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考虑到Sybase数据库的初学者或者没有购买原厂服务的Sybase客户情况,现提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息。
在SAP Support Portal网站或者google上搜索Targeted CR List for ASE,可以看到针对不同版本的CR(CR表示Change Request)简单描述信息列表。
需要注意的是:Targeted CR List for ASE列出的CR虽然绝大多数是BUG,但有一些是更改需求。
以下提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息!


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CR Number:   497646
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
9.0.2 3655 14 Apr 2008 Fixed
If a database connection ended and the JVM stopped, the Java class finializers were not called, which is correct Sun JDK behaviour. If Java classes had opened network or JDBC connections to other servers or applications, then these connections were not closed as well. In order to close these connections, or to release other resources, the application can call the Java method System.runFinalizersOnExit( true ), which force the JVM to run the finalizers of all not finalized classes. Althrough the call is deprecated in JDK 1.2 and above, it will still work in these versions. In version 10 and above applications can also use shutdown hooks to release resources. A fix has been now made so that the finalizers now run correctly at JVM stop, if the above method has been called. If no class instance is created, and a resource assigned to a static member should be released, the application may use an Uninit class as in the sample below:

public class SampleClass {

private static Uninit uniniter = null;

public static Connection conn = null;

static {

try {

uniniter = new Uninit();

System.runFinalizersOnExit( true );

conn = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:sybase:TDS:RemoteServer:2638", props );


catch ( Exception e ) {

System.out.println( "Error: " + e.getMessage() );






CR Number:   497880
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
15 Apr 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3677 15 Apr 2008 Fixed
The server could have failed assertion 202001 while executing a query, if a temporary table was scanned that contained a string longer than the database page size. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   497887
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1198 17 Apr 2008 Fixed
If a 10.0 database, that had been initialized without jConnect support, was upgraded without explicitly requesting that jConnect support not be added, the upgrade would have failed. The upgrade attempted to insert duplicate rows into a system table. This has been fixed by having the insert use ON EXISTING SKIP.

A workaround is to perform the upgrade and request that jConnect support not be added. This can be done using the "-i" option of dbupgrad, or with: ALTER DATABASE UPGRADE JCONNECT OFF

CR Number:   497932
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   OLEDB Client Library
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1196 16 Apr 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3678 16 Apr 2008 Fixed
The 64-bit version of the OLE DB provider could have caused a page fault and terminated. This problem has been fixed.

CR Number:   497937
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   OLEDB Client Library
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1194 17 Apr 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3677 17 Apr 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 3651 17 Apr 2008 Fixed
The following problems with the OLE DB provider have been corrected:

- conversion of multibyte strings to wide character strings (DBTYPE_WSTR) was not being done correctly for non-UTF8 character sets.

- DBTYPE_BYREF parameters were not supported.

- the provider would have crashed in the OLE DB Execute method when prepared statements did not have their parameter information set using the OLE DB SetParameterInfo method.

CR Number:   498031
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Utilities
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1201 17 Apr 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3680 17 Apr 2008 Fixed
The MobiLink File Transfer utility (mlfiletransfer) did not send liveness packets. This meant that for downloads of large files, the MobiLink server would have timeouted the client. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   498056
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Synchronization Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1198 17 Apr 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3678 17 Apr 2008 Fixed
Scripts can be created that use user-defined parameters that are denoted by the {ml u.parm} syntax. Some ODBC drivers have a problem though with how the MobiLink server translates the SQL statement which would pass the parameter with IN/OUT attributes. This can now be overcome by using the new notation {ml ui.parm}. The MobiLink server will now pass this parameter with IN attributes.

A workaround previous to this new feature would be to code the script as a stored procedure call.

CR Number:   498183
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   JDBC Client Library
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   8.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1199 17 Apr 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3678 17 Apr 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 3653 17 Apr 2008 Fixed
In very rare circumstances, the iAnywhere JDBC driver may have crashed when a connection was being closed. This problem has now been fixed.

CR Number:   498198
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows 2000
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1210 24 Apr 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3683 24 Apr 2008 Fixed
In certain cases, altering a string column could have produced orphaned blobs. These orphans would have shown up as errors when a validation (dbvalid or VALIDATE statement) was run on either the database or the table. For this problem to have occurred, the table must have contained at least two string columns, with (at least) one column containing "long" strings, i.e., strings larger than approximately one database page. If a column other than the one containing long strings was altered to a size smaller than its inline amount, and then altered to a size larger than its inline amount, the long strings would have become orphaned. Note that the default inline amount for a CHAR column is 256. This has now been fixed.

For example:

CREATE TABLE test(col1 long varchar, col2 char(1000))

// ... insert long data into col1




A workaround to the validation failure is to rebuild the database using dbunload or the Unload wizard in Sybase Central.

CR Number:   498204
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
10.0.1 3682 22 Apr 2008 Fixed
The server could have crashed shortly after starting a database with dbspaces that had no deletes or updates performed on them. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   498337
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
9.0.2 3656 22 Apr 2008 Fixed
Queries with complex WHERE condition containing at least one element of the form "( col1 > constant1 AND col1 < constant2 ) OR expression", with constant1 < constant2, may have incorrectly returned more rows.

For example the following query will return rows with value 0 and 8 for column "a":



( a > 0 AND a < 2 ) OR ( a > 1 AND a < 3 ) OR ( a > 2 AND a < 4 ) OR

( a > 3 AND a < 5 ) OR ( a > 4 AND a < 6 ) OR ( a > 5 AND a < 7 ) OR

( a > 6 AND a < 8 ) OR ( a > 8 AND a < 10 ) OR ( a > 9 AND a < 11 ) OR

( a > 10 AND a < 12 ) OR ( a > 11 AND a < 13 ) OR ( a > 12 AND a < 14 )

This has been fixed.

CR Number:   498343
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Utilities
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows 2000
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1408 03 Jun 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3699 03 Jun 2008 Fixed
11.0.1 1843 14 Nov 2008 Fixed
When the visual version of the Dbmlsync Integration Component activex was used on Japanese Windows XP, the font selected for the log window did not support Japanese characters. As a result any Japanese text printed to the log window was garbled. An appropriate font is now used.

CR Number:   498393
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1234 22 Apr 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3682 15 May 2008 Fixed
When sending diagnostic tracing data to a remote database, if the tracing database was stopped, or the connection to it was interrupted, before diagnostic tracing was stopped, the database server could have crashed. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   498395
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   DBLIB Client Library
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1410 21 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3709 13 Jun 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 3678 13 Jun 2008 Fixed
11.0.1 1856 14 Nov 2008 Fixed
In vary rare circumstances, a Solaris client application may have crashed when attempting to connect to a server. This would have occurred if the communications initialization code failed to allocate some memory. This has been fixed. The client connect request will now receive a -86 "Client out of memory" error in these instances.

CR Number:   498529
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1206 21 Apr 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3682 21 Apr 2008 Fixed
A cursor using a temporary table and a procedure call could have resulted in a server crash. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   498533
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ISQL
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1223 06 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3688 06 May 2008 Fixed
The -onerror command line option was being ignored if the Interactive SQL utility was not connected to a database. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   498540
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Sybase Central Plug-in
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1523 24 Oct 2008 Fixed
11.0.1 1995 14 Nov 2008 Fixed
When connected to a database mirroring system, viewing the Database Mirroring section of the Overview tab in Sybase Central would have displayed an incorrect value for the primary server's state file when the full path for the state file was specified on the server's command line. This has been corrected.

CR Number:   498568
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1206 22 Apr 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3682 22 Apr 2008 Fixed
If a user U1 with DBA authority granted permissions on a table or view to another user U2, and then DBA authority was revoked from U1, U2's permissions should have been affected immediately. Instead, this change did not appear until the database was restarted. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   498583
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1207 22 Apr 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3682 22 Apr 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 3656 22 Apr 2008 Fixed
The server would have rejected a SOAP request containing XML comments with a '400 Bad Request' status. This has been fixed. Comments are now ignored by the server.

CR Number:   498727
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1209 23 Apr 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3682 23 Apr 2008 Fixed
Starting the server with the command line option -x none (or -x shmem), and no -xs option, causes the server to only listen for connections requests over shared memory. However, if the -z switch was also used in this case, messages about TCP initialization were still displayed. This has been corrected so that these messages will no longer be displayed in this case.

CR Number:   498793
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ISQL
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1210 24 Apr 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3683 24 Apr 2008 Fixed
When the Interactive SQL utility was run in console mode, if there was an error fetching rows from a result set, the cause of the error (if known) was not being displayed. This has been fixed. Note that this problem existed only in console mode; when run as a windowed program, the full error information was displayed.

CR Number:   498860
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1210 23 Apr 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3683 23 Apr 2008 Fixed
If a database was backed up, and then an attempt to create a proxy table was made shortly after the backup finished, then there is a likely possibility that the server would have hung. This problem has now been fixed.

CR Number:   498876
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1223 06 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3686 06 May 2008 Fixed
Under very rare conditions, the server could have hang during a rowscan over a table that had character or binary data. For this problem to have occurred, the data must have been longer than the column's INLINE amount, which defaults to 256 bytes, for both BINARY and CHAR types. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   498902
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1210 23 Apr 2008 Fixed
The value returned when calling property('MaxRemoteCapability') would have been 1 higher than the number of the last remote capability. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   499112
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
9.0.2 3658 28 Apr 2008 Fixed
In certain cases where character set conversion was applied to character data, the server could have gone into an infinite loop, consuming nearly 100% of CPU usage. For this problem to have occurred, the source string must have either contained null bytes, or characters that were ill-formed or illegal in the database character set. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   499233
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1212 25 Apr 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3684 25 Apr 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 3658 25 Apr 2008 Fixed
The server may have got into an infinite loop trying to convert an invalid date, time or timestamp value to an integer. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   499250
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1212 28 Apr 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3684 28 Apr 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 3658 28 Apr 2008 Fixed
When creating or altering a SERVICE that required a statement, a check was missing to ensure that the service was properly configured with either a SELECT or a CALL statement. A misconfigured service would have always returned a '400 Bad Request' HTTP status for all requests. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   499252
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1212 29 Apr 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3684 29 Apr 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 3658 29 Apr 2008 Fixed
HTTP response headers were not set as expected if the SERVICE made a nested call to an inner procedure from where the sa_set_http_header() system procedure was called. Headers cannot be set by the inner procedure because the server has already sent the headers prior to the call. This has been fixed so that calling sa_set_http_header, when the HTTP headers have already been sent, will now result in a SQL error: Invalid setting for HTTP header.

CR Number:   499301
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Java Plugin for Sybase Central
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1212 28 Apr 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3684 28 Apr 2008 Fixed
When using the New Remote Tables command to add a table to a remote schema in a synchronization model, if the consolidated table had columns matching the timestamp column for timestamp-based download, or logical delete column for logical deletes, then an invalid column mapping would have been created. This would have caused script generation errors. This has been fixed. A work around would be to create a new sync model.

CR Number:   499313
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Sybase Central Plug-in
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1215 29 Apr 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3685 29 Apr 2008 Fixed
It would not have been possible to connect to a "Generic ODBC" database if the password contained any of the following characters: "[]{}(),:?=!@". This has been corrected for all but the equals sign "=", the rest are now allowed.

CR Number:   499440
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1215 28 Apr 2008 Fixed
The system function YMD(), may have returned an invalid date from the input arguments. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   499484
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1219 06 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3688 06 May 2008 Fixed
The comparison of two strings may not have worked incorrectly when using the UCA collation. For this problem to have occurred, the strings must have been longer than 1024 bytes, have been linguistically equal in the characters of the first 1024 bytes, but have been binary distinct.

For example, on a UCA database:

select if repeat('a', 1024) || 'a' = repeat('a', 1024) ||'b'

then 'equal'

else 'not equal'


would return 'equal'. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   499504
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Sybase Central Plug-in
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1215 29 Apr 2008 Fixed
During Application Profiling in Sybase Central, attempts to specify a profiling log in the option "Use The Profiling Information In The Following Profiling Log File As A Baseline For Comparison", of Profiling Settings tab of the Database Properties window, could have failed with an error. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   499522
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1216 29 Apr 2008 Fixed
If the Unload utility (dbunload) was started with the -ep command line option, but without -ar or -an, the prompt dialog box would have displayed the string "Please enter the encryption key for ???:". This has been fixed. The string now reads "Please enter the encryption key for the data files:".

CR Number:   499683
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1217 30 Apr 2008 Fixed
The SQL Anywhere server performs security checks when executing a query to make sure that the user has the necessary permissions for the operation. Under certain circumstances, involving complex queries and/or views, the server could have incorrectly raised a permissions error when the operation should have been allowed. Conversely, the server could have failed to reject an operation that should not have been permitted. This has been fixed so tha the server now applies permission checks correctly.

CR Number:   499702
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
9.0.2 3661 06 May 2008 Fixed
Queries using the set operators UNION, EXCEPT or INTERSECT, on tables with publications, may have returned a "column/table 'x' not found" error. This has been fixed.
Workaround Description
 Do not use variable definition for the cursor.

CR Number:   499874
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ISQL
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1217 30 Apr 2008 Fixed
Only users with DBA authority were allowed to run the Index Consultant from Interactive SQL. This has been corrected so that users with DBA or PROFILE authority are now permitted

to use the Index Consultant.

CR Number:   499897
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1218 01 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3686 01 May 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 3660 01 May 2008 Fixed
When a remote procedure call was made, if it contained a bigint parameter then an incorrect value for the bigint parameter would have been sent to the remote server. This problem has now been fixed.

CR Number:   499956
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1224 01 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3689 08 May 2008 Fixed
If queries used an index, where the index keys were long, then in some situations, the server could have crashed. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   499958
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ISQL
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1404 02 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3688 02 May 2008 Fixed
11.0.1 1813 14 Nov 2008 Fixed
Pasting more than a couple of million characters into dbisql could have caused the editor to become unresponsive, and eventually report an out of memory error. This has been fixed so that a check is now done to determine if there is enough memory to insert the text and display an error message if there is not.

CR Number:   499959
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   QAnywhere server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1218 01 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3686 01 May 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 3882 28 Aug 2009 Fixed
With ASA databases the QAnywhere server caches prepared statements to avoid re-preparing them on each statement execution. During periods of high activity however, the server could have reported "Resource governor for 'prepared statements' exceeded", followed by the failed execution of a SQL statement. This problem has now been fixed.

CR Number:   499969
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   iAS Branded ODBC Drivers
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1218 01 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3686 01 May 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 18 Jun 2008 Fixed
When the event of a download_cursor, or a download_delete_cursor, in a MobiLink server synchronization logic was written as:

{call procedure_name( ?, ? )}

for consolidated databases running on an Oracle server, the iAS ODBC driver for Oracle may have given the error:

ORA-06553: PLS-306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'procedure_name'

if the stored procedure returned a result set and the word, "call" was not all in lower-case. This has now been fixed.

CR Number:   500005
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
10.0.1 3635 02 May 2008 Fixed
During diagnostic tracing, nonvolatile statistics could have been recorded incorrectly. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   500007
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
10.0.1 3635 02 May 2008 Fixed
Under rare circumstances, a server running diagnostic tracing could have crashed if the database that was being profiled contained triggers. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   500017
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1219 06 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3687 06 May 2008 Fixed
The ATTACH TRACING statement could have failed if the database character set was different from the OS character set, and the server name and/or database name of the tracing database contain multibyte characters. This has been fixed for cases when conversion between the OS character set and database character set is not lossy.

Note that using multibyte characters in server and/or database names is not recommended for profiling, especially if the tracing database is started on a different physical server than the database being profiled.

CR Number:   500074
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1226 23 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3695 23 May 2008 Fixed
A join that included tables containing long strings (roughly one database page or greater in size) may have taken a disproportionate amount of time to complete, or to respond to a cancel. This delay would have increased as the number of rows containing long string data increased. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   500076
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1219 06 May 2008 Fixed
The use of the DISH SERVICE as the SOAP endpoint for SQL Anywhere applications is now enforced. A SOAP SERVICE may now be configured with a METHODS 'NONE' clause to stipulate that no HTTP methods directed to the given service will be processed. Access to the given SOAP service is only processed through a DISH service that exposes the given SOAP service (i.e. by stipulating a GROUP clause).

In addition, the METHODS clause for a DISH service may now be modified to only allow the POST HTTP method (i.e. METHODS 'POST') which effectively disables access to the WSDL (which is returned by an HTTP GET request), but permits the processing of SOAP requests (which use HTTP POST).

Note that SQL Server application developers should test intended SOAP client toolkits to ensure that an HTTP GET request is not made to the DISH service prior to issuing the SOAP request. Some clients may do this to determine whether or not the definitions to the SOAP operations have changed.

- New METHODS value:


The NONE specifier, when provided, must be the only value in the METHODS clause, e.g.: METHODS 'NONE'. For ease of use, 'NONE' is applicable for any SERVICE. It is intended to be used only for SOAP services, it is not a substitute for SERVICE DISABLE, since a SOAP SERVICE with METHODS 'NONE' will still process requests proxied through a DISH service. When a SOAP service is disabled, it will not process any request through any service.

CR Number:   500092
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
10.0.1 3688 06 May 2008 Fixed
Inserting a string of length L, where L was slightly less than 8*db_property('pagesize') (i.e. within about 13 bytes), into a compressed column could have caused a server crash, or assertion 202000 ("Invalid string continuation at row id ..."). This has been fixed.

CR Number:   500123
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   DBLIB Client Library
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   8.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1219 06 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3687 06 May 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 3661 06 May 2008 Fixed
An embedded SQL application may have hung if all of the following conditions were true:

- the applicaiton had registered a DB_CALLBACK_CONN_DROPPED callback using db_register_a_callback()

- the application called db_fini to free the resources associated with a sqlca.

- there was a least one active connection associated the sqlca (i.e. there was a connection that had not been disconnected)

This was more likely to occur on a Unix system (including Linux and Mac OSX), than on Windows systems. This has been fixed.

A work-around is to ensure that all connections are disconnected prior to calling db_fini();

CR Number:   500125
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   JDBC Client Library
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1408 03 Jun 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3699 03 Jun 2008 Fixed
11.0.1 1843 14 Nov 2008 Fixed
When using the JDBC 3.0 version of the iAnywhere JDBC Driver and calling the method DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(), a result set with only 18 columns would have been returned, instead of 22 columns. Note that the extra 4 columns are in effect meaningless since they provide metadata for Ref types which are not supported in the iAnywhere JDBC driver. Nevertheless, the problem has now been fixed and the method now returns a result set with 22 columns. Using the JDBC 2.0 version of the iAnywhere JDBC Driver will continue to return a result set with 18 columns as expected.

CR Number:   500128
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1219 06 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3687 06 May 2008 Fixed
The server could have crashed with a division by 0 error when specific repeat() expressions appearred in a query. For this problem to have occurred, the expression in the repeat() function must have specified an NCHAR string literal of zero-length (i.e., N''). The query must also compare the strings in some fashion.

For example:

select repeat(N'',row_num) x

from rowgenerator

group by x

This has now been fixed.

CR Number:   500302
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1222 06 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3688 06 May 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 3662 06 May 2008 Fixed
A SQL Anywhere SOAP SERVICE Soapfault was returned with the HTTP response header "Content-Type: text/html" when the given service had encountered a protocol or parse error. This has been fixed; a "Content-Type: text/xml" is now returned.

CR Number:   500319
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ISQL
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1222 06 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3688 06 May 2008 Fixed
On the Index Size tab of the Index Consultant, radio buttons for usable options were displayed greyed out as if they were disabled. Other options corresponding to radio buttons were enabled, and could have been selected. This has been corrected so that the options do not appear greyed out when they are enabled.

CR Number:   500354
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Sybase Central Plug-in
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1222 06 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3688 06 May 2008 Fixed
When running with a screen resolution of 800x600, the Tracing Wizard would not have fit onto the screen. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   500482
Product Name:   UltraLite
Product Component:   Runtime Libraries
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows 2000
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1223 07 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3688 07 May 2008 Fixed
Incorrect diagnostics could have been generated when there were comma-specified joins followed by operation-specified joins (LEFT OUTER JOIN, for example), and an ON condition in the operation-specified joins referenced a column from the comma-separated joins. This was now bee corrected.

A work-around is to place the comma-separated table expressions in parentheses. For a query such as:

SELECT * FROM tab1, tab2, tab2 LEFT OUTER JOIN tab4 ON tab4.x = tab1.y

the work-around is to rewrite the query as:

SELECT * FROM ( tab1, tab2, tab2 ) LEFT OUTER JOIN tab4 ON tab4.x = tab1.y

CR Number:   500489
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Solaris
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
10.0.1 3772 26 Sep 2008 Fixed
Attempting to start the server may have failed with the error "License file not found" if the followng conditions were true:

- the server was running on one of the Unix platforms (Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, or Mac OSX), and the executable was located in a nonstandard location. i.e. it is not in bin32 or bin64 directory

- the associated license file was in the same directory as the server (which is where it should be)

- the PATH environment variable did not contain the directory where the executable was located

- the support libraries (libdbserv10_r.so, libdbtasks10_r.so, etc) were located in a different directory than the executable

- the user's current working directory was not the same directory as where the executable was located

- when attempting to start the server a full or relative pathname to the executable was specified

This has been fixed. The server will now start correctly.

Work arounds include:

- add the directory that contains the server executable to the PATH

- make the executable directory the current directory before starting the server

- name the directory that contains the executable bin32 or bin64

CR Number:   500501
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1223 06 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3688 06 May 2008 Fixed
If one of the encryption componentss (ie dbecc10.dll, dbrsa10.dll, dbfips10.dll) became corrupted, it was possible for the server to return an error the first time it was used, and then crash the second time. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   500505
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Sybase Central Plug-in
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1223 06 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3688 06 May 2008 Fixed
After creating a new tracing database using the Tracing Wizard, the Create Database button remained enabled. This has been corrected so the the button is now disabled after the database is created successfully, and re-enabled only if database file name, user name, or password fields are changed.

CR Number:   500507
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1408 30 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3698 30 May 2008 Fixed
11.0.1 1842 14 Nov 2008 Fixed
If a proxy table referred to a table in a DB2 database and had a BLOB column, then attempting to insert data into the BLOB column would have caused syntax errors. Note that this problem did not exist if the column was instead defined as "LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA", which more closely mapped to the SA "long binary" datatype. Nevertheless, the problem with inserting into DB2 BLOB columns has now been fixed.

CR Number:   500517
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   8.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1223 06 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3688 06 May 2008 Fixed
If the AppInfo connection parameter contained non-ASCII characters, and the database charset and the OS charset were different, the non-ASCII characters would have appeared mangled when printed out to the console as part of an abnormal disconnection message, or when the connection was being established if the -z switch was used. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   500522
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1223 06 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3688 06 May 2008 Fixed
When running the server on multicore Intel x64 hardware, with 64 bit operating systems, the server could have missed opportunities for optimization and intra-query parallelism. This has been fixed. Note, using 32 bit software on these same platforms did not exhibit these problems.

CR Number:   500523
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1222 06 May 2008 Fixed
After executing:

create login policy test1 password_expiry_on_next_login = on;

create user u1 identified by sql login policy test1 force password change off;

attempting to connect to u1 using DBISQL caused a prompt for a new password. The "force password change off" clause on the CREATE USER statement should have prevented this prompt. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   500653
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1224 08 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3689 08 May 2008 Fixed
If a table participated in a publication, it was possible for the server to have failed assertion 100905 ("Articles on the table use do not match those on the table definition") while processing an UPDATE statement that affected the table. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   500656
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1226 09 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3690 09 May 2008 Fixed
The server may have returned an invalid numeric value when a value of type Double was cast to a numeric type that was too small. This has been fixed

CR Number:   500661
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   OLEDB Client Library
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1230 13 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3691 13 May 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 3665 13 May 2008 Fixed
When the database option "Blocking" was set to "Off", an attempt to read rows using the SQL Anywhere OLEDB provider, from a table that has some or all of its rows locked, would have resulted in the error DB_S_ENDOFROWSET being returned, which means "no more rows". The error that should be returned was DB_E_TABLEINUSE ("The specified table was in use"). This problem has been fixed. Now, when ExecuteReader is called, the error "User 'DBA' has the row in 'Customers' locked" is reported.

The following .NET example can be used to illustrate the problem. Suppose another connection is inserting rows into the Customers table. Then the following example should result in an error when "blocking" is "off".

OleDbConnection conn2 = new OleDbConnection("Provider=SAOLEDB;DSN=SQL Anywhere 10 Demo");


OleDbTransaction trans2 = conn2.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);

OleDbCommand cmd2 = new OleDbCommand("SELECT FIRST Surname FROM Customers", conn2, trans2);

OleDbDataReader reader2 = cmd2.ExecuteReader();

while (reader2.Read())


String s = reader2.GetString(0);



CR Number:   500700
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1224 08 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3689 08 May 2008 Fixed
Applications using ODBC.Net could not have been executed with the Runtime Server. The error displayed when attempting to execute a query would have been:

Triggers and procedures not supported in runtime server

This has now been corrected.

CR Number:   500825
Product Name:   UltraLite
Product Component:   UltraLite Engine
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows 2000
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1225 09 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3689 09 May 2008 Fixed
Attempting to execute queries where the number of join operations exceeded 15, could have caused the UltraLite runtime to crash. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   500837
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1231 13 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3691 13 May 2008 Fixed
In specific circumstances, the server could have crashed while processing a hash join. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   500900
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1225 13 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3691 13 May 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 3665 13 May 2008 Fixed
A validation check was missing when a SOAP request was made through a DISH service endpoint. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   500905
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ADO.Net Managed Provider
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1226 09 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3690 09 May 2008 Fixed
The Options dialog for the SQL Anywhere Explorer did not display properly when using a large font. This has been fixed by changing the size and location of some of the controls.

CR Number:   523709
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.1 2186 24 Mar 2009 Fixed
11.0.0 1594 24 Mar 2009 Fixed
10.0.1 3868 24 Mar 2009 Fixed
The server may have crashed when more than one Unload utility (dbunload) was run concurrently with internal rebuild (ie. -an, -ar, -ac). This has been fixed.

CR Number:   523745
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
10.0.1 3691 13 May 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 3664 13 May 2008 Fixed
The server automatically maintains columns statistics, in the form of histograms, to capture the data distribution. Under some specific circumstances, the server could have applied incorrect modifications to the automatically maintained statistics, resulting in potentially poor query access plans. Symptoms of this problem would often have been the presence of duplicate boundary values in the result set of system procedure sa_get_histogram(). This has been corrected by an update to the server's histogram maintenance algorithms.

CR Number:   523757
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   QAnywhere server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1226 13 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3691 13 May 2008 Fixed
The QAnywhere Server did not always report errors after processing a badly formatted Server Management Request (SMR). The SMRs that suffered from this problem were those that contained any XML elements that did not exactly match those expected by the server (ie, misspelled elements, or elements not included in the DTD), in which case the processing of the request would fail silently. This has been fixed so that the QAnywhere server will now report an error whenever it comes across an unrecognized XML element. The QAnywhere server will now also validate the XML elements in a case insensitive way. As long as the opening tag matches the closing tag, the case is ignored.

CR Number:   528330
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   JDBC Client Library
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   8.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1226 13 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3690 13 May 2008 Fixed
If an application closes a connection that had statements or prepared statements open, then there was a very small possibility that the application would have crashed. This has now been fixed.

CR Number:   528358
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1228 13 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3690 13 May 2008 Fixed
If a query plan had a Hash Group By that used a low memory strategy, and there was a SUM() aggregate over a NUMERIC or DECIMAL value, then the wrong answer could have been returned. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   528359
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1228 13 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3690 13 May 2008 Fixed
When a hash-based execution strategy was used for INTERSECT, EXCEPT, or a semi-join, it was possible for the wrong answer to be returned in specific situations when the operator used a low-memory execution strategy. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   528430
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ADO.Net Managed Provider
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
9.0.2 3666 14 May 2008 Fixed
Calling the methods ExecuteReader or ExecuteScalar with parameters, would have resulted in a memory leak in the 2.0 provider. This problem has been fixed.

CR Number:   528627
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1233 15 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3692 15 May 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 3666 15 May 2008 Fixed
Selectivity estimates could have been incorrectly updated if a query with predicate of the form "T.x <op> expr( T.y ) or expr( T.y ) <op> T.x" was executed. These

incorrect predicate selectivity estimates could have lead to lower quality query access plans. When "expr" was an expression referencing one (or more) columns of table with correlation name T, selectivity estimates could have be updated with the assumption that "expr(T.y)" was constant for the duration of the query. This has been fixed.

For example:

SELECT t.x, t.y, t.z

FROM tx AS t

WHERE t.x <= t.y + 1

CR Number:   528650
Product Name:   SQL Remote for SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Anywhere
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   5.5.04
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1232 14 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3691 14 May 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 3665 14 May 2008 Fixed
If the precision for a DECIMAL or NUMERIC column was greater than 30, then SQL Remote and RepAgent would only have replicated up to 30 digits in accuracy to a remote or secondary database, and the Log Translation utility (dbtran) might only have written 30 digits in accuracy to a SQL file. The rest of the digits would have been replaced by zero. This problem has been fixed. The accuracy of the replicated/translated data should now be as high as it was stored in the original database.

CR Number:   528793
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows 2000
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
10.0.1 3704 05 Jun 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 3675 05 Jun 2008 Fixed
11.0.0 1409 05 Jun 2008 Fixed
11.0.1 1849 14 Nov 2008 Fixed
A new connection and database property called "Authenticated" has now been added. The use of these two new properties is as follows:

For OEM servers, once an application has executed the "SET TEMPORARY OPTION CONNECTION_AUTHENTICATION=" statement, the application can then turn around and execute a "SELECT connection_property( 'Authenticated' )" statement. If the result is "YES", then the connection was properly authenticated and all is well. If, however, the result is "NO", then the application can execute a "SELECT db_property( 'Authenticated' )" statement. If the result of this statement is "YES", then the database has been properly authenticated and the connection authentication failed because the CONNECTION_AUTHENTICATION string is incorrect. If, on the other hand, the result of querying the Authenticated database property is "NO", then the connection authentication failed because the database has not been properly authenticated. In this case, the customer should examine the DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION string to determine what is wrong.

For non-OEM servers, the result of querying these new properties will always be "NO".

CR Number:   528822
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1233 15 May 2008 Fixed
When performing database recovery, or running a mirror server, it was possible that index entry cleanup routines could have been called for updates that did not modify the affected index. This could have had a significant affect on performance. It was possible that this might have lead to assertion failures as well. This inappropriate cleaning has been fixed.

CR Number:   528838
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
10.0.1 3694 21 May 2008 Fixed
The server could have crashed, or failed assertion 201501 ("Page for requested record not a table page or record not present on page"), when inserting rows into a table with a clustered index that previously had rows deleted from it.

CR Number:   528978
Product Name:   SQL Remote for SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Configuration Scripts
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   8.0.3
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1234 15 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3692 15 May 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 3666 15 May 2008 Fixed
The SQL Remote Message Agent (dbremote) could have displayed the error, "SQL statement failed: (-260) Variable 'n?' not found", where ? was an integer greater than or equal to 10, if a replication table contained more than 9 columns (they could have beeb CHAR, BINARY or BIT type columns) with a data length greater than 256 bytes. This problem has now been fixed.

CR Number:   529055
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1235 15 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3693 16 May 2008 Fixed
Attempts to connect to a database using connection strings containing a database name longer than 250 bytes, would have failed, even if the database name matched in the first 250 characters. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   529075
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Other
Status:   Closed
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
10.0.1 3707 09 Jun 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 3677 09 Jun 2008 Fixed
When trying to use the database tools library on HP-UX (PARISC 32 or 64) to read a database created with a version prior to 10.0, the application would have failed with the error "could find or load the physical store DLL". This has been fixed.

CR Number:   529193
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1235 16 May 2008 Fixed
The server could have generated poorly performing query access bad plans, due to bad index statistics, and queries involving parallel index scans could have returned incorrect results. These problems have now been fixed.

CR Number:   529198
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Sybase Central Plug-in
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1235 16 May 2008 Fixed
The Index Consultant could have crashed when invoked on a version 11 database. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   529201
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1235 21 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3695 21 May 2008 Fixed
Under rare circumstances, the server could have crashed if a DML statement was executed while diagnostic tracing was being stopped by the DETACH TRACING statemented. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   529203
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
9.0.2 36666 16 May 2008 Fixed
The changes made for Engineering case 495396 inadvertently caused database names to be limited to a length of 40 bytes. This has been fixed so that database names are now correctly limited to 250 bytes.

CR Number:   529816
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ISQL
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
10.0.1 3695 21 May 2008 Fixed
The changes for Engineering case 499958 did not cover all of the possible pasting actions, and the Interactive SQL utility could still have crashed in some cases. These other cases have now been fixed as well.

CR Number:   529826
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Sybase Central Plug-in
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1407 22 May 2008 Fixed
11.0.1 1834 14 Nov 2008 Fixed
The user count in the overview database diagram could have been incorrect. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   529852
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   7.0.00
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1241 22 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3695 22 May 2008 Fixed
If a client disconnected at a specific time interval, possibly due to liveness timeout, during a positioned update statement, then the server could have failed assertion 101704 - "Unexpected state in positioned update error". This has now been fixed.

CR Number:   529855
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Sybase Central Plug-in
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1407 23 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3696 23 May 2008 Fixed
11.0.1 1834 14 Nov 2008 Fixed
Sybase Central would have crashed with a NullPointerException if a message's property sheet was opened and the message had properties with null values. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   530005
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   OLEDB Client Library
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1243 23 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3696 23 May 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 3670 23 May 2008 Fixed
The provider's implementation of the GetParameterInfo() method did not indicate whether parameters in a command were input (DBPARAMFLAGS_ISINPUT), output (DBPARAMFLAGS_ISOUTPUT), or both.

Examples of such commands are:

INSERT INTO TestTable (ID,Name) VALUES(?,?)

?=CALL TestProcedure(?,?)

This problem has been fixed. The provider now returns the correct settings. A work around is to use the SetParameterInfo() method to set the DBPARAMFLAGS_ISINPUT or DBPARAMFLAGS_ISOUTPUT flags in the DBPARAMBINDINFO structure.

CR Number:   530027
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1242 27 May 2008 Fixed
Under rare circumstances, the server could have crashed while generating graphical plans with detailed statistics, or graphical plans for diagnostic tracing with at least one tracing level of type PLANS_WITH_STATISTICS. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   530039
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   6.0.00
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1407 23 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3695 23 May 2008 Fixed
11.0.1 1835 14 Nov 2008 Fixed
When a connection is unexpectedly terminated, a message is displayed in the server console containing the AppInfo string for the client. This message was incorrectly being truncated at 255 bytes. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   530041
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ADO.Net Managed Provider
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   10.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1246 27 May 2008 Fixed
10.0.1 3697 27 May 2008 Fixed
9.0.2 3671 27 May 2008 Fixed
When an SACommand object's Connection property was null, and the methods ExecuteNonQuery, ExecuteReader or ExecuteScalar were called, a wrong error message would havew been given: "Unable to load DLL 'dbdata.dll' : The specified module could not be found."

For example:

SACommand cmd = new SACommand();

cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE customers SET name='1' WHERE name='1'";


This problem has been fixed.

CR Number:   530054
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   8.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
9.0.2 3669 23 May 2008 Fixed
When using CSCONVERT() to convert a string to UTF16, incorrect results could have been produced. This has now been corrected.

CR Number:   530124
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1243 23 May 2008 Fixed
SQL Anywhere allows login policies to be assigned to users. If a non-existent policy name was specified on the CREATE USER or ALTER USER statement, the server would have given a misleading error, or no error, respectively. This has been fixed so that the server now generates a "login policy not found" error in each case.

CR Number:   530125
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
11.0.0 1243 23 May 2008 Fixed
SQL Anywhere allows the COMMENT ON LOGIN POLICY statement to be used in order to store remarks on login policies in the database. Dropping a login policy would have failed to drop the corresponding comments from the catalog as well. This has been fixed so that the server now deletes remarks when a login policy is dropped.


Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库恢复工具ReadASADB:

之前就已经研发成功了能够从Sybase SQL Anywhere的DB文件中恢复数据的工具: ReadASADB。
此工具支持ASA v5.0, v6.0, v7.0, v8.0, v9.0, v10.0, v11.0, v12.0, v16.0, v17.0等版本。
能够从损坏的SQL Anywhere数据文件(.db)和UltraLite数据文件(.udb)上提取数据的非常规恢复工具。
恢复Sybase SQL Anywhere的工具在国内处于领先水平。

Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库恢复工具ReadASADB功能
能够从损坏的SQL Anywhere数据文件(.db)和UltraLite数据文件(.udb)上提取数据的非常规恢复工具
  1. 适用于所有的SQL Anywhere版本    包括:5.x,6.x,7.x,8.x,9.x,10.x,11.x,12.x,16.x,17.x
  2. 适用于所有的UltraLite版本
  3. 能够恢复出来表结构和数据
  4. 能够恢复自定义数据类型
  5. 能够恢复存储过程等对象的语法
  6. 能够导出到目标数据库
  7. 能够导出到SQL文件并生成导入脚本
  8. 支持多种字符集,包括:cp850、cp936、gb18030、utf8等
  9. 能够恢复未加密或者简单加密类型的数据
  10. 简单易用
  11. 限制:不支持AES加密的数据文件
请参考:研发成功了从Sybase SQL Anywhere的DB文件上恢复数据的工具
            SQL Anywhere数据库非常规恢复工具ReadASADB使用介绍

Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库恢复工具ReadASADB适用场景


  1. 误截断表(truncate table)
  2. 误删除表(drop table)
  3. 错误的where条件误删数据
  4. 误删除db或log文件
  5. 误删除表中的字段

Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库恢复工具ReadASADB的应用场景:

1.因为物理磁盘故障、操作系统、系统软件方面或者掉电等等原因导致的Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库无法打开的情况;
2.误操作,包括truncate table,drop table,不正确的where条件导致的误删除等;
Sybase SQL Anywhere无法打开时,比较常见的错误是:Assertion failed。
1、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed:201819 ( Checkpoint log: invalid bitmap page -- transaction rolled back
2、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed:201819 ( Page number on page does not match page requested -- transaction rolled back
3、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed:200502 ( Checksum failure on page 23 -- transaction rolled back
4、File is shorter than expected
5、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 201116 Invalid free list index page found while processing checkpoint log -- transaction rolled back
6、*** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 51901 Page for requested record not a table page or record not present on page
7、*** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 201417 ( Invalid count or free space offset detected on a table page
8、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 201425 ( Invalid count or free space offset detected on a free list page -- transaction rolled back.
9、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 100702 ( Unable to modify indexes for a row referenced in rollback log -- transaction rolled back



能够从损坏的Sybase ASE设备文件(.dat)上提取数据的非常规恢复工具。

Sybase ASE数据库恢复工具READSYBDEVICE的主要功能:

  1. 被勒索病毒加密数据文件及备份文件情况下的恢复;
  2. 系统崩溃只剩下数据文件的情况下的恢复,甚至数据库文件不存在而只有损坏的备份文件情况下的恢复;
  3. 因断电、硬盘坏道等造成数据库文件损坏情况下的恢复;
  4. delete数据恢复、误update数据恢复、误删除表(drop)恢复、误truncate表恢复 等;
  5. 各种Sybase内部系统表损坏、索引错误的修复;
  6. master数据库损坏而无法正常运行情况下的恢复;
  7. Sybase数据库被标记为可疑,不可用等情况的恢复;
  8. Sybase数据库中数据文件内部出现坏块情况下的恢复;
  9. Sybase数据库无数据文件但有日志文件的情况下的恢复;
  10. Sybase数据库只有数据文件无任何日志文件的情况下的恢复;
  11. Sybase数据文件被误删除情况下的碎片提取恢复;
  12. 磁盘阵列上的Sybase数据库被误格式化情况下的数据库恢复;
  13. 数据库sysobjects等系统表损坏无法正常应用情况下的恢复;
  14. Sybase数据库还原数据库出现失败情况下的恢复;
  15. Sybase数据库只剩下损坏的备份文件情况下的恢复。

Sybase ASE数据库恢复工具READSYBDEVICE支持的版本:

Sybase ASE 11.0.x,11.5.x,11.9.x,12.0.x,12.5.x,15.0.x,15.5.x,15.7.x,16.0.x


SQL Server数据库恢复工具SQLRescue:

一个不依赖数据库管理系统、直接从SQL Server数据库文件上提取数据的业内领先的恢复工具!
能够从损坏的SQL Server数据库文件(.mdf)上提取数据的非常规恢复工具。

SQL Server数据库恢复工具SQLRescue的主要功能:

  1. 系统崩溃只剩下数据文件的情况下的恢复,即无日志文件或者日志文件损坏情况下的恢复;
  2. 断电导致数据库文件损坏情况下的恢复;
  3. 硬盘坏道造成数据库损坏情况下的恢复;
  4. 数据文件内部存在坏页情况下的恢复;
  5. 企业管理器误删除数据表记录,管理软件误删除数据表记录的恢复;
  6. 并闩锁错误、格式化、误删除后导致软件不能使用的情况;
  7. 无法读取并闩锁页sysindexes失败情况下的修复;
  8. 数据文件被误删除情况下的碎片提取恢复;
  9. 系统表损坏、索引错误、误删除数据库表、删除记录的数据找回;
  10. master数据库损坏而无法正常运行情况下的恢复;
  11. 数据文件无法附加情况下的数据恢复;
  12. 数据库被标记为可疑,质疑,不可用等情况的恢复;
  13. 数据库sysobjects等系统表损坏情况下的恢复;
  14. 数据被误(drop、delete、truncate)删除表数据的恢复,误update后的数据恢复等;
  15. 还原时报一致性错误,错误823等情况下的数据恢复,各种错误提示的数据库文件修复;
  16. 数据库被误格式化等情况下的数据库恢复;
  17. 日志收缩造成数据库损坏情况下的恢复;
  18. 仅剩损坏的备份文件情况下的恢复。

SQL Server数据库恢复工具SQLRescue技术特点:

只要SQL Server数据库的数据文件存在,我们就有办法帮您从数据文件中找回重要数据。
  1. 从数据文件中直接恢复数据
  2. 不能附加时直接恢复数据并生成新的数据库
  3. 系统表损坏的数据库修复
  4. 快速修复SQL 823错误、连接中断错误

SQL Server数据库恢复工具SQLRescue支持的版本:

Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2008R2, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017,2019。