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\comnlib\nt386\src\dbgfuncs.c @ 188]

03 06f4ed44 014cb415 00000000 055a5ca0 00000022 libjct!ct_callback+0x15e (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\ctlib\generic\ct\ctcback.c @ 705]

04 06f4eda0 004ef851 016aa9c8 054cf7f0 11a04d20 libjcm!cm__release_connection+0x4b5 (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\jagcm\cmrelconnection.c @ 260]

05 06f4edc8 00437a6d 016aa9c8 054cf7f0 11a04d20 libjdispatch!JagCmLink::cm__release_connection+0x26 (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\ @ 199]

06 06f4edf0 00437c6f 016aa978 06f4ee1c 0041f778 libjdispatch!CDBResource::~CDBResource+0xbf (CONV: thiscall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\ @ 161]

07 06f4edfc 0041f778 00000001 0aa2469c 0171107c libjdispatch!CDBResource::`scalar deleting destructor'+0xf (CONV: thiscall)

08 06f4ee1c 0041f024 0171107c 06f4f02c 00421d75 libjdispatch!CTS_Container::ReleaseConnList+0x63 (CONV: thiscall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\ @ 562]

09 06f4ee28 00421d75 11a0a388 00000000 7ffb001c libjdispatch!CTS_Container::Deactivate+0x19 (CONV: thiscall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\ @ 141]

0a 06f4f02c 00426019 06f4f9d0 00484d39 11a0a388 libjdispatch!ActualInvoke::invoke+0xc8e (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\ @ 1360]

0b 06f4fb14 00441e47 01711584 028bb2f0 01711640 libjdispatch!CTS_Object::invoke+0x1d5f (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\ @ 3549]

0c 06f4fe5c 004431dd 028bb2f0 028bb2f0 06f4fe80 libjdispatch!IIOP_messageHandler+0x1126 (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\ @ 974]

0d 06f4fe6c 00dfeb90 028bb2f0 06f4fe88 028bb2f0 libjdispatch!IIOP_connectHandler+0x1d (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\ @ 1563]

0e 06f4fe80 00dc2ea7 06f4fec0 00dc2e28 028bb2f0 libjsrv!srv__spawnfunc+0x41 (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\srvlib\generic\src\procutil.c @ 994]

0f 06f4fe88 00dc2e28 028bb2f0 004431c0 028bb2f0 libjsrv!srv__bindspawn+0x74 (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\srvlib\generic\src\conservice.c @ 43]

10 06f4fec0 00dc3077 11bebf38 050e98c8 00000000 libjsrv!srv__protocol_connect+0x268 (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\srvlib\generic\src\conservice.c @ 155]

11 06f4fef4 00e5ed24 01fcd300 11bebf38 06f4ff10 libjsrv!srv__accept_upcall+0x1cc (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\srvlib\generic\src\conservice.c @ 209]

12 06f4ff54 00e5d253 050fd230 00e5ec1b 01fd4f38 libjtcl!netp_accept_mp_sync+0x109 (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\netlib\generic\iomodel\td_serv.c @ 248]

13 06f4ff6c 00d92ba7 00000000 0548df50 06f4ffb4 libjtcl!background_thread+0xd5 (CONV: stdcall) [Y:\calm\conn\itg\netlib\generic\iomodel\td_background.c @ 287]

382305 After generating a executable and then trying to

connect to a sqlserver, the following error will result:


Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

[DBNETLIB][ConnectionWrite (send()).]General network error.

When generating the executable, a db connection is needed. The code in the application has a soap connection and embedded sql statement. Problem happens using either oledb

or odbc.

382319 Nested reports give unexpected page break.
382497 When trying to print a datawindow using the

Adobe 7 Print driver, pb will crash.

The access violation appears to happen in the AD2KReGP.dll. But if you add a document name under the Print Specification tab on the DW properties, PB doesn't crash. The

following is the output of the crash handler:

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

File Name: C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\AD2KReGP.DLL

File Version: 7, 0, 0, 0

Fault address=70001CC7 Section:Offset=01:00000CC7









SS:ESP:0023:0012C8A0 EBP:0012D0F8

DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:0038 GS:0000


Call stack:

Address Frame Param0 Param1 Param2 Param3 Function Name

70001CC7 0012D0F8 022445A8 022440C8 0012D118 5E163870 0001:00000CC7 C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\AD2KReGP.DLL

700024CA 0012DD48 022445A8 001E43A8 00000001 00000000 0001:000014CA C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\AD2KReGP.DLL

5E1811C5 0012DD74 001F5C5C 001E65E0 00000001 00000000 0001:000201C5 C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\PSCRIPT5.DLL

5E17BB00 0012DEB0 00000032 00000001 0012E778 001E65E0 0001:0001AB00 C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\PSCRIPT5.DLL

5E177951 0012DF18 00000000 0012DF30 00000004 001D5320 0001:00016951 C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\PSCRIPT5.DLL

77D6E16B 0012E768 0012E778 00000018 00000018 00000021 CreateSystemThreads+2C3

382532 The customer has an application with PB components deployed to EAServer. The components do a large amount of copying columns in one datastore to another using dot notation. The customer's server machine is an 8 cpu machine, and they see the cpu usage increase dramtically when these PB components are called and they see the client performance degrade as soon as they exceed 8 clients hitting the sever at the same time. They are disappointed with this and want assurance that PB and EAServer are working correctly.
382546 Regression in 10.0. IsDate causes PB to crash when called with an invalid date string longer than 18 characters. It did not crash in PB 8.0.
382779 Objects with long names (>49 characters) cause a GPF when the DW is opened in the painter.

Only happens on certain machines.

On other machines the problem appears with object names longer than 186 characters.

382789 When importing data into a composite group DW using ImportString() function for the datawindow child, no data is displayed in the report. It works fine in older builds.
382936 Different behaviour edit mask of ###,###.0000

Power Builder is all OK, but in Version and pb is other behaviour. Customer sent repro. Test1 : Press key sequence : minus 1 TAB. Test2 : Press key sequence : minus Backspace 1.

382941 SetFilter gives wrong result set when decimal separator is comma.
382943 SetFilter gives wrong result set when decimal separator is comma
382960 The customer's datawindow has several fields side by side across the datawindow. Some of these fields are autosized as they have text data. Another autosized field is the width of the whole datawindow and should be positioned starting after the largest auto sized column, so that all fields are visible. But the wide field is positioned too high, and is on top of the other auto sized fields. It's as if it was positioned from info on the other fields before they were autosized.

A point of interest; there are other objects in the datawindow; vertical lines between the fields, and horizontal lines at the bottom. These line objects use the rowheight() function in expressions to position them correctly. These lines are positioned correctly and you can see that the datawindow did apparently calculate the y position that the wide field should start at correctly as there is precisly the correct amount of room allocated at the bottom of the largest autosized field for the wide field. It's just that it isn't positioned at the bottom where it should be, it's up higher on top of other fields.

383007 If you have a standard visual user object with functions, and you put this object on a Window, there is no way to see the ancestor functions, or add new object functions in the Window painter. You have to open up the ancestor user object to see/edit functions. With events, you can right click on the object in the Window painter and you are in the event Script painter for that object where you can see ancestor events, and add/override events on the window object. The customer is asking for a similar capabilty for functions.
383109 When using a global function in the db painter as the validation rule the save process results in the errormessage: Expression is not valid.
383193 The "PhoneCapable" flag is FALSE on some devices which are really capable.

For example, the Motorola MPx device.

Definately a phone, PPC-2003-SE

383343 Enhancement to review the Client Runtime installation to include all the steps noted above or allow the PBVM90.DLL to be registered via the standard regsvr32 utility or improve documentation.
383539 PowerBuilder cuts length for char and varchar columns. This is happening only when ASE Server is configured to ISO_1 and UTF8 DBParm is used in connection. (the UTF8 DBParm has to be set to TRUE and the ASE must be configured to 'enable unicode conversion').
383739 Bad input handling on a column with data type long and an editmask ##:00
383761 Regression: The customer can no longer read binary data stored in a text column using a SelectBlob statment. The data is stored on SQL Server 2000 and is queried via the OLE DB driver. The error probably occurs because PB 10.0 now treats data in text columns as Unicode. This used to work fine in PB8.x.

The customer's application was migrated from PB8.0.4 and uses text columns to store ObjectData from an OLE Control (which embeds MS-Word documents). The ObjectData from an OLE control gives a blob which may contain non-printable characters. When they migrated the application to PB10.x and started using the OLE DB driver (MSS is no longer supported in PB10) the data from the server comes back garbled.

Sybase introduced a DBParm called BinTxtBlob for the SYC driver which permits one to read the contents of an ASE "text" column as binary rather than a Unicode string (CR 379643). We are asking for a similar fix for the OLE DB driver.

383782 Enhancement request to provide PowerScript facility to declare classes as 'final' thus preventing them from being extended via inheritance.
383784 When PowerBuilder 5 was originally introduced, the PBSYB50 and PBSYC50 database drivers ignored a PRINT statement returned by non Sybase System Stored Procedure. This was intended by design, and was a change in behavior from PB 1 to 4.

The CR Reverted the behavior of the PBSYB050 to work like it did in PowerBuilder 4, However Maintained the new Functionality of the PBSYCxx database driver.

The Customer would like to see the PBSYCxx drive behave in the same manner as the PBSYB50 driver does.

383917 Cursor not closed after calling a SP which has a return value.
383921 When inserting picture (BMP) of certain size in a Richtext DW in PB10, the image will be displayed with black lines accross.
383929 The customer has migrated his application from Powerbuilder 9.0 to 10.0 He has OLE objects embedded in his datawindows, specifically Microsoft Graph to plot the values in the datawindow in a graph. When he runs his datawindows in 10.0 the OLE objects (the graph plot) don't display. Everything works fine in PB 9.0.
383958 When opening this crosstab dw in the IDE and

the preview pane is set in the default layout, PB will crash in the pbshr100.dll.

PB will also crash if you open the crosstab dw and then select preview (if its

not set in the default).

383963 The datawindow is a group datawindow that has the Reset Page Count checked for the group. When printing using the new 10.0 print with the 2 arguments { dw_1.print(true, true) }, only the first group gets printed out. Using the old dw_1.print() prints the complete datawindow. Unchecking the Reset Page Count on the group, allows the datawindow to be completely printed with dw_1.print(true, true).
384053 Changing alignment propertie of RTE column cause gpf
384125 SccHistory and SccProperties allow the vendor to return SCC_I_RELOAD return code. This informs the PB IDE that the object has been refreshed on the local project path and should be re-imported into the PBL. We do this fine, but there should be better messages displayed in the output view.
384138 The customer's application crashes randomly in a Citrix environment. He has provided Dr Watson log files. He is not able to narrow down the problem to a particular window in his application. His application is very large and the crash is random. This is a request for PB Engineering to anayze the dump files and provide any insight into the nature of the problem, and any suggestions of what might be causing it, or how to further isolate the problem.
384250 The customer has a csv format file that is created on a mainframe computer that they have no control over. The file opens in Excel or Notepad fine and you can see all the data. But when they use the PB DataWindow ImportFile function to bring the data into a datawindow, they only get part of the data.

I opened the csv file as a binary file in Visual C++, and I see the problem. All the data values are enclosed in double quotes and are comma separated, but 2 data values have included within the quotes, 2 binary zero characters. The first one coincides with where PB truncates the ImportFile. So PB apparently thinks that it's done when it encounters the binary zero characters. Since the customer can't change how their csv file is generated and since other programs like Excel and Notepad have no problem reading the entire file, they are looking for a PB fix to the problem.

If you open the csv file in Notepad, Notepad apparently ignores the binary zero character and if you save the file even with no changes, the binary zero characters do not get written out, and the resulting csv file then works fine importing into PB.

384428 DoubleClicked Event not triggered on PB10 Calendar.
384430 4GL Page variables not set on session and not passed to the client.
384433 When connected to MySql using ODBC and you create a datawindow, the datatypes don't appear to be mapping properly in the datawindow.

For example, in MySql the table is defined as:


| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |


| Test_Id | bigint(20) | | PRI | 0 | |

| Test_Name | varchar(100) | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Date | date | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Time | time | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Currency | decimal(8,2) | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Text | text | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Integer | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Datetime | datetime | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Varchar | varchar(255) | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Tinyint | tinyint(4) | YES | | NULL | |


After you create the datawindow in PB, the column specification is listed as:


| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |


| Test_Id | decimal(0) | | PRI | 0 | |

| Test_Name | char(0) | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Date | date | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Time | time | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Currency | decimal(2) | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Text | char(0) | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Integer | long | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Datetime | datetime | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Varchar | char(0) | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Tinyint | long | YES | | NULL | |


If the "Don't Optimize Column Width" is checked in the ODBC DSN, then

then when a datawindow is created the column specification will look like this:


| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |


| Test_Id | decimal(0) | | PRI | 0 | |

| Test_Name | char(100) | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Date | date | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Time | time | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Currency | decimal(2) | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Text | char(32766) | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Integer | long | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Datetime | datetime | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Varchar | char(255) | YES | | NULL | |

| Test_Tinyint | long | YES | | NULL | |


That still leaves a problem for datatype mappings of bigint,decimal,int,Tinyint and text.

MySQL defines the datatypes as follows: (file:///C:/mysql/Docs/manual.html#Column_types)

Tinyint - A very small integer. The signed range is -128 to 127. The unsigned range is 0 to 255.

BigInt - A large integer. The signed range is -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807. The unsigned range is 0 to 18446744073709551615.

Int - A normal-size integer. The signed range is -2147483648 to 2147483647. The unsigned range is 0 to 4294967295.

Text - A BLOB or TEXT column with a maximum length of 65535 (2^16 - 1) characters

Decimal - An unpacked floating-point number

RESOLUTION: Problem is covered under Cr's 354613 and 359632.

384455 Display as picture is not working with a crosstab datawindow when the data element is a string URL of an image.
384549 The user can create a userobject inherit from DynamicStagingArea,but can not use it in Dynamic SQL.
384636 After a Changemenu is called on a frame window to change the menu, the wrong menu item event fires when you click on a menu item.
384646 EAServer/PowerBuilder application hang.
384798 Regression. The customer has a C++ dll which they created and called from a PB 10.0 GA (build 4510) application. It worked fine returning a structure of values to PB. But now after migrating to a recent PB 10.0.1 build, only the first element in the structure is returned, the rest of the elements are null.
384897 no implementation of PBHeap Dump APIs call on HPUX Itanium PBVM
384919 In a WebDW, when you insert a new row, (or otherwise have null data in the column) a 'blank' entry is included in the generated INPUT SELECT tag for columns with a DDDW edit style (see CR 362643). The problem is that this blank row is put LAST in the list of options, so if you are entering data for a new row for instance, you are placed at the bottom of the dropdown list when you get to the column with the DDDW edit style and that's very unintutive. Much better would be to have the blank row first in the dddw list.

This seems like a pretty easy fix to make that would have a big impact on the usability of Web apps in PB and DW.NET.

384920 PB 10.2: The install creates registry entries under a "10.2" key that should be under the "10" key.
384950 The MonthCalendar control has a bug where if you initially set a selecteddate with the SetSelectedDate function, and then you click on today's date, the datechanged event does not fire as it should. It seems to think that both the date you set, and today's date are selected dates. It only happens if you click on today's date as the first click you make. And once you do that it starts working correctly thereafter.
384958 After migrating application to PB 10, app behaves


The application uses a third party dll call pdfenc32.dll and creates a bar code bitmap. The bitmap is a different image in PB 10 than PB8.

The application calls some external functions from the pdfenc32.dll. It uses the pdfobj

structure. The structure gets populated differently in PB 10 than PB 8. The following functions that uses the pdfobj structure are MakeMemoryObject, MakeFilenameObject, PDFEncode and PDFMakeImage. PDFMakeImage function actually writes the bitmap to the file.

RESOLUTION: The solution is to use BLOB type instead of String type in MakeMemoryObject.


declare extern function:

FUNCTION boolean MakeMemoryObject (ref pdfobj lpObj, int ioDirection, ref Blob lpBase) LIBRARY "PDFENC32.DLL" alias for "MakeMemoryObject;Ansi"

string numstr

long lDpiScale

Blob Blb

Blb = Blob("123456", EncodingANSI!)

lDpiScale = (300 * 65536) + (3)

Pdfobj objin,objout

MakeMemoryObject(objIn, 1, Blb)

MakeFilenameObject(objOut, 2, "barcode.bmp")

PDFEncode(objIn, len(Blb))

PDFOutputAsDIBFile(lDpiScale, 0)

PDFMakeImage(objOut, 0)


384960 DDE Regression. The GetCommandDDE() function only returns a single character, where it used to return the whole string. It works OK in PB 10.0.1 Build 5502 but fails in build 6064 and after. It was probably introduced by the fix to CR 373450.
384972 PB sets the inital value of a declared date variable to 01/01/1900. The customer is asking for it to be set to a null value. 01/01/1900 is a valid date and the software can't tell that date from a real date. Null is a much better initial value and more in line with other languages.
385110 WebDW does not work correctly when Back button is pressed.

This is dupe of CR 213368 and the request it to take another look at that behavior.

385129 Cannot use a userobject of type dynamicdescriptionarea with dynamic sql. It results in a compile error. Error occurs regardless of whether you attempt to use it as the global variable type for SQLDA in your application (Application Painter, Properties view, Additional Properties button, assign your userobject for SQLDA) or whether you just declare a variable of type <your userobject> and create it in script.

The only way I was able to use a different dynamicdescriptionarea than SQLDA was to code:

dynamicdescriptionarea my_sqlda

my_sqlda = create dynamicdescriptionarea

The above has limited uses since you are not able to customize the functionality of the dynamicdescriptionarea.

385305 Feature requested to include XSL files within PB project. For example a XSL painter to import/edit XSL files in PB and also have it under source control.
385309 Tested and reproduced with PB 10.0.1_6064, 10.0.1_6044.

Worked fine with PB 8.0.4_10784

The edit mask control suppresses the decimal point when typing negative values, when using mask ###.00

385313 When a proxy is generated from a Weblogic WSDL and then

running a PB SoapClient, it causes a soapexception.

Using the Weblogic MedRec sample and the FindPatientBySSn() function to populate the

__patientws structure. The structure isn't getting populated.

The proxy is generated using the WSDL location of: http://localhost:7001/ws_medrec/MedRecWebServices?WSDL

When the proxy is generated with the hardcode location it appeared to work ok:

file://C:\soft\bea\weblogic81\samples\server\medrec\src\clients\CSharpClient\Web References\localhost\MedRecWebServices.wsdl

385316 If you enter data into a datawindow editmask numeric field, but then later delete it, the ItemError event fires because the value is Null. However, adding a return code of 2 to the itemerror event that directs "Accept the data" should allow the value Null to be set in the datawindow field. Currently a garbage value displays. Should allow the concept of "Empty String is Null" to be used for a datawindow editmask field.
385380 When updating a webdw that has a retrieval argument, the retrieval argument is not getting passed in to the WebDW component.

From the Jaguar.log file, the retrieval argument doesn't appear to be getting passed in:

Mar 31 16:25:24 2005: HTMLDW: Entering SetSelfLink('test.jsp','')

Mar 31 16:25:24 2005: HTMLDW: Exiting SetSelfLink() = ''

In the datawindow painter, datawindow.htmlgen.selflinkargs is set to


385422 If Oracle database character set is JA16SJIS and national character set is AL16UTF16,

PB 10.0.1 O90 interfaces can not display/insert UTF-16 data from/to NCHAR/NVARCHAR2 columns.

385438 Offsite activation with Excel

The Save event of the OLE object does not fire with Excel although it works with MSWord.

385443 Enhancement Request to improve out of resources handling.
385508 The customer has an application that continuosly opens a response window. They are using it to do a printing process. In early versions of 9.0 they had no trouble clicking on another application while their PB app was running and working with the other application.

But now in builds 7509 and above, they can no longer switch to another application while the PB app is running. Something has changed in PB and it is not relinquishing the cpu as it used to.

The testcase simulates what they are doing. It opens a response window in a loop, the reponse window closes itself once it is open. In build 6053 while the PB app is running it is easy to switch to another app and work in it. But in build 7618, it is very difficult to switch to another app, you have to be very persistent and click many times before a click might be accepted. It's not an acceptable working environment. Adding in a yield in the main loop helps, but not much, it was much better in build 6053.

386002 When retrieving an external datawindow in 9.0 you get a -1 return code as expected, because there is no sql. However, he retrievestart event still fires. But the behavior changes in 10.0. You still get the -1 return as you should, but now the retrievestart event no longer fires. The customer is requesting the same behavior be continued in 10.0.

Engineering says this was an intentional change. External datawindows can't be retrieved so the retrievestart event should not fire. This change was made in conjunction with some others to improve performance.

386009 The encoding property is not being passed to the

SaveAs popup box when you optionally omit the filename.

If you use dw_1.saveas("",CSV!, True, EncodingANSI!), the SaveAs popup

box will appear. The saveas type and colheading properties are passed to the Saveas

popup box but not the encoding type.

386114 On Traditional Chinese XP/ W2K. The Chinese data can also be saved and viewed properly (using "dw_control.SaveAs()") as Excel files with the SaveAsTypes Excel! and Excel5!. However, saving Chinese data as Excel8! format produces garbage characters in the output Excel files.
386151 Those ASCII type String function rely on the conversion of sting from PB10's UTF16 to OS's native DBCS string(i.e. ascii). The conversion in turns rely on the OS System Locale.

However, it is observed that the ASCII type String function fail if change the User Regional Locale (currency , date format etc)to "US English" in DBCS OS (e.g. Tradtion Chinese W2K , XP).

386189 If a tab control has a default button on a tab that is not the front tab

then returns are still catched instead of going to an edit control.

386378 Extra-characters Ascii 127-160 not reported in a window control.
386424 A regression in PB 10.0. Connected to an Oracle database using the Oracle8i client and the O84 driver. Calling a stored procedure as an RPC, the procedure passes an array of strings back as an argument. In PB 10.0 the last character of each string array element is missing. It's fine in PB 9.0, and it works if you use the O90 driver in PB 10.0 as well. But this customer is unable to switch to the O90 driver and needs this fixed in the O84 driver.
386436 PowerBuilder and EAServer: Corba system exception: Corba_marshall error message when passing blobs.
386444 Customer uses our datawindow activex technology to display datawindow psr files within IE. Customer is able to display psr that contain tabular datawindows but ends up with a blank box when they try to display graph datawindows within a psr but just from this Portuguese windows OS.
386517 When deploying an ASP website, all the pages will be identical to the last page deployed, but they will keep their names.



Deploy the pages one at a time

386529 Getting "Item xxxx does not pass validation test" when tabbing out of DateTime column with format when all of the following is true:

- Regional settings Norwegian (BBokmal)

- Build 7578 or later (works in 7554)

- AutocompleteDates=no PB.ini setting

386539 My problem is how to change uid and pwd on Ultralite Database (Default dba sql) within a PockeBuilder script.
386540 Hungarian date format "yyyy. MM. dd." with a trailing dot causes Validation error.
386548 The customer has a datawindow with basically a group column and a data column. They have a number of computed fields and expressions that will display the group column only at the top of a page, or when the group column changes. They are basically simulating a group datawindow. There is a visible expression for the group column that only makes it visible when the row is the firstrowonpage or the group changed from the previous row. If the group column displays, they move the data column down so there is room for both to display. So there is an expression in the data column's y property which sets the y value to a small value if the group column did not display, and a larger value if the group column did display.

What is happening is that the last row you see on the first page is row 66, then on the next page you see the group column as you should, but the first row is 68. Row 67 is not displayed. Row 68 is the correct first row on page 2, and row 67 should be the last row displayed on page 1. But I think PB runs out of room because of the becasue of the y expression in the data colun, perhaps not taking it into consideration when calculating how many rows can be displayed per row... It's only off by one row, and there are several group columns displayed on page 1, so it's only one that's not being considered.

From Engineering: This can't be fixed. The reason is that an expression containing FirstRowOnPage is used to determine a rows y position. PB has to make multiple passes on the datawindow to display it properly, the first pass is to do paginating, where it calculates how many pages the dw will use, and the position of the every element in the DW.(It based on X, Y, Height & Width in property window). In the paginating process, the describe("DataWindow.FirstRowOnPage" ) is useless as the rows on each page are not known yet, so the default value of 1 is used. But then later during the actual display the correct FirstRowOnPage value is known, and the y position of a row may be changed. This conflicts with the pagination calculations and the result is the missing row. The recommendation is to use a group datawindow, a much easier way to get that type of display.

386567 When generating a webdw and you

have buttons for navigation on a datawindow, those buttons don't appear to work when you generate html format. They appear to work ok when generating xhtml or xml.

In the lower left hand corner of browser the following error appears when you click on the yield sign:

Line: 9

char: 1

Error: Object doesn't support this property or method

Code: 0

386599 SetChanges returning -1.

The same testcase works ok using the PBVM 9 (build 7509) on solaris. Same testcase works ok on windows using PB 10.2 (build 8006).

ll_rv = table_datastore.settransobject(SQLCA)

ll_rv = table_datastore.setchanges(table_data)

if ll_rv = 1 then

ll_rv = table_datastore.update()

if ll_rv = 1 then




end if



end if

386868 Composite Datawindow rely on the accuracy of the "Autosize Height".

It is observed on PB9 and PB10, under certain condition, the Composite datawindows cannot 100% display a Nested Report of Grid Style. When the problem happen, the last line of the data item may be totally disappear or be partially shown.

386900 Processing large results from a web service (e.g., 50MB) results in a "Unknown error, problem with SoapClient" error. Seems related to amount of machine memory. We reproduced this here on machines with 128 KB memory, but it was hard to reproduce the error on machines with more memory, even with larger results.
387060 When setting the argument in the powerscript space() function to a large number, PB will shut down with a fatal error.

The failure point is pbvm90!fnSpace. The last know call without a memory access

error is pbsys90!PB_SysSwapAndRun.

string ls_string

ls_string = space (425853547) // will work on my machine

ls_string = space(536854528) // will crash PB on my machine

ls_string = space(2147483647) // maximum value

387148 Documentation issue:

Cannot create new connection because in manual or distributed transaction mode

SQLOLEDB doesn't support concurrent commands like nested esql selects on the same transaction.

This is a driver limitation, see MS knowledge base article Q272358.

When switching to this driver a second transaction may be needed for such statements.

387161 Windows XP only. In a datawindow editmask for characters, when you type the keypad dot (decimal point), two dots are entered in the mask. The regular period key works correctly.
387181 PowerBuilder 9.0.1, 9.0.2 and PowerBuilder 10

A crash can occur after accessing the returntype property of

a local variable scriptdefintion object

387192 When creating a datastore using createfrom() from a

resultset, the char columns field length is increased by 1.

datastore ds, dt

resultset rs

ds = create datastore

dt = create datastore

ds.dataobject = "d_cust"


mle_1.text = ds.Describe("DataWindow.Syntax")

dt = create datastore


mle_2.text = dt.Describe("DataWindow.Syntax")

387329 Regenerate cause a button in a grid datawindow to move.
387330 PB component instance get Fatal Exception, when there are simultaneous call from multiple

PB Clients. PB Component inside just perform a dynamic call to Oracle stored procedure.

There no problem even with a lot multiple PB Client call when each Client only submit one

proceudre call. Problem will occur when each PB Client submit two separate different

procedure calls

387501 Device: AudioVox XV6600 (Verizon service) (same as Orange SPV-M2000)

Environ: PK 201 and 202 (eng) and ASA

Sample Program: DWExam and DBPaint (code examples)


When the phone is in "flight mode" - everything works hunky dorey.

When the phone is enabled - connecting to the database waits forever.

Looking at the running processes I see that dbsrv9.exe is NOT running.

This is very very odd because:

a) same phone as the Orange SPV M2000 which we do a lot of testing with.

b) there is still plenty of free memory and process slots

387647 2nd Retrieve fails with HTML DW on IIS when using ODBC driver
387678 EAServer will crash because of large memory usage.

Consultlant provide a repro. sample and suspect that there is potential memory leakage

causing the crash. It will either core dump / fail with allocVM() in PBHeap.

387679 Customer is calling a webservice method which returns a one element structure which happens to be an array which is failing to send back the string.
387759 PB10's IN9 native driver version 2.8 is not showing DB error messages
387762 PB10's IN9 DBPARM INET_SERVICE cannot take more than 4 chars
387854 When a new row or column is added to a crosstab

which forces a rebuild of the crosstab, PB currently propagates the properties

of the first column to the new column or row.

Customer would like to see that when a new column or row is added that the

properties DON'T change for any of the columns or rows on a crosstab.

387858 When adding a new column to a datasource that consist

of several tables, the Crosstab Definition values get reset. You have to

add back in all the columns, rows and values.

If the datasource is only 1 table, the Crosstab Definition does not get reset.

387868 On the PocketPC runtime, the DW QueryMode feature gives the error message:

"CreateWindow Error", "Cannot Find Window Class"

This is a handy feature because it allows the "Query By Example" and has no bad real-estate issues.

387941 Can抰 enter 31-12-2004 into date type edit mask
387965 EJB Client Debugging: CR378875 is only partially fixed. Nested array items aren't shown in the Debugger.
387993 some lines not displayed when previewing a nested report.
388028 Need Engineering analysis of dump file. The customer has a PB application that runs mutiple other PB applications as NT services. They have the ability to run several types of batch processes as well as running multiple instances of some of the same processes. All use ODBC for MS SQL Server database connectivity. The problem is that their batch processes get a Dr.Watson fault when the executables are run as NT services (as opposed to launching them directly). This seems to happen on machines running Windows XP (both service pack 1 and 2) as well as Windows 2003. The error only seems to occur when around eleven of their services are running at the same time.
388100 Some of graphs in a group header on a DW disappear after calling SetSeriesStyle() in pbm_dwngraphcreate.
388120 Some text objects not displayed in a DW crosstab at runtime
388311 dw.GetText() returns empty string if text column is >32765
388316 DDE function GetRemote() returns -2 since moving to PB 10 against German Office edition (eg. MS Office 2003) installed.
388346 After upgrading to PB 10.2, cannot connect to

StarTeam 2005 anymore. PB 10.2 installs jdk 1.4.2_06 and StarTeam appears to

require 1.4.2_01.

When connecting using PB 10.2 jdk (1.4.2_06), it causes PB to crash with:

An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the VM.

Unexpected Signal : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) occurred at PC=0x805C61E



Source file = D:/BUILD_AREA/jdk142-update/ws/fcs/hotspot\src\cpu\i486\vm\frame_i486.cpp : 341

Current Java thread:

at Method)

at Source)

at java.lang.Thread.init(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.Thread.<init>(Unknown Source)

Tried modifying the StarTeamSDK70.ini and Java.ini to point to jdk 1.4.2_06

and that didn't work. Also tried to set the StarTeam jdk before PB jdk from Tools,Java, Set JDK Location, I get the error of:

The StarTeam SDK is not properly installed on this machine. The integration requires 70 of the StarTeam SDK. If the StarTeam SDK is installed you must first uninstall it. Then re-install this integration.

388388 1) Create new DW or edit existing DW that has SQL Select with a simple WHERE clause.

SELECT emp_lname FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE emp_id > 200

2) In SQL Painter, make the WHERE clause tab active and then convert to syntax mode.

3) Change the WHERE clause to read WHERE emp_id > 200 and emp_id < 800.

4) Convert to graphics. The new phrase "and emp_id < 800" is now missing.

388436 Header disappear when sorting a column on a dw created from setFullState
388474 Enhancement Request: Port EJB Client to platform Sun SPARC/Solaris
388482 PowerBuilder 10 with Oracle 8 or 9 databases and client software.

Updating a varchar2 (4000) column with more then 2000 characters gives errors:

- "Row changed between retrieve and update"

- ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column

- ORA-12704: character set mismatch

To workaround it use DisableBind=1 or DisableUnicode=1

388625 DW.setfullstate does not trigger dw.rowfocuschanged in PB10
388700 EAServer 5.2

Calling an MSSQL stored procedure as a rpc with a PowerBuilder datetime argument

through a ODBC datacache gives an error:

[HY104] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid precision value

[HY000] [DataDirect][ODBC SQL Server driver][Microsoft SQL Server]Syntax error converting DATETIME from character string.

388718 CR 382755 introduced the ability to paint a SQL statement that contains no FROM clause. However, for a new Query object, the Save and Save As menuitems would not get enabled until you selected a table and one or more columns. You should be able to save a query containing just computed columns: Ex: SELECT Today(*)
388729 Only on the PPC, the IDE is fine.

Set the DW RowFocusIndicator( Hand! ) or a picture control.

As you move up and down WITHIN a page, the previous row indicator is properly erased.

However -

When you hit the bottom of the window and you force the DW to scroll, the old picture (the previous row indicator) is not properly erased when the next (current) row is drawn.

This makes the RowFocusIndicator pretty much useless....

388823 Some Image files with transparent background not displayed correctly
388846 PowerBuilder 10 : Page range shows 0 when Print Dialog Box is called using dw.print(true,true). Escpecially this is important for PFC 10 pfc_print() event!
388853 MDI application. Open a window with dddw, clicking on the frame of this window, after opening another window and it fires the DoubleClicked event. If you happen to click on the top left corner (frame), it will close the window.

Inactive window behind an active window and then click on the upper left it will fire the double clicked event causing the window to close. Customers main application will gpf if this happens, however the sample app does not crash, but does fire the double clicked event.

388872 The DataWindow SaveAs() function takes much more time in PB 10 than PB 9. Probably related to unicode but it takes more than 10 times as long as before... This is magnified for large datawindows and or saving to networked drives.
388982 DW string column don't accept more than 1024 characters, even when the database column is supposed to store more. For instance a string (4000) column.

Workaround: enable the auto vertical scrollbar to be able to insert more then 1024 characters in long column

389030 Application was migrated from PB 7 to PB 8.0.x with no Issues. Now in PB 10 Getting messagebox "An internal error has occurred." when trying to save a change to a particular window.
389126 PB 8 Component in EAS5.2 returns SQLCode -1, SQLDBCode 100 when updating 0 row but EAS4.2 does not
389140 Peculiair behavior with a rectangle in a grid datawindow

The rectangle may move to the right when switching columns or under certain conditions on reopening the datawindow.

To fix the position, put the X-value in the expression box.

389141 PB does not release memory for string variables during string concatenation

mysql = dw_1.Object.col1[i] + "," + ls_toto

Application crashes when reaching limit of allocated memory.

Workaround: split the code in two lines

mysql = dw_1.Object.col1[i]

mysql = mysql + "," + ls_toto

389170 On a sheet in an MDI frame is a datawindow. Rightclicking on the datawindow displays a popup menu using PopMenu(). When the sheet opens, a response window is opened and it closes itself with a close(this) in the response window open event. But thereafter the position of the popup menu is incorrect, it displays at the wrong coordinates. If the close(this) is posted, then the popup menu is displayed correctly.
389177 PowerBuilder 10

Unpredictable crashes with dbparm DisableUnicode=1 and the O84 interface.

389191 When you have a date column with a dropdown calendar

and you click on that date column in IE, the dropdown calendar will sometimes

appear right over the column--obscuring the column.

The problem is reproducible from the dw painter and from a .Net WebForm. The problem

is noticeable when clicking on a date field at the bottom of the html page or asp page.

389304 PowerBuilder 10.2

When deploying a component to EAServer, a server crash can occur if at the

same time a client application is trying to access the components and

there are no pooled components yet.

389327 Tested and reproduced in PB 9.0.2_7610 and 10.2_8081

Customer would like that SCC PBNative log would also add and log the users that have been connected.

389422 Fetching into a longlong variable gives incorrect results with PB 9.x

Works fine with PB 10 GA onwards

389425 When using the custompage.length, the bottom of the

report is getting cut off.

From print preview, the report should fit on 11 x 17. When using the following

settings, the report is still getting cut off:

i_cust_width = 225

li_cust_length = 431

dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Print.Paper.Size = 256

dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Print.CustomPage.Length = li_cust_length

dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Print.CustomPage.Width = li_cust_width

From online help:

dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Print.CustomPage.Length = 254 // 10 inches

dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Print.CustomPage.Width = 190.5 // 7 inches

RESOLUTION: Although PB now support custompage.length and custompage.width, the print

driver needs to support this page size too.

389430 All of this used to work...

I've just upgraded ASA/Ultralite in my machine and I got some

problem when creating an Ultralite Database in the database painter out of a

.usm file.

In the status bar of PocketBuilder at the bottom, a message with a RED

background reads "Error from ULCONV.EXE -5".

However, using the ASA 9.0.2 "ulconv create ....." command creates the .udb

file without a problem.

Just worrying about the compatibility between PocketBuilder with

Ultralite after seeing this error.

389493 Enhancement request to support Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE and TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIMEZONE datatypes.
389528 FileReadEx takes longer to read the file in Pb 10, compared to version 7
389530 Comparing the return value of the lowerbound function with a decimal directly may cause crashes or incorrect results.
389535 DataWindow editmask with mask [date]

After modifying the background.mode the field gets the value 00-00-0000

when clicking in it.

389569 Chinese characters are not displaying properly when connecting to MS SQL Server via OLE DB drivers. When using an MSS connection d(in 9.0) the chinese data displays fine.
389596 In PBJDB and PBOLE, the DelimitIdentifier DBParm can only be set using 'YES' (case insensitive string compare). Other db drivers (PBSYC, PBDIR, PBODB) allow 'YES' | TRUE | 1 | 'NO' | FALSE | 0.

For all drivers, DelimitIdentifier is still a static DBParm that can only be set prior to the database connection.

389696 Sleep () within a for loop will cause diff behaviour on W2K vs WinXP
389735 if resize a datawindow smaler then it was and the datawindow has "Retrieved As Needed" enabled there is no need to retrieve new rows. But the datawindow retrieve new rows each time you resize the datawindow.
389903 Binding of decimals to floating-point integers in DataWindows causing errors
390134 PowerBuilder 10 ASE

When retrieving a datawindow, build upon a stored procedure that prints a large char value,

a crash occurs.

A print on a varchar did not crash.

390138 Copying a cell from Excel 2003 into a datawindow string editmask may fail if the value of the cell is large.
390279 This is an enhancement request to extend mail support to full Unicode, for example by supporting Extended MAPI support.

Currently we only support the Simple MAPI interface for sending mail by script.

As a result PowerBuilder 10 can only sent mail using the local language setting in the control panel.

390315 A stored procedure output parameter is not returned correctly when calling the stored procedure as an RPCFUNC declared in a descendant transaction object. Problem occurs using the SYC driver to connect to ASE. The same code works using the MSS driver to connect to Microsoft SQL Server.

Workaround: Call the stored procedure using Declare, Prepare, Execute statements instead of as a remote function works fine.

SOLUTION: Set dbparm DBParm = ''Release='12.5.1' when connecting to ASE 12.5.1.

390329 When running an application in PB 10.2, the sharedata

function will return -1 when you use a dw from PB 10.0.1 or older build.


If dw_1.sharedata(dw_2) = -1 Then

MessageBox("ShareData", "Failed to ShareData", StopSign!)

end if

390429 It is a support feature that reference the column name to copy out the whole data set of the column. However, PB10.x fail to do that when the it is a computed column . PB8.x and PB9.x has no such problem.
390447 When connected to an Informix 7 database via an Informix 9 client there is a problem with a datawindow. When you try to setup or alter the datawindow update properties, you get an error that it can't find the first column you selected for update (all the columns have the problem). When doing the same thing to an Informix 9 database, there is no problem.
390458 DelimitIdentifier is coded as a static DBParm in PBSYC, PBODB, PBOLE, PBDIR, PBIN?, and PBJDB. It is a dynamic DBParm in the PBOR? drivers.

QA testing determined that the stored procedure sp_webservices cannot be correctly executed when ASE has the quoted_identifier property turned on. Users may have SPs that use the double quote as a string delimiter. If so, those SPs won't execute if quoted_identifier is turned on. So it is reasonable to be able to modify this setting during a PB database connection. Hence the need for a dynamic DBParm for drivers that are frequently used with Sybase ASE.

With this fix applied, DelimitIdentifier will become a dynamic DBParm in PBSYC, PBJDB, and PBODB. It will also automatically issue a "set quoted_identifier {on | off}" to the ASE server if connected to Sybase ASE. The behavior in PBOLE, PBOR?, PBIN?,and PBDIR are not affected.

390468 When MessageTerse= {'Yes' | 'TRUE' | 1} then errors should not contain the SQLSTATE=nnnn

prefix (Terse means the error message should be SHORTER).

When MessageTerse= {'No' | 'FALSE' | 0} then errors should contain the SQLSTATE=nnnn

prefix (Not terse - hence longer error message).

The JDBC driver was behaving in exactly the opposite manner.

390486 The customer has a grid datawindow with some computed fields. In the header above each column and computed field is a button. In 10.2 when you place the buttons in the center of each grid in the header and save the datawindow, when you re-open the datawindow the buttons over the computed fields have moved. They all move to the right. This is a regression as in earlier builds of 9.0.1 the buttons remain where you put them. It works correctly in 9.0.1 build 7196, and breaks sometime after that in 9.0 and remains broken in 10.0.
390527 The DisableBind DBParm is a dynamic DBparm in PBODBnnn.DLL. However, it only gets set ON with DisableBind=1. With this fix applied, DisableBind='True' and DisableBind='Yes' are also allowed. Likewise, DisableBind={'No' | 'False' | 0 } will dynamically turn off this setting.
390537 The ODBC driver does not support the TrimSpaces DBParm. If it did, it would be easier to port an existing application that currently uses a different driver to ODBC.
390565 Using ORCA, the performance of PBORCA_LibraryEntryImport has degraded significantly between PB 7 and PB 8. Regeneration time for a PBL is also longer.
390629 When trying to create a web service proxy, the following

error results:

xxxx.wsdl is not a valid WSDL file

When using the WSDL trace, the log file shows:

INFO: StartElement: part part

ENTER: WMMessagePartHandler::ReadAttributes


ERROR: WMWebServicesDescFault raised:

ERROR: code: WSDL Schema Error

ERROR: string: Unresolvable namespace for attribute 'type' on element: 'message'

ERROR: Caught WMWebServicesDescFault in WMWSDLParser::LoadAndParseWSDLFile

LEAVE: WMWSDLParser::LoadAndParseWSDLFile (returned false)

ERROR: LoadAndParseWSDLFile returned false in WMSOAPWSDLClient::ParseFile

LEAVE: WMSOAPWSDLClient::ParseFile (returned false)

ERROR: Error::Cannot parse the WSDL file

LEAVE: PbProxyForWSDL::SetWsdlLocation (returned false)

INFO: WSDL Location: file://C:\pse\pse-90\11137767\LoginService.wsdl

ERROR: PbProxyObj.SetWSDLLocation returned false

LEAVE: ws_SetWsdlLocation (returned 0)

390637 When you alter script in Powerbuilder and click on the Running man you get a dialogue box that says "Save Changes to object my_pbl.pbl (my_window)".

Yes will save the script and run the application.

No will stop the run and not save the script.

The customer believes the dialogue box could be a little clearer perhaps adding to the text of the messagebox to say "Selecting No will cancel the Run request."

390726 Deleting last row in HTML DW will NOT scroll to the previous row automatically
390736 PowerBuilder 10 post GA

In a large 3 tier application a crash occurs in an editmask in a difficult to explain situation.

The issue is possibly due to memory corruption.

390766 Unable to generate a web service proxy.

The log files included in the testcase show the errors and tracing of web service proxy generation. The wsdl files reference urls that are behind customers firewall.

RESOLUTION: The bug was fixed.

390779 If a cell in excel, for example, has 9 digits and you copy

that cell to a dw string column that has a editmask of #########, the paste will

not work in the dw painter. However if the cell has 7 digits and you copy

it to the dw painter, it will copy ok. But it appears that there are 2 trailing spaces.

390881 New feature request to add more items to Paper Size down drop list box on Print Specification Tab on DataWindow.
390905 For the barcode scanner (and all derived classes) the "DeviceHandle" property is always zero.
390908 On SOME devices (like a Falcon 4400) a Main Window does not have its title bar.

This stems from the differing windowing concepts between the bare WinCE, newer WinCE.NET, and the layer provided by PocketPC and SmartPHone (Windows Mobile).

390909 Starting in PB 10.0 there appears to be a new type of error message that looks like:

"PowerBuilder Fatal Error

Please contact Sybase supporting engineer."

These messages happen and then PB closes down. These type of messages are worse than no message at all. They give the impression that Tech Support knows how to solve the problem. But Tech Support was given no information on what causes these types of errors or what to tell the customer. The customer calls in expecting to have his problem solved in short order and Tech Support has nothing to tell them.

This is a strong request to PLEASE remove these kind of messages from the product. Replace them with meaningfull informational messages that will help identify what the problem is and how to rectify it.

390950 Autosize height on columns doesn't work correctly for Web datawindows and thus it doesn't work correctly for DataWindow.NET either. If you have a tab order it doesn't work at all. If the tab order is 0, then it kind of autosizes, but there is too much white space that needs to be cleaned up.

This is a known 'limitation' that engineering is aware of and will have to address for PB 11. However, this problem is preventing sales of DW.NET 1.5. Product Management requested this be escalated on the basis of the customer's e-mail below:

"I've finally found a negative aspect to the rich functionality the

DW provides - my existing DWs contain SO much functionality that it makes it

nigh on impossible (at least from a commercial aspect) to redo them all

using less feature rich tools - hence why I was looking forward so much to

DW.Net 1.5. But alas, something as simple and as powerful as autosizing height on columns

does not work."

390953 Enhancement request for a new property on image controls in the datawindow to specify the URL for that image as it exists on the server to which the datawindow is deployed to (to appear in the SRC tag). Currently, the SRC attribute value is generated from the FileName used to populate the control within the DataWindow painter; however, that file name refers to a full path on the development machine, which requires the deployment machine directory structure to mirror the development server. Having a separate URL property would afford developers of the datawindow some additional flexibility.
390957 When creating a template application in a folder where

the filename length is greater than 102 characters, pb fails to create the application.

Wizard Error

Error generating c:\pb9\teststoragestoragestoragestoragestoragestoragestoaragestoragestoragestoragestoragestoragestoragestorage\genapp.pbl(genapp)

Reason is: General Failure

390968 The Web/HTML DW displays a border for an image in the datawindow control when that image has a link, even though the border property of the image is set to "No Border".
391075 When connected to source control and you check

out an object when the debugger window is open, pb will crash with an access violation




pbvm90!rt_process_breakpoint+9a [rtengine.cpp @ 2121]

10ceed8a 8b17 mov edx,[edi]

012edcc 10ceea10 pbvm90!rt_process_breakpoint(struct ob_this * rtthis = <Memory access error>, struct ob_class_hndl clshndl = struct ob_class_hndl, struct ob_pcode_node * pcode = <Memory access error>)+0x9a

0012eed4 10cdaa05 pbvm90!rt_exec_pcode(struct ob_this * rtthis = 0x00b3eda8, struct ob_class_entry * class_entry = 0x00b4c15a, struct ob_pcode_blk * pcode_blk = 0x00b64024)+0x2c0

0012eef0 1090a990 pbvm90!ot_eval_expr(struct ob_this * obthis = <Memory access error>, struct ob_group * group = <Memory access error>, struct ob_class_entry * class_entry = <Memory access error>, struct ob_pcode_blk * pcode_blk = <Memory access error>, struct ob_data * expr_result_buf = <Memory access error>)+0x75

0012ef78 1090aa7c pbcmp90!assign_vardecl(struct cm_this * cmthis = <Memory access error>, struct ob_data * lvalue = <Memory access error>, unsigned short lvalue_type = <Memory access error>, ob_group_types lvalue_grouping = <Memory access error>, struct ob_arraydef * lvalue_arraydef = <Memory access error>, int lvalue_is_const = <Memory access error>)+0x190

0012efac 109060f7 pbcmp90!cm_typevardecl_assign(struct cm_this * cmthis = <Memory access error>)+0x8c

0012efbc 10901a6c pbcmp90!cmscript_disp(struct cm_this * arg = <Memory access error>, int index = <Memory access error>)+0x47

0012f024 10906146 pbcmp90!gr_parse_basic(struct gr_this * grthis = <Memory access error>, void * cmthis = <Memory access error>, <function> * lexread = <Memory access error>, <function> * dispatch = <Memory access error>, <function> * syntaxerr = <Memory access error>)+0x88c

0012f040 1090df61 pbcmp90!gr_parse_cmscript(struct gr_this * grthis = <Memory access error>, struct cm_this * cmthis = <Memory access error>, <function> * getch = <Memory access error>, <function> * syntax_error_proc = <Memory access error>)+0x36

0012f068 1090e78f pbcmp90!cm_script_compile(struct cm_this * cmthis = <Memory access error>, <function> * getch = <Memory access error>)+0xd1

0012f0b0 10c84415 pbcmp90!cm_src_block_compile(struct cm_this * cmthis = <Memory access error>, unsigned short group_hndl = <Memory access error>, char ** source_blocks = <Memory access error>, void * pvsrctypes = <Memory access error>, unsigned int no_blocks = <Memory access error>, CM_COMPILE_TYPE compile_type = <Memory access error>)+0x1ef

0012f0d0 10c69cc9 pbvm90!ob_cm_src_block_compile(struct ob_this * obthis = <Memory access error>, unsigned short grouphndl = <Memory access error>, char ** source_blocks = <Memory access error>, void * srcloc = <Memory access error>, unsigned int no_blocks = <Memory access error>, CM_COMPILE_TYPE compile_type = <Memory access error>)+0x45

0012f134 10c697cb pbvm90!ob_compile_source_entry(struct ob_this * obThis = <Memory access error>, char * lpszLibraryName = <Memory access error>, char * lpszEntryName = <Memory access error>, CM_COMPILE_TYPE compile_type = <Memory access error>, int write_source = <Memory access error>)+0x4e9

0012f14c 10c6a023 pbvm90!ob_compile_lib_entry(struct ob_this * obThis = <Memory access error>, char * lpszLibraryName = <Memory access error>, char * lpszEntryName = <Memory access error>, int write_source = <Memory access error>)+0x1b

0012f16c 11e199ad pbvm90!ob_compile_lib_entry_3_pass(struct ob_this * obThis = <Memory access error>, char * lpszLibraryName = <Memory access error>, char * lpszEntryName = <Memory access error>)+0x43

0012f4c8 11e1766d pblib90!PL_UtilImportFile(struct tagThis * pbThis = <Memory access error>, struct shhashx * pLibraryHash = <Memory access error>, struct HWND__ * hWndParent = <Memory access error>, char * lpszFileName = <Memory access error>, char * lpszLibraryName = <Memory access error>, char * lpszEntryName = <Memory access error>, int iImportOption = <Memory access error>, int bDeleteTheFile = <Memory access error>, int bRegenIfNeeded = <Memory access error>)+0x62d

0012f68c 11e5edbd pblib90!PL_CompileImportPBObjects(struct tagThis * pbThis = <Memory access error>, struct shhashx * pLibraryHash = <Memory access error>, struct HWND__ * hWnd = <Memory access error>, int iNumPBItems = <Memory access error>, struct shlistx * pImportList = <Memory access error>, int iImportOption = <Memory access error>)+0x42d

0012fb58 11e4fbe0 pblib90!CPL_View::OnCheckOut(void)+0xc8d

0012fb64 11e6ea54 pblib90!CPL_View::OnCommand(unsigned int uId = 0x8bc35de5, struct HWND__ * hWndControl = 0x738bf85d, unsigned int uCode = 0x6f704)+0x150

0012fb74 11e6e6aa pblib90!CPL_TreeBrowserView::OnCommand(unsigned int uId = <Memory access error>, struct HWND__ * hWndControl = <Memory access error>, unsigned int uCode = <Memory access error>)+0x14

0012fba8 0041aa2c pblib90!CPL_TreeBrowserView::OnNotify(long lHint = <Memory access error>, void * pData = <Memory access error>, long * plReturn = <Memory access error>)+0xba

391082 "Error calling method of PBNI object" when calling a static method of a Java class
391164 Grid datawindow protected fileld incorrectly accept the input text and place the input text to other unprotect field edit control.Eventually, it may trigger misleading validation error.
391211 A datawindow editmask of digits has a spincontrol. The editchanged event fires when you change the value of the mask by entering digits directly into the mask and when clicking on the spincontrol up and down arrows. But when you type the keyboard up and down arrows when the editmask has focus, the numbers change correctly but the editchanged event does not fire.
391488 Restarting PB10 IDE, it does not reconized the registered component in PVCS TrackerLink.
391521 When two HTML DW inside of a JSP are linked to each other via setcolumnlink() and the JSP runs in a portlet, the target is chosen to be the jsp that runs inside easerver and creates a new session, whereas it should hold the session.

The code generated by the object model does not work inside a portlet. The sessions get lost. In a normal JSP without Portal it works fine.

391526 Tested and reproduced with:

Powerbuilder 10.2_8081, 10.2_7516, 10.0.1_6064.

When running sample application that calls external function to 3rd party Winio.dll, it works only after generating EXE. In interactive PB environment, the call always fails.

391678 Problem with Focus Behaviour when try SetColumn on a grid datawindow that has the mouse selection property set and columns are protected. Before we try to insert a new row and set the column to col1, the focus (black square in that case) was on a column that have no taborder. So setcolumn(col1) does not work and the column is not set.
391695 PowerBuilder 10 and 9 (Build 7204 and later)

FileRead using LineMode!

We used to read in 1KB per read operation, now 32KB are read in even for very short lines.

The change is necessary for Unicode.

391762 Repositioning a grid computed field with a modify of the column.x not working in 9.0.2. This is a regression from 7.0.3 where it works. In 9.0.2 the modify returns success, but the computed field doesn't move, and a describe of the x position for the computed field remains unchanged from the original value.
391861 Description of Problem: When try to make a RPC call with DBCS ( e.g. chinese ) string to

a Oracle Database with UTF8 as charset, error may occur

ORA-01460 : Unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested.

391913 PB disappears attempting to connect to StarTeam source control system.
392013 PowerBuilder 10 ODBC to MS SQLServer

When calling a stored procedure in ESQL ( DECLARE and EXECUTE ) with PBNewSPInvocation

DBParm a text variable gets truncated to 64000 characters.

392051 On Windows XP SP2, The Open file - Security Warning appears when you run a file from network share 揟he Publisher could not be verified, are you sure you want to run this software?擻r

Further information on this from:


The Customer has a Client that is not allowed to make any changes to the Client PCs, so if the EXE can be Digitally Signed with a Security certificate, the Security warning will only be displayed the First time the EXE is Run.

When they try to Sign a PowerBuilder EXE, that Executable will no longer Run.


1) Can a PowerBuilder EXE be Digitally Signed?

2) Is this supported?

392128 When Oracle Database with NLS_CHARACTERSET = UTF8

( *** Not NLS_CHARACTERSET = AL32UTF8 ***), and try to retrieve resultset

(with ASIAN characters inside e.g. chinese chars) for more than 301 rows,

the resultset will be messed-up with all ASIAN characters be turned into garbage.

392135 Bullet character displayed as blank square after passing thru spell checker
392149 GetFullState/SetFullState does not capture data in the Filter buffer of dw child
392171 PowerBuilder 10

A machine code application crashes on the following construction:

ls_string = MidA(ls_string, i + 1)

If the return value of MidA was captured into a different string, the problem did not occur.

392191 ASE High Availability system. In PB using code, customer need to detect Failover/Failback.
392201 The datawindow error event has a memory leak of about 200 bytes.
392224 SetSQLSelect with execute procedure causes error No CS_Command pointer .......
392225 Description of Problem: Powerbuild char type (single byte) as binding argument (disablebind=1)sometimes may incorrectly passed in to Oracle 9i DB with CHARSET UTF8 (NOT AL32UTF8). This inturn cause query return incorrect resultset.
392250 Duplicate notes content of a task or contact is found on the desktop outlook (Outlook 2002) application after a synch. from the PocketPC device.

The test application used to reproduce the problem is the standard sample application "poom_tests.pkl".

The problem described in this CR is similar in nature to CR382168 which has been resolved.

392374 PB Crash while trying to create DW composite
392423 Customer has windows that are heavily loaded with controls.

They find that when "User Objects" from the Task Manager reaches 10,000, it crashes

their application. (This happens, for example, if they have 9 instances of a window opened.)

Customer wants to know:

1) What is the relation between "User Objects" and "Handles" from PowerBuilder's

perspective? In customer's case, they find that a very small number of Handles used (less than 200) when their app reaches the 10,000 User Object point and crashes.

2) Need more details on how controls and fonts influence the number of User Objects and what exactly what causes User Objects to be created/consumed?

3) If we use non-visual objects other than datastores, does that contribute in

consuming "User Objects"?

Customer was sent the following information:

For more info, please read the "User Object Handles" section in the following document from :

For cross-reference , please refer to the following docs from Microsoft :;en-us;326591;en-us;327699

392565 Data fetched from Oracle cursor showing unreadable character.
392582 Computed field expression is re-executing each time the mouse pointer passes over columns/nested report/computed field, not only when the window gets the focus. This happens when autosize height property of the objects is set.
392608 DataWindow SP retrieve fails when data type retrieval argument is datetime.
392740 This case has already been addressed by CR# 381559.It is fixed in build 8011. However the customer requests that the current solution ie. the entry to the pb.ini file and the deployment of the manifest file is too cumbersome to use. Implementation into the PB IDE is requested.
392752 DisableUnicode doesn't work correctly with Oracle10g client and cause error

"ORA-01461 - can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column"

if do an update on database with an non unicode charset (WE8ISO3359P1).

392761 Problem with PB components and Java in terms of exception handling. Java clients (JSP) gets a message length exception when receiving a PB user-defined exception.
392762 Installing the PB 10.2 (build 8035) EBF from

software express, installs an incorrect version of the help file.

When installing the EBF on the following screen displays:

PowerBuilder 10.X Maintenenance Setup


Main help files

Compiled HTML

After the install, when you select Help, Welcome to PowerBuilder 10.0.

It only list the new features for PB 10. It should be listing the new features for

PB 10, PB 10.0.1 and PB 10.2.

392892 EAServer 4.2.4 totally crash without error message when test

with multi-clients request (e.g. 20) within a short period (e.g. 20 mins) to invoke

series of PB Components. With the help from windbg, it is observed that a kind of Access

Violation occur at certain thread with Oracle Client call .

(D:\oracle\ora92\bin\oraclient9.dll - oraclient9!xaolog+0x31021:)

392913 After you close out of an application that contains a window with a SigBox88USB ocx, PB will crash once you close that window in the IDE.

Problem appears to happen if you set the connecttopad property to 'always'.

RESOLUTION: Thirdparty problem

393032 Customer migrate the application from PB7.x to PB9.0.1 and found

that that the application CRASH intermittenly. With the WinDbg, it is observed that the

problem is related PB Heap management. (PBVM90!PbHeap_panic)

393056 Errors calling stored procedure from EAServer to Oracle 9i using O90 driver and PB 10.2
393230 In a RTE Datawindow, or in a RTE Control: When doing InsertDocument of an rtf document, there will be a margin error on the right margin, ie. that the right margin is much larger then it should be.
393259 In the PB 10 Application Techniques Manual, Chapter 41, Database connections, Section: Adaptive Server Anywhere files: There is a requirement to deploy DBWTSP9.dll.

A customer was unable to find this dll. This is no longer a requirement. It was a support library for DBTOOLS. It is no longer required as it has been consolidated into other deployment DLLs.

393388 A call to a COM+ component from ASP to do a connect, retrieve, generateresultset from an oracle db fails using the newer PB versions like PB 9.0.2 or 10.2 via the native, odbc drivers. PB10 via OLEDB is working.
393406 Tested and reproduced in PB 10.2_8035, 9.0.2_7661

This is a new feature request only. Today, when building an stored procedure based dw, if we change the stored procedure data source, we then need to manually add the new columns from respective new resultset. Customer would like it to be automatically.

393419 If assigning a any array which holds long varaibales to a string array and then try to convert string value with LONG () function to a long value PB gpfs.

any an_anyarray[]

string s_stringarray[]

long l_tmp = 3, l_from_stringarray

an_anyarray[1] = l_tmp

s_stringarray[] = an_anyarray[]

// crashes PB !!!!

l_from_stringarray = long( s_stringarray[1] )

393577 SlideUp property does not work : Have a datawindow with 5 reports. Only the first and the last one have datas. All of them have the property SlideUP set to "All Above".

In PB 6.5, the last reports used to come just after the first one but since PB8 a large space is left between the 2 reports

393584 The customer is getting the new type of error message in PB 10.0 that looks like:

"PowerBuilder Fatal Error

Please contact Sybase supporting engineer."

As per Engineering when this happens, the PbDumpOnUnExpectedException=TRUE should be set, and PB will generate a minidump in the first time, which provide evidence to locate the root cause. The customer did this and the dump file is provided.

393593 An 8.0 application was working fine. The app uses an oleobject to call a COM dll. Now after migrating the app to 9.0.2, while the app itself works OK, it is crashing on exiting PB. This is preventing the deployment of the application to 9.0.2.
393607 Cannot drag the right border of a grid column and drop it

past the left border to make the column 'hidden'.

In PB 8.0.4, you can select the right border and move it over past the left

border and drop it. The column is hidden. In PB 9.0, 9.0.2, 10.2, if you

do it, the column does not resize at all. You can move it in increments to

decrease the column width but the column will not resize to zero width.

Problem started in PB 9.0 (build 5507). Works ok in PB 8.0.4.

393918 PowerBuilder does not allow a different user to open queries that have been created by dba without generating an error. The attempt to open the query will result in error message:

"Could not open query 'q_test'.

Makes sure your database is correct."

393926 When using setremote with a FrameMaker application,

the setremote command appears to be called twice.

The following is the ddespy trace from 8030:

Task:0xdf4 Time:13266736 hwndTo=0x24087c Message(Posted)=Poke:

hwndFrom=0x1f0864, status=2000(fRelease ) fmt=0xd("CF_UNICODETEXT")

Data= U"TEST4.FM"


Task:0x594 Time:13266856 hwndTo=0x3b0952 Message(Posted)=Poke:

hwndFrom=0x2308fa, status=2000(fRelease ) fmt=0xd("CF_UNICODETEXT")

Data= U"TEST4.FM"


Task:0xd94 Time:13266966 Callback:

Type=Poke, fmt=0xd("CF_UNICODETEXT"), hConv=0x3000901, hsz1=0xc000("TEST3.FM")

hsz2=0xc001("ImportFile"), hData=0x4000f01, dwData1=0x0, dwData2=0x0


Input data=



Task:0xd94 Time:13267077 hwndTo=0x2308fa Message(Posted)=Ack:

hwndFrom=0x3b0952, App=* or status=0()


Task:0x594 Time:13267127 hwndTo=0x1f0864 Message(Posted)=Ack:

hwndFrom=0x24087c, App=* or status=0()


The following is the ddespy trace from 8035:

Task:0x72c Time:13686990 hwndTo=0x27087c Message(Posted)=Poke:

hwndFrom=0x4208e4, status=2000(fRelease ) fmt=0xd("CF_UNICODETEXT")

Data= U"TEST4.FM"


Task:0x594 Time:13687060 hwndTo=0x2508c0 Message(Posted)=Poke:

hwndFrom=0x3d0952, status=2000(fRelease ) fmt=0xd("CF_UNICODETEXT")

Data= U"TEST4.FM"


Task:0x488 Time:13687151 Callback:

Type=Poke, fmt=0xd("CF_UNICODETEXT"), hConv=0x3000901, hsz1=0xc000("TEST3.FM")

hsz2=0xc001("ImportFile"), hData=0x4000f01, dwData1=0x0, dwData2=0x0


Input data=



Task:0x488 Time:13687301 hwndTo=0x3d0952 Message(Posted)=Ack:

hwndFrom=0x2508c0, App=* or status=0()


Task:0x594 Time:13687361 hwndTo=0x4208e4 Message(Posted)=Ack:

hwndFrom=0x27087c, App=* or status=0()


Task:0x72c Time:13687431 hwndTo=0x27087c Message(Posted)=Poke:

hwndFrom=0x4208e4, status=2000(fRelease ) fmt=0x1("CF_TEXT")

Data= "TEST4.FM"


Task:0x594 Time:13687491 hwndTo=0x2508c0 Message(Posted)=Poke:

hwndFrom=0x3d0952, status=2000(fRelease ) fmt=0x1("CF_TEXT")

Data= "TEST4.FM"


Task:0x488 Time:13687561 Callback:

Type=Poke, fmt=0x1("CF_TEXT"), hConv=0x3000901, hsz1=0xc001("TEST3.FM")

hsz2=0xc000("ImportFile"), hData=0x5000f01, dwData1=0x0, dwData2=0x0


Input data=



Task:0x488 Time:13687691 hwndTo=0x3d0952 Message(Posted)=Ack:

hwndFrom=0x2508c0, App=* or status=0()


Task:0x594 Time:13687761 hwndTo=0x4208e4 Message(Posted)=Ack:

hwndFrom=0x27087c, App=* or status=0()


393976 The AccessabiltyName & AccessabilityDescription properties of PB objects on a window are not getting read by screen readers (in this case the JAWS Screen Reader). It seems to be reading the Object Names and values instead. These may not really describe the object well.
394001 When displaying a column with the property "Display as Picture" set, if the picture is big, it gets erased when verticall scrolling datawindow. The horizontal scroll works fine. Tested and reproduced with 9.0.2_7661 and 10.2_8035.
394003 If you submit bad sql to the syntaxfromsql function the error text returned is limited to 256 characters. If your sql is longer then that you are limited to debug only the limited 256 character string returned.
394004 This issue is similar to CR 374698. There are 2 instances of the return code from SQLCA.SQLCode being -1 when it should be 0 for SQL that finds no rows. But only when called from a component in EAServer. Calling from PB works. It is an MS SQL Server database and connection is via ODBC.

Issue #1 concerns a stored procedure in an MS SQL Server database that does an update that affects no rows. If the sp is called from PB then transaction object SQLCode indicates a 0 which is correct. But if the sp is called from a PB component deployed to EAServer then SQLCode indicates a -1. The customer claims this worked fine in EASever 4.2.3. We verified it is failing when using 4.2.4 and 4.2.5. A couple of interesting points: Executing the update sql in the component works, and doing a set nocount on in the sp also returns the correct 0 return value.

Issue #2 is a component using dynamic SQL Format 2 to insert into a table. The insert has a subquery that finds no rows and the same problem results, it returns a -1 when called from a PB component deployed to EAServer 4.2.4 or 4.2.5. As the above case, it works when issuing a set nocount on. Then the SQL returns the correct 0 return value.

394076 Failed to create DW object with column names that has dash (" - ") in it
394095 When you have an Application project and the workspace has been moved, the behaviour of Run -> Deploy menu functionality is confusing and irrational.
394117 When using variablelist[] arrays several times an error R6025 "pure virtual error" occurs.
394287 A date editmask will display "00/01/0000" when assigned "00/00/0000". An object edit_mask type date mask: When selects 00/00/0000, it is not validated as it should be.

When access it manually or with a script,it returns value 00/01/0000 instead of 00/00/0000

Workaround: Assign an empty string or use setnull() function.

or like in 374330.

add this to the pb.ini

[Edit Mask Behaviors]


394324 A crash occurs when using setchanges on a shared datawindow.

No crash occurred when calling sharedataoff first.

The problem is reproducible in PB 10.2.0 Build 8035 but not in 8021.

394363 Accessing violation in the MSVBVM60.DLL when

closing an application that contains the IBSImageTool.ocx.

The application opens a window (w_test). On the window, you then open the w_image

which opens an userobject (iuo_image). In the constructor of iuo_image, a call is

made to getnativepointer. In the constructor event of the ocx control, a post

call is made to of_load_file which calls the IBS_OpenImage and returns the text.tif file.

The problem happens when closing the application. In the w_image, a messagebox is

displayed and then the iuo_image.event ue_test is called. This event calls the releasenativepointer. Next the iuo_image userobject is closed and garbagecollect is


When the user clicks on the ocx control to change the picture and the messagebox is

called, PB will crash when the app is closing. If you don't click on the ocx control

and then the messagebox is called, app is ok or vice versa. If you click on the ocx control but don't call a messagebox, app works ok. Tried changing focus programmically, that didn't work. If you put a cb on the iuo_image and click on the

cb before you close out of the app, it works ok. However, when you try to trigger

the click event or setfocus programmically to the cb, app will still crash.

The crash handler shows the following:

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

File Name: C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVBVM60.DLL

File Version: 6.00.9782

Fault address=6605208D Section:Offset=01:0005108D









SS:ESP:0023:0012EC54 EBP:0012EC64

DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000


Call stack:

Address Frame Param0 Param1 Param2 Param3 Function Name

6605208D 0012EC64 02F81CD4 02F8189C 02F582D8 0000000C IID_IVbaHost+2379D

660524FC 0012ED44 02F81CD4 02F8189C 02F582D8 0000000C IID_IVbaHost+23C0C

660528E7 0012ED68 02F81CD4 0000000C 00000000 00000002 IID_IVbaHost+23FF7

6605E222 0012EDCC 02F582D8 00000000 0000100E 0000000C IID_IVbaHost+2F932

660B384A 0012EE0C 02F81CD4 00000000 0000100E 0000000C DllCanUnloadNow+13C8C

6605D0C6 0012EE34 02F81CD4 00000000 0000100E 0000000C IID_IVbaHost+2E7D6

6604D4EB 0012EE78 00000000 660077EF 00000000 0012EEB8 IID_IVbaHost+1EBFB

6601B805 0012EE8C 004905FC 00001052 00000000 02F897E0 _vbaStrComp+73F

77D48734 0012EEB8 660077EF 004905FC 00001052 00000000 GetDC+6D

77D48816 0012EF20 00000000 660077EF 004905FC 00001052 GetDC+14F

77D489CD 0012EF80 0012EFA8 00000001 0012F038 10BF8F68 GetWindowLongW+127

77D496C7 0012EF90 0012EFA8 00B82498 00B6F450 00000000 DispatchMessageA+F

10BF8F68 0012EFC0 0012F01C 0012F074 00000000 00B6F9D0 RT_StandardDispatchHandler::HandleSingleMessage+118

10C6D706 0012F038 00B6F450 00B6F9D0 00000000 00000001 executeOneRequest+186

10C6D360 0012F06C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00B6F450 ob_start_of_seperate_thread+170

10BFA41C 0012F08C 00B6F450 00B7571C 7C823053 00B6CE08 FN_PluginStart+18C

10BF908B 0012F0A8 00000001 10000000 00000000 00B7571C FN_RunApplication+DB

10613FE7 0012F444 00B6CE08 00000001 00000400 00D27488 PB_RunApplication+387

1061A4C2 0012F4B4 00B6B0D8 00B6CE08 00000000 00B6F228 SysRunCmd+222

1061815B 0012FD60 003E04F0 00000111 00000400 00000000 PB_FrameWnd+D1B

77D48734 0012FDC8 00000000 00000000 00000000 0012FDA8 GetDC+6D

394367 Customer would like the ability to graphically include the "bdepo.ctmoneda = 1" in Datawindow Painter in the following query position:

FROM bplomo LEFT OUTER JOIN bdepo ON bplomo.cplomo = bdepo.cplomo AND ( bdepo.ctmoneda = 1 ), bcajerotira

WHERE ( bplomo.ctira = bcajerotira.ctira ) and

( ( bcajerotira.cbanco = 36 ) AND

( bcajerotira.cturno = 2 ) AND

( bcajerotira.ftira between "04/18/2005" and "04/18/2005" ) AND

( bcajerotira.ctserv = 1 ))

Today, the graphical interface in query painter (for ANSI outer joins) allows only the following possibility:

FROM bplomo LEFT OUTER JOIN bdepo ON bplomo.cplomo = bdepo.cplomo,


WHERE ( bplomo.ctira = bcajerotira.ctira ) and

( ( bplomo.cbanco = 36 ) AND

( bcajerotira.cturno = 2 ) AND

( bcajerotira.ftira between "04/18/2005" and "04/18/2005" ) AND

( bcajerotira.ctserv = 1 ) AND

( bdepo.ctmoneda = 1 ) )

Both queries are correct, but the current ability results in one row less in query resultset.

394465 In the debugger array variables show a strange E-41 error and expanding initial valae causes a crash.
394483 The crash involves an external function call, that has some recursive-ness involved.

The external function is called from a DW event. The external function then sends a Windows Message back to the calling window that triggers the same DW event.

The second time the DW event is triggered, the external function is not called.

The DW event returns, the external function returns, the DW event returns without problem.

It is when the calling event/function returns that the crash occurs.

394499 The following script placed anywhere in PB, crashes PB on a save of the object:

string s1

s1 = "10000000000000000000000000000000"

Strings of the same length, but different characters don't cause a crash... The crash does't happen on some machines.

394502 XML Data from DataWindow is an empty string if the XML generation step is run over 16K times. fails on 16384th iteration, which presents a problem in an EAServer environment where components are used over and over and will eventually reach this limit.
394545 FileRead (LineMode!) does not detect CR and LF correctly when reading ANSI text file. It seems that Unicode factor is causing this issue. In Pb 9.0.2_7661 the same file is read correctly.
394657 A WSDL describes a method taking a complex type (array of strings). For some reason PB creates a proxy that does not compile.
394661 mask "mmm" does not work with MaskData type "dateTimeMask!"
394688 The idle event in the application object is not working correctly on some machines. If the cursor is over the active window, the idle event never fires. It fires normally if the cursor is not over the active window. The testcase shows why. The mousemove event in the active window is constantly firing even when the mouse is not moving. So PB thinks the mouse is moving and the idle timer never expires, and the idle event never fires. It's almost as it the mouse is too sensitive on some machines.
394719 The customer is using a 3rd party application called Geopsupport Desktop Edition. In PB code they are making an external call to a dll in this application. They are routinely crashing when making this call or later after making the call.
394779 Character input is always appended to the end if HTML DW column
394796 A DW which was exported from PowerBuilder 9.x can't be imported into PocketBuilder.

The SRD is referring to the button property "enabled" which must be new with PB9.

394879 Call to a COM dll generated by PB, fails when an oleobject is passed as an argument to the function. The formal parameter is declared as the object name and the object is inherited from nonvisualobject. The objects being passed at runtime are instances of oleobject. I was unsure if this was correct so I re-did the testcase with the objects in question inherited from oleobject, and the error was the same. Also tried passing by ref and by value for both the nonvisualobject and the oleobject.
395008 Had a problem launching a code example smartphone app (dialingdirectory.pkl) to my O2 Xphone. I selected "sign the application" in the project

painter and signed the app with "PocketBuilder Test Privileged Code Signing".

The error message i received on the Smartphone end is "Error: Security Signature for PKVM20.DLL was not accepted."

The previous PK2.0.2 Build 821 did not display this error.

Reason -

PocketBuilder files are signed with a certificate which needs to be renewed every year.

When it was renewed this time, we forgot to update the "PK_AddCerts.XML" which adds the updated certificate to the device.

Solution -

PocketBuilder provides an XML file (PK_AddCerts.xml in the PocketBuilder Support>TestCertificates directory) that it assigns as the default source to install to a connected device when the Install PocketBuilder Default Certificates option is selected. Clicking the Install Certificates button deploys this XML file which contains references to all the default PocketBuilder test certificates.

395010 When you try to create a excutable file

where the executable file name is on a mapped network drive that includes the

domain name, the following error appears in the project painter:

---------- Deploy: Deploy of p_pb10_unc_exe

Creating executable file...

Inspecting Application Dependencies...

Inspecting Application Dependencies...

Inspecting application libraries...

Create of executable file failed

---------- Finished Deploy of p_pb10_unc_exe

From the project painter, it you click on the browse next to the Executable File Name sle,

you can browse to that folder ok.

395013 DW .NET 1.5 EBF 8055 : Last column not displayed in a composite with freeform Child on XP.
395017 When creating a new target where the library and target entry includes a unc path with a domain name, the following

error results:

Wizard Error

Error generating \\\testunc\testpb10unc.pbl(testpb).

Reason is: General Failure

Able to open an existing workspace and target in this location--able to modify

objects ok. Cannot create new application, template, easerver, com, automation server or jsp. Able to create existing application target ok.

395041 If an attempt is made to logon to StarTeam and the connection fails because the source control server is not running, PowerBuilder will crash on exit.

PER DEVELOPMENT: The crash occurs in a StarTeam dll which should not remain in memory after the failed connection. It cannot be controlled from the PowerBuilder side. If the connection fails, the StarTeam client ought to be handling this.

395201 When connecting to the IN9 driver using the IN9 driver,

the interval datatype column doesn't retrieve the value when using embedded sql or

it returns a incorrect value in a datawindow.

Works ok using the odbc (IBM 3.82.000 2.81 TC3) driver. Embedded sql problem

happens for PB 8.0.4, PB 9.0.2 and 10.2. DW problem happens only in PB 10.2. Retrieves ok in PB 8.0.4 and 9.0.2.

395267 In the SQL Painter for ASE, ASA, and MS SQL Server, you can generate UPDATE and DELETE statements that include multiple tables in the FROM clause. However, you must choose 1 table to actually modify. Currently, the SQL Painter collects the highlighted tables from the "Choose Tables" listbox and arbitrarily picks the first one in the list (sorted alphabetically) to be the table actually modified.

To work around this limitation, the user should choose 1 table and hit OK. Then CANCEL out of the "Column Values" dialog and click the "Tables" toolbar item to return to the "Choose Tables" dialog. Choose additional tables for the FROM list and hit OK.

395396 Would like to have a function in order to get tray number used by the printer.
395415 Error ORA-01401 and ORA-06512 inserted value too large for column

This error occurs when trying to insert a singe char into a table using an RPC call in PowerBuilder 10.

395472 Doing a dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Data.HTML on a datawindow is causing a crash. Worked fine very recently so it's a recent regression. Possibly caused by the fix for CR 392947?
395598 PowerBuilder 9 Build 7661 crashes on accessing the ArayDefinition ArrayBounds in script.

lArrayBounds = lVariableCardinalityDefinition.ArrayDefinition

395610 The Web Datawindow (ie. HtmlDW)ItemChanged event will be

triggered twice when both of condition occurs

1) the column is dropdown datawindow

2) the Itemchanged event inside use some javascript function that get focus

e.g. alert(), prompt(), confirm

395621 After migrating app from PB 7 to PB 9.0.2 (build 7509),

application crashes intermittently.

Customer experiencing intermittent failures that they cannot diagnose.

pbvm90!PbHeap_panic(void * ptr = 0x011645f0)+0x23c

pbvm90!PbHeap_sizeEx(void * ptr = 0x10dabeb3, unsigned int * oldSize = 0x00000000, unsigned int * minSize = 0x011645f0, unsigned int * maxSize = 0x011f7698)+0x68

pbvm90!print(void * ptr = 0x10dabeb3, unsigned char * label = 0x00000000 "")+0x29

pbvm90!PbHeap_panic(void * ptr = 0x00000000)+0x193

pbvm90!PbHeap_free(void * ptr = 0x011645f0)+0x73

pbvm90!MemFreePtr(void * ptr = 0x011f7698)+0x11

pbvm90!pbstg_fee(struct stg_anchorS * pthis = 0x011f7698, void * stg = 0x011f7698)+0xe

pbvm90!ot_free_val_ptr(struct ob_this * obthis = 0x011f7698, struct ob_data * node = 0x011f7698)+0x6c

pbvm90!ot_free_out_node(struct ob_this * obthis = 0x011f7698, struct ob_data * data_node = 0x011f7698)+0x6c

pbvm90!ob_clear_looksym_values(struct ob_this * obthis = 0x011f7698, struct ob_look_symtab * looksym = 0x011f7698)+0xa7

pbvm90!ob_del_routine_copy(struct ob_this * obthis = 0x00000000, struct ob_routnode * routine = 0x018cedf8)+0x14

pbvm90!ob_pop_routine(struct ob_this * obthis = 0x00000000)+0x9b

pbvm90!ob_close_routine_inst(struct ob_this * obthis = 0x00000000)+0x35

pbvm90!OB_RUNTIME_CLASS::invoke(struct ob_this * obthis = 0x00000000, class OB_OBJECT * object = 0x018cedf8, unsigned short vtable_id = 0x30c0, char * func_name = 0x00320010 "", OB_ROUT_TYPE rout_type = 11 (No matching enumerant), unsigned short numArgs = 0xdd60, struct ob_data * args = 0x01f8dd28, int bConvert = 0, int bDuplicate = 34951216, struct ob_data * pResult = 0x0214e238)+0x8e1

pbvm90!OB_RUNTIME_CLASS::invoke(struct ob_this * obthis = <Memory access error>, class OB_OBJECT * object = <Memory access error>, unsigned short vtable_id = <Memory access error>, unsigned short numArgs = <Memory access error>, struct ob_data * args = <Memory access error>, struct ob_data * pResult = <Memory access error>)+0x1f0

pbvm90!OB_OBJECT_LOCAL::invoke(class OB_RUNTIME_CLASS * context = <Memory access error>, unsigned short vtable_id = <Memory access error>, unsigned short numArgs = <Memory access error>, struct ob_data * args = <Memory access error>, struct ob_data * pResult = <Memory access error>)+0x2d

pbvm90!OB_OREQ_INVOKE::Execute(struct ob_this * obthis = <Memory access error>)+0x14b

pbvm90!executeOneRequest(struct ob_this * obthis = 0x011f7698, class OB_REQUEST_QUEUE * pObjMgrQueue = 0x011f7c38, OB_REQUEST_QUEUE::REQUEST_SCOPE requestScope = ALL (0), int bHandleWindowsMsgs = 1, int * pbMoreMessages = 0x0012eb44, int * pbExitLoop = 0x0012eb1c)+0xf7

pbvm90!ob_execute_single_message(struct ob_this * obthis = <Memory access error>, int bLocalMessagesOnly = <Memory access error>, int bHandleWindowsMsgs = <Memory access error>, int * pbMoreMessages = <Memory access error>)+0x35

pbvm90!fnYield(struct ob_this * rtThis = <Memory access error>, unsigned int nArgs = <Memory access error>)+0x27

395628 Objects within grid columns move in their x position when the columns are moved. Normally the x position should be hold, as it worked in earlier PB versions.
395680 In certain instances, GetChanges and SetChanges fails to get the data that has been changed. Two GetChanges in a row gets the data you would expect just one GetChanges to get. This only happens after a certain sequence of events that includes a RowsCopy and an update to a datawindow, followed by the GetChanges. In the customer's real application, EAServer is involved (not needed to see the problem in the testcase). However because of the application server environment and the fact that the customer is on a slow dial-up connection, he uses GetChanges only and not GetFullState to minimize the blob size over the wire. Using GetFullState initially works fine.
395682 Customer has a very large (47 PBLs / 3100 Objects) application that has been migrated from PB 8 to PB 10.2. This application has been migrated before from previous versions of Power Builder. It includes old Power Objects pbls.

Once migrated the application can successfully do a Full Rebuild if it is not yet connected to source control. Customer is using Version Manager 8.x but the problem is also reproducible using PBNative. Once connected to version control with all the objects added if one tries to do a Full Rebuild PowerBuilder will crash.

395687 When closing pb or saving an object, pb will crash


The crash is happening in the ntoskrnl.exe. The following is the from dump file:


The current thread is making a bad pool request. Typically this is at a bad IRQL level or double freeing the same allocation, etc.


Arg1: 00000007, Attempt to free pool which was already freed

Arg2: 00000cd4, (reserved)

Arg3: 00180016, Memory contents of the pool block

Arg4: 83299c38, Address of the block of pool being deallocated

Debugging Details:


POOL_ADDRESS: 83299c38 Nonpaged pool


BUGCHECK_STR: 0xc2_7_File


LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from 8054b741 to 8053331e


f7c389c4 8054b741 000000c2 00000007 00000cd4 nt!KeBugCheckEx+0x1b

f7c38a14 804f2d6e 83299c38 00000000 00000000 nt!ExFreePoolWithTag+0x2be

f7c38a2c f76236a2 8257a2b0 f7c38a88 f7c38a60 nt!ExDeleteResourceLite+0x4e

f7c38a3c f7650517 8257a2b0 83736260 e304f0d0 Ntfs!NtfsFreeEresource+0x6b

f7c38a60 f762357a 82569178 f7c38a88 f7c38a93 Ntfs!NtfsDeleteFcb+0x67

f7c38aac f7644d00 82569178 83736100 e3165520 Ntfs!NtfsTeardownFromLcb+0x1fd

f7c38b04 f761f759 82569178 e31655e8 e3165780 Ntfs!NtfsTeardownStructures+0x125

f7c38b30 f76426eb 82569178 011655e8 e3165780 Ntfs!NtfsDecrementCloseCounts+0x9e

f7c38bb4 f764248a 82569178 e31655e8 e3165520 Ntfs!NtfsCommonClose+0x397

f7c38c54 804e37f7 83736020 827b62a8 837d1e20 Ntfs!NtfsFsdClose+0x21f

f7c38c64 f76c1459 f7c38d28 804e37f7 837cfa88 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x31

f7c38c6c 804e37f7 837cfa88 827b62a8 f7c38cc4 sr!SrPassThrough+0x31

f7c38ce0 804e37f7 834c1020 827b62a8 827b62a8 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x31

f7c38cf0 8056a701 8250e568 00000000 00000000 nt!IopfCallDriver+0x31

f7c38d28 805638f7 0050e580 8250e568 00000000 nt!IopDeleteFile+0x132

f7c38d44 804e36d5 8250e580 00000000 806ed03c nt!ObpRemoveObjectRoutine+0xdf

f7c38d68 804f33d1 8055eab8 8269cd20 806ed070 nt!ObfDereferenceObject+0x5f

f7c38d8c 804fee2c e2dd9720 00000000 837c52c8 nt!MiSegmentDelete+0xdd

f7c38dac 8057be15 00000000 00000000 00000000 nt!MiDereferenceSegmentThread+0x9e

f7c38ddc 804fa4da 804fed96 00000000 00000000 nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x34

00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 nt!KiThreadStartup+0x16




8054b741 83f801 cmp eax,0x1



SYMBOL_NAME: nt!ExFreePoolWithTag+2be


IMAGE_NAME: ntoskrnl.exe



FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: 0xc2_7_File_nt!ExFreePoolWithTag+2be

BUCKET_ID: 0xc2_7_File_nt!ExFreePoolWithTag+2be

395693 A pipeline object that works fine in 9.0 fails in 10.2. It pipes a money column in a MS SQL Server db (connected via ODBC) to a an ASA 9 database. The money value is 1,000,000,000.00. The error at runtime in PB 10.2 is Numeric value out of range. No problem in PB 9.0.2.
395833 SQL Script Painter to paste an embedded sql statement

When pasting SQL from the painter then the pasted statement can be incomplete as part

of the where clause may be missing.

Before returning to the script painter perform an extra tab.

395845 WebService Proxy Generator:

PowerBuilder 9 generates structures without attributes for certain complex types.

PowerBuilder 10 is able to generate the appropriate structures.

395954 Adding object to PVCS+trackerlink+evenTrigger from Library painter,crashes PB
395973 Incremental build doesn抰 update the descendant in source control env.
395993 When compiling an embedded sql statement update, insert, delete and the statement is (intentionally) invalid, no compile error is produced when PB is connected to SQLServer via odbc.
396020 Shortcuts Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, and Ctrl+3 expand various drop downs in a script pane, however, they arent' disabled in other panes like the layout or event list and cause odd UI effects!
396052 A recent regression in 10.2. This works fine in build 8011. A datawindow is shared with a second datawindow. If you then do a RowsCopy from a third datawindow to the first datawindow, PB crashes.
396135 INT retrieval arg converted to float when disableBind=0, caused error.
396216 When printing a rte control and no document name

is specified in the rte properties, pb will crash.

In PB 9.0.2, a message returns

PowerBuilder Fatal Error

Please contact Sybase Support Engineer

In PB 10.2, I was able to get a crash handler report:

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

File Name: C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\AD2KReGP.DLL

File Version: 7, 0, 0, 0

Fault address=70001CC7 Section:Offset=01:00000CC7









SS:ESP:0023:0012A044 EBP:0012A89C

DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000


Call stack:

Address Frame Param0 Param1 Param2 Param3 Function Name

70001CC7 0012A89C 00A9D140 00A9D090 0012A8BC 5E163844 0001:00000CC7 C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\AD2KReGP.DLL

700024CA 0012B4EC 00A9D140 00201AE8 00000001 00000000 0001:000014CA C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\AD2KReGP.DLL

5E182392 0012B518 001FDCA4 001FEE60 00000001 00000000 0001:00021392 C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\PSCRIPT5.DLL

5E17C9BE 0012B5C4 00229F90 00000010 0012B66C 5E187CBE 0001:0001B9BE C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\PSCRIPT5.DLL

5E187EDB 00229F90 5E17DD5A 5E17DD83 00000000 5E17DDB4 0001:00026EDB C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\PSCRIPT5.DLL

5E17DD46 5E17DD37 5E161170 830008C2 0004247C 74FF0A74 0001:0001CD46 C:\WINDOWS\System32\spool\DRIVERS\W32X86\3\PSCRIPT5.DLL

15FF006A 042474FF 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000:00000000

396502 When changing the dataobject of a dropdown datawindow which has a filter, the filter of the new dataobject is not taken. The filter property is null.
396511 PowerBuilder 10

Performance problem with DataWindow SaveAs to a file on the network

as the file is written in many FileIO operations.

396529 Customer request PocketBuilder to have feature that allow Toolbar buttons possitioned right next to the Window Menu. Customer is not satified with toolbar button with dropdownlist of menu. VisualBasic provide the feature on WinCE.
396530 Getting Started > Chapter 8: Setting Up the Menus > Attach the new menu and run the application > 3. Select m_my_sheet in the Menus list box and click OK.;pt=6354?target=%25N%14_7000_START_RESTART_N%25

The second paragraph is as follows:

You must now change some code in the Script view. The first drop-down list box in the Script view displays the window name, m_master_detail_ancestor.

Correction required:

m_master_detail_ancestor should be replaced with w_master_detail_ancestor

396535 It is expected that DW Sorting for Single Byte data get same order no matter on Double Byte OS or Single Byte OS. However, customer reported that the symbol of square bracket "[" get different resut.

The Asending order for dw sorting of US Win2000 is : 1, 2, [

Whereas the Asending order for dw sorting of T-Chinese Win2000 is : [, 1, 2

396564 The customer has migrated from PB8 to PB10 and is now getting intermittent Fatal Errors. Setting PBDumpOnUnexpectedExcetion does not generate a dump file, so they generated an ADPlus dump after the crash. Need Engineering analysis of the dump file.
396636 Performance problem. Retrieve of a datawindow that has a string retrieval argument is slower with PowerBuilder 10.2 than 10.1

This is with Oracle 9 (o90) driver and also in the 10g driver.

396772 When using PB components with function: LeftTrimW(), RightTrimW(), TrimW(),LeftW(), RightW(), MidW(), ReplaceW(), FillW(). Everytime when these functions

are called with null parameter, the memory in use will increase by 24 bytes. But

if calling these functions with empty string as parameter, no memery will be


396918 Computed field incorrectly displays difference between 2 decimal/numeric columns
396967 SetSQLSelect fails when a timestamp field is in the SQL-Select in EAS 5.2 ->

PowerBuilder Application Execution Error R0094; CORBA_TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK

396997 PB10.2.0 Build 8050

After the fix for CR 389304, there is still a crash on Hot Deployment.

396998 The customer is using a web frontend accessing powerbuilder components within EAServer. The powerbuilder components are using OLE and it seems that the interaction of powerbuilder to OLE when running in EAServer is causing EAServer to shutdown. The uploaded zip file, contains 3 .dmp files showing various faults relative to powerbuilder and OLE. Support is asking for these dump files to be analyzed to see if there is a bug and if there should be any limitations relative to powerbuilder components accessing OLE within EAServer which would result in this bad behavior.
397002 Dot notaion to get datawindow XML is leaking memory. done in a loop leaks memory.

Per Engineering this is not a leak. The testcase is a tight loop doing the dot notation. PB is using memory to do this. The memory is not released back to the os, so you see it going up. But it is available to PB and it is re-used. You can see this if you change the test case to do a set number of iterations and then stop. The first time you run it memory increases as it runs. But when you re-run the memory stays where it is.

You can put a garbagecollect() in the loop and the memory bounces around a little but does not increase.

397045 Another issue similar to CRs 374698 and 394004. Executing an embedded sql Delete with a bind variable in a PB component deployed to EAServer 4.2.5 returns SQLcode = -1 and DBcode = 100 when there are no rows affected. The 100 is OK, but this is not an error and SQLCode should be 0. Workaround is DisableBind = 1. Outside of EAServer, PB returns SQLcode = 0 and DBcode = 0.
397153 Calling xp_write_file function to export long binary data to a file. This fails from PB.
397263 PB JDBC interface problem with oracle DATE datatype
397435 Since the fix of CR 368637 the GroupBox Control is missing the XP specific "round borders" look and feel. GroupBox inside of DW is drawn correctly.
397452 Would like a function within PocketBuilder, which allows File attributes to be changed - for example the read-only attribute. Currently the usage of External API call is used to do this but would like it internal to Pocketbuilder.
397459 GetDynamicDate and GetDynamicDateTime fail after migration to EAS 5.2
397494 RPC call to oracle overloaded procedure crashes PB10.2.


This is a known Oracle bug that was fixed in or above. The root cause of the crash is the first procedure in the package has no parameters.

397616 The way a numeric DW editmask (###,###,###,#00.00####) behaves when it has focus and the user press Delete key has changed since version 9 of PB.
397620 GPF caused by PrintDataWindow function called on RTE/RTF DW.

PB 10.2 build 8050 gpf. In PB 10.2 build 8035 works fine.

397647 Add ability to use right mouse button on menu items.
397774 After making an IsNull call to evaluate an array declared as any, PB crashes when exiting whatever script made the call. This is the script:

any la[]

if isnull(la) then messagebox("ISNULL","Calling isnull function")

Works OK (it doesn't crash) in PB 9.0.

397778 This is a request to increase the limit of space used for the file names in GetFileOpenName(). Customer understands that there must be a limit, but points out that the PB limit is somewhat less than the limit imposed by MicroSoft. Why shouldn't PB let user use all that is available? CR 381441 addressed the issue but did not change the limit. It made the call return a -1 if the limit was exceeded rather than a 0. This change was not applied to PB 9.0. So this is a request to apply that fix to PB 9.0 and increase the limit to the max possible in all PB versions including 9.0.
397959 Problem using "Upper" in SQL statement against Oracle 9.2 db after upgrading to PowerBuilder 10.2. We cannot reproduce the problem here.
397963 Enhancement request: Increase the significant digits of the decimal datatype to 38 or 40. We must be able to match the precision of most databases and other languages.
398145 Add a property for drop down toolbars so that the user can specify the default item shown, regardless of both the menu item order and the toolbar item order.

Workaround: this can be implemented in code by manually setting the current item as follows: (For each corresponding menu clicked event script)

m_ancestor lm_menu

lm_menu = w_frame.menuid

lm_menu.m_menucascade.currentitem = lm_menu.m_menucascade.m_menuitemX

398222 When a library name contains a dot character eg. the corresponding pbd is not generated.
398232 When using JAWS 6.2 and PB 10.2 with a dropdowndw when one uses Alt Down Arrow to open the dddw, the incorrect record is selected. This does not happen when not using JAWS.
398235 A datawindow is setup to use a stored procedure for updates. In the datawindow are 3 char(1) columns that are set to a "1" or a "0". The column names are Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. The information for these three columns is stored in the database in a single char(3) field. The update stored procedure has an input argument of char(3), so in the stored procedure dialog window, an expression is selected for this argument (days), and the expression concatenates the 3 one character columns in the datawindow into one 3 character string. The expression is: string(sunday) + string(monday) + string(tuesday).

But when an update to a row is made and one or more of these columns is affected, the string that gets updated to the database is always the three columns of the last row in the datawindow, not the row that is getting updated. Other columns that are mapped one to one to the update stored procedure update correctly for the rows with changes. The problem is the expression is always evaluating the values for the last row in the dw. It has 'lost' the context of the update row somehow.

398269 In the Datawindow painter, memory is leaking when you select multiple objects and then move them using the arrow keys. The memory keeps increasing as you move. The memory only comes back when you shut down PB.
398364 PB crashes when the string length reaches its maximum possible size given the memory available to the application. It should throw an out of memory exception according to CR 387060.
398395 When populating a datawindow using Dot Notation, the clicked event does not trigger when the spacebar is pressed.
398398 When doing a PasteRTF with a document that contains polish characters a wrong result is pasted.
398580 Not able to enter all digits into editmask if cursor is not in the first position.

The following editmask is being used in the test case:


This feature worked in builds earlier than 9.0.2 build 7653 and in earlier PB 10 builds.

398585 Using XML instead of HTML in web DW. Extra buttons are displayed in group DWs where the group header row is located.
398590 Memory loss connecting to Oracle from EAServer connection cache using PowerBuilder sqlca.dbms = O90 that did not occur when using sqlca.dbms = O84.
398722 Tried calling the Draw function for a picture control on the device but it fails with this error message: "Error calling external function fnDraw at line 4 in ue_draw event of object.."
398769 Using JAWS 6.2 and PB 10.2 a genapp application crashes in pbacc100.dll when the sheet is closed using Ctrl + F4. Without JAWS activated it does not crash.
398952 The customer calls an RPC to update a table and returns the value that was updated, he checks that value to ensure that the update is successful, but with EAS 5.2 the value he gets back is 0 all the time. The update is succesfull. This worked fine with EAS 5.1, problem started occuring with EAS 5.2. Tested here with PB 9.0.2 7708 and EAS 4.2.4 and can repro the problem.

Call the SP directly in PB without EAS returns the correct value in all versions. It is an MS SQL Server database and connection is via ODBC.

398965 When previewing a dw and then selecting a multiline column that has a dw expression on the background color, the lines that are not selected in the column resort to a different color.

The multiline column is a char column, background color defaults to transparent and autosize height is set to false and has the following dw expression on the background color:

if ( id = 101, 16777215, 80269524 )

Any row where the id is not 101, the multiline column will be grey. When selecting the row where the id is 101, the first line of the column stays transparent that has text

but the other lines in the column turn to grey.

399302 Using images in data windows and windows causes a massive memory leak. Images are not being released from memory.
399367 Rowsmove to a datawindow that is sharing its buffer will crash PB.
399391 Date and time parsing error in datetime management file.
399583 Wrong behavior on numeric EditMask DW columns with delete key

Cursor jumps on wrong position if pressing the delete key.

Wrong behavior of edit mask ###-###-####:

123- 45|6-7890 => delete key => 123- 45 -|7890 => insert 6 => 123-45-6|890.

Normal behavior should be:

123- 45|6-7890 => delete key => 123- 45| -7890 => insert 6 => 123-456-|7890.

399643 Compiling a machine code exe hangs during compiling on an XP machine. A native (PBD) exe builds fine.
399720 Intermittent crashes with EAS 5.2 PowerBuilder 9.0.2 Build 7661 under higher loads.
399731 When calling the Amazon itemsearch webservice, the

following error returns:

Error calling method of "PBNI object".

The call to the webservice is as follows:

itemsearchresponse = amazon.itemsearch( subscriptionid, associatetag, "Single", "False", itemsearchrequest, unused, operationrequest )

The soap log shows the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""



xmlns:xsd=""><SOAP-ENV:Body><ItemSearchResponse xmlns=""><OperationRequest><RequestId>17RP2JNHP22XFWC02W48</RequestId><RequestProcessingTime>0.0337121486663818</RequestProcessingTime></OperationRequest><Items><Request><IsValid>False</IsValid><Errors><Error><Code>AWS.InvalidResponseGroup</Code><Message>Your ResponseGroup parameter is invalid. Valid response groups for requests include Request

Transfer is Chunked!

GetChunkLength: 4f2 = 1266

, ItemIds, Small, Medium, Large, Offers, OfferFull, OfferSummary, VariationMinimum, VariationSummary, Variations, ItemAttributes, Tracks, Accessories, EditorialReview, SalesRank, BrowseNodes, Images, Similarities, Subjects, Reviews, ListmaniaLists, SearchInside, PromotionalTag, SearchBins.</Message></Error><Error><Code>AWS.ParameterOutOfRange</Code><Message>The value you specified for Count is invalid. Valid values must be between 1 and 25.</Message></Error></Errors></Request></Items></ItemSearchResponse></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>Connection Disconnected




POST /onca/soap?Service=AWSECommerceService HTTP/1.1

ontent-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""



xmlns:xsd=""><SOAP-ENV:Body><ItemSearchResponse xmlns=""><OperationRequest><RequestId>1E8W10VZZ0NKAG2G29CF</RequestId><RequestProcessingTime>0.0119731426239014</RequestProcessingTime></OperationRequest><Items><Request><IsValid>False</IsValid><Errors><Error><Code>AWS.InvalidResponseGroup</Code><Message>Your ResponseGroup parameter is invalid. Valid response groups for requests include Request

Transfer is Chunked!

GetChunkLength: 457 = 1111

, ItemIds, Small, Medium, Large, Offers, OfferFull, OfferSummary, VariationMinimum, VariationSummary, Variations, ItemAttributes, Tracks, Accessories, EditorialReview, SalesRank, BrowseNodes, Images, Similarities, Subjects, Reviews, ListmaniaLists, SearchInside, PromotionalTag, SearchBins.</Message></Error></Errors></Request></Items></ItemSearchResponse></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>Connection Disconnected




POST /onca/soap?Service=AWSECommerceService HTTP/1.1

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""



xmlns:xsd=""><SOAP-ENV:Body><ItemSearchResponse xmlns=""><OperationRequest><HTTPHeaders><Header Name="UserAgent" Value="EasySoap++/0.6"></Header></HTTPHeaders><RequestId>0YG7810Y3NRJC0K5VD73</RequestId><Arguments><Argument Name="Service" Value="AWSECommerceService"></Argument></Arguments><RequestProcessingTime>0.00455307960510254</RequestProcessingTime></OperationRequest><Items><Request><IsVa

Transfer is Chunked!

GetChunkLength: 3d7 = 983

lid>False</IsValid><Errors><Error><Code>AWS.MissingParameters</Code><Message>Your request is missing required parameters. Required parameters include SearchIndex.</Message></Error></Errors></Request></Items></ItemSearchResponse></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>




POST /onca/soap?Service=AWSECommerceService HTTP/1.1

399732 Crash happens when using the script painter and modifying a global function AND a global variable declaration on windows XP.
399734 When trying to generate proxy, getting an error that

a full or incremental rebuild should be performed on ebayapi.

If you generate a full rebuild on ebayapi, a message returns that having a problem

with the full rebuild and C0001: Illeal datatype: ns_buyingsummarytype

399755 A delete in a stored procedure that affects no rows is returning a -1 now when called from a PB comp deployed to EAS 4.2.4. It returned a 0 in EAS 4.2.3 and still does when called outside of EAS. Connecting to MS Sql Server 2000 via ODBC connection cache.
399757 Copy/Paste from Excel to PowerBuilder doesn't always work using the standard Windows shortcut keys to paste to PowerBuilder.

If you use the PB Paste function it works okay, or if you double click the Excel cell first to highlight/select the text, then it also works. However, if you just move to a cell and copy by either using the Copy menu in Excel or the Ctrl-Insert key combination, and then try to Paste into a PB datawindow using shift-insert, nothing is pasted. The text is in the clipboard, though, which can be verified either using the Paste() or Clipboard() function in PB.

SOLUTION: This turns out to be a problem with the Microsoft MultiLine edit control. The problem can be reproduced using Visual Basic. ( VB ) If the edit control is not high enough to hold 2 lines, the paste fails. The dw edit control is inherited from the MS multiline edit control.

There are two workarounds available

1. Use editmask instead.

2. Let the column be high enough to hold two lines.

399914 Using LastPos to process strings in a loop. In 9.0.3 it zips right through. In 10.2 the time it takes is exponentially slower. Big performance problem. Probably unicode related I'm guessing.
400023 In the PB EAS Component deployment project, it is currently possible to deploy a PB NVO under a different name.

That is, the component will have a different name than the NVO.

It would be good if this functionality could be extended to allow this to be case sensitive, and also to change the names of:





The reason for this request is that currently all PB component names will be in lower case on the server.

In order to follow naming conventions in WebServices etc, it would be good to be able to have CamelCase naming for PB components as well.

Currently, the only way is to manually modify all the IDLs before exposing as web service.

400025 Customer has an application with a grid datawindow. Customers can drag positions of columns as desired. The positions they use are saved to an ini file. That file is read when the application starts, and the code calls Modify to change the dw appearance to show the columns in the order they were in when the user last looked at the dw. This worked fine in PB9. Using PB 10.2, the column headers do not display, and columns cannot be dragged anymore.
400035 PB 9.03 DataWindow Painter GUI regression
400156 PowerBuilder 10.2 crash when generate proxies for EJB (Websphere).
400166 The customer tries to insert a row into an MS SQL Server database connected via ODBC. They are using a datstore in a PB component hosted on EAServer 5.2. The insert fails with an error "Datetime field overflow". A datetime column has it's intial value set to today in the datawindow. The same code inserts a row fine in the client/server environment with the expected datetime. The customer says the problem doesn't occur in EAS 5.1.
400301 GPF in Comctl32.dll when rapidly expanding and colapsing a treeview by double clicking
400416 When PB 10.2 Application act as DDE server, it cannot sent out data with Format in CF_TEXT to VB6.0 as DDE client, although it returns 1 as if it is successful.
400439 Problem with JSP calling PB comp and passing args

by reference.

Getting an error on StringSeqHolder not found in interface.


f_load_server_list had two arguments

reference string as_edb_server_list[]

reference string as_last_server


Use the following:

org.omg.CORBA.StringHolder PArray = new org.omg.CORBA.StringHolder();

StringSeqHolder PbArray = new StringSeqHolder();

try {

li_rc = iJagComponent.f_load_server_list(PbArray, PArray);

as_edb_server_list = PbArray.value;


StringSeqHolder is case sensitive. Look at $JAGUAR\java\classes\packagename to see

how StringSeqHolder was generated. (That is: StringSeqHolder.class or STRINGSEQHolder.class).

Use StringSeqHolder to pass a string array by reference. Use StringHolder to pass a string by reference.

400445 TOMTOM Navigator SDK 5 needs API calls that pass eg. error info structure by reference.

The PocketBuilder exe crashes and disppears upon the calls.

400555 Migrating PB 8 application to PB9 or PB10 that makes external function calls.

Passing complex datastructures, many containing arrays of chars cause

Application execution error R0015: Error external function call %s at line xx in function

400582 A DDDW with duplicate display values always sets data to be the first data value of the duplicates regardless of which display value was selected.
400650 PBcat tables are not used for DW creation etc.

When retrieving the table list and column lists, the calls behind the scenes have changed between PowerBuilder 10.0 and 10.1

400666 Customer has a Dell Axim X50v and has applied the Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition

Version 4.21.1088 (Build 14260.2.0.5) update from the Dell website. Since applying the flash update, he cannot run PocketBuilder apps that access the database, including our PK sample applications such as dwexam. There is no message, just a silent failure.

400727 ASC("~h81") returns 0 under certain condition.
400895 After installing beta 1 of PB 10.5, the install

creates registry entries under 11.0.



RESOLUTION: From the readme.txt, for this Beta 1 release, some registry entries are made in PowerBuilder

registry keys with the version number 11.0. The version number included

in the name of files, including the executable file, DLLs, and Help

files, is 110. All version numbers will be changed to 10.5 or 105 for

Beta 2.

400901 Install the PB 10.5 beta 1 and the dlls are labeled

as pbxxx110.dll. The executable for PB 10.5 beta 1 is pb110.exe.

RESOLUTION: From the readme.txt,

For this Beta 1 release, some registry entries are made in PowerBuilder

registry keys with the version number 11.0. The version number included

in the name of files, including the executable file, DLLs, and Help

files, is 110. All version numbers will be changed to 10.5 or 105 for

Beta 2.

401027 Customer has an application which crashes after migration to PB10.
401151 Charset attribute missed in JSP migration from PB9 to PB10.
401159 Printing to file returns -1, and doesn't work. See notes

Using 3rd party FieldSoftware Printing API.

401160 If resizing a column in a grid datawindow buttons are not moved to the right place as in PB8.
401165 wants be able to access the version number that can be specified in the project painter and other infos at runtime.
401182 PowerBuilder 10:

The datawindow print function with argument " showprintdialog = true "

sets a datawindow in printpreview mode back into normal mode.

401185 Datawindow buttons do not have the same rounded-corner style as buttons on a window object.
401191 Changes made to the menu style will only save the first time when you save in the painter. For example, with a menu of style contemporarymenu, change to flatmenu! and save. Change to traditionalmenu! and save. Change to Contemporarymenu! and save. Exit the painter. Open the menu again. Menu style will be Flatmenu!
401196 There is no footer or summary band for the TreeView style datawindow. Probably a documentation omission.
401200 In the dw painter and you use a sql statement

that is longer than 32K, the following error will result:

DataWindow Wizard

Cannot create DataWindow

'Unclosed quote before the character string"".

In the pbtrace.log, the following is listed:

(b5b3c4): SRV 15 #105 Unclosed quote before the character string '"'.

(b5b3c4): SRV 15 #102 Incorrect syntax near '"'.

(b5b3c4): *** ERROR 105 ***(rc -1) : Unclosed quote before the character string '"'.

401203 Running on Windows 2003 Server SP1 the itemchanged event fails to fire.
401211 Oracle 8i database using O90 (or O84) and 9i client in PB 9.0.3. DisableBind = 0. The customer is using Dynamic SQL Format 2 with the ? for where clause variables, to do updates. But PB is not binding the variables, causing each Update to be compiled on the database. The same updates when done in embedded SQL do bind the variables.
401228 Importing a comma delimited text file into a datawindow with ImportFile. If a particular data element is surrounded by double quote charaters, "Baker" for example, PB strips off the double quote characters and you end up with Baker in the datawindow column. If the double quotes are embedded in the string, it leaves them alone. However if single quotes are used in the same way, 'Baker' for example, then nothing is done and you end up with 'Baker' as the datawindow column value. It should work the same way with double quotes. No editing or stripping should occur. Import the data exactly as it is in the text file.

From Engineering: Not a bug. CSV files are comma delimited text files. Each data value may be enclosed in double quotes when written if the string contains characters that might cause problems. Like a comma for instance. So the data value abc is written as abc, but a,b,c is written as "a,b,c". When reading a CSV file if a data value is enclosed in double quotes, the quotes are removed. So when reading abc you get abc, and when reading "a,b,c" you get a,b,c. You can see this behavior in PB reading and importing CSV files and other applications like Excel. So the customer needs to follow similar rules when writing his CSV file if using PB to read it, double quotes enclosing a data value will be removed on import. If you want "xxx" as the data value, you need """xxx""" in the csv file.

401236 The testcase PBNI sample, which works fine in 9.0.2 (tested OK in build 7524), now crashes in 9.0.3 build 8511 at the following statement:

pArrayItemCount = m_pSession->GetArrayLength(m_filetypes) ;

401327 DataWindow SaveAs(XML), import and export functions can save or load data

using the wrong decimal separator, dependant on control panel settings.

401335 In a datawindow with multiple computed fields of the same datatype, you cannot multi-select the fields and then set the same Format mask for them. If you go through the steps to do this and save the dw, when you again select one of the fields you'll see that the format mask did not change.
401345 DropDown-Calender in datawindow shows every time the current date. Should show the date in the column.
401359 For the new TreeView DW, the DW Control needs to support events like "ItemCollapsed, ItemExpanded, ItemPopulate, etc" for better program control - like the Treeview control already does.

RESOLUTION: The following events have been added to the datawindow control and user-defined events - pbm_dwnexpanded, pbm_dwnexpanding, pbm_dwncollapsing, pbm_dwncollapsed.

401361 Importing a datawindow that refers to a global function that does not exist in the new target can cause changes to the syntax of the imported datawindow even it the user does not explicitly change anything in the dw painter. On the other hand, if the dw is not opened and saved in the painter, PB crashes when one or more rows are added to the dw at runtime. The syntax should not be changed by the painter, and at runtime an error should display, not a crash.
401374 High quality transparent images look either low quality

on the toolbar menu or are not transparent on the toolbar for contemporary

and flatbar menus and toolbars.

For traditional menu, the image is either particially cut off or is greyed out.

401461 A problem with sliding-up computed columns within a composite report.

The detailband slides up too much, overlapping columns.

401465 In a datawidow, Arabic text cannot be justified in a text control.
401468 Calling a Oracle stored procedure and fetching

a number to a decimal variable, the decimal variable is truncated.

Problem happens using the O84 driver with Oracle 8.1.7 client and Oracle 9.1 server.

Other problems seen:

Using Oracle 9 client and Oracle 9 server and the O10 driver - value returns 0 instead of 12345

Using Oracle 8.1.7 client and the Oracle 9 server and the O90 driver - value returns 0 instead of 12345

RESOLUTION: Use disableunicode=1 when using the O84 driver.

401477 PowerBuilder 9, 10

DataWindow Decimal column with editmask '+++000/0000/0000+++' does not allow proper input.

401485 DropDown Calendar generates security messages on IE even if it's not used.
401488 In the menu painter when you have a contemporary style menu, the pane that displays the menu as it will look at run time, always displays in traditional style.
401495 Please add the ability to set custom RGB colors for all menu color options. The Dropdowns don't containt the correct color choices for some XP/2003 menu combos.
401496 Please add the ability to change a menu style at runtime since some apps have a user preference for appearence. How about something simple like menu.setStyle(MenuStyleContemporary!) or (MenuStyleTraditional!)
401499 SelectRow and RowFocusChanging/RowFocusChanged does not work on a treeview DataWindow.

Engineering states this is because these functions and events only work in the detail band, and only the lowest treeview level (the leaf level) is in the detail band. Some new functions are being considered to address this issue.

401503 When using describe to get the column type for an unnamed object, returns ! instead of the column type.

The syntax that is used is:

dw_1. describe("columnname.Type")

401505 if the date is empty and I clicked the button to go to the next month how, can I then close the dropdown without having the date copied in the datawindow column. I would prefer a (X) to close the drop down calendar. If I do anything with the dd calendar except immediately click off of it, I cannot leave the field without some date value being assigned to the field.
401530 When using on an unnamed object column,

the following error will result:

Powerbuilder Application Execution Error (R0039)

Application terminated

Error: Error accessing external object propertly name at line 4

401591 PB results in a GPF when assigning an array of type any to a variable of the correct type. Happens for userdefined types, eg. nonvisuals and structures.
401601 PowerBuilder 10 DataWindow Import or ImportFile function of text data:

If the first two characters of ANSI text file are equal to HA, these letters are skipped in the import.

401615 Add an event to the Window object that fires when the user selects "Show Text" from the toolbar right-click menu. Need to know when the user does that to accurately resize the MDI client.
401616 In PB8 (and PB9), I could use some, if not all, of the icon enumerated values such as Window!, Question!, and UserObject5! as the picturename property of a picture object. In the beta, these values don't work and I just get a black box. Problem reported in PB 10.5 beta 1, but also fails in PB 10.2 GA.
401617 PB 8.x, an editmask control on a window with a stringmask! and the mask field is blank. If you enter some characters and then back arrow into the characters and start entering again, the new characters are inserted at the cursor. This behavior changed in PB 9.x and now the new characters overwrite the existing characters. Same behavior in 10 and 10.5.
401618 The treeview datawindow does not have a checkbox property like the treeview control.
401621 Treeview datawindow should have a state picture option like the one in a treeview control.
401625 Using an expression to change the visible or width property of a column in an N-Up datawindow based on another columns value does not work properly in the N-Up style. Results are inconsistent.
401642 The customer is doing a datawindow Find similar to this:

dw_1.Find ("decimal_id IN (561, 562, 563)", 1, dw_1.rowcount())

And it is returning "Invalid expression" in PB 10.5. It was fine in 10.2. decimal_id is a decimal{0} column. A similar Filter criteria also returns "Invalid Expression".

401648 Request ability to differentiate holidays by country using a different color in the dropdown calendar style of a datawindow control. Would also need ability to populate holiday data in some way.
401728 Customer has an application they migrated from PB8. When they try to build an EXE they crash after the build completes, when PB output is "inspecting application libraries".
401739 The 10.5 Editmask as a new flags property. If you put an editmask control on a window, or subclass the editmask, and open the properties folder for the editmask in the system treeview, you'll see a long flags listed. What is this new property? It doesn't show up in the property tabs, and it is not documented in the PB 10.5 help in the editmask properties.

For PFC apps that are migrated to PB 10.5 it is causing a conflict as the pfc_u_em object has a flags argument in it's pfc code and that conflicts with the new editmask flags property.

So if the new flags property needs to be there, fine. But lets document it. Please assign the resolution to PB Documentation if this is so. If it does not need to be there, let's get rid of it so we don't cause problems for PFC users.

PFC user's can change the name of the flags argument in the pfc_u_em object every where it is used to avoid the conflict.

401841 The orcascr orcascript utility cannot copy proxy objects between libraries.
401845 Assigning Any datatype array to PowerObject datatype array causes PB to crash.

This worked okay in PB 8. Customer reported this worked in PB 9, but in build 8511 it crashes. Latest build of PB 8 does not crash.

SOLUTION: The fix for this is to raise a runtime error instead of crashing. Type checking has been increased in PowerBuilder so there are certain things you used to be able to 'get away with' that no longer work. The solution for this customer was to add more type checking in their case statement in order to prevent the situation from occurring.

401850 in PB 10, IsDate(�00/00/00�) returns TRUE. Should be FALSE. Also, doing a conversion date('00/00/00') results in '01/01/1900' in PB 9, but in PB 10 the result is '08/24/2000' where 08 is the current month, 24 is the current day, and 2000 is a conversion of '00' to a year.
401858 Using a numeric editmask of ##.0 with Autoskip turned on, the Autoskip doesn't work unless you type the decimal point. It works okay with ##.00 and ##.000 masks.
401862 Complex xml file does not appear to import rows correctly.
401871 CR400416 has fixed the reported problem. However the same function

SetDataDDE still fail to return data in event RemoteSend to VB6 DDE Client.

401935 The traces created by PB 10.x are UTF16 LE encoded, but there is no Byte Order Marl (BOM) at the beginning of the file.
401940 Compositie DW containing DWs with groups crashes on retrieve. Not reproduced internally yet. Dump files provided using ADPlus.
401941 HTMLDW:

A datawindow with a date column with both format and editmask set,

shows an incorrect format after choosing a date from the calendar.

Inputting a date with the specified format in the dw in the browser causes a validation error.

401945 PocketBuilder application crashes if it fails to establish the connection to the

printer. The Print() function doesn't return any value, it crashes in the

Print() call.


The PrintOpen() was returning the error handle of -1.

The customer code should be checking this return value before continuing (since the printer has not been opened.)

401953 Spacing between menu items is to big. - The gradient bar on the side of the menu is to wide. - Toolbar handle and separator graphics are to large.
401958 On a contemp menu with titles and bitmaps menu.PopMenu(...) does not show the menu title.
402009 Disconnecting from ASE using SYC takes 1000 times longer than when a dummy connection is made in advance before the new connection
402049 The customer has a text file with records terminated by CR LF. In PB 8 they open this file in Linemode! and read it with FileRead. It reads 5897 records and all of them are 413 characters long. They migrated the app to PB 10 and now FileRead only reads 2740 records, and some of them are much longer than 413. This is incorrect. They tried FileReadEx, but that only reads 3 records 413, 413, and 260 characters long. This ia also incorrect. The PB 8 results are correct.

So problem 1 is why is FileRead in PB 10 getting different results than PB 8, reading the same file? Problem 2 is why isn't FileRead and FileReadEx getting the same results in PB 10 reading the same file?

The text file does have binary 0 characters (nulls) in it. The help in both 8 and 10 say the eof character is a null, and if one is encountered, PB thinks it is the end of file. That looks like what is happening to FileReadEx, but FileRead is getting messed up by the nulls and reading too much per line. But the PB 8 FileRead reads this file perfectly, it has no problem with the nulls. The PB 10 FileRead (and the FileReadEx) should be doing the same as PB 8, and getting the same results reading this file.

402083 The customer is using criteria.dialog on some columns. This pops a dialog which prompts for where clause criteria which PB then appends and the retrieval is made using the selected criteria. If a column has a dddw the dddw appears in the criteria dialog and the user can pick from the values. Neat. But if the dddw has retrieval arguments the criteria dialog will ALWAYS pop the retrieval agumrnt dialog. Even if you get a child reference to the dddw and retrieve rows into the dddw before the criteria. This is becasue the criteria apparently uses it's own instance of the dddw and so it prompts for retrieval arguments all the time. It's not using the instance of the dddw that the main datawindow column is using (same dddw but a different instance).

The only thing I could do to inhibit the retrieval argument dialog was to insert a blank row in the dddw and save it with that blank row, But that's whats in the criteria drop down as well, just a blank row, no values to pick from.

So this is a request to somehow use the instance of the dropdown datawindow in the main datawindow for the criteria, not a brand new instance. Maybe do a sharedata from the main datawindoiw instance to the criteria instance. I would do that but have no way to get a reference to the dddw used by the criteria.

402126 Dynamically created nested report displays Wingdings chars depending on the zoom level set in preview mode.
402134 SetItemTime() from PSWebDataWindowClass.class in jspobject100.jar saves Time-values only in anglo-saxon style (12 hour format)
402174 Requesting a "Check for Updates" option in the menu of PowerBuilder 11. This would connect to Sybase download servers checking to verify that the user is at the latest ebf. If they are not at the latest release, it will ask them if they wish to download and apply it. This will reduce the amount of time required by the user to check for the latest release. Preferably, it would use the same web proxy from IE (note that some proxies require login/password).
402187 In a treeview datawindow, SelectRow only selects the row in the detail band. Although this is the same way a Group datawindow behaves, in the case of a TreeView datawindow the branch that contains the row may not be expanded. The parent band(s) should also highlight as a cue to the user so they would know where to look. In a treeview control, all levels can be highlighted.

(Could be revised to New Feature request.)

402191 Customer sees a 3 second difference when opening

a window in PB 9.0.2 versus PB 8.

After enabling the PBTrace option, the difference (in the log file) when running a PB 8 versus PB 9.0.2 app is the many more lines where the ACCESSIBLESTATE and ACCESSIBILITY object classes are created and destroyed.

402192 When the customer debugs thru his COM/MTS/COM+ Project, he crashes on him machine. I do not crash and neither does his co-worker so we believe the crash is environmental. It is essential that he be able to debug.

Customer has produced dmp files when using the environment variable PBDumpOnUnexpectedException and he would like development to see if they can determine why he is crashing.

402194 Enhancement request for the new drop down calendar. Allow the user to set limits using the min and max properties.
402197 The target wizard that creates the template application (GenApp) should use the new contemporary menu style.
402208 Customer is using an undocumented datetime parameter of a string datetime('01/01/1905 0:0') that has been used by customers in the past.

When used in the following script:

date ld_OrderDate =today()

time lt_OrderTime = now()

entryDate = datetime(ld_OrderDate, lt_OrderTime )

if entryDate < datetime('01/01/1905 0:0' ) then

PB 8 evaluates this to false while PB 10 evaluates this to true.

If the script is changed to:

date ld_OrderDate =today()

time lt_OrderTime = now()

entryDate = datetime(ld_OrderDate, lt_OrderTime )

if entryDate < dateTime(date('01/01/1905' ), time("0:0"))

Both PB 8 and PB 10 evaluate this correctly as false.

402210 When using the contemporary menu style and there

is a toolbar and the toolbar text is checked at the application properties level,

the toolbar will display a comma and then the rest of the text.

402226 Creating a DW from syntax will choke on the "edit.inputeditmode=0" and "editmask.inputeditmode=0" statements; even if the syntax string comes from another DW itself.


string ls_syn

dw_1.dataobject = "d_cust_table"

ls_syn= dw_1.object.DataWindow.Syntax

MessageBox( "Syntax", ls_syn)

dw_1.Create( ls_syn)

The "dw_1.Create(..)" will fail with an "incorrect syntax" error.

402266 Charset conversion problem : European characters not displayed correctly
402296 If I have a large blob, say "rawData" and I'm stepping through it one byte at a time.

The INTEGER() function always returns zero.

This works fine for 2byte and larger data (even though it should only work for 1 or 2 byte sized data).


iValue = INTEGER( BlobMid( rawData, iPos, 1 ) )

402299 The function painter will cause PocketBuilder IDE to run out of memory if a function has too many arguments. (Greater than 14 or 15 approximately.)

Possible dupe of CR 360656 which is the same problem with object functions, such as a window function.

402312 Right-Click toolbar menu popup does not adhere the the menu style of the menu it's attached to (contemp, titles, bitmap, etc..)
402315 If MenuTitles and MenuBitmaps are selected, menu items that have text changes such as the list of open sheets under the Window menu are shifted to the left and have a different font. They are displayed with traditional style even if the menu is contemporary or flatmenu. Menu items that have the text changed at runtime also show this behavior.
402328 The tutorial and examples should be updated to include examples of a treeview report, using a dropdown calendar, and the new autosize height on reports.
402333 PB 10.2 Rich Text String with Embedded Smart Quotes Get Garbled when inserted using PasteRTF(). This doesn't happen in PB 8.0.4.
402402 When you copy text and then paste to an edit mask

that is defined to be smaller than than the text you copied from, than the paste

fails. No text is pasted to the edit mask.

The testcase provided contains a dw with 8 different fields: The source of the paste is a sle with the value of 123456789012

e1 - edit style with no limit (works ok)

e2 - edit style with 9 char limit (works ok)

e3 - edit style with 8 char limit (works ok)

e4 - editmask with !!!!!!!! (paste will fail)

e5 - editmask with ^^^^^^^^^ (paste will fail)

e6 - editmask with aaaaaaaaa (paste will fail)

e7 - editmask with xxxxxxxxx (paste will fail)

e8 - editmask with ######### (paste will fail)

402403 Support for the decimal datatype to 30 digits in PowerBuilder


402418 When a column contains the keyword 'into' and using

the dw_1.filter(), the row containing the column isn't getting filtered.

The column contains the value of:

test into o_a15progress (caseid,objectid,a15inuif,a15promoselection,....

The filter is defined as:

ls_filter = "comment like ~'%o_a15progress%~'"

dw_1.setFilter( ls_filter )


The dw_1.filter() will not filter properly if the column contains the keyword 'into'.

402449 Unable to parse wsdl files in PB 9.0.3.

Using the debug dlls, it reported the following:

NTER: ws_SetWsdlLocation

ARGS: [in]fileName: file://D:\CXT\WSDLs\MeFStateService.wsdl

ENTER: PbProxyForWSDL::SetWsdlLocation

ARGS: [in]fileName: file://D:\CXT\WSDLs\MeFStateService.wsdl

ERROR: Error::Cannot parse the WSDL file

LEAVE: PbProxyForWSDL::SetWsdlLocation (returned false)

INFO: WSDL Location: file://D:\CXT\WSDLs\MeFStateService.wsdl

ERROR: PbProxyObj.SetWSDLLocation returned false

LEAVE: ws_SetWsdlLocation (returned 0)

ENTER: ws_GetErrorString

ENTER: PbProxyForWSDL::GetExceptionString

ARGS: [out]title: Error:

ARGS: [out]desc: Cannot parse the WSDL file

LEAVE: PbProxyForWSDL::GetExceptionString

ARGS: [out]desc: <null>

LEAVE: ws_GetErrorString (returned 26)

ENTER: ws_GetErrorString

ENTER: PbProxyForWSDL::GetExceptionString

ARGS: [out]title: Error:

ARGS: [out]desc: Cannot parse the WSDL file

LEAVE: PbProxyForWSDL::GetExceptionString

ARGS: [out]desc: Cannot parse the WSDL file

LEAVE: ws_GetErrorString (returned 26)

Also tried to reference the *.xsd files locally and same problem.

402452 The MenuTitle should have an option to start at the bottom verses starting at the top like it does. The Windows Start menu is bottom to top.
402457 The Use of PowerTip Text on a Control in an MDI sheet is causing GDI/User Object leak.

The resources used for PowerTip text will only get released when the MDI Frame is closed.

Other GDI/User Object resources used by the sheets do get released when the sheet closes, so the powertip reources should be released then too.

402525 If modify the protect propertie in the rowfocuschanged event the

protect setting doesn't seem to apply when first used for a column.

Workaround: post the modify in the rowfocuschanged event

402554 The font size of the main menu bar ( in between titlebar and toolbar ) is always size 10. The font size is always the same.
402558 At the top level in the menu painter it would make sense to have MenuTitles and TitleGradient, and then MenuBitmaps afterwards instead of between them.
402560 At the top level there is MenuTitles and TitleGradient. At the submenu level the text is entered into MenuLabel. Why call it a title in one spot and a label in another ?MenuLabel should be changed to MenuTitleText.
402561 In the menu painter, the top level should have an option to use the same bitmaps on the toolbar in the menu. Currently we have to manually assign each one.
402566 Need event that notifies program that user made a change to the toolbar using the right click popup menu.
402569 The option to have a menutitle should be at each submenu level, not at the object level.
402599 When a xml file doesn't have the whitespace or carriage

returns, pbdom doesn't appear to parse the file properly.

When a xml file contains carriage returns, the following results:

pbdom_doc = pbdom_bldr.BuildFromFile(this.text)

pbdom_doc.GetContent(ref pbdom_obj_array)

f_put_xml_into_tree(pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(), 0, tv_1)

pbdom_to_be_expanded.GetContent(ref pbdom_obj_array) <-- returns proper number

When the xml file doesn't contain the cr, the following results:

pbdom_doc = pbdom_bldr.BuildFromFile(this.text)

pbdom_doc.GetContent(ref pbdom_obj_array)

f_put_xml_into_tree(pbdom_doc.GetRootElement(), 0, tv_1)

pbdom_to_be_expanded.GetContent(ref pbdom_obj_array) <-- returns incorrect number

RESOLUTION: Not a bug. When a document is 'pretty print', carriage returns are added

to xml document. PBDOM translates the carriage returns to "pbdom_text". This is with

keeping to XML standards. The 'pretty print' xml document pbdom array was greater than 1 because it counted the pbdom_text. Change code to the following to resolve:


if upperbound(pbdom_obj_array) > 1 then


if upperbound(pbdom_obj_array) > 0 then

402644 *JFS 'Byte' cannot be identified as an IDL type.
402659 Failed to SaveAs Excel8! with file name >112 characters including path
402675 PowerBuilder crashes when going into SQL painter for a DataWindow that works fine in PB7. Problem has been narrowed down to presence of WHERE clause within the SQL.
402682 In treeview datawindow, if hidegrayline is checked, there is still a space where it would have been.
402685 The Treeview datawindow should highlight the node column when it is clicked on. It should look just like Windows Explorer. Click on the directory name and the name is highlighted.
402849 WebSite target is missing from 10.5 beta 1.
402850 When generating a webservice proxy using the wizard,

pb is incorrectly allowing you to select the pbd to store the generated proxy and

project to.

402857 Enhancement: Have SaveAs include only columns visible on the datawindow, or perhaps a way to selectively save columns.
402858 Using the new popup menu to import a PowerBuilder extension, the object does not get created properly at runtime. Workaround is to use the pbx2pbd utility, which still works.
402868 Enhancement: The [+] and [-] images on the treeview datawindow need to be rendered with theme support.
402870 When you have a dw column of a time datatype and

you select a editmask for that column, the Drop-Down Calendar property remains


The datetime picker on the window control handles time data.

RESOLUTION: Not to be implemented

402978 Support 'schema' data type for Web Service Proxy
402980 Delete values made Cursor jump to the end
402983 When connected to MSS Visual Source Safe, pb will

crash randomly.

The user.dmp shows the following:

FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: ACCESS_VIOLATION_comctl32!TV_CountVisibleDescendants+d

0012fc34 773602b9 001b7ad8 00198508 001b7ad8 comctl32!TV_CountVisibleDescendants+0xd

0012fc4c 7736014a 00198508 001b7ad8 00000001 comctl32!TV_ScrollBelow+0x3d

0012fca0 7739666c 00198508 00000002 00000002 comctl32!TV_Expand+0x11c

0012fd08 77377ba6 00000004 00000203 00000001 comctl32!TV_ButtonDown+0x102

0012fd64 77d48654 00020380 00000203 00000001 comctl32!TV_WndProc+0x570

0012fd90 77d48723 7735d00c 00020380 00000203 user32!InternalCallWinProc+0x1b

0012fdf8 77d48999 00000000 7735d00c 00020380 user32!UserCallWinProcCheckWow+0x150

0012fe58 77d48fd2 0012fe80 00000001 10619300 user32!DispatchMessageWorker+0x306

0012fe64 10619300 0012fe80 70a9f849 00b87498 user32!DispatchMessageA+0xb

0012fe98 1061910a 00b8a194 10001043 00b87498 pbsys90!PB_SysSwapAndRun+0x1f0 [pbsys.cpp @ 1670]

0012fea0 10001043 00b87498 70a9f849 001423bc pbsys90!PB_SysMessageLoop+0xa [pbsys.cpp @ 1548]

0012ffc0 77e8141a 70a9f849 80000002 7ffdf000 pb90!WinMain+0x43 [pb.c @ 132]

0012fff0 00000000 100010f0 00000000 00000000 kernel32!BaseProcessStart+0x23

Workaround: Unable to reproduce in PB 9.0.3 (build 8756)

402987 In Label Type DataWindows, columns are not recognized in right mouse events,

as dwo argument or with the function GetObjectAtPointer().

402989 The DatePicker control implemented in the datawindow and window are inconsistent in properties and how they open. The datawindow version of the picker appears to open to the right consistently, and there isn't a property in the painter to change that. The window control version defaults to open down, and there is a property that allows it to open to the right. The behavior and properties for the date picker should be consistent.
402992 The customer is experiencing crashes in PB dlls frequently since upgrading to Windows 2003 on their Citrix servers. Their PB application is using PB 9.0.1 and upgrading to the current build would be a major effort as the application is distributed to many locations. These two dump files (HDMP and MDMP) are produced when they crash and he would like them to be analyzed by engineering to see if upgrading to 9.0.3 would alleviate the crashes.

Verified as fixed in PB10.2.1 build 9533. Printer name tested up to 220 characters.

402997 TreeView DataWindow should have the standard footer and summary bands available.
402999 The AM/PM portion of a custom datepicker format should support upper and lower case. Currently only tt is used (lowercase) and it results in an uppercase AM/PM indicator.


Displaying "AM/PM" or "am/pm" is not decided by Date Picker control, it depends on desktop environment settings on Windows. You can set AM/PM symbol to anything. So, in format string, "tt" doesn't mean lower case display. "T" is an as-is character. This behavior is from Microsoft.

403002 The highlighting of the text in the menu appears to work well, but it doesn't render that well for the toolbar items. No matter how dark I make the orange in the selection, I still get the same too pale orange for the highlight.
403009 The menu painter now has a whole bunch of options for selecting colors, including custom colors, but no way of accessing the custom color dialog.
403039 The toolbar isn't handling the transparent setting of the icons correctly. The menu does.
403045 Date Picker dtftime! Format should have ShowUpDown Checked by default.
403047 dftshortdate! Doesn't trim out empty spaces in the

date values. So for today I see the following in the

edit mask:

9/ 7/2005

Where I expect to see:


403054 In an exe contempoary menu colors are not changing with a System Scheme Color change. The system color scheme is picked up by the PB window, but not by the contempoary menu.
403118 Customer cannot view the SQL of DataWindow when PowerBuilder connects to an ASE 12.5.3 database server. -> error below appears

"ct_fetch(): user api layer: internal common library error: The bind of result set item 9 resulted in truncation. Do you want to continue in graphic mode?"

403188 Regression from PB 9 to PB 10.2 using JAWS accessibility software. PB application stops reading the ddlb and kicks customer out of application.
403249 On a DataWindow which has a vertical scroll bar and a horizontal scroll bar, if you call setFullState(),

the horizontal scroll bar may be incorrectly positioned and a strange blank vertical bar may appear

on the right of the DataWindow.

403325 I'm using the PrinterCE to print invoices from my application. The invoice's DataWindow displays items being sold with several columns is a row (quantity, item code, description and price). I print to the 2 inch printer so the description field should not display the full value (should be cut).

When I use the DataWindow.Print() method then everything works fine:

long descriptions are printed up to the columns' width value, the rest of the value is cut and not displayed. But if I use the PrintDataWindow() method then the full description value is not cut and printed over other columns values.

403334 Menu Painter lacks the Design>Custom Colors... menu item. I need to define custom colors in another painter (eg: Window Painter) to define Custom Colors, which may then be used in the menu painter.
403337 Large customer application (220 MByte database and over a dozen PKLs) has a scenario where the series of actions causes the device to lockup.

This application is generating DW syntax on the fly and has lots going on.

403361 Enhancement request for run time modification of the menu style (and toolbar style).

Customer's comments: I'm sure this has been requested, but run time modification of the menu style (and toolbar style) would be a great enhancement for those of us that allow user "themes" and hence require as much run time modification as possible.

403364 TreeView DataWindow Crash placing a column in the detail band of an existing dw.
403366 Tested and reproduced with PB 10.2_8100, 10.2_8075

Worked fine in old PB 7.0.3 (all builds)

After deploying two components (C1 and C2) to a COM+ package, when calling C1 that calls C2 for the 1st time, it's ok. When repeating the process for the 2nd time, ConnectToNewObject returns -3 in intercomponent call to C2.

This worked fine in old PB 7.0.3.

403464 App intermittently shuts down on windows 2003 but works ok on windows 2000.

Customer believes application is shutting down at openwithparm(w_c_verifyorcancel, is_lettertext)

From the user.dmp:




776b4cc5 8b06 mov eax,[esi]

EXCEPTION_RECORD: ffffffff -- (.exr ffffffffffffffff)

ExceptionAddress: 776b4cc5 (ole32!CClassCache::FreeUnused+0x00000186)

ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)

RESOLUTION: Customer decided to use MS Word SpellCheck instead of VSpell32.ocx.

403478 Solaris specific regression in PBVM 9.0.2 build 7578.

Makes it impossible to implement CtsComponents::MessageListener interface in PB.

The code in onMessage() doesn't get executed, and the following error appears in the log:

Sep 13 11:23:10 2005: NOTIFY FAIL: DEAD MSG p11166860/MessageListener/onMessage .....

403484 When trying to open an existing window or

running an application, pb will crash when the window contains the text control 10.1.

The crash appears to be happening at:

FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: STACK_OVERRUN_mfc42!CPropertySection::ReadNameDictFromStream+c9

Customer is using Windows XP SP2 with all the security patches and Microsoft Visual Studio 2003.

403488 The customer has an editmask on a window with a tag value. The have created an editmask event mapped to pbm_mousemove. When this fires they display the tag value in a mle. They have similar code in other window controls suce that the tag value of the control is displayed in the mle when the cursor is first moved over the control. All the controls display the tag value except the mle, which GPFs when the cursor is moved over it.

Not a bug. In the source code the mousemove event was declared as "event mousemove();", it should be "event mousemove;".

403516 The datepicker control should allow editing of time values in the drop down if the edit mask includes the time.
403520 If the datpicker control has a format of dtfcustom! and a custom format of "mm/dd/yyy hh:mm:ss", an invalid date is displayed both in the painter and at run time.
403529 If the treeview leaf node band or the treeview level state band height is small (say 72) the State Icon Align Mode behaves backwards, Top is Bottom and Bottom is Top. It works correctly if the band height is increased over 90 or so. The same behavior happens in the treeview band. It appears as if it may be wrapping around. A height of about 90 is the zero point where nothing happens if you change from top to bottom. A height of more than 90 works correctly. A band height of less then 90 behaves backwards.
403577 GetItemString() on NULL column value causes PBVM to break execution without error.

This problem only happens in Linux environment but NOT in Windows environment.

There is NO SUCH PROBLEM for GetItemString() on NON-NULL column value.

This problem does NOT exist in GetItemNumber(), GetItemDateTime() and Dot Notation for DataWindow / DataStore objects (i.e. dw_1.Object.column_name[1]).

403606 When viewing the checkedbox on a contemporary

menu, you can see that the menu checkedbox has rounded corners whereas in

MS Office 2003 the checkbox has square corners.

403614 Selecting menu: New->Project->Application Wizard->Next gets "Invalid Datawindow expression" error if there is an apostrophy (') in the workspace/target path name.
403623 Powerbuilder 10.5 crashes when importing a version 7 datawindow with data stored in it. The datawindow imports fine in PB 10.2.
403654 Customer has a datawindow with a group and a group sort. They do an insertrow(0) to insert a new row at the end of the datawindow. They then scrolltorow to the row returned by the insertrow(0). If there were 50 rows in the datawindow the insertrow(0) returns 51 as you would expect. But the new row is now at the begining of the datawindow and the scrolltorow puts them to an existing row at the end of the dw that is now row 51. The new row was apparently sorted to the first position by the group sort. If you remove the group sort, then the new row remains at the end of the datawindow as expected.
403772 VGA Device, Example Dell Axim x50v, The last displayed row in the dddw list is always displayed as a half-blank row.
403781 Give a menu item tool tip text and a tool bar button. At runtime put mouse pointer over toolbar button. Wait for tooltip to appear. Now move the pointer quickly straight down into the window. The tool tip disappears but the button stays selected. If you move the pointer anywhere in the tool bar then it gets unselected.
403803 Regression with using PB 10.2 build 8100 and JAWS 6.2 Accessibily software. CR 398232 originally reported the dddws opening to the wrong record but with this newer build the dddws do not open at all.
403804 Memory leak opening and Closing Windows with DW Controls (Or any other control) THe PK App continuously uses more memory. Memory Will get released after the App is closed.
403806 If using threading in an application on a OS that has dual cpus, the application will crash.

When the PB_HEAP_DEBUG environment variable is set to true it appears to eliminate or mask the problem so the customer was unable to produce a dump file using that method.

Customer's tests on XP and 2000 with and without the PB_HEAP_DEBUG=TRUE environment variable. Results:

Win 2000 � Dual Processor

Environment Variable Set - stopped it after 600 reps

No Environment Variable - Less than 30 reps

Bind and No Variable Set - stopped it after 600 reps

Win XP � Single Processor with Hyper-Threading

Environment Variable Set - stopped it after 3000 reps

No Environment Variable Set - Less than 150 reps

Bind and No Variable Set - Less than 400 reps

Also setting PB_POOL_THRESHOLD to 256Kb seemed to work on XP but not on Windows 2000.

403814 XP Operating system only. It works OK on Windows 2000. A picture button has power tip text. When you put the cursor on the PB, the tip text appears. But in about 5 seconds it disappears. Move the cursor to the window and back on the PB and the tip does not re-appear. Move the cursor to another PB and then back to the frist and the tip does re-appear. The tip never disappears on Windows 2000 unless you leave the PB.
403821 Run time modification of any of the menu color settings do not take. Compare to runtime modifications of window colors that do take. This is a simpler example of the problem described in CR 403054. Perhaps the fix for that CR will fix this CR too?
403822 Cannot edit .aspx in the web page editor.

In order to do it now, you have to rename the .aspx to .asp. Would like to

be able to directly edit an .aspx page.

403829 EAS/PB10 system crashes providing Heap manager error as well... was working in PB7/EAS4.2

No repro at this point, but suspect issue will be escalated and given we have a dump file and heap manager error, would like to get engineering to look at it. Application involves JAWS (servlet) as this was a Web.PB application migrated from PB7/EAS4.2 to PB10/EAS5.2.

403922 When copying data to a group datawindow

using a for/next loop and setitem, the datawindow shows up with empty rows.

nRows = dw_from.RowCount()

for iRow = 1 to nRows

i = dw_to.InsertRow(0)

dw_to.SetItem(i, 'department_dept_id', dw_from.GetItemNumber(iRow, 'department_dept_id'))

dw_to.SetItem(i, 'department_dept_name', dw_from.GetItemString(iRow, 'department_dept_name'))

dw_to.SetItem(i, 'employee_emp_fname', dw_from.GetItemString(iRow, 'employee_emp_fname'))

dw_to.SetItem(i, 'employee_emp_lname', dw_from.GetItemString(iRow, 'employee_emp_lname'))

dw_to.SetItem(i, 'employee_city', dw_from.GetItemString(iRow, 'employee_city'))

dw_to.SetItem(i, 'employee_state', dw_from.GetItemString(iRow, 'employee_state'))




403926 In the Window painter, Properties View, ddlb for setting the Window icon shows a rectangle for the AppIcon! and does not show the actual icon for the application.

Customer said it was a 32 X 32 256 color icon file, but results were the same for any icon file. (Important note: it works fine at runtime.)

FROM ENGINEERING: The fix to this is surprisingly complex and involves quite a bit of risk of regressions. For that reason, this will not be fixed. The correct icon DOES work at runtime. The problem involves only the Painter in the IDE.

403941 The Icon used for the datepicker control in the Painters is a bit wierd, I commonly associate it with sampling colors in image editors. Why not use the same icon that VS.Net uses?
403948 Edit mask field is not autoselected until after you change value
403951 When using the spin control on a edit mask to select

a value, the selected area is too large. It covers a portion of the next value.

Problem happens for a editmask control and dw column of type editmask.

403955 When you place the cursor before the colon

in a editmask of type time and it has the spin control, you cannot change

the value of the editmask.

404044 Beta 10.5 Treeview dw: After expanding a treeview, state icons display, but then call CollapseAll, expand any item again, and state icons don't display except for treeview level. Seems to be related to the CollapseAll call. Expanding and collapsing individual items seems to work OK.
404066 The help for the pipeline object Start() function states:

errorobject: The name of a DataWindow control or Data Store in which to store the pipeline error DataWindow.

But passing a datawindow is the only thing that works. Passing a datastore doesn't error, but the datatore is always empty even when there are error records that should be in it.

404076 Deploying a Website with an asp page including a web datawindow to asp worked as expected in PB 9 but does not in PB 10.2.
404142 Customer's WSDL missing function parameter when the proxy is deployed to PowerBuilder. Parameter is not missing when deployed to Visual Studio.
404168 Performance difference when writing a file to

the network versus to a local directory. Using the filewrite() function. The

file is being opened in linemode and when monitoring the cpu usage, it

takes much longer than writing the file locally.

404232 pbm_dwnmousemove not triggered when moving over a column having focus.
404242 Modify values propertie on a edit mask column cause appear of spin control when column gets the focus in the datawindow.
404278 Customer is using the DataDirect ODBC driver for Dbase III. In the db painter, and attempt to retrieve data from a DBF file whose name contains spaces (eg "Test DB.DBF") results in an error. Another app like Excel can open the file okay. Are there any settings in PBODB.INI such as PBNonStdChars that could be used to work around this problem ?
404300 The GetFocus event on a DataWindow is not firing when you click off of the datawindow and then back on it again. This is a regression that started recently (It worked OK in build 8070, but is broken in 8112), possibly due to the fix for CR 401203?
404351 If AcceptText() is called from an user event and an invoked ItemChanged event calls setFullState(),

a PB application never gets back to the user event.

404406 When you generate XHTML for a Web DW (only method available for composite), several .js and .css files are created. If you generate twice from the same datastore, as in trying to concatenate output of TWO composite datawindows into the same HTML page, some of the .js/.css files from the first generated datawindow are deleted with the result that the concatenated HTML references non-existing files.. resulting in incorrect rendering of output.
404425 The menu tool bar should assimilate the color settings of the current windows style (appearance). Looks like the "flat" style is always silver blue!
404545 DBPARM DisableUnicodeSupport introduced a regression with decimals
404548 The Show event doesn't seem to trigger when running via the emulator (and according to the customer on the device) but it runs fine in Windows itself.
404553 Need a function call or property so that printing to file is possible.
404555 Registered objects with .SR? suffix are written to PBNative repository with HIDDEN and SYSTEM attributes set. This causes a problem under Win 2000 because explorer hides these files from view. On another Windows OS, the user doesn't notice anything unusual.

With this CR applied, Add to Source Control, Get Latest Version, Checkin, and Undo Checkout will remove the SYSTEM and HIDDEN attributes from the object files in the PBNative repository. Repository files should only have READ-ONLY and ARCHIVE attributes set.

404641 Add the option to sort a datawindow with either a "String Sort" or a "Word Sort".
404746 adding dynamicly a select statement > 32 kbyte to a datawindow cause

"Select Error: SQL statement is too long. Please reduce it to 32KBytes" during retrieve.

no workaround

404760 PowerBuilder 10.2 Build 8100 and later

ODBC connectiont to MS SQLServer

dbparm PBNewSPInvocation=Yes and DisableBind=1

Executing embedded sql stored proc with OUTPUT parameter and fails with error:

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot use the OUTPUT option when passing a constant to a stored procedure.

404798 This is a regression that happened in the 10.2 code line. 10.2 build behaves OK, but build 8112 does not. 10.5 beta 1 also has the regression. With a numeric dw mask of ###,##0, enter a valid non zero value and tab off. Then click back on the editmask field, double click to select the entered value, and type in a single 0, which is then your new value. But when you tab off, the old value re-appears. It's not accepting the 0 as a valid value. If you enter more than one 0 then it works.
404819 In the script painter, Ctrl + A does not select the script of any event in the application object. Ctrl + A in the script painter for an event of any other PB object does select all of the script. Not new behavior to 10.5
404960 Implement 'select scope_identity()' with ADO.NET with mssql.

The select scope_identity()is available and working for OLEDB (when disablebind=1 is set).

You set the select scope_identity() in the pbodbxx.ini.

Provide an option for customers to use either select scope_identity() or select @@identity.

405003 JSP Web datawindow ImportString() & GetItemFormattedString() fails during runtime in EAServer 4.2.5.
405029 EAServer 5.2 will be Crash with Error "PB_INTERNAL_EXCEPTION" & "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION"

when Stress Test on a PB Component with PB JDBC interface with Jaguar Connection Cache.

As long as multiple concurrent access to PB Component, problem may occur.

With higher no. of concurrent threads, problem occur much easier.

405127 PosA function is designed to all PB Developer to search a specify char or string position

in terms of byte level. However, it is reported that the PosA function fail to report

correctly when handling a DBCS string.

405133 Windows with OCXs are always marked as edited when opened
405154 PB9.x crash on retrieve when dropdown DW with lookupdisplay as Sort expression
405245 Border on DataWindow controls on the PocketPC seem like 2 rather than 1 pixel.

How do I get a thin border to display around my control box?

When working in the desktop API, the border looks correct.

But when displayed on the PDA, the border around the

controls looks like a 2pt.

405247 When the system locale is changed...

Dates will pick up the new system format immediately, but currency will not pick up the new format until the application re-starts.


The WinCE "SetSystemDefaultLCID" function does not seem to fire the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message, so we have to broadcast it to all the windows.

Manually broadcasting the WM_SETTINGCHANGED is required for the applications to be notified of the change.

Suggested code:

// Broadcast the SettingChange message to all top level windows

// HWND_BROADCAST = 0xffff


Send( 65535, 26, 0, 0 )

405248 When running a mdi application and the

file menu is dropped down, if you issue a ctrl+w or ctrl+o, pb will crash.

Problem happens with menu style is of type contemporary.

405326 PowerBuilder 10

When retrieving a MS SqlServer int column with a datawindow created

for a similar table in Oracle, 0 or a random value is retrieved for this column

when using the OLEDB database to MSS.

In PowerBuilder 8 proper values were retrieved.

405332 Executables do not run with non-european (non roman character set) characters in.
405442 PowerBuilder 10:

Microsoft Application Verifier for XP reports a heap problem in pbOLE100.dll

when retrieving a DataWindow with the OLE DB driver to MSS SqlServer.

405512 The customer has an Oracle user that has the permissions for executing an Oracle Function which exists in a schema owned by another user. The function has an OUT parameter of type VARCHAR2. They do not want to use Oracle public synonyms. When the function is used it will return a '0' (zero) and does not return the correct OUT parameter value of 22.
405538 The customer sample had a main window opening a response window which opened another response window. The final response window closed automatically with a TIMER(4) (like a splash screen) but it never got the event. It turned out that the parent response window got the timer event....

If we change the timer call to "TIMER(4, this)" then everything works fine.

405567 There is a New Feature introduced in PB9.x that allow no Database connection when compile PB Project or Code changed when saved on each Object Event or Function.


Although it still work in PB10.x but there is no documentation at all (on-line help and User's Guide etc.)

405581 PowerBuilder 10 Rich Text Control

Rich Text gets corrupted with certain Czech characters.

405675 related to CR 387148 limitation. Run a SELECT statement in a cursor: 'Cannot create new connection...' due to OLE DB limitation. Request for MS recommend to use a server-side or client-side cursor other than the forward-only and read-only firehose cursor.
405698 Failed to create large number of GDI objects in a big report.
405754 The Oracle CLOB datatype is not supported for use as a DataWindow column; however, the LONG datatype which Oracle has de-supported (and which CLOB replaces) is still supported.

The Oracle CLOB type should be supported as a DataWindow column type just as the legacy LONG data type is.

405815 Wants the ~h special character to be extended to Unicode characters
405838 In a grid datawindow, setting the X-coordinate to 0 for the columns in script can cause

problems with the positioning of the column headers afterwards when rearranging the column order with the mouse.

Work-around is to modify all columns at once in a single modify statement,

instead of each position change in a separate modify statement.

405845 Using OLE DB to connect to an MS SQL Server database. Calling a stored procedure with an OUTPUT parameter. It works fine in 10.2 build 8065. But according to customer it's failing now in build 8100. Tested here in build 8116 and it does fail. The error is:

SQLSTATE = 42000

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

Cannot use the OUTPUT option when passing a constant to a stored procedure.

405868 When using a dddw with the Lines in DropDown set, and with a horizontal scroll bar (HScrollBar checked) the scroll bar takes away one of the lines. If you have specified two lines in the drop down, you only have one line with the HScrollBar. The HScrollBar height seems not to be included in the calculation of how high the drop down should be.
405987 Wrong sort in a datawindow with multiple groups sorts.
406059 On PB10.x PBDOM_Builder to build XML Document Model external XML file, the memory consumed on each time to build PBDOM cannot be released or reused on next PBDOM generation.

Thus a Memory Leakage is observed.

406085 Cannot enter simple quote in a dropdown datawindow column.
406087 PowerBuilder application hangs running under JAWS for Windows. The JFW.EXE and PowerBuilder app seem to be in a race condition using a total of near 100% CPU between them.

PowerBuilder 10 and JAWS for Windows hang with near 100% CPU utilzation between them when working with response windows via the keyboard strokes for navigation (versus mouse).

406099 Webservice proxygenerator is not able to generate extension attributes in the proxies.
406259 When calling either the rowsmove or rowsdiscard methods the events rowfocuschanged and rowfocuschanging events do not fire correctly or at all.

no workaround

406265 The Protect property with an expression doesn't work immediately.

This is not a bug :

1.change the value of the table will not definitely make the datawindow to refresh.

2. because the default input column is the first one, that means the one you are modifying is the one which has focus. if it has focus, pb don't check its protect property.

so I have to say this is not surpported in pb.

here is a workaround.

dw_1.object.i_protect[1] = 1

dw_1.SetColumn(1) // ADD this to workaround

406274 creating a datawindow from a table residing on a PostgreSQL database that has a date column shows date in SQL view but becomes char(10) in design view.

no workaround

406298 On the device, you cannot directly assign a BLOB representing a JPEG or PNG picture directly into a picture control but must go through a disk file. This is different from the desktop operation.
406385 The DW HTML generator doesn't generate proper HTML with image tags for FireFox.
406397 An Intermec 730 PocketPC has internal barcode scanner. Using the "scan wedge" process to insert the data into a SLE. After the application has reached 75 barcodes, it runs slower and crashes after 120 barcodes.

From the customer - This only occurs if the barcodes are written on the storage card.

As a workaround, use the Intermedic main memory.

406422 In PB9.0.3/10.2, alphanumeric editmask, the last character of an edit mask is not being uppercased as it should be. Problem same as been described in CR 272588.

An Editmask has a Mask of alphanumeric ( "aaaaaaaaaaa"), a MaskDataType of stringmask!, and a TextCase of upper! If you type in lower case characters they are all displayed as uppercase. But if you access the editmask value via dot notation (em_1.text) then the last character is still lowercase. That is, you type in "aaaaaa", you see "AAAA" displayed in the edit mask, but em_1.text is "AAAa".

406541 PowerBuilder 10.2 Build 8100 and later.

Richtext datawindow not consistently printed within a printjob.

406575 Include PB_POOL_THRESHOLD as a property within

a PB object instead of a system environmental variable.

One workaround is:

ls_string =" 75K"

RegistrySet( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\", "PB_POOL_THRESHOLD", RegString!, ls_string)

But if you have to deploy to many machines, there is room for error.

406578 When focus is on the dw control and the tab order is

greater than zero, the help event does not fire.

From the online help, the help event will trigger when a user clicks in a control (giving it focus) and then presses the F1 key. It uses the pbm_help event and is good for window, menu and dragobjects.

If you add a sle or listbox to a window and click inside that control, and then

hit F1, the help event will fire.

406583 When a datawindow edit mask column is checked to display as a spin control and then viewed as a Web DataWindow or in DW.NET the spin control setting does not have any effect.
406636 Powerbuilder failed to use Acrobat 7 揂dobe PDF converter�
406698 When debugging an application where you are

connecting to an ODBC datasource, if you exit out of the debugger before

the disconnect statement, a sqldisconnect is not issued. When using connection pooling,

this is causing a customer to run out of connections because they are not going

back in the pool.

From the online help:

Cleaning up When you terminate a debugging run or close the debugger without terminating the run, PowerBuilder executes the application's close event and destroys any objects, such as autoinstantiated local variables, that it would have destroyed if the application had continued to run and exited normally.

Even if you have the disconnect using sqlca in the application's close event, it doesn't appear it is firing.

406799 Powerbuilder cannot generate executable with Simplfied Chinese. PB9.x and PB10.2 also get this problem. At least, either of these two characters in the name of exe will get the problem : "0xBD E7", "0x C3 E6"
406820 It is not possible to add controls to label style dwo's through modify ( "create..." ); in detail, controls are built into dwo syntax but never show up on screen. Only first label in left upper corner will show the modification.
406825 As per CR 147252 the visible property of objects in the label dw seem not to be available. Ct would need to have this property working, to control his dynamically created label DW to be customized by users on the fly.

Can engineering check if this shortcomming can be solved ?

406848 Reducing the checkbox column width, leaves the check box partly displayed in the next column to the right.
406900 Customer is using odbc withMSSQL Server and the

Cynerge EAF as the framework. Under load testing, PB is crashing. From the Jaguar.log,

the error messages that appeared:

Message: Thread ID = 1888 User Msg: . Location: . Database Error: SQLSTATE = HY000

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Connection is busy with results for another hstmt

Customer changed connectioncache to use the dbparm of: ReleaseConnectionCache='JAG_CM_DROP'.

They don't see that busy error anymore but EAServer still crashes with the following error in the Jaguar.log file:

Oct 13 11:57:25 2005: PB INTERNAL EXCEPTION on: Thread : 5572, Address : 0x77F4200B, Type : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000018. CPB_Component::invoke

Oct 13 11:57:25 2005: Dumped Succeeded to file:

Oct 13 11:57:25 2005: C:\Program Files\Sybase\EAServer3\EAServer\EAServer\bin/PB_20051013_115711_0001.dmp

Oct 13 11:57:25 2005: Fatal Error Occurs when try to invoke PB method update__LRCs_mimerequest__C in PSTLC/SupplyRequestManagement.

Oct 13 11:57:25 2005: Fatal Error Occurs in PB Component, Jaguar Terminated.

From windbg:

054ed604 008d1351 00000004 010c5cf4 008d137b ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection+0xb

054ed610 008d137b 010c5cf4 010c5cd0 008d1f82 odbc32!MPEnterCriticalSection+0x11

054ed61c 008d1f82 010c5cf4 00000000 008d8888 odbc32!ODBCEnterCriticalSection+0xb

054ed628 008d8888 010c5cd0 00000000 0bde3208 odbc32!EnterDbcCS+0x27

054ed644 0099b701 010c5cd0 02109574 054ed6b0 odbc32!SQLDisconnect+0x4d

WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.

054ed654 009a6a3e 02109574 010c5cd0 054ed674 libjcm!cm__exit+0x99d7

054ed6b0 009a708c 0fc559fe 00000000 00000000 libjcm!cm__exit+0x14d14

054ed6f4 009a8df0 0fc559fe 00000000 00000000 libjcm!cm__exit+0x15362

054ed718 06674f00 0fc559fe 00000000 00000000 libjcm!cm__exit+0x170c6

054ed744 0671a6f8 06f17250 0fc559fe 00000000 pbjag100!CPBX_JagConnectionCacheServiceC::ReleaseConnection+0x50 [e:\pb10\jaguar\server\objagsvc.cpp @ 766]

00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 pbshr100!PBROI_TxnServerReleaseConnection+0x158


406922 When I try to query/install certificates on the pocket pc with Windows

Mobile 2005 using the "Attached Device Certificate Management" tool, I get

this error.


Source File: c:\program files\sybase\pocketbuilder


File Length is 866 bytes

Opening Communication Channel...

RAPI Communication Channel Opened

ERROR: RAPI Process Configuration File: (0x80070005)


It is working nice when using a Pocket PC with Windows Mobile 2003 SE.

407002 DataWindow with complex query and expressions for visibility property.

In PowerBuilder 9.0.3 Build 8536 some columns are not displayed while they should.

407011 Customer has declared function in SQL Server, when she calls the RPC function if the datatype of return value is varchar, she gets error 8814 - Error converting datatype varchar to int

PER ENGINEERING: This is a limitation of MS DB Library. Db library can get a procedure's return code(integer value), but can't get a function's return-string data.

407127 When saving a dw to PDF, PB appears to be searching

the registry for HKLM\Software\GNU Ghostscript.

When you install ghostscript 8.14 or 8.51, it creates the registry entry at:

HKLM\Software\AFPL GhostScript.

According to the PB 9 Release Bulletins:

In version 9, PB searches for Ghostscript in the following order:

windows registry

relative path of the pbdwe90.dll

system PATH variable

In PB 9.0.3, supports GhostScript 8. PB doesn't appear to be searching

in the right place for GhostScript 8 (if its searching for ..\GNU Ghostscript because

GhostScript 8 is creating a registry entry at ..\AFPL GhostScript).

407129 execute SP with dbparm PBSupportBindSelect = "YES" did not send paramter.

Workaround: use PB default PBSupportBindSelect = "No"

407158 When connecting to the MSS and executing a

stored procedure that is executing a large result set, the stored procedure

doesn't appear to be completing. The SP is returning a different

results than when connected to the OLEDB driver.

407177 Customer has a very large application that has recently been migrated to PB 10.x and they can no longer build a machine code exe.

Compile ends with:

CGEN: Compiling 'C:\WINDOWS\Temp\ibs_core.c'

BOOL stdcall (__export DllMain)( HANDLE, ULONG, LPVOID )void stdcall (__export getVtableInfo_s_columninfoseq)( POB_THIS, OB_GROUP_ID, PPVTAB_GROUP_INFO )void stdcall (__export getVtableInfo_s_dsstatedata)( POB_THIS, OB_GROUP_ID, PPVTAB_GROUP_INFO )void stdcall (__export getVtableInfo_s_columninfo)( POB_THIS, OB_GROUP_ID, PPVTAB_GROUP_INFO )void stdcall (__export getVtableInfo_s_dwcolumn_dddwargs)( POB_THIS, OB_GROUP_ID, PPVTAB_GROUP_INFO )void stdcall (__export getVtableInfo_s_columndata)( POB_THIS, OB_GROUP_ID, PPVTAB_GROUP_INFO )void stdcall (__export getVtableInfo_s_dwcolumn_match)( POB_THIS, OB_GROUP_ID, PPVTAB_GROUP_INFO )void stdcall (__export getVtableInfo_s_clobdata)( POB_THIS, OB_GROUP_ID, PPVTAB_GROUP_INFO )void stdcall (__export getVtableInfo_s_dwcolumn_specs)( POB_THIS, OB_GROUP_ID, PPVTAB_GROUP_INFO )void stdcall (__export getVtableInfo_s_cacheddata)( POB_THIS, OB_GROUP_ID, PPVTAB_GROUP_INFO )void stdcall (__export getVtableInfo_s_dwrelation)( POB_THIS, OB_GROUP_ID, PPVTAB_GROUP_INFO )void stdcall (__export getVtableInfo_s_blobdata)( POB_THIS, OB_GROUP_ID, PPVTAB_GROUP_INFO )void stdcall (__export getVtableInfo_s_dwrelation_columnmatch)( POB_THIS, OB_GROUP_ID, PPVTAB_GROUP_INFO )void stdcall (__export getVtableInfo_s_arginfo)( POB_THIS, OB_GROUP_ID, PPVTAB_GROUP_INFO )void stdcall (__export getVtableInfo_s_extradata)( POB_THIS, OB_GROUP_ID, PPVTAB_GROUP_INFO )void stdcall (__export getVtableInfo_s_manageddata)( POB_THIS, OB_GROUP_ID, PPVTAB_GROUP_INFO )CGEN: Compiling 'C:\WINDOWS\Temp\cgiokni6.c'

CGEN: Compiling 'C:\WINDOWS\Temp\cgiokni5.c'

CGEN: Compiling 'C:\WINDOWS\Temp\cgioknic.c'

CGEN: Compiling 'C:\WINDOWS\Temp\cgioknid.c'

CGEN: Compiling 'C:\WINDOWS\Temp\cgioknif.c'

CGEN: Compiling 'C:\WINDOWS\Temp\cgioknie.c'

CGEN: Compiling 'C:\WINDOWS\Temp\cgiokniu.c'

CGEN: Compiling 'C:\WINDOWS\Temp\cgiokniv.c'

CGEN: Compiling 'C:\WINDOWS\Temp\cgiokniw.c'

CGEN: Compiling 'C:\WINDOWS\Temp\cgioknkq.c'

C:\WINDOWS\Temp\cgioknkq.c(4978) syntax error; probable cause: missing ';'

Pcode builds fine but they need to use machine code.

407233 When creating a new datawindow in graphics mode and alter the join properties to implement an OUTER syntax, retrieve fails to return preserved rows that are discarded by an inner join syntax. Works fine in PB9. (Enable OJSyntax = 'PB').
407247 ORA-06550 Error calling Stored Function, RPC with argument of type "table of date" on Oracle Also PLS-00418 message : array bind type must match PL/SQL table row type.
407256 A computed expression in a computed field

on a group dw is causing display problems. The group header, trailer and summary

do not display problem.

The computed expression contains the following:

describe ("Evaluate ('" + expression + "', " + string (getrow()) + ")")

407299 When trying to insert a ascii file into a rich

text edit control footer, it will return a -1.

Using the following powerscript:

ll_rc = rte_1.SelectText (1, 1,0,0,footer!)

ll_rc = rte_1.InsertDocument( "footer.rtf", FALSE, FileTypeRichText!)

407398 Customer is using Windows XP Japanese version with MS SQL Server with the PB MSS interface DLL. The SQL Server is set up to use Japanese collation. When they do a SaveAs to Excel8! format, the column headings are not displayed correctly.
407410 Tested and reproduced with PB 10.2_8100.

When registering manually a COM dll generated by PB project, works fine in Windows 2000 Professional but fails in Windows 2000 Server.

According to PB 10.2 release bulletin, PB 10.2 is certified to work with Microsoft Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 (no matter if Professional or Server Edition).

407414 Target rebuilds with no errors, but fails when attempting to make a machine code exe.
407416 When the AutoHide Taskbar property is checked and

a window is maximized, if you move the mouse to the end of the window the

taskbar will not appear.

If you click onthe resize property on the window, then it works ok.

407461 Toggling Tab Order button should NOT mark object as edited
407467 Floating Properties window in DW Painter causes multiple expression dialog boxes
407488 Problem calling external Function in library "winmm.dll" on O/S with Chinese(PRC) locale
407553 Several issues with the MailSession object.

MailSend() will create the mail but will not send it

MailAddress(nMsg) always returns mailReturnFailure!

MailResolveRecipient always returns mailReturnSuccess!

407554 Events on menu not firing after maximizing sheet.
407561 Need to click twice before the dropdown calendar on a datawindow opens up. Other objects (like DDLB) only require a single click.
407621 ItemFocusChanged event is triggered prior to RowFocusChanged event.
407663 Once you create a table with indexes and you

view the objects in the object layout, you will see that PB isn't interpretting

clustered or unique indexes.

Once you rmb on the index, you will see that the unique property or the clustered

property is not checked when it should be.

407685 Native MSS driver used to have DBParm DBTextLimit, that DBParm doesn't exist in OLEDB driver. Is it possible ct can change the PBMaxTextSize in PBODB100.ini and have same effect? Customer is migrating his app to PB 10 and wants to how he can set DBTextLimit or something with the same effect.
407739 Setting 00/00/0000 in an edit mask gives 00/01/0000.
407761 PBNI: call PB from C++: PBApplicationError-R2001 when processing of messages on PB message queue is triggered out of C++ using IPB_Session ProcessPBMessage function in loop. Getting R0021 when ProcessPBMessage is called when PB message queue is empty.
407788 CR 387478 added an error message on dw child issues when an expression does not evaluate correctly. This 'fix' causes messages to appear when a Modify is done in steps instead of doing the Modify in one more complex call. Customer for this CR wants the fix backed out or handled differently.
407803 PSE NOTES


OS: Windows 2000

PB Version and Build: 9.0.3_8501, 9.0.3_8546

DB/DLL: ODBC (Connecting to MS-SQLServer 2000)


The dddw gets automatically populated when data column has a row with an empty string. This did not occur in old PB 6.5.

407808 When running application, getting access violation

in the msvcr71.dll.

The problem happens using the o84 driver. The application is failing in the


The user.dmp created returns the following:



7c350440 668b08 mov cx,[eax]

EXCEPTION_RECORD: ffffffff -- (.exr ffffffffffffffff)

ExceptionAddress: 7c350440 (msvcr71!wcslen+0x00000004)

ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)

ExceptionFlags: 00000000

NumberParameters: 2

Parameter[0]: 00000000

Parameter[1]: 00000000

Attempt to read from address 00000000



ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at "0x%08lx" referenced memory at "0x%08lx". The memory could not be "%s".

READ_ADDRESS: 00000000



LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from 02b457e0 to 7c350440


0012b4ac 02b457e0 00000000 00d36348 00d613ac msvcr71!wcslen+0x4

0012bcc8 02b484d5 00d613ac 00000000 0012c7a8 pbo84105!Ora_DoBindWInputParms+0x210 [e:\pb105\db\oracle\pbor81.cpp @ 3570]

0012c6c8 107f20e1 00d613ac 00004000 0012c7a8 pbo84105!PB_DB_Rout+0xdd5 [e:\pb105\db\oracle\pbor81.cpp @ 1383]

0012c6dc 107f4209 00000049 03336a38 00000000 PBDWE105!wtblUpdtExecute+0x171 [e:\pb105\dw\engine\table\dwtupdt.cpp @ 1908]

0012c71c 107f5020 0333b46c 00000000 0333478c PBDWE105!wtblUpdtInsert+0x409 [e:\pb105\dw\engine\table\dwtupdt.cpp @ 2505]

0012caa8 10645796 0333478c 00000000 00000000 PBDWE105!wtblUpdate+0x7f0 [e:\pb105\dw\engine\table\dwtupdt.cpp @ 415]

0012cb1c 107c0c2d 00000000 00000000 113c7856 PBDWE105!DWDataWindow::Update+0xc6 [e:\pb105\dw\engine\object\dwofun.cpp @ 2952]

407903 Add zoom in/out and rotate functions to the inkpicture control
407914 GDI object not released when scrolling a datawindow.
407916 DW painter will crash after you modified a

computed field in a dw and the union painters and then select the sort tab.

PB will crash in the msvcr71.dll.

The user dump shows an access violation in the msvcr71.dll:

0012fbb8 10e629cd 00000000 00d34b40 00000000 msvcr71!wcslen+0x4

0012fbd8 10e54432 027dbfe0 027a3238 001b090a PBSQL105!PDV_UtilDelimQualName+0x5d [e:\pb105\painters\view\pdvutil.cpp @ 3127]

0012fbfc 10e545ec 001b090a 000011f6 00000000 PBSQL105!PDV_Store_to_Display+0xd2 [e:\pb105\painters\view\pdvorder.cpp @ 864]

0012fc18 10e8707a 001b090a 027a3238 00d488c0 PBSQL105!PDV_OrderInitialize+0xbc [e:\pb105\painters\view\pdvorder.cpp @ 1097]

0012fc2c 104af88e 027a3238 00d48914 00d488c0 PBSQL105!CPDV_DialogView::ViewVisible+0x3a [e:\pb105\painters\view\vwdialog.cpp @ 407]

0012fc3c 104afc6d 038cecbc 00000201 001b091c PBDEV105!CVS_Tabbed::SelectTab+0x6e [e:\pb105\shared\pbdev\vstabbed.cpp @ 583]

0012fc54 104b168b 00000001 00000013 000000d4 PBDEV105!CVS_Tabbed::OnLButtonDown+0x3d [e:\pb105\shared\pbdev\vstabbed.cpp @ 843]

0012fc6c 104d9390 00d48914 00000201 00000001 PBDEV105!CVS_Tabbed::Message+0x18b [e:\pb105\shared\pbdev\vstabbed.cpp @ 652]

0012fc94 77d48734 001b091c 00000201 00000001 PBDEV105!PB_WndProc+0x140 [e:\pb105\shared\pbbase\pbwnd.cpp @ 123]

0012fcc0 77d48816 104d9250 001b091c 00000201 user32!InternalCallWinProc+0x28

0012fd28 77d489cd 00000000 104d9250 001b091c user32!UserCallWinProcCheckWow+0x150

0012fd88 77d48a10 0012fdb8 00000000 77d4b8ba user32!DispatchMessageWorker+0x306

0012fd98 10f3e15e 0012fdb8 00020e90 00ee74c8 user32!DispatchMessageW+0xf

0012fdd0 100010a5 00000000 7c80b529 0019233a PBSYS105!PB_SysSwapAndRun+0x24e [e:\pb105\system\pbsys.cpp @ 1916]

407927 This customer was given a later build of PK 2.0.3/2.0.4 to use for testing purposes before an EBF is created. Using those runtime files, some datawindows, when opened/closed 2 or 3 times cause the device to freeze. The first time this occurred he rebuilt the problem dw and it was okay. It has happened on more dws now, though, so he is submitting them for testing. Rebuilding all dws is not a reasonable workaround.

This is fixed in PocketBuilder 2.0.4

407932 Create a window and add a variety of controls to the window. These should be controls that can get focus. Check to make sure that all are enabled and set a convenient tab order. Have the application open the window and try tabbing through the controls. Note that for many of the controls, there is no focus indicator.
408008 New Feature Request for PB Runtime Packager.

Currently Runtime Packager adds installation directory into User PATH environment variable.

This request is to add installation directory into System PATH environment variable rather than User PATH.

408043 When exporting a datawindow as XML it creates it incorrectly if there is a reference to an argument in the SQL.
408195 PB crashes when removing a column in an external DataWindow.
408222 When you try to use dot notation on a child dw, you

get the following error in the window painter:

Incompatible property object for type datawindowchild

Using the following code:

datawindowchild ldwc



According to the DW reference manual, Accessing Datawindow Object Properties in Code:

Basic syntax for Datawindow property expressions in Powerbuilder -


where the dwcontrol - the name of the datawindow control or child datawindow

in which you want to get or set properties

Works ok when using the ldwc.modify(dept_name.visible=0) but not with dot notation.

If you use, dw_1.object.dw_dept.object.dept_name.visible=0, this will work ok. But customer is passing in a dwc reference as a argument in a function. In that function,

dwc_1.modify(dept_name.visible=0) will work but

dwc_1.object.dept_name.visible=0 does not work.

408368 From the online help for the Oracle drivers,

You can use the O90 database interface to access Oracle 10g. However, no features introduced in Oracle 10g are supported.

However, engineering recommends using the O10 driver instead.

408369 Several problems with the Web Service Proxy Wizard and the Web Service Proxy project with .NET selected as the WSDL engine option:

1. DOS boxes should not appear at all (assume that will be rectified by GA???).

2. The message in the DOS box is not captured so that it can be relayed to the user.

3. The message appearing in the PB wizard has a misspelling and grammatical issues: The target assmebly was used or write protected, please use the other name.

4. Another message on that same screen talks about using a checkbox to override proxy firewall settings, but there is no checkbox!

5. The message is not correct, b/c there is no issue with the assembly name and I can change to whatever I like and still get the problem.

6. The C# meaasge should not appear in the project.

7. If the deployment PBL name is not valid in the project, force the user to fix it before continuing in the process.

408394 A regression in a 10.2 datawindow with a datetime column. If you enter a valid date but an invalid time and tab off there is no error, the time is changed to 00:00:00 and the datetime value is accepted. In PB 8.0.4 doing the same thing generates a validation error in the painter (or the itemerror fires at runtime).
408573 Mail merged execute command with Word 2003 triggers an ->

Application Execution Error ( R0035 ) : Application terminated : error : Error accessing external object function execute.

408610 Generating a machine code exe will fail

after you pasted a rpc template function. The error returned in the project painter


Codegen compilation error: see file 'C:\Windows\Temp\ora.log

In the ora.log:

CGEN: Compiling 'C:\pb\pb105\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.c'

C:\pb\pb105\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.h(1) definition of macro 'PS_UNICODE' not identical to previous definition

C:\pb\pb105\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.h(1) included from C:\pb\pb105\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.c(4)

C:\pb\pb105\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.h(1) macro 'PS_UNICODE' defined on the command line

C:\pb\pb105\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.h(56473) '//' style comment continues on next line

C:\pb\pb105\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.h(56474) '//' style comment continues on next line

C:\pb\pb105\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.h(56475) '//' style comment continues on next line

C:\pb\pb105\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.h(56476) '//' style comment continues on next line

C:\pb\pb105\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.h(56477) '//' style comment continues on next line

C:\pb\pb105\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.h(73572) nested comment found in comment started on line 73572

C:\pb\pb105\Shared\PowerBuilder\cgen\EN32T.h(73574) nested comment found in comment started on line 73572

CGEN: Compiling 'C:\WINDOWS\Temp\ora.c'

C:\WINDOWS\Temp\ora.c(871) syntax error before 'FORESTDBA'; probable cause: incorrectly spelled type name

C:\WINDOWS\Temp\ora.c(871) syntax error

C:\WINDOWS\Temp\ora.c(878) declaration statement follows an if statement

In a tranaction object, you select Paste Special/SQL/Remote Stored Procedure

and select any sp from that list. When you generate machine code, it will fail.

408633 Enhancement when a stored procedure has Input Args to allow PowerBuilder to prompt for valid data in the Datawindow Creation Wizard.

When building a datawindow using a Stored Procedure, PowerBuilder needs to execute the procedure and obtain a result set to build the datawindows column list. To do this PowerBuilder will pass the number zero (0) to a number value and the string �0� to a string value. If the Stored Procedure is doing validation work before getting the result set, or the above values are not valid values the creation of the DataWindow will fail With the Error:

Cannot Create Datawindow

408908 Compilation error creating a Machine code EXE. Problem seems to be a Custom Transaction Object where RPC subroutines are declared. P-code executable creation is okay.
408956 The customer has an 9.0.3 application that was using EAServer 4.2 in production and working fine. They used a socketReuseLimit setting of 1 to help load balance across 3 EAServers. When they upgraded EAserver to 5.2, problems started. These were narrowed down to issues concerning the version of libjcc.dll loaded by PB and EAServer, using SSL (IIOPS) or non-SSL (IIOP), and the setting of ORBSocketResuseLimit.

1) If PB loads the libjcc.dll provided by the PB 9.0.3 install (version and EAServer 5.2 loads it's libjcc.dll (version, createinstance works with EAServer through IIOP (non-ssl). However ConnectToServer using SSL (IIOPS) fails with error "57 Connection object not connected to server". Note using libjcc.dll version for PB 9.0.3 from a 10.5 install also failed in the same way.

2) If PB loads the same libjcc.dll provided by EAServer 5.2 (version and ORBSocketReuseLimit = 1, the createinstance through non-SSL (IIOP) fails with error "50 Distributed service error" with error text as "E13 Could not create object of class 'PackageName/ComponentName' (70D)", with no messages in Jaguar.log. However it works with SSL (IIOPS) and it also works with non-SSL (IIOP) if ORBSocketResuseLimit = 0.

409099 The customer has an Oracle 8 client, a 9i database, and are using the PB O84 driver. They have a Sequence setup and when they use a function to return the current value of the sequence, it works until the sequence value exceeds 5 digit's, then the last of the 6 digits is truncated. If they execute SQL directly to get the sequence value it returns all 6 digits. If they use an Oracle 9 client then they get all 6 digits from the function.
409184 The length of SQLErrText is too short to pass back full error text for some databases.
409205 When redeploying the web service proxy, the following

errors are generated:

---------- Deploy: Deploy of p_ws_proxy_mv1

Retrieving PowerBuilder Proxies from Web service...

Generation Errors:

Deployment Warning: No files returned for service_port 'WebService.MovieInformation' Error: EAServer error code: '' Proxy was not created.

Deployment Warning: No files returned for service_port 'WebService.GetTheatersAndMoviesCompletedEventHandler' Error: EAServer error code: '' Proxy was not created.

Deployment Warning: No files returned for service_port 'WebService.GetTheatersAndMoviesCompletedEventArgs' Error: EAServer error code: '' Proxy was not created.

Deployment Warning: No files returned for service_port 'WebService.GetUpcomingMoviesCompletedEventHandler' Error: EAServer error code: '' Proxy was not created.

Deployment Warning: No files returned for service_port 'WebService.GetUpcomingMoviesCompletedEventArgs' Error: EAServer error code: '' Proxy was not created.

Deployment Warning: No files returned for service_port 'WebService.Theater' Error: EAServer error code: '' Proxy was not created.

Deployment Warning: No files returned for service_port 'WebService.Movie' Error: EAServer error code: '' Proxy was not created.

Deployment Warning: No files returned for service_port 'WebService.UpcomingMovie' Error: EAServer error code: '' Proxy was not created.

---------- Finished Deploy of p_ws_proxy_mv1

409224 The new Rich Text control defaults into presentation mode instead of draft mode. No issue with these per se, but it may be something that documentation wants to note?
409306 Add Support for the LayoutRTL property for new DW TreeView style
409329 Enhancement Request: The customer wants the datawindow saveas to support a rich text output like "dw_control.SaveAs(<filenamepath>, RTE!, False)".
409343 Customer is seeing a memory leak when repeatedly bringing up reports using the HTMLGenerator100 component in EAServer. The problem occurs when reports are switched, not when the same report is brought up repeatedly.
409354 When using the scrollnextpage() to scroll thru a

RTE control, it will only page down once. It you continue to use scrollnextpage(),

nothing will happen.

ScrollPriorPage() does not appear to work at all.

Using scrollnextpage() and scrollpriorpage() don't appear to work when the rte is in

printpreview mode.

Using pageup and pagedn keys on the keyboard appear to work ok.

409360 When using rte_1.setredraw(false), it fails to stop rte control from painting.

Used the following code:



The document is viewable in the rte control at this point.

409371 In the library painter the 'Design, Options' Include tab also has an old icon for Report item (for Infomaker). In PowerBuilder we can seee that the DataWindow AND the Pipeline icon need replacing.
409380 When installing Pb10.5 beta under the full/custom option, if you explicity deselect the Progress 9 ODBC driver it still appears in the summary list of installed components when you move through the installation screens.
409388 You should be able to set the default font face and size for the RTF control. That was a long standing limitation of the Highedit control that should be addressed now.
409480 dw OLE object (MS graph object) cause gpf after ImportFile() function call.
409500 PB 10.5 crashes on RowsCopy.
409531 Contemporary menu gets distorted during a long process.

The distortion remains until the process is complete. The menu then repaints properly.

Only happens with contemporary menu style.

409590 When you make a change to an object, the Save icon becomes enabled. The contrast between the enabled Save icon and disabled Save icon is slight. The contrast is weak and may be confusing for customers.
409594 Oracle update error of "Row Changed Between Retrieve and Update" when regional settings set to French or German but works fine when regional setting set to English(United States).

Problem can be seen in the generated SQL:

When regional settings are set to English(United States)the update statement looks like this:

UPDATE "PSTIMESTAMPFRENCHGERMAN" SET "S_DATE" = TO_TIMESTAMP('11-11-2005 10:47:47.017000','DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF') WHERE "ID" = 1 AND "L_NAME" = 'Smith ' AND "S_DATE" = TO_TIMESTAMP('11-11-2005 10:01:46.218000','DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF')

When regional settings are set to French(France) or German

UPDATE "PSTIMESTAMPFRENCHGERMAN" SET "S_DATE" = TO_TIMESTAMP('11-11-2005 10:14:23.0','DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF') WHERE "ID" = 1 AND "L_NAME" = 'Smith ' AND "S_DATE" = TO_TIMESTAMP('11-11-2005 10:01:46.0','DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF')

Note that when the regional settings are French or German the milliseconds are not included but when the regional settings are English they are.

The Oracle dbparm TimeStamp does not help in this case as the customer's application requires milliseconds.

409596 You can drag a datawindow object onto a window and it will put a control there. Support the same in the DataWindow painter. If I drag over a datawindow object, create a report object (nested report).
409597 The Web Service Proxy painter should show the .NET service name entered during the steps of the wizard.
409601 After a connection is made that using

using 'trace odbc', pb will crash if you change the delimitidentifier setting. It

causes a access violation in the pblibxx.dll.

The problem only happens with trace is turned on. Works ok in PB 9.0.3 (Build 8565).

A user.dmp reports the following:


pblib100!_pRawDllMain <PERF> (pblib100+0xe0027)+0

004e0027 a0a0a0a0a0 mov al,[a0a0a0a0]

409623 Connecting to MS SQL Server with OLE DB. After retrieving rows in ISQL in the Database Painter, then doing a Save Rows As and selecting SQL as the type. The SQL generated uses different datatypes from the database table. Nchar for char, and float for numeric types.
409626 Memory leak in the toolbar methods "SetItemPictureIndex" and "SetItemState".

Both the desktop and when deployed to the PocketPC.

409627 The "ClassName(any)" method leaks a bit of memory.

This is in both the desktop and when deployed to the device.

409630 Menu items are spaced differently between contemporary

and traditional. Contemporary style needs more space.

409631 Icons are drawn lower on a toolbar for a menu of type contemporary style.
409634 A contemporary menu without the menubitmaps property

checked uses less space. It uses less space than the traditional menu style.

409635 When dealing with Unicode string constants in SQL Server you must precede all Unicode strings with a capital letter N, as documented in the SQL Server Books Online topic "Using Unicode Data". The "N" prefix stands for National Language in the SQL-92 standard, and must be uppercase. If you do not prefix a Unicode string constant with N, SQL Server will convert it to the non-Unicode code page of the current database before it uses the string.

The customer beleives PB should be doing the insert of the N automatically when using unicode strings and connecting to MS SQL Server via OLE DB to be Unicode compliant. Otherwise unicode characters are lost (changed).

More information is in the following Microsoft KnowledgeBase article:

RESOLUTION: Not to be fixed. Use DisableBind=0 as workaround.

409726 Migration PB 8 from MSS 2000 nativ driver to PB10 OLE DB driver

Default in PB 8 for PB native driver is "Read Committed"

Default in PB 10 for OLE DB is "Serializable Transactions"

409730 Soap client is unable to call the ELocateServer soap server.
409731 When accessing a .NET webservice with PocketBuilder via PocketSoap the webservice cannot be called due to a problem with the implementation of the SimpleCall function.

Workaround exists - see techdoc

409740 A menu item where you toggle the enabled property

will remain disabled.

Problem only happens for contemporary menu style

409742 The customer is connected to MS SQL Server 2000 via OLE DB (SQLOLEDB driver). They have a table with an nchar 10 column. If they do a select in PB ISQL and enclose a column value is single quotes, it works. If they do the same select but with double quotes, it fails with SQLState 42522 error.
409747 We need finer resolution on the messages I want to ignore during migration. I've turned off information and obsolete, but I'm still getting about 100 warning messages that are basically the same error made 100 times. I would like to be able to turn off these messages as well.
409750 Device: WM-5 VGA mode

A window of type MAIN! has its top underneath the window titlebar.

This was not seen in WM-2003...

409752 Both for the IDE and Deployed to a French device or emulator.

Using the SPV-M5000 (UK) or the PPC-2003 Emulator with French Language Pack.

The standard DWExample - the "Employee Salary and Benefits" screen. The salary for "Fran Whitney" displays as $4,570 rather than $45,700.

Migrated the DWExample to PB-10.2.1 and it displays properly.

This is DataWindow specific since window based SLEs and EditMasks display properly.

409756 CheckMenuRadioItem displays a check mark instead

of a radiobutton next to the menu item.

CheckMenuRadioItem is defined as:

function boolean CheckMenuRadioItem(ulong hmenu, ulong idFirst, ulong idLast, ulong idCheck, ulong uFlags) LIBRARY "USER32.DLL"

The function is called in the app as:

CheckMenuRadioItem(menuHandle, 0, 0, 0, MF_BYPOSITION)

409761 The customer is using PB 10.2 and Oracle 9i. In the database he has a table with two columns of type varchar2(4000). In PB he creates a datawindow and inserts values up to the full length of the columns and does an update. He gets a " ora -01461 can bind the long valule only for inserting into long value" error message.
409776 When viewing a toolbar of contemporary style,

you can see the icons are drawn over the toolbar gradiant.

The problem is it leaves the outline of the icon.

409778 A floating toolbar will loose the gradient.

Problem happens at runtime when you drag the toolbar over a sheet.

409779 contemporary toolbar will revert back to

the traditional style when you have a setredraw(true).

The following code looks like this:

opensheet(w_105sheet, this)


409853 Window event fired when cursor is over a disabled object
409859 Using O84 driver and an Oracle 9i ( ) database, customer is getting a GPF when the application calls a Stored procedure that results in an Oracle Error.

They have a work around, to change the RPC call from INTEGER to DOUBLE.

409862 The RTE control has the option of having a toolbar in it. When the toolbar is inserted and the mouse pointer is dragged on top of it, the tooltips text is not displayed.
409863 In the HTML Help, the page titled "Adding PBSoapClient105.pbx to your application" is called "Adding PBSoapClient100.pbd to the library search path" in the table of contents.
409875 returns an empty string when running the PB application on Windows 2003 under a Terminal Services session.
409942 A .NET webservice with embedded array of a structure type doesn't get retrieved correctly by PowerBuilder, the xml log shows that it is getting passed correctly from the Web Service.
409962 When you have an app that calls:

- intercomponent call with blob array

- intercomponent call with string array

- direct call with blob array

- direct call with string array

If you repeat those same calls, the intercomponent components are not deactivating.

A return value is not being sent back to the client. This is the behavior seen on

EAServer 5.2.

On EAServer 4.2.5, if you first call the intercomponent calls the direct calls do not work.

409968 PasteRTF is behaving differently between 10.2 and 10.5 (HighEdit and Tx Text Control).

Issue 1; If you use PasteRTF to put some text lines into the rte, and keep doing it over and over until the visible portion of the rte is filled, it automatically scrolls to the end after each PasteRTF in 10.2, but does not scroll in 10.5. It's not clear that the 10.5 behavior is a bug, but we think scrolling is the better behavior.

Issue2; If you do a PasteRTF of 2 lines when the cursor is in the middle of the current text in the rte in 10.2, it will paste the first line at the current insertion point, but the second line gets inserted at the very beginning. All subsequent PasteRTFs get inserted at the beginning. In 10.5 it does all PasteRTFs insertions at the current insertion point. Clearly the 10.5 behavior is correct, and the 10.2 behavior is incorrect.

409975 When there is a conflict with the javavm and scc,

the workaround now is to add createjavavm=0 in the pb.ini.

Customer believes that there should be a property on the workspace instead. It

would then be documented in online help. Which would be better suited than the

release bulletin.

409991 If you have an invalid icon reference, the menu painter will show a 'default' icon in place of the one I specified for the menu item, but nothing for the toolbar item. At runtime, nothing is shown for the menu item and an X is shown in the toolbar. The customer would rather see (a) both the menu and toolbar items display an X in the painter if the image reference is invald and (b) both the menu and toolbar display nothing (not even an X) if the image is not valid at runtime.
410076 Text on MenuItems is wrong on device Fujitsu Siemens Pocket Loox 610 BT/WLAN witg a 400Mhz PXA255 CPU.
410265 When retrieving a datawindow that has a subquery

and using sqloledb with disablebind=0, causes a sqlstate=42000 error.

In PB, the error message is:

The column prefix 'location' does not match with a table name or alias name used

in that query.

RESOLUTION: It is a MS OLEDB problem. The problem only happened when you set disablebind=0 with pb10 oledb. For pb9, "disablebind" is not supported yet. That's why pb9 works because pb9 always work with "disablebind=1".

other workaround is:

1. qualify the table name with owner "tsmaint" like the case.

2. qualify the table name with "[]" like:

410270 Response window which calls Halt Close function on Exit button. App gets closed but you can still see the app process running in task manager. Custome wants only one instance of app open at time so this process in memory prevents him from running the app again.

Workaround: If you create a function which calls halt close, and post that function from the Clicked event of the exit button, the process goes away.

410279 After moving controls on a response window or a tabpage with the ctrl.Move(new_x, new_y) function, the control's x and y properties are not updated to the new positions. Works fine in 10.2.
414437 PBDOM (when used out of PBNI interface) when accessed over PBNI bridge. The pbls that he uses as libraries in PBNI bridge to start PB application are the pbls (+ pbdom100.pbd) as they are in his PB dev env. Same configuration/architecture/usage did not give us problems in PB9 environment!
414459 The pb105.exe is still accessing the pbgenericplugin100.dll

and wtgenericserv100.dll.

414463 The customer's PB app is communicating with a 3rd party digital imaging product thru DDE. When they send some characters using SetRemote function they receive just 1 character in the 3rd party product.
414464 Datawindow has a property with an expression that is extremely long. (around 500 chars). If you add to that expression, you can click the Verify button and it will verify as okay, but if you click the OK button to change the expression to make it even longer, PowerBuilder crashes.
414465 When a subclass is selected in a window via opening a script pane, clicking in the layout pane, or selecting in the control list pane, the Funciton List pane doesn't update to functions of the selected subclass. The event list updates to events of the subclass, but the function list remains of functions for the window. Can we get the function list to behave as the event list does?
414467 Menu icons appear distorted in the WYSIWYG and

at runtime. Problem happens for menu of contemporary style.

414470 when saving a DW to XML using saveAs function,it saves numeric computed field with commas

instead of dot.

414481 In any script, select Edit...Find menu. When the Find Text dialog appears, it looks like some letter is truncated after the "Wrap at Beginning" option.
414484 Informix 7 database using the Informix 9 client and IN9 native driver in PB. In the database painter when he clicks on the Stored Procedure & Functions folder to expand it he gets:

SQL Error -217: Column(isproc) not found in any table in the query

(or SLV is undefined).

Works OK if using ODBC.

414487 When you duplicate a menu item and drag/drop to a new location, you are prompted to enter a unique menu name, but that name does not save. You are reprompted when you make a change to a property of that item.
414490 Documentation errors in the DBTrace HTML Help topic:

Registry path is incorrect, and a couple of headings are missing a space, i.e. two words like "in the" have no space separator "inthe"

414492 The icon associated with a menu item disappears the second time the menu item is show in the WYSIWYG view in the painter. Problem occurs on Win2000, but is ok on XP.
414502 When using replacetext() in a richtext control,

the first character is truncated.


rte_test.ReplaceText("this is a test with lots of spaces ..." + SPACE(31999 ) )

414503 When you have a rich text dw from a previous version,

and you migrate it to pb 10.5, you cannot retrieve the data in the preview view in the dw painter or at runtime.

414597 When importing xml files that are 60MB big PowerBuilder crashes. When importing 20MB files instead, importing finishes successfully.
414606 Cannot import XML file when decimal separator is comma.
414614 RTE Control: Can we get a few "optional" toolbar items added and some ability to control some properties on them (and events if they are used)? For example the first thing I'm going to do is hook in a third-party spell checking utility, and I'd like to be able to add a spell check button that looks "integerated" into the control.
414631 PB does not create Catalog tables in an Access database. (*.MDB)
414652 The customer is aware that you can select text and change the font in an RTE control but he's asking for an enhancement adding a "font" property and a "font size" property to the RTE control so you can change the current font and font size without having to select text and change it.
414719 When upgrading from PowerBuilder 7 to 10 the behaviour has changed when they trying to insert rows into a group DW. Both InsertRow(0) and ImportFile are affected.
414748 A simple datawindow has a retrieval argument and the datawindow is in syntax mode. If you open the SQL painter and change the name of the retrieval argument to something that does not exist, and then exit, PB crashes. In PB 10.0 if you do the same thing, you get a nice error message saying the argument is not defined.
414760 The customer wants a set of non-repeating labels for the items in a leaf or branch of a treeview dw to only appear once above the first expanded item. If I put them in the same level with the detail data, they repeat for each item. If I try to put them into the treeview level above the item I have these problems: (a) I have to resize the band significantly to fit the text. (b) The text shows even when the detail items are not expanded. (c) The detail items are moved to the right relative to where they appeared in the painter. The labels aren't, so they don't line up correctly.
414835 There is problem on "SetChanges()" at sun's pbvm version 10(#7516) whereas there is no problem at that of NT.

If server component would changed the status by "SetItemStatus(i,0,Primary!, DataModified!)" and executed "GetChanges()" of blob variable

then "SetChanges()" returned (-1) at the client component.

414860 After migrate application to PB9.0.3 ,

EAServer keep Crashing intermittenly during stress test with Fatal Exception on PB Components Activate or Deactivate Event.

414861 A "PowerBuilder Application Execution Error (R0002)can occur on a global function with embedded sql when compiling an application into an executable.

The problem does not occur when checking first if the sqlca is valid before

executing the embedded sql.

414871 failed to evaluate DW expression containing column[-1] in the visible property
414874 Oracle Client and server 10.2 and O10 interface

The comma is used as decimal separator

On a float column, the Fractional parts of the values are lost on retrieval with a datawindow.

415024 It needs to be a lot clearer that the pbwsclient105.pbx (and not the pbsoapclient105.pbx) is what needs to be used for the new .Net web services implementation. It's mentioned in the section of the online help entitled "Using the PowerBuilder extension classes", but almost in passing. There should be references to it in the "About the .NET Web service engine" and "Using the .NET Web service engine" sections.

Finally, the "Using the PowerBuilder extension classes" section of the help ends with the following sentance: "When you create a Web service client application, you do not need to copy pbsoapclient105.pbx or pbwsclient105.pbx to another location, but you do need to deploy the appropriate extension file with the client executable in a directory in the application's search path." The statement is true, but highly confusing. It might be better broken up into two sentances: "When you are developing a Web service client application you do not need to copy pbsoapclient105.pbx or pbwsclient105.pbx to another location because they are already located in the search path for the PowerBuilder IDE. However, you do need to deploy whichever PBX file you are using with the client executable and put it in a directory in the application's search path."

415029 Usability problems with the new dbptrace dbparm.
415033 Disabling datawindow buttons not only disables the button but also changes the button color to gray. Disabling window buttons does not cause this change in color.
415037 When you implement the as-you-go spell check mode

using the checktyping method, the typingerror and typingok events are not firing

nor the suggested word dialog is appearing.

415045 Take a target that has many PBLs and objects. Do a full rebuild. See that there are 10 or so lines of error/warning information at the end of the many many lines of information in the output pane. Right click and hit Copy. It will take 10 to 15 minutes for PB to copy the information out of the output pane and into the clipboard. It only takes a couple of seconds to paste the information into another application. (Yes, the Save option is a viable workaround). This is an issue with the current product versions as well. It's not something new introduced with 10.5."
415051 The menu property is disabled for the response window type and the child window type. As a result, you can't assign a toolbar to these windows. It is enabled for the popup window type, but it only shows the menu, not the toolbar.

The assignment of menus and toolbars should apply to all window types since it was indeed extended to non-MDI windows as part of 10.5.

415075 On PB10.x PRC edition, on each start up of the PBIDE environment, a Copyright Window appears - "Only to be used in People's Republic of China excluding Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, and Taiwan". It is quite annoying as the Copyright Window will not disappear automatically. And need PB Developer to click on a button to close it.
415102 PB application is producing GPF if trying to get variable names which are defined into PB development environment.
415116 When creating a datawindow while connected to

ODBC and MSSQL 6.5, getting an access violation.

Customer can create a dw ok using MSSQL 2000. Problem is only when connected

to MSSQL 6.5 database.

The the dump file collected:



10bc6ce3 8b5504 mov edx,[ebp+0x4]

EXCEPTION_RECORD: ffffffff -- (.exr ffffffffffffffff)

ExceptionAddress: 10bc6ce3 (pbshr100!PbHeap_allocFromPool+0x000000b3)

ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)

ExceptionFlags: 00000000

NumberParameters: 2

Parameter[0]: 00000000

Parameter[1]: 1e7e1e80

Attempt to read from address 1e7e1e80

The access violation occurs when customer hits the 'Finish' cb in dw wizard.

415130 User is located at: 1 degree 40 mins Longitude.

But the GPS object stated the location is:


.MINUTE = 140

which cannot be correct because minute is in the range 0 to 59.9999

415133 WSpell ocx methods not working with the richtext edit


Provide a mechanism so that PB integrates wspell using the changebackgroundmenu and

misspelled word property.

415157 Normally if you right click on a function listed in the function list tab of an object you can delete it. But if the function has many arguments ( 20 will do it) it will not delete. There is no error and no indication why you can't delete it.
415169 The TRS properties should be set in the registry instead of the PB.INI. But you should be able to set the log file for the TRA and TRS in either the registry or PB.INI (with

the ability to point them to two different files) and ability to set the log file to a location other than the system directory.

415240 When trying to import a *.srf file into a pbl, the

following error message results:

C0111: Maximum script size exceeded

415244 When using the following script, PB will crash

with an application fault error in the msvcr71:

s_mod = dw_1.Modify('DESTROY sortmarker_artcd_t_1')

s_mod = dw_1.Modify('DESTROY sortmarker_artcd_t_2')

s_mod = dw_1.Modify('DESTROY sortmarker_artcd_t_3')

The bands were generated dynamically in the same application using:

s_mod = dw_1.Modify('create line(band=header y1="28" y2="28" x1="0 Long(Describe(~'artcd_t.x~')) + 5" x2="0 Long(Describe(~'artcd_t.x~')) + 42""0" pen.width="5" pen.color="1089522856" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" name=sortmarker_artcd_t_1 )')

s_mod = dw_1.Modify('create line(band=header y1="28" y2="11" x1="0 Long(Describe(~'artcd_t.x~')) + 5" x2="0 Long(Describe(~'artcd_t.x~')) + 23""0" pen.width="5" pen.color="33554432" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" name=sortmarker_artcd_t_2) ')

s_mod = dw_1.Modify('create line(band=header y1="28" y2="11" x1="0 Long(Describe(~'artcd_t.x~')) + 42" x2="0 Long(Describe(~'artcd_t.x~')) + 23""0" pen.width="5" pen.color="1089522856" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" name=sortmarker_artcd_t_3)')

The user.dump generated shows the following:



7c35057f 668b0e mov cx,[esi]

EXCEPTION_RECORD: ffffffff -- (.exr ffffffffffffffff)

ExceptionAddress: 7c35057f (msvcr71!wcscmp+0x00000015)

ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)

ExceptionFlags: 00000000

NumberParameters: 2

Parameter[0]: 00000000

Parameter[1]: 0e3d3d3d

Attempt to read from address 0e3d3d3d

415250 Error invalid object #temp when inserting into a temp table

connected through OLEDB to MS SQLServer

415254 PB 10.5 Beta2 is putting quotes around computed columns in a datawindow when generating SQL. This is causing problems if the computed column is a database function. If a datawindow contains a computed column such as Date('2005-11-29'), you get an error: column 'Date('2005-11-29')' was not found.

Using the SQLPreview event in a datawindow you can see that a computed column of Date('2005-11-29') is getting changed to "Date('2005-11-29')" and causing the error message.

415259 PowerBuilder crashes when using the down arrow to scroll through the list of ToolbarItemName icons for a contemporary menu.
415276 Some stock icons are not showing transparency correctly in WYSIWYG menu display. Other icons are too large, and others have coloring issues (perhaps related to transparency).

These problems were observed on Win 2000, WinXP may or may not show these problems.

415282 Enhancement: In general, PB doesn't let you deploy when there is an object painter open (and the message is pretty explicit). In the case where there is only one project (saved and open), it would make sense that the deployment should work, as it should regardless of how many projects/objects are opened as long as all have no pending changes.
415298 The New dialog needs some redesign given the new options added and new icons. While all dialog boxes in PB need redesign (to make them resizable), this one is the entry point to most tasks and should be reworked for 10.5 GA, even if the others are not.
415300 When a multi-item delete from library painter fails on an object, you are prompted as to 'Continue' with Yes, No, and Cancel options. The No option is continuing anyway!

You would expect this to exit your deletion sequence, but the prompt comes up for the next item as well. It's not clear what the Yes, No, Cancel mean in this context. Does Yes mean to try the same object again? Does No mean don't try the same object, but continue with the next?

Either the message needs to be more clear so the options are logical, or perhaps the Yes/No/Cancel should just be Yes/No?

415305 When autosize height is turned on for a group dw,

not all the lines and columns are showing up in the preview pane.

415390 A rtf file that includes a formatted table will

lose that format once it is inserted into a rte control.

The columns will lose their height and width.

415391 Cyrillic characters not rendred in a PDF file generated by saveAs function
415392 Intermittent crashes when using PB 9.0.1 and 9.0.3.
415397 When you have a rtf document that has a header and footer

and you use the InsertDocument(), if the clearflag property is set to false, then

the header and footer are not inserted in the control.

// will work

rc = rte_1.InsertDocument(file_path, TRUE, FileTypeRichText!)

// will not work

rc = rte_1.InsertDocument(file_path, FALSE, FileTypeRichText!)

If this is the expected behavior, than the documentation for InsertDocument

is unclear. It is unclear (in the online help) for the clearflag property and

also under the Usage section.

415413 An ico file used for a menuimage is sized incorrectly (when part of a multi-image ICO file) and doesn't appear at all when part of a single ICO file.
415496 Application crashes after migration from PB 8.0.4
415502 Keyboard does switch to hebrew on RTL window controls
415509 Custom menu toolbar bitmaps show smaller size than they should once PB 9.0.3 build 8580 was applied to correct another problem. Problem does not happen in PB 10.2.1 build 9004.
415520 Cannot move a column in a group trailer band when a dw is

in File/Print Preview mode and the Moveable and Resizeable properties are checked.

The columns move ok in File/Print Preview when only Moveable is checked. The columns move ok when just in the preview view of the dw painter (moveable and resizeable are both checked).

415522 Tested and reproduced with PB 9.0.3_8501 and 9.0.3_8546.

Today, OLE Database Blob column is only resizable, but does not assume automatically actual size of pictures or texts stored via OLE.

Customer would like OLE Database Blob to have "autosize height" property to perform this action when necessary.

415527 In certain curcumstances the shift key locks on a datawindow editmask. Start with an editmask on a datawindow column of a one character string with autoskip checked and a mask of !. Put a validation expression on the column thqat accepts digits and an error message to display if the validation criteria are not met. Then at run time push the shift key down and enter a dight key so that you will get the shifted value ( the 4 key gets you the $ for example). Since the $ is invalid you get the validation error message. Clear the message and delete the $. Now enter a 4 (the 4 key with no shift key). You still get the $. It's acting like the shift key is now locked on.
415530 Add "selective text on right" option for toolbar, similar to IE.
415533 Chapter 14 Working with Menus and Toolbars in the "PowerBuilder User's Guide" needs updating. It has an explanation of using toolbars in MDI frames. Now in 10.5 you can use toolbars in other types of windows too.
415669 The font properties of a menu do not apply to the menu title, the toolbar text, and the font size does not apply to the top level menu item.
415734 Update documentation for SetFilter method return value when no dw object is assigned to the DataWindow/Datastore.
415752 Regression in PB 10.5 3509. PB gpfs in the IDE or at runtime when you assign a dataobject with a decimal column and a computed field with something like the following expression: "- column" to a datawindow. This used to work fine in PB 9.
415753 Problem with close and minimize buttons in the title bar of a sheet
415754 When moving thru the menu tree view using the down

arrow, pb will crash with an access violation in:



4ec85ddc ff5004 call dword ptr [eax+0x4]

EXCEPTION_RECORD: ffffffff -- (.exr ffffffffffffffff)

ExceptionAddress: 4ec85ddc (GdiPlus!GdipBitmapGetPixel+0x00000035)

ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)

ExceptionFlags: 00000000

NumberParameters: 2

Parameter[0]: 00000000

Parameter[1]: c340c037

Attempt to read from address c340c037

415755 Inserting many rows in a composite dw with dws with groups slows down performance significantly.

SOLUTION: Use SetRedraw(false) before the mass insert and then SetRedraw(true) afterward. The dw will have to go through all the sizing / display calculations for every single row otherwise, and this will naturally slow things down. It may be necessary in some cases to add some other sort of 'busy' status indicator to your application so that end users will know the application is working.

415764 Memory usage goes up when moving thru the menu tree

view using the down arrow.

Problem happens using contemporary or traditional style menu.

415773 EAServer crashes under load in the PBVM
415884 Application deployment: when an application is assigned it's own icon (not the default) and a shortcut is added on deployment, it uses the default icon instead of the one define. The problem appears to be for VGA devices only.
415887 Not exactly new, but you can't put a drawing object (line, oval, rectangle, round rectangle) on a groupbox. The drawing object always ends up being placed under the groupbox so that it is not visible. And, it can't be brought to front.
415895 To be more Office 2003 look alike, the menubar should be colored using the toolbar color. In addition, The selected color above left margin should be solid (like Office 2003), now it has some kind of a gradient from menuback color to menuhighlight color.
415980 Change in behavior using FindGroupChange and InsertRow in a loop upgrading to a later build of PB 10.

Workaround: Add a call to GroupCalc within the loop.

415984 Simple scrolling of a datawindow leaks memory. A regression from PB 7.0 where it does not leak. Customer analysis shows the problem was introduced between builds 7554 and 7561 of PB9.
416011 WM5 Only - SIP Button does not appear on a response window with no menu

PKB 2.0.3 Build 864

Dell AXIM X51 (WindowsMobile 5)

I have one main window which opens up response windows for the user to enter

and review data.

The response window has 'show SIP button' checked. However it does not show

the SIP. Where the SIP button should be, it shows the bottom of the main

window, which is behind it, so the user cannot tap the SIP to bring it up or

lower it.

If I set a control on the response window to 'Show SIP on Focus' and set

focus to that control the SIP pops up but the button to lower the SIP is

still not showing.

This response window does not have a menubar.

416013 WM5 - SIP Button not showing on a RESPONSE! window with no menu

PKB 2.0.3 Build 864

Dell AXIM X51

I have one main window which opens up response windows for the user to enter

and review data.

The response window has 'show SIP button' checked. However it does not show

the SIP. Where the SIP button should be, it shows the bottom of the main

window, which is behind it, so the user cannot tap the SIP to bring it up or

lower it.

If I set a control on the response window to 'Show SIP on Focus' and set

focus to that control the SIP pops up but the button to lower the SIP is

still not showing.

This response window does not have a menubar.

416081 Application crashes on Tablet PC if closing child window
416082 EXE generation fails in PocketBuilder if both of the following are true:

- Project resides on network share

- Tha application object has an Icon assigned (Application props - > Additional Properties - > Icon tab)

416083 crash on rte SelectTextAll / ReplaceText function
416101 Error message receivied four time is " ')' expected to close expression after function" Initially appeared to be a duplicate of CR 406085. The testcase for that works and with this new testcase still receiving the error when using 10.2.1 build 9517. Running with 9.0.3 build 8580 I am not receiving the error.
416148 WM-5 Specific (works fine on WM2003)

The "SIPOnFocus" property (for SLE, etc) does not bring up the SIP.

The associated system function SetSIPPreferredState() does not seem to work either.

Can reproduce with the code example "Reeds Tests", navigate to the SIP pages.

416184 The DW properties

DW.Object.DataWindow.Print.CustomPage.Length and


are lost when saving the datawindow and loading it using GetFullstate/SetFullstate functions.

416186 When trying to access the properties of an ocx control, getting

a "Name not found accessing external object property object".

The error occurs when using the following code:

oleobject ole_obj

ll_return = ole_obj.ConnectToNewObject("ABCTL.ABCTLCtrl.1")

ll_timeout = ole_obj.object.timeout()

Works ok when you insert the ocx control onto a window. Customer is using

EAServer and wants to be able to access the properties of the ocx using dot notation.

416193 If a dropdown calendar field is not editable because the taborder is set to 0, then the dropdown arrow for the calender still displays. Is it possible to hide this automatically if the field is not editable?
416202 When generating a com object, the following error

returns in the project painter:

Component Server Build: failed

---------- Deploy: Deploy of pr_f1appfunctions

Performing Incremental Rebuild of Objects

Parsing User Object f1functions...

Beginning generation...

Generating IDL file...

Generating IDL file...

Generating Type Library...

Generating the PB COM Server

Generating GUID source file...

Generating Interfaces header...

Generating Classes header...

Generating Server Data source file...

Generating Classes source...

Generating server resource file...

Compiling GUID Source File...

Compiling PB COM Object Source File...

Compiling PB COM Server Source File...

Compiling of generated PB COM Server Source File failed! : Error compiling C:\pse\pse-105\11189982\_tmpserv.cpp -- see log file C:\pse\pse-105\11189982\f1appfunctions.log

Linking PBCOM Server object files

Linking object files for server failed! : Error linking C:\pse\pse-105\11189982\f1appfunctions.dll -- see log file C:\pse\pse-105\11189982\f1appfunctions.log

---------- Finished Deploy of pr_f1appfunctions

If you remove Type Library Help and try to deploy the project again, than it works ok

416216 In the Migration Assistant Tool, it would be nice if the "Specify Libraries to be Searched" window would allow the selection of more than 1 pbl at a time (row selection) in the left pane. Or perhaps allow the selection of a target to check.
416283 Enhancement request: Enhanced Cab Generation Tool: Add ability to add additional files into the CAB file.

In particular html helpfiles that they wish to bundle with their application, and they would like the ability to automatically include the FieldSoftware PrintPocketCE files.

416293 Using the Migration Assistant Tool returns:

PowerBuilder Application Execution Error (R0015)

Application terminated

Error: Error calling external function %s at line 17 in function of_getsourcecontextt

of object common_orca_unicode

The problem happens when you check Version 8.0 under the 'Select Version(s)' window.

416319 In the Migration Assistant Tool, it would be nice if there was an option to write the report to a file. (Customer asks this after running it on 50 pbls for a while, and then PB crashing and he's left with nothing...)
416368 Memory leak in using syntaxfromsql()
416395 fails to save as PSR a Datawindow with recursive inclusion of reports.
416411 A dw expression on the visible property for a column

is not working as expected.

A column (ColA) defined as decimal{0} with a edit style of checkbox. The next column

(ColB) is defined as a string with the visible property set to the ColA. When

the checkbox is checked for ColA, then ColB should be visible in the preview view and

that is not happening.

416438 The problem is isolated to a datawindow visible expression that is in 2 text objects (narvaro_nv_overt_fore_sch_t2, and narvaro_nv_overt_efter_sch_t2). The visible expression is:

if( currentRow() = nv_rad, 0, 1 )

where nv_rad is a column from the dw select statement:

0 as nv_rad,

This datawindow full rebuilds in PB 9.0 with no problems, and migrates to PB 10.2 with no problems. On a migration to PB 10.5, PB crashes. If you try to import the datawindow into PB 10.5 it also crashes. If you remove the 2 visible expressions in 9.0, it then migrates to 10.5 OK. If you then add the expressions back into the 10.5 columns, the expressions are valid, but it again crashes when saving the datawidow.

416510 Can't use Visual SourceSafe 2005 as Unicode
416543 Enhancement: It's not possible to specify gradient colors in enough detail to make it look good on toolbars and menus. There should be two properties, one for "start color" and one for "end color" of the gradient.
416547 Variable declaration Decimal{0} causing data truncation when used in RPC call.


Via an RPC call, If the Value 30 is assigned to a variable of decimal{0}, then the value 3 Gets saved in the Database.

Change the variable declaration to: Decimal{2} and Re-run the RPC passing 30, and the Data Value 30 Will be saved to the Database.

This works okay in PowerBuilder 10.2.1.


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