SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(2)

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考虑到Sybase数据库的初学者或者没有购买原厂服务的Sybase客户情况,现提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息。
在SAP Support Portal网站或者google上搜索Targeted CR List for ASE,可以看到针对不同版本的CR(CR表示Change Request)简单描述信息列表。
需要注意的是:Targeted CR List for ASE列出的CR虽然绝大多数是BUG,但有一些是更改需求。
以下提供SAP ASE/IQ/RS/SDK/SQL Anywhere/PB等产品的BUG信息!

Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(1)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(2)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(3)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(4)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(5)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(6)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(7)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(8)
Adaptive Server Enterprise的所有已知BUG列表(9)

343118 Include 11x_bmaster binary with ASE >= 12.5.x installs
343120 'number of dumps' counter of CSMD increments even if memdump is failed
343252 Querying the monCachedObject table can cause other processes to timeslice. When this occurs the query will take much longer to execute and the ASE errorlog will contain the error "timeslice -<value>, current process infected" followed by a stacktrace.
343260 If an @variable is buried in a nested derived table, it may lead to stack trace.
343360 CIS: Local server may show stack trace when errors are encountered on sp_remotesql or

sp_passthru in a multi-session environment in which some of the sessions may hang

in 'remote i/o'.

343363 With ASE 12.5.2 ASEPlugin, the plugin parsing of template documents, JS Template schema and instance documents have been modified. The JS Template XML instance documents must be re-installed if users are upgrading from the ASE 12.5.1 ASEPlugin.

If users do not upgrade their ASEPlugin, the latest JS Template instance documents should not be upgraded.

The changes were required to support localization for the Job Scheduler interface within the ASEPlugin.

343446 Query using non intialized bit local variable may fail with error 245:

"Domain error during implicit conversion of BIT value '0' to a BIT field."

343448 INSTRUMENTATION: Network listeners disappear without error on

ASE 12.5.1 running on win2000 adv server

343495 A 12536 message "Sysstatistics upgrade warning for table <table>. New row-length after upgrade,

1965, ... exceeds maximum limit of 1964. Run update statistics on this table after upgrade." may be

reported in rare circumstances during an upgrade from a pre 12.5 server.

343514 A query SELECT ...UNION ...SELECT may return incorrect result or hang if different UNION sides are executed with different degree of parallelism.
343560 Error 103, "The identifier that starts with "<constraint name>" is too long. Maximum length is 28." is

raised during ALTER TABLE add <column> command on a table which has a column using a constraint name

of 30 characters.

343593 Job Scheduler sp_sjobsetstatus commands embedded into a job's SQL were incorrectly operable on other job's besides its own. This has been corrected.
343638 INSTRUMENTATION: A stack trace occurs either in krtmsg or kaddmsg due to corrupted message queue.
343644 Text/image columns should not be listed on the second page of Index Wizard for creating a new index because they cannot be the columns of an index.
343673 ASE will incorrectly report the messages "WARNING: Pss found with open sdes ... range

entry <value> ..." or "WARNING: Pss found with open sdes ... system table entry

<value> ..." when a session hits a non-fatal internal error and a system or user table

has been left open mistakenly.

343685 sp_sysmon reports negative Cache Misses on a multi-engine server on NT platform when there is considerable load on the server.
343707 XP Server sample xp_echo won't compile. Missing the Open Server header files.
343710 Job Scheduler job output which contains "(return status = <status>)" may not be appropriately followed by starting a new line. This has been corrected.
343729 XP Server documentation is outdated, incorrect and incomplete.
343769 For Mac OS X platform: When the Backup Server is shutdown normally, a message warning of possible memory corruption is written to the backup server errorlog. This problem has been corrected.
343795 Invalid output problem using DBXray with non-English locales now has been fix via

BMC Bug #388263

343799 Under some circumstances when executing a client cursor

or a SELECT ... FOR BROWSE on a view, the base table column

names are returned instead of the view column names.

343826 Use 'auditinit' to install Auditting capabilities may see the messages of "Task failed:

install auditing capabilities. Terminating configuration." on AIX platform.

343958 Feature request for a method to automatically propogate ALTER TABLE changes such as drop column, add column, and modify datatype on base tables to proxy table definitions
343982 Passing a serialized java object on a non Java enabled server causes signal 11
343992 A 5807 error, "Invalid memory move request encountered for the <poolsize> pool in cache <cachename>" is reported when trying to configure a 4G pool on a 64 bit server.
344012 Stored procedure text stored in syscomments with strings of spaces may not be correctly retrieved with defncopy tool. Spaces may be missing in the defncopy generated file.
344016 The error 2812, "Stored procedure '"$monSysSQLText"'", will be raised when selecting from the MDA table monSysSQLText if quoted_identifier is enabled.
344097 dump with compress option, when tape drive full not prompting for new tape
344164 Dropping a proxy table which was mapped to an external directory with the ;R (recursive) option and recreating it again without it, still leaves the ;R option active.
344182 Job Scheduler agent process may hang while processing a shutdown request if its Job Scheduler ASE shutdowns first. This has been corrected.
344187 When using Sybase Central ASE Plugin to create a schedule on localized Chinese or Korean systems the error "com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybSQLException: Syntax error during explicit conversion of VARCHAR value '2004/1/20 と 1:56' to a DATETIME field." occurs (actual date values will vary).
344209 CIS: In some situations, a SELECT statement against a proxy table involving CASE and GROUP BY may have duplicate returns even if GROUP BY list is exactly the same as SELECT list.
344299 When object names are provided to parameterized LANGUAGE

statements and the datatype of the parameter is specified

as UNICHAR, conversion from UNICHAR to CHAR may not be correct

if the server's default character set is configured to something

other than UTF-8.

344324 The error 10334, Level 18, State 80, may be raised if a procedure

contains a select into statement using a view created on table that

is recreated.

344343 Minor upgrade does not detect date or time user defined types that are upper case.
344349 Sp_addtype should not allow user defined types with upper case versions

of system type names.

344391 Rows with blank PlanText should not be reported in monSysPlanText.
344403 A performance decrease may result when executing a query in a stored procedure that has to be recompiled and renormalized (for example due to a load database, an object recreation, etc.) and that query contains a search condition using a NUMERIC arithmetic expression (addition or


344416 The error 18898 will be raised in the stored procedure 'sp_modifylogin' when setting up the login script if the length of the user's default database plus the login name exceed 27 characters.
344466 When dump mulitple databases to a tape recieved "Tape will be rewound message" on Linux AS 2.1
344484 1> HAaseAgent Fails to start, errors saying not found.

2> when the HAase Agent online scripts start ASE, it starts as user "root" and not as user "sybase" and when Agent offline script trys to stop ASE , it is not stopped .

Platform: Linux

344561 The message "Incorrectly built binary which accesses errno or h_errno directly. Needs to be fixed." appears when srvbuild and other ASE utilities are run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0.
344578 Clients sometimes get unable to connect errors when there are high numbers of connection requests to an ASE using the sockets nrt library.
344620 CIS: In some circumstances, a multi-engine server may be infected with signal 10 or 11 and

core dumps, or causes ASE to hang after running sp_showplan.

344650 backupserver hangs during load of striped database on Linux AS 2.1
344713 When inserting data using BCP into a table with a DEFAULT

value defined on a VARCHAR column and the file to load does

not specify value for that column, the DEFAULT value inserted

into the table is silently truncated to 30 chars.

344722 If command line trace flag 11906 is turned on, informational messages from REORG will no longer be printed to the errorlog.
344729 Feature request for a unique constraint on sysloginroles (suid,srid)
344752 The list of engines in the output of the system stored procedure sp_showcontrolinfo is truncated

when there are more than 5 engines bound to a certain engine-group.

344805 ASE Replicator: A replicate stored procedure with nocount set off that contains a SELECT and a RAISERROR does not stop replication if the RAISERROR fires.
344840 srvbuild, srvbuildres, syconfig.exe, and sybatch.exe adds XP server as "ASEnterprise" server class. XP server should have "RPCServer" server class.
344983 Feature extension.

Before this fix the XML builtin xmlparse retuned the result xml fragment as image datatype. The fix adds the ability to return the result xml fragment also as varbinary/binary datatype using additional 'returns' clause syntax.

Before this fix the XML builtin xmlextract returned the result xml data as either text or varchar. With the fix the user will be able to return the result xml data as java.lang.String also.

Before this fix the XML builtin xmlrepresentation accepted xml documents only as image datatype as one of its operands. With this fix user can now pass xml documents of varbinary/binary datatype also to this builtin.

345007 Error 102, "Incorrect syntax near '?'." is raised when a prepared statement is executed using JDBC

having ANSI-style comments at the end of the command string sent from the client.

345045 On the Mac OS X platform the ServerDiscovery tool has been enhanced to display Replication Server.
345056 The StartTime and EndTime columns in monSysStatement have a resolution of a second. This is not acceptable for measuring statement statistics so the resolution should be at least that of the DATETIME datatype.
345067 Job Scheduler agent process does not properly shutdown if its Job Scheduler ASE shutdowns while the agent is still processing a startup request. This has been corrected.
345175 Multi-engine ASE does not always wake a comatosed engine in a timely manner when there is

work ready for that engine.

345193 The ASE server 1601, "There are not enough 'user connect

ions' available", followed by the connectivity errors

11216 and 11206 will be raised, if trying to access an

MDA table from within a user's login script.

345260 ASE running on Windows platforms may suffer loss of the listener process, without any stack trace or error message.
345272 In rare circumstances, a 1511 error (state 8), followed by a 4313 error may be reported when loading a transaction log which contains a CREATE INDEX on a large table.
345293 Performance improvement in opening connections
345314 Incorporate SSL 3.1.5 with SB/GSE (FIPS-140-2 approved crypto module) into ASE. This ASE should be used with OCS release containing the same SSL and SB libraries.
345316 Error message 8211 will be enhanced to report object name and object id as well. The new message will read: "Mismatch found between the name and id descriptor hash table for table '<tablename>', objid = <objid>. Descriptor hashed by name = <address> and hashed by id = <address>."
345353 Add more stored procedure details on MDA tables
345389 On 64-bit IBM systems, a 12545 error, "Database '<db>' is now online with a lower server version number..." may be incorrectly reported when upgrading a database to a 12.5.1 release.
345479 An 8211 error: "Mismatch found between the name and id descriptor hash table. Descriptor hashed by name = 0x0 and hashed by id = <value>" may be reported while executing a Dynamic SQL lightweight procedure when the dynamic sql changes the user id on the fly.
345546 Inserts into partitioned data-only locked tables with placement index may cause wasted space, the space waste being more pronounced for tables with higher number of partitions, and also for larger page sizes.
345730 When a job / scheduled is created the stattime value defaults to 'now'.

This means that repeating jobs only run from starttime to midnight.

345731 When a stored procedure is created with an underscore in the name and a parameter type of unichar

or univarchar, sp_sproc_columns doesn't return any data type information, NULL is returned.

345793 When a remote user is ampped to a different user using 'sp_addremotelogin' and RPC auditing is enabled, the server incorrectly stored the external user name in the audit trail instead of the actual usre name. The suid is stored, and this suid does not match the loginname.
345802 Support for administering and configuring Web Services has been added to the ASE Plugin.
345865 Improve compilation time and optimize internal stack usage when compiling complex

SQL queries with a huge number of IN() elements.

345874 Feature Request to treat utf8 parameter data received in TDS_PARAM in Unicode
so that it can be inserted cleanly into unichar/univarchar columns.
345877 A 3429 error may be reported by boot time recovery while trying to

access the commit service to determine the status of a two-phase

transaction involving a replicated table.

345879 The text of the 1105 error message has been has been modified to "Can't allocate

space for object '<obj>' in database '<db>' because '<seg>' segment is full/has

no free extents. If you ran out of space in syslogs, dump the transaction log.

Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE to increase the size of the segment."

345943 After unmirroring the master device keeping the secondary side, dumps of the master database fail with an attempt to access the original master device.
345983 An unexpected out of log error may be raised while executing the

LOAD TRAN command and during the redo phase of an index creation

for a Data Only Locked table.

346066 The error 2601, 'Attempt to insert duplicate key' or 1205, '...encountered a deadlock situation. ...' can be raised when the stored procedure sp_addlogin is executed concurrently from different sessions.
346081 In rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with 11" in the module

stat_check_sampling_perct may be reported in the errorlog for queries requiring sort

executed in parallel.

346083 Allow users access to the number of shared memory dumped for a given condition that have already occurred.
346141 The routine for checking sampling option on update stastitics generates signal 11.
346146 When using a 16K server, after a long running transaction has reached

the last chance threshold and got aborted due to a log full condition,

it may fail to rollback successfully raising a fatal 3475 error.

346163 When preparing to upgrade an installation, if the preupgrade utility encounters an offline database, it will report that the offline database does not have enough space to run upgrade. This is not true: the database has not actually been checked because it is offline.
346210 CIS: creation of proxy table mapping to remote table or RPC using CREATE EXISTING TABLE

command may not work within a procedure or batch.


EXTERNAL TABLE/FILE commands are now able to work in a procedure and batch.

346231 A filelist has been added to the image at $IMAGE_ROOT/manifest.txt

listing all the files that will be installed by this EBF.

346240 ASE 12.5.1 Sybase Central version

User information is being written to the DOS Console including ID and PSWD, when doing Monitor reporting.

This needs to be changed

346252 Wash size under Cache is not changeable in Sybase Central; the OK Button is disabled until a value is entered in the Amount Pool field.
346285 Spinlock was obtained by calling a function which is very expensive for no contention calls. Also on Intel processors with Hyperthreading support, busy loop in spinlock code was not having pause instruction.
346292 In rare circumstances, the message "Logical Process Manager Error: Failed to delete row from

sysattributes table related to a task level specification" will appear in the ASE error log upon

the termination of a process whose priority has been set via the sp_setpsexe stored procedure.

This message may be safely ignored.

346326 Allow spaces for destination directory names during the installation process.
346360 A message infected with 11 in omni_adjust_eops() together with stacktrace containing the modules

'omni_code_gen_subq' and 'omni_opt_select' is sometimes printed in the errorlog when executing a

complex SQL query containing a SELECT using views. The stacktrace is printed after raising message

404, 'Too many ANDs or ORs in expression (limit 1024 per expression level). Try splitting query or

limiting ANDs and ORs.'

346369 possible crash on procedure activity view when there is no activity
346373 A combination of having a union in the derived table expression and then assigning it to a local variable is what is causing the infected with 11 in yyparse
346426 The $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/scripts/installjconnect script has "^M" characters at the end of every lines.
346582 User is receiving ASE error 7789 indicating that a complex

query exceeds the internal fixed limit of 14 worktables.

Customer would like this limit extended.

The Hardcoded limit is located:


# define MAXWORK 14 /* max active SDESes for non-RI work tables */

346584 User has a very complex query and how it may be simplified is

dependent on how much in excess of the limit the query is. User

would like the 7789 error to include the exact number of worktables

needed to process the query in question.

346585 Customer would like a mechanism for determining how

many worktables a given query would require would be very desirable.

This is not possible, at present.

So that customer can predetermine how many Work Tables a Query would require.

346592 The ASE localization utility syconfig does not allow built-in UTF-8 non-binary

sort orders to be selected.

346654 Queries returning TEXT/IMAGE fields and using worktables may not execute correctly

giving spurious 605 errors in the temporary database or may fail with stack traces.

Stack trace will reference modules like exec_eop,run.

346874 The message "process infected with 11" maybe reported in the errorlog together with a stacktrace

which includes the modules 'sendtext' and 'run' if a SELECT using ISOLATION LEVEL 0

selects from text/image columns and other users are updating these text/image columns at the

same time.

346884 The monOpenObjectActivity table contains rows for objects besides user tables and indexes. These rows have zero value columns because monitoring data is not collected for other object types. These rows should be removed from the table, and only rows for user tables and indexes should be reported. Also, the date columns should be reported as NULL rather than zero when not set.
346898 The monIOQueue monitoring table incorrectly assigned IOs by the system to the 'User Data' row since the table only split IOs by 'User Data' or 'User Log'. System IOs are now assigned to 'System'
346899 In rare circumstances, the 1601 error "There are not enough 'user connections'

available to start a new process. Retry when there are fewer active users, or

ask your System Administrator to reconfigure SQL Server with more user

connections." may be reported in the errorlog due to upspawn failing with

the following message "upspawn: no more process slots available".

346929 When Job Scheduler processes job output column data that is longer than the output column width, data may be incorrectly repeated on subsequent lines. This has been corrected.
347020 'Select Distinct within a subquery may encounter performance degradation if proxy tables are involved.
347030 Back out xpserver changes made under CR 325777 which results in unexpected behavior of xp_cmdshell.

With 325777 changes, xp_cmdshell commands executing a shell command which tries to redirect output to a file using the '>' file I/O redirection does not work as expected. Instead the output is returned to the ASE client. Fix for 325777 will be reworked under 348878.

347061 srvbuildres should tell user to specify the "force_buildmaster = yes" clause when trying to overwrite an existing master device rather than "-f"
347083 When a user is granted a role that has been granted the mon_role role and the user executes the 'set role' command to activate the role, the user will not be able to select from MDA tables but will get a 10353 error.
347084 The message "current process ... infected with 11" in module 'des_unkeep'

may be hit during the execution of SP_RENAME when the given object

is not yet cached. The stack trace will also report modules 'exec_dbcc'

and 'd_refresh_ides' in the error log.

347090 On alignment-sensitive platforms only, inserting into a unichar column from a varbinary column may generate alignment fault if the UNICHAR data is not aligned on a 2-byte boundary.
347098 The name of a user database is stored with trailing spaces in the VARCHAR-type field name in the

systemtable SYSDATABASES when using bracketed indentifiers in the CREATE DATABASE statement like

CREATE DATABASE [<dbname><space>...<space>].

347115 A leading '//' inside predicate should be treated as

an absolute path from root. It is not beginning of

a path relative to the sub-path preceding the filter.

347134 Adaptive Server Enterprise Disk I/O Tips

Linux supports a variety of file systems such as EXT2, EXT3, and XFS.

The recommended file system for Adaptive Server is EXT2 or EXT3 with

journaling disabled.

347189 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'parse_name' together with a stack trace

which includes the modules 'logcommand' and 'grantrev' may be reported in the errorlog if a table

having an identity column is used in a stored procedure together with a GRANT or REVOKE command

for that same table and the REPLICATION FORCE_DDL option is set.

347219 Sybmigrate will stop migrating between two servers if the password for the migration login is not identical on both servers.
347247 Error 1566 is raised when creating a clustered index even when there are sufficient distinct key values for the number of partitions.
347282 Add support for Korean language using character set cp949. Note that

to use this character set in conjunction with eucksc, the sp_configure

parameter "size of unilib cache" should be increased to 144384 bytes

(or more) and the the sp_configure parameter "enable unicode conversions"

should be set to 1.

347369 CIS: Signal 11 stack trace in ct_poll may occur when an insert-select query is interrupted

by a killed connection.

347380 Msg. 103, "The identifier that starts with '<textpointer>' is too long. Maximum length is 30." is

raised when executing the command WRITETEXT BULK <tablename>.<colname> <textpointer> and colname

is called "parameter".

347386 Enabling sort-merge join and parallelism returns duplicate rows when executing a SELECT from a view which comprises of a SELECT DISTINCT from a 2-table join.
347439 Query with equi-sargs predicates and IS NULL can result in poor index selection.
347475 sp_monitorconfig displays wrong number of pages for "size of process object heap".
347528 xp_cmdshell should allow commands that exceed 255 characters
347540 optdiag failed to load statistics complaining about db name is not found, this only happens when database conflict is flawed.
347570 When the sp_configure parameter "enable unicode normalization" is set

(as it is by default) and character literals contain Unicode

characters requiring normalization, the parser failed to

perform the normalization. This was true for literals

promoted to the unichar data type, represented using

UTF-16, as well as char literals when the server's default

character set is configured as UTF-8.

347712 Sybase Central ASEplugin: 'Generate DDL' of stored procs against V12.0 server thows error:

CO55 The specified Compiled Object Item not found in the Server: <sproc_name>.

347726 In rare circumstances, the error 1292 "Internal Error in lock manager ..." may be raised when a query that involves system tables and builtins is run in parallel mode, as opposed to serial, and the system builtin execution results in the caching of a user object's descriptor.
347753 Enhanced diagnostics for access violation errors.
347795 inclusion of read only cursors for sort merge joins.
347811 The 'ascinserts' property of a table, that earlier used to be set by a call to dbcc tune(), can now be set via stored procedure 'sp_chgattribute'.
347817 In very rare cases, on windows XP platform, boot recovery could run into system exception when trying to print out the buffer pool tuning messages.
347837 Fixed the return type java.lang.string for build-in function msgproplist.
347891 CIS: The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'investigate_ojs' together with

a stack trace which includes the modules 'omni_get_ojrelops' and 'omni_findjoins' may be reported

in the error log if a query with UNION and ANSI join involves proxy tables.

347936 The "Total Actual I/O cost" output by showplan is inaccurately low for query statements that

contain multiple main steps, such as UNION statements.

347941 Enhance srvbuild character set and sort order pulldown menus to list id numbers as well as descriptions
347963 Custumer will like to have a way to track the usage of disk space by individual login or spid. Customer would like to have this in the monitor tables.
348049 In rare circumstances, a 691 error, "Encountered invalid logical page '0' while accessing

object '8' in database '<dbid>'" may be reported during boottime or LOAD DATABASE recovery.

348098 Set default focus in the first text field on a wizard page when the page is first activated.
348123 Mount/Umount Database improvements
348134 There are now a new set of bourne shell scripts for the user to use and the cshell scripts have been renamed to have a .csh extension. Also the directory structure for JS-12_5 has been simplified. There is no change in functionality due to this change.
348235 HA on Sun may not work properly due to utils.ksh script picking up the primary ASE run file for the secondary ASE.
348240 A stacktrace including the modules open_fail_error, getuidfromsuid() and prot_srch_and_check_for_dbcc()

may be printed in the errorlog, if a non-sa user tries to execute a database level dbcc command in a database that is not usable.

348331 The error 926, followed by error 12324 and a stack trace that includes the module

checkstorage will be raised when running DBCC CHECKSTORAGE on a database that

is marked suspect. Similar errors and stack traces are seen if the database is unavaliable

for some other reasons.

348346 missing makefiles on some platforms for MCL sample programs
348347 The charset program prompts for confirmation of a update to

a character set or sort order definition if such a definition

is already installed in the server. The program loops until

a valid yes/no response is received from its standard input.

EOF is not considered a valid response, and will trigger

an indefinite loop.

348372 The performance of the parse and compile phase for a large SQL batch has been

improved. Further performance improvements may be achieved with the 702 boot time

trace flag though this comes with an additional 2% per-batch memory cost.

348384 The error 1505, "Create unique index aborted on duplicate key. Primary key is '<value>'" may report an incorrect key value if the index is created in parallel mode as opposed to serial.
348390 If a row level access rule containing multiple AND qualifiers is attached to a table involved in an outer-join query it may generate incorrect results.
348404 The object information printed in sp_object_stats is truncated when the name of the database, the

name of the object and some detailed object info is greather than 80 characters.

348468 In ASE and before, the command 'sp_cacheconfig <cachename>,

"cache_partition=<number>"' processed a change that went into effect when the

server was rebooted.

In ASE 12.5.1, running the same command returns messages (Msg 10850 and 10875, both

undocumented) that make it appear that it doesn't work. What is happening is a

confusion between what ASE 12.5.1 can do dynamically, and what it does do statically

DESPITE the messages. We need to make message changes.

348513 Enhance DBCC CHECKTABLE for empty ALLPAGES LOCKED tables to report error if the root page of the index has extraneous entries even though the table is empty.
348534 In a server with Case-insensitive sort order, a SELECT can use the same column

more than ones with different case (ex: Col, coL), but the header of the result set

is the same for the columns.

348573 The value of @@rowcount is reset when a a stored procedure or trigger is recompiled.
348590 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'q_alloc_restart' together with a stack

trace which includes the modules 'q_oreop_fill' and 'substitute' may be reported in the error log for

an query at isolation level 0 that includes a HAVING clause with an OR.

348674 When installing a language other than English, message number 19178

in the different language cannot be installed.

348686 ASE 12.5.1 on Red Hat Linux AS 2.1 core dumps when 'max memory' is set to greater than 2.75GB.
348693 HA Scripts are updated to use specific options to get the command name from the /usr/bin/ps command
348732 Added support for SELECT INTO/INSERT INTO to insert from a

materialized UNION ALL containing text/image columns.

348743 New Feature: Java in ASE to support package.
348866 Cust would like to be able to take samples like they can do this with sp_sysmon

and reset monitoring counters to 0 as needed.

348878 An attempt to run an interactive program under xp_cmdshell may hang the xpserver.
348881 Increase output filename length in historical server
348895 Outer join with a VIEW having UNION ALL fails with error 11054 :

"The table 'table name' is an inner member of an outer-join clause. This is not

allowed if the table also participates in a regular join clause."

348971 When the SELECT * is expanded while storing the text of a stored procedure, identifiers

consisting of multiple parts will be stored in syscomments using bracketed identifiers. For example

a columnname like <colname_part1 part2> is stored like [colname_part1 part2]. The same will

happen for table-names consisting of multiple parts.

349033 sybmigrate may fail to migrate a table that was created by a user other than dbo.
349165 INSTRUMENTATION: ASE disappears without any message in the errorlog resulting in a core dump.

Core file indicates that thread library function pthread_sighandler_rt() encountered Signal 11

due to corrupted memory address for thread handle.

349194 DBXray needs to provide support for Linux
349240 When a wizard page or properties page is active, the focus should be set to the first text field. This makes it easy to enter text without using the mouse to focus first.
349251 When a single long transaction is aborted in a primary database because it has filled up the log, replication agent is not able to move the secondary truncation point, even if all transactions have been processed by replication agent.
349279 ASE incorrectly handles user defined execution classes whose names begin

with "EC0", "EC1", "EC2", or "EC3". In these cases ASE will apply the

system defined attributes for the user defined execution class rather than

the user defined attributes.

349286 Conversions from other datatypes (notably varbinary) to unichar/univarchar

will cause a process to terminate with a stack trace if the source data is

not aligned on a data page.

349337 Makefile for sample xp_echo on the windows platform does not have include paths set.
349420 The sybatch.exe sample resource file "sybatch_sample.res" has incorrect values in "msrv.network_hostname_list" and "bsrv.network_hostname_list" attributes.
349434 A spinlock order violation and ASE panic occurs upon

first kerberos login and recovery or other highly concurrent

activity is also running.

Invalid spinlock sanity checks are avoided with this fix.

349480 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'oj_syboj_markojonclause' may be reported in the error log when executing a SELECT with invalid cyclic outerjoin.
349567 CIS: stacktrace in omni_plan_subst() when selecting a text/image column from a proxy table using an order by clause whereby the column used for ordering is not in the select list.
349670 If a master database is loaded onto a master device whose size is not the same as that shown in the dump, the correct size is replaced by the size contained in the dump. The device's previous size should be retained after the load completes.
349693 The message, "current process infected with 11" in the module 'copyconstant' together with a stack

trace which includes the modules 'q_norm_const' and 'decision' may be reported in the error log if

a SELECT with two or more aggregates has a WHERE clause on a text constant of more the 450 characters.

349701 syconfig/srvbuild[res] allows users to create >32GB master device
349724 Feature request: traceflag to enable statistics for out of range equi-sargs.
349735 When server's default character set is GB18030, timeslice error occurs when converting

Unicode surrogates to GB18030.

349774 Feature request: add a "Materialized View" feature as in Oracle.
349790 CIS : Execution of multiple Extended Stored Procedures might result in performance improvement due to an efficient connection establishment model when routed through CIS RPC mechanism after both 'cis rpc handling' and 'negotiated logins' options are turned on.
349883 The SQL batch identifiers reported by monDeadLock (HeldBatchID) and monSysSQLText (BatchID) do not match. This makes it impossible to join these tables to get the SQL Text of the processes involved in the deadlock.
349964 The process of serialize/deserialize java objects in ASE can cause

some performance issues in a multi-session environment.

350098 If for any reason dbcc checkstorage() cannot access the database being checked, it continues processing anyway. This causes many spurious error messages to be printed.
350109 This fixes a straggle problem not caught by CR 348687-1. For the user:

In 12.5.1, the job timeout property was labelled to be in seconds. This value was actually treated as minutes. This fix changes the labels for the timeout property to say minutes in 12.5.2.

350211 Jobs attached to repeating schedules with a 0 interval run multiple times when the schedule start time arrives.
350291 sp_syntax does not include mount/unmount command help
350352 CIS transmits bulk copy data in suboptimally sized packets
350392 This CR disables change made by 319389 (A sub-optimal query plan may be generated for queries using MAX() or MIN() together with WHERE clauses that involve OR clauses.). Use trace flag 4110 to enable fix for 319389.
350475 The error 7156 together with a stack trace that includes the modules textconvert

and txt_readchar, may be raised when trying to convert a text column to any

other datatype, if the text page was created in a version prior to 12.5.

350523 DATE and TIME datatype columns with a CONVERT builtin on proxy_table mapped to DCO will not work.
350550 When a statement that has been successfully cached is followed by successive normalization

errors a stack trace may happen. This occurs only with the statement cache enabled.

350563 substring and pagesize in same query and particular order returns pagesize as NULL on windows and linux, whereas causes a stacktrace on solaris.
350567 When a database is not useable, the command checkpoint [db |all] fails silently.
350576 Msg 207, "Invalid column name <column name>" is raised when executing a SELECT with a

subquery in the select-list which is referencing a column defined in the derived

column list of a derived table expression in the FROM clause.

350581 The sp_monitorconfig 'number of locks' report does not show correct "active" value. "HWM" may also be incorrect, but harder to prove. In a completely idle system, sp_monitorconfig will still show some number of active locks.
350658 SQL Advantage returns incorrect syntax when there are comments in query.

Tested and reproduced with:

SQLAdvantage 10752, 12.5.1 EBF 11428,

ASE, ASE, ASE 12.5.1

350662 Could not find any Documentation on Error Number 3021, as you can see below the message does exist in the server.

3021 10 2

Unable to write statistics for all indexes of object %ld in database %l

d. Please run update statistics on all indexes after loading this database or pr

ior to using the indexes in the loaded database.

350686 In a multi-engine ASE under very light load, a comatosed ASE engine may skip recognizing pending I/O on one of the networks as soon as possible leading to delayed I/O processing.
350763 When using trace flags 3607 or 3608 to bypass recovery or to recover master db only, error 840 will

appear in the errorlog if configuration parameter 'enable rep agent' is not set to 0.

350848 Due to Large Identifier implementation in ASE, tooltip will appear for names in ASE Plugin to faciliate user of reading the object name without using scrolling.
350856 Memory allocated to java virtual machine may be insufficient, causing the server to hang on MacOS X. The solution is to configure more shared class heap space. For ASE on Mac OS X, the default "size of shared class heap" is 1536 memory pages (2048 bytes each). This can be increased by:

sp_configure "size of shared class heap", 3072

Which will double the amount of memory available to the shared class heap, assuming there is sufficient shared memory available.

Symptoms of this problem include a message similar to the following written to the ASE errorlog:

00:00000:00018:2004/03/29 16:16:55.18 server Java VM Host: Memory allocation request failed because of insufficient memory in Jvm Shared Class.

00:00000:00015:2004/03/29 16:26:48.06 kernel timeslice -501, current process infected

350880 An arithmetic overflow occurrs when the internal expression evaluator chooses temp variables that are too small to contain transient data.
350907 The error 8201 "Keep count of descriptor (objid=<value>, dbid=<value>) was

expected to be 1. Instead 0 was found." may be reported in the error log

in module 'des_rekeep' when the statement cache option is active. The

module 'des_lwpdescreate' will also be reported in the stack trace.

Alternatively the error 8203 "Expected to find the descriptor for object

<value> in database <value> in DROP state." may be reported in module

'des__markdestroy'. The modules 'ssql__rmplans' and 'des_objdrop' will

also be reported in the stack trace.

350919 While configuring "number of devices" through sp_configure,

ASE sometimes raise error that the number of devices should

be greater than the highest device number used in sysdevices.

350942 On HP platform, a signal 11 may be encountered in HP function U_get_previous_frame_x()

while printing the stacktrace after a JVM failure.

350946 "Cache Wizard" section is under "Sample interval and time reporting" sections. It should be in new section like other sysmon sections - Kernel utilization or Task management.
350948 Remove internal comment from Cache Wizard Documentation
351008 Replication Agent may report the error 691, including page '0', when trying to process an update where the before image has not been marked for replication.
351032 If a user does not supply password when invoking DDLGen from command line, he will be prompted to enter the password from the console.
351067 sp_sysmon with default tempdb size can cause log full with 12.0.x and higher.
351074 A 614 error, "Adaptive Server accessed a row that has an illegal length of <length> while in database <dbname> ... The page size is <pagesize>." may be reported when a transaction doing DELETE and UPDATE operations on a Data Only Locked table is rolled back. The session is terminated abnormally and may not have its resources cleaned up.
351077 In an Active/Passive HA configuration, a Backup Server process remains on primary node even though failover is successful.
351104 When the configuration parameter 'number of pre-allocated extents' is set to zero, or ASE has been started with -T1101 to disable large page allocation, DBCC TABLEALLOC may report a 12909 error after data has been inserted into an All Pages Locked table using fast BCP.
351116 After installing SQL Expert or Database Expert the SYSAM Service is removed.
351124 Feature request to have ASE support NTFS directory and file names that include spaces.
351152 The RTMS_MSGBODY_FORMAT and RTMS_MSGBODY_SCHEMA ASE properties have been renamed


351168 Due to a bug in RH AS 2.1 [Issue #351168 shmat() not returning EINVAL when already

mapped address is passed as start address], ASE may use one block of memory as

two separete memory blocks. This can result in unpredictable results and data corruption.

351354 Feature request to provide a way to rename or move a master device once it has been mirrored.
351364 A stored procedure that creates table with a column declared NOT NULL based on a nullable user defined datatype is able to insert NULL values into the table.
351369 This problems seems to affect all the 12.5.1 release bulletins except for the HP one.

The problem is in this section:

4.2 Adaptive Server 12.5.1 backward compatibility.

The problem is this sentence:

You can to earlier 12.5.x versions of Adaptive Server, but to do so you must take the precautions described in the technical note before using any of the new 12.5.1 features.

The sentence should say:

You can downgrade to earlier 12.5.x versions of Adaptive Server, but to do so you must take the precautions described in the technical note before using any of the new 12.5.1 features.

The "downgrade" is missing, the,

Release Bulletin Adaptive Server Enterprise Version 12.5.1 for IPF/HP-UX is correct.

351422 INSTRUMENTATION: ASE engine dies without any trace
351446 The 12.5.2 installer doesn't show the license text in the language chosen. e.g Dutch, Norwegian, Danish and Swedish license files are in English.
351485 Customer requests that ASE has a way to confirm whether the logical host is failed back before we start recovering databases, as that

would prevent corrupt primary server's master.

351506 In the Job Scheduler Schedule properties window, the schedule start time will incorrectly display the current server time rather than the schedule's start time.
351545 When the statment cache is configured and a query includes a system table

update, the first excution of the query works correctly. If the user

changes the "allow updates" state, the new state is ignored when the exact same

query is subsequently executed.

351576 Stacktraces may occur in the jvm garbage collector code.

The following function are part of the stacktrace:

GarbageCollect (), WalkReferences (), IsFirstFrame().

351586 Character set of ASE can be changed using reource file. Sample resource file is located in $SYBASE/ASE-12_5/init/sample_resource_files/ directory. There is no documentation of this resource file in any manuals/guides.
351608 INSTRUMENTATION: Some of the ASE clients appear to hang. ASE itself is not hung,

new client connections are successful, but some commands do not run properly,

possibly because the blocking process is holding a lock on tempdb..syslogs.

351618 CIS : Omni server class, RPCServer, does not allow the setting of encryption, CS_SEC_ENCRYPTION, on remote openserver logins.
351656 Stacktrace may occur in ASE jvm. The stack contains the following functions : VMClassLoader::Destroy(), VMClassLoader::CreateInstance(), FindOrCreateLoader().

This usually occurs when the server runs out of memory to launch the jvm.

351670 Should the RepAgent replicate DDL commands executed from a non_replicated database?

When it effects tables in a primary database that is marked to replicate DDL?

351687 A call of sp_msgadmin 'remove', 'subscription', 'xxx'

returns successfully if the subscription 'xxx' does not exist.

With the fix to this CR it will raise an exception.

351764 If an optdiag output file is specified and the password is not given, then optdiag does not prompt

for a password and fails to connect to the server.

351771 DDLGen doesn't check the necessary permission before issuing setuser, causing errors.

This is now fixed. For various other places where DDLGen needs user to have select permission on system catalogs, the appropriate errors will still be thrown.

351808 The DBCC DBREPAIR(<dbname>, fixlogfreespace) maintenance command unexpectedly resets the data free space accounting with empty database counts.
351817 ASE Install guide states:

Upgrading, or dump and load migration is not supported from 11.0.x to 12.5.x. You would have to upgrade to at least 11.5.x first.

The newest version of ASE you can upgrade 11.0.3.x to is 12.0.

However, if you look in the 12.5.1 System Admin Guide here, it states that you can't load a pre 10.x dump, which to ct means that we support loading an 11.0.3 dump, and it will automatically be upgraded by a 12.5 server.

351919 After upgrade, table level statistics on system tables are wrong.
351934 If the mirrored master device is corrupt or not readable,

ASE fails to boot rather than failing over to mirror device

when started with '-r' option.

351942 Error message 1204 is documeneted wrong in the Troubleshooting and Error Messages Guide:

Error 1204



Error message text

SQL Server has run out of LOCKS. Re-run your command when there are fewer active users, or contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role to reconfigure SQL Server with more LOCKS.

Should be 17 not 19.

351965 In rare circumstances the message "process infected with 11" in the module 'buf__unhash_and_keep_grabbed_mass' may be reported on a server that uses a lot of memory (more than 1GB) some time after the creation (and possible destruction) of a buffer pool. In 12.5.1 and above, boot time recovery may automatically create (and later destroy) such a buffer pool.
351981 CIS: When UPDATE STATISTICS with sampling is issued against a proxy table, an incorrect message

2727, "Cannot find index ' '" is raised.

351983 Importing data with the bulk copy utility into a Data Only Locked table that has an index defined on a column of CHAR datatype may result in the corruption of the given table. ASE may then shutdown itself implicitly with the modules 'bulk__normal', 'dol__ncinsert', 'bt__splitleaf' and 'bt__addrids_to_nonleafrow' reported in the stack trace in the error log.
351984 The message "Current process infected with 11" in the module 'memshrink' together with a stack trace

which includes the modules 'update_statistics_col' and 'ups__minorattributes' may be reported in the

error log when an UPDATE STATISTICS or an UPDATE INDEX STATISTICS command is executed.

352027 A 7951 error may be reported by DBCC CHECKTABLE after a valid XML document

that is encoded in a multi-byte character set, has been BCP'd into this


352044 If character set conversion is already active, executing

the statement "set char_convert on" will cause incorrect

information to be reported via the global variables

@@char_convert and @@client_csid, and it may ultimately

lead to the process being terminated with a a stack trace.

352081 Request for 'send doneinproc option' to send rowcount status for modifications
352103 CIS: SELECT..INTO from proxy table command against DB2 backend is slow when the WHERE

clause is not forwarded to the remote server.

352122 The Server User Identifier, ServerUserID, has been added to the monProcessActivity, monProcessSQLText and mnSysSQLText Monitoring Tables.
352125 In the monProcessStatement and monSysStatement Monitoring Tables report the DBID of the current database (rather than 0) when the statement being executed is not part of a stored procedure.
352153 A 257 error, "Implicit conversion from datatype <datatype1> to <datatype2> is not allowed" may be raised when inserting a NULL value using a parameterized statement and the datatype of the parameter does not match with the datatype of the column.
352161 Feature Request that starting sp_start_rep_agent dbname 'recovery" provide more output information to the command line after repagent finished replaying the tran log of database.
352168 Customer would like a way to get a count of the number of executable statements (DML)

in a stored procedure and would also like to be able to get a count of variable

declarations in a stored procedure.

352213 sp_monitor "procedure" will no longer monitor light weight processes.
352219 Under certain conditions when sp_monitor "procedure" is executed Arithmetic overflows could occur.

Also, under certain conditions when sp_monitor "connection" or sp_monitor "statement" is executed

the columns SPID, LoginName, ElapsedTime, CPU_Time, PhysicalReads, LocksHeld would by empty and

only the SQL Text column would be displayed.

352223 In some cases the Database Expert Migration Analyzer did not report that a query plan changed between ASE releases.
352224 In the Database Expert Configuration Analyzer, Migration Analyzer and Index Impact Analyzer a negative total cost value is shown when the total cost is greater then 2147483647.
352227 Ad-hoc inspecting using the SQL Inspector does not update the Start Time and End Time column. correctly when the inspector finishes collection. This may make it appear that the collector is still running.
352233 ASE Troubleshooting and Error Messages Guide Vol 1 has the steps of creating sp_marksuspect and sp_resetstatus in the wrong order.
352238 Installshield creates masterdb default size of 6Mb eventhough you define a

different size during custom installation.

352247 INSTRUMENTATION: Some of the ASE clients appear to hang. ASE itself is not hung,

new client connections are successful. Pending task list shows a CREATE TABLE statement

trying to insert a row into tempdb..sybtabstats waiting for some event to complete.

352309 Query with DISTINCT and ORDERBY may sometimes fail to provide required

order. This may happen if the server is configured to use backward scans.

352329 Overflow, divide by zero and domain errors were being downgraded from EX_USER to EX_INFO.
352443 An unassigned bit variable was assigned a null, however when it was assigned explicitely a null, these variables are zeroed out. The behaviour has been made consistent and an unassigned variable is now assigned a 0 as well. Also, the error 403, 'Invalid operator for datatype op: is null type: BIT.' was incorrectly raised when using the predicates IS NULL or IS NOT NULL, or the built-in COALESCE with a bit column or variable.
352478 On a system which is very busy or has very large buffer caches, the message "timeslice <value>, current process infected" may be reported in the error log when selecting from monCachedObject. The stack trace does not identify the offending select from monCachedObject.
352509 This change affects the layout of the various Job Scheduler wizard and property windows. While no new controls were added, some fields have been moved to different wizard pages or property tabs and borders have been removed. There has been no change in functionality nor have any of the underlying stored procedures or API been changed.
352548 Sybase Central ASE Plug-in has 'User Tables' subfolder under Proxy databases, which is not correct as all tables in Proxy Databases are Proxy Tables.
352568 In rare circumstances, ASE may hang forever if the IO subsystem is

overloaded and a process goes to sleep while holding the default data

cache spinlock. The call stack of this process will show the modules

'dstartio', 'kd_p_semaphore' and 'upsleepgeneric'.

352586 In rare circumstances error 11068 may be raised during the parallel

execution of a select-into command in module 's_estmt_loopend' reported

by a stack trace in the error log.

352587 The sp_shmdumpconfig stored procedure does not consider the amount of memory configured for the statement cache when calculating estimated shared memory dump file sizes.
352600 The sp_shmdumpconfig stored procedure prints a message saying that DEFAULTS is not a valid shared memory dump condition.
352636 There is no message printed when DBCC CHECKCATALOG with the 'fix' option fixes an error.
352660 Feature Request: Add an "in memory" option for temporary databases that disables all physical I/O

for that database. The database would be bound to a named cache of sufficient size and would not

require physical devices to back the space.

352672 Feature request for a rand() function variant that would generate a different value for every row when multiple rows are affected by a query.
352702 Feature request to have ASE continue to try to update the failed login count in cases where it currently gives up and prints "failed to update syslogins" to the errorlog.
352766 The sp_shmdumpconfig stored procedure does not correctly calculate estimated shared memory dump file sizes for the configured shared memory dump conditions when the procedure cache is omitted from the shared memory dump.
352796 Feature Request: allow the database page size to be specified by object instead of server-wide.
352801 The scripts runproducer, runconsumer, stopproducer, stopconsumer, runws, and stopws now accept the tokens "" and '' as a null string password for the option -P. In addition, if no argument is given for the -P option, the value of the password is also assumed to be a null string.
352802 The functionality for invoking the Consumer are now available in SybCentral.

The web pages that provided an interface to the Consumer did not work properly

and are no longer available.

352817 *** Wednesday, May 26, 2004 4:11:19 PM *** ralmeida ***

Problem : To make this useful to customers, we need to enhance sp_depends to also

report the column level dependencies. Currently, sp_depends supports:

sp_depends <tablename> [, <column name> ]

By default, sp_depends lists all compiled objects that depend on

table <tablename>. This shows up as the 1st chunk in the output.

Solution : sp_depends will now filters the 1st chunk of output to restrict the list of compiled objects that actually use the specified column. This information can be obtained from the column ID map.

352826 RepAgent does not replicate "drop view" if issued from within

a procedure


may result in error 691. With the fix, the CREATE TEMPORARY DATABASE command cannot be used

with the WITH DEFAULT_LOCATION and FOR PROXY_UPDATE clause. The sp_defaultloc stored procedure

will also not be able to remap objects in temporary databases.

352972 A new option is provided to turn ON/OFF FDP currency in MDA tables.
352973 CIS: INSERT <local table> SELECT * FROM <proxy table> inserts garbage when NULL source column is inserted into TEXT/IMAGE column.
352980 Deleting a named cache with the same name as a configuration parameter

results in the configuration option being deleted from sysconfigures.

353003 The two-phase commit stored procedures are not installed when using syconfig.exe, sybatch.exe, srvbuild[res], or sqlupgrade[res] to configure or upgrade an Adaptive Server.
353014 The system dynamic loadable shared object supporting xp_cmdshell could terminate

with a signal 11 (segmentation violation) under constructs where no external o/s command did execute.

353066 The fix for CR 274800 and CR 287252 was incomplete. As a result an

isolation level 0 query involving TEXT/IMAGE data, could hang or fail

with the message 'illegal TDS token received'.

353095 Disk init hangs on large device when using TCP on NetApp
353098 The message "infected with 11 in module prot_desc" is printed in the errorlog together with

a stacktrace containing the modules 's_normalize', 'colnames_driver' and 'prot_desc' when

a SELECT * FROM [ ] is executed whereby the tablename consist of one or multiple spaces.

353102 A 2601 error, "Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object 'sysusers'

with unique index 'ncsysusers2'" could be raised by a migration tool

that tried to recreate user defined roles from a server where any of


did not exist.

353109 EFTS 12.5.2 is missing all of the extended language support (including Japanese, Chinese, and Korean). Note - The extended languages are only supported on Solaris and Windows.
353173 Feature request to require a "with override" clause for DISK INIT to overwrite a raw partition that contains ASE data.
353176 Write out error messages that exist in sysmessages with their error numbers and severity , eventhough they are informational.
353257 Partition level statistics need to be displayed in the Monitoring Tables. The monCachedObject and monProcessObject tables should be updated to add Partition information, and a new table monOpenPartitionActivity added to report statistics for all open partitions.
353277 Sample program xp_echo.c does not compile on Mac OS X, and shared library does not build
353309 When a new remote server is added with sp_addserver, it will be created with the status field set to 'no timeouts' as this can help RPC performance in some circumstances. Existing remote servers in the sysservers table will not be changed.
353375 The performance of the analysis and redo passes in recovery for large numbers of transactions and large numbers of log records has been improved.
353393 ASE Plugin for Sybase Central: Changing ASE configuration no longer reports how much additional memory is required.
353394 INSTRUMENTATION: ASE on Red Hat AS 2.1 dumps core. Core dump stacktrace indicates

ASE received Alarm Signal (Signal 14) during select system call. Internal data structures

within Linux signal handling code are corrupted resulting in failure to process Signal 14

that results in recursive Signal 11 which leads ASE to dump core. This instrumentation

adds a worksround by blocking signals during select() system call.

353460 sp_monitor stored procedure executed with the 'connection' parameter gives incorrect time values for sleeping processes.
353472 In a server with CASE INSENSITIVE sort order, creating a nonclustered index on a

Data Only Locked table with SORTED_DATA option may cause DBCC CHECKTABLE to report 9996 errors;

DELETEs on the table may fail with 644 errors.

353644 The message "infected with 11 in s_result_const_memfree()" together with a stacktrace containing

the modules 's_handle', 's_normalize' and 's_renormalize' is written to the errorlog when executing

a stored procedures which gets recompiled. During the recompile Msg. 208 'Object <object> not found.'

is raised.

353679 The Sybase Central Java addition ASE Plugin, when displaying Details for master or System Stored Procedures, when sorting the the rows using "Creation Date" the dates seemed to be sorted Alphabetical order not date order. Like Dec will be sorted before May.
353699 All future logins are blocked if "max failed logins" is set, master database is QUIESCED, and a login attempt is made using an invalid password.
353718 A 2628 or 2630 error together with message "Mass <addr> found in the buffer wash with incorrect state dirty but not writing" may sometimes be encountered while doing a lot of UPDATEs or DELETEs on a Data Only Locked table.
353748 Sybase Central C++ version use to have a way to update stats on an Index, cutsomer would like the feature back. The C++ version if you Right Click on the Index there is a "Update Statistics" on the drop down menu.
353757 The performance of ROLLBACK TRANSACTION has been improved by performing asynchronous prefetch during rollback and by increasing the priority that the scheduler gives to the session performing the rollback.
353797 A batch which creates a table with a default referencing global variable

and inserts to this table fails producing stack trace in the errorlog file.

353810 With the statment cache enabled, queries containing temporary tables in subqueries where

being cached in error.

353866 A user trying to log into the server may be blocked forever if the master database

is quiesced.

353953 The fix displays percentage completion of data transfer for DUMP DATABASE and LOAD DATABASE. The percentage is not displayed for DUMP/LOAD TRAN.
353989 Request for a new option whereby only the login who owns the particular database

can access it.

354011 Customer would like a column added named "ID" which would be the Column ID, just like the older 12.0 C++ version where the Customer would be able to sort the columns.
354012 In rare circumstances, Adaptive Server may write incorrect log

records for updates of DOL tables that are replicated. This

only happens for replication log records and can affect the


354164 The Transact SQL GUIDE States:

"You cannot include a union clause in a subquery unless it is part of a derived table expression within the subquery."

The Customer is running a Query with a Union inside a subquery See below. The Error Message Also Below Suggests that the parser needs to have the Parens match up before the UNION. This syntax seems to be support by DB2???

354207 Customer would like a request for Sybase to support Dynamic Intimate Shared Memory (DISM)in future ASE releases.
354208 Cannot Delete an Extended Stored Procedure in the 12.5.2 version of the ASE Plug-in.
354215 Add indexes to work tables used by sp_sysmon to improve performance.
354273 While using Large Memory Feature in ASE 12.5.2, if "extended cache" size is increased from a

size > 4G, then it may lead to incorrect size calculation and may result in extended cache corruption.

354281 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'memshrink' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'cri_physbuild' and 'cri_bldindex' may be reported in the error log when a DUMP DATABASE statement is run at the same time as a CREATE INDEX, SELECT INTO or BCP. The diagserver will return error message 3205 in this case.
354359 Would like UTF-8 have sort order Dictionary order, case & accent insensitive
354428 Msg. 207 "Invalid column name" can be raised when executing a SELECT using a derived table

expression containing SELECT and UNION whereby one side of the UNION contains a subquery.

354511 Msg. 156, "Incorrect syntax near ELSE" is raised when executing an IF ELSE construction whereby the

SQL statement in the IF block is cached using the Statement Cache feature.

354578 CIS: sp_passthru is not returning the correct @rowcount value when no rows are fetched or

affected by the pass-through query.

354585 A batch executing the sequence of statements: CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX on a table and then UPDATE table may fail with error 629, "Clustered index row entry for data page # is missing in index page # of table `tabname` in database 'dbname'; index row contains data page # instead. You can recreate the clustered index to fix this error Xactid is (xactid)."
354609 The error 208 will be incorrectly raised when trying to access an object

that is qualified with the database name that is enclosed in double


354650 Noticeable performance degradation is observed in query performance when migrating to

ASE and later versions on IBM 64bit platform built on AIX 5.1 OS

(ASE version string reported by 'dataserver -v' has "AIX 5.1" rather than "AIX 4.3.3").

354663 Need to Support Long Identifiers for all System Stored Procedures

- Have added/modified some 20 stored procedures ( see CR description for list of SP )to support Long Identifier ( 255 ) and used sp_autoformat to format the output.

qpgalaxy_amats test PASSED.

354727 When the Statement Cache is enabled and a normalization error occurs, the keepcounts of other statements in the batch may not be decremented resulting in incorrect keepcounts. This prevents these statements from ever being purged using DBCC PURGESQLCACHE.
354762 The roles JS_ADMIN_ROLE, JS_USER_ROLE and JS_CLIENT_ROLE were incorrectly added to the catalog as user defined instead of system roles.
354763 Improper parameter setup for messagess 6503/6506/6507/6516/6519/6530/6542

in mount.c

354768 Allocate memory for EJB connection sockets only under traceflag -T 1642.

This new default behavior change eliminates unused memory reserved for

EJB server when EJB server is not configured so that more user connections

can be configured for the ASE server.

354772 When the 'number of user connections' is configured to a large value (around 30000),

ASE may fail to start due to a timeslice error in module 'dbt__getfree' after

the message 'Opening Master Database ... ' has been reported in the error log.

354775 option to flush data from montable to user table periodically.
354798 Traceflag 7842 can be used to log a diagnostic message when a client cancels an operation.

Traceflag 7843 can be used to reverse the changes from bugfix 269372 for situations where

an existing application relies on the previous (incorrect) behaviour of ASE attention handling.

354813 Internal upgrade of a database fails with error 247 "Arithmetic overflow

during implicit conversion of INT NULL value '####' to a SMALLINT field".

This error occurs in databases where user id in SYSUSERS is greater than


354936 In rare circumstances, ASE may report a timeslice error in the module

'lm_internal_ctxchain_release' if a session has acquired a very large

number of locks. If the lock manager spinlock is held at this point,

the server will crash.

354958 ASE Replicator: Usage command has garbled text when running aserep /?
354961 ASE Replicator: On Windows, if the default system locale is set to French, "corrupted" characters may be seen instead of e with accent, o with circumflex, etc. There does not seem to be a straight-forward way to force Windows to use a specific charset. So, instead, that info can be directly provided to ASE Replicator. To provide the default charset to ASE Replicator, do the following:

Edit the $SYBASE/RPL-12_5/bin/aserep.[bat|sh] script and add the "-Dfile.encoding=xxx" parameter to the JRE command line where "xxx" is a valid *Java* charset. For example:

"%JRE%" -Xmx64m "-Dfile.encoding=Cp850" "-Dinstall.root=%SYBASE_DIR%\RPL-12_5" -classpath

"%SYBASE_DIR%\RPL-12_5\classes\aserep.jar;%SYBASE_DIR%\jConnect-5_5\classes\jconn2.jar;%SYBASE_DIR%\jConnect-5_5\classes\jTDS2.jar;%CHARSETS%" com.sybase.replite.RepLite %*

The Java charsets that display the French unicode characters correctly are cp437, cp850, cp852, and cp858, specifically, the charsets that are MS-DOS compatible. Other Latin charsets do not work and display "corrupted" characters.

354967 Monitor GUI will display only in English
354984 A 694 error, " An attempt was made to read logical page '<pageno>', virtpage '<pageno>' from virtual device '<devno>' for object '<objid>' in database '<dbid>'. The page was not read successfully. You may have a device problem or an operating system problem." may be reported under rare circumstances when CREATE INDEX and DUMP DATABASE are running concurrently and the server has large pools configured.
355004 ASE Replicator: When trying to start ASE Replicator, a SQLException "S0022 column not found" error occurs.
355017 ASE Replicator: When a single quote mark is not doubled in the resource message, two things can happen: (1)the quote mark does not show up in the localized message and (2)if there is/are parameter placeholder(s) in the resource message, then the actual values do *not* show up in the localized message; instead, the placeholders themselves show up.
355057 When there is a rollback transaction as a part of a stored procedure,

and we try to debug that stored procedure using the sql debugger, we may

hit a null pointer exeception.

Stacktrace with the following modules may be seen on the errorlog:

sqldbg__sendtrace, dbgrpc_control.

sql debugger will flag an error message like the following

(sqldbg) next

SQLException: JZ0SG: CallableStatement


(sqldbg) next

SQLException: JZ006: 捕获到 IO

例外:com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybConnectionDeadException: JZ0C0: 连接已关闭。

355069 'created' column in sp_helpdb output may be truncated when server charset is utf8 and language is Japanese, Chinese, or Thai.
355108 When two instances of the same shared memory dump condition occur at almost the same time, it is possible for the number of shared memory dumps created to exceed the configured maxdumps value for that dump condition.
355183 ASE 12.5.2 running on RHEL 3.0 Linux reports that (RT) Posix Async disk I/O is in use

where as Kernel Async disk I/O is in effect. This is because the O/S KAIO functionality

moved from the vsys_io driver making direct KAIO system calls from librt.

355196 Make replication awake of cluster environments.
355198 The deadlock information reported when the configuration option

'print deadlock information' is active has been enhanced such

that the line number and the nesting level of the given procedure

are also reported. The application, host, and transaction names

will be reported.

355246 Using a <VALUE> <OPERATOR ( >,<, >=, =< )> <COLUMN> construct in queries using a search

or HAVING clause with GROUP BY aggregate may return incorrect results.

The same problem may be seen in queries with the referenced column coming from a join.

The worktable transitive closure optimization is now only enabled via -T4416.

Note queries using <COLUMN> <OPERATOR> <VALUE> construct are not affected.

355322 The default of number of user connections for the Developer Edition is changed

from 5 to 25.

355370 ASE Replicator: On Windows, if the default system locale is set to French, "corrupted" characters may be seen instead of e with accent, o with circumflex, etc. There does not seem to be a straight-forward way to force Windows to use a specific charset. So, instead, that info can be directly provided to ASE Replicator. To provide the default charset to ASE Replicator, do the following:

Edit the $SYBASE/RPL-12_5/bin/aserep.[bat|sh] script and add the "-Dfile.encoding=xxx" parameter to the JRE command line where "xxx" is a valid *Java* charset. For example:

"%JRE%" -Xmx64m "-Dfile.encoding=Cp850" "-Dinstall.root=%SYBASE_DIR%\RPL-12_5" -classpath

"%SYBASE_DIR%\RPL-12_5\classes\aserep.jar;%SYBASE_DIR%\jConnect-5_5\classes\jconn2.jar;%SYBASE_DIR%\jConnect-5_5\classes\jTDS2.jar;%CHARSETS%" com.sybase.replite.RepLite %*

The Java charsets that display the French unicode characters correctly are cp437, cp850, cp852, and cp858, specifically, the charsets that are MS-DOS compatible. Other Latin charsets do not work and display "corrupted" characters.

355375 ASE Replicator: On Windows, if the default system locale is set to French, "corrupted" characters may be seen instead of e with accent, o with circumflex, etc. There does not seem to be a straight-forward way to force Windows to use a specific charset. So, instead, that info can be directly provided to ASE Replicator. To provide the default charset to ASE Replicator, do the following:

Edit the $SYBASE/RPL-12_5/bin/aserep.[bat|sh] script and add the "-Dfile.encoding=xxx" parameter to the JRE command line where "xxx" is a valid *Java* charset.

For example:

"%JRE%" -Xmx64m "-Dfile.encoding=Cp850" "-Dinstall.root=%SYBASE_DIR%\RPL-12_5" -classpath

"%SYBASE_DIR%\RPL-12_5\classes\aserep.jar;%SYBASE_DIR%\jConnect-5_5\classes\jconn2.jar;%SYBASE_DIR%\jConnect-5_5\classes\jTDS2.jar;%CHARSETS%" com.sybase.replite.RepLite %*

The Java charsets that display the French unicode characters correctly are cp437, cp850, cp852, and cp858, specifically, the charsets that are MS-DOS compatible. Other Latin charsets do not work and display "corrupted" characters.

355434 sybmigrate creates indexes in the wrong order, causing unnecessary rebuilds of non-clustered indexs.
355453 For character sets that depend on external sort order files, the

sqlloc GUI tool fails to invoke the charset utility to install

a new sort order in syscharsets, prior to attempting to switch

to the new character set/sort order, and prior to installing

localized languages. As a result these latter steps fail.

355494 Under some circumstances, ASE may terminate with a stack trace showing the module stack_oflow() while attempting to recover from a stack overflow condition.
355551 When an ASE (12.5.1 and beyond) listener encounters some recoverable network errors, like client aborting a connection, when ASE is in the process of accepting the client connection, ASE may consider the error to be unrecoverable and terminate that listener. If there is only one listener, no new connections can then be established. However if a system administrator isql session is available, then listener can be restarted. This condition may be triggered by some activities like a long duration shared memory dump.
355588 sp_configure will fail with error 5854 due to system error 'Result too large' when there is a

file in the directory where the configuration file resides that has file name the same as

the configuration file and the suffix is larger than a long. For example, if the cfg

filename is ASE125.cfg and there exists a file with filename ASE125.2999999999, then every

time sp_configure is used to modify a configuration parameter, error 5854 is raised and no

configuration changes occur.

355652 Server configuration tools dsedit, srvbuild, sqlloc, sqlupgrade and asecfg, would not run on Red hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 on the Itanium architecture.
355759 Document the current design of isql date format is 'mdy'.
355779 when 'cis bulk insert batch size' is DEFAULT, sybmigrate sets it to 100, in many cases this does not give the best performance.
355863 On Linux 32 bit, while having disk mirroring enabled with Large memory support, there is a potential to get SEGV (segmentation fault) or cause data corruption.
355877 If a column of a view is defined by a CASE expression and this

CASE expression contains a existence subquery, such as 'col1' in:

create view v1 (c1, col1) as

select c1, case when exists (select * from t1 where t1.c2 > 100) then 'a'

else 'b' from t2

A query that contains a reference to 'col1' in a OR-clause or IN-list,

such as:

select c1, col1 from v1 where c1 = 5 or col1 <> 'a'

May return an incorrect value for 'col1'.

356005 A 2780 error, "maxlen (1) is less than length (2)" may be raised and

reported to the errorlog together with a stack trace which includes

the modules 'sybase_asejdbc_Param_nt_1setBigDecimal' and 'j2c_setVal'

when executing a java method that uses ASE internal JDBC driver

and tries to convert from BigDecimal java datatype to NUMERIC SQL


356027 A 8201 error, "Keep count of descriptor ... expected to be 1. Instead 0 was found." may be reported in the error log followed by a stack trace including the modules 'proc_get' and 'des_rekeep' during the execution of a stored procedure whose previous execution had failed with the message 'current process infected with 11' in the module 'proc__setdb_plan'.
356059 The error 10353 will be incorrectly raised when a user with SSO role, and without SA role tries to read SYSSRVROLES, SYSROLES or SYSLOGINROLES.
356119 Msg. 205, "All queries in a SQL statement containing set operators must have an equal number of

expressions in their target lists.", is raised when executing a SELECT from a view which has

columns defined and containw an UNION with a SELECT and GROUP BY clause on each union-side.

356151 The manifest file option for the UNMOUNT DATABASE command cannot be used if the server is configured for disk mirroring, even if none of the databased being unmounted are on mirrored devices. This is a feature request to remove the limitation or make it apply only to databases on devices that are being mirrored.
356164 The output of audit_event_name(6) incorrectly shows "Bind Defalut", instead

of "Bind Default".

356284 If a database is offline, DBXray does not display any database info when you click on the database drilldown.
356298 Migration Tool is sometimes unable to migrate sysusers between releases.
356308 When dbcc checkdb is run on a database in offline state, systabstats object

may be corrupted and error 7928.

356329 The command GRANT SET PROXY RESTRICT ROLE <rolename> will incorrectly restrict all the roles if the role specified id is 1023.
356498 During ASE startup, the error 950 may be displayed on an offline database if the configuration parameter 'enable rep agent threads' is set to 1
356503 sp_configure converts memory requests to bytes leading to overflow errors.
356606 sybmigrate can fail to connect source and target servers if the sybmigrate databases have been cleared down, but remote servers remain from previous migrations.
356679 In rare circumstances, ASE may use the wrong key for an index when the sort-merge join is chosen for a query with an ORDER BY clause
356700 Feature request to include hostname and program_name columns of Sysprocesses system catalog.

If program_name is not set by the client application, process name of the client will be stored in program_name column of Sysprocesses.

356732 Documentation for 11.5.1, and 11.9.x, and 12.0, and 12.5 had a section in the platform specific installation guides called "Adaptive server specifications" which contained a lot of ASE server min and max limits.

Starting with the 12.5.1/12.5.2 installation guides, the platform specific "Adaptive server specifications" only contain default stack size, minimum RAM and memory per user connection. The generic Configuration guide for Unix contains the rest of the specifications that used to be in the platform specific guide (however nothing for NT or Linux)

Suggestion to RE-add the missing information back to the platform specific guides, or document how to retrieve this information once the ASE server is running:

dbcc traceon (3604)


dbcc serverlimits


Here is what is documneted now inteh 12.5.2 install guide for NT:

Table 1-2: Adaptive Server specifications on Windows NT Hardware and memory

Minimum RAM required for Adaptive Server


21,504 2K pages

Minimum RAM per additional user


With default stack size, packet size, and user log cache size. This value depends on the connection needs. See the System Administration Guide for information about configuring memory.

Default memory per additional user

402K 100K

with Java enabled. with Java disabled.

Java is enabled by default.

Default user stack size


356772 Historical Server may sometimes report the wrong server name in a monitoring view.
356785 ASE ESD#4 running on HP-64 platform after a few days suddenly becomes very slow,

triggered by high network activity. Incoming network I/O is very high, ASE engines use 80% to

100% of CPU at Operating System level, but do not perform any useful work. New incoming

connections are most of the time refused, effectively ASE seems to be hung.

356826 The fix displays percentage completion for create, alter, drop and load database commands.
356833 The builtin CONFIG_OPTION is not being audited for commands SET_APF_SIZE (17), BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG (18),


356855 A error, "OPERATOR: The version of the label format on the volume mounted on device \\.\tape0 is different from the current version.Replace the volume with a new volume to be overwritten." is reported on executing the second dump database command to the tape if Backup Server was started with switch "-b".
356894 Issue the message reporting that there are insufficient spinlock monitors to monitor all allocated spinlocks only once for each time the server is booted.
356899 Request to add the owner name to the object name in message 11031: "Execution of %S_MSG %.*s failed because of errors parsing the source text in syscomments during upgrade. Please drop and recreate %.*s" The portion "Please drop and recreate" should specify the procedure in format.
356906 Signal handling is changed from a limited POSIX to a full SA_SIGINFO set providing

more accurate information when exceptional behavior is encountered within ASE.

356931 Enhancement: Replication Agent delay startup parameter.

Make it possible to start replication agent with some delay time after starting ASE.

357012 Expand some MDA columns from 30 to 255 bytes.
357025 Under some circumstances, the error "current process infected with 11" followed by a stack trace that includes the module 'netp_checkextfds' may be reported. This results in a shutdown of ASE.
357034 Add documentation for error 12822 to doc set.
357046 If ASE is booted with trace flag 12628, data insertion into Data Only Locked tables having nonclustered index will be done with the index prepend mode splits disabled, in order to improve disk space utilization.
357054 Customer would like a port to DEC Alpha Digital UNIX Tru64 as soon as possible.
357112 INDEX: Occasionally a covered index is not used for query involving partitioned table
357181 The amount of memory needed by Adaptive Server may be overestimated.

This could happen when a large number of "open objects", "open databases"

or user-defined caches are configured so that following an upgrade, Adaptive

Server may be unable to boot. The following message, "The value of the

'max memory' parameter (<value>) defined in the configuration file is not

high enough to set the other parameter values specified in the configuration

file...", is reported in the error log.

357188 Under some circumstances, on a heavily-loaded multi-engine system and multiple clients running java (activated through "enable java" configuration parameter), the message "current process infected with 11" or "current process infected with 10", together with a stack trace in function Opinvokevirtual or Opinvokestatic or Opinvokespecial may be reported in the errorlog.
357215 If ASE started from Windows services the jsagent.log is stored in the c:/winnt/system32 dir.
357220 Query using a view with big number of aggregates may be executed slowly

if more than one worktable is necessary to resolve aggregates from the view.

357225 This CR is to complete CR 322069. When the target database contains a very large number

of tables/indexes, checkstorage may produce a timeslice whose stacktrace contains the

function 'pchk_pt_sort_grp'. Increasing the 'cpu grace time' parameter may alleviate

this problem.

357241 Interactive SQL is integrated with ASE Plug-in in the following places:

- "Utilities" folder: launch Interactive SQL requiring new logon infomration

- Servers: launch Interactive SQL and connect to the servers

- Database: launch Interactive SQL and connect to the server of the database and switch to the database

- Tables and views: launch Interactive SQL to view table or view data

357333 This change in behaviour is pretty nice in that sense that the database is not marked suspect because one of its devices was not available at boot time. In anycase trying to use the database won't succeed.

So after I have fixed the device issue and restarted ASE all if fine.

There doesn't seem be a need of marking the database suspect.

This nice change in behaviour is due to the parallel recovery feature.

357336 In Sybase Central there is a feature to allow users to monitor ASE using Monitor Server, this is available on Windows platforms but not within UNIX.
357452 sqlloc 12.5.2 fails to install japanese language
357477 A 871 error, "Process <spid> is trying to release a latch on buffer <value> (dbid: <value>, pageno: <value>) without holding a latch on the buffer." may be raised in module 'getnext' or 'dol__get_lock' when the given process selects rows from a Data Only Locked table while DML commands are taking place concurrently by other processes.
357658 In an HA environment that is configured "with proxy_db", the error "Infected with 11" followed by a stack trace that includes the module 'palt__gen_addcol_clause' will be printed in the error log and the process will be killed when a table is altered to add a new non-null column without providing a default. A 4997 error, "ALTER TABLE '<tabname>' failed. Default clause is required in order to add non-NULL column '<colname>'", should be printed instead.
357688 A 530 error, "Attempt to insert NULL value into column ... in work

table (table id ...) column does not allow NULLS. UPDATE fails."

may be raised when a java class running inside the ASE's JVM is

connecting to the server using the internal JDBC driver and then

executes a query on a table that has wide columns and a worktable

is necessary to resolve that query.

357772 XML model generated from OOM or from PDM

When generate an XML model from an OOM, cardinalities defined on an association are lost.

Steps to reproduce

New OOM : class diagram, java

2 classes with few attributes

one association between those classes

association properties

multiciplicity :





generate an XML

the concept of cardinality is lost

For the customer : the generated XML should reflect this with constrains

357807 When a device is created without specifying the complete path, there are times it is not started at startup.

Request to implement one of the following:

1. Require a full path to be entered at disk init.

2. Append the current working directory to the device name when a full path name is not entered.

3. Raise a warning if a device is created without a full path.

357839 The command DUMP TRAN <dbname> TO <devname> WITH STANDBY_ACCESS may take too much

time to stop when interrupted with Ctrl C or killed from another session.

357841 Sql containing many updates to the same column in a sql update statement can cause many 264 error messages and even result in a segv or access violation.
357895 ASE running on the Windows Server 2003 platform does not produce correct stacktrace

if ASE executable sqlsrvr.exe is not found in the current working directory.

357912 In HA setup, sp_password when executed by the login whose password has already expired

does not synch the password on the companion side.

To work-around, person with "sso_role" could run "sp_password" on the account whose

password has expired from either of the companion servers.

357933 ASE Plugin: unichar & univarchar columns are displayed as twice their actual length.
357972 In the "Component Integration Services User's" doc "",

in "Chapter 2 Understanding Component Integration Services",under "Proxy tables" section, under the "Example of remote table definition" there is an issue that a customer has. The example shows how to create a remote table, under the assumption that the reader is login as "sa". We need a Note or a Step stating that if you are not logon in as user "sa' then you need to logon in as "sa" and under the "master Database" and "grant connect to USERID", then relogin as the USERID. Even thought this is documneted else where in the CIS DOC and in the Reference DOC under "Connect TO".

358003 When configuring the JOB scheduler, if the password is omitted from the sp_addexternlogin stored proc and you execute a job, the following errors are continuously logged in the jsagent.log and eventually grows until you run out of disk space.

00:00005:00001:2004/06/02 12:47:20.75 worker Client message: ct_get_data(): user api layer: external error: Item 1 has already been read.

358007 Stored procedure executing INSERT into a table with some VARCHAR columns may incorrectly leave

trailing spaces in the VARCHAR column if the source of the data is a table with CHAR column.

358030 When a checkstorage check on an object is aborted, the database id,

object id, index id and additional context information is printed

to the errorlog.

358035 sp_locklogin cannot be executed from a database other than the master database after HA is setup.
358062 An 820 error, "Attempt to dirty non-log buffer <bufptr> which is in I/O.", with state 6 may sometimes be encountered while truncating a Data Only Locked table, if the HOUSEKEEPER garbage collection task is enabled.
358087 The default value of configuration parameter 'dtm detach timeout period'

has been modified to 5 minutes. Any external transaction such as

XA transaction will be rolled back, if in detached state, for more

than 5 minutes. A value of 0 will disable external transaction timeout.

358090 Two new builtin functions have been added, XA_GTRID(<xactname>, 0) and XA_BQUAL(<xactname>, 0) that decode an XA transaction <xactname> and report the decoded GTRID or BQUAL as a VARBINARY value. These builtins are useful in mapping XA transactions on Adaptive Server to XA transactions within the XA TM.
358092 When forcing an index, the optimiser considers only the 1st SARG.
358148 On Sun Solaris 8 when ASE was booted with traceflag 7841 allowing for preliminary

IPv6 support ASE_JAVA applets failed to establish IPv4 oriented network communications.

358196 Request to add reference in Transact-SQL User's Guide
358239 INTERNAL ONLY: Booting the server with a mirrored master device causes a seg fault.
358269 A SELECT UNION query using a view which is materialized whereby columns of the view are used

in an outerjoin-clause can return incorrect results.

358292 Historical Server may sometimes crash if an error occurs whilst reading ASE sysmon counters.
358397 Transient 806, 691, 605 errors may be seen in very rare circumstances when multiple sessions are scanning the same page of an index in an Allpage Locked table.
358402 Under certain race conditions, it is possible for a disconnecting thread to be assigned to another login and reassigned to another engine before the disconnect processing is completed.
358404 Under very rare circumstances, some 821 or 813 errors may be raised for a very busy multi-engine ASE having a buffer cache shortage.
358410 Remove net-library references from ASE documentation.
358418 Monitor tool to display in English only.
358421 When space remaining at the end of a disk piece happens to equal exactly the size of the smallest permitted block of space, create- or alter-database will not select that piece.
358450 If a new data cache is created using sp_cacheconfig, the "APF Percent" for the default memory pool may be incorrectly set to zero when Adaptive Server is next rebooted. This can cause performance degradation when accessing any objects that are bound to this data cache.
358510 Database Properties Usage page is modified. It now reports the following information (derived from sp_spaceused): database size, reserved space, used space (by data and indexes), unused space, and unreserved space.
358541 When a database is created with quoted_identifier enabled, and the name is specified with quotes, the quotes are stored in the catalog as part of the name. As a result, accessing the database requires the quoted_identifier setting and enclosing the database name in quotes. Changes have been made not to store the quotes or trailing blanks with the database name. The database can be accessed with or without quotes now. The new behaviour can be reverted using the Traceflag 113.
358556 Users will notice that when reviewing the properties for a schedule, the start time will display the actual start time specified by the user, either when the schedule was created or when the time was last updated in the properties window rather than the current server time.
358591 T-SQL Guide 12.5.x has misleading information in Table 19-5 (18-5 in 12.5 manual)
358598 The message "infected with 11" together with a stacktrace containing the modules 'apg__setop',

'ap_generate' and 's_ap_capture' is printed in the errorlog when "abstract plan dump" is

configured and a SELECT containing a UNION with a simple SELECT like SELECT "<string value>"

is executed.

358608 One cannot monitor cancelled/disconnected transactions via kill with statusonly utility except if an explicit rollback is executed
358636 The instruction in the Systems Administration Guide,

Chapter 29 - Restoring the System Databases under "Recovering the master database" are misleading. Instructions in 12.5.1 SAG to restore master device are misleading and there is also techdoc # 1028123 - Recovering an Upgraded Master Device and master Databases in ASE 12.5.x, that points to the SAG. (generic problem) Instructions should also differ based on 12.5/ebf versions. The Techdoc needs to be fixed, until the SAG can be corrected.

358654 'set statistics plancost on' will display the I/O counts for a given paralle query, form the alf athread as well as from the child threads in a semi-graphical format.
358699 The process of searching for a JRE to use is now more robust. The search for a

JRE follows the following steps:

1) The SYBASE_JRE environment variable

2) Search for JRE 1.4 at $SYBASE/shared-1_0/JRE-1_4

3) Search for JRE 1.3 at $SYBASE/shared-1_0/JRE-1_3

358758 When a transaction is being implicitly rolled back by ASE, then the command

"KILL <spid> WITH STATUSONLY" will mistakenly report the message "Status

report cannot be obtained. ROLLBACK for spid:<spid> is not in progress.".

358800 On AIX platforms, there may be a problem with populating the aio_return field of an aio control

block in a timely fashion within the ASE.

358835 ASE running on the Windows Server 2003 platform does not produce a correct stacktrace when a problem occurs. This does not affect ASE running on Windows 2000 and earlier versions.
358859 A corrupt index may result with the root page having extra entries pointing to deallocated pages when an empty APL partitioned table is unsliced.
358868 Character set conversions are rejected for older (DBlib) clients when

the server's default character set is SJIS and the client's character

set is EUCJIS.

358880 error "Logical page nnn is not in the given database map." might be returned if the load

target database uses more than one database device and the dump file is created by backupserver

which is started with -m option and/or BLOCKSIZE option of DUMP command.

358907 Error 17782: "You do not own a table or column (or index) of that name in the current database." may be reported upon running sp_rename(tablename.oldcol, newcol)when option ANSINULL is on.
358954 When CREATE TABLE and INSERT are in the same store procedure, and the table is a non-temporary table with IDENTITY column, the IDENTITY column data will be incorrect.
358966 Feature request: create a simply way to determine the highest average engine utilization since boot time.
358969 The monEngine.CPUTime value is not reset by sp_sysmon and therefore becomes inconsistent relative to the other values. This column is documented as "counter, reset".
359029 Table 10-6: Locking or dropping login accounts.

Since, The Drop login account needs sso_role not sa_role.

359031 Since, sso_role has new privilege, "Drop login".
359128 A 10479 error, "Conversion error detected while converting Java data to SQL data. Either the conversion is not supported or the datatype(s)is invalid." may be raised when using CONVERT() function to convert certain JAVA datatype values to NUMERIC SQL datatype values.
359131 Server entries from interfaces file are listed on the new Servers panel (visible when Adaptive Server Enterprise item is selected).
359135 This new feature allows users to create and schedule jobs for tasks they perform from ASEPlugin without actually being in the Scheduled Job folder or even on a Job Scheduler ASE.
359140 This new feature adds a new tab to the Server properties window so that users can register the Job Scheduler ASE to be used for remote job scheduling.
359172 If Job Scheduler Task fails to initialize, infected with 10 in kbfalloc() is caused by running sp_sysmon with "cache wizard".
359408 ASE will incorrectly report the time when it has been booted with the TZ environment variable specifying a custom offset for daylight savings time, and daylight savings time is in effect. ASE will report the time as the normal one hour offset from standard time rather than the custom offset.
359431 modify the description for error 8221
359486 sp_poolconfig may not set wash size correctly.
359705 "Real Time Messaging Support" feature on HPUX 64 platform.
359708 New configuration options, 'max native threads per engine' and 'rtm thread idle wait period'.

'max native threads per engine' controls the maximum number of native threads that an engine can spawn. If this limit is reached, the ASE thread that requires the native thread will sleep until another thread releases a native thread.

'rtm thread idle wait period' is the idle wait period (in seconds) that a native messaging thread will wait for work. If this period is reached without new work, the native thread will fade itself out.

359754 CIS: In rare circumstances, a query with an aggregation and a GROUP BY clause on a same remote column will be passed to the remote server with some incorrect query text and return wrong results
359822 A 2610 error may be raised when data is inserted into a table having an index key column of DATE TIME datatype.
359833 The issue is that in the "Troubleshooting and Error Messages Guide" in "Chapter 2

Encyclopedia of Tasks", under "Other Useful Tasks", "How to Reduce the Size of tempdb"

8- Verify that tempdb has one entry that looks like this:

1> select * from sysusages

2> where dbid = db_id('tempdb')

dbid segmap lstart size vstart

--- ------ ----- ---- ------

2 7 0 1024 2564

The above information is incorrect, it was correct for 11.x, but as of ASE 12.X the above information is incorrect.

360042 sp_chgattribute limits the new maximum identity value to 17 decimal digits.
360063 Under large number of user connections, if connections are killed repeatedly, then subsequent logins may take a long time to get through resulting in slower response time.
360170 CIS: When a database is marked for replication via sp_reptostandby, writetext

to a file via a proxy table mapped to an external directory results in stacktrace.

360208 XP Server was configured with a too small default stack size, causing many External

Stored Procedures to fail and make XP Server crash under any exceptional ESP.

360294 CIS: Reformatting causes errors 2409, 4017 when selecting from a view containing proxy tables.
360308 The message, "current process infected with 11" in the module 'is_subtree' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'aggby' and 'normquery' may be reported in the error log if a query contains two subqueries in a HAVING clause and the second subquery has an aggregate.
360372 Error 3626 is raised with the text 'Message empty' when the configured

stack size is insufficient to run a query. Instead the text "The transaction

was aborted because it used too much stack space. Either use sp_configure

to increase the stack size, or break the query into smaller pieces..."

should be reported.

360414 Under rare circumstances a session may hit a segmentation violation with message "current process (<value>) infected with 11" in module 'bufdlink' followed by a stack trace in the error log. This results in an implicit shutdown of ASE.
360416 Under very rare circumstances, 696 or 605 errors may be raised for tables being

bound to a named cache using the 'Relaxed LRU' strategy.

360423 Installation guide is confusing since the lib3p and lib3p64 directories do not exist in an AIX 5.1 installaiton as per the installation guide.
360519 ASE server was locking login account when number of unsuccessful login attempts reached value of "maximum failed logins". This CR, per customer request, is to generate an audit record when this event occurs.
360566 CIS: Under some circumstances, ASE may show some performance degradation when receiving large result sets from remote tables.
360582 Not customer visible
360587 Improvements to resource governor functionality.
360599 The current limit of 1024 AND/OR conditions in a WHERE clause has been raised to 2000. In order to take advantage of this new limit, it is necessary to adjust the default stack size upward, to approximately 300K. No change to the stack size is required unless the application desires to take advantage of this new limit.

In addition to stack space, this new limit may result in a need to allocate more procedure cache space to the server.

The dataserver must be started with traceflag 404 ( -T404 ) to allow this new limit to take effect. Otherwise, the current limit of 1024 will remain.

360658 improvements in regard to update statement on views using variables.
360689 The error 540, "Schema for table '%.*s' has changed since compilation of this query. Please re-execute query." will be incorrectly reported, if a table is accessed in the same batch it is created and it has any primary, foreign or referential key constraints.
360699 Backup server does not use asynchronous disk I/O, which was introduced in Mac OS X 10.3.
360812 Allow ASE to close one errorlog file, and open a new file without rebooting the ASE.
360856 Poor performance during index migtation when 'number of sort buffers' is DEFAULT (500).
360954 When executing system procedures that have non-ANSI comparisons such as "if @var = NULL", some procedures may show unexpected behaviour if 'ansinull' is set 'on' in the session from which the procedures are executed.
360959 Windows ASE Configuration Guide mentions obsolete information about sql.ini
360969 Eliminate duplicate wait event descriptions in the monWaitEventInfo MDA table.
360975 ASE returns a parameter xactstatus that the XA client never requested.

This causes Open Server based applications to get the error "Output

parameter not found" and consequently makes XA incompatible with Open Server.

360978 Not customer visible
361050 Data truncation may result when a univarchar column with length greater than 255 is updated through dynamic sql.
361191 ASE starts a Mirror Handler process even when disk mirroring is disabled in the config. This wastes a potential user process slot and a small amount of memory.
361268 ASE Replicator: Replicator is duplicating work when trying to find a resource message in a non-English locale.
361286 A deadlock may be reported involving system catalogs such as 'sysobjects'

and 'sysindexes' when a session is in the process of dropping a replicated

user table, stored procedure or function.

361335 Improve support for ASIQ databases in SQL Advantage
361396 bcp in of float datatype in character mode with values like 1.7612956042477213e-312 causes an underflow error. This is due to fix made in bcp as per cr 233477.

ASE should not allow insertion of such values if they are invalid values.

361414 Requesting scripts to set permissions for an ASE installation to be provided.
361450 Feature request for TSQL-based (rather than Java-based) user defined functions
361472 Introduce a monitor counter usage count to enable multple applications to use monitor counters concurrently
361498 SSL Clients specifying "Diffie-Hellman" key exchange algorithm in the ciphersuites fail in the SSLHandshake. Some clients, such as ODBC TDS based driver, offer ciphersuites which will cause the handshake failures. The certificates don't seem to matter in this problem. isql and OCS clients are fine as long as they specify the default ciphersuites but if the defaults are overridden and "Diffie-Hellman" is offered, the ASE fails in the handshake with them.
361570 EFTS: Traditional Chinese locales were added for Solaris and Windows platforms. Russian locales were added for Linux platform.
361592 When a process executes queries in parallel the CPU time reported by the Monitoring Tables for that process is incorrect. The CPU time reported by the monProcessActivity, monProcessStatement and monSysStatement tables has a very high value which relates to the very first time a worker process was used rather than when it was used by the process.
361694 A 691 error: "Encountered invalid logical page '<pageno>' while accessing object '<objid>' in database '<dbid>'." may sometimes be encountered when inserting data into an Allpages Locked table with large length columns and having a clustered index.
361705 Once a database has been almost fully filled up using the BCP or the

SELECT INTO command, some premature out of data space conditions may

be hit by commands like INSERT, CREATE TABLE, SELECT INTO, BCP, ...

whereas 'sp_helpdb' shows that free data space is available.

Alternatively, for mixed log and data databases, 3475 errors may

be raised under the same space usage conditions.

361772 ASEP support for Encrypted Columns feature in ASE
361814 The error 921, Database '<dbname>' has not been recovered yet - please wait and try again' may be reported when, during an internal upgrade at recovery time, the server has encountered some exception

while bringing a previous database online.

361835 Improved the upgrade error messages to better describe the source of the failure.
361898 HA feature support on HP Itanium 64 platform running HP-UX 11.23 with HP ServiceGuard A.11.15.

Support for HP ServiceGuard A.11.15 on HPPA 32 and 64 bit platforms.

361899 Query referencing views and aggregate in subqueries may fail producing stack traces.

In pre 12.5.2 release such queries would report an error that the maximum number of 16

subqueries has been reached.

361967 The error 10901 "This query requires <value> auxiliary scan descriptors,

but currently there are only <value> auxiliary scan descriptors available.

Either raise the value of the 'number of aux scan descriptors'

configuration parameter or try your query later." can be raised

during the execution of a complex query despite having increased

the 'number of aux scan descriptors' to the appropriate value.

361979 On the NT platform, sp_listener may incorrectly report a 12990 error when a listener using the NLWNSCK protocol is specified. This may be resolved by removing any trailing whitespace from the

sql.ini entry that represents this listener.

361988 Msg 168, 'The floating point value '...' is out of the range of machine representation (8 bytes) will be raised when a number underflows to 0.
361994 Integration with Unified Agent Framework (UAF) and offer enterprise-wide features such as server discovery, monitoring, and filtering.
362041 Replication Agent may not send to Replication Server an INSERT or DELETE operation performed on a table with text/image column, if a partial rollback occurred during processing.
362075 ASE running on Sun 32bit platforms may receive signal 10 or signal 11 in routine ksmask__complete. This problem affects ASE running on 32bit systems but using more than 2Gb of memory.
362080 The line currently being executed by each stored procedure has been added as a LineNumber column to the monProcessProcedures Monitoring Table.
362100 If a table is altered to add a new identity column, a view created on such table column will incorrectly set the status to allow nulls.
362126 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'q_score_wktable_ixscan' together

with a stack trace which includes the modules 'q_indexsel_preprocess' and 'q_select_best_index'

may be reported in the error log when a UNION ALL view is joined with another view that

includes a DISTINCT or GROUP BY clause.

362170 The message 'current process (value) infected with 11' in module

'seq_schema_check_virtab' may be reported in the error log when

an execute cursor is chosen as the deadlock victim during the

open phase of the cursor with a stack trace showing modules

'curs_execute' and 's_checkforrecompile'. Alternatively the

stack trace may show modules 'mapsvs' and 'curs_fetch'.

362204 Not customer visible
362316 A 6401 error, "Cannot rollback <XACT_NAME> - no transaction or savepoint

of that name found." will be reported if a named transaction is rolled back

in which a SELECT that required a worktable (ORDER BY or DISTINCT for example)

preceeded any transactional activity and if the database has replicated objects.

362330 The deadlock information reported when the configuration option

'print deadlock information' is active has been enhanced such

that the database name and the index ID values are reported.

362369 On Tru64 Unix platform, ASE may generate stack traces with the wrong symbol names due to the missing file.
362460 When a subquery appears in the ON clause of a Transact-SQL outer join query, the performance may not be efficient. A new traceflag 15302 is now available such that when the traceflag is enabled, ASE will do optimization for subquery attachment to achieve more favorable performance.
362464 When sortkey() is called with a unicode string but no sortorder specified it should use

the sortorder specified by the "default unicode sortorder" configuration parameter. However,

it always uses binary.

362498 Feature request for a "with_no_log" option for sp_altermessage, to suppress printing of any given server error message number to the errorlog.
362501 Feature request for some way to disable reporting of 1608 errors to the errorlog
362540 The alter table command silently fails when referential integrity constraint has a

non-existent database name.

362610 The Java ForXmlTree function in the samples directory

($SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/sample/XML) generates different code for client and server,

to accomodate differences between jCommect and the native JDBC driver.

It is generating a SET STRINGSIZE command in the server that should only

be generated for jConnect. The fix to this CR corrects that.

The CR also adds two new options to the 'forxmlj' function:

xmlcheck={yes|no} and xsidecl={yes|no}

These are useful in nested calls of the forxmlj function,

as described in the documentation:


362665 When UPDATE STATISTICS is run on a table with both consumers and sampling options enabled, subsequently an incorrect value for the table row count might be saved in SYSTABSTATS catalog.
362703 When Adaptive Server re-evaluates the grantable lock requests that are no

longer blocked, if a new lock request comes in then it may be queued behind

the re-queued locks although it is compatible with them. This situation is

rare, but it will result in unnecessary blocking situations, for example a

'shared intent' table lock that is granted to task A may block a 'shared intent'

compatible table lock requested by task B.

362751 CIS: Querying a proxy table results in client receiving a "Command has been aborted"

message when the remote server is not available. With this change, more meaningful

error messages 11206 and/or 8013 will be reported in the event of a transaction

failure caused by the remote server shutdown.

362865 A 20196 error, "ubo_object_from_slot: Mail Boxes Invalid slot id <negative value>"

may appear in the error log followed by a stack trace including the module

'ubo_object_from_slot' and 'smget' or 'smdestroymbox' when a query or a

sort operation was executed in parallel and there was a lack of 'Mail Boxes'


362951 On 64 bit platforms, sp_config_rep_agent <dbname>, "scan timeout" cannot be changed from its default value.
363041 The error 3626, "The transaction was aborted because it used too much stack space.

Either use sp_configure to increase the stack size, or break the query into smaller pieces."

may be reported when executing some some basic queries in 64 bits platforms,

if the stack size is configured with the minimum value allowed.

Likewise, upgrade to 12.5.x 64 bits version from older versions may fail if

the stack size is configured to that minimum value.

363048 diagnostic instrumentation
363050 diagnostic instrumentation
363150 In rare circumstances, a 12583 error (state 6), "Unable to log a record due to internal error -6. This process will retry at intervals of one minute.", may be reported and transaction locks retained after a transaction manager (like an XA transaction manager) attempts to asynchronously abort the transaction whilst another thread is still busy using the transaction.
363157 Not customer visible
363160 Not customer visible
363357 When building servers on the Mac OS X platform the following message is displayed to the screen, but is not written to the log: "getMsg: unable to find message for code 264453"
363364 The message "Msg 225, Level 16, State 1 Cannot run query--referenced object (name NAME NOT RECOVERABLE) dropped during query optimization."

maybe reported when executing a SELECT INTO statement using

views in the FROM clause together with a UNION and a GROUP BY clause. If the same query is placed in a stored procedure, it will endlessly get renormalized until the database runs out of space.

363369 Only ASCII characters are recognized in SQL keywords, numeric literals, and

punctuation. Formerly implemented under command line traceflag -T109,

this is now the default behavior. Traceflag -T109 is now ignored.

A new traceflag, -T114, is introduced to invoke the former default

behavior of allowing equivalence mappings of non-ASCII characters

to participate in SQL language parsing.

363392 Performance Improvements in DDLGen for Users, Groups and Roles. Calls to sp_helprotect have been removed which were the bottleneck in performance.
363474 An internal change within the Job Scheduler as of the 12.5.2 GA release exposes a problem within the installjsdb script whereby, after upgrading from an earlier version of ASE with Job Scheduler installed, the 12.5.2 ASE uses an incorrectly formatted command to launch the Job Scheduler agent. This causes the Job Scheduler task to generate the message "current process infected with 11" together with a stack trace which includes the modules _doprnt, vsprintf, js__execute, js__chores, jobscheduler.
363513 The 'for xml' feature fails to work when the 'abstract plan load' or 'abstract plan dump' configuration options are switched on. With either of the above options on, a for xml query throws a parser error message that looks like "Received error 156 : Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'for xml'."
363515 A sub-optimal query plan may be generated for queries containing

subqueries that calculate MAX or MIN aggregates and the aggregate

is on a table that is not correlated with the outer table.

363560 xp_cmdshell encounters Signal 11 when no_output or no_wait parameter is used.

Error message "Invalid parameter value specified. Refer the documentation for

the correct value(s). A signal(11) was raised while executing this ESP.

If this is an user DLL check the code else contact Sybase Technical Support."

will be sent to the client.

363581 New enhacements to resource limit feature.
363599 Trailing spaces are not removed when assigning a value, that

results from a SUBQUERY, to a VARCHAR variable.

363774 sp_engine can_offline reports output only for engines which cannot be brought offline due to outstanding 'ct-lib or java sockets or Q' connections.
363810 The backupserver compression shared library name in IBM release of ASE is changed from to This change reflects standard shared object name extension used by IBM.
363815 Implemented a new strategy for fast first row return for queries using cursors with an ORDERBY. This strategy can be enabled via boot time Traceflag -T329.
363829 Not customer visible
363844 CIS: SQL statements containing embedded convert function call with convert style number

may not work correctly.

363858 If the database option "ddl in tran" is set, an 8201 error will be reported when a table is created and dropped within the same user transaction and another session tries to access the table between the create and the drop.
363879 If an incoming message contained updates for tables that had index columns of type datetime or smalldatetime that were nullable, and if any of the pre-images of these updates for these columns were null, SQL Remote for ASE may have crashed. This problem is now fixed.
363894 Backupserver API compression module (with the syntax "compress::<compression-level>::" allows user to specify the same file name for multiple stripes. The resulting dump is not loadable. The new native compression syntax in 12.5.2 (the "with compression = " clause) and higher does not have this problem.
363954 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'proc_replace' together

with a stack trace which includes the modules 's_reinstallProcTree' and 's_getTreeOrPlan'

may be reported in the errorlog when executing a stored procedure that calls functions

from java classes and the stored procedure had to be recreated internally using the text

stored in 'syscomments' system table.

363964 A 191 error, "Some part of your SQL statement is nested too deeply", may be reported when a query containing a very large number of conditions in the where clause is executed.
364064 On the HP-UX platform, system load average may increase substantially when ASE is doing large amounts of asynchronous I/O.
364094 displaying lock promotion values is not documented anywhere.
364117 The message "infected with 11 in startscan" is printed in the errorlog together with a stacktrace

containing the modules 'exec_eop', 's_execute' and 'sequencer' when an assignment SELECT is executed

using a VIEW with a UNION clause and the "set fmtonly" option is set on.

364124 LDAP User Authentication failed with "protocol error"

when the LDAP server did not accept LDAP V2 protocol.

LDAP User Authentication failed to find the result set with "no results"

from an LDAP server when it did not return the result as an attribute

name and value.

364224 A spurious Error 2502, Severity 16, State 1, indicating a page linked in multiple

page chains, is reported when dbcc tablealloc is run on a single data partition.

364293 Update language module version, so that locales files will overlay earlier versions of the files.
364403 The message "infected with 11 in apu_force_j_alg()" is printed in the errorlog together with

a stacktrace containing the modules 'apa__struct_plan', 's_ap_apply' and 's_compile_stmt' when

a SELECT INTO statement is executed based on a join together with the PLAN-clause using

an AP join operator describing the AP-plan for the join.

364532 The customer has a script that truncates tables and does a BCP of new data for maintenance purposes....once foreign key constraints were created they ran into trouble truncating the what they want is a switch that temporarily disables foreign key constraints while they perform their maintenance.
364558 verity operators act like an OR rather than an AND...once parentheses are placed around the search items for example...*1*, *2*, *3*, *4* these fail to work as expected but...

(*1*, *2*, *3*, *4*) these work as expected...

364568 During a cofigured shared memory dump, ASE may print that it is dumping a negative number of bytes.

Additionally, some messages related configured shared memory dumps do not print the correct

unit (i.e. "bytes").

364635 The "Add Scheduled Jobs" wizard does not validate name entered.
364652 An 8210 error, "Duplicate of work table descriptor found in the id hash table for temporary object ..." may be reported when executing an INSERT ...SELECT DISTINCT query that involves a referential

contraint and the SELECT part of the query has a subquery which is resolved using reformatting strategy.

364807 Database Expert and SQL Expert Database Explorer will generate an error when you attempt to insert data into a table with a column with a unchar or unvarchar datatype
364864 The description for the id column in sysprotects needs to include an explanation of what id of 0 is. For example, if a grant is given to a user for 'create table' or 'create default', the id is 0. The description needs to include what a 0 will represent
364893 The message "Error reading SQL; SQL may be lost or corrupted. Please scan again." may occur when running the SQL Expert product.
364894 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'norm3__idriver' together with

a stack trace which includes the modules 'norm3_driver' and 'vu_cleanup' may be reported in

the error log when a nested view with more than 16 subqueries is recompiled.

364904 Some objects displayed in right hand panel of the SQL Expert database explorer are not displayed in the tree view.
364905 In the System Admistration Guide Chap 27 page 848 for ASE 12.5 and Chap 28 for ASE 12.5.1 under the section for "Setting shared memory usage" the a reference to more info for the -P option that goes to "Configuring user-defined roles". -P is for threads.
364990 Feature request for a method to have SELECTs granted EXCLUSIVE locks; i.e. extend the SELECT FOR UPDATE syntax for more than just cursors
365024 Incorrect lines labeled with date and time values are sometimes displayed in the Data Cache changes in the Database Expert Performance Monitor.
365033 Errors may occur during uninstallation when both SQL Expert and Database Expert products are installed on the same machine.
365069 Failures during preupgrade (for example, insufficient space in a database) are ignored resulting in hangs later on during the upgrade. Output from preupgrade indicates the upgrade is aborted, but it does not actually abort.
365145 Database Expert does not show the Index Impact Details automatically after index analysis even when the 揝how details on next generation� option is selected.
365153 After upgrade is done, syconfig popups with configuraiton option. Clicking languages button and set default for character set, language doesn't show list of character sets, languages
365200 During recovery, in the rare case of rollback of an incomplete

nested top action, a divide by zero error may occur resulting in

the failure of the recovery of a database.

365229 Prior to customer was able to get certain statistics from the metadata_cache_stats, this no longer works, returns a -1 return code
365274 The Readme.txt instructions do not reflect the new makefile naming convention.
365290 Dropping a proxy table can result in also dropping the remote table if the remote table was created as a side effect of creating the proxy table
365349 ASE must prevent user-id and password from being the same
365374 The message "timeslice -<number> current process infected." together with a stacktrace containing

the modules 'clean_process', 'kill_proc' and 'terminate_process" is printed in the errorlog

after killing a spid in the server using the KILL command.

365413 The SQL Collector sometimes displayed incorrect SQL statements when queries were executed before executing a stored procedure.
365418 Certify ASE HA against HP MC/SG 11.15
365458 Change default for "enable unicode conversions" from 0 to 1.
365485 The problem is in ASE 12.5.1: System Administration Guide,

Chapter 26:Checking Database Consistency,

Checking consistency of databases and tables.

Part of the problem doc listed below, we aslo see the same problem in ASE 12.5 Chapter 25. The doc has a sentence stating: "At least two workspaces to use during the check operation. See "dbccdb workspaces" in Chapter 59, "dbccdb Tables" in the Reference Manual." There is no Chapter 59.

365499 sp_dbcc_summaryreport displays milliseconds in the end time but not in the start time
365505 In ref. manual, sp_dbcc_updateconfig examples numeric values need quoted.

In SAG, the examples are correct.

365506 sp_dbcc_createws default workspace name doe not have the second underscore.
365510 Provide an example to illustrate -s option of ISQL
365530 In the Database Expert Performance Manager, the bar diagram is lost after locking it when switching among database statistics. But line diagram is not lost.
365617 When a database is upgraded to 15.0, newly added column syscomments.partitionid will appear to contain NULL even for rows where it should have a valid partition ID. This causes display problems for certain queries. A workaround exists; refer to the workaround section of this report for details.
365624 Syconfig.exe doesn't use the specified %SYBASE% environment variable. Instead, it uses the value from registry HKLM\SOFTWARE\SYBASE\SQLServer\RootDir.
365627 sp_dbcc_statisticsreport references SAG incorrectly.

It should be in Chapter 13 under the dbcc_types table write-up in Reference Manual

365631 Ref. Manual Error: sp_dbcc_summaryreport, example 3
365637 Requested Doc id 1013610 more clear.
365657 On Solaris, with ASE 12.5.1 ESD#2 or later, using tli type entries in interfaces file used by ASE,

when a spid within ASE is killed ('kill <spid>') it could result in ASE hang.

Running pstack (unix command) on ASE pid would show functions kill_proc, drop_connection, tli_nclose,

_tx_getinfo, _t_do_ioctl, ioctl on the stack. This problem is due to Solaris bug # 4924525.

If you are using tli type entries in the interfaces file that is used by ASE contact SUN

quoting Sun BugID 4924525 and request a patch (110955-05 or later) to fix the problem.

365694 Feature Request

Shared JVMs within ASE

Request Title:

Implement shared system and database level JVM processes within ASE

Product Relevancy:

ASE 12.5+ and ASE 15

Request Description:

This request is to implement a JVM feature within ASE that would support shared static java attributes. The current implementation of Java within the ASE database is such that each database connection requires its own instance of the JVM process. Unfortunately, this implementation prevents the full support of static attributes in accordance with the Java specifications.


Ideal Approach - Ideally the implementation would consist of a single JVM running at the server level, utilizing a port of ASE threads as a "native" threading model. Java supports substitution of threading models since 1.1.81. This would allow for a 1:1 mapping of the database threads to the JVM threads. The hierarchy of class loaders would provide for application level "sandboxing". For example: a "server level" class loader (loading the classes at the master database level (not visible to everyone), followed by the "shared class loader" loading all the classes at the sybsystemprocs level, and a class loader at the database level inheriting the sybsystemprocs class loader and loading the classes installed in this database. Switching the database context, would append the java class loader references for the new database to the class loader chain (if it is not there already). A new configuration parameter for the database will determine the order of the class loader overrides (parent first/child first).

Alternative Approach - Alternatively, the implementation would consist of a configurable number of sharable JVM instance (similar to how named caches are implemented). This would provide the ability to have logical groupings of JVM's to provide specific functionality in addition to providing for a sufficient number of JVM's to by-pass any potential JVM threading limitations.

Specified classes (or an entire database of classes) could be bound to a 搒hared� JVM. Rules would need to be defined to handle naming conflicts when trying to load the same class name from two different databases or the classes will need to be restricted to a single location (i.e. database).

These 搒hared� JVM instances would coexist with the current connection-oriented JVM implementation. Classes not bound to a shared JVM would act as they currently do (execute within their own running JVM processes).

Overall Benefits:

Performance and Manageability (Administration)

Specific Benefits:

If we can get this working in ASE in accordance to java specifications, this will resolve a few extremely important issues and outstanding enhancement requests (customizable Identity implementations, Global Variables, etc) that were made through ISUG and also exist as CRs.

Customizable Identity Implementation:

Through the use of static object attributes, it would be possible to implement functionality which assigns (and reserves) sequential values similar to the ASE Identity but be flexible enough to support customization. The functionality could also be wrapped in java functions making it possible to assign using batch INSERT/SELECTs.

Example #1 - A java function could be coded to identify and reserve the next sequence number for a table. The function call might be called next_sequence (<table name>, "reserve").

Example #2 - A java function could be coded to also partition the values based on the application requirements. The function call might look like next_sequence (<table name>, "reserve", "Cumberland").

Example #3 - The same java functions could be coded to also backfill gaps in sequences instead providing the "one-up" (max+1) values. In other words, when assigning the next sequential value, it would scan the table to identify the next available gap in the sequence.

Global Variables:

Through the use of static object attributes, it would be possible to implement global variables. The global variables would not just be simple variables, but could also include structures and arrays. This has been a long awaited request. There have been many requests for this feature in ISUG and in CRs (Feature Requests).

Real Time Messaging Services (RTMS):

If shared JVM's would optionally load classes on startup, hence invoking constructors, this would allow some JVM's to function as running business processes somewhat detached from a user spid. This may be really useful in view of RTMS. The process could start looking at a message bus for pending messages upon server boot.

1 see JNI Programmer's Guide and Reference on the Sun's java website.

365704 Provide a new T-SQL built-in, INDEX_NAME(), to get the name of an index,

given the ID of the index and the IDs of the database and the object on

which it is defined.

A number of MDA tables return the database ID, object ID and index ID trio.

This built-in would simplify the process of analysing these MDA tables for

index usage.

365756 In a HA environment the failover and failback operations may take a long time depending on the workload on the server at that instance.
365785 New feature request to support CALL statement to invoke a stored procedure.
365788 The error 12309, "Expanding update on object '<value>' in database '<value>' cannot succeed on page <value>, ... This is an internal error." may be reported on a Data Only Locked table during the execution of DML commands when the given table has a lot of forwarded rows. Alternatively the error

644 "Index row entry for data row id (<value>, <value>) is missing from index page <value> ... Drop and re-create the index." may be reported.

365789 In rare circumstances, an 834 error, "Illegal attempt to clean buffer" together with a stack trace than includes the modules 'dbt_get', 'dbt_removeall' and 'bufdbclean', may be reported in the error log for one or more buffers in a user-defined temporary database if an attempt is made to access this database before it has been completely created.
365796 CIS: Occasionally, the messages "uppushaffinity: kpid <id> affinity stack overflow", and "Attach external xact failed: astc_attach failed ", may be reported during frequent DTM transactions involving remote tables.
365809 Feature request for use of "self-healing" Hamming codes for critical dbinfo values
365822 Occasionally, the message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'omni_adjust_eops' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'omni_opt_select' and 'omni_code_gen_estep' may be reported in the error log if there is an invalid subtraction between two DATETIME columns with some subqueries involved
365825 CIS: To some non-ASE backends, inserting NULL values into the remote columns with DATE/TIME datatype will cause the local ASE session to hang
365827 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module ind_obj_seg_check() together with a stack trace which includes the module catcheck() will be reported in the errorlog if DBCC CHECKCATALOG finds an entry in sysindexes without a matching row in sysobjects.
365884 New feature request to allow user-defined function to specify SQL statement and return Table Result Set.
365988 After minimally logged commands like "alter table" user can not dump transaction log, has to dump a whole database.

Customer would like to have a feature request such as a "with log" option for the minimally logged commands so he has greater control of the logging:

366032 The DBCC command PRSQLCACHE will print the whole text of the statement cached as opposed to its first 255 characters only.
366101 Load database with 'listonly' option fails when using a remote Backup Server.
366111 The open server routine srv_xferdata will report the error "16324/10/0: srv_xferdata(): data for column no: 1 cannot be NULL" when processing a null return parameter from an ASE RPC.
366163 Feature request to have checkstorage do additional checking to reduce or eliminate the number of spurious errors reported.
366164 If extended cache is enabled on Linux 32bit platform, then under highly concurrent system if a page is being destroyed and if it happens that the same page is being wriiten to disk from secondary cache, the page may be wriiten to master device config block. This will cause config block to be corrupted. Furture reboot of the server will fail.
366206 When a database has been upgraded from version 12.5 to 15.0, sp_helpartition will display error 515 when used on an index whose sysindexes.partitiontype is null.
366239 IQ does not support the IDENTITY keyword, so CIS will no longer send create table statements containing that keyword.
366285 The installer incorrectly set the "load library path" and PATH environment values for the Enhanced Full Text Search in $SYBASE/ file.
366290 The warning "Logical Process Manager Error: Failed to get a row from sysattributes table, in etc__getexeattr(), instance 1." may be printed in the errorlog if an application is bound both to a temporary database and an execution class.
366336 The error 12934 "Page <value> of object <value>, indid <value> undergoing

change ... retry the command later." may be reported when running DBCC

TABLEALLOC or DBCC CHECKALLOC in fix mode, resulting in the reported page

being incorrectly deallocated.

366392 Excessive CPU usage by the HK_CHORES process may occur when distributed transactions have been used (XA, DTC or ASE distributed transactions) and the configuration parameter "dtm detach timeout period" is set to a non-zero value.
366444 For cross platform loaded database (across same endian architecture), the user defined stored procedures, triggers and defaults remain valid across the dump.

Addresses the errors 2821, 2812 and 223.

366447 Allow users without the sa_role role to execute recording scripts in the Historical Server on all platforms except Microsoft Windows. Users of the Historical Server and Monitor Client Library must have the sa_role role when running these applications on the Microsoft Windows platform.
366497 Queries generating work tables when executed in user defined temporary databases bound to a named cache,

may fail with message "current process (<value>) infected with 11" in module 'bufdlink',

or 'des_add_dirty_chain_elmt'; this is another variation of the bug reported under CR 360414.

366514 The error "Server '<servername>', Procedure 'sp_modifylogin', Line 489:

The 'CREATE TABLE' command is not allowed within a multi-statement transaction

in the 'tempdb' database." will be raised when the stored procedure sp_modifylogin

is used to change the login script in a HA environment.

366596 Provided instrumented traceflag support to customer to insert

rows into sysloginroles, syssrvroles and other catalogs that

have special SSO_ROLE privilege checking.

366659 The Yields, DiskIOChecks, DiskIOPolled and DiskIOCompleted columns should be added to the monEngine Monitoring Table to report the number of times the engine yielded to the OS, the number of checks for asynchronous I/O, the number of times I/O was polled for, and the number of times this poll showed that I/O completed, respectively.
366692 Feature request to have dbcc tune(cpuaffinity) command report failure rather than silently fail on platforms that don't support affinity.
366696 The SuspendedProcesses column of the monOpenDatabase Monitoring Table should report 0 when no processes are suspended rather than NULL.
366757 DDLGen support for Encrypted Columns feature in ASE.
366791 On Red Flag Advanced Server release 4.1, when the LANG variable is set to

zh_CN.GB18030, dataserver/isql command fail.

366801 Under rare circumstances the message "current process infected with 11"

in the module 'pipe_sqltext' together with a stack trace which includes

the module 'sqlpars' may be reported in the errorlog when "enable monitoring"

(or "sql text pipe active") configuration parameter is activated.

366811 The stored procedure sp_dboption shows an undocumented and unused option 'disable alias access'. It has been removed.
366822 When SPID=0 is specified as a search argument to any of the Monitoring Tables the messages "ubo_object_from_slot:Pss Invalid slot id 0" and "An internal memory management error has occured. Error code: Invalid slot id." are written to the ASE errorlog followed by a stacktrace showing the

ubo_object_from_slot() function as the instigator. These messages are harmless but should not be produced.

366899 The SQL Expert Database Explorer does not display the values of binary, varbinary and timestamp datatypes correctly.
366900 After a SQL query is optimized, the SQL Formatter incrrectly places the 'SET' statement on the same line as the SQL query.
366904 The scroll bar in the SQL Expert tree view does not always automatically move when a node in the tree is expanded.
366905 Sometimes when the monitored ASE is restarted while Database Expert is monitoring it and the user the nexits from the Database Export program, Database Expert will generate a message saying "Sybase Database Expert has encountered a problem and needs to close."
366913 Incorrect SQL transformation for SQL with syntax �= null�. SQL was incorrectly changed to �>= null� and �<= null�.
366914 When the Database Expert Lock Chart button is clicked the chart is displayed with an incorrect time label.
366953 ASE Replicator: A call to sp_addreplicateart fails with "Incorrect syntax near '%'".
366992 LDAP/LDAPUA/SSL are not supported on all platforms. Installation release material or Product Documents need to reflect the availability of the features by platform since the features are not available on every platform.
367013 Establish a kill command to kill a Rep Agent regardless of state
367029 A user who gets locked out of ASE due to failed logins will not get 'maximum failed logins' times to relogin after the account has been unlocked.
367105 Enable the ability to dynamically load a floating IP address after an ASE

failover for an ASE Active-Active HA configuration.

Product Relevancy:

ASE 12.5%2B and ASE 15

Request Description:

During a failover event, cluster software can be configured to

switch a floating IP address over to a different host. In an

ASE Active-Active HA configuration, the floating IP address

currently cannot be loaded into Active companion ASE server.

This feature request is to request that the floating IP address

be loaded into the Active companion (ASE 12.5%2B) or a surviving

ASE server (ASE 15.0).


As part of the failover event, the OS cluster will switch the

"owner" of a floating IP address to a surviving host. After the

OS cluster has completed this task, it should be configured to

trigger the Sybase HA scripts to execute the new ASE dynamic

listeners feature within ASE to load a floating IP address.

Overall Benefits:

Availability and Manageability (Administration)

Specific Benefits:

Automated Failback (improved Availability):

Failback could be automated and not require a scheduled downtime.

Since a surviving ASE would "know" which connections were failed

over (the connections associated with the dynamically loaded

floating IP address), the process to failback would be the same

as the process to failover except in conducted in reverse. The

biggest (and probably only) difference would be that the

connections to be failed back would be intentionally disconnected.

Easier driver setup / administration (improved Manageability):

Several existing 3rd party tools that connect to ASE are not HA

aware and rely on underlying connectivity drivers

(ODBC, JDBC, native, etc) for migrating connections. For the

ASE 12.5 drivers, this usually requires setting them up with

two network addresses (primary and failover). Administration

could be kept simpler if the drivers did not need to be setup

with the network address of each HA companion (or cluster) node.

Clusters w/more than 2 nodes (improved Manageability):

Although ASE 12.5 supports a two node Active-Active cluster

(companion), ASE 15.0 is being redesigned to be capable of

supporting more than two nodes. Therefore, administration

would become more difficult if each connectivity driver needed

to be configured for each node within the cluster (especially

as nodes are added / dropped from a cluster). In addition, if

the connectivity driver is setup with fewer number of network

address than nodes in the cluster, there exists for the

possibility of system outages (application downtime) and

thereby reduce availability.

367128 config parameter 'memory per worker process' is not actually *per* worker process. The size of this pool is memory per worker process multiplied by number of worker processes.
367186 Message "infected with 11 in logcommand()" together with a stacktrace containing

the modules 'logcommand', 's__altertab' and 's_execute' is printed in the errorlog

when executing an ALTER TABLE statement while DDL replication for that database

and statement cache are enabled.

367261 The upgrade program has been enhanced to parse the text of existing stored procedures
367308 The "java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent" was not instituted until Java version 1.4. Currently we use Java version:

java version "1.3.1_10"

Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1_10-b03)

Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.1_10-b03, mixed mode)

I tried using Java version:

java version "1.4.2_03"

Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_03-b02)

Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_03-b02, mixed mode)

And the mouse seems to function properly in Sybase Central. The customer can use this as a workaround until such time as Sybase Central supports JRE version 1.4.

367320 EFTS: parser is having trouble with two russian lowercase "ya" characters in a search argument but with only one it works.
367339 For ASE running on linux 32bit system, 'disk init' on a tmpfs filesystem based file device

fails with the message "Device activation error. PHYSNAME '<filename>' may be incorrect".

ASE errorlog also reports "kernel dopen: open '<filename>', Invalid argument".

367364 P&T Guide doesn't mention anything about the Procedure Recompilations or Statement Cache output in the Procedure Cache Management output from sp_sysmon.
367431 Func and Function are not reserved words in ASE anymore, but are still being referenced as reserve words in the ASE 12.5.1 Quick Reference Guide and the Migration guide.
367438 This change incorporates some cosmetic changes to the Job Scheduler Property and Wizard windows. The user will no longer see any borders and some visual controls have moved to other locations, for example: fields in Job and Schedule wizards were moved from the second to the first page of the wizard.
367477 Add User-defined default execution attributes.
367505 CIS: INSERT into a proxy table with SMALLMONEY datatype mapped to a ASIQ backend and quickpass disabled might result in ASIQ conversion error -157.
367513 Transient errors during network accept operations can cause the ASE listener to quit
367546 Change scoping of local variables so that the execute immediate statement could access local

variables defined by the caller of the execute immediate.

367567 A role that has been locked can be incorrectly enabled unless it is protected with a password.
367657 Not customer visible
367679 If the class name of remote server is not local, stack trace is seen when user access the remote server properties from Add Proxy Database wizard - Specify the Remote Server location tab.
367726 The message 15056, "The root page <root-pagenum> of index ID <indid> for empty table <tablename> can have at most one entry pointing to the first page <first-pagenum>. However, it has either an incorrect entry, or more than one entries." may be raised if DBCC CHECKTABLE is run on a partitioned table, having one or more indexes, from which all rows have been deleted.
367842 DDLGen may generate incorrect DDL for a compiled object, if the compiled object has multi-bytes character at 255-256th position in a row in syscomments.
367845 Executing xp_cmdshell within threshold stored procedure raises error 8015 with the message

"Adaptive Server has truncated parameter number %d passesd to rpc '%.*s' on server '%.*s'.

The remote server does not support character or binary data wider than 255 bytes."

367931 User created temporary databases cannot be added to 'Default' temporary database group.
367984 The message infected with 11 in run() is printed in the errorlog together with

a stacktrace containing the modules 'run', 'exec_eop' and 'execute' when using

the STR() built-in function when the parameter 'length' is not a constant but

an expression evaluating to the value bigger than 255.

368024 Migration tool: May see error 'Unexpected exception: com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybSQLException' when running a space estimation report against a 12.0 server.
368049 Fine-grain access control queries whose validation rule involves application context functions may return no result for parallel queries.
368068 A 3475 error may be seen following an 'ALTER DATABASE' for a database with mixed log and

data having long running transactions suspended on the LCT.

368100 CIS: Outer joins with remote tables accessed via CIS which have column definitions using user defined types may return incorrect results.
368132 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'param_setup' together with a stack trace may be reported in the error log if Union with dateadd() and getdate() builtin routines are used on proxy tables.
368156 A new mechanism has been added in DDLGen to make use of persistent cached connection.
368183 An attempt to disk init a raw device that is already in use by another server

fails with an error "Device activation error. PHYSNAME '<device path>' may be incorrect"

as expected, but zeroes out the page on the device that would have been the last page

of the new device as described by the disk init. This results in data corruption.

368245 The installmontables script has been included within installmaster. There is no longer any need to run installmontables to get the latest Monitoring Table definitions. The installmontables script is still provided as a template for retrieving monitoring data remotely via RPC.
368278 PowerTransfer stops working whenever a new release of PowerDesigner is installed.
368282 Document that the values for the TYPE column in SYSKEYS are 1 Primary, 2 Foreign, and 3 Common.
368310 When starting ASE Web Services with runproducer

may hit a Security password issue.

368333 LIKE can pattern match trailing-control characters without the necessary wild-card operator.
368417 Premature heap memory deallocation after each statement may lead to memory corruptions

if the dealloctaion is done during trigger or internal sql execution.

368424 Failed to find optdiag or other utitlies under ASE-15_0 or OCS-15_0.
368480 (1)Incorrect value is displayed for 'File block count' and 'Total data stored on the volume'

in the LOAD ... WITH LISTONLY=FULL command when loading across platform.

(2)On linuxia32 and ibmplinux platforms, if a dump file size on a tape or a capacity value

exceeds 4GB, an append of a dump file to the tape could fail or fail to report an appropriate

error message which tells there is no room to append on the tape.

368538 CIS: Occasionally, sub-optimal performance may result when a query is executed which includes a TSQL outer join with some remote tables
368550 CIS: Support SELECT INTO EXISTING for the tables with the same datatypes but smaller column length from the source column
368553 DBXRAY: Several counters show a 0 value when used with ASE 12.5.2
368607 While the ASE is booted with the compressed backup enable (traceflag 4059 on),

attempt to dump on the '/dev/null' device will be successfull.

Ideally any dump on '/dev/null' should fail.

368617 In HA setup, the update to syslogins table is not syncronized between the servers.
368656 Enhance DBCC CHECKTABLE for empty ALLPAGES LOCKED, SLICED tables to report error if the root page of the index has extraneous entries pointing to deallocated pages even though the table is empty.
368687 Context menus appear with right click of data tab.
368688 ASE Plug-in shows status of logins as locked in the login list view, even when they are unlocked. The propery sheet of a login shows status as unlocked even when login is locked.
368712 If recovery attempts to recreate a user tempdb when the Model database

has not been recovered, then when recovery bypasses that step with message 12544,

"Not recovering temporary database ... ", it will print a unpredictable database ID

instead of the database ID of the user tempdb whose recreation is to be bypassed.

368782 Update English ASE Plugin help for 1253
368804 dbcc command to view actual alarms in the server
368810 The migration tool can report the wrong database size when used to calculate estimated space.
368845 Not customer visible
368943 SELECT POWER(0,0) returns 'Domain error' in Adaptive Server Enterprise.
368999 CIS: select aggregate from a view with CASE will cause signal 11.
369052 In cases where adjacent shared memory segments may not have ascending addresses, the message "process infected with 11" in the module 'buf__unhash_and_keep_grabbed_mass' may be reported on a server that uses a lot of memory (more than 1GB) some time after the creation (and possible destruction) of a buffer pool. In 12.5.1 and above, boot time recovery may automatically create (and later destroy) such a buffer pool. This completes the fix to CR 351965.
369088 Referential integrity and encryption may not apply to the

same column.

369099 ASE supports dynamic configuration of various settings. Some of this may require ASE to allocate additonal shared memory. If so, the configuration would fail with a BUS error (signal 10). This problem has been fixed.
369121 When some serious error is encountered by the server during recompilation of

the stored procedure the session may be killed with the stack trace and error 216:

"Attempt to automatically drop temporary table failed." This error is spurious

and no temporary object will remain in the temporaray database. This problem may

happen only if a stored procedure creates non temporary table.

369201 In rare circumstances, 3223 and 3208 error is returned when ASE reads the dump header

for cross-platform database load, if the database has many disk fragments in Sysusages.

The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'lddb__stat_translate'

together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'lddb__unscr_stat_page'

may be reported in the error log, when loading a database across platform,

if the database has an orphan row in Sysstatistics.

369217 sp_sysmon may show us wrong "Total Cache Turnover" if sort order is case insensitive, such as nocase_iso_1.
369222 Feature request to have alphabatical sort ability on indexes/tables in cache Component
369253 Improve ASE's network infrastructure to prevent an inability to connect to ASE resulting from a hung engine.
369254 Enable message "secleanup: time to live expired" to be configurable for sybmon dump.
369269 The message 'Current process (<value>) infected with 11' may be hit in

the module 'proc_invalidate_plans' with a stack trace in the error log

when the value of the configuration parameter 'max parallel degree'

or 'max scan parallel degree' is reset to its default value of 1.

This will result in an implicit shut down of ASE. The modules

'cfg_notify_max_plldeg' or 'cfg_notify_max_scanplldeg' will also

be reported.

369368 ASE encounters a timeslice error in function kscloseall
369417 1> In stored procedure 'modifylogin' , a new value 'kerberos' for option 'authenticate with',

is added. A user can specify authentication mechanism as 'kerberos' as follows,

sp_modifylogin 'user1', 'authenticate with','KERBEROS'

2> a user can get authenticated against specified mechanism, even if configuration options 'use security services','unified login required' are set to 1.

369457 CIS: Executing sp_addlogin command may result in Msg 102 error when a user-defined role

with password has been activated.

369469 When INSERT or DELETE privileges are granted to PUBLIC, it is not possible

to GRANT the same privilege WITH GRANT OPTION to an individual user.

369473 Currently it says "The length of a unchar/univarchar column is limited by the size of a data page in Adaptive Server, just as in char/varchar columns"

It should be "The length of a unichar/univarchar ....."

369493 Message 2843, "The dynamic statement '*<name>' could not be found. This may be due to insufficient

metadata descriptors for the number of tables and procedures in use by Adaptive Server. Configure

the serverwide 'number of open objects' parameter to accommodate more objects." is raised when

a procedure is executed using a name like "*<name>".

369510 The backup of database dumps taken on Tru64 platform does not load on other platforms

such as Linux 32 on Intel, Solaris 32 or 64bit, etc.

As a side effect of this fix, compatibility from older dump on Tru64 is not kept. To

workaround incompatibility issue, you could use trace flag -D128 with the backupserver

binary. This way you would be able to load older dumps.

369595 Sybmigrate doesn't check server's configuration before actually start sybmigrate.
369627 The stored procedure sp_logiosize may display strange characters following the database names.
369675 The error 5850 will be incorrectly raised when the configuration parameter 'enable ldap auth' is set to zero in those platforms where LDAP is not supported.
369767 The proxy table wizard now forces you to create CIS mapping before one can select remote table, therefore no longer making it optional.
369861 Under JS Task shutdown invoked due to a normal Job Scheduler shutdown or an implicit exception request the JS Task could be caught in a SPINLOCK order violation finally resulting in a SIGBUS with a chance that ASE needs a reboot before the Job Scheduler can be started again.
369933 The error "ct_fetch(): protocol specific layer: internal Client Library error: There is a tds state machine error. An illegal tds token sequence was received." will be raised if updating a table with a timestamp field results in a duplicate key error.
369961 When using sqldebugger utility some warning messages and messages

sent via PRINT statement are silently ignored without printing.

369966 In the case of fatal errors occuring at online time during the recovery

process, Adaptiver Server error handling may not be graceful and may fail to recover

subsequent databases.

369969 Not customer visible
369970 Not customer visible
369971 Not customer visible
369972 Not customer visible
369973 Not customer visible
369974 Not customer visible
370015 Memory to track a job which has a timeout value remains allocated even after the job instance has completed or been terminated (without having expired its timeout value), causing memory usage to steadily grow.
370028 On HP Itanium 64 platform only, sp_sysmon reports that Spinlock Contention is always 100%.
370033 Enhance the buffer manager to remove certain racing conditions when recycling buffers

in the LRU/MRU chain in data caches using "strict lru" strategy.

370039 If a call to xp_cmdshell is coded within a sp_thresholdaction procedure, the parameters to xp_cmdshell will be truncated to 255 characters
370055 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'ex_doprint' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'lddb_chkrolename' will be reported when loading a database that has a user or group that matches an existing role name.
370067 Customer wants built-in function to calculate entire row length
370073 CIS: Query hangs or runs poorly with join against proxy table column. Costing for certain

join order might have been underestimated.

370092 In rare circumstances a deserialized Object attempts to validate on an incomplete read. In this case the read may be retried with an expectation of success so a retry mechanism was incorporated in the deserialization mechanism.
370120 Simplified dynamic memory tracking and management for Job Scheduler Agent.
370170 Feature request to support MOUNT DATABASE command on HA systems
370233 ASE 12.5.2 ESD#2 reports "kernel hbc_ninit: No sockets available for HBC" on boot because of

the bug fix 354768. This is an informational message only and can be safely ignored if EJB

is not configured. ASE 12.5.3 alters this behavior so that this message appears only when

"enable enterprise java beans" parameter is set to 1 in the config file.

370295 CIS: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM an EXTERNAL FILE without any search arguments gives timeslice errors for large files.
370329 This fix affects the Scheduled Job wizard in the ASE Plugin. The plugin will no longer display a NullPointerException when an invalid Schedule name is entered while creating a Scheduled Job; now the user will get an error saying the name is invalid.

Also, this fix prevents the creation of a Scheduled Job when a duplicate Job name is provided in the first page of the wizard. Previously, it may have looked like the user created a new Job and a new Scheduled Job when what actually happened is that a new Scheduled Job was created using an existing Job. To create a Scheduled Job using an existing Job, the user should use the Job Scheduler wizard.

370364 Make SQLDBGR to be JDBC3.0 compliant.
370369 A CREATE TABLE statement using a constant MS in the DEFAULT clause for a column succeeds without

raising the expected message "Msg. 128, The name 'MS' is illegal in this context. Only constants,

constant expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are illegal.".

370427 The Job Scheduler Task from ASE 12.5.2 could freeze ASE under Job Scheduler Agent exceptional behavior.
370520 The functionality implemented under CR 316222 and extended under CR 400907

to improve the performance of DROP TABLE in temporary databases was active

by trace flag 3706 at boot time or via DBCC TRACEON(3706). This enhancement

now become the default ASE behaviour. Consequently by default ASE will release

during the drop of user tables in tempdb the system catalog locks when not

in DDL-IN-TRAN mode after the commit of the transaction but before post commit

work started. The trace flag 3706 is therefore obsoleted. Should there be a need

to turn off this enhancement then trace flag 3708 can be used.

370530 Renormalization of stored procedures may consume too much stack space

leading to stack overflow errors. Module name qremap__tree is printed

in the errorlog.

The problem is generic but is likely to happen more frequently on linux platform.

370533 A 12301 error, "Internal error: the index (id = <indid>) and the data for row (<pageid>, <rnum>) in table '<tablename>', database <dbid> are inconsistent; data is marked deleted but index is not. Aborting the transaction." may be reported while running a lot of concurrent DMLs on a Data Only Locked table having one or more indices.
370633 Wrong page errors might occur while accessing tables after a server crash

mid-way through an ALTER TABLE UNPARTITION operation. These errors can also

occur while accessing tables after loading a transaction dump containing

uncommited changes for an UNPARTITION operation to such tables.

(Fixes issues raised in 400988.)

370711 Query with a builtin function which takes as the argument user name may fail to

return correct result if the statement cache option is turned on and the parameter

passed to to the builtin is host variable.

370760 Select into or Insert select with text/image columns and order by may stacktrace, if the source table is a proxy_table and remote server is a direct_connect.
370870 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'kbfalloc' may be reported in the error log when using network packet size greater than the configured value of "default network packet size".
370932 The following cp1252 sort order files are missing from $SYBASE/charsets/cp1252 directory:,,,,, and

370957 SELECT from a proxy table which is mapped to a remote table containing unsupported datatype will give error.
370981 A feature request to be able to specify in the sp_audit procedure to allow an 'all' option for objects and users. eg "sp_audit 'all','all','all" and then remove some selected options from specific users.
371136 DBCC CHECKTABLE may fail to report error 2510: "Key mismatch between index page <index pno>, at offset <indoffset> and data page <data pno> (row ID <rnum>) in database '<dbname>'. Drop and re-create index id <indid> of table '<tabname>'" and abort silently.
371154 Error message number 216 : "Attempt to automatically drop temporary table failed." and

the stack trace may be written to the errorlog when the server encounters an error during

the recompilation of the stored procedure using cursor on the temporary table.

371162 SQL Advantage 12.5.1 has significant performance degradation versus 11.5
371192 ASE Replicator: Replicator no longer requires a password on the process startup command line. If the "-p" option is omitted, Replicator will prompt you for the password.
371223 In some cases, displaying the value of memory used is more than the memory used for

statement cache configuration expectation.

371288 New Feature: customer wants to be able to use sp_audit with all logins except certain logins

The way the customer describes this it would possibly take a two step process...

1. exec sp_audit to start auditing for all logins

2. exec sp_audit to exclude individual logins

371302 A 2511 error, "Keys of index id <indid> for table '<tabname>' in data page not in correct order. Drop and re-create the index.(index page <pgid>)" may be reported by DBCC CHECKTABLE after doing an UPDATE to an ALLPAGES_LOCKED table having a clustered index with a one or more descending key columns.
371310 On 64 bit platforms "sp_configure 'additional network memory' ,2147481600" silently fails.
371323 CIS: When a proxy table is updated via ct_dynamic in a client application, error 7732

may occur indicating that the cursor is READONLY.

With this change, remote tables may need to be created with a unique index for table

scans on updatable cursor.

371350 After upgrading SqlAdvantage to 12.5.1 and Open Client to 12.5.1

the grid tool does not support a char column with over 256 characters. Only a portion of the data is displayed. The issue is if you have results large then the window there is no way to scroll to see that data off the Window.

371388 Requested higher audit granularity to allow any reasonable combination
371454 When ASE is configured for High Availability with HACMP5.1 Cluster,
failover fails with the error "SYBASE HA MONITOR: ***ERROR: Dbcc takeover may have
failed. Please check the errorlog of <secondary_companion_name> and
manually execute 'dbcc takeover' from <secondary_companion_name> if
necessary." in the hacmp.out log file.
371554 ASE message 1608 has been enhanced with a supplementary informational message including

the host and login name relating to the lost connection. for example,

"extended error information: hostname: TONYI-XP login: sa".

371687 Error 3475 may be raised if sessions currenlty suspended on the LCT of a mixed log and data database are interrupted. DBCC checkalloc may raise multiple 12909 errors : "Table with object id=0 (name = 0) inconsistent after Large Scale Allocation. 8 pages in extent <XXX> were found reserved."
371703 If SET PROXY is executed in a batch where one of the commands fail, the

security context will be partially lost and the user will not be able

to revert its identity. The output of sp_who will show that both the

original name and the current name are set to the faked user's name.

371715 Improve the performance of object statistics collection when 'per object statistics' and 'object lockwait timing' are enabled.
371757 At times, the Job scheduler may not calculate time intervals correctly, if the job is scheduled to run past midnight.

The next callout calculations were not correctly handling cases where the schedule starttime was after the schedule endtime, that is a schedule that wraps over midnight. The net effect of this error was that the schedule was being offset from the starttime when it passed midnight. The current fix handles this case correctly so schedules are rolled over midnight properly. The fix in effect recognizes that midnight, which is stored as a 0 in a CS_DATETIME, effectively needs to be viewed as the largest allowable value when approached clockwise during an operational schedule rather than as a 0.

In addition to the direct fix there are a couple side effects to this fix that users may see:

1) End times are now enforced correctly. This means that when a recurrence interval falls on the end time the job will not run. The current situation is that a job can actually run past the endtime because the next callout calculation was allowing the next callout time to be outside the endtime boundary so the job would be run past the endtime and then the following callout time would move up to the next starttime. This was clearly incorrect and has been fixed, however this represents a change in current behavior.

2) Schedules where starttime equals endtime, either as default values or explicitly set are treated correctly. That is the schedule will run in continuous intervals without interruption unless constraints (day of week/date of month) are set.

371818 Sometimes the internal Adaptive Server clock might differ from Operating System clock (as returned by GETDATE()). A new built in function called GET_INTERNAL_DATE() has been introduced to return the Adaptive Server internal clock value. The internal clock value is used for assigning dates to internal objects and only ever increments to ensure that time moves in one direction only. Over time, the internal clock synchronizes closely with the OS clock. Discrepancies between the clocks tend to arise when the OS time is abruptly changed or if being used, when daylight saving transitions happen.

The internal date is used for things such as the crdate field in sysobjects and sysindexes, the loggedindatetime in syslogins, WAITFOR commands, and the datetime stamps in begin tran and commit tran log records.

371839 Need to document bitmask values assigned to systhresholds.currauth

IN ASE 12.5.1 Doc "Reference Manual Tables"

This is the current description for the currauth column:

A bit mask that indicates which roles were active for suid at the time

the threshold was added or most recently modified. When the threshold

is crossed, proc_name executes with this set of roles, less any that

have been deactivated since the threshold was added or last modified.

Determining which roles were active based on the systhresholds.currauth

is not clear. Customer requests a documented explanation in the ASE user

reference manual for the bitmask values assigned to systhresholds.currauth.

371861 Provide option to write messages on client end when using login triggers
371907 Quickly repeated requests to abort or stop and then restart the Job Scheduler task

leads to a variety of problems related to communication between the ASE Job Scheduler task

and its agent. Symptoms include a Job Scheduler hang (no response), ct lib connection

failures (as noted in the Job Scheduler agent log file), the Job Scheduler task error

'spurious states from jsagent', and log messages indicating a failure to receive a

communication buffer from either the Job Scheduler task or agent.

371913 In some circumstances, a 695 error, "An attempt was made to read logical page '<pageno>' for object '<objid>' in database '<dbid>' from disk. Wrong logical page '<pageno>' was brought into cache '<cachename>'" or other 69x error may be reported in the error log some time after using sp_poolconfig to increase the size of a memory pool in a data cache that is using the relaxed LRU cache replacement policy.
371920 Sybase Central ASE Plug-in generates a DDLBaseException stacktrace with the following error code,

when trying to generate the DDL on a Unique Constraint object:

"DGP1 The Object type is invalid null.".

371921 A feature request to report committed transactions within a specificed time frame
371993 In some rare cases, ALTER TABLE on a DOL table may corrupt the clustered index so that entries for some rows are missing, resulting in a lower rowcount. DBCC checktable will report a 7928 error.
372034 Migration fails during setup when source server has a password and target does not
372062 Feature request to switch On/off numeric logins
372191 Add diagnostics to capture CSMD for sddone "not within virtual disk range" errors
372200 Customer issue is that with increasing DB auditing needs, the ability to audit user activity at either the group level or user-defined role level would greatly simplify administering Sybase's Auditing features.

Add Option Types of: group, role


sp_audit @option="group", @login_name="all", @group_name="mygroup", @object_name="all", @setting="on"

Turn on auditing for all users in all databases that are in group "mygroup"

sp_audit @option="role", @login_name="all", @role_name="myrole", @object_name="all", @setting="on"

Turn on auditing for all users in all databases that have the role "myrole" active.

These are suggestions not necessarily how to implement the feature.

372269 DDLGen now supports ASE 11.9.2 and up.
372272 Need better documentation for event 80 proc_role of security option for auditing
372285 Allow parallel execution of queries selecting from a view with union.
372321 In multi engine environment, if the engine which is running the "disk mirror" is not able to

access the primary device, mirroring succeeds but later ASE fails during the subsequent

operations with the errors such as :

- Error 692: "Uninitialized logical page <page id> was read while accessing object <object id> in database <database id>


- Error 822: Could not start I/O for request BLKIO < ...buffer details>

372324 In multiprocessor Windows systems with a high rate of process login and logout, ASE encounters a timeslice error in routine ks_closeall
372358 Scheduled Job folder does not display remotely scheduled jobs without a manual refresh by the user.
372422 A 702 error, "Memory request for <number_of_bytes> bytes exceeds

the size of single page of 16384 bytes." may be raised together

with a stack trace reported in the error log which includes the

modules 'pll_exec', 'copy__constant' and 'memalloc' when executing

a query statement that uses the CONVERT() function for converting

to TEXT (or IMAGE) datatype and the query is executed in parallel.

372435 When the JS agent unexpectedly loses contact with the JS task (e.g., as a result of ASE shutting down with "nowait") while the agent is running multiple, simultaneous jobs, it attempts to shut itself down and mismanages jobs queues and memory in the process, causing the agent to core dump or hang (and not be able to resume when the JS task is revived). Symptoms include (1) a core file, (2) a freshly started JS task unable to launch and connect to a JS agent, (3) the JS task logging an error such as "Failed to receive communication buff".
372465 A stored procedure will not be found and the error 2812 will be raised if

the procedure name is stored in a variable enclosed in squared brackets,

prefixed with the database name and executed from a different database.

372495 When an external authentication mechanism is configured, and the user is automatically

created in ASE with the aid of sp_maplogin, an audit event for LOGIN COMMAND (103) is

not generated.

372527 The syslogins status bit 0x1 is not set for short passwords.
372533 The execution of "SP_SPACEUSED <table_name>" may deadlock with other sessions trying to create/drop tables in the given database.
372601 EFTS: Request to support searches where certain character sequences are considered to be equivent such as Muller, Mueller and M<u-umlaut>ller are all considered to match whichever is searched for.
372606 1251/1252 Installation Guide Adaptive Server Enterprise for IBM AIX -->

Chapter 5 Upgrading Adaptive Server --> Pre-upgrade tasks -->

Step 17:

Copy the following files from earlier versions of Adaptive Server to their corresponding Adaptive Server 12.5.x installation:

The issue is that Step 17 needs a Note specifying that coping the files are not required if the customer uses the SQLUPGRADE program to upgrade there server because SQLUPGRADE will copy these files over automatically, SQLUPGRADE needs these files to start the new server.

372621 Infected with 11 in st_get_distmap_boundary after enabling sort-merge joins
372628 Scheduled Jobs folder was hidden when user did not have a proper JS role.
372630 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'next_root' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'vu_call_colnames' or 'clean_vars' may be reported in the error log if a view or a stored procedure using a derived table with a UNION is recompiled.
372669 If the 11.9.2 server had the optional sybsystemdb database setup, and placed on a seperate device (s), the recovery procedure outlined in techdoc 1012256, will not allow recovery.

techdoc 1012256 needs to include a description of this particular situation and if a customer has this particular situation, describe that this recovery procedure will fail.

372713 CIS: The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'memmove_sanity()'

may be reported when a INSERT...SELECT or SELECT INTO with join and CASE

is evaluated to be true and Quickpass disabled.

372719 New feature request to enable the definition of a global login trigger to be executed by every user at login time, before the personal login script is fired. It can be defined using the stored procedure sp_modifylogin with a NULL login name and the option 'login script' or by calling the new procedure sp_logintrigger directly.
372728 Automatic lightweight validation of pages physically read from or written to disk will now occur when either a 694 error or some variants of a 697 error are reported. This is indicated by the message "Diagnostic checks have been turned on to report if a corrupted page is read from or written to disk. Use DBCC TRACEOFF(615) to turn these checks off" in the error log. The automatic validation may be permanently turned off by starting Adaptive Server with the 615 trace flag.
372735 Not customer visible
372757 Not customer visible
372767 Customer has to meetDOD requirements and require IPV6 support on HP-UX 64 and 32 Bit.
372880 Timestamp columns are not updated during bcp operations
372881 Add Monitoring Table to Report RPC/stored_procedure(stored procedure) Statistics
372930 A 701 error, "There is not enough procedure cache to run this procedure,

trigger, or SQL batch..." may be reported after running many client or

language cursors in a server configured to use Abstract Plans in "capture"

or "apply" modes.

373027 12323 errors: "Internal error occured during rebuild of index id %d of table '<tabname>'..." together with 2628 errors: "In database '<dbname>', page <pageno1> is linked forward to page <pageno2>, but that page is linked backward to page <pageno3> ..." may be encountered while running concurrent REORG REBUILD <tabname> <indexname> on the same index together with DMLs on a data-only locked table.
373084 Error 691/696 and 8206 may occur on monCachedObject if a query has object_name() function and order by clause.

In order to avoid this problem, please specify ObjectID > 0 in WHERE clause.

373146 Request to enhance installation/configuration guide to include

instructions to do a reserved word check without upgrading

ASE in a non-GUI environment.

The installupgrade script is used to create sp_checkreswords in the

ASE that will be upgraded.

373178 Two new columns, 'unusedpgcnt' and 'oampagecnt' are added into systabstats, to represent the number of un-used pages and the number of oam pages in the object represented by this systabstats row.
373187 Jobs created from a template or jobs with long (greater than 900 characters) commands are truncated when the job is created from the Scheduled Job Wizard.
373461 In some cases logins will be blocked when a session that is modifying a system table in the 'master' database (eg the sysattributes table through the sp_addengine stored procedure), is itself blocked because the 'master' database has been quiesced.
373573 In rare cases, a distributed XA transaction will be left in an "In Abort Tran" state after an XA transaction manager (TM) has issued an asynchronous abort request on it and there is at least one pending attach request. A further attempt by the TM to roll back the transaction or an attempt to roll back the transaction using DBCC COMPLETE_XACT will fail.
373633 srvbuild created 2MB sybsystemdb but the default populated in the screen is 5MB
373649 When the error 1514 is raised in 64 bits platforms, the text "Message too long. Length = 546."

will be printed instead of the actual error message.

373722 If the recompilation of an ad-hoc DML command is detected, error 540

"Schema for table '<value>' has changed since compilation of this query.

Please re-execute query." may be followed by a segmentation violation

in module abortcmd() with a stack trace reported in the error log.

373723 Doc update request for async I/O settings for AIX 5.1/5.2 which needs to follow a rule of thumb different from version 4.3.3
373727 Not customer visible
373751 Sysprocesses table not have a clientport field to identify a perticalar cleint session
373858 If a command is sent to ASE which contains a huge number of syntax errors (eg thousands), then the ASE task handling the command may hang in 'send sleep'. This is because the client machine has not yet called ct_results to retrieve input, and the large number of syntax error messages sent back to the client may fill the client's tcp/ip receive buffer. To prevent this, only the first 25 syntax errors in any single command batch will be reported.
373869 Not customer visible
373906 For an infected process, the signal names are not printed in the error log.
374037 For Srvbuild 12.5, 12.5.2, 12.5.3 under "Edit Advanced Adaptive Server Attributes"

srvbuild created sybsystemdb 2MB on master and 3MB on its own device.

374049 In some cases, the sp_displaylogin system stored procedure will incorrectly

repeat the value for the "Current Failed login attempts" property for the

following item "Authenticate with".

374086 The GUI for srvbuild and sqlupgrade on AIX/LINUX is unclear...checkboxes/radio_buttons looked deselected when selected

1. With AIX and LINUX the initial dialogue in srvbuild and 5 dialogue screens deep within sqlupgrade...checkbox/radio_buttons options are unclear...the customer makes a selection and it appears deselected...the boxes change from gray to white(it may be yellow but it is so small that the open square looks white). The white(it may be yellow but it is so small that the open square looks white) makes them look empty and thus it appears that item is deselected.

2. Solaris and HP use a larger square box and the boxes turn there is an inconsistant GraphicalUserInterface between UNIX platforms.

374160 When migrating only indexes and constraints for a database then the migration can hang and an unhandled exception is printed on the console window:

java.lang.ClassCastException: java.math.BigDecimal

at com.sybase.sybmigration.ObjectSelectForm$NextTask.doWork(ObjectSelect



374175 Few new columns were added to optdiag output for dumping and loading of simulated statistics.
374215 Feature request for the ability to declare synonyms (a way to refer to objects in other databases on the server without using the full dbname.owner.objectname syntax).
374238 For SSL in ASE, user has to use FQDN format server names for the common name in certreq due to their bank requirment, but ASE does not support server name in FQDN format. Request sybase to support this feature.
374269 CIS: A 12974 error, "engine <number> has outstanding ct-lib/java connections and cannot be offlined", may occasionally be reported even without any active/pending CIS connections when sp_engine "offline" is used to offline an engine.
374275 Replication Agent may shutdown with the error 9219, state 29 when trying to process an object using an identifier larger than 64 characters.
374286 A 703, state 2 error, "You cannot run this procedure, trigger, or SQL batch because

it requires more than 24480 pages of memory" may be reported during CREATE INDEX on

a large table with the 12.5.3 server.

374293 In a Replication environment, configured to replicate DDL, a create index command is incorrectly replicated.
374297 On Linux RHAS2.1 and RHEL3.0, the Job Scheduler agent repeatedly crashes,

leaving core files due to SEGV and BUS errors.

374342 ASE Replicator : "ddl in tran" is no longer required to be configured for the tempdb.
374352 Large Memory feature will be disabled when used in conjuntion with Posix aio.
374421 In Replication environments, replicating DDL, Relication Agent sends an additional 'alter table' command when a functional index is created
374596 Error message reported by sp_audit stored procedure corrected to

read '<loginname>' is not a valid login name.

374625 The error 2601, "Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object 'sysattributes' with unique index 'csysattributes'" will be raised by the server upgrade item 1412 if a role with password expiration different than zero exists.
374681 DBCC ORPHANTABLES enhanced to drop stranded temporary tables holding EX_TAB locks.

These locks may be left around as a result of an ungraceful termination of a connection.

374710 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'set_cast' may be reported in the errorlog together with a stack trace which includes the modules 's_renormalize' and 'execrpc' (or 'exectrig') when a stored procedure was executed as a Remote Procedure Call (or by a trigger) and had to be renormalized because, for example, one of the underlying objects referenced was dropped and recreated.
374733 A 12328 error, "The calculated row offset <offset> of an index key on page <page> ... is out of

bounds" together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'srchpage' and 'srchindex' may be

reported in the errorlog of an server with a 8 Kb or 16 Kb page size during a SELECT using an index which includes variable length columns.

374775 When an index creation that is run in parallel mode as opposed to serial

gets interrupted by the end-user, a segmentation violation may be hit in

module 'sortclean' with a stack trace in the error log. The modules

'cri_physbuild', 'sort' and 'sam_gen_distmap' will also be reported.

374785 A permission denied error will be raised when executing a stored procedure created by an alias to DBO that contains an OPEN CURSOR statement on a table in a different database.
374815 In rare circumstances, Adaptive Server may hang as a result of an undetected

self deadlock for a process that is trying to flush its user log cache when

the cache replacement policy for the given cache is "relaxed LRU replacement".

374880 ASE Replicator: ASE Replicator has been updated to use jConnect/jTDS 6.0(JDBC 3.0).
374892 When a user creates a recorded session without enabling "sybase_script", recording into ASE database does not work.
374902 ASE Replicator: ASE Replicator's run scripts have been updated for version 15.0.In addition, the scripts now contain a new environment variable RPL_JAVA_MAX_MEM, that allows you to adjust Java max memory for Replicator instance. Before setting it to a default value, the aserep(aserep_debug) script checks if it has already been set.

This allows you to customize it by setting the RPL_JAVA_MAX_MEM in either the instance RUN script or in your environment.

374907 The message 277 'There was a transaction active when exiting the stored procedure ...' followed by message 631 'The length of <n> passed to delete row routine for the row at offset <x> ..' or message 3478 'During undo the page timestamp value is less than new timestamp from log' together with an stack trace which includes the modules 'tmp_alldrop' and 'xact_rollback' may be reported when an error happens during recompile of a stored procedure while a transaction that modified temporary tables is open.
374917 Remote RPC fails with error 7221, remote server signal 11 in nl_gettrustedhandle() when unfied logins is set up on the ASE servers involved.
374951 The ASE server process disappears after generating the message "fatal flex scanner internal

error--end of buffer missed" on the ASE console, while executing a query using the Abstract Plan


374953 The message "infected with 11 in oh_init()" together with a stacktrace containing

the modules 'oh_init', 'yyparse' and 'sqlpars' is written to the errorlog when executing

an INSERT or UPDATE statement and supplying large amounts of text for a column of type text.

374984 An unexpected 208 error, "<object> not found. Specify owner.objectname

or use sp_help to check whether the object exists (sp_help may produce

lots of output)" maybe be raised when executing a stored procedure that

creates inside that object and it has been executed and recompiled

concurrently by several sessions.

Under the same circumstances sometimes a 3703 error is reported following by

one or several 216 errors and resulting in the termination of the session

executing that stored procedure.

375071 Job Scheduler User's Guide Doc issues, customer has listed 3 issues.

1- Startime typo should be starttime

2- missing quote in sp_sjobcreate

3- Create a job the from step 1 to step 2 the jobname does not follow

375231 sybsystemdb transaction log may fill when selecting data from the MDA tables into a permanent table if "enable xact coordination" is set to 1 or "trunc log on chkpt" is not turned on for sybsystemdb.
375289 Auto update statistics feature added to ASEP
375331 ASE 12.5.3 Coverletter should remove reference to EBF 12305 or reference an available EBF
375559 On MacOS X, if JAVA_HOME environment is not set, sqldbgr reports "Unknown platform!" error.
375564 DB-Lib clients may crash or get errors: "Unknown fixed-length datatype encountered." or "Bad token from SQL Server: Datastream processing out of sync." when executing Extended Procedures such as xp_cmdshell.
375566 Customer has pointed out these issues with our 12.5.1 Component Integration Services User's Guide.

In Chapter 2 Understanding Component Integration Services under "Proxy databases".

This statement below, is misleading, the last "." in the string identifier >>servername.dbname.owner.<< maybe confused as the end of sentence not rquired for proper syntax. it maybe better to quote the string

Example: >>"servername.dbname.owner.".<<

375567 Customer reported a typo in Reference Manual: Commands, Chapter 1 Commands, under "Examples" section, as you can see in the statement below there are to "ands"


Creates a proxy database named proxydb and,and brings over all remote tables from a remote database regardless of who created them:

375569 If ASE or higher (including ASE v12.x) was used as the server for the consolidated database, it was possible that the log scan phase of the Message Agent for ASE (ssremote) could have used a log_received value from the wrong user. The most likely symptom of this problem would be the error message "This message does not belong to me". This has now been fixed.
375576 When the configuration file is backed up after any configuration options is changed,

the name of the previous file is truncated to the first 3 characters of the actual file name.

375578 Reduce the number of calls to mutex lock and unlock in kaengdowork.
375635 SybProtect Utility to improve ASE security on Windows platform.
375706 A user account set to use LDAP authentication exclusively using 'sp_modifylogin loginname, "authenticate with", LDAP' fails over to ASE syslogins authentication when "enable ldap user auth" = 1 and either the password is wrong, or the LDAP server is unavailable.
375751 Database Check Consistency wizard will not has preview and scheduler buttons
375755 hpia64 : If "maxfiles" (soft maximum number of file descriptors per process) kernel paramter is greater than 32767, ASE could go down due to infected with 11 with a stack trace including kadefer().
375794 Please adapt new sort order to enable "case-insensitive " for SJIS/EUCJIS charset.
375795 When dropping a role, any external login mappings it might have, are left orphan in sysattributes.
375799 HA VCS: Possible corner case error in detection of host details belonging to a service group
375812 Feature Request: GRANT SELECT ON ALL TO whoever
375871 HA IBM HACMP: When configuring ASE for High Availability with IBM HACMP, username and password of the user with sa_role and ha_role is stored in script in clear text format.
375883 The error msg 11294 "The remote server <server name> class <class id> is not supported by UPDATE STATISTICS in import mode..." should be displayed with Level 10 instead of 16 severity.
375914 When UPDATE STATISTICS is run on a proxy table that maps to a non-ASE remote

server, the warning messages 11294 "The remote server ('server_name') class

<id> is not supported by UPDATE STATISTICS in import mode." and "UPDATE

STATISTICS will not run in import mode." will be displayed. This causes

sp_text_notify on EFTS text index table to produce an error "RMTQUERY,

Execution of query 'update statistics <dbname>.<owner>.<text_index>' failed."

in the EFTS log.

375984 Query assigning local variable may return incorrect result if the same local variable

is used in the constant expression being a part of OR clause. An example of such

statement would be :

select @var = value from tab where (@var is NULL and col = value ) OR (expression)

376063 UNION query will not be executed in a parallel mode if at least one side of the UNION statement

is accessing system table.

376069 DDLGen puts in "null" for "not null" columns in table DDL when "allow nulls by default" is true for a database.
376125 Previously when user opened Data panel for a table or view and sort the data, columns with duplicate values would not sort correctly, with Nulls replacing the duplicate values. This has been corrected.
376291 When incorrect keywords (MESSAGE PROPERTY, OPTION, etc) are passed to messaging builtins

(msgsend(), msgrecv(), etc) The following error is reported

Incorrect syntax near 'Invalid pointer param number 2, pointer value 0x10'.

376303 sp_monitorconfig 'permission cache entries' reports an active value greater than the configured value on the system. This misreporting occurs even on single engine cases without runtime re-configuration of permission cache entries.
376344 ASE panic stacktrace in ksfreesocket after sp_listener operation
376404 Application context SYS_SESSION fails to return results for attributes clientname, clientappname and clienthostname.
376412 Some SYS_SESSION application contexts, namely client_name, client_hostname and client_applname, can result in either wrong results.
376419 ASE gives timeslice errors when heavy I/O operations are

executed on RedHat Linux variant RHEL 3.0 version

376482 The stored procedure sp_tables does not show any user table but those owned by DBO if the executor has SA role but it is not the SA user.
376490 ASE running on the Windows Server 2003 platform does not produce correct stacktrace

if ASE executable sqlsrvr.exe is not found in the current working directory.

376647 SELECT ... COUNT(<cnt_col>) INTO <new_tab> from ... GROUP BY ... results in a column with the same type as cnt_col instead of int.
376755 RTMS feature is supported on hppa64 platform as of ASE 12.5.3, however

installmsgsvss script is not included in ASE 12.5.3 release.

Also, instructions for post installation tasks on hppa64 platform

for RTMS is missing in ASE 12.5.3 Coverletter.

376767 CIS : An error is reported when UPDATE and DELETE statements with TOP syntax are sent to remote servers that do not support the TOP syntax.
376777 Add MIT Kerberos support on IBMAIX64 platform.
376841 Some queries involving data-only locked tables that are executed at

transaction isolation level 3 (holdlock) may return an incorrect result set.

376858 A 3939 error, "Illegal attempt to rollback transaction ... that has already committed

in database '<temporary_database_name>'", may be reported if a session is interrupted

with ^C during the dropping of a temporary table and the 3706 trace flag is turned on.

The interrupted session is terminated abnormally and may not have its resources cleaned up.

376861 After user entered the password to configure an existing ASE with Syconfig, Syconfig displayed error message "Server '%1' is a pre-4.8 Sybase Server. It must be upgraded to at least version 4.8 before being used with auditinit.".
376974 Enable XML Services feature on HP-IPF machines
377075 A 9289 error, "RepAgent(5). Log record (1370, 17) contains inconsistent data. Transaction log may be

corrupt" may be reported in a server with a multi byte character set when data inserted in a varchar

column is longer than the definition of the column. This can happen for an insert using binary values

for the character column.

377105 If the trace flag 9217 is active, the Replication Agent will not stop

operating after having reported the error 9289 due to an inconsistent

log record found. Instead it will attempt to continue the replication

after having reported the error 9290 in the error log.

377211 LDAP User Authentication feature is ported to AIX 64bit platform.
377282 No error is shown when a text, image or unitext column of a proxy table appears in an order by clause.
377300 Customer has a problem with syblicenseslog table being in master, Even though the table will only grow roughly .02 MEG a year. Customer does not like to see the table growing under the Master database. Since the table is only a user table the customer would like the table moved to the sybsystemproc database or another database.
377307 Update ASE Plug-in to Sybase Central 4.3 and to co-exist with other Sybase Central Plug-ins under Sybase Central 4.3.
377338 Add date/time of Max_Used in sp_monitorconfig output
377369 Message 209, Level 16, State 3: Ambiguous column name <column name> is raised when executing a

stored procedure with the recompile option. The stored procedure contains a derived table expression

which is referencing a temporary table column. The message is raised when the procedure is executed

having a different @@tempdbid from the one the procedure was created under.

377386 MIT Kerberos support is added for PA-RISC HPUX64.
377426 FR to have a configure options to use the page ASE reads the second time when ASE find a page read from disk do not have correct page id , object id. (we raise Errpr 694)
377437 ASE running on multiprocessor Windows systems may occasionally fail to acknowledge cancel requests from client application causing the client application to hang in ct_cancel or ct_results.
377473 There are 3 issues with the conments list below:

1. The comment at the beginning of sp_helptext is wrong. It states that 18406 is a problem with "allow select on syscomments.text". However, 18406 is raise when sp_hidetext was run for the object NOT when "allow select on syscomments.text" is set to 0. Note that the quoted text is also incorrect; there is no "allow" in the configuration argument.

2. There is a next comment:


** If the configuration parameter 'allow select on syscomments.text' is set


** 0, then the user can use sp_helptext ONLY in the following cases


** 1. if the user has sa_role

** 2. if the object is a system stored procedure

** 3. if the object is owned by the user



It should include dbo as well because dbo or dbo alias could also run sp_helptext.

3. The text for error 18180 says: "Configuration Parameter 'allow select on syscomments.text' is set to 0. Only the object owner or user with sa_role can run sp_helptext on this object." Again there should be no "allow" in the parameter name and the message should includde dbo as well.

377488 The message infected with 11 in startscan() is raised together with a stacktrace written to the

errorlog containing the modules 'curs_open', 'execute' and 'exec_eop', when a cursor statement

contains a SELECT with a UNION- and a JOIN-clause using the REFORMATTING strategy, when

the OPEN of the cursor is executed. The set option FMTONLY must be set on to see this issue.

377503 After an upgrade to ASE 12.5.1 or above, a 7417 error may be raised by the

DBCC CHECKCATALOG command run for the SYBSYSTEMPROCS database.

377508 In the Transact-SQL User's Guide in

Chapter 19 Transactions: Maintaining Data Consistency and Recovery, under

Transaction modes and stored procedures, sp_proxmode should be spelled sp_procxmode.

377526 The sp_ldapadmin check_login 'login_name' fails.
377571 Not customer visible
377617 On the Solaris platform, ASE tasks may hang indefinitely while waiting for disk I/O to complete.

This will occur sometime after a different task encounters a fatal error,

such as a timeslice error, while performing disk I/O. The stacktrace for the timeslice error

will include functions such as aioread() or aiowrite(), kaio__daiostart(), and basis_daiostart.

377625 Message 141, 'A SELECT statement that assigns a value to a variable must not be combined with

data-retrieval operations.' is raised when the result of derived table expression is assigned to

a local variable. With fix the behavior is changed and it's now allowed to do so.

377674 A 624 error may be reported in case a database is dumped to an existing file and ASE crashes during dump operation.
377713 As per QTS 258273 the Default number for the I/O Batch Size has been changed to 100 from 10
377737 The error 11206, "Unable to connect to server '%s'" followed by error 4002, "Login failed',

will be raised if a procedure fired when a threshold is crossed tries to access an MDA table.

377803 In rare circumstances, a 9539 error, "Insufficient amount of memory per worker process to execute

this parallel query. Increase the value of the configuration parameter 'memory per worker process'."

may be reported in a server with a low number of worker processes and a high number of user


377912 DDLGen generates NULL in Grant Statements for 'Update Statistics' and 'Truncate Table'
377920 Role and Login can be copy and paste (or drag and drop) to a ServerGroup, Server or similar type of object folder in different servers.
377973 In rare circumstances a 3474 error, "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log....", may be reported in the error log during recovery of a transaction which ,at runtime, was truncating a table around the time that a checkpoint was taking place.
378029 The status bit 0x0001 in syslogins was set when users had short or null passwords,

but the bit is no longer used. The internal upgrade process will reset it..

378068 GROUP BY <DATE NULL> produces output with multiple NULL groups
378099 The sp_helprotect stored procedure does not display DELETE STATISTICS when this command is


378102 Feature request to allow sqlupgraderes to perform all the necessary preupgrade checks WITHOUT actually UPGRADING. Currently this call can be done with the GUI sqlupgrade.
378126 A query using a compute clause on an empty table will cause a stack trace.

For example, "select col1 from tabA compute max(col1)" will fail if there

are no rows in tabA.

378145 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 's_compile_stmt'

together with a stack trace which includes the modules 's_compile' and

'sequencer', may be reported in the error log when the user has a soft

binding with an user temporary database and both this user and the system

temporary databases are not available.

378184 When server's charset is SJIS, client charset is EUCJIS and builtin conversion

(enable unicode conversion is set to 0 or 1) is used, 4847 error is raised with

BCP IN command.

378295 When the web service consumer starts, refresh the consumer metadata so that external websebservice are accessible.
378301 Message "Invalid column length", does not identify the database and object in the message.
378391 "Error: 702, Severity: 20, State: 1 Memory request for XXXXX bytes exceeds the size of a single page of 16384 bytes." together with "The SQL Server is terminating this process" may be found in the error log when concatenating strings together.
378442 BCP IN operation may report 2404 error when unilib conversion is enabled.
378481 When UPDATE STATISTICS is run on a proxy table that has more than 1 index and

the remote statistics is not available, error message 11290 揇istribution

statistics for column '<column name>' in index '<index name>' is unavailable or

incomplete in the remote server.� shows incorrect <index name> against the

<column name>.

378518 CIS: When a table is marked for replication with sp_setreptable, updating the table with

proxy text data results in Msg 605 error.

378535 Not to display SQL Preview and Scheduler Button for Java Wizard
378541 References to "SQL Advantage" and "JISQL" have been removed in ASE Plug-in. These two query tools are replaced by Interactive SQL, which has tighter integration with ASE Plug-in.
378604 INSTRUMENTATION : The message infected with 11 in sqt__release_chunks together with a stacktrace

containing the modules 'sequencer','lwp_create' and 'sqt_deallocate' is written to the errorlog

using dynamic SQL against the server.

378615 System application contexts can be overwritten if issued in the same statement.
378698 Changing execution class from EC0 to EC1 does not correctly reset process priority until the next login, it should happen immediately.
378746 Feature request to enhance the error 4207 to include why and what the minimally

logged operation was that prevented a dump tran.

378748 Error 7742,"You must change your password using the sp_password system stored procedure

before you can continue." can be raised at the secondary site in a HA environment if the password has expired in the primary, and sp_password is run to change it.

378764 A new ASE dataserver option �-k� and an environment variable SYBASE_PRINCIPAL are provided to specify an ASE principal name that is different from ASE抯 server name. This feature is applicable to an ASE configured for Kerberos authentication.
378766 Certification for Kerberos cross realm authentication
378774 User can't choose the location of sybsystemdb device in syconfig.exe. It always use the device at %SYBASE%\data\sybsysdb.dat.
378782 Preserve the functionality of traceflag 7703 indefinitely in all future versions
378792 Documentation refers to incorrect location of libtcl.cfg.

The correct location for this file is $SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/config

378870 A 109 error, "There are more columns in the INSERT statement than values specified in the VALUES clause" will be reported by optdiag when using the -i (input) option to load a statistics file that contains a column list with more than one column.
378915 Add IPv6 support for ASE on Windows 2003 and HP-UX 11i.
379119 The sp_sysmon application monitor report does not report data for processes or applications.
379128 sp_sysmon output for appl_and_login breakdown is not correct.
379200 The error (warning) message 11290 "Distribution statistics for column '<column

name>' in index '<index name>' is unavailable or incomplete in the remote

server. UPDATE STATISTICS will not run in import mode." is displayed if UPDATE

STATISTICS on proxy table detects no entries in the remote systems statistics

catalogs. This warning message will no longer be displayed.

379391 Customer would like ASE to work under HP Work Load Manager. More information can be found in the attached documents and at the following web sites:

379449 Deadlocks involving system tables may sometimes happen when a REORG REBUILD command is being run

concurrently with a CREATE TABLE command or other DDLs.

379513 The previous limit of eight databases for any QUIESCE DATABASE, MOUNT DATABASE or UNMOUNT DATABASE command has now been removed.
379525 When the expression joining a quantified predicate subquery is nullable, the

optimizer uses a "Positioning at index start" instead of "Positioning by key"

in a subquery.

379527 "sp_procxmode" on a stored procedure prefixed with a database name

different from the current database and no mode specification results in its mode

getting set to "Chained"; if the procedure exists.

379621 It was possible for the SQL Remote for ASE Message Agent to become deadlocked while doing conflict resolution, but the ASE Consolidated database would not detect the deadlock. The deadlock is now properly detected by the consolidated database and the offending thread is rolled back and retried by the Message Agent. This fix introduced a change to the SQL Remote system tables in the consolidated database. When the SQL Remote for ASE binaries are upgraded, the script ssupdate.sql must be run against the consolidated database as well, to ensure that the schema of the SQL Remote system tables matches what the binaries are expecting.
379670 On Unix systems the SQL Remote Message Agent may have prompted for link settings, (ie host, username, password), when using the FTP or SMTP message links. If an end-of-file character was read, a garbage link parameter may have been set.
379715 Built-in audit_event_name() returns a non-NULL string for supported audit events only and returns

NULL for unsupported events.

379721 enhancemdnt change request:

create config option--revert to pre 12.5 method of assigning spid numbers to

new connections

prior to version 12.5 ASE assigned spid numbers to new conncetions using a ..."lowest free spid #" method. Now with ASE 12.5 the method has changed to..."least recently used spid" method. The config option would give the customer the option to switch back to the pre 12.5 method of ..."lowest free spid #" method.

379771 Feature Request to raise warning error message when setting the number of memory dumps greater than one, and the dump file name is not default. This can result in overwritting the dump file.
379813 Using 'SET STATISTICS TIME ON' to measure elapsed cpu time can result in negative time values.
379852 Temporary disable Monitor GUI in ASEP Galaxy Beta2 due to JRE1.1.8 remove from drop


No more Monitor Server selection in Server Properties or display of Monitor


379866 On servers running multiple engines the data returned by queries on the monDeviceIO Monitoring Table may be incomplete.
379887 When a threshold procedure fails to execute due to permission problems, it is unclear from the "Login failure" error that the threshold procedure ownership is the cause of the failure.
379911 For socket migration engine 0 is always a possible target. When using specific execution binding, the socket migration does not restricts the search to the set of engines associated to the execution class.
379991 The word "foreign" is misspelled as "forign" in error messages 1718 and 1724.
380035 After a connection migration failure, new incoming connections to ASE hang. If there are several new incoming connections, the earlier hung connections get released but the later ones now hang.
380036 Socket migration is vulnerable to interruption by signals
380059 Feature request for a way to determine when a locked login became locked
380069 If RS is rebooted without doing sp_start_rep_agent, ASE RA may not reconnect upon RS startup.
380074 Default job timeout value is now 60 instead of 1800.
380102 sp_reportstats doesn't report chargeback accounting statistics for users with sa_role
380122 A query assigning and using the same variable in the qualification may fail with errors

or produce incorrect result.

380171 CIS: When a setuser command has been issued on the session, create proxy_table

command will fail with Msg 911 and 11206.

380184 The JS-XX_X directory has been moved under the ASE-XX_X directory and renamed jobscheduler.
380209 The SQL Remote for ASE Message Agent will now check to ensure that its version is not greater than the version of the SQL Remote system tables that exist in the target database. Previously, only the version of the stableq system tables were checked by the Message Agent.
380433 Applications using Dynamic SQL may encounter an "infected with 11 in sqt__release_chunks" message;

modules 'sequencer','lwp_create' and 'sqt_deallocate' are found in the stack trace for the terminated connection in the errorlog.

380474 A database that once had replicated tables or stored procedures incorrectly

continues to appear as such. This can have different effects, for example, that

DBCC CHECKTABLE continues to unnecessarily check for replication information.

380498 This release of ASE 12.5.3 ESD#3 has added a new platform support for the 64bit Linux for the AMD64 or Intel EM64T compatible processor.
380800 The message Msg. 702, "Memory request for <n> bytes exceeds the size of a single page of 16384 bytes",

is raised together with a stacktrace in the errorlog including the modules 'memalloc', 'q_oreop_fill'

and 'substitute' when a user executes a query with a very large IN-list in the WHERE-clause.

380801 The error 11068, "Transaction was found in the incorrect state of 'Command-attached'." will be raised

if a parallel select into fails due to lack of memory.

380806 Internal Only: Description below was included in EBF 12498, not needed in 12.5.3 ESD#2.

INSTRUMENTATION: ASE running on multiprocessor NT platforms with heavy use of ct_cancel

by client application may miss acknowledging one or more cancel operations leading to a

hang at the client end. Print diagnostics under traceflag 9999 to confirm the problem

was encountered and corrective action take by ASE.

NOTE: Fix for this problem is in ASE 12.5.3 ESD#2 under CR 377437

380822 SybMigrate not preserving identity values during migration. When migrating tables with identity columns the identity values were recomputed when created on the target server.
380862 Document that use of CIS features will cause a connection to affinity to a particular engine for the lifetime of the connection
380995 CIS: Segmentation fault occurred in routine omni_prune_subtree_cnvtnode() for select-into

queries against DB2 backends.

381009 Invoking sp_sjobcontrol with the run_now option does not result in the job being immediately run.

Instead, the job is run when another stored procedure request is handled or the next scheduled job comes due.

381120 Query performing outer join and OR strategy may return incorrect results.

This may happen if the Dynamic Index strategy is choosen by the optimizer

to execute the query.

381168 Hide Password information when display Monitor Viewer
381170 A 551 error, "An unknown EVAL was sent to the execution module" or signal 11 in modules like 'qualpage' or 'do__groups' may be reported in the

error log for a query with two GROUP BY clauses; in the main query and in a subquery, when it is executed in parallel.

381230 CIS: Connections to remote servers are not disconnected and remain engine affinitied until the

client session terminates. The connections can now be dropped and detached from an engine after

executing a statement to the remote server by enabling Traceflag 11231. Exceptions are when the

statement is participating in cursor, transaction or stored procedure operations; or when ASE

is in either HA failover or failback states.

381231 The message "Type Code: 100019; Soft fault that has been upgraded to

a hard fault OAM entry is present but there is no allocation." may be

mistakenly reported by DBCC CHECKSTORAGE when it is run on a freshly

loaded database dump and the given database dump was taken on a busy

ASE environment initially.

381301 On AIX, sp_helpdevice reports a "device_number" one greater than the actual value for device numbers greater than 127
381308 DBCC CHECKSTORAGE run for a database with no text/image data may fail

raising the error message "You cannot use the text workspace

'<TEXT_WORKSPACE_NAME>' for database '<DBNAME>'; required minimum size

is <X> KB. The workspace is only <Y> KB"

381340 In some cases, a cross-database INSERT of java datatype value fails with a
381343 System stored procedure sp_who may incorrectly report login name for a session

executing stored procedure if the stored procedure is being recompiled and the

procedure executor does not own the procedure being executed.

381404 The sample in Release Bulletin ASE 12.5.2 is different than set proc_output_params actually works.
381456 sybmgmtdb log fills when installing Job Scheduler.
381503 Feature request to provide automatic locking of login accounts that haven't been used for a configurable period.
381526 ASE may not be able to boot against a configuration file on HP and RS6000 platforms

due to number of file descriptor issues, even if the configuration file contains low values

for the number of user connections and the number of devices. ASE boot failure

reports in errorlog "Verification failed for parameter 'number of user connections'".

381612 Improve the performance of DROP INDEX and CREATE INDEX by releasing

the system catalog locks when not in DDL-IN-TRAN mode after the commit

of the transaction but before post commit work started. This enhancement

is triggered by -T3710 either at boot time or via DBCC TRACEON(3710).

381629 Correct this error: Device number greater than MAX Java Integer value will display as zero.
381706 Feature request to enhance password encryption algorithm key to 128 bits or better
381815 Remove the limit of 1024 elements in the IN() clause.
381820 The message "current process (0x1c001c) infected with 11" together with a stacktrace involving module "compare_value" may be seen when a range query involves NULL date, time or bit values.
381821 The command ONLINE DATABASE reported a syntax error if the database name was passed enclosed in singled quotes.
381823 DUMP DATABASE now has a WITH VERIFY [= HEADER | FULL ] option.

This performs basic page header sanity checks (HEADER) and both

page header checks and intra-page row checks (FULL) on every page

that is dumped by the Backup Server.

381856 Feature request to allow use of varaibles for object names in place of literal values in TSQL code, as in "select * from @mytablename"
381870 An 834, 821, 8201 and other errors may be reported when ONLINE DATABASE is performed on a fully onlined database.
381924 Inccorrect values for sysindexes maxirow column are not corrected when executing dbcc checkcatalog(db,fix)
381985 ASE ships the sample program, sybmapname.c, in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/sample/server but there is no accompanying README file to explain the purpose of the program, care to be taken with implementing it, hints of coding useage etc. This CR is to request engineering/build to provide a suitable README in the same directory (or other documentation) as the program itself.
382028 Feature request for a syntax shortcut to create sharable temporary tables in the currently bound tempdb analogous to the use of "#" to create private temporary tables.
382129 605 or 69x errors may be reported when loading a dump of a pre 11-9 database of size less than or equal to (n * 63) GB into a database of size greater than (n * 63) GB (for n = 1, 2, 3...).
382140 The message "current process infected with 11" may be reported

in the module 'ind__get_sysindrow' when DBCC LISTOAM is run with an

object ID value that is not a table. The stack trace in the error log

will also report the modules 'ind_getval' and 'pg_list_oam'.

382145 Outgoing ct-lib connections (via CIS or Replication Agent) may hang when the primary DNS is down. Also, if the outgoing connection is being done from engine zero, ASE server could stop accepting new connections.
382169 Historical Server README File incorectly states the ASE server name is a column in the output tables
382241 A SELECT statement might run very slowly when a BIT column is involved in the WHERE clause. This could now be resolved by turning on traceflag 15303.
382258 During session termination, if session has done a messaging operation (msgsend(),

msgrecv(), msgpublish(), or msgconsume()), a stacktrace (signal 11) may occur. The

stacktrace in the errorlog will contain um_destroy_conn().

382284 New feature: support added in migration tool to allow encrypted column migration.
382293 The message, "current process infected with 11" in the module 'sendichars()' together with a

stacktrace containing the modules 'lwp_create', 'tdssend_dynparams' and 's_crtproc' is

printed in the errorlog when sending a batch of dynamic SQL commands which in total have more than

255 dynamic parameters.

382323 PARSER: Error 7348 is not consistently raised when duplicate column headings are used.
382355 Improve housekeeper garbage collection rate for index pages under aggressive GC option.
382386 Replication Agent may do not sent the after image of an update if the column is defined as unsigned smallint.
382474 1) Referrals are chased automatically when LDAP user authentication

mechanism is used by ASE which results in failure.

2) The sp_ldapadmin check_login 'login_name' fails.

382522 When UPDATE STATISTICS is run on proxy table that maps to a remote view, the

command fails with some diagnostic errors in the ASE error log file.

382542 Spinlock contention on the memory pool that manages the 'heap memory per user' configuration

parameter may be observed on a heavily-used multi-engine Adaptive Server.

382548 The concurrent execution of a batch or a stored procedure that contains

the commands CREATE INDEX on a partitioned table, DROP of a partitioned table,

and SELECT-INTO that is run in parallel, may cause an undetected deadlock

scenario between the concurrent tasks, requiring an ASE restart to unblock

the situation.

382555 A 12314 error: "Bad child page pointer found on page <pageno> of index with id <indid> of table <tabname> in database <dbname>. Expected child page pointer to be <pageno1> but found <pageno2>. Check if the index is consistant using DBCC." may be encountered while running a lot of concurrent INSERTs, DELETEs and UPDATEs on a DATA_ONLY locked table.
382645 An error "Incorrect syntax near ')'." is reported with sp_helpdb if wildcards are used and a single match is returned.
382686 Feature request to let the backup server check the logical page number consistency as the pages ar copied to the dump archive. The feature is enabled if the backup server is started with trace flag -D64.
382697 ASE fails to describe the name of input parameters for dynamic prepare

statement: ct_dynamic(CS_DESCRIBE_INPUT)

382699 ASE does not support TDS_PROTO_DYNAMIC capability per TDS Specification
382806 sp_addtype does not support the new feature allowing IDENTITY with INTEGER datatypes.
382808 The message "timeslice -501, current process infected" is raised together with a stacktrace

printed in the errorlog containing the modules 's_crtproc', 'lwp_create' and 'make_negative_obj_id'

when sending large amounts of dynamic SQL statements to the server without deallocating these

dynamic SQL statements.

382824 Feature request for an easier method to retrieve data from a corrupt table
382837 Sybase Central ASE Plug-in and Interactive SQL (DBISQL) display binary datatype values differently depending on the size. Trailing 0's are displayed for size less than 256.
382855 When the errors 1131 and 1142 are raised by the OAM builtins such as data_pgs()

or used_pgs(), they are unexpectedly also written in the ASE's error log.

382856 The spinlock monitor area should dynamically increase to accomodate spinlock pool growth.
382892 A new column RowsAffected has been added to monSysStatement and monProcessStatement indicating the number of rows affected by the completed statement and by the currently running statement, respectively. For monSysStatement, this columns corresponds to the value of @@rowcount after the statement's execution.
382905 Remove Preview from Proxy Table wizard
382961 In Warm Standby Replication environments replicating DDL, a drop command may be incorrectly replicated if the object is using a large identifier.
383017 JISQL and SQL Advantage are removed from Utilities folder. These tools are replaced by Interactive SQL.
383040 CIS: Occasionally, on a heavily-loaded multi-engine system, the message "current process infected with 11" or "current process infected with 10" together with some stacktraces including different modules may be reported in the error log, and sometimes some ASE engines hang as well when running some CIS queries with 'set showplan on' option enabled.
383052 Add more explanations and instructions about default and rule expression, as

wizard should be self explanatory.

383053 Contention on the procedure cache and the heap block pool governed

by the "heap memory per used" configuration parameter is reduced by

the addition of a spinlock specifically to synchronize access to

the heap block pool.

383054 Spinlock contention can be caused by housekeeper license information chore on server with a high number of user connections configured.
383064 CIS: ct_command call may stack trace with Signal 11 at ct__api_new_sendcmd or Memory allocation failure message.
383069 In some cases, the message "current process infected with 11" in the module

'constree' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'com_resdoms'

and 'com_query' may be reported in the error log when referencing a

column more than once and that column is defined as a subquery within a view.

383083 A transaction will be incorrectly rolled back when rolling

back to a save point that follows a save point to which a

rollback has already been performed.

383410 New feature request to export the set options textsize, stringsize and rowcount to the caller process of a login trigger. Currently this is enabled under trace flag 4073 only.
383435 Not visible to user.
383617 On the Solaris platform, ASE may encounter undetected deadlocks, hung "waitfor" commands or database and transaction dumps, and similar problems when the operating system time is changed to an older date / time. This problem will resolve itself once the OS time moves ahead of where it

was when it was set backwards.

383660 A Schedule's Between time option is not being saved when selected.
383690 Request to add description about error 880 message like below.

"Your query is blocked because it tried to write and database 'testdb' is in

quiesce state. Your query will proceed after the DBA performs QUIESCE DATABASE


383691 Feature request to turn off error 880 message "Your query is blocked

because it tried to write and database '<dbname>' is in quiesce state.

Your query will proceed after the DBA performs QUIESCE DATABASE

RELEASE." The behavior is activated using trace 833 in the runserver


383722 In rare circumstances, a 605 error "An attempt was made to fetch logical page <page> belongs to

object with id ..." may be reported by a table scan on a DOL table when a slow BCP IN command has

been previously run parallel on this table. Only expected for a 64 bits server with more than one

engine or a 32 bits server which is started with -T712.

383744 Space allocation is not optimal when inserting rows into an APL table

having a clustered index and if the conditions are such that this table

can hold 256 rows per page.

383946 SUBCASE NUMBER: 11122441-11

DATE: Fri Mar 18 12:47:23 EST 2005

TSE Login Name: marinak -- Marina Vilensky

CUSTOMER NAME: Federal Express


Cust requeted to provide a new feature:

Parallel Union All (high need)


Currently in ASE, a union-all query is processed serially with each result set

materialized in order. FEDEX would like the union-all to be able to execute in

parallel - effectively with the same result set processing that a parallel query

on a partitioned table in pre-15.x servers (in other words, results are set

immediately through a family synch vs. held until previous query is complete).

This would be controlled by %93max parallel degree%94/%94set parallel_degree%94 setting

as well as by the parallel query controls (another Feature Request addressed by

the subcase 11122438-11).


CR 362551 addresses a similar issue (Query with more than one union all is not

run in parallel). It is a defect CR and is fixed in ASE 15.0.

If the fix for the existing CR 362551 covers cust's request please associate

this subcase with CR 362551. Otherwise, please open a new feature request.


Operating System: Solaris, HP-UX

Customer's ASE Release Version: 12.5.1 ESD#2 for 64-bit release.

383950 Maintain high-water mark for monSysStatement.MemUsageKB to reflect the max. amount of procedure cache memory allocated by each individual statement.
383962 Message 18472 is raised by sp_dbcc_delete_history and is an informational message that should be printed rather than raised as an error.
383967 Feature request for a minimal-impact tool to fix misplaced extents in wrong segments without requiring entire table be reorganized.
384050 In rare circumstances, on a multi-engine ASE running with traceflag 1641, heavy

disk i/o load can result in ASE client hang. In some situations it could also

lead to server shutdown.

384112 For long job or schedule descriptions some of the description text may not be visible.
384140 Failed to build sample programs testmon and testhist on multiple platforms.
384203 -Y option of bcp 12.5.x does not support unilib conversion.
384212 The message current process infected with 11 in treecpynames() with a stacktrace is printed in the

errorlog containing the modules 'execproc', 's_compile', 'vu_viewcopy' when statement cache is

enabled and a statement containing a derived table expression is send to the server.

384216 UPDATE STATISTICS on proxy table may fail with error 10353 "You must have

the following role(s) to execute this command/procedure: 'sa_role'".

384233 Not customer visible
384234 In multi engine scenario running a "disk resize" on an engine other than the one on which device has been initilized fails with an error 5166.
384261 Under some conditions when an error occurs during SELECT INTO statement execution the Adaptive

Server may attempt to unslice just created table even if this table is not sliced.

While in majority of cases this action will not do any harm sometimes it may lead to errors

like 622 ("Opentable was passed a varno of 2. Object already has that session descriptor in use.",

216 ("Attempt to automatically drop temporary table failed. ") and 3702 ("Cannot drop the table

because it is currently in use. ")

384412 Error message 14513 requires two arguments (the database name, and name length), but ASE was providing none. The result was a poorly formatted error message, or, on some platforms, a stack trace and terminated connection.
384429 Feature request: BCP to work when using -E for a table without identity column.
384452 Previsouly ASE Plug-in does not allow editing in place for compiled objects (stored procedures, views, etc.). This has been changed in 15.0 ESD#2 to allow editing when "DDL in tran" database option is enabled.
384613 Segmentation violations in third pary Kerberos client libraries cause

ASE crashes and denied access with high numbers of concurrent Kerberos

authentication attempts from OpenClient applications.

When using MIT Kerberos client library version 1.3.1 or earlier

you can start ASE with traceflag 7844 that limits concurrent Kerberos authentications

to avoid segmentation violations. The traceflag is not needed with

CyberSafe or MIT verion 1.4 client libraries.

384621 On platforms that support Kerberos, a catastrophic failure, such as

when a segmentation violation or a call to the C library routine

"abort()" has occurred within the 3rd party Kerberos

client libraries, results in error message:

"Internal error - Security Control Layer (SCL) is unavailable

on this engine and cannot support any external security mechanisms".

The error path also disables Kerberos operations on that engine.

The fix intercepts execution in the error path to release resources

and allows Kerberos operations to continue on that engine.

384649 On the Windows platform the message "Could not get context for engine %d because engine is

running." may apppear in the errorlog during a configured shared memory dump.

384731 Command text auditing was erroneously capturing the SQL text of

stored procedures during upgrade.

384733 Generate a warning message when a query is performed on the monOpenObjectActivity MDA table when the monitored server does not have the 'lock wait timing' configuration option enabled.
384749 Changed IPv6 supportive code using Sun Solaris deprecated run-time functions into the IETF designed primitives which are generic for all platforms.
384752 A 694 error, "An attempt was made to read logical page ... The page was not read successfully. You may have a device problem or an operating system problem", may be erroneously reported in cases where prefetch of pages is done on a server that has many concurrent I/Os that are active.
384761 ASE Plug-in 15.0 Beta2 version displays incorrect values for size of Database Devices.
384779 In rare circumstances a 701 error, "There is not enough procedure cache to run this procedure,

trigger, or SQL batch. Retry later, ..." may be reported for queries that need to allocate

memory chunks larger than 2 Kb (for example queries with long strings), while there is still

memory available in each engine's local memory cache.

384921 Instrumentation: Alarms stop working in ASE resulting in hung transaction and database dumps.
385017 In rare circumstances, ASE running on HP-UX, the message current process infected with 11 may be reported when dbcc printolog() is executed.
385032 A database that encounters an 1105 error during the ASE boot sequence is not brought online as it should.
385033 Supply a document (ASE-12_5/ThirdPartyLegal/ASE-1253ThirdPartyLegal.pdf) containing licenses for third party products included as a part of ASE 12.5.3. The PDF contains links to the source code distributions for those third party components that require it as a part of their licenses.
385126 Under circumstances, when ASE is running java( configuration parameter: enable java = 1) with multiple engines online( number of engines > 1), server could hit SIGSEGV with a stacktrace including VMLiteral.
385166 The error 3702 "Cannot drop the table '#<temp_table>' because it is

currently in use." may be raised followed by error 216 "Attempt to

automatically drop temporary table failed." when sp_spaceused or OAM builtins

are used concurrently with sessions dropping their temporary objects.

385188 Enhance error message 10707 to include dbid, spid, uid info.
385204 SQL execution from server group. SQL applies to all selected servers in server group, user can view their output, status, error messages (if any) in one dialog.
385338 The Install Guides make no mention of how Space is needed in the Temp Dir
385401 100030 error is reported by dbcc checkstorage for text page after cross-platform database load.
385470 Inf and NaN can be 'updated' into a float column using JDBC client applications.
385559 A 703 error: "There is not enough procedure cache to run this procedure, trigger, or SQL batch" may sometimes be raised if too many sort buffers have been configured with respect to the available procedure cache. This CR adds a recommendation to retry with lesser sort buffers.
385607 Feature Request-Sybase able to use the OS "DIRECT I/O" feature.
385670 The primary difference between server config file and sp_configure output is - config file has info regarding individual caches however sp_configure does not. The request is to include cache info (default/named cache with poolsize) and cache binding info in sp_configure output. sp_configure just gives total and I think it makes sense to include details in sp_configure output. sp_configure output will be complete if we add sp_cacheconfig (all caches and their pool size) and sp_helpcache (cache binding).

TSE's ask for server level configuration from client, they always need to see data cache configuration as well. So they end up asking outputs of three commands sp_configure, sp_cacheconfig and sp_helpcache.

385700 Customer would like a documented/supported way to clean up the hs.ctl file

and remove "invalid" entries from this file without having to reboot

Historical Server, as in the case of inactive views, they can remove it

using hs_delete_data, but in the case of "invalid" views they cannot. They

want to clean up the hs.ctl file and keep it as small as possible with

little information from the past.

385720 Error 3935 may be hit and a stack trace may be encountered when a stored procedure is marked for replication and executed, and it contains more SQL "COMMIT" statements than the number of active user transactions.
385755 EFTS: When querying text index using score column produces 'VdkDocReadBatch' function failed with vdk error '-27 ' even when batch_blocksize is set to 64k.
385793 When an attemp to run a SELECT INTO query in parallel mode fails because there is an insufficient number of worker processes, an error 11015 is raised instead of executing the query in serial mode.
385795 SELECT @@rowcount may return incorrect value after executing EXECUTE IMMEDIATE

statement if the server configuration option "send doneinproc tokens" is set to 0.

385809 We can't set a literal message in Japanese within SQLException due to a conversion problem between UTF8 and ASE Charset.
385820 Currently simulated statistics can only be enabled at the session level (set statistics simulate on) which makes it very difficult to do 'what if' type analyses for a whole application (eg. double row counts for all tables) as it requires modifications to all SQL code. If we could enable simulated statistics at the database or server level then we could easily perform simulations without needing to make any changes to application code. This would help us anticipate changes in optimiser decisions (chiefly due to data growth) and eliminate unexpected degradations in performance that we experience from time to time.
385824 The ADA feature allows read access to offline databases stored on archives.
385826 New feature that allows DBCC CHECKSTORAGE to be run on archive databases.
385829 This command should be available for all tables to be used as a "catch all" table maintenance command. It should defragment APL tables in much the same way as dropping and re-creating a clustered index does.
385830 Data skew: When estimating the rows returned for a point query on a non-unique index and the value falls within a range cell (rather than a frequency cell) the optimiser uses the range cell density to estimate the number of rows returned (see Chapter 17 ASE 12.5 P&T Guide - 'How optimiser uses densities and histograms'). Because the range cell density 'represents the average number of duplicates of all values that are represented by range cells in the histogram' the optimiser may make unecessarily pessimistic estimates where there are variations (ie.skew) between range cells that aren't sufficient to generate frequency cells. It occurred to me that if a density figure was generated for each range cell and stored with the histogram stats then the optimiser would get the best possible view of the distribution of duplicate values and be much less easily fooled by data skew when optimising point queries (not such an issues for range queries) - would this be possible ?
385854 Feature request for a command to clear the max_used counters used in sp_monitorconfig without requiring a reboot of ASE.
385942 A new feature request to avoid error 7205 state 3 while a SITE HANDLER is destroying a SITEBUF.
386107 The message 'current process (...) infected with 11' together with module eval_cnst_expr, run or com__mk_rslcnst may be generated when an incompatible constant SARG is used in a where clause.
386172 HA VCS: Auxiliary server online operation is incorrectly reported and offline operation fails
386242 Empty stack trace for fatal signals error like, sigsegv, sigabort, sigbus etc in native thread context.
386327 Adaptive Server may provide incorrect results for ct_dynamic() call requesting

CS_DESCRIBE_OUTPUT if the dynamic SQL executes multi-statement batch and SELECT

statement returning the data is not the first one in the batch.

386421 Under rare circumstances, a time slice error may happen while running a cross platform <LOAD DATABASE> command for byte-swapped architectures and if the source database contains partitioned tables.
386423 Error 7351 is raised when a view is created in the same batch as a select of a variable value, although the variable is not part of the view definition.
386435 Feature request for an "output_table" option to sp_sysmon similar to what exists for sp_monitorconfig
386445 A column defined in DB2 as LONG VARCHAR was not being mapped correctly and any SELECT of the column would fail to return the correct data.
386447 srvbuild fails to build ASE if the master device size configuration is set to more than 2GB
386769 A new column ErrorStatus has been added to monSysStatement, indicating the error status upon completion of statement execution.
386869 Feature request for a stored procedure to calculate the tempdb space needed to run update index statistics on a table
386897 clarify when it is unnecessary to use sp_addobjectdef
386912 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'com__subquery' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'constree' and 'com__op' may be reported in the error log for a SELECT with a subquery under a CASE statement and an OR clause. A view using the same combination can also result in error 3626, "The transaction was aborted because it used too much stack space"
386928 Previously for ASE, Interactive SQL only limited the displayed rows on the client side without limiting the number of rows sent by the server through "set rowcount" command. This has been fixed.
386931 Previously DBISQL does not display query result similar to the that of command-line isql. This has been addressed by adding a "Text" output mode, in addition to existing "Grid" output mode. To turn on Text output, open Options dialog by selecting menu item "Tools"->"Options...". On Options dialog, select "Results" from the left-hand-side list and select "Text" radio button to enable text output.
386987 Need to document valid values and meaning of each filed of ase_monitor_action
387023 Queries containing many aggregates and at least one AVG() may return incorrect

results or fail with a stack trace on 64bit platform.

387036 sp_start_rep_agent with 'recovery' option run for an offline database will report the error 9280: Unable to start repagent on database <dbname> because that database has not been recovered and/or is not online.
387059 Temporary Databases and User Created temporary databases are not listed in Cache Bindings list.
387121 HA: On ASE HA Active/Passive configuration with Sun Cluster 3.x environment, if a child ASE monitor

process (ase_monitor) dies, a parent ASE monitor process restarts ASE.

387143 An exec immediate SQL command using a command string built from concatenated strings can fail with

syntax errors or generate incorrect results if one of the strings used to built the command

string has a NULL/empty value.

387239 Feature request for a dbcc command to correct a corrupt allocation page
387279 An 875 error, "Unable to grab a buffer to allocate a page to the log in database id <id>..."

may be reported on a heavily-used 32bit Linux system that is making use of large memory support

(the "extended cache size" configuration parameter is non-zero). Now, the wash size for the

<server page size> pool in all user-configured caches (not the extended cache),

is set to the configured wash size; prior to this change it was set to a fixed value.

387287 When sampling for update statistics is enabled and the index/column does not have existing statistics, then the resulting join density and total density are set to a default value of 0.1. Traceflag 2703 is now provided such that when the traceflag is turned on, the join and total density will be gathered from the sample instead of being set to the default value.
387313 LOAD DATABASE has a new option, WITH VERIFY[ONLY] [= HEADER | FULL ].

This performs basic page header sanity checks (HEADER) and both

page header checks and intra-page row checks (FULL) on every page

loaded. If VERIFYONLY is used, the pages are read and checked from

the dump archive but they are not copied onto the database devices.

387421 A stored procedure that has a statement whose execution requires a work table creation,

may encounter remapping problems when the statement is executed using the pass through mode

on a remote server and the local server has multiple temporary databases defined.

The problem will manifest with the message "current process ... infected with 11"

in module proc__reset_wktbl().

387440 The error 8419 "Could not find index descriptor for objid <value>,

indid <value> in dbid <value>." may be raised during the recovery

phase of a database with a stack trace reported in the error log

with modules 'recovery', 'pg_zap_dealbit_db' and 'pg__recalc_oams'.

387454 $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/SC-3_0/log directory does not exist. After installing ASE, you need to create it to store callback_log and monitor_log files.
387469 HA SC 3.x: If a parent ase_monitor is dead after a child ase_monitor is dead, ase_monitor processes do not wake up and nobody monitors dataserver process.
387506 Document use of sp_skiptran subname[, num_to_skip ]

as being a replacement of sp_resumesub ... withskip option

387523 On a 32 bit Linux platform, a 695 or 697 error may be reported in a server configured with

2K pages and Large Memory Support(the "extended cache size" is set to a non-zero value).

387532 The message "infected with 11 in mda_populate_monCachedProcedures()" together

with a stacktrace containing the modules 'mdarpc_exec' and 'exec__native_rpc'

may be written to the errorlog when ASE monitoring tables are enable and the

'number of open objects' parameter is not configured high enough.

387680 CIS: SELECT from proxy_table might return the number of rows according to the previous SET ROWCOUNT, even though the rowcount has been set back to 0.
387711 Recompilation of a stored procedure containing a statement with correlated subquery

in the HAVING clause may lead to different errors indicating query tree corruption.

387722 The ASE for the 64-bit linux platform for the AMD64 process in the ASE 12.5.2 release can be run without any license. The licensing is not enforced in that ASE software. With this new release for the 64-bit Linux platform for the AMD64 processor in the ASE 12.5.3 release, the licensing requirement is enforced in the ASE software. For the step to add licensing, refer to chapter 3, Sybase Software Asset Management (SySAM) in the Install Guide for Linux.
387753 If the debug version of ASE is booted with the trace flag 722, the server performs additional checks on the heap memory to detect possible memory corruption.
387756 The message infected with 11 in decision is printed in the errorlog, together with a stacktrace

containing the modules 's_compile_stmt', 'execproc' and 's_execute', when executing a stored procedure

which performs a select from a view having a UNION clause. This statement must be the second statement

in the stored procedure.

387857 ASE on Windows uses Certicom SSL Plus 3.1.15b libraries, and ASE on UNIX platforms uses Certicom SSLPlus 3.1.14 libraries.
387878 Query with index joins may execute very slowly.
387910 add new resource files to the install doc...




387954 Sub-optimal performances may be seen on queries with <LIKE>...<ESCAPE> expressions
387963 XPserver: should send wide column results to those clients that are capable of supporting them and use 255 character limits for older clients.
387979 Not customer visible
388018 In rare circumstances, the ONLINE DATABASE command fails with a 2610 error after a cross-platform database load. To avoid this error, run "dbcc traceon(3199)", reload the dump and online the database using "ONLINE DATABASE".
388024 Feature request to make the timeslice error message less cryptic.
388061 add the following chart to the...

12.5 System Administration Guide help with configuring 8 page I/O buffer pool for checkstorage

Chapter 25 Checking Database Consistency


Preparing to use dbcc checkstorage


Configuring Adaptive Server for dbcc checkstorage


Configuring an 8 page I/O buffer pool

The dbcc checkstorage buffer pool requirements for the

different page sizes in 12.5 are as follows:

(2k page server) * (8 extents) = 16k buffer pool

(4k page server) * (8 extents) = 32k buffer pool

(8k page server) * (8 extents) = 64k buffer pool

(16k page server) * (8 extents) = 128k buffer pool

388074 Under stress conditions, ASE running on HP-UX, the message 'current process infected with 11' together with a stack trace which include the module 'addCharArrays' may be reported in the error log when the client is using SSL.
388213 replace all dbcc engine references for starting stopping engines with sp_engine in System Administration Guide
388267 After failover is complete, sometimes a child ase_monitor process still remains on primary node.
388281 On Mac OS X platform, error, "Volume validation error: illegal volume change, device

<device name>: volume mounted out of order, expected volume 0001, got volume 16777216.",

is reported by Backup Server when running load database with a dump file that was generated

on little-endian platform.

388401 Sybmon dump with ASE 12.5.2 ESD#2 on Windows platform fails. ASE reports seek error

in errorlog similar to 'File positioning failed (4).Seek offset: 828964864'

388427 The message "current process infected with 11 in expand_ALL_nodes" is printed in the ASE errorlog

together with a stacktrace containing the modules 'd_upgradeobj', 's_normalize' and 'u_view_driver'

when executing the command DBCC UPGRADE_OBJECT() on a stored procedure containing a view having a

SELECT * on a table which is dropped and recreated before executing the actual DBCC command.

388430 sp_estspace output is incorrect for APL tables with short rows on wide page size. There is a limit of 256 rows per page that the code does not account for.
388475 On the Windows platform, issuing the xp command "xp_cmdshell 'type long.txt'" where long.txt is a text file with a very long line (>255 characters) of text and no final carriage return, will result in the text file being repeatedly typed in an infinite loop
388560 Move binaries under shared/lib folder to ASEP/lib folder. Remove About ASE Plugin Dialog as the same information is displayed in ASE Plugin properties.
388586 Various Enhancements of performance of TEMPDB especially to avoid writing buffers to disk as part of checkpoint, minimal logging of TEMPDB activity, separate ULC for tempdb. Please see what's new for the detailed of these enhancements.
388663 BackupServer: new feature request to speed load from tape by specifying "norewind" option when tape is known to be at the correct position.
388670 The command LOAD WITH VERIFY[ONLY] is not supported on cross platform load, however it was allowed causing all sort of invalid verification errors.
388766 PERMISSIONS Exec (@sql_text) inside store procedure not working
388889 CIS: Selecting from proxy MSSQL table involving builtin functions hextoint/inttohext could give an error "... not a recognized function name" from the backend server.
388984 Added new T-SQL builtin, PARTITION_OBJECT_ID() that displays the object ID given a partition ID and an optional database ID. Interface is PARTITION_OBJECT_ID(<partition ID> [, <database ID>]). Returns NULL for non-existent or invalid input arguments.
389073 A dbcc checktable can give error 7930 on tables with a clustered index after using migration tool to migrate to a windows server using 16k pages.

(7930 error:)

Table Corrupt: Keys in the left child page do not precede the parent key; check page %d, partition ID %d.

389076 The message "current process infected with 11" may be raised in module bufdlink()

when the sysindexes system catalog and the database where it resides are bound to

different named caches, and when the clustered index of sysindexes is not explicitly

bound to a named cache.

389129 Error 511 "Attempt to update or insert row failed because resultant row of size <value> bytes

is larger than the maximum size (<value> bytes) allowed for this table..." may be raised during

the execution of a stored procedure using the reformatting strategy and the creation of a

DOL (Datarows Only Locking) work table. Alternatively the error 9561 "An insert or update to table

'temp worktable' places column '(unknown column)' at offset <value>..." may be raised.

389154 If a very large transaction is rolled back then "KILL <spid> WITH STATUSONLY" may report

negative values.

389218 Illegal escape sequences in Unicode literals (U&'...') are not detected properly when

the server's default character set is configured as UTF-8.

389227 Feature Request: Currently. monOpenDatabases.BackupStartTime is updated for database and transaction dumps. Transaction dumps should be seperated into their own field.
389239 1) sp_encryption system stored procedure uses tempdb excessively.

2) Running sp_encryption when there are no keys in the database produces no output.

3) sp_encryption enhancements to display keyname, tablename, column name and key details.

389280 Under certain circumstances although a join-query executed against ORACLE tables mapped

locally in ASE as proxy tables is not pushed entirely to the ORA-side although

this is completely possible

389281 A version string has been added to the installmontables script and this version is registered with ASE when the script is installed using the sp_version stored procedure.
389287 Encryption key names are limited to 29 characters, whereas other identifiers in ASE (stored procedure names, table names, etc) can be upto 30 characters in length.
389302 Sqlupgrade may report "Error fetching results for query: ... CREATE TABLE spt_committab... " after

"Running installcommit script", likewise the installcommit script may report error 2714, "There is

already an object named 'spt_committab' in the database."

389336 Enhance the LOAD WITH HEADERONLY command to display disk fragment information
389364 ASE may prematurely enforce a resource limit for "tempdb_space" resulting

in error 11056 "Exceeded tempdb space limit of <value> pages." being raised.

This may happen due to some inaccurate accounting of tempdb space during

the execution of DROP TABLE, TRUNCATE TABLE and CREATE INDEX commands.

389399 F.R. a system table or dbcc to list database dump / load info / history.
389409 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'memcpy' togther with a stacktrace

which includes the module 'ct_get_data' may be reported when accessing parsed XML documents

using a local proxy table mapped to a remote proxy table that has an external directory defined

on it.

389428 monSysStatement does not distinguish between multiple executions of the same stored procedure in a

single batch

389523 In rare circumstances on a heavily-loaded multi-engine system, when java is enabled, 10707 errors may be reported in an errorlog while deserializing java objects due to serialVersionUID mismatch between stream and local class.
389537 UPDATE STATISTICS on proxy table that contains numeric or decimal datatytpes

may fail with Error Message 11291, Level 11, State 3: 揌istogram(step)

statistics for colidarray <hex colidarray> is unavailable or incomplete in the

remote server.� together with diagnostic error in ASE errorlog stating 換uery

in fetch_histogram() has error in fetched col = (varbinary column). Expect datum

length ...�.

389791 In rare circumstances, error 100024 (as reported by dbcc checkstorage) may remain unfixed by either dbcc checalloc or dbcc tablealloc with fix option.
389812 sp_modifylogin can remove the 'passwd expiration', 'min passwd length' and 'max failed_logins' value set for a single login and make that login have the same value as the system wide setting.
389885 Sybase Central ASE Plug-in generates a stack trace when trying to generate DDL for a Unique Constraint.
389952 ASE may experience a hang under heavy disk i/o conditions due to lost delayed I/O requests.
390136 An INSERT ... SELECT query that uses the TOP delimiter will unexpectedly insert zero rows in the target table.
390150 EFTS: txtsvr core dumps when processing two sp_text_notify procedure calls from two different user databases.
390179 Unregister of ASEP will remove its icon from Sybase Central frame.
390188 Feature request to allow SA to specify which errors will be logged by severity level
390212 User will see English Help if Help contents is missing from Localized help but included in English help.
390282 Adaptive Server software installed on both cluster nodes, with the at least one Sybase release directory(%SYBASE%) directory(preferably Primary) residing on a shared volume. Not as part of a cluster group."
390291 Unlike isql, the charset utility does not tolerate spaces between parameter flags and values
390371 select into encrypt is NOT failing with error 11776 when identity columns are encrypted.
390450 ASE has supported Apple's service discovery mechanism, previously called Rendezvous (and now called BonJour) since ASE version This service allowed client programs to discover the location of a server, and connect to it, without having to configure the server in an interfaces file. However, services could only be discovered on the same subnet as the client.

Since Mac OS X 10.3, the Rendezvous (BonJour) API has been updated to allow domain-wide service registration and service discovery. To enable domain-wide service registration within ASE, first set an environment variable in the RUN_servername command file at $SYBASE/ASE-12_5/install. The environment variable is BONJOUR_DOMAIN. For example:


This feature is also available for Backup Server and XP Server, and is triggered by the same environment variable.

390457 default value of 'heap memory per user' is 4K

It should be three times the size of logical page

390522 Auditinit support on Linix on EMT64/AMD64 platform.
390534 ASE Replicator: "sp_helprep version" now logs Java System properties in the system.log.
390627 The error 4821 "Identity value overflow error" may be unexpectedly raised

during the insertion of rows with the BCP utility, if the target table had

its schema changed earlier to gain an IDENTITY column and one or more

non nullable column(s). This error would manifest only if the given columns

were added through a single ALTER TABLE command.

390632 Message "getMsg: failure during argument substitution for message code %1" is printed to stderr when srvbuild[res] or sqlupgrade[res] failed to install installmaster.
390649 Add a monLicense Monitoring Table to present information about licenses in use by the Adaptive Server Enterprise.
390696 Wrong linenumbers could be reported while debugging a stored procedure using the sqldbgr program.
390760 Performance optimization and enhancements on Mac OS X 10.4.2
390802 The boot time message "Database <DBNAME> is now online." may be unexpectedly

printed twice in the ASE errorlog for "model", "sybsystemdb", and "tempdb"

system databases.

390896 Not customer visible
390897 Not customer visible
390898 Not customer visible
390899 Not customer visible
390932 HA VCS: During failover, dataserver process is not killed if shutdown is not successful.

This can result in failback operation failure with error

"Agent is unable to offline resource. Administrative intervention may be required."

390936 HA VCS: Offline operation may timeout and fail because, under high load conditions,

ASE waits indefinitely for the server to complete all transactions on shutdown with wait.

390942 Performance enhancement: reduce 'recovery interval in minutes' below a minute

Customer would like to be able to do checkpoint more often than 1 minute...they would like to checkpoint to run after so many SECONDS rather than MINUTES.

391080 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'pre_alttab' may

be reported in the error log when executing the 'ALTER TABLE' command for a

table having an 'auto identity' column and if the command needs a data copy.

This may happen if the session level 'quoted_identifier' option is on or if

the table name length is greater than 28 characters.

391093 When sybsystemdb is bound to a named cache, customer may hit a segmentation violation with message "current process (<value>) infected with 11" in module 'bufdlink' followed by a stack trace in the error log. This results in an implicit shutdown of ASE.
391119 DBXray for ASE client is now a java application instead of a web-based applet
391170 HA VCS: Clean operation generates "Illegal division by zero at line 1258" error.
391178 The input parameter @table_name in sp_columns is limited to 32 characters. Passing in a name

greater then 32 characters using [] to 'escape' special character _ for the LIKE clauses used

in sp_columns, will cause sp_columns to return no results for that tablename.

391187 When range predicates are used on columns involved in join predicates

then the join estimations may not be accurate. This may affect

join orders in complex queries. In the query below, before the

fix, the row cound estimate of the result was 1892, but after the

correction, the estimate of 187 rows is much closer to the

actual join result of 184 rows.

select count(*) from t1, t2 where a1=b1 and a1<1893




==================== Lava Operator Tree ====================


(VA = 5)

r:1 er:1

cpu: 0




(VA = 4)

r:1 er:1

cpu: 0



Inner Join

(VA = 3)

r:184 er:187

/ \

Sort IndexScan

(VA = 1) i1

r:185 er:187 (VA = 2)

l:6 el:6 r:184 er:187

p:0 ep:0 l:2 el:4

cpu: 0 bufct: 24 p:0 ep:4




(VA = 0)

r:185 er:187

l:36 el:36

p:0 ep:36


391255 The datepart function gives incorrect results for TIME NULL values.
391298 TIBCO JMS libraries are now dynmically loaded rather than statically linked into the ASE

executable. The user must include the correct DLL path(s) in LD_LIBRARY_PATH or equivalent.

391335 Found the wrong description about granting MLOCK permission in Installation Guide Adaptive Server Enterprise for HP-UX.
391364 LDAP allows users to get authenticated and there are check_login inconsistencies when set_access_acct is invalid and anonymous binds are turned off in the LDAP server.
391370 Instrumentation to track a missing write on data or index pages.
391486 Request from customer to extend CR#292330 to database level
391536 Under rare circumstances, a timeslice error in module 'des__do_unlink'

may be reported in the error log when a session tries to drop a dynamic

statement. The module 'lwp_drop' will also be reported in the stack trace.

391683 libtcl.cfg fails to load if there are embedded comments in the file.
391734 On a 32 bit Linux platform, an OAM page of a recently created table may contain the

object id of another recently created table, resulting in a 605 error when server is

configured for Large Memory Support (the "extended cache size" is set to a non-zero value).

391822 max_rows_per_page limitation for tables on higher logical page

size servers (4K to 16K) should be more than 256".

391824 documentation of 'max_rows_per_page' of 'create index' command is no correct
391901 A 2630 error "In database '<value>', page <value> is linked backward to page <value>, but that page is linked forward to page <value>." may sometimes be encountered while several sessions are running concurrent DELETEs on the same DATA_ONLY LOCKED table in a multi-engine environment.
392000 query on a datarows table, generates 551 error
392008 Enhance DBCC CHECKTABLE to give a better estimate of table fragmentation for DATA_ONLY_LOCKED tables.
392070 A process may deadlocked with itself on an allocation page latch following a log full condition (1105 error). This connection may then block other connections needing the same latch or other locks this session holds.
392078 doc bug in description of intent locks
392110 On the Windows platform, when ASE is blocked while sending results to an SSL client,

the process can now be terminated using the kill command.

392181 'Invalid pointer param number' message is appended to Error Msg 10331, when 'create proc' is run by a login with insufficient permissions, on an IBM AIX 64 bit ASE FBO dataserver.
392262 On (32-bit Linux) RH AS 2.1 or RHEL 3.0, the operating system ignores requests from ASE

to bypass the file system cache for file system database devices. This can result in

modified data pages not flushed to disk when ASE thinks the data is on disk. In cases

where there is a power failure or other system crash, these modifications may be lost

leading to data corruption.

392320 Several instances of increased lock usage when running ASE 12.5.2 or higher. Problem does not appear on 12.5.0.x. The following are two instances that show this problem:

1) dbcc checkalloc.

2) Multiple bcp's running against the same database.

392325 Monitor GUI been updated to use JfreeChart from Netchart.
392381 sp_sysmon may show you negative values in "Other Causes" of "Task Context Switches Due To:" section

if "disable disk mirroring" configuration parameter is 0.

392419 The previous restriction on IDENTITY columns created by the select/into statement, which limited the datatype to NUMERIC, has been lifted. With this change, identity columns may be of type numeric, int, smallint or tinyint. All other aspects of managing the identity value remain the same as in previous releases. New syntax allowed: select columnname=IDENTITY(int|smallint|tinyint|integer) ... into tablename... Previous behavior, which created a new NUMERIC column with specified precision, remains unchanged.
392463 syconfig.exe or sybatch.exe creates "%SYBASE%\data\sybsysdb.dat" device during the ASE upgrade.
392492 The message current process infected with 11 in vu_fixupvar is printed in the errorlog together

with a stacktrace containing the modules 'vu_fixupview', 'vu_addviewqual' and 'pre_aggview' when

executing a SELECT containing a subquery in the select-list, a derived table expression in

the FROM clause and another subquery in the WHERE-clause.

392544 sp_helprotect does not show privileges related to encryption keys.
392556 sp_monitorconfig reports a high value for Num_Reuse output per pss resources and doesn't correlate with the values displayed in column Num_Active.
392645 SamReport, the utility by Microvision supporting SySAM 2.0, should be launched from ASE Plug-in's Utilities Panel.

Modify Utilities folder, add Wizard so user can add in external utilities

392653 Syconfig creates "sybsystemdb" logical device for "sybsystemdb" database. The correct logical device name for "sybsystemdb" database is "systemdbdev".
392691 Revoke Decrypt does not get called for group and user objects when revoke (a cross sign) is selected on permission tab. Correct that in this CR.
392692 For internal use only (update complete lists for DBISQL, ASEP, DDLGen and PlanViewer drop)
392749 When nested VIEWs are used (i.e. VIEWs defined by referencing other VIEWs), then it is possible that the query will not be correctly processed and result in an error in which the session could be terminated. If this is suspected, then it can be verified by using the diagserver and looking for an assertion such as the following: "Assertion (infinite_loop != vrangep) failed"
392779 Disk Init on NFS : On AIX, performing a disk init of a very large device over an NFS share hangs indefinitely.
392945 error 404 occurs when more than 1024 AND/OR expression are used in a query not 251
392963 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'ind__copy_row'

together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'des__systs_flushall' and

'des_checkpoint' may be reported in the error log during dump database when

the "number of open indexes" is under configured and Adaptive Server is configured to use

more than one engines.

393021 Error message shown when localized help is missing or a help topic is missing from localized help.
393052 FR to have user defined roles set as Default 'ON'
393089 Under command line trace flag 1138, implement mechanism to reduce fragmentation of DATA_ONLY_LOCKED tables.
393125 The error 17230,"Server '%s', Procedure 'sp_optimal_text_space', Line 103:

You must be the System Administrator (SA) or the Database Owner (dbo) to execute

this procedure." will be incorrectly raised if the user is an alias to the DBO.

393211 Some of the memory data items in monitor client library (e.g. SMC_NAME_MEM_CODE_SIZE, SMC_NAME_MEM_KERNEL_STRUCT_SIZE) always return a zero value.
393214 Feature request to have option of turning off "database context change" messages.
393264 Customer does not like to have to "disable" triggers, Run BCP and then, "enable" triggers, would like it to be an option of BCP. BCP would need to alter the table to disable triggers and the enbale the trigger once the BCP has run.

Related to the above:

Customer would also like a Warning message letting them know that he disabled the trigger on a Table. He thinks it's dangerous not to be reminded that a trigger was disabled.

393368 The message "Invalid column length: <xx>. Value must be between 0 and 30 for 'all-pages' row with

minimum row length of <xx>." is printed in the errorlog together with a stacktrace containing

the modules 'insert_index_row', 'ncupdate' and 'obj_newrow' when executing CREATE TABLE <identifier>,

whereby the identifier is >30 bytes using a multibyte character set.

393380 The syconfig.exe doesn't use user specified system database device path.
393408 An INSERT into a table with a varbinary column using several UNION clauses to select data from

columns based on the timestamp datatype can lose the original selected values. New timestamp

values are inserted instead in the varbinary column.

393452 Column level constraints don't show up in Sybase Central if column numbers are used instead of column names
393501 Setting the 'short ltl keywords' configuration option of replication agent to true,

then replication agent will send short ltl keywords of transaction log language

to the replication server.

393502 Highlight text foreground color forced to be white color.
393526 New LDAPUA feature that sends additonal password related infromation to the audit log, when a login tries to bind to the LDAP server.
393542 In rare circumstances, a 692 or other similar error may be reported on the master database when restarting Adaptive Server after a earlier abnormal termination or SHUTDOWN WITH NOWAIT.
393573 For certain value distributions the scoring for a < column = constant> is too high

compared to <column between constant and constant>

393647 error 3626 showing %d, %s instead of values from pss structure
393740 The stored procedure sp_help when used on an encryption key displays a blank name, owner and object type information.
393754 CR 378774 fix in 12.5.3 ESD#2 is not effective and syconfig.exe does not allow choosing location of sybsystemdb device.
393772 Enhancement request to give memdump command an option to take memdump without halting engines in the case all engines can't be stopped
393849 F.R. LDAPUA to have persistent connections from ASE to the LDAP server
393895 Makefile make.unix provided for sample program

sample/esp/xp_echo.c does not work on IBM AIX 64bit platform.

393940 With trace 4418 ON the view materialization is no longer necessary for a view which is an inner

member of the outer join and the view returns NULL constant.

394172 License Monitoring is counting spids supporting the Job Scheduler as licensed users.
394178 sjobcontrol stored procedure does not stop JS immediately when stop_js command is issued.
394179 JS stored procedure sjobcontrol does not return 0 for success for all the command options.
394278 Error 20019 "Attempt to initiate a new SQL Server operation with results pending." will be reported by a dblibrary routine that tries to send new commands to the server after a successful call to dbwritetext().
394341 Typo in an informational message when running Sybmigrate.

"Migrate database data is not allow because migrate server data wasn't selected during the setup session." Should be 'allowed' instead of 'allow'

394365 Server Groups folder Details panels now displays "n/a" (Not Available) on version/platform/status columns when the information is not available, i.e. when ASEP is not connected to the server and the server is not monitored by Unified Agent.
394444 Trailing spaces are lost from fixed char data type columns when you run UNION query with OUTER JOINs.
394510 Feature request for a method to convert DATETIME values to strings using flexible format-strings rather than predefined styles
394524 The number of private buffers for parallel query plans were not being

accurately calculated and claimed. This could result in infinite loops

in the cache manager where somewhere higher on the stack a Lava expensive

operator was attempting to grab a buffer.

394527 sp_helpconfig does not return error when groupname passed as configname
394529 configname options static,dynamic & read-only not documented for sp_helpconfig
394542 A Dump or Load command that uses an archive device name with newline character in it hits a segmentation fault in sybmultbuf.
394544 Feature Request: need a 'user' version of sybmon
394709 The table in the second argument to sp_monitorconfig will not be created if it does not exist.
394717 datediff in a trigger causes overflow at runtime error
394750 Killing a spid with status "MAINTENANCE TOKEN" during login authentication with Kerberos when

traceflag 7844 is used, blocks all Kerberos activity on the engine.

A dataserver should be run with traceflag 7844 when MIT 1.3 Kerberos libraries are used

to workaround concurrency problems within the MIT Kerberos client libraries.

394754 The Adaptive Server Enterprise 32-bit Express Edition on Linux has the 2GB memory configuration and hence the configuration 'enable extended cache' is not a valid option for the server.
394825 Monitor Server in an SSL configuration may crash after several hours of running.
394843 XFS: Update to filename in proxy tables mapped to file system directories using

the recursion option may fail with error message Msg 11277 when a constant string

is concantenated to the filename.

394869 Command line trace flag 7603 is no longer supported. The client's IP Address is always logged as part of the LOGIN Audit Event.
394880 An Infected with 11 stacktrace containing functions omni_getnext and exec_eop is generated

when a query uses an aggregate function against a DATE column in a proxy table defined

against an ASIQ table.

394913 Selecting the "Advanced" button in the "Add Subscription" wizard causes a stack trace condition that you can ignore. The stack trace will not impact the functionality of the Add Subscription process.
394927 A 221 message, "Column of type (BIT) does not allow nulls. It may not be compared with null." is raised when assigning the result of SELECT to a variable of type BIT. The SELECT is from a view with a UNION ALL clause with a select-list having a column of type BIT.
395095 Include license info from sp_lmconfig
395119 On windows platforms only the sybmigrate tool for ASE 12.5.3 fails to start with

ASE 12.5.3 ESD#1 or ASE 12.5.3 ESD#2 installed. The error at startup is:

Exception in thread "main"

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sybase/util/ds/ldap/LDAPWarning

395125 ASE running on Linux kernel 2.6 and above on amd64 platform encounters I/O performance degradation. This is because librtkaio support has been withdrawn on these linux kernel versions and by default POSIX AIO is used. Enable trace flag 1649 to use Linux Kernel Asynchronous IO.
395240 Dump database on tape using "with compression = compress_level" option works fine but load fails with a read error.
395321 Java support is enabled for Linux AMD64.
395497 A new feature has been added to allow a load of 15.0 database dump file from a byte-swapped architecture.
395523 The command 'sp_encryption system_encr_passwd, null' fails with a message 'Message number 19339, passed to RAISERROR, does not exist in the sysmessages catalog.'
395712 Use valid_name( 'name', 255 ) for checking object names with large identifier support
395732 During sec_session_close the Kerberos security session context is freed. During heavy login and disconnect processing the sec_memfree can get a segv.
395745 sp_encryption 'remove_catalog' fails to give an error when

it finds a column encrypted by a given key in the same database.

It removes the sysencryptkeys system table in preparation for

downgrade without adequate checking.

395749 Using bcp OUT of a view using the -C option on bcp will fail

if the view uses an encrypted column in the where clause.

395858 In rare circumstances the message "ubo_object_from_slot:Pss Invalid slot id 0" together with a stack trace that includes the modules 'ubo_object_from_slot', 'pss_getunkept_pss', 'lock_vsema' and 'log__unlock' may be reported when many transactions are active within a database and at least one of these is a transaction that is externally coordinated by XA, MSDTC or a remote Adaptive Server (a transactional RPC).
395894 A 2631 error, "The maximum number of index levels '255' has been reached for index <indname> of table <tablename> in database <dbname>" may sometimes be encountered while inserting data into a clustered index with a large index key.
395902 When using jconnect sp_mda locks sysconfigure table to get the ASE version , so when sp_sysmon is run it hangs till the lock is released. Fix is to get the ASE version from the global variable @@version_as_integer and save the current isolation level and set it back once the sp_mda is executed. This way we dont interfere with ASE locks and system tables.
395937 Installing sybsyntax fails due to Msg 18047 "There is not enough room in the default devices to create the sybsyntax database.".
396081 Sybase Central ASEPlugin now supports BCP in/out for User Tables(/partitions), and views
396098 Need to document Monitor Server/Historical Server are not available in ASE 12.5.x for Sun x86.
396136 Under rare circumstances the execution of DBCC CHECKSTORAGE may hang

if the given scan workspace is very large.

396144 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'memcpy' together with a stack

trace which includes the modules 'ss_chartoblob' and 'run' may be reported in the error log

during an UPDATE of a TEXT column using a J-connect program or a CT-library program that

uses host variables. In some cases a 510 error, "Bad eop type 0x.." may be reported instead.

396187 In an XML model perform File >Print Selection. The printed diagram only prints the 1st line of the text zone (name of element) for the selection of symbols. Word wrapping has been temporarily dismantled on the selection of symbols (elements)to print. However, when you perform File > Print the whole text zone for the element symbols are printed fine.

note: if you use View > Redisplay or Zoom IN/OUT, the element symbol in the model diagram is refreshed and it's display in the diagram reverts back to the word wrapping setting.

396198 Customer is having a problem upgrading with the installer on a 4 and 8 CPU Windows 2003 System. Customer would like Sybase to Certify that ASE Installer works correctly without errors on multiple CPU systems for both product install and upgrades.
396229 An application error in transaction nesting leads to a segmentation fault with message 3934 "Transaction manager has detected a nesting failure. Number of BEGIN TRAN commands (issued after an attach operation) do not match the number of COMMIT TRAN commands (issued before a detach operation)". A stack trace with module finish_xact() will be found in the errorlog.
396266 The message "infected with 11 in s_is_cachable" is printed in the errorlog together with a

stacktrace containing the modules 's_normalize' and 'sequencer' when executing a query

performing an INSERT into a temporary table based and on a SELECT with a UNION clause whereby the

last SELECT contains a subquery.

396296 Sub-optimal performances may be seen on queries with LIKE expression performed on a

unichar or univarchar column.

396479 When an UPDATE that uses the tsequal() builtin function is done within

a stored procedure, tsequal() no longer returns a timestamp value

unless the 4080 trace flag is being used. When an UPDATE that uses the

tsequal() builtin function is done outside a stored procedure, tsequal()

returns a timestamp value in the TDS_RETURNVALUE token.

396509 An INSERT-SELECT statement can corrupt the inserted rows in the target table when the target table

is a Data Only Locked table and the SELECT contains a UNION ALL first, followed by one or more

UNION statements grouped together using ().

396536 sp_helpdevice reports the allocated database fragments on a database device
396565 DDLGen has a new type - 'LK' for generating DDL defintions of Logical Keys - keys generated by sp_primarykey, sp_commonkey, sp_foreignkey statements. The name to be supplied in '-N' parameter is the table name.
396598 The message "current process infected with signal 10 (SIGBUS)" in the module 'vbit_set'

together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'rec_analyze_log' and

'rec_onlinetime' may be reported in the error log during ONLINE DATABASE on the HPUX 64 bits


396703 Feature request for an option to sp_configure that would display all the configurations that were set to a non-default value
396708 A 15052 error, "Index error: Table id <id>, indid <id> calculated maxlen <value> does

not match <value> in Sysindexes" may be reported by DBCC CHECKCATALOG on a table that

has at least two bit columns, after ALTER TABLE was run to add/modify a variable

length or NULL column.

396811 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'lddb__stat_translate'

together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'lddb__unscr_stat_page'

may be reported in the error log, when loading a database across platform,

if the database has an orphan row in syssatistics.

396812 dbcc checkcatalog() does not check or fix the consistency of the sysstatistics table.
397029 ASE REPLICATOR: occasionally, the order of replicated operations within a transaction at the replicate database does not match the order of operations at the primary database.
397149 ASE Plugin for Sybase Central: "Create Table DDL" inserts extra commas into table contraints if they are longer than 255 characters.
397155 A login attempt into ASE may fail with a 1601 error after several recurring 709 errors have been raised because of procedure cache memory shortage.
397210 Avoid shutdown and restart of license deamon when it is not required
397229 ASE running on Solaris 10 operating system encounters performance degradation

when using asynchronous IO on file system devices.

This is liable to manifest as severe performance degradation on single CPU machines

and significant performance degradation on multi CPU machines under load.

This is due to a bug in Solaris kernel, Sun BugID 6302167.

Install the following patch from Sun Support for resolving this performance problem.

Solaris 10 SPARC: PatchID 120048-03

Solaris 10 x86/x64: PatchID 120049-03

397260 The config numbers for 'max online Q engines' and 'number of Q engines at startup'

are not correct. They should be 447 and 448 instead of 443 and 444.

397291 Global variables may return invalid negative values.
397320 HAFAILOVER occurs on clients when killing a spid on ASE. The condition occurs when the spid is involved in a non-resultset transaction, such as insert into command. When the kill is issued, ASE is internally rolling back the transaction, and the HA Session id is still valid at this point. This enables the client to re-connect. Client should receive some sort of disconnect message instead, like jConnect JZ006 IOException, or isql operation terminated due to disconnect.
397342 Flush all data to the Sybmon log file whenver the 'log off' command is executed.
397359 The error 632 "Attempt to move memory with an incorrect length of <len>.

Maximum allowed length is <maxlen>." will now be raised during garbage

collection of index leaf pages if the length of memory being moved

goes beyond a page boundary, instead of silently trashing the data cache.

397535 When exec_procedure auditing is enabled for system stored procedures sp_encryption and sp_ssladmin, the password parameters are visible in the audit trail.
397539 The recovery task may appear to hang forever executing the functions 'at_do_reserve',

'pg_oam_pagecounts' and 'pg_recalcoam' after loading a database dump which was taken

on a very active ASE environment.

397636 Job and Schedule names with spaces and other nonalphanumeric characters were being rejected by the ASE Plugin GUI.
397658 If an LDAP server does not allow anonymous binds then one cannot set the "primary_url" and "dn_lookup_url" even if the "access_account" has been successfuly set.
397665 ASE incorrectly allows identifiers that start with a pound sign (#) to be used as column names. All

column-names defined in a CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW statement and in the column-list of a derived

table expression are now checked against the rules for valid identifiers as stated in the standard


397672 If complete deadlock information which gives deadlock chains and details is not needed, customer can set 'print deadlock information' to value 2.

This will print only 1 line summary of Deadlock giving only Deadlock ID.

397679 Feature request to enhance the 4002 error message ("Login failed") to include the specified user name ("Login failed for user 'joeuser'").
397693 New Feature - Sybase Central ASE Plug-in supports restoration of tables and partitions from 15.0.2
397700 ASE Job Scheduler fails to execute jobs scheduled to repeat with an interval greater than approximately 25 minutes.
397873 Enable Java support on Solaris x64 (opteron) platform.
397910 Suppress raising error 2513 from DBCC CHECKCATALOG if rows are found missing in

syscomments for definition-time partition condition objects that were left behind

due to some errors that occured during creation of tables with partition conditions.

397943 Enhance error messages 3409, 3410 and 3411 to include the transaction id.
397966 Not customer visible
397984 The SQL data type UNSIGNED BIGINT is currently mapped to

the Java type "double". This conversion will incorrectly

give an approximate value when the UNSIGNED BIGINT value

is large enough.

398110 Transactional queries involving remote tables may hang on Windows platform configured with SSL when trace flag 3431 is used.
398200 When the sampling option is used for UPDATE STATISTICS, existing multi-attribute density values may not be reused. With this fix, range density and total density will be calculated from the sampled dataset, unless existing values were from a full scan of data.
398212 If Adaptive Server is unable to find an encryption key when it is processing an encrypted column, an unhelpful error message (15424) is raised. This scenario can occur if, for example, the database containing the key has been taken offline.
398295 Feature request for a way to display the name of the source ASE for a dump file, perhaps by including the name in the dump header and displaying it using listonly or headeronly.
398320 The error 10302, "Only the DBO of database 'dbccdb' or a user with System Administrator (SA) role

can run this command." will be incorrectly raised when a user without SA role different from the DBO executes DBCC CHECKVERIFY even if this access has been granted in the target database.

398435 DBISQL returned error from queries with compute clause.
398443 In rare circumstances , an error message "Internal error, FDP API, fdp_get_memory() :Failed to allocate xxxxx bytes" may be logged in the ASE errorlog when sp_configure is executed.
398491 ASE now can save 999999999 copies of configuration files instead of the previous 999.

And the format of the backup config file will be xxx.000000001 instead of xxx.001.

398586 ASE server or client will not start when IP is present as master/query in interfaces file. ASE Server fails to start with error "ninit: cannot find host".
398666 The preupgrade utility does not check for and enforce correct spelling in its printed messages.
398675 The error 874 "Process <spid> is trying to unkeep buffer <buf_addr>

(dbid: <dbid>, pageno: <pageno>) without releasing the <type> latch

it holds on the buffer." may be raised when an interrupt is received

by a query on a Data-Only-Locked table using the isolation level 3

(serializable) and performing a backward scan.

398768 A 8206 error, "Object <negative number> was not found in WorkTabList" may be reported in the

error log for a query referencing multiple times the same view and performing aggregates

on view columns. This problem will happen only if the query is executed in the parallel mode.

398792 Installing 12.5.3, ESD#2 after moving $SYBASE will report a null and block

the install process.

398819 ASE reports "master device corrupt" even for the situation of missing master device when booting a server without providing the master device.
398897 The output from sp_sysmon system stored procedure may report

incorrect values for the "Free" counters in the section

"Metadata Cache Management".

398968 User can specify RMI port other than 9999 for Unified Agent connection.
399023 Feature request: improve time to open Stored Procedures Folder within Sybase Central ASE plugin
399057 Feature request to support a secondary server in the case of DN lookup URL
399077 Some memory usage improvement to histogram merging during optimization.
This can significantly reduce the compilation time and
the procedure cache consumption for some queries.
399125 DBCC USEDEXTENTS has been enhanced to also report extent allocations on device

fragments which do not reference any segments.

399137 3 problems to be fixed in the TSG doc:

1. For error 3019 replace severity level from 16 to 10 and also add info about severity level 18.

2. For error 3020 add info about severity level 18

3. Add information about error 3021 which is completely missing from documentation.

399163 ASE Plug-in previously only uses default RMI port (port number 9999) to communicate with Unified Agent. This now can be modified by opening ASE Plug-in preference dialog (Tools -> Adaptive Server Enterprise -> Preferences) and select "Use agent port number <port_number> by default" where user can set <port_number> to be the port number that ASE Plug-in should use.
399320 Make the network listener immune to non fatal errors.
399344 DDLGen did not use to accept white spaces after the parameter types i.e.

ddlgen -Usa [ no space after -U was allowed].

This did not match the standards of other applications like isql which used to accept spaces.

This fix solves this issue, and users can specify white spaces after the parameter types i.e.

ddlgen -U sa [now works!!!]

399374 An incorrect RETURN status may be sent by Adaptive Server

when executing a dynamic SQL statement which had to be

internally recompiled, for example, due to a schema change

for some of objects referenced by the statement.

399400 The maximum value for "default network packet size" and "max network packet size" is 65535 as per the syscurconfigs table. However the maxiumum value ASE will allow the administrator to configure is 65024. Therefore this CR changes the syscurconfigs maximum to be 65024.
399421 INTERNAL ONLY: when JS Agent is enabled in a server being upgraded but the JS role names do not have the IDs that ASE expects for them, upgrade fails with a "duplicate key" error in sysusers for any database containing JS roles.
399440 UPDATE all STATISTICS on a proxy table that has partitions results in a stacktrace with Server Error Msg 1142 "Invalid OAM page 0"
399476 Use sp_version instead of sp_server_info in ASE 15.0 which provides detailed version information on each install scripts (installmaster, installmodel, installsecurity)
399545 If recovery suspect granularity is set for page level and if a data-only

locked table btree insert or delete log record is undone and if that page

is found to be corrupted, subsequent page fetches will fail with

Error 605: Severity: 21: State 1.

399678 Under certain circumstances, if ASE is startted with '-w master', then immediately restarted with '-w model', then restarted with '-m' followed by 'disk reinit' and 'disk refit', recovering tempdb may fail with error 806: Could not find virtual page for logical page 1280 in database 'tempdb'.
399694 DBISQL failed to import Excel 2.1 worksheet. This has ben fixed.
399737 Under rare circumstances a session may hang forever during a lock request

despite the session having send an interrupt request to ASE (Control-C).

This may happen if the session was waiting initially for the lock request

and ASE receives the attention request just before it awakes this session

in order to initiate a deadlock search.

399782 When a stored procedure encounters an error, parameter values can return incorrect results.
399884 If SQL Remote for ASE hooks were defined in an ASE consolidated database, the ssremote output log would have indicated that the hooks had fired, but the stored procedures were not actually being executed. This has been fixed and the stored procedures are now being called. The list of valid SQL Remote for ASE hooks is sp_hook_ssrmt_begin, sp_hook_ssrmt_end, sp_hook_ssrmt_shutdown, sp_hook_ssrmt_recv_begin, sp_hook_ssrmt_recv_end, sp_hook_ssrmt_send_begin, sp_hook_ssrmt_send_end, sp_hook_ssrmt_msg_sent, sp_hook_ssrmt_msg_missing, sp_hook_ssrmt_apply_begin and sp_hook_ssrmt_apply_end.
399952 When a local index is created on a partitioned table with a large number of partitions, then a large number of locks will be required to perform the implicit updates to sysstatistics. This fix will greatly reduce the number of locks required in this scenario to be a fraction of the previously required locks.
399972 Enable native XML support for HPIA64 platform
399978 Attention during unmount operation is not properly handled.


bits in dbtable are not cleared when we unkeep it.

So, the database is not accessible to anyone after this.

400034 The correct @@error values can be got when we run xmlvalidate(),xmlextract() and xmlparse(), involving the options "null" and "message", meeting with some exceptions (such as the XML parser error).
400036 The stored procedure 'sp_cacheconfig' of Adaptive Server sometimes does not list the buffer pools for an available cache in sorted order of pool size.
400053 Previously Make Permanent button of Options dialog does not save preferences permanently. This has been fixed in build 3204.
400058 A message indicating that the query enountered a signal 10 or signal 11 may occur in the server errorlog when a query is performed on the monProcessObject table. When this happens the query will be aborted and must be resubmitted.
400122 Got stack trace when upgrade from text the computed columns that invoke SQLJ functions.
400160 CIS: In some circumstance, syntax error 102 will be reported when OR and like clauses coexist for a query involving a view on a proxy table
400194 DBMS task is sleeping forever on hung native thread.
400253 After the preupgrade test in sqlupgrade, if you click the "Go Back" button, it takes you to the "sqlupgrade - Specify sybsystemprocs device" screen, instead of the options screen.
400309 Client applications requesting the ipaddr receives 64 characters instead of 15,

potentially breaking a client application. This problem may appear on all platforms

in 12.5.3 ESD#3 and the 12.5.3a GA releases.

400320 Corrected drop for EFTS for 12.5.4, with all needed files.
400327 The error 216 "Attempt to automatically drop temporary table failed."

may be raised when the configuration parameter "number of locks" is


400341 Syntax errors may be reported from the remote server when a select into query is executed on a proxy table and the local column names do not match the remote coumn names.
400361 sqlupgrade and sqlupgraderes report "Adaptive Server failed to restart"

if one or more databases fail to recover.

400368 Job Scheduler install fails when configuration parameter 'check password for digit' is enabled.
400393 sortkey('sjisbin') function does not work correctly with SJIS Hankaku-Katakana characters.
400446 The documentation is missing the caret in some range specifications, i.e. 2^31 is showing up as 231.
400447 A query with ORDER BY clause which assigns local variable from the view which has

UNION ALL statement may fail to execute correctly. Stack trace may be logged in the

errorlog file. Following modules may be reported in the stack trace: execute(),

exec_eop(), run().

400449 Feature request to raise an error if user code attempts to RETURN a reserved value
400452 An UPDATE of a local table joined to a proxy table, where the local text column is set to the value of a remote text column, can result in a stack trace that includes the routine syb10_text_read_init and omni_txcp_rem2txpgs.
400479 Previously DBISQL command "output to" does not work for saving a single result set from a stored procedure, such as:



output to sp_helpartition.txt


This has been fixed.

400505 For logins


Delete: Can delete any logins except 'sa' and 'probe'.

Cut: Can not cut 'sa' and 'probe' and also those are bound by at least one user, with a SSO role is a must for this action.

For roles:


Delete: Can not delete the following system roles, with a SSO role is a must for this action.















Cut: Same condition as Delete needs.

400554 The ipaddr column in sysprocesses may contain trailing junk when each field of the ip address contains 3 digits.
400585 save to system table CREATE INDEX's parameters 'consumers' and 'statistics'
400662 Various errors related to the TEXT pointer inconsistency may be raised when executing

a query under trace flag 289 and the query references a view with union and is

using convert function on TEXT data.

400664 New built-in function pssinfo(<spid>, '<pss field>') that returns several fields of the process structure.
400669 CIS: A 2762 error, "CREATE TABLE command is not allowed within multiple statement transaction"

may be reported when executing a SQL INSERT..SELECT from proxy table mapped to a RPC. This

is resolved with a server-wide traceflag 11232 or a session level traceflag 11228. Either

traceflag has to be turned on to allow CREATE TABLE command in the remote procedure.

400746 After upgrade to 15.0, the LCT value selected from systhresholds can differ from the in-memory value reported by sp_helpthreshold's invocation of lct_admin("reserve", 0). When this problem occurs, the in-memory value is correct, and the systhresholds value is slightly lower.
400751 When exec_procedure auditing is enabled for system stored procedures sp_companion and sp_config_rep_agent, the password parameters are visible in the audit trail.
400797 HA: When a cross database 'drop table' operation is performed on the primary node of an HA configuration, the operation succeeds on the primary but fails on the proxy database on the secondary node without error.
400826 A new builtin rand2([integer]) is introduced which is evaluated for

each row in the result set. The original builtin rand([integer]) was

only evaluated once for the result set.

400834 sqlupgrade takes too long time to start the offline server when the RUN_server file includes invalid config file or incorrect format.
400907 Improve the performance of drop table in tempdb by extending the functionality implemented under CR 316222 to the drop of user objects in tmpdb. CR 316222 released the system catalog locks when not in DDL-IN-TRAN mode after the commit of the transaction but before post commit work started; this enhancement is triggered by -T3706 either at boot time or via DBCC TRACEON(3706).
400910 DBISQL 9.0.2 limits the number of result sets that it can display. This limit has been removed in DBISQL 11 (shipped with ASE 15.0.3).
400948 Remote Job Scheduling wizard inappropriately displays the Load and SQL Editor buttons, implying that the user can modify the automatically generated job commands.
400980 sp_monitorconfig "heap memory per user" does not show you bytes of Num_active and Max_Used.
401012 An interrupt during an open cursor statement involving a light weight procedure may lead to a stacktrace in the errorlog with functions curs_release(), close_range(), sortend().
401066 Error 3935, "Fatal protocol error. xact_beginupdate() API was invoked in the wrong context. The transaction is currently in 'Abort tran-attached' state." may be hit in module 'xact_beginupdate' with a stack trace in the error log, when a rollback occurred during the execution of a stored procedure that is marked for replication. The module 'log_repproc_exec' will also be reported in the stack trace.
401092 When LDAP User Authentication feature is enabled and the LDAP directory service does not respond to connection or search requests from ASE, logins attempts will hang.

This prevents further authentication requests from succeeding on any engine where

this occurs.

Messages such as "Waiting for native threads to be released, or for 'max number of native threads' to be increased." appear repeatedly in the errorlog after

a number of login requests become blocked. When this message appears in the errorlog, other use of native threads are also prevented.

401098 sp_helpartition reports the number of data pages per partition.

This is extended to report the number of rows per partitions in addition

to the number data pages.

401149 CIS: Ctrl-C on rpc mapped to a remote procedure will not cancel the execution of

the remote procedure if it does not execute any SQL queries on the tables.

401153 sp_syntax does not include mount/unmount command help. The ins_syn_sql script is now included to complete the resolution of CR 350291.
401167 On 64-bit platforms, an infected with 11 message followed by a stacktrace may appear in the ASE error log due to the execution of the sp_shmdumpconfig stored procedure when a "message" type dump condition is configured in ASE.
401190 A 102 error, "Incorrect syntax near '�'." , may be unexpectedly

reported when using "batch updates" (sending several dynamic

sql statement executions in the same batch) and the statement

that was already prepared had to be recompiled because, for example,

the underlying table schema changed.

401237 The compression API does not support multiple dump files per device.
401238 The Job Scheduler task may die unexpectedly if it is unable to handle an exception raised by Adaptive Server Enterprise. A message like "-> JS: js__execute; run [CHECK WAKEUP]" together with

module name such as "terminate_process(), close_network() ... jobscheduler()" may be seen in the errorlog.

401242 Improve wording of dbcc message 7912 to indicate that dbcc FIX option has fixed the condition.
401249 Put Directory Services Editor under ASE Plug-in utilities tab for Unix platforms.
401265 The Job Scheduler Administration dialog always indicates the Job Scheduler is not running, even when it is running.
401279 Error 632, Severity: 20, State 9, during upgrade to 15.0, if the pre-15.0

installation had system catalogs bound to named caches and if the caches are

not defined in the config file used during upgrade. This problem will not

occur if the upgrade is performed through sqlupgrade.

401281 Negative zero value may be inserted into a float column on HP-UX and Linux platforms only.
401306 Enable native XML support for Linux AMD64 platform.
401336 This fixed the following wrong result bug:

if you have an equi-join clause between two different

length char() and char()/varchar() type columns and also

use char_length() on one of the columns,

the result of the char_length()

is indeterminate and is a function of the final plan because

we have different truncate models for the equi-join and

char_length() on char() type columns. Here is an example:

create table t1 (sid char(8), styp char(5))


create table t2 (sid char(16))


select char_length(a.sid)

from t1 a, t2 b

where a.sid=b.sid and styp = 'R1'


The same for binary() and varbinary() with data_length(),

unichar() and univarchar() with char_length().

401382 sp_helprotect was not showing the 'Decrypt' permissions that were granted.
401385 Error when executing trigger after an alter table .. decrypt a column. Misleading error when altering a column that belonged to a clustered/placement index
401397 Previously DBISQL does not refresh database dropdown list when "create database" statement is inside a if...else statement. This has been fixed.
401414 Scheduled Job Summary says that the Job Timeout value is in seconds instead of minutes.
401442 If an exception occurs during an internal sort, a subsequent query execution

will result in the process termination with Error 706, Severity 20 and State 3.

401500 For unsigned integers, sp_datatype_info should return the user syntax "unsigned <int>", not the internal name "u<int>
401523 Add Mnemonic Keys for Unix ICU tools GUI.
401537 508: Correct the bug that table items cannot be access by up and down arrow.
401538 syconfig did not support mnemonic keys
401543 Support for the configuration parameter "allow backward scans" is unavailable. Therefore, even if it

is disabled Adaptive Server is selecting plans containing "backward scans".

401546 508: When SQL Preview dialog close, focus should go back to the dialog that spawns the Preview dialog.
401561 Select statements failing with 701 do not show up in monSysStatement.
401595 A 702 error, "Memory request for 49858 bytes exceeds the size of single page of 16384 bytes."

together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'cpyconstvalue' and 'memalloc' may

be reported in the error log for a SELECT INTO statement with a aggregate on a string longer

then 16384 characters.

401660 In ASE 15.0, after Load Database has loaded a database dump that was created by an ASE executable of a version preceding 15.0, if there should be a system failure during the Online Database command, then the ensuing boot recovery may see error 605 (page uninitialized) or error 692 (wrong object affinity) or error 806 (page number out of range) while recovering the same database.
401680 When ASE's default charset is multi-byte charset, if a specified

object name string contains more than three dots (full object name

is in the format of server_name.db_name.owner_name.obj_name), server

stack traces.

401682 When the 15.0 server runs against an installation created by ASE version 12.0, and the 15.0 server is started using the 'DE' license, it will print a message stating that a graced license has expired. ASE will then shut down. This problem does not occur when using the 'EE' license.
401684 When an error is encountered by the server during recompilation of

a stored procedure the session may be killed, and a stack trace may occur

with error 216:

"Attempt to automatically drop temporary table failed." This error is spurious

and no temporary object will remain in the temporaray database.

401715 Enable end users configure WebServices logging level dynamically via stored procedure "SP_WEBSERVICES".
401718 proc_role() may return incorrect results if run in parallel.
401742 Windows Only: When perfmon is used with ASE 15.0, ASE counters are not visible in the perfmon

utility to monitor.

401743 If user do not has permission to table syssrvoles, will get error message "SELECT permission denied on object syssrvoles, database master, owner dbo" when selecting permissions tab under a stored procedure that login owns in Sybase Central. This behavior is corrected so user can still access this tab and read permission for users and groups (roles is blocked).
401753 This fixes a stacktrace for parallel plan when the plan is inserting into a
table with identity column using SELECT DISTINCT and one of the SELECT DISTINCT
list items is an expression.
401755 The installer placed the Full-Text Search server log in $SYBASE/ASE-15_0/install directory. It should be in $SYBASE/EFTS-15_0/install directory.
401779 When a 11.9 or 12.0 installation is upgraded to 15.0, dbcc checkstorage() on the master database may report faults 100029 , 100038 on the first page of the syscharsets text index.
401834 Customer reported that after applying EBF 12338 to ASE 12.5.2 release, Sybase Central ASE Plug-in stopped displaying Java Objects folder. The same problem seemed to persist after upgrading to 12.5.3. If such problem is encountered, it has advised to update ASE Plug-in to at least 12.5.4, which does not exhibit the error. (12.5.4 ASE Plug-in verified: Sybase Central ASE Plug-in/12.5.4/GA Build 1/S/1.4/ase1254dev//Thu Mar 2 17:00:13 PST 2006)
401843 Assertion failure in Monitor Client library (SYDateTimeValue::init ())when client application uses cs_ctx_global() without CS_VERSION_110.
401895 Error 1204 occurs during installjsdb after an upgrade to ASE 15.0 and if

the configuration parameter 'number of locks' is insufficient. The preupgrade

utility has been augmented to report the required number of locks.

401927 When configuration parameter 'enable real time messaging' is set to enable the RTMS feature on Windows, initialization fails during ASE startup sequence with an unhandled exception error for ExceptionCode: c0000005. This makes the RTMS feature of ASE unusable on Windows platform in ASE15.0 GA release.


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