Error: 9561的一种处理方法

本文的目的在于给出一种方法(或者workaround)来屏蔽错误Error: 9561。

在老环境ASE 12.5上测试某程序时,执行一些命令会报Error: 9561!


ASE版本为: Adaptive Server Enterprise/12.5/SWR 9616 GA/P/NT (IX86)/OS 4.0/main/1647/32-bit/OPT/Fri Jun 01 16:58:25 2001
此版本为ASE 12.5 GA,裸奔很久了。

lock scheme=allpages

系统库model、tempdb以及用户数据库均启用了选项:allow nulls by default



1> sp_helpindex sysobjects
2> go
Msg 9561, Level 20, State 5:
Server 'TEST', Procedure 'sp_helpindex', Line 306:
An insert or update to table '#spindtab____01000430020573012' places column 'maxrowsperpage' at offset 2, ending at offset 4. The maximum permitted ending offset for this column is 2. This is a server internal error.
Msg 9561, Level 20, State 5:
Server 'TEST', Procedure 'sp_helpindex', Line 306:
An insert or update to table '#spindtab____01000430020573012' places column 'maxrowsperpage' at offset 2, ending at offset 4. The maximum permitted ending offset for this column is 2. This is a server internal error.
 index_name           index_description                                        index_keys
 -------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(0 rows affected)
(return status = 0)


1>sp_helprotect dbo
Msg 9561, Level 20, State 5:
Server 'TEST', Procedure 'sp_helprotect', Line 299:
An insert or update to table '#sysprotects201000430020573012' places column 'id' at offset 2, ending at offset 6. The maximum permitted ending offset for this column is 2. This is a server internal error.




在网上搜索一下CR: 389129( 来源于:Targeted CR List for ASE 15.0 ESD #2

Error 511 "Attempt to update or insert row failed because resultant row of size < value > bytes is larger than the maximum size ( < value > bytes) allowed for this table..." may be raised during the execution of a stored procedure using the reformatting strategy and the creation of a DOL (Datarows Only Locking) work table. Alternatively the error 9561 "An insert or update to table 'temp worktable' places column '(unknown column)' at offset < value > ..." may be raised.

很奇怪,我的ASE12.5配置的lock scheme为allpages,怎么会自动创建DOL类型的工作表呢?


create table #spindtab

        index_name      varchar(30),
        index_keys      varchar(1024),
        index_description       varchar(68),
        index_max_rows_per_page smallint,
        index_fillfactor        smallint,
        index_reservepagegap    smallint,
        index_created           datetime NULL


此处你需要了解一下会话临时表的命名规则,可以参考Rob V.的文章:Reading temporary tables that aren't yours


insert into #spindtab
    select name, @keys, @inddesc, maxrowsperpage, fill_factor,
        isnull(res_page_gap ,0), crdate
        from sysindexes
            where id = object_id(@objname)
                and indid = @indid


1> select colid,name,offset,length from syscolumns where id= 2  and name='maxrowsperpage'
2> go
 colid  name                           offset length
 ------ ------------------------------ ------ -----------
     16 maxrowsperpage                     48           2


再来看看临时表#spindtab中的第4个字段: index_max_rows_per_page,它的类型是:smallint,占用2字节。和Error:9561提示的开始偏移2,结束偏移4可能有点关系!


如果index_max_rows_per_page存储在offset=2位置处的话,必要要求index_max_rows_per_page定义为NOT NULL,表#spindtab的定义语句中没有指定NOT NULL或者NULL。这是问题所在!



关闭临时数据库、model上的选项:allow nulls by default;

将lock scheme设置成datarows,Error:9561的错误信息就变成:

An insert or update to table '#spindtab____01000430020573012' places column 'maxrowsperpage' at offset 6, ending at offset 8. The maximum permitted ending offset for this column is 6. This is a server internal error.


1、选项:allow nulls by default会影响没有显示指定是否为空字段的为空属性;



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