
2011年9月 的存档,文章数:10

本文转自:http://www.fwolf.com/blog/post/357 作者:Fwolf



从sybase网站上注册免费用户之后,可以下载免费的ASE Express Edition下载页面),目前的版本是15.0.2,限制只能使用1个cpu,2G内存和管理5G数据,更详细的资料在快速安装手册中。




Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Suite
version 15.0.2 GA

The InstallShield Wizard will install Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Suite
on your computer. Shut down all Sybase products, then click Next to begin

Press 1 for Next, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1]


The features fit into a few broad categories:

1. Dealing with large data sets. This includes better management of large objects, as well as enhancements to operational, storage, and data management tasks. With the costs of today’s high-end SANs, data compression may pay for the whole project.

2. Performance and scalability. New features here include better management of dynamic queries (I know that one is going to makefriends) as well as a variety of ways to compress data, and better kernel integration for parallel processing performance.

3. More ease of maintenance. ASE 15.7 supports fully recoverable DDL commands such as select into, alter table, and reorg rebuild. In addition, you can now shrink log space, diagnostic support has taken a major step forward, and alter table statements can now be performedwithout copying data (how about that for speed of internal applicationupgrades?).

4. Application and developer productivity, including a variety of transact-sql enhancements.

5. Security, including object ownership changing, login profiles, and single sign-on

(c) Sybase

PDF :Upgrade-to-ASE-15.7-FA.pdf 下载





  1. Sybase ASE中用isql连接数据库失败时的错误信息所反馈的信息
  2. ASE中的命令行实用工具isql的几个参数的使用方法


  1. 关于BCP工具的使用,介绍三个方面的东西
  2. 关于Sybase中的快bcp
  3. ASE15.x的bcp能够实现按照条件导出表内数据
  4. bcp导出数据时禁止字符集转化
  5. 快速生成bcp in导表命令行的方法

本文介绍Sybase ASE V15.x版本中isql和bcp这两个工具的新特性。在前面的博文:ASE中的命令行实用工具isql的几个参数的使用方法 中介绍了isql的几个新特性。


1.1 Skip number of rows: --skiprows (SDK 12.5.1 ESD #19)

1.2 Partition support for multiple-partition, multiple-file operations (ASE 15.0)

1.3 Computed columns: --hide-vcc / --show-fi (ASE 15.0)

1.4 Encrypted columns: -C (ASE 15.0 ESD #1 / SDK 12.5.1 ESD #5)

1.5 Initialization strings: --initstring (ASE 15.0 ESD #5)

1.6 Discard file support for rejected rows: -d (ASE 15.0 ESD #8)

1.7 Alternate Sybase home: -y (New Features in 15.0.2 ESD#5 / SDK 15.0 ESD#2)

1.8 bcp64 for 64-bit products on UNIX platforms (New Features in 15.5 ESD #9)

1.9 Usage


2.1 isql external error status return: --retserverror (ASE 15.0.2 ESD#4 / SDK 15.0 ESD#10)

2.2 Alternate Sybase home: -y (ASE 15.0.2 ESD#5 / SDK 15.0 ESD#2)

2.3 Redirects/Append the output of the T-SQL command to file_name (ASE 15.0.2 ESD#5 / SDK 15.0 ESD#12)

2.4 Pipes the output of the T-SQL command to an external command (ASE 15.0.2 ESD#5 / SDK 15.0 ESD#12)

2.5 Obfuscated input: --conceal (ASE 15.0 ESD #13)

2.6 Verbose usage: --help (ASE 15.0 ESD #14)

2.7 Application name: --appname (ASE 15.0.3 ESD#4 / OCS 15.0 ESD#17 / OCS 15.5)

2.8 Command history: --history (ASE 15.0.3 ESD#4 / OCS 15.0 ESD#18 / OCS 15.5)

2.8.1 Command history

2.8.2 Listing command history

2.8.3 Recalling and reissuing commands

2.9 isql64 for 64-bit products on UNIX platforms (New Features 15.5 ESD #9)

2.10 Usage

3 Sources

3.1 New Features Open Server™ 15.5 and SDK 15.5 for Windows, Linux, UNIX, and Mac OS X

3.2 New Features Open Server™ 15.0 and SDK 15.0 for Microsoft Windows, Linux, UNIX, and Mac OS X

Sybase IQ分析型数据库的license控制很严格,安装介质也不好获得。想试用IQ的话,需要通过公司的名义联系Sybase公司取得一个月、三个月或者更长的免费试用期。

本文提供针对Sybase IQ15.2的可以免费试用一个月的体验版的下载地址。





Sybase IQ 15.2 Evaluation Edition on Windows

Sybase IQ 15.2 Evaluation Edition on Linux

Sybase IQ 15.2 Evaluation Edition on Solaris SPARC

Sybase IQ15.2英文版官方手册:


Sybase IQ15.2中文版官方手册:


最近Sybase官方上的下载链接失效了,只能到SAP官方下载IQ 15.2了。


将生产环境中AIX5.3平台上的Sybase ASE12.5.2迁移到备机作测试用,下面简单记录下主要步骤。


Sybase ASE version: 12.5.2 32bit

OS Version: AIX 5.3

$SYBASE: /home/syb123

Instance name: TEST

database name: testdb





在AIX5.3上使用资源文件新建Sybase ASE12.5.2实例时,报如下的错误:

exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program /home/sybase/ASE-12_5/bin/dataserver because of the following errors:
0509-130 Symbol resolution failed for /usr/ccs/lib/libc.a[aio_64.o] because:
0509-136 Symbol kaio_rdwr64 (number 0) is not exported from dependent module /unix.
0509-136 Symbol listio64 (number 1) is not exported from dependent module /unix.
0509-136 Symbol acancel64 (number 2) is not exported from dependent module /unix.
0509-136 Symbol iosuspend64 (number 3) is not exported from dependent module /unix.
0509-136 Symbol aio_nwait (number 4) is not exported from dependent module /unix.
0509-136 Symbol aio_nwait64 (number 5) is not exported from dependent module /unix.
0509-136 Symbol aio_nwait_timeout (number 6) is not exported from dependent module /unix.
0509-136 Symbol aio_nwait_timeout64 (number 7) is not exported from dependent module /unix.
0509-028 Symbol used in ? type does not match exported type.
0509-192 Examine .loader section symbols with the
'dump -Tv' command.


期待已久的为SAP商业套件(Business Suite)量身定做的Sybase ASE V15.7发布了。








ASE 15.7 key features include:

Management of Large Datasets

  • Compression— allows large databases to be stored more compactly and reduces I/O times to ensure high performance on even the largest databases.
  • Reduced Query Latency— helps better handle large data sets, especially those which use dynamic SQL for interactive data retrieval.
  • Replication Performance—increases the performance of Sybase’s industry-leading transaction replication and syncing technology.
  • Enhancements for Parallel Hardware —improves optimization of multi-core/multi-threaded CPU architectures to get the maximum performance out of today’s latest processors

Simplified Administration

  • Online Operations—increases data availability while allowing data to be optimized for application performance.
  • Extended Diagnostics—allows DBAs to quickly pin-point performance bottlenecks and speed customer support requests.
  • Strong Password Encryption—protects the database from external intrusion and hacking
  • Single Sign-on & Login Profiles—makes it easier to manage large numbers of users and simplifies end-user access to the system

Ease of Application Development

  • Efficient Management of Large Objects—inline management of large objects as well as enhanced application development features such as large objects as parameters to stored procedures.
  • Enhanced Application Language Capabilities—many improved TransactSQL&™ language features to increase productivity of application developers as well as support for a variety of popular languages such as Python, PHP and Perl.
  • An Enterprise-Class DB for ISV applications —enhanced business-critical performance for ISV applications out of the box, enabling ISVs to easily write and port their applications to ASE 15.7.

Sybase ASE 15.7 Availability

Sybase ASE 15.7 Enterprise Edition 安装介质将于2011年9月底可供下载。适用的平台包括: HP-UX 11i v3, AIX IBM Power 64-bit, Linux IBM Power 64-bit, Linux x86 64-bit, Solaris SPARC 64-bit, Solaris x86 64-bit, Windows x86 64-bit, Windows x86. 可以浏览:www.sybase.com/asebuiltforbusiness.

很可惜,可能不支持Linux x86平台了。