提供7*24专业Sybase数据库远程及现场技术支持,Sybase ASE及Sybase SQL Anywhere数据库修复服务,
We supply technical support for Sybase ASE and Sybase SQL Anywhere, also have many years of experience in recovering data from damanged Sybase devices.
Please contact us:
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存储过程名字:sp_gettabledll 下载



if exists(select 1 from sysobjects where name = 'sp_gettabledll' and type = 'P')
  drop procedure sp_gettabledll

create procedure sp_gettabledll 
@tblname varchar(30) = null, 
@prechar varchar(4) = null,   --$:no print 
@table_dll varchar(16384) = null out, 
@dbname varchar(32) = null, 
@droptg char(1) = '1', 
@prxytx varchar(255) = null, 
@replace varchar(20) = null, 
@tabtype varchar(1) = 'A', --A:所有表;P:代理表;U:用户表 
@indextg varchar(3) = 'TPI',  --T:纯表;P:主键;I:纯索引;J:除主键外的纯索引(和TP使用与I相同,和I同时使用I失效) 
@table_seg varchar(32) = null, 
@index_seg varchar(32) = null 
     set nocount on  



 在其中的“<Sybase目录>\data\master.dat -sFENGLB”后加入参数 -psa,  
  3、启动一个DOS窗口,转到上面的install目录,将DOS窗口的属性的屏幕缓冲区大小设置为9999,将执行第1步批处理文件以启动 server,在启动之后,将DOS窗口中的内容全部复制到记本事中,查找字符串“New SSO password for sa:”,后面的就是sa的新口令,记录之。  
  4、切换到SQL   Advangtage以sa帐号登录,口令为刚刚得到的密码。  
  5、进入server以后,用命令sp_password修改sa口令:sp_password '原密码','新密码','用户名'


用Sybase Central连接ASE数据库乱码问题的解决

用sybase自带的客户端工具sybase central连接ase的时候,如果连接字符集设置不合适,查询结果中汉字会出现乱码。


sp_configure "disable character set conversi",1



然后,在sybase central连接配置窗口中,将Character set调整为:cp936。必须设置Character set这个参数,否则sybase central中显示的汉字肯定是乱码,这和sybase central使用的jdbc驱动有关。

其实,将Character set也可以调整为:eucgb,gb18030,这些都是支持中文的字符集。

另外,如果ASE服务器的字符集为:cp936或者utf8,可以不用修改参数disable character set conversi为:1。仅仅通过调整Character set为:cp936 也能解决汉字显示乱码的问题。

Sybase ASE 15.0.3 for windows 安装中文语言支持、配置字符集


         windows平台上,Sybase ASE15.0.3安装完成后默认语言是:英语(us_english),默认字符集为:cp850cp850是一个西欧字符集,虽然也能使用cp850字符集保存汉字,但是不推荐在生产环境中使用该字符集。

         如果生产系统中Sybase ASE数据库仅考虑支持简体中文的话,则可以使用cp936或者utf8这两种字符集。如果需要国际化支持,那么需选择utf8字符集。





sp_configure "default character set id"


查看到Run Value为:2,执行:

select id,name from master..syscharsets where id=2



Sybase ASE自动创建数据库、登录以及用户的脚本







use master
declare @dbname varchar(30)
declare @MasterDevicePath varchar(255),@LogicalDataDevName varchar(30),@LogicalLogDevName varchar(30)
declare @DATDevicePath varchar(255),@LOGDevicePath varchar(255),@DataDevSize int,@LogDevSize int,@DataDevPageCount  int,@LogDevPageCount int
declare @SQLTEXT varchar(255)
declare @loginname varchar(30),@loginpasswd varchar(30)
set nocount on
-- @dbname 代表将要创建的数据库名称

Row-Level Locking for System Tables

Adaptive Server version 15.0.2 uses row-level locking on system tables to enhance performance.

Versions of Adaptive Server earlier than 15.0.2 used exclusive table locks on system tables while executing data definition language (DDL) and utility commands. The set of system tables Adaptive Server locked depended on the type of DDL operation you executed. If another DDL running concurrently tried to take a conflicting exclusive table lock on the same system table, this DDL had to wait to acquire the lock on any system catalogs. These DDL operations were executed serially.

This methodology impeded performance in temporary databases, where their DDL activity is very high also, and consequently their catalog contention is very high. This limited the Adaptive Server throughput for applications using temporary tables.
Adaptive Server version 15.0.2 uses row-level locking to resolve these issues:


System-table contention, caused a bottleneck for many DDLs and utilities.

tempdb contention. Because the system tables are locked at the row level, Adaptive Server 15.0.2 eliminates tempdb contention.

Shared or exclusive table-level locks while executing DDLs and utilities. Earlier versions converted most system tables to data-only locking (DOL), but still created shared or exclusive table-level locks while executing DDLs and utilities. Using row-level locks for system tables eliminates this contention.

Adaptive Server sets intent locks on catalogs only, which removes potential contention (An intent lock indicates that page-level or row-level locks are currently held on a table.).

DDLs and utilities blocking each other. Adaptive Server 15.0.2 allows DDLs and utilities to run in parallel.

Earlier versions of Adaptive Server used table locks to achieve system catalog synchronization. Adaptive Server 15.0.2 uses intent locks for table-level synchronization and row locks for row-level synchronization. Earlier releases of Adaptive Server locked the entire system catalog while performing operations on the object, so a single lock request was made. However, Adaptive Server version 15.0.2 requests locks for all applicable rows while performing operations on the object if there are multiple rows corresponding to an object in a system catalog.

This change means that Adaptive Server 15.0.2 requests more locks to perform the same operation than earlier releases, and increases the number of lock resources the system needs. Consequently, you may need to change the number of locks configuration option after you upgrade Adaptive Server.



The use of dsync/directio (typically) means the dataserver has to wait for a write to complete on the physical disk
before the dataserver considers the write to be 'successful' (aka guaranteed write). While this *wait* will extend the
time it takes to complete the associated database action, the guaranteed write to disk is required to insure
recoverability (in the case of a dataserver/machine/disk subsystem failure).

If dsync/directio are disabled then a dataserver write may finish more quickly due to the disk subsystem *caching* the
write IO. This means the associated dataserver action completes more quickly but there's no guarantee the IO made it to
the physical disk. If the dataserver/machine/disk subsystem fails between the successful disk cache write and the
physical disk write, you could end up losing data (ie, the dataserver thinks the data is on disk while the disk has no
record of the data existing).

For important databases (eg, master, RSSDs, user databases), especially in production environments, the recoverability
of the data usually takes precedence over speed. In these scenarios the dataserver must wait for physical disk writes
to complete 'successfully', with the caveat that the associated database action takes longer to complete.

For trivial/development databases where recoverability is not a concern, or for databases that are rebuilt from scratch
at dataserver startup (eg, temporary databases), guaranteed disk writes are not as important. In these scenarios a
successful write to disk cache is sufficient, with the added benefit that the associated database action completes more

So, generally speaking:

dsync/directio enabled : guaranteed disk writes, guaranteed recoverability, associated database actions take more time
to complete

dsync/directio disabled : no guarantee of writes to physical disks, no guarantee of recoverability, associated database
actions take less time to complete


Now-a-days there are lots of ways to configure disk subsystems ... raw disks, cached disks, cached file systems,
journaled file systems, multiple layers of logical disk management, sans (w/ and w/out cache), etc, etc, etc ...

Some of these configurations may support dsync/directio operations by the dataserver while actually performing the write
to cache, ie, the physical disk write takes place at a later time. For some systems this may be ok if the disk
subsystem vendor can guarantee that those cache writes will always make their way to disk.

The issue here is that regardless of which attribute settings (dsync/directio) are used for dataserver devices, it's the
DBA's responsibility to insure the disk subsystem can really guarantee disk writes for those database actions that
require guaranteed recoverability.



1、编辑/etc/ssh/sshd_config;把 PermitRootLogin no改成 PermitRootLogin yes

2、svcadm restart network/ssh