SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(5)

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考虑到Sybase数据库的初学者或者没有购买原厂服务的Sybase客户情况,现提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息。
在SAP Support Portal网站或者google上搜索Targeted CR List for ASE,可以看到针对不同版本的CR(CR表示Change Request)简单描述信息列表。
需要注意的是:Targeted CR List for ASE列出的CR虽然绝大多数是BUG,但有一些是更改需求。
以下提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息!

Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(1)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(2)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(3)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(4)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(5)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(6)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(7)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(8)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(9)

499408 When real time messaging is enabled on ASE to use MQ. The additional engine spawned to handle MQ tasks uses up very high cpu even when there is only 1 messaging operation.
499413 Include available sort order options all the time when using sqlloc with X.
499448 Procedural query with FOR READ ONLY option may incorrectly raise error 7304 "FOR READ ONLY can

not be used in a SELECT which is not part of the declaration of a cursor or which is not inside

a stored procedure"

499455 Dynamic partition elimination may not be applied, when processing an ad-hoc sql query or stored procedure, with variable SARGs and range predicates, against a table that has a composite partition key.
499485 On Windows platforms that have Virtual Adaptors the SySAM properties file can grow over time causing delays in startup.
499490 Compilation of an UPDATE query that contains a join and at least one IN-list or OR clauses

on the same column can choose deferred update mode, when direct update mode is possible.

As a result performance of the UPDATE query can be negatively impacted.

An example query is:

update t1 set c2 = 3 from t1, t2 where t1.c1 in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) and t1.c2 = t2.d2

where table t1 is being updated and the query joins tables t1 and t2 and there is a IN-list

on column c1 of table t1.

499532 Enhance documentation of checkstorage faults.
499539 Error 15072 may occur on DBCC CHECKCATALOG command after DELETE STATISTICS and optdiag statistics in.
499566 Remove Public/Private Network option in "Define Instance dialog" of CCW,AIW and Upgrade Server Wizard, only show a checkbox for Secondary Network option.
499569 In a well partitioned cluster, fail over recovery may spend unneeded time flushing

modified pages to disk at the end of recovering a database that is only modified on

the surviving node.

499656 Different messages are printed on error of dropping a login through sp_droplogin when ldapua is enabled and disabled.
499659 select from a view on archive db hits error 3906 on windows 64bit
499694 When a database operation (create, alter, drop, quiesce, mount, etc) is in progress, issuing a

"quiesce hold" command may result in error 2244 "Unable to open database dbname".

Error 2244 may also be raised when issuing a "quiesce" command on a database that is already in a 'quiesce' state.

499704 Request to improve diagnostic error messages in the errorlog by including more context information such as procedure or trigger name, line number in code, etc.
499712 sp_audit doesn't allow "all" to be specified for login_name, raising an 18226 error.
499747 Jsagent opens the port on all IP addresses on machines that have multiple network interfaces.
499810 lmlink hits signal 11 for getpage_noscan().
499877 Requesting an additional 15.0 document on the resetting of the size of tempdb.
499894 Improve documentation on how to use traceflags in the RUN_SERVER file. Multiple -T parameters can be passed to the dataserver binary. It is good practice to document what each flag is being used for.
499895 DBISQL not processing results when multiple results includes warning messages
499935 DBISQL 11 now sends multiple results to a single output file.
499949 On the Solaris platform, a core dump is encountered when the qrmutil program is run with short style arguments, e.g. -Q instead of --quorum_dev
499961 Executing a SELECT statement with an AT ISOLATION 3 clause but without a FROM clause may lead to a stacktrace and termination of the users process.
499982 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", may be reported in the errorlog together with a stacktrace which involves the modules '_StTcCharacterSample' and 'StTcMrgBnds' when executing a SELECT query with an IN list on encrypted columns.
500001 char_length () function returns incorrect value on text column with XML data
500016 In rare circumstances following failure of an instance, a surviving instance that is performing failover recovery might hang as a result of an undetected deadlock between the failover recovery process and another user process.
500071 Post-Commit Optimization performs poorly for transactions with large number of DELETEs.
500116 A 332 error may be reported during a query that involves multiple nested VIEWs below a UNION VIEW.
500131 Index suspect status is not set after lower version of database is loaded across platform where byte-order (endian type) is different.
500190 sp_configure 'number of open indexes', 20000000 expects to get message

5861 but hits 10886.

500198 Job Scheduler batches may fain with "Unclosed quote before the character string" errors and references to jsd_GetResults() and jso_FlushBuffer()
500299 Page size information was not presented in ASE Plug-in. Now, server page size information is displayed in the server's General tab of the Properties dialog.
500311 A relocated join may get error 207 when joining on a column with upper case in the column name.
500326 After applying ASE 15.0.2 esd #4, the output from backupserver -v is esd #3.
500330 sp_sysmon "app_only" stops reporting application detail after several hours
500347 Temporary files are not cleaned up after cluster creation.
500404 In some cases, the workload manager might allow connections to migrate when they should not.

This might cause some issues later when the process resumes on the new node.

500463 Error 18177 might be raised by sp_cacheconfig if instance name is longer than 21 characters
500474 In rare circumstances, Adaptive Server may give a time slice error with a stack trace which contains

modules 'cm__check_page_range' or 'cm_choose_buffer_pool'.

500546 Incorporated SQLTEXT printing for CREATE PROC, CREATE RULE, CREATE DEFAULT and CREATE TRIGGER statements when application tracing and show_sqltext options are turned on.
500730 1. In "Perference" page of "Adaptive Server Enterprise Plug-in Properties", there will be a switch for enable/disable check I/O fencing capability.

2. In "Specify Master Device page" of Create Cluster Wizard, there will be a dialog if specified devices do not have I/O fencing capability.

3. In "Specify the System Procedures Device" of Create Cluster Wizard, there will be a dialog if specified devices do not have I/O fencing capability.

4. In "Specify the System Database Device" of Create Cluster Wizard, there will be a dialog if specified devices do not have I/O fencing capability.

5. In "Specify Server Instances" of Create Cluster Wizard and Add Instance Wizard, there will be a dialog if more than one instance will be created on one host.

6. In "Specify Name and Path" page of Database Device Wizard, there will be a dialog to show if the specified device is I/O fencible.

7. In "General page" of Database Device Properties, there will be a label to show if the device is I/O fencible.

8. In "Device Information" of Add database wizard, there will be a dialog to show if the specified device is I/O fencible.

500736 Character data type table column in the SELECT list might return unexpected

trailing blanks when the column is involved in an equjoin with some character

data type expression. Also hash/merge join was not available between character data type

column equijoin under nocase sort orders.

500816 A 2622 error "Insufficient room on this page to insert a row of length ..."

may be reported in the error log together with a stack trace which includes

the modules 'dol_putdrow', 'undo_dol_delete', 's_renormalize' and 's_recrtproc'

while concurrent sessions write a new query tree in sysprocedures whereas

the current session needs to rollback its current work from it.

500852 A query with no reformatting and no sorting and only a

distinct_hashing or group_hashing operator may claim

too many buffers (typically the value of "max buffers per

lava op") as seen through the "set statistics plancost"


500872 After a database dump and load, ASE may not be able to access the SQL UDFs created before the dump.
500891 Enhancement request to add information about fault severity and recommended actions to sp_dbcc_faultreport
523659 Booting of second ASE Cluster Edition instance may hang, if the first instance is simultaneousy doing write-activity (such as create table or inserts) in master database.
523693 Under rare circumtances , a deferred update of an APL table may result in a 2620 error: "The offset of the row number at offset <offset> does not match the entry in the offset table of the following page."
523704 While doing DISK MIRROR/REMIRROR/UNMIRROR for an inactive disk, a stacktrace with SIGSEGV may be reported.
523730 The message "timeslice -value, current process infected" may be reported

in the error log together with a stack trace which includes the modules

'clfr_recovernode' and 'clfr_recovery' during node failover recovery.

523736 A new option "number of alloc units" added to pageinfo() built-in to return number of allocation units allocated to an object, given the first oam page for the object.
523759 Adaptive Server doesn't support allocation of shared memory greater than 165 GB.
528381 The following message is seen in the error log upon server startup: "kernel Warning: Cannot resolve LDAP function ldap_search_ext_s".
528407 In some circumstances, Adaptive Server may throw a message "current process infected with 11, in the module CgpUnion::_CgpInitProjection, together with a stacktrace which includes modules like CgpMergeUnionAll::cgpInit", when a UNION ALL query is being executed.
528442 LST dbs must not use private devices which are only accessable by an instance. Existing documentation is not clear enough in indicating the requirements for the LST devices. Currently the acts of creating and deleting the LST require that the devices be accessible from other instances.
528447 During failover recovery, undo phase may sometimes encounter 820 errors: "Attempt to dirty non-log buffer <addr> which is in I/O."
528451 In a shared disk cluster system following an instance failure, a 3478 error, " During undo the page timestamp value is less than new timestamp from log...", may be reported when recovering a database that has mixed log and data and asynchronous prefetch is on.
528463 692 error in DOL index scan restart could enountered in rare occasion.
528470 Feature Request: In 15.0.2 ESD#2, make sp_help output more consisitent for materialized and not materialized (virtual) computed columns. Remove the 'materialized' keyword from the syscomments.text field for a materialized computed column.
528474 The cache creation/update operation using sp_cacheconfig succeeds but the server fails to reboot with new configuration
528551 Error 530 may be reported when using output from SQLJ function on outer column of a join.
528604 On the Solaris platform, ASE may encounter a timeslice error during boot if ISM (intimate shared memory) is in use and the amount of memory configured is approximately 100 Gb or more.
528752 request to document sp_addmessage with 'replace' option can only be run by the same login who created the original messasge
528779 DBCC CHECKSTORAGE records information in dbccdb that is not used in most cases.

This change reduces the number of inserts by skipping faults for which

an exclusion is defined with sp_dbcc_exclusions and skipping inserts in dbcc_counters.

The pre-fix behavior can be enabled using exec sp_dbcc_updateconfig null,

"enable excluded faults inserts", '1' and exec sp_dbcc_updateconfig null,

"enable dbcc_counter inserts", '1'

528830 Previously DBISQL11's OUTPUT command did not work in command-line mode. This has been fixed.
528833 Previously DBISQL 9.0.2's PARAMETERS command did not work properly. This has been fixed in DBISQL 11.0.
528848 For failed authentication, authentication mechanism is missing in login audit record.
528854 Auditing of dropping and adding user messages prints the database user name information in the "objowner" column of the audit record.
528994 Previously, DBISQL11 would report a synax error if you executed an INPUT, OUTPUT, or READ statement which was followed by "GO". This has been fixed.
528997 DDLGEN - Request to not return an error when extracting user ddl when only dbo user exists.

Currently it can return 'Critical internal application error' along with 'The specified User does not exist'

Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise DDL Generator Utility/15.0.2/1/S/1.4.2/ase15x/Thu Dec 13 19:23:59 PST 2007

529023 simultaneous dump db and create idx lead to 701 in 12.5.4
529026 During instance startup, a set of three messages is logged, if a secondary interconnect is not defined for the cluster. Messages are: "The cluster interconnect protocol has not been defined in the cluster input file", "Cannot resolve host name '' for the local interface of the link to monitor", and "Cannot resolve host name '' for the remote interface of the link to monitor".
529124 Hit sig11 when dump new config file which is part of drop instance procedure.
529155 In rare circumstances , "current process ... infected with 11" may be reported in the

error log together with a stack trace which includes the modules

'ptn__setup_field_access', 'wrongpage' and 'sort_read' while ASE was in

the process of reporting error 696 "An attempt was made to fetch logical page

... Page belongs to <value> and not to <value> ..." due to a sort operation

having failed.

529215 The message "Invalid column length: <value>. Value must be between 0 and <value>

for 'data-only' row with minimum row length of <value>." may be reported in the

error log followed by a stack trace in module 'collocate' when the DBCC PAGE

command is run with the print option value of 4 on a datarows-only-locked table

that has variable length columns with a size value greater than 256. The modules

'prvarlen_cols' and 'prDOL_ROWS' will also be reported in the stack trace.

529246 Clients supportnig extended HA may receive a protocol error at login time if ASE is configured for LDAP directory services.
529256 Checkstorage may fail on 64bit platforms, with an arithmetic overflow error 247 followed by error 12964 DBCC cannot insert the row in the dbcc_operation_log table for this check of database '%s', aborting check.
529327 In rare circumstances for clusters with two or more instances, it may be possible for a

named cache to be deleted at some instance with out releasing physical memory.

529398 Errors 913/225 on select of computed column that uses UDFs after load from database with different dbid
529400 When an encrypted column uses a key that requires an explicit password and has declared a decrypt default, then a reference to that column in a WHERE clause that uses an OR operator may return Error 15469 to a user who lacks decrypt permission.
529481 Instance failover recovery may hang when it tries to write modified changes to disk after the recovery redo pass.
529508 In rare circumstances following undo of an allocation, the database timestamp may be inadvertently set higher than it needs to be, increasing the likelihood of running out of timestamps for any database during its lifetime.
529566 New feature: Create a password_random() built-in that generates a random password which satisfies the password complexity "minimum checks".
529627 Feature request for a stored procedure sp_rebuild which would be similar to sp_recompile but would force a rebuild of compiled objects from the source code in syscomments rather than just a recompilation of the query plan.
529699 The message 2834 may be reported in the error log when an ALTER TABLE DROP PARTITION or

ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION command is run while concurrent activity on the target table

takes place.

529749 DDLGen can get confused when it tries to drop indexes before re-creating them if there are multiple indexes with the same name on different tables.
529776 Error 107 may be raised for the first execution of a stored procedure that performs a delete when the procedure code is inconsistent in the use of qualified table names, i.e. using a mix of and name references.
529787 Unexpected results could be returned under some

circumstances when executing a query using CASE

expressions involving inside comparisons to

NULL literal values and ANSINULL session option

is not active.

529788 Data corrupted when the view is not redefined after alter the table which uses user defined datatype.
529792 Adaptive Server might terminate the execution of a query containing GROUP BY ALL and a subquery in the WHERE clause.
529808 configure certain databases as proxydbs in an HA environment.

Customer would like to be able to have some databases be local, and some proxy.

529840 FR requires some more restrictions for running "shutdown" command to avoid bring

a product server down by mistake.

529913 For clusters with two or more instances, too many cache bind operations may lead to server hang

in module cipcmsg_alloc() due to lack of free messages to be sent over network.

530139 Clients may get deadlock error occasionally while doing DML operations on same page from different instances in a cluster and in some case the deadlock may have been detected prematurely while waiting for the data to be transferred from another instance
530184 For clusters with two or more instances, cache update operation or instance specific configuration

in the presence of global configuration with size less than 255 pages can lead to successful

operation instead of failing.

530186 RIDjoin (for OR predicate) inner to outerjoin operator could sometimes lead to execution error message 623,624 or 806 related to retrieving a row via its RID.
530220 Kerberos logins with connection failover support fail to connect to ASE when HA is configured.
530267 Creating an index using the "with sorted_data" option on a partitioned table where the data is not actually sorted sometimes completes without error but creates a corrupt index with missing entries.
530268 When both Primary and Secondary LDAP server have a failed status, rebooting ASE should reset their Active/Status to 慣rue�,扲eady� rather than leave both as 慒alse�,扚ailed�.
530282 certain queries with multiple outerjoins may stack trace if executed under forceplan.
530311 Export_options is enabled by default on the first login but not subsequent ones.
530417 Query with ORDER BY clause on a column not present in the SELECT target list may not provide the requested ordering.
530470 sp_configure a cluster-wide value from instance having instance-specific

value on the same option failed due to the code error in sp_configure

stored procedure.

530473 Under rare circumstances, dbcc checkalloc might report a 2525 error: "Table Corrupt: Object id wrong" with "objid in ext=0" following an ONLINE DATABASE after loading two or more transaction logs.
530481 LDAP URL setting did not fail when the access account distinguished name (DN) is an invalid or non-existing DN. The error 'No such object' is returned by LDAP server for invalid DN.
530498 Misleading error message from Backup server indicating write failure for archive device during load operation. The actual failure occurrs while writing to data device. Following or similar error messages could be seen in errorlog: "D01: SYBMULTBUF ERROR: Internal error: In db_proc, the C_MBUF command is invalid when the context is DEST_RUN.

Backup Server: [107] Error for device '<archive_device>'. Attempted to transfer xxxxxx bytes, but yyyyyy bytes were transferred by operating system call write/read."

530510 dbcc release_lock() can not release the locks owned by recovery daemon.
530618 Indirectly activated sa_role is not able to execute system stored procedure sp_listener.
530648 In rare circumstances a duplicate object id might be used in the

creation of a temporary table in the local temporary database of an


530664 This feature could be implemented using the ADA technology.

And looking at how it works, it is nothing but what we already had in

mind for the incremental dumps. The snapshot would be an archive

database that would use the original database and the modified pages

section instead of a dump + modified pages section.

Creating a snapshot will also be very similar to creating an archive database,

but building the original diskmap would be much easier. Then,

a couple of new fields in the dbtable would tell ase that it has to

forward a write defined by (xactid, page) to a set of snapshots, while a daemon

would be writting the original pages as the transactions commits,

if the pages had not been copied already.

I see the project pretty easy to implement, and we would kill two birds

with one shot:

- Database snapshots

- Incremental dumps. These could require having internally two types of snapshots.

A real one, with access to the original page, and a light one, with access

only to the list of modified pages but not the pages themselves.

530826 Add support for multiple Backup Servers in Cluster.
530872 For a dedicated log database, if a node joins after LCT is crossed then log segment unreserved

page count might be set incorrectly to a wrong value and the processes suspended on LCT might continue.

530882 The customer has very large database and their maintenance window does not allow a complete checkstorage to finish so they would like the ability to pause and restart it.
530958 Introduce a new dbcc command to delete a particular plan or all plans

associated with a particular procedure from the procedure cache.

dbcc deleteplan(db_id/db_name, obj_id/obj_name, plan_number)

Delete the procedure plan specified by plan_number

dbcc deleteplan(db_id/db_name, obj_id/obj_name, 'all')

Delete all plans associated with this procedure object.

531043 In case of database with mixed log and data, 603 error (out of session descriptors) might occur due to lot open descriptors on an object with id 99.
531062 When configuration value "number of worker processes" is updated using 'sp_configure', its value printed by 'set option show long' is not updated until the next reboot of the server.
531111 When 'statement cache' is enabled, Adaptive Server might incorrectly display that it is using an expression to evaluate the selectivity of a predicate containing a 'BUILT-IN function' as part of 'set option show long' output.
531159 A query with a large in-list against a user defined view may fail with Message 3626, "the transaction

was aborted because it used too much stack space."

531171 The 12.5.x and 15.x Commands Reference Manual entries for CREATE PROCEDURE incorrectly list the limit on the number of parameters as 255 rather than 2048
531176 In rare circumstances, the message "timeslice -501, current process infected"

together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'memalloc' or 'mempagecount'

may be reported in the error log when running a complex query.

531177 Under some circumstances the message "current process infected with signal 11" in the module s_free' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'metrics_proc_dump' and 's_cleanframe' may be reported in the error log when a session executing a stored procedure is killed and the configuration option "enable metrics capture" was set to 1.
531199 Optimizer doesnt consider certain query plans for large queries, which could result in suboptimal query plans.
531322 During quorum creation a core dump may result if the input file has duplicate entries

in the management nodes section. This applies to ASE and qrmutil.

531372 When configuration command 'sp_configure "current audit table", 0, "with truncate"' is executed, there will be error message with number 4720, severity 16.
531462 When size of 'default data cache' is increased with less than 256 pages, error is printed but return status of sp_cacheconfig is 0 which should be 1.
531485 In rare circumstances, cluster instance may hit timeslice error. Stacktraces containing the string "ocm" would be seen in the erorrlog.
531492 When the configuration parameter 'max concurrently recovered db' is active

it is possible that during parallel recovery ASE tries to online an archive

database before the scratch database this archive database is bound had a

chance to come online, causing the recovery of the archive database to fail.

531588 create set command for for turning off the min/max

algorithm, traceflag 15385

set minmax off

531631 In rare circumstances, datatype field in c6 column in sysstatistics FMT_COLUMN formatid row might be

corrupted during upgrade during online database after the database is loaded across platform where

byte-order is different, if the table has more than 255 columns.

531687 The server hangs because of an undetected deadlock between one task destroying a page

in a MASS and BCM thread that is trying to downgrade the physical locks on the MASS.

531708 Optimizer fails to consider 'special or strategy' for delete with or & subquery
531713 UPDATE with view and inner join fails with error 206.
531748 Spurious error message 2513 "Table Corrupt: Object id 892527182 (object name = v1) does not match between syscolumns and sysattributes" is given when decrypt default is defined on an encrypted column and a VIEW is defined on the table with the encrypted column and decrypt default and DBCC CHECKCATALOG is run on the database.
531755 Feature request for a to_lower_ascii() function that would replace accented characters with the base character.
531782 To completely turn off ASE Plug-in's "remember passwords" feature, the system administrator can execute this command: "$SYBASE_JRE/bin/java -jar $SYBROOT/ASEP/lib/ASEPlugin.jar -s Setting.RememberPassword false". Once turned off, ASE Plug-in will always ask for password while attempting a connection. Furthermore, the "Remember passwords..." check boxes will not be shown on the plug-in Preferences page ("Tools"->"Adaptive Server Enterprise"->"Preferences").
531785 Add an option to remove the server entry after disconnecting from ASE.
531911 Install JRE 1.6 in $SYBASE/shared for ASE 15.0.3 release
531936 Calculate the max qualified starting port value and set it as the maximum value of the spinbox.

The user can not input any starting port larger than this maximum value.

531941 Installation Guide: Add post-upgrade task to run DBCC checkcatalog with fix in 15.0.2 and higher.
531942 Installation Guide: Add post-upgrade task to run DBCC checkcatalog with fix in 12.5.4 and higher.
531947 dbcc replicate_txtcol does not reflect 4th parameter (setrep_index) in the 9142 message.
531964 The sysprocesses cpu and physical_io fields are both flushed together whenever the lesser of the "io accounting flush interval" or "cpu accounting flush interval" is reached.
531997 Error message 942 "Database cannot be opened because a system descriptor cannot be installed." is

enhanced to include the database name and the object ID of the system table whose table descriptor

could not be installed. Similarly error message 952 "Database '%.*s' cannot be opened because a

system index descriptor cannot be installed." is enhanced to include the object ID of the system

table whose index descriptor could not be installed.

532119 unichar and univarchar datatypes are not fully supported by Web Services. Documentation should be corrected to reflect this.
532154 Queries with a large IN list may not be optimized.
532198 When ASE starts up with large default network packet size which is equal to max network packet size,

ASE may raise a message "usinitpktsz: Unable to allocate overflow buffer of size xxxxx from pool".

532256 Job Scheduler stored procedure sp_jst_svr_update_statistics stops processing if it encounters an offline/single user database.
532358 Provide a method to enable Web Services to automatically refresh after successful deploy/undeploy
532474 Open cursor command takes a long time with a complex select statement
532478 A 12316 error: "Internal error: Attempt to garbage collect a deallocated data page %d in table '<table>', database '<dbname>'. Aborting the transaction." may occur in rare circumstances when there are rollbacks of DMLs on data-only locked tables, and a subsequent DML hits a free space threshold for the log.
532511 In ASE 12.5, cursors with DISTINCT, ORDER BY, GROUP BY or UNION in their defining SQL statements

would often have their result rows stored in a worktable when the cursor OPEN command is executed.

Subsequent cursor FETCH commands would read rows from the worktable, thus insulating the cursor from

changes to the tables upon which the cursor was defined, in between FETCH commands. In ASE 15, the

optimizer attempts to avoid creating worktables for better performance. In this CR, command line

trace flag 457 has been introduced to force ASE 15 to internally convert many of the cursors that

would have used a worktable in ASE 12.5, but would not use on in ASE 15 to insensitive cursors to

force materialization of the cursor rows when the cursor OPEN command is executed.

532621 The instance Log SQL Statements output go to the cluster window so that there is only a single window opened. This will also make it consistent with logging to a file where all output goes to a single file.
532645 A join containing an MDA table may stacktrace with a signal 10 if a Nested Loop Join is used.
532648 In rare circumstances, a signal 11 may be encountered in the 'xls_getnext' routine at transaction commit time, with the stack trace showing modules 'xls_getnext' and 'xact__postcommit_processing'.
532672 Job Scheduler users may encounter "login failed" errors after changing their password. They must also use the sp_addexternlogin procedure to update their password for the job scheduler server loopback entry.
532743 Running a query with large joins of more than six tables may get a stacktrace in the module 'stat_add_sample'.
532777 sp_configure may encounter error message 10840 with error message, "Internal error, FDP API, fdp_get_memory(): Failed to allocate 2097061 bytes.", in the errorlog.
532790 For clusters with two or more instances, if object binding operation fails at some instance

then the message "current process infected with 11" in module 'cm_bind_cache' may be reported

in the errorlog.

532880 In rare circumstances the quorum device may become corrupted, reported via quorum library

error 14 (Found invalid magic numbers and / or table of contents entries on the quorum device. This

device may be corrupted.). This is most likely to occur in simulated cluster environments with an NFS

mounted quorum device and a low configuration for "quorum heartbeat interval".

532911 Kerberos logins with 'data integrity' or 'replay detection' option (-Vi, -Vr) may raise a TDS protocol error:

"An invalid PARAMFMT stream was received." when a query is sent to ASE.

532933 The error 3935, "Fatal protocol error. xact_beginupdate() API was invoked in the wrong context. The transaction is currently in 'Abort tran-attached' state." will be raised if the command DROP DATABASE fails while trying to release the internally created devices of an archive database.
533001 External LDAPUA/PAMUA login accounts with 'CREATE LOGIN' mapping failover to ASE authentication when 'enable ldap user auth'/'enable pam user auth' is set to 1.
533030 When LDAP User Authentication is configured and there is exactly one mapping of LDAP user to ASE login, then synchronization of LDAP and ASE password fails. Additionally, when LDAP server is down and failover to ASE authentication is permitted by configuration (enable ldap user auth = 1), then providing LDAP user name with correct password fails the login despite the fact that there is mapping of the LDAP user to ASE user.
533031 When an Adapative Server SDC cluster undergoes multiple failovers in a row, the message of work completion in failure table may be reported on the new coordinator for previous failed instances in addition to the current failed instance.
533204 Selecting zero rows from monOpenObjectActivity or monOpenObjectActivity with a filter on DBID can give a spurious "Command has been aborted." error however processing continues as normal.
533213 A 834 error, "Illegal attempt to clean buffer:...", may be reported in the errorlog.
533267 sp_cluster logical, help output incorrectly lists 'user' as a route type. The correct route type is 'login'.
533277 A query involving a UNION such that one side of the UNION is a SELECT from a derived table involving a join between two tables with a DISTINCT on the projection; and the other side of the UNION is a SELECT <constant> might lead to wrong results. An example query would be: SELECT et.col1 from (SELECT DISTINCT et.col1 from et, cl clkp where et.col2 = clkp.col2 and clkp.col1 = 'Dependency' ) et UNION SELECT 'All'.
533280 Error 235 is raised when using the identity_insert setting with a UNION ALL and identity values based on the INT datatype rather than NUMERIC.
533285 Frequent disconnect with ASE12.5.4 running on HP-UX 11.31 with 2 engines
533289 Cover letters for ASE ESD#3 windows platforms uses unix syntax
533331 Scheduled jobs stop unexpectedly after running a few months on nt386 platform.
533419 ASE does not set the length for TEXT columns in dynamic SQL statements.
533467 A query of the form: INSERT tab1 SELECT ... UNION ALL SELECT ..., where the second SELECT

contains a NOT EXISTS subquery that references the target table (tab1) may insert extra rows

into tab1 in ASE 15 compared to pre-ASE 15 versions. The ASE 15 behavior is the expected

behavior, but to maintain backwards compatability, command line trace flag 9580 has been

introduced to force pre-ASE 15 behavior.

533470 tdssend__column_formats is sending TDS indicating a maxlen of 0 for text / image.
533518 When attempting to create an index on certain text document, indexing fails with the following error message in the log: "Warn E0-1514 (Drvr): TstrIOFilter:flt_kv: KV failed on filtering document: error = 7. " Note that EFTS tracing should be turned on to see the error in the log.
533558 Datediff return wronge value.
533609 kill command will not work for Kerberos logins when trying to kill a spid on a remote instance.

Workaround is to:

Login with username/password to kill DBMS processes on remote instances.


Login to the instance of the cluster where the DBMS process is local.


Define external login mappings (using sp_addexternlogin) for Kerberos logins for each instance.

533614 manual says to use the following syntax: set proxy...restricted role

the correct syntax is set proxy...restrict role

533621 Request to provide Query Plan option in DBISQL for ASE 12.5.X connections.
533623 Error 287 "Command not allowed within a trigger" may happen during trigger's execution.

The message header indicates the name of a stored procedure called by the trigger and not

the trigger's name.

533686 The message "User has been dropped from current database" may be mistakenly reported

when SP_DROPUSER is run although the user to drop is not actually dropped.

533715 Error 3475, "There is no space available in SYSLOGS to log a record for which space has been reserved in database '%.*s' (id %d). This process will retry at intervals of one minute." may be reported in a multi-node cluster after instance failover recovery.
533757 Added support to configure, at database level, the threshold used for SQL statement replication.
533767 Error 511 could be raised incorrectly for queries having unknown result length if trace flag 244 is turned on.
533788 Under rare circumstances for clusters with two or more instances, the message "current process

infected with 11" in the module 'cm_delete_cache' may be reported in the error log.

533812 If an insensitive cursor referenences a java ADT, then doing fetch may hit error

'process infected with signal 11" with stack trace in the module of jcnstGetObject()

and LeEmitSndOp::_LeEoRouteResults().

533825 The error message 3405 is modified as "Recovering database '<Database name>' (dbid <Database ID>).". The enhanced message includes the database ID as part of the error message.
533858 auditing: request to add hostname in extrainfo column for table_access option
533945 Job Scheduler Agent on NT uses IPv4 even if IPv6 is enabled on the host machine.
534014 Backup Server does not use directio or dsync i/o as configured for database devices.
534044 A complex query with many views and a union results in SIGSEGV.
534108 In multidb transaction, tempplc gets flushed even when it is not necessary.
534139 Backup Server crashes due to Open Server bug 471786
534175 Query with a groupby under a correlated subquery might miss a much better

execution plan if the groupby itself also has its own correlated subquery.

The better plan would be evaluating the groupby only once and storing

the intermediate result in a worktable.

534180 In a cluster server, during heavy DDL/DML operations, on rare ocassions server can hit

error 1289. Stack traces reported might contain the word "des__revalidate".

534240 In rare circumstances for clusters with two or more instances, a 692 error, "Uninitialized

logical page <pageno> was read while accessing...", or a 891 error, "rying to unhash a buffer

which is in Dirty state.." may be reported in the errorlog after database binding operation fails.

534275 In rare circumstances , stack trace may be reported in the errorlog showing message string

like "Spinlock Pdes Chain Spinlocks at address owned".

534281 Sybase Central ASE Plug-in needs to allow for sysindexes.fill_factor being NULL. If it is null, it will be displayed as 0 in the table Properties/Locking Scheme page. And the label is changed from "Fill factor (1 - 100)" to "Fill factor (0 - 100)".
534293 When there is an entry name "<hostname>" exist in interfaces file, custom configure js cannot proceed.
534338 Request to provide Details on Advanced tab when connecting to ASE.
534417 Proxy image or text column may not be updated correctly when the proxy column is used in a trigger.
534553 DBCC TABLEALLOC/TEXTALLOC/INDEXALLOC when run in 'OPTIMIZED' mode and with the 'FIX' option

supports the correction of '100039' faults reported by DBCC CHECKSTORAGE for user tables; this

fault describes an incorrect extent OAM page hint.

534554 Dynamic Buffer Allocation for group_hashing and distinct_hashing strategies is limited to sessions

where the tempdb is bound to a named cache.

534564 In Cluster Edition of Adaptive Server, an error 913 "Could not find row in sysdatabases with database id <dbid> ..." could be reported in the server error log during a cluster failover if system databases sybsecurity or sybsystemprocs were dropped since the last cluster reboot.
534605 A stored procedure, which creates a table and reads or writes that table, may incorrectly access a table by the same name created outside of the procedure. This happens in the following circumstances: (1) Database owner creates procedure.(2)Database owner creates a table with same name as table created in procedure. (3) Procedure is executed by a non-database owner. (4) Procedure's access to the table is specified without qualifying the table name with an owner name.
534685 In rare circumstances error " Unconditional lock request for table or page was made while holding a latch" may be reported in the error log.
534688 On IPv6 enabled machines, the sp_listener stop/suspend command fails to stop/suspend a listener after starting the listener successfully by the command "sp_listerner start".
534709 Previously a create database statement with "on default=" (e.g. "create database t1 on default=4") would result a syntax error in DBISQL. This has been fixed.
534710 In a multi-node cluster, in rare circumstances, error 8211 can be encountered if the same object

is created and dropped from different instances in the cluster.

534827 Query with AND/OR clauses may stacktrace for certain order of OR clauses in the query.
534890 Arithmetic overflow for numeric +/- expression involving more than 2 operands

could happen during execution.

534946 Ignore partition id checking for sampling sort merge page.
534965 Under certain circumstances, errors received during the execution of an ETL Project on a remote GridNode can hang the Windows ETL session. The Windows session must be killed using the Task Manager and restarted in order to proceed.
535021 Failover recovery may sometimes run into a deadlock situation if it involves a redo of a transaction index inserts or deletes to a data-only locked table.
535038 In some cases, if a "MERGE UNION ALL" operator is in the inner stream of a

"MERGE JOIN" operator, then a SEGV may be generated while copying

data to the output tuple. The stack will have the following

calls on it:



The stack may appear different with different FBO compilers.

535096 There is an inconsistency in System Administration Guide about an example of setting "number of open partitions".
535194 DDLGen generates 'NULL' SQL statement for granting the permission of the DELETE STATISTICS command.
535248 In shared disk cluster, a 3484 error: "Recovery encountered error <errno> while acquiring lock type <locktype>, value (<value>) for transaction (<xactid>) in dbid <dbid> ...", may sometimes be raised at failover recovery time while redoing deferred updates on data only locked tables.
535279 After ldap authentication is enabled in Shared Disk Cluster environment, user connections to joining nodes can not authenticate through ldap server.
535294 In a cluster instance, checkverify command could sometimes report error 12921.
535389 The 憆estart� option for sp_audit is not fully documented in 12.5.x
535392 Procedural query compiled in the deferred compilation mode may fail producing stack traces if during the compilation the server has to perform the internal upgrade of the DEFAULT clause. Errorlog indicates modules 'add_default', 's_getTreeOrPlan', 's_reinstallProcTree' and 's_normalize'.
535462 The kerberos principal name in the audit table is not being displayed for login auditing entries.
535544 Following an instance failure, a 6908 error "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log" may be reported during the recovery of a database that has mixed log and data.
535546 Parallel tasks asking for the same resource on blockage can report pseudo deadlocks. The following change will allow time for the tasks to wait on the blockage and report deadlock only after

waiting for appropriate time.

535559 Repeat to issue the message reporting that there are insufficient spinlock monitors to monitor all allocated spinlocks.
535570 New integer datatypes are not recognized as valid identity types when using T-SQL builtin, identity([datatype]).
535581 Signal 11 in showE_STEP() executing complex query involving nested sub-queries with 'plan pipe text active' or showplan on.
535624 Documentation explaining how to apply new jConnect driver to resolve problems
535630 The error 206 is raised when executing a query containing views and involve nested outerjoins.
535639 ASE Cluster Edition ESD#1/2 may hang the whole cluster after many many crashes and

failover-recovery of instances, each time holding up one or more internal PCM-tasks. This can be noticed in sp_who output, with many PCM-tasks sleeping for no reason (i.e without any user issued command).

535666 TEXT values returned by remote procedure calls with CIS RPC handling could be corrupted when UTF-8 character set is used.
535667 Under rare circumstances, while performing failover recovery for

mixed log and data databases, a segmentation violation may be

reported in the ASE errorlog showing modules 'th_failover' and


535689 Under rare circumstances, dump tran could hit error 4218 "... serial log page allocation rules broken. ." while scanning log chain.
535719 When turning on statement cache, subsequent execution of a query on VIEWs that fires an instead-of trigger and involves LOB may hit SIGSEGV and stack trace from the module 'eval_locator_bi'.
535872 Feature Request to implement "CREATE TABLE ... LIKE" statement
536018 Increasing number of rs_writetext LTL created when replicating maintenance user transactions.
536063 In a shared disk cluster system, SELECT COUNT(*) FROM syslogs may return an incorrect value.
536092 Enable the DBA to specify a delay period before ASE tries to restart the audit process
536105 There is a syntax error in when used on AIX platforms. It can be corrected by changing:

export LIBPATH $SYBASE_JRE'/bin:'$SYBASE_JRE'/bin/classic'



export LIBPATH

536161 The Sybase Central ASE Plugin may display negative or otherwise incorrect values for the unused space field under the devices tab.
536176 In a multi-instance cluster, in rare circumstances,after an instance failed and

failover recovery completed, a non-syslogs page could be used as a log page in a MLD database.

536186 For self-join delete queries, different rows may be deleted depending on the table order in the FROM list.

By default, the first reference to the table being deleted in the FROM list, whether it has a

correlation name or not, is used as the source of rows to be deleted.

Under command line trace flag 120, if there is a reference to the table being deleted without a correlation name, it will be used as the source of rows to be deleted, regardless of where it appears in the FROM list.

If no table without a correlation name is found, the first reference to the deleted table will be used as the source of rows to delete.

536295 In an incorrectly formatted subquery, error message 156, "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'." can be raised, even though 'AS' was not specified in the subquery
536314 On Unix systems other than Solaris, a server may hang under heavy CPU load while executing the command DBCC STACKTRACE(0,-1,1) and the server may not accept any new connections.
536349 When attempting to create index on a ZIP file containing a mix of documents(like pdf and txt files), EFTS core dumps.
536528 Appropriate errors are raised for DDL operations that do not suitable for VHASH table.
536532 The 1204 (out of locks) error message, when seen in the errorlog, does not consistently show complete text. This CR is opened to consistently display the text "SQL Server has run out of LOCKS. Re-run your command when there are fewer active users, or contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role to reconfigure SQL Server with more LOCKS." , when the 1204 error message is displayed in the errorlog.
536565 Max row size limit is unchanged when alter table lock scheme is done more than twice.
536574 Problem:

ETL hangs when saving a job with 20 projects.


The internal data structure used when working with job data was adjusted to grow with larger data sets.

536616 ASE gets infected 11 in sqx__do_transform during update statement w/ trigger
536782 In a multi-instance cluster system, a transaction that is being rolled back

in a mixed log and data database, might be blocked from completing the rollback.

536815 The message "Failed to allocate memory for column level datachange counters for database

'dbname' (dbid), 'objname' (objid), ..." may be reported in the error log mistakenly when

a session is killed or otherwise interrupted.

536894 When the following conditions are true:

1. trace flag 7725 is on

2. abstract plan load is on

3. enable literal autoparam is on

if failed to associate APs with the parameterized text, text will be parameterized again

using 15.0.1-style autoparam name, and retry AP apply with the new text.

536908 Following an instance failure, a 2546 error may be reported by

DBCC CHECKALLOC. In rare cases, a 3475 error may be reported


536912 Loading a 12.5 transaction dump including REORG REBUILD log records into a 15.x ASE may fail with a segfault error showing the modules 'bt__rebld_row' and 'bt__rebld_prepdestrow'.
536931 DBISQL: Unsuppressed OOM and stack trace when copying large result set
536948 FR: pre-upgrade process to check for 'ltm', 'valid' in system databases
537049 Need some explanation about mnc_full_index_filter in a manual.
537116 Node failure while performing multiple inserts into a table inside a single open transaction could lead to lost inserts problem after node failover recovery.
537131 dbcc upgrade_object report syntax error for procedure that have correct text.
537188 Error 3151 'Adaptive Server cannot load this database because the database that was dumped was

not quiescent when the dump was performed.' could be returned when loading a 64 bit database dump to a platform where the byte order (endian type) is different; the dump must have been taken when there is heavy update activity on the source database.

537269 installhasvss raises a 2615 error from ASE 15.0.2 or later because this script inserts a duplicate row into spt_values table.
537270 In rare circumstances, a cluster instance can report a timeslice in the errorlog with stack description of "ptn_refresh_pdes".
537367 Under rare circumstances the message "process infected with signal 11"

in the module 'ind__ides_getnext' may be reported in the error log

with a stack trace which includes the modules 's_compile', 'substitute'

and 'ind_rowcopy' when a SQL command is in the process of being compiled.

This will result in ASE shutting down itself.

537382 dbcc sqltext(@spid) print the sql text of current thread rather than the content of specified thread when passing smallint data type variable to this command in little-endian platform.
537494 For clusters with two or more instances, an incorrect information about physical lock deadlocks is reported in sp_sysmon monitoring output.
537495 Trigger for update query with UNION may not be able to provide

correctly rows from the INSERTED/DELETED tables.

537570 SEGV in the module 'CgpInplaceUpdateVars' could happen when the query has a subquery under an OR predicate and there are more than 6 joining tables.
537594 In rare circumstances, a query being executed in parallel

may hang when Adaptive Server is configured with several

engines and some other queries (which ran in parallel too)

were aborted (for example sending CTRL+C).

537601 Executing a query having more than 6 tables may hit a 540 error when the optimizer's alternative greedy algorithm leaves tables opened in the event of an exception.
537611 Password expiration messages 4022 and 7735 returned from remote ASE server are not

propagated back to the ISQL client.

537672 The tasks that request a shared latch in DEMAND mode, can sometimes block

on the physical lock upgrade taking place, and this can lead to an indefinte

hang, stalling the progress.

537682 1.Exclude "Database","Database Device","Dump Device","Execution Class","Remote Server","Login","Role" submenuItems from instance creation menu .

2.Exclude "Engine Group" from cluster creation menu.

3.Add "Local Cache", "Engine Group" and "Local Temporary Database" submenuItems for instance creation menu.

537783 xp_cmdshell call to SSH does not return when SSH is setup to work without passwords.
537823 In some circumstances, queries involving declared variables may result in character

interpolation assertion (ratio >= 0.0 && ratio <= 1.0) on diagservers.

537887 Overwriting of authentication mapping takes place silently without any warning.
537931 When the number of free object descriptors is less than the number of objects with entries in sysprotects calling sp_helprotect without parameters can flush the object descriptor cache.
537957 Computed columns may give unexpected results when non-deterministic functions such as rand() are inserted into columns the computation is based on. (The computation uses another call to the function rather than the originally generated value).
538069 Connecting to a server that is down or non-existent server could cause memory leaks that eventually could lead to 7220 and 7235 errors.
538161 sp_statistics could return arithmetic overflow during implicit conversion of NUMERIC value to a INT field when operating on tables with more than 2^31 rows. This could also be seen when creating proxy tables.
538350 ASE Cluster Edition instance may crash with signal 11, under high-memory usage when distributed operations hit some exceptions.
538487 When the Job Scheduler component is not selected during installation, using srvbuildres can still configure it.
538488 DDLGen generates 'NULL' SQL statement for granting the permission of the DELETE STATISTICS command.
538527 select show_plan() can get error msg and SIG 4 sometimes.
538563 In rare circumstances, ASE Cluster Edition may report an error 941 "Illegal database context operation." when dropping a local system temporary database of another instance.
538584 Clearing sql replication settings via sp_setrepdefmode, may remove the threshold configured at object level. Simmilary, when clearing the object's threshold, the sql replication settings may be lost.
538587 'sp_cluster logical, failback' command fails if the failback instances are already online
538623 Incremental db dump/load.
538633 Query with a builtin function in the WHERE clause using advanced aggregation may fail producing

stack traces in the errorlog.

538649 A 5846 error, "Illegal value '128' specified for configuration option.." displayed while trying to configure 'global cache partition' to 128.
538693 signal 11 (sigsegv) might happen in ResRelOp() for a nested outerjoin query

with more than 2 table join inner to the outerjoin.

538727 Provide users an option to disable "Remember Password" feature in Sybase Central ASE Plugin during installation for ASE.
538729 DBCC: enhance dbcacheremove to reset dbt_keep value on user tempdb
538740 Feature Request for Solaris 10/SMF, provided sample sybase.xml file to start/stop ASE
538777 HA failover or failback can fail when the connection that is running the HA takeover

on the companion and a connection that is failing over have the same user login and

the connection that is failing over gets locks on syslogins catalog before the HA

takeover process does. The failover or failback does not complete and HA state on

the companion remains unchanged.

538910 In rare circumstances, a stack trace may be reported in the errorlog involving the modules 'GtuUnion::_GtcNTopPopsGenerate' and 'GtcChildOptBlockN::_GtcBestArgsGenerate' during a query that involves both more than 4 UNION sides, parallelism and one UNION side with a distinct projection and greater than 6 tables.
538918 A query might fail because the query plan have operator(s) that has higher tempdb requirement than available.
538925 Create index may take abnormally long if done after a large amount of large-scale allocations have been done.
538990 New Feature Request to allow use of bit type columns in composite indexes, to enable e.g. covered index scans.
539000 In rare circumstance, 2630 error is hit when inserting rows into DOL table with index in multi-node

cluster environment.

539033 ASE Cluster Edition - Sybcluster:- To provide a single command to change quorum device path for existing cluster.
539065 The monCachedObject MDA table may include objects that do not have pages in a data cache.
539103 Monitor Server crashes in comn__sig_accept_thread upon receiving SIGHUP.
539118 If one configures Sybase Central to connect to a server via <host:port> then when attempting bcp operations on that server, the syntax given to bcp commands uses -S <host:port>.
539162 The message "no message text" may be reported when a DBCC CHECKTABLE command has

been previously run against an ASE configured to use a non-English language.

539175 ASE 15.0.2 ESD#5 installer shows the wrong instruction message in Japanese.
539255 Error 3621 - 'Command has been aborted' may be reported when using 'select into existing table' from > 1 table involving text & identity columns.
539256 SELECT INTO EXISTING table consisting of an IDENTITY column with table joins may fail with error 3621.
539293 A non-transactional select statement gets deadlock 1205 State 5 errors when running in a multi-node Cluster Edition environment.
539355 Job Scheduler fails to start on Windows with IPv6 enabled.
539440 When statistics are not available for queries that consider "distinct" operators, either an implicit distinct (such as an EXISTS subquery) or explicit "distinct", then the magic number used for the duplicate count is 10% for each column in the projection list. If there is one column in the distinct operation, then 10%=1/10 translates to 10 distinct values, or 10 rows. Creating statistics on the distinct column(s) will correct the problem. The default behaviour has been changed to assume a unique column, i.e. no reduction in rows after a distinct operation, when statistics are not available. This can be reverted to the old behavior of 10% by using the new optcriteria no_stats_distinctness either at a session or query level. The new behavior will tend to discourage eagerly placed sort nodes in query plan when statistics are not available, whose purpose is to reduce row count.
539513 SybCent 15.0.2 - permissions tab error "For input string "" on Unix platforms
539531 While you are installing ASE 15.0.2 ESD#5 to ASE 15.0.2 GA with an OEM license file on Sun x64 machine,

setup may encounter SIGSEGV in and generates a java stack trace, and then core dumps or hangs up.

You can work around this issue by moving the OEM license file from $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/license directory

before installation and moving it back to the directory after installation.

539665 Feature request to have ASE verify that default values are valid for the column datatype when they are created.
539672 New options index level, allocated objects added allocated partitions to pageinfo built-in function.
539699 Computed columns using global variables may under some conditions provide

unexpected values. Sometimes stack traces may happen with reference

to add__computedcol module when using the table with such computed columns.

539740 A non-transactional select statement with level 1 scan gets deadlock 1205 State 5 errors when running in a multi-node Cluster Edition environment.
539757 sp_displayaudit doesn't report auditing configuration on extended stored procedures.
539767 Problem:

ETL hangs when using DB Bulk Load Sybase IQ when an invalid pipe load script is executed.


ETL was modified to properly handle this error condition.

539780 Executing groupby queries with groupby columns reference java ADT may hit stack trace from LeHashEntry::Compare() in the module of LeHashContext::ProcessTuple() if the query plan chosen uses HashVectAggOp.
539782 For cursor query referencing java ADT, spinlock and guardword corruption may happen if the cursor is not closed before exiting the session.
539821 Wrong result could happen for MERGE or HASH join when there is an equijoin predicate t1.c1 = <expression on t2.c2> and another redundant or equivalent equijoin predicate t2.c2 = <expression on t1.c1> is added which is simply a transformation from the first one. For example, t1.c1 = t2.c2-1 and t2.c2 = t1.c1+1
539853 Application Tracing doesnt work with "set statistics" options in login triggers.
539897 When the host component of a sp_listener command is an ipv6 address, it should be

encloded in brackets. For example "tcp:[2001:ec8:4008:1::123]:80"

539924 ASE 15.0.2/AIX does print stacktrace with fdpr (Feedback Directed Program Restructuring)on FBO binary instead of trying to map that to the correct function.
540007 Alter table allows setting a default that is incompatible with the chosen datatype. This will result in a 257 "implicit conversion" error when inserting data.
540008 There is no uninstall binary on HP-UX Itanium (B.11.31) after install ASE.
540060 Sybase Central stack traces when trying to view roles:

Current thread: AWT-EventQueue-0






540144 A session executing a query may hang in modules 'des_get' and 'open__lwpbyname'

while the statement cache is active.

540177 The DDLGen.jar that is supplied with 15.0.2 ESD#5 reports multiple version strings
540214 In some rare situation, printing SQL text could cause stacktrace.
540230 May hit 11501 error while drop a function based index on partition table
540271 When bcp in a table with java column and clustered index, the non-nullable java column may become null due to some status of the text page lost.
540282 sp_help may run slower as more tables are created on the database when statistics are

updated on sysmessages resulting in sub-optimal plans.

540517 Uncommitted remote transactions are not cleared after the remote server is bounced when the

remote server is configured with 'server login'.

540665 Query performance may be affected on queries involving private temp tables for which optimizations

are based on some magic numbers when statistics are not explicitly updated on the tables.

An option is provided to implicitly generate statistics for private temp tables. The statistics

are kept in memory until the temp table is dropped. Traceflag 2716 is used to turn on this option.

Note that external tools such as optdiag and sp_modifystats will not affect the in-memory

statistics. The feature does not support regular, partitioned and proxy tables, as well as

optdiag output, compatibility mode and DDLs in stored procedures when deferred compilation is

turned off.

540684 The MDA table monOpenObjectActivity is reporting deferred UPDATEs as an additional DELETE-INSERT pair in the RowsUpdated, RowsDeleted and RowsInserted columns.
540696 Need to document ISQL & BCP & DEFNCOPY parameters -X and -W for extended password encryption.
540719 Feature request to allow user to define datatype of the RETURN value of a stored procedure.
540770 In rare circumstances, the message "Infect with 11" in modules 'memcpy' and 'com__dateadd_both' may appear in the errorlog during a query involving more than 6 tables, Nested Loop Joins and SARGs with convert(), dateadd(), getdate() and datepart().
540794 If statement cache is turned on and 'enable metrics capture' is also set, executing a query referencing temp tables will hit SIGSEV in the module 'memalloc' along with stack trace in the module 'metrics_dump' and 'ssql_purge_stmt_hastemp'.
540836 When upgrading a replicated database through dump and load, sysreferences is not updated with the new

dbid if the ltm marker is not turned off prior to the dump and ONLINE is attempted prior to running

dbcc dbrepair(dbname, ltmignore).

540925 Feature request for a new Resource Governor limit type for cpu_cost, which would limit actual cpu usage rather than overall elapsed time.
540945 In rare circumstances the signal 11 occurred in des_rekeep() when executing Dynamic SQL.
540970 Unnecessary writes to temporary databases at end of index creation have been removed resulting in performance gain due to less I/O requests.
540978 Unnecessary writes to temporary databases during index splits have been removed resulting in performance gain due to less I/O requests.
540990 sp_monitorconfig "number of java sockets" shows inconsistent values.
541027 Under certain circumstances ASE may be caused to hang on Suse 9 and Suse 10 operating systems when monitoring the running process using external commands.
541156 backport CR 302065 to 12.5.x ... cross reference CR 302065 ... request for CIS : Idle timeout configuration parameter to eliminate idle cis connections from the remote server.

( please note this is different from the existing "cis connect timeout" parameter which applies only to the time taken to make the connection).

541218 The rollback of a bulk insert operation on a table with TEXT columns may encounter a 3478 error. This situation may happen for UNITEXT, or TEXT columns in a multi-byte character set server.
541233 In rare circumstances, a 834 error, "Illegal attempt to clean buffer" together with a stack trace which includes modules 'dbt_unreserve()' and 'cm_dbclean()' may be reported in the error log when dropping a suspect database.
541302 'Addressable memory limits' in System Administration Guide needs to be updated to include the memory limits on 15.0.x (which will be the same as 12.5.x on the whole)
541324 The UPDATE STATISTICS command ignores the setting of the histogram tuning factor resulting in many fewer steps created when updating statistics. This can cause bad plans to be chosen due to the innacurate statistics.
541477 Optimizer- hardcoded value in SQL runs slower than @var
541563 User should not create a column with the name of "SYB_IDENTITY_COL" even he sets quoted_identifier on.
541567 Previously when DBISQL tried to connect to an ASE running on HP-IA, the connection would fail with a mustached character set. User had to manually select "iso_1" to connect to the server properly. This has been fixed so that no user-interaction is required in such situation. The Connect Dialog would internally switch to the proper character set.
541627 Distinct query with plan using sort merge join may return duplicate rows.
541641 In rare circumstances, ase may hang while inserting values into the table having identity column.
541761 isql with -Q option causes tds state machine error leading to connection failure
541882 1254 ESD#8 on Linux RH 5.0 silent install failed
541888 To avoid ambiguous results, ASE should prohibit assigning to a variable more than once per statement.
541911 allow bcp to work with tables named using quoted_identifiers.
541989 A new server wide configuration parameter "capture missing statistics" has been added which when enabled will capture the information about columns on which we find missing statistics while we are optimizing a query. The new information will be stored in SYSSTATISTICS table.
542013 After running sp_companion 'prepare_failback', an error 940("Dbtable in wrong state for operation") is reported while committing a transaction.
542049 Feature request to allow SET TABLE COUNT and SET CHAINED settings to be exported from login triggers.
542079 In Adaptive Server 15.0.2 ESD#6 and later, when a database, originally created with

log and data mixed, is extended on to another device using the ALTER DATABASE command

without using the LOG ON clause, the newly added disk piece gets marked as

"data only" instead of "data and log". That is, no log space is added by the command.

Due to this, the database may run out of log space sooner than expected.

542096 For UNION ALL query under allrows_dss optgoal (or "advanced_aggregation" is on),

signal 11 stacktrace might happen in CgpUnion::_cgpInit() during compilation.

The stacktrace is more likely to happen if "append_union_all" is also turned off.

542143 When an instead-of trigger is defined on a VIEW that involves LOB columns and proxy tables, then executing a statement on the VIEW that fires the instead-of trigger may fail with message 3621, "Command has been aborted."
542209 Support reuse of cached statements that reference TEMP tables across sessions under trace flag 299.
542216 This implements a new feature called "compatibility mode", where ASE 15 generates and executes query plans in a manner similar to 12.5.X. The compatibility mode option can be turned on for ASE using a configuration option. No new ASE 15 features like partitioning, computed columns etc will be supported by this mode and when used will default back to the ASE 15 optimization modes.
542234 Firing an instead-of trigger on a view with big LOB colums may hit SEGV in memtextlen() along with the stack trace in the module of '_LeEoSendColumnToClient'
542339 The command, 'diagnose instance', does not report any message if the interfaces file is missing the domain suffix of the machine name.
542345 Executing a query from java involving proxy tables may stacktrace with SIGSEGV.
542352 For select query in browse mode and the query does not involve any tables,

it could cause:


ct_results(): protocol specific layer: external error: There is a tds

protocol error. Premature end of the datastream was encountered.


select 'Mary' for browse

542437 Internal Only: intermittent tcf failure.
542478 In certain circumstances ASE may incur segmentation violation in function ubffree().
542504 Feature request for ability to audit encryption and decryption of data by users.
542539 Improvements include:

* Release of the basic QPTune functionality

* Add missing stats support

* Save queries to user specified groups before any tuning exercise

* Change setting default optgoal during fix to avoid any conflict

* Other bug fixes and cosmetic changes to improve the existing utility overall

542635 When optimistic index locking is configured for an APL table, changes due to a CLR record may be lost, leading to a host of possible errors.
542643 Enhance MDA tables with the ability to display the value of parameters being passed to prepared statements (lightweight procedures)
542721 Executing a query with parallel reformatting plan may hit error 8211 in the module of 'des__hashinst' together with stack trace in the module of 'lwp_create'.
542834 Feature request for a "reverse forceindex" option that would instruct the optimizer to not consider use of specified index(es)
542839 T693 is not blocking DOL inserts
542863 In order to use the earlier Kona JVM when invoking a Java method, set

the "enable pci" configuration parameter to 0 and the "enable java"

parameter to 1. The message "ASE - Dynamic Pluggable Component

Interface is disabled" will be reported in the error log. This

can be done only on Adaptive Server 15.0.3 ESD#1 or later.

542978 Internal only: the asepyxis branch requires that environment variable ASE_MODE be set, even for builds of products for which mode is irrelevant.
543053 A 806 error may be reported when running the cammand of dbcc checkalloc with FIX option on the user database.
543054 In rare circumstances , we may hit a stack trace in module "ptn_pdes_clean".
543088 sp_showplan may not provide correctly the query plan for a stored procedure with statements compiled

in the deferred mode.

543123 The commands DBCC CHECKSTORAGE and DBCC CHECKVERIFY may incorrectly tag some spurious faults as hard faults when it checks some dirty pages in cache that have been marked as needing validation in the cluster.
543146 Kerberos logins with 'data integrity' or 'replay detection' option (-Vi, -Vr) may raise an error:

"Invalid security token" when a query is sent to ASE confiured with multiple engines.

543208 Installmaster instructions missing from HA docs in 15 manual. When re-running installmaster, set 'state_machine' to halt.
543219 InstallShield to set or warn on file permissions for VCS HA files during upgrade.
543275 monSysStatement StartTime column is not correct for statements that execute stored procedures
543278 GRANT command raised 2601 error on sysroles on target server after migration.
543317 Infected with 11 occurs in parse_name() when you execute 'exec @proc' with @proc = NULL on a multi-byte language and character set server.
543327 In rare circumstances, ASE may hang while inserting identity values in the table.
543349 Under rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with 11" in the module

'bufdlink' may be displayed in errorlog while doing 'online database'.

543377 Add a new dynamic configuration parameter 'enable compatibility mode' to enable/disable

compatibility mode. The default value is 0 (disabled).

543499 Under certain circumstances, a create index with sorted data on a table may result into a 623 error
543528 Request to update the documentation with an explanation for error 14127. Before dropping or

modifying a partition, Adaptive Server Enterprise verifies that the user process has exclusive

access to the partition descriptor. If it does not the command fails and a 14127 error is raised.

543594 The wrongpage error may be reported in the error log followed by a stack trace in module

text_tabcheck when running dbcc checktable after altering table change lock, which also follows

runtime undoing a dml transaction on the same table in a remote node.

543622 The default "max memory" is insufficient. Enlarge the default value of "max memory".
543627 The use of Open Single Quote and Close Single Quote in documentation results in the inablilty to cut and paste commands from the manual without carefully editing each command to ensure syntactical correctness.
543629 In rare circumstances, task executing "drop index" may deadlock on

system tables, with other tasks executing DDLs and utility command on the same database.

543639 Using "bcp in" to a table whose specified name (database + owner + table name) exceeds 255 bytes will fail with no error message from ASE.
543642 Msg 325 (no plan found) in ASE 15 may happen on join involving a DISTINCT view

and one of the DISTINCT view SELECT column has an equisarg on it.

543650 From the System Administrator Guide, Page 116 on IOR object


The name server uses the selected load distribution policy and generates

an IOR with multiple profiles to balance the request between available servers and ports. If a dynamic load policy is selected, the NLL is used to determine

and balance the load of the individual servers.

There is no longer a way to select the 'load policy' for a cluster.

543705 On Windows, if an ASE task has been using java and subsequently encounters a stack overflow, the stack overflow is not correctly cleaned up and renders the java system non-operational.
543800 A search with a equality clause comparing an INT column with a literal numeric that exceeds MAXINT incorrectly returns rows.
543801 Feature request to, in order to reduce the number of indexes, allow new unique constraints to be implemented using any existing index that has that column as the leading column of the index.
543817 Monserver reports events lost in monserver errorlog after upgrading to 15.0.2 ESD#2.
543861 In a multi-node cluster, in rare circumstances, lock promotion settings for a row-locked table

could be incorrect.

543871 Set resource_granularity give error messages Invalid pointer param number 1

if you try a higher value than what is set with sp_configure "max resource granularity".

543877 When you install ASE 15.0.2 ESD5 and select "Update" as Install Type to update all installed ASE components,

the installer should determine the installed components and update them to the latest available versions.

But the installer may additionally install the following connectivity components even if those are not installed components.

o Embedded SQL/C

o Monitor Client Library

o XA Interface Library for ASE Distributed Transaction Manager

o Connectivity Language Modules for chinese, japanese, spanish, french, korean, polish, thai, german and portuguese.

543904 Database recovery statistics are available only if recovery of that database is in progress. With this fix, most recent database recovery statistics will be available through monDBRecovery, monDBRecoveryLRTypes and monFailoverRecovery MDA tables.
543930 ASE failed to disable mirror device if error occurred while opening the mirror device.
543973 When statement cache is turned on, a query that meets the following conditions:

1> union

2) subquery on one side of the union,

3) derived table expression under subquery,

4) there are local variables in derived table expression,

5) there are builtin functions in derived table expression,

may cause stack trace to happen in LeEvRun().

544007 In rare circumstances, DBCC CHECKVERIFY command could result in error 12921 due to the task hitting deadlock. Message 1205 would be also be reported for the task in the errorlog.
544112 Queries that use a partition table (call it PT) and contain

a SARG against PT on a non-partitioning column may return too

few rows. The query must also contain a SARG against PT's

partitioning columns such that some partitions can be eliminated

during optimization. Take the following query as an example:

select * from S inner join PT on S.c1 = PT.npc and PT.pc >= 1

The predicate "PT.pc >= 1" can be used to eliminate some

partitions during code generation (pc is PT's partitioning column).

The equijoin "S.c1 = PT.npc" is a SARG against one of PT's

non-partitioning columns. In this case, once S.c1 has a value of

NULL, no more rows will be returned from this equijoin even after

S.c1 is refreshed to non-NULL value.

Note that this problem could also occur across stored procedure

or cached statement invocations.

544182 Stored procedure creating tables with materialized computed columns and inserting data into those tables may return unexpected errors like error 515 "Attempt to update or insert row failed because resultant row of size larger than the maximum size allowed for this table." This problem may happen only if the procedure requires renormalization because some objects referenced by it were dropped and recreated.
544183 Stored procedure may fail with errorlog reporting modules:pre__substitute_fi_cpc,pre__replace_cpc,


This may happen if procedure creates a table with computed column.

544228 jConnect and Data Drivers are unable to login to ASE 15.0.2 with encrypted logins if the ASE password has expired.
544256 On some platforms a stack trace in n3__make_jsig() may result when a sqlj procedure is created with more than the allowable number of parameters and there is a matching java function intsalled on the server.
544258 Attempts to use a database from a node N2 while it was created

with the 'for load' clause on a node N1 does not return the

expected 930 error message.

544289 auto update statistics.
544360 A large statement that is over 16k and contains a lot of white spaces may not be cached

in the statement cache.

544376 Feature Request sp_shmdumpconfig to dump to multiple devices for each thread
544485 Subqueries that join with a column from a "distinct"

view or derived table will not mark the joining predicate

as a sargable. This could result in a cartesian product scan

rather than an index lookup.

544498 diagserver could run into an assertion fail when 'enable stmt cache monitoring' is active.
544589 If CIS and java features are enabled in ASE 15.0.3, JVM and all CIS connections are affinitied to

the same engine. This results in OMNI connections not distributed across the engines that can

potentially cause performance degradation.

544633 Optimizer doesnt consider certain query plans for large queries, which could result in suboptimal query plans.
544667 If the dataserver is configured with 1 SSL listener and the server ssl certificate is bad

the dataserver will continue to start with no valid listeners.

544679 Executing UPDATE queries involving NULL LOBs may hit error 691, "Encountered invalid logical page 0 ..." with a stack trace in the modules 'updtext()' and 'wrongpage()'.
544704 The query below may return 0 row if FKcol1 and FKcol2 columns on table B are character variable-width, nullable datatypes

and col1 and col2 columns on table A are character fixed-width, non-nullable datatypes.

select B.FKcol1 + ',' + B.FKcol2 from A, B

where B.FKcol1 + ',' + B.FKcol2 = 'TEST5,T'

and A.col1 = B.FKcol1 and A.col2 = B.FKcol2

544748 The message "closetable: table already closed for sdes <value>" may be reported in the error log together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'pg_allocate' and 'pg_allocoam' after an 1105 error is reported during page allocation.
544818 Wrong result (missing rows with NULL values) could happen for sybase extended

column groupby query (i.e. SELECT more columns than the Group By list and aggregate)

when one of the joining view/derived table has DISTINCT.

544845 When statement cache and literal autoparam are enabled, a query with intensive numeric computation may cause error 3624 "Truncation error occurred" to be raised.
544873 Job Scheduler users guide needs to document all available proerties for jobs
544889 If CIS and java features are enabled in ASE 15.0.3, JVM and all CIS connections are affinitied to

the same engine. This results in OMNI connections not distributed across the engines that can

potentially cause performance degradation.

544904 In rare circumstances, sysmon report may show negative values under task management section.
544936 Enhance the SA Guide discussion of the statement cache feature to indicate that substitution of a cached statement causes @@nestlevel to increment.
544992 DBCC CHECKSTORAGE reports "Msg 15914, 'Failed to bind dbcc named cache <cache name> to the scan workspace <workspace name>.'" if dbcc named cache name contains a space character.
545009 In rare circumstances for clusters with two or more instances, it may be possible

that bind/unbind cache operation may fail with out error message.

545058 ASE running on Sun Solaris machines which do not have ISM configured within the kernel will cause additional engines to SEGV during their online operation.
545059 When merge join is disabled, do not include the equi-join columns in the interesting orderings. The optimizer places eagerly Sort operators on the interesting orderings and keeps or discards them based on cost. Although a Sort could also enhance the buffer cache behavior of nested loops join, this comes with some risk due to the substantial cost of sorting and to its blocking nature, specifically when the data volume estimation is wrong (as when costing is based on out of date histograms, magic numbers, etc.). The fix is disabled by trace flag 15338.
545119 This fixes an issue where server is reporting an error (named cache is configured too small for current demands state 3. Transaction progress may cease) too early.
545130 If both expr1 and expr2 are float numbers in 'select isnull(expr1, expr2)'and if precision of expr1 is less than precision of expr2, it returns error msg 247.
545137 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module

'ssql_update_recompile_info' together with a stack trace which

includes the modules 's_getTreeOrPlan' and 'tdsrecv__dynexec'

may be reported in the error log and could bring the server

down if the configuration options "STATEMENT CACHE SIZE",


all enabled and a client application executed a dynamic sql

statement with the option "DYNAMIC PREPARE" active and the

internal lightweight procedure for the statement had to

be recompiled (for example due to a schema change).

545160 For cluster having two instances on the same node, when the two dataservers

are killed externally,the command "start cluster" fails to start the cluster.

545162 A large T-SQL unsigned bigint value is incorrectly assigned to a BigInteger Java datatype. For

example assiging the value 18446744073709551615 to a BigInteger field in Java will result in a

value of -1 being stored in the Java field.

545165 This a feature request to handle situations where we have a lack of statistics due to table data being transient.

Clearly there is no current way of maintaining statistics on tables which are only populated potentially during a transaction's lifetime. There needs to be some sort of statistical learning mode to handle this.

545168 check in Mac OS install related files
545176 15307 and 15308 traceflags disable the forceplan and hints respectively at a server level. Ther is no way to turn these off at server level and yet enable it at a session level. allow_forceplans and allow_forcehints options provide this ability. Doing 'set allow_forceplans on' would negate the traceflag 15307 in that session. Similarly, 'set allow_forcehints on' would negate the traceflag 15308 in that session.
545180 Under missing/limited statistics, optimizer might favor a store index (reformatting) plan

for a nested loop join even though there is no sarg on the store index child scan and

there already exists an index whose keys match the equijoin columns. For most time, based

on actual data distributtion, the existing index scan plan would be better.

545181 A 1129 error may be reported "The requested update to the OAM for object <value>,

dbid <value>, index <value>, oam page <value>, would cause a negative page count ...

Contact your System Admin." in the error log mistakenly when multiple sessions import

data in the same table concurrently through the bulk copy utility.

545192 Complex queries using nested subqueries and or clauses may cause the optimiser not to choose reformatting strategy when it should.
545202 If DDL replication is on and we are execute a CREATE SCHEMA which has create views and this CREATE SCHEMA is not in a store procedure could cause 701 errors.
545264 ASE REPLICATOR: changing the max_threads

configuration parameter has no effect.

It always initializes to the default value

of 45.

545270 ASE Optimizer may choose the wong join order if WHERE clause has both "<> (not equal to)" and "is not null" on the same column.
545296 QPMetrics are not captured for statements inside a store procedure which is created and compiled before QPMetrics is enabled
545331 ASE Rep Agent support for the Replication Server Normalization Thread feature.
545379 In 12.5.x, the optimizer was not attempting to place reformatting over a table which had an index forced in the FROM clause. The 15.x optimizer did not have this limitation and was always placing and costing StoreIndex (the 15.x operator which implements reformatting) unless a full Abstract Plan was precluding it. When costing is not accurate, for instance due to data skew or to magic numbers based costing when there are no statistics, this could lead to suboptimal plans which were not generated in 12.5.x, hence to performance regressions. This fix re-instate in 15.x the legacy 12.5.x behavior.
545400 An ASE configured with PCI based JVM on a Solaris platform may fail to boot

when configured with Java in Database feature if JVM requests an extremely large

amount of memory due to Solaris bug 6671882.

545413 DUMP DATABASE/TRAN with compression may fail with an error, "Length of compressed buffer is greater than the original buffer length".
545416 Occasionally, when ASE write the logfile to dumpfile,"Error: I/O error, errno: 5 "may be reported in the errlog.
545418 Loading a Java class with a very large value for a static final defined string can result in a

message "infected with 11" with the modules "jvm_GetClassName" and "DBClassFileGetClassName", being

printed in the ASE errorlog.

545428 SySAM2: Display license usage per platform when using license file with multiple products on different platforms.
545430 If a stored procedure contains a begin/commit transaction pair around a create #table statement, and that stored procedure is called from within an existing transaction, then error 277 may occur when executing that procedure.
545432 Support concurrent i/o for VxFS file systems on Solaris and Linux.
545444 Under rare circumstances an ASE system running on a 64 bits Windows Server with a high rate of DML commands executed may result in some data not be written to disk.
545469 Under heavy load both DBCC CHECKSTORAGE and DBCC CHECKVERIFY can incorrectly

detect spurious errors because it could skip a dirty cached page and

use the page on disk instead, if the owner instance has got a request to downgrade

the physical lock to a null lock.

545489 DBISQL 9.0.2 cannot import data into a datetime column because of the message "Can't find type 'TIMESTAMP'". This has been fixed in DBISQL 11.0.0. Also, before DBISQL, importing a char/varchar column would result a syntax error. This has been fixed.
545521 For a query that is executed using the clustered index but involves no partitioned table and

parallel scan, the value of the UsedCount column of monOpenObjectActivity for IndexID = 1

is not incremented.

545553 Withdrawn feature request for a way to configure the default settings for ARITHABORT at the server level. This can be done with existing functionality by creating a global login trigger that does SET EXPORT_OPTIONS ON SET ARITHABORT NUMERIC_TRUNCATION ON
545558 Documentation Bug: The writeup of error 603 indicates a limit of 14 worktables. This limit was raised to 46 in ASE 15.0
545581 Wrong results could be returned when a query using a GROUP BY

clause is executed, the datatype of the grouping columns

is VARCHAR and the data for those columns contains NULL values

and empty strings having only white spaces like ' '

545585 Unnecessary sort nodes were added to the query plan, which provided no benefits.

Normally sort nodes would provide benefits such

as orderings for merge join/ORDER BY/GROUP BY,

or buffer manager optimization (i.e. better cache hits on an ordered join attribute).

This error could occur when there is a combination of multiple covered and non-covered

index scans within a query plan. Normally, it occurs in cases when the sorts are

very small, so the error is not noticible, since it only involves the estimate

of the CPU component. If the sort volume was large, then it would have overwhelmed

the incorrect CPU estimate, and the sort would have been eliminated.

However, if the input volume estimate for the

sort is incorrect, due to missing statistics, and this volume is actually very large,

then the addition of the sort operator could result in a noticible performance regression.

545604 Avoid frequent flushing log of index shrink for tables in the tempdb.
545606 This fix keeps the connection level default AP dump/mode active when changing

the database. This also makes AP capture more versatile.

It is documented that the connection level AP dump/load is disabled

when a USE <database> statement is issued, to avoid the tentative usage

of an absent user defined AP group.

However, when the standard in/out default AP groups are used, there is

no reason to disable the connection level dump/load - since these groups

are present in all database.

545633 Sybase Central can not connect to ASE if "net password encryption reqd=2" was set on ASE.
545653 The tendency to add expensive sort nodes, solely to break up a nested loop join order has been reduced. This occurs when there are numerous tables in the FROM list, and the optimizer

added a sort to break up the join order, so that there is more buffer manager cache available

for each side of the sort, that in turn would reduce PIO requirements of the query overall.

545662 Under rare conditions a query on the monOpenObjectActivity MDA table may result in a signal 11 and server crash.
545665 If a server was configured for an ipv6 address 'connect to' would fail.

A new syntax is being used to add an ipv6 address in sp_addserver. The syntax

will encapsulate the ipv6 address with in brackets '[,]'. An example of

an sp_addserver command for an ipv6 address:



545716 Long Running Transaction against an SAP ASE server can prevent the log being truncated, causing risk of data unavailability for DMLs. Improve how this can be managed.
545718 Feature request for a method to suppress message "cache is configured too small"
545738 Outer join query within a stored proc takes 20x longer to run vs ad-hoc query
545741 Fixed by 547741 which was checked into 15.0.3 IR.
545754 Application Tracing does not trace actual and estimated I/O statistics when "allow resource limits" configuration parameter is enabled.
545758 Added the display back of "-s" option in the user message when users enable "-s" (sorted) option.
545771 For DISTINCT query with multiple table join, a lower costing plan

with a top DISTINCT operator might be ignored by optimizer.

545773 Under some circumstances, SybMigrate may not use the "with sorted_data" option when creating clustered indexes when it could safely do so.
545793 select returns number instead of "arithmetic overflow" on large number result set. Occurs in Linux 12.5.x - 15.0.2 esd #5 32bit - not 64bit.
545839 When running in a non-English environment, previously Connect Dialog would display an ID if the localized text was not available. This has been fixed so that the English text is displayed instead.
545898 Queries involving character conversions may stacktrace when Unilib conversion is enabled.
545900 Replication Agent may report the error 9205, state 0, after a cross database transaction happened between two databases and the table or the database is configured to use sql statement replication.
545960 isnull() builtin on character data could return blank padded data while returning values substituted for nulls
545968 Executing an outer join query with false predicate (e.g. "1 = 2") in the ON clause may hit error 1142

if reformatting strategy is chosen.

546047 Executing a query involving IN clause, some builtin and OR predicate may hit SEGV and

stack trace in the module of 'LeEvals::LeEvRun()' and 'LeOrScanContext::setOrVtuple'

if the query plan chosen has OrScan in it.

546057 After bringing an engine back online that has been previously taken offline incorrect messages may appear in the errorlog related to the clock on that engine not running.
546075 The message "process infected with signal 11" in the module 'des_rekeep'

may be reported in the error log together with a stack trace which includes

the modules 'vu_getviewdefn', 's_reinstallProcTree' and 'proc__linktopss'

when two concurrent sessions access a VIEW whose query tree needs to be

redefined by ASE.

546085 In cases where basic_optimization is used, and the histogram on a column has been explicitly deleted by the delete statistics command, there is a possibility of a stack trace if multi-attribute densities exist with that leading column. This could happen if a multi-attribute index exists, and the histogram on the leading column of that index is explicitly deleted.
546125 A cursor on an APL table in 12.5 prefers a unique index rule based over

any non-unique index or table scan. In 15.0 the unique index is only used rule based

if a FOR UPDATE clause was specified. The 12.5 unique index rules are

now supported for 15.0

546127 <permission_name> is allowed to be entered as first argument to sp_helprotect where as the syntax of sp_helprotect is:

sp_helprotect [name [, username [, "grant"

[,"none"|"granted"|"enabled"|role_name [,permission_name]]]]]

546149 In rare cicumstances, in multinode cluster error 8211 may reported while creating/accessing the table.
546158 BackupServer crashes on glibc 2.6 (Suse 10.3 and 11)
546169 FR: Tool for estimating the amount of time it will take to create an index.
546179 Wrong result might happen for outerjoin query with a MATCHNULL equijoin WHERE clause.
546204 max_stacksize parameter increased in EFTS 15.0.2 from 34816to value 131072. Stacksize has been increased due new Verity libs
546205 Implementation of an option in Update Index Statistics command which will allow to

decide to do one Index Scan for each non leading column (like is today) or do only one Index scan for reading all non-leading columns.

546255 DOC : There is a limitation that ASE does not parameterize literals in a derived table.
546291 FR: enable housekeeper GC to be configurable per database.
546301 Feature Request: Each entry in sysaudits that has multiple rows (sequence#) should have the identical timestamp for each sequence entry of that command.
546319 adhoc vs. sproc. adhoc picks best plan in sub seconds, while the same sproc picks wrong index, and 138 seconds.
546352 There was an attempt to de-reference a NULL pointer, while checking for the physical lock when

latching a buffer that is destroyed.

546359 INTERNAL ONLY : queries with LIKE clauses using variables under OR predicate may

provide incorrect results.

546364 Under rare circumstances and after failover recovery has taken place, ASE may raise a fatal

890 error reading "The mass containing the buffer 'BUF=<Buffer Address>, MASS=<MASS Address>, Buf#=<Buf count>, page=<Page Address>, dbid=<DBID>, Mass vdevno=<VDEVNO>, vpage=<Virtual Page #>,

Buf lpage=<Logical Page #>,Mass stat=<Mass Status>, Buf stat=<Buffer status>, size=<Page size>, cid=<Cache id> ('<Cache Name>'), Pinned xdes=<XDES Adress>, spid=<Spid #>' should not be written

in its current state."

546400 select @@dbts returns incorrect value on ibmplinux.
546419 On ASE running on the Windows platform, attempted java network connection may fail with " Unable to establish loopback connection"
546422 Add an option [overwrite|append] in readtext command to specify whether to overwrite or append existed files.
546434 Re-write of the query tree under traceflag 299 causes exclusive locks on sysprocedures. This happens when there is an UPDATE STATISTICS command in the procedure on the newly created temporary table.
546500 In rare circumstances sp_who does not show the correct user working DB when the user has default DB.
546525 In the Release Bulletin Adaptive Server Enterprise 12.5.4 for Sun

Solaris, it lists all the Sun Solaris Patches required on Solaris 8. However,The Patch 110648-13 and 109210-12 are required only when the customer is using Sun Cluster and ASE HA option. This is not clearly stated in our release bulletion. we need to revise this and give more precise statement regarding this, which recommend customer to examine the patches carefully and decide whether to apply such patches or not.

546556 Request to disable foreign key constraints without dropping them.
546574 Help infomation for dbcc housekeeper is changed from:

housekeeper 'pr_gcq' | 'pr_tsq' | 'pr_tsq', [<engid>]\n [...]


housekeeper ( 'pr_gcq' | 'pr_tsq' | 'pr_asq', [<engid>] ) \n [...]

so that correct the duplicate flag for pr_tsq, and will allow users to print account stats queue correctly.

546598 Customer requested that we clarify that tempdb is not newly created each time ASE is rebooted in the following section of the System Administration Guide.


To make an option or options take effect for every new database, change the option in the model database.


To make an option or options take effect for every new user defined database, change the option in the model database.

Note: changes to the dboptions of model do not affect tempdb or user defined multiple tempdbs upon restart of ASE. Only newly created user defined databases and multiple tempdbs will reflect the dboptions of model, with the "create database" command. A restart of ASE clears the objects and data contained in the temporary databases, but does not reset the dboptions.

546651 SET PROXY executed in the procedure using deferred compilation will not have its scope limited only

to the current procedure execution but for the whole session.

546667 In a multi-node cluster, if config parameter "license information" is set to non-zero value,

shutdown of cluster/instance may result in SIG 11 reported in errorlog. Stacktraces could

contain the words "log_license_info", "open__byname".

546695 ASE 15.0 uses more IO to run the same query vs ASE 12.5
546707 Cannot run optdiag when ASE parameter "net password encryption reqd" is enabled
546712 If sp_setreplicate is run to turn off replication on a table previously configured to use SQL statement replication, this information is not removed from the system table sysattributues.
546730 Error 124 raised when 'set statement_cache on' or 'set literal_autoparam on' is the only

statement in a stored procedure.

546737 If sort nodes break up a chain of nested loop join operators, in which some of the respective index/table scans involve an MRU strategy, and there does not appear to be a reason for the sort node, then it may be caused a buffer manager optimization that did not take into account the MRU strategy when estimating buffer cache used by the respective operators. This change will tend to reduce the usage of sort nodes to break up a chain of nested loop operators
546770 UAF may take a long time to discover and validate hosts.
546839 On specific platforms, certain versions of ASE do not appear to register I/O busy in reports from sp_sysmon as expected.
546868 Feature request for the ability to audit the values of parameters passed to prepared statements.
546883 On HP platform, disabling network IO for Java still allows some network related Java calls to be

executed. This is only seen with the dataserver binary, not the diagserver binary.

546891 Permissions on "sysslices" system table remain unchanged when "GRANT DEFAULT PERMISSIONS ON SYSTEM TABLES" or "REVOKE DEFAULT PERMISSIONS ON SYSTEM TABLES" SQL commands are executed.
546900 The discussion of transaction isolation level 0 (dirty reads) should document that dirty reads can only be done in purely read-only statements. Dirty reads cannot be done for the select part of an INSERT SELECT or a SELECT INTO statement.
546902 After an HAFailover enabled client session has been migrated, then killed, a failover connect attempt fails with "HA Login failed. Session Handle not found.
546941 In the cluster environment, the server may hang if the "abort_js" command is issued.
546946 request the plugin of Sybase Central for ASE CE to take in the "time" value like the command "sp_cluster 'logical', 'offline', <lcname>, 'cluster'[, <wait_option>[,<time>[, @handle output]]]"
546948 feature request: Allow sysattributes to be bound to a named cache.
546960 During failover recovery, thmgr scan might count incorrect value for allocated log pages in the database.
546961 Enable RTDS to support ASE SDC
547010 It would be useful to have an MDA table to report on use of stored procedures, including execution count, last execution time etc�
547023 DBCC CHECKSTORAGE reports faults 100009, 100029, and 100030 on the sysanchors table.
547114 Currently if more than one cluster is configured on a machine,

the port ranges will need to be manually edited

in the Sybcluster XML file.

So, enhance the function of creating cluster to allow user enter starting port.

547118 A new builtin function is_singleusermode is created to determine if server is in single-user mode.

sp_downgrade will force the server to be in single-user mode before downgrade is performed.

547182 If there is instance-specific configuration in blocks before the 'default data cache' group, error 5890 will be raised. This is caused by the config file format not recognized

by file reader interfaces.

547288 Under rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with 11" in the module

'cm_cid_from_name' while creating named cache.

547300 Allow identity() on derived tables.
547350 Explicit conversion from 1.0 to unichar(1) returns wrong result and no error raised.
547361 Whenever SybMigrate experiences any problems making a connection

to either the source or destination ASE it always prints the same error:

ERROR|The URL 'bruno-xp:5000' has an incorrect format. The correct format is: <hostname>:<port number>.

This is very misleading.

547375 This feature provides the ability for a user to set the sql statement replication threshold at the ASE session level using the syntax:

set repthreshold <value>.

547432 Enable deadloack detection between ASE structures
547476 hostid() retuns unexpected trash data
547492 Internal only: replace code references to datatypes SYB_LONG and SYB_ULONG with other, more appropriate types.
547572 The SQL text wasn't being printed for query's that went through

terminate_process(). This is a very useful diagnostic. The

query text printing has been reinstated.

547622 Adhoc batch may be silently aborted if it creates a temporary table

and a clustered index on this table.

547699 In the default unchained mode, a trigger that contains an unmatched commit causes a batch of similar statements then effect that trigger to complete without all statements executing.
547700 under certain circumstances, ASE 15.0.3 on AIX encounter a hang with following messages in the errorlog.

kernel PCI(M1): ERROR: JNI_CreateJavaVM; failed retrieving the JVMTI handle in GetEnv() with -4

kernel PCI(M1): ERROR: JNI_CreateJavaVM; PCA/VM FAILED; not enough memory

kernel PCI(M1): ERROR: jsigcache_destroy; Signature cache destroy request without a JavaVM handle to destroy

kernel PCI(M1): -> PCA/JVM Signature cache is detached

kernel PCI(M1): Failed to destroy the VM signature cache.

547741 Under some circumstances a stored procedure execution which aborts

with certain errors (like, for example, a 226 error "... command

not allowed within multi-statement transaction.") could unexpectedly

close the tables used by the session who previously executed the same

stored procedure.

547749 The 857 error was changed to include user defined temporary databases, but the wording of the error message is confusing customers who are not trying to bind a user defined tempdb.
547752 On Solaris platform, an ASE task may be terminated with a timeslice error while issuing an asynchronous i/o. This is caused by a hang in the operating system, and can lead to recovery errors

in Adaptive Server. Adaptive Server has been modified to avoid terminating the task, and will print

an informational message instead. Recovery errors will be avoided, but ASE engine will hang until the operating system responds.

547756 document error 857 in the Troubleshooting Guide
547757 Error 559 and 3702 could be raised when executing a stored procedure if set fmtonly is on.
547774 Problem:

When installing on a machine that has ETL installed or if previously installed and uninstalled, the initial automatic login to the repository fails.


User can successfully log on by manually providing the password (transformer).

547824 The message "process infected with signal 11" in the module 'bufdlink'

may be reported in the error log together with a stack trace which includes

the modules 'pg_allocate' and 'bufdirty' when a stored procedure is executed

requiring a work table creation and cache binding for user temporary databases

was changed between executions. This will result in ASE shutting down itself.

547839 The ASE/PCI dispatching system on Windows randomly reports various synchronisation failures, which may include:

PCI(T0): ERROR: pci_wakeup; Unable to wakeup slot: 00, sema: 25DCAA74->(0), value: 0

and usually ends with:

PCI(T0): ASE_PCI: PCI Launcher Boss thread died. This is a FATAL ERROR (errno = -1)

and then usually a stack trace. After this, no java operations work although other ASE operations may continue normally.

547890 -T364 is available for compatibility mode to use range density instead of total density to estimate join clause selectivity. Previous CR number is 214984. Compatibility mode has its limitation and cannot apply to queries using new features.

Request enhancement of -T364 to let 15.x native optimizer support this trace flag on server level and provide a new criteria for session level.

548000 UPDATE and DELETE queries that contain correlated existence subqueries, such as:

update tab1 set col1 = 5 where exists (select 1 from tab2 where tab2.col2 = tab1.col2)

may sometimes be executed in deferred update mode when it is possible to use direct update

mode, resulting in a performance regression.

548069 'set compatibility_mode on/off' is introduced to enable/disable compatibility mode at session level.
548137 Under certain circumstances an error is reported when an invalid data type conversion is attempted, leading to a stack trace as the failed conversion causes an invalid function pointer to be referenced.
548150 CHECKSTORAGE incorrectly reports error 9960, 'A non-recoverable error has occurred in the CHECKSTORAGE operation. The operation has been aborted.' at a fatal severity level of '20' when the user aborts the CHECKSTORAGE operation.
548188 A 7139 error, "Insert to a TEXT/IMAGE column from a non

TEXT/IMAGE field which involves internal worktable

(eg. orderby, groupby) processing is not supported.

Rewrite your query to avoid conversion from non

TEXT/IMAGE datatype to TEXT/IMAGE datatype." maybe be

reported when executing a query involving an explicit

NULL value being converted to TEXT/IMAGE datatype.

548200 After loading a 12x server based database and transaction dump into a 15x server, when we try to online the database, server could throw error 4218, 692.
548207 Enable IBM MQ DMP feature work.
548235 When a dump database command is performed on an ASE that uses the sjis charset and the Backup Server is using the eucjis charset, then the Backup Server reports an Open Server message of "Open Server Error: 16368.10.0.0 srv_senddone(): A message was initialized, but not completed" and the dump database command does not respond.
548251 Request to check the transaction log is valid early in the load process, in order to fail earlier is the log is invalid or corrupt.
548257 Error 11141 is reported in the errorlog when Adaptive Server fires a

threshold procedure that requires sso_role and when a password has been attached to sso_role.

The threshold procedure is successfully invoked.

548266 XPDL: New Feature Request for load to report percentage of pages converted for example:

Cross-platform conversion for database bigTest: 30401 pages completed (10%).

548330 In rare cases, a 6909 error could be raised and shutdown the server when the first log record for a chained transaction is written to the log.
548336 When you set tracefile and then try to write a query plan into the trace file,

Application Tracing doesn't write a carriage return ("\n") with japanese messages.

That's hard to read the query plan in the trace file.

548411 sqlloc will show error when setting default language to English and setting default charset to gb18030.
548414 When displaying results in DBISQL using Text Output mode the row count is not displayed on the status bar.
548417 DBISQL Feature request for accessing the Tools-> Options dialog directly via the toolbar
548419 Change DBISQL User Interface to allow configuring on a per window basis (i.e. Text mode in one window, Grid mode in another) without having to launch windows from the start menu separately.
548420 In DBISQL it is currently not possible to select/copy a range of cells (such as rows 2, 3 & 4 columns db_size and owner) or select non-sequential rows (such as rows 2, 4 & 6).
548422 In GRID output mode, DBISQL 9.0.2 does not all resorting data (by Column) after it has been retrieved. Sorting is now provided in DBISQL 11.
548423 When selecting File --> New , DBISQL issues no warning that you are about to lose all the SQL that you currently have in the window.

This is a feature request to put in place a prompt to save the SQL data.

548487 searching through the pull down menu ... edit, find/replace ... works in the SQL Statement pane but searching through the same pull down menu fails when the Results pane is highlighted.
548500 The recovery task may appear to hang forever executing the functions 'redo_apl_oaminsert',

'pg__updateoam_thru_allocpg' and 'pg__recalc_oamentry' after loading a database dump

which was taken on a very active ASE environment.

548559 Previously in DBISQL 9.0.2 if a large amount of rows were copied to the clipboard, a stack trace would occur. The behavior has been modified in DBISQL 11.0.0 so that a friendly message ("There is not enough memory to copy the selected values") is shown instead.
548560 Commands 'raiserror' and 'print' do not work with unichar and univarchar parameters.
548568 Feature Request: Add a "Result Set" Cache to ASE.
548593 Updating a TEXT value into a proxy TEXT column using the value from a local TEXT column results in garbage being inserted.
548641 When trying to use sp_maplogin the documentation is not clear about exactly how the "client name" and the "login name" should be used.
548663 When the following conditions are true, error 2753 will be raised together with 103 error in English

and stack trace may happen from ex__doprint():

1. Asian languages (Chinese, Japanese and Korean) are used as default language of a connection

2. a create table/view command with longer than 255 bytes multi-byte object name

3. the object name starts with one single-byte character and followed with multi-byte characters

548677 If the configuration parameter 'number of engines at startup' is misconfigured, a stack trace may occur at server startup due to a segmentation fault in the function interface_to_typeid().
548776 When master database replication is configured and login accounts are created and dropped on the master database, the Server User IDs generated in the active database during the creation of new login accounts could be different from the Server User IDs generated on the standby database.
548881 Error Message 104 or 207 may be returned for a query using a column alias rather than the base column name in an ORDER BY clause.
548900 During the execution of queries with more than 16 user tables, up to 34 extra auxillary

SDESes may be claimed (One for each table beyond 16) for the duration of execution.

548927 With 'statement cache' and 'enable literal autoparam' turned on - showplan can incorrectly indicate that a statement is 'newly cached' as oppose to 'previously cached' if the statement contains greater than 2 OR conditions
549024 A 832 error may be reported "Unable to place buffer <value> holding logical page <value>

in sdes for object '<value>' - there is no room in sdes aux keep pool." in the error log

together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'bufkeep', 'bt__insert_into_leaf'

and 'bulk__fast_idxupdate' when inserting rows through bulk copy in a Data Only Locked

table whose non-clustered index tree is being updated by ASE.

549065 DBISQL Feature request to allow viewing Stored Procedures source code directly from the menu options.
549086 'disk init' command and sp_deviceattr procedure does not prohibit setting of directio/dsync options for raw devices.
549097 When we had nested virtual columns in the predicate and at least one of the virtual column is under CASE/OR node. The virtual columns under CASE/OR nodes could be

processed incorrectly and lead to the wrong results.

549112 Attempting to DISK INIT using a symbolic link to a device that is already in use will succeed without error.
549168 When set locale to Chinese, the chinese charaters in sysam checkout messages shows as boxes or garbage.
549170 In rare cases, if a database is offline, some commands allowed in

a offline database such as dump tran might hang because space usage

in some segment may cross the segment threshold.

549199 If SSL is enabled, user will fail to install utf8 character set using "charset" command in Win64 platform. The error message will be:

SQLServer message 632, state 2, severity 20:

Attempt to move memory with an incorrect length of 16416. Maximum allowed leng

th is 16384.

549239 Procedural query compiled in the deferred mode may not work as expected if it

this query needs execution of the DEFAULT or RULE or references materialized column

using global variables.

549264 When doing an alter table on a replicated table containing a text column,

and the alter table does not involve dropping a column, ASE produces a

SIGSEGV in cri_ncrebuild().

549309 Feature request for a version of REORG REBUILD that could be run for a definable period of time, fully compacting the part of the table processed into new extents.
549316 In rare circumstances, a query being executed in parallel

may hang when the query had to abort due to a 1105 error,

"Can't allocate space for object <table_name> in database

<db_name> because <segment_name> segment is full/has no

free extents. If you ran out of space in syslogs, dump

the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE to

increase the size of the segment.", caused by insufficient

space in tempdb for the worktables that the query internally


549412 DDLGen generates duplicate column names in partition key list.
549413 DDLGen creates range partition in the incorrect order causing error 14304
549415 DDLGen creates the partition condition section, it is all bunched together
549423 If the ASE PCI subsystem fails to start up then stack traces may be seen in the ASE errorlog and ASE may not boot.
549429 sp_object_stats can be run on an offline database. If online database is run at the same time it is possible to hit error 834: Illegal attempt to clean buffer:
549455 A new monitor counter has been added for Replication Agent to monitor the number of times a schema is dropped from the cache in order to reuse the freed space.
549472 ASE does not raise a 2705 error in some cases when an attempt is made to ALTER TABLE

adding a column with a name that duplicates an existing column name.

549486 Opening a Foreign Key Wizard on a Solaris machine would resulted in an internal error for ASE Plug-in.
549495 The 'inserted' and 'deleted' trigger pseudo-tables cannot be referenced in derived tables within a trigger.
549496 IF ASE is configured for 101 or more engines, sp_sysmon reports errors converting the engine number to a char(2).
549497 Feature request for an ALTER DATABASE option that, on a fragmented disk, would allocate a single contiguous fragment if it was possible to do so, and otherwise minimize the number of fragments generated, rather than filling free areas from the beginning of the device forward.
549639 With statement cache enabled, it may be possible for the statement immediately after a while loop

that has just hit a break condition to not execute successfully - it only occurs if the sql is contained within a single batch.

549641 Infected with 11 stacktrace containing functions js__execute, exectrig, and rly_rowfmt occurs when an insert trigger on js_history table is fired.
549694 ASE may encounter a signal 11 in ub_postwrite() when there are delayed IO's and when extended cache is enabled.
549724 In 15.0.2.x, SHUTDOWN is not waiting for open transactions to complete before shutting down ASE, it is acting just like SHUTDOWN WITH NOWAIT.
549741 When the global password complexity option 'min alpha in password' is set to -1, the random password generated through the password_random() built-in contains alphabetic characters.
549825 After installing according to the install guide, overlaying 15.0.2 in the same directory as 12.5.4, the ASE can not be started from services.

Pop up window:

Could not start the Sybase SQLServer _MY125 service on Local Computer.

Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

(click ok)

No error in the ASE errorlog.

549857 A 12313 error: "Internal error: Insert into page id <pageid> of index id <indid> of table '<tabname>' (id = <id>) in database '<dbname>' tried to replace undeleted RID (<pageid>,<rnum>) at slot <slotnum> and ridposn <ridnum>. Try dropping and recreating the index." can sometimes happen with deferred updates on a data-only locked table.
549892 Error 128 is raised when running sp_listener remotely.
549902 When statement cache is on, literal autoparam is on, and the server's default character set is either eucksc, sjis, eucgb, big5 or cp936, a query that contains TAB character before a select may cause incorrect select query to be cached, which may lead to syntax error if such query is recompiled.
549927 When reporting a stack trace on the Windows operating system, ASE will now also print an accompanying module dump, listing all the loaded external libraries and the path from where they were loaded, in order to aid problem diagnosis.
549937 On ia64 Itanium HP-UNIX and WinX64 platform, a GroupBy with more

than 32 groupby columns and with more than 6 joining tables might

hit signal 11 and stacktrace during the call of s_ap_compat_gen().

It could also happen for more than 32 groupby column query under

compatibility mode.

549944 Inconsistent datatypes in MDA tables.
550013 In some exception cases, prSQLTEXT() might SEGV when

called from terminate_process().

550032 SyConfig or SyBatch may receive a ct_fetch error when querying the status column of sysdatabases after the upgrade successfully completes.
550075 Boot time and LOAD DATABASE recovery might be unnecessarily slowed down

in cases where there are only a few long-running transactions at the time

the server was shut down or DUMP DATABASE was executed.

550154 "In some cases, command statements that include subqueries can also be formulated as joins and may run faster."
550167 If a cluster instance cannot successfully initialize the primary link at boot time, an attempt to drop another instance issued from the above instance may result in segmentation fault.
550239 In rare circumstances, in a cluster instance, if a query is being executed and the user tries to

cancel execution of the query by typing Ctrl-C in the isql, some of the locks acquired by

that query could remain unreleased and server could deadlock later.

550255 Feature Request: Add the option to include cache wizard when running a complete sp_sysmon.
550273 Stacktrace in ups__minorattributes doing update statistics on a temp table only exist in


550284 When using sp_showplan to query another session's query plan, sometimes it could cause stacktrace with SIG11 or SIG4 in some platform. It could happen for a OPEN CURSOR,

BCP IN and when run time recompilation are needed.

550290 An 832 error "Unable to place buffer <value> holding logical page ... there is no room in sdes

aux keep pool." or an 803 error "Unable to place buffer <value> from cache '<value>' holding

logical page ... either there is no room in sdes or buffer already in requested slot." when

reported will be followed by diagnostic information printed in the error log.

550351 On HPPA64 and HPIA64 platforms, if Java in Database feature is enabled in High Availability system,

failback operation results in a hang if Java was used prior to failback on the secondary server.

Secondary ASE errorlog reports "scheduler infected with signal 11" message with a stack trace that

includes keipanic().


Section that reads:

Sybase is considering an enhancement in future release that will revert behavior (group by implicitly orders result).

In ASE 15.0 ESD #2, traceflag 450 makes group by use the classic (non-hashed) sort method, thus making

the result set order predictable again -- but at the possible cost of slower performance. In a later release, a new

"optimization criteria" language command "set group_inserting {0|1}" is being considered which will let you control

this on a session level -- and especially via login triggers -- without requiring trace flags.

Should read:

Sybase created an enhancement in 15.0 ESD #2 that reverts behavior (group by implicitly orders result). Global traceflag 450 makes group by use the classic (non-hashed) sort method, thus making the result set order predictable again -- but at the possible cost of slower performance.

In release ASE 15.0.1, with CR# 424188, a new "optimization criteria" language command "set group_inserting {0|1}" is available which will let you suggest this to the optimizer on a session level -- and especially via login triggers -- without requiring trace flags.

550561 Stacktrace occurs when a query is executed on the monProcessProcedures MDA table
550607 Skip opening and holding lock on sysconfigures for some config option; Skip starting an xact for some more config options.
550634 In rare circumstances, in a multi-instance cluster, if an instance crashes, object metadata

changed by the crashed instance may not be correctly recovered by the instance that does the failover recovery.

550647 On Solaris platform, Sun patch 119963-09 (SPARC), 119964-09 (x64)

(or higher) causes ASE fail to boot with "Segmentation Fault error (core dumped)."

550692 The SQL template for Scalar Function Wizard and SQLJ Function Wizard incorrectly included the database name for the object name.
550718 Feature request to have optimizer make better use of OR clauses used with variables, ex. (@x = 1 or @x is null).
550737 UPDATE INDEX STATISTICS sometimes generates a next-to-last step with a weight of 0, despite there being data in the associated value. This occurs when creating frequency

cells. So there are a relatively large number of rows that qualify for the associated


A weight of 0 will lead to a row estimate of 1 and the optimizer will tend

to scan the associated table too early in the plan leading to poor performance.

Two problems have been indentified here. First, the boundary condition check for

building a frequency cell was off by one. Second, the calculations used to predict available steps for creating frequency cells was incorrect. The fix for these problems

is enabled through trace commandline flag 2715.

550738 When you are in a Simplified Chinese environment, the Adaptive Server plug-in returns a null pointer exception in the Scheduled Job Properties dialog.
550740 Installation Guide and Release Bulletin: you cannot upgrade 32-bit windows to 64-bit windows. sybmigrate only.
550788 Incorrect warning message is displayed when authentication mapping is overwritten for the same external user.
550793 Drop and create index can change Data page CR count only on 12.5.x
550812 When no-sa role connect to Shared Cluster Server, instance folder can't display rightly in Chinese and Japanese environment.
550820 The license manager task that validates the license usage, being marked "critical" held a spinlock and didn't yield causing a set of other tasks that contended for the same spinlock to hit timeslice errors.
550847 If a UNION ALL operator is used in a derived table expression, then incorrect answers could result
550859 ASE REPLICATOR: Replicator fails to parse a large

timestamp value, throwing the following


Cannot build locator from invalid hex string


because: For input string: "f1d933c2".

550872 If using the application tracing functionality to trace a user and setting some option like 'set showplan on' and then when tracing is turned off for the user, the tracing option for the user is not reset and the tracing output is sent to the user's console.
550873 Allowing all the set commands during app tracing can lead to unwanted adverse effect on the tracing session when options that can potentially alter the plan or the behavior of the query are enabled.
550888 In a multi-instance cluster, when a cluster instance is booting, in rare circumstances, a SIG 11 could be hit. A stacktrace would be reported and in the trace, strings like "dbt_get_oldestactive_pcm_callback" could be present.
550917 On linux systems, performance of some queries may drop when Q engines are online.
550921 New option 'procedure deferred compilation' has been added so that the usage

of the deferred compilation feature could be switched on or of by the system procedure


550942 setsuspect granularity on page level for runtime pages error as 6xx errors.
550987 Under some circumstances wrong results could be returned

when executing a query involving complex expressions with

several nested built-in function calls (like for example

IS_NULL(), STR_REPLACE(), CONVERT(), etc.) or long CASE


551004 after upgrade of db from to 15.0.2, 318 error on reorg rebuild unless you run delete stats before update stats.
551014 Feature request to have the hashbytes() function support the SHA-256 algorithm.
551042 In ASE running on the Windows platform, under conditions where ASE pool memory is running low, the java subsystem may report "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x00000000"
551059 Verify the log free space count discrepancies in the dbcc checkverify.
551075 Signal 11 in OptGlobal::GblSetInterestingTcIds which will terminate the process can be seen under specific circumstances when assigning a variable a column value from the select-list of a query on an external table with an order by clause
551086 monOpenObjectActivity is not updated when a table is accessed via an index.
551091 If error(SIGSEGV, SIGBUS) occur at sampling, the engines will be halted.
551094 Attempting to retrieve data inserted using a deferred INSERT command

for a table created with the "ignore_dup_key" clause and having TEXT

columns may fail with a fatal 7114 error reading "Page <Page Number>

is not a valid text page." together with a stack trace showing modules

"sendtext" and "get_txtpage".

551215 A task involved in sorting data hit an 890 error (state 6) in function sort_write
551224 starting GUI installer failed in Red Hat 4 when set locale to Simplified Chinese
551246 Error 5901 is hit while calculating the next cycle frequency for the scheduled job if its jsc_start is NULL in the js_callouts.
551265 A join condition between a NUMERIC and a nullable FLOAT may return true due to the truncation of the float value during implicit conversion.
551299 sddone errors on one database device containing one user database, and the rest of the ASE was unavailable until reboot of ASE. Requesting a feature to allow that one database to be offlined whiles the rest of the server continues to run.
551337 On HPIA, ASE process will be terminated if the UAF agent process is terminated by "Ctrl-C". Users should user to shutdown UAF agent instead of doing "Ctrl-C".
551417 Increase maximum transaction name length to 255
551479 On Windows High Availability companion node setup, either using "sp_companion" or the Microsoft cluster manager, the user encounters operating system error 5042 and the companion node creation never completes.
551503 A 2540 error, "Table Corrupt: Page is allocated but not linked ...", may

be reported by DBCC CHECKALLOC some time after instance failure as a

result of recovery not completely cleaning up pending deallocations

resulting from a DROP command that happened just prior to instance failover.

551539 A 2805 error, "Bad pointer 0x4 encountered while remapping

stored procedure 'proc_name'. Must re-create procedure."

may be reported in the errorlog and also sometimes the

message "current process infected with 11" in the module

'qremap__mapptr' together with a stack trace which includes

the modules 's_getTreeOrPlan' and 'qremap_prochdr' when

executing a very big procedure which requires more than

24480 pages of memory.

551553 Under exceptional circumstances, execution of an ad-hoc sql statement with multiple OR conditions (in the order of 100s) with 'statement cache and 'enable literal autoparam' the server may hit a stack overflow which may bring the ASE down.
551577 "usedb" may hang when "enable metrics capture = 1" is set and "number of open databases" is not configured high to accommodate all the databases. A stack trace would be reported in the error log which includes dbt__grab and metrics_dump.
551595 Allow users who do not have the mon_role role to select from the monLicense table.
551596 The errors 624 and 625 may occur while running queries that use RID Join

operator on APL tables.

551677 Extend traceflag 457 to also make READ ONLY cursors using DISTINCT select's globally insensitive.
551702 Feature request for sp_errorlog, to be able to reuse the current errorlog filename and that the existing errorlog filename is changed (similar to the cfg file).
551758 When advanced_aggregation is on (e.g. under allrows_dss optgoal),

signall 11 and stacktrace could happen in GtcChildOptBlockN::GtHasCorrelatedChildOb()

for an aggregate over a union view/derived table under correlated subquery.

551765 Executing a query with group by all on nullable columns may get wrong result in the presence of NULL values.
551783 Installer crashed after in email alert panel and choose NOT to configure email alert if the machine cannot ping through hostname smtp.
551804 A 638 error, "Memmove() was called with an address of <hexadecimal address>- which is not allocated memory" maybe be reported when diagnostic server is used or random stacktraces indicating some plan corruption when normal server is used may be reported when a stored procedure containing a SELECT UNION ALL with a CONVERT() to TEXT function is executed by several sessions.
551821 In some circumstances during failover recovery in a shared disk cluster,

some transactions may be unnecessarily blocked until the end of the recovery

redo pass before being able to proceed.

551825 doc: clarify sp_helptext usage with sp_showtext
551875 UPDATE on an Oracle DATE column results in error 1843 when both the configuration option

'enable literal autoparam' and 'statement cache size' are set.

551877 Static compile time partition elimination does not happen when queries in stored procedures have predicates that refer to local variables or parameters passed to it.
551887 The sybmon plancost command has been enhanced to dump

sort operator's estimated and actual input set sizes.

This is needed to validate the sort operator's cost


The " Average Row width is %f " message has been removed from

the sort op's showplan output. The message was misleading as it

was actually the "estimated average row width" and of very little

use without the estimated cardinality and the actual row counts and

average input set row size.

551899 Iofenceutil don't print any message if there is no pass-through DSF created for a given device.
551908 On HPIA platform, the pass-through device special file for a specific device should be created to work with IO fencing. If there is no corresponding pass-through device special file under /dev/raw for a device, iofenceutil will not print any message for this device. For example, if there is no corresponding device special file for the device "/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0", there will be no output after executing the command

# iofenceutil /dev/rdsk/c5t1d0


Create the pass-through device special file for a specific device before running iofenceutil. In the above example, the pass-through device file /dev/raw/raw# for the device "/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0" should be created before running the utility "iofenceutil".

551928 OOM > XSM

Primary attributes that get migrated have no type defined in generated XSM element.

Check Model returns an 'Undefined Type' error.

551958 The current query optimization does approximate predicate filtering by dropping ANDs under ORs but does not look for ORs under ANDs which are under ORs.
551969 Windows specific syntax for working directory permission mask and File I/O file open rules are missing from the 15.0.3 Java Book
551972 Due to an HP bug, file create using Java in Database feature fails unless working directory

permission mask is set to 0777 equivalent. This requires mask to be set to rwx, for example:

sp_jreconfig "add", "work_dir", "/some/path(ugo+rwx)"

552026 The Historical Server Monitor process memory usage keeps growing while recording a session.
552042 There are multiple errors that the server runs into like 12301, 12308 etc where a task

finds that the index and data row are inconsistent or an invalid row id is encountered

in the table.

552075 sp_lock does not show instance id in the output.
552102 The default configuration value for the pca_jvm_module_path do not match the directory structure. This specifically refers to the platform specific sub-directory under $SYBASE/shared where the JRE is located.
552106 Executing the stored procedures sp_jreconfig() or sp_pciconfig() can result in a stacktrace

reported in the ASE -errorlog which contains the modules 'dispatchpca', 'pca_get_config_value' and


552108 In fast bcp insert behavior, if an index has a long dups lists for each unique key or its key is in order, there exist unnecessary index search.
552155 Error 3307 due concurrency on column 'logincount' on syslogins when "maximum failed logins" has a value > 0
552216 A 6908 error: "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log. Page#=<pageno>, object id = <objid>, page timestamp=<ts>. Log old timestamp=<ts>" may sometimes be reported during recovery of a transaction that has allocated pages or extents.
552225 Replication of an INSERT-SELECT statement on an ASE system using SQL statement

replication may cause the DSI connexion to go down with error 1028, if the

statement references tables from a different database than the source of replication.

552227 ASE does not check if the type of the supplied default value matches the type of the column at user table creation time.
552231 In rare circumstances for clusters with two or more instances, A error 16700, "Mismatch between the configuration file and the configuration..." may be reported in errorlog.
552310 sp_adduser doesn't recycle unused usertype values and so can run out of values once the max smallint value is assigned, even if a smaller number of user-defined types are currently defined.
552479 Adaptive Server at the replicate site may raise error 15445 when replicating a table that has multiple encrypted columns that use separate keys where one key specifies an initialization vector and another key specifies no initialization vector. A workaround is to use all keys to have initialization vector or no initialization vector.
552508 A new column "Transactions" has been added to the monState table.
552511 Duplicates could be incorrectly returned for a DISTINCT query over

a join involving a union (from a view/derived table) where part

of the union's SELECT columns is in the DISTINCT clause

and another part is involved in the join predicate only.

552537 Incorrect duplicates can be returned for EXISTS subqueries which have an

equi-join in the correlation clause between a column in the subquery and

a scalar expression which contains the outer reference to a main query


552574 Improve query tree generation for queries with huge number of OR predicates.
552577 In a multipathing environment, when one path to a device fails and the LVM switches to an alternate path, Backup Server should be able to to retry i/o which has failed, preventing the failure of the backup.
552583 For a subquery with a group by with a grouping column from the outer table and this grouping column is also in the join predicate, if hash vector aggregate is choosen, it

could cause wrong results.

552594 Feature request for a way to abort a polite shutdown that is waiting for processes to complete
552606 sp_options may not show no_stats_distinctness option. This is correct in ASE 15.0.3 IR onwards (CR 539440), this CR was to correct a problem with the backport of 539440 in a 15.0.2 1-off.
552608 new feature request to extend ASE LDAP to support mapping of LDAP groups to ASE groups.
552643 When running Java queries that access the file system via PCI trusted directories,

if the trusted directory has been defined improperly (meaning that it does not conform

to the documented syntax) then the server may enter a permanent 100% busy CPU

condition for which there is no solution other than server restart.

552656 Query compiled in the deferred mode may fail if it references view with java UDF.

Stack trace logged in the errorlog will show modules vu_colnames,colname_driver,


552736 Wrong result could happen for query with the conditions:

1. an equijoin join predicate between table1's col1 and table2's col2

(table1.col1=table2.col2), and

2. another equijoin predicate between one of the above joining columns

and an expression involving only column(s) which are also equijoined to

the other table's column(s), such as table1.col1=isnull(table1.col1,table1.col1), and

3. a store_index (reformatting) plan is chosen for the nljoin inner side

between those two tables.

552786 Need to add "Windows 2008" and "Windows Vista" to list of recognized windows OS used to print which OS the ASE is booted on.
552795 Flattened "EXISTS" subqueries may use a reformatting strategy

on the inner block's tables. When the store_index is created,

duplicates were not being removed. This can be a significant performance

issue for correlated subqueries that are theta-joined AND

there are additional predicates that are not used to position on

the reformatted table. The following query is an example:

delete outer

FROM outer


WHERE DATEDIFF(year, innter.ValDate, outer.ValDate) = 0

AND DATEDIFF(month, inner.ValDate, outer.ValDate) = 0

AND outer.ValDate < inner.ValDate


Note that the outer and inner tables are theta-joined

(outer.ValDate < inner.ValDate). And that the DATEDIFF builtins

must be evaluated after rows are qualified by the theta-join.

552799 Database timestamp may decrease after manual insertion into a timestamp column.
552848 Configuration of Webservices failed on HP platform with a syntax error reported.
552859 Under certain circumstances, query containing a sub-query introduced with a not clause where the columns being joined do not have the same data definition can produce incorrect results with larger datasets.
552880 Executing a java method which has a signature with a String array can cause an assertion to be

raised together with a stacktrace in the ASE errorlog containing the modules 'eudf__convertSQL2Java',

'execudf' and 'LeRun'.

553026 Under some circumstances reorg rebuild can cause other spids accessing the same table to die with a SIGILL.
553032 Sybmigrate fails to create an index, because it is using the sorted_data option when creating indexes on DOL tables which is incorrect.
553044 Scheduled Jobs that produce large volumes of data, may, under certain circumstances, not produce all the output expected.
553072 The replication threshold of a table may be changed regardless of the replication status of that table provided that it is not set to 'never'.
553090 JS template "jst_get_datestr" has a problem when "time" component is part of filename.
553106 certify dbisql to work with all Sybase products, not only ASE.
553163 DBCC STACKUSED reports the wrong maximum amount of stack memory used on Itanium platforms.
553170 System Administration Guide explains that dbcc checkalloc performs check of Text column chains and does not perform check of OAM page entries.

But in fact, dbcc checkalloc performs check of OAM page entries and does not check of Text column chains.

553180 For a very large union view query, if it has too many UNIONs in the query and 'stack size'

is not configured large enough, sometimes it could cause the stack corrupted and ASE goes down.

553342 In very rare case, a query using a table created in the same procedure may cause stacktrace in add__computedcol_from_tobj().
553428 An update of an identity column value may change the value of @@identity. This global variable should only change after a insert, select into, or bcp.
553436 In a shared disk cluster following instance failover, the recovery of a

database that has mixed log and data on an instance that has a single engine,

might hang as a result of a livelock.

553438 The wrong result could be caused by this only if the special OR stragegy is used and the first value in the IN list or OR list is NULL. It will get less rows than expected.
553484 Under certain conditions, it is not possible to insert into a proxy table using a temporary

table as an intermediary, when the target table contains both an identity column and a text


553566 In 15.0.2 ESD 6 and higher, error 233 is raised when the isnull function is used with a replacement value of NULL, i.e. isnull(data,NULL), to generate a nullable column in a temp table from a non-nullable base column. Traceflag 15336 reverts ASE to previous behavior.
553695 Error 325 when quey has join/case under oltp mode and set store_index 0
553697 Error 325 when quey has join/distinct under oltp mode and set store_index 0
553772 documentation: add warning for oam and index trip parameters
553780 Deleting a table with LOB columns (text, image, unitext) and self referential integrity constraint

may hit SEGSEGV together with stack trace in the module of LeDeleteOp::_LeOpNext().

553787 Update statistics might report error 863 severity 20 state 2, the severity of this error

has been changed to 18.

553791 ASE 15.0.x PC Client installer doesn't install Japanese language module if Sybase Central is deselected

from the install components list.

553813 Stored procedures may be unnecessarily upgraded multiple times.
553832 A database owner different than 'sa' and not having the replication role gets permission errors when attempting to run system stored procedures used to change the replication status at table level such as sp_setreptable, sp_setrepdefmode.
553866 If built-in function like data_pages(), which accesses OAM pages is called on a table in temporary database while the table is being dropped error 677 may be raised.
553873 Killing a task which has previously performed Java operations may result in a stacktrace. This may also apply to tasks killed when the client unexpectedly disconnects, or the task has experienced stack overflow, or an engine is taken offline.
553898 After altering a table which has a trigger, an update may cause error similar to: Invalid column length: 86. Value must be between 0 and 4 for 'all-pages' row with minimum row length of 6.

followed by a stack trace in the errorlog.

553962 The size of the dataserver binary on the solaris platform in the ASE 15.0.3 release is many times the size in previous releases.
554017 Login authentication fails on a target Adaptive Server after a bcp of the login account's syslogins row from a source Adaptive Server that contains trailing zeros in its syslogins.password column.
554029 In circumstances when a web service returns a large amount of data, web services must be started up with sufficient memory for example - Xmx512m
554037 Under some circumstances permissions are not propogating across both a table and procedure grant.
554062 When an extended column aggregate is used in a view, then the query may return no results.

An extended column aggregate is a non-ANSI sql feature that Sybase introduced, which allow a column to be placed into the select list of a GROUP BY aggregate, which is not included in an aggregate expression nor is it in the GROUP BY list.

The processing of the view silently fails in this case and returns no results.







insert into PROB_TABLE values (1,2)





PT.B as PT_B



-- note the extended column aggregate in PROB_VIEW2







-- the following returns no results and silently fails

select * from PROB_VIEW2


554073 Sybase Central throws NullPointerException in java.util.Calendar.setTime() while attempting to view Scheduled Job properties in a locale other than English.
554214 dump database with EMC Networker failed with Archive API error indicating failure in loading the API library on HP-UX platform.
554254 Proxy tables are dropped and error 11204 is raised if ALTER DATABASE FOR PROXY_UPDATE is run against a regular (non-proxy) database that contains proxy tables.
554296 ASE 15.0.3 running on IBM AIX 6.x version incorrectly interprets the OS version as lower than AIX 5.3

and fails with the following error:

kernel PCI(M0): PCI Bridge run-time check failed - Bridge is not enabled (expected: AIX 5.3 or later found: AIX 5.2 or earlier)

554401 Infected processs in s_mapcontrol() during s_compile()of batch when statement cache was enabled.
554404 Incorrect information is displayed under "data cache managementt" section of sysmon report.
554410 ASEP incorrectly specifies in the help text that the default option for "enable cis" is 0.
554435 Can not install RTDS 4.5 packages on platform hppa64: unable to find any supported ASE message
554472 Stack trace may result in rvm_migrate_pcrtree() if stored procedure contains cursors and all objects in the stored procedure are owned by the same user as the executor of the procedure.
554489 An abstract plan generated using the 揷reate plan� method, or by using set option show_abstract_plan on, on a very complex query including unions and views, may, under certain circumstances, be generated such that it cannot be used without producing subsequent warnings that a join is invalid.
554556 An update of an identity column value may change the value of @@identity. This global variable should only change after a insert, select into, or bcp.
554644 Enables data transfer between instances.
554650 instanceid is shown as NULL in systransactions/sp_transactions for some rows
554665 ASE incorrectly raises error 19848 instead of error 19850 when attempting to change the ASE errorlog location using sp_errorlog, while engine is coming online or offline.
554710 CPU spikes due to high address spinlock contention when running dbcc checkstorage in a very big database with high number of worker processes and high number of ASE engines.

To reduce CPU usage and spinlock contention, please change one parameter via

sp_configure 'lock address spinlock ratio', 1

554766 In certain circumstances, ASE Cluster Edition dataserver may produce a stacktrace involving routine lock__singlechain_deadlock() due to signal 11.
554776 Some 12.5.x multi-step abstract plans will fail to convert and apply properly on 15.0.x, resulting in syntax error 1013.
554788 In the showplan, when calling the sql function, the function name has garbage on it.
554804 In rare circumstances we may hit timeslice during checkpoint process.
554849 Incorrect ordering could be returned for a multi-column ORDER BY nested loop join

query whose inner index scan has the same key column sequences as the ORDER BY

clause but with different direction on the leading column (i.e. ascending

vs. descending).

555016 Enhance KILL WITH STATUSONLY to work on transactions that are not currently being rolled back so that it provides an estimate of how long it would take to rollback in the current state.
555071 In rare cases, error 3403 might be reported at boot time during the recovery of a database that has mixed log and data.
555137 In very rare circumstances, the message "Current process (0x...) infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV) with models like OptBlock::_OptInitBlobTcIdBm() or StTcInfoBase::StTcAverageWidthFromDataType" for queries assigning results of an anonomous subquery i.e. update t1 set c1 = (select null). The SQL is infact invalid.
555255 When a query contains a negative integer specified such as -(90), and when literal parameterization is on, parser or normalization syntax error might be raised when the query is cached and has to be

recompiled during subsequent executions.

555400 Previously executing stored procedure such as "sp_configure 'object'" in DBISQL would receive an error without the results. This has been fixed so that the error is correctly displayed, followed by the results.
555521 sp_configure 'current audit table', 0, 'with trucate' raises error 7625 and 5850.
555545 An empty string '' or "" passed as the second parameter to sp_ldapadmin 'set_access_acct'

causes an assertion failure.

555564 Customer request for a new database option/status which could be a mix of database in "read only" mode and database in "single user" mode.

Customer would like to get his database in "read only" mode, but having his maintenance user (Customer is using replication) still be allowed to apply commands.

Customer would also be able to dump his database (as maintenance user could fill up syslogs)

To summarize: Customer request for a new database status, where all user may have a read only access to data, and where only user with "replication_role" and/or "oper_role" (needed for dump/load command) or DBO user will have normal access permission.

555573 Feature request for auditing of CREATE and DROP TSQL user defined functions
555608 Same query on two versions, 15.0.1 picks a different plan, and finishes in 1200 ms.

15.0.2 finishes in 386400 ms. This is plan related, because we ran the 15.0.1 AP in the 15.0.2 server, and it finished in 1100 ms.

555610 A syntax error is displayed when the instmstr script is executed.
555709 "Under certain circumstances, Adaptive Server Cluster Edition could hit a stacktrace involving routines lock__ins_logical() due to signal 11."
555759 ASE can favour merge joins incorrectly over n-ary joins.
555773 The execution of DBCC CHECKALLOC with the FIX option may delete oam entries

that have zero used/unused page counts. When the oam deleted entry is the

last oam entry on the current oam page, ASE may mistakenly terminate this

command execution without completing the oam cleanup.

555798 A select statement which will return results against a local table will return error 403 against a proxy table. 125x version returned the same results for local and remote tables. The select clause evaluates to "where (null is null)" in the 15x version.
555826 Message at ASE boot time when master is marked for replication
555948 New MDA tables and sysmon enhancements for Cluster Lock Manager monitoring
555955 EFTS error 20137 occurs when an '1=1' clause is sent to EFTS from ASE.
556015 VCS HA cannot failover to companion server due to weak regular expression check in "".
556118 The admin access account password for secondary LDAP server set through sp_ldapadmin set_secondary_access_acct is stored in cleartext in audit logs when cmdtext auditing is turned on.
556134 The index checking of DBCC CHECKTABLE doesn't check the first row of every

non-leaf page, so it can't check out the corrupt index if someone of first keys is bad.

556165 Customer has added groups in an options file. When they generate a Usage Summary report using SAMreport, the group information is displayed as 'none'.
556167 Feature request for a SET SWITCH option that would cause ASE to not raise error 3621, allowing a script to pick up and handle the more-specific previous error.
556173 Dropping a function based index on a partitioned table results in 11051 error.
556182 A SELECT INTO EXISTING query can incorrectly raise error 213 when the target table has a

functional index. The correct error should be 11029.

556192 In rare circumstances on a multi-engine 12.5.4 ASE, an undetected deadlock may occur when running the 'data_pgs' builtin function while there are many sessions creating or dropping tables in tempdb.
556207 If optimization goal is allrows_dss, wrong result could be returned

when executing an outer join query with aggregate functions in the

SELECT list after the query plan is cached in procedure cache.

This problem could occur if statement cache is enabled or the query

in question is in a stored procedure.

556213 Provide support for Adaptive Server Transaction Coordination services in

a shared disk cluster so that the cluster is able to coordinate transactions

on a remote Adaptive Server.

556257 XPSERVER: On Windows 64 bit platforms, attempts to use xp_cmdshell when "xp_cmdshell context" is configured to the default value of 1 results in exception -1073741819
556402 Percentage of log pages to be scanned exceed the threshold (30%), causing the "Post Commit Optimization" to not kick in, hence resulting into false alarm
556468 Table scans on DOL tables with many OAM entries with zero used/unused counts is slower

than in previous major releases. REORG COMPACT and REORG RECLAIM_SPACE utilities will

now clear out OAM entries with zero used/unused counts.

556521 Adaptive Server 15.0.3 on Windows NT platform (32-bit) may fail to start with an error message saying

"NT operating system error 87 in module 'nt386\ksource\blkmem\osmntmmap.c' at line 479 The parameter is incorrect"

followed by "kernel os_create_region: Failed to get virtual memory information".

556559 Outer join semantics require that an outer null extended row be added to the result set if the inner join fails. This implies a minimum row count estimate for the result set to be at least as large as the number of outer rows of the join. This minimum estimate is now being enforced in the optimizer, and can be turned on with the outer_join_costing optcriteria. Part of the testing revealed an issue with duplicate estimates of join histograms, and a separate optcriteria join_duplicate_estimates was created to better estimate the duplicate behavior in join results.
556561 After loading a dump that contains a procedure that uses a TSQL user-defined function,

attempts to execute the procedure raise errors 208 and 913. Using EXECUTE 'procedurename'

WITH UPGRADE corrects the problem.

556567 The RepAgent configuration parameter 'bind to engine' has been added to the 'Replication Agent Configuration' section of the report displayed by the system stored procedure sp_help_rep_agent.
556668 Using RTMS and Java in the same SQL batch can result in an infected with

11 together with a stacktrace being printed in the ASE errorlog. The stacktrace contains the

modules 'Cast_UnitextData_to_String' and 'jvmfini'.

556727 A 12313 error: "Internal error: Insert into page id <pageid> of index id <indid> of table '<objname>' (id = <objid>) in database '<dbname>'tried to replace undeleted RID (<rid_pageid>,<rid_rnum>) at slot <slotnum> and ridposn <ridposn>." may be reported when a chained-mode multi_database transaction that modified a data-only locked table, is rolled back.
556728 merge joins are not used for very small tables when the underlying index order is provided by a one page index scan.
556732 Under rare circumstances, some premature out of data space conditions

may be hit (1105 error) whereas 'sp_helpdb' shows that free data space

is available. Alternatively, for mixed log and data databases, 3475

errors may be raised under the same space usage conditions.

556742 Command line options to dataserver and qrmutil will now use hyphens instead of underscores, for example 'master-dev=' vs. 'master_dev='. To maintain backwards compatibility, dataserver and qrmutil

will still recognize underscores, such as 'master_dev'.

556752 The message, "Current process infected with 11", together with a stack trace which

include the modules 'srvdes_alloc' and 'omni_connect' may be reported in the errorlog

when accessing a proxy table or remote server when ASE has no more free memory. As a

workaround, increase the "max memory" configuration parameter.

556762 Adaptive Server Shared Disk Cluster Edition may exclude local instance from the new cluster view when a split-brain type cluster failure occurs.
556770 A 10334 error, "Permission related internal error was encountered. Unable to continue execution."

may be reported in errorlog while running the DBCC CACHEDATAREMOVE command.

556787 Duplicate entries exist in RUN_<server name> file, if user input existing entry in sqlsrv.addl_cmdline_parameters again.
556792 In rare circumstances the signal 11 might occur when executing the command "SETUSER".
556829 Syconfig.exe can not do upgrade on winx64 platform.
556865 Enhance support for multiple Backup servers in Cluster addressing following items.

- Display Backup server name in usage of stored procedure sp_volchanged.

- Restrict instance name in Cluster not to exceed 27 chars.

556866 If optimization goal is allrows_dss or advanced_aggregation is on,

count(column) in the select list of an outer join query could be


556896 A 2805 error, "Bad pointer 0x4 encountered while remapping stored procedure 'proc_name'. Must

re-create procedure." may be reported in the errorlog, or a 703 error, "You cannot run this procedure,

trigger, or SQL batch because it requires more than 24480 pages of memory. Break it up into shorter

queries, if possible." may be returned, and also sometimes the message "current process infected with

11" in the module 'qremap__mapptr' together with a stack trace which includes the modules

's_getTreeOrPlan' and 'qremap_prochdr' when executing a very big procedure which requires more than

24480 pages of memory.

556903 When statement cache and literal autoparam are on, sig11 may occur in s__make_param() when the query contains like clause in derived table expression and there are literals in

the like clause and other expressions within derived table expression and there are at least one

local variable referenced in the derived table expression.

557092 Clusterize new builtin reserve_identity("table_name", size), allowing a process

to grab a group of identity values reserved for that process.

557099 There is a requiment to enable session level variables in an isql session connected to an ASE server, similar to those available in isql when connecting to an IQ server.
557146 In rare cases we may hit "Assertion (MF_USED(mfp)) failed" while doing connection migration.
557160 Need microsecond time granularity in an ASE data type.
557161 When you run showplan and checkcatalog in two separate statements, you get totally

incorrect huge number result for the server pagesize. When you run them together, it is

correctly reported as 2048 bytes. Problem is reproduced on windows only, dbisql or isql.

See repro section.

557199 Provide a facility to transfer data incrementally between ASE and an external receiver such as Sybase IQ or another ASE.
557299 Applications that use query plans having lots of worktables and/or dynamic SQL

may hit SIGSEGV in make_negative_obj_id() and may cause one engine to fail.

557301 Repagent spins, consuming 100% CPU
557351 DDLGen does not generate ddls for

user resource limits and audit settings

557357 If a count aggregate appears as the inner member of an outer join

and a group_hashing strategy is used to calculate the count,

then an incorrect count of 0 will be returned. This could occur if a

group-by count aggregate occurs in a derived table or a view

and the derived table or view is used in turn as the inner member

of an outer join.

557398 ASE may crash unrecoverably in a multi-connection environment at ct_poll on the scheduler

thread when the configuration 'cis idle connection timeout' is set to a non-zero value.

557400 Wrong Asynchronization strategy caused by erroneous server code caused serious performance degradation on Sun Solaris architectures (Sparc/SparcV9 and X86_64). This problem required code adjusting to be resolved. There is no end-user server administration required.
557564 In rare circumstances we may not get expected identity values for a table,

when one of the instances is brought down in the cluster.

557592 Replicating data into an encrypted column that is bound to a domain rule fails with error 225. The same failure can occur when inserting data through bcp using the -C flag.
557689 When running asepyxis binary on pre-pyxis master device, error 5864 is seen

when doing sp_configure and the config file is truncated.

557697 Query returns wrong results based on non-existence of optimizer statistics.
557779 In some circumstances, an 11056 error, "Exceeded tempdb space limit of <value> pages", may be reported pre-maturely due to an error in tempdb space control.
557783 Optdiag cannot output statistics from a read only database
557827 A new stored procedure sp_compatmode is added to check the conflict configuration options

with compatibility mode and raise warning messages accordingly.

557831 In rare circumstances the failed deadlock handling could cause mltiple processes

hung in latch sleeping and unkillable.

557886 password_random() builtin generates a segmentation violation (SEGV) when NULL is specified as parameter.
557900 optdiag with japanese LANG fails to load a statistics file to a database due to the error message "Problem with double quote marks with the following string:".
557939 When executing a query involving views and coalesce(), an error 4409 may be reported incorrectly.
557967 If the max possible size of the select list (i.e. adding up all the max lengths of all

the columns in the select list) is larger than the max row size for the server, then

the optimizer will avoid sort nodes at all costs to satisfy an ORDER BY clause.

This means that a very expensive sort node may be placed much earlier in the query

plan, in which the max row width is smaller. This could cause huge swings in

performance, if the number of rows at the top of the query plan is much smaller

than earlier in the join order. The allow_wide_top_sort optcriteria will avoid

checking for the max wide, for optimization purposes only, and allow a sort node

to be placed on top of the query plan for purposes of satisfying an ORDER BY.

This is consistent with 12.5 behavior for placement of sort nodes for ORDER BY.

The assumption is that rows formed from a select list of a query which has an ORDER BY

will fit into the sorter.

558087 Update statistics should check whether target DB is read-only before starting any work.
558102 Dump database results in error message 3003 instead of error 3220 when connection to Backup server fails.
558131 ASE fails to start the SSL listener when there is a space at the end of the sql.ini entry

and returns the error "ssl tcp is not a valid protocol type on this platform"

558179 When PCI Bridge is disabled per ASE configuration the ASE under shutdown requests lists that it is performing a shutdown operation towards the PCI Bridge PLB (Launcher Boss) service thread. This operation always succeeds but is causing confusion as the DBA may think by this informative message that the PCI Bridge is enabled. There is no real impact other then that this is a cosmetic issue. The problem is resolved by altering shutdown path under the PCI Bridge to only issue a PLB shutdown if the PCI Bridge is enabled.
558192 Backup Server may report junk percentage progress instead of '0 %' while dumping or loading large databases.
558222 When running ASE SDC using a single link as interconnect, under heavy load ASE may falsely trigger a link down event accompanied by the message:

kernel Detected failure of the Primary interconnect network link with instance <n>

558228 In DBISQL 11.0.0, the plan output which was displayed following SET

SHOWPLAN ON always contained plans from a number of other statements which

the user did not directly execute. This has been fixed to restore the

9.0.2 behavior which is as follows:

If DBISQL is configured to display results as text, or read-only grids, the

SHOWPLAN output is just for whatever statement(s) you explicitly execute.

If DBISQL is configured to show results as editable grids, it requires more

metadata. That metadata is provided by the JDBC driver (JConnect) which

makes a number of database requests on our behalf. These requests

themselves cause SHOWPLAN output which users might not expect, but there is

nothing further which can be done about it. DBISQL also includes a plan

viewer window which is a good alternative to the textual SHOWPLAN.

558243 If a derived table contains a union all view, and the sybase extended column aggregate feature is used with this derived table, then "infected with 11" can occur, or wrong answers can occur.

An extended column aggregate is a non-ANSI feature, in which a reference to a column is made which is not in the GROUP BY list, and not contained in an aggregate, and is outside the WHERE clause.


count(fifo_realized )





) pos




In the case above, the ORDER BY column is not in the WHERE clause, and there is a scalar aggregate in the select list. This results in 2 evaluations of the union all derived table, which could have wrong answer or signal 11 issues.

558256 sp_sysmon fails with syntax error 249 when displaying the "Replication Agent" section of a database for which RepAgent has been enabled but is not running.
558273 A 2601 error may be reported during online upgrade if systabstats placement index is bound to a named cache.
558338 LOAD operation with "compress::" may fail with no error message displayed.
558501 Pre-15.0 versions of bcp may insert incorrect numeric values into columns with the new BIGINT datatype
558552 If buffer pool tuning is performed during server boot-up, the config size of the default buffer pool shows a smaller value than the earlier configured value on both config file and sysconfigures.
558671 SIGSEGV could occur in PeLikeFilterPred::PeEvaluateExpression() if a simple query which has a LIKE clause and an out-of-range SARG on the same column tries to select a greater range of values than the column's histogram.
558700 Some complex query may leave worktable descriptors in the incorrect state. As a result the same session may encounter errors related to worktable descriptors like error 8210 "Duplicate of work table descriptor found in the id hash table for temporary object" or encounter SIGSEGV error with module des_wkinstall() reported in the errolog.
558955 The sample script for using sp_extrapwdchecks to restrict password reuse by maintining a history incorrectly inserts internal_encrypt(@caller_password) into the pwdhistory table when it should insert @encrypted_pwd (or internal_encrypt(@new_password)
558961 When using "authenticate with" login support in 12.5.4, the customer must use "authenticate with" ANY vs the KERBEROS option in order to allow remote sites to login using site-handler connections which have trusted option set to true.
558995 QPTune Wizard now saves the comparison output for a tuning task when it's executed.
559034 Covered index scans were incorrectly discouraged from being at the beginning of a join order

when a complex predicate that has strong filtering can be applied to the index. Instead

a non-covered more expensive index may be chosen instead, or a different join order may

be chosen. This can be seen when the "set statistics plancost on" output shows an

estimated row count for a covered index scan which is higher than the row count for the

rid join over a non-covered index scan. The behavior change is associated with the

optcriteria cr559034, which can be enabled with "set cr559034 on"

559076 An error 813 is raised by a task trying to allocate a new page to an object.
559151 ASE may crash unrecoverably with signal 11 in ct_poll when a dynamic SQL query is interrupted

by an cancel attention generated from a killed connection.

559216 On QPTune Wizard's Results page, the new "Verify" button allows the user to re-run the collection after a tuning fix has been applied to the server.
559219 Add support in QPTune Wizard for including 'Basic Optimization' tuning mode.
559236 Previously in 15.0.3 ESD #1 ASE Plug-in's QPTune Wizard invoked Interactive SQL to run a script file and it was distracting. This has been improved by only using the Run Script dialog from Interactive SQL to run the script file.
559342 The dump version 12540(ASE 12.5.4 ESD#9) and load version 15030(ASE Pyxis SMP/SDC) may result in version incompatibility error.
559464 Inefficient plan could be chosen for correlated subquery referencing a DISTINCT

view if there is a sargable correlated predicate on the column from the DISTINCT


559524 Executing 'set textsize 0' fails to reset @@textsize to the default value(32k).
559584 Under certain circumstances, the load of an archive database may fail with a timeslice error.
559593 If a cluster-wide static config option is changed, but the cluster is not restarted,

the new joint instance will have different run value on the new instance.

559676 DIRECT IO is now supported by Backup Server/Sybmultbuf only for archive devices on Linux platform under traceflag value -D256.
559685 ASE allows the SA to change the class of an existing server to 'local' which could result in RPC failures and sp_remotesql stored procedure failures.
559710 In rare circumstances error 587 "identity overflow" may be reported into the error log while

inserting values into the table with identity column.

559804 AP: Use abstract plan in the create view should raise a error or warning.
559807 AP: Use abstract plan in the create view.
559928 User cannot install ASE into a directory when chmod 755 failed.
559985 srvbuild and syconfig/sybatch does not recognise case-insensitive commands leading to failure in building the dataserver
560114 Execution of a stored procedure containing a statement with a derived table expression

may generate Msg 10334, "Permission related internal error was encountered". This

error may occur when the procedure execution follows the drop and re-creation of a table referenced in the derived table expression.

560272 On Windows platforms, after installing a new Connectivity ESD,

ASE may fail to boot with messages:

"SSL Plus security module EZ_SECURITY_BUILDER_DSA_MODULE load failed (2030).

SSL Plus security module EZ_SECURITY_BUILDER_RSA_MODULE load failed (2031).


SSL Plus v5.0.4 security modules loaded, 14 errors. Continuing startup without listed modules "

560276 select into do not show row affected if more and 2147483647 rows this is

also releated to the count field in TDS_DONE this is a INT.

560331 Queries that contain an expression in the select-list that has a column value with a LOB

datatype (TEXT, IMAGE, UNITEXT) as an input parameter may generate an access

violation/segmentation fault with the function, LeAlignedDataRow::readRow, in the calling

stack. This failure can occur if the query plan contains a blocking operator (i.e. HASH

JOIN, MERGE JOIN, STORE or SORT OPERATOR in showplan output) above the SCAN OPERATOR that

reads in the LOB column value.

560359 When using builtin function object_owner_id(), if the object name is longer than 30 bytes, the builtin could return wrong owner id for the object.
560437 Homogeneous SQL statement replication with multiple tables in the query may

not work correctly if the query objects are not prefixed by the owner name.

560449 When you run sp_databases and there is a database >= 2TB, an arithmetic overflow occurs.
560624 When a parallel query plan is executed and

- at least one SCAN OPERATOR is executed in parallel and

- that SCAN OPERATOR does 'Dynamic Partition Elimination' (as seen in showplan) and

- that SCAN OPERATOR evaluates a predicate on the partitioning column of a range partitioned table containing the "<" or "<=" operator (i.e. where ptncol <= @v),

too few rows may be returned.

560625 Feature request for CREATE XML INDEX functionality in ASE.
560770 Under certain circumstances, queries referencing a "view or derived table" that is defined using nested "views or derived tables" containing GROUP BY and UNION ALL that contain nested "views or derived tables" with UNION (i.e. this is triply nested) may cause this stack trace.
560776 PC Client 1503 ESD#1 Installer log.txt file shows an error message like "Setup.product.install, com.sybase.ismp.ase.wizardbean.SetupLogWizardAction, sis, ERROR: product bean suite does not exist"
560848 ASE on HP-UX raises error 7718 when executing "alter role <role_name> drop passwd" after "alter role <role_name> add passwd" fails when password exists for the role <role_name>.
560878 Adaptive Server may fail to enforce the "restricted decrypt permission"

configuration option on encrypted columns declared with a decrypt_default

value under certain circumstances.

560954 Add a dbcc command to enable fixing 100004 checkstorage faults (timestamp value in page header larger than database timestamp).
560979 Persistent DSF is supported in HP-UX 11.31.
561072 For a select query, if the different columns are being selected and aliased to the same

correlation name, it fails to raise 7348 error.

For example, The following queries should raise an error:

select a.col1 'name', b.col1 'name' from a, b order by name

select a.col1 'name', b.col1 'name' from a, b

561105 Request configurable shell for xp_cmdshell
561156 Incorrect results containing extra unexpected NULL values

could be returned when executing a statement having in its

WHERE clause java user defined function calls for objects

referenced in the statement with local variables.

561268 'set statistics io' can fail to report the componential cost of a deferred update. The cost will however appear in the 'Total actual I/O cost'.
561289 Optimizer chose a expensive plan for triggers.
561347 Internal Only
561369 When using Kerberos for authentication, the 3rd party errors are only displayed as error numbers which are not human readable. Actual text corresponding to the numbers should also be displayed.
561370 A message "Entry 14 in pss plock_cache not found on lock chain" along with diagnostic information could be printed on console during the boot of an ASE server.
561385 Restricted compatibility mode could choose a useless non-covered index scan

without any sarg and the 302 index selection diagnostics would incorrectly

list the index to be covered. It could happen for a non-correlated subquery

which itself has a correlated subquery.

561501 Document that Sybase allows Kerberos clients to login to ASE using different principal names by setting SYBASE_PRINCIPAL="" or -k=""
561513 Allow the i_scan() construct to be used in abstract plans to indicate that an index scan is preferred over a table scan is possible. If the query does not contain any columns of the index which are in optimizable predicates or is not covering, then the index will still not be used.
561518 A 1251 error, "An in-use preallocated semaphore cursor was encountered" may be reported under some circumstances if a process that is allocating a new log page is rolled back.
561522 SEGV may occur while running a procedure or a cached statement that

has hit an exception in its previous executions.

The functions LeScanOp::_LeOpClose()or LeInsertOp::LeOpen()may appear

in the stacktrace.

561557 Request to have a tool (dbcc) to check that commitservice in ASE (ASTC) can login to remote servers to resolve 2 phase commit transaction.
561559 Request to have a other login and probe for commitservice in ASE (ASTC).
561626 A 8242 error "The table <table_name> in database <dbname> is bound to metadata cache ..."

maybe raised when doing delete operation on a DOL table that is bound as hot object using

DBCC TUNE 'des_bind' command.

561660 CREATE EXISTING TABLE command against MSSQL backend results in Msg 11213 if the remote column

is defined with a DEFAULT clause. In the same situation, CREATE PROXY_TABLE fails silently

and does not return any error.

561673 The built-in function VALID_NAME() could cause a SIGSEGV (infected with 11) stacktrace if NULL is passed as the second parameter.
561706 Resource might not work as expected when drop table/index involved because the tempdb page usae count will decrease by 1 for each system table page de-allocation.
561710 Under certain special circumstances, the benign error message, "Internal Error in the IP Link Monitor cannot determine a link state based on returned error" may occur repeatedly in the error log.
561776 The built-in function datachange aborts with a segmentation fault when called for statistics on a VIEW.
561797 An error 335 could be raised during a select-into statement when proxy tables with

unique indexes are present.

561832 Previously when adding a named dump device on Restore Wizard's Select Dump Devices page, if there was no dump device available, clicking OK would result an internal error. This has been fixed.
561876 Sometimes, ASE terminates connection to the client after error 603, "not enough system session descriptors available" occurs.
561959 In rare circumstances, the message Infected with 11, together with module names like SeClock::SclTrigTimeOut(), may be reported when there is a 10 or more table join, with a union view/derived table involved.
561987 For query involving <expr> NOT IN <subquery> predicate, a merge join plan

under the subquery could lead to stacktrace and access violation in


562016 Get incorrect db pagesize on winx64 platform if run dbcc checkcatalog twice or after set showplan command.
562036 "set bulk batch size" does not appear to be = to "cis bulk insert batch size"

When we use the set command, we only see 1 beginxact and 1 endxact for a select

into proxy_table, whereas sp_configure "cis bulk insert batch size", 200 will

give us 1 beginxact and 1 endxact for every 200 rows inserted.

562055 ASE produces a stack trace with signal 6 (SIGABRT) when an isql session that was

used to establish a CIS connection using SSL, is terminated.

562093 When loading a jar file containing multiple classes, message 10795, "The file '<your class>.class'

contained in the jar does not represent a valid Java class file." can be raised.

562144 The message "Assertion (fmtlen <= this->maxRowLen) failed" along with stack trace involving modules

of vtabremoteaccess.cpp might be printed or ASE Cluster Edition Error 12035 "Failed to return a row

for the monOpenObjectActivity monitoring table." may be returned when customer tries to create a

temporary table with a a table name >10 characters. The same error might occur for smaller temporary

tables in case the user created tempdb has a large enough name

562182 DBISQL displays correct DST time for March 8, 2009 with time values forwarded between 2:00am and 3:00am.
562418 The formula for estimating stored procedure size needs to be updated due to changes in 15.0. The formula now is select count(*) as "estimated size in KB" from sysprocedures where id = object_id("procedurename"). The exact size of a plan in procedure cache can be found in monCachedProcedures
562468 Incorrect referential interity (RI) check could happen for update/delete

when there is mixed datatype equijoin between the RI column and

another column. The similar mixed datatype equijoin under a view could also

lead to wrong result when the view is joined to itself and has to be

materialized into a worktable first.

562472 On HP-UX, ASE might report "IP Link Monitor cannot determine a link state based on returned error 229. " and ASE might panic with this error.
562507 Optdiag output will result in "Internal error: data length mismatch in ct_fetch()" if the

table contains a unichar column of size larger than 127 characters.

562556 When upgrading the server which is booted with single user mode, upgrade utility was not able to perform. It required 4 connections to finish the upgrade work.

And it can finish the work with only one connection.

562580 Attempting to create a table when ASE has run out of locks may cause sig-11
562584 Under very rare circumstances, ASE may incorrectly generate 9820 errors by attempting to access partitions with negative numbers.
562630 sp_sproc_columns contains several joins that needlessly result in Cartesian products.
562635 sp_dbcc_summaryreport is expanded to support the exclusion of faults

registered in the dbcc_exclusions table like sp_dbcc_faultreport does.

562636 Feat Req: add functionality to sp_modifystats to be able to modify column level statistics for "Range selectivity" and "In between selectivity".
562643 On IBM AIX platform, establishing a server-to-server CIS connection using SSL on Adaptive Server causes a segmentation violation and closes the client connection.
562710 Executing SELECT TOP N queries against IQ server may cause error 11206.
562796 When the server's page size is not 2k, sybmigrate tool displays the wrong data on "Setup path: Configure work database (source)" screen -> Create on device (source server) combo box.
562870 Previously ASE Plug-in only checked 'enable java' configuration to display Java-related folders even though 15.0.3 ASE's Java in database feature requires additional configuration. This has been fixed.
562873 If user inputs available physical memory for ASE larger than system free memory, there is no warning message in neither installer nor icu tools - srvbuild[res]/syconfig/sybatch, but the optimizing ASE configuration task may fail because it can't allocate the specified memory to server.
562947 When a cursor is implicitly updatable, i.e. does not have a FOR UPDATE clause or a FOR READONLY clause, and at least one index is available, then a table scan will not be considered. This change will allow a table scan to be considered if there are no unique indices available. The change was placed under optcriteria cr562947 and will be on by default for 15.0.3 ESD #2.
562949 Signal 11 in the errorlog and termination of the spid may be seen involving the modules 'sendtext' ,'run', 'exec_eop' on execution of 'union all' query within a procedure.
562986 INSERT-SELECT queries involving an IDENTITY column may cause error 235, "Precision error

during implicit conversion of INT value '<nn>' to a NUMERIC field"

562998 ASE running on Windows platforms may fail with an access violation, the stack showing the runtime routines free and delete
563020 Stack trace information on IBM AIX platform had wrong function names, it is corrected with this fix.
563119 In rare circumstances message "Couldn't find the identity column for object" may be reported into the errorlog while creating objects in multinode cluster environment.
563136 sub-optimal query plan for Distinct with subquery that include Max().
563184 Internal only: object type O_LOG was never used. It has been replaced by object type O_PREDICATE.
563236 Under high system load, ASE15.x may randomly hit timeslice errors in cache manager fucntions.
563308 The problem described in ASE 15.0.3 ESD#1 Cover Letter for Technical Note "SQL Statement

Replication and owner" is solved and supported by Replication Server 15.2 ESD#1 onward.

563378 preupgrade utility should identify stored procedures that use depreciated function calls such as reserved_pgs().
563479 Sybase error code = 102 - Incorrect syntax near ')' during recompile of a statement in the statement cache that has a predicate involving an arithmetic operator outside of a parenthesis. E.g.

where col1 =-(1)

563556 The display statistics for tables ( optdiag ) function does not work. when there is no ASE installation on the same machine as PC-Client. Incomplete distribution of PC-client installation.
563639 A view is inner to an outer join and the view resdom has a constant string expression. when this expression was used by a builtin function of an outer view outside of it join predicate which could lead to potential null row extension and the outer view also has a

union, it could lead to SIG11 in ReslopOp()->EvalConstExpr().

563762 CIS performance could be improved by calculating the values of functions that return static values and passing the values in where clauses to the remote server.
563799 LDAP feature request to have a unified method of handling users, logins and roles
563861 Error 11055 and stack trace when incomplete case statement in group by.
563882 Feature request enhancing sp_displaylogin to allow filtering by locked or expired login status.
563895 Request for a way to suppress new message 4852, meant to inform that minimally-logged bcp is now possible against tables with triggers and/or only nonclustered indexes. Existing traceflag 4805 disables the feature as well as the message.
563896 Disable the display of 'row(s) affected' messages that made certain system procedures' output hard to read.
564077 Under certain circumstances a query of the form 'insert' can cause a stack trace if the select clause refers to two or more tables and a wild card '*' is used in the select clause. The query must result in a wide row for the stack trace to occur.
564123 Under rare circumstances, sp_bindcache may report error 19828, "Cache binding failed for database <dbname>.", because the cache to which the object is currently bound is not being locked, even though the lock is granted.
564130 If a pre-15.0 dump is loaded into an SDC server, and the server is rebooted prior to onlining the database, the database will be marked suspect and cannot be onlined.
564134 add 64bit patch info to Installation guide for Solaris 9
564170 Too many primary BCM requeues causing 100% CPU usage.
564171 For clusters with two or more instances, the message "current process infected with 11" may be reported in the errorlog together with a stacktrace which includes the modules 'cmcc__timedout_request_hdlr', 'cmcc__requeue_ele', 'cmcc_pendq_notifyhndlr', 'cmcc__scan_pendq_timeout_req', 'cmcc_pendq_scan_plc' or 'cmcc__check_duplicate_and_demand_BASTs'.
564192 Error "01:05:00000:00000:2009/03/10 07:25:09.08 kernel ncheck_checkconn: Unable to identify thread for fd 16" may be reported in the error when multiple engines are configured.
564300 This is in the Install Guide for windows 15.x, and it should go to the job schedulers user guide as well. If Job Scheduler was configured to use the sa account an additional step is necessary whenever the sa password is changed.
564328 Rep Agent reports Log record contains inconsistent data
564344 run uninstall in console mode will show NoClassDefFoundError warning message
564392 Documents should be updated with reorg compact and reorg forwarded_rows take exclusive table lock when it find a forwarded rows.
564409 Feature request to make reorg compact and reorg forwarded_rows not take exclusive table lock when it finds forwarded rows.
564420 The default value of memory to allocate for Adaptive Server in the Out-of-the-box Configurator checks only physical memory, not available memory.
564439 The message reported in the ASE server log when the sybpcidb database does not exist has been

improved and now contains more information. The new message suggests that the sybpcidb database

may be missing, or it may need to be initialized with the installpcidb script.

564478 Select on "monOpenObjectActivity" raises error 12035 when there is a DBName and ObjectName are greater than 30 characters each.
564544 Adaptive Server may raise an 893 error, "Fatal Error: Physical lock on <pageno>, <dbid> is being downgraded while the buffer is in dirty state. Please contact Sybase Technical Support." when it downgrades the physical lock on a buffer of a page that is not the last log page.
564618 The 'max memory' config parameter's default size is not enough to boot 16k server when pci is enabled on HP platform.
564704 If the tempdb database data or log segments on the monitored Adaptive Server become full the ASE Monitor displays incomplete data and the mouse cursor may remain in a busy state.
564948 Request for using tarball for EBF/ESD distribution.
564990 The license agreement text cannot be loaded with the first geographic location during installation using GUI mode.
565026 Incorrect results could be returned when executing a

query joining two or more tables having in its WHERE

clause a comparison between two expressions which

both result in a java object and the plan selected by

the optimizer decided to use a reformatting mechanism.

565071 Monitor table (MDA) that show service time for a device in ASE.
565083 The SySAM Administrator plugin only displays the last entry (count) in the license file

for a consolidated license file

565091 Signal 11 at CgLavaUtils::CgTargetListExprs may occur

when running a query joining a local table with a proxy table

after update statistics has been run on the proxy table.

565165 For clusters with two or more instances, the message "timeslice error: spid" may be reported in

errorlog for the module cmcc__getphysicallock.

565267 Document that in ASE the results of modulo have the same sign as the dividend.
565272 On HP, Error " Internal Error in the IP Link Monitor cannot determine a link state based on returned error 22" may report in the error log and cause link monitoring and link switch failures.
565273 signal 11 could happen in ResRelOp() during codegen when a constant

expression from a view or derived table is SELECTed from an outer

join view inner side and the constant expression is further participating

in a simple WHERE clause (comparison involving other constant only)

when the outerjoin view is queried.

565276 Under compatibility mode, traceflag 302 diagnostics might output

"unnamed-col" for predicate printing instead of the real column name.

565310 New configuration option "FIPS login password encryption" is added. Its valid value is 0/1. Its default value is 0.
565321 In parallel query mode, monProcessWorkerThread.ThreadsActive, monProcess.NumChildren, monSysWorkerThreads.PlansAltered and monProcessStatement.PlansAltered are always 0.
565377 The tracefile generated on NT and viewed from notepad does not have carriage return and appears that the whole content is printed in a single line.
565392 On HP-UX platform, RTDS does not support IBM MQ SSL feature, if IBM MQ version is lower than
565393 We need a facility to force through an increase in the number of partition descriptors on busy systems.
565409 Sybase Central 15.0.2 ASE Plug-in doesn't start if you have connection profiles previously defined by 12.5.x ASE Plug-in. Remove "C:/Documents and Settings/<login>/.SCUserPreferences43" before upgrading to 15.0.2. to get around the issue.
565420 upgrade from 15x to ARIES SMP fails
565464 ALTER TABLE ADD column raises error 13918 if a function specified for the default rather than

a literal value. The workaround is to use a literal value and then use ALTER TABLE REPLACE to

replace the literal value default with a function default.

565467 sp_lock output shows negative spid ID for certain row locks
565484 Using a large value for 'max memory' and setting 'allocate max shared memory'=1 may cause the shared memory dump size to be much bigger than expected against SYBMON.
565504 The rollback of a bulk insert operation on a table with TEXT columns may encounter a 3478 error. This situation may happen for UNITEXT, or TEXT columns in a multi-byte character set server.
565507 The recovery redo pass suffers from reduced performance during server boot,

cluster failover, LOAD DATABASE and LOAD TRAN, because asynchronous prefetch

is incorrectly disabled.

565508 The interrupt-based mechanism of acquiring the last log object lock by secondary BCM was not exercised.
565566 The command "sp_cluster logical, failover, <logical cluster>, cluster, <to instance list>" ignores the user specified "to instance list" and fails over to a system selected set of instances.
565585 A task trying to acquire a physical lock on a page tried to access the last log page pointer from the dbtable field and hit a signal 11 error.
565638 In an SDC environment with a large number of connections from different instances sharing the same database with concurrent DML operations, a hang can be observed where a thread in the module bufnewpage() is waiting for a buffer's MASS_DESTROY state to be reset.
565647 On HP-UX a command that writes data to an encrypted column may fail with a 15429 error message, "An internal error occurred when Adaptive Server was generating random data during an encryption operation. Please contact Sybase Technical Support."
565674 DBISQL incorrectly showed Plan Viewer menu item when connected to 12.5.x ASE. Plan Viewer is only supported for 15.x ASE or later.
565677 wrong results: update with sum(col2) returning incorrect results, and no error MSSQL raises a 157 error when this occurs
565687 ASE Cluster Edition instances may hang in case of an irrecoverable error, for which shutdown was triggered automatically from within the ASE.
565691 Error: 702 in memalloc when passed a bad column length.
565728 Sig11 or assertion failure may hit when one instance is writing the config file and the other instance is trying to read the config file as part of booting the joint instance.
565732 SEGV occurs in ASE when accessing a proxy table and the remote server's connection is killed.
565752 Add ability to kill process querying syslocks table.
565828 The attempt to failover to secondary LDAP server may fail silently (without a message in the errorlog) if the secondary URL and secondary access account details are not configured correctly.
565834 The last two charaters of binary data are truncated in 'text' results mode.
565849 DUMP DATABASE/TRANSACTION with the COMPRESSION= syntax can be slower than using the COMPRESS:: syntax
565850 Feature request to improve handling of level 0 scans by causing dba commands to block on

them rather than fail with an error, and to reveal their existence through a new lock

type entry in syslocks.

565856 When upgrading 1254 server to 1503 ESD#2, error 12324 is raised while upgrade steps [3 alter table (table sysindexes)] is being executed.
565862 Increase granularity of GRANT / REVOKE permissions for SA_ROLE or SSO_ROLE.
565864 Feature Request to include spid's listener IP and port in sysprocesses
565865 Feature request for a tool that would gather environment and diagnostic information typically needed by tech support.
565877 Message 14623 doesn't provide enough info for users to perform corresponding operations to continue

downgrade. It should provide more infomation like which objid and indid the row has.

565878 Index is not used on tables in a view when view is joined in a query.
565938 Adptive Server may hang during failover recovery if all cluster instances had high transaction activity at the time of node crash.
565943 'optdiag simulate statistics' utility could fail in a cluster environment.
565961 Execution of sp_configure to switch off the parameter 'procedure deferred compilation'

may not complete leading to stack trace.

565964 In rare circumstances, error message 14108, "Could not find partition descriptor for objid", may be reported in the errorlog while creating index on the table.
566009 Enhancement to RECOVERY_TIMEOUT functionality to distinguish between ASE online, production databases online and ignore irrelevant databases recovery rather than insisting that all databases recover within a certain time.
566035 Allow auto-extend feature to use additional "default" devices.
566055 A description of the use of trace flags 1648 and 1649; to enable direct i/o and Linux KAIO should be included in the documentation for 揜elease Bulletin Adaptive Server� Enterprise 12.5.4 for Linux�

If you are running 12.5.4 ESD1 or later on Linux 2.6 kernel, you can enable direct i/o for all devices by booting with traceflag 1648. This should be used in conjunction with 1649 to enable native Linux kernel async i/o.

566192 All the cache memory cannot be moved from default cache pool to a bigger pool as the default pool

should have at least 512k or 25 buffers whichever is greater. However in ASE Cluster Edition

this rule is broken when the cluster has more than single instance configured.

566259 Server Discovery failed in ASE Plug-in and SySAM Plug-in.
566329 Feature request for future versions of ASE 15 to store more

information about backups in the MDA tables to track :-

- backup start/end time

- datasize - raw and compressed (if compression used)

- backup type

566417 If the number of elements in the IN list is larger than 128 and the IN list has mixed data type elements, it could cause wrong results. Normally it returns less rows than expected.
566575 sp_version installmaster for 1503 ESD1 in NT platform won't get correct version info.

As while building installmaster in NT platform, it won't generate the statement that could insert

version info into sysattributes.

566608 If statement cache is enabled, the value of the global variable @@error will be reset if it is accessed in a batch together with a statement that gets cached.
566628 Under stressfull conditions, where concurrency between ASE Tasks and Commmercial Of The Shelf

JavaVM Threads execute, both operating for PCI Bridge managed memory, they could potentially

lockup because of a PCI Memory management flaw not yielding other ASE Tasks or Threads.

This problem could finally lead to an ASE server crash under shutdown or full hang when

in shutdown.

566661 New feature requested to enable deferred compilation to be switched off at a session level.
566676 docs: sysam users guide needs clarification on 3 srvr redundant configs
566712 Feature request for an architectural change in backupserver that would allow more independence in the loading of dump stripes.
566767 A task trying to acquire a physical lock on a page exhausted the clock ticks beyond the allocated value and hit a timeslice error.
566782 NullPointerException in Automatic Expension tab if ASE > 2K page server.
566822 Msg 712 when try to handle a Big Xml file
566882 Modifying a segment's auto expansion attributes (grow-by or max-size) results in a syntax error.
566926 Cluster Administrator cannot browse path of setup log on Windows Server 2003 with MSCS 5.2.

An option is checked and cluster setup log is saved.

In order to browse path of setup log in the following steps, when the "Browse..." button is clicked, Cluster Administrator will fail often.A Cluster Administratoe process will be extinguished.

566981 Signal 11 in GtuUnion::GtSecondaryInit() may be seen in the error log

and the spid terminated when selecting from a view containing a union all

and the select includes > 1 variable assigment from the same column.

566990 sp_object_stats "00:01:00" does not produce output in version 15.0.x even if you have contention.
566992 There are 4 tables created by installmaster having ids > 100. The indexes on these tables are not automatically rebuilt when the sortorder id is changed. This results in corrupt indexes existing in the server.
567039 Upgrade to ASE 12.5.4 fails to add encryption-related tables and columns if the server has previously been downgraded from ASE 12.5.4 to ASE 12.5.3 or earlier versions.
567056 Japanese, Korean and Chinese localized files for HA support on Windows platform (sybcaeja.dll, sybcaeko.dll, sybcaezh.dll) are missing in ASE 15.0.3 release.
567093 New feature request to estimate the log space needed to perform reorg rebuild on a table.
567117 DOC CR : The behavior of sp_rename has been changed. If you change the name of an object referenced by a stored procedure or view, the procedure or view will not work any more.
567187 Request for two new variables to enable the current setting of rowcount and forceplan, as set by the statements: 憇et rowcount n� and 憇et forceplan on/off�
567201 Request for a verbose mode for sp_js_wakeup that would provide more information about failure to start JS, currently available via traceflag 3641
567239 Due to an issue with underlying dbcc checktable, sp_post_xpload can not detect all kind of index

corruption, such as first key of one non-leaf page is bad. The new 'force' option of

sp_post_xpload will force rebuild all the index except APL clustered index.

567257 A deadlock may be incorrectly reported when there are many transactions holding shared lock on one

object and waiting to acquire lock on another remote object. This is due to limitations in the

deadlock detection algorithm. Optimization has now been added so that the algorithm will continue

with deadlock detection if tasks holding shared lock are waiting on less than 9 distinct remote


567316 xp_cmdshell on windows fail to execute the windows prompt command copy when this use options /B /Z and the file have a size of ZZZ MB.
567317 DISTINCT query in 12.5 uses EXISTS table (i.e. semi-join), 15.0.x does not use a semi-join, which results in poor performance. A semi join can be used for tables in DISTINCT queries which are not referenced in the SELECT list
567325 FAST BCP path into table with numeric non-clustered index (available in 15.0.2 and higher) may result in index corruption
567355 DDLGen generates an incorrect "go" between the two ENDs for dropping the primary key and the foreign key.
567454 Feature request for a resource governor enhancement that would allow databases to be bound to engine groups, i.e. cause activity involving just that database migrate to a specified engine group.
567466 When statement cache is turned on, if an exception occurs while compiling a statement which has temporary tables in it, an error msg 8203 could be raised.
567477 SQL statements whose lengths are larger than 1K (measured in characters)

that are replicated using SQL Statement Replication may cause Rep Agent to

shutdown with error 9202, State 1 when attempting to process log records

related to SQL Statement Replication.

567497 In rare cases, where there are huge number of parallel page allocations for the same object,

we might hit the 1127 error which means that the OAM pages of the object got full.

567517 (Internal Only) dbcc checkalloc may fail with errors because of faulty post commit processing at failover recovery if the database is dropped and recreated between two failover recoverys.
567577 Wrong result with a merge join or (if involving proxy table) signal 11 in

CgLavaUtils::CgTargetListExprs() might happen for query with an equi-predicate on

two columns of the same index.

567656 The Monitor Server can hang on the ibmplinux redhat 5.1 platform.
567757 Allow one master device to be paired with multiple quorum devices using the --create-cluster-id=quorum boot option. Pairing a master with multiple quorums is dangerous and should be avoided in most cases.
567766 RepAgent may send an incomplete multi-byte character in text data to Replication Server

when the text data is longer than 4KB and starts with an XML declaration element and

contains multi-byte characters.

567782 With Literal Autoparam and Statement Cache enabled, using a query with an IN list having numerics with a scale different from the scale defined on the column causes poor performance.
567787 When statement cache and literal autoparam are enabled, a batch that contains \r\n (CR NL) sequence in the middle of two statements, the statement that right after \r\n sequence may not get correctly parameterized, offset may be shifted 2 bytes on the left.
567820 (Internal only) Test environment issue.
567885 Fully qualified ASE table names in a query cause an exception when using DBISQL's Query Editor.
567909 FR Dbcc command to delete object from system tables.
567910 Due to the addition of two new columns in monDeadLock in 15.0.2 the length of a

particular sql statement has increased to be in excess of the previous limit of 1024

chars in sp_monitor_deadlock. (The columns are replaced with dummies in 12.5.4)

567911 Feature request to support using sybmigrate from ASE 12.5.x using non-utf8 charset to ASE using utf8 charset.
567916 Msg 3710 can be missleading

Cannot use DROP with 'test_c1_427145536' because 'test_c1_427145536' is a

constraint. Use ALTER TABLE.

But the command you do is drop default test_c1_427145536 and the message is because

you try to drop a created by declaration default.

567924 Queries containing joins of several complex views may fail with Signal 11 or Access Violation and stack trace in vu_pd_validresdom().
567959 ASE Cluster Edition with two or more instances may crash an instance with the message "current process infected with Signal 11" reported in errorlog containing 'cmcc__pri_bcmt_proc' in the stacktrace.


567961 when customer upgraded from ASE 12.5.4 to ASE 15.x using dump and load ... since

all the binding information is stored in the sysattributes table in masster

database related to Multiple temporary databases ... those bindings are missing

for all their logins in the upgraded server.

So now this customer has to recreate all the bindings done with sp_tempdb in the

past again now from scratch.

The customer wants the feature of using dump and load to upgrade their database

versions and have all the binding information related to Multiple temporary

databases for all the logins to be present in the upgraded server.

maybe the feature would be

1) to relocate the binding info to some table other then sysattributes

2) create a stored procedure or instructions to migrate the Multiple

temporary database binding info from the older server to the

newer server.

567968 Online database hits error 3905 while undoing a split log record on an APL table with clustered index.
568036 In rare circumstances , in multi-instance cluster environment when upgrade of a database

is done on one of the instances, error 968(upgrade in progress) may be reported in the

errorlog while using database on another instance in the cluster.

568088 8242 severity 16 state 2: "The table '%S_OBJID' in database '%S_DBID' is bound to metadata cache memory. Unbind the table and retry the query later.

To resolve this error, ensure that all users are out of the database, or reboot ASE and run:

dbcc tune(des_unbind)

568246 Feature Request: Customer request that order-by be allowed in a "for update" cursor.
568255 Changing Lock Scheme to DOL May Impact Query Plan

customer changed locking scheme from APL to DOL and now the optimizer fails to choose the most ideal query plan. the customer had to execute ... 'update index statistics' ...

before the optimizer would succeed again in selecting the most ideal query plan.

WARNING! Changing the locking scheme on a table can cause the optimizer to alter its costing estimates for accesses to the table. The impact of changing the locking scheme should always be tested in a non-production environment before deployment to production.

Given that the clustered index on an APL table is a very direct

mechanism to access the data AND that there are Search Arguments

on all three columns of the clustered index, ASE most likely

bases its decided upon join order around a clustered index scan

of matter_participant.

Given that clustered indexes on DOL tables are not as strong as

they are on APL tables ASE ends up selecting a non-optimal index.

Update Index Stats ... 'update index statistics' ... after this

is executed ... ASE will then have histograms on additional

columns and then ASE is better equiped to select the correct

join order and query plan.


the conclusion here is that changing locking schemes is not

directly tied to the need to run 'update index statistics',

rather, the additional histograms created by 'update index

statistics' will, in some circumstances, be required in order

for the ASE 12.5.x optimizer to select the most ideal query


568259 Due to a defect under AIX 5.3 ML7, PROCESS_SHARED locks and conditions

pose server hangs when multiple ASE engines are in effect. This problem

is filed at IBM under PMR 51261,756,000.

A workaround for those server hangs PCI Bridge Virtual access approaches

are disabled under IBM AIX 5.3 ML7, making it the default server behavior.

This despite an understood performance loss.

IBM AIX servers can be booted with traceflag -T9403 allowing them for full

PCI Bridge access mode. Doing this, such poses strong risk to server hangs,

but won't cause performance loss on operations.

568357 User selects "specified license key" option, but the specified license does not take effect and installer license validation can not pass.
568425 Support sp_configure 'nondefault' in SDC.
568427 In sp_configure, for cluster-wide settings, display 'cluster-wide' instead of 'NULL'

in instancename.

568430 In rare circumstances, in a ASE CE server, timeslice error could be reported in the errorlog.

The stack trace could contain strings like "hk_chores_proc", and "bufwritedes_log_all".

568449 On IBM AIX platform, ASE will not give complete stack trace when any ASE task hits timeslice error.
568458 ASE generates an infected with 11 stacktrace in the errorlog containing the function rvm_has_decrypt_perm when a cursor accesses an encrypted column on which a decrypt_default has been declared.
568554 In some circumstances, when attempting to login to the server and the server runs out of locks, a 1204 error may be raised and a signal 11 may be reported in the errorlog followed by a stacktrace involving the module 'lock_logical'.
568615 Too many primary BCM requeues causing 100% CPU usage.
568659 Under rare conditions a query on the monOpenObjectActivity MDA table may result in a timeslice error.
568753 Adaptive Server might boot with some cases of wrong cache configuration in config file resulting in cache creation with incorrect configuration.
568763 Msg 107 is raised when a 102 syntax error would be more appropriate for unmatched parenthesis in the select clause. Example: select substring(,1,2)) from sysobjects
568798 Under some circumstances, a signal 4 may be raised while calling ex_raise and ex_print.
568811 In an ASE cluster, when Rep Agent is running on one node on a given database,

and clients modify data in that database from the same node or from remote nodes,

Rep Agent may replicate some data with a delay.

568939 After loading database dump of version 1501 into pyxis server, the datatype of 4 columns of system

table "systabstats" have the wrong data types.

ColName expected dtype actual dtype

pioclmdata real int

pioclmindex real int

piocsmdata real int

piocsmindex real int

568957 "ct_fetch(): protocol specific layer: external error: There is a tds protocol error. An

illegal token was received" may result when accessing data

containing null bytes on an ASE server when character set

conversion using Unilib is employed.

568980 instmstr is terminated by ASE when it causes an exception in modules such as

destroyRemoteAccess and VTABRemoteAccess::`scalar deleting destructor'

568983 update of a view on a proxy table with text/image data fails with error 7732
568997 In an XML model, adding a new item to a sequence via right-click\new will reformat the displayed hierarchy of the sequence. Thus losing all the diagram formatting.


Select the desired object in the tool palette and add it to sequence. The object is added at the end of the hierarchy

569001 Feature Request: a supported way to rename a local index partition such that its name matches to the name of the underlying data partition.
569005 Upgrade may fail with a 2601 error on sysusers while trying to add system role 'dtm_tm_role'. A workaround is to remove DTM_TM_ROLE, HA_ROLE, MON_ROLE, MESSAGING_ROLE, JS_ADMIN_ROLE from sysusers and sysroles in the database on the original ASE version and retry the upgrade.
569011 ASE 12.5.4 RA sends different LTL between bcp and isql for nullable text column and replicate_if_changed. ASE 15.x sends same LTL. Want to know when this was changed and what is the long-term direction.
569169 In ASE Cluster Edition, a process inserting a row in a DOL table could get blocked indefinitely on a RANGE lock which is held by itself.
569171 A stack trace in the function, setGlobalIdentity, may be generated when an INSERT query is

run and this query inserts into a proxy table that is created on a remote view and the

remote view is created on a table that contains an identity column and the datatype of the

identity column is not NUMERIC (i.e. it could be integer or smallint) and the remote view

has an instead-of trigger for insert and the instead-of trigger contains a query that

selects the identity column from the inserted pseudo table.

569332 Servers with many database entries in sysdatabases may fail to upgrade to 15.x with errors 3461 and

3452 regarding failure of upgrade steps 21 and 1501.

569403 Doc CR : You may be able to use packet sizes that are larger than the default size even if additional network memory is still 0.

This is why ASE reserves space for the new security features in the network buffer memory.

You still need to increase additional network memory to extend the network buffer memory if you increase max network packet size.

569441 sqlupgrade fails to work if old version server to be upgraded is registered to LDAP server, it always tries to copy the interfaces file entry to the new directory and quits as failing to do so.
569515 Running a very large batch with many many IF statements when 'statement cache' is enabled causes error:

Msg 632: Attempt to move memory with an incorrect length of 25600. Maximum allowed length is 16384.

569518 When an OpenSwitch is used between two ASE servers, executing an UPDATE statement on

a VIEW attached with an INSTEAD OF UPDATE TRIGGER on a text or image column may result

in Msg 156 "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WHERE'" error and/or a stacktrace in


569523 If the interfaces file does not exist or contains no server entries, opening 'Job Scheduler Server' page of Server Properties results an NullPointerException.
569527 doc request: release bulletin should include warnings on HP license server vers.
569531 Server Properties dialog's Configuration tab's configuration group selection does not remain after Apply.
569541 After changing the name of a table with sp_rename, triggers defined on the table may no longer work.
569567 Allow UPDATE STATISTICS to be performed in a multi-statement

transaction. Update statistics changes will become part of the

transaction, and and all the work done by update statistics

will be removed by any rollback. If a multi-statement

transaction does not exist, then update statistics will continue to

use internal transactions to commit multiple minimal atomic parts

of the update statistics command which will remain even if the

command is aborted. Trace flag 2720 can be used to

continue with the pre-fix behaviour, in which case an attempt to run

this command in a multi-statement transaction is disallowed with an

error message.

569660 When dbcc checkalloc against archive database read the page from the disk into the reserved buffer,

the server don't update actual page number read so that this check failed with table corrupt.

569713 The realdb and the archive db can't get the same count of page format errors, so that dbcc checkverify get different result from them.
569724 Update ASE startup reporting changed to recognise Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, avoiding the message "ASE booted on unrecognised or unsupported operating system".
569742 Logins folder's Full Name column was mistakenly removed.
569790 New feature request where the index partition names can specified in the alter table command when

add partition results in local indexes on the new partition(s) if a local index is present on the

existing partition(s).

569804 Logging SQL when an instance is shut down gets a NullPointerException.
569808 In rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'adb__reserve_pg' together with a stack trace which includes the module 'adb_dirty' may be reported in the error log after the load of an archive database.
569815 HP-UX 11.23 will not be supported any more.
569832 The default behavior of DBCC PAGE without specifying "CACHE" and "CACHENAME" option is to first check if the buffer of the specified page is in the cache of the local node.

If it doesn't exists, the page will be read from disk.

With the Cluster Edition, DBCC PAGE will first check if the buffer of the specified page is in the cache of the local node.

If it doesn't exists, it will check the caches of all nodes before reading the page from disk.

569855 Adaptive Server Shared Disk Cluster may fail over unnecessarily even if config parameter "cluster heartbeat retries" is increased.
569904 In rare circumstances, Job Scheduler might fail to run with the error "Incorrect syntax near '`'".
569927 When compatibility mode is enabled, executing a cursor declare query with UNION

may hit stack trace in the module of metrics_write() together with curs_open()

on hpia64 platform.

569936 Troubleshooting guide should be expanded to offer general help on errors not covered explicitly within the guide.
569940 Truncate table is not consistent when switching tables under 'suspend audit when device full=0'
569947 SELECT INTO using ISNULL builtin in the SELECT list could lead to

target table column non-nullable while the early behavior

of ASE would make the target table column nullable even

when the ISNULL result can't be null for the query.

569969 Update DBISQL from version 11.0.0 to 11.0.1.
570087 In rare circumstances , error 8243 may be reported into the errorlog when one of the

instance in the multinode cluster crashes.

570117 Deleting a table with LOB columns (text, image, unitext) and non-datarows locking scheme under

direct mode may hit SIGSEGV together with stack trace in the module of LeDeleteOp::_LeOpNext()

if the query plan has merge joins.

570136 Restore the old behavior in ASE125 to use parallel sort while creating index on more than one output devices.
570149 Feature request for some way to cause ASE to abort startup if specified errors occur during startup.
570154 In rare circumstances on an ASE CE server, a 820 error, "Attempt to dirty non-log buffer <buffer-address> which is in I/O" may be reported during an instance failover.
570288 Improve scalability of housekeeper statistic flushing on very large systems.
570307 Deferred compilation may cause unexpected parse errors when setting quoted_identifier on\off within a procedure defintion. (Error 102, 257 etc)
570329 The failover of a Shared Disk Cluster may stall due to the cluster view inconsistency on different instances.
570335 Investigate - When enabling a licensed feature via sp_configure a timeslice in klicense_checkout() may occur if insufficient licenses are available from the license server.
570337 Feature request for a LIST aggregate function similar to the one in SQL Anywhere.
570345 Sybmon planprint could cause stacktrace.
570346 In some circumstances an inbound migrating task may be redirected by the workload manager, resulting in protocol error in the client.
570398 Signal 11 in ubffree().
570421 If sp_dbrecovery_order specifies a recovery order with "strict" option, the databases many not be brought online in the specified order.
570429 Feature requests that we document error "kernel nopen: accept" in the troubleshooting guide making particular emphasis on the fact that this is due to an operating system problem, not an ASE issue.
570442 Executing groupby queries with groupby columns reference java ADT might get wrong result if query plan chosen LeGroupInsOp (group inserting).
570457 Stacktrace could happen during GroupInsert operator execution under

compatibility mode for GroupBy query with a lot of aggregates.

570478 When compatibility mode is enabled, executing a query with GROUP BY clause may get

error 414 saying the key size of a worktable exceeds the maximum allowable limit.

570485 NAMEPIPE generate nl__read_defer: read failed on socket 13.
570519 Feature request to enhance pssinfo() with an option to return the current port number used by a client.
570528 First item in a folder was skipped in sorting.
570642 ASE was awarded a license on run-time grace rather than obtaining a license from the secondary license server after the primary was killed.
570657 ASE stack tracing mechanism may not work correctly on Windows 2008 and Vista
570671 In certain circumstances, distinct equi-join queries may return too few rows in

non-binary sortorder servers (which are typically case-insensitive). This will only

occur if reformatting is chosen for the join strategy. This could only

occur if an equi-join predicate contains (var)char columns and the distinct

select-list contains one or more columns that are not in any of the equi-join


570712 CREATE DATABASE command should print a warning message to the user if the number of databases on the server exceeds the value of the 'number of open databases' configuration parameter.
570744 On p-Series Linux: Segmentation violation and memory corruption result in ASE panic under stress conditions during decryption operations.
570758 If an uncompressed dump to tape is followed by a dump made with the "with compression" option, the compressed dump cannot be loaded and backupserver raises a volume validation error: illegal volume change, device /dev/rmt/0n: stripe 0 is already loaded.
570789 An arithmetic overflow exception may occur when the Data Caches screen in the ASE Monitor is opened.
570794 Execution of a stored procedure which creates a table with non-materialized computed column

may sometimes result in a message "current process infected with 11" and the stack trace reported in the errlrog file if the procedure performs SELECT query on this table.

This is likely to happen if a procedure query tree is renormalized.

Stack trace may reference modules pre__replace_cpc and s_getTreeOrPlan.

570804 Typo "Temdb" in the ASE server attribute editor screen.
570818 sp_cacheconfig will display wash size as '****** Kb' if the number of digits in the wash size is greater than 6.
570890 Msg 10330 is reported executing xp_*s procedures if installmaster is executed. Needed to give the permission to users to execute xp_*s procedures again.

C:\WINDOWS\system32>isql -Ulogin_ing


1> xp_cmdshell "dir"

2> go

. . .

02/28/2003 09:38 PM 113 zonedon.reg

2032 File(s) 379,119,114 bytes

48 Dir(s) 28,418,981,888 bytes free

(2087 rows affected)

(return status = 0)

C:\Sybase\ASE-15_0\scripts>isql -Usa -SASE15 -i instmstr -o saida


C:\Sybase\ASE-15_0\scripts>isql -Ulogin_ing


1> xp_cmdshell "dir"

2> go

Msg 10330, Level 14, State 1:

Server 'ASE15', Procedure 'xp_cmdshell', Line 2:

EXECUTE permission denied on object xp_cmdshell, database sybsystemprocs, owner dbo

(return status = -4)

To solve the situation :

C:\Sybase\ASE-15_0\scripts>isql -Usa


1> use sybsystemprocs

2> go

1> grant execute on xp_cmdshell to login_ing

2> go

1> exit

C:\Sybase\ASE-15_0\scripts>isql -Ulogin_ing


1> xp_cmdshell "dir"

2> go

. . .

2032 File(s) 379,119,114 bytes

48 Dir(s) 28,418,904,064 bytes free

(2087 rows affected)

(return status = 0)


570901 ASE 15.0.3, esd#1 HKGC, Error 12316 occurs repeatedly
570910 The message "storage access violation" in various XML related modules together with a stack trace which includes XML related built-in modules may be reported in the error log after an error 712 raised from a previous XML query involving a large XML document.
570925 In an active database, Checkstorage may report a 100021 and 100015 as a hard fault when checking

the last log page.

570931 On rare occasions a 605 error may be reported when BCP and UPDATE INDEX STATISTICS

with sampling are concurrently executed on the same Data Only Locked table that has

at least one non-clustered index present.

570986 GUI: while selecting a license key file, the default directory is empty if a user specifies an installation destination that does not exist.
571049 On HPPA64 and HPIA64 platforms, if Java in Database feature is enabled in a High Availability system, during failback operation, "sp_companion resume" operation on the primary causes the secondary companion either to hang or die due to an internal error if the PCI/JVM is active on the secondary companion.

In the event of a hang, the system 'ps' command will show an extra server process running, i.e. in a two engine system 'ps' would show three server processes rather than the expected two.

If the error results in a dead engine on the secondary companion, the error log will contain messages indicating the engine hosting the JVM has exited with a signal 11.

571064 Joining a proxy table column mapped to a remote procedure which returns no result sets may cause

"Command has been aborted" error.

571072 Create Table or Alter Table with Case statement that uses an IN list or NOT column NOT IN list or the equivalent of those expressions in a computed column will cause stacktrace.
571073 Sometimes while booting ASE with multiple engines, transaction coordinator initialization fails.
571074 Specifying fill factor for a table has no effect on the subsequent REORG REBUILD.
571076 Disable 'Save the connection password' option in DBISQL's 'Favorites'.
571082 When changing on a sarg value, query uses less efficient plan.
571345 Various stacktraces can be seen in the ASE-errorlog when the commands sp_engine 'offline',

sp_engine 'online', together with Java statement are combined to one single SQL-batch when

the target engine used in the sp_engine command is the engine hosting the Java VM.

571553 In ASE 15.0.3 ESD#1, HA failover and 'disk init' may fail with error 6513 and 5151 respectively.
571615 SQL which concatenates at least two contiguous NULLs with strings may cause error 257.

For example, select NULL + NULL + 'abc'.

571630 With case insensitive, accent insensitive sort selected cedilla diacritical marks

are not treated with accent insensitivity.

571640 In rare circumstances, queries involving sort-merge-join and JTC, aggregation and group by can result in wrong results if the index chose for join is also used to enforce SARGs and those SARGs are not in the same key order as the index keys.
571645 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module

's_free' with a stack trace which includes the modules

'kill_proc', 'metrics_dump' and 's_recompile' may be reported

in the error log after killing a session that was executing a

stored procedure which had to be recompiled and it was hang

because transaction log was almost full and the configuration

option "enable metrics capture" was set to 1.

571772 On linux platforms an engine died abruptly with the message "Engine exited with signal 11".
571924 Executing a query with a compute clause may hit a SIGSEGV (infected with 11) together with stack trace referring to the modules subparserr() and parserr2().
571958 Troubleshooting guide should be expanded to offer general help on errors in the range 1000 to 1099 not covered explicitly within the guide for ASE 15. Specifically for message 1017.
571966 Msg 11931 is not correct when you run reorg compact on a allpages

this is not allowed as DOC CR 493203 says.

571984 Feature request to add a message to "set option show_missing_stats" to indicate "No Missing Stats" when ASE does not find any missing statistics for the executed query.
572080 Changing the type of an instance-specific local cache through the sp_cacheconfig interface succeeds without any error even if the change leads to conflicting status on different instances of the

cluster. Any subsequent attempt to boot the server with the new configuration file thus generated will fail.

572085 FR support for 'reorg rebuild table index ' on allpages locking tables.
572088 New error message 3326 "Invalid log record (logop <logop>) found in syslogs at

(<rid_pageid>, <rid_rnum>) for transaction (<sessionid_pageid>, <sessionid_rnum>)

that started at '<date>' in database '<dbname>'. Please contact Sybase Technical Support."

is added to replace few occurences of error 3301.

572089 New option "spid <spid_value>" is added to the offline DBCCLOG command

for dumping the log records of a particular session.

572095 In rare circumstances Error 651, "Startscan was called with an illegal combination of index and scan mode" may be reported into the errorlog while starting DDL on a table.
572097 The command to shutdown an engine that has a task affiniated to it, may cause a stack trace.
572121 The message "process infected with signal 11" may sometimes be reported in the error log

together with a stack trace that includes modules 'rec_undo_session' and 'abort__all'

when a transaction that allocated space in a data-only locked table is rolled back.

572133 Under some rare circumstance when ASE is unable to allocate memory for query execution

the usual message for error 701 " There is not enough procedure cache to run this

procedure, trigger, or SQL batch. Retry later, or ask your SA to reconfigure ASE with more procedure cache." is accompanied by a stack trace in the errorlog file.

The stack trace will indicate modules LePlanRelease and LeParentOp::LeOpProcessIOStats.

The issue will happen if options to display statistics were activated.

572163 Add a new Backup Server verbosity level (4) to disable logging of "Connection from Server" messages.
572188 Drop in sp_addlogin and sp_role grant/revoke performance after an upgrade from ASE 12.5.3 to 15.0.3 ESD#1 on a ASE HA cluster.
572311 With multiple network engines, ASE can suffer imbalance of network IO across engines.
572388 The message "current process infected with 11" in different

modules like 'bwfinish', 'exec_eop', etc or the message

"timeslice <negative number>, current process infected"

may be reported in the errorlog after a query with an ORDER BY

clause was executed which internally used a worktable that due

to its large size was created with the "Data Only Pages"

lock schema and Adaptive Server was configured for running

queries in parallel.

572490 Setting configuration parameters to values that result in the total required memory of ASE to be very close value configured for max memory, can, in certain instances, result in a setting which subsequently prevents ASE from starting.
572505 Under rare circumstances a server configured with a default character set of utf8 can produce a stack trace when the soundex function is used on a column defined as being of type univarchar, and which also contain certain specific values.
572560 A cross-database select from, or BCP out of a view with a column defined based on a user-defined function raises error 2846 - SQL Function not found.
572577 When the Properties button on Threshold page of Segment Properties dialog is clicked, an internal error occurs.
572595 New feature Request...NFR confirm in a way that satisfies auditors that an internal action by ASE, conducted as 'sa', was only the result of an an internal action by ASE rather then an external login by 'sa' to the server.

Right now an internal action by ASE conducted as 'sa' will appear to be the same as an action done by one using an external login as 'sa' and this causes auditors to believe there has been a breach of the security policy/rules regarding the use of the 'sa' account.

572710 Performing sp_engine "offline", <N> on engine N that is hosting a COTS Java VM can result in

stacktraces being reported in the ASE-errorlog if there are users connected to ASE executing

Java in SQL statements.

572716 Request that documentation clearly states that SybMigrate cannot be used to do data conversion from single byte to utf8.
572727 Delete with top n does not use RowLimit Optimization.
572779 64 bit Linux batch i/o incorrectly reserving async i/o descriptors
572789 Error message 911, "Attempt to locate entry in sysdatabases for database '' by name failed - no entry

found under that name. Make sure that name is entered properly." may be raised for a select into

query where dbo is specified as the table owner and the table contains a user defined datatype.

572796 Sp_addexternlogin does not work when the target server password has special characters e.g. "=". This can cause the sybmigrate process fail with an error like "Incorrect syntax near '
572909 Comparisons of binary or TIMESTAMP values to numeric may not return true when they would in previous versions.
572941 When 'enable I/O fencing', kernel errorlog doesn't report sybase users not having access to the devices
572959 Compiler Optimizations that rearrange code blocks will lead to a negative keep count in the partition descriptor.
572977 Run sybmon command "set" without arguments caused SIGSEGV.
573068 Setting a DOL table as a Hot object using dbcc des_bind decreases performance, as more time is spent in acquiring more intent locks.
573103 FR: grant the kill command to user's (logins) without granting them sa_role.
573149 In Adaptive Server Cluster Edition, after having dropped

the local 'default data cache' for an instance when we reboot

the instance, the local 'default data cache' may sometimes

get re-instantiated after the reboot.

573245 A 1514 error, "Sort failed because it attempted to allocate page <page_no> and found that the page was busy", may be raised when Adaptive Server performs a sort operation. This occurs when a buffer is ready to be hashed, but the server finds a stale hashed buffer with the same page number in the cache.
573341 Index counters may not be updated in monOpenObjectActivity for a table
573399 In certain circumstances involving query with multiple predicates, the index choice may not be entirely optimal if certain stats are known for specific attributes.
573431 Parallel queries with predicates that should qualify rows with NULL values aren't

returning these rows. The problem is specific to non-sargable predicates (expressions.

in-lists, and or-clauses) where the predicate is placed in a RESTRICT operator below

an XCHG operator. For example:

select * from r where = NULL or = 8

This query wouldn't return rows with an id column value of NULL if a parallel scan

is done on "r". Note, the problem is unique to sessions where ansinull semantics are


573489 System catalog sysobjects has a schema change: column objspare changes from int to smallint, and there is a new column unsigned smallint sysstat3.
573619 On AIX when Sybase Central 6.0.0 encounters an internal error, an internal error message about missing libjysblib600_r.a is shown instead of the regular error dialog.
573639 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module

'memcpy' together with a stack trace which includes the

modules 'LeRun' and 'LeJoinContext::computeVirtualCols'

may be reported in the error log if a SELECT UNION ALL

query is executed involving an outer join, a TEXT column

from the inner table is selected and some NULL values

are returned.

573724 When a Japanese client is connected to an English server, ASE converts a char type and a varchar type into a long char type.
573882 The ASE 15.x documents contain references to a "Troubleshooting and Disaster Recovery" document, which isn't included in the 15.5 document collection. The 12.5.x document collection does contain the document under the title "Troubleshooting and Error Messages Guide". This CR requests the document be included in the current doc sets, maintained, and enhanced.
573897 A WaitEventID value(which is larger than 251) in monProcess is incorrect.
573933 Deletes over CIS to IQ may fail with error 11298. The 'DELETE' command contains syntax that

requires it to use a cursor but ASE has disabled the support of updateable cursors against IQ.

573986 User see double spaces in ASE Plugin role wizard's wordings.
573987 User see double spaces in ASE Plugin index property's wordings.
574024 Database Device Properties always shows Direct I/O regardless of how created in Sybase Central.
574193 The error message that is reported when the PCI is unable to load a module has been updated to provide more detailed information about the cause of the failure. The new message explicitly reports whether the failure is due to a missing file, insufficient permissions or another problem indicated by a platform specific error number.
574226 Starting a cluster instance sometimes get ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException.
574227 If the master database has a secondary truncation point set during an upgrade from 12.5.x to 15.0.x, then an error 950 (Database 'master' is currently offline. Please wait and try your command again later) may be raised. To avoid this issue, preupgrade or upgrade will report an error if there is a secondary truncation point set.
574264 In rare circumstances, the message "Current process (...) infected with signal 11(SIGSEGV)" together with modules like (bool PopEmit<SerialCost,SerialProps>::emitMatchProperties, PopBase*OptGlobal::_GblAddTopLevel maybe be encountered for queries involving statement cache, literal autoparameterization, compatibility mode and OR terms.
574278 Adaptive Server may hit timeslice error during 'disk init/resize' involving filesystem devices or

on usage of the device immediately after creation of the device using 'disk init'.

574290 DOC : By default, if a table has a unique index and some nonunique indexes, Adaptive Server always chooses the unique index for an isolation level 0 scan.

However the unique index is not always suitable for the query.

574355 On rare occasions, when the Housekeeper task (HK WASH) does not get scheduled

often, Adaptive Server may report a false 863 error,

"Buffer resources in cache <cachename>, id <cacheid> are unavailable.

Please re-run this query or ask system administrator to re-configure buffer cache memory"

even when there are enough buffer resources.

574363 Creation of ase156ir optimizer level to enable by default all costing fixes in

15.0.3 and 15.5 ESDs. Previously, optimizer fixes which effect plan selection

were only only enabled by configuring "optimizer level" as "ase_current". The

ase_default optimizer level was ase1503esd1. The optimizer level for ase_default

is now ase156ir.

574476 Sybooks for Sybase IQ 15.0, installation error with "Latvian" regional settings
574482 Statement caching of parameterized language (PreparedStatement) fails with "Procedure < name > expects parameter @p0 which was not supplied. The problem occurs when the length of the string exceeds 16K.
574518 DOC BUG: ASE 15.0.2 P&T Monitoring Tables, Table 1-1 incorrect
574527 The default ASE logical page size selected in ASE configuration tools has been changed from 2KB to 4KB. Request to pop a warning if user has selected this default value by accident. Also request to not change the meaning of "default" keyword in the resource files and let it continue to mean 2KB.
574532 A permission denied error may be reported on SET_APPCONTEXT when executing a stored procedure.
574533 Sometimes users will see error message "JZ0R1: Result set is IDLE as you are not currently accessing a row." when accessing a ASE 12.5.x database
574724 Duplicate rows could be incorrectly returned when an EXISTS subquery is SELECTing from a

DISTINCT view and not all of the view's SELECT columns are participating in

the subquery's correlated equijoin predicates.

574725 Config file is not uploaded into quorum device after upgrade to SDC 'private' mode.
574769 The message "process infected with signal 11" may be reported in the error log together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'dbt_recalc_dboamcounts' and 'pcm__thread_handler' when ASE hits an error while correcting the OAM counts of a table during failover recovery.
574771 A query having concatenated columns in a GROUP BY clause may return an incorrect result if all the set of GROUP BY columns are unique to the result set.
574772 In rare cases, some client connections working on a database with mixed log and data segment might hang and the stack includes function like pg_test_allocnode.
574824 Enhance GUI for XML model elements with optional or mandatory, and minimum, maximum limit.
574863 When you set up both primary and secondary interconnected networks in your cluster input file, cluster does not restart unless both interconnected networks are running.
574889 When a few instances in a multiple instance cluster were just shutdown and restarted, SP commands may not able to proceed on one of the instances.

The work around is not to run SP commands right away after node shutdown or node failure

574923 Part of the optimizer search space involving merge joins and/or hash joins

are skipped if plans are evaluated before the exhaustive search engine is entered.

The symptom may be seen by forcing a query plan which has a better

estimated cost than the query plan that is eventually chosen.

574963 A 5807 error, "Invalid memory move request encountered for the <pool size> pool in cache

<cache name>..." may be reported in errorlog while running sp_poolconfig.

575043 Cann't show cluster config and status after deploy private cluster
575064 Procedural queries with optimizable LIKE clause may underperform executing

more logical IOs than expected.

575080 DDLGen doesn't hide the password when a space is supplied before the password.
575088 The dbinfo counts may be incorrectly marked as valid for a mixed log and data database which is created

from a segregated log and data database.

575111 An "ambiguous column name dbid" error (error number 209) occurs when the Databases screen in the SCC ASE Monitor view is opened if the monitored server is using a case-insensitive sort order.
575115 If there is a mismatch between the datatypes of the constants in the IN/OR list and the respective

column, special OR strategy might not be used. ASE now provides a optcriteria

'use_mixed_dt_sarg_under_specialor' which when enabled, will allow special OR strategy to be

considered in case of mixed datatype SARGs in the IN/OR list. Additionally, traceflag 434 has been

provided to turn OFF this feature. The traceflag setting overrides the optcriteria setting.

575124 Enhance sp_helpcache to display in-memory storage cache space information.
575151 A SIGSEGV (infected with 11) error is raised with function LeUpdateOp::_LeOpNext on the stack when the TSEQUAL function is passed a datatype other than timestamp.
575156 During upgrade an 1105 error on the system segment may occur despite preupgrade indicating the database has sufficient space.
575195 duplicate references in the ORDER BY list of a query could result in signal 11
575205 iofenceutil may say a device is not I/O fencing capable, eventhough it is.
575251 Wrong result may happen for a query if the SELECT list has an extended column which is not included in the GROUP BY clause and one of the group by columns has a constant

sarg (col=<cnst>) on it. Similar wrong result could also happen for an equijoin

between a GROUP BY view/derived table and other table when there is a constant sarg

in the view for the joining column.

575293 During modifcation of a default value on a column using Sybase Central 6.0 the

'select into/bulkcopy' option for the database is unnecessarily changed.

575330 ASE stacktraces with SIGSEGV (infected with 11) when the number of columns returned from a remote procedure is less than expected from the select list to a proxy table mapped to this remote procedure.
575337 Procedural statement with FOR UPDATE clause may incorrectly raise error Msg 7305, Level 15, State 1:

FOR UPDATE can not be used in a SELECT which is not part of the declaration of a

cursor or which is not inside a stored procedure.

575359 ASE assumes DC supports BIGINT datatype and incorrectly sends signed/unsigned NULL integer

parameters as BIGINT datatype.

575390 New Feature Request ... immediate recompile sproc & change to view after Alter Table Modify Column
575392 Insert queries involving proxy tables which are either part of a trigger or will fire a remote

trigger may encounter a SIGSEGV (infected with 11). "xact_sync_trigger" will usually be referenced in the stacktrace.

575483 Query accessing more than 16 tables may raise incorrectly error 225 "Cannot run query--referenced object dropped during query optimization."
575502 sp_configure cannot display reports correctly when there are large amounts of unused memory
575562 Error: 2805, Severity: 18, State: 0

Bad pointer 0x4 encountered while remapping stored procedure.

This may be seen in the error log on execution of sql statement containing constants in

both the predicate and in a group by clause.

Should only happen with 'enable query metrics' enabled at point of proc creation.

575675 Server always selects Slow Bulk mode for bulk copying rows into table with non-clustered unique index.
575761 The index_union algorithm can be invoked when queries contain the OR operator or IN list operator. This algorithm was not permitted when selecting data at isolation level 0 (dirty reads) on dol tables. This algorithm will now be permitted on DOL tables with dirty reads when optcriteria cr575761 is active, and/or trace flag 16734 is on. The behavior change will be turned off if trace flag 16733 is on.

If the algorithm is chosen then index_union appear as a hash union of several index scans followed by rid join in the showplan output.

The abstract plan would contain a hash_union_scan if this algorithm was chosen with dirty reads on DOL tables.

575846 Transfer table using BCP format cannot output to a pipeline.
575903 Executing a NULL stored procedure by 'exec @proc' where @proc = NULL hit stack trace in the modules open_user_table() and procget() and get error 2812.
575946 The database option "no ckpt on recovery" is incorrectly turned on after a load database command on the master database successfully completes.
575947 Provide an example for page 74 of CE installation guide on IO fencing
575993 Connect Dialog would not allow modified server entry if it has previously connected to the server before modification was attempted.
576077 When utf8 client connects to the eucjis ASE and runs dump database command, dump command fails due to a tds protocol error "Premature end of the datastream was encountered.".
576097 The durability of database should be changed with the ALTER DATABASE


576139 The performance of concurrent DMLs in a low durability database has been slightly improved through an optimization to post-commit processing of deallocated pages.
576250 The error 4218, "Failure during DUMP of database '%.*s': serial log page

allocation rules broken. Current page: %d; next page: %d; piece end: %d;

end-of-scan: %d.", may be reported while creating a in-memory database

using a template database which does not have full durability.

576295 There is possibility of segmentation fault during XPDL conversion of a page whose page header is incorrect with PG_DATA and PG_OFFSET bits set simultaneously.
576346 Add PCI options into sybatch_ase.res file.
576357 If a parallel plan is chosen for an AMC repartition operation, sometimes the data could be inserted into the wrong partitions.
576525 Database Wizard's (Add) Device Size Dialog does not sort device sizes correctly.
576647 If error 249 occurs during and it does not appear to be due to constant in the query and the query has not started execution i.e. compilation is still proceeding, then this error may occur due to expression histogram processing. This can be verified by looking at the optdiag output for the columns in the query, and determining if there is a possible conversion error that could occur with one of the histogram step values. The change in behavior will be to suppress the error and use magic numbers for the selectivity of that column when used in expression histogramming.
576708 Inserting a NULL value into a TEXT column of a proxy table with an INSTEAD OF TRIGGER may result in an assertion failure involving the module eval_locator_bi().
576731 NewFeature ASE 15.x - Configure for memdump during install
576785 When attempt to create a cache, or increase the cache size, through

the sp_cacheconfig interface, fails due to insufficient 'max memory',

the suggested 'max memory' value printed as part of the following

error message:

"The current 'max memory' value '%d', is not sufficient to change

the size of cache '%s' to '%dM' (%d KB). 'max memory' should be

greater than 'total logical memory' '%d' required for the configuration."

is not sufficient if the server is rebooted after the change.

576869 syslogs becomes corrupted again after loading a dump tran which stacktraced
576895 INSERT into a VIEW which triggers an INSERT into the proxy table may cause error 3651

when the remote table also triggers a change in one of the column values being inserted.

576903 Spid executing MDA retrieval may go to sleep indefinitely under rare conditions whilst trying to take out a mutex.

Stack trace will report upsleepgeneric, mda_take_mutex, fdpsrv_init_reader.

577089 SELECT * INTO temp table from a VIEW with TOP and UNION ALL doesn't return all the rows.
577103 Select with ORDER BY from a view involves TOP and UNION ALL doesn't return all rows.
577113 There is a possiblity of hitting a deadlock on the sysconfigures table when two sp_configures are run at the same time.
577126 Servers will not be displayed in the Replication Topology if they are registered with a name other than the actual server name. Servers should be registered using the actual server name for full functionality with the Replication Mangement component of SCC.
577149 Performance has been improved for databases with a low durability level

in cases where many DMLs are simultaneously done on the same page.

577274 Under multi engine conditions, ASE Task scheduled JavaVM activities get hanging under

IBM AIX 5.3. This problem comes down to a suspected IBM AIX 5.3 O/S issue that is filed

with IBM under PMR 51261,756,000. A design workaround was applied to ASE for IBM,

avoiding this problem and is default active but will cause performance problems to

those specific ASE Tasks as they all only execute from the ASE engine which is

physically bound to the JavaVM.

To overcome the functional and performance issue with ASE under AIX. the ASE should be

booted with traceflag -T9403 and have prior to the boot AIXTHREAD_SCOPE=S environment

variable setup under the shell responsible in booting the ASE.

577295 New Feature Request for option to set limit on the number of concurrent connections for a single login id.
577300 Msg 2238 can misleads you to think this spid are run the quiesce database command

in the error log you only see this.

00:00000:00016:2009/06/17 12:00:25.65 server Error: 2238, Severity: 20, State:9

00:00000:00016:2009/06/17 12:00:25.65 server QUIESCE DATABASE: Could not acquire begin lock due to LOCK INTERRUPTED.

But this spid are run begin tran in master database (this only happens on master database) and a other spid have issued a quiesce database master_tag hold master plus that a spid run the begin tran in master database receive a attention.

577329 When query uses merge_join, ASE sends a cartesian product query to the remote site.
577331 ASE sends a cartesian product query to the remote site when merge join is used.
577353 Duplicate rows could be incorrectly returned when an EXISTS subquery is SELECTing from a

DISTINCT view and not all of the view's SELECT columns are participating in

the subquery's correlated equijoin predicates. Trace commandline flag 15315

can be used to workaround this problem.

577367 Internal only: dbcc table_xact_check() should be runnable by DBO and SA. Instead, it requires sybase_ts_role.
577398 On Unix platforms, Fix Statistics Wizard's Options page gets a stack trace when you click Browse, enter a name, and click Save.
577488 Provide traceflag 1144 to avoid 1127 errors reporting insufficient space in

the OAM page when running heavily concurrent multi-user applications

simultaneously inserting into the same table.

577494 Sub-optimal query plan may be chosen in rare circumstances on non-binary sort order

for query involving distinct operator and exists sub-query

577504 On the Windows platform, the Monitor Server does not shut down when the ASE is shut down
577525 When ddlgen is used to extract the DDL for an object, that contains a user defined datatype which has a default bound to the type, the DDL generated contains an extra sp_binddefault command that fails because the default already exists.
577662 sp_plan_dbccdb needs enhancing to suggest a size for the 8 page pool in a named cache
577668 TOP UIV support is limited
577671 datachange() function always returns 0 if the table has no indexes and we do update statistics on table only
577678 Incorrect variable assignment using ISNULL over CIS connections
577680 ins_syn_sql incorrectly calculates free space on the default disk
577686 If two indexes on different tables have the same name and if output from DDLGen is generated just for indexes, then an attempt to run this generated output fails if the indexes have been deleted in the server after the DDlGen was first run for the indexes.
577692 select on Java function performance drop
577711 Unable to connect to ASE using the reserved administrative connection when network password encryption (-X) is enabled.
577713 Sometimes, the message "current process infected with 11" in the module 's_handle' is reported in the errorlog along with errors 2601 and 546, while trying to insert into a table that has foreign key constraints.
577948 request to have sybmigrate have the ability to have table sampling ability - only migrate a % of a table.
578146 allowing auditing of all database objects for 1 specific database using one sp_audit cmd
578157 Some stored procedures using temporary tables and trace 299 (forced open by name resolution)

may result in stack trace. This happens if a procedure is frequently renormalized. The stack trace shows the module "lastleft".

578258 In certain cases, CLM MDA table monCLMObjectActivity may not show updated information for logical locks.
578330 Engines other then Engine 0 may stay around when the ASE is shutdown.
578361 (Internal Only) A 3475 error: " There is no space available in SYSLOGS to log a record for which space has been reserved in database '<dbname>' (id <dbid>)." may be reported for a database with mixed log and data, even though there may be allocation pages with free extents.
578391 The DBCCLOG command in sybmon is extended to support reading compressed dumps.
578405 Sybmon is unable to parse sqlsrvr data structures on nt386.
578424 The message "current process infected with 11" may be reported

in the error log together with a stack trace which includes the

modules 'Optimize' and 's_compile' when executing an UPDATE

statement involving a join between two or more tables and the

table being updated has defined a functional index involving

columns which are being updated with values from columns

from the other table(s) participating in the join.

578515 sp_sysmon appl_and_login does not show the detail of activity by application name and login name.
578546 Dataserver fails to boot on machines with glibc version of 2.6 and above
578662 If forceplan is used to force the use of a vhash index to scan the table in a join, a SIGSEGV or incorrect result can occur.
578692 when outer joins have inner tables which are derived tables with UNION operators then there is a possibility of a stack trace.
578769 update stats blocks drop trigger
578782 ASE Rep Agent support for the database re-synchronization feature from Replication Server 15.5.
578797 Neither of these traceflags introduced via this CR should be required and should only be

considered if stack traces are seen in 15.0.3 ESD#4 involving des_wkinstall()

For 578797-1, we added some codes under trace flag 7751 to clean up worktables at the end

of execution if worktables are not dropped.

DO NOT run TF 7752

578874 Under rare circumstances ASE fails to compile statements in the deferred compilation mode.
578889 After ASE detects a 605 error on a DOL index, ASE does not report the 605 error again on the same wrong page until ASE restarts.
578908 In some circumstances, timeslice stack trace might occur while shutting down the cluster.
578913 After applying ASE 15.0.2 ESD#1 or above, reformatting may not be chosen and performance may slow down if the SELECT statement has 6 or more joined tables in the FROM clause.
578953 In some rare cases, for a dedicated log database, log page chain may get broken.
578991 There is a possibility that during bcp operation, some rows may be received incorrectly and cause an inconsistency in the database. Extra checking on received rows has been added to prevent this.
579008 SPDC download of 1503 GA has been replaced with 1503 ESD#1 binary, but the cover letter still referring to 1503 GA.
579040 A SIGSEGV (infected with 11) referencing "lt_notify_flush" can occur under a high stress scenerio in a replication environment.
579044 ASE Plug-in and DBISQL's Connect Dialog encounters a syntax error setting a new password when the old password contains special characters.
579209 To include cpuinfo,binIPV6,binIPV4 information in sysam user guide.
579240 An error 209 with the message "Ambiguous column name" may appear if a stored procedure

which performs the UPDATE or DELETE with the selfjoin is executed by the non owner of a procedure

and the execution is performed using the deferred compilation mechanism.

579241 Under some rare circumstance related to the runtime recompilation of the parallel

queries using expression involving LIKE and variables or parameters ASE may fail to

generate parallel plan and report stack traces in the errorlog file. A trace will

show modules copy__eval and copy__eoptlike.

579246 feat req: add OS vers in sysam status -a output
579273 Fragmentation handling for in-memory storage cache.
579283 Error 1622 following error 1105 and error 3621 may be reported when bcp in data into

table with text/image columns.

579410 ASE configuration with very large memory on Linux platform could take long time to initialize the whole shared memory.
579446 In rare circumstances, setuser command fails sometimes producing stack traces in setuser().
579447 Feature Request to associate a severity with the un-numbered messages in the ASE errorlog.
579579 In rare circumstances the message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'open_user_table' may be reported in the error log while booting ASE cluster.
579583 License server fails to check when file descriptors is set more than 9999
579586 A query on the monSysStatement MDA table may cause a timeslice error when there is a large statement pipe.
579688 AIX 5.3 needs to be a 64-bit kernel before upgrading to ASE 15
579776 Internal only: attempt to transfer table from a view causes a segmentation fault.
579798 Internal only: attempt to transfer table 'for iq' uses the wrong default column order.
579877 While a DBCC SETTRUNC('ltm','valid') operation is being done on a database,

segmentation violations may occur on tasks doing concurrent updates on the

same database, in ASE procedure lt_notify_flush().

579890 Incremental transfer will not support transferring off-row columns. It should raise an error when the user tries.
579925 Error 247 is raised incorrectly in some cases when performing calculations on literal numeric values involving different implicit precision and scale.
579931 The error 2546, "Table Corrupt: Extent id %ld on allocation pg# %ld

has objid %ld, indid %ld, and used bit on, but reference bit off.", may

be reported by DBCC CHECKALLOC() after failover recovery in case of a

segregated log and data database.

579941 An installer does not update the existing "Interactive SQL" menu at the time of upgrade installation. Shortcut has pointed out "%SYBASE%\dbisql\bin\dbisqlg.exe -ase". This program name is 12.5.2. The correct value is "%SYBASE%\dbisql\bin\dbisql.exe".
579962 Full index scans may be selected over limiting index scans in scenarios where there is a single or no rows in the table and the costings are the same for both indices. An index scan is "limiting" when the key's major attribute has a sarg on it. The full-index scan may be selected if it has a minor optimizable attribute and it's ID is less than that of the limiting index. IDs increase in the order of index creation. Full-index scan strategies were never considerend in pre-15.0. Setting the configuration parameter "mnc_full_index_filter" to 3 or enabling the optcriteria full_index_filter will eliminate full-index-scan strategies.
580008 Cannot replicate accented e in utf8.
580024 The Reference Manual Volume 4 entry for the sysusers table indicates there is a unique clustered index on suid. The clustered index is actually nonunique and allows duplicate rows.
580042 sp_dbcc_configreport will report an arithmetic overflow error for databases larger than 2.5TB.
580098 Selecting data from the monOpenObjectActivity table could cause a timeslice whilst there is a heavy load.
580264 The use of Java within XML constructions in the ASE integrated SqlJ can lead

to unpredictable results when their methods are executed within the JavaVM.

580422 DBISQL gets a stack trace when closing a connection if the connection was made after changing an expired password.
580530 SySAM license quantity should not be affected by 'max online engines'. For CPU license types ASE should check-out a license quantity equal to the number of cores on the machine (or chips, depending on the license type), regardless of any configuration settings.
580534 drop/create clustered index does not evenly distribute data among table partitions.
580537 monOpenObjectActivity shows incorrect information related to physical lock activity for partitioned table.
580552 Under very exceptional circumstances a timeslice followed by ungraceful shutdown of the

server due to the LDAP_SPIN spinlock being held may be seen involving the housekeeper

whilst checking ldap configuration.

580579 Error 19991 is seen if imdb or any object in imdb is bound to a normal named cache.
580597 infected with 11 in ord_getrowbounds
580606 Request for non sa/dbo/table owner or role have set indentity_insert on capability.
580834 The error 10364, "Permission denied. You must either be the database/object owner or possess any of the following roles in order to perform this operation: '%.*s'.", is not

reported even if user does not have valid permission when load transaction is executed for a temporary database.

580841 Only replicate SQL statements.
580981 Order by dbid, page in HS statement is space exhaustive on tempdb.
581043 Queries from complex views may return no results at all. Running with the diagserver executable shows an assertion failure in res_view.c: "unprocessed view found"
581045 With statement cache\literal parameterization enabled.

If a parameterizable statement has a literal value whose precision exceeds the limit of

decimal\numeric (38) then a 2756 error may be received on recompile followed by a 706 error

and stack trace in the error log involving the function rm_prochdr(). The spid will be


581086 Queries, running under optimisation goal allrows_dss, that contain aggregate functions using UNION ALL may fail with 'Signal 11' or 'Access Violation' and produce stack trace containing PopMergeUnionAll.
581101 bcp with indexes is unclear in the docs.
581115 Sometimes, creation of temporary table using 'Create table #table_name .." fails on nt386, win64 platform without giving any error.
581138 Select monCachedObject cause SEGV in mda__set_ptninfo() with spinlock held. This was addressed via CR 539065.
581347 The Historical Server memory usage keeps growing.
581380 A NULL clause is unnecessarily appended to the ALTER TABLE MODIFY command when it is

not explicitly specified in the command statement, resulting in an Oracle ORA-01442

error. This issue is specific only for Oracle and a traceflag 11237 is used to enable

this fix.

581422 Recompilation of stored procedures reporting TABMISSING and TEMPMISSING may be seen on case-insensitive servers under traceflag 299 if column names are not consistently specified as upper or lower case in the temp table definition between executions and table re-creation.
581438 New built-in function migrate_instance_id() to return the ID of the instance that initiated a task migration in SDC environment.
581483 When an insert is running concurrently with a delete and both DMLs are minimally logged, the performance of the insert may suffer as it blocks waiting to allocate pages that have been deallocated by the delete.
581640 (Internal only) A 12316 error: "Internal error: Attempt to garbage collect a deallocated data page <pageno> in table '<table_name>', database '<dbname>'. Aborting the transaction." may sometimes be raised after failover recovery, if failover recovery had done redo followed by undo of a DEALLOC record.
581724 During worktable creation, SIGSEGVs (infected with 11) may be reported in the errorlog. "crt_work" is usually reported in the stacktrace.
581748 After a dumped ASE 12.5.4 database was loaded into an ASE 15.0.3 server, if the database includes tables with encrypted columns which reference keys in other databases, onlining the database will cause a stack trace. The database is still brought online and can be used.
581760 "capture missing statistics" will capture statistics for MDA Tables
581827 If literal autoparam is turn on, in some rare cases, the ISNULL() built-in function could return different result comparing when literal autoparam is turned off if the parameter in the ISNULL() is either a CHAR or VARCHAR datatype.
581945 A 3478 error, "During undo the page timestamp value is less than new

timestamp from log...", may be reported during ONLINE DATABASE after

loading a transaction log from a 12.5 server, into a 15.0 or later server

during which the message, "The pre-15.0 log for database '<db>' includes

a CREATE INDEX incompatible with this server version and operating

environment..." was reported.

581950 Service Time for disk IO request on ASE devices.
581984 In some cases, dbcc checkstorage may incorrectly report the soft error "100041 (Log free space discrepancy error):

Current syslogs free space does not match what dbcc counted.".

582000 Reorg rebuild / create index on a table with a CI resets systabstats.datarowsize to initial default of average row length.
582009 Queries accessing remote tables do not return any rows after a connection error even if

the remote server is started up later and the connection is established.

582035 Monitor Historical Server memory usage keeps growing while creating and dropping temporary objects.
582111 blk for sp_who should be blk_spid
582157 The stored procedure sp_export_qpgroup raises error 213 " Insert error: column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition in 15.0.3 and higher. New columns were added to sysqueryplans but the procedure was not updated accordingly.
582171 In some queries involving distinct and temp tables, if the "capture missing statistics" configuration option is turned on, a stack trace with error "closetable: called with null SDES" can be reported in the errorlog.
582176 With traceflag 3905 on, message prints during beginning a transaction but not during commit or rollback.
582178 Selecting "Tools"->"Adaptive Server Enterprise"->"Preferences" results a NullPointerException when ASE Plug-in is running on a system with Spanish locale.
582201 Under SMP, sp_cacheconfig a 'strict' cache but got a 'relaxed LRU' cache.
582263 If a store procedure use an unpartitioned table and the compatibility mode is turned on,

it could return wrong result if later this table is changed to a partitioned table when executing this procedure.

582313 The error 15041, "Table Corrupt: Row %d in page %d is in the wrong partition (ID %d). The row should reside in the partition corresponding to ID %d."

may be reported while running dbcc checktable() after running load database on a hppa64 platform from a dump which was taken

on a linuxamd64 platform.

582328 Sometimes, the SIG 11 in the module s_handle is reported in the error log along with errors 2601 and 546 while trying to insert into a table with foreign key constraints.
582344 A timeslice and stack trace usually containing LeOperator*CgpNlJoin::cgpCodeGenTryNaryNLJ may be seen under rare circumstances when executing a query involving group by and aggregation.
582396 New audit event 125 is logged under event type "password" whenever the "disallow simple passwords" policy is violated through the setting of a simple password.
582417 Internal only: a rolled-back update of a row in APL tables marked for incremental transfer can cause the next transfer to think the row has already been transferred when in fact it has not.
582570 Currently read-only databases will return 0 via tran_dumpable_status().

This is a request to add a status bit indicating read-only and therefore not dumpable.

582618 To configure SMTP port to desired port number.
582708 Separate Kona JVM into a shared library that is shipped only to customers with an ASE Java license.
582772 In rare circumstances message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'bufread()' may be reported in the error log while booting cluster.
582815 If one of the ISNULL() parameter is CHAR or VARCHAR type and the other parameter is a string literal, in some rare cases, ISNULL() built-in function could return different results when literal autoparam is enabled comparing when literal autoparam is turned off.
582855 ASE errorlog contains "TPM FATAL 'unknown TPM error-level raised' for Task xxx in ThreadID yyy"
582989 INSERT <table> SELECT <scalars> UNION ALL SELECT <scalars> can be non-performant when there are many union sides.
583007 The warning 954, "Warning: The database '%.*s' is using an unsafe virtual device '%.*s'. The recovery of this database can not be guaranteed."

is reported for the database which does not need to be recovered.

583013 A 1265 error may be reported in the errorlog when running DBCC CHECKSTORAGE command.
583151 ASE server may hit exception stack overflow on hppa64, hpia64 and winx64 due to missing EX_CLEANUP.
583178 Feature request for new sp_dboption to prohibit 'load database'.
583200 In some cases, a 3327 error, "During redo, the page timestamp check found page %d needs redo ..."

may be reported during LOAD DATABASE of a database dump that was taken of a database with durability

NO_RECOVERY or AT_SHUTDOWN and a deallocation occurred while DUMP DATABASE was active.

As a workaround, dump the database while there is no transactional activity.

583228 Internal only: transfer 'for bcp' uses the wrong column length when transferring null decimal or numeric columns.
583378 On certain specific platforms, the tape handling in backup server may not perform as expected resulting in the failure of multiple database backups.
583395 If connecting to a server with a custom agent port (e.g. "localhost:5000;9919"), the next time Connect Dialog displays the server name, the agent port number is duplicated ("localhost:5000;9919;9919) and the dialog's OK button is disabled.
583403 A scanner would get a temporarily 12301 error if concurrent task deallocate the page which the scanner is working on and reallocate to same object.
583422 For SMP dataserver, cache deletion kept the cache entry in the system catalog sysconfigures as deleted. With this fix sysconfigures will not have the entry after the delete operation.
583423 ASE reports an error while creating a proxy table mapping to a remote IQ table name of more than 30 characters.
583442 Internal only: add more error reporting around file handling operations for transfer table
583529 XML Model/Schema Definition 1.0: You can base a complex element on an existing complex element and add some elements. Elements should appear within their parent element.
583708 Internal only: during transfer table, incremental count of rows sent is not visible in monitoring table monProcessStatement.
583727 Feature request for a consolidated report on password policies in place, listing all global and login-specific settings that might apply from sp_configure, sp_alterlogin, sp_passwordpolicy and login triggers.
583896 Create Proxy Table Wizard sometimes gets ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException after clicking Finish.
583910 If the either of the optcriterias mnc_full_index_filter or full_index_filter

is enabled, then explicitly updateable cursors (declare statement contains and

update-clause) and dirty reads on APL tables could lead to a 311 error:

open mycursor

Msg 311, Level 16, State 2:

Line 2:

The optimizer could not find a unique index which it could use to scan table

'mytab' for cursor 'mycursor'.

584139 The dump command does not raise an error message for "No space left on device" on Linux when the device is closed.
584149 A simultaneous load operation with the same archive device name fails with 'Device already in use' error.
584160 Update Sybase Central 6.0.0 to build 4748. This addresses the issue that simplified Chinese was displayed on a traditional Chinese environment. Now English will be displayed instead.
584230 Server may hit timeslice error when a task tries to free all the page/row level locks associated with an object after having acquired a promoted lock, say, a table-level lock.
584242 Internal only: command 'alter table ... set transfer table on' encounters a segmentation fault. This is a regression from CR 578672.
584292 Statements that use the application context builtins such as set_appcontext() while the statement cache is enabled may result in Error 4060.
584296 sp_displayaudit with "login" option fails with 18004 error on 15.0.x
584298 BY default, dbcc checkalloc(<dbname>) turns on traceflag 3605 with SERVERWIDE scope. This can cause other processes in the ASE to unexpectedly write messages to the errorlog while the checkalloc is running.
584332 User see msg 'mclib.dll:can't load IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform' if uses 32bits mclib.dll with 64 bits jre.
584342 ASE may crash with Signal 11 at CtlibRemoteCaps::generateConstant when it runs out of memory.
584457 QPMetrics was not capturing ad-hoc statments when enabled statement cache.

This was observed after QPMetrics lazy dumping was introduced. The change

fixes the problem.

584467 During execution, if the "run script" option is selected for Fix Statistics or QPTune Wizard, a stack trace occurs preventing the execution from finishing.
584489 Show 'config file version' as read-only in the output of sp_configure.
584552 If an insert parameterized language request with certain Numeric values is sent to the dataserver and statement caching is enabled, then a SIGSEGV (infected with 11) occurs with function calls execproc, s_setreturns, s_retparams, getvalue on the stack. A regular statement is fine with the same values. This fix is only active when traceflag 7748 is on.
584609 Cannot build server on AIX if LC_ALL is set to zh_TW
584647 The values in "Default", "Config value", "Run Value" columns aren't right aligned when the sp_configure command is executed.
584770 For srvbuild, the default available physical memory value of OOB task is shown as 80% of RAM even if this value is larger than the "max shared memory" set on the operating system.
584815 Spike in WaitEvent 250,251 for a small number of queries in hpux and windows
584834 set fmtonly performs ddl within a stored procedure
584851 If a query involves an extended column (a GROUP BY column which does not

appear in the select list) and if the select list includes an encrypted

column, the execution of the query will hit a stack trace reporting a

null encryption key.

An exemplary query is:

table t2 (a2 int, b2 int encrypt with key1)

select t2.* from t1, t2

where t1.a1 = t2.a2

group by t1.a1

584894 When installer or "srvbuild[res]" configures an ASE, it may print error message "sh: kctune: not found." or "sh: top: command not found".
585043 Internal only: The printed parameters for message 7027 are wrong, producing corrupt message text.
585079 When an instead-of trigger contains a query that accesses the inserted or deleted log

tables and the schema counts of the view upon which the instead-of trigger is created and

the log (syslogs) do not match, a 11060 error may be raised, resulting from too many (10)

attempts to recompile the query plan without succeeding.

585168 A performance issue might be hit for a query with up to 5 joining tables involving cartesian products

and/or theta-only joins.

585188 AT_ISSTRIPELDED returned -1 Error messages for backupserver should be improved


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