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We supply technical support for Sybase ASE and Sybase SQL Anywhere, also have many years of experience in recovering data from damanged Sybase devices.
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随着Sybase被完全整合到SAP下,Sybase原来的支持网站被SAP Support Portal取代。
只有购买了SAP服务的用户才能使用账号登录SAP Support Portal进行介质下载、补丁升级、报Incident等。
考虑到Sybase数据库的初学者或者没有购买原厂服务的Sybase客户情况,现提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息。
在SAP Support Portal网站或者google上搜索Targeted CR List for ASE,可以看到针对不同版本的CR(CR表示Change Request)简单描述信息列表。
需要注意的是:Targeted CR List for ASE列出的CR虽然绝大多数是BUG,但有一些是更改需求。
以下提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息!


QQ :289965371 联系我们获取数据库技术支持!


CR Number:   443135
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   Install
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 future
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
01 Nov 2006 Duplicate
DBD::ASAny is not included in IQ for UNIX.

Please access the following URL, when you use DBD::ASAny with IQ.

Workaround Description
 DBD::ASAny is downloaded from CPAN site.

CR Number:   443138
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   other
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 future
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
23 Nov 2009 Fixed
perl interface(DBD::ASAny) is explained to New Features in Sybase IQ 12.6.

But DBD::ASAny must install ASA. This driver cannot be used only by IQ.

CR Number:   443179
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Unknown
Original Version:   12.6
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.8 05 Dec 2006 Fixed
12.7 e02 16 Nov 2006 Fixed
If the schema changed for one or more of the tables that participate

in a join index, then subsequent operations involving tables in the

join index could report an error from db_joinindex_id.cxx.

CR Number:   443300
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e06.x
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
15.0 23 Jul 2008 Fixed
Request feature that allows ability to log in and reset an expired password like in ASE.

CR Number:   443448
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   SA Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Windows 2000
Original Version:   12.7
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
03 Oct 2006 Duplicate
Customer has a query with a convoluted set of nested AND clauses which include DATE comparison and conversion arguments. If there is an incorrect date format entered into the query it crashes the server instead of throwing an error message. This is a regression of behaviour that has come into the 12.6. ESD and 12.7 codeline (prior to 12.6 esd7 the ASA Error -157 with SQLSTATE = ' 53018' error message is thrown OK).

CR Number:   443840
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   Sybase Central
Status:   Closed
OS:   Unknown
Original Version:   12.7
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 17 Jan 2007 Fixed
When using Sybase Central to connect to a IQ server running on Linux using an aliased IP address, the Multiplex folder did not open or could not be selected, preventing adding new query servers.

CR Number:   443846
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.7 e01
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e03 20 Apr 2007 Fixed
15.0 1 24 May 2007 Fixed
After upgrading from IQ Release 12.6, or earlier, to IQ

Release 12.7 or later, sp_iqrelocate might report an -1006002

"IQ internal error" on any table that contains a column with

NULL values, if that table has not been modified since the

Workaround Description
 Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2007 10:57:21 -0400 (EDT)

From: Kurt Deschler <kdeschle@sybase.com>

To: Radha Srinivasan <radha@sybase.com>

cc: Roland McKenney <rmckenne@sybase.com>, Tamilla I Talishinskaya <tamilla@sybase.com>

Subject: Re: Reproduction of CR# 443846

This problem occurs when sp_iqrelocate opens an FP index readwrite for the

very first time since the database has been started with 12.7. The problem

is that opening the column readwrite instantiates a column nulls bitmap

and leaves it in a state that sp_iqrelocate is not expecting.

The workaround is to force all columns to be opened RW using empty

update statements per the following example. This can be done safely for

all tables in the database using the following SQL:



declare updstmt varchar(255);

declare curs cursor for

select 'update "'||sysusers.name||'"."'||table_name||

'" set "'||column_name||'"="'||column_name||'" where 0 = 1;'

from systable,syscolumn,sysusers

where systable.table_id = syscolumn.table_id

and sysusers.uid=systable.creator

and file_id = 16384;

open curs with hold;

lp: loop

fetch curs into updstmt;

if SQLCODE <> 0 then leave lp; end if;

message updstmt to console;

execute immediate updstmt;


end loop;

close curs;



Once the existing (pre-12.7) tables have been updated, this problem should

not re-occur.


Kurt and Roland

Kurt Deschler

Sybase IQ DML Group



CR Number:   443851
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e06.x
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e08 12 Oct 2006 Fixed
11 Oct 2006 Fixed
12.7 e01 23 Oct 2006 Fixed
Under certain circumstances, a DELETE statement involving

a view or derived table in the FROM clause that used the

same table alias as the delete table, may delete rows from

the view or derived table with the duplicate alias.

In order for the issue to occur, all of the following

conditions must be true: 1)The DELETE statement has a FROM clause with multiple entries and one of those entries is a view or derived table; 2) An identical alias is used for both the delete table and a table in the view or derived table; 3) The delete table precedes the view or derived table in the FROM clause; 4) The view or derived table does not contain a DISTINCT clause, GROUP BY clause or any aggregates in its select list; and 5) The DELETE statement determines there are rows to be deleted based on the statement criteria.
Workaround Description
 Make sure you are not using the same alias in the delete that could have been used in the view (which is part of the delete sql)

CR Number:   443862
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Unknown
Original Version:   12.7 e01
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 20 Dec 2006 Fixed
12.8 01 May 2007 Fixed
If a query contains multiple aggregate functions (aggregate on different arguments)

that contains NULL values, an error from dfe_MinMaxAggregate.cxx could be reported.

CR Number:   443878
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Windows 2000
Original Version:   12.7 e01
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e03 1 27 Jul 2007 Fixed
On Windows, the iqheader utility did not work on RAW partitions.

CR Number:   444016
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Unknown
Original Version:   future
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
01 Nov 2006 Duplicate

CR Number:   444430
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   SA Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Linux Red Hat
Original Version:   12.6 e06.x
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e08 21 Nov 2006 Fixed
12.7 e02 28 Nov 2006 Fixed
12.7 future 05 Dec 2006 Fixed
Under rare circumstances, a query containing a SELECT TOP could

return fewer rows than specified.

CR Number:   444471
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   SA Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Windows NT
Original Version:   12.6 e06.x
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 01 Feb 2007 Fixed
Column is returned as nullable even if it was created as non-nullable.

CR Number:   444887
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Linux Red Hat
Original Version:   12.6 e06.x
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e08 02 Nov 2006 Fixed
A server could fail with a signal 11 if the HG index was used to evaluate a

range and the PBV algorithm was selected.

CR Number:   445745
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e07
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e09 04 Jan 2007 Fixed
Inserting a string larger than the column size and having a SELECT in the INSERT caused a non-fatal stack trace in df_Heap.cxx.
Workaround Description
 Use INSERT INTO <tablename> values <columns> instead of using a SELECT in the INSERT.

CR Number:   446054
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   SA Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Windows NT
Original Version:   12.7
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
03 Jun 2009 Fixed
ODBC API SQLGetTypeInfo returns wrong SQL data type value with ODBC 3.x.

CR Number:   446660
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e07
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e06 09 Jul 2010 Fixed
12.7 e06 22 Jan 2009 Fixed
If a temporary store dbspace UFS file is accidentally overwritten by another file, then the server will detect the damage and not start. In this event, the server will report "Unexpected throw from IQ command" and a message will be logged into the iqmsg file:

To repair this,start the server with the '-iqnotemp' switch and drop the affected temporary dbspace. Then shutdown and restart the server normally.

CR Number:   446704
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   Install
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.7
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
17 Jun 2008 Presently Not Targeted For Any Future Release Of This Product
Incorrect tar file names in the readme provided with download for IQ 12.7 32 bit odbc driver kit

CR Number:   446942
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Unknown
Original Version:   12.7
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
26 Jan 2007 Fixed
Invalid query with missing group by clause and an invalid expression could result in a server failure

CR Number:   446953
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.7
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 04 Dec 2006 Fixed
12.8 04 Dec 2006 Fixed
A UNION all view with multiple NULL values doesn't return expected rows.
Workaround Description
 See CR description

CR Number:   446964
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e07
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e08 20 Nov 2006 Fixed
DROP VIEW from a query server resulted in a misleading error message.

CR Number:   446967
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Unknown
Original Version:   12.6 e06.x
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12 Feb 2007 Not a Bug
option TEMP_EXTRACT_NAME1 allow user to output the file to local to client

CR Number:   446968
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Unknown
Original Version:   12.6 e06.x
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.8 12 Dec 2006 Fixed
12.7 e02 06 Dec 2006 Fixed
12.7 e02 19 Dec 2006 Fixed
12.7 e02 20 Mar 2007 Fixed
Column headings in isql and dbisql were inconsistent when calling the same procedure.

CR Number:   447061
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Unknown
Original Version:   12.7
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 16 Jan 2007 Fixed
The start_asiq utility referred to "hard-coded" logfiles directory.

CR Number:   447069
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   SunOS
Original Version:   12.6 e07
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e08 20 Nov 2006 Fixed
01 Dec 2006 Fixed
Propagating ALTER TABLE RENAME to query servers caused running query servers to abort if the table_id of the table being renamed was greater than 65535. The workaround for this problem is to manually stop and synchronize all query servers after performing an ALTER TABLE RENAME on a table with table_id greater than 65535.

CR Number:   447374
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   Documentation
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.7
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
15.0 09 Nov 2006 Not a Bug
Add documentation for dblic in IQ docs

CR Number:   447454
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   SA Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Unknown
Original Version:   12.6 e06.x
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e08 17 Nov 2006 Fixed
Tape diagnostic messages should only be reported to the


CR Number:   447914
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e06.x
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 09 Jan 2007 Fixed
12.6 e09 09 Jan 2007 Fixed
Select statement without a FROM clause in UNION ALL returned error intcode: -121 "Permission denied: you do not have permission to select from view01".

CR Number:   447918
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.7 e01
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 06 Dec 2006 Fixed
12.8 08 Dec 2006 Fixed
12.8 16 Feb 2007 Fixed
A query involving a view that was a UNION ALL of two SELECTs in the FROM clause

and a date comparison in conjunction with an OR operator could cause server failure.

CR Number:   447992
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   Documentation
Status:   Closed
OS:   Linux Red Hat
Original Version:   12.6 e07
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
future 16 Nov 2006 Presently Not Targeted For Any Future Release Of This Product
Quick Reference manual of Sybase IQ does not exist.

CR Number:   448072
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
Original Version:   12.7 e01
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 02 Feb 2007 Fixed
12.8 06 Feb 2007 Fixed
If a SQL code contains accented characters, the SQL running through ODBC may produce a stack trace in function dfo_cOrderBy.cxx 311
Workaround Description
 ODBC can not be used for such SQL.

CR Number:   448140
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   SA Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Linux Red Hat
Original Version:   12.6 e04
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
15.0 05 Mar 2009 Insufficient priority to fix
IQ cannot debug procedure by multiple users. As for debugging work, only single user is allowed.

CR Number:   448232
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   Sybase Central
Status:   Closed
OS:   Windows 2000
Original Version:   12.7 e01
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
04 Dec 2006 Presently Not Targeted For Any Future Release Of This Product
ddl generated using IQ plugin for a dbspace does not contain file size

CR Number:   448244
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Open
Original Version:   12.6 e06.x
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
Support encrypted password feature with ASEJDBC remote class

CR Number:   448641
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e08
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
The JRE patch level has been updated to resolve a situation where the implementation of RSA signature verification in SSL/TLS or other application scenarios may incorrectly verify forged signatures leading to security vulnerability.

CR Number:   448642
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e08
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e08 14 Dec 2006 Fixed
The JRE patch level has been updated to resolve a situation where the implementation of RSA signature verification in SSL/TLS or other application scenarios may incorrectly verify forged signatures leading to security vulnerability.

CR Number:   448736
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   Documentation
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.7
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
15.0 04 Dec 2006 Presently Not Targeted For Any Future Release Of This Product
Include complete patch list in addition to RPK

CR Number:   448737
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   Install
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.7
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 14 Jan 2007 Fixed
12.8 17 Jan 2007 Fixed
The sybinstall utility failed to recognize existence of LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 variables.

CR Number:   448901
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.7 e01
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 06 Dec 2006 Fixed
12.8 06 Dec 2006 Fixed
sp_iqindexadvice may cause server failure if the option Index_Advisor_Max_Rows is

set to a value larger than 30 and the server accumulates at least 30 distinct advice messages.

CR Number:   449116
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e08
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e09 19 Dec 2006 Fixed
A query on a column with a two-byte FP index and 65536 distinct values might incorrectly return no rows.
Workaround Description
 The work around in this case is to convert the 2 Byte FP Index on the column

to a Flat FP. There is no direct way of doing this.

We suggest the following:

1) Customer adds one new row with a dummy distinct value in the actual_end_time column.

They will need to add just one more distinct value as there are already 65536

distinct values.

2) Verify that they have a flat style FP on the actual_end_time column.

3) Remove the row that was added with a dummy value.

CR Number:   449393
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   SA Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e07
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e09 20 Dec 2006 Fixed
The following combination of conditions could result in a IQ server failure with stack trace:

- a stored procedure references a user-defined function in the search-condition of an IF statement

- the function calls a procedure with OUTPUT or INOUT parameters

- the function then calls another procedure

CR Number:   449501
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e06.x
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e09 07 Jan 2007 Fixed
Updating a column with a LF index in an upgraded database experienced slow performance. The performance penalty depended on the number of distinct values in the LF and the number of rows to be updated.
Workaround Description
 *** Monday, December 04, 2006 3:16:39 PM *** vbhaskar ***

As suggested in customer case 11202426, replacing LF index with HG index works fine.

CR Number:   449513
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e08
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.8 17 Jan 2007 Fixed
12.7 e02 17 Jan 2007 Fixed
12.7 e02 22 Jan 2007 Fixed
Under certain circumstances, a query containing a correlated subquery

could report a non-fatal error "cannot evaluate expression"

depending on the cardinality of the data.

CR Number:   449521
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   SA Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Unknown
Original Version:   12.6
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e09 20 Dec 2006 Fixed
12.7 e02 13 Dec 2006 Fixed
Insert into a local table with a select from a derived table

where the derived table involves both local and remote tables

may cause server failure.

CR Number:   449573
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e07
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
23 Jan 2007 Presently Not Targeted For Any Future Release Of This Product
Ability to load space & zero-length columns at the same time

CR Number:   449578
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   SA Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e07
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e10 27 Mar 2007 Fixed
12.7 e02 07 Mar 2007 Fixed
If the ROWID function was used on an alias to a view,

then server failure occurred instead of reporting the

error that ROWID over a view is not supported.

CR Number:   449707
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   SA Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Unknown
Original Version:   12.6
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e09 12 Jan 2007 Fixed
12.7 e02 13 Dec 2006 Fixed
When executing a .NET application that executes a stored procedure,

the second time the application was executed, a "cursor not open" error was reported.

CR Number:   449762
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e09 14 Jan 2007 Fixed
12.7 e02 14 Jan 2007 Fixed
12.6 e09 18 Jan 2007 Fixed
12.7 e02 26 Feb 2007 Fixed
IQ server failure or an unresponsive server on shutdown could randomly occur when the thread memory size allocated on server startup exceeded 4GB. The thread memory size

is the product of the -iqmt value multiplied by the -iqtss value.
Workaround Description
 Workaround described in description is to use -iqtss and -iqmt settings

that keep total Thread Memory Size below 4Gb

CR Number:   449963
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Unknown
Original Version:   12.7 e01
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
23 Jan 2007 Not a Bug
Ability to make a backup based on creator of objects.

CR Number:   451346
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Open
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.7 future
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
Using dbisqlc in IQ 12.6 or 12.7, if we use following method to connect to the server from remote machine, dbisqlc -c 'dsn=shashi_demo', and then after get connected if we issue command, "connect database asiqdemo user DBA identified by SQL' then the connection is failed and any commands issued after this will not work, until this command is issued every thing works fine.

Using dbisqlc for IQ 12.5 ad using IQ 12.5 same thing works without any problem. On IQ 12.6 and 12.7 it fails. So it seems to be problem intoduced in IQ 12.6 and up.

Problem is not observed when connected to the IQ server from same host machine on which IQ is residing.
Workaround Description
 Do not use "Connect database .........." command if connect to the database using dbisqlc -c 'dsn=engine_name' Method.

CR Number:   451471
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Windows 2000
Original Version:   12.7
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 01 Mar 2007 Fixed
12.8 16 Mar 2007 Fixed
If a query contains a join with multiple primary join

conditions, where one of the join keys is equated to

a constant value expression in another condition and

where the optimizer selected either the SMJ or the

SMPDJ algorithm for the join, then that query could

under some circumstances be rejected with a non-fatal

internal error stating that the input to a join

operator was "not ordered as required".
Workaround Description
 The best work around is to disable the optimization which

is causing the problem by:

set temporary option dml_options5 = 524288;

This option can, if necessary, be set public.

CR Number:   451556
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e07
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e09 10 Jan 2007 Fixed
Under certain circumstances a query containing case expression, that may return different data types, may return incorrect values or result in a server failure. The result is dependant on various conditions including the case expressions involving computations, data volume and available indexes.

CR Number:   451777
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e07
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e10 30 Apr 2007 Fixed
Under certain circumstances, a grouped "union all view" type query

where each arm is grouped may return extra rows.
Workaround Description

1) set option parallel_gbh_enable = 'off';

2) create a lf index on the prd.FR_COMISSION.COMIS_ORIGIN_SYS column

Number 2 is obviously a better choice because it improves the performance as well.

CR Number:   451844
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Open
Original Version:   12.7
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
We have had a number of AIX customers have issues where the IQ process is killed by the OS when the OS detects it is running low on free paging-space blocks and starts hitting virtual memory running low condition. In AIX if this condition is detected the OS sends out a SIGDANGER(33) to active processes. If the condition persists it will chooses processes to kill to alleviate the condition, usually the biggest consuming process.

Can IQ be improved to see if there may be a way to better handle this condition so that IQ is not killed abruptly and cause recovery issues / problems. Could IQ issue a warning, or would there be a way to tell the OS not to select it, or even if IQ tries to dynamically reduces its requirements to alleviate the problem. Obviously this would be dependant on what the OS does, i.e. its not clear yet if the OS issues the SIGDANGER(33) then immediately start killing processes, and if so what signals does it send.

We are already aware that the underlying condition can be avoided by configuring more memory / paging space ... etc. etc. However in reality its not always possible or desirable for a customer site to provide excessively large amounts of these resources, so some degree of tuning is done based on 'normal' requirements, hence from time to time customers can and do hit this issue. Can we make it a little less painfull for them?

CR Number:   451899
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   Utility
Status:   Closed
OS:   Windows 2003
Original Version:   12.7 e01
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 09 Jan 2007 Fixed
12.6 e09 09 Jan 2007 Fixed
On Windows 64-bit, the Sybase IQ Service Manager incorrectly

used a 32-bit file path when entering the service.
Workaround Description
 Please change registry key.


"C:\Program Files\Sybase\ASIQ-12_7\win32\asiqsrv12.exe" "....."

to ...

"C:\Program Files\Sybase\ASIQ-12_7\x64\asiqsrv12.exe" "....."

CR Number:   452026
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 02 Mar 2007 Fixed
12.8 14 Mar 2007 Fixed
A query with many productions (expression evaluations) could take a long time to execute.
Workaround Description
 No workaround

CR Number:   452526
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   SA Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e07
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e09 18 Jan 2007 Fixed
When attempting to display a result set that contained numeric data that could not be displayed, dbisql java could return the message "There was an error reading the results of the SQL statement. The displayed results may be incorrect or incomplete." This error message has been replaced with the the textual representation of the value that is returned by the server.

CR Number:   453050
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
Original Version:   12.6 e07
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e09 19 Jan 2007 Fixed
12.7 e02 19 Jan 2007 Fixed
12.8 25 Jan 2007 Fixed
Under certain conditions, an IQ server could fail at s_blockmap.cxx:2198

while executing operations that update HG indexes or LOB columns after

adding a dbspace that was assigned block numbers larger than 4 billion.

CR Number:   453588
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e08
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e10 08 May 2007 Fixed
sp_iqcheckdb on a read-only database caused the server to fail.

CR Number:   454166
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   Install
Status:   Closed
OS:   Windows XP
Original Version:   12.6 e09
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e10 26 Jun 2007 Fixed
12.7 e03 1 12 Jun 2007 Fixed
Under certain circumstances, Starting Sybase IQ Service Manager from Start/Programs/Sybase/Adaptive Server 12.6/Sybase IQ Service Manager

might fail with the error "This application has failed to start because

the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application

may fix this problem."

CR Number:   454490
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   SA Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e08
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e10 27 Apr 2007 Fixed
12.7 e03 27 Apr 2007 Fixed
DBISQL could display LONG VARCHAR, BINARY, LONG BINARY or VARBINARY values as empty, if the "Show multiple result sets" option was ON and the truncation length was set to zero.

CR Number:   454784
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.7
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e03 09 Jul 2007 Fixed
Starting a multiplex query server with a local store with

the -iqro 1 startup option failed.

CR Number:   454965
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.7 e01
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 15 Feb 2007 Fixed
12.8 15 Feb 2007 Fixed
A non-fatal exception error in dfp.cxx could be reported on

a query which involved a view which contained a UNION ALL of

2 SELECTS in the FROM clause and a WHERE clause with a

BETWEEN condition on 2 dates and an OR condition.

CR Number:   455667
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   SA Component
Status:   Closed
Original Version:   12.6 e07
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 08 Mar 2007 Fixed
12.6 e10 11 Apr 2007 Fixed
In rare circumstances, the server might fail if multiple connections

ran the same procedure concurrently and the procedure contained a

control statement (for example, IF) with a condition that used a subselect.

CR Number:   455702
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e08
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e10 23 Mar 2007 Duplicate
IQ is unable to resolve index names of same name table and temp table.

CR Number:   455820
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.7 e02
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
15.0 16 Nov 2009 Not a Bug
The issue does not exist in IQ 15.0 or later, since from IQ 15.0 on, query servers do

not have local stores anymore, eliminating this kind of name collisions causing emergency

shutdown of the query server.

CR Number:   456013
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Unknown
Original Version:   12.7 e01
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 02 Mar 2007 Fixed
12.8 16 Mar 2007 Fixed
A UNION of a numeric data type column to the NULL value

reported an "Incompatible data types in UNION" error.

CR Number:   456280
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   SA Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Windows XP
Original Version:   12.7
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e03 01 Aug 2007 Fixed
The ADO.NET driver of IQ 12.7 registered the wrong file to Visual Studio 2005.

CR Number:   456316
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Open
OS:   Unknown
Original Version:   12.7 e01
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)

CR Number:   456456
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   SunOS
Original Version:   12.6
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e10 11 May 2007 Fixed
15.0 02 Jan 2008 Fixed
12.6 e10 11 May 2007 Fixed
12.7 e03 11 May 2007 Fixed
15.0 21 May 2007 Fixed
The IQ server failed in attempting to set the option IDENTITY_INSERT on a global temporary table, if the SET OPTION command was the first operation after connecting and was the

first access of the global temporary table.

CR Number:   456533
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   SA Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e08
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e10 03 May 2007 Fixed
12.7 e03 25 Apr 2007 Fixed
A complex join involving more than 38 tables in the

join took a long time to be optimized.

CR Number:   456591
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Unknown
Original Version:   12.7
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 01 Mar 2007 Fixed
12.8 16 Mar 2007 Fixed
A query could return a non-fatal error from s_bm.cxx if it referenced a column

containing null values that was created in 12.6 or earlier and that column

had not yet been modified in 12.7.

CR Number:   456647
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Windows XP
Original Version:   12.7
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e03 25 Jun 2007 Fixed
Other 08 May 2007 Presently Not Targeted For Any Future Release Of This Product
When creating a proxy table, if Japanese was contained in the Oracle table name,

creation of the proxy table failed.

CR Number:   456808
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Linux Suse
Original Version:   12.7 e02
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 05 Mar 2007 Fixed
12.8 16 Mar 2007 Fixed
A query with search condition "<=ALL" or ">=ALL" may fail to return data. For example,

select col1, col2 from table1 where

col1>=ALL( select col1 from table2 where col1=1 )

order by col1, col2;

CR Number:   460713
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   Utility
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e08
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
05 Mar 2007 Not a Bug
temp table not found when created part of the batch & when executed from dbisql

CR Number:   461029
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   SunOS
Original Version:   12.6
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e10 26 Apr 2007 Fixed
12.6 e10 18 Apr 2007 Fixed
12.7 e03 26 Apr 2007 Fixed
15.0 02 Jan 2008 Fixed
15.0 18 Apr 2007 Fixed
12.7 e03 18 Apr 2007 Fixed
If the 'literal' supplied for the NULL column-spec was wider than 3956 bytes, columns might not be recognized as NULL, even if the data matched the literal specified for the NULL column-spec.

CR Number:   461174
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e09
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e03 08 May 2007 Fixed
15.0 02 Jan 2008 Fixed
Under certain circumstances, a non-fatal error "cannot evaluate expression"

might occur, if dml_options5=1073741824 was set.
Workaround Description
 do not set any value for dml_option5

CR Number:   461369
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
Original Version:   12.6 e09
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e10 18 May 2007 Fixed
12.7 e03 19 Apr 2007 Fixed
When a query had a single inline view which contained many UNION ALL branches and the first UNION ALL branch had a misspelled function, for example "UBSTR()", a server

failure could occur.

CR Number:   461593
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e09.x
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.8 24 Apr 2007 Fixed
12.7 e03 24 Apr 2007 Fixed
15.0 24 Apr 2007 Fixed
12.7 e03 24 Apr 2007 Fixed
Sybase IQ ignored the declared precision/scale of a variable and promoted the variable to a larger precision that is not supported by Open Client isql, resulting in the CT-LIBRARY error "An invalid numeric precision was received."
Workaround Description
 A workaround for the issue when using isql is to cast the value,

for example: select cast(@numvar as numeric(15,0)) from iq_dummy.

CR Number:   461665
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   other
Status:   Closed
OS:   Linux Red Hat
Original Version:   12.6 e08
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e03 11 Jul 2007 Fixed
15.0 2 10 Sep 2008 Fixed
12.7 e03 15 Aug 2007 Fixed
15.1 23 Jun 2009 Fixed
stop_asiq on Linux 64-bit failed to find servers to shutdown when username was longer than 8 characters. See the Release Bulletin for information on the new optional stop_asiq parameter -user.

CR Number:   461762
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
Original Version:   12.6 e09
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e10 30 May 2007 Fixed
12.7 e03 29 Jun 2007 Fixed
The following conditions in a query could return unexpected results: 1) UNION ALL, 2) DISTINCT on UNION arms, 3) Left outer joins in the union arms, 4) Columns with multi-column HG indexes in the SELECT list of UNION arms.
Workaround Description

There is workaround to disable the use of multi-column HG index for the

query by setting DML_Options3 to 8192.

But the above option looks partially works. it doesn't make customer's query return correct data.

CR Number:   461876
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   SA Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e09
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
15 Mar 2007 Not a Bug
Incorrect syntax goes into inefficient way of processing, rather than erroring. This causes the connection to hang , if left alone for a long period and sometimes not being able to drop the connection. Only way out is to recycle the reader node.

CR Number:   462158
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Open
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e06.x
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
IQ server crashes if it runs out of main buffer cache instead of giving error

CR Number:   462333
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e06.x
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
23 Apr 2007 Presently Not Targeted For Any Future Release Of This Product
12.7 e03 04 May 2007 Fixed
15.0 04 May 2007 Fixed
Under certain circumstances, a query server could shutdown when a user canceled commands in transactions waiting on Table Level Versioning (TLV) versions.

CR Number:   462334
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
Original Version:   12.6 e08
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e10 28 Mar 2007 Fixed
Sybase IQ shut down with a fatal error because a call to pthread_mutex_destroy returned EBUSY.

CR Number:   462390
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
Original Version:   12.6 e09.x
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e10 16 May 2007 Fixed
15 May 2007 Workaround
A query returns an internal node error when a derived column is based on a RANK function on a derived column.
Workaround Description
 Available W/R may be using temp table for derived table in query,instead of origin query.

CR Number:   462733
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Windows XP
Original Version:   12.7 e01
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 22 Mar 2007 Fixed
12.8 28 Mar 2007 Fixed
12.6 e10 16 May 2007 Fixed
When the option INFER_SUBQUERY_PREDICATES is ON, a query

involving a join and a NOT IN subquery where the subquery could

infer the predicate from a join condition could return unexpected

results, since the "NOT" condition was dropped. In order to infer

the predicate from the join condition, the data types of the join column

and subquery column must be identical.
Workaround Description
 set IN_Subquery_Preference = '-2' (avoid vertical IN subquery)

CR Number:   462762
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Linux Red Hat
Original Version:   12.7 e01
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 20 Mar 2007 Fixed
12.6 e10 30 Apr 2007 Fixed
A query with a MIN or MAX aggregate could return an empty result

instead of the expected NULL value under the following conditions:

1) There were no GROUP BY items associated with the MIN/MAX.

2) The argument of the MIN/MAX could be simplified into a constant.

(For example: SELECT MAX(a) FROM t WHERE a=6)

3) No result rows satisfied the query predicate.
Workaround Description
 The workaround is to turn on dml_options5 = 524288

CR Number:   462766
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Open
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e06.x
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
Option to log more info when IQ shuts down

CR Number:   462773
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Open
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e06.x
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
Provide option to limit rows returned from a particular object for a user

CR Number:   462788
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Open
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e06.x
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
Allow load/extract table to use file from/to remote file system

CR Number:   463015
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   SA Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Windows 2000
Original Version:   12.6 e07
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e10 30 Apr 2007 Fixed
An ADO.NET provider Exception Type "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"

could occur when connection pooling is enabled and many users are concurently connected.

CR Number:   463160
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
Original Version:   12.6 e08
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e10 18 May 2007 Fixed
12.7 e05 12 May 2008 Fixed
The server might fail while running the sp_iqrowdensity stored procedure, reporting a stack trace at st_server.cxx: function.
Workaround Description
 restart the IQ

CR Number:   463195
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e08
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e03 13 Apr 2007 Fixed
12.6 e10 18 Apr 2007 Fixed
In a SQL batch, a cursor opened WITH HOLD could keep Temporary IQ

block usages increasing, until the cursor was closed and the connection

was disconnected. The workaround is not to use the cursor WITH HOLD

Workaround Description
 Avoid using cursor "with hold" option

CR Number:   463558
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
Original Version:   12.6 e08
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.6 e10 29 May 2007 Fixed
12.7 e03 skamat 21 Aug 2007 Fixed
If a multiplex database was created with IQ PAGE SIZE 512KB (524288) and the write server was started with startup option "-iqnotemp 1", then the server failed, producing a stack trace.

CR Number:   463754
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   other
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.7
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 09 Apr 2007 Fixed
15.0 28 Jan 2008 Fixed
Under certain circumstances, queries involving CLOB or BLOB columns and a subquery could unexpectedly return the error "Feature, DISTINCT or GROUP BY against long binary/varchar data, is not supported."

CR Number:   463774
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   IQ Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.7 e01
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02.x 12 Apr 2007 Fixed
12.7 e03 18 Apr 2007 Fixed
Under certain circumstances, a query that referenced a BINARY

or VARBINARY UNION ALL view column as a distinct or grouping column

could return a non-fatal internal error.

CR Number:   463784
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   Documentation
Status:   Closed
OS:   Unknown
Original Version:   12.7 e03
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e09 16 Mar 2010 Fixed
ECC protocol restriction for ESD #3 clients

Sybase IQ 12.7 ESD #3 clients and servers have been updated to use Certicom v5 libraries

for Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption, HTTPS encryption, and aes_fips database

encryption on the following platforms: AIX64, Linux AMD64, Sun64, and Windows 32-bit.

This update changes product behavior in a single instance. To connect a version 12.7

ESD #3 Network Client to a 12.6 Sybase IQ server encrypted, you must use the RSA

protocol. Attempts to connect encrypted to unpatched or 12.6servers using the Elliptic

Curve Cryptography (ECC) protocol return error code -829: TLS handshake failed.

CR Number:   463881
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   SA Component
Status:   Closed
OS:   Windows 2000
Original Version:   12.7
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.7 e02 27 Mar 2007 Fixed
An attempt to create a Proxy Table using server class 'aseodbc'

when the remote table name contained an underscore would fail

with the error "The remote table <table name> could not be found."

(Duplicate CR 454785)
Workaround Description
 create a view in ASE for the table that does not use underscores.

CR Number:   463892
Product Name:   IQ
Product Component:   Utility
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   12.6 e07
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
21 Jul 2008 Deferred
provide option to add multiple lines in dbisql -nogui mode


Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库恢复工具ReadASADB:

之前就已经研发成功了能够从Sybase SQL Anywhere的DB文件中恢复数据的工具: ReadASADB。
此工具支持ASA v5.0, v6.0, v7.0, v8.0, v9.0, v10.0, v11.0, v12.0, v16.0, v17.0等版本。
能够从损坏的SQL Anywhere数据文件(.db)和UltraLite数据文件(.udb)上提取数据的非常规恢复工具。
恢复Sybase SQL Anywhere的工具在国内处于领先水平。

Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库恢复工具ReadASADB功能
能够从损坏的SQL Anywhere数据文件(.db)和UltraLite数据文件(.udb)上提取数据的非常规恢复工具
  1. 适用于所有的SQL Anywhere版本    包括:5.x,6.x,7.x,8.x,9.x,10.x,11.x,12.x,16.x,17.x
  2. 适用于所有的UltraLite版本
  3. 能够恢复出来表结构和数据
  4. 能够恢复自定义数据类型
  5. 能够恢复存储过程等对象的语法
  6. 能够导出到目标数据库
  7. 能够导出到SQL文件并生成导入脚本
  8. 支持多种字符集,包括:cp850、cp936、gb18030、utf8等
  9. 能够恢复未加密或者简单加密类型的数据
  10. 简单易用
  11. 限制:不支持AES加密的数据文件
请参考:研发成功了从Sybase SQL Anywhere的DB文件上恢复数据的工具
            SQL Anywhere数据库非常规恢复工具ReadASADB使用介绍

Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库恢复工具ReadASADB适用场景


  1. 误截断表(truncate table)
  2. 误删除表(drop table)
  3. 错误的where条件误删数据
  4. 误删除db或log文件
  5. 误删除表中的字段

Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库恢复工具ReadASADB的应用场景:

1.因为物理磁盘故障、操作系统、系统软件方面或者掉电等等原因导致的Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库无法打开的情况;
2.误操作,包括truncate table,drop table,不正确的where条件导致的误删除等;
Sybase SQL Anywhere无法打开时,比较常见的错误是:Assertion failed。
1、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed:201819 ( Checkpoint log: invalid bitmap page -- transaction rolled back
2、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed:201819 ( Page number on page does not match page requested -- transaction rolled back
3、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed:200502 ( Checksum failure on page 23 -- transaction rolled back
4、File is shorter than expected
5、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 201116 Invalid free list index page found while processing checkpoint log -- transaction rolled back
6、*** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 51901 Page for requested record not a table page or record not present on page
7、*** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 201417 ( Invalid count or free space offset detected on a table page
8、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 201425 ( Invalid count or free space offset detected on a free list page -- transaction rolled back.
9、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 100702 ( Unable to modify indexes for a row referenced in rollback log -- transaction rolled back



能够从损坏的Sybase ASE设备文件(.dat)上提取数据的非常规恢复工具。

Sybase ASE数据库恢复工具READSYBDEVICE的主要功能:

  1. 被勒索病毒加密数据文件及备份文件情况下的恢复;
  2. 系统崩溃只剩下数据文件的情况下的恢复,甚至数据库文件不存在而只有损坏的备份文件情况下的恢复;
  3. 因断电、硬盘坏道等造成数据库文件损坏情况下的恢复;
  4. delete数据恢复、误update数据恢复、误删除表(drop)恢复、误truncate表恢复 等;
  5. 各种Sybase内部系统表损坏、索引错误的修复;
  6. master数据库损坏而无法正常运行情况下的恢复;
  7. Sybase数据库被标记为可疑,不可用等情况的恢复;
  8. Sybase数据库中数据文件内部出现坏块情况下的恢复;
  9. Sybase数据库无数据文件但有日志文件的情况下的恢复;
  10. Sybase数据库只有数据文件无任何日志文件的情况下的恢复;
  11. Sybase数据文件被误删除情况下的碎片提取恢复;
  12. 磁盘阵列上的Sybase数据库被误格式化情况下的数据库恢复;
  13. 数据库sysobjects等系统表损坏无法正常应用情况下的恢复;
  14. Sybase数据库还原数据库出现失败情况下的恢复;
  15. Sybase数据库只剩下损坏的备份文件情况下的恢复。

Sybase ASE数据库恢复工具READSYBDEVICE支持的版本:

Sybase ASE 11.0.x,11.5.x,11.9.x,12.0.x,12.5.x,15.0.x,15.5.x,15.7.x,16.0.x


SQL Server数据库恢复工具SQLRescue:

一个不依赖数据库管理系统、直接从SQL Server数据库文件上提取数据的业内领先的恢复工具!
能够从损坏的SQL Server数据库文件(.mdf)上提取数据的非常规恢复工具。

SQL Server数据库恢复工具SQLRescue的主要功能:

  1. 系统崩溃只剩下数据文件的情况下的恢复,即无日志文件或者日志文件损坏情况下的恢复;
  2. 断电导致数据库文件损坏情况下的恢复;
  3. 硬盘坏道造成数据库损坏情况下的恢复;
  4. 数据文件内部存在坏页情况下的恢复;
  5. 企业管理器误删除数据表记录,管理软件误删除数据表记录的恢复;
  6. 并闩锁错误、格式化、误删除后导致软件不能使用的情况;
  7. 无法读取并闩锁页sysindexes失败情况下的修复;
  8. 数据文件被误删除情况下的碎片提取恢复;
  9. 系统表损坏、索引错误、误删除数据库表、删除记录的数据找回;
  10. master数据库损坏而无法正常运行情况下的恢复;
  11. 数据文件无法附加情况下的数据恢复;
  12. 数据库被标记为可疑,质疑,不可用等情况的恢复;
  13. 数据库sysobjects等系统表损坏情况下的恢复;
  14. 数据被误(drop、delete、truncate)删除表数据的恢复,误update后的数据恢复等;
  15. 还原时报一致性错误,错误823等情况下的数据恢复,各种错误提示的数据库文件修复;
  16. 数据库被误格式化等情况下的数据库恢复;
  17. 日志收缩造成数据库损坏情况下的恢复;
  18. 仅剩损坏的备份文件情况下的恢复。

SQL Server数据库恢复工具SQLRescue技术特点:

只要SQL Server数据库的数据文件存在,我们就有办法帮您从数据文件中找回重要数据。
  1. 从数据文件中直接恢复数据
  2. 不能附加时直接恢复数据并生成新的数据库
  3. 系统表损坏的数据库修复
  4. 快速修复SQL 823错误、连接中断错误

SQL Server数据库恢复工具SQLRescue支持的版本:

Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2008R2, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017,2019。