SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(8)

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考虑到Sybase数据库的初学者或者没有购买原厂服务的Sybase客户情况,现提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息。
在SAP Support Portal网站或者google上搜索Targeted CR List for ASE,可以看到针对不同版本的CR(CR表示Change Request)简单描述信息列表。
需要注意的是:Targeted CR List for ASE列出的CR虽然绝大多数是BUG,但有一些是更改需求。
以下提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息!

Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(1)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(2)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(3)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(4)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(5)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(6)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(7)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(8)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(9)

732410 In rare cases, dataserver can hang due to this deadlock situation: one session sleeps on grabbing DES while updating statistic in rollback a DELETE; the other session sleeps on writing dirty buffers when scavenging a DES.
732482 A query against a remote table may get a signal 11 during UPDATE STATISTICS.
732503 The message "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'des__clean' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'des_refreshall' and 'online_database' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when multiple sessions are executing the ONLINE DATABASE command simultaneously for the same database. This will result in SAP ASE shutting down implicitly.
732560 ASE attempts to checkout a license after it is already checked-out.
732588 Under certain circumstances when a threshold action is defined, and user is dropping a procedure, and the procedure happens to be the last row of the sysprocedures page, an 873 error may be reported when log space is low, and the threshold proc gets spawned.
732604 The summary stats for histogram (i.e. unique count, density) generated by hash based statistics gathering may be inaccurate. This could occur when OPTDIAG labels a histogram as "high domain".
732613 The Job Scheduler fails to start if quoted_identifier property is set for the connection (which is used to start the Job Scheduler). The following error is logged in the SAP ASE errorlog: "Job Scheduler: IS_ISQL_EXT failed [set nocount on use sybmgmtdb print ":s: %1!", "sybmgmtdb"]"
732631 REORG REBUILD <table_name> WITH ONLINE command, does not update the index create time-stamp(index_created field in sp_helpindex output) for the indexes rebuilt.
732640 Schema lock displayed as GUID lock in sp_lock output
732693 ALTER TABLE <TABLENAME> SPLIT PARTITION may fail with errors such as 2601 (Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object <name> with unique index <name>) when there is a non-clustered index.
732723 typos and fix problems for fast bcp section of utility guide
732728 The unreserved space stored in the table sysusages can become a huge number bigger than the fragment itself if the number of allocated pages indicated in the OAM pages for some objects becomes corrupted and show pages allocated that are not.
732777 Under some circumstances, a 4720 error "Cannot truncate table '%.*s' because there are one or more isolation level 0 scans, or REORG command, active on the table." may be reported while a temporray is being dropped. Such temporary table is found to have a dlevel0cnt = 12.
732841 RepAgent won't connect to RepServer when 'cis connect timeout' > 2147.
732911 If a table has constraint check and its name is quoted identifier, when migrate the table, sybmigrate failed in the error like that: SqlState: 42000 java.sql.SQLException: Incorrect syntax near
732921 A 8201 error, "Keep count of descriptor (objid=14, dbid=<value>) was expected to be 1. Instead 0 was found" followed by a stack trace that includes the module 'des__unkeep' may be raised if ASE fails to allocate space for either SYSGAMS or SYSDAMS.
732977 FR: create a parameter that will make getutcdate() only be evaluated once per statement as getdate() is by default.
732995 Sometimes Procedure Cache ELC (Engine Local Cache) for some of the engines does not get configured during engine boot, which leads to Procedure cache ELC not getting used on the engine and thus leads to contention on the rproccache_spin spinlock. This condition can be detected using the ASE errorlog. If an engine is brought online but does not have the message "Proc header memory allocated <nn> pages for engine <engine_id> local cache" for that engine then the Procedure Cache ELC is not properly configured for that engine.
733006 This problem may show up when the database has first bit set ON in the status (meaning upgrade started on this database) and the database devices, that are inactivated in a database, may not get 'init' by Sybrestore.
733051 If the number of system roles of target server is more than source server's, after running symigrate -m migrate, sybmigrate will drop from sysusers those roles that are 'new' in the target server.

This issue can specially be seen when users are migrating from ASE 12.5.4 to ASE 15.7.x

733146 In rare cases, the message "Invalid column length" may be reported in the ASE errorlog to indicate there are issues in the index creation when creating an index on a Page Compressed table.
733194 Incorrect disk activity may be reported by sp_sysmon_diskio when there is no disk I/O in given sample period on this device.
733215 After upgrading, the value of systabstats.rowcnt for the syspartitions and sysobjects tables

will be 1 less than the actual number of rows in these two system tables.

733226 If a parallel plan's thread count exceeds the session's parallel degree, then the plan will undergo Compile time Thread Adjustment (CTA). If the plan contains a semantic scan under a semantic dependent operator (JOIN, DISTINCT, GROUP, or UNION_DISTINCT), then the semantic dependent operator's plan fragment (from its containing xchg op) may have it's degree adjusted

incorrectly which could result in wrong results.

733305 An ASE spid with remote I/O may hang when killed. Even reissuing the kill does not help.
733331 Error message 1509 may be raised when CREATE INDEX or UPDATE STATISTIC is executed in parallel on huge table where there are very few distinct COLUMNS values.
733346 The stored procedure sp_dropexternlogin will fail when executed by a user that has SSO_ROLE and not SA_ROLE when granular permissions is not enabled.
733367 Provide downgrade support from 15.7 SP110 to SP100 to prevent loading database or transaction dumps containing transactional activity from INSERT-BULK with parallel index updates work load. Extend db_attr(), and loginfo() built-ins to examine database feature-set. Extend LOAD ... WITH HEADERONLY to report the features found in the dumps.
733428 The "recovery prefetch size" configuration parameter is added to configure the lookahead size (in terms of log pages) in order for recovery to prefetch to-be-recovered pages. When set to 0, SAP ASE will automatically optimize the value.
733446 In DDLGen 15.7 ESD#3 and later, 'set quoted_identifier on' is reported in the DDL output even when it is not specified in the actual create table SQL.
733462 A timeslice error may occur followed by a stack trace involving the module itl_au_update_xfer_mark() with executing BCP-IN or update DMLs, if 'transfer table' is set on a large table with data more than 47GB on 2KB page size (95GB on 4KB pagesize, 190GB on 8KB pagesize, 380GB on 16KB pagesize).
733573 Use "SET ISQL" command to set the option. Maximum number of rows can be set through command "SET ISQL _maximum_displayed_rows '<value>'". Note the previous command only makes the new value applicable to the session. To make the option permanent, use command "SET ISQL PERMANENT _maximum_displayed_rows '<value>'". Note the optional keyword "PERMANENT" or "TEMPORARY" after "ISQL" is new in DBISQL16/ASE.
733579 The unreserved page count might be off by the number of pages of the table SYSDAMS if SAP ASE uses the OAM pages to calculate the free space counts. The database fragments containing pages of the system table SYSDAMS will show the space used by this table as free.
733604 Add the ability to suppress warning message regarding the ignoring of hints under the presence of abstract plans. This is enabled under Trace Flag 15381.
733623 ASE allows configuration parameter 'max online engines' to be set to a value lower than 'number of engines at startup' leading to an incorrect value for the parameter 'max online Q engines'. This can result in incorrect calculations for the 'maximum number of engines' resulting in ASE hitting a SIGSEGV followed by a stack trace involving the module ueisonline().
733750 Timeslices may occur with statistics gathering using hashing.
733752 The estimate for NULLs in the optimizer may be incorrect if hash based statistics gathering is used, when the number of unique values in the column is greater than 65535.
733766 The severity of error message 5805 and 5806 is now changed from EX_USER to EX_INFO since they are just warnings.
733776 After an upgrade, execution of a procedure may fail with error 102 "incorrect syntax near [ endend | grantgrant ]" and error 11031 due to the source code being stored incorrectly in syscomments when it contains multiple GRANT statements. Manually correct the source code, then drop and re-create the procedure.
733838 ASE no longer rejects requests to add remote logins with same server name as local server.
733893 Device Props does not display databases that are using a device on little-endian machines. On big-endian machines, unintended databases may get displayed.
733904 Active roles being reset leading to permission errors.
733907 The error 822 "Could not start I/O for request.." followed by a stack trace that includes the module altdb_shrinklog() could be raised in a Cluster Edition server if a fragment of the database log is shurnk using the command ALTER DATABASE LOG OFF and the device where this fragment was is dropped.
733932 When a user with sso_role runs a query accessing a table, a 2736 error, "Owner name that was specified is a group name. Objects cannot be owned by groups" may occur followed by a 706 error, "Process <n> tried to remove PROC_HDR <addr> that it does not hold in Pss", during recompiling a light-weight procedure if statement cache is enabled. The processed will be terminated.
733937 When using hash based statistics gathering on columns with more than 65535 unique values there is a possibility of inaccurate summary statistics of the range density and range unique counts as displayed in optdiag. This may lead to suboptimal query plan selection.
734031 Add open client version to monProcess under column ClientVersion
734125 The 695 error, "An attempt was made to read logical page '<n>' for database '<dbname>'..." could be raised in an archive database when the database dump contains more than 256 contiguous log pages.
734176 If DBCC DBREBOOT is unsuccessful for some reason, the status in sysdatabases may sometimes incorrectly indicate that a forced shutdown is in progress, even after SAP ASE has been shutdown and rebooted successfully.
734184 In rare occasions, Adaptive Server's internal timer becomes non-operational. Such occurrence is reported to the errorlog with messages like 揥arning: Alarm Service for Timer non-operational. If this message generated multiple times, report to support and restart the server (alarminterval=-7001)�
734204 When the configuration parameter 'max network peek depth' is configured to a positive value, ASE will look for an attention up to the specified depth in the pending input on a connection, and if one is found, all input preceding the attention packet as well as the attention packet itself are discarded, the currently executing command is canceled and an attention acknowledgement is sent to the client. When running with the default value 0 of the configuration parameter, ASE looks for an attention only at the start of pending input.
734211 DDLGen can generate an incorrect header message while generating ddl for a load profile. Instead of saying 'DDL for LoadProfile', it can say 'DDL for :user'.
734212 ASE hits SIGNAL 11 (SIGSEGV) when it runs out of spinlocks under heavy CT-Lib calls if 'max cis remote connections' configuration value is DEFAULT (which is 0). Setting 'max cis remote connections' to appropriate value is suggested to avoid reserving high number of spinlocks (upto four times 'number of user connections').
734214 Command line trace flag 16964 is added to turn off the row constructor optimization for range predicates. This optimization may cause an underestimate of the limiting selectivity of an index scan when a range predicate exists on an indexed column followed by limiting predicates on subsequent columns. For example, if an index I(a,b,c) has predicates a>5 and b=10 and c>20 then the range predicate on 揳� is followed by minor attributes 揵� and 揷� which also have limiting predicates... then the scan selectivity on the index "I" may be underestimated.
734218 plan removed from procedure cache for trigger when you have an raise error in triggers.
734253 After moving the transaction log to another device and data and log devices are separated, the database may still keep "mixed log and data" status. dbcc findstranded(database_name) can be executed to correct the status if needed.
734394 When ASE Server is not in single user mode during sp_downgrade 'prepare', report a warning message to indicate it instead of stopping the validation.
734395 When dropping an encryption key, the 15401 message is reported with malformed values in the message.
734464 Cover letter CR for ASE 15.7 SP50. Was ESD#5 and previously ESD#4.2
734470 When SAP ASE is booted with trace flag 7437 it will not switch from an OAM scan to an allocation page scan when an incorrect page count value in one or more OAM entries is found during boot time recovery and while calculating the free space page counts for a database.
734475 The LogicalReads value in the monProcessActivity and monProcessStatement MDA tables remained unchanged when a long query is executing.
734485 segv in rvm_fetch_attr() when using a cached plan during validation of view and objects used s_mustrecompile() and possibly prot_validate() in calling path.
734500 The index page scanning selectivity estimate may be too optimistic for an index, in which a prefix of 0 or more positioning equality predicates (such as r.a = 1 and r.b = 2) is followed by a positioning range predicate such as (r.c > 5) is following by subsequent trailing positioning predicates (such as r.d = 10 and r.e >= 20). The change enabled by the new optcriteria limit_row_constructor will limit the index page scan reduction by at most 50% (in our example it will limit reductions contributed by r.d, r.e).
734605 Need a description and formula for multiple dependent SARGs selectivity estimation on 15.7.x
734617 Adaptive Server 15.7 may execute SELECT queries at isolation level 3 on Data Only Locked scheme tables slower than SAP ASE 15.0.3 or 15.5 if the session executing the SELECT query holds a large number of locks.
734660 The error "Page Verification Error: Page mismatch. Page <page #> contains 0 in page header." could be incorrectly printed in the Backup Server errorlog when executing DUMP DATABASE WITH VERIFY. This error is spurious and can be ignored.
734674 Filter SQL in SQL Activity Window (SCC)
734702 For objects with no storage, error 691 may be reported while running a CREATE INDEX command if either a dump is in progress or an incremental dump is in progress.
734705 After running sp_reptostandby/sp_setreptable/sp_setrepcol with "use_index"

option on compressed in-row LOB columns, dbcc checktable() may report various

kinds of index errors.

734716 At times the systabstats empty page count column may get values near to 2^32 (~4294967295) if inserts into a table are rolled back.
734750 srvbuildres optimization fails when specifying '16K' as the logical page size in the resource file for the Adaptive Server.
734761 NFR: enable more than 32767 user connections in ASE
734800 Backup Server may occasionally report a spurious error when executing a DUMP or LOAD WITH VERIFY[ONLY], as a result of checking a page that is already deallocated. This is more likely to happen when the deallocated page belonged to compressed table.
734866 The builtin asehostname() is now made a grantable builtin.
734897 On a High Availability (HA) System, sp_companion may hang if sp_sysmon is running at the same time.
734899 A 692 error, "Uninitialized logical page <pageno> was read while accessing database ...", may be reported after loading an in-memory database dump from a database where this page was used but was marked as deallocated incorrectly, resulting in this page not being archived in the dump.
734968 Sometimes queries that involve multiple DERIVED TABLEs or VIEWs may return wrong results. The kind of queries that could be affected by this needs the following elements: (1) A DERIVED TABLE with a correlated expression SUBQUERY as one of the DERIVED TABLE抯 SELECT list items. (2) Another correlated SUBQUERY in the parent query block which is referencing the expression SUBQUERY result from 1) as the correlated column. (3) Both 1) and 2) are under an IN SUBQUERY of the top query block. 1) and 2) lead ASE query tree to use a worktable for the DERIVED TABLE and 3) puts an EXISTS requirement over a table used by the DERIVED TABLE. The combination causes ASE to miss the EXISTS requirement on the table when generating a plan and leads to duplicate rows.
734983 Added new option SET PLAN SHARED ON and server wide param 'abstract plan sharing'.

It enables Abstract Plan sharing between different users. Tables in the query with shared

abstract plan must be explicitly prefixed with the owner name or belong to the DBO user.

735003 The built-ins or stored procedures that rely on OAM for space accounting get blocked on an exclusive table lock on the table.
735029 When the source server is 15.7 ESD#2 or later, sybmigrate -m migrate session may fail with the error, "The catalog 'sysusers' in the target database appears to contain rows which were either

installed by the user or were previously migrated. Cannot proceed with migration of 'Users'".

735036 When running concurrent SELECT commands and DELETE/UPDATE commands on TEXT/IMAGE/UNITEXT columns, the client connection may hang or report a TDS token error or raise error 7128 state 6.
735107 A 247 (arithmetic overflow) error may be reported when the syscachepoolinfo and syscacheinfo MDA tables are queried.
735163 Adaptive Server Enterprise may crash and generate a core dump without any stack trace or messsage while multiple sessions run sp_companion simultaneously in threaded kernel mode.
735187 A 2583 error, "Number of data pages <value> counted by DBCC differs from count in the data OAM <pageid> for dbid <dbid> object <objectid>." may be reported when running DBCC CHECKTABLE on a table having a clustered index or placement index after the database that the table resides on experienced a load tran of ASE 15.5 or earlier to a server of ASE 15.7 or after.
735223 Deffered Name resolution can cause unexpected syntax errors
735256 Sometimes an insert query with union view or derived table with union in which tables have check constraint, could cause a signal 11 (SIGSEGV) and a stacktrace in errorlog involving the function NormalizeScalar().
735270 For query SELECTing multiple count aggregates, wrong result could happen when the final plan uses two phase aggregates. One of the count aggregates could come from an AVG().

It is more likely to happen when the two phase aggregate plan is also a parallel plan,

or when the query is also a GROUPBY query with a HAVING clause equal-comparing two of the count aggregates.

735292 An ASE task making a remote procedure call to a server with server option 'net password encryption' set to true and 'cis_rpc_handling' disabled can go to sleep indefinitely and the client appears to be hung.
735311 syconfig.exe fails to optimize the server.
735327 A 692 error, "Uninitialized logical page '24' was read while accessing object '2'

in database '<dbid>'. Please contact Sybase Technical Support." may be reported when

a 12.5.4 ASE database dump that was made with a 15.7 ESD#4.2 Backup Server is loaded

back in a 12.5.4 ASE.

735346 ALTER TABLE on a data compressed table may lead to heap memory (CPINFO pool) corruption. ASE stacktraces may be seen involving the functions kbfalloc() and cpinfo_allocbufs().
735394 Feature Request to know how much of the disk space requirements for installing ASE

so customer can be sure that they have enough space when they are ready to install.

735431 The error, "Table Corrupt: The row number and offset of each row in the page should have a matching entry in row number table ..." will be incorrectly reported in the Backup Server error log on pages with deleted rows that belong to an All Pages Locked table when executing DUMP/LOAD WITH VERIFY.
735513 System table sysusers is accessed too often during procedure execution.
735516 Need a mechanism to change the size of Engine Local Cache (ELC). By default ELC is 50 % of configured procedure cache size.
735567 The Backup Server is enhanced to perform consistency checks on Data Only Locked (DOL) index pages besides data pages during DUMP DATABASE execution.
735568 checkalloc is running 9-15 hours
735578 Need SCC built with SQL Anywhere 12.0.1 3842 or later
735590 user can get set tracefile rights when login is not a user in master db
735660 monThread can have incorrect values on AIX, which can result in overly large or negative values in the sp_sysmon OS section.
735662 In rare scenarios, highly contended system with large number of databases, workload consisting of large number of short dmls, rdbts_spin could be highly contended.
735692 The function row_count() when used on system tables returns zero after upgrade from SAP ASE 12.5.4
735705 If a procedure get recompiled during execution, query against monProcessProcedures may get duplicate procedure entries.
735727 When updating an in-row LOB datum to NULL, the LTL generated for the update of the datum wrongly includes the LTL qualifier 'tpinit' instead of the qualifier 'zerolen'. This does not cause data corruption, or interruption of replication. Nevertheless, according to the LTL specification, the qualifier 'zerolen' must be used.
735752 When using ResultSet.deleteRow() from jdbc application against a select query (as updatable

cursor) involving a list of over 128 OR conditions it is possible that the delete will fail

with error 592.

This may also occur when issuing the sql language comnmand 'delete where current of'

against an updatable cursor.

735812 The unreserved space reported by either the stored procedure sp_helpdb or the builtin curunreservedpgs() could be wrong after executing any of the stored procedures sp_addsegment, sp_extendsegment or sp_dropsegment.
735863 When running optimization goal allrows_dss it is possible that an incorrect aggregate

result may be returned in rare circumstances involving a derived table or view containing

a union all with the aggregate operating on a constant in the select list on at least one

side of the union all.

735868 In rare case, SELECT on a DOL table with index may cause ASE to shut down with a timeslice error

and followed by a stack trace that includes the modules bt__handle_LAdone(), bt__qualpage(), bt__scan_massoffset() and bufoffset().

735879 The backupserver sample resource file is missing ASE login and password attributes for sybatch.exe
735884 ASE may suffer from a memory leak when several client connections are simultaneously made using encrypted passwords.
735895 Instrumentation: ASE at times can hit timeslice error coming from ksctsuspend(). This could occur when configuration parameter "cis idle connection timeout" is set to a non default value and server has active CIS connections. Instrumentation is added under traceflag 7899 which prints diagnostic messages to the errolog when the issue occurs. Instrumentation is also added to avoid more than one CIS task from accessing a connection in parallel.
736016 Feature requests on making session level settable options to limit

lio/cpu/locks/elapsed_time/tempdb_sapce similar to resource govern.

736017 A 7949 error, "The number of pages used and unused for object <objid> index 255 partition <ptnid> on allocation page <alloc_page_no> do not match the counts in the OAM entry." followed by error 7940, "The counts in the OAM are incorrect. This implies that there are entries missing. Run tablealloc utility with the FIX option on the table with the inaccurate OAM counts." may be reported by DBCC TEXTALLOC and FULL option after inserting data with BCP into a table that has LOB columns and the option 'lob_compression' is enabled in the target database.
736019 When using hash based statistics collection and over 65535 unique values exist in the column then it is possible that the summary statistics (such as density) may be slightly inaccurate. If one looks at the optdiag output for the column and determines that a range cell is used for the first cell even though only one domain value can fit into the cell, then it is possible for summary statistics inaccuracies. It is possible, but unlikely, that query plans could be adversely affected.
736021 FR: kill command with time to complete warning client message b4 dead
736079 A cheaper plan containing the merge_union_all operator may be skipped in favor of a more expensive plan using a sort operator on top of an append_union_all.
736093 In rare cases in a cluster environment with more than one node, ONLINE DATABASE may hang if the log segment free space falls below a threshold.
736132 FR: sp_showcontrolinfo warning message or allow to be run in any db
736158 Builtin function object_id('"OBJECT_NAME"') may return null for quoted identifier if new parameter 'quoted identifier enhancements' = 1. To workaround, disable this new parameter via:

sp_configure 'quoted identifier enhancements', 0

736179 A 3261 error, "You cannot load this dump because it contains functionality that is available only on the server on which it was dumped" will be reported by LOAD DATABASE when trying to load a database dump which was taken while the database option "deallocate first text page" was active, or at least one table in this database had the attribute "dealloc_first_txtpg" set to 2.
736268 A login account that has a login-specific password expiration setting may have the global password expiration setting applied to it if the server encounters a 1204 (out of locks) error during the login attempt.
736288 When dropping a HADR standby server, remove HADR environment from the dropped server without manual intervention if the server is reachable.
736309 INSTRUMENTATION: In rare circumstances, Adaptive Server may crash as a result of SIGSEGV error in kbfalloc() while holding DATACHG_SPIN spinlock.
736349 Place the CR 702346 changes under a trace flag, disabled by default. CR 702346 changes are unlikely to be needed in ASE 15.7 due to different code paths.
736426 The Java Compile Suite layer in Adaptive Server that is responsible for UDF/ADT support and SQLJ queries execution towards the target JavaVM has been enhanced to allow the release of intermediate allocated Java objects. This was causing the JavaVM heap memory allocation to be exhausted under a heavy load application environment.
736428 The message, "Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates that a COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRAN is missing. Previous count = 1, Current count = 0" is wrongly reported in chain mode.
736435 In rare circumstances, dropping a connection upon the CIS idle timeout may result in concurrent

execution of Ct-library calls which may result in undesirable behavior.

736441 Feature request for an online (non-blocking) ALTER TABLE LOCK
736499 Linux client failed to redirect connections to Windows Server.
736524 Under very specific circumstances involving a join between the result of a concatenation

of a derived table (or view) column and a string value. Also involving a correlated sub-

query within the derived table definition it is possible for the optimizer to generate a

plan which may lead to an unexpected error 249 (or similar) dependant on data.

736535 On ASE 12.5.x, When DISK INIT is used to create a 32GB device on a raw partition using vdevno 255, it fails with error 5115 and corrupts the master device (zeros out pages in the config block and master database). The issue is not seen when vdevno 255 is a file system device, or if the size is less than 31 GB.
736536 sp_dbextend does not observe default device growby limits.
736538 sp_sysmon gives wrong average values for 'Engine Busy Utilization' in process kernel mode.
736550 Under rare circumstances a 696 error: "An attempt was made to read logical page '<page#>' for database '<dbname>' (<dbid>), object '<tablename>' ... from disk. Wrong logical page '<page#>' was brought into cache 'default data cache'." may be reported in the error log for allocation pages after the execution of CREATE, ALTER or LOAD DATABASE commands in an ASE installation using a page size that is greater than 2K-bytes and when during their execution the message "No large buffers were available, so pages are being cleared by writing each page separately. Please be patient" is reported. Alternatively a 2529 error, "Table Corrupt: Attempted to get page <page#>, partition ID 99; got page <page#>, partition ID 99." may be reported by DBCC CHECKALLOC.
736603 In some rare cases, accessing a system table could result in 8201 error being raised.
736622 When running REORG REBUILD against a table whose name or any column name might form part

of a reserved double or triple keyword phrase it is possible for an error 156

error to be reported along with error 11934 and for the REORG REBUILD command to abort.

736626 When ASE is configured with the 'process' kernel mode and with several engines, the RepAgent Thread may be infected with signal 11 in the module 'uctSetIssuedCnt' while shutting down with a stack trace reported in the error log which includes the modules 'usctclose' and 'ra_drop_csconn'.
736645 After downgrading from ASE 15.7 to ASE 15.5GA, when booting the ASE 15.5GA server, a segmentation fault may be encountered during startup while attempting to reconcile the downgraded configuration options.
736699 If there are significant concurrent activities which pin buffer cache pages in the named tempdb cache (or default data cache) then it is possible that the server could appear to hang due to lack of buffer cache. The kind of activity that could lead to this state is "hash based statistics gathering", "sorts", "query plans using hash operators".
736754 The error 2550, "Missing segment in sysusages segmap", will be unnecessarily reported by DBCC CHECKCATALOG if a database has a fragment with a segmap equal to 0.
736819 A new option is added to 'Text' display mode to wrap long lines on Results panel.
736888 In rare circumstances, a 3474 error, "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log" may happen while loading a transaction log dump containing a rollback of a CREATE INDEX operation in database that has ddl_in_tran option on.
736902 Optdiag tool was running as a ctlib application of a lower version, so it misinterpreted (and wrongly displayed) BIGDATETIME and BIGTIME values reported for statistics.
736951 Improved the RAT Multiple Scanners code concurrency by removing the usage of un-needed locking primitives.
736957 In certain circumstances, databases, including system databases, can incorrectly get into LOG SUSPEND mode, issuing message: "Space available in the log segment has fallen critically low in database '<dbname>'. All future modifications to this database will be suspended until the log is successfully dumped and space becomes available." This may happen even though there is much unreserved space in the database. The problem may also manifest in 3475 errors: "There is no space available in SYSLOGS to log a record for which space has been reserved in database <dbname>."
736977 In rare circumstances, an undetected deadlock may occur following a 1204 error: "ASE has run out of LOCKS. Re-run your command when there are fewer active users, or contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role to reconfigure ASE with more LOCKS.", where the process that ran into the 1204 error holds the append log semaphore.
736978 On High Availability (HA) System, accessing a proxy table may raise a 102 error (Incorrect syntax near '.') after failover occurs and the connection is migrated to the secondary companion ASE.
737039 A 941 error, "Illegal database context operation." may be repeatedly reported in the error log by the housekeeper wash task. An ASE reboot is the only option to stop this message from being reported.
737093 When a table is partitioned based on a list of values including the NULL value, the NULL value may be ignored when compared to NULL, leading to wrong results.
737108 Assertion fail in le_subst.cpp maybe raised when index only contains fixed-length columns.
737139 Internal error 724 or abstract plan errors may be raised when table names are also abstract plan operator names.
737164 Request for instrumentation to determine what is causing a database's keep count to become higher than it should be (left larger than zero after all processes have stopped using the database).
737289 sp_modifystats incorrect where clause in MODIFY_DENSITY
737292 In some circumstances, monOpenObjectActivity may report ObjectCacheDate for the cached object as 'Jan 1 1900 12:00AM' or other wrong date value.
737316 As of ASE 15.0 ESD2 no longer needs a separate license for DTM license,

it is part of ASE_CORE license

737327 Querying a DATE column from remote DB2 table may result in cs_convert overflow error.
737335 When system get out of locks 1204 error this results in 3914 error from checkpoint processes and after this to resource clean up problem.
737338 When the stored procedure sp_renamedb is executed from a read-only database, a wrong error message, "You cannot run stored procedure 'sp_renamedb' from a low durability database" is reported. The message should be "You cannot run stored procedure 'sp_renamedb' from a read-only database".
737365 DUMP DATABASE to TSM API on Windows platforms can fail with the error message, "D00: SYBMULTBUF ERROR: Emulator interprocess communication failed with error state = 9, error code=109, system message=Cannot get operating system error tex." Occasionally, the message, "system message =The pipe has been ended. Refer to your operating system documentation for further details." can also be reported. This issues only affects ASE on the Windows platforms.
737481 In rare cases, when updating CHAR, VARCHAR or IN-ROW-LOB columns on a PAGE compressed table and there are many non-printable characters in the existing column value, the update may fail.
737524 In rare circumstances, an 8201 error, "Keep count of descriptor (objid=<obj_id>, dbid=<db_id>) was expected to be 1. Instead 2 was found" followed by a stack trace that includes the modules des__clean() and des__scavenge() when a system is running out of descriptors.
737543 Added a diagnostic check to help identify LRU chain issues. Trace flag 897 has been added to enable the instrumentation.
737552 This PC Client release for ASE157esd4.2 fulfills an SAP internal requirement. Content-wise, this PC Client is exactly the same as version released with ASE157esd4.
737577 The 3702 error,"Cannot drop the procedure 'sp_aux_getsize' because it is currently in use." will be raised if a user tries to drop the stored procedure sp_aux_getsize before the server has finished the recovery of every database.
737628 Intelligient index scan may lead to non-optimal index in plan selection.
737629 A query using the xmlextract() function terminates with an infected with 11 or timeslice error with the function bi__xml_query() on the stack.
737697 When running UPDATE INDEX STATISTICS with SAMPLING command, numerous errors may be reported in the errorlog - 1105 errors: "Can't allocate space for object 'temp worktable' in database 'tempdb' because 'system' segment is full/has no free extents. If you ran out of space in syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE to increase the size of the segment" and 1764 errors: "Failed to insert row into worktable, when projecting base table on to work table for collecting statistics".
737702 Certain stored procedures created with "execute as caller" and using user defined datatypes may produce 2716 errors at execution time.
737712 feature request for ASE to handle stack overflow issues for some queries with large IN or UNION clauses without crashing the server.
737720 3914 error with cluster edition 157esd4 and dynamic sql. conflicts in internal sql.
737721 Feature request to avoid flushing the BEGINXACT for a SELECT INTO command until the select starts producing rows to be inserted.
737722 Feature request for a supported method for dumping databases and transaction logs to Amazon cloud storage [Simple Storage Service (S3) API]
737733 The 12320 message, "Fatal internal error encountered when forwarding row <rowid> in table <tablename>, database <dbname> during update. Aborting the transaction" may be reported when updating a DOL row on a table defined as Page Compressed.
737762 Under rare circumstances backup server may produce unpredictable text attached to the dump trailer.
737820 Feature request for an ALTER TABLE LOCK implementation that would minimize blocking by changing the lock scheme for rows only as they were modified. i.e. ASE would maintain up to three subtables (one for each lockscheme) and present a consistent view of them as one table.
737824 The 18124 message, "No matching configuration options" may be reported when executing sp_configure "solaris async i/o mode"
737837 Shrinkpage() will raise a 631 error if the parent nonleaf page has only one nonleaf row that points to the shrinking page.
737879 When backup server is started with trace flag 朌2048, the pages that have been allocated after the backup server built a list of pages to be archived and before the related allocation page is read by sybmultbuf, will be resent. Prior to dump a database one can run 揝YB_BACKUP卶atraceon 105� that will add appropriate messages in the backup server error log when a resent has occurred.
737907 If the server crashes in the middle of SHRINKDB, the segmap number on sysusages table may not be updated to 0.
737933 Add option to Connect Dialog to connect to the last-used database (instead of the default database).
738007 In rare circumstances, the RepAgent thread may fail to terminate and hang in the module 'upsleepgeneric'. The execution for DBCC STACKTRACE(<RepAgent_spid>) would indicate the RepAgent sleeping in the modules 'usctcancel' and 'ksctsuspend'.
738033 When auditing option to remove java classes is turned 'on', sp_audit stored procedure returns with a message that the option is 'off'.
738117 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the module ssql_release() or ssql_choose_victims() may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when the statement cache is full in a high concurrency SAP ASE environment.
738127 Although the DOUBLE PRECISION datatype supports values up to ~1.79E308, the ASE parser raises errors 103 "The number that starts with ... is too long. Maximum length is 255." for values larger than 1.0E255 when submitted as a decimal string. Such large values can be inserted using E-notation.
738162 Feature request to make AUDIT PROCESS EXCEPTION as more "Critical" or a "FATAL" message
738189 Load dump with list_only=create_sql sometimes fails. A Unrecoverable I/O or volume error may be reported.
738196 A core dump facility is added to the sybmon configurable shared memory dump feature. This is supported only on Windows platforms.
738218 A 1209 error, "Internal Error in lock manager routine: Attempted lock upgrade from shared intent to shared table in parallel query thread is illegal", may be reported in the error log during a SELECT or SELECT-INTO query on a table with parallel plan if there are concurrent DMLs or utilities operating on the table.
738286 request to make the SySAM message "ASE will shutdown ..." a critical or fatal message,

not just a warning message

738309 In rare circumstances, the task will hang when LIKE clause or patindex(builtin) operator on the columns which contain the LOB data defined as compressed.
738319 After multiple HADR failovers, new client connections to a server in the HADR group may fail with error message "Read from the server has timed out" or "There is a tds login error".
738322 Backup Server introduces a remote access control feature that prevents remote dumps and loads and execution of remote procedure calls (RPC) from any client or server running on unauthorized servers. Local dumps are not affected by this feature (NB, CR 749101 also needed if the network interface has more than one IP address). Authorization to dump or load, to or from Backup Server is achieved by including the authorized hosts in the host.allow access control file. The default location of hosts.allow file is $SYBASE. The location and name can be changed using the Backup Server parameter -h.
738367 Stored procedures using "execute as caller" with builtin functions may attempt to access objects that do not belong to the caller (but do belong to the procedure owner).
738370 HK skips flushing log masses causing non-positive wash deficit leading to 839 error
738403 The show_cached_plan_in_xml() function reports incorrect timings on the AIX platform.
738537 When LOAD DATABASE <dbname> WITH LISTONLY=LOAD_SQL is executed, incorrect output may be generated if the database was dumped using a dump configuration with an external API. As an example "LOAD DATABASE test FROM 'C:\Windows\system32\syb_tsm::test.DB.20130429.171214.000'" may be reported instead of "LOAD DATABASE test FROM 'syb_tsm::test.DB.20130429.171214.000'".
738538 "shutdown with nowait" may fail to shutdown the server followed by SIGSEGV stacktrace with modules ktMuxThreadGetSchedQ(), ktMuxThreadTick(), utpApplyAll(), utpmApplyAll(), kaclkintr_thread() on the stack.
738551 Feature request that allows licenses from to be generated

in one batch.

738552 If a table has small compressible off-row LOB columns that are not compressed due to size or other factors, ASE RepAgent may send an incorrect text length to Replication Server causing the Replication Server to stop replicating.
738558 The sysmessages entry for error 701 indicates the severity level is 19 when it is actually 17.
738633 RepAgent may run out of memory and shutdown if started and stopped a large number of times.
738655 Inappropriate right truncation error is raised when long BINARY values at or near the full width of a long column are inserted via dynamic SQL prepared statement.
738675 Database device remapping is disabled when a database is loaded with VERIFY.
738692 When a query involves multiple subqueries under, and the final plan places the subquery JOIN operator at the top of the plan, then there a much better plan that may be skipped. Optcriteria cr738692 will turn on the fix.
738710 A Fault Type Error 100008, "Fixed format error", may be reported by DBCC CHECKSTORAGE if DBCC

CHECKDB or DBCC CHECKTABLE is run on a database/table which contains variable length columns previously.

738731 An 806 error, "Could not find virtual page for logical page <page_id> in database <db_name>", may be reported when executing DBCC CHECKTABLE/CHECKINDEX/CHECKDB/REINDEX after shrinking a database containing a table with suspect index.
738733 This PC-Client SP is based on SDK 15.7 SP100. A list of changes in SDK 15.7 SP100 is available at
738744 The message, "Error: sdt_getpage: Attempt to read page '0' but device <device_name> is not open.

Exiting", is reported when a cumulative dump is used as a metadata file for sybdumptran.

738747 select * into to support create of the primery key.
738758 A CIS spid in a 'terminating' state might hang at times in the usctconnect() function as observed in the DBCC STACKTRACE(spid) output.
738771 Under rare circumstances, a 12313 error, "Internal error: Insert into page id <pageno> of index id <indid> of table 'sysobjects' (id= 1) in database '<dbname>' tried to replace undeleted RID (<pageid>,<rownum>) at slot <slotnum> and ridposn <ridposn>. Try dropping and recreating the index." may be reported while loading a transaction log dump after onlining the database with STANDBY_ACCESS mode. The fix provides trace flag 3170 to bypass this error. Please turn on trace flag 3170 and reload the dump sequence.
738777 ASE will now no longer cache INSERT VALUES statements that has LOB literals exceeding 16k size.
738785 Select using ANSI JOINS between VIEWS on PROXY TABLES returns some rows of the result set and then raises error 207 "invalid column name".
738790 Some user queries might cause segmentation fault with signal 11 when auditing and compatibility mode options are turned on.
738792 If an ODBC or JDBC client enables one or both of HADR_MAP and HADR_NOKILL capabilities, different message text for same error codes is seen in case of HADR errors.
738849 ASE cannot store UTF-8 strings of char_length(N) in a varchar(N) columns.
738852 A way of "set string_rtruncation on" default server wide.
738884 Stored procedures using "execute as caller" with builtin functions may attempt to access objects that do NOT belong to the caller (but do belong to the procedure owner).
738952 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the modules s_compile() and s_recompile() when a stored procedure is renormalized and phdr_nondiskres is set for the proc_hdr.
739014 ASE Cluster Edition fails to boot when using EMC devices. A truss on AIX or Solaris will show repeated ioctl system calls. This issue only affects ASE Cluster Edition.
739040 In rare circumstances, for APL table with both clustered index and non-clustered indexes

which are created on a shared disk cluster ASE server, INSERT task may not respond even if it is

cancelled (by CTRL C) when run with concurrent INSERT tasks. Meanwhile, lots of

1205 error messages, "Your server command (family id <value>, process id <value>) encountered

a deadlock situation. Please re-run your command", will also be seen in the error log.

739067 ASE will fail to startup if I/O fencing is enabled on devices with virtual uplinks. This issue only affects ASE Cluster Edition.
739074 In some scenarios, a database in single user mode could be used by a user session that is not expected to be using the database.
739077 sp_showoptstats does not correctly display the derived statistics message. A derived statistics tag is now added to sp_showoptstats. <statParDer>true</statParDer> will be displayed when histogram statistics are derived from underlying partition statistics.
739079 If any of the system databases is > 2GB, the Update Adaptive Server in the installer or $SYBASE/ASE-15_0/bin/updatease (%SYBASE%\ASE-15_0\bin\updatease.exe on Windows) utility will fail with "Arithmetic overflow occurred." error.
739080 The show_condensed_text built-in function returns a NULL value for queries in the statement cache when the 'enable literal autoparam' configuration parameter is enabled.
739129 For a share disk cluster database with tables having identity column, the Error 2601, "Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object 'sysattributes' with unique index 'csysattributes'", may be encountered when executing DUMP DATABASE or REORG REBUILD TABLE if nodes leave and re-join the cluster. If the cluster is killed, the old identity values may also be generated.
739163 Selecting unitext data that contains 'illegal byte sequences' can cause client connections to fail with "There is a tds protocol error. An illegal token was received."
739220 Job Scheduler does not run any job at a low priority by default. User need to set priorities to jobs by logical process management.
739222 ASE may report a 12062 error that the operation stack has overflowed when "execution time monitoring" is on.
739288 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11" followed by a stack trace that includes the module ktMuxThreadGetSchedQ() may reported during shutdown and may not lead to a complete ASE shutdown.
739291 In rare circumstances, No any processes work on a database and its dbt_keep may be greater than 1.
739299 When the example stored procedure sp_extrapwdchecks from Adaptive Server documentation is created in master database to perform additional password checking and password history maintenance, a new row is incorrectly inserted into the password history table with a value of 搉ull� for the column 搉ame� when the password change is done by a different user with role sso_role or Granular Permission privilege manage any login.
739315 A non-privileged connection to primary with HADR_MAP capability enabled gets killed after primary is deactivated without any error message.
739334 System Administration Guide Volume 2 mentions about the message "Number of proc buffers allocated: xxxx" that ASE does not output anymore.
739363 An undetected deadlock may occur between DUMP DATABASE and other tasks trying to reserve space in syslogs.
739377 SCC Feature Request: able to create custom alerts in SCC
739469 When a merge statement inserts a new record into a table with an identity column, the

identity column will be populated with correct value but the global variable @@identity will

remain unchanged.

739473 Feature request to have various severity 17 errors that are normally only sent to the client reported by the errorlog by default. This can currently be accomplished on a message by message basis with sp_altermessage, but a more universal or default setting is desired.
739477 If HASH based statistics gathering is used during an UPDATE STATISTICS or a CREATE INDEX statement, then there may be a failure if the respective column contains the next to lowest value of the domain but not the lowest value of the domain. The statement may be aborted. e.g. if the column is an unsigned integer then 1 is the next to lowest value and if the column contains a 1 but not a 0, then the statement may be aborted.
739482 Include entries to the dump history file for external dumps.
739486 Error 209 reported while displaying Devices and Engines view of ASE monitoring view when the monitored ASE is set up with case-insensitive sort order.
739497 Inaccurate histograms can be created when the unique value count of the column exceeds 65535 unique values.
739529 ASE logs the message, "Expected object passed to utGetThid is not of type thread", repeatedly.
739531 DBCC HELP(PAGE) does not display the correct usage of the parameter 'logical'.
739568 The message, "Current process infected with 11", followed by a stack trace which includes the modules lwp_create() and freeprocs() may be reported in the error log when a cached statement is normalized which can lead to other ASE tasks to wait indefinitely on the statement cache pool semaphore acquisition.
739572 On Windows 2008 R2 platform, ASE HA may fail to create Sybase Companion Server. "sp_companion configure" fails with message "HA Config Error: Unable to write cluster resource properties for ASE server '<name>' (operating system error 183)."
739578 If a column has more than 65535 unique values then UPDATE STATISTICS or CREATE INDEX with HASH based statistics gathering may result in an out of order boundary value in the first few cells of the histogram.
739611 Add option to append results in text mode.
739656 Running REORG DEFRAG from the same session multiple times might eventually cause a 705 error, "There is no room for process <spid> to store PROC_HDR <address> in Pss. ASE is terminating this process". Also, every run of REORG DEFRAG throws a noisy warning, "WARNING: memory usage in procedure headers (n) does not match memory usage count in Pss (m) for server process id <spid>"
739664 Queries with OUTER JOIN and a reference to syscomments.text can get wrong results when "select on syscomments.text" is set to 0.
739678 Generating DDL for a table using DDLGen does not generate DDL for indexes which have been created with sorted_data option.
739679 Enable usage of subqueries in the SELECT with FOR UPDATE clause under global switch 7791.
739710 ASE running in process kernel mode (pre 15.7 or 15.7 and above process kernel mode) may encounter issues like Error 14130 when an engine is onlined after some licensed feature is enabled.
739725 sp_configure 'dump history filename' may return an incorrect filename on a Windows environment when a dump history filename has '\' characters specified and after an ASE restart. For example, dump history file 'D:\sybase\dumphist' would be returned as 'D:sybasedumphist' mistakenly.
739735 Hard fault 100007 (extent id error) may be reported by sp_dbcc_faultreport if DBCC CHECKSTORAGE is run with frequent DDL commands.
739736 A 12319 error, "Fatal internal error encountered during deferred dml on table <tabname> in database <dbname>. All rows that qualified during the first phase were not visited during second phase of dml" may be reported followed by a stack trace that includes the modules dol_def_update() and dodeferred() when running CREATE INDEX or REORG REBUILD with ONLINE option with concurrent DMLs on hot objects.
739773 The LOAD DATABASE � WITH LISTONLY=LOAD_SQL may generate some load commands which, if executed, may require manually altering the target database for the load to succeed, in cases where an ALTER DATABASE OFF command was run at some time when the sequence of dumps was created on the source database
739784 If a table is altered and is present in an UNION query in a derived table which is further defined in a VIEW, it could lead to permission denied errors.
739820 Inaccurate overly optimistic cluster ratios could result when executing a parallel create index. This could lead to inaccurate index selection in the query plan. After the first UPDATE STATISTICS command on this new index, the cluster ratios will be corrected and plan selection should be more accurate. Optcriteria CR739820 enables the change to improve the accuracy of the cluster ratios during parallel create index
739930 Feature request to have the preupgrade utility check for incorrect status bits in the TIPSA structure of text and image values.
739932 The optimizer estimates involving columns defined as BIGDATETIME and BIGTIME types may be suboptimial.
740006 Trailing comments are stripped at the DBISQL application level and not sent to ASE. This is not the case with isql.
740018 An incorrect negative value may be reported in the error message, "A system call has not responded for x seconds".
740020 Under rare circumstances on Windows NT 64-bit platform ASE may stop with no errors being reported while processing Web Services requests that involve the execution of Java code.
740031 If a high domain column (greater than 65535 unique values) has a histogram created by using the HASH based algorithm, then it is possible that an inconsistent histogram could be created if there are some skew values in the histogram.
740045 When failover occurs, a message "Database 'database name' appears to be in the process of being loaded; ASE will not bring it online automatically. Use the ONLINE DATABASE command to bring this database online." appears and the database becomes offline.
740079 Log the full sql text of the string passed to execute immediate in the monSysSQLText table. This is only available when traceflag 8391 is enabled.
740115 "sp_hadr_admin status, 'anyvalue'" fails when executed on standby HADR server when quoted_identifier is on.
740137 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11" (SIGSEGV), followed by a stack trace that includes the module stu_get_next_active_hist_slot() may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when using HASH based statistics gathering and the column has more than 65535 unique values.
740148 If an object name (such as a table) contained a parenthesis (as could be possible when using quoted identifiers), any SQL text for a statement using that object name would not be stored in the statement cache.
740195 The error Backup Server: Cannot open a connection to the slave site will be raised when trying to execute a DUMP command using a remote backup server, if either the remote backup server has been booted with a different name as the one used in the dump command, or if the name used in the local server is different and this name is not in the remote backup server interfaces file.
740213 Sybrestore requires login of system administrator with its default database in master database in order to successfully load the database. In other words, sybrestore will fail to load a database if the default database of the login is not master database.
740221 Under heavy network load, SAP ASE on the Windows platform may hang.
740223 Job Scheduler can fail to execute jobs for users with high SUIDs.
740247 Under some rare circumstances, a shrink-database operation can encounter errors that kill the processing thread but do not clean up the memory it was using.
740262 Full text not being audited for DML when option update/select/insert/delete is turned on. Parameter values are also not printed for local variables and dynamic prepare statements.
740317 UPDATE skip uncommitted insert row caused ABAP like below output unexpected error message.

(pseudo code)


if (no rows found)


if (duplicate key)


if (no rows found)

ERROR out (assumption this should not be possible)

The new feature is enabled when the new configure option "donot skip uncommitted insert" is set as 1.

740321 ODATA provider uses JDBC connection string from a configuration file. End users may add their Jconnect parameters and values to this connection string. The connection string is manipulated by the odata producer to add certain required parameters for its correct operation before adding user supplied parameters to it.
740322 Multiple spurious errors are reported for load with verifyonly = full. The dump is valid and does not contain any errors.
740341 dbcc upgrade_object a procedure got Msg 208 when there is a temp table outside of the SP.
740364 Sometimes a read for non-syslogs object on a stale syslogs page for a user tempdb may results in 692 error.
740410 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the module aud_getsdes() may be reported in the error log when opening cursors declared without user tables when auditing is turned on.
740471 The loginfo() built-in may return wrong values for parameters 'can_free_using_dump_tran',

'oldest_active_transaction_pct', 'stp_span_pct' for databases having mixed log and data segments.

740479 A 9633 error, "RepAgent(<dbid>): Cannot authenticate Replication Server <RS_nname> to use multiple replication paths", may be reported when the RepAgent is configured for Multiple Paths Replication i.e. 'max number replication paths' is greater than 1 and 'multithread rep agent' is reset to false, preventing RepAgent from starting. This can be corrected by setting 'max number replication paths' to zero.
740499 When HADR feature is enabled in ASE, internally spawned user spid would get killed during deactivation of the Primary server. Also these spids will not be able to start a transaction on a Standby server.
740512 DELETEs or UPDATEs doing a table scan on a DOL table following an INSERT-BULK performed

in a multi-statement transaction may sometimes not qualify all rows, and the DELETE / UPDATE

may leave some qualifying rows unaffected. This is most likely to occur when the affected table is

bound to a very small cache, usually of the minimum size.

740529 The format for the Object_status column output of "sp_help <tablename>" may have a missing comma.
740567 Documentation enhancment request to document that as of 15.0.2 there is no longer a hard limit on the number of items in an IN clause. The limit is now limited by available procedure cache.
740568 When MERGE JOIN is turned off, a SELECT query joining a local and proxy column with a search using an IN list will not return the correct result. Currently, traceflag 16976 provides the workaround to the problem.
740576 Under some rare circumstances, a shrink-database operation can encounter errors of index not consistent on DOL table.
740597 When RepAgent terminates abnormally with an error while connecting to Replication Server, the connection is not closed and the associated session is still held on Replication Server mistakenly.
740609 In an HADR environment, the privileged connection (to the old primary) with info capabilities gets killed upon activation of the new primary server.
740613 LOAD TRANSACTION of a transaction dump involving the log records of materialization of an indexed table with 'deferred allocation' property may fail with the 3474 error, "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log. Page #=x, object id = y, page timestamp=z. Log old timestamp=a. Log record marker =(p, q)."
740635 In rare circumstances, when running TRUNCATE TABLE on a very large table, the table does not show up on monProcessObject.
740711 A 9284 error, "RepAgent(<dbid>). Cannot allocate 9024 bytes of memory. You may need to reconfigure the parameter 'replication agent memory size' with more memory." may be reported when LOB off-row data is replicated, resulting in the Rep Agent Thread for this database to be terminated abnormally.
740722 When encountered a charset-mis-match error while connecting to an ASE (e.g. an HP ASE server), DBISQL 16 internally switches to use utf8 to re-connect. Previously iso_1 was used.
740730 The 1514 error, "Sort failed because it attempted to allocate page <page> and found that the page was busy. Buffer <buffer> contains a cached and referenced page with ptnid <ptnid> indid <indid> and status <status>", may be reported when executing a subquery plan and there is a StoreIndex(reformatting) operator under the subquery.
740732 If a database is configured to 'allow incremental dumps' updates to pages that happen when bringing the database online could be missing from the next incremental dump.
740741 Using DDLGen to extract CREATE DATABASE DDL fails when the database name is greater than 23 characters and the "-F" option is used.
740746 A new feature request to make ASE set 0 to segmap of sysusages if ASE finds segmap=0 in allocation pages of tempdb while rebuilding sysusages.
740776 Hash based statistics collection may fail with an internal error
740790 When generating a XSM from an OOM, the Class attributes are not generated if the Class Description property is populated.

To reproduce:

Use sample OOM to generate an XML model


1) create an OOM

2) add a Class with several attributes

3) enter some text in the Description of the Class

4) Generate XML model; on the Detail tab select 'Generate Attributes as 'Attributes'

In the resulting XSM, the attributes have not been generated for the Class

740800 In rare scenarios, a timeslice error may be reported along with stack trace which includes the modules ind_ides_init() and ind__ides_install() after using the DBCC TUNE('des_bind') utility.
740814 There are missing VA information in some Lava plan operators when using show_cached_plan_in_xml().
740835 In stress test, when scanning a table using transaction isolation level 0, error 12301 state 1 "Data is marked deleted but index is not." might be output.
740878 If a process uses up all the locks leading to error 1204, then a new login attempt may cause a stack trace that involves the module lock_do_logical() to be reported in the ASE error log.
740882 Table scans may be used by the optimizer if parameters values are not visible at optimization time for range predicates since the magic numbers used by a range predicate ">", "<", ">=" or "<=" will use 33% selectivity, and an "in-between" predicate in which a lower and upper bound are specified will use 25% selectivity. sp_modifystats has a new option MODIFY_DEFAULT_SELECTIVITY for which the defaults of .33 and .25 can be overridden for a specific column if it is known that typical predicates for a column has different selectivities from the defaults.
740883 Close it as 'not to be fixed' since sybmigrate need target server is a newly installed server.
740909 Error 913:"Could not find row in sysdatabases with database id 4" observed while creating database asynchronously.
740957 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'LeBulkOpOpenCleanup' together with a stack trace which includes the module 'LeBulkOpOpen' may be reported in the error log while migrating data from one platform to another using sybmigrate.
740987 In rare circumstance, the size of non-unique indexes on DOL tables may grow very quickly if lots of data is inserted, or the index columns are updated frequently.
741021 Buffer pool wash size increments unexpectedly for user defined caches when remote node is booted
741044 The message "'<version>' is not a valid target for downgrade." may be reported when downgrade to ESD2 or ESD3 using sp_downgrade_esd.
741063 The 6914 message, "Procedure 'sp_dump_info', The parameter 'Invalid pointer param number 1, pointer value 0x000000000000000A' is not a valid dump type", will be raised if an invalid dump type is passed to the stored procedure sp_dump_info.
741071 When executing a subquery with a scalar aggregate, ASE may fail to clean up resources and terminate processing after an attention thus leading to an 803 error.
741079 sp_sendmsg is much slower on AIX than other platforms.
741105 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", together with a stack trace that includes the module scan_getrow() may be reported in the error log when executing DBCC CHECKTABLE if a shrink-database operation is not completed and the dataserver is rebooted.
741160 ASE hits signal 11 in canlisten_on_othereng(), which is triggered when an engine on which a listener is running becomes non-responsive.
741178 An 806 error, "Could not find virtual page for logical page <pagenum> in database <dbid>", may be reported in the error log with a stack trace which includes the modules bufnewpage(), quitfn() and log_to_virt() if a session is killed while executing a query that required a work table creation in the tempdb database, or, required page allocations in a different database.
741191 Under some rare circumstances, a shrink-database operation can encounter errors of index not consistent on DOL tables and little endian platform.
741214 New Feature Request: Include SSQLID in monProcessStatement
741228 Update on proxy table fail to update right number of rows.
741229 Permission denied errors might be reported when executing nested stored procedures if unrelated roles are modified.
741239 In some cases, runtime rollback of a transaction that is done in parallel (parallel CREATE INDEX, SELECT INTO, REORG REBUILD or ALTER TALBLE (with data copy)) will be incomplete leaving the database in an inconsistent state.
741256 An CIS query may fail with 7732 error on remote server:

"The UPDATE/DELETE WHERE CURRENT OF failed for cursor '%.*s' because the curso

r is read only."

The CIS query looks like:


For the invalid query plan which caused 7732 error, it has join order proxy_table -> local_table,

ORDER BY join_column clause is added for the partial query sent to remote server,

remote server declared a cursor using a statement looks like:


This issue is related to a known CR 652032: "Allow positioned updates when ORDER BY is used".

Please force a valid plan via a valid abstract plan or force join order via 'set forceplan on' to work around this 7732 error.

741278 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the module ra__store_last_rs_error() may be reported in the error log if multiple Rep Agent threads are started on the same database at the same time.
741286 FR: extend sp_checkreswords to sysroles and master..syssrvroles
741302 Customers would like a feature to refresh an IMDB from its template without restarting the ASE or recreating the database.
741330 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the modules sparclock() and kssolnetctlrWaitForCompletion() may be reported in the error log when SAP ASE is running in the threaded kernel mode on the Solaris operating system after which the ASE may become non-responsive. This issue only affects SAP ASE on the Solaris platforms.
741350 The stored procedure sp_helprotect does not display a row for built-in function asehostname for a user who has been granted SELECT on the built-in function.
741352 Under rare circumstances the Rep Agent may report a 9219 error with state number 61, "RepAgent(<dbid>): Internal coding error", when processing LOB data resulting in the Rep Agent termination.
741365 sp_configure output display extra spaces on run value , config value with

non-unique parameter or with an individual parameter

on ASE 15.7 SP100 release

741368 If DDL IN TRAN is turned on and some indexes are created in an uncommitted transaction, then concurrent DBCC CHECKDB, DBCC CHECKTABLE or DBCC CHECKINDEX that involves the table will hang.
741386 Schema creation is incorrectly logged for DDL replication if the CREATE SCHEMA is not the only statement in the batch and when the statement cache is ON.
741389 Trying to 'create replication' in the CDC Provider for Replication Server Sybase after making sure database the source table is in has been added to replication server's definitions with rs_init errors out with '<source db> has not been added to replication system'
741426 The messages, "ncheck: select, Operation not applicable" or "poll() returned 32 on socket <#>" may be repeatedly reported in the errorlog after an ASE listener has migrated from a non-responsive engine.
741439 A 4306 error, "There was activity on database since last load, unable to load", may be reported when loading a database or transaction log dump of a database whose size is smaller than the target database into which it is being loaded, thereby breaking the load sequence.
741451 A 691: "Encountered invalid logical page '<page>' while accessing <partition>. This is an internal system error. Please contact Sybase Technical Support." error followed by a stack trace that contains the modules getpage_with_validation() and wrongpage() may be reported in the error log under the following conditions:

(1) The configuration option "streamlined dynamic SQL" is enabled, either directly or by enabling functionality group and

(2) A dynamic prepared INSERT or UPDATE statement is executed on a table that has been created with deferred_allocation and

(3) The prepared statement has been executed successfully at least once and

(4) The target table that is inserted/updated is dropped and re-created as a defered_allocation table and

(5) The dynamic INSERT/UPDATE query is re-executed from the same ASE connection.

741461 When ASE attempts to write a CSMD (configurable shared memory dump) after a failure, it fails to halt and resume the engine threads with the error, "SuspendThread failed for thread (n), error 6".
741478 Option to export already cached results instead of fetching complete results from the server.
741481 An 804 error, "Unable to find buffer <buffer_address> from cache <cachename> holding logical page <pageno> in sdes <sdes_address> kept buffer pool for object <objname>", may be raised under heavy load of concurrent DMLs when the log is nearly full.
741487 A timeslice error followed by a stack trace that involves the module buf__unhash_and_keep_grabbed_mass() may be reported in the error log during HASH based statistics gathering.
741605 In some situations, LOAD DATABASE recovery may fail with error 2620, severity 21, state 3, reporting that redo of an APL index insert log record could not be processed. This is likely to occur if the transaction causing the APL index page split were to rollback at run-time while the DUMP DATABASE was performed concurrently.
741621 SAP ASE reports invalid process status messages like "kpsched: kpid 1962483841 bad status 0x400414" followed by "upstatus: kpid = 1962483841, status 0x400414 not valid". The exact bad status may vary across messages.
741677 Under some conditions in threaded kernel mode, when the ASE task is blocked in some OS call, it can hit timeslice error if the thread gets a SIGUSR1 signal.
741711 increase default stacksize.
741717 Collect PartitionID information in monDeadLock, monLockTimeout, clmdiag
741742 When a small table (number of rows is less than twice the number of steps in the histogram) has a unique index, the range density and range unique values may be inaccurate on the column set for the unique index. This costing change is enabled with optcriteria cr741742.
741751 Under rare circumstances, the SAP ASE Cluster Edition keeps running into a lock lookup error and may hang. In the SAP ASE errorlog there will be messages such as "Cluster lock manager of instance 1 has received an invalid lookup request for directory instance 1 from instance 4"
741759 Enhance DBCC LOG to support specifying a start marker for the log scan when searching for log records affecting a page, or log records for a transaction. For some usages, the (indid, ptnid) arguments are over-loaded to specify a start (log page#, row #) marker for the log scan. Extend DBCC HELP('log') output to reflect the entire set of options, arguments and variations. Various other improvements to the scan filtering for DBCC LOG added.
741770 The error message, "Could not execute login script for user sa", may be reported in the error log when the global login trigger is updated with a new login trigger.
741786 A 706 error, "Process <pid> tried to remove PROC_HDR <phdr> that it does not hold in Pss", may be encountered when an SQL statement is executed and it is either stored in the SQL statement cache or it is a dynamic SQL statement and during execution a regeneration of the statement query tree from SQL text is required and an exception is encountered during the parsing of the corresponding SQL text.
741799 The Sybmon restart command fails with an error, "Unknown command", when executed without specifying an engine number for a server running in process kernel mode.
741822 When create a huge size database(data size > 63G), stack trace including module pg__gam_extend() may be detected. For example executing statement as "create database testdb on ldev1='50m', #nulldev='7t', ldev2='50m' log on ldev3='50m'", it will hit the stack trace.
741847 The 3051 message, "The dump configuration '' supplied for DUMP DATABASE is invalid", can be mistakenly returned for the valid dump configuration which has a 30 bytes long name.
741871 The sp_downgrade_esd stored procedure cannot be used to downgrade to ASE 15.7 SP50.
741894 When DDL replication is ON, the execution of a DDL command as a prepared statement aborts with error 11314. Trace flag 9152 can be used to allow the DDL command to proceed without being replicated.
741900 Dump database to TSM API may fail on Windows with the error message:
741901 When a CREATE INDEX command is executed and the following conditions are met, (1) The configuration option, 'enable functionality group' is on and (2) The table upon which the index is being created has datarows locking scheme and (3) The first index-key column contains at least one NULL value and (4) a Lava parallel execution plan is used, then the resulting index may be missing rows for the NULL-valued columns.
741910 Enable a login with mon_role to execute sp_monitorconfig on SAP ASE 15.7
741924 An undetected deadlock might occur between a process that ran out of syslogs space and has crossed the last chance syslogs threshold and another process that is attempting to expand the syslogs size by executing an ALTER DATABASE command. The output of dbcc stacktrace(<spid>) command for one of these two processes will show the modules 'th_sleep_on_lct' and 'upsleepgeneric' whereas for the other process the modules 'writeLock' and 'upyield'. An SAP ASE restart is needed to unblock this situation.
741934 In rare circumstances, a time slice error may be reported in the error log followed by a stack trace which includes the modules ind_ides_init() and ind__ides_install() while DBCC TUNE ('des_bind') is executed concurrently with utility commands such as CREATE TABLE that is run at isolation level 0.
741942 SIGSEGV in LeOrScanContext::getNextVtup().
741950 Doc CR: please clarify that checkverify reads the suspect faults
741953 checkstorage and checkverify reporting faults inconsistently
741959 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the module mda__process_sdes() may be reported in the error log when querying the monProcessObject MDA table.
741984 A stack trace may occur when a CREATE INDEX command is interrupted (using Ctrl C) and the command is being executed using a parallel Lava query plan. The stack trace may include functions such as bt_create_index(), ups_stat_memalloc(), ups_get_stat_page() and/or memalloc_auxbufarray(), bufauxinstall() depending upon which phase of the CREATE INDEX processng is active at the time of the interrupt.
742008 If a database that is created WITH ASYNC_INIT option is used before it is fully initialized as the target database of a LOAD command, the execution of system stored procedure sp_helpdb will display "Allocation Unit Initializer disk fragment" entries that should have been removed.
742031 Shutting down an instance may cause a stack trace if I/O fencing is enabled.
742061 When trying to insert a non-null value into a timestamp column and a light-weight procedure is recompiled, the insert statement fails due to a 137 error.
742074 In limited cases when a system is under heavy load, memory could

be corrupted resulting in a self-referencing ptr in a names struct.

This can result in a process allocating the entire procedure cache

under cpynameslist(). The process cannot be killed requiring a server

reboot. A check for a self-referencing names struct has been added in

cpynameslist()and the overloaded error 7733, state 2 added if such a ptr

is found. This error can be used for configurable memdumps. This check

for a cyclic ptr reference is enabled under trace command line flag 7728.

742098 A 1265 error, "An illegal attempt was made to release an invalid lock or a lock that is not owned by the process family (lr=<value>, lrmagic=<value>)" together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'th_lct_admin' and 'num_logpages' may be reported in the error log if the builtin lct_admin("num_logpages", <dbid>) is executed concurrently by several processes.
742139 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", in the module 'dam_prepare_dump_end' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'dpdb_main' and 's_execute' may be reported in the error log when a DUMP DATABASE command is executed and the database option 'allow incremental dumps' is enabled and the system table SYSDAMS contains an extent that is the first extent of an allocation unit causing this table to have a number of pages that is not a multiple of 8.
742143 The nested level of functions in expressions has been raised from 10 to 32.
742152 On a server that has a large number of objects, the sp_sysmon report may take a long time to complete and error message 1508, "Create index aborted on duplicate rows. Primary key is <keyname>", may be reported in the error log.
742158 If 'literal autoparam' is enabled, the sometimes a print statement that uses a literal in a stored procedure could lead to remap error 2805 'Bad pointer 0x%p encountered while remapping stored procedure '%.*s'. Must re-create procedure.'.
742168 When SAP ASE is running in process mode, if the dynamic listener is on a hung engine, SAP ASE may continuously report , "necheck: select, Bad file descriptor" in the errorlog.
742191 SAP Adaptive Server may hang without reporting an error when the pool of locks is exhausted.
742199 Procudure sp_versioncrack does not handle new SAP SP style version string (from ASE 15.7 SP100).
742216 Booting an SAP ASE may fail permission checks with an error message, "Permission denied, database master, owner dbo. You need the following permission(s) to run this command: MANAGE SERVER CONFIGURATION", when the configuration parameter 'enable granular permissions' is set in the default configuration file.
742226 Support of DDL replication for prepared DDL statements is now provided. This is enabled by trace flag 16984.
742233 Incorrect results can be reported with 'streamlined dynamic SQL' on when using a subquery not containing a table reference to check for no rows returned. This can affect SQl constructs that include (but not limited to) isnull, nullif, case, if not exists & coalesce.
742249 With single engine configurations, a SAP ASE polite shutdown request may hang if the JS Agent is executing a job whose spid is set to LOW priority.
742263 The error 14108, "Could not find partition descriptor for objid, indid -1, ptnid in dbid" may be reported when either the command DBCC DBSHUTDOWN or DBCC FAILBACK_DBSHUTDOWN is executed and the database option 'allow incremental dumps' is enabled in the given database.
742292 Sybmon might get hang with huge garbage SQL text printed when running "sample context=y" command.
742310 After running DUMP DATABASE, the time stamp of some pages may become incorrect. If DBCC CHECKSTOREAGE is subsequently executed, error message "Fault Type: 100004 (timestamp error); Hard fault" may be reported.
742312 DDLGen generates duplicate partition values when a range or a list partitioned table has a local index
742352 When running the DISK INIT/RE_INIT command or the sp_deviceattr stored procedure, ASE silently ignores dsync=false if DIRECTIO is not specified.
742356 An 803 error, "Unable to place buffer <buf> from cache <cache_name> holding logical page <page_num> in sdes for object <object_name> - either there is no room in sdes or buffer already in requested slot", may be reported when running a multiple table join under parallel processing.
742376 The built-in function set_appcontext() mistakenly allows the update of an attribute without running rm_appcontext().
742407 Add extra diagnostics for the data change fragment pool in order to help catch incorrect memory accesses of the data change fragment pool and thus also improve robustness.
742434 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'pthread_kill' together with a stack trace will be reported in the error log on Linux platforms only, when the Java option is enabled, the Kernel mode is set to process mode, and the PCI option is disabled.
742485 If 'stack size' is configured too small, sometimes it could lead to error, 'Stack guardword corrupted', with OmniQuickPass::generateSelect(), OmniQuickPass::generateStatement() in the stacktrace when select large number of columns for a remote table.
742515 RepAgent may not send table schema information to Replication Server if the table contains a compressible LOB column. RAT may also wrongly consider that a table contains a compressible column when it has sent the table schema to Replication Server.
742541 New 'force' option to the kill command to forcibly kill the spid.
742603 The PhysicalReads value in the monProcessActivity and monProcessStatement MDA tables do not include APF Reads. The PagesRead value in the monProcessActivity MDA table is also incorrect.
742623 drop proxy table will cause the object definition to be dropped too
742643 infected with 11 in LeScanOp::LeGetScanInd
742667 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the module ulpspinlock() and kstcpnetctlrCancelRequests() may be reported by an SAP ASE running in the threaded kernel mode on the Solaris platform. The SAP ASE may subsequently hang.
742693 A 1265 error, "An illegal attempt was made to release an invalid lock or a lock that is not owned by the process family (lr=<addr_val>, lrmagic=<char_val>)." may be reported when running DBCC FIX_TEXT on a table having one or more text columns.
742694 Group insert (TF450) can give wrong results depending on data ordering
742728 When issuing an update statement against a compressed (var)char column it is possible for

the update to fail reporting error 614 and for a stack trace to appear in the ASE error

log along with a message 'Invalid DOL data row pointer' and Error: 614, Severity: 21,

State: 12

'Adaptive Server accessed a row that has an illegal length'

742762 Under some circumstances, an 8203 error, "Expected to find the descriptor for object <object_id> in database <db_name> in <state> state", followed by a stack trace that include the modules ssql_droptext() and procrm() may be reported in the error log.
742771 Document all possible module names in monProcedureCacheModuleUsage
742782 Sometimes, sp_showplan may cause a signal 11 (SIGSEGV) with a stacktrace reported in the errorlog involving the function listChildQueries().
742786 In very rare circumstances, error 1765 (related to level 0 scan) could be raised unexpectedly.
742847 With a new set option 'set sqlnull on', string concatenation with NULL value will follow SQL standard, i.e. return NULL value
742869 sig 11 in open__byname when creating a lwp
742871 If 'procedure cache' is configured too small for a heavy loaded server, it could lead to stacktraces with s_chooselocks(), s_setup_lockrequest() and insert_to_heap().
742873 UAE Username/password requirement problem
742889 The Login view in the Admin Console shows wrong default database for server 15.7 or above when the login is created under following two conditions.

1. If the login is created ignoring login profile, the "create login..." command lacks the clause of 'login profile ignore' or "sp_addlogin" is used.

2. If the login is created with login profile and the login profile has blank default database.

742896 In some cases, SAP ASE may report a timeslice error in module shm_mergedump() when "memory dump compression level" is set as non-zero value.
742914 DDLGen cannot generate a 'GRANTED BY' permission clause when run against SAP ASE 15.7 SP50 and higher versions.
742985 Default value of max total shared memory is insufficient to build server.
742987 An 814 error, "Keep count of buffer <buf_num> in cache <cache_name> holding logical page <page_id> in database <db_name> has become negative", followed by an 837 error, "Attempted to grab wash header" may be reported during UPDATE STATISTICS or CREATE INDEX.
742991 After a server crash while shrink database is sorting a non-unique index, boot-time recovery will set the index to be suspect with out any information in errorlog.
742992 "alter database" option "with check_only" does not warn about indexes having many duplicated key entries, which could cause shrink database to keep the table locked for unacceptable lengths of time while it sorts index entries. Knowing about these potential problems can help customers plan their work.
742997 Three words "manage", "decrypt_default" and "xmltable" are not in the list of ASE reserved words.
743045 When log segment of a database exhausts and tasks involving page allocation are in progress, ASE could hit 804 error : "Unable to find buffer '0x..' from cache '...' holding

logical page '...' in sdes '0x...' kept buffer pool for object '...'.

743053 sp_config_rep_agent enable must now be run with a non-NULL password.
743055 A SAP ASE that running in threaded kernel mode on the Linux or HPUX operating systems may print a stack trace including ulpspinlock and kstcpnetctlrCancelRequests and thereafter the SAP ASE becomes non-responsive.
743075 The configuration option, 'enable plan sharing' is no longer automatically enabled when the configuration option, 'enable functionality group' is enabled. The option 'enable plan sharing' must now be enabled explicitly.
743144 The sp_config_dump parameter documented as @retain_days should be actually be @retaindays. The procedure will ignore any value passed as @retain_days.
743145 Cumulative dumps cannot be done in Cluster Edition. An error will now be reported if sp_dboption is used with the "allow incremental dumps" option in Cluster Edition.
743177 System stored procedures, such as sp_password, sp_extrapwdchecks, sp_addlogin, do not have asterisks stored in audit table for password parameters when 'exec_procedure' auditing option is on.
743203 DDLGen cannot generate 'Granted by' permission clause for ASE 15.7 SP50 and higher version.
743211 During BCP for a table which has undergone an ALTER TABLE DROP column with no datacopy operation, ASE may send wrong default values for columns to the client.
743214 Signal 11 in crdb_phys during recovery
743218 When a table is altered to have not materialized columns with default values, null values are sent to the Rep Server instead of the default values during the execution of an UPDATE command.
743245 ALTER TABLE places text pages of a table onto incorrect system segment if ALTER TABLE adds the first text/image/unitext column for the table.
743270 When an APL table is defined as PAGE COMPRESSED and contains a clustered index, some duplicate rows may be inserted successfully even though this is not allowed.
743313 FR: Relax implementation of Windows security requirements in ASE 15.7 ESD#2.
743321 Altering an un-partition table with unique local index to a roundrobin partition table does not give an error.
743350 Error messages 12806 and 12807 could be made more useful if they identified the table the tuple's belonged to and the database the problem happened in.
743361 The row count used when a histogram is created on a column is now printed by optdiag and sp_showoptstats. The line "Scanned Rows:" will be added to optdiag output, and the tag <scannedRows> will be added to the sp_showoptstats output.
743433 Performing decryption of encrypted column data can be much slower for standard users when decrypt default is used.
743464 Documentation enhancement request for the EXECUTE command entry in the Reference Manual, to also document here that stored procedures silently ignore any extra parameters they are passed.
743486 Auditing of GRANT and/or REVOKE commands may cause a timeslice error when the command contains many whitespaces.
743496 Under rare circumstances SAP Adaptive Server Cluster Edition may report during the execution of sp_config_rep_agent an inaccurate run value for parameter 'bind to engine' on some nodes in the Cluster.
743542 SCC to support sp_droploginm @with_override=1 change made in ASE
743558 Error 14613 (The '<name>' field in usage anchor has '<n>' which does not match with '<n> from sysusages. Dbid '<id>'. Lstart '<n>'.) formats the last 4 parameters incorrectly so the output appears garbled. The field name is correct.
743573 The message "Current process infected with signal 11" in the module NormalizeScalar() with a stacktrace which includes the modules PesState::PesInit() may be reported when executing an UPDATE...FROM query on a table that has immediate refresh pre-computed result set (PRS) defined on it.
743580 clarify and/or document library dependencies "not found" by ldd on linux
743601 Stack trace with error 622 may occur when running update statistics
743637 MERGE triggers on DOL tables may return the incorrect number of rows for the inserted table: too few rows for the UPDATE trigger and possibly too many rows for the INSERT trigger.
743676 Wrong data may show up in page-compressed APL table with all fixed length columns.
743731 An 806 error, "Could not find virtual page for logical page <page_id> in database '<db_name>'" may be reported when executing CHECKTABLE/CHECKINDEX/CHECKDB after shrinking a database containing a table with suspect index.
743763 When dumping a VLDB (> 2 TB) created on 15.5 (or prior) and loading to 15.7x, using the older 揷ompress::� syntax, the database load may fail.
743771 Using "lava based parallel create index" needs to have its own configuration option.
743775 Audit table records might be malformed or missing for table access events when auditing is turned on.
743795 ase_default optlevel changed to include all optimizer changes from all releases prior to ase 15.7 sp200
743863 Feature request to have Sybmigrate migrate the current next identity value for tables.
743864 When using alter table not materialized with defaults replication needs to be supplied with the correct default values for log records created before the alter table if replication is behind in reading the log.
743869 Problem finding
743874 Msg 941 'Illegal database context operation.' may be raised if run DBCC IOSIZE() for an object in

a database which cannot be currently accessed.

743913 When a new plan for a procedure is installed, the accumulated metric LogicalReads in the monCachedProcedures table for the cached procedure maybe incorrect.
743922 In rare circumstances, a SELECT FOR UPDATE query may return successfully without getting the exclusive lock on the row, even if READPAST mode was not being used. This only affects the AIX platforms and has been identified as an AIX compiler optimization issue when high levels of optimization are used on a specific module.
743929 The maximum length of a user defined datatype (UDD), formerly restricted to the page size, is increased to the maximum size of a local variable of the same base type. See the output of DBCC SERVERLIMITS for the values of current limits.
743936 srvbuild/srvbuildres does not report any error message if the given device file paths do not have read/write permission.
743938 Feature request to have an XML schema docuement for showplan_in_xml() output included in the ASE distribution package.
743959 The reference manual entry on the dump database command has a note indicating that the dump file size may be incorrect when overwriting a file of the same name. As of 15.0.2 this is no longer true, the older file is now deleted before the new dump file is created, resulting in a correct file size.
744011 When a user database is binded to a named cache, create index in it might report Error 693 while a dump database process running simutanously.
744013 In a High Availability server, sp_addlogin and sp_addremotelogin will fail with permission errors when the user executing the stored procedures is granted sso_role only.
744015 syconfig: Syconfig.exe: additional argument cannot be read into "Command Line" field
744021 When the RepAgent configuration parameter 'rs servername' is longer than 30 characters, the run value of that parameter gets corrupted in memory.
744045 In the 'Include Objects in DDL Output' dialog that is opened from the 慓enerate Objects DDL� menu option of a database, you will see that the count of objects for Scalar Functions and SQLJ Functions is not correctly including the count for the Scalar Functions if they do exist. The count only shows the number of SQLJ Functions.
744049 sp_help does not display information if partition locking is enabled on table.
744075 When RepAgent is configured to use multi-path replication thru the option 憁ultithread rep agent� and the number of replication paths is at least set to 2 thru the option 'max number of replication paths', in rare circumstances the replicated data between the primary and the standby databases may show inconsistencies resulting in data not being correctly replicated.
744116 The SAP ASE Rep Agent thread sends float values ending in .0 without the .0 which makes them appear to be integers instead of floating point values. This can cause statement caching to create multiple plans for the same table leading to contention in the statement cache and degrading query performance.
744123 A 2760 error, "Column name '' does not exist in target table", may be reported during the automatic generation of temp table statistics when the temp table uses a NUMERIC datatype.
744179 Umbrella CR for memory corruption with 揻unctionality group� enabled.
744181 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", may be reported in the error log when killing the spid (using the sql 'kill <spid>') while running REORG DEFRAG.
744185 When running reorg rebuild index on compressed index, error 12323 state 43 may be raised

during key movement.

744195 A 10707 error 揢nhandled Java Exception: 厰 may be reported by the PCA/JVM Security Manager when the JRE needs to internally process information on native methods properties while executing a user supplied method. In order for the PCA/JVM Security Manager to allow the execution of native methods the directive "-Dsybase.allow.native.lib=true" in the "pca_jvm_java_options" configuration must be set to true in the sybpcidb database.
744199 Cardinality defined on references is lost when generating XML Model from PDM.
744256 In rare circumstances, soft fault 100015 (page loop error) reported by DBCC CHECKSTORAGE may

be upgraded to hard fault after running DBCC CHECKVERIFY.

744283 When the SAP ASE builtin function ABS() is given a bigint or integer minimum value, a negative result is returned.
744303 In cases where REORG DEFRAG or SHRINK DATABASE command encounters a signal 11 error, the table might not be usable by Level 0 scanners.
744317 Reorg rebuild index on compressed index may hit assertion failure in bt__rowcmp()

during key movement.

744349 Add abstract plan ID and plan group ID (from sysqueryplans) to monSysStatement when query is executed using a previously stored abstract plan.
744360 Under some circumstances you can get an abstract plan warning message when using UNION ALL
744363 Inconsistant output to optimiser trace files
744369 Doc CR: fix all the current reorg docs pertaining to allpages.
744375 The scheduled jobs configured using the Job Scheduler, with 'repeats' value greater than one day (eg. repeats=2d or repeats=25h or repeats=1441m) may run daily at the incorrect time.
744389 The message, "Current process infected with signal 8 (SIGFPE)", followed by a stack trace that includes the module sam_setup_ptn() may be reported in the error log under rare circumstances.
744484 The datatype of 'starttime' output parameter of sp_xact_loginfo is not correct. This results in a NULL value in starttime when executing the stored procedure with the 'oldestactive' option.
744492 Backup Server: does not support syntax " dump ... with compression = 0" contrary to documentation.
744541 Assertion (ISUSERTABID(objid)) fails in the function xact__getdlm_fromxdes() during upgrade when running diagserver.
744560 In rare circumstances, when the CREATE INDEX and REORG REBUILD commands are running in parallel, WORKER processes may hang/sleep infinitely.
744564 Error 2622 can be generated while gathering statistics on a DOL (data only locking) table, in which the set of attributes cannot fit into an APL (all pages locking) row of a worktable. This can happen when statistics are explicitly updated on a column(s), or implicitly when auto_temptable_stats is enabled (explicitly or thru an optlevel containing this optcriteria).
744567 Improve HK Chores cleanup processing after errors.
744571 The DBCC utility reset_cached_plan_stats incorrectly checks for granular permissions.
744588 Generating PDM from an XSM: it does not generate PDM domains from XSM Simple types if they are not used by an element. The generated PDM is empty.
744634 Support Volatile Table whose row count may change dramatically so corresponding statistics are not maintained.
744650 When Engine local cache percent value is increased above the threshold, the server is infected with SIGNAL 11.
744670 In very rare cases open cursor may give incorrect results if a concurrent online partition utility like SPLIT, MERGE commits concurrently.
744671 Under rare circumstances, shrinking a database can cause a subsequent recovery failure of that database. This is indicated by a message in the error log upon restart, saying that the object descriptor of object {N} cannot be installed. {N} may be 1, 2, or 28.
744695 The show_condensed_text() function will return NULL with 208 error in some cases and will return NULL for dynamic prepared statement with the 102 error.
744696 On the Hpia64 platform, when SAP ASE is running on a real cluster in threaded kernel mode, if the XP server of an instance is shutdown from an isql session on another instance, the isql session will hang.
744713 Backup Server may wrongly issue the message, "The change is completed. The option is dynamic and SAP ASE need not be rebooted for the change to take effect", for an invalid configuration with a config_name more than the 30 bytes allowed.
744714 sqlupgrade and upgrade for unix to have dynamic timeout.
744740 When displaying information about a dump from a file that was created on a different byte architecture with LOAD DATABASE ... WITH HEADERONLY, the error message, "Message too long", may be reported in the error log where it should display the originating device information.
744807 LPAD function will left-pad the input string with a specified pad to a supplied number of characters. RPAD function will right-pad the input string with a specified pad to a supplied number of characters.
744810 If the SAP ASE configuration value 'cis connect timeout' limit is exceeded, the local process with the P_OMNI_TIMEDOUT status set will continue to sleep.
744830 Aborting a bulk page allocation process can give 'table already closed' error while closing SYSALLOCPG.
744842 Memory usage keeps increasing when querying MDA tables in a loop in stored procedure.
744872 The 692 error, "Uninitialized logical page <page_no> was read while accessing database <dbname>, object 'syslogs' (8), ...", could be raised if the loginfo() built-in function is executed concurrently with DUMP TRANSACTION.
744950 Track High Water Mark Usages of Procedure Cache per spid in monProcessesActivity.
744954 In some ASE configuration sp_configure "max concurrently recovered db", 1 generate Error.
744957 When the default of a non-materialized column is altered on a table that is replicated, extraneous updates to that column may be sent for replication.
744975 An incorrect index can be selected when a query contains a multi-column ORDER BY, if the avoid_bmo_sorts optcriteria is turned on explicitly or thru enabling the ase_current optimization level. If a sort is used below a nested loop join, and the ordering that the sort produced contains a unique key, and the ordering is extended by the nested loop join and eventually used to satisfy the ORDER BY, then this plan may be skipped if the avoid_bmo_sorts optcriteria is turned on.
744978 TEXT/IMAGE data could be corrupted by byte-swap if the database once performed cross-platform database load on 15.0 ESD#2 or later version of SAP ASE, and the database was originally from a pre-12.0 version of SAP ASE.
745032 set plan opttimeoutlimit does not follow the same rule as optgoal and optcritera for optimization and execution.
745042 Documentation for the UNMOUNT DATABASE command should show that the command cannot be used if mirroring is enabled (via sp_configure "disable disk mirroring" being set off) even if mirroring is not used for any device used by the databases being unmounted. The attempt to unmount will fail with error 14543.
745071 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the module TcsState::tcs_merge() may be reported in the error log when optcriteria cr702725 is enabled and the query invokes referential integrity check and has an attribute in the ORDER BY clause which is not in the selection list.
745087 Signal 11 stacktrace might happen in LeEmitXchgOp::_LeOpNext() for a union query between a list partitioned table and other table(s).
745098 (INTERNAL_ONLY) Development oversight.
745106 monProcessSQLText.LineNumber does not report the same line as other monTable for the LineNumber column executing procedures.
745112 Modify srvbuild[res] and syconfig.exe/sybatch.exe utilities to support Remote Dump Host Control.
745118 select from a view that references another view get performance issue
745141 This is low-level thread coordination infrastructural code which the customer doesn't need to know about.

The low configuration/performance gains due to the use of transactional memory may be interesting to the customer though.

745144 sp_helpconfig "enable unicode conversions" shows you help information and messages including the wrong default value.
745184 Execution of stored procedures containing statements that are executed using deferred compilation causes the original SQL text in the monProcessSQLText MDA table to be replaced.
745205 Problem occurs when there are two calls to xp_cmdshell at the same time;

passes the return value of the second call to the first call.

745283 SAP ASE on AIX does not use 'Large Pages' with the configuration option of 'lock shared memory', resulting in suboptimal memory access
745325 Boot SAP ASE with trace flag 9166 when dbcc logtransfer replication is used to diminish the likelihood of contention on the Network Memory Pool spinlock that can cause high CPU utilization when a user table is marked for replication. Don't use trace flag 9166 with Rep Agent replication because operations such as DDL replication or request functions won't work anymore.
745388 Implement "reserved for future use" fields in sysqueryplans
745425 Request a new DBCC tool to KILL a hung process which has P_KILLYOURSELF bit set in pss->pstat

for a long time. A process might be sleeping and waiting for an EVENT to happen, if the related code doesn't check attention, then it's possible to sleep forever if the EVENT doesn't happen due to some bug or some other reason. Reboot to clear the hung process is not easy for some production systems since DBAs may need to schedule reboot time.

745446 A stacktrace may occur if auto_temptable_stats is enabled along with parallel sort, either explicitly or via using ase_current. This change will disable parallel statistics gathering on #temptables when update statistics is implicitly invoked via the auto_temptable_stats feature.
745455 The global variable @@setrowcount does not reflect the value of the last 'set rowcount <nn>' command in a stored procedure nor in the current batch.
745472 Incorrect output of message 3705 is displayed when executing DBCC TABLE sysdams if trace flag 3717 is on.
745492 srvbuild creates a sparse file for tempdb file system device
745539 Allow that any login with sa_role NOT be able to delete an entire user table which has encryption column.
745571 An error stating "Incorrect syntax near '":s: %1!"'" may occur when attempting to start the ASE Job Scheduler from within the SCC ASE Administration Console.
745599 In rare circumstances the message "current process infected with 6" in the module '__systemcall' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'jvmfini' and 'BRIDGEjvm_AbortJavaVM' may be reported in the error log during the execution of a UDF/ADT or SQLJ query.
745608 create index allowes [.] in index name which then can not be dropped.
745655 If the number of the engines is over 33, max repartition degree is 1 (default) and the tables for the join is unpartitioned, it could lead to stacktrace.
745776 A new configuration option "LARGE ALLOCATION AUTO TUNING" is added to enable/disable large allocation auto tuning feature
745786 Error 871 after exceeding the resource governor
745795 A 15052 error, "Index error: Table id <tabid>, indid <indid> calculated <name> <value1> does not match value <value2> in Sysindexes." may be reported when running DBCC CHECKCATALOG on a database containing tables with option 'transfer table' on.
745872 When the command: sp_online "engine", <42> .. fails, i.e due to OS resource issue, SAP ASE's listener will hang, preventing new connections to be established.
745873 In rare cases a 692 error, "Uninitialized logical page '<pageno>' was read while accessing database ..." may be reported sometime after loading a database dump that was taken of a database in both Enterprise Edition and Cluster Edition, that had been created on devices with 揹irect i/o� turned on, or taken of a database in a Cluster Edition system only, that had been created on devices with 揹sync� turned on.
745888 The FIPS ciphersuites are stricter in OpenSSL not all ciphersuites that were supported

by Certicom in FIPS mode are supported by OpenSSL.

745914 DBCC CHECKALLOC may report an incorrect number of unreserved log pages after ALTER DATABASE LOG OFF fails to remove a log fragment because some of the pages to remove are allocated.
746028 If a UDR roleid is greater than 1024 then a timeslice error may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog.
746056 Sybcluster needs to support remote dump host control.
746083 feature request: backupserver binary compiled for 64-bit to enable larger memsize on solaris
746101 When using sp_downgrade to downgrade an SAP ASE from version 15.7 or higher to an SAP ASE that is version 15.5 based, the keycnt in sysindexes for index sysattributes.ncsysattributes will become incorrect.
746156 In some rare cases, when DOL data pages are undergoing deallocation while table scans are concurrently executed on the table, inserts from other concurrent threads may incorrectly qualify to-be-deallocated pages. This may result in 7928 or other index corruption errors reported from


746179 New feature to specify configuration parameters like interface file or error log file for Job Scheduler Agent using sp_jsconfigure.
746207 Msg 325 'no legal query plan' when query include proxy table defined for a procedure.
746216 The fields NumberOfMempoolAllocates, NumberOfMempoolFrees, MempoolCurrentSize and MempoolHighUsage

in master..monRepLogActivity are only maintained when sp_sysmon is running in parallel at the

same time.

746238 Enhance DBCC REINDEX to support RID comparison mode change for empty deferred_allocation table.
746255 The cache partition maximum value has been increased to 256. The MAX value in cfg_options has been updated to be applicable for all stored procedures.
746260 Logging into remote server using a login user granted with a user-defined role will fail.
746261 SAP ASE CE hangs when it cannot access storage devices due to a fencing or storage disconnect.
746285 Enhancement that adds the possibility to add a cyclic redundancy check to a database or transaction dump created with compression (VERIFY=CRC), as well as to verify that the compression blocks can be correctly read and decompressed (WITH VERIFY=READ_AFTER_WRITE).
746312 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the module mda_calc_proc_hdr_mem_KB() may be reported in the error log while querying the MDA table, monProcessProcedures.
746317 RepAgent signal 11 and stack trace
746330 When sp_maplogin LDAP, NULL, 'create login' enables an authenticated LDAP user to create their own login and master database replication is enabled, the CREATE LOGIN statement on the replicate database gets error:

"Message: 10331, State 2, Severity 14 -- 'Permission denied, database master, owner dbo. You need the following permission(s) to run this command: MANAGE ANY LOGIN. "

The error is mapped to stop replication.

746344 SAP ASE may hang when doing a disk mirror in some situations. The disk controller thread consumes 100% of the CPU utilization while the server hangs. Also, no new connections to the server can be established.
746349 Backup Server introduces a remote access control feature that prevents remote dumps and loads and execution of remote procedure calls (RPC) from any client or server running on unauthorized servers. Local dumps are not affected by this feature. Authorization to dump or load, to or from Backup Server is achieved by including the authorized hosts in the host.allow access control file. The default location of hosts.allow file is $SYBASE. The location and name can be changed using the Backup Server parameter -h. This feature failed when the connection to the backup server was through a named pipe.
746367 monSpinlockActivity configuration option to decompose the aggregate data.
746376 After shrinking database, DDLGen encounters the error message, "DDLGen started with the following .... Found 1 dbids with wrong number of rows cached in '#seginfo' v/s the rows in 'master.dbo.sysusages'".
746378 Doc CR: disable ldap before upgrade for install guides
746437 Investigate if 753 traceflag can be changed to a sp_configure option.
746438 Investigate if 753 traceflag can be changed to a sp_configure option.
746442 Backup Server introduces a remote access control feature that prevents remote dumps and loads and execution of remote procedure calls (RPC) from any client or server running on unauthorized servers. Local dumps are not affected by this feature. Authorization to dump or load, to or from Backup Server is achieved by including the authorized hosts in the host.allow access control file. The default location of hosts.allow file is $SYBASE. The location and name can be changed using the Backup Server parameter -h. This feature failed when the connection to the backup server was through a AF_UNIX socket.
746443 sp_sysmon to have a spinlockactivity section.
746464 Stored procedures using "execute as caller" with queries that call builtin function ISNULL() and create and query #temporary tables fail with error:

Msg 208, Level 16, State 1:

Server '<servername>', Line 26:

<#temporary_table> not found.

746475 In an HADR configured server, "select * from monHADRMembers" may cause timeslice error like "timeslice -1001, current process infected at 0x15efbc4 (atomic_try+0x2)".
746476 sp_poolconfig need enhancing to allow the wash size to revert to default bahviour
746528 Killing a task which involves cursor or work tables might cause the server to hang, waiting for EX_LATCH on an allocation page on which EX_LATCH had been acquired by the same task before the 'kill' was issued on it. (A diagserver throws an 872 error).
746562 A trigger defined on MERGE statement executing both INSERT and UPDATE actions may return incorrect rows for inserted table for the INSERT action.

This happens if the same trigger is defined for both INSERT and UPDATE:

"create trigger T on TAB for insert,update as ..."

746597 In some cases an error may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog, accompanied by a stack trace with the functions kbfalloc() and ptn__pdes_init_colupdcnt() in the stack.
746601 When a table which is defined as compressed, and there is some fixed length column which is

'not null' and 'not materialized' in this table, update (index) statistics on this table may

hit stack trace and SIGSEGV at decompress__column_by_colinfo().

746614 INSERTs using normal page allocation running alongside operations using large-scale page allocation (LSA) scheme can overwrite the content put in by LSA operations in certain race circumstances between them.
746620 A process can hang when executing ALTER DATABASE and DUMP DATABASE if another process goes to sleep when allocating a new page.
746697 SCC Arithmetic overflow on 3.2.8
746736 The text for error 9218 mistakenly stated sp_enable_rep_agent as opposed to sp_config_rep_agent in order to enable the Rep Agent for a given database.
746741 Job Scheduler fails to schedule the job which does not specify end date and has the continuous_run property set.
746759 New feature request to print trailer information from a dump archive. The new option is LOAD DATABASE <dbname> WITH LISTONLY=TRAILER.
746820 Online database will fail with the message 2778, "The object 'sysdams' is not a table. Update statistics can be used only on user tables or system tables" if a cross platform database dump from a lower version that requires upgrade is loaded.
746826 A 9950 error, "Workspace '<name>' is incorrectly allocated. Use sp_dbcc_createws to create a new workspace." may be reported when running DBCC CHECKSTORAGE.
746827 The monitoring table monRepSenders has been enhanced with information such as counters for the number of bytes sent and number of commands processed with information that is useful for a single-task Rep Agent.
746850 High fowarded row count for some big expand UPDATE transaction on 15.0.3 ESD4 and 15.7 SPxx ASE. No forwarded row if update one row per transaction.
746994 The DISK REMIRROR command hangs after simulating a disk I/O error on a mirrored device.
747043 Fixes issue related to automatic generation of heapdump which is required in support cases to help triage issue
747046 The odata metadata query shows precision=0 and scale=0 for money, smallmoney, datetime, bigdatetime, time data types. The values are now displayed correctly following the code change.
747071 EBF21805: Provide one-off for CR 735346,737108,743270,743676
747089 When Rep Agent is configured for 'stream replication' and sync or near sync stream mode, two user tasks running in parallel DML and DDL on the same table may lead to hang one of the user tasks and Rep Agent waiting each other till the 'max commit wait' is reached. Rep Agent will then switch to asynchronous mode.
747092 When using syconfig to upgrade backup server 12.5.4 to 15.7, the character set in configure backup server dialog is empty.
747100 In rare circumstances the message "WARNING: memory usage in procedure

headers (...) does not match memory usage count in Pss (...) for server

process id ..." may be reported in the error log when the configuration

options "enable functionality group" and "plan sharing" are active and

the execution of a prepared statement is interrupted due to an error

that caused the current transaction to be aborted.

747110 Add step to preupgrade to check the configuration option 'user log cache size' is sufficient for using buffer unpinning optimization in the ASE 16.0 server.
747158 In a jConnect application with DYNAMIC_PREPARE set to true, auditing of DML statements doesn't print the correct parameter values when the same cursor is closed and opened again.
747168 A 702 error, "Memory request for NN bytes exceeds the size of single page of 16384 bytes. ASE is terminating this process", may be reported when using queries with tables that have more than 4192 partitions.
747170 request to add Traceflag 7786 functionality as an sp_configure option
747189 Password echo on console when entering it using auditinit in sa login screen.
747209 The builtin function MAX() may return an incorrect value when used with a compressed table.
747218 New Feature Request to extend shrink database functionality to allow users to load larger sparse database dumps into smaller databases by performing the shrink database during the load.
747251 During extreme insert load on APL tables with clustered index, during page

allocation, server might hit error 8419 as :

Error: 8419, Severity: 20, State: 3

Could not find index descriptor for objid 240003886, indid 0 in dbid 19.

747368 error message 15422 is misleading for select into temp table query
747441 Signal 11 on crp_var when database in 'dbo use only'
747444 Customer may see error 644 when create a temp table and hit memory

issue in the middle of update syspartitions table.

747463 Alter table add/drop partition command gets 4956 error while level 0 scans are active. This new feature is enabled when the new configuration option 'enable utility lvl 0 scan wait' is set.
747507 UPDATE a column referenced by a materialized computed column after an ALTER table modifying a column may corrupt the computed column.
747572 100001 faults (Invalid page ids in header) may be reported for DOL tables by dbcc checkstorage()

if it's run after shrink database operation.

747591 MERGE into statement with columns having decrypt defaults in their ON clause may not produce expected results when the user does not have decrypt permission.
747648 A 3478 error: "During undo the page timestamp value is less than new timestamp from log...", or a 3474 error: "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log...", or a 12337 error: "Page <pageid> in database <dbname> was incorrectly found to be uninitialized when it was read. Recovery of this database cannot continue." may sometimes be reported during recovery if the server crashed while a transaction doing a CREATE TABLE operation was rolling back.
747678 request to add column to monSysStatement containing dbid that the proc was called in
747686 sybrestore is not able to restore databases when the source server is 15.7 SP50 or 15.7 SP51 version
747731 Under rare circumstances, when a query plan with one or more hash joins is re-executed and one or more join keys from the outer/left side of the hash join are converted to be datatype compatible with join keys from the inner/right side of the hash join, then pages in the data cache that tempdb is bound to may get corrupted. Hash joins are enabled by default in the allrows_dss optgoal mode, otherwise they must be explicitly enabled in order for them to be used.
747758 In HADR configuration:

1. If the length of hostname and port number together are equal to or more than 30 characters, login redirection fails.

2. SAP ASE runs into different issues when server options are changed using sp_serveroption for HADR_GROUP class(17) entry in sysservers.

747778 After loss of ASE_ENCRYPTION license, DROP ENCRYPTION KEY generates a segmentation violation and stacktrace.
747816 there is no indications in the optdiags that update statistics table partition was performed. customer requests that we add that functionality somewhere.
747920 Load of master database receives numerous 2601 errors and two 9007 errors before shutting down, recovery of master then fails with a 605 error.
747948 There may be inconsistencies in the values reported between the monProcedureCacheModuleUsage and monProcedureCacheMemoryUsage tables.
747977 The command ALTER DATABASE will fail silently to extend a database that is offline if the database dump is from an SAP ASE version where the table SYSDAMS did not exist.
747983 SCC 3.2.8 and earlier releases are affected by an issue where an internal repository table has been seeded with dates through 9/30/2013. The included fix provides a startup check which determines if the affected table requires an update and, if so, automatically updates with new entries.
747990 customers are wanting global options to manage alerts for multiple servers instead of having to setup an alert for each ASE instance individually.
748000 SAP ASE running in process kernel mode may hang waiting for disk IO completion.
748008 Signal 11 in alt__lock_fix_computedcol
748021 Add an option to disable the session-level lock wait period to the 'set lock wait' command.
748027 The error IO_UNCOMPRESS_BUF_E, "The 'uncompress' call failed for database/archive device while working on stripe device <filename> with error number 0 (The operation completed successfully)." could be raised by sybmultbuf when using a block size bigger than the default.
748031 Avoid a rare race condition in the SAP ASE buffer handling that may result in an 839 - "Grabbed buffer dirty but not writing: <buffer info>" error.
748045 Job scheduler upgrade sometimes hit this error failing Job Scheduler to boot :

"Execution of rule check_jsc_state failed because of errors parsing the source text in syscomments during upgrade. Please drop and recreate dbo.check_jsc_state"

748055 The handling of numeric literals may differ between 12.5.4 and 15.7 causing unexpected arithmetic


748086 When DOL data pages are undergoing deallocation and table scans are concurrently executed on the table, inserts from other concurrent threads may incorrectly qualify to-be-deallocated pages.

This may lead to error: "12316: Attempt to garbage collect a deallocated data page 13407 in table 'table1_PDR', database 'onlinedb'. Aborting the transaction" could be seen.

748108 In rare cases, the system network utilities return invalid values for network information causing high CPU usage for the SCC process.
748258 A dynamic sql statement with a LIKE and ESCAPE or builtin with more than one declaration in a where clause could have a performance issue if the plan is removed from procedure cache.
748282 FR ability to force a nonclustered index to be Local
748302 Logical cluster failback without a failover leaves the logical in a timed_wait state.
748304 Opening a cursor was not allowed with online utilities like online reorg rebuild, online create index.
748320 Alter table split/ move partition on a table followed by drop column with no datacopy can cause data corruption.
748339 In rare circumstances, error 12308:"Invalid row id (Row %d, Page %d) encountered in the table %s in database %s" may be seen due to race condition between delete and inserts on the same page.
748377 Change in number are messages being printed in errorlog.

Earlier used to print a message for every cache-partition in the cache, now it will be printed only for 1 cache-partition. This will avoid flooding messages in the errorlog.

748391 When tracing systabstats values using trace flag 2701, during UPDATE STATISTICS operations that reference non-clustered indices, the command may be aborted due to printing an uninitialized float value.
748421 Incorrect permissions can occur when switching beteen normal and granular permissions
748423 DUMP DATABASE CUMULATIVE will silently fail when the auditing configuration option is turned on.
748459 Various stacktraces and timeslices running INSERT..SELECT FROM with ORDER BY
748461 An infected with signal 11 error occurs in open_byname with a stacktrace that includes function names col_open_range and vu_redefine
748519 Various errors like 206, 4701, 247 maybe given when using EXECUTE AS CALLER procedure with select into a temporary table or create index statements.
748569 When the EQUALS_SCAN_SUPERSET optcriteria hueristic is enabled, it would not apply in the case that the index with no positioning equi-sargs exist (i.e. a full index scan). The heuristics should apply in this case if the more expensive index covers all the equi-sargs of the former index, and includes positioning equi-sargs as well. optcriteria cr748569 will support the enhanced functionality to heuristic optcriteria EQUALS_SCAN_SUPERSET. Related to this enhancement to the EQUALS_SCAN_SUPERSET is optcriteria cr763859
748578 If compatibility mode is enabled, a union query with a self-join of a materialized view may fails due to a 622 error because 'temp worktable' is already in use.
748675 Insert into corrupted table failed and did not return any error, originally seen on 12.5.4.
748676 Feature request for a ROW_NUMBER function to return the number of a row in a given ordering.
748689 Add support for single instance user databases for the SAP ASE Cluster Edition.
748731 Doc bug: sp_dump_history has some errors
748789 Improve performance and concurrency of dbcc rebuild_text.
748815 A segmentation violation followed by a stack trace that contains the module strtok_r() will be raised at boot time on a Windows SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise if the configuration option 'enable dump history' is enabled and the file configured in 'dump history filename' exists but it's empty.
748843 In compatibility mode, max() trims trailing blanks from a local char variable permanently.
748851 'Invalid pointer value' error messages may occur when a non-database owner accesses the SAP ASE database.
748867 internal only: version change.
748891 NFR - Request a GUI function to refresh the login info from csi_config.xml
748941 installTemplateXml.bat fails with EOF error
748968 The sybdumptran utility has been enhanced to switch automatically to the mirror of a log device when opening the primary log device fails. The metadata file used by sybdumptran must be a dump that has been made using an SAP ASE version that contains the current fix.
748990 ASEMAP cannot successfully complete the collection of optimizer and field diagnostic data when these operations are launched for an ASE server from the administration console.
749004 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'getpage_with_validation' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'apl__startscan' and 'startptnscan' may be reported in the error log when the stored procedure sp_helpdb is run and its execution is interrupted.
749046 INSERT SELECT does not support LEVEL0 scan. This is a new functionality request, to allow INSERT SELECT to support LEVEL0 scan.
749058 In rare circumstances on a heavily-loaded Server, the message "current process infected with 11" together with a stack trace which includes the module 'mda__tc_scan_mempool' may be reported in the error log when table monTableCompression is accessed.
749080 When using date_diff with smalldatetime and varchar arguments, a bigint may be returned.
749086 CREATE and ALTER DATABASE FOR LOAD initialize the database allocation pages
when it's unnecessary.
749097 If update statistics is used on a table with a large number of partitions (e.g. 1000), then the performance declines significantly, and an inordinate number of log records are created.
749101 The connection to a backup server can be rejected if the client host has multiple IP addresses and the entries in the target backup server hosts.allow file are not authorizing the first remote IP address. Likewise, the connections will be rejected if the host name used in the first column of the hosts.allow file specifies a host alias different from the actual host name.
749129 The command "select * from monHADRMembers" sometimes returns 0 rows when executed on a standby member of an HADR cluster.
749138 A 422 error, "Too many nested expressions or logical operators to compile. Try splitting query or limiting ANDs and ORs." may be reported during the execution of a SELECT query that uses an abstract plan and references a table with more than 2000 range partitions.
749139 documentation for monSpinlockActivity details for each spinlock in SpinlockName.
749156 A 3474 error: "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log." and other miscellaneous errors can be encountered upon loading a transaction log dump containing a CREATE INDEX transaction on a table that has compressed data and nonmaterialized columns having default values.
749157 Infected with 11 in sqt_deallocate
749172 If JS Agent hits some inconsistency in operation then Job Scheduler auto restart attempts may enter into an infinite loop.
749189 If string_rtruncation is set on, error message 9502 is raised when values are assigned to VARCHAR variables that have been defined too short. Unfortunately, it appears that string_rtruncation does not work for such assignment query if it is inside a stored procedure or SQL function.
749267 DBCC TABLEALLOC needs to scan allocation pages of the database several times, when used like 'DBCC TABLEALLOC(name, full, fix)', it may partially cause the command run a long time. DBCC CHECKALLOC has same performance issue.
749274 When the monDeviceSpaceUsage table is queried concurrently from different processes, SAP ASE running with threaded mode might report a SIGSEGV (infected with 11) error that mentions the function mda__init_FSList() on the IBM AIX platform.
749279 When a rule is created which is not compatible with the column to which it is bound, SAP ASE generates an error message when it tries to insert a value. After raising the error, an infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) along with a stack trace is reported in the SAP ASE errorlog.
749286 Feature request for a way to track the number of lava buffers that have overflowed to tempdb pages.
749311 When 'set option show_abstract_plan on', SELECT FOR XML query may return error instead of the acutal return
749312 When using a large IN list and the statement cache is on, if the plan chosen has > 96 tables, the query may stack trace during compilation.
749313 The Cover Letter of EBF 21770 for Sun Solaris SPARC 64bit contains EBF numbers for Windows x86.
749368 DDLGen not displaying SAP ASE errors raised during execution
749381 Job Scheduler may go down during HADR deactivation.
749441 Provide an easy to use interface which would give advice on which (if any) REORG command should be run against which tables in a database.
749443 Under some rare situation, if statement cache is on and a plan need to be recompiled during execution time, it could leave the statement pagecount with a negative number for FBO binary and stacktrace for DEBUG binary.
749449 If dump history file is manually edited and the first line becomes blank, the file is assumed to be empty and then is initialized.
749462 When statement cache is on and if fewer of parameters are sent to ASE than the query expects, then an infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) stacktrace in the s__make_param() function may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog.
749479 A Parallel query that uses a shared worktable may result in a 940 error "Dbtable in wrong state for Operation" and the process being terminated.
749482 Trigger property page cannot be launched from the "Referenced By" page of a stored procedure property sheet.
749486 Loading a transaction dump created with NO_TRUNCATE will fail with a 4334 error, 'Specified file is out of sequence...' if it is loaded after a cumulative dump has been loaded.
749510 doc bug: sp_optgoal missing the most important part. sp_configure
749515 Defunct child processes of Xpserver not correctly waiting for the termination might due to the no_wait mode
749526 internal review
749632 Reorg rebuild on tables with text columns can run slow and consume more space in syslogs.
749643 Error 209 reported while displaying In memory Storage tab in Cache view of ASE monitoring view when the monitored ASE is set up with case-insensitive sort order.
749669 Add new -D option to specify user data directory
749712 Add a db shrink warning if there not enough space available. This has been added as a part of the checking done by "alter database ... with check_only"
749721 In rare circumstances, a 2601 error, "Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object '<name>' with unique index

'<index name>'", may be reported during the load of an 12.5 database in a 15.7 dataserver.

749724 object_status "contains compressed data" remains after table is truncated
749795 The loginfo() built-in has been optimized to avoid blocking while database dump or dump transaction is executed concurrently. Similar optimization was made to lct_admin() built-in when used with "num_logpages" option.
749833 sp_extrapwdchecks now allows NULL values. This leads to sp_addlogin for a different login and the same password to fail stating that you can't reuse password.
749845 While trying to create and access vhash tables, the table might not be accessible.
749879 HADR deactivation process can fail or get delayed due to transactions started by housekeeper and checkpoint tasks.
749880 HADR deactivation operation should not wait for open transactions belonging to non-replicated databases to be completed.
749899 monSysStatement does not show stored procedure when executed with another statement.
749927 If a database is dumped after an "alter database log off" command has failed, that database dump may produce an incorrect disk map after being loaded.
749941 SAP ASE might report an infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) stacktrace in the function mda_flush_iostats() when the SAP ASE configuration option "enable monitoring" is set to 1.
749957 Support to create non-clustered local index in parallel for partitioned table with some empty partitions.
750050 In rare circumstances the error 603 could be raised after hitting the error 614, 624 and 3914 on ASE 15.7
750056 Dump database with protected password ('with passwd = ') option only worked if specified in all lowercase letters.
750062 internal only: Auditinit didn't accepet empty sqlsrv.sa_password attribute in resource file.
750085 A 14108 error, "Could not find partition descriptor for objid <obj_id>, indid <indid>, ptnid <ptn_id> in dbid <db_id>" will be raised when creating a local index on a partitioned table if the database option 'allow incremental dumps' is enabled.
750163 In ASE 15.7 SP110 and above, under certain circumstances on AIX only, SAP ASE may erroneously produce the message "Message empty." while attempting to clean up after a previous failure.
750167 Job Scheduler prints incorrect restart count while auto restarting.
750187 JVM on AIX runs out of memory
750307 FR: sybmigrate of identity column data takes longer
750314 Need a script to calculate transaction log growth rate
750316 Under rare race conditions, when BCP IN is in progress with the INSERTs running concurrently on the same table, BCP may encounter an 820 error where the process tries to dirty a buffer which is already pinned to another PLC.
750324 REORG REBUILD cmd may take more time than before if table have TEXT/IMAGE/UNITEXT columns.
750353 "Waiting for native threads message .. " to be configurable if would be printed to errorlog.
750354 The LOAD DATABASE CUMULATIVE command succeeds incorrectly, rather than failing with a 4334 error, 'Specified file is out of sequence...', if the cumulative dump is loaded after loading a transaction log dump that was dumped before the cumulative dump.
750398 In rare circumstances, a query with "order by count(1) desc" using CT's abstract plan returns wrong result.
750436 A 1105 error, "Can't allocate space for object '<object_name>' in database '<db_name>' because '<segment_name>' segment is full/has no free extents. . . ." may be reported when running DBCC CHECKSTORAGE after the Server reboots from crash.
750468 INSERT query raises error 225 (statement cache off) or 11060 (statement cache on) after loading a database with materialized columns using SQL functions to another database with different database id.
750489 Feature request to have the preupgrade utility provide more details on the exact issue when a problem is found with the text for a compiled object.
750500 Stored procedures with application context functions take a very long time to execute because SAP ASE accesses system catalogs each time for protection checks.
750590 When RepAgent is configured to use multi-path replication where two paths are having a different set of transactions bound to them, the replication flow between the primary and the standby databases may stop working if this setup is used in conjunction with a warm standby setup.
750617 There is high spinlock contention on the dbt_spin for some user workloads even when not using multiple databases.
750645 An infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) in the function ct__tds_fetch_cache_cols() is reported in the SAP ASE errorlog and then the server crashes.
750655 The message, "current process infected with signal 11", together with a stack trace involving the functions rtms_print_um_error() may be reported when a spid waiting for get a JMS message raises error.
750665 internal only: support upgrade from 15.7 to 16.0
750683 In rare circumstances, the execution of Java User Defined Functions (UDF) could mistakenly ignore the arguments it expects when these are presented to it through a single argument that holds a white space separated string.
750695 Signal 11 in TcElement::TcElement or TcsState::tcs_merge
750705 Query performance may be affected on queries for which optimizations are based on stale

statistics where column histograms are out-of-range. An UPDATE STATISTICS option is

provided to implicitly generate new histograms which include the out-of-range values

for a user-specified column.

750719 Error 247:"Arithmetic overflow during implicit conversion of <type> value

<value> to a <type> field ." can be seen while running stored procedure sp_spaceusage on large table.

750731 internal review
750762 internal only
750763 An SAP ASE task keeps sleeping in remote i/o state even if the connection terminates while the SAP ASE task is executing a query to the remote SAP ASE. This problem may occur if the client program executes a query accessing a proxy table. You have to kill the spid manually.
750787 sybatch:Failed to Create Self Management login/user
750807 Correct an 814 error situation (Keep count of buffer '0x%lx' in cache '%.*s' holding logical page '%u' in database '%.*s' has become negative).
750822 Error 11751 is raised when a CASE statement in the SELECT clause uses a subquery expression that does not have a FROM clause.
750883 auto_temptable_stats will automatically generate in-memory statistics on a #temptable column on the first optimizable statement that needs statistics on that column. However, the statistics are not regenerated after a subsequent INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE or TRUNCATE table command. The optcriteria or traceflag 12801 will delete all in-memory statistics on the respective table so that up-to-date statistics will be generated on the next optimizable query referencing the respective #temptable.

Note that the ase_current optimization level will not enable this functionality. In order to enable this functionality, explicitly execute "set cr750883 on", or define a user defined optgoal that includes this optcriteria, or enable trace flag 12801 on server startup.

750911 TF 7822 can cause ASE 15.7 sp1xx in process kernel mode on Solaris to hang
750913 On Windows 64-bit, sp_helpdevice incorrectly reports 'unknown device type' for file system devices that are 4Gb or larger. This also prevents sp_deviceattr from issuing the warning:

"Warning: '<large device physname>', is a file system device. A system failure may cause data loss if the dsync option is set to false."

750937 Sometimes a long running transaction can be seen in tempdb for $sort_local which results in tempdb filling up if a large data set needs to be sorted.
750972 Server crash after writing the commit log during merge partition or online create index can cause data corruption.

Pages deallocated during merge partition were getting allocated to same or other tasks even before

merge partition is over.

750981 Trace flag 7795 will force a union query to return results in a sorted order. The sort order is determined by the order of the projection list.
750991 sp_sysmon gives wrong Average values for Engine Busy Utilization in process kernel mode.
751034 If the DUMP DATABASE is run on a database, a 691 error, "Encountered invalid logical page <page id> while accessing database <database name and id>, object <object name and id>, index <index name and id>, partition <partition name and id>. This is an internal system error. Please contact Sybase Technical Support.", might be reported when running SELECT INTO cmd to create a proxy table in this database.
751062 A 12954 error, "Database <dbname>: upgrade could not install required upgrade item 80." may be reported when upgrading from ASE 12.5 or after to ASE 16.0.
751067 DELETE not using row limit optimizations

The optimization is enabled by optcriteria.

751184 The Secondary Truncation Point may not be moving as expected by the SAP ASE RepAgent process in a Multiple Paths Replication environment.
751192 A 9022 error, 揅annot deliver a command from <connection>.<database> since no transaction is open.� may be reported in the SAP RS error log, when the SAP ASE RepAgent is configured to use the 慚ulti-Path Replication� feature and while a DML command is rolled back in ASE resulting in the replication stream to fail.
751228 internal review only
751238 On the Windows platform, an SAP ASE server might fail to start up if it uses the -r option to specify the mirrored device. dcmpmirror and kdactivate messages are reported in the SAP ASE errorlog.
751305 INSTRUMENTATION: reduce CIPC communication latency.
751331 No error is raised when compression option is used in index partition clause of CREATE INDEX.
751376 Error Log Viewer is set to not auto-refresh by default as in certain cases the latency of fetching rows make the GUI harder to use.
751471 SQL Statement replication using CI is not supported for GA.
751510 If any online utility is running and HK_GC fails to get DES, it gives rise to an 8233 error ("<name> operation is in progress on the object '<obj>' in database '<dbname>'. Retry your query later.").

If traceflag 2792 is ON HK_GC will wait there, which may then cause an undetected deadlock.

751612 When Kerberos is configured and many engines are created using 'create thread pool', then deleted

with "alter thread pool', and then created again, Security Control Layer initialization fails due

to exhaustion of memory resources with errorlog message:

00:0061:00000:00000:2013/11/07 00:41:47.50 server Security Control Layer's memory allocation routine returned an error.

751664 New option 'config_bs' for the built-in function hadr_admin() to add an entry to the hosts.allow file.
751670 When creating a new 8k or 16k page SAP ASE using syconfig (Windows) or srvbuild(res) (Unix) and additionally setting up PCI at the same time, SAP ASE may not have enough memory to boot.
751820 New feature request to allow DUMP TRANSACTION to use the options WITH VERIFY=CRC and VERIFY=READ_AFTER_WRITE as well as LOAD TRANSACTION WITH VERIFY[ONLY]=CRC. These options are applicable only at DUMP TRANSACTION time if the option WITH COMPRESSION is also used. Likewise, the CRC verification at LOAD TRANSACTION time is only applicable if the transaction dump is created with the CRC verification option as well.
751829 Alter table split/ move partition on a table followed by add non materialize column can cause data corruption.
751851 On AIX platform, dataserver and pair should match from the same build, otherwise stacktraces will be incorrect. There is no validation to indicate incorrect install/update process may result in a mismatch resulting in wrong stacktraces. This change issues a warning if there is mismatch like "kernel Warning: mismatch of dataserver (90112) and (90113)".
751900 'REORG REBUILD WITH ONLINE' may fail with error 806 (Could not find virtual page for logical page <page#> in database '<dbname>'.), if the table has undergone an 'ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN WITH NO DATACOPY' operation.
751923 During continuous replication Rep Agent configured for STREAM REPLICATION may shutdown when receiving an a retrievable error from the Component Interface native thread. "Error: Streaming replication stream error (-1). Severity 2, MSProdReceiver: receive error occurred, shutting down xport" will be found in the ASE errorlog.
751924 A 225 error, "Cannot run query--referenced object (name NAME NOT RECOVERABLE)

dropped during query optimization" may be reported when SET ANSINULL

statement is used inside a batch containing other statements.

751933 When HADR is enabled, a graceful shutdown of the primary server requires that its state be inactive and the transaction logs be drained unless the new shutdown option 'nowait_hadr' be used.
751934 In a HADR configured environment, if "nodrain" option is used in "sp_hadr_admin deactivate" command, then to demote the primary server to standby use "sp_hadr_admin standby, 'force'".
751956 sp_serveroption "net password encryption" on SYB_BACKUP will cause DUMP and LOAD to fail with Open Server Error: 16400.10.0: srv__e3_create_encrypt3_context: Unexpected failure in comn_keypair_create.
752105 Once Rep Agent has swirthed from (near)sync to async it will attempt to switch back again to (near)sync mode. In order to accomplish that the user task are slowed down so Rep Agent can reach again the end of the log. However if the initial scan after the switch is long, Rep Agent will not be able to slow down the user transacations for a long time.
752115 When the SAP ASE kernel mode is configured as process and an SSL session/connection is abruptly killed/aborted, a SIGSEGV (infected with 11) with a stacktrace may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog. The functions drop_connection() and ssl_nclose() are likely to be seen as part of the stacktrace.
752170 The ASE COTS JavaVM version is updated to version JRE 7 update 55 for each supported platform in the sybpcidb database.
752204 ALTER DATABASE should be combined with CREATE DATABASE for the purposes of granular permissions as they serve the same functions.
752211 Error message 3128 "The dump image specified does not contain information for any of the database devices" will be printed when a transaction dump generated by sybdumptran is use with the command LOAD DATABASE ... WITH LISTONLY = CREATE_SQL"
752225 If there are more than 32 columns in the GROUP BY list, and more than 6 tables in the query then the query plan performance could be significantly different than equivalent queries which have less than or equal to 32 columns in the GROUP BY list. The optcriteria cr752225 eliminates the discontinuity in query plan selection/performance when the threshold of 32 columns in the group by list is passed.
752351 sp_hadr_admin activate may report Msg 18703, "Please execute the procedure 'sp_hadr_admin' from master database."
752352 In some rare cases, in SAP ASE Cluster Edition, when one of the nodes goes down and FAILOVER recovery starts on the other node, a deallocated page can be wrongly brought into the cache. An INSERT which is fired after recovery has completed can pick up this deallocated page and insert into it. This may result in 7928 or other index corruption errors reported from DBCC CHECKTABLE.
752353 error 924 sp_who shows no spid but dbtable output shows dbt_keep=1
752367 A data truncation error may occur when executing a query on the monTableColumns table and retrieving the value of the Description or Label columns in the Japanese language using an SAP ASE server that is configured to use the utf8 character set.
752391 In rare case, if DOL table has unique index, concurrent DML may hit index corruption (error 12313 "Insert into page id <page #> of index id <index #> of table '<table name>' (id = <id #>) in database '<db name>' tried to replace undeleted RID (<>, <>) at slot <slot #> and ridposn <#>. Try dropping and recreating the index.")x.
752408 In rare circumstances, a 3474 error, "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log....", may be reported during boottime or LOAD DATABASE recovery, when a transaction that allocated a page, rolled back that allocation while a checkpoint was active.
752415 Forcing an index on one table, where the query has more than 6 table joins and the configuration parameter 'enable deferred parallel' set to ON, can cause an infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) to be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog with a stacktrace involving ResVector::getScalarSum or GtgGroup::GtSecondaryInit
752435 The invalid text in the Write Options page of Add Database Device wizard is changed from "You can optionally specify number of partitions" to "Specify the write option".

The label for the third radio button is changed from "Cached IO (Data sync off)" to "Buffered IO"

752438 Under some rare condition, when statement cache is on, a parameter bound to a value is not sent back the correct new value.
752439 Load database without 'unload' option is causing rewind operation in the tape device.
752471 In rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with 11" in the module 憃cm_hold� together with a stack trace which includes the modules 慸es_has_onlutl_active� and 'checkpoint� may be reported in the error log by the process doing 'CHECKPOINT' in a Cluster Edition SAP ASE environment.
752500 If upgrading from 15.7 GA or ESD#1,2,3 to 15.7 SP60 or 15.7 SP121, SAP ASE may encounter a segmentation fault error in the function upgd__find_basic_depends() during open database.
752523 Switch ASE_JAVA support from COTS JavaVM towards SAP JVM delivery
752555 A 697 error, "An attempt was made to fetch logical page '<page_id>' for <info_of_db_obj_index_partion> from cache '<cache_name>'. Wrong logical page '<page_id>' was found in cache." may be raised during a transaction rollback if the transaction promotes row locks to table locks for some table.
752591 A segmentation violation occurs when the config option enable xact coordination is set to 0 and a connection is established between a primary and secondary server.
752639 When the SAP ASE server is out of locks, a permission check can cause the error message "ulpspinlock: spinlock order violation" to be reported followed by a crash the SAP ASE server.
752660 In rare circumstances, an infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) may be reported in the SAP ASE error log together with a stack trace that includes the modules 'rec_dynamic_prefetch()' and 'rec_undo_session()' when recovery is being run at boot time or during LOAD DATABASE or LOAD TRAN.
752668 The error "table still open - dbid <value> table id 58" or the error 12330, "An attempt was made to fetch logical page <value> with partition ID '58', ..." followed by a stack trace that contains the module 'closetable' may be reported when the database option 'allow cumulative dumps' is enabled.
752670 Stacktrace could happen during showplan (LeScanOp::_LeOpShowBloomFilterInfo(char*)) or in LeSarg::mapSarg() for hash semijoin query plan when pushdown bloom filter for the hash join is used.
752705 Bulk insert on tables with roundrobin partitions may encounter signal11 with pg_get_targetpage() in the stack.
752764 Enhancement requests for ASE 15.7 SP100 upgrade documentation
752776 need correction of minimum sizes of system databases for ASE 15.7 SP100 documentation
752839 The message "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'cpynodes' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 's_copytmps' and 'batch_loopend' may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog when a BATCH INSERT into a temporary table is executed, followed by 6103 and 703 error while SAP ASE attempts to free procedure cache memory.
752858 Replicating "datetime" data type from primary DB when primary client application apply data having different localization than RepServer, cause DSI to goes down with error #249 when Statement-Replication is activated and threshold is reach:

E. 2013/12/02 08:55:31. ERROR #1028 DSI EXEC(106(1) db_srv2.ads_main) - dsiqmint.c(4358)

Message from server: Message: 249, State 1, Severity 16 -- 'Syntax error during implicit conversion of VARCHAR value 'Dez 1 2013 11:00:23:020PM' to a DATETIME field.'.

(here, 揇ez� word (in datetime value 揇ez 1 2013 11:00:23:020PM�) is the short name for December month in German)

This may also impact other "date" data type.

752871 A 644 error "Index row entry for data row id (<page#>, <row#>) is missing from index page <page#> of index id <value> of table '<name>' in database 'name'. Xactid is (<page#>,<row#>) ). Drop and re-create the index." may be reported when a clustered index on a Data Locked Only table permits duplicate keys and the index refers to pages with logical page numbers higher than the value of 2147483647.
752892 DDLGen failed and showed error 'UDM51: java.sql.SQLException' if syslanguages.langid > 99
752984 Feature request for a configurable parameter for the limit on the number of or-terms.
752991 Trace flag 7796 will prevent the query from being aborted when the recompilation limit has been exceeded. Instead informational messages will be printed when some multiple of the recompilation limit has been reached.
753022 SAP ASE running on Windows platforms may report the following message in the SAP ASE errorlog early on during startup: "kernel KERNEL structure not padded correctly - size = 1736". This message may be safely ignored, and this CR prevents it being reported.
753035 When merge partitions for table with local indexes, if index rebuild on parallel, error message 14108 will be raised.
753036 There is an incorrect assertion that hits with diagserver during rebooting the server if server crashed during online reorg rebuild.
753037 Fail to replicate a new login, or a password change in UTF8 dataserver when 'stream replication' is set to TRUE. A stacktrace is reported in the standby dataserver including the functions lobj_crtlogin()->lobj_crtloginmain()
753079 For internal use.
753085 Tracing optimizer behavior may not use the correct indentation when printing plan fragments
753087 ASE15.7 SP60 PC Client is released with the following updates:

PCC SP60 is released with OCS SDK 15.7 SP122.

PCC SP60 is released with jConn

jConnect (TM) for JDBC(TM)/7.07 SP120 N-OFF (Build 26972)/P/EBF21999/JDK 1.6.0/jdbcmain/OPT/Thu Nov 7 06:04:54 PST 2013

PCC SP60 is released with ODBC

c:\DataAccess\bin>odbcversion -version

No Power Designer is shipped with this image, as there are no updates to PD. Please continue to use your existing Power Designer installation.

753098 In a long running SAP ASE server configured for SSL, SSL handshake errors due to memory allocation failures appear for new incoming connections.
753140 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'plc__discard' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'xact_endupdate' and 'reorg_main' may be reported in the error log during 'REORG REBUILD <table> WITH ONLINE' while this command is executed on a system where high concurrent DML activity is happening on the same table. Alternatively this error can occur during a high concurrent DML activity in a low durability database.
753147 In an HA environment, when the same user tries to login on both primary and companion server at the same time then the login process occasionally hangs.
753171 Error 1289 - "Internal Error in lock manager routine: Invalid lock mode ..." may be raised when SAP ASE executes a select-for-update (SFU) query and the following conditions apply:

1. The SFU query contains a TOP clause or a 'set rowcount' command was previously executed to limit the number of rows returned by the SFU query and

2. The number of rows that qualify for the SFU query exceeds the limit imposed by the TOP clause or 'set rowcount' command and

3. The optimizer chooses a parallel query plan to execute the SFU query.

753175 The database level replication status may become inaccurate after changing the replication status of tables or stored procedures while the secondary truncation point is not set.
753181 The monDeviceIO table Reads column value includes the count of APF reads. The description for this column in the monTableColumns table incorrectly stated that it did not. We removed this phrase from the description of this column.
753208 Under some circumstances, some SAP ASE diagnostic tools may report logical page numbers higher than 2147483647 as negative numbers.
753302 When we create a table with global variable as a default and then insert a row into this table in the same batch, it will trigger a n infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) stacktrace in the SAP ASE errorolog if the insert is not cached either due to switch off due to the statement cache being disabled or by using special traceflags.
753357 Provide SQL interface to retrieve the results of past dump and load operations.
753387 The progress status messages [example: Processed 50381 allocation unit(s) out of 251904 units (allocation page 12897280). 20% completed. ] for the CREATE DATABASE, ALTER DATABASE, DROP DATABASE, and DBCC GAM commands may stop being output before the command reaches 100%, although the command does complete successfully.
753408 PagesTouched queried from monCachePool is larger than AllocatedPages under some rare circumstance.
753423 Feature request for user level "password exp warn interval".
753461 A segmentation violation occurs when sp_listener starts an SSL listener where no SSL listeners had been started previously.
753525 SAP ASE running on Unix/Linux platforms only prints the top 25 stack frames in a stack overflow stacktrace report which could mask the root cause and also provide insufficient diagnostics when a stack overflow is caused by a recursive function.

If the stack overflow backout code uses too much stack, the backout process can cause stack guard word corruption resulting in server shutdown.

This CR removes the limitation on number of frames in the stacktrace and if the stack overflow backout code use of the stack reaches within 4K bytes of the stack boundary, it then initiates forcible termination of the task to prevent stack guardword corruption.

The default value of 'stack guard size' is increased by 4K bytes to retain earlier level of stack availability.

Traceflag 3687 provides a stacktrace when a transaction is aborted due to insufficient stack space that can provide additional diagnostics on stack usage by the query. Traceflag 3686 disables this change. This change is not applicable to the Microsoft Windows platform.

753577 ASE with SSL configured and using CIS may hit SEGV in np__validate_servername() which would bring down the server.
753695 If a stored procedure is compiled in deferred compilation mode and when a compilation error is raised, it could cause an infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) stacktrace and other unexpected error messages to be reported in the ASE errorlog.
753704 If quoted_identifier is ON and sp_hadr_admin primary is executed, next time HADR primary server reboots as standby, instead of primary.
753753 In rare circumstances Online REORG / ONLINE CREATE INDEX may hit SIGSEGV when table contains compressed row but table is marked as not compressed.
753842 In rare circumstances, 691 error, "Encountered invalid logical page '0' while accessing database 'dbname' (dbid),

object 'object name' (object id), index 'index name' (index id), partition 'partition name' (partition id).

This is an internal system error. Please contact SAP Technical Support." may be reported with stacktrace when

inserting data into TEXT/IMAGE/UNITEXT columns.

753905 When using ALTER DATABASE, an 806 error, "Could not find virtual page for logical page <page#> in database '<dbname>'..." may be reported if ALTER DATABASE removes more than a single fragment from the end of the given database.
753927 Performance of queries with decrypt default when run by non-privileged user is very slow.
753942 In rare cases, if SAP ASE server crashes during a ALTER TABLE UNPARTITION or MERGE PARTITION transaction, after recovery, DBCC CHECKTABLE of the table may report a 2583 error, "Number of data pages (#) counted by DBCC differs from count in the data OAM (#) for dbid <db_id> object <obj_id>".
753956 When an insert trigger exists on the target table of the MERGE statement, the wrong result may happen.
753996 An SAP ASE shutdown occurs after hitting a SIGSEGV (infected with 11). In the SIGSEGV message in the SAP ASE errorlog the faulting address may reference the function uppushaffinity().
754075 In some rare conditions, error 8201 - "Keep count of descriptor (objid=<objid>, dbid=<dbid>) was expected to be <n>. Instead <m> was found.", error severity 26, state 1 might be raised during high availability failover accompanied by a stack trace in the SAP ASE errorlog with the functions des_do_get()/ha_session_check() in it.
754081 Signal 11 stacktrace could happen during LePipeRepart::LePipeWriteVtuple() call

when a list partitioned table is the inner table of a parallel outer equi-join and the

join is on the partition column.

The same stacktrace could also happen for a range partitioned (instead of list

partitioned) table when the upper bound of the partition condition is not MAX.

754095 On the AIX platform, when SSL is enabled, after a few thousand connections, connection failures occur and error message "ks_falloc: Cannot allocate using ubfalloc" appears in the SAP ASE errorlog.
754142 As of 15.7 GA, the empty OAM entries reported in message 15082 can also be removed by running REORG COMPACT or REORG RECLAIM_SPACE.
754150 REORG RECLAIM_SPACE fails to clean up empty OAM entries.
754167 When upgrade from 16.0beta1 to 16.0beta2 or later version, If the master database has a secondary

truncation point set, it indicates to turn the secondary truncation point off using older server, and

when rebooting with the older server an error 950(Database 'master' is currently offline. Please wait

and try your command again later) will be raised.

754255 A 331 error, "Query is too complex and has exhausted the name space for Ordering IDs, please breakup query into simpler components.", may be reported during a complex query with multi-tables especially using aggregates and allrows_dss optgoal.
754273 Client connections to SAP ASE may hang when SSL is enabled and the network memory pool is exhausted.
754283 Backup Server on HPUX may die with error messages: A00: SYBMULTBUF ERROR: Emulator interprocess communication failed with error state = 1, error code=0, system message=Pipe I/O returned 0 bytes. D00: SYBMULTBUF ERROR: Emulator interprocess communication failed with error state = 9, error code=0, system message=Pipe I/O returned 0 bytes while trying to print out a legitimate API error.
754371 When using compatibility mode with more than 32 columns in an order by expression, the server may stack trace.
754508 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the modules def_insert() and xls_sessionid() may be reported in the error log when an INSERT query is run in DEFERRED mode.
754542 Under some rare condition, an infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) error in the function querytuning_ins_sysoptions() may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog.
754548 In rare circumstances, a 2583 error, "Number of data pages (<count1>) counted by DBCC differs from count in the data OAM (<count2>) for dbid <dbid> object <objid>", may reported when running dbcc checkdb after rebooting a crashed server or loading a database dump, when a SELECT INTO or ALTER TABLE command was active at the time the server crashed or the dump was taken.
754621 preupgrade may underestimate the needed space for databases to be upgraded to 15.7 SP100 or later.
754622 Performance of concurrent insert is slow.
754644 After upgrading from SAP ASE 15.7 SP100 to a higher version and re-running installmaster, configuration parameter 'engine local cache percent' may not be configurable through procedure sp_configure.
754648 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the module mda_fill_and_send_monProcessStatement() may be reported in the error log when running a query of the form SELECT ... INTO temptable.
754653 SAP ASE may fail to boot on an AIX 7.1 machine if the machine has a missing /usr/vacpp/lib/libhC.a library. The AIX error message will report that "Dependent module libhC.a(ansi_64.o) could not be loaded."
754679 In some cases, a DML command is not correctly replicated because SAP ASE Replication Agent may mistakenly generate the table schema definition for metadata reduction for a table that is marked for replication. Schema building is needed when the table is created or altered in the same user transaction as the DML which affects the same table.
754736 When starting an SAP ASE server up with hundreds of engines, the CPU utilization is high and the server seems to hang.
754753 Alter table move partition can fail with error 326 (ALTER TABLE '<table name>' failed. The table is 0-way partitioned, and a 1-way parallel plan was generated due to lack of parallel resources. Increase the value of 'max parallel degree' and 'number of worker processes' to at least 0, and try again.), when compatibility mode is ON.
754792 SAP ASE may enter a CPU intensive loop after a SIGSEGV (infected with 11) at ktMuxThreadTick+0x24d with the following seen in the errorlog: "Returning from kmultimap_iterator_cleanup with lock held" and "Attempting to return from utpApplyAll while holding a multimap read lock (0x<address>). The lock will be released"
754856 When we try to alter temporary table for the database which has proxy database mapped on secondary companion, we hit error 177: CREATE PROXY_TABLE cannot create a temporary object (with '#' as the first character name.
754928 Add Partial Index support to SAP ASE.
755181 Updated sp_help_rep_agent 'config' output to include properties related to stream replication.
755225 dbcc checktable() may unnecessarily report "Invalid column length 0 found for compressed column ... The last compressed column cannot be a NULL column." if a jConnect BULK_LOAD application inserts NULL values.
755230 For tables with several indexes and TEXT/IMAGE/UNITEXT columns, a 605 error, "An attempt was made

to fetch logical page <page id> from cache <cache>. Page belongs to database <db>, object <object>,

index <index>, partition <partition> and not to database <db>, object <object>, index <index>,

partition <partition>.", may be reported when running 'SELECT...INTO...FROM ... WHERE condition1

or condition2 or ...' command on it with concurrent DELETE/UPDATE/TRUNCATE TABLE commands.

755287 An assertion will occur if encrypted columns is enabled and there are external passwords that need to be recreated.
755330 When using LDAP, an assertion message and a SIGABRT/SIGIOT (infected with 6) stacktrace may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog. The assertion will say "result == SYBCSI_RESULT_OK, file core/source/csimemory.c". The stacktrace will include the function login__ldapauth().
755333 The Sybmon 'stack all' command may hit signal 11 because of reference to null pointer.
755424 When RepAgent is configured for Multiple Paths Replication and verbose LTL traces are active through Repagent traces 9201, 9227 and 9228, a SIGSEGV may occur together with a stack trace showing the module ra__sender_ltl_cmds.
755454 When migrating from SAP ASE 15.5, Sybmigrate fails at report session and shows the error:

There are still external logins for the server 'mtrs$999'.

755465 Dynamic SQL with LOB parameter which results in a character set conversion for a single, very, very large text field can raise a 712 error (out of heap memory). Avoidance of the 712 error involves using a workaround that avoids the large text field character set conversion altogether. When the error is invoked by a Java program, instead of by batch mode processing there can be a large memory leak of the heap memory for the connection. That memory leak is addressed by this CR.
755473 The DUMP DATABASE command may hang when run concurrently with a many other tasks if the option 'optimize dump for faster load' is set to a non zero value.
755508 Statement contains ORDER BY clause with a select-list number will not be stored in statement cache with literal autoparameterization for parameters.
755520 An "infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) may occur in LeScanOp::LeGetScanInd (called from LeOrScanContext::getNextVtup) when the SAP ASE configuration option 'streamlined dynamic SQL' is turned on and the query contains ORed joins and one of the outer table's join columns contains a NULL value.
755558 The message "timeslice -501, current process infected" in the module 'ra_ms_get_object_filters_for_path' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ra__ms_apply_repfilters' and 'ra_ms_get_object_filters_for_path' may be reported in the error log by the SAP Replication Agent scanner thread for the default path when the filter distribution model is used.
755644 Ocassionally, a heap memory spinlock violation and followed by various stacktraces may happen for session running multiple XML queries with errors.
755682 An ALTER TABLE SPLIT PARTITION command may report a SIGSEGV (infected with 11) in the SAP ASE errorlog if the destination partition name is not specified.
755705 SAP ASE Replication Agent under a multiple path replication setup will not replicate the execution of rs_ticket stored procedure to all paths.
755714 If the DML contains a builtin function with two or more parameters, the audit trail may print the parameters in reverse order.
755734 When using Synchronous Replication, the size of a batch of replicated commands can be configured by using sp_config_rep_agent to set the parameter 'max commands per package'.
755806 Under extreme OLTP activity in a mixed-log and data database (like tempdb), a task doing CREATE INDEX may report "Stack overflow detected: limit: 0x0x*, guardpage: 0x0x*, sp: 0x0x*" and "*** Stack guardword corrupted" together with a stack trace that includes the modules 'pg__updateoam', 'pg_oamspace', and 'pg_allocoam'.
755887 The error 1120, "Adaptive Server failed to access page <pageno> in database '<database name>' because it is not an allocation page." can be raised if the commands DBCC CHECKALLOC or DBCC TABLEALLOC(syslogs) are executed on an archive database.
755917 Additional stream replication specific diagnostic information is provided through the sp_help_rep_agent procedure and several MDA tables.
755985 HADR deactivation operation with 'force' option kills transactions on non-HADR databases.
755990 When using show_sqltext a client state error may occur at the end of a batch.
756069 When text is bound to a different cache than data for a given table, back-linking text partitions via dbcc shrinkdb_setup() can produce bad links.
756100 When the SAP ASE RepAgent is started and stopped simultaneously by concurrent users, this may cause the SAP Replication Server to shut down itself. The message "Open Server error: Error: 16330, State: 0, Severity 15 -- 'Pass-through is incomplete for spid: <number>'. RSCIOCSDisconnectHandler: consumer not up. Exiting due to a fatal error." will be reported in the Replication Server error log.
756143 Stack overflow may occur which would terminate the server, instead of the offending session. This may occur if the stack is insufficient and there are a large number of tables in the FROM lists of the query.
756199 Applying update statistics in parallel mode on a HADR configured standby generates stacktrace and fails.
756274 When reporting on the dump header of a dump that was taken with a higher SAP ASE version that has used new metadata in the dump, an error 3264, "The dump header contains device information with invalid token length ...", possibly followed by errors such as 3208 揢nexpected end of file while reading beginning of dump...� will be reported. An unknown element warning message will now be reported instead.
756284 When there are nested subqueries with invariant materialization steps in each respective subquery, it is possible that a signal 11 can occur.
756290 Unable to create segment free space alert for newly added segments for databases
756321 The message "Invalid column length: <num>. Value must be between 0 and 255 at offset 0 for 'data-only' row with minimum row length of 70." together with a stack trace including the modules 'collocate' and 'ra__new_schema' may be reported if a row for a replicated table with a name of the maximum length (255 char) created by a user with a name of the maximum length (30 char) is encountered by Replication Agent.
756412 internal only: wrong cfg file name was created if make an overlay installation with ASE16.0GA.
756437 A statement that inserts into a table with an identity column and

references a view or derived table that contains a union-all that terminates

a union statement may generate a 264 error (duplicate column id) if the

identity value is implicitly generated (i.e. - not explicitly provided in the insert's value list).

756574 When dbcc page(dbid,pageno, opt) searches the desired page in deleted cache, causing sig 11.
756600 Error 11203 - "The command '<cmd>' is not legal for objects of this type. External definition: <name>" may be incorrectly raised when a proxy table mapped to a file system is part of an

update/delete statement.

756609 The wrong suid may be reported in sysprocesses when executing a stored procedure with execute as owner from another database context.
756618 Duplicate identity values may be generated after loading a transaction log dump containing transactions that inserted identity values reserved using multiple calls to RESERVE_IDENTITY().
756619 Selecting a remote column from DB2 may hit illegal symbol error if the schema name contains special characters.
756631 A 644 error, "Index row entry for data row id (<pageid>, <rnum>) is missing from index page <index_pagenum> of index id <indid> of table '<tablename>' in database '<dbname>'. Xactid is (<xactid>). Drop and re-create the index." may sometimes be reported in heavily concurrent systems using DATAROWS LOCKED or DATAPAGES LOCKED tables.
756646 Replication Agent running on 'stream replication' mode may shutdown with the error 'Error: 9219, Severity: 20, State: 66' after a re-connection attempt.
756648 A 213 error, "Insert error: column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition." may be reported in a stored procedure, when deferred compilation is active, if a column is added to a table and there is a dependency on "select * " behavior to ignore the extra column. Trace flag 7798 will ignore this error if deferred compilation is turned on and allow normal compilation to process the statement. If normal compilation still sees an inconsistency, or some other activity causes re-resolution of the stored procedure, then errors may be still be reported.
756704 Extend the 'with online' utility for create index to utilize parallel sorts when using consumers on a semantic partitioned table.
756709 Feature request for a new builtin function rowlength() that would return the total length of a row.
756770 Wrong ServerUserID in monSysSQLText when execute procedure with "execute as".
756791 Feature request for built-in functions GREATER() and LESSER() that would return the greater and lesser of two parameters, similar to the functions of the same name that exist in SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere.
756819 Arithmetic overflow occurred in procedure 'sp_sysmon_kernel'.
756854 Executing sp_help / sp_helpartition when online reorg / online create index is in its final phase (Blocking Logical Synchronization), may cause deadlock.
756875 When executing a DUMP command with more than one VERIFY option, the backup server will ignore all but the last one. Also, on Windows platform, if the archive is bigger than 4GB and we are executing WITH VERIFY=READ_AFTER_WRITE or VERIFY=CRC and the verification fails when reading a block that is at an offset greater than 4GB, the error message will report an offset value that is only the two lower bytes of the actual offset, for example "There was a failure decompressing <#> bytes at offset 804831240 when processing stripe '<the stripe name>'" instead of the offset value for 5099798536.
756876 An infected with 11 occurs in function udr_check_granted when granting a role.
756894 The error message 7786 has been updated to include the server user name.
756896 Feature request for a simple method such as another global variable to go with @@procid that would identify the database that @@procid is from.
756966 An 8211 error: "Mismatch found between the name and id descriptor hash table for table <objname>, objid = <objid>" may sometimes be raised if an attention is hit while dropping an object.
756976 When procedure deferred compilation is turned off, DML auditing of stored procedures may not print variables in audit trail.
756988 Reduce dynamic SQL procedure cache footprint when 'streamlined dynamic SQL' is configured by saving SQL text in the statement cache only.
756990 Raise the restriction limit on proxy table queries from 50 tables to 250 tables.
757027 In some circumstances when using the command SET STATISTICS IO ON

or SET STATISTICS PLAN_HTML ON the runtime execution statistics

reported for some queries could be inaccurate when the plan displays



757038 Sometimes, error 7705 could be raised unexpectedly for LIKE predicate with ESCAPE clause if there is a same letter in LIKE and ESCAPE clause, but one is an upper case letter and the other is a lower case letter.
757050 Updates with merge joins may not observe SET ROWCOUNT
757061 When shared memory size exceeds 1TB, sp_shmdumpconfig might report error 265, "Insufficient result space for explicit conversion of INT value '1382954' to a CHAR field.".
757062 linuxamd queries using high number of indexes sees higher physical reads than solaris identical environment.
757142 Stored procedure sp_dbextend fails with Error 3626 / 17 / 4
757145 Customer want Direct connect server class to support T-SQL LIKE.
757156 In some special cases, the index size with index compression is larger than when the index is uncompressed.
757164 A timeslice error followed by a stacktrace that includes the modules stphd_release_last_mvcc_histogram(), stphd_release_unreferenced_mvcc_histograms() and stu_nosort_range() may be reported in the error log in a heavily loaded system during the CREATE INDEX operation when using hashing.
757177 LIKE optimization does not happen for a ? + ? pattern that is used in a prepared statement.
757192 Rolling back of a drop object sometimes could result in an error 8211 with "Mismatch found between the name and id descriptor hash table for table 'tablename'".
757215 In rare circumstances, a 1105 message "Can't allocate space for object 'syslogs' in database 'tempdb' because 'logsegment' segment is full" may incorrectly be printed for tempdb when the first pages of tempdb are not mapped in sysusages.
757246 sp_sysmon IO Busy is over weighted in threaded kernel mode.
757251 Add 'Proc Cache Header' diagnostic enhancements for the block pool to capture the time spent in bitmap scanning and collect memory allocation/free patterns. These diagnostics are disabled by default.
757258 When displaying configuration values for Replication Agent using the sp_help_rep_agent procedure the 'rs_servername' displays only the first 30 characters.
757301 When a 331 error occurs or there are long query optimization times or large procedure cache usage occurs in the optimization phase, then this may be due to the optimizer not pruning subplans in the search space as early as possible. Improve pruning can be turned on with optcriteria cr757301, or by using ase_current with optimization level of at least ase157sp130. Trace flag 16992 will turn off the optimization even if the optcriteria is enabled.
757310 Cannot use syconfig to do backup server upgrade on Windows 64bit
757312 In rare cases, a query accessing the sysdatabases on master companion might return error 14108 with

Could not find partition descriptor for objid 30, indid -1, ptnid 30 in dbid <dbid>.

757323 The MDA table monRepSyncTaskStatistics that provides statistics on (near) synchronous replication, will report information erroneously when the current replication mode is asynchronous.
757393 If SAP ASE is upgraded from pre 16.0 to 16.0, then dbcc tune(volatile,4,<table name>) or alter table <table name> set index_compression = page for the existing table may raise error 12859 like

Column sysobjects.sysstat4 has length '0', should be '1'. The sysobjects row is for database '<db name>' (db id), object '<object name>' (object id).

757398 In some rare scenarios, a utility command modifying a table and waiting for a level 0 scanner on the table to exit, might not respond to a client killing the session where a utility command is executed.
757459 A timeslice error, followed by a stacktrace that includes the module memshrink(), may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog during a sort operation on a very large data set.
757477 Poor costing of unions when aggregating tempdb usage.
757495 XP server will fail to boot, to execute extended stored procedure or to

shutdown if some other process is listening on the xpserver port. ASE shutdown

may also hang if some other process is listening on the xpserver port.

757501 Improve the clarity of error message 16346, "The LOAD_SQL LISTONLY option is valid only if a stripe device is not specified.". This error message will now be reported as, "You cannot use the FROM clause with the LISTONLY=LOAD_SQL option.�
757531 RepAgent may fail with error 9275 "RepAgent (<dbid>): Could not locate the before image for the INSERT log record at (<page#>,<rowid#>)." while processing the log records for a MERGE command leading to inserts and updates.
757610 When creating a new 8k or 16k page SAP ASE using syconfig (Windows) or srvbuild(res) (Unix) and additionally setting up PCI at the same time, SAP ASE may not have enough memory to boot.
757612 srvbuildres may fail with an uninitialized buffer error if user does not have write permission on /tmp


757620 Add the capability to do a Deferred Recovery of Create Index to SAP ASE.
757634 Under certain circumstances, a 2956 error, "Unable to grab a buffer to encrypt logical page <pagenum> in database <dbid>. Increase the size of the 16K buffer pool in the buffer cache 'default data cache'", may be reported when using an encrypted database.
757643 Child sort thread during index rebuild leads to assertion failure as it does not recognize concurrent partition level utility execution.
757649 A 4720 error, "Cannot truncate table <tablename> because there are one or more isolation level 0 scans, or REORG command, active on the table", may be reported during a TRUNCATE TABLE command while level 0 scans are active. This new feature is enabled when the new configuration option 'enable utility lvl 0 scan wait' is set.
757824 When running in SAP ASE process mode under heavy load in a multiengine environment, an engine may become CPU bound when handling network cancel requests arising from attentions received either from the client or from kill commands. In the event that the network listener was on the run queue of the engine which has become CPU bound as above, it may be impossible to establish new logins to the server.
757829 Incorrect hash partition elimination may lead to incorrect results when there is an OR predicate

on the partition column(s)

757850 When running on a table with thousands of partitions, create local nonclustered index or placement index command may fail due to stack overflow with no error message printed.
757867 In rare circumstances, checkstorage or sp_dbcc_alterws might not expand the scan/text workspace to the size suggested by sp_plan_dbccdb or specified value.
757883 When a user invokes DDLGen from a script and wishes to hide the password by supplying the pseudo password (-Pext) and including the actual password in a file or setting in an environment variable, the error "DG16: Could not get Console instance" is reported.
757895 Support Quoted Identifiers on session temporary tables. This requires that the configuration parameter "quoted identifier enhancements" is set and the session level option "quoted_identifiers" is on.
757962 Error message 806 (Could not find virtual page for logical page ... in database ...) may be reported for an update query with multiple outer joins when the update mode chosen for the query is not deferred update mode.
757974 Under rare circumstances, some qualified data rows may not be returned for a query which uses RID list scan on a partitioned DOL table.
758105 The error message, "SSL or Crypto Error Message: 'csi_cipher_crypto'" may be reported when encrypting an existing database.
758109 During upgrade from pre-16.0 to 16.0, if the older server's max memory configuration is very close to the amount required by that server, ASE 16.0 can report that max memory is not sufficient. If that happens, ASE 16.0 will not start.
758119 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the module LeExecuteWorkUnits(), may be reported in the error log during execution of query plans that use both the 'dynamic thread assignment' and 'parallel index update'.
758144 1) If SAP ASE is installed as an overlay, sybatch will reset the XP Server port to default during upgrade. 2) sybatch requires user to specify sqlsrv.master_device_physical_name, sqlsrv.master_device_size, sqlsrv.master_db_size and sqlsrv.application_type which are not really needed in upgrade. 3) sybatch recreates the XP Server Windows service even if it doesn't exist for the old server.
758214 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the module s_recompile() may be reported in the error log when a table schema change happens after processing the first row, and before finishing the second row of an dynamic batch INSERT.
758249 When upgrading to SAP ASE 16.0, the upgrade utility will report error 4243, "DUMP TRANSACTION WITH NO_LOG or DUMP TRANSACTION WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY is not allowed in database '<dbname>' while the 'enforce dump tran sequence' database option is enabled." if a database has option "enforce dump tran sequence" set.
758260 In rare circumstances, a 8201 error "Keep count of descriptor (objid=<value>, dbid=<value>) was expected to be 1. Instead 2 was found." together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ptn__pdes_scavenge' and 'open_user_table' may be reported in the error log when SAP ASE attempts to reuse a descriptor and an online utility such as 'truncate partition' had been previously used. In the SAP ASE error log the message "Increase the config parameter 'number of open partitions' to avoid descriptor reuse. Reuse may result in performance degradation." would have been also reported.
758297 Skip blank lines in the dump history file when searching for the version record.

If an invalid version record is found, initialize the history file after copying the file to a back up.

758328 A poor index may be chosen for a join, if the selectivity of previous joins is estimated to be 0 rows (likely caused by a predicate selecting an 0.0 weight range cell in the histogram). The optcriteria avoid_zero_weight_histograms or trace flag 16991 will adjust selectivity estimates so that at least one row will be selected when joining histograms. Note that ase_current will not enable this functionality, and that "set avoid_zero_weight_histograms on", a user defined optgoal which includes avoid_zero_weight_histograms or trace flag 16991 is needed.
758340 Creation of temporary tables in a large number of concurrent user sessions leads to a high number of accesses to syslogins.
758349 DDL commands within prepared statements can now be replicated.
758353 When using data encryption functionality on Windows platforms, encryption operations can make an engine stall for short periods of time.
758408 Stored procedures using "execute as caller" with queries that create and query #temporary tables fail with error 208, "Server '<servername>', Line 26: <#temporary_table> not found after LOAD DATABASE".
758424 15.x Doc update : sp_rename does not require related procedures, triggers or views to be recreated. The warning message only applies to 12.5.x.
758440 Database encryption fails with error 16839, "Database <dbname> cannot be encrypted when encryption is in progress.", after an abnormal shutdown.
758507 Executing DBCC CHECKSTORAGE on an encrypted archive database may raise suspect conditions.
758536 A computed column cannot reference UDF belongs different db
758666 In rare case, if DOL table has unique index, concurrent DML may hit index corruption (error 12313 "Insert into page id <page #> of index id <index #> of table '<table name>' (id = <id #>) in database '<db name>' tried to replace undeleted RID (<>, <>) at slot <slot #> and ridposn <#>. Try dropping and recreating the index.")x.
758765 An incorrect decision by optimizer to do the update in direct mode might result in consecutively repeated update of the same row and resulting in page corruption, manifesting in the errors 806, 614, 120024, etc.
758774 The Job Scheduler may fail to start after setting the minimum password length using sp_passwordpolicy to a value greater than the value of the minimum password length set by sp_configure.
758796 If a database and objects within the database are bound to different caches, ASE could run into SIGSEGV issue when it performs encryption/decryption on the database.
758809 Supplying the Rep Agent 'connect dataserver' property with a value longer than 30 characters causes memory corruption which leads to connection failure or other unpredictable behavior depending on the size and content of the longer value.
758823 Document for new feature: DB level option for index compression.
758868 Under a heavily used replication environment and in rare circumstances the Rep Agent schema cache and the Rep Agent memory pool can run out of memory because of a memory leak issue.
758938 When a process that is executing a DUMP DATABASE command is killed either using the KILL command or using CTRL-C or the SQL session goes away, the Backup Server will not release its associated resources until it finishes copying the whole database. One of the consequences is that the archive devices can remain locked for a long time because the sybmultbuf processes stay alive.
758959 In rare circumstances, when the MDA table monProcessProcedures is being used, an infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) error along with a stacktrace may be logged in the SAP ASE errorlog . This is a similar situation as addressed by CR 754648 (which covered monProcessStatement).
758961 syconfig.exe/sybatch.exe and sqlupgrade[res] needs to install Job scheduler stored procedures and templates when upgrading the ASE server.
758973 A SIGSEGV (infected with 11) can be logged in the SAP ASE errorlog on the Windows platform if the loginfo() built-in is called with three parameters and for whatever reason the built-in returns an error.
759012 A 614 error - "Adaptive Server accessed a row that has an illegal length of <n> while in data base '<dbname>'. <page info>. The minimum row length is <n>. The page size is <n>." may be reported when executing DBCC CHECKDB on an unencrypted database that is encrypted first and then decrypted.
759041 Support online parallel create index.
759142 When UPDATE STATISTICS is performed on a character column with a non-binary character set, and in addition UPDATE STATISTICS uses the consumers phrase, then there is the possibility of many small weight frequency cells following a zero weight range cell. This may cause poor query plan selection if a predicate selects a zero weight histogram cell. Optcriteria cr759142 will avoid generation of small frequency cells following a zero weight range cell, when the consumers phrase is used in UPDATE STATISTICS to generate stats on a mostly unique non-binary character set column.
759143 A poor query plan might be selected when parallel UPDATE STATISTICS (for instance using the consumers phrase) is used to gather statistics. After installing SAP ASE with the fix for this issue, update statistics will need to be run on affected tables.
759188 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the module sendtext() may be reported in the error log when a MERGE JOIN is being used and if the inner table has in-row LOB columns with NULL values.
759245 If there are equality predicates or joins which are used for index keys, then occasionally an index which has few positioning keys specified than another index will be chosen. If 2 indexes have only equality predicates or equality joins used for keys, then a heuristic is added to choose the index with more limiting keys if those keys cover all the limiting and filtering keys of another index. The optcriteria EQUALS_SCAN_SUPERSET and trace flag 16989 will apply the heuristic to index scan which are not the inner of a nested loop join. The optcriteria EQUALS_NLJOIN_SCAN_SUPERSET and trace flag 16990 will apply the heuristics to all index scans. Note that the optcriteria are not turned on by any optgoal, and a SET command, user defined optgoal, or trace flag is needed to enable the heuristic.
759270 In rare cases, when a transaction rolls back, it may hit error 623 when starting the backward scan on a page. The 623 error message will indicate that the Rid pageid = 0; row num = 0.
759322 If replication is currently disabled and a table having non-materialized columns is dropped or one of its non-materialized defaults changes, then when replication is enabled again, it can encounter errors when trying to replicate that table's rows.
759377 In very rare situations, SAP ASE may panic and shutdown if sp_sysmon is being run and a connection disconnects at the same time.
759433 On Windows platform, SAP ASE may open an arbitrary listener port during MS DTC service initialization for distributed transaction management.
759437 Hit error 8233 while doing concurrent SQL during reorg rebuild online.
759501 Allow the command LOAD WITH VERIFYONLY to be executed using less stripes than the number used at DUMP time.
759528 REORG command has been changed such that it cannot be executed while encryption or decryption of database is in progress.
759562 Add support creation of a global index in parallel for a partitioned table that has one or more empty partitions.

Previously, when creating a global index on partition table, if there were any empty partitions, then the index would be created in serial.

759590 When SAP ASE is upgraded to 16.0 from 15.7 or later and the 16.0 server writes a new configuration file before being shut down after upgrade is complete, then that configuration file may contain entries that were unexpectedly changed from what the older version server originally configured.
759624 On ASE Cluster Edition insert jobs may unexpectedly continue to run with no new rows inserted into the target table. There are NO lost inserts but, dbcc checkalloc or tablealloc may report Msg 2546 or we may encounter deadlocks which can be seen in the error log.
759637 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the module LeScanOp::_LeOpNext() may be reported in the error log when an online utility (e.g. REORG REBUILD) is in progress on a table that contains forwarded rows.
759646 Arithmetic overflow may occur when executing the stored procedure sp_sysmon_locks.
759660 While upgrading ASE to 15.7 a server configured with multiple engine groups may receive error 644 on sysattributes followed by the message "Logical Process Manager Error: Failed to start a transaction to delete 'PS' type specification." and shutdown before starting the upgrade. To work around this issue, manually remove all engine groups using sp_dropengine and restart the upgrade.
759679 When 'net password encryption reqd' set to 1, charset/langinstall will run into 1640 (Adaptive Server requires encryption of the login password on the network) and 4002 (Login failed) errors.
759728 CREATE TABLE commands may not perform well in situations where a lot of CREATE TABLE commands are run in parallel and the SAP ASE configuration has 'enable inline default sharing' set.
759730 If there are multiple plans for a cached statement dbcc prsqlcache will only display the first one it locates in cache.
759748 On Microsoft Windows platforms, SAP ASE messages may be incorrectly logged in the Windows Event Log.
759867 When granular permissions is not enabled, users with sa_role not allowed to replace objects owned by other users, getting permission denied error.
759923 Traceflag 3605 gets left on after error 707 state 11 is hit, resulting in a wide variety of diagnostic information being written to the errorlog, in turn causing the errorlog to grow rapidly.
759926 Signal 11 at kbfusage when accessing monMemoryUsage
759937 If a trigger for a DML query has certain commands that execute immediate are not allowed, such as begin tran, rollback trans, etc, error 11736 and 11031 could be raised for the first post-upgrade using execute immediate for the DML query.
759945 When LOAD DATABASE ... WITH LISTONLY = 'CREATE_SQL' is used with the new functionality to create DDL for a differently named target database, the target database name is not reflected in the sp_dboption statements.
759995 A 169 error, "Expressions in the ORDER BY list must be unique", may be raised for OUTER JOIN queries involving remote tables even when the queries contain no ORDER BY clause due to incorrect ORDER BY clauses generated by the CIS layer for the queries sent to the remote server.
760002 DBCC CHECKTABLE may encounter a 2511 error, "Keys of index ID <id> for table <tablename> in leaf page are not in the correct order. Drop and re-create the index (index page <pageno>, partition ID <partition_id>)", if 'enable functionality group' is enabled and the base table lockscheme is DOL and changing the table's lockscheme from DOL to APL as part of AMC.
760054 On ASE Cluster Edition insert jobs may unexpectedly continue to run with no new rows inserted to the

target table. Dbcc checkalloc or tablealloc may report Msg 2546.

760159 The 6918 error, "The SYSDAMS page that stores the state of page # in database '<dbname>' could not be found. The option 'allow incremental dumps' will be disabled because SAP ASE cannot continue recording page modifications", can be raised if the table SYSDAMS gets the very first extent of an allocation unit allocated.
760176 Optcriteria equals_scan_superset and avoid_zero_weight_histograms are associated with the ase157sp130 optimization level.

Previously, a user defined optgoal needed to be defined to enable these optcriteria (or trace flags 16989 and 16991 respectively).

760187 The index ID is incorrectly reported as 0 in the SAP ASE error message number 12301, "Internal error: the index (id = <ID>) and the data for row (<page>, <row>) in table '<table>', database <db> are inconsistent; data is marked deleted but index is not. Aborting the transaction".
760226 The out of range statistics option may get reset to the default by update statistics when used against partitioned tables.
760241 The error message, "Length of plain text is less than one cipher block", may be reported in the error log during encryption of a database.
760248 Under some circumstances, a worker thread may hang due to incorrect error handling during parallel CREATE INDEX with "utility statistics hashing" turned on.
760269 A 9254 error 'RepAgent(<dbid>): Could not locate schema version for object id '<value>' in the transaction log." followed by a 9204 error 'RepAgent(<dbid>): Could not locate schema for object with id = (<value>), current marker (<page#>, <row#>).' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when SQL Statement Replication is active and a transaction involving SQL statement Replication is rolled back. This will result in the Rep Agent Thread terminating abnormally.
760274 In rare circumstances, a time slice error followed by a stack trace that includes the modules ups_end_statglobalnosort() and close_table() may be reported in the error log when running UPDATE INDEX STATISTICS.
760365 Isolation level 0 queries fail with errors when CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX WITH ONLINE is in progress concurrently on the same table.
760373 Resource limit violation message 11001 (severity level 17:EX_RESOURCE) is reported when action 5(record action) is configured.
760390 A DUMP WITH COMPRESSION could fail with the message "SYBMULTBUF ERROR: Emulator interprocess communication failed with error state = 9, error code=0, system message=Pipe I/O returned 0 bytes". If a core file is produced the stack will show the module sm__do_allocations().
760437 Under certain circumstances, the preupgrade utility from SAP ASE 16.0 can encounter data conversion errors and overflow errors when checking for free space in a database's system segment.
760453 Wrong result could happen when an EQUIJOIN on a single INT4 column is placing a bloom filter probe into the scan and the scan is at the inner side of another NESTED LOOP JOIN with a pushdown EQUIJOIN sarg on the same column.
760539 SAP ASE fails to boot on Windows with the message "FATAL: shared memory region is being held at xxx bytes but yyy bytes are required" being reported in the SAP ASE errorlog.
760621 On a server that has a large number of objects, the sp_sysmon report may take a long time to complete and error message 1508, "Create index aborted on duplicate rows. Primary key is <keyname>", may be reported in the error log.
760635 Query Processing to default to a more rule based optimization when we have unknown, out of date or data skew statistics.
760654 DBISQL 16 stopped reading interfaces entries when the file contains a large number of entries.
760661 The procedure cache allocation is optimised. This vastly speeds up the start-up of SAP ASE configured with a very large procedure cache.
760672 A 3478 error, "During undo the page timestamp value is less than new timestamp from log." or other fatal errors may be reported in the error log when SAP ASE is rolling back a transaction following an 863 error, "Buffer resources in cache <cache_name> are unavailable. Please re-run this query or ask the system administrator to re-configure buffer cache memory." that is accompanied with messages "Named cache <cache_name, cache_id> is configured too small for current demands".
760673 If the data cache is configured small, SAP ASE may report a 'cache too small' error when the new sort buffer algorithm is used.
760684 A 707 error, "System error detected during attempt to free memory at address <addr>. Please consult the ASE error log for more details", may be raised by SAP ASE when multiple SAP ASE connections are executing parallel CREATE INDEX commands.
760711 In rare circumstances, after using the configuration option 'global cache partition number', the dataserver may hang. If the diagserver was being used then an Assertion (! "locks not cleaned") will be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog.
760751 A parallel query may be rejected during execution because the worker thread pool has fewer threads available than the minimum number of threads required to execute the plan. In this case, the query should be sent back to be recompiled in serial mode. However, the query will be recompiled in parallel mode and then fails during execution again if it contains a plan-clause with the following directive "(use optgoal allrows_dss)". At this point a 225 error, "Cannot run query--referenced object (name NAME NOT RECOVERABLE) dropped during query optimization", is raised because the procedure buffer object is missing.
760781 When there is no active transaction in a database, running select loginfo('dbname','stp_pages') will give the result of 0 even if the secondary truncation page is not the same as the last log page.
760836 In some rare cases, some of the pdes spinlocks show contention with objects that have a large number of partitions.
760875 sp_sysmon and monEngine do not report DiskIOChecks in process mode.
760876 Deprecate the plan sharing feature (used to be enabled via the SAP ASE configuration option called "enable plan sharing").
760897 A 6908 error, "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log. etc." followed by a stack trace that includes the module 'recovery' could be raised when loading a database dump if the configuration parameter 'optimize dump for faster load' is enabled and there is very high update activity in SAP ASE while the dump database command is running. To workaround the problem the end-user can set the trace flag 3022 (either via the command line or by using dbcc traceon or by using SET SWITCH ON ignore_trailer_ckpt) before loading the database.
760910 In rare circumstances, when a partitioned table has a local index and partition lock is enabled, SAP Adaptive Server may hit error 12212 during an index scan, if a committed transaction deletes few rows from a partition that cause deallocation of extent (say X) and a uncommitted transaction inserts rows in another partition, cause allocation of same extent(X).

After hitting 12212 error SAP ASE terminates the connection and logs a stacktrace in the SAP error log.

Error 12212

" Internal Error: The partition ID (<ID>) of the lock does not match the partition ID (<ID>) of the new request on this lock. dbid=<DB_ID>, objid=<OBJ_ID>, pageno=<Page number>, rowno=<Row Number> locktype=<lock type>".

760917 Upgrade to SAP ASE 16.0 may fail with the error message "Kernel resource memory pool has been exhausted. Try increasing the value of 'kernel resource memory'".
761036 Under rare conditions, a 12301 error, "Internal error: the index (id = <num>) and the data for row (<page#>, <row#>) in table <table_name>, database <dbnum> are inconsistent; data is marked deleted but index is not. Aborting the transaction", may be reported during an isolation level 0 scan.
761047 Diagnostics improvements to get clean stacktrace when SAP ASE encounters an infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) error in modules such as ct__apicont_trans().
761062 When using sql replication and nested builtins with a column reference, an incorrect sql statement may be generated instead of defaulting to row replication.
761117 DML on tables with Encrypted Columns are significantly slower than SP50.
761155 For SAP ASE Cluster Edition, when table creation is in progress, the checkpoint process may hit an infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) in the module 'ocm_hold()' and report a stacktrace in the SAP ASE errorlog that includes the modules 'des_has_onlutl_active()' and 'cm_writedes()'.
761188 Monitoring Tables to have an extra column as "OrigServerUserID" to track original ServerUserID when executing procedures with "execute as".
761205 With streamlined dynamic SQL enabled, show_cached_plan_in_xml does not display the query plan for

a cached language cursor.

761275 When there are several scans on the same index and some of the scans hit the same index page needed to be shrunk concurrently, the index page may be shrunk twice. The second attempt will fail and a 2630 error, "In database <db>, page <page#2> is linked backward to page <page#1>, but that page is linked forward to page <page#3>. Please report this internal error to SAP Technical Support". Although a 2630 error is raised, the index is not corrupted.
761282 When execute command ALTER TABLE ... SPLIT PARTITION ..., use of parallel sort and table's partition number > 1, it will encounter an Error 675: "Invalid Buffer Cache Access: Attempt to locate page <page>, database <dbid> in cache failed because no object id was specified. scan_context={objid <objid>, indid <indid>, cid <cid>}. Contact Technical Support for Assistance."
761313 On Solaris and Linux it's possible that on a system where the IO system is stressed, the error "SYBMULTBUF WARNING: Attempt to start async i/o failed: Cannot use async i/o due to operating system limitation on the maximum number of simultaneous async i/o requests." is often printed in the error log. When this happens the system switches to synchronous writes.
761333 In some workloads with lot of dynamic prepare statements executing on the system, we would see buffer cache of system table 'sysusers' and 'sysdatabases' to be hot.
761385 The message, "Current process infected with signal 10 (SIGBUS)", followed by a stack trace that includes the modules 'loginfo_builtin' and 'exec_lava' may be reported in the error log when the builtin loginfo('<dbname>','oldest_active_transaction_date') is executed.
761402 Signal 11 at open_system_table+0x48,st_readstatistics,stat_previous_stats
761410 UPDATE STATISTICS WITH SAMPLING may report error 614: "Adaptive Server accessed a row that has an illegal length of <n> while in data base '<db>." or error 806: "Could not find virtual page for logical page <n> in database '<db>', while concurrent DML is going on the same object.
761514 sybatch.exe failed to set the XP Server in upgrading server if Replication Server is configured.
761518 A 7786 error, "Unable to turn role off since user is not a valid user in the current database", may be reported incorrectly when executing the SET ROLE OFF command.
761555 Some of the cache buffers used for sort are not claimed and unclaimed correctly. This can lead to a performance impact if cache swap occurs.
761597 Port SAP ASE to the Linux Itanium platform at the SAP ASE 157 SP122 release base.
761668 A 614 error may be reported when executing DBCC CHECKSTORAGE on an encrypted database.
761679 LOAD DATABASE WITH LISTONLY=LOAD_SQL with UNTIL_TIME after a tran dump and before a database dump generates incorrect load SQL.
761710 SAP ASE server may hang during the rs_init() command on encrypted databases.
761725 Description: Issue occured in 15.7SP110 onwards

Frequency: Occasionally

Server Enviornment: On heavily-loaded

Platform: All

Symptoms: Server hangs when using UPDATE INDEX operator in showplan and an Error 1105 occurs

761743 The optcriteria EQUALS_SCAN_SUPERSET and EQUALS_NLJOIN_SCAN_SUPERSET have had the comments changed so that the respective optcriteria names shows up in the sysoptions output.
761769 Sub-optimal performance may be observed when a query has IN list predicate executed on a table with hash partition due to non-elimination of unqualified partition.
761825 Bulk insert to proxy tables mapped to DirectConnect for Oracle was disabled in ASE 15.0.
761830 New SAP ASE built-in IS_PREPARED(<dbid>) will report if a database has been put in a PREPARE state.
761835 ASE might hit timeslice error in kbfusage in monMemoryUsage query.
761836 Add a "Bucket Pool" memory manager to help improve enable ASE scaling over large CPU core configurations.
761860 Executing DBCC CHECKSTORAGE on an encrypted database gets aborted at the 'index chain' check.
761881 BCP in to a table with encrypted columns is much slower with the change from the use of the Certicom libraries.
761932 The time range restriction in Resource Governor does not allow users to add time range overlap limits even with different limit types.
761934 A 18207 error, "Illegal action 5", may be reported when executing stored procedure sp_modify_resource_limit.
761958 DBCC CHECKTABLE may report a 605 error, "An attempt was made to fetch logical page <pageno> from cache <name>. Page belongs to <info1> and not to <info2>" may be reported after creating an index with online option.
761965 improve documentation about number of locks for sp_monitorconfig.
762026 syconfig/sybatch try to recreate XP Server during upgrade even it doesn't exist.
762057 In rare circumstances if DBCC PSS fails it may leave the pss in a kept state and cause

subsequent commands to get fail with error 8601 "Process <n> tried to keep the PSS for process <m> when it already had the PSS for process <p> kept."

762072 The messages 'ERROR: JNI_CreateJavaVM; failed attaching to the JVM for AttachCurrentThread() with -1', 'WARNING: FindClassWithLoaderID; is re-throwing Exception' or 'WARNING: FindPublicMethodFlags; is re-throwing Exception' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log, when the PCI memory pool is running out of memory.
762174 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", followed by a stack trace that includes the module SearchEngine::_SeFindOptimal may be reported in the error log after a lengthy optimization, most likely after an aggregate with a GROUP BY in which the GROUP BY columns originate from multiple tables.
762178 When ansinull is off, an incorrect NULL value row could be returned when an equi-join under an OR

predicate is on two columns with NULL values and the final plan is using a special

OR strategy plan for the OR predicate. An example of such an OR predicate is "t1.col1 IN (1,2,t2.col2)".

762199 The SAP ASE COTS JavaVM version (used for the Java in SAP ASE functionality) is updated to version JRE 7 update 55 for each supported platform in the sybpcidb database.
762224 The documentation incorrectly states that the system tempdb can be altered to use dml_logging minimal and be turned into a temporary RDDB. This cannot be done, error 16052 is raised if you try.
762233 CR 472182 changes the default value of "number of locks" already in ASE 15.1 from the previous 5000 to the current 10000 however, our documentation has not kept pace with this change and still states that the default value is 5000 when it should in fact read, 10000 .
762257 When a dynamic batch insert is executed, an "infected with 11" (SIGSEGV) stacktrace may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog. The stack trace will reference the functions tdsrecv__process_batchparam() and tdsrecv_dynamic().
762262 alter database set durability no_recover does not show "enhanced performance" status in sp_helpdn output.
762266 Under a rare condition, the fix for CR 750937 could cause a performance regression. The fix for 750937 is now only enabled under traceflag 219.
762281 The version of OpenSSL used has been upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1g
762349 The expression -(minimum integer value) does not raise an error.
762392 In rare circumstances many processes could get locked when a dump command is trying to prune trailing holes at the end of the database.
762538 On HP-UX platform, sqlupgrade[res] cannot boot the old SAP ASE if LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable is set.
762599 The SQL generated by LOAD with LISTONLY='CREATE_SQL' using AS clause contains incorrect sp_dboption <database name>.
762612 The version of OpenSSL used has been upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1g
762617 New Feature Request to allow stored procedure execution within a SQL UDF.
762712 When a non-language batch query (e.g. 'if @@transtate = 3 select 3 else select 0') is followed a language batch query which triggers an error (e.g. a query causing parsing error), an "infected with 11" (SIGSEGV) stacktrace to be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog. The stack trace will reference the functions batchparam_save_SQL() and memalloc().
762728 When INSERT INTO SELECT at LEVEL 0 is enabled, SELECT INTO does not wait for locked rows so may return wrong results.
762901 A 3651 error, "This transaction has been rolled back, rather than only the current statement" may be reported when running insert-select query involving proxy table.
762909 sp_showoptstats will have poor performance if a large number of partitions are defined and/or a large number of columns have histograms defined.
762959 DDLGen terminates when the SAP ASE configuration option 'quoted identifier enhancements' is off.
762960 When permission on built-in function is granted to a role which is granted to a user, then executing the built-in function may result in permission error.
763023 The following external authentication methods require SAP ASE security and directory services license, this requirement should documented in Security Administration Guide.


-LDAP user authentication

-PAM user authentication

763128 When RepAgent is in skip mode and meta-data reduction is enabled, if the last log record processed by Replication Server before entering skip mode is a ROWIMAGE log record that contains in-row LOB data, RepAgent may generate timeslice errors.
763129 This PC-Client SP is based on SDK 15.7 SP126. A list of changes in SDK 15.7 SP126 is available at README.html
763150 Create login command does not pass the login name to sp_extrapwdchecks.
763162 For tables with LOB columns and attribute "dealloc_first_txtpg" set to 1, error 7133 "NULL textptr passed to %s function." will be reported when WRITETEXT command is running with the new text pointer after the LOB column is updated to NULL.
763166 DBISQL16/ASE in scrollable table mode, trimmed leading/trailing white spaces from error/warning/info messages, affecting the stored procedure output formatting such as "sp_showtext", where the output consists only info messages. This behavior is removed.

Also, in scrollable table mode, previously Messages panel limited the number of messages to 1000 items. This limit has been removed.

763213 Sybmigrate space estimation report fails with error 291 state 1 "Access to sysdams is disallowed".
763247 Using a NOT LIKE clause to compare with a local variable assigned to a constant string could return different results than comparing to the constant string directly if the column has NULL values in it.
763271 For the diagserver on Solaris platforms, if SAP ASE is running in threaded kernel mode, setting the configuration option "number of disk tasks" to any value greater than 1 will result in an assertion failure being reported in the SAP ASE errorlog.
763285 In rare cases when online utility is executing, concurrent updates may hit error 12319 and terminate the session.

/* 12319, EX_CMDFATAL, 1

** Fatal internal error encountered during deferred dml on table '%.*s' in database '%.*s'. All rows that qualified during the first phase were not visited during second phase of dml.


763289 sp_monitor inherits permission of exec to public from lower version server (i.e. 15.5) after upgrade to 16.0.
763301 The ASE COTS JavaVM version is updated to version JRE 6 update 45 for each supported platform in the sybpcidb database.
763351 In rare circumstances, error message "WARNING - Fatal Error 614 occurred at ... Adaptive Server accessed a row that has an illegal length ..." may be raised if there is "ORDER BY" clause in a query that uses an in-memory temp database.
763354 The "Command" column in the query of monThresholdEvent is displayed as "AWAITING COMMAND" when using dynamic SQL.
763376 A 6908 error, "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log. Page .. object id = 99, page timestamp=0000 00000000. Log old timestamp=0000 00000001." may be reported during load tran in a database that has been altered with the "async_init" option.
763415 The message, "The log for database <dbname> includes a CREATE INDEX (with deferred roll-forward) operation that is incompatible with this server version and operating environment", is not reported as expected, if a transaction log dump from an earlier 15.7 release is loaded and the dump contains a CREATE INDEX transaction that was originally done WITH DEFERRED_RECOVERY=MANUAL or DEFERRED_RECOVERY=NONE.
763431 Include "parallel scan" option in sp_dumpoptimize topic
763510 If many queries that use an "ORDER BY" clause are executed concurrently and the "default data cache" is configured to use a large value for the "local cache partition number" parameter, then SAP ASE may run very slowly or even appear to hang.
763514 A 2510 error, "Key mismatch between index page <value>, partition ID <value>;... Drop and re-create index ID <value> of table '<value>' in database '<value>'." followed by the message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'byte_eq' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'compress_page' and 's_xoltp_dml' may be reported in the error log when an INSERT is executed and while the configuration option "streamlined dynamic SQL" is active. Additionally a 631, "The length of <n> passed to delete row routine for the row at offset <n> is incorrect on the following page of database ..." error will be reported while SAP ASE is rolling back the current transaction.
763609 If an upgrade from a SAP ASE server with a version lower than 15.7 SP100 fails to create the table SYSDAMS because it ran out of space, executing ALTER DATABASE to extend the space will fail with the 12324 error, "In database <dbname>, the server failed to open required table 'SYSDAMS'".
763615 A 9502 error, "Data exception - string data right truncated", may be reported during ALTER TABLE MODIFY column to NULL with multi-bytes charset and the session property string_rtruncation is set.
763672 Update statistics on proxy table mapped to Oracle using DCO may stacktrace at stat_sargden_accumulate if the proxy table contains NULLs.
763738 A 913 error, "Could not find row in sysdatabases with database id #", occurs while selecting from the MDA table monCachedProcedures when procedure cache contains a procedure that references an object in a database which has been dropped.
763772 Conversion to a TEXT or IMAGE column containing nulls in a stored procedure may cause seemingly random stacktraces (infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)) to be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog.
763794 When a RID is used to scan a table and the table has defaults that are not materialized, wrong results may be returned.
763834 Some system stored procedures inherited permissions from lower server (i.e. 15.5) after upgrade to 16.0.
763859 The EQUALS_SCAN_SUPERSET optcriteria hueristic rule is applied to prefer an index with more limiting equi-sarg keys specified over another index with fewer limiting keys, given that the index limiting equi-sargs keys is a superset of the latter index, and that it is also a superset all the limiting sargs and filtering sargs the latter index. However, if an enforcer such as a SORT or XCHG is applied, the index with fewer limiting equi-sarg keys may still be chosen. Optcriteria cr763859 will use the rule hueristic, but it will only apply if optcriteria EQUALS_SCAN_SUPERSET is also enabled.
763861 In very rare circumstances, when querying the MDA monOpenObjectActivity table, error 14108 "Could not find partition descriptor for objid <objid>, indid <indid>, ptnid <ptnid> in dbid <dbid>." may be reported.
763965 In rare circumstances signal 11 may occur in dodeferred() when executing stored procedure and running

the INSERT into temp table with select distinct UNION statements

764009 Query hits signal 11 in GtuUnion::_GtcNTopPopsGenerate or GttTable::GttValidateFactTable under 'deferred parallel' execution.
764036 An UPDATE with a builtin in the SET clause executes ineffieciently as compared to ASE 12.5.
764060 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'ubffreef' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ra_free_mempool' and 'ra__schema_dealloc_obj' may be reported in the error log preceded by a 9685 error, "Rep Agent on database '<dbname>' switched from mode 'sync' to mode 'async' because timer on commit expired.", when SAP Adaptive Server Rep Agent is configured to use streaming replication in either near-sync or sync mode. This will result in SAP Adaptive Server to shutdown implicitly.
764074 The "Alter thread pool" command may cause an infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) along with a stacktrace that references the function rvm_dispatch() to be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog.
764121 The showplan in xml utility could return the strings

"Sort (Build)" and "Sort (GetSorted)" for the splitSort

operator. These strings generate an XML parser error

when running a query that qualifies XML using xmltest.

764124 Improve documentation about how the audit processes insert the audit records in to the audit table.
764158 If the secondary truncation point is enabled on the master database on a pre 16.0 server installation, and then 16.0 server is booted against the installation without having followed the required SAP ASE 16.0 upgrade steps (run preupgrade first), then the SAP ASE 16.0 server will fail to boot. The pre SAP ASE 16.0 version will then also fail to boot with the following messages being reported in the ASE 160 errorlog:

"server Opening Master Database ..." and

"kernel The secondary truncation point is turned on in the master database. Please use your older ASE version to turn the secondary truncation point off before using this ASE version".

764186 In rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with 11" (SIGSEGV) in the module 'dpdb__dflpurge' together with a stack trace may be reported in the error log followed by the message "Spinlocks held by kpid ... Resource->rdbt_ext_spin" resulting in SAP ASE shutting down implicitly during the execution of a DUMP DATABASE command and while the configuration option "optimize dump for faster load" is set to 1.
764219 Identity column not replicated via select into
764274 In some cases when updates is executed concurrently with DROP PARTITION, MERGE PARTITION or TRUNCATE PARTITION PLM utilities. updates convert to delete + insert.
764288 Under a rare condition, if compatibility mode is enabled and when trying to delete a row from a table which has IN ROW LOB, error msg 605 "An attempt was made to fetch logical page '<n>' from cache '<name>'. Page belongs to <ptninfo1> and not to <ptninfo2>." could be reported.
764402 A 692 error, "Uninitialized logical page '<value>' was read while accessing database 'value', object '' (99), index '<Unknown>' (0), partition '<Unknown>' (99)." may be reported during the execution of either ALTER or CREATE DATABASE command when the "FOR LOAD" option is used and while the database is larger than 63 GB. This may be followed by the message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'buf_cleanup_write_queue' together with a stack trace in the SAP ASE error log which includes the modules 'terminate_process' and 'quitfn'.
764429 Enhance text page diagnostics: enable option 8 for DBCC PAGE(); enhance 7105 error message to print page number of first text page; include the port of CR 541218 which may fix the 605 error.
764437 A 2956 error, "Unable to grab a buffer to encrypt logical page <page_num> in database <db_id>. Increase the size of the buffer pool in the buffer cache <cache_name>", may be raised to report buffer shortage when large transactions are executed on an encrypted database.
764448 Support the migration of ASE stored procedure to HANA procedure
764509 Modularize output from sp_help, sp_helpindex and sp_helpartition to provide terse output which is

useful for tables and indexes with large number of partitions.

764543 Backup Server may log false page verification errors with a message "Incorrect column type in the offset table of row x in page xxx of object ID xxxxxxxx." when executing dump database command with verify = full on a database with 'allow wide dol rows' turned on.
764623 When performing a dictionary decompress for varchar column with character encoding, SAP ASE may report a 9829 error - " Compressed data row <rowid> in objid <objid>, dbid <dbid> is corrupted."
764630 Checkpoint sleeps on buffer in encrypted db
764801 Under an HADR environment the current task may hang forever in the log drain phase of the deactivation process if the SAP ASE Replication Agent is unable to connect to the SAP Replication Server during the execution of 'sp_hadr_admin deactivate'.
764830 When the advanced_aggregation optcriteria is used (typically this occurs when the optimization goal is allrows_dss), then there is a possibility of a wrong answer when a SUM, or AVG aggregate is used on an exact numeric datatype column.
764843 When 2-phased sort execution plan (i.e. with SORTBUILD and GETSORTED operators) was chosen, Dynamic Thread Assignment (DTA) was causing exceptions in Linux platform due to synchronization issues supposedly due to thread migration. DTA would internally be disabled for such queries with 2-phased sort which might prevent performance gain for the queries that benefit from DTA.
764862 The message text for error 3543 is enhanced to include the database id value such as "One or more entries in the data segment free space counts in database ID %d was found to be negative and has been set to 0."
764908 Infected in lock__semawait when cleaning up after an error.
764924 The errors 'Object id wrong' or 'Page mismatch' can be mistakenly reported by DUMP WITH VERIFY if the system is very busy while the database dump is in progress.
764945 In rare circumstances, the execution of Java User Defined Functions (UDF) could mistakenly ignore the arguments it expects when these are presented to it through a single argument that holds a white space separated string.
764953 fact table hint may lead to less optimal plan with huge table (>= 1 billion rows).
764985 Test of one-off approval/route process.
765005 A 7222 error (Received bad token 0xff from site 'server name') may be raised if you run a nested RPC and a 2601 error (Attempt to insert duplicate key row) occurs.

A client application may also raise an error message "ct_results(): protocol specific layer: internal Client Library error: There is a tds state machine error. An illegal tds token sequence was received.".

765065 The MDA table monRepSyncTaskStatistics is enhanced by adding new monitor columns that provide

information on the time spend in the transaction commit processing when using streaming replication

in (near) sync mode.

765074 A 2546 error: "Table Corrupt: Extent id <extid> on allocation pg# <pgnum> has objid <objid>, indid <indid>, and used bit on, but reference bit off." may sometimes be reported by DBCC CHECKALLOC following the rollback of a transaction that contains a CREATE INDEX command as well as DMLs to the table within the same transaction, in a database with DDL_IN_TRAN option turned on.
765101 Sometimes we might hit timeslice error when running dbcc des().
765133 Error message 15746 is modified and made generic as "Unable to run this command on the archive database '%S_DBID' because it is not supported."
765203 On AIX in threaded kernel mode, the monEngine connections column is incorrect and dump database may fail with 'soc_nconnect: No free file descriptors available' raised in the errorlog when executed concurrently with sp_listener.
765216 sp_hadr_admin failover_timeestimate reports high value for estimated failover time.
765240 A query with an AP that forces a distinct_sorted operation fails (because

an m_join property fails). In the case where the feature to eliminate

substitution elements that appear only as simple sargs is enabled, this

results in a SEGV in LeVtuple::LeVtCopy under LeGroupSortedOp::_LeOpNext.

Tcf 16938 can be used to disable the substition scalar elimination.

765261 "Waiting for native threads message .. " have an option for sp_ldapadmin 'set_log_interval' to have switch the log internal off (disable).
765267 Server to server CIS connections encounter an access violation in function csimtx_lock.
765273 Select-into was not allowed in multi-statement transaction. This is now possible and is enabled by the new configuration option 'enable select into in tran'.
765296 Msg 422 - 'Too many nested expressions or logical operators to compile. Try splitting query or limiting ANDs and ORs.' is seen for queries on tables with high number of partitions and local indexes.
765348 New configuration option 'prevent automatic upgrade' will prevent newer SAP ASE versions from making changes that might prevent booting an older version on this installation. New command line argument --upgrade-ok grants permission for the upgrade.
765381 Select negative number from tinyint column does not return 'Arithmetic overflow" error.
765456 CRAETE INDEX support on IMRS table.
765517 If auditing is enabled and a stack overflow is detected, SAP ASE reports an infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) in chk_usr_role_audit(). As a consequence, normal shutdown hangs, but 'shutdown with nowait' works.
765533 Install sybsyntax script name of the Windows version is not correct.
765556 Killing a spid in recursive function mkcollist should better attention checking
765621 In rare circumstances, when "Update statistics" and BCP running in parallel, update Stats may fail with "Error 605: An attempt was made to fetch logical page %d from cache 'default data cache'. Page belongs to database 'brfdb' (32), object '<Unknown>' (0), index '<Unknown>' (0), partition '<Unknown>' (-1) and not to database 'brfdb' (32), object %s, index '<Unknown>' (0), partition %s.
765677 In rare circumstances, a 3474 error, "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log. Page #=<pg>, page timestamp=<ts>. Log old timestamp=<ts2>." may be reported during recovery when an ALTER TABLE or REORG REBUILD command was running at the time SAP Adaptive Server was shutdown with nowait or was abnormally stopped.
765720 Under some circumstances the backup server may report the error 揃ackup Server: Volume validation error: attempt to set directio mode on <devicename> returned -1.� while a DUMP DATABASE or DUMP TRANSACTION command is being executed. To avoid this problem from happening execute in the master database the command 搒p_deviceattr 慸evicename�,抎irectio�,false�.
765728 When BULK-INSERT optimization is used for an INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... statement, and when an exception occurs during that statement (in this case, a landing partition for a row is not found thus causing an exception), an infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) stacktrace may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog. This can also be a trigger for the symptoms in CR 763514 (if neither CR 763514 or 765728 is fixed).
765910 In rare circumstances, UPDATE STATISTICS may lead to error: 806: "Could not find virtual page for logical page <n> in database 'tempdb'."
765911 A 3223 error, "Attempt to read a dump trailer failed; returned error code is 2.", will be reported when trying to load a database dump into a pre-15.7 SP121 SAP ASE release, if the dump was taken either with 15.7 SP121 or 15.7 SP122 SAP ASE releases and the option 'optimize dump for faster load' was enabled when the dump was taken.
765924 In SAP ASE Cluster Edition, duplicate identity values may be generated in column that was created with the IDENTITY() built in function.
765991 The message "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" together with a stack trace containing the module 'ups_stat_memalloc' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log while running UPDATE INDEX STATISTICS with hashing.
766109 Under a heavily loaded Java application environment, the messages 'PCI(M1): ERROR: JNI_CreateJavaVM; failed attaching to the JVM for AttachCurrentThread() with -1' and 'PCI(M1): ERROR: JNI_CreateJavaVM; PCA/VM FAILED; general failure' may be reported in the SAP Adaptive Server error log. These messages usually indicate that the JavaVM heap space is exhausted. In order to solve this problem the SAP Adaptive Server needs be restarted.
766119 In dbcc gettrunc, dbcc settrunc, and sp_help_rep_agent,

pageid values are being represented as signed 32-bit integers even though

large databases may generate pageid values > 2,147,483,647

766247 In rare circumstances a DUMP or LOAD command could fail on a Windows platform with the error message in the SAP ASE backup server errorlog 'Error in acknowledging command '152' to the archive emulator'.
766251 sp_helpconfig "heap memory per user" with a new value shows the size of memory in kilobytes, but it should be in bytes.
766255 select bucketpool("bpname/numbuckets") can fail on some platforms
766283 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 憂3__get_sig_size� together with a stack trace which includes the modules 憇_normalize� and 憂3_udf� may be reported in the error log when a query inserts data into an UDF/ADT column by using a wrong datatype conversion.
766324 Under an HADR environment on the AIX platform, a user connection (not having 'allow hadr login' privilege) to the ASE in standby mode is not redirected to the primary ASE, and the user login fails.
766325 Under heavy systems with 慹nable functionality group� is on, a cursor dynamic prepared statement executed by non DBO users under recompilation path may run into 225 or 208 error.
766379 Table scan running at isolation level 3 may sometimes return wrong result if there are concurrent INSERTs/UPDATEs happening on the table.
766387 Online parallel create index may fail if the SAP ASE configuration value 'max (utility) parallel degree' is not enough.
766427 The indexes created internally for the replication of text/image columns are system objects and they cannot be renamed by executing the system stored procedure sp_rename.
766492 An attempt to connect to the Backup Server could fail with the error 'The host '<IP address>' is not authorized to connect to this Backup Server.' reported in the SAP backup server error log if the SAP backup server is booted using a virtual address and the 'hosts.allow' file doesn't contain an entry for the actual real address.
766498 A non sa_role user cannot generate DDL for a database if that user does not have sa_role.
766499 When trying to INSERT rows via jdbc using the property DYNAMIC_PREPARE=true, if there is a datatype conversion for columns and overflow/underflow occurs for any column, we may see incorrect Error 515 (Attempt to insert NULL value into column). If there the underlying column allows NULL values, then we may see a data corruption issue where we insert NULL when the above mentioned error conditions occur. The correct expected behaviour is Error 247 (Arithmetic overflow during implicit conversion of datatype).
766512 sp_showplan has been extended to report optimizer timeout and

optimizer timeout due to exceeding procedure cache limit.

766526 Using the statement cache, literal auto parameterization, views and instead triggers all together may result in the wrong length for text columns after the column is updated with an instead of trigger being executed.
766567 On Solaris platforms, a 940 error "Dbtable in wrong state for operation: DBTABLE pointer = <address> , dbid = <value> ..." together with a stack trace may be reported in the error log if 'list_dump_fs' or 'get_dump_fs' attribute is queried using function db_attr() or sp_downgrade_esd is executed.
766615 When a DDL command is executed in a database where the ASE Rep Agent 憇tream replication� option is active and the session option 憅uoted_identifier� is set, the replication of this DDL command may fail when the SAP Replication Server applies it on the replicate database.
766616 On the Solaris platform, when a user has created a user message and the login account of this user is dropped, then an infected with 10 (SIGBUS) stacktrace may be logged in the SAP ASE errorlog.
766647 Under a heavily loaded Java application environment, the messages 'PCI(M1): ERROR: JNI_CreateJavaVM; failed attaching to the JVM for AttachCurrentThread() with -1' and 'PCI(M1): ERROR: JNI_CreateJavaVM; PCA/VM FAILED; general failure' may be reported in the SAP Adaptive Server error log. These messages usually indicate that the JavaVM heap space is exhausted. In order to solve this problem the SAP Adaptive Server needs be restarted.
766666 A new feature request to improve sybmigrate's console error logging functionality.
766673 Roundrobin support index more than 255 ptn.
766745 Feature request for a method to create an RPC-based proxy table on a procedure that had one or more output parameters declared and be able to retrieve the output values in addition to the result set returned by the procedure.
766751 When RepAgent is configured for Multiple Paths Replication and objects bound to different paths are modified within the same transaction, a redundant 'begin transaction' may be generated by RepAgent for some of the replication paths.
766763 ASE may raise a 702 error (Memory request for nnnnn bytes exceeds the size of single page of 16384 bytes) if running a query which uses a view derived from a proxy table with a lot of constant values in a long expression.
766770 When a MERGE statement is run on a table that has an insert and an update trigger defined, the implicit execution of the triggers may cause wrong results on the target table of the insert trigger.
766791 BLKLIB/BCP: BLKLIB formats rows incorrectly for trailing LOB columns if In-row-LOB support is enabled and the column would have fit in-row. This may lead to corrupted row data and errors during SELECT including stack traces printed in the SAP ASE errorlog.
766822 In rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'th_accounting' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'pg_th_reserve' and 'pg_allocate_syslogs' may be reported in the error log, if an ALTER DATABASE command is executed to extend the database size and a high level of concurrent activity is taking place in the database. This may result in the SAP Adaptive Server shutting down implicitly.
766882 When the database option 'ddl in tran' is set, RepAgent may get infected with a timeslice error in the module 'ra_invalidate_schema' while replicating DDL commands such as 'CREATE TABLE' and 'ALTER TABLE' in a transaction.
766896 Resolve issues revealed by Coverity for RAT code.
766956 The command LOAD DATABASE WITH LISTONLY [=FULL|=VOLUME] produces a misleading error message:"Backup Server: Option LISTONLY is not valid for device <device_name>."
766959 Running 'sp_configure' to change the PCI Bridge "pci memory size" configuration parameter the ASE reports it to be a dynamic parameter and a reboot is not necessary. This is wrong. The configuration option "pci memory size" is a static configuration option. Up on change the ASE needs to be rebooted.
767002 UNION operators that contain fewer than four SELECT statements could consume a large portion and possibly all of the procedure cache if one or more of the select statements has a significant number of joins in it. This is unlikely to occur if the optgoal is allrows_oltp as fewer join pops are generated.
767007 In rare circumstances, the replication of a commit command may be discarded by SAP Replication Server mistakenly, if the SAP Rep Agent is configured to use streaming replication in either near sync or sync mode. This will prevent the Replication Server抯 in-bound queue from being truncated.
767019 When turn on trace flag 3601, a stacktrace with exc__callprint() will be hit.
767021 In rare circumstances, a 3474 error, "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log. Page #=<pg>, page timestamp=<ts>. Log old timestamp=<ts2>." may be reported during recovery when an online utility like ONLINE REORG REBUILD / ONLINE CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX / ONLINE SPLIT PARTITION command was running at the time SAP ASE was shutdown with nowait or was abnormally stopped.
767045 Error 325: Adaptive Server finds no legal query plan for this statement
767052 This provides a built-in show_cached_plan_in_html that provides metadata stored in the statement cache. The data provided is similar to the data provided by show_cached_plan_in_xml, just in a visual form through HTML, similar to "set statistics plan_detail_html".
767058 In rare circumstances a signal 11 at com__exctnume_copy may occur when executing a INSERT query.
767104 In rare circumstances, the replication of the LTL purge command may be discarded by SAP Replication Server mistakenly, if the SAP Rep Agent is configured to use streaming replication irrespective to the streaming mode in use. This will prevent the Replication Server抯 in-bound queue from being truncated.
767127 The DML (insert/update/delete) messages have been changed to "row(s) affected" when a mix of DMLs are executed in a batch. Previously the first DML's message was displayed.
767164 If SQL statement replication is enabled on the primary database and rows on a table are updated by using rand()/rand2()/newid()/password_random() builtin functions, replicated data may appear out of sync.
767178 SAP ASE may encounter SIGABRT or SIGSEGV when reading configuration (likely after a config change) resulting in a timeslice stacktrace which includes the modules mbkt_freeconfigitem, mbkt_freeconfig, cfg_readconfig. ASE may become unresponsive after encountering this problem.
767188 Resolve the migration of DML statements. It checks how many parts of ASE DML syntaxs can be migrated so far?
767208 Update sqlloc to support new sort order 'binaryalt'
767212 Signal 11 in mapvarnodes after dump/load when using xml tables.
767295 When the built-in lct_admin('abort',0,<dbid>) or lct_admin('abort',<spid>) is issued on a task that is in the process of being killed and is in log-suspended state, the message "Unable to do cleanup for the killed process; received Msg 3617." may be reported in the SAP ASE error log, resulting in the killed task not freeing all of its resources.
767308 Sometimes a cipher operation error is encountered when database encryption is initiated.
767358 Role fails to autoactivate, always has to be manually set on.
767385 In rare circumstances the signal 10 might occur when a process is being terminated and tried to disconnect nectwork connection.
767390 There may be a performance difference between pre SAP ASE 15.0 servers and post SAP ASE 15.0 servers due to the evaluation order of multiple subqueries on the same operator. Optcriteria cr767390 was introduced to order the subquery evaluation, when evaluated on the same operator, in the order that they were written in the query.
767413 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'ubffreef' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ra_free_mempool' and 'ra__schema_dealloc_obj' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log preceded by a 9685 error, "Rep Agent on database '<dbname>' switched from mode 'sync' to mode 'async' because timer on commit expired.", when SAP Adaptive Server Rep Agent is configured to use streaming replication in either near-sync or sync mode. This will result in SAP Adaptive Server to shutdown implicitly.
767440 isnumeric('e') returns 1 indicating that conversion to int, float, money or decimal is guaranteed to be allowed, but 'e' is not accepted as a valid float, integer, or money value.
767592 sp_dump_history database name parameter should be @name in documentation instead of @database_name.
767605 UPDATE STATISTICS when run concurrently with REORG DEFRAG or TRUNCATE TABLE might end up in a state where no progress is made.
767607 customer see more deadlock error on their create index script on ASE 15.7 than ASE 15.0.3.
767654 Traceflag 3605 gets left on after error 707 state 11 is hit, resulting in a wide variety of diagnostic information being written to the errorlog, in turn causing the errorlog to grow rapidly.
767665 When the sybdumptran utility is run with the option "-p header" it will display date time fields such as 'DATABASE dump ... date Thu Jul', 'Crdate:Thu Jul' or 'Dumptrdate:Tue Jul' with a truncated value where only the first 7 characters e.g. 'Tue Jul' will be displayed.
767767 sybatch doesn't create an xp server entry in INI file, and without this entry, syconfig will report "No Network Connection for Default XP Server !" when configuring existing servers.
767786 The command DBCC PAGE will display an incorrect page if the requested page is not found in cache.
767792 A new dbcc command DELETE_EXTENTS has been added to delete orphaned extents. It must be used under the guidance of SAP support only.
767803 In rare circumstances the signal 11 might occur and because of Unrecovered tempdb.
767882 If a global login trigger is created in a database other than master, the trigger will be disabled if any user logs in before the database containing the trigger is recovered during a reboot.
767950 client_csname remains unchanged despite new ASE connection
767954 In rare circumstances the Signal 11 might occur in the function ptn_clr_hintpage when SET REPLICATION ON and use the index on image/text.
767966 Reduce the sybmgmtdb database space requirement in the Job Scheduler upgrade.
768025 Select-query with an user-defined function returns different Tabular Data Stream (TDS) package and result set depending on "statistics io" this is an Feature request to make this compatible for the application so we return a single result set even with an UDF and "statistics io" is on.
768028 When a database contains more than 2,147,483,648 logical pages, certain database diagnostic tools will print very large page numbers as negative numbers instead of their proper page ID.
768097 The loginfo() built-in when executed with option 'can_free_using_dump_tran' may occasionally return values other than between 0 and 100 %.
768168 Incorrect results can be reported with 'streamlined dynamic SQL' on when using a subquery not containing a table reference to check for no rows returned. This can affect SQL constructs that include (but not limited to) isnull, nullif, case, if not exists & coalesce. This CR is resolved by CR 742233 in ASE 15.7 SP110 onwards.
768176 Cannot stop the Rep Agent after getting message 9254 and 9204, even though the ASE server log says that the RA has been terminated.
768198 In rare circumstances, when the number of OAM pages for a table exceeds the value of 32767, SAP ASE may hit a stack overflow error with a stack trace which includes the modules 'pg_allocoam' and 'pg__cond_insertoam' reported in the error log.
768370 *** Wed Jul 30 2014 08:04:28 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time) *** ahill ***

Provide an application\utility replacement for SAMreport.

Today, license server usage can be monitored manually by running "sysam status" command for the license server. However, this does not provide the same coverage as SAMreport.

For example, in large install bases, PowerDesigner customers typically use floating licenses (FL). Therefore, they reserve a number of entitlements for specific groups and\or users in order to ensure that Power Users have access to the software when needed.

Also, they need to monitor the package usage. Thus, they need the historical data.

768374 The replication support for tables that have default not-null non-materialized columns has been enhanced.
768380 Enable the "page diagnostic signatures" feature on ASE Cluster Edition.
768463 DDLGen gets EC2 SybSQLException error when -TEC -N% on a huge number of db server
768475 If a table created in an user database with cross database encryption and decrypt default on the column is dropped from master, the following error message "The decrypt_default for column id 2 was not found in the system catalogs." is raised to the end-user.
768497 The message "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'ejrCacheClean' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'tdsrecv__process_batchparam' and 'sequencer' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log if a Jconnect application inserts values into a numeric column as a language batch in non-BCP mode.
768510 Database timestamp (@@dbts) jumps by a large amount unexpectedly during LOAD TRANSACTION.
768580 In rare circumstances running a LWP with a dynamic query might cause the error 701/17/3.
768584 In SAP DBISQL if a user sets "showplan on", and the result display is in scrollable table mode and is editable, the plans for internal queries would be displayed along with the plan for the actual executed query.
768596 A 803 error "Unable to place buffer <> from cache <> holding logical page <> in sdes for object <> - either there is no room in sdes or buffer already in requested slot." may be reported, when online parallel create index with large partition table.
768663 In rare circumstances the signal 11 might occur when try to Switch to running a new process on ASE 15.5 ESD#5.2
768666 Error message "The decrypt_default for column id <n> was not found in the system catalogs." may be raised when an encrypted column having decrypt default is decrypted using "alter table" command and the column is subsequently dropped.
768722 BIGTIME overflow seen when running Java query with streamlined dynamic SQL
768780 REORG DEFRAG leaves the number of deleted rows in systabstats unmodified.
768850 In rare circumstances converting table locktype from DOL to APL may cause data corruption if there are more than 31 variable length columns in the table and table have placement index.
768853 The execution of sp_addthreshold immediately after having dropped a segment with sp_dropsegment, will result in the server shutting down if the debug version of SAP ASE is used together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'th__modify_thresh_idx' and 'dbrepair' reported in the error log.
768871 New Feature: Add failover support for HA Aware and CE Aware clients to seamlessly failover in ASE HADR Cluster.
768872 Systemwide switch (traceflag) 3605 is left active if a fatal error occurs while outputting diagnostic information for an invalid column length error. A stacktrace that includes the function colleen() will be seen in the errorlog followed by SWITCH SERVERWIDE ON 3605 followed by a fatal error. Traceflag 2779 disables the function turns on this switch to output additional diagnostics on the column length error.
768880 In rare circumstances a deadlock may be seen between DUMP DATABASE and DUMP TRANSACTION when these commands are executed on the same database concurrently and the configuration option "enable concurrent dump tran" is set.
768903 SAP ASE running on the Windows platform can suffer an access violation exception (0xc0000005) at location 0x0 with a corrupted stack.
768925 The upgrade of a database created on a version prior to SAP ASE 15.7 SP100 to a higher version can take a long time to create the system table SYSDAMS if the database is big and it's almost fully allocated.
768980 GRANT DBCC MONITOR TO <user> fails with error 165 in SAP ASE 15.7 ESD2 and later versions with the error message 16 - 'Privilege DBCC monitor may not be GRANTed or REVOKEd.'
769009 In rare circumstances executing a special procedure might hit signal 11 in the CT-Lib function
769055 IMDB: sp_cacheconfig silenty reduces requested inmemory_storage cache size.
769075 Then update statistics command may take additional time when a cntrl-C interrupt or a KILL spid is used. With this change, Adaptive Server will check more frequently for the termination request and gracefully exit the command in a more timely manner.
769081 deprecated system call warning in Linux system log
769213 Change made with sp_dumpoptimize to have an effect even when the Backup Server is restarted.
769222 The version of OpenSSL used in this release has been upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1g
769243 When the loginfo() built-in is executed with any of the following options, 搊ldest_active_transaction_pct�, 搒tp_span_pct� or 揷an_free_using_dump_tran�, it may return an incorrect value of 0.
769247 Sometimes concurrent DMLs will fail when using online CREATE INDEX.
769260 In SAP ASE Cluster Edition, if a node crashes when a process on this node is in the middle of load database, node failover recovery may hang and not be able to complete.
769444 Error 832 when 'max buffers per lava operator' is set to maximum config value 65535 (or very close to max value).
769463 When SSL is used with a select or bcp out and the result set is large,

ASE may send badly formatted data. The bad format is reported by the

client message: ct_fetch(): protocol specific layer: external error: There is a tds protocol error. An illegal token was received.

769509 In rare circumstances the timeslice error might raise after onlining an additional engine.
769528 If optimization goal is allrows_dss or advanced_aggregation optcriteria is on, a query having a derived table and involving aggregation may encounter a segmetation violation at GcvIsVIrtualColumn().
769607 When creating a partitioned table with a large number of partitions (greater than 3000) and a large number of local indexes (greater than 10) then a 702 error may result.
769627 The 15.7 System Administration Guide indicates that the sp_configure parameter "max online engines" in threaded mode accepts values from 1-1024. This parameter is actually limited to 128 in both process and threaded modes until the 16.0 release.
769653 Sybmigrate supports the ASE 15.7 SP130 new features: HADR and 'Resolve as owner' on Stand By server.
769697 When SHOW_SQLTEXT is set on and the text of the SQL command is long, there can be multiple "SQL Text:" messages displayed in the reported SQL text.
769721 On the HPIA platform, online CREATE INDEX may fail with a 2601 "Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object 'syspartitions' with unique index 'csyspartitions'" error.
769727 Error 706 (Process <n> tried to remove PROC_HDR <addr> that it does not hold in Pss.) and 913 (Could not find row in sysdatabases with database id <n>.) may be reported for the following scenarios

1) Predicated Privileges are not being automatically re-normalized after being loaded from a dump.

2) When a predicated privilege fails to re-compile, the exception handling incorrectly cleans up leading to 706 errors.

769772 In rare circumstances the signal 11 occured when executin a LWP of INSERT INTO ... 126 UNION SELECT DISTINCT statements on ASE 15.7 SP122
769868 SAP ASE might report an infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) stacktrace in the function mda_flush_iostats() when the SAP ASE configuration option "enable monitoring" is set to 1.
769966 Index creation always running in serial mode when the first selected column contains large percentage of NULL values.
769982 This PC-Client SP is based on SDK 15.7 SP130
770016 When execute some statements through JDBC such as table create statement, sometimes, it could hang.
770041 OpenSSL FIPS is not certified.
770052 using the sp_chgattribute tab_name, "plldegree", degree_no function will set the parallel degree but subsequently when either update statistics is run, or if housekeeper flushes the table level stats, then the systabstats.plldegree for the respective table will be reset to 0. This will disable consideration of parallelism for that table until the sp_chgattribute is once again executed.
770072 Using the MERGE command on tables with function based indexes may result in a signal 11 with a stacktrace containing the function CgpSort::cgpInit or CgpMerge::_CgpCreateMergeInfo
770078 Rep Agent stops working while processing a Data Modification Language operation on a table containing not materialized defaults with datetime data type. The error reported is 249: Syntax error during implicit converstion of VARCHAR value 'xxxxx' to a DATE field. The stack trace reported will include the function des_get_column_dflt()
770079 ASE SAP JRE bootstraps for SAPJRE version 7.1.018 can result in a SEGV and messages like reporting "A fatal error has been detected by the SAP Java Virtual Machine". To overcome this problem the Corona Beta release on IBM AIX64 platform needs to disable its SAPJRE JIT support.
770092 A 3606 error "Arithmetic overflow occurred." may be reported during the execution of sp_helpdb on a database after loading a transaction dump into a database that has a trailing log hole.
770214 While online utilities are running and new identity values are generated, a system crash and recovery could result in regeneration of identity values.
770254 For an HADR enabled SAP ASE on the IBM AIX platform, if "sp_hadr_admin activate" command is executed, extraneous characters such as ": !" are displayed.
770255 In rare circumstances, a 605 error "An attempt was made to fetch logical page '<pageno>' from cache 'log cache'. Page belongs to database '<dbname>', object '<Unknown>' (0), index '<Unknown>' (0), partition '<Unknown>' (-1) and not to database '<dbname>' (<dbid>), object 'syslogs' (8), index 'syslogs' (0), partition 'syslogs_8' (8)" together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'getpage_with_validation', 'num_logpages' and 'loginfo3_xactspanbyspid' may be reported in the error log when the loginfo() built-in is executed with the 'xactspanbyspid' option.
770260 In rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with 11" in

the module 'LeAlfaStatsCollector::LeWriteThStatsToCollector' may be reported

in the error log when a query is executed inside a stored procedure (or

the statement was cached) and the plan is executed in parallel while

some monitoring options are altered.

770297 sp_monitorconfig "number of user connections" may return an inaccurate figure for Max_Used
770377 Feature request to provide resource requirement estimates before trying to load an archive database.
770403 Dump database with verify=read_after_write and verify=crc but with no compression specified may produce an unexpected verification message such as "Backup Server: Database repro_db: Verification reported x errors.".
770415 When using hash based statistics gathering on partitioned tables, there could be statistics missing on some local partitions and hence the final global histogram is inaccurate. The inaccurate histogram could result in sub-optimal query plans. This also would result in the DATACHANGE() counters for that column on that partition not being reset, resulting in frequent update statistics maintenance on the partitioned table when depending on the DATACHANGE() function.
770418 Added a new rule to use serial optimizer when all main query blocks don't have partitioned table and all non-partitioned tables set their "plldegree" attribute to <=1.

The rule condition includes the plldegree setting for the table's useful indexes (if any).

"plldegree" can be set for a table using the following command:

sp_chgattribute t1, "plldegree", 4

The rule is only active when the cmdline traceflag 16993 is on.

Also under the same traceflag, optimizer will not use a table's plldegree setting as

its useful index's plldegree when the index doesn't have the attribute set.

770422 The error "Page Verification Error: Page mismatch. Page <pageno> contains <swapped pageno> in page header." may be reported in the SAP backup server error log if the database contains untranslated pages that were originally loaded from a dump taken in an architecture with different endianness.
770449 Even if "number of open databases" is increased on ASE in a High Availability System, the additional number of open databases cannot be used.
770468 A 12531 error "The table SYSDAMS could not be opened in database ..." will be unnecessarily reported when loading a database dump taken from a pre-15.7 version into an SAP ASE version equal or greater than 15.7, although this error will not cause the load of the database dump to fail.
770473 Optimization criteria enabled with ase_current does not match a document version.
770497 Error 2809 may be raised incorrectly, specifying the name of an object that isn't involved in the query at all, for some cross-database queries involving a view in another database that has the same object id as a procedure in the user's current database. As a workaround, drop and recreate either object to assign it a different object id.
770513 The error message 'The text column descriptor returned from the execution of rs_get_textptr function string output commands is NULL. The text descriptor must be valid. The DSI thread for database is shutdown.' will be reported in Repserver error log file, if Repserver configure 'dsi_compile_enabl' is off, when try to update a NULL LOB column which could be replicated.
770514 A 691 error, "Encountered invalid logical page '0' while accessing database '<dbname>' (<dbid>), object 'sysgams' (14), index 'sysgams' (0), partition 'sysgams_14' (14). This is an internal system error..." together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'am_op' and 'pg_ptndeall' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log, during the execution of a DML command, when the database size has been extended such that it would have required the Global Allocation Map (GAM) to be extended. The GAM would need to be extended for every 64 G-bytes in a 2 K-bytes page size server, 128 G-bytes in a 4 K-bytes page size server, etc. Alternatively a 690 or 692 error may be reported.
770563 DDLGEN does not generate the correct webservice DDL.
770579 Rep Agent support upport for database resynchronization functionality, using synchronous replication.
770768 In rare circumstances, the replication of a commit command may be discarded by SAP Replication Server mistakenly, if the SAP Rep Agent is configured to use streaming replication in either near sync or sync mode. This will prevent the Replication Server抯 in-bound queue from being truncated.
770791 Suppress output to Message tab in DBISQL for non user issued queries under set statistics commands.
770822 An SAP ASE Cluster Edition server might crash with error "Unknown logical cluster type" during boot after upgrade
770848 DSParser failed to detect the interfaces format when the first entry's server name is not followed immediately by the query/master service definitions.
770863 If SAP ASE received an external attention during merge join and internal sorting, an infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) in routine sortclean() may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog and SAP ASE may core dump.
770867 A 2601 error, "Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object '<table_name>' with unique index �<index_name>�" may be reported for an APL table that is marked for replication when SAP Rep Server attempts to insert a row on the standby database. Alternatively a 9275 error, "RepAgent(<database_id>): Could not locate the before image for the INSERT log record at (<page_number>, <row_number>).�" may be reported in the SAP ASE error log. In both cases this will result in the replication stream to be stopped.
770896 On connection to Adaptive Server when the user password has expired, ALTER LOGIN MODIFY PASSWORD is prevented from changing the password.
770933 When running in threaded mode on the Linux, HP and Solaris platforms, or in process mode on any platform, SAP ASE may become CPU bound if a task on which network input is pending is suspended due to the shortage of some resource. The issue is avoided by temporarily disabling network input checking on a connection in the above conditions. This CR can be disabled via trace flag 7862.
770943 ASE can't read 3 level chained SSL certificates.
770992 In rare circumstances, the error 692, " Uninitialized logical page '<pageno>' was read while accessing database ..." could be raised when creating a database with FOR LOAD option.
771006 A query that us using multiple DMLs may hit an infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) error with stacktrace including the function bt__getrestartpg() in the SAP ASE errorlog.
771039 In rare circumstances when the option 'enable incremental dump' is enabled in the database, the message 'closetable: table already closed for sdes ...' followed by a stack trace that includes the modules 'xact_end_session' and 'closetable' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log.
771053 SAP ASE may encounter a signal 11 (SIGSEGV) in the function usgetipaddr() on the IBM AIX platform
771055 On the IBM AIX platform, while generating stack trace, SIGSEGV (Signal 11) or timeslice error is observed in search_tbt() or strncpy().
771081 update the testset
771090 The message "Invalid DOL data row pointer: row <value> with status 0x80e must be normal row instead of compressed row." in the module 'collocate' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'writetext' and 's_execute' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a WRITETEXT command is run on a page compressed table in order to update a LOB column with a null value.
771124 feature request to add the license server name to monLicense table
771137 Performance enhancement for "DUMP TRAN with TRUNCATE_ONLY" option when many concurrent sessions are active.
771141 A query with select into a temporary table with union having predicated privileges for tables in the from clause may produce a 225 error - "Cannot run query--referenced object (name <name>) dropped during query optimization.".
771143 Memory allocation errors similar to "ks_falloc: Cannot allocate using ubfalloc(rnetmempool, 4096). Encryption provider initialization failed on engine 19." may be noticed in the ASE error log file when engines are made offline and online in threaded mode kernel.
771158 In rare cases, the table may be corrupted if exception occurs when executing ALTER TABLE command to change compressed table's lock schema.
771170 An SAP ASE Cluster Edition server or connection might hang when binding a Single Instance Database (SIDB) to a Single Instance Logical Cluter (SILC) after the SILC has been onlined
771198 The message "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'dam_prepare_dump_end' together with a stack trace which includes the module 'dpdb_main' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a DUMP DATABASE is executed and while a concurrent DUMP TRANSACTION is aborted. This would require the configuration option 'enable concurrent dump' and the database option 'allow incremental dumps' being both enabled.
771228 ASE may report the message "Assertion (this->tMagic == 0x4B545255) failed in file ..." when using sp_sysmon
771230 A REORG DEFRAG process, if killed, then in rare cases could leave the state of object specifying that an utility is active.
771240 sybcluster: new option 'upgrade_ok' for command 'start cluster' and 'start instance' to support start server with new binary against old data devices.
771258 Server command "update t2 set c1 = 6 " encountered a deadlock situation
771286 The SAP ASE optimizer can make an unexpected selectivity estimate of 0.001 when a selectivity of 0.0 is detected and optcriteria avoid_zero_weight_histograms is enabled. The cr771286 optcriteria corrects the mis-estimate.
771301 The error "Volume validation error: attempt to open '<file name>' returned Too many open files" can be raised by the SAP ASE backup server when trying to dump or load on the SOLARIS, HP and IBM AIX platforms after running for some time because a socket is being left opened every time a connection is established.
771307 In rare circumstances Signal 11 might occur when executing LWP with query of "select top 1 * from wf_main_tbl" which is partition table.
771344 sybdiag does not report the configuration option "prevent automatic upgrade".
771370 If a query contains a COUNT_BIG() aggregate and the optimizer generates a 2 phase PARALLEL aggregation strategy, then the value returned will be incorrect. The value will be equal to the number of producer threads under the 2 phase aggregate's supporting XCHG operator.
771382 1142 error was raised on a user defined tempdb (saptempdb) during boot time recovery against 15.7 sp122 ASE.

Please use system procedure sp_dbrecovery_order to change database recovery order, e.g.

sp_dbrecovery_order saptempdb, 1, force,strict

It will let ASE rebuild user defined tempdb saptempdb first after recovery system databases, then recovery other user databases.

771433 Repeated reduction/increasing the number of running engines in threaded kernel mode (using alter thread pool) may eventually lead to a situation where a server login is not possible.
771451 ASE stack trace at kboflushcache+0xd9() with SIGSEGV
771550 A session using a java function may raise error 712 "There is insufficient heap memory to allocate <n> bytes. Please increase configuration parameter 'heap memory per user' or try again when there is less activity on the system." after a while.
771676 When a select from a table with predicated privileges is done after running update index statistics on the table, errors 706 - "Process <n> tried to remove PROC_HDR <addr> that it does not hold in Pss." and 913 - "Could not find row in sysdatabases with database id <n>." may be reported.
771677 The SAP DBISQL window title fails to refresh after a "use <db_name>" statement is executed.
771696 Currently we return error as a part of coalesce, case and nullif functionality when both the parameters or all parameters provided are 'null'. This behaviour is different as compared to other competitors. To make it CDS/BW compliant we need to make sure that we return NULL in these cases.

This cr would correct the behaviour to make it CDS/BW compliant.

771719 DDLGEN capturing incorrect Stored Procedure DDL: When SP is set to both 慳nymode� and 'dynamic'
771750 New Feature Request: for configuration option that would cause CREATE DATABASE and ALTER DATABASE to fail if it was unable to allocate all the space requested.
771770 In rare circumstances, an undetected deadlock may occur following 1249 error, "Process became runnable before lock it was waiting for was released", is reported.
771817 An incorrect rows affected value is returned for first UPDATE statement on a table following an ALTER TABLE COMPRESSION = NONE statement.
771846 When decrypting a null password for Job Scheduler, ASE will report "kernel SSL or Crypto Error Message: 'An unexpected failure occurred while performing an OpenSSL cryptography operation. Root error: error:06065064:digital envelope

routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt.'"

771870 When processing replicated data for a table having several BIT datatype columns, RepAgent may stacktrace in the module 'ra__substitute_vals'.
771876 Performance problem with application context builtins
771887 Feature request for a getutcbigdatetime() function.
771897 The loginfo builtin with the 'xactspanbyspid' option can sometimes result in a stacktrace being reported in the SAP ASE errorlog with a message like "ubo_object_from_slot:Pss Invalid slot id 0".
771901 An 834 error, 揑llegal attempt to clean buffer厰 in the module 慶m_dbclean� together with a stack trace which includes the modules 憃nl_online_db� and 慴uf_online_database� may be reported in the error log when DUMP TRANSACTION or DUMP DATABASE and ONLINE DATABASE are executed simultaneously for the same database.
771949 SAP ASE is returning a longer string/resultset for str_replace.
771968 In rare circumstances a customer hit the signal 11 in execrpc() ASE 157 CE ESD#03
772000 The message "timeslice -501, current process infected" in the module 'plc__discard' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'xact__rollbackxact' and 'finishlog' may be reported in the error log when a multi-database transaction is executed in chained mode whereby the option dml_logging=minimal is enabled and while a DML command is rolled back following an error encountered.
772030 In rare circumstances running sp_altermessage might hit the error 225. state 3 on ASE 15.0.3 ESD#4.2
772045 SAP ASE Application context built-in functions may report an unexpected permissions error.
772101 There may be a signal 11 (SIGSEGV) reported in the SAP ASE errorlog when in a query a union or union all with 4 or more sides of the union exist. This is rare and would usually be accompanied by missing stats resulting in large overestimates in the optimizer, and/or an underconfigured tempdb.
772278 DBISQL for ASE the select options are not saved to the configuration file immediately and can be lost.
772303 In point-in-time restore, when the last dump of a dump series after a database dump is a cumulative dump, the time range in Sybrestore will miss to account the last cumulative dump.
772345 HA Script ase_stop reports wrongly when ASE fails to stop
772346 row_count() on a table may be incorrect after parallel create index or reorg.
772356 sp_downgrade may take a very long time to complete
772405 A 9004 error, "I/O error detected on disk buffer 0x... for page request <value>, dbid <value>." followed by a stack trace that contains the module 'crdb_init_first_au' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when trying to execute an ALTER DATABASE FOR LOAD command for an in-memory database.
772435 If user's machine is too slow, sqlupgrade[res] and syconfig.exe/sybatch.exe may failed to upgrade SAP ASE because it can't reconnect to the SAP ASE booted in single user mode.
772436 Error 915 reports wrongly for the table and dbname.
772456 In HADR configured ASE, unplanned failover i.e. sp_hadr_admin primary, 'force' occasionally fails if remote node is not reachable.
772481 Upon attempting "set plan for show_execio_xml to message on" command is used before the DML statement to get the execution statistics in XML output and if the stack-trace with a method printXMLNodeMetrics() occurred, most likely this bug is exposed.
772498 Customer sent a memdump for investigation as why online database got infected with 11.

Customer asked to raise an error message instead of doing a hard termination with infected 11

772506 The dataserver will not accept any connections and messages regarding kbfalloc not being able to allocate memory are displayed. A stacktrace is displayed with sybcsi_profile_destroy on the stack.
772605 The error "d_log(): xls_startscan() failed - XLS error -3: Invalid condition" may be reported when executing DBCC LOG to get the log records for a particular SAP ASE process id when passing -<process ID> as the second parameter value of this command.
772650 In rare circumstances Signal 11 might occur in LeHashBucket::Find() when creating proc under a complex view
772668 SAP ASE in threaded kernel mode configured with synchronous IO may hang when there is an IO failure returned from the OS e.g. EIO.
772670 When turning on the "utility statistics hashing" configuration parameter (or explicitly using the with statistics hashing phrase) and using parallel CREATE INDEX command then a 697 error "An attempt was made to fetch logical page '<page>' for <ptninfo>_PTNINFO from cache '<cache>'. Wrong logical page '<page>' was found in cache." can occur.

This will not affect UPDATE STATISTICS or the serial CREATE INDEX command.

772718 The message 16758, The configuration option 'optimize dump for faster load' is currently not supported in SAP Adaptive Server Cluster Edition." will be reported and the server will fail to boot if this option is set to any value other than 0 in the configuration file, or sp_configure is run to do this, because the only valid value for this option in Shared Disk Cluster edition is 0.
772749 Under some rare conditions, execute dynamic sql sttaements could lead to the SIG 11 and stacktrace includes crp_vardec(), crp_var(), and sqt_reparse().
772814 You can get Msg 707, Severity: 20, State: 5 when your ASE process is backing out from an error as Msg 208.
772878 When server-wide audit options like 'dump_config' is turned on, 'dump config' interface doesn't record database name in sysaudits table.
772903 If a dump is created with the database option 'allow page signing' enabled and loaded 'WITH LISTONLY = CREATE_SQL', the sp_dboption command is not generated by 'CREATE_SQL' for setting the option 'allow page signing'.
772915 Wrong result set solved after recreating index
772979 DDLGEN does not support WITH DBID= for CREATE DATABASE in ASE 15.7
773010 When a query causes timeout error, it incorrectly reads bytes from the TDS stream, reports an unexpected error like "Type '64' not implemented" and generates two RESPONSE messages to the client.
773036 RA gets 9275 on a delete/insert pair that was an update. No merge bit on in the delete/insert pair.
773070 When running Adaptive Server diagserver and the service key "syb_extpasswdkey" is dropped, under some circumstances the following assertion failure is seen in the errorlog: "Assertion (pwdlen < SAMAXPWDLEN+1) failed in file /remote/aptos_bld1/asecorona/SMP/porttree/svr/sql/generic/source/utils/ssladmin.c line 414"
773094 DBISQL 16.0 allows results to be editable from the results window.
773116 Support mount/unmount encrypted database
773128 Make visible. This is a placeholder CR for routing purposes, not a real fix.
773131 In rare circumstances ASE may hit heap memory error(712) when executing dbcc listoam on table with high OAM entry count.

"Error 712: There is insufficient heap memory to allocate %ld bytes. Please increase configuration parameter 'heap memory per user' or try again when there is less activity on the system"

773191 Incorrect values reported by optdiag "Large I/O efficiency" with large I/O pool configured
773230 NaN values can be inserted into float and real data type columns by bulk copy routines.
773273 When a database has enabled page signing, under rare circumstances a transaction log page may be written with invalid page linking pointers. This can manifest as 806 errors during recovery or rollback.
773430 Adding new VARCHAR column with single space default value via


may fail to insert the default value to the new column if database option 'allow null by default' is on. ASE may output 'Invalid column length' error to errorlog when it read a row having invalid column data.

For Business Suite on ASE installation. Process of customizing SAP application systems may alter SAP application system table which is stored in ASE database, e.g. 'SAPSR3.MARA'. If a SAP table stored in ASE has just been changed with new columns added during customizing procedure, and there exists invalid column length message and stack trace in the errorlog while accessing to this table, then please consider extract the data and reload it, and also to perform this during downtime.

For standalone ASE, please drop and recreate related table if it exists invalid column data to resolve the problem.

If a database has database option 'allow nulls by default' on, then may need to specify 'NOT NULL' to add VARCHAR column with space as default value via ALTER TABLE, e.g.

alter table table_name add new_varchar_column(column_length) default ' ' not null

773512 A segmentation violation occurs when executing command "ALTER ENCRYPTION KEY .. WITH PASSWD login_passwd ADD ENCRYPTION .. FOR LOGIN_ASSOCIATION"
773554 The execution of loginfo(<dbid>, 憍actspanbyspid�, <spid>) built-in could take long time to complete while a DUMP TRANSACTION is concurrently run or when the amount of transaction log that is held up by it is very big.
773621 Failed upgrade cannot be restart by sqlupgrade/syconfig/sybatch.
773638 In large, highly concurrent environments, SAP ASE may, under specific circumstances, cease to elect large (>1 page) IO and instead revert to regular (1 page) IO for asynchronous pre-fetch (APF) for a cache. The specific circumstances include that a single table is very frequently accessed, that the table does not fit into its named cache, causing cache misses and that the workload is such that the plans include large IO and APF.
773651 ODATA: Cannot start ODATA service after installation on Linux platform - reports Segmentation fault.
773706 Queries on proxy tables using local DATETIME variables and literal values may compare incorrectly and produce incorrect results.
773733 Due to a keyword collision with the new ALTER TABLE MODIFY OWNER command, trying to use ALTER TABLE to modify the datatype of a column named "owner" fails with syntax error 102. As a workaround, use SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON and quote the column name "owner" in the ALTER TABLE command.
773747 A validation check may fail on an encrypted column created with login_association option and a 15432 error is raised when an RPC is executed and Adaptive Server tries to decrypt an encryption key.
773859 In rare circumstances, a INSERT statement could appear as hang if

it is executed using "INS_BY_BULK" optimization criteria, the target

table has several indexes and the system does not have any available

worker process.

773875 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 憁da__populate_RepScannersTable� together with a stack trace which includes the modules 憁da_exec� and 憁da_populate_monRepScanners� may be reported in the error log when a query on the master..monRepScanners table is run and while the Replication Agent is shut down concurrently.
773879 SAP ASE running in threaded kernel mode on the IBM AIX platform may hit a stack overflow error while starting the Job Scheduler and this may lead to a shutdown of SAP ASE.
773880 In rare scenarios, during a workload startup the rdbtmgr_spin spinlock might have contention.
773950 A 1295 error, "Unconditional lock request for table or page <>, dbid <> was made while holding a latch." followed by the message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'xls_sessionid' together with a stack trace which includes the modules ' chk_and_send_audit' and 'send_audit' may be reported in the error log when REORG REBUILD INDEX is executed concurrently with DUMP DATABASE.
773957 Wrong result could be inserted into the under table when updating a view with float literal if the view has a instead of trigger and literal autoparam and statement cache are enabled.
773966 An infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) in the function in StgStatPkg::StgVarLengthColEstimates may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog.
773978 When parallel CREATE INDEX with hash based statistics gathering is used, there is a possibility of a worker thread being placed in a sleep state and not be woken up, which will cause the session to hang.
774050 SAP Control Center for SAP ASE JobScheduler wizard does not present all available templates when creating new scheduled jobs.
774069 When statement cache is active and a user has executed a statement that references an object owned by dbo and then creates their own object with the same name and executes the same statement, the results will continue to reflect the dbo's object rather than the user's object until the cached statement is purged from statement cache.
774079 Eliminate a spinlock window while updating MASS Status during hk_bufawrite.
774082 When running parallel CREATE INDEX with hash based statistics gathering there may be a timeslice error.
774172 SAP DBISQL 16 may use a lot of memory and scrolling the result set is slow in text mode.
774184 Error 724 and timeslice in dseg_proc_allloc
774198 DOL table to be partitioned the values for concurrency_opt_threshold are lost.
774203 If the database option "enforce dump tran sequence" is enabled, do not disallow CREATE INDEX with ONLINE option to run if the index is also being created with the DEFERRED_RECOVERY option.
774211 A 3935 error, 揊atal protocol error. xact_beginupdate() API was invoked in the wrong context. The transaction is currently in 'Command-attached' state.� may be reported when a DML query is executed which includes an expression that references the reserve_identity() built-in.
774228 This is a test CR.
774231 Sometimes, if temp tables change in between two batch insert calls via jdbc, then we might have a situation where we point to memory that has been freed, leading to either of following errors : 705, 706, 707, 715 or Error 719 or similar error related to memory free, having stacktrace of batch_loopend -> s_copytmps -> memfree.
774323 A 644 error: "Index row entry for data row id (<pageid>, <rownum>) is missing from index page <index_pageid> of index id <indid> of table '<tabname>' in database '<dbname>' may sometimes be reported during recovery while undoing log records pertaining to an index on a Datarows Only Locked table.
774338 In rare circumstances an 11051 error, 揅REATE INDEX on the object �<table>� failed. Table is currently being used by one or more other tasks. Retry your query later.� may be reported while transaction isolation level 0 scans are active on the same table. Starting SAP ASE with trace flag 8225 will reduce the likelihood of this error.
774358 A 632 error, "Attempt to move memory with an incorrect length of -106. Maximum allowed length is 16384", may be reported when DBCC CHECKTABLE is executed on an all-pages-locked table with a compressed index.
774383 When a dynamic SQL with homogeneous batch parameters is executed and it's required to recompile, a 16817 error may occur if a config parameter "streamlined dynamic SQL" is OFF.
774411 In rare circumstances a 706 error, "Process tried to remove PROC_HDR that it does not hold in Pss", in the module onlutl_release_resources() together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'memfree' and 'rm_prochdr' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when running CREATE INDEX or REORG REBUILD with the online option.
774416 Occasionally a error 644,"Index row entry for data row id (%u, %d) is missing from index page %u of index id %d of table '<name>' in database '<n>'. Xactid is (%u,%d). Drop and re-create the index." will be reported, when online parallel create index on unpartitioned DOL table with concurrent DMLs.
774472 In rare circumstances An 806 error, "Could not find virtual page for logical page <pagenum> in database <dbname>" may be reported when executing dbcc checkstorage in parallel.
774555 DDLGen with option -Cnumber will generate wrong table owner
774569 "set showplan" commands are ignored when they are in the middle of a batch
774594 In rare circumstances cursor fetch execution might hit the error 290024 of "Invalid column length: ... Value must be between XX and XX" in ASE 15.7 SP110.
774650 A SPID is holding a latch on a buffer and sleeping and some other SPID's are waiting on the same buffer leading to a hang.
774683 The SAP ASE server kills database connections when deadlocks occur when a language batch command is followed by an RPC call. A stacktrace with an access violation/infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) is reported in SAP ASE errorlog.
774690 ASE may raise errors 5899 during recovery and 5861 when running sp_configure (even for options that do not require more memory) when "global cache partitions" is set to a non-zero value and the amount of free memory remaining is relatively small. Set 'max memory' to the value specified in the 5861 error (or free some memory by reducing other parameters and reboot) to correct this issue.
774699 Under rare circumstances during upgrade or initial installation, after ASE reports that it is beginning upgrade step ID 1650 it may produce a stack trace saying that a stack overrun was detected and that the stack guardword is corrupt.
774751 monDeviceIO.ReadTime and WriteTime should be bigint's and not int
774786 A 820 error, "Attempt to dirty non-log buffer ... which is in I/O" in the module 'bufpindirty' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'undo_bt_split' and 'rec__undo_abort_incomplete_ntas' may be reported in the error log during the undo phase of boot recovery if there are incomplete transactions that split index pages of Data Only Locked tables.
774789 ASE fails to detect numeric overflow for the BIGINT datatype. Overflow should raise error 3606.
774830 With auditing enabled, the query "alter encryption key master with passwd 'abcdef123456' add encryption for automatic_startup" may hit error 632 - "Attempt to move memory with an incorrect length of <n>. Maximum allowed length is <max>"
774871 Under rare conditions, error 14622, "The dbinfo anchor in the database '%<dbname>' is already locked by the task", could be raised when attempting to lock the database context information structure during exception handling.
774892 placeholder CR only. NOt a real fix.
774905 In rare circumstances the timeslice error might occur when HK GC is looping in bt__lockprevpg() to get page failed in ASE 15.7 SP121
774906 A 605 error, "An attempt was made to fetch logical page '<>' from cache '<>'. Page belongs to database '<>' ...", in the module 慴t__getchildlatched� together with a stack trace which includes the modules 憆ec_undo_session_apf� and 憍act__rollback_local� may be reported in the error log while a session is rolling back a transaction containing a CREATE INDEX that is followed by DMLs in a database with the option 'ddl in tran' enabled.
775022 A login with js_admin_role can't delete a scheduled job belongs to another user
775030 Sometimes, if temp tables change in between two batch insert calls via jdbc, then we might have a situation where we point to memory that has been freed, leading to either of following errors : 705, 706, 707, 715 or Error 719 or similar error related to memory free, having stacktrace of batch_loopend -> s_copytmps -> memfree.
775034 A 691 error, "Encountered invalid logical page '0' while accessing database <dbname>, object 'syslogs' (8), index 'syslogs' (0), partition 'syslogs_8' (8)." may sometimes be reported while running the loginfo() built-in with "stp_pages" option.
775036 When an online utility rolls back, a concurrent update on the same table could hit the error 12319 "Fatal internal error encountered during deferred dml on table <> in database <>. All rows that qualified during the first phase were not visited during second phase of dml."
775146 Provide ability in Replication Agent to skip a single log record if there is an error in processing the log record by the RA.
775241 sp_downgrade may hang if a database has async log service (ALS) on
775297 When the Job Scheduler initialization fails or terminates, the subsequent Job scheduler boot may fail with an error "Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object '<js_table_name>' with unique index '<js_row_index>'"
775355 A 1108 error, "Cannot deallocate extent <extentid>, database <dbid>. Object id <objid>, index id <indid>, status 1 in extent does not match object id <objid2>, index id <indid2>, status 0 in object being deallocated. Run DBCC CHECKALLOC." may be reported in the module 'pg__dropbuf' together with a stack trace in the error log which includes the modules 'xact_rollback' and 'undo_apl_aextent', when an index page split occurs during the logical synchronization phase of ONLINE CREATE INDEX for a Data Only Locked table and the command is rolled back in the end.
775402 If procedure 'sp_object_stats' is cancelled then trace flag 1213 can remain enabled causing performance problems in the environment. It is necessary to disable it manually by dbcc traceoff
775417 Provide a new utility program named 'asecodeloc', that is used to decode ASE code location values

that may appear in the error log, or other diagnostic outputs. The encoded code location can be

decoded into its constituent file name / line number parts using this asecodeloc utility program.

775419 Enhancement to error log printing routines to also synthesize and print to the error log an encoded

4-byte int value of the file name / line number where the error message is printed. Using a new

'asecodeloc' binary, this encoded value from the error log can be decoded to accurately locate the

source of the error resulting in the message to the log file.

775422 During rollback of online create index, level0 scanners might not be able to use the DES.
775446 The SAP ASE server might not boot with the error "defined cache configuration consumes more memory than is available for buffer caches".
775459 In rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with 11" together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'check__comprow' may be reported in the error log when running DBCC CHECKTABLE on an allpage-locked table.
775501 SAP ASE could hit error 705 (("There is no room for process xxx to store PROC_HDR 0xxxx in Pss") when a lot of recompilations happen due to schema count changes.
775553 When calling sp_configure, some options with very long names are truncated in output.
775559 A 102 error, Incorrect syntax near '~'. One or more indexes are corrupt. They will be rebuilt ...", may be reported during ONLINE DATABASE if the database contains an index whose name is a quoted_identifier and the index was created with defer_recovery = NONE option and while the recovery of this index has been deferred by LOAD TRANSACTION.
775561 A 'hang' situation due to an infinite loop may be encountered by a LOAD TRANSACTION command if the transaction log being loaded has more than 631 CREATE INDEX transactions with DEFER_RECOVERY option set.
775598 In rare circumstances the message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'xls_last_notflushed_plcblk' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'crdb_main' and 'xls_reconfig_plcblk' may be reported in the error log during CREATE DATABASE.
775599 In rare circumstances, a 1295 error, "Unconditional lock request for table or page <page number>, dbid <dbid> was made while holding a latch.", may be reported by the system housekeeper chores task.
775625 A replicated password may be truncated last several bytes if the new login is added by sp_addlogin or the password is changed by sp_password.
775633 Logical I/Os metrics incorrect for MDA tables for sensitive, insenstive cursors
775654 In rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with 11"

in the module 's_setreturns' or 'LeEmitNoSndOp::_LeOpNext' together

with a stack trace maybe be reported in the error log when Job Scheduler

is started using the stored procedure SP_SJOBCONTROL and a 1204 error,

"ASE has run out of LOCKS. Re-run your command ..." is triggered.

775721 The assertion failure: "Assertion (xdes->xcomplogbytesleft_diag >= 0) failed in file /calm/svr/sql/generic/source/access/do.c line <line_num>" may be seen with a diagserver during the ROLLBACK of a CREATE INDEX with ONLINE command.
775729 An optcriteria "force_top_plljoin" has been added to force parallel hash joins

for star join fact table hinted strategies if possible. Of course, this is

only applicable when parallelism is enabled.

775735 A 605 error, "An attempt was made to fetch logical page '<pgid>' from cache '<cachename>'. Page belongs to <obj_name1> and not to <obj_name2>", may be sometimes reported when a transaction containing multiple CREATE and DROP INDEX commands is rolled back in a database that has the 'ddl in tran' option enabled.
775787 In a synchronous replication environment, a committed transaction may be mistakenly aborted internally by SAP ASE if the message "uppause: No free alarms available� is reported in error log, resulting in data missing on the primary site while it was correctly replicated on the standby site.
775820 A 2628 error, "In database <>, page <> is linked forward to page <>, but that page is linked backward to page <>. Please report this internal error to Sybase Technical Support.", followed by a 644 error, "Index row entry for data row id <> is missing from index page <> of index id <> of table <> in database <>. Xactid is <>. Drop and re-create the index." may be reported when a DROP INDEX command is run concurrently with ONLINE CREATE INDEX command.
775875 Parallel queries may close their child threads before the child is completely drained. This can happen when non-correlated subqueries are flattened internally into existence joins. Unfortunately,

the child thread will continue to drain it's plan fragment even when the pipe it is

writing to is closed leading to bad performance.

775934 To add in big5-2003 symbols into ASE unicode conversion
775943 In rare circumstances, an aborted ONLINE CREATE INDEX or ONLINE REORG REBUILD may cause a subsequent UPDATE or DELETE command to hit a 644 error, "Index row entry for data row id <> is missing from index page <> of index id <> of table <> in database <>. Xactid is <>. Drop and re-create the index.".
775947 New feature: Provide built in functions hadr_state(), hadr_mode() and sp_hadr_admin stored procedure options "state", "mode" that provide descriptive output for globals @@hadr_mode, @@hadr_state.
776004 Adding multiple partitions with later table using separate statements in a single batch

can raise Msg 712 insufficient heap memory.

776028 RA stops with 9204, cannot locate schema
776090 In rare circumstances, the message "timeslice, current process infected" in the module 'qualpage' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'dol_def_update' and 'xls_getnext' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when an UPDATE statement is run in deferred mode. At boot recovery or load transaction time a 3301 error, "Invalid log record found in syslogs (logop <value>)", may be reported. Alternatively during data consistency checks a 7928 error, "Index <name> is not consistent; found <n-1> leaf rows but <n> data rows. Drop and recreate the index." may be reported.


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