ASE 15.7 for SAP® Business Suite Released in Techwave!!!

期待已久的为SAP商业套件(Business Suite)量身定做的Sybase ASE V15.7发布了。




ASE 15.7 key features include:

Management of Large Datasets

  • Compression— allows large databases to be stored more compactly and reduces I/O times to ensure high performance on even the largest databases.
  • Reduced Query Latency— helps better handle large data sets, especially those which use dynamic SQL for interactive data retrieval.
  • Replication Performance—increases the performance of Sybase’s industry-leading transaction replication and syncing technology.
  • Enhancements for Parallel Hardware —improves optimization of multi-core/multi-threaded CPU architectures to get the maximum performance out of today’s latest processors

Simplified Administration

  • Online Operations—increases data availability while allowing data to be optimized for application performance.
  • Extended Diagnostics—allows DBAs to quickly pin-point performance bottlenecks and speed customer support requests.
  • Strong Password Encryption—protects the database from external intrusion and hacking
  • Single Sign-on & Login Profiles—makes it easier to manage large numbers of users and simplifies end-user access to the system

Ease of Application Development

  • Efficient Management of Large Objects—inline management of large objects as well as enhanced application development features such as large objects as parameters to stored procedures.
  • Enhanced Application Language Capabilities—many improved TransactSQL&™ language features to increase productivity of application developers as well as support for a variety of popular languages such as Python, PHP and Perl.
  • An Enterprise-Class DB for ISV applications —enhanced business-critical performance for ISV applications out of the box, enabling ISVs to easily write and port their applications to ASE 15.7.

Sybase ASE 15.7 Availability

Sybase ASE 15.7 Enterprise Edition 安装介质将于2011年9月底可供下载。适用的平台包括: HP-UX 11i v3, AIX IBM Power 64-bit, Linux IBM Power 64-bit, Linux x86 64-bit, Solaris SPARC 64-bit, Solaris x86 64-bit, Windows x86 64-bit, Windows x86. 可以浏览

很可惜,可能不支持Linux x86平台了。

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  • 转载务必注明原始出处 : Sybase数据库技术,数据库恢复专家
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    1. dbainfo
      2011-09-19 18:16:06
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    :wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :cry: :arrow: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( :!: 8-O 8)