
2009年11月 的存档,文章数:9







bcp version 11.0.x


Copies a database table to or from an operating system file in a userspecified format.


bcp  [[database_name.]owner.]table_name {in | out}

[-m maxerrors] [-f formatfile] [-e errfile]

[-F firstrow] [-L lastrow] [-b batchsize]

[-n] [-c] [-t field_terminator] [-r row_terminator]

[-U username] [-P password] [-I sqlini_file]

[-S server] [-a display_charset]
[-q datafile_charset] [-z language] [-v]

[-A packet_size] [-J client_charset]

[-T text_or_image_size] [-E] [-N] [-X]

[-y sybase_dir]


database_name – is optional if the table being copied is in your default database. Otherwise, specify a database name.

owner – is optional if you or the Database Owner own the table being copied. If you do not specify an owner, bcp first looks for a table of that name owned by you. Then it looks for one owned by the Database Owner. If another user owns the table, you must specify the owner’s name or the command fails.

table_name – is the name of the database table to copy. The table name cannot be a Transact-SQL reserved word.

in | out – is the direction of the copy.

indicates a copy from a file into the database table;

indicates a copy to a file from the database table.

datafile – is the full path name of an operating system file. The path name can be from 1–255 characters in length.

-m max_errors – is the maximum number of nonfatal errors permitted before bcp aborts the copy. bcp discards each row that it cannot insert (due to a data conversion error, or an attempt to insert a null value into a column that does not allow them), counting eachrejected row as one error. If you do not include this option, bcp uses a default value of 10.




-f format_file – is the full path name of a file with stored responses from a previous use of bcp on the same table. After you answer the bcp format questions, bcp asks if you want to save your answers in a format file; creation of the format file is optional. The default file name is bcp.fmt. The bcp program can refer to a format file when copying data, so that you do not have to duplicate your previous format responses interactively. Use this option only when you previously created a format file that you want to use now for a copy in or out. If this option is not used, bcp queries you for format information interactively.


-e errfile – is the full path name of an error file where bcp stores any rows that it was unable to transfer from the file to the database.Error messages from the bcp program appear on your terminal. bcp creates an error file only when you specify this option. If you specify this option, and bcp does not encounter any nonfatal errors, it does not create the error file.

-F firstrow – is the number of the first row to copy (default is the first row).

-L lastrow – is the number of the last row to copy (default is the last row).


-b batchsize – is the number of rows per serial batch of data copied (the default is to copy all the rows in one batch). Each batch is a transaction that is committed at the end of the batch. Batching applies only when bulk copying in; it has no effect on bulk copying out.

-n – performs the copy operation using native (operating system) formats. This option does not prompt for each field. Files in native data format are not human-readable.

-c – performs the copy operation with char datatype as the default.Use this format if you are sharing data between platforms. This option does not prompt for each field; it uses char as the default storage type, no prefixes, \t (tab) as the default field terminator, and \n (newline) as the default row terminator.

-t field_terminator – specifies the default field terminator.

-r row_terminator – specifies the default row terminator.


When specifying terminators from the command line with the -t or -r option, escape characters that have special significance to the Windows NT Command Prompt shell (see example 1 on page 1-11). Either place a backslash in front of the special character or enclose it in quotes. This is not necessary when bcp prompts you (interactive mode).

-U username – specifies a SQL Server login name. If you do not specify username, bcp uses value of the USERNAME environment variable (the current user’s operating system login name, not the Sybase user name and login).

-P password – specifies a SQL Server password. If you do not specify -P password, bcp prompts for a password. If your password is NULL, place the -P flag at the end of the command line by itself.

-I sqlini_file – specifies the name and location of the interfaces file (sql.ini) to search when connecting to SQL Server. If you do not specify -I, bcp looks for a file named sql.ini in the ini subdirectory of your Sybase release directory.

-S server – specifies the name of the SQL Server to connect to. If you specify -S with no argument, bcp uses the server specified by the DSQUERY environment variable.

-a display_charset – runs bcp from a terminal where the character set differs from that of the machine on which bcp is running. (See the System Administration Guide for more information about changing character sets.) -a in conjunction with -J specifies the character set translation file (.xlt file) required for the conversion. Use –a without -J only if the client character set is the same as the default character set.

-q datafile_charset – runs bcp to copy character data to or from a file system that uses a character set different from the client character set. -q in conjunction with -J specifies the character set translation file (.xlt file) required for the conversion. In Japanese language environments, the -q flag translates Hankaku Katakana (half-width characters) into Zenkaku Katakana (full-width characters). Use with the argument “zenkaku” and with the -J flag to indicate the client’s Japanese character set (sjis or eucjis). The zenkaku.xlt file was designed totranslate only from terminal display to SQL Server, not from SQL Server to the terminal.


The ascii_7 character set is compatible with all character sets. If either the SQL Server’s or client’s character set is set to ascii_7, any 7-bit ASCII character is allowed to pass between client and server unaltered. Other characters produce conversion errors. Character set conversion issues are covered more thoroughly in the System Administration Guide.


-z language – is the official name of an alternate language that the server uses to display bcp prompts and messages. Without the –z flag, bcp uses the server’s default language. You can add languages to a SQL Server during installation or add them afterward with the langinstall utility or the stored procedure sp_addlanguage.


-v – displays the version number of bcp and a copyright message and returns to the operating system.

-A packet_size – specifies the network packet size to use for this bcp session. For example: bcp -A 2048 sets the packet size to 2048 bytes for this bcp session. size must be between the values of the default network packet size and max network packet size configuration parameters, one-third the size of the additional network memory configuration parameter, and a multiple of 512. To improve the performance of large bulk copy operations, use network packet sizes that are larger than the default.

-J client_charset – specifies the character set to use on the client. bcp uses a filter to convert input between client_charset and the SQL Server character set. -J client_charset requests that SQL Server convert to and from client_charset, the character set used on the client. -J with no argument sets character set conversion to NULL. No conversion takes place. Use this parameter if the client and server use the same character set.The default may not necessarily be the character set that the client is using. See the System Administration Guide for more information about character sets and the associated flags.

-T text_or_image_size – specifies in bytes the maximum length of text or image data that SQL Server sends. The default is 32K. If a text or image field is larger than the value of -T or the default, bcp does not send the overflow.

-E – explicitly specifies the value of a table’s IDENTITY column. By default, when you bulk copy data into a table with an IDENTITY column, the host file must contain a placeholder for the IDENTITY column (a value of 0 is recommended). The server assigns the row a unique, sequential IDENTITY column value, as bcp inserts each row into the table. If the number of inserted rows exceeds the maximum possible IDENTITY column value, SQL Server returns an error message. To use an explicit IDENTITY column value from the host file for each row, specify the -E flag when copying data into a table. The -E option has no effect on bulk copying out.


-N – skips the IDENTITY column. Use this option when you copy data in, if your host data file does not include a placeholder for the IDENTITY column values, or when you copy data out and you do not want to include the IDENTITY column information in the host file


-X – when connecting to the server, bcp initiates the login with clientside password encryption. bcp (the client) specifies to the server that password encryption is desired. The server sends back an encryption key, which bcp uses to encrypt your password, and theserver uses the key to authenticate your password when it arrives. If bcp crashes, the system creates a core file that contains your password. If you did not use the encryption option, the password appears in plain text in the file. If you used the encryption option, your password is not readable.

-y sybase_dir – specifies a Sybase directory other than the default Sybase release directory.



--1 dbcc trraceon DBCC TRACEOFF
--对于数据库死锁,通常可以通过TRACE FLAG 1204、1205、1206,检查ERRORLOG里面的输出,和分析SQLTRACE的执行上下文判断死锁问题的来由。
dbcc traceon (1204, 3605, -1)
dbcc tracestatus(-1)

--1204:传回参与死锁的SQL SERVER相关程序之运行数据
--1211:停止lock escalation(锁升级)
--有关更多信息,请参见 max degree of parallelism 选项。
-- 通常情况下,应将并行 DBCC 保留为启用状态。执行 DBCC CHECKDB 时,
-- 查询处理器重新评估和自动调整并行度,并检查每个表或一批表。
-- 但是,禁用并行检查会导致数据库的总体性能降低。降低并行度将增加必须扫描的事务日志量。
--这反过来增加了对 tempdb 空间的需求,并导致 dbcc 完成检查所需的时间非线性增加。
--如果运行 DBCC 时启用了 TABLOCK 功能并关闭了并行度,则表可能被锁定更长时间。
--3205:默认情况下,如果磁带驱动器支持硬件压缩,则 DUMP 或 BACKUP 语句会使用该功能。
-- 利用此跟踪标记,可以禁用磁带驱动程序的硬件压缩。
-- 本项在要与不支持压缩的其它站点或磁带驱动器交换磁带时有用。
--3605:要求DBCC的输出放到SQL server ERROR LOG
--8722:停止join group等最优化提示功能
--2 DBCC page
dbcc traceon(3604)
dbcc page(northwind,1,100,1)
/*查询northwind 的数据的第101个页面的信息*/
/*DBCC Page ({dbid|dbname},filenum,pagenum[,printopt])
dbid: 包含页面的数据库ID
--3 DBCC checkalloc
DBCC checkalloc(northwind)
--4 DBCC checkcatalog
DBCC checkcatalog(northwind)
--5 DBCC checkconstraints
DBCC checkconstraints(products)
DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS在某个数据库中,检测某些特定的约束或者全部约束的一致性。
  注意,DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS并不进行磁盘或者文件级别的一致性检测;
--6 DBCC checkdb
DBCC checkdb
checkdb [('database_name'[, NOINDEX | REPAIR])]
--7 DBCC cleantable
DBCC cleantable
回收alter table drop column语句 删除可变长度列或text列后的存储空间
cleantable ('database_name'|database_id, 'table_name'|table_id, [batch_size])
--8 DBCC dbreindex
DBCC dbreindex
dbreindex ('table_name' [, index_name [, fillfactor ]]) [WITH NO_INFOMSGS]
--9 DBCC indexdefrag
DBCC indexdefrag
indexdefrag ({dbid | dbname | 0}, {tableid | tablename}, {indid | indname})


缺省情况下,tempdb数据库是放置在master 设备上,容量为2M,而临时数据库是活动最为平凡的数据库常常被用来排序、创建临时表、重格式化等操作,所以tempdb的优化应该受到特别的关注。本篇文章目的在于使你掌握临时数据库的优化策略以及临时表的优化使用。本文中,你将以调整临时库的位置开始,有步骤的完成临时数据库的优化,并在此过程中了解到优化临时数据库和临时表的一些方法和规则。
1) 初始化一个用来存放临时数据库的设备
disk init
alter database tempdb on tempdb_dev=30
sp_dropsegment "default",tempdb,master
sp_dropsegment logsegment,tempdb,master
select dbid,name,segmap from sysusages,sysdevices
where sysdevices.low<=syusages.size+vstart
and sysdevices.high>=sysusages.size+vstart-1
and dbid=2
and(status=2 or status=3)
sp_cacheconfig “tempdb_cache”,”10m”,”mixed”
sp_bindcache “tempdb_cache”, tempdb
slash; 在临时表上创建索引
1) 临时表必须存在
2) 统计页必须存在(即不能在空表上创建索引)
slash; 把对临时表的复杂的使用分散到多个批处理或过程中,以便为优化器提供信息
create proc base_proc
select * into #huge_result from auths
select * from article, #huge_result where article.author_code=
#huge_result.author_code and sex=”0”
1)create proc base_proc
select *
into #huge_result
from auths
exec select_proc
2) create proc select_proc
select * from article,#huge_result
where article.author_code=#huge_result.author_code and sex=”0”



sp_dropsegment "default",tempdb,master
sp_dropsegment logsegment,tempdb,master
我的方法是:1建一个在独立设备上的数据库如testdb,查看 sysdatabases表找到对应dbid假如为9。
4记住sp_dboption tempdb,"select into/bulkcopy" ,true,把新的tempdb的selectinto/bulkcopy属性打开



要是能够手动向master设备文件尾部追加初始化的分配信息数据就可以物理上增加master设备的大小;然后,在 sysdatabases,sysdevices,sysusages表中修改相应的信息。


原master设备大小为50MB,逻辑页号:0 - 25599(逻辑页面大小为2K)。


新的master设备逻辑页号: 0 - 51199。


update sysdevices set high=51200-1 where name='master'



dd if=/dev/zero  of=./master.dat bs=2048 seek=25600 count=25600



——— 本文为andkylee个人原创,请在尊重作者劳动成果的前提下进行转载;
——— 转载务必注明原始出处 : http://www.dbainfo.net
——— 关键字: ASE master 空间 扩展 手动



0: Transaction begin 
4: Data page insert 
5: Data page delete 
6: Indirect insert (from deferred insert/update) 
7: Index page insert 
8: Index page delete 
9: Direct replace/update 
10: No Op (skipped in recovery) 
11: Logged in first phase of deferred insert/update 
12: Logged in first phase of deferred delete/update 
13: Page allocation 
14: Next available object id for a creation 
15: Generated by 4801 (?) 
16: Page split 
17: Checkpoint 
18: Transaction save 
19: Logged when any "update" begins 
20: Sort page deallocations 
21: Page deallocation 
22: Delete all extents on allocation page 
23: Allocate extent - mark all pages used 
24: Allocation for new page of a split 
25: Direct sysindexes change 
26: Compensation log record 
27: Sort record 
28: SODEALLOC record 
30: Transaction end 
31: Sort timestamp record 
32: Text insert - direct 
33: Text insert - deferred 
34: Text delete - deferred 
35: Indirect insert (log record) 
36: Text delete - log record 
37: OAM page allocation 
38: OAM page deallocation 
39: OAM entry insertion 
40: OAM entry deletion 
41: OAM allocation during create/sort 
42: No Op cmd record 
43: Record for stored proc begin exec 
44: Record for stored proc complete 
45: Dump database sync 
46: Truncation point save 
47: Load database sync 
48: Load transaction sync 
49: Before/after image for replication 
50: Reserved for Replication Server 
51: Move OAM entries between OAM pages 
52: Record attribute data on OAM 
53: Deleted a column from a row 
54: Deallocate a run of log pages 
55: Data slice control page 
56: Deferred insert of an index row 
58: Table/procedure schema versioning (replication support) 
59: Column/parameter schema versioning (replication support) 
60: Prepare to commit 
61: Start of a top action 
62: End of a top action 
63: Insert log record for data row of data-only locked table 
64: Counterpart of XREC_INSIND for DOL table 
65: Update log record for DOL table 
66: Delete log record for data row of data-only locked table 
67: Garbage collection log record for DOL table 
68: Deferred update log record for DOL table 
69: Page alloc without links to neighbors 
70: Counterpart of XREC_DNOOP for DOL tables 
71: Btree leaf/nonleaf insert 
72: Btree leaf/nonleaf delete 
73: Btree leaf/nonleaf split 
74: Btree garbage collect leaf 
75: System catalog rows for the source table of create index 
76: End of sort log record 
77: New log record from dropextents 
82: dbtable structure change (X-DB commit dbcc pfts etc.)


一、性能监测系统表 一组新的系统性能监测系统表,利用这些系统表中的信息对分析ASE服务器的性能非常方便。这些性能监测系统表也是DB-XRAY的工作基础。 MDA表,安装配置文档中都有。这个很有用的。 二、多个临时库 能够让你在系统临 数据库tempdb外创建用户临时数据库。使用多个临时数据库的主要目的是减轻对系统临时数据库中系统表和日志表的争用。 三、外部文件系统 能够让你通过SQL语言访问外部文件系统,通过创建代理表将数据表映射到外部文件系统的文件目录或文件。 访问文件目录 访问文件 这个要licenses 四、Java和XML在DB中的应用 Adaptive Server内部提供了一个Java运行环境,这样就可在ASE中运行java代码。数据库服务器ASE就提供了一个新的方法来管理和存储数据及应用逻辑。 在ASE中可用下面三种方法使用java功能: 将java类用作SQL数据类型 在数据库中调用java方法 在数据库中存储和查询XML 五、新增强的功能和新函数 disk resize sampling : update statistics 可变页大小 large column size migrate utility ALS(asynchronous log service) 服务器动态参数配置 函数 year(date_expression) :表达式中年的部分 month(date_expression) :表达式中月份的部分 day(date_expression) :表达式中天的部分 str_replace(string_expression1, string_expression2, string_expression3) :使用string_expression3值替换 string_expression1中的string_expression2 字符串。 left(character_expression, integer_expression) :返回字符串的左边指定字符个数的字符串。 len(string_expression) :返回字符串的字符(character)数,注意不是字节数,而且不包含空隔。 square(numeric_expression) :返回平方数 newid([optionflag]) :产生一个32位或36位(包括破折号)的可读随机字符串。 六、SQL debugger ASE12.5提供一个命令行方式的debug工具sqldbgr,使用它可对存贮过程和触发器进行debug跟踪。

ASE 12.5.1新功能



echo off
:: 默认保留近7日来的数据库备份,可以把7改成自己想连续的天数
:: 其中d:\sybase\data为数据库备份地址,可以自己再次指定
:: master为默认备份的数据库名称,可以修改成其它用户数据库名称
set databak_path=d:\sybase\data
set databasename=master
echo dt=date()-7>%temp%\OldDate.vbs
echo s=right(year(dt),4) ^& "-" ^& right("0" ^& month(dt),2) ^& "-" ^& right("0" ^& day(dt),2)>>%temp%\OldDate.vbs
echo wscript.echo s>>%temp%\OldDate.vbs
for /f %%f in ('cscript /nologo %temp%\OldDate.vbs') do @set DelFlag=%%f
if exist "%databak_path%\%databasename%_%DelFlag%.dump" del "%databak_path%\%databasename%_%DelFlag%.dump"
del %temp%\OldDate.vbs
if exist %temp%\dump_db.txt (del %temp%\dump_db.txt)
echo dump database %databasename% to "%databak_path%\%databasename%_%date:~0,10%.dump" >>%temp%\dump_db.txt
echo go >>%temp%\dump_db.txt
isql -Usa -P -Syour_servername <"%temp%\dump_db.txt" >>%databak_path%\dump_log.txt
del "%temp%\dump_db.txt"

——— 本文为andkylee个人原创,请在尊重作者劳动成果的前提下进行转载;
——— 转载务必注明原始出处 : http://www.dbainfo.net
——— 关键字: ASE 数据库 备份 自动 连续备份  删除旧备份

从多个渠道收集来的sybase trace flag

With dbcc traceflags you can do many different things, like change the behaviour of the server, see why a certain query plan is choosen or fine-tune the optimizer.
This page shows you how to use them and provides a list of known traceflags.

You can set a traceflag in two ways
1.At boottime
Usually a server is booted through the runserver file. In this file (default location is $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install) you can add a traceflag by specifying a -T flag and one or more comma separated values.
2.At run time
When you are logged in to ASE you can set a traceflag with the dbcc traceon command. Example:
dbcc traceon(3604)

You can specify multiple values, comma separated.
To turn a traceflag off, use traceoff
dbcc traceoff(3604)

Which traceflags are active

To see which traceflags are active for your own session use the dbcc traceflags command
dbcc traceflags

To see the traceflags of other sessions as well
dbcc traceflags(2)

List of known traceflags

Below you will find a list of currently known traceflags. But beware of the following:
? Most traceflags are undocumented and not supported by Sybase, use at your own risk. Certain traceflags can severely harm your databases.
? Some traceflags are obsolete and are replaced by configuration parameters.
? Certain traceflags should be used when you start the server, others are meant for a specific session, when known this is indicated in the list.
? Experiment first on a test server, use only on production systems when either the traceflag is documented by Sybase or when you have consulted Sybase Technical Support.

List of dbcc traceflags

100 Display a parse tree for each command
108 Allow dynamic and host variables in create view statements
116 Print the text of the abstract query plan. Supported by Sybase, see documentation
200 Display messages about the before image of the query-tree
201 Display messages about the after image of the query tree
208 Show types of locks taken
217 Display a warning message for using the T-SQL extension of queries with grouped aggregates and columns in the select list which are not in the GROUP BY clause.
241 Compress all query-trees when ASE is started
243 Do not expand select * to column names when creating a compiled object
244 When set, the maximum length of the returned value of str_replace() is 16384, otherwise it is 255
260 Reduce TDS (Tabular Data Stream) overhead in stored procedures. Turn off done-in-behaviour packets. See also Send doneinproc tokens.
291 Changes the hierarchy and casting of datatypes to pre-11.5.1 behaviour. There was an issue is some very rare cases where a wrong result could occur, but that's been cleared up in 11.9.2 and above.
292 Never send doneinproc tokens. See also Send doneinproc tokens.
298 Display an error message when a query uses a correlated variable as an inner or outer member of an outer join.
299 Do not recompile a stored procedure that inherits a temp table from a parent procedure.
302 Print trace information on index selection, supported by Sybase, see documentation
303 Display optimizer OR strategy
304 Revert special "or" optimizer strategy to the strategy used in pre-System 11 (this traceflag resolved several bug issues in System 11, most of these bugs are fixed in ASE
310 Show the plan as choosen by the optimizer, as well as I/O costs. Supported by Sybase see documentation
311 Display optimizers expected I/O cost
317 Show all considered plans. Supported by Sybase, see documentation
319 Display optimizer reformatting strategy