ASE使用with ignore_dup_row删除重复数据


本文介绍使用索引的with ignore_dup_row选项来在线删除表的重复数据行。

创建非唯一、聚簇索引,带选项 : with ignore_dup_row
在索引的创建语法中,unique 和  with ignore_dup_row 是互斥的,nonclustered 和  with ignore_dup_row 是互斥的;也就是说,使用with ignore_dup_row选项时索引必须是非唯一、聚簇的。


create table DeleteDuplicateRow(id int
, name varchar(30)
, begin_time datetime
create index idx_DeleteDuplicateRow on DeleteDuplicateRow(id , name)

insert into DeleteDuplicateRow values(1,'','2014-5-5 14:30')
insert into DeleteDuplicateRow values(2,'Sybase数据库技术,数据库恢复','2014-8-17 1:20')
insert into DeleteDuplicateRow values(3,'分享Sybase数据库知识','2014-9-11 8:54')

1> select * from DeleteDuplicateRow
2> go
 id          name                           begin_time                     
 ----------- ------------------------------ -------------------------------
           1                            May  5 2014  2:30PM
           2 Sybase数据库技术,数据庠            Aug 17 2014  1:20AM
           3 分享Sybase数据库知识                Sep 11 2014  8:54AM

(3 rows affected)

1> insert into DeleteDuplicateRow
2> select * from DeleteDuplicateRow
3> go 2

1> select count(*) from DeleteDuplicateRow
2> go

1> sp_helpindex DeleteDuplicateRow
2> go
Object has the following indexes
 index_name             index_keys index_description index_max_rows_per_page index_fillfactor index_reservepagegap index_created       index_local 
 ---------------------- ---------- ----------------- ----------------------- ---------------- -------------------- ------------------- ------------
 idx_DeleteDuplicateRow  id, name  nonclustered                            0                0                    0 Dec  9 2014 11:10PM Global Index

(1 row affected)
 index_ptn_name                   index_ptn_seg
 -------------------------------- -------------
 idx_DeleteDuplicateRow_766902983 default      

(1 row affected)

--如果使用with ignore_dup_row时不加clustered会报错:
1> create index clu_DeleteDuplicateRow on DeleteDuplicateRow(id , name , begin_time) with ignore_dup_row
2> go
Msg 1916, Level 16, State 3:
Server 'CENTOS5', Line 1:
CREATE INDEX options nonclustered and ignore_dup_row are mutually exclusive.

1> create clustered index clu_DeleteDuplicateRow on DeleteDuplicateRow(id , name , begin_time) with ignore_dup_row
2> go
Warning: deleted duplicate row.  Primary key is '1, "", "May  5 2014  2:30:00:000PM"'
Warning: deleted duplicate row.  Primary key is '1, "", "May  5 2014  2:30:00:000PM"'
Warning: deleted duplicate row.  Primary key is '1, "", "May  5 2014  2:30:00:000PM"'
Warning: deleted duplicate row.  Primary key is '2, "Sybase数据库技术,数据庢, "Aug 17 2014  1:20:00:000AM"'
Warning: deleted duplicate row.  Primary key is '2, "Sybase数据库技术,数据庢, "Aug 17 2014  1:20:00:000AM"'
Warning: deleted duplicate row.  Primary key is '2, "Sybase数据库技术,数据庢, "Aug 17 2014  1:20:00:000AM"'
Warning: deleted duplicate row.  Primary key is '3, "分享Sybase数据库知识", "Sep 11 2014  8:54:00:000AM"'
Warning: deleted duplicate row.  Primary key is '3, "分享Sybase数据库知识", "Sep 11 2014  8:54:00:000AM"'
Warning: deleted duplicate row.  Primary key is '3, "分享Sybase数据库知识", "Sep 11 2014  8:54:00:000AM"'
Non-clustered index (index id = 2) is being rebuilt.

1> sp_helpindex DeleteDuplicateRow
2> go
Object has the following indexes
 index_name             index_keys            index_description                index_max_rows_per_page index_fillfactor index_reservepagegap index_created       index_local 
 ---------------------- --------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------- ---------------- -------------------- ------------------- ------------
 clu_DeleteDuplicateRow  id, name, begin_time clustered, ignore duplicate rows                       0                0                    0 Dec  9 2014 11:46PM Global Index
 idx_DeleteDuplicateRow  id, name             nonclustered                                           0                0                    0 Dec  9 2014 11:10PM Global Index

(2 rows affected)
 index_ptn_name                    index_ptn_seg
 --------------------------------- -------------
 clu_DeleteDuplicateRow_1230904636 default      
 idx_DeleteDuplicateRow_1230904636 default      

(2 rows affected)
(return status = 0)

1>drop index DeleteDuplicateRow.clu_DeleteDuplicateRow

1> sp_helpindex DeleteDuplicateRow
2> go
Object has the following indexes
 index_name             index_keys index_description index_max_rows_per_page index_fillfactor index_reservepagegap index_created       index_local 
 ---------------------- ---------- ----------------- ----------------------- ---------------- -------------------- ------------------- ------------
 idx_DeleteDuplicateRow  id, name  nonclustered                            0                0                    0 Dec  9 2014 11:10PM Global Index

(1 row affected)
 index_ptn_name                    index_ptn_seg
 --------------------------------- -------------
 idx_DeleteDuplicateRow_1230904636 default      

(1 row affected)
(return status = 0)

1> select * from DeleteDuplicateRow
2> go
 id          name                           begin_time                     
 ----------- ------------------------------ -------------------------------
           1                            May  5 2014  2:30PM
           2 Sybase数据库技术,数据庠            Aug 17 2014  1:20AM
           3 分享Sybase数据库知识                Sep 11 2014  8:54AM

(3 rows affected)

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  • 转载务必注明原始出处 : Sybase数据库技术,数据库恢复专家
  • 对《ASE使用with ignore_dup_row删除重复数据》有何疑问或见解,请在本文下方发表;
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    1. 强子
      2015-04-16 17:42:33


    :wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :cry: :arrow: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( :!: 8-O 8)
