
2011年3月21日 的存档,文章数:1


1> sp_spaceused
2> go
         600.0 MB                                            

(1 row affected)
Msg 1151, Level 11, State 1:
Server 'ASE', Procedure 'sp_spaceused', Line 308:
Object 460577698 passed to OAM builtin function no longer exists in database 5.
Msg 1151, Level 11, State 1:
Server 'ASE', Procedure 'sp_spaceused', Line 308:
Object 460577698 passed to OAM builtin function no longer exists in database 5.
Msg 1151, Level 11, State 1:
Server 'ASE', Procedure 'sp_spaceused', Line 308:
Object 460577698 passed to OAM builtin function no longer exists in database 5.
Msg 1151, Level 11, State 1:
Server 'ASE', Procedure 'sp_spaceused', Line 308:
Object 460577698 passed to OAM builtin function no longer exists in database 5.

 reserved                         data                       
         index_size                               unused                      
 -------------------------------- ----------------------------
         ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------
 9020 KB                          1396 KB                    
         1064 KB                                  6560 KB                     
(return status = 0)
