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需要注意的是:Targeted CR List for ASE列出的CR虽然绝大多数是BUG,但有一些是更改需求。
以下提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息!


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CR Number:   774060
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2052 08 Dec 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4197 08 Dec 2014 Fixed
The server may have crashed or failed assertion 106104 - "Field unexpected during compilation" when using IN list predicates that do not just contain literal constants. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   774178
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2042 12 Nov 2014 Fixed
The execution of system procedure sp_auth_sys_role_info and system view SYSUSERPERMS, which uses system procedure sp_auth_sys_role_info, had some server wide synchronization that may have delayed other requests. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   774305
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2046 18 Nov 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4191 18 Nov 2014 Fixed
Execution of the statement DROP <object-type> IF EXISTS <owner>.<object-name> would have returned the error "User ID '%1' does not exist" if <object-type> was a FUNCTION, PROCEDURE, or PUBLICATION, and there was no user named <owner>. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   774328
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2045 18 Nov 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4190 18 Nov 2014 Fixed
In rare cases, dropping a temporary procedure could have caused the server to crash. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   774333
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2044 17 Nov 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4189 17 Nov 2014 Fixed
Certain values returned by the SNMP agent may have been incorrect. This would only have happened if the values were greater than approximately 2 billion. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   774462
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2046 18 Nov 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4191 18 Nov 2014 Fixed
Under rare circumstances, the server could have crashed when describing a result set returned from a stored procedure. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   774595
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2073 20 Jan 2015 Fixed
12.0.1 4219 20 Jan 2015 Fixed
If an application had a trigger that referenced a materialized view, and if that trigger was subsequently fired while making an external environment call, then there was a chance the server could have crashed. This problem has now been fixed.

CR Number:   774600
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   OData Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2046 19 Nov 2014 Fixed
When the OData Producer's ConnectionPoolMaximum configuration option was not specified, the producer would have set the value to the maximum number of connections available on the database. This could have potentially starved others from the database. This has been fixed. The default behavior is now to set the value for this option to be half the databases maximum number of connections.

CR Number:   774671
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ISQL
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2047 20 Nov 2014 Fixed
The Interactive SQL utility would have failed to set its exit code to a non-zero value in a number of cases:

- If no connection parameters were given, but a statement was given.

- If a READ statement or the name of a SQL file was given on the command line, and the file exists, but the file could not be read for any reason.

- If an error was encountered while reading the results of a statement.

This has now been corrected.

CR Number:   774773
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2049 02 Dec 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4194 02 Dec 2014 Fixed
In very rare, timing dependent cases, if a procedure was being accessed (normally due to being called) at the same time it was being dropped or altered, the caller could have executed the previous definition of the procedure. It was also possible in extremely rare cases to drop a procedure that was already dropped, which could have caused the server to assert it was applying this second incorrect drop operation. This has been fixed so that a caller cannot access the old definition of a procedure, and so that a procedure that is already dropped cannot be dropped again.

CR Number:   774798
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2048 24 Nov 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4193 24 Nov 2014 Fixed
In rare, timing dependent cases, the server could have crashed when getting one of the CharSet, NCharCharset, ClientLibrary or Language connection properties for another connection (using connection_property( prop_name, conn_number ). This has been fixed.

CR Number:   774899
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Relay Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2047 24 Nov 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4192 24 Nov 2014 Fixed
The Relay Server State Manager (rshost) could have crashed while reporting a Relay Server configuration file error message:

"RSF11020: Missing required section <section-name> in configuration file <config-file-name>"

This has been fixed.

CR Number:   775142
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2049 27 Nov 2014 Fixed
When a statement has multiple search conditions on a single column, the server applies optimizations to combine and simplify these for two reasons:

- To identify a sargable predicate that could use an index scan.

- To improve the estimation of selectivity in order to make a better choice of access plan

For some types of queries that involved an OR or an IN list predicate, the first goal was satisfied reasonably well but the OR / IN list could have been retained, affecting selectivity estimation. In some cases, this could lead to underestimating the number of rows returned from a table scan, potentially leading to execution plans with higher costs.

This has been improved so that when multiple search conditions on a column contain an OR and/or an IN-list predicate, the predicate is simplified further.

CR Number:   775148
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2048 26 Nov 2014 Fixed
Under certain circumstances, connection_property( 'UtilCmdsPermitted', n ) could have crashed the server. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   775149
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Relay Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2048 26 Nov 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4193 26 Nov 2014 Fixed
Apache setup script could have generated duplicate lines in the <apache-install>/bin/envvars file when the script was run multiple times. The duplicate lines were generated for setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. This has now been fixed.

CR Number:   775231
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Utilities
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2048 26 Nov 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4193 26 Nov 2014 Fixed
If the Service utility (dbsvc) was used to create a service with a space in the service name (eg. dbsvc -w My service name), the service would have been created but it would not be able to start. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   775239
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Synchronization Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2048 27 Nov 2014 Fixed
The MobiLink server now supports spatial data synchronization against HANA SPS09 databases. Plain INSERT and UPDATE SQL statements can be directly used for the MobiLink server upload_insert and upload_update events if the geometry columns in the sync table are not nullable. Otherwise, stored procedures may need to be used for the upload_insert and upload_update events if the geometry columns are nullable, as HANA does not support null SRIDs, even its geometry data is null. Here are sample stored procedures for the upload_insert and upload_update events for a sync table "test" that is defined as CREATE COLUMN TABLE test ( pk INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, c1 ST_GEOMETRY(4326) ):

CREATE PROCEDURE upload_insert_proc (

IN p_pk INT,

IN p_geo BLOB,

IN p_srid INT )




INSERT INTO test (pk, c1) VALUES( :p_pk, NULL );


INSERT INTO test (pk, c1) VALUES( :p_pk, ST_GeomFromWKB(:p_geo, :p_srid) );



for the upload_insert event, and

CREATE PROCEDURE upload_update_proc (

IN p_pk INT,

IN p_geo BLOB,

IN p_srid INT )




UPDATE test SET c1 = NULL WHERE pk = :p_pk;


UPDATE test SET c1 = ST_GeomFromWKB(:p_geo, :p_srid) WHERE pk = :p_pk;



for the upload_update event.

CR Number:   775247
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2048 27 Nov 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4193 27 Nov 2014 Fixed
The value of the CurrentLineNumber connection property could have been reported incorrectly for a procedural statement (for example, SET or MESSAGE). This has been fixed.

CR Number:   775252
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ODBC Client Library
Status:   Open
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
When an error occurred in one or more rows in a rowset during an ODBC fetch operation (e.g., SQLFetch, SQLFetchScroll, SQLExtendedFetch), the wrong row number was returned by SQLGetDiagRec. For example, if an error occurred in the 4th row of a rowset of 10 rows, then the following call returned diagRow set to 10, instead of 4.

rc = SQLGetDiagField( htype, hndl, rec, SQL_DIAG_ROW_NUMBER,


Also, diagnostic records for each row in error may have been returned in the wrong order by SQLGetDiagRec, since the wrong row number(s) were recorded.

rc = SQLGetDiagRec( htype, hndl, rec, sqlstate, &native_error,

errmsg, sizeof( errmsg ), &errmsglen );

These problems have now been corrected in the SQL Anywhere ODBC driver.

CR Number:   775313
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2049 28 Nov 2014 Fixed
In rare cases, the server could have crashed applying the transaction log only on HP-UX systems. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   775318
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ODBC Client Library
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
01 Dec 2014 Fixed
Calling SQLExecute of a wide update statement would have returned SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO for multiple parameter sets if one or more parameter sets did not update any rows.

The ODBC specification says:

When SQLExecute returns either SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, an associated SQLSTATE value can be obtained by calling SQLGetDiagRec with a HandleType of SQL_HANDLE_STMT and a Handle of StatementHandle.

The SQL Anywhere ODBC driver violates this rule since it does not create any diagnostic records. WITH_INFO generally means that some things succeeded and some things failed and diagnostic records (the info) let you determine what failed. When there was only one parameter set, a parameterized update or delete statement may have returned SQL_NO_DATA. If there was more than one parameter set, and some sets affected no records, then the SQL Anywhere ODBC driver returned SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO (but did not create any diagnostic records). This was incorrect behavior. The driver should have returned SQL_SUCCESS.

Also, when all parameter sets fail to update or delete any rows, the ODBC driver should still have returned SQL_SUCCESS. The SQL Anywhere ODBC driver woud have set all non-updating parameter status array elements to SQL_PARAM_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO (except that the driver incorrectly cascaded the WITH_INFO status into all subsequent array elements). The ODBC driver did create diagnostic records for the WITH_INFO parameters. This was also incorrect behavior.

These problems have been corrected. The SQL Anywhere ODBC driver now follows the ODBC specification in this regard.

CR Number:   775392
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2069 14 Jan 2015 Fixed
In rare circumstances, when queries were run with snapshot isolation over tables that had had new columns added, the server could have returned incorrect results, or possibly crashed. This has been fixed.

A workaround is to ensure that all rows touched by an ALTER have been fully updated inline. This can be done by issuing a pair of statements like the following:

alter table T add delete_me integer default autoincrement;

alter table T delete delete_me;

Snapshot queries over table T will now work correctly after these statements are executed.

CR Number:   775403
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   6.0.00
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2053 08 Dec 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4197 08 Dec 2014 Fixed
Under certain circumstances, calling the xp_scanf system procedure could have caused the server to crash. Also, format specifiers other than %s could have given unpredictable results. These have both been fixed.

CR Number:   775493
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2051 02 Dec 2014 Fixed
Execution of an ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN statement, using defaults that can return NULL on non-empty tables, could have caused data corruption. Two examples of NULL returning functions are user defined functions and GLOBAL AUTOINCREMENT. The newly added column must allow NULL values for this issue to occur. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   775550
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2051 02 Dec 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4196 02 Dec 2014 Fixed
When the procedure st_geometry_dump recursively expanded a geometry of dimension >= 1 defined in a round-earth spatial reference system, the rows returned for internal points were incorrect.

For example, the query:

select geom from st_geometry_dump( new ST_LineString(new ST_Point(1,1,4326), new ST_Point(2,2,4326)))

incorrectly returned the rows:

LineString (1 1, 2 2)

Point (180 -.000000000000006)

Point (180 -33.690067525979835)

This has been fixed.

CR Number:   775638
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   8.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2051 03 Dec 2014 Fixed
Hash operations used in query processing (join hash, group by hash, and distinct hash) choose a number of buckets based on the optimizer's estimated number of distinct keys. If the optimizer had an estimate that was far too low, the number of buckets selected could have been too small, leading to slower performance.

For example, the following query executed in 25.6s with the incorrect estimate 0.52% on L.row_num >= 0 (actual is 100%):

select *

from sa_rowgenerator(1,1.1727e6) L join sa_rowgenerator(1,34680) R on L.row_num = R.row_num

where (L.row_num >= 0, 0.52 )


This has been improved so that performance is better even in the presence of underestimates:

Before change: 25.6

After change: 5.3

The graphical plan for hash-based query operators now includes lines to indicate how many key values the optimizer estimates will be found and the number of hash buckets selected for execution:

Key Values 6098.04

Hash table buckets 1031

CR Number:   775640
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2054 10 Dec 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4199 10 Dec 2014 Fixed
When executing an ALTER TRIGGER SET HIDDEN on an INSTEAD OF trigger for a view, an invalid trigger type for view error was returned. This has been fixed.

Note, this issue also affects creating INSTEAD OF triggers with encrypted definitions on views as well.

CR Number:   775653
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2054 11 Dec 2014 Fixed
In rare cases, the server could have crashed if a procedure returned a ROW or ARRAY typed column in its result set, but did not have a RESULT clause. This has been fixed.

Note, if a procedure returns a ROW or ARRAY typed column in its result set, the procedure needs to have a RESULT column. Changing the procedure to use Watcom SQL syntax may be required. Calling a procedure that returns a ROW or ARRAY typed column in its result set without a RESULT clause may now result in the error, "Procedure '<name>' needs a RESULT clause for returned ROW or ARRAY."

CR Number:   775805
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Utilities
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2053 09 Dec 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4198 09 Dec 2014 Fixed
If a Data Source was modified in the registry to contain the 'Server' connection parameter rather than 'ServerName', that parameter would have been ignored. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   775809
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2053 08 Dec 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4197 08 Dec 2014 Fixed
In rare, timing dependent cases, the server could have crashed when making a native external function call if a thread deadlock error occurred. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   775928
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Other
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2054 10 Dec 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4199 10 Dec 2014 Fixed
The Interactive SQL utility could have incorrectly parsed a CREATE LOCAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement if it appeared within some other block structure (e.g. a BEGIN ... END block). This caused a problem if a subsequent DBISQL statement (e.g. INPUT, OUTPUT, EXIT) was encountered. The symptom was typically an error message from the database server which reported a syntax error near the first keyword of the DBSIQL statement. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   775938
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2054 09 Dec 2014 Fixed
If a spatial object was fetched in JSON format (using FOR JSON AUTO/RAW or ST_AsGeoJSON()), numbers between -1.0 and 1.0 would not have had the leading 0 that JSON requires. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   776140
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   OData Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2055 15 Dec 2014 Fixed
An OData server with multiple producers, would have corrupted each others state resulting in a high likelihood of incorrect behaviour. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   776157
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2055 15 Dec 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4201 15 Dec 2014 Fixed
Invalid use of the ARRAY clause in an embedded SQL EXECUTE statement could have crashed the server. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   776164
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2056 15 Dec 2014 Fixed
Calling ST_Buffer on geometries with certain geometric properties could have caused the server to crash due to a stack overflow. In other rare cases ST_Buffer could have failed with ring-not-closed errors, or generated resulting geometries that were (usually only slightly) incorrect. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   776240
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Monitor
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.0.1 4201 15 Dec 2014 Fixed
With some versions of Linux and Unix, the Port field of the Connect to MobiLink Server window was not displayed correctly: it was too narrow for the port number to be visible. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   776241
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2057 17 Dec 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4202 17 Dec 2014 Fixed
Under rare circumstances, query plans involving parallel hash joins running in memory-constrained environments may have crashed the server. These query plans may also have been used by internal operators, such as those that do table validation and foreign key building, causing these statements to fail as well. The crash can occur only on servers that contained the fix for Engineering case 769501, as the issues fixed by that change would have masked the issue. This has been fixed.

Note, the problem can avoided by disabling parallel query execution (i.e. set option PUBLIC.max_query_tasks=1), and can be made less likely by increasing the amount of memory available to the server.

CR Number:   776338
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Synchronization Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2057 17 Dec 2014 Fixed
If a MobiLink server receives an HTTP request with a URI of /status from a user agent that is not a MobiLink client, it will now respond with a 200 instead of a 404

CR Number:   776816
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2069 14 Jan 2015 Fixed
12.0.1 4214 14 Jan 2015 Fixed
Under some conditions, the server may have crashed when trying to access the property TcpIpAddresses from an event. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   776845
Product Name:   UltraLite
Product Component:   Sample Application
Status:   Closed
OS:   Windows
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2065 05 Jan 2015 Fixed
If the UltraLite samples were stored in a folder whose path contains space characters, the UltraLite ESQL CustDB project does not build with Visual Studio. This problem has been corrected.

CR Number:   776895
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ADO.Net Managed Provider
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2064 05 Jan 2015 Fixed
12.0.1 4209 05 Jan 2015 Fixed
In the Entity Framework Data Model Wizard Choose Your Database Objects and Settings dialog, the SQL Anywhere .NET Data Provider did not return stored procedure and function names in the Stored Procedures and Functions list view for a case-sensitive database. This problem has been corrected.

CR Number:   776897
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ISQL
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2065 05 Jan 2015 Fixed
12.0.1 4210 05 Jan 2015 Fixed
The Interactive SQL utiliy (dbisql) could have reported an internal error (OutOfMemoryException) when copying large result sets when the results were displayed as text. Now, a more user-friendly error message is displayed.

If dbisql runs out of memory when copying results, there are a couple of things that can be done:

1. When running the 32-bit version of dbisql, run the 64-bit version instead. It allows for a larger heap, and is less likely to run out of memory.

2. Export the data using an OUTPUT statement, or the "Export Wizard", rather than copying results to the clipboard.

CR Number:   776900
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   OData Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2065 06 Jan 2015 Fixed
When using Internet Explorer to view results of some requests from the OData Producer, IE reported that it was unable to display the results due to a XML parsing error, or asked Do you want to open or save odata from localhost? This has been fixed.

Note, this only affected results from some service operations when the output format was XML.

CR Number:   776911
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2068 12 Jan 2015 Fixed
12.0.1 4213 12 Jan 2015 Fixed
The server may crash if an UPDATE on a table that had a publication used a cached plan. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   777043
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Utilities
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2066 07 Jan 2015 Fixed
12.0.1 4211 07 Jan 2015 Fixed
If the Backup utility (dbbackup) was used to back up a database that had no transaction log, and the -n and -r switches were used, dbbackup would crash. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   777061
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ODBC Client Library
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2068 12 Jan 2015 Fixed
12.0.1 4213 12 Jan 2015 Fixed
Fetch performance on cursors for which prefetch was enabled may have been a bit poorer that it should have been when the cursor was using near the prefetch memory limit (default of 512K per connection). This slowdown was more likely to have occured when using wide fetch (also called array fetches). This has been fixed so that the performance in this case is now improved.

CR Number:   777135
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Other
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2069 14 Jan 2015 Fixed
12.0.1 4214 14 Jan 2015 Fixed
The version of OpenSSL used by all SQL Anywhere components has been upgraded to 1.0.1k. The FIPS libraries have been upgraded from OpenSSL FIPS 2.0.5 to 2.0.9.

CR Number:   777185
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2067 09 Jan 2015 Fixed
In extremely rare circumstances, on Unix the database server or a multithreaded client application could have hung on shutdown if there were multiple TCP/IP connections being accessed simultaneously. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   777187
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2067 09 Jan 2015 Fixed
Creating a proxy table to a HANA table with a large number of rows in the remote table would have taken a very long time. During this time, the SQL Anywhere server would have been locked and would not respond to request until the proxy table creation now much faster.

CR Number:   777200
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2067 14 Jan 2015 Fixed
12.0.1 4212 14 Jan 2015 Fixed
Under rare circumstances, the server could have crashed when executing a positioned update. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   777370
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2071 16 Jan 2015 Fixed
12.0.1 4217 16 Jan 2015 Fixed
The server could have crashed if there were unusual operations between a statement prepare and cursor open, as well as other connections performing DDL during the lifetime of the cursor. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   777385
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2069 14 Jan 2015 Fixed
12.0.1 4214 14 Jan 2015 Fixed
When constructing certain round-earth geometries, the 32-bit server could have crashed. This was more likely for servers with the fix for Engineering case 765031. This has been fixed. There is no known workarounds.

CR Number:   777436
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2073 20 Jan 2015 Fixed
12.0.1 4219 20 Jan 2015 Fixed
If an application made an external environment call, and if that external environment call returned with an open procedure cursor, then the server would have crashed if the application subsequently disconnected without getting the external environment to close the procedure cursor. This problem has now been fixed.

CR Number:   777478
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.0.1 4216 15 Jan 2015 Fixed
The server may have crashed if user estimates in a query were placed in clauses other than the WHERE or ON clauses. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   777602
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2071 16 Jan 2015 Fixed
Like the majority of DDL statements, the CREATE EXISTING TABLE requires a catalog lock during execution. Any other server requests are suspended while the catalog is locked. However, the CREATE EXISTING TABLE statement was holding the catalog lock for longer than absolutely necessary. This has been fixed and creating a proxy table now locks the catalog for a much shorter duration.

CR Number:   777614
Product Name:   SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere on-demand edition
Product Component:   Agent
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   1.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
1.0.0 5118 16 Jan 2015 Fixed
If the "Fixed list of IP addresses" option was specified when initializing a host (either when initializing the cloud, or when adding a new host) a message like the following would have appeared in the agent logs:

... dbcloudagent_poller_http_error message=[Error making HTTPS connection] code=4 reason=[Cannot resolve hostname or bad IP address]

This was a non-fatal error since the agent could continue working by polling the primary instead. This problem has been fixed.

CR Number:   777626
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2071 20 Jan 2015 Fixed
Specific DDL statements could have caused incorrect behavior when executed concurrently in a procedure statement. The incorrect behaviors include:

1. Server crash

2. Server assertion failure

3. Incorrect error message (for example, -946 "Result set not permitted in '%1'")

This has been fixed.

CR Number:   777686
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Open
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
In very rare cases a database corruption could have occurred if an ALTER TABLE statement was executed following a number of DELETE FROM statements. The corruption would be reported as assertion 200610 when dbvalid is run on the database. The corruption can be fixed by unloading and reloading the database or specifically by unloading the affected table, dropping the table, and then creating and reloading the table. This has been fixed.


Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库恢复工具ReadASADB:

之前就已经研发成功了能够从Sybase SQL Anywhere的DB文件中恢复数据的工具: ReadASADB。
此工具支持ASA v5.0, v6.0, v7.0, v8.0, v9.0, v10.0, v11.0, v12.0, v16.0, v17.0等版本。
能够从损坏的SQL Anywhere数据文件(.db)和UltraLite数据文件(.udb)上提取数据的非常规恢复工具。
恢复Sybase SQL Anywhere的工具在国内处于领先水平。

Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库恢复工具ReadASADB功能
能够从损坏的SQL Anywhere数据文件(.db)和UltraLite数据文件(.udb)上提取数据的非常规恢复工具
  1. 适用于所有的SQL Anywhere版本    包括:5.x,6.x,7.x,8.x,9.x,10.x,11.x,12.x,16.x,17.x
  2. 适用于所有的UltraLite版本
  3. 能够恢复出来表结构和数据
  4. 能够恢复自定义数据类型
  5. 能够恢复存储过程等对象的语法
  6. 能够导出到目标数据库
  7. 能够导出到SQL文件并生成导入脚本
  8. 支持多种字符集,包括:cp850、cp936、gb18030、utf8等
  9. 能够恢复未加密或者简单加密类型的数据
  10. 简单易用
  11. 限制:不支持AES加密的数据文件
请参考:研发成功了从Sybase SQL Anywhere的DB文件上恢复数据的工具
            SQL Anywhere数据库非常规恢复工具ReadASADB使用介绍

Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库恢复工具ReadASADB适用场景


  1. 误截断表(truncate table)
  2. 误删除表(drop table)
  3. 错误的where条件误删数据
  4. 误删除db或log文件
  5. 误删除表中的字段

Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库恢复工具ReadASADB的应用场景:

1.因为物理磁盘故障、操作系统、系统软件方面或者掉电等等原因导致的Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库无法打开的情况;
2.误操作,包括truncate table,drop table,不正确的where条件导致的误删除等;
Sybase SQL Anywhere无法打开时,比较常见的错误是:Assertion failed。
1、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed:201819 ( Checkpoint log: invalid bitmap page -- transaction rolled back
2、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed:201819 ( Page number on page does not match page requested -- transaction rolled back
3、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed:200502 ( Checksum failure on page 23 -- transaction rolled back
4、File is shorter than expected
5、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 201116 Invalid free list index page found while processing checkpoint log -- transaction rolled back
6、*** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 51901 Page for requested record not a table page or record not present on page
7、*** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 201417 ( Invalid count or free space offset detected on a table page
8、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 201425 ( Invalid count or free space offset detected on a free list page -- transaction rolled back.
9、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 100702 ( Unable to modify indexes for a row referenced in rollback log -- transaction rolled back



能够从损坏的Sybase ASE设备文件(.dat)上提取数据的非常规恢复工具。

Sybase ASE数据库恢复工具READSYBDEVICE的主要功能:

  1. 被勒索病毒加密数据文件及备份文件情况下的恢复;
  2. 系统崩溃只剩下数据文件的情况下的恢复,甚至数据库文件不存在而只有损坏的备份文件情况下的恢复;
  3. 因断电、硬盘坏道等造成数据库文件损坏情况下的恢复;
  4. delete数据恢复、误update数据恢复、误删除表(drop)恢复、误truncate表恢复 等;
  5. 各种Sybase内部系统表损坏、索引错误的修复;
  6. master数据库损坏而无法正常运行情况下的恢复;
  7. Sybase数据库被标记为可疑,不可用等情况的恢复;
  8. Sybase数据库中数据文件内部出现坏块情况下的恢复;
  9. Sybase数据库无数据文件但有日志文件的情况下的恢复;
  10. Sybase数据库只有数据文件无任何日志文件的情况下的恢复;
  11. Sybase数据文件被误删除情况下的碎片提取恢复;
  12. 磁盘阵列上的Sybase数据库被误格式化情况下的数据库恢复;
  13. 数据库sysobjects等系统表损坏无法正常应用情况下的恢复;
  14. Sybase数据库还原数据库出现失败情况下的恢复;
  15. Sybase数据库只剩下损坏的备份文件情况下的恢复。

Sybase ASE数据库恢复工具READSYBDEVICE支持的版本:

Sybase ASE 11.0.x,11.5.x,11.9.x,12.0.x,12.5.x,15.0.x,15.5.x,15.7.x,16.0.x


SQL Server数据库恢复工具SQLRescue:

一个不依赖数据库管理系统、直接从SQL Server数据库文件上提取数据的业内领先的恢复工具!
能够从损坏的SQL Server数据库文件(.mdf)上提取数据的非常规恢复工具。

SQL Server数据库恢复工具SQLRescue的主要功能:

  1. 系统崩溃只剩下数据文件的情况下的恢复,即无日志文件或者日志文件损坏情况下的恢复;
  2. 断电导致数据库文件损坏情况下的恢复;
  3. 硬盘坏道造成数据库损坏情况下的恢复;
  4. 数据文件内部存在坏页情况下的恢复;
  5. 企业管理器误删除数据表记录,管理软件误删除数据表记录的恢复;
  6. 并闩锁错误、格式化、误删除后导致软件不能使用的情况;
  7. 无法读取并闩锁页sysindexes失败情况下的修复;
  8. 数据文件被误删除情况下的碎片提取恢复;
  9. 系统表损坏、索引错误、误删除数据库表、删除记录的数据找回;
  10. master数据库损坏而无法正常运行情况下的恢复;
  11. 数据文件无法附加情况下的数据恢复;
  12. 数据库被标记为可疑,质疑,不可用等情况的恢复;
  13. 数据库sysobjects等系统表损坏情况下的恢复;
  14. 数据被误(drop、delete、truncate)删除表数据的恢复,误update后的数据恢复等;
  15. 还原时报一致性错误,错误823等情况下的数据恢复,各种错误提示的数据库文件修复;
  16. 数据库被误格式化等情况下的数据库恢复;
  17. 日志收缩造成数据库损坏情况下的恢复;
  18. 仅剩损坏的备份文件情况下的恢复。

SQL Server数据库恢复工具SQLRescue技术特点:

只要SQL Server数据库的数据文件存在,我们就有办法帮您从数据文件中找回重要数据。
  1. 从数据文件中直接恢复数据
  2. 不能附加时直接恢复数据并生成新的数据库
  3. 系统表损坏的数据库修复
  4. 快速修复SQL 823错误、连接中断错误

SQL Server数据库恢复工具SQLRescue支持的版本:

Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2008R2, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017,2019。