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需要注意的是:Targeted CR List for ASE列出的CR虽然绝大多数是BUG,但有一些是更改需求。
以下提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息!


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CR Number:   234588
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Winfree
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris 2.6
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
14 Jun 2001 Not a Bug
Has a stress application, creating many clients and then doing repetitive calls to a PB component deployed on Jaguar. The memory consumed grows up in a large amount and is not released even after disonnecting all the clients.

CR Number:   234590
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DW - Runtime
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
10 Jul 2001 Not reproducible with latest version of the product available as of Resolution Date
Crash Handler Case but easily reproducible. GPF/Crash handler invoked with powerbuilder 7.0.3 and not 7.0.2 when scrolling datawindows. Does not happen when run with PB 7.

This issue was closed because it could no longer be reproduced with PB 7.0.3 EBF builds 10089 or greater.

CR Number:   234622
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DB OLE DB
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
02 Mar 2004 Third Party Problem
OLE DB/MSSQL 7.0: Millisecond part of a TimeStamp value gets wrongly updated whenever a datawindow with a datetime column is updated.


For MS SQL SERVER , the accuracy of datetime is 1/300 s ( about 3.33 ms), you can run the syntax in "Query Analyzer" to verify the result:

UPDATE ts_datetime SET wdt = {ts '2001-03-01 16:52:04.219'} WHERE id = '1 '

select * from ts_datetime

The following is extracted from "Books Online" of MS SQL SERVER :


Date and time data from January 1, 1753 through December 31, 9999, to an accuracy of one three-hundredth of a second (equivalent to 3.33 milliseconds or 0.00333 seconds). Values are rounded to increments of .000, .003, or .007 seconds, as shown in the table.

Example Rounded example

01/01/98 23:59:59.999 1998-01-02 00:00:00.000

01/01/98 23:59:59.995,

01/01/98 23:59:59.996,

01/01/98 23:59:59.997, or

01/01/98 23:59:59.998 1998-01-01 23:59:59.997

01/01/98 23:59:59.992,

01/01/98 23:59:59.993,

01/01/98 23:59:59.994 1998-01-01 23:59:59.993

01/01/98 23:59:59.990 or

01/01/98 23:59:59.991 1998-01-01 23:59:59.990

Microsoft SQL Server? rejects all values it cannot recognize as dates between 1753 and 9999.

CR Number:   234631
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Debugger
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16 May 2001 Fixed
When 'Just In Time Debugging' is checked in the System Options and there is a scripting error PB will crash. The offending script was dw_1.object.t_3 = Left (temp_text,3) and should have been dw_1.object.t_3.text = Left (temp_text,3). In Pb 7.0.3 a R00039 Execution Error is initially encountered followed by the debugger opening up at the above line of script. If at this point in both PB 7.0.3 and 8.0 build 5005 you simply close down the debugger by hitting the "X" Pb crashes with a memory cannot be read error message.

CR Number:   234644
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Workspace and Targets
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
08 Jun 2004 Fixed
PB8 Beta 4:Modifying multiple targets with same PBLs causes PB to crash.

CR Number:   234681
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DW - Runtime
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
7.0.3 10057 05 Aug 2003 Fixed
A custom dw UserEvent mapped to pbm_dwntabdownout does not fire.
If you map in a dw a USerEvent to pbm_dwntabdownout the script in this user event is not executed if you
press for instance the arrowdown button.

Workaround: use and map userevent pbm_dwnkey add the following script and remove the other userevents pbm_dwntabdownout and pbm_dwntabupout.
IF KeyDown(KeyDownArrow!) then
if ( getrow() = rowcount ()) THEN ll_row = this.InsertRow(0)
this.SetItem( ll_row, "cola" , "tabdownout" )
ScrollToRow( ll_row + 1)
end if
IF KeyDown(KeyupArrow!) then ...
Workaround Description
 use and map userevent pbm_dwnkey add the following script and remove the other userevents pbm_dwntabdownout and pbm_dwntabupout.

CR Number:   234696
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Jaguar Integration
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 3.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
06 Apr 2001 Fixed
The second argument of CreateInstance requires a / or the lookup will either append the application property of the connection object to the front, or if that property is not set, it will fail before even attempting the lookup.

From TSE analysis, they believe the problem is that the logic in JAG_ConnectionClient::CreateInstance within the PB code though requires a / in this lookup name. If one is not there, it attempts to create one by concatenating the connection object's application property to the value that is provided in that second argument to CreateInstance. If no application property is defined for the connection object, an SMI_MISSING_PROPERTY error is returned and the lookup is never performed.

The logic should be rewritten such that the requirement for the existence of a "/" within this second argument is eliminated. This appears the only thing preventing instantiation of an EJB via the connection object, as it's working now if the bind.naming property contains the "/".

CR Number:   234823
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DW Display
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
25 Apr 2001 Fixed
PB crashes when assigning a datawindow object to a datawindow control on a window when there are multiple groups in the dw. In the example, randomly deleting 3 of the 4 groups will allow the dw object to be assigned to the control

CR Number:   234824
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DW HTML
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
7.0.3 10063 26 Apr 2004 Fixed
PB8Beta4: GenerateHtmlForm() creates 2 FORM statements and no Action.

CR Number:   234885
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Jaguar Integration
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
8.0 RC 6020 18 Jun 2001 Fixed
8.0 Beta4: Problems with components that implement the HTMLgenerator80 interface.

CR Number:   234904
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   PB GUI
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 3.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
09 Jul 2004 Not reproducible with latest version of the product available as of Resolution Date
The System Tree seems to repaint and shift its items unnecesarily when, for instance, an object is saved in a painter. This can be somewhat of a nuisance if you are systematicallly editing all the objects in a PBL since it forces you to continually rescroll the system tree.

CR Number:   234962
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Function Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 3.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
20 Sep 2001 Fixed
Global function save reports erroneous error message

CR Number:   234965
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Function Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 3.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
06 Apr 2001 Not a Bug
Global function painter prompts for a name when saving, even though the function is already named. This appears redundant. It is necessary in order to select the PBL in which to save the object, but customer would like the Save prompt/dialog to make it more clear that this is the reason it appears.

Per development: the dialog appears because the user is allowed to change the function name at this point.

CR Number:   234966
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Function Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 3.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
20 Sep 2001 Fixed
When not immediately supplying a function name in global function painter, you receive "A prototype is needed for this script message." Supplying a name is not enough as you must also move off of the function name SLE before it's registered (kind of like an 'AcceptText' is missing).

CR Number:   234969
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DW Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 3.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
24 Apr 2001 Fixed
PB crashes when switching between taborder/design mode in dw. One has to have DW Design - Options - uncheck Retain Data to Design, check Retrieve data on preview and make sure Preview view is open

CR Number:   234995
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Inheritance
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 3.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
01 Sep 2005 Fixed
Created ancestor menu with menu items, then inherited a descendant, where added submenu items. Then removed a menuitem in ancestor => cannot regenerate the descendant menu, PB crashes if try to inherit another menu from the first descendant and other problems. Basically, the inheritance line is broken at this point, whereas one would like to be able to make a change in the ancestor then regenerate/rebuild to carry the modification down the hierarchy.

CR Number:   234996
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Script Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 3.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
06 Apr 2001 Presently Not Targeted For Any Future Release Of This Product
"Allow Dashes in Identifiers" option does not work as should. When disabled, then 'i-1' (no spaces) rather than 'i - 1' (with spaces) doesn't compile even though this is the subtractor operator.

Per development: This will not be fixed. This cr could be reproduced only when you haven't changed the "DashInIdentifiers" property before. Because there isn't a item in pb.ini corresponding to it pb is first built. This bug exists in both PB70 & PB80 Debug Version. But in the installation version, there really exists a item named "DashInIdentifiers", so it works well. WORKAROUND: When PB7 & PB8 is in first run, just add item mentioned above to pb.ini manually or change this property in tab pages and sanve change.

CR Number:   235030
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Inheritance
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.00
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
23 Apr 2001 Fixed
Declaration of DYNAMIC CURSOR combined with many variable-size arrays declared in the "Instance" variables script for the "user object" ancestor object, causes PB to GPF when this object is inherited from and then saved.
This is not broken when the sample variables are declared as "shared" instead of "instance" variables.
Verified this is also broken for "window" and "menu" objects with respect to "instance variable
declaration" because these objects are also capable of inheritance.
Workaround Description
 The bug is possibly tied to the declaration of DYNAMIC CURSOR and many variable-size arrays.
Reduce number of DYNAMIC CURSOR and variable-size arrays declared as "Instance" variables until bug is fixed.

CR Number:   235031
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Inheritance
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.00
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
21 Mar 2001 Duplicate
Declaration of DYNAMIC CURSOR combined with many variable-size arrays declared in the "Instance" variables script for the "window" ancestor object, causes PB to GPF when this object is inherited from and then saved.
This is not broken when the sample variables are declared as "shared" instead of "instance" variables.
Verified this is also broken for "user object" and "menu" objects with respect to "instance variable
declaration" because these objects are also capable of inheritance.
Workaround Description
 The bug is possibly tied to the declaration of DYNAMIC CURSOR and many variable-size arrays.
Reduce number of DYNAMIC CURSOR and variable-size arrays declared as "Instance" variables until
bug is fixed.

CR Number:   235032
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Inheritance
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.00
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
21 Mar 2001 Duplicate
Declaration of DYNAMIC CURSOR combined with many variable-size arrays declared in the "Instance" variables script for the "menu" ancestor object, causes PB to GPF when this object is inherited from and then saved.
This is not broken when the sample variables are declared as "shared" instead of "instance" variables.
Verified this is also broken for "user object" and "window" objects with respect to "instance variable
declaration" because these objects are also capable of inheritance.
Workaround Description
 The bug is possibly tied to the declaration of DYNAMIC CURSOR and many variable-size arrays.
Reduce number of DYNAMIC CURSOR and variable-size arrays declared as "Instance" variables until
bug is fixed.

CR Number:   235056
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DW Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 3.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
23 Mar 2001 Fixed
Dw based on a SP whose argument is of type TEXT gives Out of memory errors.
Connecting using OLEDB - results in Out of memory error
Connecting using MSS - results in "operand type clash" error

CR Number:   235059
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DB OLE DB
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 3.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
03 Apr 2001 Fixed
Short Desc:
Execute Immediate SP with TEXT as arg using OLEDB gives OutOfMemory
Dynamically executing a stored procedure that has Text datatype as an argument results in

Out Of Memory errors in pb 8, execute is successfull in pb 7 using OLE DB driver.

CR Number:   235064
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DW Painter
Status:   Open
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
Cummulative Sum in the group trailer, based on another computed field returns 0 in dw painter.
The expression if( cumulativeSum( 1 for group 1) = 1, salary, 0)
What I understand for this is you are doing a running total of column 1 for group 1 (e.g dept_id =100). If the running total is equal to 1 then display Salary , else display 0.
If you look at the online help it says for column you can either put column name ("emp_id") or column number (#1) , but you are not putting either one of them. I get an different result alltogether if I edit your expression to reflect the column correctly.
Dw should be giving an Invalid Expression error.

CR Number:   235088
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Language - Runtime
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
25 Feb 2004 Fixed
FindMatchingFunction does not find function with bounded array arguments.(Either array passed by value or by ref)

workaround: use unbounded arrays
Workaround Description
 workaround: use unbounded arrays

CR Number:   235101
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Source Control
Status:   Open
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 3.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
For large applications (with 5000 or more objects) using PBNative for source control storing all those source files in some network drive is going to be a nightmare. It would be nice to have an ASA database that can store all the objects there (something like a mini ObjectCycle database)

CR Number:   235102
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DW Display
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
7.0.3 10062 02 Apr 2001 Fixed
When doing Deleterow on a dw with filter, you can scroll down to a nonexisting row, and then,
display gets messed up

CR Number:   235120
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Function Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
13 Mar 2001 Fixed
When a syntax error is detected in a function script, the function dropdown reverts to New Function, so if you correct your error and save, it makes it appear you can define a new function, when in fact you would be overwriting the old one.

CR Number:   235121
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   PB GUI
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 3.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16 Aug 2001 Fixed
When PB is brought to foreground and a modal dialog is currently displayed in PB, only the dialog comes to the front, the rest of the PB IDE remains in the back.

CR Number:   235125
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DB Painter
Status:   Open
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 3.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
DB painter: need PB to do an AcceptText when developer clicks on toolbar to allow save of last item (eg. last extended attribute) changed. Otherwise previous modifications are saved but will get prompted to Save if close the dialog for the last item

CR Number:   235126
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   PB GUI
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 3.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
23 Apr 2001 Fixed
When Library Painter is open, a refresh operation applies only to that painter and so the system tree is not updated, even if you give it focus by selecting an item within the tree before the refresh (F5). In addition, there is no refresh option for the System Tree at all in the context menu nor when you unexpand and expand an item, but F5 will work to refresh if the library painter is closed.

CR Number:   235132
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   File Editor
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11 Jul 2004 Fixed
Enhancement Request for consistency between target types.

You can do a File => Open File once the File Editor is open and open all files but as you get the option to open All Files(*.*) when you have a Web Target but not PB. For consistency please add this to the dropdown.

The file editor file open dialog appears tied to the target type. If the target is PB, I can only open PB objects. If the target is a web target, I can open up just about anything.

The File Editor should allow this option regardless of type of target. What if you want to open .ini\txt etc, while in a PB target?

CR Number:   235140
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Library Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 3.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
5029 03 Apr 2001 Fixed
Can't open file with space in name within library painter

CR Number:   235171
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Script Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
13 Mar 2001 Duplicate
The display name (list box) of a new function is replaced by <new function> if :
- The script saved contain compilation error.
- The script has not been compiled previously
On the other hand, the tabpage name is always the good one.

CR Number:   235174
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Menu Painter
Status:   Open
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
PB7.0 does not ask for saving a menu object although text property has been changed by user in properties frame. We should get a dialog box such "Menu - Save changes to ...\*.pbl(m)? Yes/No/Cancel". Implement messagebox in PB7 like in PB8. PB8 works ok.

CR Number:   235175
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   UO Painter
Status:   Open
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
1. Run PowerBuilder 8 BETA III
2. open or create an nvo
3. Use the default layout (Menu) : normally, you will have 4 tabs called "constructor", "Event List", "Function List" and "Declare Instance Variables".
4. bring cursor in the constructor event script painter of the nvo
5. Click tab "Event List"
6. Choose Menu Edit-->Go To--> Function (items Event, Function and Control must be accessible)
7. You will switch to the incorrect tab "constructor" : the 1st DDDW is correct (Functions) but the second DDDW is empty !!!!!!
-> 2nd dddw should choose new funtionor should go t to the first existing function. As well the tab should be renamed

CR Number:   235177
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DW Wizards
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
5016 24 Apr 2001 Fixed
PB 8 build 5013 :
Different types of dw have either Text or Column or Both Border settings as blank, it should at least be populated with "No Border"
"Select Color and Border Settings", you will notice the following :
Tabular DW - Border is blank for Text
Freeform DW - Border is blank for Columns
Group/Label/N-up/Crosstab/Grid DW - Border is blank for Text & Columns

CR Number:   235180
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Language - Runtime
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
5028 20 Sep 2001 Fixed
When String() is used to convert numeric values into specified formats, the results are not as specified by the format.

CR Number:   235186
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DW - Runtime
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
8.0 Beta 4 6002 09 Apr 2001 Fixed
Simply invoking the CrossTabDialog() function and pressing ok on resulting dialog causes PowerBuilder to crash.

CR Number:   235193
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Jaguar Integration
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
25 Apr 2005 Fixed
In PB8, we've introduced the EJBHome as a connection object property. It's purpose is to supply the name of the Home interface to which to narrow and EJB object returned from a lookup. It's not clear why this should be a connection object property, since it really applies to the lookup operation for a specific bean. It would seem more intuitive to overload the lookup function to accept this value as an argument; otherwise, we are resetting connection object options throughout the code, potentiallly everytime you lookup an EJB. Setting that options property will overwrite existing options as well (unless you somewhere maintain the 'original' string) which could cause problems on subsequent connections via the same connection object.

RESOLUTION: The first part of the problem is fixed.

The second part of the problem which says that EJBHome name could be looked up by PB at runtime is not addressed as this will considerably slow down the lookup at runtime. PB generally does not use the Jaguar repository service at runtime. If uses the repository service at design time, to deploy components etc.

CR Number:   235194
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Source Control
Status:   Open
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 3.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
In PB 8 the option to use the concept of Work.pbl should be available for PBNative.

CR Number:   235205
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DW Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
19 Apr 2001 Fixed
30 Apr 2001 Fixed
When "Retain Data to Design" is NOT on and you have a preview pane in the datawindow painter, the following operations cause a re-retrieve to occur: a) examining tab order, 2) changing size of a column (grid dw only!) (PSE note: I could not reproduce this one.), 3) changing units on general tab.

CR Number:   235218
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DB Painter
Status:   Open
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 3.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
PB 8 build 5013 :
The way we have the support for ASA Groups in db painter, please support Oracle ROLES as well.

CR Number:   235220
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Documentation
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 3.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
6019 30 Apr 2001 Fixed
In PB Help, click 'Contents - Datawindow Reference - Methods for the Datawindow Control - AboutBox Methods(Datawindow)'. The document is missing.

CR Number:   235222
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Window Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 3.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
13 Aug 2001 Not a Bug
PB 8 build 4020, 5013, PB 7.03.10052:
Error!, Hand!, and StopSign! bitmaps are the same
1. Create a window or open an existing one.
2. In window properties, look at the dropdown for icons. The Error!, Hand!, and StopSign! bitmaps are the same (i.e, a cross in a red circle). They should be different

CR Number:   235223
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Window - Runtime
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 3.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
5017 22 Mar 2001 Fixed
PB 8 build 4020, 5013
Put down a listview control
In property sheet for listview, go to Large Picture/Small Picture tab and activate the dropdown
Scroll down in list to OutputNext!, and notice that the same picture appears for both OutputNext! and OutputPrevious!

CR Number:   235330
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DW HTML
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
7.0.3 10067 25 Apr 2001 Fixed
If there is more than one DW on a page pressing the TAB key switches focus between datawindows instead of setting focus on the next column. This happens for Internet Explorer only.

1.) Instead of using the PS object model based html page use the "normal"
java.CreateComponent server side script to create the html datawindows.
(this is in case you hare working with PowerSite etc.)

2.) Use the Mozilla/4.x (Netscape 4) setting in the painter or set it in
the server side script using dw.SetBrowser("Mozilla/4.x (");

3.) Then the tabbing will behave the same on IE and NS (but will have a
slightly different look and feel).

4.) For a test you could use the script from the example (here displays e.g..
the department list from the surfside video example two times).
In the datawindow painter set the Browser property to Netscape
settings, but when you leave this you can set it with the SetBrowser call
in the code (easier).

<TITLE>Using Two Updateable WebDWs on Same Page</TITLE>

/* Before submit of DeptEmp, include context for EmpDetail dw too */
function dw_depts_OnSubmit() {
dw_depts_submitForm.dw_emps_context.value = dw_emps.GetFullContext();
dw_depts_submitForm.dw_emps_action.value = "";

/* Before submit of EmpDetail, include context for DeptEmp dw too */
function dw_emps_OnSubmit() {
dw_emps_submitForm.dw_depts_context.value = dw_depts.GetFullContext();
dw_emps_submitForm.dw_depts_action.value = "";

This page contains example client-side and server-side script to handle two
updatable WebDW controls on the same page

/* Function to test whether page parameters are defined */
function f_getParam( envparam ) {
if( exists(document.value[envparam] ) ) {
return document.value[envparam]
return ""

/* Function to test for failed function calls */
function f_testError(retVal, method_called)
if (retVal < 0) {

document.writeln("<P><H3>Error calling: " + method_called + "<BR>" +
dw.GetLastErrorString() + "</H3><P>");

/* Function to create and initialize proxy for the WebDW component, then
generate output */
function f_createDW(arg_pbl, arg_dwo, arg_objectName, arg_retrieveArg,
dw = java.CreateComponent("DataWindow/HTMLGenerator",
"iiop://kirchner-nt4:9000", "jagadmin", "" ,"DataWindow/HTMLGenerator")

if( dw == null ) {
document.writeln("Error Message: " + site.GetErrorInfo() +

/* Set the datawindow object, control name, database connection, and
other properties */
retVal = dw.SetDWObject(arg_pbl, arg_dwo);
f_testError(retVal, "SetDWObject");

dw.SetHTMLObjectName (arg_objectName);
//dw.SetBrowser("Mozilla/4.x (");
dw.SetTrans("ODBC", "ConnectString='DSN=EAS Demo DB V3' ,ConnectOption

/* allow full-featured client (scripting, updates, etc) */
dw.SetWeight(true, true, true, true, true);

/* set up arguments to pass context and action for "other" dw */
var otherAction = f_getParam(arg_otherDW + "_action");
var otherContext = f_getParam(arg_otherDW + "_context");

linkargs = arg_otherDW + "_action='"" + otherAction + ""'|" +
arg_otherDW + "_context='"" + otherContext + ""'" ;

dw.SetSelfLink(document.name, linkargs);

/* initial retrieve of data */
if ( arg_retrieveArg < 0 ) {
retVal = dw.Retrieve();
else {
retVal = dw.RetrieveEx(arg_retrieveArg);

f_testError(retVal, "Retrieve");

/* Check if page parameters exist (passed from client) to indicate that
an action needs to be performed on the data */
var dw_action = f_getParam(arg_objectName + "_action");
var dw_context = f_getParam(arg_objectName + "_context");

if ( "" != "" + dw_context )
/* cause the context and action to be applied to data on server side
retVal = dw.SetAction (dw_action, dw_context);
f_testError(retVal, dw_action);
/* write out the html representing the resulting data */
document.writeln( dw.Generate() );

/* create two WebDW components on the page */
f_createDW("ssv_dw_reserve.pbl", "d_dept_listing", "dw_depts", "-1",
document.writeln("<P> </P>");

f_createDW("ssv_dw_reserve.pbl", "d_dept_listing", "dw_depts", "-1",



CR Number:   235333
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   WT - Deployment
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
8.0 GA 5027 10 Sep 2001 Fixed
PB 8 Beta 4 build 4020, 5013 :
IF you try and deply to a Dynamic File Site mapping in powerdynamo, which does not exist then on deploy you will get the following error : "Error: Unable to connect to the database site." The deployment here is done to a dynamic file site NOT a database site. The error should be corrected.

CR Number:   235352
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Jaguar Integration
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
20 Mar 2001 Not reproducible with latest version of the product available as of Resolution Date
OS: Win32
PB Version and Build: PB PowerBuilder 7.0.3 Build 10048 and later

A call to dw.Describe('datawindow.data.html') will crash PB if beforehand the dw browser property was modified using Modify ("DataWindow.HTMLGen.Browser = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.x;)' ")
Also happens with HTMLGen.Browser (eg Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.x;) )
Other values work
Datawindow MUST NOT have anything in the header band (in dw painter)
(w/a is to put an invisible text in header band).
Error is an access violation in dwe.
0x10630f90 @ 0x00000054 (memory read error)
Workaround Description
 Error does not occur if there is any object in dw the header band.
Put an invisible dummy text in the header band of the dw.

CR Number:   235362
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Inheritance
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.00
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
30 Jun 2004 EOL'd version. Not to be Fixed.
The ability to revert a descendant object properties to the ancestor object properties is available in PB65x. However this appears to be no longer available in PB7 and PB8 beta.

The disadvantage of losing this functionality is that since "local changes always override inherited properties", then the devloper has to go through each descendant object in order to manually revert the values to match the ancestor object properties.

CR Number:   235367
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Documentation
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
8.0 RC 30 Apr 2001 Fixed
The Restrictions section of "Building a Client for an EJB" in on-line help (on the Help->Find tab, search for Building and then pick the second topic) contains the following paragraph:

"When an EJB component is created, its remote interface is inherited from the EJBObject. The methods of the EJBObject remote interface are not available to PowerBuilder clients. PowerBuilder clients can only access the business methods of the remote interface."

This isn't completely accurate becuase the remove method is part of the EJBObject interface and is available to PowerBuilder clients in the proxy generated from the EJB. (To see this you can generate proxies for any EJB in EAServer and see the remove method is included).

CR Number:   235372
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DW Graph
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
28 Jun 2001 Not reproducible with latest version of the product available as of Resolution Date
7.0.3 Regression: PowerBuilder crashing on Graph DW's and controls when creating or sometimes opening in development.

CR Number:   235426
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Jaguar Integration
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris 2.6
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
10 Apr 2001 Fixed
Has a PB non-pooled component with the event CanBePooled which return 1. Following the PB Help "Providind support for instance pooling", this component should pooled.
It is pooled on NT but not on Solaris.

CR Number:   235443
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   PB GUI
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
10 Jul 2002 Not reproducible with latest version of the product available as of Resolution Date
In Powerbuilder or Infomaker 8 and ToDo list if you add an entry you have to hit enter before hitting x to exit in order for entry to be saved. In Powerbuilder or Infomaker 7 just hitting the x to exit would save entry.

CR Number:   235456
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Rich Text
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
7.0.3 10077 22 Jun 2001 Fixed
Inserting a bitmap in PB 7.x, then saving and opening the .rtf file causes the bitmap to gradually shrink inside the rte control.

CR Number:   235468
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DW Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
19 Sep 2001 Not reproducible with latest version of the product available as of Resolution Date
NUP datawindow with tab sequence 0 click on data, all disappears. Does not occur in 7.0 if the Preview View is maximized in the datawindow painter.
Workaround Description
 In 7.0, maximize the Preview View in the datawindow painter. This does not work in PB 8 beta.

CR Number:   235511
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Window - Runtime
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
8.0 RC 6020 07 May 2001 Fixed
PB 8 Beta
If you open a window which contains a reference to a non-existing user object, PB fires a GPF.
So, if you delete an object, you have to perform a full rebuild after the deletion to be sure the object is not used elswhere and to avoid the GPF.

CR Number:   235521
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Window Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11 Oct 2007 Not reproducible with latest version of the product available as of Resolution Date
All controls that are on the edge of the bottom of the window control gets clipped the very first time you reopen a new window, if it is resized then it is ok after that. It looks like the window control shifts a little up when it is ran for the first time.
Workaround Description
 Save the window, close it and open it again in design view. Resize it and everything is fine.

CR Number:   235531
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   PB GUI
Status:   Open
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
Enhancement Request PB8 Beta : When having multiple targets eg. with same name customers would like a visual indicator in front of the currently edited target.

CR Number:   235600
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Debugger
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
02 May 2005 Presently Not Targeted For Any Future Release Of This Product
breakpoint disappear from the debugger. This is very similar but not a exact dupe of CR 198105

CR Number:   235603
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Window Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
7.0.3 10083 10 Jul 2001 Fixed
calling ExpandAll, causes no trigger of the events ItemExpanding and ItemExpanded




call the events direct in the script before you calling ExpandAll() function:

tv_1.event ItemExpanding ( handle )

tv_1.event ItemExpanded ( handle )
Workaround Description
 call the events direct in the script before you calling ExpandAll() function
tv_1.event ItemExpanding ( handle )
tv_1.event ItemExpanded ( handle )

CR Number:   235606
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   PB GUI
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
8.0 Beta 4 6020 07 May 2001 Fixed
When doing an undo after a delete of a function, the undo will loose instance variables of the object. Instaed it will replace the instance variable with the code from the function.

CR Number:   235609
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Script Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
18 Apr 2001 Fixed
Drag and drop cuts off right parenthesis when function returns NONE

CR Number:   235612
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Language - Runtime
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
07 Aug 2003 Fixed
smal Memory leak in syntaxfromsql()

~ 1.4K for each call
Workaround Description

CR Number:   235619
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Library Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
15 Jun 2004 EOL'd version. Not to be Fixed.
Global search fails to pick up object names themselves, just in scripts. Same is true for Target search in PB8.

CR Number:   235637
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DB MS SQLServer
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   6.5.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
31 Aug 2001 Fixed
Prompt for DB info works against MSS 6.5 but not MSS 7. Click on the "Prompt for Database" checkbox in the database profile for an MSS connection. If the connection is to MSS 6.5, the connection will work. If the connection is for MSS 7, the connection will fail.

Some Additional information:
In the MS SQL Server 7 profile Uncheck prompt for Database Information and add the Host Name to the workstation Name on the Network Tab the DBParm will look like this SQLCA.DBParm = "Host=XXXXXXX'" Test the conection. It will Work.
Check the Prompt for Database Information check box:
Use a System Administrator UserName/Password and test the connection. You will be able to pass the Host Name and then select a Database and the connection will work

CR Number:   235643
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DW Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
22 Jun 2001 Fixed
Datawindows with an extremely large filters cannot be saved. Attempt to save results in "Datawindow error: Line 10 Column 1265 incorrect syntax" message.

Workaround: use setfilter and filter functions in script instead.
Workaround Description
 Customer can use setfilter and filter outside of the datawindow object

CR Number:   235649
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Documentation
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
02 Mar 2004 Fixed
Update documentation to include all error codes for PostURL function. For example, -5 means that an HTTPS post has been attempted, and PB doesn't support it.

Documentation has been updated. There were no additional errors missing other than the -5 error noted.

CR Number:   235664
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Jaguar Integration
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
06 Apr 2001 Not a Bug
PB8 Beta4: Change in implementation of Lookup not backward compatible

CR Number:   235665
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Jaguar Integration
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
8.0 GA 6025 22 May 2001 Fixed
PB8 Beta4: CRASH on second invocation of Lookup

CR Number:   235699
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Window Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows 98
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
08 Jun 2004 Fixed
07 Apr 2005 Fixed
Opening more Window objects at the same time will cause GPF

CR Number:   235717
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DB ODBC
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
28 Mar 2001 Not a Bug
Multiple tables with multiple outer joins against MS Access
The graphical request generates a SQL syntax which is not supported in Access

CR Number:   235725
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Window Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
5030 10 Apr 2001 Fixed
PB8 Beta4: copy/paste of controls using ctrl - t does not retain correct z-order after surrounding them with a group box.

CR Number:   235731
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Edit Mask
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
25 Feb 2004 EOL'd version. Not to be Fixed.
With some (non-standard) date formats specified in Regional Settings, isDate function performs unpredictably. When you change regional setting date format to dddd or ddd or y and enter a date of this format as a string and then use isdate to check it you get an invalid date error. If you set the regional setting to dddd or ddd or y enter a date in the format of mm/dd/yyyy there is no error, even though the entered date doesn't comply with regional settings. This is inconsistent

CR Number:   235732
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Installation
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
8.0 GA 13 May 2004 Not a Bug
8.0 Beta: Installation error message is unclear. This error occurred during installation: "PowerBuilder WebTargets require Sybase PowerDynamo 3.5.2 or later. Run the PowerDynamo setup before installing PowerBuilder WebTargets Click YES to continue or NO to cancel Setup." User initially thought if YES was clicked that PowerDynamo 3.5.2 would be installed. This turned out not to be the case. Clicking YES at this point continues with the installation of PowerBuilder. This message should be rewritten to be more clear to the user.

CR Number:   235734
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   PB GUI
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
08 Aug 2003 Fixed
This is really a duplicate of CR 226730 which has been duped to CR 220564.

Opening and closing objects in the library painter results in a memory leak that can easily be seen using either the Task Manager or the Performance Monitor. By the end of the day after repeated usage PB crashes.

CR Number:   235755
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   WT - System Tree
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
25 Jul 2004 Presently Not Targeted For Any Future Release Of This Product
When looking at Functions/Events in the System Tree, allow a
double-click to open the object and position to the function or event listed.

CR Number:   235791
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DW - Runtime
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
18 Jun 2001 Not a Bug
When update statement with tsequal() in where clause is called from PB 7.0.3 it always fails with error message "Row changed between retrieve and update" even if no other updates were made between retrieve and update.

It is not a bug. When calling a stored procedure from sqlpreview event if you do not use verb "exec" TSQL statement will be sent as is to the database server and database then correctly executes the stored procedure with tsequal() function.

CR Number:   235802
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Window Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
25 Feb 2004 EOL'd version. Not to be Fixed.
in a treeview control the propertie checkbox is enabled.
If inserting treeview items there is still the state pictures visible and no checkboxes.

in the constructor script
this.checkboxes = false
this.checkboxes = true
Workaround Description
 in the constructor script

this.checkboxes = false
this.checkboxes = true

CR Number:   235805
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DW - Runtime
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   5.0.00
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
9.0 15 Jul 2005 Fixed
Deficiancy needs to be resolvedt: Querymode and European numeric settings.

CR Number:   235808
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DW Printing
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
7.0.3 10068 07 Aug 2003 Fixed
This is a duplicate of CR 150139 which when fixed was backed out by CR 188111. Please refer for details.

This problem is being resubmitted for re-evaluation by engineering to see if both behaviors can be accomodated as the current behavior does not print in a WYSIWYG fashion. Text that is cut off when previewed is printed causing overprinting when sent to the printer. Placing a border around the text provides desired truncation but neither this nor the workarounds work for this customer as the datawindow is dynamically created.

CR Number:   235811
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Installation
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
8.0 GA 26 Apr 2004 Fixed
PB 8 Beta 4 :
1) When installing JDBC driver - the order in which the JDB/JDM/JDS drivers are displayed are not consistent between PB and IM. The ones that are going to be deprecated in future should be lower in the order as is in PB, IM should be display the same.

2) ASA install requires reselection of directories selected in the common install - ASA still doesn't pick up the drive for the install if you change it from C:. You have to respecify it when the ASA portion of the install starts.

CR Number:   235813
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Documentation
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
08 May 2001 Fixed
Remove all references of OR8 driver from PB and IM documentation.

CR Number:   235818
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   WT - Editor - Frameset Page
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
8.0 GA 5023 18 Apr 2001 Fixed
PB 8 Beta 4 build 4020:
On a web page if we select a text and then do a Add to Hyperlink then in the Hyperlink properties - Hyperlink Tab - Text of the Hyperlink should get populated automatically based on the selected text, one should not have to type it again.

CR Number:   235821
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Installation
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
8.0 GA 17 Feb 2005 EOL'd version. Not to be Fixed.
PB 8 Beta 4 :
If you install webtargets either just by itself or with other components during a custom install , on the last window that says "Start Copying Files - Review settings before copying files", WebTargets is not listed.
I think it should be displayed.

CR Number:   235822
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   OLE - Active X - OCX
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
5023 10 Apr 2001 Fixed
Microsoft Web Browser OCX having problems with the beforenavigate2 event. The arguement "url" and always is blank instead of the correct url location. This used to work in pb703 build 10009 broke after that and also does not work in PB8.

The actual navigation still works as if you continue you will be directed to the requested site.

CR Number:   235831
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Browser
Status:   Open
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
Ct wants to be able to have the Object Browser of PB 8.0 show *tlb files for the COM Objects function list. This is provided in MS tools.

PB should be able to show *.tlb file, which holds the function list to some COM objects. MS excel gives such options and ct would like to have this as well in pb8.0

CR Number:   235837
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   System Runtime Functions
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   6.5.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
31 Oct 2002 Presently Not Targeted For Any Future Release Of This Product
There is some GUI functionality which is wrong and some incorrect references to indicate
that the "Move()" standard object function is available to a PB "line" object,
however this is in fact a false statement.
Workaround Description
 Normal functionality for this object (and therfore not a workaround) is to change each co-ordinate individually e.g. ln_1.beginx = 100

CR Number:   235839
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Help
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   6.5.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12 Aug 2001 Fixed
In all PB version releases for on-line HELP files, Move() is mentioned as a valid function, however this is wrong
and should be removed.

CR Number:   235842
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DB OLE DB
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
10 May 2001 Fixed
Short Desc:
Cannot connect to an ASA database using ASAProv provider without the OLE-ODBC bridge
get following error : "An error occured but could not retrieve the error text due to a failure in the error handler"

CR Number:   235901
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   AutoScript
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
5024 18 Apr 2001 Fixed
PB Version and Build: PB 8 Build 5018

Autoscript does not allow the user to type in the keys ", !, & in the following circumstances...

Activate Autoscript (Menu->Design->Options->Autoscript)
Check all the options (except 'activate only after a dot')
Open any (scriptable) object
Type in
(ie as if you are about to type in Postevent (...) )

Autoscript listbox should pop up and offer a choice of functions with postevent( /*string e */) being the one selected.
Ignore what appears in the autoscript listbox and continue typing after the autoscript appears (without making the autoscript list disappear)
Postevent ( "

-> Cannot type in the key "
(also found ! and & as giving the same problem)
Workaround Description
 Hit escape key or in the case of the double quote (") key the user could use the single quote (')

CR Number:   235902
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   ORCA
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
22 Mar 2001 Presently Not Targeted For Any Future Release Of This Product
PB8 Beta4: PBORC80.DLL is loading when PowerBuilder is launched.

Per Development:
As long as the .h and .lib files are not installed or distributed, this should be ok.

CR Number:   235992
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DW HTML
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
7.0.3 10067 25 Apr 2001 Fixed
HTML DW & Netscape Layers - layout messed up if Netscape browser resized

CR Number:   236014
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Script Painter
Status:   Open
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
Messages window shows all messages encountered. Please split this up (using a tabbed window approach would work) to house Migration, Warning, Error messages separately. Or have one show all messages with optional distribution.

CR Number:   236029
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Library Painter
Status:   Open
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
System Tree Interface Enhancement Request

- Include/Exclude full library/target path name. Most path names are way longer
than the size of the System Tree window, which then really hides the actual

- Show objects in PBL Groups/Exclude PBL groups (ie, show all objects in a
target in one sorted-by-object-type list, and exclude the PBL from the display

- Be able to Exclude certain PBL's from the system tree, although included in
the target. For example, exclude the PFC libraries from view

- Compress/Hide Ancestor stuff (such as Functions/Events/Properties etc),
especially when there's no code.

- Combine Overloaded functions into expandable list (I want to see that there is
a TriggerEvent, but I don't care that there are seventeen variations unless I'm
actually looking for one of those variations).

CR Number:   236038
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DB Oracle
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11 Apr 2001 Fixed
Different query syntax is generated between versions 6.5 and 7.0 when a retrieval argument has a null value, thereby changing the result set. A null is being handled differently in 7.0+ in terms of the syntax that is being generated. PB5 and PB 6.5, dw retrieval with NULL argument (arg), was submitted to Oracle database with following where clause "where <column_nme> = :arg" --> "where <column_nme> = NULL"

where as in PB703 the same datawindow with same arguments is submitted as follows :

"where <column_nme> IS NULL"

It should be noted that "WHERE <column> = NULL" is not ANSI compliant syntax. Various DBMS vendors behave differently:

DB2/MVS treated this as illegal syntax

Oracle, ASA, Informix return 0 rows

ASE, MS SQL Server, and DB2 for AS/400 treat this the same as <column> IS NULL

Nevertheless, some customers have insisted that they want datawindows to generate WHERE <column> = NULL. To satisfy this request, the Oracle native drivers have a DBParm called GenerateEqualsNull=1.

CR Number:   236066
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   DB Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
02 Mar 2004 Third Party Problem
If you look at a View's definition in its property sheet, it contains the column names. If you drag that view to the database painter ISQL session, it doesn't contain column names.

PER DEVELOPMENT: This is due to a limitation in the database vendor's client software. See also CR 220099.

CR Number:   236112
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   PB GUI
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
22 Mar 2001 Not a Bug
The Recent Object List has sequence numbers for only up to 10 objects. The items appear after 10 objects in the list but not the actual number.

CR Number:   236120
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   PB GUI
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
02 Apr 2001 Not a Bug
PB8.0 Beta4: Edit Source on object saves changes even when an error occurs

Developer's comments:
Use with caution
Although the Source editor provides a quick way to make global changes, you should use it with caution, and you must be familiar with the syntax and semantics of PowerScript source code before changing it in the Source editor.
Changes you make to an object's source code using the Source editor take effect immediately when you save the object, before the code is validated. If an error message displays in the Output window, you must fix the problem in the Source editor before you close the editor. If you do not, you will not be able to open the object in a painter.

Reworked note in User's Guide description of Source editor (also added to Help on Source editor):

CR Number:   236122
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Window Painter
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   8.0 Beta 4
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
5026 23 Apr 2001 Fixed
Window with large number of controls causes a crash. Customer believes this is a problem with large length of control names (totaled for the window).

CR Number:   236126
Product Name:   PB Enterprise
Product Component:   Language - Runtime
Status:   Closed
OS:   MS Windows NT 4.0
Original Version:   7.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
25 Feb 2004 EOL'd version. Not to be Fixed.
Memory leaks at runtime with repeated connects/disconnects


Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库恢复工具ReadASADB:

之前就已经研发成功了能够从Sybase SQL Anywhere的DB文件中恢复数据的工具: ReadASADB。
此工具支持ASA v5.0, v6.0, v7.0, v8.0, v9.0, v10.0, v11.0, v12.0, v16.0, v17.0等版本。
能够从损坏的SQL Anywhere数据文件(.db)和UltraLite数据文件(.udb)上提取数据的非常规恢复工具。
恢复Sybase SQL Anywhere的工具在国内处于领先水平。

Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库恢复工具ReadASADB功能
能够从损坏的SQL Anywhere数据文件(.db)和UltraLite数据文件(.udb)上提取数据的非常规恢复工具
  1. 适用于所有的SQL Anywhere版本    包括:5.x,6.x,7.x,8.x,9.x,10.x,11.x,12.x,16.x,17.x
  2. 适用于所有的UltraLite版本
  3. 能够恢复出来表结构和数据
  4. 能够恢复自定义数据类型
  5. 能够恢复存储过程等对象的语法
  6. 能够导出到目标数据库
  7. 能够导出到SQL文件并生成导入脚本
  8. 支持多种字符集,包括:cp850、cp936、gb18030、utf8等
  9. 能够恢复未加密或者简单加密类型的数据
  10. 简单易用
  11. 限制:不支持AES加密的数据文件
请参考:研发成功了从Sybase SQL Anywhere的DB文件上恢复数据的工具
            SQL Anywhere数据库非常规恢复工具ReadASADB使用介绍

Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库恢复工具ReadASADB适用场景


  1. 误截断表(truncate table)
  2. 误删除表(drop table)
  3. 错误的where条件误删数据
  4. 误删除db或log文件
  5. 误删除表中的字段

Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库恢复工具ReadASADB的应用场景:

1.因为物理磁盘故障、操作系统、系统软件方面或者掉电等等原因导致的Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库无法打开的情况;
2.误操作,包括truncate table,drop table,不正确的where条件导致的误删除等;
Sybase SQL Anywhere无法打开时,比较常见的错误是:Assertion failed。
1、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed:201819 ( Checkpoint log: invalid bitmap page -- transaction rolled back
2、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed:201819 ( Page number on page does not match page requested -- transaction rolled back
3、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed:200502 ( Checksum failure on page 23 -- transaction rolled back
4、File is shorter than expected
5、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 201116 Invalid free list index page found while processing checkpoint log -- transaction rolled back
6、*** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 51901 Page for requested record not a table page or record not present on page
7、*** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 201417 ( Invalid count or free space offset detected on a table page
8、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 201425 ( Invalid count or free space offset detected on a free list page -- transaction rolled back.
9、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 100702 ( Unable to modify indexes for a row referenced in rollback log -- transaction rolled back



能够从损坏的Sybase ASE设备文件(.dat)上提取数据的非常规恢复工具。

Sybase ASE数据库恢复工具READSYBDEVICE的主要功能:

  1. 被勒索病毒加密数据文件及备份文件情况下的恢复;
  2. 系统崩溃只剩下数据文件的情况下的恢复,甚至数据库文件不存在而只有损坏的备份文件情况下的恢复;
  3. 因断电、硬盘坏道等造成数据库文件损坏情况下的恢复;
  4. delete数据恢复、误update数据恢复、误删除表(drop)恢复、误truncate表恢复 等;
  5. 各种Sybase内部系统表损坏、索引错误的修复;
  6. master数据库损坏而无法正常运行情况下的恢复;
  7. Sybase数据库被标记为可疑,不可用等情况的恢复;
  8. Sybase数据库中数据文件内部出现坏块情况下的恢复;
  9. Sybase数据库无数据文件但有日志文件的情况下的恢复;
  10. Sybase数据库只有数据文件无任何日志文件的情况下的恢复;
  11. Sybase数据文件被误删除情况下的碎片提取恢复;
  12. 磁盘阵列上的Sybase数据库被误格式化情况下的数据库恢复;
  13. 数据库sysobjects等系统表损坏无法正常应用情况下的恢复;
  14. Sybase数据库还原数据库出现失败情况下的恢复;
  15. Sybase数据库只剩下损坏的备份文件情况下的恢复。

Sybase ASE数据库恢复工具READSYBDEVICE支持的版本:

Sybase ASE 11.0.x,11.5.x,11.9.x,12.0.x,12.5.x,15.0.x,15.5.x,15.7.x,16.0.x


SQL Server数据库恢复工具SQLRescue:

一个不依赖数据库管理系统、直接从SQL Server数据库文件上提取数据的业内领先的恢复工具!
能够从损坏的SQL Server数据库文件(.mdf)上提取数据的非常规恢复工具。

SQL Server数据库恢复工具SQLRescue的主要功能:

  1. 系统崩溃只剩下数据文件的情况下的恢复,即无日志文件或者日志文件损坏情况下的恢复;
  2. 断电导致数据库文件损坏情况下的恢复;
  3. 硬盘坏道造成数据库损坏情况下的恢复;
  4. 数据文件内部存在坏页情况下的恢复;
  5. 企业管理器误删除数据表记录,管理软件误删除数据表记录的恢复;
  6. 并闩锁错误、格式化、误删除后导致软件不能使用的情况;
  7. 无法读取并闩锁页sysindexes失败情况下的修复;
  8. 数据文件被误删除情况下的碎片提取恢复;
  9. 系统表损坏、索引错误、误删除数据库表、删除记录的数据找回;
  10. master数据库损坏而无法正常运行情况下的恢复;
  11. 数据文件无法附加情况下的数据恢复;
  12. 数据库被标记为可疑,质疑,不可用等情况的恢复;
  13. 数据库sysobjects等系统表损坏情况下的恢复;
  14. 数据被误(drop、delete、truncate)删除表数据的恢复,误update后的数据恢复等;
  15. 还原时报一致性错误,错误823等情况下的数据恢复,各种错误提示的数据库文件修复;
  16. 数据库被误格式化等情况下的数据库恢复;
  17. 日志收缩造成数据库损坏情况下的恢复;
  18. 仅剩损坏的备份文件情况下的恢复。

SQL Server数据库恢复工具SQLRescue技术特点:

只要SQL Server数据库的数据文件存在,我们就有办法帮您从数据文件中找回重要数据。
  1. 从数据文件中直接恢复数据
  2. 不能附加时直接恢复数据并生成新的数据库
  3. 系统表损坏的数据库修复
  4. 快速修复SQL 823错误、连接中断错误

SQL Server数据库恢复工具SQLRescue支持的版本:

Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2008R2, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017,2019。