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在SAP Support Portal网站或者google上搜索Targeted CR List for ASE,可以看到针对不同版本的CR(CR表示Change Request)简单描述信息列表。
需要注意的是:Targeted CR List for ASE列出的CR虽然绝大多数是BUG,但有一些是更改需求。
以下提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息!


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CR Number:   749821
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   OData Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1717 01 Nov 2013 Fixed
This change fixes several issues with regard to property attributes in the metadata document:

- The OData Version 2 specification is unclear in the case of the max constant for the MaxLength attribute of a property. Many clients will accept both max and Max as valid cases, but the Microsoft clients only accept Max. In OData version 4+, the spec is clear that the correct case is max. To avoid such issues two things have been done:

1. For SQLA and ASE, the MaxLength attribute will always specify the MaxLength attribute with a number in the range 1 to 2^31-1 (to avoid the use of max altogether).

2. It is possible for an IQ column to have a value that is larger than 2^31-1 bytes/characters, in which case we must continue to use max. The default case will continue to be max but the OData server administrator can override the case using the __MaxLengthMaxString option in the config file.

- The DefaultValue attribute was being used incorrectly. The Microsoft OData clients expect the DefaultValue attribute of a given type to be a valid value (as would appear in a request URL) for that type. For example, the DefaultValue for an Edm.Int32 must be an 32-bit integer. This is somewhat unclear in the version 2 OData spec but is clearly the stated behaviour in OData version 4+.

The DefaultValue attribute was being used to represent the underlying default of the database (for example, an autoincrement column would have DefaultValue=autoincrement). Since the DefaultValue attribute is not appropriate for all possible default values that an underlying column in the database can have, we will no longer expose default value information in the metadata document using the DefaultValue attribute.

- ASE Money data type columns were reporting a Precision and Scale of 0.

CR Number:   749824
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1717 01 Nov 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4002 01 Nov 2013 Fixed
If a secure web procedure contained any of the certificate_unit, certificate_name, or certificate_company options, and one or more did not match the certificate used by the server, the connection could have hung or timed out. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   750008
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ADO.Net Managed Provider
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1717 01 Nov 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4002 01 Nov 2013 Fixed
11.0.1 3061 01 Nov 2013 Fixed
In a multithreaded ADO.NET application, there was a possibility for process execution to hang, or for an exception to occur. Three problems were identified and corrected.

CR Number:   750288
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1723 04 Nov 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4006 04 Nov 2013 Fixed
If a network server was started with the LocalOnly TCP option set, and the server was running on a portable device (eg. a laptop), changes to the IP addresses on the machine would have been reflected in the server. For example, if a new IP address was added, a new listener would have been started on that IP address which could then accept connections from remote machines. This has been fixed. The LocalOnly option now disables IP address monitoring.

CR Number:   750296
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Synchronization Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1723 04 Nov 2013 Fixed
Three new features/modifications have been introduced in the MobiLink server:

a) The setting for the ldap_failover_to_std property for a user authentication policy is extended to be 0, 1, or 2 [it originally accepts only 0 (FALSE) or 1 (TRUE)). The MobiLink server will authenticate users in the following ways, when ldap_failover_to_std is

0: The MobiLink server will authenticate the user against LDAP server only. If the user cannot be authenticated against a LDAP server, the MobiLink server will fail the sync request, regardless of the types of the errors;

1: The MobiLink server will authenticate the user using the standard script-based user authentication, if and only if the LDAP server(s) are not available. The authentication status, 6000 will be passed to the user authentication scripts, if the LDAP servers are not available;

2: The MobiLink server will authenticate the user against a LDAP server first and then authenticates the user with the standard script-based user authentication, no matter if the user is authenticated or not with the LDAP server. The MobiLink server will pass one of the following values as a user authentication status to the scripts:

1000: if the user is authenticated against the LDAP server;

4000: if the user is not authenticated against the LDAP server; or

6000: if the LDAP servers are not available.

b) User authentication using a default authentication policy:

The MobiLink server now supports user authentication against a LDAP server using a default user authentication policy. The default policy name can be specified from the new MobiLink server command option: -zup <name> "set default policy name for user authentication (implies -zu+, cannot be used with -zu-)"

When a policy name is specified on the MobiLink server command line with this new option, any new MobiLink users that arent in the ml_user table will be first authenticated against the LDAP server using this default policy, and then optionally calls the user authentication scripts, if the ldap_failover_to_std property for the default policy is configured with a value of 1 or 2. If the user is fully authenticated, it will be added into the ml_user table and the same user authentication policy will then be used to authenticate this user later. This new command line option implies zu+ and it cannot be used with zu-. The MobiLink server will complain, if both zup and zu- are given on the command line.

Please note: the given default user authentication policy name must exist in the ml_user_auth_policy table , otherwise the MobiLink server will complain and refuses to start.

c) The MobiLink user password will be hashed and stored in the ml_user table in the consolidated database, if and only if the ldap_failover_to_std property is configured with a value of 1 or 2. The password will not be saved, if this property is set to 0.

CR Number:   750298
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1723 05 Nov 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4006 05 Nov 2013 Fixed
In very rare, timing dependent cases, a copy node with children could have hung when it was reconnecting to its parent. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   750363
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   8.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1734 05 Nov 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4015 05 Nov 2013 Fixed
If using FIPS, the SQL Anywhere FIPS DLL (dbfips16.dll) does not have to be in the path but the actual FIPS module DLLs (libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll on Windows, libcrypto.so, libssl.so on Unix) do. On unix, they need to be in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If they were not found, the error message that results would have daid that the dbfips DLL could not be found. This has been fixed. The correct filename for the missing file will now be given, and the error message will indicate whether the file could not be found at all or if it could not be found in the path.

CR Number:   750493
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Relay Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1725 07 Nov 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4008 07 Nov 2013 Fixed
On Linux systems, the Relay Server State Manager (rshost) process could have failed to start under the following conditions:

- the -o option was not specified, AND

- if any of the environment variables $TMPDIR, $TMP, $TEMP was defined but the directory did not exist.

Depending on how rshost was started, it could have failed silently. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   750502
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1734 06 Nov 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4015 06 Nov 2013 Fixed
Mirror server connections were ignoring the CommBufferSize (CBSIZE) connection parameter. This has been fixed so that CBSIZE can now be used to specify the maximum size of communication packets between mirror servers.

In addition, transferring many log pages between mirror servers may have been slower than necessary. The default maximum packet size used for connections between mirror servers has been increased, which can improve performance in some cases. 16.0.0 mirror server connections now default to a maximum packet size of 64240 bytes, and 12.0.1 mirror server connections now default to a maximum packet size of 16000 bytes.

CR Number:   750511
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Relay Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.0.1 4005 06 Nov 2013 Fixed
The connection between Relay Server Outbound Enabler and the backend server specified through the cs option no longer supports tls_type=ecc.

CR Number:   750513
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   11.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1817 06 Feb 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4067 06 Feb 2014 Fixed
11.0.1 3100 06 Feb 2014 Fixed
The server could have crashed if a TDS based connection sent a cancel request and a cursor close request at the same time for the same connection. Note that the cancel request could have either been sent explicitly by the application or implicitly by the underlying driver due to a query timeout. This problem has now been fixed.

CR Number:   750611
Product Name:   UltraLite
Product Component:   Runtime Libraries
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1734 19 Nov 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4015 19 Nov 2013 Fixed
When a row was inserted into a table with a UNIQUE INDEX, with a NULL value in the index key and matching an existing index key with NULLs considered equal, the error SQLE_INDEX_NOT_UNIQUE was signaled. This has been fixed.

Note that UltraLite does not support the clause WITH NULLS NOT DISTINCT for the CREATE INDEX statement. Therefore, an index key should be considered unique if it contains NULL in at least one column.

CR Number:   750618
Product Name:   UltraLite
Product Component:   Runtime Libraries
Status:   Closed
OS:   Windows
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1716 07 Nov 2013 Fixed
UltraLite is now supported for Windows 8 store applications and Windows Phone 8 applications.

Each bottom level directory in the following tree under the SQLA install root contains a WinRT-based component (UltraLite.winmd/UltraLite.dll) that implements the UltraLite API for the noted platform.


+-- WinRT

|-- WindowsPhone

| +-- 8.0

| +-- arm : Windows Phone 8 devices

| +-- x86 : Windows Phone 8 emulator

+-- Windows

+-- 8.0

+-- arm : Windows RT ARM-based devices

|-- x64 : Windows 8 store apps for x64 architecture

+-- x86 : Windows 8 store apps for x86 architecture

Developing UltraLite applications using this software requires SQL Anywhere 16 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 or later.

Developing Windows Phone applications requires the Windows Phone SDK 8.0, which is available from:


Windows Phone SDK 8.0 requires Windows 8. Microsoft lists the complete system requirements at:


Developing Windows store applications requires the Windows SDK for Windows 8, which is available from:


The UltraLite.WinRT directory under the SQLA samples root contains a Visual Studio 2012 solution for the CustDb sample that appears in various forms for other UltraLite supported platforms.

CR Number:   750638
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Relay Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1767 18 Dec 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4038 18 Dec 2013 Fixed
If a client application had included the Expect: 100-continue header in the request and had passed this request through the Relay Server, it was possible for the client to have received multiple HTTP 100 Continue responses, which would likely have caused the client to have failed the request. This has been fixed, and only a single HTTP 100 Continue response will now be sent.

CR Number:   750691
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   11.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1838 28 Feb 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4081 28 Feb 2014 Fixed
In rare cases, appending or prepending data to the value in a compressed column could have resulted in a server hang. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   750713
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Synchronization Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1727 08 Nov 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4010 08 Nov 2013 Fixed
When trying to start an evaluation edition of the MobiLink server, it would fail with the following error:

[-10382] The MobiLink Server has failed to start

This problem has now been fixed.

CR Number:   750915
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ADO.Net Managed Provider
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1737 18 Nov 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4016 18 Nov 2013 Fixed
11.0.1 3070 18 Nov 2013 Fixed
The SABulkCopy method would have thrown an exception when using SQL Server as the data source. This has now been corrected.

CR Number:   750919
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ISQL
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1731 12 Nov 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4012 12 Nov 2013 Fixed
Opening online help (DCX) from the graphical administration tools may have failed with the error message "Web page is not accessible". This would have happened under the following conditions:

- Interactive SQL 12 was being run and the "Help" button was clicked on the "Connect" window the first time it was opened, and the network used a proxy to connect to the internet.

- Sybase Central 12 or later, or Interactive SQL 12 or later, was being run and the fast launcher was turned on, and the network used a proxy to connect to the internet.

These problems have been fixed.

CR Number:   750992
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1733 18 Nov 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4014 18 Nov 2013 Fixed
The server may have crashed when attempting to execute a certain class of incorrect queries if the select list contained alias names and aggregate functions. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   751019
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ISQL
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1732 20 Nov 2013 Fixed
When the Import and Export wizards offered a list of owners for a SQL Anywhere or IQ database, role names were consistently excluded. This has been corrected so that role names are now included..

CR Number:   751198
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   iAS Branded ODBC Drivers
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1733 15 Nov 2013 Fixed
The SQL Anywhere Oracle ODBC driver now supports the following new features when the database is running on an Oracle 12.1 server and the OCI library is from the Oracle 12.1 installation:

- The maximum size of the VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2, and RAW data types has been increased from 4,000 to 32,767 bytes

- Implicit result sets can be returned from stored procedures. However the number of implicit result sets is limited to one per stored procedure. The implicit result set will be detected automatically by the ODBC driver regardless of the setting for the Procedure returns results or uses VARRAY parameters option in the DSN used by the ODBC application

When the database is running on an Oracle 12.1 server and the OCI library is from the Oracle 12.1 installation.

CR Number:   751199
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Synchronization Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1733 15 Nov 2013 Fixed
The MobiLink server now supports consolidated databases running on an Oracle 12.1 server. In order to use any of these Oracle 12.1 new features: 32K-byte varchar2, nvarchar2, raw data types, and implicit result sets, the build numbers of the SQLA Oracle ODBC driver must be greater than or equal to 1733 and the Oracle OCI library must be installed from the Oracle 12.1 installation image.

CR Number:   751207
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ADO.Net Managed Provider
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1755 19 Nov 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4030 19 Nov 2013 Fixed
Using SACommandBuilder.DeriveParameters with a stored procedure or function that contained long data values as input or output parameters would have reported the size as 32767 bytes. This has been fixed and will now report a size of 0 bytes (to use the maximum size of the long data value during binding) instead.

CR Number:   751208
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1989 29 Jul 2014 Fixed
An attempt to run the Extraction utility (dbxtract)on a database could have failed with a the error: cannot perform specified operation, number of administrators for role 'SYS_AUTH_WRITEFILE_ROLE' falls below min_role_admins option value, if the SYS_AUTH_DBA_ROLE had been migrated. This problem has now been fixed.

CR Number:   751211
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1969 07 Jul 2014 Fixed
If there were many inserts, updates or deletes on a primary server, then checkpoints on the mirror or copy node could have been slow. In some cases, the primary's performance could be significantly impacted by slow checkpoints on the mirror. This has been fixed so that the mirror or copy node checkpoint performance has increased.

CR Number:   751213
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1734 19 Nov 2013 Fixed
If multiple connections were using secure LDAPUA simultaneously while the public.trusted_certificates_file option was being changed, the server could have crashed. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   751283
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Utilities
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1737 18 Nov 2013 Fixed
If dbdsn was used with the -or switch to create an Oracle DSN, dbdsn -g would not have listed the Oracle-specific parameters. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   751285
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1737 20 Nov 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4016 20 Nov 2013 Fixed
Some complex statements took a long time to open a cursor. For some classes, opening the cursor could not have been interrupted by cancelling the statement, nor could the server have been stopped until the open completed. One such instance has been corrected and the open will now respond properly to a cancel.

CR Number:   751374
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1738 19 Nov 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4017 19 Nov 2013 Fixed
Under rare circumstances, a very long line segment defined in a Round Earth SRS (for example, SRS 4326) could have crashed the server. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   751386
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1738 20 Nov 2013 Fixed
There were a number of problems with the CREATE ENCRYPTED/DECRYPTED DATABASE statements with respect to dbspace files with relative pathnames:

- If a database contained a dbspace with a relative pathname, and the server was not started in the same directory as that file, the CREATE ENCRYPTED/DECRYPTED DATABASE statements would not have been able to find the dbspace file

- In the above case, the error message would have said Output file cannot be written even though it was an input file causing the problem. The error message had no indication of which file caused the problem

- If the target filename for these statements was in a different directory, the encrypted or decrypted dbspace files would have remained in the original directory.

For example, if a database had a dbspace with the filename dbspace.dbs and the following was executed:

create encrypted database new/sales.db from sales.db key myencryptionkey

the server would have created the new dbspace.dbsE file in the same directory as dbspace.dbs, rather than in the new subdirectory.

These problems have now been fixed.

CR Number:   751440
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Other
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1739 21 Nov 2013 Fixed
When installing SQL Anywhere on Solaris, AIX, HP-UX and Mac OS X systems, some of the 32-bit files were erroneously excluded. This meant that some 32-bit client programs or external environments may not have been able to run. There is no workaround other than to use the 64-bit equivalent of these programs. This has been fixed. The missing files will now be installed along with the SQL Anywhere Client component.

CR Number:   751566
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Sybase Central Plug-in
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1740 21 Nov 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4019 21 Nov 2013 Fixed
The antialiasing algorithm used for SQL editors (including the SQL Anywhere auditing viewer, and the MobiLink server log file viewer) did not render certain fonts optimally. Chinese fonts on RedFlag Linux and small fonts generally were poorly drawn (or were not drawn at all). This has been fixed.

CR Number:   751585
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1740 25 Nov 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4020 25 Nov 2013 Fixed
If a database server attempted to send more than 16k of data over an HTTPS connection at one time, the client side of the connection could have hung. With version 16.x, this could also have happened if a TLS connection used a packet size bigger than 16000 bytes. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   751586
Product Name:   SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere on-demand edition
Product Component:   Infrastructure
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   1.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
1.0.0 4791 22 Nov 2013 Fixed
Under very rare circumstances, renaming of cloud transaction logs could have failed, causing the logs to grow indefinitely. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   751588
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ADO.Net Managed Provider
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1745 26 Nov 2013 Fixed
The ASP.NET provider's database configuration tool, SetupAspNet, would have failed with a syntax error message. This problem has been fixed.

CR Number:   751684
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1761 16 Dec 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4034 16 Dec 2013 Fixed
If a domain was dropped and re-created within a batch, and the batch also included a subsequent reference to the domain in a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement, the old (before drop & create) domain was used for the column definitions. This has now been corrected.

CR Number:   751752
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1744 26 Nov 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4162 17 Sep 2014 Fixed
A secure web procedure call through a proxy server could have failed with error code -988, Invalid response from the HTTP server if the web server or proxy attempted to redirect the call with a 301 Moved Permanently status code. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   751771
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   16.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1839 05 Mar 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4081 05 Mar 2014 Fixed
A user defined function with a SELECT statement containing a common table expression could have been incorrectly inlined. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   751847
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.0.1 4022 27 Nov 2013 Fixed
If an HTTP connection was manually dropped (using DROP CONNECTION), and another HTTP connection was accepted at the same time, it was possible for the server to have crashed. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   751859
Product Name:   UltraLite
Product Component:   Runtime Libraries
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1741 27 Nov 2013 Fixed
On Windows, the UltraLite runtime would have crashed when the database file grew to over 2 GB in size. On Android, a SQLE_DEVICE_ERROR (-305) was signaled when the database file grew to over 2 GB. This has been fixed so that the UltraLite database files can now grow to 4 GB as documented.

CR Number:   751863
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   OData Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1746 28 Nov 2013 Fixed
The CSDL namespace URL in the metadata document was incorrectly referring to CSDL 1.0 using URL http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2006/04/edm. It has now been updated to refer correctly to the CSDL 2.0 namespace URL: http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2008/09/edm.

CR Number:   751936
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Java Plugin for Sybase Central
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1745 27 Nov 2013 Fixed
The MobiLink Plugin now supports:

The new MobiLink Server zup switch. This switch can be accessed from the Advanced tab of the property sheet for a MobiLink Server Command Line. An error is reported if zup is set and zu is set to false, as this is not allowed.

For user authentication policies we now support calling the standard MobiLink authentication scripts: Never, Always or only when an LDAP server could not be found. This change affects the LDAP Servers page of the New User Authentication Policy wizard. It also affects the property sheet for user authentication policies. The setting is also shown in the right hand pane when User Authentication Policies are shown.

CR Number:   751937
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1747 29 Nov 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4024 29 Nov 2013 Fixed
In rare cases, a copy node could have started but never have written or applied any changes that the primary or root had made until the copy node was restarted or the connection to its parent was lost. All of the following conditions must have been met for this problem to have been possible:

- the database was backed up from the primary or root using dbbackup or the BACKUP statement

- while dbbackup was running, there must have been other connections to the primary or root that had modified the database

- between the backup and when the copy node was started on the backed up database, there was no commit done on the primary or root

If this problem was occurring, the sa_mirror_server_status row for the copy node would show the copy node was connected with a recent last_updated value, but the log_written and log_applied values would not change. If the copy node was restarted, it would start applying and writing changes. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   751941
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   8.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1746 27 Nov 2013 Fixed
If a database server received an HTTP POST request with a large payload, the server could have crashed. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   751948
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1746 28 Nov 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4023 28 Nov 2013 Fixed
In rare timing dependent cases, a Linux or Unix server using TLS mirroring or diagnostic connections could hang. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   752025
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   10.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1762 13 Dec 2013 Fixed
If the server was running on a Windows machine which was suspended, the server could have hung once the machine was resumed. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   752033
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Utilities
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1748 28 Nov 2013 Fixed
An attempt to use the Extraction utility (dbxtract) on a database running in the cloud would have failed with an invalid login_mode option error. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   752108
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere Monitor
Product Component:   SQL Anywhere Monitor
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1748 29 Nov 2013 Fixed
An alert email subject line was mangled for the ZH locale. This has now been corrected.

CR Number:   752109
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Relay Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.0.1 4025 04 Dec 2013 Fixed
The MobiLink server with an integrated Relay Server Outbound Enabler could have hung or crashed on shutdown. The has now been fixed.

CR Number:   752201
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1755 12 Dec 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4030 12 Dec 2013 Fixed
11.0.1 3078 12 Dec 2013 Fixed
If a procedure was defined with the special values SQLCODE or SQLSTATE as parameters, and the procedure was used in the FROM clause of SELECT statement, it was possible that the server could have crashed. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   752203
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1751 05 Dec 2013 Fixed
If a certificate had an expiry date in the month of December, calling sa_certificate_info on that certificate could have crashed the server. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   752328
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.0.1 4027 05 Dec 2013 Fixed
In very rare cases the server may have hung at shutdown. This would only have happened while disconnecting TCP/IP connections. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   752347
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Synchronization Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.0.1 4028 04 Dec 2013 Fixed
If there were multiple rows in the ml_scripts_modified MobiLink system table, the MobiLink Server would have failed to start and reported a primary key violation on the ml_scripts_modified table. This has now been fixed.

A workaround is to manually remove all but one row from ml_scripts_modified table before starting the MobiLink Server.

CR Number:   752428
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1753 05 Dec 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4028 05 Dec 2013 Fixed
In rare timing dependent cases, if a connection between a copy node and its parent was lost, it was possible for the new connection to have repetitively connected and disconnected. Normally this condition would have resolved itself within a minute or so, but in some cases it could have continued indefinitely. This has been fixed.

If an ALTER MIRROR SERVER statement was used to add an alternate parent to a running and connected copy node, the alternate parent would have been used until the copy node restarted. This has been fixed so the alternate parent can be used the next time the copy node loses its connection to its parent.

CR Number:   752610
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Sybase Central Plug-in
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1755 06 Dec 2013 Fixed
Sybase Central could have crashed if it was running and something was done to change the Windows desktop theme. This same problem could also have been encountered when using a Remote Desktop Connection with a low-bandwidth connection; in this configuration, Remote Desktop may automatically change the desktop theme to satisfy the bandwidth limitations. This problem has now been fixed.

CR Number:   752612
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1752 09 Dec 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4027 09 Dec 2013 Fixed
When fetching a Date, Time, or Timestamp from the database as a string in a client, the fetch was much slower than if the data was bound to be fetched as a timestamp type or structure. This performance has been improved.

Also, when fetching a Date, Time, or Timestamp, or other types that are not native strings or numerics, from the database when the clients character set is different from the database character set, the data would have been returned in the database character set. This has been fixed so the data will returned to the client in the client's character set.

CR Number:   752638
Product Name:   SQL Remote for SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Anywhere
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1755 09 Dec 2013 Fixed
SQL Remote for SQL Anywhere could have failed with the following error:

SQL statement failed: (-685) Resource governor for 'prepared statements' exceeded

when it was running in a continuous mode with the command line option x. This problem has now been fixed.

CR Number:   752641
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1755 09 Dec 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4030 09 Dec 2013 Fixed
If a server was started with one database on the command line with mirroring enabled, and then other databases were started on the server, the server could have stopped incorrectly if the mirrored database failed to start when the database was restarted. Note that mirrored databases are automatically restarted by the server if they lose quorum, as well as other cases. This has been fixed so that if the mirrored database fails to start in this case, only the mirrored database will be stopped, and the server will remain running if there are other databases running.

Also, if a server to server mirror connection failed due to a liveness timeout, no message was logged even if -z was enabled. In addition, other server to server connections contained little diagnostic information even if -z diagnostic logged was enabled. This has been fixed so that liveness timeout messages for mirror server connection are logged with or without -z. In addition, the messages "mirror server connection closed by other side" and "connection terminated abnormally; error code <number>" will be logged if -z is used and a mirror server connection is closed by the remote server or fails due to a network error.

CR Number:   752756
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 2065 05 Jan 2015 Fixed
In very rare cases, the server may have crashed on currently unsupported arguments to the row constructor function. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   752772
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ADO.Net Managed Provider
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1766 10 Dec 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4037 17 Dec 2013 Fixed
Conversion of NUMERIC/DECIMAL columns to the .NET DECIMAL type has been improved.

CR Number:   752866
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ISQL
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1759 10 Dec 2013 Fixed
When displaying results as text, column values might have been misaligned if a column to the left contained text with full-width Asian characters. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   752869
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1760 11 Dec 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4033 11 Dec 2013 Fixed
In very rare timing dependent cases, if the arbiter for a running High Availability system was changed to a different arbiter server, and then changed back to the original arbiter server later, the arbiter may have contained incorrect state information. If this occurred, there was a small chance that the incorrect partner could have become the primary. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   752967
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1769 23 Dec 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4040 23 Dec 2013 Fixed
The server may have returned an incorrect result set for a complex query with multiple nested derived tables or views, if there was an equality predicate that could have been pushed inside the nested derived tables and the outside derived table could have been flatted. If the problem happened, the equality predicate was not executed and the result

set contains additional incorrect result rows.

For example, in the below query the predicate "v2.c = 0" can be pushed inside the derived table "v2" and derived table "v2" can be flatted. Predicate is not executed in this case.

select *

from ( select distinct *

from ( select a, sum(b) c from T1 group by a ) v1

) v2

where v2.c = 0

This has been fixed.

CR Number:   753080
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1760 12 Dec 2013 Fixed
When a column inside a row was referenced in the GROUP BY list, the column could not be found when it was referenced through the row. For example, consider the following query:

select (B.gencol1).id as gencol1 from (

select ROW(A.id) as gencol1

from Product A

group by A.id) B order by gencol1

B.gencol1 is a row with one column named id in it. (B.gencol1).id should have been able to reference to that column. In fact, it can reference it when group by A.id is removed. However, when the GROUP BY was present, an error was returned: column id not found in variable (B.gencol1). This has now been corrected.

CR Number:   753086
Product Name:   UltraLite
Product Component:   Runtime Libraries
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1760 13 Dec 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4006 13 Dec 2013 Fixed
UltraLite now supports Xcode 5 and iOS 7. Version 16 includes 64-bit libraries for the new A7 (arm64) chip along with the 64-bit simulator.

CR Number:   753092
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   MobiLink Agent
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1754 13 Dec 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4068 12 Feb 2014 Fixed
The MobiLink Agent for central administration of remote databases could have crashed when shut down. For the crash to have occurred, the agent must have executed a task that was conditional on the current network name on the device. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   753095
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   MobiLink Agent
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1761 13 Dec 2013 Fixed
The MobiLink Agent for central administration of remote databases could have stored bad character data for task results. This in turn could have caused errors during synchronization with a MobiLink server. This problem would have occurred on a host with a multi-byte character set, and a task with an execute SQL script command that returned a result set with multi-byte characters. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   753178
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   OData Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1803 13 Dec 2013 Fixed
Identifiers such as namespace, entity, association, property and service operation names were not restricted in length and allowable characters, as required by the OData specification. This has been fixed.

Note, model files may still refer to Database names that are not valid OData identifiers, however they must be renamed using AS clause.

CR Number:   753193
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1795 16 Dec 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4058 16 Dec 2013 Fixed
If a database server was running multiple databases with mirroring enabled, and one of the databases incorrectly used a primary or mirror alternate server name that was already in use by another database, connections to the other database that used the alternate server name could have failed. This has been fixed so that if one database starts using a particular alternate server name, that alternate server name will not be removed if a second database attempts to use it.

CR Number:   753195
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1823 21 Feb 2014 Fixed
Some compiler options have been changed in this build that can result in performance improvements in the SQL Anywhere server in certain situations.

CR Number:   753279
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1765 16 Dec 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4038 16 Dec 2013 Fixed
Execution of a DROP statement with an IF EXISTS clause for a table, view or materialized view, incorrectly returned an error if the object of the requested object type did not exist but there was an object with the same name but different object type. For example: there exists a table "Products" then a "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS Products" returns the error "Table 'Products' not found". This has been fixed.

CR Number:   753293
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   OData Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1803 16 Dec 2013 Fixed
The SQL Anywhere OData producer was not properly handing JSON requests containing dates before Jan 1, 1970. This has been fixed so that these dates are now handled correctly

CR Number:   753296
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   OData Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1803 16 Dec 2013 Fixed
Edm.Decimal values differed in format between EntityIDs and response bodies. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   753365
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ISQL
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1766 17 Dec 2013 Fixed
Typing in to the SQL field of the Spatial Viewer window could have caused an internal error if the database connection had been closed from the main DBISQL window. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   753386
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   OData Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1803 19 Dec 2013 Fixed
When following skiptokens, the OData Producer could have been slower to retrieve data than optimal. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   753522
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   OData Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1803 19 Dec 2013 Fixed
If a skiptoken contained nulls, it would not have been parsed properly resulting in an error like:

The value for property "{columnname}" in a key predicate is formatted incorrectly.

If paging through descending order on a column with nulls, skiptoken may have missed results or restarted at top (thus creating an infinite dataset). This has been fixed.

CR Number:   753615
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.0.1 4050 06 Jan 2014 Fixed
16.0.0 1781 06 Jan 2014 Fixed
In very rare, timing dependent cases, the server could have crashed when starting or stopping a database, failing on a "MESSAGE ... TO CLIENT FOR ALL" statement. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   753632
Product Name:   UltraLite
Product Component:   Runtime Libraries
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1768 23 Dec 2013 Fixed
In certain cases, duplicate download rows may not have been detected by UltraLite, and rather, silently applied as if AllowDownloadDupRows were active. This has been corrected so that duplicate download rows will now signal SQLE_PRIMARY_KEY_NOT_UNIQUE errors, or SQLE_DUPLICATE_ROW_FOUND_IN_DOWNLOAD warnings (if the AllowDownloadDupRows option is specified).

CR Number:   753708
Product Name:   UltraLite
Product Component:   Runtime Libraries
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1766 23 Dec 2013 Fixed
The REPLACE string function could have crashed on certain inputs such as:

"select replace( 'XAAAAAAAXBBBBXBBBB', 'XAAAAAAA', 'Z' )".

This has been fixed

CR Number:   753719
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1793 24 Dec 2013 Fixed
12.0.1 4040 24 Dec 2013 Fixed
Zero-length linestrings were being treated as invalid. For example, selecting ST_Geometry::ST_GeomFromText( 'LineString( 1 1, 1 1 )' ) would have resulted in an error indicating that linestrings must have at least two points. The OGC standard does not forbid zero-length linestrings, so this geometry should be accepted. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   753721
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   16.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1793 14 Jan 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4057 14 Jan 2014 Fixed
11.0.1 3097 15 Jan 2014 Fixed
The row-level update triggers and referential update actions may have incorrectly fired for unchanged columns if the UPDATE statement was executed by SQL Remote and caused an update conflict. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   753782
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Sybase Central Plug-in
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1760 24 Dec 2013 Fixed
Opening the property sheet for an index on a materialized view could have crashed Sybase Central. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   753783
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Sybase Central Plug-in
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1762 24 Dec 2013 Fixed
Sybase Central could not re-enable a secured feature for a version 12 database running on a version 16 server. Attempting to do so would have resulted in a Procedure 'sp_use_secure_feature_key' not found error. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   753866
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Sample
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1809 06 Jan 2014 Fixed
The JRE location used in the SIS_SimpleListener sample was out of dated and may have caused the listener to fail actions requiring JRE if the search path didnt already cover any JRE locations. The JRE location used in the SIS_SimpleListener sample has now been brought up to date.

CR Number:   754211
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Other
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.0.1 4050 06 Jan 2014 Fixed
The SQL Anywhere sample program build procedures have been updated to simplify Microsoft Visual Studio x64 platform builds. When the Visual Studio C++ tools are set to use the x64 compiler, the SQL Anywhere sample build.bat scripts will build an x64 version of the sample programs.

CR Number:   754294
Product Name:   SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere on-demand edition
Product Component:   Infrastructure
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   1.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
1.0.0 4833 03 Feb 2014 Fixed
If SetCloudArbiter was run, but it was unable to set the cloud arbiter as desired (perhaps only one of the two high availability partners was running), then the task could have been reported as succeeding and cloud tables would have reflected the change, but the change would not have actually happened. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   754304
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ODBC Client Library
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   9.0.2
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1782 06 Jan 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4051 06 Jan 2014 Fixed
In rare, timing dependent cases, a multi-threaded client application could have incorrectly received the error "Parse Error: DSN '<name>' does not exist", or possibly other connection errors. In order for this to have occurred, the process needed to be making concurrent connections and needed to use both a User DSN and a System DSN. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   754404
Product Name:   SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere on-demand edition
Product Component:   Utilities
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   1.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
1.0.0 4836 06 Jan 2014 Fixed
The agent action ETD file could have had missing log entries if dbcloudagentaction.exe crashed or was terminated. This has been fixed so that ETD log entries are now written to the file by dbcloudagentaction.exe immediately.

CR Number:   754419
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Relay Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1786 09 Jan 2014 Fixed
The Relay Server running on an Apache webserver with hybrid MPM (event or worker), could have crashed. This issue was seen in Event (hybrid) MPM. Perfork MPM did not show this problem. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   754638
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Utilities
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1788 10 Jan 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4055 10 Jan 2014 Fixed
11.0.1 3095 10 Jan 2014 Fixed
The Service utility for Windows (dbsvc) was treating leading @ in passwords as an intend to expand the argument via a file or environment variable. This is a consistent behavior across many SQL Anywhere command line tools. However, there is no general escape syntax for leading @ in command line arguments. Users can work around the issue by avoiding user defined elements with leading @, but is not acceptable for user accounts with established or generated passwords. A fix was made to the Service utility specifically so that it will fall back to take the entire password argument following p literally if the expansion failed. This change does not apply to other tools.

CR Number:   754721
Product Name:   SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere on-demand edition
Product Component:   Infrastructure
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   1.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
1.0.0 4839 09 Jan 2014 Fixed
If a cloud partner was in the process of starting, including immediately after having being converted to a cloud partner, the UpgradeCloudInfrastructure task could have failed, and one of the cloud partners could have been disconnected after the failure upgrade. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   754724
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Microsoft Windows
Original Version:   12.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1830 18 Feb 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4070 18 Feb 2014 Fixed
Under exceptional rare circumstances, the server may have crashed when receiving a host variable value on a TDS communication based connection failed. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   754733
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   ISQL
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   12.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1788 13 Jan 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4055 13 Jan 2014 Fixed
Interactive SQL could have appended a spurious character to the command line if it was passed a command file which was hidden using the File Hiding utility (dbfhide) . This has been fixed.

CR Number:   754832
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
12.0.1 4058 16 Jan 2014 Fixed
In rare, timing dependent cases, the server could have crashed when a mirrored database was stopped or restarted. The crash was more likely (but still rare) if asyncfullpage mode was used. Note that mirrored databases can automatically restart for a number of reasons - for example after loss of quorum. This has now been fixed.

CR Number:   754970
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1976 11 Jul 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4237 11 Jul 2014 Fixed
In rare, timing dependent cases, the server could have hung indefinitely if it was renaming the transaction log at the same time as a DDL operation. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   754972
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Synchronization Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   11.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1789 13 Jan 2014 Fixed
Under very rare circumstances, the server may have crashed while sending describe queries though from Java applications. This has now been corrected.

CR Number:   754973
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Utilities
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   8.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1792 14 Jan 2014 Fixed
If certain errors occurred during a backup, the Backup utility (dbbackup) would have reported 100% complete before displaying the error. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   755077
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1793 14 Jan 2014 Fixed
The following query would have resulted in a polygon with points not snapped to grid:

new ST_Point( 2, 2.5 ).ST_Buffer( 1.1 )

Trying to use the resulting CurvePolygon in an operation may have caused unpredictable results. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   755094
Product Name:   SQL Anywhere
Product Component:   Utilities
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.0
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1794 17 Mar 2014 Fixed
The Deployment Wizard was not correctly populating the 'Environment' or 'Registry' tables in the MSI package, meaning that PATH', 'SQLANY16' and 'SOFTWARE\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\16.0' were not being set inside SQL Anywhere 16 deployment MSIs. This has been fixed.

CR Number:   755249
Product Name:   MobiLink
Product Component:   Relay Server
Status:   Closed
OS:   Generic
Original Version:   16.0.1
Fixed Version Build Resolution Date Closure Code (If Appropriate)
16.0.0 1794 16 Jan 2014 Fixed
12.0.1 4057 16 Jan 2014 Fixed
When a URL query parameter contained double forward slashes, the IIS Relay Server incorrectly converted them into a single forward slash. The X-Original-Url header does correctly preserve the correct original URL and might have been used by the backend server as a workaround. This issue has been fixed.

Note, this issue doesnt happen on the Apache Relay Server.


Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库恢复工具ReadASADB:

之前就已经研发成功了能够从Sybase SQL Anywhere的DB文件中恢复数据的工具: ReadASADB。
此工具支持ASA v5.0, v6.0, v7.0, v8.0, v9.0, v10.0, v11.0, v12.0, v16.0, v17.0等版本。
能够从损坏的SQL Anywhere数据文件(.db)和UltraLite数据文件(.udb)上提取数据的非常规恢复工具。
恢复Sybase SQL Anywhere的工具在国内处于领先水平。

Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库恢复工具ReadASADB功能
能够从损坏的SQL Anywhere数据文件(.db)和UltraLite数据文件(.udb)上提取数据的非常规恢复工具
  1. 适用于所有的SQL Anywhere版本    包括:5.x,6.x,7.x,8.x,9.x,10.x,11.x,12.x,16.x,17.x
  2. 适用于所有的UltraLite版本
  3. 能够恢复出来表结构和数据
  4. 能够恢复自定义数据类型
  5. 能够恢复存储过程等对象的语法
  6. 能够导出到目标数据库
  7. 能够导出到SQL文件并生成导入脚本
  8. 支持多种字符集,包括:cp850、cp936、gb18030、utf8等
  9. 能够恢复未加密或者简单加密类型的数据
  10. 简单易用
  11. 限制:不支持AES加密的数据文件
请参考:研发成功了从Sybase SQL Anywhere的DB文件上恢复数据的工具
            SQL Anywhere数据库非常规恢复工具ReadASADB使用介绍

Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库恢复工具ReadASADB适用场景


  1. 误截断表(truncate table)
  2. 误删除表(drop table)
  3. 错误的where条件误删数据
  4. 误删除db或log文件
  5. 误删除表中的字段

Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库恢复工具ReadASADB的应用场景:

1.因为物理磁盘故障、操作系统、系统软件方面或者掉电等等原因导致的Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库无法打开的情况;
2.误操作,包括truncate table,drop table,不正确的where条件导致的误删除等;
Sybase SQL Anywhere无法打开时,比较常见的错误是:Assertion failed。
1、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed:201819 ( Checkpoint log: invalid bitmap page -- transaction rolled back
2、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed:201819 ( Page number on page does not match page requested -- transaction rolled back
3、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed:200502 ( Checksum failure on page 23 -- transaction rolled back
4、File is shorter than expected
5、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 201116 Invalid free list index page found while processing checkpoint log -- transaction rolled back
6、*** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 51901 Page for requested record not a table page or record not present on page
7、*** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 201417 ( Invalid count or free space offset detected on a table page
8、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 201425 ( Invalid count or free space offset detected on a free list page -- transaction rolled back.
9、Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 100702 ( Unable to modify indexes for a row referenced in rollback log -- transaction rolled back



能够从损坏的Sybase ASE设备文件(.dat)上提取数据的非常规恢复工具。

Sybase ASE数据库恢复工具READSYBDEVICE的主要功能:

  1. 被勒索病毒加密数据文件及备份文件情况下的恢复;
  2. 系统崩溃只剩下数据文件的情况下的恢复,甚至数据库文件不存在而只有损坏的备份文件情况下的恢复;
  3. 因断电、硬盘坏道等造成数据库文件损坏情况下的恢复;
  4. delete数据恢复、误update数据恢复、误删除表(drop)恢复、误truncate表恢复 等;
  5. 各种Sybase内部系统表损坏、索引错误的修复;
  6. master数据库损坏而无法正常运行情况下的恢复;
  7. Sybase数据库被标记为可疑,不可用等情况的恢复;
  8. Sybase数据库中数据文件内部出现坏块情况下的恢复;
  9. Sybase数据库无数据文件但有日志文件的情况下的恢复;
  10. Sybase数据库只有数据文件无任何日志文件的情况下的恢复;
  11. Sybase数据文件被误删除情况下的碎片提取恢复;
  12. 磁盘阵列上的Sybase数据库被误格式化情况下的数据库恢复;
  13. 数据库sysobjects等系统表损坏无法正常应用情况下的恢复;
  14. Sybase数据库还原数据库出现失败情况下的恢复;
  15. Sybase数据库只剩下损坏的备份文件情况下的恢复。

Sybase ASE数据库恢复工具READSYBDEVICE支持的版本:

Sybase ASE 11.0.x,11.5.x,11.9.x,12.0.x,12.5.x,15.0.x,15.5.x,15.7.x,16.0.x


SQL Server数据库恢复工具SQLRescue:

一个不依赖数据库管理系统、直接从SQL Server数据库文件上提取数据的业内领先的恢复工具!
能够从损坏的SQL Server数据库文件(.mdf)上提取数据的非常规恢复工具。

SQL Server数据库恢复工具SQLRescue的主要功能:

  1. 系统崩溃只剩下数据文件的情况下的恢复,即无日志文件或者日志文件损坏情况下的恢复;
  2. 断电导致数据库文件损坏情况下的恢复;
  3. 硬盘坏道造成数据库损坏情况下的恢复;
  4. 数据文件内部存在坏页情况下的恢复;
  5. 企业管理器误删除数据表记录,管理软件误删除数据表记录的恢复;
  6. 并闩锁错误、格式化、误删除后导致软件不能使用的情况;
  7. 无法读取并闩锁页sysindexes失败情况下的修复;
  8. 数据文件被误删除情况下的碎片提取恢复;
  9. 系统表损坏、索引错误、误删除数据库表、删除记录的数据找回;
  10. master数据库损坏而无法正常运行情况下的恢复;
  11. 数据文件无法附加情况下的数据恢复;
  12. 数据库被标记为可疑,质疑,不可用等情况的恢复;
  13. 数据库sysobjects等系统表损坏情况下的恢复;
  14. 数据被误(drop、delete、truncate)删除表数据的恢复,误update后的数据恢复等;
  15. 还原时报一致性错误,错误823等情况下的数据恢复,各种错误提示的数据库文件修复;
  16. 数据库被误格式化等情况下的数据库恢复;
  17. 日志收缩造成数据库损坏情况下的恢复;
  18. 仅剩损坏的备份文件情况下的恢复。

SQL Server数据库恢复工具SQLRescue技术特点:

只要SQL Server数据库的数据文件存在,我们就有办法帮您从数据文件中找回重要数据。
  1. 从数据文件中直接恢复数据
  2. 不能附加时直接恢复数据并生成新的数据库
  3. 系统表损坏的数据库修复
  4. 快速修复SQL 823错误、连接中断错误

SQL Server数据库恢复工具SQLRescue支持的版本:

Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2008R2, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017,2019。